FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG

FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
    REPORT 2020
            for the financial year of
    Österreichischen Bundesforste

FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Facts & Figures
                                                                                   Key figures 2020

  zugvogelwis sen                                                                                     Man and Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WHO WE ARE
Forest and Timber
                                                                       2018        2019       2020                                                                        2018         2019         2020

Annual sustainable yield (allowed cut) ÖBf AG                                                         Employees at ÖBf Group           2
                                                                                                                                                                         1,103        1,079        1,068
                                                                      1,587        1,603     1,602
in 1,000 harvested solid m 3, mixed
                                                                                                      Employees at affiliates                                              103         107          103
Timber harvested1 (=felling)
                                                                      1,522        1,461     1,690    Employees at ÖBf AG         3
                                                                                                                                                                         1,000         972          965
ÖBf AG in 1,000 harvested solid m3, mixed
Total area ÖBf AG in ha                                                                                  Salaried employees at ÖBf AG                                     620          623          619                                                                                                                    2
                                                                    850,000 850,000 850,000                                                                                                                                                                                                           L I NZ

as per company measurement
                                                                                                         Wage earners at ÖBf AG                                           380          349          346                                                                                                                    S T. P Ö LT E N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1                13
Forest area in ha                                                   510,000 510,000 510,000              Proportion of women ÖBf AG (as of 31.12) in %                   18.2%        18.6%        19.6%
1) Solid timber, including timber for beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights                      2) In full-time equivalents; on a yearly average; deviations to previous yearly reports due to a calcu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 E IS E N S TA DT
                                                                                                      lation conversion 3) Excluding employees in leave-of-absence phase of progressive retirement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          14          3   GUS SWER K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    B R EGE NZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       8   6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12                           9
Financial figures                                                                                      Nature                                                                                                                                I NNS B RU C K        10
ÖBf-Group                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GRAZ

                                                                         2018       2019      2020                                                                        2018         2019         2020

Total output in € million                                               238.0      222.4      227.1   Forest management – planting of seedlings                                                                                                                                            7
                                                                                                                                                                          1,947        1,755       1,708
Operating profit (EBIT) in € million                                     27.8      13.2       17.9    (afforestation) in 1,000 forest plants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    K L AGE NF U RT

Return on sales (profit on ordinary activities after rights                                           Forest and fauna – number of young
of usufruct/revenues) in %
                                                                         11.7       6.7       8.0
                                                                                                      browsing-damaged stems per ha4
                                                                                                                                                                         4,418        3,886        4,216
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Coronavirus and the
Equity ratio in %                                                       54.0       52.0       53.3     4) Applies to areas with young trees, corresponding to around
                                                                                                       21% of the total number of plants per ha                                                                                                                                                                       climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                A company for everyone                        1 Forest unit Wienerwald / Unternehmensleitung          The pandemic certainly made its mark
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2 Forest unit Waldviertel-Voralpen                      on 2020. Not even Österreichische Bun-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Österreichische Bundesforste (Bundes-         3 Forest unit Steiermark                                desforste could escape it. Staff switched to
                                                                   Sustainability is our greatest asset                                                                                                         forste, ÖBf) maintains one in every ten       4 Forest unit Steyrtal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      working from home setups in as many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5 Forest unit Traun-Innviertel
    Nature’s value cannot be overestimated.                               At Bundesforste, we are the nature conser-                   Sustainability is therefore our guiding prin-                            square metres of land in Austria – from       6 Forest unit Inneres Salzkammergut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      segments as possible. But unlike other
    Today, more and more people are realising                             vation enterprise for all of Austria. As such,               ciple. In our case, sustainability means ta-                             the Arlberg massif to the Donau-Auen          7 Forest unit Kärnten-Lungau                            companies, ÖBf did not put its staff on
    this, and they also know that we have to                              we bear a very special responsibility, both                  king only as much from nature as can readily                             National Park. Fifteen percent of the         8 Forest unit Flachgau-Tennengau                        reduced working hours, and with the ex-
    take specific measures to protect nature                              for developments in society and for the                      grow back. And more broadly, it means re-                                country’s forests and 70 of its larger la-    9 Forest unit Pongau                                    ception of the investment premium it did
    for future generations. For this reason, pu-                          ways in which we use our natural resources                   cognising that societal well-being and the
    blic awareness of our impact on nature and                            and natural habitats.                                        protection of nature and the environment                                 kes are managed by ÖBf. Around half           10 Forest unit Pinzgau                                  not accept government aid either. During
    the environment is now stronger than ever,                                                                                         are just as valuable as economic success.                                of these areas are covered by nature          11 Forest unit Unterinntal                              the lockdowns, many people seeking rest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              12 Forest unit Oberinntal
    along with increased interest in using re-                                                                                         This is the only way to achieve our larger                               conservation laws, and a third of the                                                                 and relaxation flocked to the forests,
    sources wisely. How much energy we use is                                                                                          goals: to make an important contribution,                                                                              13 National park unit Donau-Auen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                forest in mountainous areas is desig-                                                                 which became their havens and recreati-
    as big a part of this question as the modes                                                                                        as part of the bio-economy, to the societal                                                                            14 National park unit Kalkalpen
    of transportation we choose. At the same                                                                                           transition toward a circular economy based                               nated as protection forest. Our nature                                                                onal areas. Particularly in peri-urban fo-
                                                                                                  OUR                                                                                                           areas are grouped into twelve forestry                                                                rests, more people went walking in ÖBf
    time, there are also increasing demands on                                                                                         on renewable resources.
    nature as a habitat for wildlife and a space
                                                                                               PRINCIPLES                                                                                                       operations and two national park units.                                                               land than ever before. But COVID-19 was
    for people to relax.                                                                                                                                                                                        Bundesforste’s core business is forestry                                                              not the only distinguishing aspect to set
                                                                                                                                                                                                                management, along with associated                          The Bundesforste                           2020 apart. The financial year was yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                hunting and fishing activities. Busi-                     manages 850,000                             again characterised by climate change –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ness segments which are increasingly                      hectares of nature                          extreme weather and the bark beetle were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                important for the company’s success                       – forests, lakes and                        both responsible for a rise in the volume
                     We ensure our                                                           We preserve                                                                                                        are Real estate, Services and Renewab-                    mountains – for the                         of damaged timber. So forest restructu-
                       company’s                                                             and improve                                                      We are a                                          le energy. Since being spun off in 1997,                    general public.                           ring remains the watchword for a clima-
                     profitability for                                                       biodiversity                                                   responsible                                         ÖBf is a joint-stock company under the                                                                te-friendly and biodiverse “forest of the
                      the long term                                                         and the natural                                                partner for the                                      sole proprietorship of the Republic of                                                                future” and a plan that we will resolutely
                    and through solid                                                         resources                                                    region and its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Austria.                                                                                              continue to pursue too.
                      partnerships.                                                           entrusted                                                       people.
                                                                                                 to us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Got something to tell us? We look forward to hearing from you.


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FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Facts & Figures

 busine s s year 2020                                                                                                                                                               Employees abaut the exceptional year 2020

                                                                    Forest management
                                                                    Large amounts of dama-
                                                                    ged timber and lots of
Solid wood1 measured in thousands of harvested solid m3, in-
cluding timber for the beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights   2020 was a year dominated by climate                                                                                                                                                                  Hunting
                                                                    change. At around 1.4 million solid cubic



                                                                    metres, the volume of damaged timber          FOREST MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                       Game in protection
                                                                    increased to 81% (2019: 79%) of the total
Industrial timber         140             347            487
                                                                    timber harvested. This figure was mainly
                                                                                                                  MEASURES 2020                                                                                                                                           forests
Wood fuel2                 75             143            218        attributable to processing timber dama-                                       Costs in € million   Area in ha                                                                                         With an operating performance of €20.7
Other 3                    1              20              21        ged by windfall and snow breakage in          Planting                                 2.1             924                                                                                            million in 2020 (2019: €20.6 million), the
Total                     228           1,462          1,690        2019. Following a downward trend in pre-      Care of young trees                                                                                                                                     Hunting segment developed according
                                                                                                                                                            1             1,745
                                                                    vious years, beetle-infested timber also      (=tending young stands)                                                                                                                                 to plan. A number of expert discussions
1) Solid wood = timber whose diameter with bark is more than 7 cm
2) Forest biomass
                                                                    doubled again to just under 500,000 so-       Protection against game                 0.8            4,448                                                                                            focused on adjusting the game popula-
3) Other logs, fuel wood and mixed lots                             lid cubic metres. But it was not all doom     Protection against grazing              0.2             1,887                                                                                           tion to a level that the forest habitat can
                                                                    and gloom in 2020. The excessively warm                                                                                                                                                               sustain. Special attention was paid to
                                                                                                                  Care of young forests
                                                                    and dry spell lasting the first four months   (=thicket maintenance)
                                                                                                                                                          2.3             2,924                                                                                           forest and game management in alpine
                                                                    of the year was followed by several                                                                                                                                                                   protection forests, and an extensive
                                                                                                                  Combating beetle                        5.1               –
                                                                    months of high precipitation that gave the                                                                                                                                                            project was launched on the steep sou-
                                                                                                                  Other1)                                 0.5              516
                                                                    soil a good soaking and helped to make                                                                                                                                                                thern slopes of the Höllengebirge (Upper
                           €48 MILLION                              the trees more resilient. ÖBf invested a      Initial thinning2)                        –             1,787                                                                                           Austria) to restore a protection forest
                           in forestry-related                      total of €12 million in forest maintenance,   Total expenditure                        12               –                                                                                             repeatedly damaged by windfall and
                            additional costs                        allocating €5.1 million to bark beetle con-   1) Combating old man’s beard (Clematis vitalba), pruning,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          bark beetle through natural regeneration
                            were incurred in                        trol. The number of afforestation plants      fertilising, etc.                                                                                                                                       measures. At the same time, it is being
                                                                    was reduced further in favour of naturally    2) The costs of initial thinning are included in the costs of
                            2020 due to the                                                                       harvesting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          determined how professional hunting
                            consequences of                         grown young trees.                                                                                                                                                                                    speeds up mountain forest regeneration.
                            climate change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The ÖBf’s own young-growth forest mo-
                                                                    Forest/Timber                                                                                                                                                                                         nitoring activities show a varied picture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          While “browsed main branches” in de-
                                                                    Timber harvesting in times of (the coronavirus and                                                                                                                                                    ciduous trees saw another year-on-year
                                                                    climate) crisis                                                                                                                                                                                       increase in 2020 to 30%, there was a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          slight downward trend in the particularly
COMPOSITION OF HARVESTED                                            Both the COVID-19 crisis and the climate crisis were defining factors of the 2020                                                                                                                     affected silver fir. There was also a noti-
TIMBER VOLUME 2020                                                  financial year in the Forest/Timber segment. The stocks held at the start of the                                                                                                                      ceable decline in the number of freshly
according to various criteria, solid wood1 measured in
thousands of harvested solid m 3                                    year were high, at around 450,000 solid cubic metres (almost one third of the                                                                                                                         peeled trees. But, on the whole, damage
                            2019     Change in %       2020         amount of timber that ÖBf harvests sustainably each year). But timber damaged                                                                                                                         by game is still too high in some areas,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and sustainable wildlife management will
Type of sales/production                                            by storms, snow breakage and bark beetles from the record winter of 2019 did not                                                                                                                      remain the focus.
Direct labour¹             1,215          19.8        1,455         just fill the ÖBf warehouses. The entire European timber market was tremendous-
Stumpage sales                 51         15.7          59          ly overloaded at the start of the year. When the first lockdown started in March                                                                                                                      DEVELOPMENT OF HARVESTED
Transfer to benefi-
ciaries of forest           147           -4.1          141         2020, production at numerous sawmills ground to a halt, with demand at almost                                                                                                                         TIMBER VOLUME 2011 – 2020
utilisation rights                                                  a complete standstill for several weeks. The fully digital timber storage yard in                                                                                                                     Solid wood1 measured in thousands of harvested solid m3,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          including timber for the beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights
Other2                         48        -27.1          35          Amstetten (Lower Austria), which went into operation in 2020 and had a capacity
Wood type
                                                                    of up to 200,000 solid cubic metres of timber, ended up providing significant re-                                                                                                                             Thinnings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of mature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total     Of which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  harvested damaged
Hardwood                    263          -13.7          227
                                                                    lief. Contrary to bleak forecasts, timber production started back up again in early                                                                                                                   Year    (=prior use)    timber          volume    wood
Softwood                   1,198          22.1        1,463
                                                                    summer, reaching a new peak in the fourth quarter. Completely committed to its                                                                                                                        2011          467           1,053          1,520          749
Type of use                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2012          562             962          1,524          512
                                                                    schedule, ÖBf managed to process around one third of the timber harvest in just
Thinnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2013         600              935          1,535         498
                            801          12.4          900          three months and deliver the commodity to customers both on time and in top
(=prior use)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2014          618             911          1,529          531
Harvesting of                                                       quality. With total felling amounting to 1.69 million solid cubic metres, the timber                            Waldviertel-Voralpen forestry operation
mature timber               660           19.7         790                                                                                                                                                                                                                2015          762             765          1,527        1,012
(=end use)                                                          harvested in 2020 was slightly higher than the sustainable allowed cut of 1.6 milli-                            Julia Frost, Office Manager                                                           2016          645             870          1,515         770
Type of operation                                                   on solid cubic metres. Given that recent years had seen large quantities of damaged                                                                                                                   2017          662             822          1,484         680
Commercial forest          1,308          16.9        1,529         timber processed and intensive forest protection measures introduced, forest ma-                                While implementing the technical prerequisites to enable staff to work from home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2018          664             858          1,522        1,004
Protection forest           153           5.2           161         nagement was now necessary and also produced timber. Forest/Timber’s year-end                                   was difficult to begin with, it was not long until everything was running smoothly.   2019          801             660          1,461        1,152
Total volume               1,461         15.7         1,690         results were reported as an operating performance of €115.3 million, roughly on a                               One thing that we are missing is exchanging ideas with colleagues in passing. We      2020         900              790         1,690 2       1,366
1) Production by ÖBf employees, forest technology,                  par with the previous year’s performance (2019: €116 million). The timber harves-                               often put our heads together to come up with fresh ideas and swift solutions. I am    1) Solid wood = timber whose diameter with bark is more than 7 cm
logging companies and farmers
2) Remaining at the forest site, payment in kind, etc.              ting costs fell from €32.5/solid m3 in 2019 to €31.3/solid m3.                                                  looking forward to being able to do that again!                                       2) Excluding 99,000 harvested solid m3 of non-solid wood

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FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Facts & Figures

busine s s year 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                       Environmental and climate protection                                 Hunting
                                                                                                                                                                                       More working from home The digital hunting area
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bundesforste launched its very own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            hunting app in 2020, providing a brand-
              ÖBf plants will supply                                                                                                                                                   Investments made in communications                                   new service for its roughly 1,600 hun-
                 77,000                                                                                                                                                                infrastructure helped to maintain ope-                               ting clients. The heart of the system is
                                                                                                                                                      There are
               HOUSEHOLDS                                                                                                                             2,450                            rations despite the lockdown measures                                the interactive hunting area map, which
              with green electricity
                    per year.
                                                                                                                                                   KILOMETRES                          introduced due to COVID-19. Just un-                                 provides information about the shooting
                                                                                                                                               of mountain bike trails                 der 290 employees made use of the op-                                plan, the hunting area boundaries, forest
                                                                                                                                               on ÖBf land at present                                                                                       roads, hunting trails and daily legal hun-
                                                                                                                                                  – and that figure                    portunities to work from home, doing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ting hours and weather forecasts at the
Renewable Energy                                                                                                                                continues to grow.                     so for 35 days on average. Accordingly,                              touch of a button. Additionally, raised
                                                                                                                                                                                       there was active participation in online                             hides, hunting lodges, game sightings
More green electricity                                                                                                                                                                 meetings. More than 460 employees at-                                and game shootings can be located di-
It was a positive financial year in the                                                                                                                                                tended meetings held over MS Teams                                   gitally, and game shootings can even be
Renewable Energy segment. All eight                                                                                                                                                    on several occasions. The evaluation for                             reported to the ÖBf forest rangers using a
small-scale hydropower plants opera-                                                                                                                                                   the last quarter of 2020 revealed that                               smartphone or tablet. The app also enab-
ted at full capacity, generating around                                                                                                                                                                                                                     les hunting communities to exchange in-
                                                                                                                                                                                       staff notched up almost 7,500 hours of
20% more green electricity compared                                                                                                  Real Estate                                       screen time. The fact that more staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            formation about hunting areas in real time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and organise upcoming hunting trips (in
to the previous year with a total output                                                                                             Record result                                     were working from home was reflected                                 raised hides too) online from the comfort
of about 83 GWh. This was partly due                                                                                                                                                   in the mileage travelled using company
                                                                                                                                     For the first time in its history, the Real                                                                            of their own homes.
to water constantly flowing in the rivers                                                                                                                                              cars. Compared to 2019, it fell nearly 5%
                                                                                                                                     Estate business unit ended the year abo-
and streams and (once the snow had                                                                                                                                                     to 15.6 million kilometres. The number
                                                                                                                                     ve the €50 million mark. Operating per-
melted in the spring) lasting throug-                                                                                                formance rose by 5% year on year (2019:           of kilometres travelled by car on com-
hout the summer due to continuous                                                                                                    €48.7 million) to €51.1 million in total. As in                                                                                     The new hunting
                                                                                                                                                                                       mutes was also reduced. An online mo-                                             app already had
precipitation. The Pretul wind farm fi-                                                                                              previous years, this segment achieved sig-
                                                                                                                                     nificant growth and is now Bundesforste’s         bility survey revealed that the roughly                                           600 sign-ups
nished 2020 up slightly year on year,
                                                                                                                                     most profitable pillar. While positive            200 respondents saved around 370,000                                                by the end of
with an annual electricity output of ap-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the year.
                                                                                                                                     construction activity made ÖBf’s own              kilometres in 2020.
prox. 95 GWh. Electricity and district                                                                                               construction projects more expensive, it
heating production in 2020 went accor-                                                                                               also ensured high demand for rocks and
ding to plan in Austria’s largest forest                                                                                             stones. Posting annual revenue of €10.7           Employees
biomass power plant that ÖBf operates                                                                                                million, the Mineral Resources segment
(with a share of 33.3%) together with                                                                                                achieved its best result to date. Revenue         Age pyramid                                          172
                                                                                                                                     from lake management also saw strong                                         156                 156                   Personnel development
the City of Vienna. Full operation was                                                                                               growth (5.7%) due to rising base prices at
resumed in February with the new                                                                                                     bodies of water and a higher proportion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Online learning(s)
green power subsidy tariff and 127                                                                                                   of long-term contracts. Up 7.6%, demand                           121
GWh in annual output and 148 GWh                                                                                                     for building rights and leases as an affor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The coronavirus crisis has sped up the
                                                                                                                                     dable alternative to house and apartment
in district heating were achieved despi-                                                                                                                                                                                                                    digitalisation of personnel development.
                                                                                                                                     ownership continued to rise. ÖBf held 827
te the lockdown. With an operating                                                                                                   contracts at the end of the year. Great                                                                                Wherever possible, application proces-
performance of €15.7 million (ÖBf ’s                                                                                                 progress was made in the building and                                                                                  ses, training sessions and meetings were
share across all plants), Renewable                                                                                                  location strategy: ÖBf opened its thir-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            all held virtually in 2020. A training course
                                                                                                                                     teenth forest ranger centre, which is now                               45                                             for internal trainers was also launched to
Energy upped its contribution to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                   42
                                                                                                                                     a modern and ecological office space in                                                                                address the specific issues associated
2020 company result by 7.5% (2019:
                                            Styria forestry operation                                                                Mondsee-Loibichl (Upper Austria). The                                                                                  with sharing knowledge online and to
€14.6 million). The signs are all clearly                                                                                            new building complex also includes ten            12                                                         12        further develop digital learning in future.
pointing towards growth. The ninth          Anna Siegl, professional hunter                                                          rental apartments, which were quickly                  2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            While the number of course days decli-
small-scale hydropower plant in the         There has been a clear increase in animal stress levels since the start of the corona-
                                                                                                                                     rented out and handed over to the new             Up to 20   21 – 30    31 – 40       41 – 50     51 – 60    Over 60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ned on the whole, ÖBf employees still
                                                                                                                                                                                        years     years      years         years       years       years
municipal area of Hopfgarten (Tyrol)                                                                                                 residents despite the coronavirus-related
                                            virus crisis, because people are heading out into forests in far higher numbers. They    lockdowns. Bundesforste also purchased              Manual workers            Non-manual employees                     completed around 1,000 days of training,
will become operational in the autumn,      often forget that natural spaces are habitats, not leisure parks. Forests are – in a                                                                                                                            whether online or on site. The topics of
                                                                                                                                     a total of 34 apartments in Ohlsdorf with         Total: 339 manual workers and 633 non-manual
and the ground-breaking ceremony for        manner of speaking – nurseries, lounges and dining rooms. And people should              a view of Traunstein in 2020. They were                                                                                “Forest microcosm”, “Digital maps and
                                                                                                                                                                                       employees, including 20 apprentice manual
the expansion of Pretul wind farm is        behave appropriately. This is something we really ought to bear in mind – particu-       already occupied when construction was            workers and 5 apprentice non-manual emplo-                           GIS tools” and “Customer discussions”
scheduled for 2021.                         larly now that it is springtime and many forest animals have young.                      completed in August.                              yees as at 31 December 2020                                          were particularly popular.

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FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Facts & Figures

busine s s year 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Teaching about nature
Ecosystem management                            Nature conservation                            CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES
Pockets of diversity                                                                                                                                                                                                              During the coronavirus
                                                A volunteering record                          2020
                                                                                                                           Environmental                                                                                          crisis
One of Bundesforste’s largest natural eco-                                                                                 education &
system management projects successful-          With 1,411 implemented nature conser-                                      research 7 %                                                                                           The WILD.LIVE! season might have
ly came to a close in 2020: 489 biodiversi-                                                                                                                                                                                       been shorter, but that did not stop
ty pockets – around four per forest district
                                                vation measures – more than ever before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bundesforste’s roughly 100 certified na-
– were recognised together with Bird-Life       – ÖBf employees were committed to gre-                                                                                                                                            ture guides helping more than 6,000
                                                                                               Open land
Austria. What sets these small woodland         ater forest diversity in the 120 forest dis-   management 23 %                                                                                                                    children, young people and adults get
areas apart is the large volume of dead-        tricts. 43% of the voluntary activities                                                                                                                                           closer to forests and nature and telling
wood and old habitat trees that are left
to nature and its inhabitants. This benefits
                                                were related to biodiversity management,                                                                                                                                          them everything they wanted to know.
endangered species of birds in particu-         including the promotion of deadwood                                                                                                                                               Classic guided tours such as “The forest
lar, not to mention rare insects, mosses,       and habitat trees, not to mention plan-                                                                                                                                           is alive” and “A passionate forester” were
lichens and fungi. In addition to the net-                                                                                                                                                                                        just as much a part of the programme as a
                                                ting of rare species of trees and shrubs. A
work of pockets, Bundesforste is promo-                                                                                                                                                                                           series of lectures about “Lynx in Kalkalpen
ting biodiversity in Austria’s forests by im-
                                                good fifth of the measures were dedica-                                                                                                                                           National Park”. The range of nature edu-
plementing measures specifically aimed          ted to open land management. Meadows                                                                                                                                              cation services on offer was supplemen-
at improving habitats and getting people        were mown and measures were taken to                                                                                                                                              ted by online lectures during the second
involved in protected areas. These activi-      actively combat invasive neophytes such                                                                                                                                           half of the year. The WILD.LIVE! nature
ties are summed up under the umbrella
term “ecological land use management”.
                                                as giant hogweed. For species conserva-        management                                                                                                                         education concept was revised too and
                                                                                               10 %
                                                tion, ÖBf employees cleared mountain                                                                                                                                              will provide in-depth forest and health-
A separate eco plan was drawn up in this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  related services until 2025.
way for 13 other ÖBf areas in 2020 alone.       pastures and created habitats for black
                                                grouse or the rare violet copper butterfly.              management 43 %
                                                Small bodies of water were also created
                                                for amphibians, and lynx and wildcat                                Species protection
                                                                                                                    17 %
             Bundesforste set                   monitoring continued.
             aside more than                                                                                                                                                                                                      Creative industry
            1,000 hectares                                                                                                                                                                                                        Films and large celeb-
               of forest
              for biodiversity                                                                                                                                                                                                    rations – off the table in
                                                Fisheries                                                                                                                                                                         2020 was hugely challenging for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  creative industry across the board. In
Equal opportunities                             Growing                                                                                                                                                                           most cases, film production schedules
Family-friendly                                                                                                                                                                                                                   had to be scrapped. Production was only
By offering paternity leave, part-time          The Fisheries division had a successful financial year too. In 2020, precipitation pro-                                                                                           permitted in compliance with strict re-
management and flexible working ar-             vided ideal living conditions in ÖBf’s bodies of water, leading to a noticeable incre-                                                                                            strictions and rules. Similarly, the num-
rangements to suit relevant life situa-         ase in the number of young fish. There was also a rise in the sale of fishing licences                                                                                            ber of film and photo shoots held on
tions, Bundesforste has been dedica-            through ÖBf’s platform at www.bundesforste-fischerei.at. Over 1,400 were issued in                                                                                                ÖBf land dropped by about one third to
ted to helping its staff achieve the best       2020. This trend is also reflected in the segment’s operating performance. At €2.2                                                                                                around 80 shooting days. Some series
possible work/life balance for years. In        million, it is 10% higher than the previous year (2019: €2.0 million). As part of a                                                                                               and films like “Letzter Gipfel” (a crime
recognition of its efforts, the compa-          multi-year RD-14-20 (Rural Development) project, ÖBf experts examined how fish                                                                                                    drama set in Altaussee) nevertheless
ny was awarded the “Family-friendly             stocks were developing along almost 40 km in the Traun and Alm rivers in Upper                                                                                                    managed to use Austria’s natural land-
company” seal of approval for the third         Austria in 2020. To date, around 11,000 fish have been tagged with small transpon-         Flachgau-Tennengau forestry operation                                                  scape as a backdrop. Couples due to get
year in a row. The topic of working from        ders (PIT tags) to investigate how fish behave in different areas and what influence
home was one that we devoted our                predators such as cormorants have. The project is being supported by the State of
                                                                                                                                           Thomas Bliem, ranger’s assistant                                                       married had to be patient, because often
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the gates of popular wedding venues
energies to a great deal in 2020. A sum-        Upper Austria, the EU and the fisheries managers on the river Traun. The fishermen         The coronavirus has not changed my work all that much. I am almost always out          in Eckartsau and Lamberg remained
mary of the positive experiences was            in ÖBf’s very own fishery in the Salzkammergut region reported that the season             and about in the forest on my own. But some areas are almost overrun, since peo-       closed. Bundesforste only managed to
documented in guidelines, and emplo-            was quieter due to the coronavirus restrictions and weather conditions. Given that         ple are flocking to natural surroundings. While everyone is welcome, I’d like to see   make the magnificent premises availa-
yees can now continue working from              restaurants and hotels were closed, catches fell slightly to 5 tonnes. Hallstätter Rein-   people play by the rules in future so we can improve our respectful coexistence with   ble (actually rent it out for celebrations)
home for up to two days a week.                 anke accounted for bulk of the catches.                                                    the world around us.                                                                   on a few days.

                                                                     8                                                                                                                                   9
FACTS FIGURES AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Österreichische Bundesforste AG
2020 Annual Accounts

                                                                                                                                      Consolidated Management Report
busine s s year 2020
                                                                                                                                      Österreichische Bundesforste AG
                                                                                                                                      for the 2020 financial year
                                                                                                                                      Preliminary remarks                                                          significant drop in production during the first lockdown (from March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020), the market largely stabilised over the course of the year.
                                                                                                                                      Consolidated financial statements have
Socially distanced                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thus demand for timber as a raw material (in all major product ran-
                                                                                                                                      been prepared for Österreichische                                            ges) underwent significant fluctuations during the reporting year. Gi-
consulting                                                                                                                            Bundesforste AG since the 2002 finan-                                        ven the circumstances the emphasis was placed on aligning production,
The effects of the coronavirus crisis na-                                                                                             cial year. ÖBf AG handles the business                                       stock and sales with each other as much as possible and optimising le-
turally also left their mark on the finan-                                                                                                                                                                         vels, with a view to minimising the negative impacts on profit and cash
cial year in Services. Completing more                                                                                                segments of Forest/Timber (especially                                        flow. Cost cutting was also implemented in the given situation. This is
than 250 individual projects in natural                                                                                               forest management and hunting) as well                                       why, despite all of the difficulties, the Bundesforste managed to genera-
surroundings on time was particular-                                                                                                  as Real Estate and Services. The busi-                                       te a significant profit in 2020.
ly challenging. In forestry consulting,                                                                                                                                                                                With total felling amounting to 1,690 thousand solid cubic metres,
demand for expert knowledge on fo-
                                                                                                                                      ness segment of Renewable Energy is                                          the timber harvested was slightly higher than the sustainable allowed
rest management continued to rise as                                                                                                  largely conducted in affiliates. ÖBf AG                                      cut. But with damaged timber amounting to 81%, regular maintenance
a direct consequence of climate change                                                                                                is the main contributor to the Group’s                                       measures also need to be implemented so that stable stocks can be
(which calls for forest restructuring).                                                                                               profits. The primary focus is therefore                                      grown for the future. Since the additional volume came entirely from
Bundesforste is using its expertise for                                                                                                                                                                            previous use (=maintenance measure) and only 75% of the end use was
more than just its own forests; it is also
                                                                                                                                      placed on presenting the direct acti-                                        met, ÖBf was still able to continue down the path of long-term sustai-
helping to manage some 19,000 hecta-                                                                                                  vities of the parent company. Explicit                                       nability. The amount of damaged timber was slightly higher than the
res of private and commercial forest on                                                                                               reference is made in sections of the text                                    previous year (2019: 79%), which yet again required enormous effort to
behalf of third parties. The service pro-                                                                                                                                                                          be devoted to processing damaged timber, timber marketing and forest
                                                                                                                                      where ÖBf AG subsidiaries and affiliates
viders also took over the planning work                                                                                                                                                                            protection activities. Against this background, the strategy followed in
for a large wet timber storage facility in                                                                                            are described rather than ÖBf AG itself.                                     previous years to invest as required in forest management, balanced
Upper Austria, developing concepts for                                                                                                                                                                             silviculture, bark beetle control and forest health was continued. Deter-
climate-friendly forests along railway                                                                                                                                                                             mined efforts were also made to reduce damage by game.
lines together with the University of Na-                                                                                             Overview of the development of                                                   The Hunting and Fisheries business segments developed in line with
tural Resources and Life Sciences and                                                                                                                                                                              expectations. Areas affected particularly heavily by game damage were
                                                                                                                                      market segments relevant to ÖBf
the Vienna University of Technology. In                                                                                                                                                                            taken under the ÖBf’s wing for hunt-ing management purposes. A po-
terms of technical planning, the focus                                                                                                    The 2020 financial year was very challenging for Österreichische         sitive trend was already apparent in these segments with young growth
was once again forestry development.                                                                                                  Bundesforste AG (Bundesforste). Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pan-           and biting monitoring.
More than 100 projects were implemen-                                                                                                 demic has been the dominating influencing factor on the economy as a             The Real Estate segment was again successful during 2020 in conti-
ted, mainly in Salzburg and Styria. In-                                                                                               whole in all sectors since March 2020. The measures taken to stop the        nuing the growth trend and further increasing the result. Steady or ri-
creasing numbers of municipalities, ci-                                                                                               spread of the pandemic have led to a global recession. Bundesforste was      sing demand was observed across all major business areas in the re-
ties or property management companies                                                                                                 also occupied in the reporting year with processing the timber that had      porting period. The increases in profit were primarily attributable to
are placing their trust in Bundesforste’s                                                                                             been damaged in recent years.                                                developments in Rental, Tourism-Lakes and Mineral Resources. The
expertise in the area of tree inspections.                                                                                                In Central Europe, the timber industry had a massive oversupply of       economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was only felt in a few
The arborists also tested their own clim-     Pongau forestry operation                                                               timber owing to huge storm damage, snow breakage, drought damage             business segments (like “Tourism Show Caves” or “Creative Industry
bing techniques so they can now also test                                                                                             and bark beetle damage, just like in the previous year. Both in previous     Events”) this financial year. The effects were limited when viewed as a
trees for stability and resistance to brea-
                                              Georg Krautgartner, Taxenbach forest ranger                                             years and in 2020 this resulted in substantial declines in prices. ÖBf AG    whole across all business segments.
king on particularly steep slopes in the      The coronavirus has made it tougher to plan timber harvesting activities. Forestry      was and is only able to counter this development to a very limited ex-           In Services, the very healthy order situation during the reporting
likes of the popular Seisenbergklamm          work has already become more unpredictable anyway due to climate change. But it         tent. The price for saw logs is a price determined by Central European       year meant that the Forest Technology and Services profit centres con-
gorge in Salzburg. With an operating          has become clear that we are well positioned in terms of digitalisation. This has       market mechanisms, and individual companies can exert very little            tinued the previous year’s positive development. Ecosystem Manage-
performance of €3.7 million (2019: €3.6       helped us to do everything we need to with as little contact as possible, while still   influence on this.                                                           ment recorded a satisfactory growth rate.
million), the Services segment proved to      delivering the usual level of quality.                                                      What’s more, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic caused uncer-              In the Renewable Energy segment, Bundesforste is involved in the
be an established mainstay for the com-                                                                                               tainty on the markets too. This turned out not to be the case, at least as   fields of wind energy, small-scale hydropower and biomass. Water levels
pany as a whole, even in tough times.         The current ÖBf Governance Report is available at www.bundesforste.at.                  far as the woodworking industry is concerned. Following the initial          in the reporting year were significantly above the planned targets,

                                                                 10                                                                                                                                                11
2020 Annual Accounts

which more than made up for the slightly lower electricity price in the      DEVELOPMENT OF ÖBF GROUP                                                    Assets and capital structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ment were increased and costs were further reduced, despite strategic
reporting year that was applicable to three hydropower plants.                                                                                                                                                                           vacancies in preparation for renovations. The location and property
                                                                             Equity holdings
    In the wind energy sector, several potential areas of ÖBf land were                                                                                     The balance sheet total of the ÖBf Group was EUR 463.1 million,              strategy, which aims to further increase quality and profitability in the
successfully introduced into the wind power sectoral programme in the           ÖBf AG deals with all its holdings through ÖBf Beteiligungs GmbH,        higher than the previous year (EUR 449.6 million). This is mainly attri-        Rental segment, was again implemented consistently in the reporting
Federal State of Salzburg for further evaluation. Several projects in Lo-    which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ÖBf AG; there are no branches. The    butable to the investment activity of ÖBf AG in the reporting year.             year.
wer Austria and Styria were further developed too.                           holding structure as at 31 De-cember 2020 is shown on the following orga-      The equity ratio was 53.3% with equity capital of EUR 246.7 million.             While positive construction activity was reflected in higher const-
    The expansion of the Pretul wind farm – which consists of fourteen       nisational chart:                                                           Compared with the previous year (52.0%), the share of equity capital            ruction costs, it also had a positive impact on Mineral Resources’ re-
wind turbines – to include another four turbines was approved by the                                                                                     remains at a constantly high level.                                             sults. Excess volumes, adjustments to the current extraction operations
authorities, and a subsidy tariff was also fixed. The contract negotia-                            Österreichische Bundesforste AG                                                                                                       to reflect the higher price level and ongoing major infrastructure pro-
tions for delivery of another four turbines were largely finalised. Cons-                                                                                                                                                                jects allowed this business segment to build on the previous year’s re-
                                                                                                       ÖBf Beteiligungs GmbH (Holding)
truction is scheduled to start in 2021.                                                                        ÖBf share: 100%                                                                                                           cord result yet again.
    In the small-scale hydropower sector, construction of the Langer                                     HOLDINGS                        ÖBf SHARE %
                                                                                                                                                         Cashflow und Finanzierung                                                           Operating performance in the Services segment was EUR 15.1 mil-
Grund Ache power plant started in the autumn of the reporting year.                                                                                          At EUR 31.6 million, the cash flow from operational business activi-        lion and therefore slightly higher than that of the previous year (EUR
                                                                                                 Windpark Pretul GmbH                         100
The tasks were assigned both on time and on budget despite the CO-                                                                                       ties was around EUR 33.7 million higher than the previous year’s figure         13.6 million). This is mainly due to the Forest Technology profit centre’s
VID-19 pandemic. Construction progressed as planned, and commis-                                 WIEN ENERGIE                                            (EUR -2.1 million). This is mainly because of business trends in the            above-average business development (especially in road construction)
                                                                                              Bundesforste Biomasse                       33.3 in each
sioning is scheduled for autumn 2021. The development of another po-               Kraftwerk (WEBBK) GmbH und GmbH & Co KG                               Forest/Timber segment at ÖBf AG. In the reporting year, this meant              compared to previous years. Forestry Services – whose activities in-
wer plant project with the municipality of Hopfgarten has progressed to                                                                                  that ÖBf managed to successfully and substantially reduce the previous          clude forestry consulting, forestry construction and ecosystem plan-
                                                                                              Hallstatt Wasserkraft GmbH                      51
such an extent that the submission is expected to take place by autumn                                                                                   year’s high level of solid timber stock caused by damaged timber, signi-        ning in particular – continued the positive business development achie-
2021. Developments with respect to electricity prices and support sche-                      Kraftwerk Dientenbach GmbH                       3.3        ficantly improving the working capital year on year while doing so.             ved in previous years. Ecosystem Management, which alongside a vari-
mes relevant to investment decisions are continuously being evaluated.                      Wasserkraftwerk Taurach GmbH                      60             The aggregate borrowings of EUR 141.8 million were lower than in            ety of individual projects includes the management of the national
    With regard to photovoltaics, the potential of integrating photovol-                                                                                 the previous year (EUR 149.1 million). This improvement is mainly at-           parks Donau-Auen and Kalkalpen as well as the Wienerwald biosphere
                                                                                   Wasserkraftwerk Forstaubach Gleiming GmbH                  60
taic systems into buildings at ÖBf sites was explored, and a few indivi-                                                                                 tributable to the development of cash flow from operational activities in       reserve and other areas (e.g. Dürrenstein wilderness, Hohe Tauern na-
                                                                                              ÖBf Wasserkraft Ges.m.b.H.                      100
dual projects have already been implemented. Moreover, all areas suita-                                                                                  the reporting year.                                                             tional park), makes a substantial contribution to maintaining the natu-
ble for open-site installations were surveyed. The potential identified in                   Dachstein Tourismus AG (DAG)                    4.15                                                                                        ral landscapes and ecological diversity of Austria, besides creating eco-
this way formed the foundation of discussions with various interested                                                                                                                                                                    nomic added value. In comparison to the previous year the results here
parties. Specific installation setup projects are not in the pipeline yet.                                                                                                                                                               were satisfactory.
    Bundesforste – with the exception of the WEBBK (Wien Energie             Earnings and income                                                         DEVELOPMENT OF ÖBF AG                                                               The operation of small-scale hydropower plants was largely free of
Bundesforste Biomasse Kraftwerk GmbH & Co KG), in which Bundes-                 The consolidated profit was again largely determined by the opera-                                                                                       technical problems.
forste has a share of 33.3% – supplies raw materials for biomass. Utili-     ting profit of ÖBf AG during the 2020 financial year. The consolidated          During the 2020 financial year Österreichische Bundesforste AG                  Electricity generation at the Pretul wind farm was higher than ori-
sing the raw material of wood by way of thermal processing (recovery         profit (EBT) came in around EUR 17.3 million, and was thus about EUR        achieved a profit before tax (EBT) of EUR 12 million (2019: EUR 10.2            ginally expected.
of electricity and heat) contributes to reducing dependence on fossil        5.3 million higher than that of ÖBf AG. This is primarily attributable to   million) with an operating performance of EUR 216.5 million (2019:
fuels and therefore to protecting the climate. In future this will also      the profit contributed by Windpark Pretul GmbH and the equity hol-          EUR 212 million). The volume of own timber sold was around 1.46 mil-
make an important contribution towards achieving a rounded product           ding in the Small-Scale Hydropower segment.                                 lion solid m3 and therefore slightly above the level of the previous year
portfolio as well as to forest health. The biomass power plant in Vienna-       Sales revenues of EUR 221.9 million (2019: EUR 202.0 million) as         (2019: 1.22 million solid m3) for market reasons and due to damaged
Simmering was operated according to plan in the reporting year.              well as profit before tax (EBT) of EUR 17.3 million (2019: EUR 13.4 mil-    timber. Taking account of the stumpage sales and the timber given free
                                                                             lion) were consolidated.                                                    of charge to the beneficiaries of forest utilisation rights, the total felled
                                                                                                                                                         was around 1.69 million solid m3 (2019: 1.46 million solid m3). In 2020
                                                                                 Financial performance indicators                                        we therefore contributed again to ensuring sustainable forest manage-
                                                                                                                                                         ment by carefully planning and managing quantities. The solid timber
                                                                             ÖBf Group                                     ACTUAL 2019   ACTUAL 2020     stock for 2019 (around 451 thousand solid cubic metres due to damaged
                                                                             Sales revenues (in € million)                    202.0         221.9
                                                                                                                                                         timber) was reduced to around 354 thousand solid cubic metres in the
                                                                             EBIT (in € million)                              13.2           17.9        reporting year.
                                                                             EBIT margin                                       6.5            8.0            In the Hunting and Fisheries business segments, steady overall busi-
                                                                             Net profit/loss for the year (in € million)      10.3           13.0        ness development was recorded.
                                                                             Return on equity *)                               4.4            5.3            In the Real Estate segment, profits were increased again in 2020.
                                                                             Equity capital (in € million)                    233.7         246.7        Profit of EUR 45.6 million was generated based on an operating perfor-
                                                                             Equity ratio (%)                                 52.0           53.3        mance of EUR 51.1 million. Significant year-on-year increases were
                                                                             EBITDA (in € million)                            24.4           30.1        recorded in the Tourism-Lakes and Mineral Resources seg-ments. Ear-
                                                                             CF from ongoing business activity                                           nings also increased further in the Leasing segment due to steady de-
                                                                                                                               -2.1          31.6
                                                                             (in € million)
                                                                                                                                                         mand for building rights and building leases, and additional revenue
                                                                             *) relative to annual net earnings
                                                                                                                                                         generated from infrastructure facilities.
                                                                                                                                                             Thanks to ongoing simplification and investments in quality impro-
                                                                                                                                                         vements to the building portfolio, earnings in the Building Rentals seg-

                                                                      12                                                                                                                                                                 13
2020 Annual Accounts

    To complement the above explanations, the operating performance                    Order situation                                                              Cash flow and finance                                                           The COVID-19 pandemic has led to far higher economic risks. The
of the individual business segments over time is shown below. The dia-                     When it comes to the business development of ÖBf AG, it is the de-           At EUR 25.2 million, the cash flow from operational business activi-     risks from the market, customers and potential natural disasters conti-
gram relates to the 2020 financial year:                                               mand for timber as a raw material, the utilisation of real estate (e.g.      ties was around EUR 33.3 million lower than the previous year’s figure       nue to dominate the analysis. Alongside the negative effects of climate
                                                                                       leasing and rental of land and buildings, use for tourism, granting of       (EUR -8.1 million). This is mainly because of business trends in the         change, discussions within the company about the type and intensity of
in Mio. €                        IST 2018           IST 2019          IST 2020         building rights, use of mineral resources), hunting and fishing, the ser-    Forest/Timber segment. In the reporting year, this meant that ÖBf ma-        nature and forest area management have become increasingly impor-
Own timber                        113.2               101.0              96.4
                                                                                       vices segment and the development of the energy segment which are of         naged to successfully and substantially reduce the previous year’s high      tant.
Timber trade                       19.7                15.0              18.9          the utmost importance.                                                       level of solid timber stock caused by damaged timber, significantly im-
Hunting                            20.3                20.6              20.7              Given the difficult market conditions, the order situation in the Fo-    proving the working capital year on year while doing so.
Fisheries                          2.0                  2.0               2.2          rest/Timber business segment was significantly strained as in the pre-           Aggregate borrowings including the financial liabilities to affiliated       Market and customer risk
Forest/Timber                     155.2               138.6             138.2
                                                                                       vious year. Some product ranges were difficult to place on the market.       companies of EUR 123 million were lower than in the previous year                The customer sectors which are important for the Bundesforste (parti-
Renewable energy                      1.6              1.9               2.1           The situation in relation to biomass and industrial timber was challen-      (EUR 130.2 million). This improvement is mainly attributable to the          cularly the sawmill, paper and board/pulp industries, the construction
                                                                                       ging because there was a lot of damaged timber on the market due to          development of cash flow from operational activities in the reporting        sector, real estate, tourism, and mining companies) were stable in the re-
Leasing                               10.6            11.1               11.8          related events in the reporting year causing this damage, not to mention     year.                                                                        porting year despite the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the economic
Rental                                 7.6             8.1               8.4           the stock built up throughout Europe the years before.                                                                                                    situation as a whole is beginning to show increased volatility. This also
Tourism                               17.8            18.3               19.1
                                                                                           The order position for Hunting and Fisheries was satisfactory in the                                                                                  applies for the Central European timber markets, which are particularly
Mineral resources
                                                                         10.7          2020 financial year.                                                         Investments                                                                  exposed to the negative impacts of climate change. The measures adopted
Real estate                           46.4            48.7               51.1              A positive trend was recorded for Real Estate/Tourism/Water in               Investments, including assets reported as “buildings and plants un-      around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are having an
                                                                                       2020. The trend of income and profit increases continued.                    der construction” and the “low-value assets” which were capitalised and      impact on the development of the economy as a whole.
Consultancy                           0.2               0.1               0.1              In the Services segment, pleasing growth was recorded relative to        written off again during the same year, amounted to EUR 23.1 million
Forestry services                     4.4               3.6               3.7
                                                                                       the previous year.                                                           (2019: EUR 17.4 million) and therefore were EUR 5.7 million more than
Forst technology                       2.7              1.8               2.8
Ecosystem management                  8.4               8.1               8.5              Power offtake agreements with fixed prices were concluded in the         in the previous year. The main focus of the investment activity in 2020          Risk of disaster
Dienstleistungen                      15.7             13.6              15.1          Renewable Energy segment.                                                    lay in real estate and in the development of the road network.                   The first few months of 2020 were clearly too warm and too dry. These
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conditions caused a worrying situation when combined with the unpro-
Other services                        9.0              9.3               10.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cessed damaged timber from 2019. But it was improved by the few wet,
External operating                                                                                                                                                  Assets and capital structure                                                 rainy months that followed from May onwards. Despite this, the volume of
                                  227.9               212.0             216.5
                                                                                                                                                                        The balance sheet total of ÖBf AG was EUR 429.8 million, slightly        beetle-infested timber more than doubled, accounting for around one
                                                                                       Earnings and income                                                          higher than the previous year (EUR 421.7 million). This is mainly attri-     third of the total volume of damaged timber. Generally speaking, we still
                                                                                           The ordinary business result (EBIT) was recorded at EUR 12.4 mil-        butable to the investment activity in the reporting year. The equity ratio   have to expect that extreme events may occur again at any time.
                                                                                       lion (2019: EUR 7.6 million). Taking account of the financial result, pro-   was 53.1% with equity capital of EUR 228.1 million. Compared with the            It became clear in the reporting year that events in neighbouring coun-
                                  Own timber: 44.5 %                                   fit before tax (EBT) is EUR 12 million (2019: EUR 10.2 million). Net         previous year (51.9%), the share of equity capital remains at a constant-    tries can still have significant effects on the Austrian timber market too,
Other: 4.6 %                                                                           income for the year comes to around EUR 9 million (2019: EUR 8.3             ly high level.                                                               because that market is highly dependent on or influenced by conditions
                                                                                       million). The usufruct fee which is set by law at 50% of net income for                                                                                   throughout Central Europe.
                                                                                       the year and is payable to the owner, i.e. the Republic of Austria, was                                                                                       Long-term strategies to counter disasters and their effects include, in
                                                                    Timber trade :
                                                                    8.7 %              EUR 4.5 million, compared to EUR 4.2 million in 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                    Risk management and risk structure                                           particular, predictive forest management measures, diversification and
                                                                                                                                                                        The management of risks and opportunities and an efficient and ef-       thus the promotion of business areas which are less likely to be influenced
                                                                                                                                                                    fective internal control system are essential elements of management         by weather events, as well as the formation of appropriate precautionary
                                                                                                                                                                    control at Bundesforste. Continuous improvements, adjustments and            reserves on the balance sheet where appropriate. For years there has been
                                                                                                                                                                    comparisons with other businesses play an important role in the              close cooperation with the world of science. Research projects on climate
                                                                                                                                                                    company’s further development.                                               change and their impacts are regularly supported.
                                                                                       Financial performance indicators                                                 The company’s risk situation is analysed by a team of Bundesforste
                                                                                                                                                                    experts each quarter in a structured process (risk inventory) using a
                                                                  /fisheries: 1.,5 %   ÖBf AG                                        ACTUAL 2019   ACTUAL 2020      defined system. The risk landscape is adapted as necessary (e.g. expan-         Financial risk
                                                                                       Sales revenues (in € million)                    191.8         211.4         ded with new risk categories). Part of this process also includes, in par-      Bank guarantees, other indemnities, deposits or pre-payments on
                                                                                       EBIT (in € million)                               7.6          12.4          ticular, deriving specific recommendations for risk mitigation and eli-      the part of customers are the main safeguards used against the risk of
                                                                                       EBIT margin                                      4.0%          5.9%          mination measures by defining the responsibility for implementation          default on trade accounts receivable. No transactions with derivative
                                                               Renewable               Net profit/loss for the year (in € million)       8.3           9.0
                                                               energy: 1.0 %
                                                                                                                                                                    and monitoring the execution of the activities concerned as time goes        financial instruments are conducted. Particularly for the Real Estate
                                                                                       Return on equity *)                              3.8%          4.0%
                                                                                                                                                                    by and drawing up learning objectives. A full revision, including a re-      division, the risks of bad debt are now estimated to be higher, which is
                                                                                       Equity capital (in € million)                    219.1         228.1
                                                                                                                                                                    view and discussion of the system as a whole, is carried out annually        why the percentage for the flatrate specific valuation allowance was in-
                                                                                       Equity ratio (%)                                 51.9%         53.1%
                                        Real estate: 23.6 %                                                                                                         and involves the entire second level of management.                          creased from 1% to 1.5% as of 31 December 2020.
                                                                                       EBITDA (in € million)                            15.2          21.0
                                                                                                                                                                        The Managing Board is notified of the results of the risk inventories
                                                                                       CF from ongoing business activity
                                                                                                                                         -8.1         25.2
                                                                                       (in € million)                                                               in standardised reports, and it reports on the results to the Supervisory
                    Services: 7.0 %                                                    *) relative to annual net earnings
                                                                                                                                                                    Board as a basis for discussion.

                                                                                 14                                                                                                                                                              15
2020 Annual Accounts

   Employee and (working) process risk                                        nature conservation areas of activity. This programme is evaluated and       Forest utilisation rights                                                    OUTLOOK FOR ÖBF AG
   The qualifications and motivations of employees and corresponding          further developed every year, and 2020 was no exception. Other focal             The volume of timber delivered to the beneficiaries of forest utilisa-        The measures adopted around the world due to the COVID-19 pan-
measures in the area of human resources and organisational develop-           points included increased investment in preserving protection forests        tion rights was around 141,000 solid m3 in 2020 (compared to 147,000         demic will continue to be the key factor influencing overall economic
ment as well as process and workplace safety are a permanent focus of         and – in line with the reported motto “Forest of the Future” – in forests’   solid m3 in 2019). In addition to the volumes currently being supplied,      development in 2021. From today’s perspective, ÖBf AG’s business seg-
corporate events. Established procedures, the internal control system         resilience to climate change.                                                this includes timber which was damaged by weather events and timber          ments will be affected in different ways.
and regular internal audits guarantee the quality of services and the se-                                                                                  which is given in kind instead of for monetary compensation.                      At present, it seems that timber production in 2021 will remain at a
curity of business processes. Structured, externally conducted surveys                                                                                         The exercising of grazing rights totalled about 44,300 livestock units   sustainable level, as in previous years. The effects of climate change will
assess employee satisfaction at regular intervals, forming the basis for a
                                                                              Employees                                                                    for the reporting period. Every year on Bundesforste land, about 69,000      be felt on the European log market, as has been the case in recent years.
continuous optimisation process.                                                 Development of staff numbers                                              livestock of different kinds are either kept on mountain pastures over       There is still uncertainty surrounding how the COVID-19 pandemic will
                                                                                 During 2020, ÖBf AG employed an average of 965 staff (full-time equi-     the summer or are grazed near their home farms. In total, the equiva-        affect our customers’ business development. At present, the market is
                                                                              valents) – 346 manual and 619 non-manual employees. This compares            lent value of forest utilisation rights in 2020 is around EUR 8.1 million    developing more positively than it was in the previous year, especially
Research and development                                                      with 972 employees in 2019 (349 manual and 623 non-manual employees).        (2019: roughly EUR 8.3 million).                                             with regard to the development of timber prices. Against this backdrop,
    The Bundesforste was involved in roughly 30 national and internati-                                                                                                                                                                 it is still necessary to ensure optimised cost structures and efficient pro-
onal R&D projects in 2020, supporting research institutions in the form                                                                                                                                                                 cesses in the core business and to expand the new business segments to
of cooperation frameworks. While this was indeed in line with the                 Age structure
                                                                                                                                                           Incidence of damaged timber                                                  safeguard the company’s success.
long-term average, the implementation of the projects was heavily im-             In 2020 the average age of ÖBf employees remained steady at 43.7            Damaged timber in 2020 amounted to 81% of the total felled; this               In Real Estate, business trends are expected to remain solid, while
pacted by the COVID-19-related measures.                                      years, with the average age of manual labourers rising to 45.5 while that    proportion was thus slightly higher than in the previous year (79%).         there is a risk in Tourism that statutory operating restrictions will have a
    The topic of “Forest of the Future” was researched particularly inten-    of office workers dropped to 42.7. The age groups most widely represen-      The forestry operations in Waldviertel-Voralpen, Traun-Innviertel            negative impact on our customers’ economic situation.
sively in the reporting year. This focused on making tree populations fit     ted are the 51 to 60-year-olds and the 41 to 50-year-olds, at 33.7% and      and Styria were most heavily affected. The leading cause of damage in             The development of the Renewable Energy segment is currently going
for the future climate, managing damage and preserving biodiversity in        21.3% respectively.                                                          2020 was bark beetle infestations, with a total of 493,000 solid m3          as planned. Accordingly, the energy segment will make a key contributi-
forests and meadows. As part of a long-term implementation project,                                                                                        (2019: 212,000 solid m3), followed by windfall timber of 469,000 solid       on to the overall results of the group. Investments in this segment sup-
recommendations were lifted from a climate change adaptation project                                                                                       m3 (2019: 477,000 solid m3) and snow breakage of 363,000 solid m3            port and stabilise the company’s development, protecting it from cyclical
completed in 2012 on areas of the Wienerwald biosphere reserve for use           Equal opportunities                                                       (2019: 413,000 solid m3). Some of the snow breakage dated back to            market trends in core business.
in forest management throughout the Bundesforste. Research also fo-              As at 31 December 2020 there were 20 female and 319 male manual           2019. The bark beetle didn’t just make its presence felt in the Wald-             Just like previous years, in 2021 the emphasis with holding activities
cused on ecological water management, with specific issues of concern         workers as well as 170 female and 463 male non-manual employees,             viertel and Mühlviertel regions; infestations were increasingly com-         will be on manag-ing existing holdings and further developing renewa-
including fish ecology and fish health, habitat analysis, and preserving      with a total of 190 women and 782 men employed by ÖBf. The propor-           mon in the mountains too. So a great deal of effort was again put into       ble energy, above all through the construction and operation of small-
biodiversity in bodies of water.                                              tion of women was thus 0.9 percentage points higher than in the previ-       bark beetle control.                                                         scale hydropower plants as well as the development and implementation
    In addition to achieving internal innovation potential in 2020, inno-     ous year, totalling 26.9% for non-manual employees and 5.9% for ma-                                                                                       of projects in the wind energy sector.
vation management focused on the four defined strategic areas:                nual employees.                                                                                                                                                Ongoing work is being carried out on implementing the business
    •      Forestry 4.0 & Digitalisation                                         Workers with disabilities are employed as much as possible. During
                                                                                                                                                           Corporate environmental protection                                           strategy elaborated in 2019. One major impact of the business strategy is
    •      Bio-economy & Renewable energy                                     the reporting year this amounted to 24 people, 15 manual workers and             The reduction of CO2 emissions, which is a long-term environmen-         investments in the Real Estate and Renewable Energy segments, with the
    •      Alternative use of ecosystem                                       9 non-manual workers. Advance payments had to be made in some ca-            tal protection goal, gained momentum in light of the lockdown rules          goal of generating stable contributions to profit in the long term to
    •      Innovative stakeholder approach & management                       ses.                                                                         implemented in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.                        further protect the company from fluctuations in the core Forest/Timber
    Suitable projects were also launched for this purpose.                       Equal opportunity is ensured at the Bundesforste with regard to pay           The project, which aims to prevent microplastic contamination in         business segment.
    Based on implementing these projects and drawing on idea manage-          as well as hiring and promotion prospects. This is also evident from         forest areas and was launched at the end of 2019, was successfully con-
ment, ÖBf AG is working on potential topics for the future that are re-       income reports produced under the equal opportunity law (Gleichbe-           tinued with the evaluation of soil samples and several field tests invol-
levant for the Company, all as part of a structured innovation manage-        handlungsgesetz) over the past few years. Particular attention is paid to    ving biodegradable growth shelters and forest marking tapes. It will be
ment process. These are designed to maintain and increase competitive-        increasing the proportion of women. This has been seen in the appoint-       completed this financial year, with Bundesforste preparing implemen-         Purkersdorf, 20 April 2021         Managing Board
ness as well as tap into new business potential. Innovation management        ment of a female manager in the Pinzgau forestry operation and is still      tation measures and reporting the results in related sectors such as fruit                                      Dr. Rudolf Freidhager
was evaluated internally at the end of 2020.                                  being demonstrated in measures like our female colleagues’ participa-        growing and viticulture.                                                                                        Georg Schöppl
    As the largest entity managing natural space in Austria, ÖBf AG           tion in the women foresters’ conference and options for striking a better
expects to leverage bio-economic potential.                                   work-life balance.

                                                                                 Training, education and further development
   ÖBf AG believes that guaranteeing multifunctionality and thus eco-            Comprehensive employee training and development measures were also
nomic, social and ecological objectives is its primary duty with respect to   carried out during 2020. The training programme was made up of 172 diffe-
managing its natural resources. So, in the reporting year, sustainable        rent educational measures in total, some of which could not be implemented
timber use was supplemented by numerous measures promoting the                due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will make as much headway as we can
protective, recreational and well-being impacts of the forest. The focus in   with the training measures in 2021.
this respect was on continuing the “Ecology & Economy” project, which
covers the forest management, hunting, environmental protection and

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