Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb

Page created by Sandra Burgess
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Film in a Fortnight
Additional Learning Needs

Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles,
which are available free for clubs at
Into Film is a trading name of Film Nation UK. Registered charity no. 1154030. © Into Film 2018. All rights reserved.
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Teachers’ notes                                                         Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

   About the resource
   Film is a powerful tool that can be used to support the Expressive Arts
   area of learning within the new curriculum for Wales. Film in a Fortnight
   also reflects how film can help schools achieve the four purposes
   outlined within Curriculum for Wales 2022.
                                                                                           This resource has been created as an
   By using this resource learners will be able to explore and experience                  introductory tool for teachers wishing
   different issues and topics through film, whilst developing their creative              to start using film in the classroom
   skills. It also gives them the space and tools to respond and reflect on                and reap the benefits of using film to
   materials and activities presented, to enhance their learning.                          support key curriculum and learning
                                                                                           objectives around literacy and digital
   Thank you to Into Film Cymru Teaching Ambassadors, who have been                        competency. The resource has been
   teaching with and about film, and have experienced the impact of using                  designed to support teachers working
   film on educational attainment and pupil engagement. We thank them                      with pupils with additional learning
   for their help in developing this resource to ensure it provides practical              needs in running a series of film-
   yet exciting activities to inspire and motivate both the educators and the              related activities across a fortnight.
   learners who use it.                                                                    Activities are broad, therefore would
   Film in a Fortnight is split into six sections defined by teachers based on             need adapting to fit the specific needs
   their classroom practices:                                                              of the learner(s) you are working with.
                                                                                           Film in a Fortnight would be an ideal
   •        Prediction
                                                                                           activity for the end of term but could
   •        Inference and deduction                                                        be run at any time throughout the
                                                                                           year – it could be one session a day
   •        Comprehension
                                                                                           or more intensive days of teaching
   •        Writing                                                                        through and about film

   •        Planning and Pitching

   •        Filmmaking and Celebrating                                                                     © Into Film 2019                               2
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Teachers’ notes                                                     Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  This resource has been developed to help teachers in Wales to use film
  to support key learning objectives linked to the new curriculum for
  Wales. Teachers from outside of Wales can use the resource, however,
  you may want to contact us to find out what other resources we have
  available to support your specific curriculum needs. E-mail:

  You will see a few examples of activities within each section – we do
  not expect you to deliver all but to pick and choose the ones of most
  interest to you.                                                                    © Into Film 2019                            3
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Teachers’ notes                                                          Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  It is advised that you deliver the six sections in order; however, each section
  contains several activities, giving teachers the freedom to cherry-pick
  and adapt activities to suit their overall learning requirements and provide
  differentiation for pupils. These activities have been designed to be used
  with any short film and we encourage teachers to select films that suit their
  teaching, themes or topics. The curriculum link objectives are for the National
  Literacy Framework (NLF) and the Digital Competence Framework (DCF).
  We have also added objectives specific for film that complement the
  progression steps outlined within the proposed Expressive Arts Area
  of Learning and Experience.
                                                                                           Suggested short films can be found
  It is recommended that the same film is used across several activities to                on the Into Film catalogue by going to
  provide a more in-depth learning experience. .                                 

  Teachers can find some suitable films on our Into Film catalogue
  for leaders at or by attending a training session
  (, where you will get access to our Vimeo channel
  full of suitable short films to use for this activity.

  Where possible or appropriate we recommend that children don’t know
  the title of the film or see any images related to the film, as it will spoil
  prediction activities. If you can make sure that the film name/titles are not
  visible. If this is not possible due to learner needs then activities may need
  slight adaptation. We also recommend using films that are suitable for any
  learners sensitive to light and sound.

   About Into Film
   Into Film puts film at the heart of children and young people’s
   educational, cultural and personal development.

   More than half of UK schools engage with our programme of Into Film
   Clubs, special cinema screenings, and resources and training to support
   classroom teaching. Alongside rich online content for young audiences,
   this provides 5-19 year olds with inspiring opportunities to learn about
   and with film, and develop a passion for cinema.

   Into Film is a not-for-profit organisation supported principally by
   the BFI (through the National Lottery), Cinema First and Northern
   Ireland Screen.

   Into Film Cymru supports educators across Wales and complements the
   ethos of Curriculum for Wales 2022 of supporting the young people of
   Wales to become capable, creative and confident students. Into Film
   Cymru’s free bilingual services are tailored to match the cultural and
   educational needs of schools in Wales, as they evolve and adapt to
   embrace Curriculum for Wales 2022.                                                                        © Into Film 2019                                4
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Teachers’ notes                                                      Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

    To find out more about Into Film Cymru’s specific offer to Welsh schools,
    go to

    If there are any aspects of the resource that teachers require more support
    or guidance on they should contact

    Into Film provide CPD training sessions based on Film in a Fortnight,
    Film Literacy, Filmmaking, Animation and Health and Well-Being. To find
    out more about sessions in your area, contact

Thank you to Widgit Symbols for supporting this resource and providing access to the Widgit Software.                                                                      © Into Film 2019                          5
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                       Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

   Playing only a clip from the film - no visuals, just the sound

   Curriculum learning objectives:
   •   To use evidence to support a prediction (key learning objective)

   •   To listen carefully and make informed contributions to group
       discussions (NLF)

   •   To use words, symbols or gestures to comment on something
       I have seen or heard (NLF, Routes for Learning)

   •   To develop vocabulary (NLF)

   •   To start to develop sentence structure (NLF)

   •   To share ideas collaboratively in response to a stimulus (DCF)

   •   To use appropriate resources to express ideas (key learning objective).

   Film learning objectives:
   •   To recognise the importance of sound in film

   •   To demonstrate an understanding of settings, characters and story in film

   •   To develop an understanding of the imaginative process involved in
       creating a film
   •   To be able to explore films and gain an understanding of their purpose.
                                                                                            Sound on / vision off (page 20)                                                                       © Into Film 2019                           6
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                      Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs


  1.   Ask learners what sort of films they like and where they go to watch
       films. Ask them why they like different films. Encourage them to
       mention characters and storylines. Learners should be able to identify
       what films they like and why.

  2.   Select a clip from your chosen film that contains sound and no
       dialogue, and play this without any visuals. Into Film Cymru have
       some examples available if you get in touch. Split the class into
       groups and tell them to think about the following when the film
       is playing:

                                                                                                                                                   What can you hear?
       •   Group 1: Characters – Who could the characters be?
           What makes you think that?
                                                                                                                                                 I hear
                                                                                                                                      What can you   hear?

       •   Group 2: Setting – Where could the film be set?
           What makes you think that?                                                                                        I hear
                                                                                                                   What can you  hear?
                                                                                                                                                  What can you hear?

       •   Groups 3: Story – What is happening?                                                                                       people    animals
                                                                                                                        I hear
                                                                                                                                                 I hear
                                                                                                                                       What can you  hear?
           What makes you think that?                                                      Activity sheet                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                                Sound on / vision off

                                                                                                               people      animals       voices
       The 3Cs and 3Ss Literacy Tool at                                        What can you I hear?
                                                                                                                      What can you hear?

       is a useful tool to guide this activity. Make sure that all discussions
                                                                                                                                 I hear
       refer back to the clip and the sounds in it. You can use the Sound on/                                     animals
                                                                                                                I hear                people

       vision off worksheet on page 20 of this resource.                                                                     people

                                                                                                             people                  weather      transport
                                                                                                                                     animals      voices

  3.   Ask learners to select ‘clues’ from a props bag featuring items                                                                © Into Film 2019                    20

       that could feature in the film (eg animals, pieces of clothing,                                        animals voices transport
                                                                                                                weather      voices               weather

       representations of weather – these could be simple drawings/cards

       or physical/sensory items). They can then extend their ideas about the                               voices
                                                                                                               transport              weather     transport
       film using the clues or taking photos of the props.                                                                   transport

  4.   Cut up a still image of the film and use it in a pass-the-parcel game.                                weather                  transport

       Pupils take it in turns to unwrap one layer at a time to reveal a piece
       of the image. Once completely unwrapped they have to describe the                                     transport

       piece that they have and make suggestions about what the film is

  5.   Using a still from the film, reveal the image square-by-square and
       have discussions about what the film could be about, focusing on
       character, setting and story.

  6.   Using a still of one of the main characters ask learners to copy the
       picture, draw and colour it in. Alternatively, learners could trace
       over the outline of a character or colour in an image of a character,
       matching colours from a reference picture. They then have to guess
       or remember the character’s name and write it beside their drawing.                                                                     © Into Film 2019                                                                                                     7
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                      Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

   7.   Make stick puppets of characters from the film – ask learners to act
        out what they think they are like.

   8.   As previously noted, you can select the most suitable activities to
        run with your students. You do not need to deliver all of the above
        - once you have completed the most suitable activities from the
        above for your group, watch the film up to that section and discuss
        whether their predictions were correct.                                                                    © Into Film 2019                            8
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                       Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  Inference and Deduction
  Using only a short section of the film

  Curriculum learning objectives:
  •    To use evidence to infer and make deductions (Key Learning Objective)

  •    To deduce connections and infer meaning not explicitly stated based
       upon the film (NLF)

  •    To develop ideas and build upon the views of others in group
       discussion (NLF)

  •    To develop use of digital devices. (DCF)

  Film learning objectives:
  •    To explore meaning within a range of creative practices

  •    To infer meaning based upon a specified image or sound effect

  •    To deduce why something has happened based upon knowledge
       of the film

  •    To infer what has influenced a character’s feelings, emotions or motives
       from knowledge of the film.                                                                      © Into Film 2019                          9
Film in a Fortnight Additional Learning Needs - Hwb
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                        Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs


   1.   Using a part of the film that learners have not seen, select a still that
        contains relevant objects that learners could make inferences from.
        Ask them what they can see. Create prompt cards that they can select.

   2.   Make stick puppets or models from clay/plasticine of characters from
        the film. Ask learners to act out with them, based on what they know
        about the characters.

   3.   Create snap cards for characters to help learners remember who the
        characters are.

   4.   Match words that describe things that happen or characters in the
        film with relevant picture cards.

   5.   Create a bingo card with images of characters or objects in the film.
        Ask learners to tick them off when they see them. They could work
        in pairs for this.

   6.   Create dominoes of images of characters or objects from the film
        including an annotation of who/what it is, so learners can learn through
        images and words. Learners work in teams to play dominoes. This
        could be played as a knock-out game.

   7.   Ask learners to work in groups to discuss different emotions on each
        table. Use prompts or images depicting different emotions from
        characters in the film and ask learners to explain the emotion and how
        they know somebody is feeling that way.

   8.   Learners could draw their favourite character from the film. If possible,
        they could annotate it with information about them.

   9.   Give out three smiley face options depicting different emotions or
        thumbs up, sideways and down cards. Show a short clip and ask
        learners to raise the card relating to what is happening at different
        points in the clip.

   10. Watch a short clip. Learners take photos of each other in a freeze frame
       acting out what they think will happen next. They then have to describe
       this to the rest of the class. To take it further, they can write sentences
       next to the photo.

   11. Create closed sentences that match stills from the film so that learners
       can complete the sentence using the correct words/picture cards.
       Make these film-specific. Here is an example:

                               The girl is sad because…

          her toy broke.        she is moving house.           she fell over.                                                                         © Into Film 2019                      10
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                        Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  Using a short clip from the film
  (same as in Prediction section but with the visuals)

  Curriculum learning objectives:
  •    I can use words, symbols or gestures to comment on something
       that I have seen (NLF)

  •    To show an understanding of the main ideas and significant details
       in a text/film (NLF)

  •    To demonstrate comprehension by accurately sequencing events
       (key learning objective)

  •    To experiment with vocabulary and sentence structure to create
       interest and effect (NLF)

  •    To combine text and images to demonstrate comprehension of the
       main ideas in a film (DCF – for a purpose

  Film learning objectives:
  •    To understand the importance of setting in a film

  •    To recognise the importance of sound in how a story is developed in a film

  •    To identify how a director has developed characters and the story in a film                       Worksheets

  •    To explore and understand the creative works of others, which may                      Scavenger Hunt (page 21)
       influence the development of my own ideas.                                             Review writing (page 24-25)                                                                         © Into Film 2019                       11
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                              Useful Apps for this resource
                                   Activities                                                                          (iOS) Android

                                                                                                      Shadow Puppets        Possible
   1.   Watch the clip of the film from the Sound on/vision off activity in the
                                                                                                                            Video Editor
        Prediction section but with the visuals on. Ask pupils how this relates to
        the predictions they made in previous sessions.
                                                                                                      Strip Designer        Possible
   2.   Prepare up to six stills from the introduction of the film, including what                                          alternative:
                                                                                                                            Comic Strip It!
        they have already seen and a bit of what is coming next. Sequence
        the stills of the story physically. More able learners can use time
        connectives such as first, next and finally. You might need to introduce                      Popplet
        stills one or two at a time and offer visuals of ‘first’ and ‘then’ to support
        this. Vary the number of stills used depending on the ability of learners.

   3.   Learners could hang up the stills on a washing line using pegs once
        they have sequenced them. .

   4.   Put the stills on the board and work with the learners to build sentences
        to link the stills to tell the story.

   5.   Give out a sheet featuring stills from different films. Learners have to
        make marks on or tick the ones that are from the film that has been

   6.   Use the app Strip Designer, with which children can order stills from the
        film in the correct order. Images can be saved into the camera roll
        and printed as evidence.

   7.   Create a worksheet focusing on the characters ­— draw lines to
        represent each of the letters in each character’s name, similar to how
        you play hangman/wheel of fortune. Learners then must write the
        characters’ names. You can give learners the first letter of each name if
        needed. Alternatively, worksheets could have names to be overwritten,
        or names in anagrams, or character name spelling challenges.
                                                                                                     Strip Designer
   8.   Give out images of characters and different adjectives to describe them.
        Ask them to match them up. These ideas can be captured in the app

   9.   Create cards of characters and other objects associated with them
        which learners then have to match up (eg Snow White and an apple).

   10. Create ‘Why and because’ cards showing one image from a crucial
       point in the film and a question (eg ‘Why did the boy cry?’). Then display
       three to four other images and words of possible answers. Learners
       have to state which is correct. You can do this for several parts of the
       film to test comprehension.

   11. Create a film review chart with pupils’ names down the side, and the
       film title and image at the top. Each learner has to find their name and
       put one to five sticky stars by their name to rate the film. Have a key
       at the bottom of the page showing facial expressions from hate
       (1) to love (5) to guide them.                                                                             © Into Film 2019                                  12
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                    Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

   12. Learners can create sound effects to represent different characters
       in the film. They have to explain why they have created that sound.
       You can then replay a section of the film and the sounds can be made
       when each character comes on screen.

   13. Learners can draw pictures of the characters in the film. They
       could then use the Shadow Puppet app to narrate descriptions
       over their drawings.                                                                 Shadow Puppets

   14. Have a scavenger hunt of characters or objects from the film. Use the
       Scavenger Hunt worksheet on page 21 to include your characters/                         Worksheet

                                                                                                    Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
                                                                                                                                     Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

       objects then give this out to learners.
                                                                                                      Can youyoufind
                                                                                                      Can you    findfindthe
                                                                                                                              hidden   characters?
                                                                                                                              hidden      characters?

                                                                                                       Can you   find   the hidden    characters?

                                                                                                      Character               Found?
                                                                                                                              Found?                      Number

                                                                                                     Character                Found?                         Number

                                                                                                                        © Into Film 2019                   21                                                                    © Into Film 2019                                                                                       13
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                          Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  Using a short clip from the film (same as within Prediction section
  but with the visuals).

  Curriculum learning objectives:
  •    To write imaginatively in response to the main ideas and information
       in a film (key learning objective/NLF – for a purpose)

  •    To select and combine text and images to develop a personal response
       to a film (DCF – for a purpose

  •    To develop the use of vocabulary (NLF)

  •    To experiment with sentence structure (NLF).

  •    To compose and dictate a short phrase or sentence to an adult about
       something I have seen or heard (Routes for Learning).

  Film learning objectives:
  •    To use visual prompts to develop an imaginative description

  •    To write creatively about setting and characters

  •    To identify a range of options and their possible consequences in
       response to a dilemma in a film
  •    To explore visual literacy through creative writing and use of multimedia.
                                                                                            Character Senses (page 22-23)                                                                        © Into Film 2019                        14
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                          Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                           Useful Apps for this resource
                                   Activities                                                                                                                                                  (iOS) Android


   1.   Distribute or display one image of the character to each learner
        and ask them to use the Character Senses worksheet on page 22
        to write different words for each sense about the character and the
        world around them.

   2.   Give out a still from the film and images of different objects or
        characters to place in the scene. Ask the learners to feed back to the
        rest of the class.

   3.   The next step is for words to be added – these can be given out as
        either objects or verbs (eg ‘tree’, ‘play’/’playing’). Learners can work in
        pairs or groups on this task.

   4.   Learners tell the story of what is happening in each scene and through
        shared writing they create short sentences.

   5.   Guide learners on how to use the Review Writing worksheet on page
        24-25 which features symbols and stills that you will have to insert
        yourself. You can also access the Into Film Symbol Reviewing resource
        resource.pdf. Order stills from the film into the correct sequence and
        then write words or short sentences to annotate them.

   6.   Use the app Chatterkids to take a picture of a film still.

   7.   Compose and dictate a simple phrase or sentence to an adult or a
        friend, describing what is happening in the scene. Use Chatterkids to
        make the character in the picture say the sentence.                                    Chatterkids

                                                                                                         Worksheet                                                     Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                                                  Review Writing Worksheet

                                                                                                                          Choose three           words            to describe        each            character

                                                                                                                   Name and image of characters                               Character description

                                                                                                                                                            © Into Film 2019                       24

                                                                                                         Worksheet Created in W for Non Stevens        Film in a Fortnight - Additional  Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                              W idgit Symbols       Needs
                                                                                                                                                                                                              © W idgit Software 2002 - 2019

                                                                                                                  Review Writing Worksheet

                                                                                                     Who is          your favourite    character?      Explain why?

                                                                                                     What is your favourite part of the film?
                                                                                                      Who is your favourite character? Explain why?

                                                                                                         Finish      the sentence
                                                                                                         What is your favourite part of  the film?
                                                                                                         Who is your favourite character? Explain why?
                                                                                                          I       think     you   should     see                               because
                                                                                                      Finish the sentence
                                                                                                     What is your favourite part of                 the film?

                                                                                                              I   think     you     should    see                               because
                                                                                                         Finish      the sentence

                                                                                                          I       think     you     should   see                                because

                                                                                                                                                            © Into Film 2019                       25                                                                          © Into Film 2019                                                                                                                                         15
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  Planning and pitching
  Starting the process of learners making their own films.

  Curriculum learning objectives:
  •    To use a structure (eg storyboard / story mountain) to
       plan writing (NLF)

  •    To use planning skills to create an outline for a short film (key
       learning objective)

  •    To use appropriate structure and vocabulary to plan writing
       (NLF – writing for a purpose)

  •    To create a written plan (DCF)

  •    To evaluate the content and layout of work (DCF).

  Film learning objectives:
  •    To develop imaginative ideas for a film

  •    To identify character actions, events, sound and props required in                                Worksheets
       a film sequence                                                                        Film planning (page 26)
  •    To organise film shots to create a logical and well-sequenced film                     Camera shots (page 28-29)
                                                                                              Role on the wall (page 30)
  •    To work independently and collaboratively to put ideas into practice.
                                                                                              Pairs game (pages 31)                                                                         © Into Film 2019                      16
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                        Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                        Useful Apps for this resource
                                  Activities                                                                                                                                                  (iOS) Android

                                                                                                       iMovie                                                                                                                  Possible
   1.   Give out props relating to the film watched in earlier activities and                                                                                                                                                  Video Editor
        stills from various scenes. Learners can act out the scenes they
        1. Problem
                been given.
                                                                                                       Wordfoto                                                                                                                Possible
   2.   Play different sound effects from iMovie or online and ask learners to                                                                                                                                                 alternatives:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Typo Effect
        choose which work for their scene.                                                                                                                                                                                     Photo Editor

   3.   Working in groups, learners pick out cards from a hat with a title for
        a new film they are going to make. This should be simple and have                              Wordle                                                                                                                  Web-based
        images on it. They also select cards with characters and a location on
        them. It is then up to learners in small supported groups to come up
        with a story. The Wordle app could be used to collect ideas. A follow
        up or alternative activity would be to turn the emerging themes into a
        Wordfoto image. This could be done as a whole class/group activity.

   4.   Once learners have an idea, they can develop it further:

        •   Story - Use the Film Planning sheet on page 26 or make your own
            using Widgit software. Learners could use story spinners or picture
            dice to decide on characters and setting.
        •   Camera – Introduce simple camera shot types using the Camera
            shot sheet on page 28-29. Use the Camera Shot Pairs Game on
            page 31 to get learners familiar with camera shots.

        •   Character – Give out the Role on the Wall worksheet on page
            30 and ask learners to draw or write about the character – their
            personality, their likes/dislikes. You could provide further
            support by giving wordcards with images on them to choose from
            and stick on.                                                                                    Wordfoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Design           your          film          location.

        •   Setting – Learners draw the different settings the film will take
                                                                                              Activity sheet                                                                                                Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

            place in. They can also collect props to demonstrate the 		                                    Design your
                                                                                                  Film Planning Worksheet
                                                                                                                          film Design  your
                                                                                                                                 location.                                             film          location.

            setting. A picture dice could be used to add different settings or                                                                            Design          your          film          location.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Who?             Where?

            specific information about a setting.
                                                                                                                    Who?         Where?                   Who?          Where?                                         What happens?
                                                                                                             Circle chosen character                               Circle chosen setting                                   Chose whether to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Draw a picture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Make bullet points
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Write a brief outline

        •   Colour – Give out paint charts and add words to represent each                                          What happens?                         What
                                                                                                                                                          Who? happens?

            colour, then match them to the story.
                                                                                                                                                          What happens?

        •   Sound – Learners can use sound buttons to explore different
                                                                                                                                                                                               © Into Film 2019                       26

            sound effects. They can match sound buttons to scenes from their
            storyboard. Some learners might be able to record their own 		                                                                                                                                                 Created in W for Non Stevens                        W idgit Symbols © W idgit Software 200

            sound effects or songs.
                                                                                                                                                             Created in W for Non Stevens
                                                                                                                      Created in W for Non Stevens                                     W idgit Symbols © W idgit Software 2002W-idgit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2019Symbols © W idgit Software 2002 - 2019

   5.   Learners can create a teaser/trailer about their film and show it to the
        rest of the class. Then they can vote on the one they would go to see if
                                                                                                                                                            Created in W for Non Stevens                                      W idgit Symbols © W idgit Software 2002 - 2019

        it was on at the cinema.                                                                       © Into Film 2019                                                                                                                                                                                    17
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                        Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

  Filmmaking and celebration
  Making and showing learners’ own films.

  To support this section, we strongly recommend you look at the
  ALN Filmmaking Guide available from Into Film. This resource provides
  educators with a step-by-step guide to each process of making a film:

  Curriculum learning objectives:
  •    To create, select and combine images and sounds to create a film
       (DCF – for a purpose)

  •    To explore issues through role play (NLF)

  •    To share views and opinions in response to their own and
       others’ work (DCF).

  Film learning objectives:
  •    To experiment with a range of materials, resources, tools and digital
       effects to create film shots

  •    To follow a storyboard to create a film

  •    To experiment with digital resources to create a film
  •    To use digital skills to create a short film.
                                                                                           Review Writing (page 24-25)                                                                      © Into Film 2019                         18
Our resources are designed to be used with selected film titles, which are available free for clubs at

Activity outlines                                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                              Useful Apps for this resource
                                   Activities                                                                                                                                                                                       (iOS) Android

                                                                                                      Puppet Pals
   1.   Create job cards featuring actors, camera operators and directors.
        Give these out to learners so that everyone has a job. Ask them what
        the person in their job card does. Explain the roles that they will have in
        the next task. Additional support and examples can be found in the
        ALN Filmmaking Guide available on the Into Film website:
        Key job roles to consider include; actor, director, sound and                                 Pic Collage
        camera technicians.

   2.   Split the class into groups and then ask each group with the support
        of an adult to make a scene from the storyboard. Into Film has                                iMovie
        comprehensive filmmaking guides available on its website
        ( and many find the mini filmmaking guides useful
        ( We also have a fully developed
        ALN specific filmmaking guide available which covers all aspects of the                                                                                                                                                                                              mini


   3.   Learners could act out their ideas using puppets and the
        Puppet Pals app.
                                                                                                                                                                            WELCOME TO THE INTO FILM
                                                                                                                                                                             MINI FILMMAKING GUIDES

   4.   Learners create a shoebox set design of their film – find old shoe boxes
        and make small versions of the sets within them. This will enable the
        learners to use their creative, art and design skills but also visualise their                                                                                           To access our full set of Into Film
                                                                                                                                                                              mini filmmaking guides visit

        films. To expand this activity further learners could create a short stop
        motion animation using iMotion or iMovie with small figures and use
        the shoebox set design as their setting.
                                                                                                                                                         HOW TO
   5.   Design posters to advertise the film. These could be made physically or                                                                         MAKE A FILM
        on apps like PicCollage. Real posters and adverts should be used as a
        basis of this so learners understand the general format, including titles,
        credits and use of images. Teachers could laminate and cut up movie
        posters into puzzle pieces for learners to piece together and identify
        the key information.

   6.   Hold a film screening to show the films. Give learners different roles
        including getting tickets, box office staff, having seating and preparing
        or bringing snacks. Everything to make it a real cinematic experience!                              Into Film is a trading name of Film Nation UK. Registered charity no. 1154030. © Into Film 2017. All rights reserved.

        Invite an audience from across the school and/or community. You
        could even have an awards ceremony!                                                                   Worksheet                                                                                                             Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                                                          Review Writing Worksheet

   7.   Learners can review their favourite film using the Review Writing                                                              Choose three                                             words                       to describe         each            character

        worksheet on page 24 and 25. You can also access the Into                                                            Name and image of characters                                                                                 Character description

        Film Symbol Reviewing Resource at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       © Into Film 2019                              24

                                                                                                                                       Created in W for Non Stevens                                                                             W idgit Symbols © W idgit Software 2002 - 2019                                                                             © Into Film 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                        19
Worksheet                                      Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

    Sound on / vision off

                 people      animals       voices
                What can you I hear?
                                 hear       people
                        What can you hear?

                              I hear
                  I hear                      weather
                                     people   animals


               people             weather     transport
                                  animals     voices
                            animals                                           © Into Film 2019                    20
Worksheet                             Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

     Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
       Can youyoufind
       Can you    findfindthe
                               hidden   characters?
                               hidden      characters?

        Can you   find   the hidden    characters?

       Character               Found?
                               Found?                      Number

      Character                Found?                         Number                                   © Into Film 2019                   21
Worksheet                              Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

    Character senses worksheet

                What is     your   characters     name?

                What      can   the character        see?

                What      can   the character       hear?

               What    can      the character        see?

                What      can   the character      smell?

               What    can      the character       hear?

                What can        the character      taste?

               What    can      the character     smell?

                What can        the character touch?

               What can         the character     taste?                                    © Into Film 2019                   22
What       can          the character                 see?

Worksheet                                          Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

    Character senses
                      can the character                              hear?
                What        can         the character                 see?

                What        can        the character                smell?
                What        can         the character                 hear?
                What        can         the character                 see?

                What can               the character               taste?
                What        can        the character                smell?
                What        can        the character                 hear?

                What can              the character touch?
                What can               the character                taste?
                What        can        the character                smell?

                What can              the character touch?
                What can               the character                taste?

                What can              the character touch?

                 Created in W for Non Stevens                           W idgit Symbols © W                                                    © Into Film 2019                23
Worksheet                                   Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

      Review Writing Worksheet

               Choose three    words   to describe      each            character

       Name and image of characters               Character description                                         © Into Film 2019                   24
Worksheet                                                   Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

         Review Writing Worksheet

Who is      your favourite    character?     Explain why?

What is your favourite part of the film?
 Who is your favourite character? Explain why?

Finish      the sentence
What is your favourite part of  the film?
Who is your favourite character? Explain why?
 I       think   you    should      see                            because
 Finish the sentence
What is your favourite part of            the film?

     I   think    you      should   see                             because
Finish      the sentence

 I       think   you       should   see                             because                                                         © Into Film 2019                   25
Worksheet                                                                   Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

             Design your    filmDesign  your
                                    location.                       film   location.
    Film Planning Worksheet

                                                                                    Who?                 Where?
                                            Design    your          film   location.

                       Who?        Where?   Who?     Where?                              What happens?
               Circle chosen character           Circle chosen setting                         Chose whether to:
                                                                                                 Draw a picture
                                                                                               Make bullet points
                                                                                               Write a brief outline

                       What happens?        What happens?
                                            Who? Where?

                                            What happens?                                                                        © Into Film 2019                    26
Worksheet                                                                    Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

                                                                                 Choose your setting
                                                                                                Choose your se
        Filmmaking Worksheet

oose      Choose
   Choose        Choose
            Choose   your
       your            your
              setting       your
                          setting your
                          Choose      setting
 Choose  Choose
     Chooseyour     your
               your    setting  Choose
                            setting        your  setting
                                            Design  your   film      location.

                   house      park            beach                 farm            space                     town

                                           Who? Where?
            countryside    under water         sea                  zoo          train station               school

                                           What happens?

             post office   sweet shop          shop               Antartica         castle                   woods

                   cave    snow storm          gym                soft play      sensory room               playground                                                                         © Into Film 2019                    27
Worksheet                             Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

          Camera shot sheet         Page 1/2

  Extreme long/Wide shot
  The terms long shot
  and wide shot are used
  interchangeably. Also known
  as an establishing shot when
  used at the start of a film or
  scene. Shows the full body in
  relation to their surroundings,
  contextualising the character
  with where they are.

  Long shot
  Shows the full length of
  the body from feet to top
  of head. Used to show a
  character in relation to
  their surroundings.

  Medium long shot
  Shows the body from
  mid thigh to top of the
  head. Used for facial
  expression and showing
  the character in relation
  to their surroundings.                                   © Into Film 2019                   28
Worksheet                        Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

          Camera shot sheet    Page 2/2

  Mid shot
  Shows the character
  from waist to the top of
  the head. Used for facial
  expressions in combination
  with body language.

  Close up
  Shows the character from
  the shoulders to the top
  of the head. Used for
  capturing the character’s
  facial expressions.

  Extreme close up
  Where an object,
  item or body part fills
  the frame. Used for
  heightening emotion.                              © Into Film 2019                   29
Worksheet                                                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

    Role on the wall template

 Writeand and
                 draw on the person below
          draw on the person below

What does the character                         like?

 What does the character                                    like?
What does the character                         not like?

What are        does      the character
                 the characters hobbies?                    not like?

What are          the characters                feelings?

 What are                      the characters               hobbies?

 What are                      the characters               feelings?

 Created in W for Non Stevens                W idgit Symbols © W idgit Software 2002 - 2019                                                                                           © Into Film 2019         30
Worksheet                                           Film in a Fortnight - Additional Learning Needs

     Pairing game
Play this shot pairing game – like matching pairs, cut them out and turn them upside down or
you could use these pictures to make snap cards. When they get them right, ask them to name
the shot to receive extra points! Adapt and use stills from the film you are using to make this
game more relevant.
                                                   Copyright Swallows and Amazons: © STUDIOCANAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                      © Into Film 2019                                31
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