Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021 - JPMorgan Chase

Family cash balances,                                                                                           Fiona Greig

income, and expenditures                                                                                        Erica Deadman
                                                                                                                Pascal Noel
trends through 2021

A distributional perspective

MAY 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unprecedented eco-            with faster spend-down for families that are lower-income,
nomic changes that impacted families’ financial positions.      younger, or working in essential industries. Furthermore, the
In this report, the JPMorgan Chase Institute uses adminis-      mechanisms for initial pandemic balance increases differed
trative banking data to assess checking account balances        by family income. Despite greater job losses, low-income
in conjunction with household income and spending. We           families experienced balance increases driven by increases
analyze activity from 1.7 million families who were active      in income, due in part to government supports. High-income
checking account users between December 2018 and                families, in contrast, experienced balance increases despite
January 2021 to understand changes in household finances        decreases in account inflows because of large concurrent
during the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that cash balances        decreases in account outflows. Altogether, our results
temporarily increased by roughly 70 percent after the           offer new insights into families’ financial lives and cash
arrival of stimulus payments in April 2020 and January 2021,    balances during the COVID-19 pandemic, and contribute
with lower-income and younger account holders experi-           to the ongoing understanding of the economic impacts
encing the largest balance increases on a percent basis.        of the pandemic and associated government supports.
Balances fell continuously after the stimulus payments,

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The JPMorgan Chase Institute is harnessing the scale and scope of one of the world’s leading firms to
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expertise, and market access, the Institute develops analyses and insights on the inner workings of
the economy, frames critical problems, and convenes stakeholders and leading thinkers.

The mission of the JPMorgan Chase Institute is to help decision makers—policymakers, businesses, and nonprofit
leaders—appreciate the scale, granularity, diversity, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and
use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all.
Table of Contents

3    Executive Summary                                      16   Finding Five
                                                                 Income increased for low-income house-
                                                                 holds despite greater job losses, due
6    Finding One                                                 in part to government suppor ts.
     Cash balances increased temporarily by roughly
     70 percent in April 2020 and January 2021,
     after the arrival of stimulus payments, but            19   Finding Six
     fell continuously after those payments.                     After initial spending decreases across the
                                                                 income distribution, low-income families
                                                                 rebounded to higher-than-usual spending
9    Finding Two                                                 while high-income families remain roughly at
     Households with lower star ting liquid balances—low-        parity with prior trends.
     er-income and younger account holders—experienced
     the largest balance increases on a percent basis,
     but lost those initial balance gains the fastest.      25   Implications

12   Finding Three                                          26   Appendix
     We see faster spend-down in liquid assets
     among families with essential workers.
                                                            28   Data Explanation
14   Finding Four                                           35   References
     Initial pandemic balance increases for low-income
     families were driven by increases in account
     inflows, while high-income families offset decreases   36   Endnotes
     in inflows by larger decreases in outflows.

                                                            38   Acknowledgements and
                                                                 Suggested Citation
Executive Summary

Finding 1: Cash balances increased temporarily by roughly 70 percent in April 2020 and January 2021, after the
arrival of stimulus payments, but fell continuously after those payments.

Balances increased across the distribution, with greater relative percent changes at the low end

                                                           Year-over-year percent change in weekly balances
                     National Emergency                                                                                                      EIP distributed fro
                    declared Mar 13, 2020                                                                                                    Treasury Jan 4, 2021
                                                           EIP distributed from
                                                           Treasury Apr 15, 2020





    Jan 4           Feb 8          Mar 14         Apr 18       May 23              Jun 27         Aug 1        Sep 5      Oct 10   Nov 14      Dec 19             Jan 23
                                                                                       End of week

        25th percentile           Median           75th percentile           90th percentile
                                                                                                                                             Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version

Finding 2: Households with lower starting liquid balances—lower-income and younger account holders—experienced
the largest balance increases on a percent basis, but lost those initial balance gains the fastest.

Low-income families saw the greatest year-over-year percent balance gains, but depleted those gains faster than
high-income families

                                               Year-over-year percent change in median weekly balances, by income uartile
                        National Emergency                                                                                                   EIP distributed fro
                       declared Mar 13, 2020                                                                                                 Treasury Jan 4, 2021
                                                            EIP distributed from
                                                            Treasury Apr 15, 2020

         Jan 4            Feb 8       Mar 14      Apr 18        May 23             Jun 27          Aug 1        Sep 5     Oct 10   Nov 14      Dec 19             Jan 23
                                                                                            End of week

       1st income quartile           2nd income quartile             3rd income quartile            4th income quartile

Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in
labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.
                                                                                                                                            Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                      Executive Summary                  3
Finding 3: We see faster spend-down in liquid assets among families with essential workers.

Finding 4: Initial pandemic balance increases for low-income families were driven by increases in account inflows,
while high-income families offset decreases in inflows by larger decreases in outflows.

Balances grew initially due to increased account inflows and decreased outflows

       Year-over-year percent change in median account inflows,                            Year-over-year percent change in median account outflows,
                  y income quartile (four-week periods)                                               y income quartile (four-week periods)

       Emergency                                              EIP distributed
                                                                                           Emergency                                                    EIP distributed
        declared                                              from Treasury
                                                                                            declared                                                    from Treasury
       Mar 13, 2020                                             Jan 4, 2021
                                                                                           Mar 13, 2020                                                   Jan 4, 2021
                             EIP distributed from
                                                                                                                EIP distributed from
40%                          Treasury Apr 15, 2020
                                                                                    30%                         Treasury Apr 15, 2020




-10%                                                                                -10%
        Feb 22        Apr      Jun         Aug        Oct   Nov        Jan 23               Feb 22        Apr     Jun         Aug       Oct           Nov          Jan 23
         2020          18       13          8          3     28         2021                 2020          18      13          8         3             28           2021

                              End of four-week period                                                           End of four-week period

       1st income quartile           2nd income quartile     3rd income quartile         4th income quartile

No e: We assign households in o income quar iles based on heir o al labor income from 2019. Households in income quar ile 1 earned be ween $12,000 and $30,296 in
labor income; quar ile 2 households earned $30,296 o $44,955; quar ile 3 households earned $44,955 o $68,896; and quar ile 4 households earned more han $68,896.

                                                                                                                                              Source: JPMorgan Chase Ins i u e

View text version                                                                   View text version

Finding 5: Income increased for low-income households despite greater job losses, due in part to government

Finding 6: After initial spending decreases across the income distribution, low-income families rebounded to higher-
than-usual spending while high-income families remain roughly at parity with prior trends.

4       Executive Summary                                                              Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021

More than a year after the declaration          for families during the COVID-19          Second, we rely on direct-deposited
of national emergency on March                  pandemic, and how does this differ        paychecks to measure labor income
13, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic                 across families—by demographic            and industry of employment. Income
continues to constrain economic                 characteristics and industry of           received via other channels will not
activity in unprecedented ways.                 employment? And second, what              be captured in our measurements
Restrictions on group gatherings and            are the drivers of these observed         of these concepts. In addition, our
non-essential outings make certain              changes in balance? Specifically,         primary income metric reflects
businesses untenable, leading to                how have consumer income,                 take-home income, different from
layoffs and closures. In other indus-           spending, and debt payments               gross or pre-tax measures of income
tries, remote working has become                changed during the pandemic?              reflected in most public data sources.
the new normal, leading to dramatic             To answer these questions, we use a       Overall, we find that liquid balances
shifts in daily needs and routines for          data asset based on the daily balances,   were elevated during the COVID-19
employees. Schools have likewise                inflows, and outflows of Chase per-       pandemic but fell throughout the sec-
struggled to reopen, with some                  sonal checking accounts1, from January    ond half of 2020. Balances rose again
forced back into remote instruction             2019 through January 2021. We focus       with the second round of Economic
after increases in infections.                  on a sample of 1.7 million families who   Impact Payments (EIP) in January
As families work to adapt to these              have been active checking account         2021. These patterns exist across the
frequently-changing conditions,                 users since December 20182.               distribution of balances, but with a
economic health and stability are               Administrative banking data provides a    larger initial rise followed by a faster
top of mind for policymakers. The               unique, high-frequency lens into con-     subsequent decline in liquid balances
most vulnerable among us have been              sumer finances, with transaction-level    for families with lower starting bal-
impacted the most, with lower-income            views into income and expenditures.       ances, mainly lower-income families,
earners facing higher unemployment              Our ability to categorize those           or those with younger primary account
rates than their higher-earning                 transactions enables us to observe        holders. For most families, balances
counterparts (Ganong et al. 2020). The          family-level income, which we can use     grew despite elevated outflows
government responded with massive               to show our results across the income     because of even larger increases in
interventions to suppor t households            distribution. Furthermore, we are able    inflows, but high-income families
financially by funding stimulus                 to isolate labor income and UI pay-       experienced the reverse: balances
checks, expanding and supplement-               ments from other account inflows and      grew despite decreases in inflows
ing Unemployment Insurance (UI),                observe industry of employment for a      because of concurrent cuts in outflows.
and providing relief on debts.                  subset of our sample. So too, are we
In this report, we shed light on                able to distinguish between spending
families’ financial positions during            and debt payments among outflows.
the pandemic, and how changes                   We emphasize two main caveats to                   Liquid balances
in behavior and policy have played              our data asset: First, we use check-            were elevated during
a role. Using patterns in liquid                ing account balances as a window               the COVID-19 pandemic
balances as a lens into household               into families’ liquid balances but
finances, we aim to understand how                                                             but fell throughout the
                                                acknowledge that a full liquid balance           second half of 2020.
the pandemic has affected financial             picture would include additional
vulnerability. Specifically, we focus           types of accounts, including those
on two main questions. First, how               at other financial institutions.
have liquid asset balances changed

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                             Indtroduction & Data Background     5
Finding One
Cash balances increased temporarily by roughly 70 percent
in April 2020 and January 2021, after the arrival of stimulus
payments, but fell continuously after those payments.

Figure 1a shows weekly3 mean and         percent changes, highlighting the large      do not capture the full picture of
median checking account balances         year-over-year increase in balances          balance changes. The distribution
for two series: February 2019 through    in April 2020. This account balance          has shifted higher overall, as shown
January 2020 and February 2020           growth was driven initially by sharp         in Figure 2a. The largest dollar gains
through January 2021. Balance            declines in consumer spending in             occurred at the upper end of the
levels reflect a family’s purchasing     March and April during the shutdowns         distribution, with the 90th percentile
power, and changes here shed light       (Cox et al. 2020). Balances then             increasing by more than $4,000
on changes in ability to procure         increased steeply after April 15,            between Januar y 2020 and January
additional goods and services.           when families started receiving EIP.         2021. On a percent change basis
Average balances rose throughout         Gains in average balances continued          (Figure 2b), the year-over-year changes
the spring, stabilizing after April      throughout the year, ending roughly          were largest for the lower end of the
15, when families started receiving      40 percent elevated in late December.        distribution, owing to the progressive
Economic Impact Payments4. Average       Year-over-year changes in median             nature of the stimulus payments,
balances remained steady throughout      balances follow a different trajectory,      with the 25th percentile elevated by
the remainder of 2020, increasing        showing a clear downward trend after         95 percent at its peak in April 2020.
again in January 2021 to $6,900, more    the arrival of the stimulus payments.        The lower end of the distribution also
than $2,000 higher than the previous     Specifically, median balances peaked         reverted the most by year's end: in
January. In contrast, median balances    at 69 percent higher than 2019               late December, the 25th percentile was
show a similar increase through May      balances the week of May 3 and then          32 percent higher than it had been
2020, but a clear downward trend         decreased throughout the rest of             in 2019, whereas the 75th percentile
throughout the remainder of the year     2020, ending 30 percent higher than          was still elevated by 39 percent. This
before increasing again in January       2019 balances in December. While             change in rank-ordering occurred
2021. Compared with 2019, median         median balances were again elevated          twice: at peak balances in April 2020,
balances were up by about $900 at        by 69 percent the week of the second         the lower ends of the distribution had
their highest point last spring, but     EIP disbursement in January 2021,            greater year-over-year percent gains
those balance cushions decreased         those gains seemed to diminish even          than the higher ends, but that reversed
to roughly $400 by the end of            more quickly: by the end of January          by the end of 2020, when the 90th
December. Put differently, by the end    2021, median balances were up only           percentile had the greatest gains over
of the year, median balances had         47 percent relative to the previous          the prior year and the 25th percentile
lost 55 percent of the initial balance   year. One likely reason for this is          had the least. With the arrival of the
gains in April. Balance increases in     that the second round of stimulus            second EIP, positions were once again
January 2021 again had medians           payments was much more compressed            reversed, though quickly reverting to
nearly $900 elevated relative to the     than the first, with 96 percent of           the original ordering by month’s end.
prior year, but that quickly declined    payments delivered by January 8.5
to less than $600 two weeks later.       The stark difference between the
To account for seasonal fluctuations,    evolution of mean and median
Figure 1b shows year-over-year           balances implies that averages alone

6     Finding One                                                Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Figure 1a: Balances increased through early 2020, with                                         Figure 1b: Year-over-year percent change increased sharply
averages remaining elevated throughout the year and medi-                                      for both mean and median balances in April, followed by
ans falling from May onward; January 2021 saw additional                                       increasing mean and decreasing median trends throughout
balance upticks                                                                                the year

          Weekly balances, February 2019 through January 2021                                                     Year-over-year percent change in weekly balances
                                                                       EIP distributed                  Emergency                                                      EIP distributed
                                                                       from Treasury                     declared                                                      from Treasury
                                                                         Jan 4, 2021                    Mar 13, 2020                                                     Jan 4, 2021
      Mar 13, 2020
                                                                                                                               EIP distributed from
                             EIP distributed from
                                                                                                                               Treasury Apr 15, 2020
                             Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                             70%

$6,000                                                                                         60%

$5,000                                                                                         50%

$4,000                                                                                         40%

$3,000                                                                                         30%

$2,000                                                                                         20%

$1,000                                                                                         10%

    $0                                                                                             0%
      Feb Mar        Apr 1 May     Jun    Aug        Sep   Oct     Nov      Dec Jan 23                  Feb    Mar     Apr    May    Jun     Aug       Sep   Oct    Nov       Dec Jan 23
       8   14         8     23      27     1          5     10      14       19 2021                     8      14      18     23     27      1         5     10     14        19 2021
                                    End of week                                                                                            End of week

      Mean 2020-2021              Median 2020-2021                                                         Mean           Median
      Mean 2019-2020              Median 2019-2020
                                                                                                                                                              Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                              View text version

Figure 2a: Balances increased across the distribution, with                                    Figure 2b: Balances increased across the distribution, with
greater dollar changes at the high end of the distribution                                     greater relative percent changes at the low end

                                  Weekly balances                                                                  Year-over-year percent change in weekly balances
              Emergency                                                EIP distributed                          National
               declared                                                from Treasury                           Emergency                                               EIP distributed
              Mar 13, 2020                                               Jan 4, 2021                            declared                                               from Treasury
                                                                                                               Mar 13, 2020                                              Jan 4, 2021
                                   EIP distributed from
                                   Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                             EIP distributed from
                                                                                                                                     Treasury Apr 15, 2020
$1 ,000                                                                                            100%


 $8,000                                                                                            60%

 $ ,000

      $0                                                                                            0%
        Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep                      Oct    Nov Dec Jan 23                    Jan       Feb    Mar Apr May Jun          Aug Sep       Oct    Nov Dec Jan 23
         4   8   14  18  23 27   1   5                        10     14  19 2021                       4         8      14 18   23  27           1   5         10     14  19 2021
                                      End of week                                                                                           End of week

         25th percentile         Median              75th percentile             90th percentile
                                                                                                                                                              Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                              View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                                                  Finding One              7
These significant distributional                                         to understanding the impacts of the                 We find that, consistent with Figure
 dynamics are not visible in public                                       pandemic and policies on the typical                1b, more families experienced balance
 datasets that report only aggregate                                      family, as trends differ for businesses.7           growth over the course of the pandemic
 statistics. Reported statistics often rely                               To understand what these overall                    than during the same months in the
 on averages, which we have shown to                                      increases mean for individual families,             prior year. Even with spending declines
 follow very different trajectories than                                  we further explore within-family                    and government supports, roughly
 medians. While the typical household                                     balance changes. Even with median                   30 percent of families experienced
 steadily depleted their cash buffer                                      balances elevated, some families could              a 10 percent or more decline in cash
 throughout the second half of 2020,                                      experience balance decreases and                    balances, but this share was lower in
 that pattern gets obscured in aggregate                                  face economic hardship as a result. We              the pandemic than in the prior year. In
 public statistics due to the influence of                                calculate family-level balance changes              other words, while some families do
 high-balance households in driving the                                   between February 2020 (just before                  experience balance declines during the
 means. Moreover, aggregate statistics                                    the pandemic) and January 2021 (the                 pandemic, there were fewer such fam-
 on total deposits do not isolate the                                     latest data in our sample). Figure 3                ilies than prior to the pandemic, likely
 outcomes of households as distinct                                       shows the distribution of those balance             due to several government interven-
 from other sectors, such as commercial                                   changes compared to the prior year.                 tions and changes in spending patterns.
 customers.6 This separation is critical

 Figure 3: Fewer families experienced balance declines during the pandemic (between February 2020 and January 2021)
 than in the prior year

                                      Distribution of within-family balance changes between February 2020 and January 2021 compared to the prior year


Share of households (%)



                          20                                                 18.3
                                             < 50                    [ 50, 10)                   [ 10,10)                     [10, 50)                   >=50

                                                                                        Balance change (%)
                               2020      2021
                                                                                                                                                    Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

 View text version

 8                             Finding One                                                             Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Finding Two
Households with lower starting liquid balances—lower-income and
younger account holders—experienced the largest balance increases
on a percent basis, but lost those initial balance gains the fastest.

Given that the pandemic resulted in             considerably narrower gap than                              families ended January with balances
greater job losses among low-income             when balances were at their peaks in                        61 percent elevated, compared with
workers (Cajner et al. 2020) in                 the spring. With the delivery of the                        32 percent for their high-income
particular, we further explore liquid           second round of stimulus payments                           counterparts. In sum, low-income
balance changes by income and age.8             in January 2021, balances were up                           families’ balances have been the
Separating first by income, Figure 4a           96 percent for the lowest earners,                          most impacted by stimulus payments,
shows balance increases for all income          and 43 percent for the highest.                             experiencing the largest percentage
quartiles.9 The highest income quartile         Though the gap appears to narrow                            increases and fastest declines.
(families with take-home labor income           more quickly this time: low-income
greater than $68,896 in 2019) posted
the largest dollar gains, with balances
roughly $1,400 higher in May 2020               Figure 4a: All income groups experienced similar balance trends during the
than May 2019 (Figure 4c). The lowest           pandemic, though balance levels vary significantly by income
income quartile (families making
less than $30,296 in 2019) increased
                                                                                   Median weekly balances, by income quartile
balances by half as much, peaking
at a gain of $700 relative to 201910.                               Emergency                                                          EIP distributed
                                                                     declared                                                          from Treasury
Due to their lower balance levels,                                  Mar 13, 2020                                                         Jan 4, 2021

the lowest-income families saw                                                            EIP distributed from
                                                                                          Treasury Apr 15, 2020
the largest year-over-year gains in               $5,000
percentage terms despite having the
lowest dollar gains (Figure 4b). At              $4,000

the peak in May, low-income families
had doubled their balances relative
to 2019, compared with the highest-
earning families who were up by
roughly 40 percent. However, these                $1,000
gains were more quickly depleted
for low-income families, losing 70                   $0
                                                      Jan      Feb         Mar      Apr    May       Jun          Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov         Dec        Jan 23
percent of their 2020 balance gains                     4       8           14       18     23        27           1     5     10    14          19         2021
by the end of December. In contrast,
the highest-income families lost                      1st income quartile            3rd income quartile
48 percent of their 2020 balance                      2nd income quartile            4th income quartile
gains by the end of December. By
                                                 Note: This chart shows the me ian checking account balance by income quartile. We assign househol s into
the end of 2020, balances were up                income quartiles base on their total labor income from 2019. Househol s in income quartile 1 earne
year-over-year by 37 percent for                 between $12,000 an $30,296 in labor income; quartile 2 househol s earne $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3
                                                 househol s earne $44,955 to $68,896; an quar tile 4 househol s earne more than $68,896.
low-income families, compared to 21
percent for high-income families—a                                                                                                  Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

                                                View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                       Finding Two                9
Figure 4b: Low-income families saw the greatest year-over-                             Figure 4c: High-income families saw the largest dollar
year percent balance gains, but depleted those gains faster                            gains during the pandemic
than high-income families

                        Year-over-year percent change in                                                          Year-over-year dollar change in
                    median weekly balances, by income uartile                                                median weekly balances, by income uartile

           National                                                                                   National
          Emergency                                             EIP distributed                      Emergency                                          EIP distributed
           declared                                             from Treasury                         declared                                          from Treasury
          Mar 13, 2020                                            Jan 4, 2021                        Mar 13, 2020                                         Jan 4, 2021
                               EIP distributed from                                                                     EIP distributed from
                               Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                    Treasury Apr 15, 2020

100%                                                                                    $1,400


 40%                                                                                    $600


  0%                                                                                     $0
    Jan    Feb Mar       Apr May    Jun   Aug Sep        Oct   Nov   Dec Jan 23                Jan    Feb Mar Apr May Jun          Aug    Sep Oct     Nov Dec Jan 23
     4      8   14        18  23     27    1   5          10    14    19 2021                   4      8   14  18  23  27           1      5   10      14  19 2021

                                       End of week                                                                            End of week

       1st income quartile         2nd income quartile           3rd income quartile       4th income quartile

Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in
labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.

View text version                                                                                                                               Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

10      Finding Two                                                                      Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
We see a similar pattern for balance                        the most throughout the remainder of                     each increase in age group (Figure
changes by age. Figure 5b shows                             2020, and then see higher gains again                    5a). Note that this is not merely an
that younger age groups have higher                         in January 2021. These differences                       artifact of older account holders having
year-over-year percent growth in liquid                     across age groups are driven by dif-                     higher income than their younger
balances in the spring of 2020 than                         ferences in underlying balance levels.                   counterparts: the age gap in balances
older age groups, deplete their gains                       Median starting balances increase with                   holds within each income quartile.

Figure 5a: All age groups experienced similar balance                                   Figure 5b: Younger families saw the greatest year-over-year
trends during the pandemic, though balance levels vary                                  percent balance gains, but depleted those gains faster than
significantly by age                                                                    older families

                          Median weekly balances, by age group                                                    Year-over-year percent change in
                                                                                                                 median weekly balances, by age group

                  Emergency                                     EIP distributed
                                                                                                      Emergency                                            EIP distributed
                   declared                                     from Treasury
                                                                                                       declared                                            from Treasury
                  Mar 13, 2020                                    Jan 4, 2021
                                                                                                      Mar 13, 2020                                           Jan 4, 2021
                                    EIP distributed from
                                                                                                                          EIP distributed from
                                    Treasury Apr 15, 2020
                                                                                                                          Treasury Apr 15, 2020

   $4,000                                                                                  100%


   $2,500                                                                                    0%



       $0                                                                                    0%
            Jan    Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct              Nov Dec Jan 23                  Jan   Feb Mar Apr May        Jun Aug       Sep Oct       Nov Dec Jan 23
             4      8   14 18   23 27   1   5   10               14 19 2021                      4     8   14  18  23         27  1         5   10        14  19 2021
                                       End of week                                                                           End of week

         18-24              25-34      35-44           45-54        55-64         65+
                                                                                                                                                  Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                       View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                                     Finding Two              11
Finding Three
We see faster spend-down in liquid assets among families with
essential workers.

Another key aspect impacting a            By observing earnings directly               sized increases in their account
family’s experience of the pandemic is,   deposited into a family’s checking           balances as a result of the first
of course, employment. The pandemic       account, we can classify the industry        round of EIP. However, in both cases,
has impacted working hours, working       in which that family is employed.11 We       workers in the essential industry—drug
conditions, and layoffs, with changes     focus here on two industries commonly        stores, grocery stores, gas stations,
distributed unevenly across different     deemed non-essential in public health        and discount stores—spent down
types of employment. Restaurant           ordinances—accommodation and food            their cash balances faster than
and retail employees saw widespread       services, and department stores—in           workers in non-essential industries—
layoffs and unemployment, while           comparison with two essential                accommodation, food services, and
workers in information-based office       retail sectors—drug stores, and a            department stores. Given that job
jobs remained largely employed, able      category comprised of supercenters,          losses were more concentrated in
to shift to telework (BLS 2020). And of   grocery stores, and gas stations.            non-essential industries, the slower
course, workers in essential jobs—from    We find these four sectors interesting       depletion in cash buffers among
healthcare professionals to grocery       because they offer two pairs of              non-essential workers is likely due to
store cashiers—faced entirely different   industries with employees who have           the generous unemployment benefits
changes during the pandemic.              similar levels of account balances prior     that workers received through July
                                          to the pandemic but who work in an           as a result of the CARES Act and Lost
                                          essential (solid lines) versus non-          Wages Assistance, which more than
                                          essential (dotted lines) industry. The       replaced typical earnings and led to
                                          first pair, in blue, is accommodation        considerable savings (Ganong et al.
        Workers in essential
                                          and food service workers versus drug         2020; Greig et al. 2021). On the other
       industries spent down
                                          store workers. The second pair, in           hand, it is a stark reality that families
     their cash balances faster
                                          orange, is department store employees        with essential workers exhibited a
        than workers in non-                                                           faster depletion of liquid assets. With
                                          versus other retail employees (grocery
        essential industries.                                                          the arrival of the second round of
                                          stores, gas stations, discount stores).
                                          Each pair begins with comparable             stimulus payments in January 2021,
                                          account balances and sees similarly          balances were again comparable for
                                                                                       each essential and non-essential pair.

12   Finding Three                                                Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Figure 6a: Employees working in essential industries                                 Figure 6b: Employees working in essential industries
depleted their balance gains faster than those in non-                               depleted their balance gains faster than those in non-
essential industries                                                                 essential industries

         Median weekly balances, by industry o employment                                        Year-over-year dollar change in median weekly balances,
                                                                                                                by industry o employment
            National                                                                              National
           Emergency                                       EIP distributed                       Emergency                                              EIP distributed
            declared                                       from Treasury                          declared                                              from Treasury
           Mar 13, 2020                                      Jan 4, 2021                         Mar 13, 2020                                             Jan 4, 2021

                              EIP distributed from                                                                     EIP distributed from
                              Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                    Treasury Apr 15, 2020

$2,000                                                                                $1,000

$ ,500

$ ,000                                                                                  $400


    $0                                                                                 -$200
     Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 23                                     Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun              Aug Sep       Oct Nov Dec Jan 23
       4  8   14 18 23 27     1   5   10 14 19 2021                                          4   8   14  18  23  27               1   5         10 14   19 2021

                                End o week                                                                                  End o week

       Accommodation and food services            Drug stores           Department stores          Grocery stores, gas stations, and discount stores

                                                                                                                                               Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                    View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                              Finding Three               13
Finding Four
Initial pandemic balance increases for low-income families were
driven by increases in account inflows, while high-income families
offset decreases in inflows by larger decreases in outflows.

In Finding One, we document a large       close to pre-pandemic levels by the          lowest-earning families, outflows
increase in household checking            end of the year, before peaking again        were elevated above their pre-
account balances at the star t of the     in January 2021. In contrast, account        pandemic baseline through the end
pandemic, followed by a depletion         inflows for families in the highest          of 2020. In contrast, outflows for the
of gains during the remainder of          income group decrease relative to            highest-earning families remained
2020, with an increase again in           2019 in April and May. We observe            depressed throughout the spring
January 2021; in Finding Two, we          a pronounced spike in total inflows          and summer, peaking in July, and
show that balance increases were          in late June for all income groups,          ending the year slightly elevated
greatest for high-income families,        due to irregularities in the alignment       relative to 2019, though less so than
and low-income families depleted          of paycheck timing for families with         at the star t of 2020. In January
their balance gains the fastest. In       different pay cadences.12 Inflows            2021, with the receipt of the second
order to explain these trends, we         stabilize $265 above 2019 levels             round of EIP, all income groups
turn our attention to the mechanisms      by the end of the year, roughly 50           exhibited large spikes in outflows.
that determine balance levels and         percent lower than pre-pandemic              In summary, while liquid balances
separately assess changes in account      status, when families started the            increased for families across the
inflows (labor income, government         year with inflows $540 greater than          income spectrum during the early
supports, transfers in from other         2019 levels. As with the lower-income        period of the pandemic, the ways in
accounts) and changes in account          families, January 2021 brings an             which inflows and outflows contributed
outflows (spending, debt payments,        inflow spike to the highest earners.         to those balances differed across the
transfers out of the account).            Account outflows show a marked               income spectrum. For most families,
We show trends in median inflows          decrease in April 2020 for each              balances grew despite elevated
(Figure 7a) and outflows (Figure          income group. Given that a national          outflows because of even larger
7b) in four-week intervals through        emergency was declared on March 13,          increases in inflows. But high-income
January 2021, by income quartile.         and most states went into lockdown           families experienced the reverse:
We see marked differences in these        by the end of the first week of April,       balances grew despite temporary
trends by income level, with the          these trends may represent decreases         decreases in inflows because of
highest income quartile displaying        in spending based on the constraints         concurrent cuts in outflows. After the
distinct trends compared with             imposed by public health measures.           second round of stimulus payments
the remainder of our sample.              Outflows rebounded in the following          in January 2021, across the income
All three of the lower income quartiles   periods, peaking in July13 for every         spectrum, families increased outflows.
exhibit an inflows peak in April 2020,    income group before decreasing               The remaining findings will further
coinciding with the first round of        to settle at a lower steady state            decompose inflows and outflows into
stimulus payments. Inflow levels          for the remainder of the year.               key sub-categories to understand
remain elevated for the remainder of      These trends vary somewhat by                which factors drive these distinctions.
the summer before gradually falling       income group, however: among the

14   Finding Four                                                 Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Figures 7a & 7b: Balances grew initially due to increased account inflows and decreased outflows

       Year-over-year percent change in median account inflows,                             Year-over-year percent change in median account outflows,
                  y income quartile (four-week periods)                                                y income quartile (four-week periods)

         National                                                                            National
        Emergency                                             EIP distributed               Emergency                                                     EIP distributed
         declared                                             from Treasury                  declared                                                     from Treasury
        Mar 13, 2020                                            Jan 4, 2021                 Mar 13, 2020                                                    Jan 4, 2021

                             EIP distributed from                                                                EIP distributed from
40%                          Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                   30%                         Treasury Apr 15, 2020




-10%                                                                                 -10%
        Feb 22         Apr    Jun         Aug        Oct    Nov        Jan 23               Feb 22         Apr     Jun         Aug       Oct            Nov          Jan 23
         2020           18     13          8          3      28         2021                 2020           18      13          8         3              28           2021

                             End of four-week period                                                             End of four-week period

       1st income quartile          2nd income quartile      3rd income quartile         4th income quartile

No e: We assign households in o income quar iles based on heir o al labor income from 2019. Households in income quar ile 1 earned be ween $12,000 and $30,296 in
labor income; quar ile 2 households earned $30,296 o $44,955; quar ile 3 households earned $44,955 o $68,896; and quar ile 4 households earned more han $68,896.

                                                                                                                                               Source: JPMorgan Chase Ins i u e

View text version                                                                   View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                                Finding Four              15
Finding Five
Income increased for low-income households despite greater
job losses, due in part to government supports.

We define a measure of total income as       Labor income—defined as income                families, though even families in the
all non-transfer inflows into a family’s     received via paychecks direct-deposited       highest income quartile saw substantial
checking accounts. This consists of labor    into a family’s checking accounts—follows     increases. This is evidence that lower-in-
income from direct deposit paychecks,        a different pattern14. At the start of the    come households faced a greater risk of
UI income, tax refunds, and all other        year, median labor income was elevated        job loss. This may also be evidence that
non-transfer inflows. (See Figure A1 in      3 to 4 percent relative to 2019 levels        lower-income households dispropor-
the Appendix for detail on each income       for families in the highest three income      tionately benefited from the CARES Act
category by income quartile.) Figure 8a      quartiles, but somewhat depressed for         expansion of unemployment eligibility
shows that median total income follows       the lowest earners (2 percent down).          to self-employed and “gig workers” via
similar trends as median total inflows in    In late March, labor income began to          the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
Figure 7a: highly elevated in April 2020     decrease relative to 2019 levels for all      (PUA) program. Large numbers of
relative to 2019, depleting most of those    income groups, reaching a low of 10 to        previously ineligible families in the low-
initial gains by the following month, and    15 percent below 2019 income in late          income group could contribute to the
continuing downward before reaching          May. By late July, labor income reached       larger increases in UI recipiency rates
a steady state throughout the fall and       a steady state for the remainder of           we observe for low-income families.
winter of 2020. The lowest-income            the year, with the lowest three income
families experienced the greatest            quartiles slightly below 2019 levels (1 to
increase in total income in 2020, relative   2 percent down), and the highest-income
to their earnings in 2019; at the upper      families somewhat more depressed                            Direct deposit
end of the income distribution, median       relative to 2019 (2 to 4 percent down).                 UI recipiency in our
income was roughly at parity with 2019       Along with the observed decrease in                  sample increased sharply
levels from May 2020 through year’s          labor income relative to 2019, the rate                following the national
end. In January 2021, families across        of direct deposit UI recipiency15 in our              emergency declaration
the income distribution experienced a        sample increased sharply following                            in March.
marked increase in total income with the     the national emergency declaration in
arrival of the second round of stimulus.     March (Figure 9a). This increase was
                                             most dramatic for the lowest-earning

16    Finding Five                                                    Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Figure 8a: Low-income families experienced the greatest                              Figure 8b: Low-income families experienced the greatest
year-over-year percent increase in total income during the                           year-over-year percent decrease in labor income during the
pandemic                                                                             early months of the pandemic

       Year-over-year percent change in median total income                                     Year-over-year percent change in median labor income,
               by income quartile (four-week periods)                                                   by income quartile (four-week periods)

                                                                                                 Emergency                                                 EIP distributed
        Emergency                                               EIP distributed                   declared                                                 from Treasury
         declared                                               from Treasury                    Mar 13, 2020                                                Jan 4, 2021
        Mar 13, 2020                                              Jan 4, 2021
                             EIP distributed from                                                                     EIP distributed from
                             Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                    Treasury Apr 15, 2020
40%                                                                                       10%

30%                                                                                        5%

 20%                                                                                      −0%

 10%                                                                                      −5%

  0%                                                                                     −10%

-10%                                                                                     −15%
        Feb 22         Apr      Jun        Aug       Oct      Nov        Jan 23                   Feb 22        Apr     Jun       Aug         Oct         Nov         Jan 23
         2020           18       13         8         3        28         2021                     2020          18      13        8           3           28          2021

                              End of four-week period                                                                 End of four-week period

       1st income quartile         2nd income quartile        3rd income quartile         4th income quartile

 Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in
 labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.

                                                                                                                                                Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                    View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                                   Finding Five            17
Conditional on receiving UI payments,                     provided a supplement of $600 per                     Act of 2021 reauthorized the $300
median payment amounts are roughly                        week from April through July for every-               weekly supplement beginning after
equal across income groups, with only                     one receiving unemployment benefits.                  December 26, 2020. We observe
the lowest income quartile distinct,                      While FPUC originally expired on July                 changes in UI amounts consistent
at a slightly lower conditional median                    31, 2020, states paid out an addi-                    with these policy changes: conditional
level (Figure 9b). The CARES Act                          tional $300 per week in Lost Wages                    median UI payments increased in
expanded unemployment benefits via                        Assistance in September and October,                  May 2020, reverted to pre-pandemic
the Federal Pandemic Unemployment                         and the Coronavirus Response and                      levels in August, and increased
Compensation (FPUC) legislation, which                    Relief Supplemental Appropriations                    slightly again in January 2021.16

Figure 9a: UI recipient rate increased dramatically between                         Figure 9b: UI amount for recipient families was elevated
March and May 2020, and has been slowly falling since                               May through July 2020, and again in Jaunary 2021

       UI recipiency rate, by income quartile (four-wee periods)                                           Conditional median UI amount, by
                                                                                                          income quartile (four-wee periods)

15%                                                                                 $3,500







 0%                                                                                     $0
       Feb 22       Apr      Jun         Aug        Oct       Nov      Jan 23                Feb 22      Apr        Jun       Aug        Oct          Nov          Jan 23
        2020         18       13          8          3         28       2021                  2020        18         13        8          3            28           2021

                            End of four-wee period                                                                 End of four-wee period

      1st income quartile          2nd income quartile        3rd income quartile        4th income quartile

Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in
labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.

                                                                                                                                            Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                   View text version

18     Finding Five                                                                    Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Finding Six
After initial spending decreases across the income distribution,
low-income families rebounded to higher-than-usual spending
while high-income families remain roughly at parity with prior

In Figure 10, we track household                families in the lowest income quartile                        Spend increased for all income quartiles
spending in four-week intervals. We             surpassed pre-pandemic spending,                              in January 2021, after the arrival of the
define spending as checking account             peaking at levels more than 10 percent                        second stimulus payment in the first
outflows to cash, paper checks, utility         greater than the prior year in June and                       week of January. Families in the lowest
or telecom payments, school fees,               July, decreasing slightly though still                        income quartile increased their spending
debit card purchases, and other spend           elevated by year’s end at 7 percent                           to 20 percent higher than the previous
excluding tax payments. This measure            over 2019 spend. The highest-earning                          year. In contrast, this increase boosted
differs from card-based spending                families gradually achieved parity with                       the spending of the highest-income
measures publicly available from                2019 levels, but ended the year with                          families to roughly 4 percent above the
other administrative data sources (e.g.         spending depressed relative to both                           prior year. (For a full decomposition
Opportunity Insights) in that it includes       2019 and their pre-pandemic activity.                         of the categories of spend by income
cash, checks, and electronic payments                                                                         quartile, see Appendix Figure A2.)
but excludes credit card transactions,
which we treat separately. In Box 1, we
show a card-based measure of spending           Figure 10: After initial spend decreases, spend increased after both sets of
in two-week intervals, which includes           stimulus payments, especially for lower-income families
debit and credit card transactions,
as a benchmark to those sources.                    Year-over-year percent change in median spend, by income quartile four-week periods)
In February 2020, families were
spending slightly more than they did                          Emergency                                                                            EIP distributed
                                                               declared                                                                            from Treasury
over the same period in 2019: median                          Mar 13, 2020                                                                           Jan 4, 2021
spending was up roughly 2 percent                                                     EIP distributed from
                                                                                      Treasury Apr 15, 2020
for the lowest-earning families and 4              20%
percent for families in the remaining
income quartiles. Across the income
distribution, families decreased
their spending dramatically in April,
with the highest-income families                  −10%
dropping the most relative to 2019.
Spending was down 10 percent in                  −20%
                                                            Feb 22           Apr 18        Jun 13             Aug 8         Oct 3        Nov 28               Jan 23
April 2020 for families in the bottom                        2020                                                                                              2021
                                                                                             End of four-week period
income quartile, and 18 percent
for the highest-earning families.                     1st income quartile         2nd income quartile            3rd income quartile        4th income quartile

Spending for all income groups began             Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in
to rebound in May, after the arrival of          inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296
                                                 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than
the first round of stimulus payments.            $68,896.
Over the course of the summer,                                                                                                         Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

                                                View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                          Finding Six            19
Box 1: Benchmarking our spend measure
         In an effort to explain changes                   While our checking-account-                      we plot a series of total card
         in families’ liquid balances,                     based metrics include purchases                  spend (i.e. debit card and credit
         the spend metrics we report in                    made via debit card, they do                     card transactions) for our
         this finding represent money                      not capture the spending that                    sample, in two-week intervals.
         flowing directly out of checking                  families conduct via credit                      Results are qualitatively
         accounts. This can make for                       card—only the payments                           consistent with trends captured
         difficult comparisons with                        made to those cards from                         in other administrative
         external benchmarks that rely                     the checking account. To                         datasets based on debit and
         on a combination of debit and                     compare our trends with external                 credit card spending.17
         credit card transactions.                         benchmarks,

                      Year-over-year percent change in credit card and debit card spend, by income quartile (two-week periods)

                     National Emergency            EIP distributed from                                                               EIP distributed fro
                    declared Mar 13, 2020          Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                              Treasury Jan 4, 2021







                         Feb 22                 Apr 18                     Jun 27                Sep 5                    Nov 14                         Jan 23
                          2020                                                                                                                            2021
                                                                              End of two-week period

                1st income quartile         2nd income quartile            3rd income quartile      4th income quartile

          Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between
          $12,000 and $30,296 in labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and
          quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.
                                                                                                                                   Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute
          View text version

Given public health measures                          in total income, and, in particular,                     decreases for each income group
that implicitly restricted many                       the generous government supports                         over the course of the year: roughly 1
types of discretionary spending,                      through stimulus and unemployment                        percentage point for the bottom two
it is perhaps not surprising that                     insurance, which disproportionately                      income quartiles, and 2 percentage
spending decreased in the wake of                     benefited low-income families.                           points for the top two quartiles by
the national emergency declaration.                   Next, we turn to trends in credit card                   the end of November. The decreases
And yet, many families’ spending,                     payments, which reflect trends in                        reversed in December 2020 and
particularly that of low-income                       both spending and credit card debt                       January 2021, adding roughly 2
families, exceeded pre-pandemic                       repayment. In Figure 11a, payment                        percentage points for each income
spending levels throughout much                       incidence rates were relatively                          quartile. Trends in median payment
of 2020 and par ticularly in January                  steady throughout the year, though                       amount for families making credit card
2021. This is consistent with the trends              we observe very minor and gradual                        payments18 in a given month (Figure

20    Finding Six                                                                        Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
11b) diverge by income: families in the                           when the low-income families hit their                     card-based spending measure in Box 1
lowest income quartile started the year                           post-stimulus peak. Payment amounts                        shows that combined debit and credit
7 percent higher than 2019 payments,                              rebounded somewhat to end the year                         card spend was down year-over-year
increasing to peak at 24 percent by                               10 percent elevated, and in January                        for high-income families, but elevated
May before decreasing again to end                                they were again elevated by 16 percent                     for low-income families. For each
the year 13 percent up relative to                                after the second round of stimulus.                        income quartile, year-over-year credit
December 2019. In January 2021,                                   Interpreting these trends, we note that                    card payments in Figure 11b are ele-
payments from the lowest-earning                                  changes in payment amount can indi-                        vated more than year-over-year card
families were 26 percent elevated,                                cate a family changing their spending                      spend in Box 1, suggesting that families
after the arrival of the second stimulus                          behavior (how much they transact on                        are paying down their debt more
payment, echoing the peak in May                                  their credit card), or changing their                      rapidlly. Indeed, evidence of improved
after the first round of stimulus.                                paydown behavior (what proportion of                       credit health—including declines in
Families in the highest income quartile,                          the balance they pay each month). We                       credit card utilization and past-due
in contrast, started the year 14 percent                          cannot precisely distinguish between                       debt—has been documented more
higher than in 2019, but reversed to                              these in our data. However, our                            broadly (e.g., Urban Institute 2021).
slightly below 2019 values in May,

Figure 11a: Credit card payment rate was relatively steady                                  Figure 11b: Conditional credit card payment amount was
during the pandemic                                                                         depressed during the pandemic for the highest earners and
                                                                                            elevated for the rest; all income groups experienced further
                                                                                            elevation by the end of 2020

               Incidence rate o credit card payments, by                                     Year-over-year percent change in conditional median credit card
                  income quartile ( our-week periods)                                           payment amount, by income quartile ( our-week periods)

          National                                                                                    National
         Emergency                                                    EIP distributed                Emergency                                                      EIP distributed
          declared                                                    from Treasury                   declared                                                      from Treasury
         Mar 13, 2020                                                   Jan 4, 2021                  Mar 13, 2020                                                     Jan 4, 2021

                                  EIP distributed from                                                                        EIP distributed from
                                  Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                       Treasury Apr 15, 2020
100%                                                                                          30%




  0%                                                                                         −10%
          Feb 22        Apr 18    Jun 13      Aug 8       Oct 3     Nov 28     Jan 23                Feb 22         Apr 18     Jun 13     Aug 8       Oct 3     Nov 28         Jan 23
           2020                                                                 2021                  2020                                                                      2021
                                 End o our-week period                                                                        End o our-week period

       1st income quartile             2nd income quartile            3rd income quartile       4th income quartile

 Note: We assign households into inco e quartiles based on their total labor inco e fro 2019. Households in inco e quartile 1 earned between $12,000 and $30,296 in
 labor inco e; quartile 2 households earned $30,296 to $44,955; quartile 3 households earned $44,955 to $68,896; and quartile 4 households earned ore than $68,896.

                                                                                                                                                         Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute

View text version                                                                           View text version

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                                                             Finding Six            21
Next, we turn to other debt payments,                           enrolled in mortgage forbearance,                        during the pandemic likely varied
which includes payments to                                      and roughly one third of homeowners                      by their debt compositions.
mortgages, auto loans, student loans,                           in forbearance continued to make                         In our sample, the incidence of debt
and other installment loans (excluding                          payments (Farrell et al. 2020). In                       payments was steady at the start of
credit card payments). During the                               contrast, forbearance on federal                         the year, with 62 percent of families
pandemic, forbearance was offered for                           student loans was proactively                            in the highest income quartile making
most types of household debt. Loan                              implemented, automatically stopping                      payments compared with 26 percent
servicers implemented forbearance                               electronic student loan payments                         of families in the lowest income
protocols in different ways for two                             for borrowers unless they opted                          quartile (Figure 12a). Payment rates
key types of debt—mortgages and                                 out. In short, while a variety of                        began falling in late March, reaching
student loans—resulting in different                            forbearance options were available                       a new steady state by May, at roughly
outcomes. Mortgage forbearance was                              during the pandemic, the ease of                         53 percent for the highest-earning
made readily available to homeowners                            enrollment and resulting uptake rates                    families, and 20 percent for the lowest-
experiencing self-reported COVID-                               varied by debt type, so the extent to                    earning families for most of 2020.
related hardship. Despite the lack of                           which families used forbearance to                       Notably, debt payments increased
documentation requirements, fewer                               reduce their debt payment burdens                        in January 2021 after the arrival of
than 10 percent of homeowners                                                                                            the second stimulus payments.

Figure 12a: Debt payment rate decreased in the spring of                                 Figure 12b: Conditional debt payment amount was depressed
2020 for all income quartiles                                                            during the pandemic for the highest earners and elevated for
                                                                                         the rest; all income groups experienced further elevation by the
                                                                                         end of 2020

                       Incidence rate o debt payments,                                              Year-over-year percent change in conditional median debt
                    by income quartile ( our-week periods)                                           payment amount, by income quartile ( our-week periods)

         National                                                                                     National
        Emergency                                                    EIP distributed                 Emergency                                                    EIP distributed
         declared                                                    from Treasury                    declared                                                    from Treasury
        Mar 13, 2020                                                   Jan 4, 2021                   Mar 13, 2020                                                   Jan 4, 2021

                                EIP distributed from                                                                       EIP distributed from
                                Treasury Apr 15, 2020                                                                      Treasury Apr 15, 2020
 80%                                                                                         30%

 60%                                                                                         20%

 40%                                                                                          10%

 20%                                                                                           0%

  0%                                                                                        −10%
         Feb 22        Apr 18   Jun 13      Aug 8       Oct 3     Nov 28      Jan 23                 Feb 22     Apr 18     Jun 13      Aug 8       Oct 3      Nov 28         Jan 23
          2020                                                                 2021                   2020                                                                    2021
                                End o our-week period                                                                      End o our-week period

       1st income quartile           2nd income quartile           3rd income quartile       4th income quartile

 No e: We assign households in o income quar iles based on heir o al labor income from 2019. Households in income quar ile 1 earned be ween $12,000 and $30,296 in
 labor income; quar ile 2 households earned $30,296 o $44,955; quar ile 3 households earned $44,955 o $68,896; and quar ile 4 households earned more han $68,896.

                                                                                                                                                      Source: JPMorgan Chase Ins i u e

View text version                                                                        View text version

22      Finding Six                                                                         Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021
Conditional on making a debt payment,           Higher payment amounts among                 Finally, Figure 13 decomposes average
median payment amounts were steady              lower-income families could represent        outflow changes into changes in
at the start of the year, at parity with        families using their excess cash to pay      outflow components, including spend,
2019 amounts (Figure 12b). Conditional          down debt. Alternatively, it could reflect   transfers, and debt payments for
payment amounts began rising in late            a selection effect rather than actual pay-   each income quartile. We see a clear
March for the bottom three income               ment changes, if families with lower debt    increase in spend for families in the
quartiles, in coordination with payment         payments were disproportionately likely      highest and lowest income quartiles,
incidence decreases. In contrast,               to pause payments during the pandemic.       mirroring median results from Figure
families in the highest income quartile         Indeed, balancing the sample to include      10. In addition, we see that outflow
decreased their debt payments in April          only families who made payments in           transfers, while marginally elevated
to 7 percent below 2019 levels. Across          December 2020 results in relatively          relative to the prior year throughout
the income spectrum, payment amounts            steady conditional medians throughout        the pandemic, see an additional
peaked in late May after the arrival of         the year, confirming that selection          increase in January 2021. These trans-
the first stimulus payments in April,           effects play a dominant role in the          actions represent transfers out of fami-
suggesting that families used some              increase in conditional payment amount       lies’ checking accounts into another
of their stimulus funds to make larger          for the bottom three income quartiles.       account—possibly into some form of
debt payments. Throughout the rest of           In other words, the increasing trend in      savings or investment accounts, or
2020, payments for the lowest three             conditional payment amounts reflects         checking accounts at another bank.
income quartiles remained elevated              the fact that, among lower-income            Overall, the second stimulus disburse-
by at least 10 percent relative to 2019,        families, those with higher debt pay-        ments in January 2021 appear to have
rising further in November to roughly           ments were more likely to continue to        been used fairly soon upon receipt—
20 percent elevated through January.            make their payments while families with      either on spending (Figure 10), credit
High-income families also finished the          lower debt payments were more likely to      card paydown (Figure 11b), or transfers
year with elevated debt payments, by            stop making payments altogether.             out to fund savings or other accounts.
roughly 5 percent in January 2021.

Family cash balances, income, and expenditures trends through 2021                                                   Finding Six   23
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