Fast and reliable molecular methods to detect fungal pathogens in woody plants
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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2020) 104:2453~–~ 24684~6 MINI-REVIEW Fast and reliable molecular methods to detect fungal pathogens in woody plants Nicola Luchi 1 & Renaud Ioos 2 & Alberto Santini 1 Received: 23 October 2019 / Revised: 10 January 2020 / Accepted: 19 January 2020 / Published online: 31 January 2020 # The Author(s) 2020 Abstract Plant diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms represent a serious threat to plant productivity, food security, and natural ecosystems. An effective framework for early warning and rapid response is a crucial element to mitigate or prevent the impacts of biological invasions of plant pathogens. For these reasons, detection tools play an important role in monitoring plant health, surveillance, and quantitative pathogen risk assessment, thus improving best practices to mitigate and prevent microbial threats. The need to reduce the time of diagnosis has prompted plant pathologists to move towards more sensitive and rapid methods such as molecular techniques. Considering prevention to be the best strategy to protect plants from diseases, this review focuses on fast and reliable molecular methods to detect the presence of woody plant pathogens at early stage of disease development before symptoms occur in the host. A harmonized pool of novel technical, methodological, and conceptual solutions is needed to prevent entry and establishment of new diseases in a country and mitigate the impact of both invasive and indigenous organisms to agricultural and forest ecosystem biodiversity and productivity. Keywords Early detection . DNA-based techniques . Fungal pathogens . Invasive species . Plant biosecurity . Surveillance Introduction protocols to successfully cope with these risks due to in- creased importation of plants from other continents (Eschen Alien pathogens are exponentially increasing, challenging the et al. 2017). sustainability of agriculture and forestry crops and natural The overall aim of a plant health policy is to safeguard and ecosystems. The major pathway of non-native plant pathogen improve the health and quality of commercially produced introduction is the international trade of plants, mainly orna- plants and plant products. A key element of such policy is to mental (Liebhold et al. 2012; Santini et al. 2013). For these prevent the introduction and spread of harmful, non-native reasons, biosecurity protocols for plant protection have been organisms and to take action through regulation of such or- developed to prevent the spread and assist in the eradication of ganisms if they do become established. In Europe, based on invasive species (Bergeron et al. 2019; Wittenberg and Cock specific pest risk analyses (PRA), about 250 plant pests and 2001). Previous experience from EU-funded projects identi- pathogens not present, or with a limited extent in the EU, are fied critical points that should be tackled to improve the effi- regulated (Anonymous 2016). Regulations are applied to cacy of the EU plant health regime. Despite the high costs of these lists of pests or pathogens, while all the other consign- the EU phytosanitary system, it lacks effective tools and ments not included in the list can be introduced without any limitation. In this context, the control measures depend on the proper identification of diseases and the causal agents. * Nicola Luchi Without proper identification of the disease and the disease- causing agent, disease control measures can be a waste of time and money leading to further plant losses. Proper disease di- 1 agnosis is therefore vital. Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council (IPSP-CNR), Via Madonna del Piano, 10, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino The recent history of invasions has highlighted the difficul- (Firenze), Italy ties in halting invasive species at the border or, at least, prior to 2 ANSES Plant Health Laboratory, Unit of Mycology, Domaine de the invasion phase and preventing establishment in the EU. Pixérécourt, 54220 Malzéville, France This is especially critical for species with long lifespans such
2454 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 as woody plants, which may be susceptible to many new The introduction of exotic plant pathogens combined with diseases and represent potential sources of inoculum for many climate changes may result in new disease epidemics that can years. For example, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (pine wilt hamper efforts to manage these outbreaks. Biosecurity proto- nematode, PWN), a nematode indigenous to North America, cols for plant protection have been developed to prevent the has been introduced in Asia and, more recently, in Europe by diffusion and to assist in the eradication of invasive pathogens infected timber or wood products (Vicente et al. 2012). Xylella (Klapwijk et al. 2016; Lamarche et al. 2015). The protection fastidiosa is the agent of tracheobacteriosis, transmitted by of plants requires constant vigilance to prevent the accidental sap-sucking spittlebug insects, and has caused a disease out- introduction of these exotic pests or pathogens, without dis- break, affecting more than 8000 ha of olive orchards in Apulia proportionately hindering trade. Quarantine measures are put (Southern Italy). This devastating epidemic is a significant in place by government authorities, in particular by National social and economic problem in southern Italy, as well as in Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs), to protect agricultur- other European countries (Sicard et al. 2018). al and forest production as well as the environment from path- Several fungal and fungal-like pathogens have been intro- ogens originated from other parts of the globe. The implemen- duced into Europe and have caused considerable damage to tation and enforcement of international phytosanitary agree- forest and amenity tree species. The main fungal pathogens ments require strict controls of traded goods and knowledge of include Cryphonectria parasitica (causing chestnut blight), the phytosanitary status of one’s own country through moni- Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi (Dutch elm dis- toring and control plans. ease), Phytophthora cinnamomi (Phytophthora dieback), For these reasons, a harmonized pool of novel technical, Ceratocystis platani (canker stain disease of plane tree), methodological, and conceptual solutions is needed to reduce Seiridium cardinale (cypress canker disease), and most recent- and/or prevent entry and establishment of new diseases in ly Phytophthora ramorum (sudden oak death in North Europe alongside mitigating the impact of invasive and indig- America and sudden larch death in Europe) and enous organisms in agriculture and forestry, in terms of im- Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (ash dieback) (Burgess et al. pacts on both ecosystem biodiversity and productivity. 2016; Ghelardini et al. 2016; Santini et al. 2013). Considering prevention to be the best strategy to protect plants Interceptions of pests and pathogens, however, proba- from diseases, in this review, we provide an overview of the bly represent only a small proportion of the alien patho- new molecular-based, rapid, sharp, and reliable methods ca- gens that are arriving within the EU from other continents pable of intercepting woody plant pathogens before symptoms (Eschen et al. 2015). In particular, pathogens are difficult occur in the host. Based on our experience, we also suggest to detect especially when plants are asymptomatic at the some advice on future requirements to prevent the introduc- time of visual inspection, and for this reason, they are tion and spread of quarantine plant pathogens. spotted at lower rates respect to arthropods or nematodes (Migliorini et al. 2015). The result is their increasing es- tablishment in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. These Classical diagnostic methods for fungal introduced plant pathogens coming from regions with dif- pathogens ferent ecological conditions, but are sometimes able to adapt to new biotopes, and to behave aggressively on Some plant disease agents can be recognized from symptoms new host plants (Palm and Rossman 2003). Once intro- or signs determined on infected tissues (e.g., mildew on duced to new territories, they are also able to mutate, leaves, fruitbodies) by a skilled observer. There are many dis- recombine, hybridize, and generate new pathogens eases where symptoms cannot be distinguished visually one (Fisher et al. 2012). from another, resulting in complications in the diagnosis of the Furthermore, it can be expected that climate change will in- pathogen. For these reasons, additional procedures for detec- crease the permanent establishment of alien pathogens through- tion are needed to identify the causal agent of disease. In many out Europe (Hellman et al. 2008). Over recent years, the conse- cases, where the presence of a specific microorganism is un- quences of climate shifts are putting ecosystems under stress, as known, the isolation and the morphological or molecular iden- plants do not have sufficient time for adaptation mechanisms to tification of the pathogen are still preferred. cope with such rapid changes. The likely increase in mean tem- Isolation of fungal pathogens from plants is usually per- peratures and changes in precipitation regimes will also interact formed by placing small portion of infected tissue on agarized with pathogen behavior (indigenous or alien), giving pathogens growing media (Agrios 2005). In a complex natural environ- the opportunity to expand in areas where environmental factors ment, such as plant tissues, the pathogenic fungi represent a previously prevented their introduction (Bergot et al. 2004; Fabre distinct minority amidst a myriad of diversified microorgan- et al. 2011). All these changes will seriously impact host-parasite isms that rapidly colonize the infected host (Tsao 1970). interactions at the tree, woodland/forest ecosystem and landscape Despite the use of selective media, the isolation of pathogenic levels (Santini and Ghelardini 2015). fungi is sometimes difficult due to the preponderance of
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 2455 unwanted and antagonistic fungi or bacteria, which rapidly analyze genetic differences among fungal populations. In the overgrow the pathogenic fungi on the isolation plate (Catal 1990s, a reliable method for taxonomic characterization of et al. 2001). Axenic cultures can be identified by using mor- fungal isolates was based on electrophoretic examination of phological or molecular characters. In the first case, the char- mycelia extracellular enzymes. These approaches allowed the acteristic fruitbodies of the fungus (conidia and spores) are use of allozyme and isozyme markers to rapidly differentiate analyzed using light microscopy: the identification of patho- intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum (Goggioli gen by traditional approaches is time-consuming and requires et al. 1998; Karlsson and Stenlid 1991; Otrosina et al. 1992), particular skills from the operator. For this reason, the identi- Phytophthora cinnamomi, and Seiridium sp. isolates (Old fication of fungal mycelium is commonly improved by mo- et al. 1984; Raddi et al. 1994). These techniques require prior lecular markers after DNA isolation from axenic cultures. isolation of the pathogen in pure culture and are therefore To speed up the identification of plant pathogens and allow poorly adapted to direct in planta detection. their identification in field, a number of serological methods Over the same period, diagnostic techniques based on have been developed, mainly based upon the enzyme-linked nucleic acid markers were becoming more established: detec- immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These methods are used to tion tools and methods to identify fungal species were being detect pathogens using a monoclonal antibody labeled with progressively influenced by advances in molecular biology fluorescent compounds (Halk and De Boer 1985; Torrance (Fig. 1). The discovery of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) 1995). There are different immunoassay methods related to revolutionized molecular diagnostics, allowing characteriza- visualization of the binding of a specific antibody to its related tion of fungal pathogens by the direct sequencing of ribosomal antigen (Miller and Martin 1998). The ELISA test can be RNA genes (White et al. 1990). Multiple technologies, based easily replicated and involves the detection of a specific ana- on specific DNA-based markers, have been developed both lyte in a liquid sample. The main disadvantage is that this for fungal diagnostics and population studies. These include method requires laboratory facilities. To overcome such limi- restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) initially tations, portable immunoassay methods were developed. used to study genetic diversity in Ophiostoma ulmi (Jeng Lateral flow devices (LFDs) are a simple paper-based dip- et al. 1991; Hintz et al. 1991) and Ceratocystis species stick assay to detect the presence or absence of a target analyte (Witthuhn et al. 1999) (Fig. 1). DNA-fingerprinting based in a liquid sample without the need for specialized laboratory on microsatellite and the minisatellite DNA markers was then equipment. This method has become widespread over the last applied to different forest pathogens (DeScenzo and few years allowing rapid in-field detection of plant pathogens Harrington 1994; Karlsson 1994; Santini et al. 2005; Santini (Boonham et al. 2008; Tomlinson et al. 2010). The LFD meth- and Capretti 2000; Stenlid et al. 1994; Vasiliauskas and od is simple to use and is able to detect and identify the causal Stenlid 1997) (Fig. 1). agents of disease in few minutes. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) However, the immunological methods require the avail- markers was also used to assess variation of O. ulmi and O. ability of an antibody that properly responds to a target path- novo-ulmi isolates (Pipe et al. 1995) and other woody fungal ogen. In addition, incorrect diagnosis may occur due to the pathogen populations (Goggioli et al. 1998; Halmschlager presence of a false positive resulting from a nonspecific et al. 1995; Hansson et al. 1996; Zhou and Stanosz 2001). antibody-antigen reaction. Serological techniques applied to In 1996, a novel method, random amplified microsatellite the detection of phytopathogenic fungi have not been as suc- (RAMS), was developed to generate DNA markers in higher cessful as in bacteriology or virology, largely due to the high fungi (Hantula et al. 1996) (Fig. 1). This method became variability and phenotypic serological plasticity of fungi. widely used for population studies. Later on, both RAPD Despite several portable kits being commercialized for differ- and RAM PCR fragments were used as targets for the design ent pathogens, the immunological methods are generally less of specific target sequence characterized amplified region sensitive than molecular methods. For these reasons, the plant (SCAR) primers (D’Amico et al. 2007). These genomic re- pathology detection techniques have moved towards faster gions generated by random DNA amplification have proven and more sensitive approaches, such as molecular methods. to be particularly appropriate for species identification in sit- uations when housekeeping genes used for phylogeny were not sufficiently discriminating. Moreover, SCAR was suc- History of molecular methods for fungal cessfully used to detect hybrid-specific regions in hybrid path- pathogens of woody plants ogens such as for Phytophthora alni (Ioos et al. 2005). In the early 2000s, studies on fungal DNA detection rapidly Over the last three decades, diagnostics in plant pathology moved to detect fungal pathogens in symptomless plant tissue. have undergone important changes. In the early years, plant Catal et al. (2001) developed the first PCR to quantify and pathology laboratories primarily developed methods to identify endophytes in symptomless conifer foliage (Fig. 1).
2456 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 Fig. 1 Timeline of molecular detection methods in woody plant pathogens Technical improvements in the amplification of nucleic acid pathogens were difficult to isolate, i.e., airborne fungal target allowed the development of a new PCR capable of inoculum (Fig. 1; Table 1). detecting and quantifying results in real-time (quantitative Improvement in molecular techniques allowed a rapid al- real-time PCR or qPCR). The introduction of qPCR (Livak ternative to rDNA sequencing: whole genome sequencing. In et al. 1995) allowed the quantification of nucleic acids with 2012, the forest pathogen and wood decayer Heterobasidion higher sensitivity and specificity due to the real-time monitor- irregulare was fully sequenced with standard Sanger sequenc- ing of the amplification reaction and the use of a third-level ing protocols by using three different sized libraries (Olson specific reagent: the probe. The fluorescence that is monitored et al. 2012). However, this method, requiring a prior step of during the entire qPCR process can be detected by sequence- isolation of the pathogen in pure culture, is too expensive and specific fluorescent oligonucleotide probes (i.e., hydrolysis or too slow for a routine use. In recent years, “democratization” scorpion probes, or molecular beacons), or by a nonspecific of high-throughput sequencing technologies (454-pyrose- detection strategy independent of the target sequence, e.g., quencing, Illumina MiSeq, PacBio, Nanopore, etc.) and their through fluorescent dyes that have special fluorescent proper- potential for identification have been exploited to amplify in ties when bound to dsDNA (i.e., SYBR Green) (Gachon et al. bulk the same region (barcode) of the genome from all the 2004). The use of fluorescence as the detection signal im- microorganisms present in an environmental sample proved the robustness of the system and its consequent appli- (metabarcoding). With these techniques, it is not necessary cability using automated devices. to isolate each microorganism beforehand and analyze it indi- The first studies on the use of qPCR in forest patholo- vidually, since the set of barcodes is amplified in one single gy were conducted to detect Phytophthora citricola in oak reaction. The huge amount of DNA barcodes generated must and beech (Böhm et al. 1999) and Phaeocryptopus then be analyzed by bioinformatic processing to clean, sort, gaeumannii in Douglas Fir (Winton et al. 2002) (Fig. 1). cluster, and compare the amplified sequences with reference During the years, sensitivity and specificity of qPCR databases to finally produce an inventory of the biodiversity allowed its application to detect fungal pathogens directly present in a sample, including pathogens. This non-targeted from samples extracted from infected symptomatic and molecular technique may be used to identify a known forest asymptomatic tissue, including seeds, or samples where pathogen, particularly a quarantine organism, by comparing
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 2457 Table 1 Examples of alien and native expanding pathogens for EU for whom a molecular detection tool has been developed Pathogen Associated Host range Present Status First Spread Impact Detection Reference disease distribution1 report method2 (year) Biscogniauxia Charcoal Quercus spp. EU Native - Air Medium qPCR Luchi et al. (2005a) mediterranea disease Biscogniauxia Charcoal Fagus sylvatica EU Native - Air Medium qPCR Luchi et al. (2006) nummularia disease Caliciopsis Caliciopsis Pinus spp. EU, USA Cryptogenic - Air Medium/High qPCR Luchi et al. (2018) pinea canker Ceratocystis Canker stain Platanus spp. EU, TR, Alien 1971 Human High qPCR, Aglietti et al. platani disease USA LAMP (2019a); Luchi et al. (2013) Diplodia Shoot blight Pinus spp. EU, USA, Native - Air, insects High qPCR, Luchi et al. (2005b, 2011) sapinea Pseudotsuga ZA HRMA menziesii Diplodia Shoot blight Pinus spp. USA, ZA Alien Not Air Medium HRMA Luchi et al. (2011) scrobiculata present Dothistroma Red band Pinus spp. USA, EU Alien/Native - Air High qPCR Ioos et al. (2010) pini needle blight Fusarium Pine pitch Pinus spp. EU, USA, Alien 1995 Air High qPCR, Aglietti et al. (2019b); circinatum canker ZA, CL LAMP Grosdidier et al. (2017);Ioos et al. (2009a, 2019a); Luchi et al.(2018); Schweigkofler et al. (2004) Fusarium Fusarium Broad range IL, USA, ZA Alien Not Insects High qPCR, Aglietti et al. (2019b) ewallaceae wilt present LAMP Heterobasidion Irregulare Pinus spp. EU Alien 2004 Air High LAMP Sillo et al. (2018) irregulare root disease Heterobasidion Root rot Conifers Global Alien/Native - Air High qPCR Ioos et al. (2019b) spp. (incl. H. irregulare) Hymenoscyphus Ash dieback Fraxinus spp. EU Alien 1992 Air High qPCR Chandelier et al.(2010); fraxineus Grosdidier et al. (2017); Ioos et al. (2009b) Melampsora Rust Poplars NA, SA, Alien 2018 Air Low PCR, Boutigny et al. (2013a); medusae ZA, OC, qPCR Husson et al. (2013) f.sp. AS, EU deltoidae Melampsora Rust Poplars NA, SA, Alien 1993 Air Low qPCR Boutigny et al. (2013b) medusae s.l. ZA, OC AS, EU Phytophthora Alder Alnus spp. EU Alien 1994 Water High PCR, Husson et al. alni dieback qPCR (2015); Ioos et al.(2005) Phytophthora Port-Orford- Chamaecyparis, NA, EU, TW Alien 2004 Air, Moderate qPCR Schenck et al. lateralis Cedarroot Taxus, Thuja water (2016) disease Phytophthora Sudden oak Broad range EU, USA Alien 1995 Air, High qPCR, Aglietti et al. ramorum death; water LAMP (2019a); Ioos Sudden et al. (2006); Migliorini et larch al. (2019) death Phytophthora Phytophthora Broad range Global Alien/Native - Water(mostly) High qPCR Migliorini et al. (2015, 2019) spp. blight 1 AS=Asia; CL=Chile; EU=Europe; IL=Israel; NA=North America; OC=Oceania; SA=South America; TR=Turkey; TW=Taiwan; USA= United States of America; ZA=South Africa. 2 HRMA, High Resolution Melting Analysis; LAMP, Loop-mediated isothermal amplification; PCR, Polymerase chain reaction; qPCR, Real-time quantitative PCR. its barcode with reference databases (Aguayo et al. 2018; any reference sequence in the databases. Nonetheless, addi- Bulman et al. 2018; Català et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2018). tional investigations, such as pathogenicity tests, will be re- An additional advantage is that they also make it possible to quired to assess the threat posed by these “unknown” identify an unknown pathogen, which does not match with pathogens.
2458 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 Despite the growing development of molecular tech- Development and validation of molecular niques, the need to use rapid and sensitive techniques diagnostic methods capable of detecting a pathogen before its spread has even become evidently increasing. More recently, the Historically, diagnosis and identification in mycology were growing need for field instrumentation has led to the based on direct observation of macro- and microscopic struc- development of portable methods based on isothermal tures of fungi. The image was, and remains, a tangible proof of amplification (Fig. 1). Loop-mediated isothermal ampli- the existence of the microorganism. However, the lack of res- fication (LAMP) of DNA is a newer molecular technol- olution and sensitivity of this type of approach, and it must be ogy for affordable, specific, highly sensitive, and rapid emphasized, and the loss of skills in fungal morphological diagnostic testing of pathogens in both laboratory and characterization have oriented laboratories towards these field conditions. The LAMP technique involves the op- new molecular technologies that are increasingly standardized tical excitation and detection of a pathogen’s DNA in and theoretically more objective. Most of the new molecular an environmental sample mixed with a fluorescent dye diagnostic methods produce results in the form of signals (flo- as it is heated and amplified in less than an hour. This rescence, pH, electricity, etc.) derived from the presence of method has been described by Notomi et al. (2000) and targets (nucleic acids). These signals are very weak and must subsequently been optimized for portable instruments in be multiplied and amplified to be detectable by a device or by field. Recently several protocols for a rapid detection of human eye interpretation. They are therefore inherently sub- woody pathogens, such as C. platani, F. circinatum, F. ject to errors, contamination, and drift and remain indirect euwallaceae, H. fraxineus, and P. ramorum, have been evidence of the presence of a microorganism. The validation established (Aglietti et al. 2019a, 2019b; Harrison et al. and implementation of these technologies are in theory and in 2017) (Table 1). practice extremely sensitive and definitive, and must therefore Fig. 2 Molecular assay development and method validation
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 2459 be performed with a minimum of precautions and controls. strictly phylogenetically related species, a multigene anal- Validation of the diagnostic method is a procedure that as- ysis using 3–4 different genes is strongly needed (Fourrier sesses the performance of a molecular assay, which has been et al. 2015; Slippers et al. 2013), even if using high- developed for a specific purpose. As a preliminary to the de- resolution melting analysis (HRMA) makes it possible to velopment of a new detection test, it is therefore necessary to distinguish three closely related species of Diplodia define upstream the needs in terms of the minimum level of (Luchi et al. 2011). specificity, sensitivity, cost, speed of execution, and any other In this context, the assignment of a microorganism to a criteria that will allow assessment of the test being adapted in meaningful category needs to be well considered by both mo- relation to the pursued objective. Molecular diagnostic assays lecular and morphological characters. A stable classification must be validated for the target pathogen both in the labora- and appropriate nomenclature of target pathogens are there- tory and eventually in the field, following different steps: (a) fore crucial to design specific molecular markers that then assay development; (b) analytical performance; (c) diagnostic need to be validated. In this respect, the development of de- performance; (d) reproducibility, transferability, and robust- tection tests requires a thorough preliminary study of the ge- ness (Fig. 2). netic diversity of the target species and closely related taxa. The first step is the assay development where the purpose The “democratization” of genome sequencing opens of validation and the target host species, fungal pathogen, and new and powerful tools for screening polymorphisms sampling matrix are defined (Fig. 2). The main challenge of and divergent regions, which can then potentially be molecular approaches is the rapid screening of a target DNA exploited for the design of specific oligonucleotides. sequence. Over recent years, different molecular methods Comparing whole genomes of fungi for the purpose of have been developed for the detection and identification of finding polymorphous regions can be done in different different taxonomic groups based on “barcode” sequences. ways. Some studies have proposed algorithms to identi- These approaches are based on the hypothesis that each spe- fy single-copy gene homologs encoding proteins cies carries specific DNA sequences that are different from (Aguileta et al. 2008; Feau et al. 2011; Marthey et al. those found in individuals from other species. However, 2008). These algorithms were initially used to search for DNA sequences may exhibit variation within species that new phylogenetic markers that are more discriminating can be manifested by the insertion or deletion of a single than the traditional markers, and could therefore be nucleotide and are strictly related to the ecology of the indi- targeted as taxonomic markers for molecular detection vidual (i.e., reproductive success, migration, genetic drift) tools. Some teams have already used these new molec- (Möller and Stukenbrock 2017). In this respect, for a group ular markers from orthologous gene bases to define de- of pathogens as complex and polymorphic as fungi and generate primers to obtain the sequence of these molec- oomycetes, genetic variability may affect the reliability of a ular markers and confirm their utility for robust phylo- test based on specific recognition and amplification of nucle- genetic studies (Schmitt et al. 2009; Vialle et al. 2013). otide sequences by affecting the sequence of the regions To assess the best performance of the molecular targeted by oligonucleotides (PCR primers and probes) method optimization is needed through adjustment of (Vincelli and Tisserat 2008). As a result, the DNA of target the most important parameters of the assay, such as organisms can therefore no longer be detected, or conversely, analytical specificity, analytical sensitivity, selectivity, that of non-target organisms can be erroneously detected. reproducibility, and repeatability performance charac- The success of molecular identification is strictly related to the teristics (EPPO 2014) (Fig. 2). Once primer and probe choice of the target gene, accounting for possible intraspecific concentrations are validated, the correct calibration of and intraspecific variation to avoid overlap with other individuals the assay is tested by a standard curve and a melting and species. For this aim, the ribosomal RNA internal transcriber curve analysis (Bustin and Huggett 2017). During the spacer (ITS) sequence is the gene more widely used and gener- calibration of the molecular assay, the appropriate use ally considered as the “barcode” sequence (Schoch et al. 2012). of control is important. The negative control includes Nowadays, with a wide availability of molecular tech- all amplification reagents but no DNA and is used to niques, it has become clear that fungal taxonomy is more guarantee that reagents are free of contamination or that complicated than expected and sometimes presents some they are not included during the amplification. The pos- conflicts in the definition of different taxonomic entities itive control includes a representative sample of the (Wingfield et al. 2011). target DNA to be detected and is used to ensure no The use of a single molecular marker to identify a problems with the amplification reaction whether it be target microorganism could be inappropriate because of from the reaction components or the instrument itself. the presence of new cryptic species or the re-assignation Reference samples are routinely included as control for of species into new taxa. For example, in the the assay, providing monitoring of the method. For this Botryosphaeriaceae family, to characterize and distinguish reason, particular attention must be paid to the storage
2460 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 of the reference DNA to ensure its stability (Bustin (false positives and false negatives). Much of the variance pro- et al. 2010). duced in qPCR results (expressed as Ct values) is not simply due Once the assay has been validated, the analytical performance to reagent changes. It is also caused by the corrections applied by is determined by testing the analytical specificity and sensitivity the fluorescence data processing algorithms, each of which man- (Fig. 2). The analytical specificity is performed by testing a broad ually or automatically makes its own assumptions about the species of the same taxon, including those from different geo- measured data. graphical locations. Moreover, also out-group species DNA need Once the last stage has been completed, assuming that the to be tested to avoid erroneous identification of target pathogens. previous stages have been satisfactory, the molecular test can be The measure of the analytical sensitivity is the limit of detection designated as valid for the originally intended purpose (Fig. 2). (LOD) determined by a serial dilution of target DNA and the final dilution showing consistent positive response is considered to present the limit of detection. Diagnostic performance is eval- Challenges of diagnostic methods: uated by different indicators (Fig. 2) and then the reproducibility, a continuous diagnostic urgency for plant robustness, and transferability confirm the reliability of the test health when performed in different laboratories. Reproducibility corre- sponds to the ability of the test to yield accurate results when The time needed to diagnose plays a relevant role in the pre- carried out with different operators and equipment, whereas ro- vention of pathogens spreading, and also the correct manage- bustness reflects its ability to withstand slight changes in exper- ment of the outbreak of a disease. The challenges of molecular imental conditions with respect to a standard protocol (Vander diagnostics are focused around the need to rapidly and accu- Heyden et al. 2001). Transferability is an equally important pa- rately identify the causal agent of plant disease directly within rameter for validation. Although a test is sometimes very efficient host plant or different substrates (i.e., soil, water, airborne). In in the initial conditions of development, it is conceivable to imag- recent years, a variety of excitable fluorescent dyes have been ine that the performance of a qPCR or PCR detection protocol widely used to monitor the amplification process in real-time, may vary if the conditions of use differ from those of the devel- representing a significant advance in many molecular tech- opment team (Grosdidier et al. 2017). In a study focused on the niques involving detection of nucleic acids. The detection of transferability of molecular test detection, in the pine pathogen PCR products by way of a fluorescent dye can be quantified Fusarium circinatum, Ioos et al. (2019a) showed that changes in using a qPCR thermal cycler or a portable fluorescent reader, reagents, equipment, and qPCR fluorescence data processing which is equipped with a battery pack for rapid onsite detec- software could have major effects on the reliability of the results tion (Hughes et al. 2006; Tomlinson et al. 2005). Based on this Fig. 3 Application of molecular techniques for plant pathogen detection in different steps of the invasion process
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 2461 approach, both of the main techniques, i.e., qPCR and LAMP the subject of promising studies, such as the sentinel planta- assays, enable rapid and specific detection of pathogens from tions of European species exposed in an exotic environment environmental samples (Table 1). (Vettraino et al. 2015) or sentinel nurseries of non-native spe- Due to the speed, reliability, and sensitivity of these innovative cies found in their non-native environment of origin (Vettraino approaches, they can be used for prevention and control of dis- et al. 2017). This type of sentinel also makes it possible to ease (Fig. 3). study the pathogenic potential and the phytosanitary risk caused by these taxa identified by their bar code sequence in Disease prevention air trapping (Aguayo et al. 2018). Once the potential threat is identified, it is then possible to develop molecular tools to Emerging tree disease outbreaks are mainly due to the intro- prevent its introduction in the importing country, and portable duction of invasive non-native organisms or the emergence of diagnosis devices represent a perfect tool to reinforce border a native organism following changes in climatic conditions or security and prevent new introductions. silvicultural management. New non-native fungal pathogens of trees are establishing at increasing rates in many parts of the Disease control world. This process goes alongside the rapid increase in the volume and diversity of intercontinental trade in plants, which Once a pathogen is present in the environment, the disease can is the main pathway for introduction of insects and fungi, as be monitored at different stages (Fig. 3). contaminants and hitchhikers, as well as wood and wood products (Chapman et al. 2017; Liebhold et al. 2012; Santini Pre-inoculation Before arriving in the host, pathogen inocu- et al. 2013, 2018). The current methods for preventing the lum is dispersed in different substrates (soil, water, air, and introduction of invasive pathogens consist mainly in the visual insects). For example, the incubation period of soilborne plant assessment of the aerial parts of the plant for symptoms, or of pathogens, which are difficult to detect as they spread and plant products on a small number of economically important infect the host underground, could persist for long periods plant pests reported on quarantine lists. Once the pathogen is with aboveground symptoms occurring even later. established then eradication is the only option, even if it is Moreover, detection of soilborne pathogens could be often unsuccessful and more expensive. The application of affected by soil conditions, including the complex resident rapid detection tools as point-of-care diagnostics and for the microflora, making diagnosis difficult. For these reasons, the reinforcement of border biosecurity is highly desirable, reduc- development of molecular methods to detect inoculum of the ing the detection time to intercept quarantine species. pathogens in soil and water is of a primary importance. Significant advantages could be gained by relocating testing Migliorini et al. (2015) developed a qPCR able to detect small technology closer to the site of sampling. This is the case of amounts of Phytophthora DNA inoculum in samples of soil LAMP portable assays. A number of different assays have and irrigation water in nurseries. been developed for the early detection of woody pathogens, Pathogens are also dispersed by airborne inoculum, which including quarantine species (P. ramorum, C. platani, H. can vary in time and space. fraxineus, F. circinatum, and F. euwallaceae) (Aglietti et al. New opportunities to combine air sampling with qPCR to 2019a, b; Harrison et al. 2017). identify and quantify fungal pathogens have been developed Most of the epidemics that occurred during last decades for Caliciopsis pinea, C. platani, F. circinatum, H. fraxineus, were caused by alien pathogenic organisms previously un- and Phytophthora spp. (Botella et al. 2019; Chandelier et al. known to science or not known to be pathogens. To address 2010, 2014; Luchi et al. 2013; Migliorini et al. 2019; this gap in our knowledge, one of the most challenging fields Schweigkofler et al. 2004). The use of these techniques can in plant health is the identification of potential threats before provide more accurate forecasts of the risk of pathogen spread, their introduction in a new environment. The trade in forest and help the management of the disease. This is the case in C. tree seeds is therefore considered to be high risk for the intro- platani, where airborne inoculum of the pathogen was found duction of fungal pathogen in disease-free areas (Burgess and within 200 m of the closest symptomatic infected plane tree Wingfield 2002; Franić et al. 2019), and sensitive tests are and in the surrounding area with healthy plane trees (Luchi required to check their health status before movement (Ioos et al. 2013). Grosdidier et al. (2018) investigated the spatial et al. 2009a; Lamarche et al. 2015). Sentinel planting, i.e., and seasonal dispersal of H. fraxineus airborne inoculum in plants native to importing country planted in exporting coun- France and found that, during the sporulation peak, spores tries that are inspected and analyzed at regular intervals for were detected up to 50–100 km ahead of the disease front, microbial pathogen detection, is the most promising tool showing the presence of the pathogen before any visible (Eschen et al. 2019). To this end, one could imagine associat- symptoms. For these reasons, the development of highly sen- ing other types of “biological” sensors that have already been sitive and reliable molecular detection methods could help
2462 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 prevent the invasion of pathogen in uncontaminated areas, cryptic until environmental conditions or stress induce the improving the activity of the National Plant Protection switch to the pathogenic form (Agrios 2005). This seems par- Organizations (NPPO) by shaping more efficient disease man- ticularly relevant for phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes agement strategies. affecting woody species, which require long periods of incu- Insects play an important role in vectoring tree pathogens bation and latency before disease symptoms become visible and in their establishment and reproduction in the host and infectious (Vicent and Blasco 2017). Such asymptomatic (Kirisits 2004). The use of molecular tools, such as those infections with D. sapinea have already been demonstrated by based on qPCR and LAMP assays, significantly improves qPCR on pines (Maresi et al. 2007). Latent infections with biological and ecological studies of insect-fungus interactions. several polyphagous Phytophthora species have also been The qPCR was able to ascertain the association between the demonstrated on a large scale in nurseries (Migliorini et al. western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis and the 2015). Several examples have been documented in the genus fungus Diplodia sapinea that causes damages on pine cones Fusarium. Fusarium circinatum, the pitch pine canker agent, in Mediterranean forests (Luchi et al. 2012). Villari et al. has been isolated from many herbaceous plants near infected (2013) developed a LAMP assay to rapidly detect blue stain patches, in a form that appears to be endophytic, although at fungus directly from bark beetles, while Fourrier et al. (2015) intact pathogenicity when inoculated on pine (Swett and designed a qPCR assay to detect F. circinatum from collected Gordon 2012; Swett et al. 2014). bark beetles, allowing to monitor the spread of the quarantine The detection and quantification of specific weakness path- pathogen across different geographical areas. ogens in symptomless host tissues represent a useful tool to evaluate the general physiological status of a single tree and Early colonization (asymptomatic phase) Some fungal species tree communities and to forecast the outbreak of complex have the ability to survive in a latent phase within their hosts, decline syndromes. causing disease when the host is exposed to environmental stress (Coutinho et al. 2007; Desprez-Loustau et al. 2006; Outbreak (symptomatic phase) A key parameter for the early Slippers et al. 2017; Slippers and Wingfield 2007; Smith assessment of the size of an outbreak is the sensitivity of the et al. 1996; Stanosz et al. 2001). In this case, the development surveillance methods. In this context, the use of the previously and standardization of rapid diagnostic assays, with adequate described molecular techniques proved to also be useful in sensitivity and specificities, would aid in determining the pres- constraining the spreading of already introduced pathogens ence of the pathogen at the beginning of infection. For the and exploring the epidemiological dynamics of disease. detection of pathogenic fungi in asymptomatic woody tissues, Sensitive and reliable real-time PCR assay was developed to an appropriate sampling technique should be considered and detect P. ramorum from hundreds of symptomatic hosts col- associated with the detection protocol, as it will largely deter- lected from different sites in California (Hayden et al. 2004). mine its sensitivity. The qPCR represents the gold standard for Tooley et al. (2006) developed a multiplex assay to detect P. the quantitative measurement of nucleic acids and is thus the ramorum and P. pseudosyringae (a species that causes symp- more appropriate tool for the early detection and quantifica- toms similar to P. ramorum) in field samples in California. tion of latent invaders (Luchi et al. 2016, 2020). The sensitiv- The use of a multiplex assay allowed the simultaneous detec- ity of this approach has been developed to detect low amount tion of different pathogens in the same PCR reactions. A mul- of the DNA of fungal pathogens, which could become harm- tiplex quantitative PCR to simultaneously test total needle ful to trees stressed by abiotic factors as water deficiency DNA for the presence of Dothistroma septosporum, D. pini, (Luchi et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2006). Maresi et al. (2007) found or Lecanosticta acicola has been developed (Ioos et al. 2010; that the incidence of D. sapinea in Austrian pine in its asymp- Schneider et al. 2019). The use of a multiplex assay is partic- tomatic phase was strongly related to some environmental ularly important to distinguish pathogens that cause similar parameters. These results confirm that qPCR is a powerful symptoms. A new PCR assay has been developed to also tool to improve the evaluation and prevention of sanitary risks distinguish Fusarium circinatum and Caliciopsis pinea that by providing an opportunity to study the spatial and temporal cause comparable symptoms on P. radiata in the initial stages dynamics of diseases in field. of colonization (Luchi et al. 2018). All four European species In the future, it seems equally important to have tools and, of Heterobasidion attacking conifers may be simultaneously above all, a sampling method to obtain data regarding the detected in two reactions (Ioos et al. 2019b). prevalence of host plants that are infected in a cryptic manner Changes in the evolutionary behavior of fungal pathogens and therefore asymptomatic but potentially infectious (Luchi might be also triggered by climate change inducing incidence et al. 2016; Thompson et al. 2016). As already demonstrated of new disease outbreaks on new hosts in new geographical for F. circinatum (Storer et al. 1998; Coutinho et al. 2007), area. This is the case of D. sapinea recently found on Pinus infection with many phytopathogenic fungi may remain sylvestris in north Europe (Brodde et al. 2019), as well as the
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2020) 104:2453~–~ 2468 2463 occurrence of new hosts in previously unaffected northern Funding information This study was funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme “HOlistic hemisphere countries and for Dothistroma septosporum and Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases” (HOMED) (grant D. pini (Mullett et al. 2018). The use of molecular tools may no. 771271). ANSES Plant Health Laboratory is supported by a grant assist in the monitoring of disease spread in extensive moni- overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the toring surveys. Oak et al. (2008) used nested or qPCR to Investissements d’Avenir programme (ANR-11-LABX-0002-01, Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE). detect the presence of P. ramorum (between 2003 and 2006) in more than 12,000 samples from 44 hosts in the US forests. More recently, Heller and Keith (2018) developed a qPCR Compliance with ethical standards assay for monitoring and managing Rapid Ohia Death Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of (ROD) pathogens caused by Ceratocystis lukuohia and C. interest. huliohia in Hawaiian Islands. Moreover, a significant improvement in monitoring sys- Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human tems will be the use of portable devices for rapid and on-site participants or animals performed by any of the authors. pathogen diagnosis such as the specific diagnostic LAMP Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons assays for H. irregulare and C. platani by analyzing sawdust Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap- collected from infected trees (Aglietti et al. 2019a; Sillo et al. tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as 2018). you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro- vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Conclusions and future perspectives Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this In the past, the development of molecular diagnostic assays licence, visit for plant pathogens has been labor-intensive and required a high level of technical expertise. In recent years, the number of protocols commercially developed to detect fungal patho- gens has increased. This has increased interest in new molec- References ular diagnostic tools for the identification of plant pathogens. The rise of a variety of new molecular tools radically Aglietti C, Luchi N, Pepori AL, Bartolini P, Pecori F, Raio A, Capretti P, changed approaches in plant pathology. 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