Expense Claim Guide for Therapy and Counselling Funding Program

Page created by Barbara Bryant
Expense Claim Guide for
Therapy and Counselling Funding Program
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Table of Contents

1		    Funding Support for Therapy and Counselling

5		    How to Submit Your Expenses

7		    Therapy and Counselling Expenses

9		    Prescription Drugs / Medicinal Substances

11		   Transportation

17		   Meals

19		   Accommodation

21		   Child Care

22		   Translation Services

23		   Frequently Asked Questions

26		   Forms
Program Overview
Funding Support for Therapy and Counselling

If an Ontario student has been sexually             and Counselling to download the guide
abused or involved in child pornography by a        and submit an application form, if you
member of the Ontario College of Teachers,          think you might qualify. If you would prefer
help may be available for the student, their        to speak with someone directly or if you
parents or guardians, and siblings.                 need more information, please email us
                                                    at fundingsupport@oct.ca or phone us at
These events can have traumatic
                                                    416.961.8800, ext. 379 or toll-free in Ontario
consequences for students and their
                                                    at 1.888.534.2222, ext. 379.
families. The College wants to help families
get the assistance they need. That’s why there
is a funding program to help pay some of the        Access to therapy and counselling funds
costs required for therapy and counselling.
                                                    The first step is to apply to confirm your
The College’s therapy and counselling               eligibility for the program. Once your
funding program complements other                   application is assessed and approved, we will
wellness services and benefits that may be          notify you by email (or by other means, if you
available to you by providing coverage for          prefer) and provide a number (Family Code)
some costs not paid for under the Ontario           for you and other eligible family members/
Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) or private             guardians to use when making claims.
health insurance plans.
                                                    What expenses are covered?
This guide describes the services and items         The College will make funding available
that can be claimed under the therapy               to help cover your costs for therapy and
and counselling funding program, and the            counselling. Approximately $17,000 -
requirements for submitting claims to the           $18,000 can be claimed. The amount is
College for reimbursement.                          equivalent to what OHIP would pay for 200,
                                                    half-hour sessions of individual out-patient
                                                    psychotherapy. The student’s parents/
Who is eligible
                                                    guardians or siblings can also apply to be
Students who were sexually abused or                reimbursed for eligible expenses from the
involved in child pornography by a College          same claim fund, if they require therapy or
member may be eligible for funding. Funding         counselling to support the student.
is also available for their parents, guardians,
                                                    Within the therapy and counselling fund, you
or siblings, if the therapy and counselling is
                                                    can claim:
necessary to support the student.
                                                    y prescription drugs and other medicinal
For further information about eligibility
                                                      substances, and
requirements, please review the Eligibility
                                                    y costs reasonably required for you to
Guide available on our website. Go to oct.ca
                                                      attend your therapy or counselling
 Public Protection  Funding for Therapy
                                                      sessions, including:

i. transportation                                        prescribed by a person to whom you have
     ii. accommodation                                        a family relationship
     iii. meals                                           y   benefits that are payable by any other
     iv. child care, and                                      government agency
     v. translation services.                             y   treatment of a condition that existed
                                                              prior to the student’s sexual abuse or
In all cases, the College’s resources must                    involvement in child pornography by a
be sufficient to provide the funding amount                   College member, unless the condition
requested. You may prefer to contact us to                    worsened as a direct result of the events
confirm the eligibility of your expenses and              y   services or products normally provided
the availability of funds prior to incurring                  without charge
significant expenses.                                     y   the portion of charges that OHIP or
To maximize the funding available for                         private insurance is required to pay
therapy and counselling, families may wish                y   the portion of charges that are the legal
to consider options such as:                                  liability of any other party

y using a therapist or counsellor for whom                For more specific information about whether
  travel is not required, if appropriate services         an expense can be reimbursed, please
  are offered locally to meet your needs                  consult the eligibility guidelines and claims
y using a therapist or counsellor who                     tips found within each section of this guide.
  speaks your language
y booking travel arrangements, if required,               When does funding begin and end?
  as far in advance in possible to obtain the
  most economical fares                                   Funding period
y using the most economical mode of                       Funding under the program may be provided
  transportation                                          for any eligible expenses during the period
y discussing the needs of all eligible                    that starts on the earlier of,
  claimants within your family group to
                                                          1. the first day that a person receives
  ensure sufficient funds are available for
                                                             therapy and counselling, and
  those with the highest needs.
                                                          2. the day that the student who was
What expenses are excluded?
                                                             sexually abused or involved in child
Expenses normally covered through the
                                                             pornography by a College member
College’s therapy and counselling program
                                                             becomes eligible for funding.
may not be claimed for:
                                                          Funding ends on the later of,
y services unless they are reasonably
  necessary to facilitate access to your                  1. ten years after the day the funding began,
  therapy or counselling sessions                            or
y services and supplies provided or

2. the day that the student who was the             5. The student or the College withdraws
   subject of the sexual abuse or involved in          the sexual abuse or child pornography
   child pornography turns 22 years old.               allegations.

Additional criteria for ending funding
Once the maximum amount of funding                  Guide updates
available under the College’s therapy and
                                                    Edition: May 14, 2021. This guide may be
counselling program is claimed or reached,
                                                    amended periodically.
no further funding will be made available
to the claimant or another eligible claimant
within the family.

The College will reduce the amount of
funding by the amount received from public
funding or damage awards. If this amount
exceeds the available funding, no further
funding is available.

Where the maximum amount of funding has
not been reached, funding would also end in
any one of the following circumstances:

1. The application is determined to be
   frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process.

2. The College member has been found
   not guilty of sexual abuse and/or child
   pornography by the College’s Discipline
   Committee or a court hearing an appeal
   from the Discipline Committee decision.

3. Allegations, including those relating to
   sexual abuse or child pornography, have
   been withdrawn, and the College member
   has not entered into an agreement with
   the College not to teach.

4. The Investigation Committee does not
   refer allegations of sexual abuse or child
   pornography to the Discipline Committee
   for a hearing.

How to Submit Your Expenses

Steps                                                  with your first expense claim form.
                                                       If any information changes, please
1. REVIEW this guide to confirm the expenses
                                                       contact the College.
   that are covered and the documents you
   need to submit with your claim.                     If you prefer, you can request that
                                                       your therapist or counsellor invoice
2. GATHER your receipts, invoices (or other
                                                       the College directly for your therapy or
   proof of payment) and any other required
                                                       counselling sessions.
                                                    4. SUBMIT the expense claim form to the
  Please make a copy of your
                                                       College, including all required documents
  documents, if necessary, as you need
                                                       and forms.
  to submit original, detailed receipts
  or invoices with your claim. If you are           You can:
  submitting your claim electronically,
                                                    y Email your claim: fundingsupport@oct.ca
  please provide legible photos or
                                                    y Mail your claim:
  scanned copies of your documents.
  Retain your originals for six years for              Ontario College of Teachers
  audit purposes.                                      c/o Therapy and Counselling Funding
3. COMPLETE the Expense Claim Form -
                                                       101 Bloor Street West
   Therapy and Counselling Program available
                                                       Toronto ON M5S 0A1
   on the College’s website oct.ca  Public
   Protection  Funding for Therapy and                If you are submitting your expense
   Counselling.                                        claim form electronically by email,
                                                       please scan or take a clear photo of
  We suggest that you complete the form
                                                       your required documents (receipts,
  online to take advantage of fillable
                                                       invoices or other proof of purchase)
  fields and other automatic features,
                                                       and attach them to your expense claim.
  but you can print it, if you prefer to fill
                                                       Please retain original documents for
  it out by hand.
                                                       six years for audit purposes.
  You will be asked to provide the
                                                    5. CONTACT US, if you have questions
  number (Eligibility Family Code) given
                                                       about your claim. You can speak to
  to you when the College approved your
                                                       someone directly by phoning us at
  eligibility application. Please contact us
                                                       416.961.8800, ext. 379 (toll-free in Ontario
  if your application has been approved
                                                       at 1.888.534.2222, ext. 379), or you can
  and you need to reconfirm your code.
                                                       email us at fundingsupport@oct.ca.
  There is a form to read, sign and submit
  (Form B – Applicant Acknowledgements)

General tips for submitting claims                        We regret that we cannot reimburse you
                                                          for any expenses deemed ineligible or
When submitting your claim, please be
                                                          for individuals who are not approved as
aware that:
                                                          claimants. You are encouraged to request a
y Your claim must be reduced by the amount                decision regarding eligibility for funding in
  that is covered by OHIP or a private insurer.           advance of incurring significant expenses.
  You can claim any amount you are required
  to pay that is above what these plans cover.
  To assist us in processing your claim, the
  College may request information about
  your other insurance plans.
y As a matter of practicality, one person in
  your family may pay for costs for group or
  family therapy. Although only one claim will
  be filed, the claim must include a detailed
  receipt that lists the names of those in
  the group and by whom the bill was paid.
y Claims for services (that is,
  transportation, meals, accommodation,
  child care and translation) must include
  a detailed invoice for the corresponding
  therapy and counselling session
  attended, even if you are not claiming
  reimbursement for the session.
y Fees for items and services must reflect
  reasonable and customary charges for
  the service provided.
y Unless otherwise noted in this guide,
  you will be reimbursed for the most
  cost efficient transportation and
  accommodation service.
y You can submit eligible expenses for
  therapy and counselling sessions you
  attended prior to being approved for the
  funding program, as long as the sessions
  took place after the eligible incidents
  of sexual abuse or involvement in child
  pornography by a College member.

Therapy and Counselling Expenses

This section describes the therapy and              requires that you sign a form acknowledging
counselling services that are eligible for          that the person is not subject to
funding and the documents you need to               professional discipline.
submit with your claim.

When therapy or counselling is provided             Eligibility guidelines
by a medical professional such as a family
                                                    To be eligible to claim, therapy and
doctor or a psychiatrist, it may be covered
                                                    counselling services must be:
by OHIP. Other therapy may be covered by
private insurance. If this is the case, you         y provided to
must first use the funding available to you
through these other sources. If you require            i. an eligible student who was sexually
additional therapy beyond your coverage,                   abused or involved in child pornog-
or if a portion of the charge is not covered,              raphy by a College member, or
you can submit a claim to the College for              ii. a parent, guardian or sibling of an
reimbursement.                                             eligible student, provided that the
                                                           purpose of the therapy or counselling
                                                           is to support the student
Choosing a therapist or counsellor
                                                    y provided by
You can choose your own therapist or
counsellor; however they must not:                     i. a health professional within the meaning
y be in any family relationship with you                    of the Regulated Health Professions Act,
y have been found guilty of professional
                                                       ii. an Indigenous healer or Indigenous Elder,
  misconduct of a sexual nature
y have been found civilly or criminally liable         iii. a therapist or counsellor who is not a
  for an act of a similar nature.                           regulated health professional, if you
Your family doctor or Family Health Team                    complete a form to acknowledge that
                                                            the person is not subject to profes-
may be able to recommend a therapist
                                                            sional discipline
or counsellor. You can also choose an
Indigenous Elder or healer to provide these
                                                    Eligible expenses include:
services, if they meet the criteria above.
To find an Indigenous Elder or healer, you          y therapy and counselling services,
can contact your local friendship centre,             including a diagnosis, provided in
Aboriginal Health Access Centre, or look              your home, the practitioner’s office,
online at eMentalHealth.ca.                           a clinic, or hospital (if not covered by
                                                      other insurance or benefits), or through
If your therapist or counsellor is not a
                                                      videoconferencing or telehealth
regulated health professional, the College

You may not claim:                                        y practitioner details

y the portion of fees for therapy and                        i. name (and business name) of the
  counselling services covered through                            therapist or counsellor
  OHIP or private insurance                                  ii. contact information, including business
y fees charged on late or missed                                  address, email and phone number
  appointments with a therapist or                           iii. type of practice
  counsellor                                                 iv. name of profession and registration/
y fees that are above reasonable and                              license or certification details (if
  customary charges for the service                               applicable)
                                                          y service details

Claim tips                                                   i. name of the person(s) receiving treatment
                                                             ii. session date and length (in minutes)
y Invoices for therapy and counselling can                   iii. session location (or virtual/telehealth)
  be submitted to the College or you can                     iv. statement that the treatment is a
  contact us for more information about                           result of the student’s sexual abuse or
  how your therapist or counsellor can                            involvement in child pornography by a
  invoice the College directly.                                   College member, or required to sup-
y As a matter of practicality, one person in                      port the student where the claimant is
  your family may submit a claim for costs for                    not the student
  group or family therapy. Although only one
  claim will be filed, the claim must include             y the fee charged
  a detailed receipt that lists the names
  of those in the group, the amount of the                   i. the rate (per 30 or 60 minutes as
  claim allocated to each individual, and                        applicable) and fee charged
                                                             ii. the amount of the fee covered by OHIP
  identifies the person who paid the invoice.
                                                                 or another public or private funding
Submit with your claim

Expense claims which clearly describe the
therapy and counselling session attended,
including the dates and times, must be
accompanied by original receipts for

Include an itemized invoice from
the person providing the therapy or
counselling that shows:

Prescription Drugs / Medicinal Substances

This section describes the prescription             You may not claim for items such as:
drugs and medicinal substances eligible
                                                    y publicly advertised medicinal items or
for funding and the documents you need to
                                                      products, which in the College’s opinion,
submit with your claim.
                                                      are household remedies
                                                    y expenses for diets and dietary
Eligibility guidelines                                supplements, drinks, infant foods, and
                                                      sugar or salt substitutes
To be eligible to claim, prescription drugs
                                                    y expenses for lozenges and mouth washes
must be:
                                                    y expenses for medicinal substances used
y prescribed by a physician or other                  mainly for cosmetic purposes
  regulated health professional authorized          y cannabis, other than a drug containing
  to prescribe the drugs                              cannabis to which the Cannabis
y prescribed to an eligible person receiving          Regulations (Canada) apply, or cannabis
  therapy or counselling under the College’s          obtained legally for medical purposes
  funding program
y prescribed to address symptoms
                                                    Submit with your claim
  relating to the student’s sexual abuse
  or involvement in child pornography by a          Include a detailed receipt or invoice that shows:
  College member
                                                    y for both prescription drugs and medicinal
y a drug as defined in the Drug and
  Pharmacies Regulation Act
y expenses, including dispensing fees, that
                                                       i. name of the person for whom the drug
  are reasonable and customary charges.                     was prescribed or recommended
To be eligible to claim, other medicinal               ii. the fee you paid, and if not prepaid, the
substances must be:                                         amount that you can be reimbursed by
                                                            OHIP or a private insurer
y recommended by a health professional                 iii. the quantity of the prescribed drug or
  as identified within the Regulated Health                 medicinal substance purchased
  Professions Act (1991) or, an Indigenous
  healer or Indigenous Elder                        y for prescription drugs, a copy of the
y recommended for an eligible person who              prescription with the following details
  is receiving therapy or counselling under           recorded
  the College’s funding program
y recommended to address symptoms                      i. name of the drug and the drug number
  relating to the student’s sexual abuse                   as identified in the Drug and Pharmacies
                                                           Regulation Act
  or involvement in child pornography by a
                                                       ii. name of the qualified health profes-
  College member
                                                           sional that prescribed the drug and

their professional registration/license
          or certification number
     iii. the name, address and telephone
          number of the pharmacy which
          dispensed the prescription
     iv. the date the prescription was
          purchased and dispensed

y for other medicinal substances

     i. the name of the regulated health
          professional who recommended the
          substance, their profession and their
          professional registration/license/
          certification number, or
     ii. the name of the Indigenous Elder or
          Indigenous healer who recommended
          the substance,
     iii. the name, address and telephone
          number of the person who provided
          the substances
     iv. the date the substances were
          purchased and dispensed


You can claim transportation costs that are            iv. reimbursement for gratuities paid to
reasonably necessary to facilitate access to               taxicab drivers up to a limit of 15 per
your therapy and counselling sessions.                     cent (15%) of the fare
                                                       v. reasonable subway costs without
In order to maximize the available funding,                receipts
the College encourages, but does not
require, you to consider attending therapy          y Train/bus travel
and counselling in the closest location
that has appropriate services to meet                  i. travel by train and bus (when it is most
your needs.                                                 economical, or if it is more timely and
                                                            convenient than driving)
                                                       ii. business class fares or reserved
Eligibility guidelines                                      seating are eligible on Via Rail (or
                                                            another equivalent rail provider such
Unless otherwise noted in this guide,                       as Ontario Northland Railway)
you will be reimbursed for the most cost               iii. where your travel service includes a
efficient method of travelling to your                      meal, an additional claim for the same
appointment. For example, if you travel by                  meal that day will not be accepted
car, the combined cost of your mileage, car
expenses and hotel should not be more               y Personal vehicle
than the cost of economy airfare. If you are
travelling with more than one person to the            i. travel by personal vehicle (when it is
same location, you should use a shuttle                     a cost effective and efficient form of
service or share ground transportation                      travel, or if no other transportation is
whenever possible.                                          reasonably available)
                                                       ii. you must carry adequate insurance on
The following travel costs related to                       your vehicle, at your own cost, for your
attending your appointment may be                           own protection
claimed:                                               iii. repairs to personal vehicles are not
                                                            eligible for reimbursement, even if the
y Public transportation/taxis/shared ride                   costs result from travel related to your
  services                                                  therapy
                                                       iv. reasonable parking rates
  i. use public transportation where                   v. mileage
       possible (for example, city buses,
       street cars, subways, taxicabs, ferries,           ƒ reasonable mileage for travel
       and rail links)                                      to and from your appointment
  ii. ride-sharing service (for example,                    (based on Government of Canada
       Uber, Lyft)                                          prescribed rates identified on the
  iii. shuttle services to and from the                     expense claim form)
       airport, where available

ƒ the mileage rate covers all gas,                         the lot and identify any concerns
         oil, insurance and maintenance                           on the contract before accepting
         on the car                                               the vehicle
       ƒ all mileage claimed after the first                    ƒ review the rental contract to
         5,000 km in a calendar year will                         ensure that the rate confirmed at
         be reimbursed at a reduced rate                          the time of reservation is the rate
y Car rentals
                                                             v. insurance
     i. travel by mid-size rental car (when
         local transportation is not available                  ƒ most credit cards provide colli-
         or when a car rental is less expensive                   sion damage waiver insurance
         than other modes of transportation                     ƒ if your car rental is charged
         such as taxis, airport limousines and                    to a credit card that provides
         airport shuttles)                                        insurance, the rental company’s
     ii. vehicle size                                             insurance option may be declined
                                                                ƒ if the credit card does not provide
       ƒ mid-size (or standard size) econ-                        such coverage, the rental com-
         omy cars are eligible vehicles                           pany’s insurance option should
       ƒ the rental rate for a full-size                          be included in the rental
         vehicle, SUV or van is covered                         ƒ please ensure you have personal
         when three or more people are                            injury insurance as the funding
         travelling together and this is                          program does not cover you in the
         an economical transportation                             event of an injury while travelling
       ƒ premium, luxury and specialty                       vi. parking
         cars are not eligible
                                                                ƒ reasonable parking rates are
     iii. reservations                                            reimbursable

       ƒ record the reservation number                       vii. rental return
         and the confirmed rate in case of
         a reservation or billing dispute                       ƒ every reasonable effort should be
                                                                  made to return the rental to the
     iv. pick up                                                  original rental city as additional
                                                                  fees for drop off charges are not
       ƒ check for any promotional rates,                         reimbursable
         last minute specials or free                           ƒ rental cars should be returned
         upgrades when picking up the                             on time to avoid additional hourly
         vehicle                                                  charges and with a full tank of
       ƒ inspect the rental car for damage                        gas to avoid refuelling premiums
         or other issues prior to leaving                       ƒ one-way rentals may be used

when the cost for drop-off and                       classes (such as Priority, first
         fuel combined are less expensive                     class or business class) may be
         than the cost of alternate travel                    booked at your own expense
         such as by plane or rail                           ƒ check for any promotional fares
                                                              or seat sales when booking your
    viii. rental car accidents                                ticket

      ƒ in the unfortunate event of an                   iv. seat selection
        accident, loss of, or damage to
        the vehicle, you should                             ƒ fees for advance seat selection
        immediately contact the car                           are not eligible unless included in
        rental company on the number                          the economy class airfare
        printed on the contract and the
        local authorities, as required                   v. change flight fees

•   Air travel                                              ƒ only book flights after therapy
                                                              appointments are finalized as
    i. air travel may be necessary to attend                  airlines often charge a booking
        your counselling or therapy sessions,                 change fee and this should be
        in exceptional cases                                  avoided
    ii. eligible airlines
                                                         vi. stopovers and weekend layovers
      ƒ use airlines such as Air Canada,
        Air Canada Jazz, West Jet, Porter                   ƒ additional airfare and other costs
        Airlines and Bearskin Airlines                        incurred for stopovers or layovers
      ƒ if you need to travel to /from                        that are not required to attend
        remote locations where these                          your therapy appointment will not
        airlines do not provide coverage,                     be reimbursed
        please contact us with ticket
        information prior to booking the                 vii. frequent flyer incentive programs
        flight to determine if the expense
        is eligible                                         ƒ you may participate in frequent
      ƒ if a comparable flight is offered                     flyer programs as long as there is
        by more than one airline, please                      no additional cost
        take advantage of the lowest
        available airfare                                viii. baggage

                                                            ƒ travel with carry-on luggage
    iii. booking class                                        approved by the airline (weight
      ƒ economy class airfare is eligible                     and size)
        for reimbursement                                   ƒ charges for checked baggage are
      ƒ upgrades to higher booking                            not reimbursable

ix. denied boarding compensation                           ƒ personal items lost while
                                                                  travelling are not eligible for
        ƒ airlines occasionally offer free                        reimbursement
          tickets or cash allowances to
          compensate travellers for delays
          and inconveniences due to                       Claims tips
          overbooking, flight cancellations
          and so on                                       y Make your travel reservations and obtain
        ƒ you may volunteer for denied                      tickets as far in advance as possible to
          boarding compensation, if the                     take advantage of lower fares and rates.
          delay will not result in late fees              y Wait until your appointment is finalized
          or cancellation of your therapy or                before booking your transportation to
          counselling appointment, and if                   avoid charges for changing or cancelling
          there are no additional costs to                  bookings.
          the College (such as accommoda-                 y Claims for penalties resulting from a
          tion, meals or transportation)
                                                            change in travel plans will be reimbursed
        ƒ if you are involuntarily denied
                                                            in exceptional cases only.
          boarding and are offered a free
          voucher from the airline, you may               y Eligible travel expenses are for
          keep the travel voucher provided                  transportation costs to attend therapy
          this does not result in any addi-                 departing from your home or place of
          tional expenses to the College                    employment.
                                                          y The expense claim form identifies eligible
     x. overnight delays                                    mileage based on the Government of
                                                            Canada rates.
        ƒ if a flight delay or unexpected
                                                          y Verify all rental car rates prior to signing
          cancellation necessitates an
                                                            a contract or paying a bill.
          overnight stay, you should
          request complimentary lodging                   y Retain your tickets and boarding passes
          from the airline                                  to submit with your expense claim.
        ƒ if there is no complimentary                    y Receipts are not required for subway
          lodging, you can claim your                       trips (for example, TTC).
          hotel expenses according to the                 y As a matter of practicality, one person
          guidelines in the accommodation                   in your family may pay for transportation
          section of this guide                             costs that include more than one family
                                                            member or claimant. Although only one
     xi. lost baggage                                       claim will be filed, the claim must include
                                                            a detailed receipt that lists the names of
        ƒ airlines are responsible for
          retrieving and compensating you                   those in the group, the amount allocated
          for lost baggage                                  to each individual and identify the person
                                                            who paid the invoice.

Eligible expenses include:                          y charges to access Wi-Fi at an airport or
                                                      on a flight.
y bookings made over the telephone,
  directly online or through an online
  service such as Expedia or Kayak                  Submit with your claim
y travel expenses for one adult required to
                                                    Your transportation claims must include a
  accompany a minor child to a therapy or
                                                    detailed invoice for the corresponding therapy
  counselling session (or you can confirm
                                                    and counselling session that includes the
  the availability of unaccompanied minor
                                                    date, time and location of the session.
  travel services offered by airlines and
  buses)                                            Include detailed transportation receipts or
y reasonable public parking and airport             invoices that show:
  parking charges
y toll road charges such as the 407                 y city buses, street cars, ferries
y reimbursement for gratuities paid to                 ƒ the date of service, number of
  taxicab drivers to a limit of 15 percent of            tickets purchased, fare charged
  the fare
y reasonable costs for individual subway
  trips without receipts                            y taxis/shared ride service/shuttles
y valet parking                                        ƒ the date of pick-up
You may not claim:                                     ƒ pick-up and drop-off locations
                                                       ƒ fee showing base rate, number of
y additional booking fees charged by travel              passengers, any additional charges
  agents                                                 and gratuity paid
y meal expenses, if a meal is provided
  as part of your transportation or
                                                    y trains/rail service/intercity bus company
  accommodation charge
y drop off charges for returning a rental              ƒ the date of service and destination
  car to a different city from where it was              (pick-up and drop-off locations)
  rented                                               ƒ fare class (for example, business
y refueling charges for returning a rental               class, Firm, student)
  car without a full tank of gas                       ƒ fee showing base rate, number of
y most travel services for which a receipt               tickets purchased, and any addi-
                                                         tional charges
  or ticket is not available (for example,
                                                       ƒ also include proof of boarding (that
  bulk purchase of travel services, multiple
                                                         is, boarding pass)
  pass/fare purchases, fares from tap                  ƒ specify whether a meal (breakfast,
  on card services such as Presto, pre-                  lunch or dinner) was provided as
  purchased bus tickets or token, GO train/              part of the fare
  bus tickets, subway tokens)

y parking                                                 y air travel/flights

     ƒ location of lot, date(s) parked, time                 ƒ airline carrier, date of flight and
       in/out, and rate charged                                flight class (for example, economy,
y toll road charges                                          ƒ departure and arrival location
                                                             ƒ proof of boarding (that is, boarding
     ƒ the date, location and time that the
       vehicle entered and exited the toll
                                                             ƒ specify whether a meal (breakfast,
                                                               lunch or dinner) was provided as
     ƒ proof of fee paid (for example, a
                                                               part of the fare
       receipt or copy of your bill)
                                                             ƒ any additional charges should be
     ƒ for Highway 407, use the online toll
                                                               outlined in an explanatory note that
       calculator available at 407etr.com to
                                                               accompanies the claim.
       identify the charge

y mileage for personal vehicles

     ƒ use Google Maps available at
       googlemaps.ca to measure the
       distance from your therapy or
       counselling destination to your
       home or place of employment
     ƒ identify whether the mileage is one
       direction or return
     ƒ any reasons for additional mileage
       (for example, to drive to a hotel)
       should be outlined in an explanatory
       note that accompanies a claim

y car rentals

     ƒ the size of car, type of car, pick up
       and drop off dates and location
     ƒ please identify if the rental is for
     ƒ any additional premium charges,
       including charges for refueling or
       upgrading a vehicle (for example, to
       a full-size vehicle or van) should be
       outlined in an explanatory note that
       accompanies the claim


In some cases, your therapy or counselling          y if an individual meal is over the applicable
appointment may be a significant distance             limit, only the maximum reimbursable
from your home or place of employment.                amount is claimed as indicated above.
You can claim reasonable meal expenses, if
                                                    You may not claim:
attending your appointment requires you to
travel during a regular mealtime.                   y meals that could reasonably be eaten
                                                      before departing or returning to your
                                                      home or place of business
Eligibility guidelines
                                                    y alcohol purchases (cross off all alcohol
The following amounts in Canadian currency            items from the detailed receipt and
are the maximum reimbursable amounts for              provide a new total based on eligible
meal expenses.                                        items) groceries and/or meals consumed
                                                      within your home community either prior
Meals           $                                     to departure or on return
Breakfast       $ 20                                y meals included in the cost of your therapy
                                                      and counselling session, transportation,
Lunch           $ 25
                                                      or accommodation
Dinner          $ 50                                y non-food items.
Total           $ 95
                                                    Claims tips
For your expense to be eligible, please
                                                    If paying for your meal by credit card or
ensure that:
                                                    room service charge, please request a
y the maximum amount includes meal                  detailed meal receipt to submit with your
  taxes and any gratuity paid to restaurant         expenses. A credit card slip or hotel invoice
  service staff up to a limit of 15 per cent of     without further details is not considered
  the cost of the meal (excluding taxes)            a detailed receipt and not eligible for
y any travel costs to/from the restaurant           reimbursement.
  are included as part of the individual
                                                    For group meals, request individual
  meal allowance and not submitted
                                                    bills from the server where possible. If
  separately as an additional cost beyond
                                                    necessary, take a photograph of the bill and
  the maximum amount
                                                    adjust it to reflect your meal.
y unused portions of the allowance are not
  carried forward to another meal within            If more than one person’s meal is on the
  the same day or used to increase other            receipt, please circle items from your meal
  days’ allowances; to be clear, a meal             and claim only the applicable amount.
  claim for one individual cannot exceed
  the amount shown

Where your travel service includes a meal,
an additional claim for the same meal that
day will not be accepted.

As a matter of practicality, one person in
your family may pay for group meal costs.
Although only one claim will be filed, the
claim must have attached a detailed receipt
and list the names of those in the group and
by whom the bill was paid.

Submit with your claim

Your meal claims must include a detailed
invoice for the corresponding therapy and
counselling session that includes the date,
time and location of the session.

Include detailed meal receipts or invoices
that show:

y the name and location of the restaurant
  or other meal provider
y the date and time of the meal
y the items ordered with ineligible items
  crossed off (such as alcohol, items
  consumed by others, or non-food items)
y the amount paid, including separate
  entries for the amount of GST/PST and

If an original detailed meal receipt from an
establishment is not available, a photograph
of same or a detailed hand-written
meal receipt may be acceptable with an
explanatory note. Please note that claims
without receipts may be a taxable benefit.


You can claim accommodation costs that are             hotel, if you prefer, such as the private
reasonably necessary to facilitate access to           home of friends, family or acquaintances
your therapy and counselling sessions.                 up to an amount of $50 per day
                                                     y gratuities paid for some transportation
                                                       and accommodation costs:
Eligibility guidelines
                                                        ƒ hotel baggage handling porters or
The funding program covers accommodation                  valets – $2 per occurrence
expenses for a standard single hotel room for:          ƒ housekeeping staff in hotels –
y the evening prior to your appointment                   $5 for the first day and $2 for each
                                                          additional day
  day, if your appointment is before 1 p.m.
                                                        ƒ hotel shuttle service drivers –
  and travel is not possible in the morning
                                                          $2 per trip or $5 for multiple
y the evening of your appointment, if your                passengers
  appointment continues beyond 5 p.m.
  and travel is not possible in the evening          y a reasonable number of personal
                                                       telephone calls using personal mobile
In exceptional cases, some flexibility in the
                                                       device to keep in touch with immediate
guidelines may be required. For example:
                                                       family members while travelling (you
y the charge for an additional hotel night             will not be reimbursed for extraordinary
  supports the most economical travel                  charges such as personal telephone calls
  option                                               made from air phones or cellular car
y your appointment ends before 5 p.m., but             rental phones).
  there are no reasonable flight or other
                                                     You may not claim:
  travel options for returning home
y two or more family members are                     y charges to upgrade your room or room
  travelling together to attend therapy and            charges above the cost of a standard,
  a different hotel is more economical                 single room
y safe travel is not possible due to                 y “no show” charges or penalties for
  inclement weather                                    cancelling your reservation
                                                     y early or late check-out charges
Please contact the College if you require
                                                     y Internet access (You may wish to choose
additional accommodation, or if you prefer,
                                                       a hotel that offers complementary
provide an explanatory note with your claim
                                                       Internet in guest rooms or the lobby.)
for consideration.
                                                     y personal or miscellaneous items
Eligible expenses include:                             such as in-house movies, fitness club
                                                       memberships, laundry and dry cleaning
y the rate for a standard single room in a hotel       services and spa treatments
  comparable to three star service class             y long distance phone calls made using
y lodging in a private residence in lieu of a          your hotel room phone.

Claims tips                                                  costs for more than one member of the
                                                             family. Although only one claim will be
y Finalize your appointment before
                                                             filed, the claim must have attached a
  confirming your hotel reservation, or
                                                             detailed receipt and list the names of
  choose a hotel that allows cancellation
                                                             those in the group and by whom the bill
  without penalty.
                                                             was paid.
y Hotels may have periods where the
  regular rate is much higher than usual
  because of a holiday or special event.                  Submit with your claim
  You should try to avoid these dates when
                                                          Your accommodation claims must include
  scheduling as the room rate may be cost
                                                          a detailed invoice for the corresponding
                                                          therapy and counselling session that
y Some hotels offer program memberships
                                                          includes the date, time and location of the
  with benefits. You may accrue or use any
  reward points as long as participating
  in these programs does not result in                    Include a signed itemized hotel bill that
  increased expense claims.                               shows:
y Hotels place a substantial surcharge on
  local calls dialled without a calling card              y the name and location of the hotel
  and a 55 per cent surcharge on regular                  y the rate per night, number of nights
  long distance rates. Please avoid placing                 stayed and the room type (that is, single
  phone calls that incur a hotel surcharge.                 standard)
  You should use your personal cell phone,                y explanatory notation for each room
  a charge/credit card, calling card or                     service and itemized, detailed restaurant
  public phone, and utilize an 800 number                   charge
  or call collect whenever possible.
y You must check and sign your invoices at
  the front desk before leaving the hotel.
y Before checking out, ask the hotel to
  provide you with detailed, itemized
  copies for any restaurant or room service
y If your hotel bill includes personal
  or miscellaneous items that are not
  covered, please cross them off and
  adjust the total on the invoice and when
  submitting your expense claim.
y As a matter of practicality, one person in
  your family may pay for accommodation

Child Care

You can claim child care costs that are             y fees that are above the reasonable
reasonably necessary to facilitate access to          and customary charges for the service
your therapy or counselling sessions.                 provided.

Eligibility guidelines                              Submit with your claim

To be eligible to claim, the care must be for:      Your child care claims must include a
                                                    detailed invoice for the corresponding
y children who are below the established
                                                    therapy and counselling session that
  minimum provincial age for remaining
                                                    includes the date, time and location of the
  home unsupervised (in Ontario, 16 years
  old), or
y dependents of any age who require                 Include a detailed receipt or invoice signed
  regular care (with an appropriate                 by the child care service provider that
  explanatory reason provided), and                 shows:
y children for whom you are the parent or
                                                    y the date the services were provided
                                                    y the name and address of the licensed
                                                      child care provider, or the person
Claims tips                                           providing care
                                                    y the fee paid, including
As a matter of practicality, one person
in your family may pay child care costs                ƒ the name and ages of the children
while more than one member of the family               ƒ length of child care time (in hours)
attends therapy. Although only one claim               ƒ rate/hour.
will be filed, the claim must include a
detailed receipt that lists the names of the
dependents requiring care, the parents/
guardians in the group, the claim amount
that should be allocated to each parent/
guardian, and the name of the person who
paid the invoice.

You may not claim:

y services provided by a family member
  that lives within the same household as
  the children or dependents requiring care
y late pick-up fees charged at an additional

Translation Services

To maximize the funding available                         Submit with your claim
for therapy and counselling, you are
                                                          Your translation claims must include a
encouraged to use a therapist or counsellor
                                                          detailed invoice for the corresponding
who speaks your preferred language when
                                                          therapy and counselling session that
                                                          includes the date, time and location of the
You can claim translation costs that are                  session.
reasonably necessary to facilitate access to
                                                          Include an original detailed translation
your therapy or counselling sessions.
                                                          receipt or invoice that shows:

                                                          y the date and name of the person
Eligibility guidelines
                                                            receiving the services
To be eligible to claim, translation services             y the name of the person providing the
must:                                                       services, including professional details
                                                            such as certification information
y be performed by a certified translator, or
                                                          y the languages interpreted
y support Indigenous language speakers
                                                          y for written translation
  to participate in therapy and counselling,
  and                                                        ƒ the length of text or service (for
y use services that charge reasonable and                      example, number of words or pages,
  customary fees.                                              or hours of service)
                                                             ƒ the rate (for example, per word, per
                                                               page, per hour of services)
Claims tips                                                  ƒ the fee charged
If OHIP or a private insurance plan provides
coverage for some of the costs, you can                   y for oral translation
only claim the amount not already covered
                                                             ƒ the length of service (for example,
                                                               number of minutes or hours)
As a matter of practicality, one person in                   ƒ the rate (for example, per minute or
your family may pay for translation costs                      per hour)
for more than one family member attending                    ƒ the fee charged.
therapy. Although only one claim will be
filed, the claim must have attached a
detailed receipt and list the names of those
in the group and by whom the bill was paid.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What amount is available for funding?                Expenses submitted more than 60
                                                        days after they are incurred will
  ƒ The College provides a maximum of                   require special approval by the
    approximately $17,000 - $18,000 in                  College controller and may be
    funding. This amount covers therapy                 rejected.
    and counselling, prescription drugs               ƒ You have until January 15th to
    and other medicinal substances, and                 submit claims that were incurred
    other eligible services reasonably                  in the previous calendar year. The
    required to facilitate access to your               College may not be able to pay
    therapy and counselling sessions.                   claims submitted after that time.
  ƒ The funding is shared by eligible                 ƒ For significant expenses, you are
    family members, including the                       encouraged to contact us in ad-
    student, parents, guardians and                     vance to confirm your eligibility and
    siblings. Once approved as eligible,                the amount of funding remaining in
    you will receive a “family eligibility              your family account.
    code” to use to access the funding.
  ƒ Your family is encouraged to consider          4. What should I submit with my claim?
    how to best use the funds to meet
    the needs of eligible claimants.                  ƒ Make sure to request and save
                                                        original detailed receipts, invoices
2. What happens if I am already partially or            or other proof of payment for all
   fully covered for the costs?                         eligible expenses, including your
                                                        therapy and counselling sessions.
  ƒ If you have coverage for some of                    Submit proof of payment with your
    your costs through another source                   claim form.
    (such as OHIP or benefits through                 ƒ Your detailed receipts should identify
    a private insurance plan), you must                 the date, time, any PST or GST paid,
    use these funds first.                              gratuities and the specific items or
  ƒ If your costs are not fully covered,                services that make up your bill.
    you can submit a claim to the                     ƒ Include all required documentation
    College for any eligible amount                     with your expense claim to avoid
    remaining.                                          payment delays.
3. When should I submit my claim?                  5. What if there are other expenses on my
  ƒ Submit your expenses as soon as                   receipt that I am not claiming?
    possible after each counselling or                ƒ If you are not claiming some costs,
    therapy session.                                    for example alcohol at a meal or
  ƒ If your therapy or counselling                      extra days at a hotel, simply cross it
    occurred prior to your application                  off on your receipt. Then adjust the
    for funding approval, please submit                 PST/GST and provide a new total on
    these expenses within 60 days of                    the receipt.
    confirmation of your eligibility.

ƒ If you shared a meal with others,                     ƒ Some costs you submitted may not
       simply cross off the items that were                    be eligible for funding. For example,
       not part of your meal and adjust the                    you can only be reimbursed if your
       receipt.                                                expense:
     ƒ If you are claiming for more than
       one eligible person (for example, a                      ƒ falls within an eligible category
       student and parent shared a meal or                        (that is, therapy and counselling,
       a taxi), you can submit one receipt.                       drugs and medicinal substances,
       Please print the name of each                              transportation, accommodation,
       eligible person on the receipt with                        meals, child care, and translation
       the individual amount claimed.                             services)
6. How do I submit original receipts if I                       ƒ includes all required documents
                                                                  to support your claim (in rare
   submitted my claim by email?
                                                                  instances when a receipt is
     ƒ Expenses submitted electronically                          required but cannot be obtained
       by email can include scanned                               or is lost, an explanation should
       receipts or photographs, as long                           be included with the expense
       as the copies are legible. You must                        claim)
       retail original receipts for six years                   ƒ includes expenses for eligible
       for audit purposes.                                        family members that share your
     ƒ Claims submitted by mail should                            family code
       include only original receipts.                          ƒ is not fully covered by another
                                                                  source of funding (for example,
7. When will I receive my reimbursement?                          OHIP, private insurance, damages
                                                                  awarded by a court)
     ƒ The College will make every effort to                    ƒ has not already been submitted
       process your expense claim within                          to the College and reimbursed, by
       15 business days.                                          you or someone else
     ƒ Please make sure all sections of the                     ƒ fully complies with the specific
       claim form are complete and submit                         requirements identified in this
       all required documentation to avoid                        guide
       delays in processing your claim.
                                                             ƒ Your reimbursement was reduced
8. Why was I reimbursed a different amount                     to the funding amount remaining in
   than I claimed?                                             your family account.
     ƒ The College may need to adjust                        ƒ For further information about your
       your claim, if for example, there is                    claim, or the amount you were
       a calculation error on the form or a                    reimbursed, please contact the
       receipt.                                                College and ask for the Therapy and
                                                               Funding Support Program.

9. Why was my claim denied?

  ƒ The College will contact you by
    email (or another method, if you
    prefer) and provide the reason your
    claim was denied.
  ƒ If your claim has been denied, you
    can ask for a subsequent review
    provided you have relevant additional
    information to submit that was not
    part of the original claim.

Contact us

You can contact us at:

Ontario College of Teachers
c/o Therapy and Counselling Funding
101 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON M5S 0A1

Email: fundingsupport@oct.ca

Further questions?
If you would like to speak to someone
directly to ask a question about the funding
program or your eligibility, please phone
us at 416.961.8800, ext. 379 or toll-free in
Ontario at 1.888.534.2222, ext. 379.


You can download a copy of all forms from                 Form D: New Therapist or Counsellor
the College’s website at oct.ca  Public                          (Provider Statement)
Protection  Funding for Therapy and
                                                          Ask each new therapist or counsellor to
                                                          complete and sign this form.

Form A: Expense Claim Form (Required)

Complete and submit this form each time
you request reimbursement for your therapy
and counselling expenses.

y The electronic version provides fillable
  fields and other automatic features that
  will assist you to complete your claim.
y If you prefer, you can also download and
  complete a paper copy of the form to
  submit by mail.

Form B: Applicant Acknowledgements
       (Required with First Claim)

Sign and submit this form with your first
expense claim form. If any information
changes, please contact the College.

Form C: New Therapist or Counsellor
        (Applicant Statement)

Complete and sign this form for each new
therapist or counsellor. You will require a
witness for your signature.

y Part A (review and sign applicant
y Part B (complete and sign if your
  therapist or counsellor is NOT a member
  of a regulated health profession)

For additional information:
                                                                                             Ontario College of Teachers
                                                                                             101 Bloor St. West
                                                                                             Toronto ON M5S 0A1

                                                                                             Telephone: 416.961.8800
                                                                                             Fax: 416.961.8822
                                                                                             Toll-free in Ontario: 1.888.534.2222
                                                                                             Email: info@oct.ca

Cette publication est également disponible en français sous le titre
Guide pour les demandes de remboursement Programme de fonds pour thérapie et consultations   Edition: May 14, 2021
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