EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com

EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com

EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com

 3    Foreword from Shay Walsh                             26    Biological & Ecological
 4    Sponsors, partners and exhibitors
                                                           36    Social & Behavioural Sciences
 6    The awards
                                                            47   On stage
 8    Special awards
                                                           50    Exhibit halls
 9    BTYSTE 2023 Judges
                                                           58    Past winners
 10   2023 Projects - Quick search
                                                           60    The Primary Science Fair
 14   Chemical, Physical &
      Mathematical Sciences                                62    BT Business Bootcamp

20    Technology                                           64    Daily event schedules

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EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
A message from Shay Walsh
                 We are delighted to be able to welcome you all here to the 59th
                 annual BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition this week. The buzz
                 and excitement of the live exhibition is second to none, and we’re
                 excited to be bringing everyone back together after two sensational
                 virtual exhibitions in 2021 and 2022.
                 It’s great to be able to throw open the doors of the BT Young Scientist
                 & Technology Exhibition to students from across the island of Ireland
                 who are blazing a trail with their creative takes on science,
                 technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This year we will
                 see students tackling challenges across a diverse range of areas, with
                 the environment, health, sport science, agriculture, and new
                 technologies just some of the key trends emerging from their project
                 Our judges whittled down over 1,700 project entries to the 550
                 exceptional projects that will be on show this week, and I would like to
                 wish both the students and the judges well for the judging sessions.
                 Your commitment and dedication to the BT Young Scientist &
                 Technology Exhibition is truly outstanding.
                 The Exhibition is a fantastic celebration of science, technology, and
                 curiosity. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to marvel at the
                 ingenuity of our young people in the exhibition hall, visit the Primary
                 Science Fair, stop by some of the 14 live science shows a day and
                 interact with the fantastic stands of our partners and supporting
                 organisations, for whom we are very grateful.
                 I hope you have a wonderful time at this year’s BT Young Scientist and
                 Technology Exhibition.
                 Thank you for joining us

                 Shay Walsh
                 Managing Director, BT Ireland
                 Proud sponsor and organiser of the BT Young Scientist
                 & Technology Exhibition

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EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
Exhibition partners

The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023 is proudly
sponsored and supported by;

4   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
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EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
Main awards                                                    Category awards
BT Young Scientist &                                           There are 36 prizes for individuals and 36
                                                               prizes for group projects. The prizes take the
Technologist(s) of the Year 2023                               form of 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Junior,
                                                               Intermediate and Senior sections of each of
Individual or Group
                                                               the four categories:
• BT Young Scientist(s) of the Year Trophy                               Social & Behavioural Sciences
  (perpetual)                                                            e.g. economic, geographical, psychological or
                                                                         sociological studies of human behaviour, nutrition,
• Cheque for €7,500 / £6,750                                             social anthropology, political science.
• The chance to represent Ireland at the
                                                                         Chemical, Physical &
  European Union Contest for Young
                                                                         Mathematical Sciences
  Scientists                                                             e.g. chemistry, physics, mathematics, applied
                                                                         mathematics, geology, engineering, computer
                                                                         programming, meteorology, astronomy.
Best Individual or Best Group
• BT Trophy (perpetual)                                                  e.g. communications, electronic systems, robotics,
                                                                         computing, control technology, applications of
• Cheque for €2,400 / £2,160                                             technology, biotechnology, automation.

                                                                         Biological & Ecological Sciences
Runner-up Individual                                                     e.g. agriculture, anatomy, biochemistry,
                                                                         biotechnology, ecology, horticulture, physiology,
and Runners-up Group                                                     medical science, veterinary science.

• BT Trophy (perpetual)
                                                               The prizes are:
• Cheque for €1,200 / £1,080
Please note if the BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the
Year is awarded to an Individual, a Best Group Award will
also be made.
If the BT Young Scientist of the Year is awarded to a Group,    1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize
a Best Individual Award will also be made.                      €300/£270            €225/£202            €150 / £135
                                                                    for both             for both             for both
                                                                 Individual and       Individual and       Individual and
                                                                 Group projects       Group projects       Group projects

                                                               In the event of a tie in any category, the prize money will be
                                                               split equally. A number of highly commended and display
                                                               awards will also be awarded in each category by the panel
                                                               of judges.

6   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
Gold Partner awards
Student awards                                                            Educator of excellence awards
Analog Devices Technology Award                                           These awards will be presented to the teachers whose
Analog Devices will present an award in the Technology                    commitment and encouragement have consistently enabled
category to the best placed project for outstanding work                  their students to participate successfully in all categories of the
exhibited in the Technology category, either group or individual,         exhibition.
except where the project has been selected as BT Young                    Analog Devices Educator of Excellence Award - Technology
Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year. The winning project will         The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and an Analog Devices
be awarded €2,000. In addition, Analog Devices will donate                Trophy.
€2,500 to the school of the winning student(s) as a contribution
towards its science laboratory equipment fund*.                           Horizon Educator of Excellence - Biological and Ecological
Horizon Biological and Ecological Sciences Award                          The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a Horizon Trophy.
Horizon will present an award in the Biological and Ecological
category to the best placed project, either group or individual,          Stripe Educator of Excellence - Chemical, Physical &
except where the project has been selected as BT Young                    Mathematical Sciences
Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year. The winning project will be      The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a BT trophy.
awarded €2,000.                                                           BT Educator of Excellence - Social and Behavioural Sciences
RTÉ Social and Behavioural Sciences Award                                 The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a BT Trophy.
RTÉ will present an award in the Social and Behavioural
Sciences category to the best placed project, either group or
individual, except where the project has been selected as BT
Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year.
Stripe Chemical, Physical and Mathematical
Sciences Award
An award will be presented in the Chemical, Physical and
Mathematical category to the best placed project, either group
or individual, except where the project has been selected as the
BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the year.
*Analog Devices will contact winner with details, terms and conditions.

   Rev Dr Tom Burke                                                          Founders
   bursary                                                                   medal
   Fr Tom was one of the co-founders of the project and                      A medal will be
   sadly passed away in 2008. In memory of his                               awarded in the name of
   contribution to the project, a €1,000 bursary is awarded                  the co-founders of the
   in his name to an individual participant who is deemed                    exhibition, Dr Tony Scott and Fr Tom Burke, a €1,000
   by the judges to be the best communicator. This will be                   award will be made to an individual who has made a
   paid on application to a student to help them in their                    remarkable and long standing contribution to the BT
   second/third level education.                                             Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. This is
   This bursary will be open to participants of all                          chosen by the Co-Founder Dr Tony Scott.
   categories across all age groups, but the winner cannot
   be either the overall Individual Winner or Runner Up.

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EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
We are pleased and proud to have a fabulous range of Special Awards
at this year’s Exhibition. Each award is industry-sponsored and details of
each organisation and awards can be found on the Awards section of our
website www.btyoungscientist.com
This year, Special Awards will be presented by our partner
organisations. Special Awards recognise excellence in specific                      Schools awards
areas, examples include projects which have a focus on
innovation in technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability,      Each year two school awards are made, one for Best School in
recycling, the environment, research or improving cancer           Northern Ireland presented by BT and one for Best School in
awareness.                                                         the Republic of Ireland presented by NAPD. These are
Full details of all the Special Awards and the criteria for each   presented on a points based system and cannot be won by
can be found on our website www.btyoungscientist.com               the same school in a three year period.

8   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
                              CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL & MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES
Prof. Claire Gormley                               Dr. Martina Nolan-Jones                  Prof. Stephen Connon
Prof. Elaine O’Reilly                              Prof. Orla Feely                         Prof. Susan Quinn
Prof. Emma Sokell                                  Prof. Pat Guiry                          Dr. Tony Scott
Fergal O’Reilly                                    Prof. Peter Lynch
Dr. Graeme Horley                                  Dr. Rachel Quinlan
Prof. Maria Meehan                                 Dr. Shane Bergin

Aaron McCormack                                    Dr. Helen McBreen                        Dr. Peter Taylor ✭ 2001
Anna-Marie Turley                                  Prof. John Dunnion                       Ray Goggin
Barry Kennedy                                      Julie Spillane                           Prof. Sarah Jane Delany
Brian O’Mara                                       Lean Doody                               Prof. Vincent Wade
Claire McGee                                       Leonard Hobbs
Lorna Ross                                         Noel King

                                            BIOLOGICAL & ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Prof. Ann Cullinane                                Prof. Fionnuala McAuliffe                Dr. Kathy O’Boyle
Dr. Colin Kelleher                                 Prof. Geraldine Butler                   Prof. Mark Crowe
Prof. Donal O’Shea                                 Prof. Grace McCormack                    Mary Kelly-Quinn ✭ 1976
Dr. Eoin Lettice                                   Prof. Helen French                       Prof. Niall Moyna
Prof. Evelyn Doyle                                 Prof. John O’Halloran                    Dr. Richard O’Hanlon
Dr. Fidelma Butler                                 Prof. John Morrissey                     Dr. Stephen Butler
Dr. Fiona Wilson                                   Dr. John Monahan ✭ 1965                  Dr. Tadhg O Croinin

                                             SOCIAL & BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES
Aidan Ryan                                         Esther Doyle                             Dr. Maeve Martin
Annette Cahalane                                   Fiona O’Callaghan                        Dr. Marion Palmer
Dr. Barry Brunt                                    Prof. Ian Robertson                      Dr. Roisin Lyons
Brendan O’Sullivan                                 Prof. James O’Higgins Norman             Dr. Sinéad Smyth
Prof. Catherine Darker                             Dr. Jean Cushen                          Dr. Tara Cusack
Dr. Ciara Greene                                   Prof. Joe Barry                          Prof. Yseult Freeney
Conor Faughnan                                     Prof. Jo-Hanna Ivers                     Dr Helen Connaughton
David Silke                                        Dr. Jones Irwin                          Orla Feeney
Prof. Des McCafferty                               Prof. Liz Nixon                          Darran Heaney
Dr. Edel Higgins                                   Lynda Mc Sweeney                         Sadhbh Byrne

                                                        Additional screening judges
                                Prof. Bernie Capraro     Julie Byrne    Prof. Sean Corish    Carol Gibbons

                         BT Chairperson                                        Special Awards Chairperson
                           Therese Gunning                                            Professor Padraig Dunne

★ Young Scientist of the Year past winner

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EXHIBITION GUIDE - www.btyoungscientist.com
Project category
     Chemical, Physical and                                 Biological and           Social and Behavioural
     Mathematical Sciences                                Ecological Sciences               Sciences

         1100 - 1609                 2100 - 2610             3100 - 3612                 4100 - 4607

School name/County
Antrim                                                    Coláiste Choilm      1509, 2201, 2502, 3502, 4201
                                                                         4210, 4219, 4223, 4502, 4504, 4527
Ballymena Academy                                 2507
                                                                               4532, 4535, 4542, 4573, 4591
South Eastern Regional College
                                                          Coláiste Daibhéid                               4518
- Lisburn                                  3305, 3606
                                                          Coláiste Fionnchua                        3510, 4408
St Dominic’s High School                          4222
                                                          Colaiste Muire Crosshaven 1221, 1538, 3404, 3406
Wellington College                                 1407
                                                                                    3520, 4112, 4220, 4555
Carlow                                                    Coláiste na Toirbhirte                         3554
Tullow Community School                           3549    Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí                3545, 4541
Cavan                                                     Colaiste Treasa          3515, 3529, 3537, 4230, 4531
Breifne College                                   2522    Douglas Community School                  3539, 4414
Coláiste Dún an Rí                          1218, 4590    Gaelcholáiste Charraig Ui Leighin 1512, 2101, 4234
Loreto College                                    3503                                                  4519

Clare                                                     Glanmire Community College               2200, 4584
                                                          Kinsale Community School      1543, 2105, 2111, 2532
Mary Immaculate Secondary School        1212, 1533
                                                                                       3105, 3106, 3419, 3556
         2205, 3210, 3217, 3410, 3411, 3412, 3607
                                                               3561, 4111, 4214, 4418, 4419, 4421, 4422, 4594
Meánscoil na mBráithre                1608, 2106, 3543
                                                          Loreto Secondary School                  3550, 4228
Scoil Mhuire                                      1304
                                                          Midleton College                               4540
St Joseph’s Community College                     3600
                                                          Millstreet Community School         2537, 3546, 3551
St Joseph’s Secondary School                       3610                                       4529, 4563, 4599
Cork                                                      Pobalscoil na Tríonóide                         4108
Árdscoil Uí Urmoltaigh                2218, 3213, 3218    Sacred Heart Secondary School             1508, 4204
Ballincollig Community School              4225, 4508                                                4514, 4515
                                     3310, 4528, 4530     Schull Community College 3220, 4106, 4107, 4509
Bandon Grammar School                3205, 3542, 4569     Scoil Mhuire                                   3206
Christ King Girls’ Secondary School                2214   Scoil Mhuire gan Smal              2500, 2538, 4403
Clonakilty Community College         1506, 3501, 3508     Skibbereen Community School                     3216
                                           3509, 4510     St Aloysius College                 1220, 1545, 4579
Coachford College                                 4105    St Aloysius School                        3214, 4238
Colaiste An Phiarsaigh         1507, 3525, 4200, 4400     St Mary’s High School                     1546, 4572
                                      4401, 4407, 4512
                                                          St Mary’s Secondary School Macroom 2504, 3200
Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh                       4592
                                                                            3540, 4511, 4516, 4517, 4522, 4564

10    BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
School name/County
St Mary’s Secondary School Mallow         1404, 1607     Loreto High School        1216, 1517, 2521, 2523, 3212
St. Brogan’s College, Bandon     1207, 3504, 3506                                                   3536, 4547
                          3526, 4402, 4404, 4600         Loreto Secondary School                    3611, 4578
Derry-Londonderry                                        Lucan Community College                         4224
St Mary’s College               1213, 1215, 1217, 1535   Malahide Community School                 3409, 4405

Donegal                                                  Mount Anville Secondary School             3107, 4416
                                                         Muckross Park College                     3308, 4413
Abbey Vocational School            1206, 1300, 2102
                                   3100, 3604, 4213      Newpark Comprehensive School        1541, 4305, 4415
Carndonagh Community School                      3612    Oatlands College                                   1527
Coláiste Ailigh          1105, 1405, 3416, 3417, 4423    Old Bawn Community School                          3221
Coláiste Cholmcille                3530, 4245, 4598      Our Ladys School                                3225
Loreto Community School                         1402     Rockford Manor Secondary School      1510, 3201
                                                                                  3512, 3605, 4221, 4601
Moville Community College                       1204
                                                         Sandford Park School Ltd                  2305, 4226
Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair          2212, 4587, 4589
                                                         Sandymount Park Educate Together
Rosses Community School                  4420, 4586
                                                         Secondary School                          4206, 4602
St Columba’s Comprehensive School         1211, 3300
                                                         St Andrews College             2204, 2308, 3101, 3211
Down                                                     St Joseph’s Secondary School     1203, 1219, 2408
Abbey Christian Brothers School                 3603                               2411, 2539, 2600, 3222
South Eastern Regional College                                                     3309, 3413, 3415, 4500
- Bangor Campus                                 1208     St Kilian’s Deutsche Schule               2209, 2533
St Colman’s College                             3407     St Mary’s Secondary School                         4501
Dublin                                                   St Patricks Cathedral Grammar School            3302
Adamstown Community College                      1301    St. Aidan’s C.B.S.                                 2610
Alexandra College                                4417    St. Tiernan’s Community School                     4561
Belvedere College S.J                           2103     Stratford College                   2216, 2217, 3304
Blackrock College                         3104, 3224     Sutton Park School                        2531, 2602
Bremore Educate Together Secondary School 2524           Tallaght Community School                          4551
Castleknock College                2108, 2306, 2503      Terenure College                                4582
Christian Brothers, Synge St.                   1603     The Institute of Education                      3303
Coláiste Íosagáin                   1505, 4411, 4412     Galway
Coláiste Phádraig CBS              2406, 2501, 2603      Coláiste Iognáid S.J.                     2307, 4583
Dominican College                                4513    Coláiste Muire Máthair        1605, 2107, 3209, 3306
Gonzaga College                    2104, 2400, 2407      Coláiste Naomh Eoin                        1406, 2412
Holy Faith Secondary School                     4556     Colaiste Sheosaimh                                 2221
Home School                                     2220     Dominican College                   3307, 4241, 4308
Kishoge Community College                 2509, 2513     Glenamaddy Community School                     4524
Loreto College          1528, 1606, 3608, 4110, 4565     Jesus & Mary Secondary School                      4581
                                                4597     Mercy Secondary School                    3528, 4558

                           BTYSTE                                                www.btyoungscientist.com    11
School name/County
Presentation College            1103, 1104, 2401, 2410   Laois
Seamount College                                 4588    Mountrath Community School                    3538
St Brigids College                               4233    Leitrim
Kerry                                                    Carrick-on-Shannon Community School           2223
Castleisland Community College            4244, 4593     Mohill Community College                      2303
Community College Killorglin                     3414    St. Clare’s Comprehensive School          1214, 3547
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí                           1205                                             4231, 4235
Killarney Community College                      1600    Limerick
Mercy Secondary School Mounthawk     1209, 1302          Colaiste Chiarain            1101, 1202, 2202, 2601
                          1305, 1526, 2210, 2211         Coláiste Iósaef                               4549
                        3408, 3524, 4103, 4109
                                                         Coláiste Nano Nagle         2203, 2402, 2510, 4202
Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine            1401, 1502, 1503
                                     1513, 1534, 3505    Desmond College              1100, 1200, 1400, 1500
                                                                                                  1609, 2300
Presentation Secondary School Listowel      2534
                                      3548, 4559         Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh                        4554
Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra                     3555    John The Baptist Community School        1532, 1539
                                                                                                 2525, 4520
Tarbert Comprehensive School                     2536
                                                         Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ         1523, 3531
Kildare                                                                                          4300, 4568
Celbridge Community School                       2100    Mungret Community College                1601, 3219
Colaiste Lorcain                                 4409    Salesian Secondary College         2208, 2535, 3223
Coláiste Naomh Mhuire               2520, 2527, 4306                                              4236, 4521
Confey Community College                         2222    Scoil Pól                    1537, 1542, 4553, 4577
Gaelcholáiste Mhaigh Nuad            1102, 2109, 2405    Longford
Maynooth Post Primary School                     4580    Ardscoil Phadraig                             4526
Newbridge College              1107, 1531, 4102, 4304    Lanesboro Community College              4212, 4301
St Pauls Secondary School                        2606                                            4302, 4303

Kilkenny                                                 Louth
Castlecomer Community School               2515, 2516    Coláiste Chú Chulainn                          1604
                                          4562, 4574     Colaiste Rís                            3602, 4552
Coláiste Pobail Osraí         2512, 3558, 3560, 4237     Dundalk Grammar School                         2301
                                          4239, 4243     St Mary’s Diocesan School                      4104
Loreto Secondary School       1536, 2529, 3207, 3511     St Oliver’s Community College                 2607
                             3532, 3535, 3541, 3557
                             3559, 4543, 4544, 4567      St Vincent’s Secondary School                 3544
Meánscoil na mBráithre Criostaí                  1544    Mayo
Presentation Secondary School              3514, 4406    Coláiste Cholmáin                             4203
                                          4505, 4506     Mount St Michael                   2609, 4307, 4566
St Kieran’s College                  1501, 1504, 4523    Sacred Heart School                           4604

12   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
School name/County
Meath                                                   Tyrone
Boyne Community School                   2506, 2519     St Ciaran’s College                           2403
Eureka Secondary School                        4575     Waterford
St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Navan      3418, 3519    Blackwater Community School       2302, 3202, 3204
Monaghan                                                                                   4101, 4205, 4209

Castleblayney College              1403, 3405, 4534     Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge                       1530

Largy College                             1201, 4533    Westmeath
Our Lady’s Secondary School              3513, 4229     Athlone Community College          1210, 1522, 2207
                                                                                           2517, 3208, 3533
Offaly                                                                                     4208, 4211, 4215
Gallen Community School                         2518    Castlepollard Community College                  4410
Sacred Heart Secondary School             1106, 2213    Colaiste Mhuire       2110, 2219, 2404, 4240, 4605
Tullamore College           2505, 3401, 3601, 4603      Loreto College                                   1511
Roscommon                                               Marist College                2511, 2608, 4218, 4539
Abbey Community College                         1521    Meán Scoil an Chlochair      3553, 3562, 4538, 4595
Castlerea Community School                     4607     Moate Community School            3400, 3402, 3403
Coláiste Chiaráin                  2508, 3552, 4100                                        3507, 3516, 3518
                                                                                          3534, 4503, 4525
Roscommon Community College               1518, 3301
                                   3523, 4537, 4545     Our Lady’s Bower                         2409, 3203
Scoil Mhuire                  1529, 2528, 4216, 4557    St Finian’s College                      1306, 4232
Scoil Muire gan Smal                           4546     St Joseph’s Secondary School             4242, 4596

Sligo                                                   Wexford
Coola Post Primary School 2514, 3517, 3527, 4536        F.C.J. Secondary School                          4576
Sligo Grammar School                           3563     Meanscoil Gharman                        2530, 4570
Summerhill College            1516, 3609, 4507, 4550    Wicklow
Ursuline College                         2604, 2605     Colaiste Chraobh Abhann                       3500
Tipperary                                               Dominican College                                1540
Borrisokane Community College                  2540     Greystones Community College                     1525
C.B.S. Thurles                                  3103    SEK-Dublin International School               2206
Cistercian College             1514, 1515, 1524, 3522   St David’s Holy Faith Secondary                  3102
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed                          4548     St Marys College                    3521, 4207, 4217
Presentation Secondary School Thurles          3564
Rockwell College                                2215
St Josephs College                        1519, 1520
St. Anne’s Secondary School                    4585     PROJECT QUICK SEARCH
The Abbey School                               4606     IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON OUR
Ursuline Secondary School                       4571
                                                        MOBILE APP

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JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL                         Overview: To develop an eco-             about electric and magnetic fields        in a blacksmiths forge, Propane,
                                          friendly liquid flame retardant to       and how they interact with each           Coke, Coal or Charcoal
1100                                      control the spread of wildfires and      other.                                    School: St. Brogan’s College,
Title: Dying to look good.                to characterise its thermal flame        School: Colaiste Chiarain                 Bandon
Overview: Investigate the stated          resistance using a home-made             County: Limerick                          County: Cork
contents of make-up and face              test rig.                                Teacher: Edel Farrell                     Teacher: Michael Connern
paints versus actual contents, to         School: Coláiste Ailigh                  Student(s): Emily Ceban                   Student(s): Peter Lawlor
see if companies are hiding more          County: Donegal
than your imperfections.                  Teacher: Aidan Burke                     1203                                      1209
School: Desmond College                   Student(s): Lorcán Ó Fearáil             Title: Investigating how people           Title: How Effective is the
County: Limerick                                                                   generate their own oxidation field        Carotenoid Lycopene in regards to
Teacher: Donal Enright
                                          1106                                     and change the indoor chemistry           UV Protection?
Student(s): Vinnie Garcia                 Title: Is professional rugby more        around them.                              Overview: My project is about
                                          physical than it was before?             Overview: This project will               investigating how much UV
1101                                      Overview: An investigation into the      investigate how people generate           protection is provided by lycopene
Title: How to Make an Aircraft            force of collisions in rugby since the   their own oxidation field due to          and if a regular dosage of lycopene
Invisible to Radar                        game went professional.                  ozone reacting with lipids,creating       further protects against UV
Overview: I will test what shapes         School: Sacred Heart Secondary           hydroxyl radicals which are a             exposure.
reflect the least light to discover the   School                                   respiratory irritant                      School: Mercy Secondary School
best shapes to use to design stealth      County: Offaly                           School: St Joseph’s Secondary             Mounthawk
aircrafts.                                Teacher: Laura Walsh                     School                                    County: Kerry
School: Colaiste Chiarain                 Student(s): Saorla Whelan                County: Dublin                            Teacher: Fiona O’Connor
County: Limerick                                                                   Teacher: Daryl Dunne                      Student(s): Yasmine Odugbesan
Teacher: Edel Farrell
                                          1107                                     Student(s): Eliza Bielak
Student(s): Matthew Furlong               Title: Optimising wind turbine                                                     1210
                                          efficiency                               1204                                      Title: Does Heat make you “Pitch
1102                                      Overview: This project investigated      Title: Proteins are not alike             Perfect”
Title: Cluichí Teaglamacha: Conas         varying blade orientations for           Overview: My Project is about             Overview: How temperature can
a athraíonn na réitigh nuair a            optimal performance using a              how useful it is, to consume protein      affect the frequency of sound
athraíonn na rialacha?                    consistent flow rate of air.             supplements.                              waves emitted from certain
Overview: Féáchfaidh mé ar                School: Newbridge College                School: Moville Community                 materials.
éágsúlachtaí ar an gcuiche                County: Kildare                          College                                   School: Athlone Community
clasaiceach Nim. Ba mhaith                Teacher: Anne Marie Davis                County: Donegal                           College
liom tuiscint a fháil ar chonas a         Student(s): Emily Johnson                Teacher: Maura McFadden                   County: Westmeath
athraíonn seo na straitéisí agus na                                                Student(s): Jara Schaufler                Teacher: Emma Buckley
torthaí.                                  INTERMEDIATE INDIVIDUAL                                                            Student(s): Lucas Carlin
School: Gaelcholáiste Mhaigh
                                          1200                                     Title: Reduce energy bills by             1211
County: Kildare                           Title: Solution for adhesive             producing biogas                          Title: A comparative study
Teacher: Maria Ní Ghóillidhe              capsulitis and other common              Overview: The aim of my project is        Physicochemical characteristics
Student(s): Niamh Másún                   shoulder complications.                  to reduce the cost of energy bills for    and health-promoting properties of
                                          Overview: Versatile device for           households by producing cooking           Donegal heather honeys Vs Maunka
1103                                      shoulder/arm rehabilitation &            gas from waste products.                  Honey
Title: A Faster Method of Finding         exercise. It strengthens and             School: Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí            Overview: The comparison
Micrometeorites                           improves a range of motions in the       County: Kerry                             of the worlds healthiest honey
Overview: I aim to use a computer         shoulder while providing feedback        Teacher: Tríona Uí Mhaolchatha            (Manuka) vs Our Donegal
vision algorithm to more efficiently      to the user.                             Student(s): Grace Ni Ifearnáin            heather honey, I will investigate
find micrometeorite candidates.           School: Desmond College                                                            the difference in health
School: Presentation College              County: Limerick                         1206                                      properties (vitamins, pathogens,
County: Galway                            Teacher: Donal Enright                   Title: What colour is pi? An              minerals,monosaccharides).
Teacher: John Toner                       Student(s): Madison Brouder              analysis of patterns in the               School: St Columba’s
Student(s): Freya Phillips                                                         visible representation of number          Comprehensive School
                                          1201                                     sequences using colours observed          County: Donegal
1104                                      Title: Acid attack​! what is really      by people with synesthesia                Teacher: Ruth McPolin
Title: Making Plastic out of Fish         going on with your oral health?          Overview: I wish to construct             Student(s): Ethan Dewhirst
scales                                    Overview: My project, is about           numerous colour sequences based
Overview: I intend to make plastic        finding out how the pH of saliva is      on numerical values using data
out of fish scales and test it against    affected, by different drinks and        collected on colours seen by people       1212
existing plastic/bioplastics.             how this effects the teeth.​             with synesthesia and analyse them.        Title: A statistical analysis of the
School: Presentation College              School: Largy College                    School: Abbey Vocational School           relationship between precipitation
County: Galway                            County: Monaghan                         County: Donegal                           and river discharge in the Aille River
Teacher: John Toner                       Teacher: Paula McGonnell                 Teacher: Donna Furey                      catchment area
Student(s): Angelina O Neill              Student(s): Mariia Yaroshchuk            Student(s): Samaire Fern                  Overview: I am looking at the
                                                                                                                             relationship between precipitation
1105                                      1202                                     1207                                      in the Aille River catchment area
Title: “Le dó nó gan a dó” –              Title: Using a plasma globe to           Title: which fuel is most efficient for   and the discharge of the Aille River
Forbairt retardant dóiteáin               teach about electric and magnetic        a blacksmith                              School: Mary Immaculate
éiceabhách chun caipeadh tinte            fields                                   Overview: The purpose of this             Secondary School
fiáine a rialú.                           Overview: In this project I will         project is to determine which fossil      County: Clare
                                          design activities to teach students      fuel is more efficient for burning

14     BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
Teacher: John Sims                      compounds in soil.                      create self-sustaining antimicrobial     1306
Student(s): Oisin Jackson               School: St Mary’s College               surface coatings
                                        County: Derry-Londonderry               Overview: My aim is to create            Title: An investigation into the
1213                                    Teacher: Ann Blanking                   lasting antimicrobial surfaces           optimisation of swimming tumble
                                        Student(s): Rebecca Lewis               using silica which I will then test on   turns
Title: Investigating the effect
                                                                                bacterial cultures grown on nutrient     Overview: I will calculate the
of activated charcoal on the
absorption of glucose in the            1218                                    agar.                                    criteria for an optimal tumble
                                                                                School: Abbey Vocational School          turn which maximises speed and
digestive system                        Title: An investigation into
                                                                                County: Donegal                          minimises effort
Overview: This project is about         alternative feed stock for the
                                                                                Teacher: Donna Furey                     School: St Finian’s College
diabetes and how activated              production of Biodiesel fuel
                                                                                Student(s): Ciara Cannon                 County: Westmeath
charcoal may be employed to slow        contributing to a cleaner
                                                                                                                         Teacher: Martina Roache
down the absorption of glucose in       environment
the digestive system.                   Overview: I aim to find alternative     1301                                     Student(s): Brian Gaffney
School: St Mary’s College               feedstocks for the production of        Title: Al-energy                         1208
County: Derry-Londonderry               biodiesel in hopes to reduce carbon     Overview: Creation of air-
Teacher: Ann Blanking                   emissions and positivity impact our     aluminium cell capable to power          Title: Testing Aspirin Project
Student(s): Lexie Melrose               environment                             relative small devises or larger ones    Overview: Testing different brands
                                        School: Coláiste Dún an Rí              by combining the cells into battery.     of aspirin via IR, to investigate
1214                                    County: Cavan                           School: Adamstown Community              whether the price of each reflects
                                        Teacher: Robert Lorenz                  College                                  the quantity and quality of
Title: PharmaCheck: A Medicine
                                        Student(s): Rachael Burns               County: Dublin                           constituents.
Interaction Checker
                                                                                Teacher: Sean ODonnell                   School: South Eastern Regional
Overview: PharmaCheck is an
app that uses text recognition          1219                                    Student(s): Adrian Dragomir              College - Bangor Campus
                                                                                                                         County: Down
software to identify medicines          Title: A chemical analysis on the
from their packaging and test their     effect of a seaweed fertiliser on       1302                                     Teacher: Hannah Shields
                                                                                                                         Student(s): Thomas Jake Stothers
interactions on drugs.com using         different soil types.                   Title: A Surgical Forceps
web automation software.                Overview: Using different soil          Incorporating Frustrated Total
                                                                                                                         JUNIOR GROUP
School: St. Clare’s Comprehensive       testing kits and various pasco          Internal Reflection For Energy
School                                  sensors, I will analyse the impact      Efficient Sealing and Cutting of         1400
County: Leitrim                         seaweed fertiliser has on the           Tissue Using Light Energy
                                                                                                                         Title: A Rubbish Physics Project
Teacher: Edel Mc Phelim                 chemical composition of soil.           Overview: A surgical forceps
                                                                                                                         Overview: Creative ways to
Student(s): Conor Gibney                School: St Joseph’s Secondary           that incorporates optics to create
                                                                                                                         encourage scientific exploration,
                                        School                                  conditions of frustrated total
1215                                    County: Dublin                          internal reflection to facilitate
                                                                                                                         using repurposed products and
                                                                                                                         produce a user-friendly book
Title: The investigation,               Teacher: Helen Teehan                   energy-efficient sealing and
                                                                                                                         with step-by-step instructions for
development and evaluation of           Student(s): Katie McBride               cutting of tissue using light energy.
                                                                                                                         primary school students.
natural sunscreen preparations                                                  School: Mercy Secondary School
Overview: Investigating a               1220                                    Mounthawk
                                                                                                                         School: Desmond College
                                                                                                                         County: Limerick
range of natural substances to          Title: Reduction of nitrates in         County: Kerry
                                                                                                                         Teacher: Donal Enright
determine their SPFs and using          fresh water by use of immobilised       Teacher: Eimear Nolan
                                                                                                                         Student(s): Padraig Doherty,
them to produce natural sunscreen       enzymes.                                Student(s): Rachel Feeley
                                                                                                                         Madison Reddin
preparations                            Overview: My project will
School: St Mary’s College               investigate the reduction of nitrates   1304                                     1401
County: Derry-Londonderry               in freshwater by immobilised            Title: An Analysis of Routing
                                                                                                                         Title: Pollution is not the Solution
Teacher: Ann Blanking                   enzymes found in shiitake               Algorithms for Electronic Design
                                                                                                                         Overview: this project will review
Student(s): Kaycee Deery                mushrooms. Increased nitrates in        Overview: I am investigating
                                                                                                                         air pollution in our surrounding
                                        water results in eutrophication.        the use of routing algorithms in
1216                                    School: St Aloysius College             designing computer chips and
                                                                                                                         area we will also be using a survey
                                                                                                                         to see how much pollution people
Title: Home is where the arc is-        County: Cork                            developing my own improved
Mathitecture of Dublin                  Teacher: Ryan Gallagher                 algorithm for use in the field
                                                                                                                         School: Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine
Overview: Use knowledges from           Student(s): Chiara Smith                School: Scoil Mhuire
                                                                                                                         County: Kerry
different fields of mathematics                                                 County: Clare
to investigate the features of Irish    1221                                    Teacher: Sue-Ann Sheridan
                                                                                                                         Teacher: Sarah Abbott
                                                                                                                         Student(s): Rebecca O’Sullivan,
buildings from different eras.          Title: Mathematically modelling         Student(s): Alanna Hayes
                                                                                                                         Éadaoin Healy
School: Loreto High School              animal vocalisations.
County: Dublin                          Overview: I aim to create my            1305                                     1402
Teacher: Lisa Ryan                      own graphs that closely resemble        Title: Optimising Packing Problems
                                                                                                                         Title: Quantitative Water Analysis
Student(s): Christine Xinyue            the graphs of the sounds that the       With Computational Analysis And
                                                                                                                         of Mulroy Bay to Measure the
Huang                                   animals generate and model these        Further Mathematics
                                                                                                                         Efficacy of a New Sewage System.
                                        vocalisations mathematically.           Overview: An attempt to reduce
1217                                    School: Colaiste Muire Crosshaven       excessive packaging waste through
                                                                                                                         Overview: Testing water samples
                                                                                                                         before and after the operation of
Title: Investigating the effect         County: Cork                            the use of a 3D scanner and
                                                                                                                         a new sewage treatment plant. To
of acid rain on metals used in          Teacher: M McMahon                      using convex hulls to help find the
                                                                                                                         see if water quality has improved.
construction and metal compounds        Student(s): Hazel Keohane               minimum packaging needed.
                                                                                                                         School: Loreto Community School
found in soil                                                                   School: Mercy Secondary School
                                        SENIOR INDIVIDUAL                                                                County: Donegal
Overview: This project investigates                                             Mounthawk
                                                                                                                         Teacher: Siobhan Herron
the effect of simulated acid                                                    County: Kerry
rain on a range of metals used          1300                                    Teacher: Patrick Lyne
                                                                                                                         Student(s): Darcy Mc Granaghan,
                                                                                                                         Rose Gaffey, Ava Molloy
in construction and on metal            Title: Using silica nanoparticles to    Student(s): Coren Hughes

                                       BTYSTE                                                                      www.btyoungscientist.com               15

1403                                   the Hot Chocolate effect, when      County: Kilkenny                     1509
                                       you tap the cup why does the        Teacher: David Hennessy
Title: U’Ve Been Framed?               note change?                        Student(s): Noah Walsh-              Title: Identifying patterns in Top
Overview: If there is a                School: Wellington College          Brennan, Michael Kenneally,          Hit music using Fourier analysis
correlation between the value of       County: Antrim                      Sam Hayes                            Overview: Using Fourier analysis
sunglasses and the level of UV         Teacher: David Cardwell                                                  to investigate similarities between
protection they provide.               Student(s): Jackson Buchanan,       1505                                 number one hit pop songs and
School: Castleblayney College          Jack Davison, Maxwell Buchanan                                           within genres.
                                                                           Title: An féidir linn foinse teasa
County: Monaghan                                                                                                School: Coláiste Choilm
                                                                           inmharthana a ghiniúint tríd
Teacher: Celine Keith                  INTERMEDIATE GROUP                                                       County: Cork
                                                                           imoibrú aigéad sulfarach agus
Student(s): Caoimhe Quinn,                                                                                      Teacher: Paudie Scanlon
Hannah Quinn                           1500                                Overview: An sprioc atá
                                                                                                                Student(s): Fiona O Sullivan,
                                                                                                                Siobhán Carter
1404                                   Title: Measure the speed of light   againn ná chun a chruthú gur
Title: An investigation into
                                       using a microwave                   féidir fuinneamh glan a fháil        1510
                                       Overview: To measure the            ón imoibriú idir ceallalós agus
atmospheric microplastic               speed of electromagnetic waves      aigéad sulfarach. Ní scaoiltear      Title: Under the lamp! An
contamination in both indoor           in the microwave portion of the     CO2.                                 investigation into the impact of
and outdoor environments in the        spectrum by measuring the           School: Coláiste Íosagáin            nail salon UV lamps in causing
North Cork area of Mallow and          spacing between hot spots in a      County: Dublin                       skin damage and comparing
potential health risks for humans.     microwave oven.                     Teacher: Sophie Ní Bheacháin         protective methods to provide UV
Overview: An in-depth analysis         School: Desmond College             Student(s): Michelle Riordan,        light protection.
of airborne microplastics that         County: Limerick                    Shona Ní Shionóid,                   Overview: We will attempt
we might better understand their       Teacher: Donal Enright              Béibhinn Duffy                       to find out if people who are
entry into the atmosphere and          Student(s): Elissa Shiels,                                               exposed to UV light getting their
subsequently enter our bodies          Caoimhe Greene                      1506                                 nails done are more likely to get
through inhalation or ingestion.                                                                                skin damage.
                                                                           Title: Carbon Scrubber
School: St Mary’s Secondary            1501                                Overview: A device that will
                                                                                                                School: Rockford Manor
School Mallow                                                                                                   Secondary School
                                       Title: Bambú v ash                  absorb carbon dioxide fumes
County: Cork                                                                                                    County: Dublin
                                       Overview: How do bamboo hurls       that are emitted from car exhaust
Teacher: Rory Coote                                                                                             Teacher: Kelly Ryan
                                       compare to the traditional ash      pipe using Soda Lime and Olivine
Student(s): Katie Mae O Neill,                                                                                  Student(s): Maria Talhi,
                                       hurl                                Sand
Anna O’Brien, Aimee Renton                                                                                      Rosheen Sharma
                                       School: St Kieran’s College         School: Clonakilty Community
1405                                   County: Kilkenny                    College                              1511
                                       Teacher: David Hennessy             County: Cork
Title: An bhfuil dírítheoirí gruaige   Student(s): Pierce Costello,        Teacher: Patrick O Keeffe            Title: Driving to Save Fuel
ag déanamh do ghruaig níos             Gregg Ruane                         Student(s): Jack Tobin,              Overview: Using map contour
laige?                                                                     Matthew Eke, Ben Hastings            lines to determine the optimal
Overview: Tá muid chun éifeacht        1502                                                                     speed for the best fuel economy
díritheoirí gruaige ag teochtanna
                                       Title: Derustifier                  1507                                 School: Loreto College
éagsúla ar láidreacht gruaig a                                                                                  County: Westmeath
                                       Overview: This is an organic        Title: Toilleadh Oibriú Fisiceach
mheas                                                                                                           Teacher: Sarah Moran
                                       homemade rust remover for           Déagóirí Fireanna a Chuir
School: Coláiste Ailigh                                                                                         Student(s): Muireann Donohue,
                                       surface rust                        i gComparáid lena Chéile
County: Donegal                                                                                                 Catriona Ruane
                                       School: Pobalscoil Inbhear          coibhneasta le hairde agus
Teacher: Shane Ó Breacáin
Student(s): Saoirse Gallagher,
                                       Scéine                              meachain                             1512
                                       County: Kerry                       Overview: Ba mhaith linn foirmle
Sienna Devine, Aimee Quinlivan                                                                                  Title: Mata sa léim cuaille
                                       Teacher: Sarah Abbott               a fháil a thabharfaidh toradh
                                                                                                                Overview: Ag tomhais cad é
1406                                   Student(s): Sebastian Abram-        cruinn dúinn mar gheall ar conas
                                                                                                                an poll is fearr gur féidir duine a
                                       Pavlov, Tiarnan O’Shea              gur féidir toilleadh buachaillí a
Title: Cumhacht na dtonn ar Inis                                           chur i gomparáid lena chéile         úsáid chun an léim is airde a fháil
Meáin- An féidir le fórsa nach         1503                                School: Colaiste An Phiarsaigh       ag braith ar na athróga
féidir a stopadh rud dochorraithe                                          County: Cork                         School: Gaelcholáiste Charraig
                                       Title: It’s Getting Hot In Here -
a bhogadh                                                                  Teacher: Caoimhín Ó Buachalla        Ui Leighin
                                       Aerosols in the Atmosphere.
Overview: imscrúdú a                                                       Student(s): Seán Mac Craith,         County: Cork
                                       Overview: Testing different
dhéanamh ar an gcaoi a bhfuil                                              Stiofan de Búrca, Liam Abernethy     Teacher: Seán O Finn
                                       aerosol products to see which are
na tonnta ag athrú cruth an                                                                                     Student(s): Gráinne Cronin,
                                       the most harmful to the planet,
oileáin trí chreimeadh costa,
                                       what makes them harmful and         1508                                 Alex Neff, Dylan Ó Muirí
ag faire gluaiseacht bolláin
agus monatóireacht aimsire
                                       can we find a substitute?           Title: Cycle 4 Charge                1513
                                       School: Pobalscoil Inbhear          Overview: We cycle a bike to
chainníochtú.                                                                                                   Title: Clash of the Ash
                                       Scéine                              create kinetic energy, we then
School: Coláiste Naomh Eoin                                                                                     Overview: Best Alternative
                                       County: Kerry                       change this energy into electrical
County: Galway                                                                                                  materials for Hurleys due to the
                                       Teacher: Sarah Abbott               energy, allowing us to charge a
Teacher: Mairead Ní Fhatharta                                                                                   disease that is killing ash. Which
                                       Student(s): Ciara Stauch,           phone sustainably
Student(s): Chloe Ní Chonghaile,                                                                                is the most common material for
                                       Laura Scanlon                       School: Sacred Heart Secondary
Mairtin O Conghaile,                                                                                            Hurleys
Amy Ní Chlèirigh                       1504                                County: Cork                         School: Pobalscoil Inbhear
1407                                   Title: Footwear experiment          Teacher: Claire Holland
                                                                                                                County: Kerry
                                       Overview: We’re experimenting       Student(s): Sarah Harte,
Title: Why does my hot                                                     Meabh O Sullivan                     Teacher: Sarah Abbott
                                       does dearer or cheaper footwear
chocolate sing?                                                                                                 Student(s): Ollie Shea,
                                       affect your performance
Overview: An investigation into                                                                                 Jack Atlantic, Jack Tangney
                                       School: St Kieran’s College

16   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
1514                                   current retrofitting targets.        whether or not it’s more energy        School: Oatlands College
                                       School: Roscommon Community          efficient to keep the heat on at       County: Dublin
Title: A Comparative Study of the      College                              a lower temperature or turn it on      Teacher: Avril Gaynor
Levels of Electrolytes in Sports       County: Roscommon                    and off.                               Student(s): Oisín O’Neill,
Drinks and the Impact they have        Teacher: Niamh Conway                School: Laurel Hill Secondary          Darragh Henderson
on Physical Performance                Student(s): Bailey Kelly,            School FCJ
Overview: The aim of our               Cian Escosio                         County: Limerick                       1528
project is to measure the levels                                            Teacher: Eoghan O’Brien                Title: An Investigation into the
of electrolytes in different sports    1519                                 Student(s): Maebh Collins,             Efficiency of Renewable Energy
drinks and see if electrolytes have                                         Vivian Amaeze, Aisling Farrell
                                       Title: “Back To Basics”. A study                                            Sources
an impact on us.
                                       into the ineffectiveness of                                                 Overview: Experimenting the
School: Cistercian College
                                       the current PH scale and our         1524                                   efficiency of solar and wind
County: Tipperary
                                       efforts to find a new method of      Title: Will the energy output of       energy, as well as researching
Teacher: Jennifer Denny
                                       calculating PH.                      a hydrogen fuel cell charged by        the cost of production and
Student(s): Glen Elliott,
                                       Overview: An investigation into      hydrogen and oxygen extracted          comparisons with non-renewable
Paul MacCarthy, James Morkan
                                       the accuracy of the current PH       from water meet the energy             energy resources.
1515                                   scale and our efforts to create a    requirements to power a small          School: Loreto College
                                       superior scale to calculate PH.      scale wheelchair.                      County: Dublin
Title: Does the different types        School: St Josephs College           Overview: We plan to                   Teacher: Katie Kinkaid
of kicking tee affect the flight of    County: Tipperary                    investigate if the energy output       Student(s): Saranne Fajou,
the ball?                              Teacher: Mary Gorey                  of a hydrogen fuel cell meet the       Mia Hodson, Ellen McAdam
Overview: We are seeing the            Student(s): Lisa Carr,               energy requirements of 2 small
difference between kicking tees        Aoife Kennedy, Sarah Brophy          motors which power a wheelchair.       1529
and seeing the difference in the                                            School: Cistercian College             Title: Coffee fuel: biofuel made
height, the distance and the           1520                                 County: Tipperary                      from used coffee grounds
speed                                                                       Teacher: Jennifer Denny
                                       Title: The New Sliotar                                                      Overview: We’ll investigate
School: Cistercian College                                                  Student(s): Dylan Cafferty,
                                       Overview: To slow down the                                                  if coffee bean waste (coffee
County: Tipperary                                                           Lukis Decleir, Denny O’Hara
                                       speed of the sliotar so it cannot                                           grounds) can be converted into
Teacher: Jennifer Denny
                                       be hit as far without changing its                                          a biofuel, producing a more
Student(s): Fionn Carney,
                                       dimensions including weight.         1525                                   sustainable and less harmful fuel
Sean Killeen, Billy Hayes
                                       School: St Josephs College           Title: Do Alpha Particles Behave       for our planet
1516                                   County: Tipperary                    as Waves?                              School: Scoil Mhuire
                                       Teacher: Mary Gorey                  Overview: We will test whether         County: Roscommon
Title: Living Light: how modern        Student(s): Emer Moroney,            alpha particles behave as waves        Teacher: Mairead Glynn
light affects our lives                Chloe Whyte, Caoimhe Delaney         or Newtonian particles using a         Student(s): Darragh Hoare,
Overview: Studying modern light                                             modified Double Slit experiment.       Tadhg Carroll
sources eg screens and bulbs           1521                                 School: Greystones Community
and looking at the impact of
                                       Title: Nature within the walls       College                                1530
modern lighting on our eyesight,                                            County: Wicklow
                                       Overview: We want to                                                        Title: An bfhuil tionchar ar
mood and sleep patterns.                                                    Teacher: Zoe Devlin
                                       investigate natural insulation                                              cruth cosantaí cósta eagsúila ar
School: Summerhill College                                                  Student(s): Jack Walsh,
                                       materials in a designed cavity                                              frithcaitheamh tonnta?
County: Sligo                                                               Oisín O’Brien, Jack Killilea
                                       wall.                                                                       Overview: Chruthanna éagsúla
Teacher: Deirdre Feeney
                                       School: Abbey Community                                                     a chur i gcomparáid lena chéile
Student(s): James Mackey,
                                       College                              1526                                   ó thaobh ifeachtach tonnta a
Aodhan Shovelin
                                       County: Roscommon                    Title: Using piezoelectric crystals    frithcaitheaimh ón gcósta
1517                                   Teacher: Damien Coman                to generate electricity                School: Gaelcholáiste Phort
                                       Student(s): Caoimhe Reilly,          Overview: Our project is based         Láirge
Title: Sparky sports                   Saoirse Supple                       on the unique attributes of            County: Waterford
Overview: To create a kinetic                                               piezoelectric crystals, which          Teacher: Cionnaith Ó
powered powerbank to use               1522                                 are materials that can convert         Dubhthaigh
during sports training to see if it                                         mechanical stress into an electric     Student(s): Sarah Blackett,
                                       Title: A chemical examination of
will produce enough energy to                                               charge.                                Erica Ni Sheaghdha,
                                       the biological effects of alcohol-
charge our phones.                                                          School: Mercy Secondary School         Alex Mac an Bhaird
                                       based hand sanitizers on overall
School: Loreto High School                                                  Mounthawk
County: Dublin
                                       Overview: In this project we         County: Kerry                          1531
Teacher: Eimear Maloney                                                     Teacher: Eimear Nolan
                                       will investigate the potential                                              Title: An investigation into the
Student(s): Laura kiely,                                                    Student(s): Cian Hennessy,
                                       health hazards associated with                                              quickest path of an object under
Ella Cotter, Lucy Mellon                                                    Fionn O’Brien
                                       persistent use of alcohol-based                                             gravity
1518                                   hand sanitizers in the long term.
                                                                                                                   Overview: To investigate if
                                       School: Athlone Community                                                   the quickest path is to follow a
Title: Radon Revelations: An           College                              Title: Developing a device for         cycloid curve and to investigate
investigation to create public         County: Westmeath                    economically viable desalination       other curves
awareness of the relationship          Teacher: Emma Buckley                of seawater for individuals in         School: Newbridge College
between radon levels and               Student(s): Daniel Sierpinski,       developing countries.                  County: Kildare
ventilation in homes in Ireland        Matthew Parker                       Overview: My aim is to create          Teacher: Dermot Walsh
Overview: We aim to investigate                                             a device that will efficiently         Student(s): James Brophy,
the relationship between radon         1523                                 desalinate seawater and                Ruby Hennessy, Louis Hayden
levels and ventilation in homes                                             will be economically viable
                                       Title: Turn it off or keep it on -
and to enhance public awareness
                                       which is more energy efficient       for individuals in developing          1532
across Ireland, given Ireland’s                                             countries.
                                       Overview: We will examine                                                   Title: Are eco-friendly,

                                      BTYSTE                                                                 www.btyoungscientist.com            17

sustainable make-up brands the         Teacher: Brendan Williams             Rawson, Rosie Armstrong,            emissions from chimneys using
future of beauty products?             Student(s): Ciara Dunne,                                                  olivine. Olivine is a magnesium
Overview: We’re hoping to              Aoife Shealy, Emily Smith             1541                                iron silicate and is the component
compete with our chemical                                                    Title: Fuelling Newpark with food   the upper
project. Our project is testing the    1537                                  waste                               School: St Aloysius College
ingredients in environmentally         Title: To investigate how the         Overview: Using food waste to       County: Cork
friendly makeup the non-               reservoir height affects the          create Biofuel. We will build a     Teacher: Ryan Gallagher
environmentally friendly makeup.       hydroelectric energy production       school biodigester turning our      Student(s): Ellen O’Callaghan,
School: John The Baptist               Overview: We will be making a         waste food into free biogas,        Aobh Mohally, Sarah O’Connell
Community School                       model of a dam to investigate the     saving us money!
County: Limerick                       locations where the pressure and      School: Newpark Comprehensive       1546
Teacher: Jennifer Ahern                potential to generate energy is at    School                              Title: How to accelerate the
Student(s): Aisling Ennis,             its greatest                          County: Dublin                      production of S.A.F. (Sustainable
Roisin Murphy                          School: Scoil Pól                     Teacher: Karen Cashman              Aviation Fuel)
                                       County: Limerick                      Student(s): Natan Gorzelanczyk,     Overview: We are looking into
1533                                   Teacher: Jennifer Kelly               Tom Lenehan, Allegra Zipser         how to accelerate production of
Title: Mobile phone coverage and       Student(s): Eoin O Leary,                                                 S.A.F so it can be used worldwide
the topography of North Clare          Shane Tobin, Paul Sheahan             1542                                and for commercial planes
Overview: We are looking at                                                  Title: Are you being charged?       School: St Mary’s High School
the mobile phone coverage in an        1538                                  Overview: To compare                County: Cork
area of North Clare and how it         Title: Wide Smiles Deep Graves:       OEM (original equipment             Teacher: Veronica McCourt
is affected by the topography of       A chemical analysis of toothpaste     manufacturer) chargers to           Student(s): Amelia Cooper,
the area                               to uncover the presence of            alternatives, in terms of cost,     Alannah Hannigan,
School: Mary Immaculate                Titanium Dioxide as a dangerous       safety, temperatures, power and     Annette Walsh
Secondary School                       additive                              running costs.
County: Clare                          Overview: We want to                  School: Scoil Pól                   SENIOR GROUP
Teacher: John Sims                     investigate a toxic food additive     County: Limerick
Student(s): Aisling Vaughan,           known as titanium dioxide or          Teacher: Aisling O’Connor           1600
Alana Mckinnon                         Ci 778 91 and the dangers of          Student(s): Evan Lowe,              Title: Investigating
                                       ingesting this substance present      David O’Brien,                      Generalisations of Pythagoras’
1534                                   in toothpaste.                                                            Theorem Using Iterated Function
Title: Chemical Hand Warmer            School: Colaiste Muire                1543                                Systems and Hutchinson
Overview: Our project is a             Crosshaven                            Title: Sustainable Cleaning         Attractors
Chemical project where we are          County: Cork                          Detergent                           Overview: One can prove
making a homemade Chemical             Teacher: Matilda Miniussi             Overview: To experiment with        Pythagoras theorem as a
hand warmer.                           Student(s): Seanán McQuillan,         different cleaning detergents       consequence of the self-similar
School: Pobalscoil Inbhear             Aaron Kearney,                        to make a sustainable cleaning      exact covers of right-angled
Scéine                                                                       detergent with as much              triangles. Are there other
County: Kerry                          1539                                  sustainable ingredients as          structures satisfying this
Teacher: Sarah Abbott                  Title: An investigative study         possible                            property?
Student(s): Cathal Kelleher,           into whether artificial ultraviolet   School: Kinsale Community           School: Killarney Community
Ben O’Callaghan, Mort O’Shea           light (UV) aids the process of        School                              College
                                       photodegradation causing              County: Cork                        County: Kerry
1535                                   plastic to degrade quicker            Teacher: Aishling Kelleher          Teacher: Maire Spillane
Title: Investigating the Effect        Overview: We are going                Student(s): Anthony Coughlan,       Student(s): Liam Waldron,
of Different pHs on the Use of         to investigate if Ultraviolet         Ellie Coughlan,                     Luke O’Sullivan, Rachel Griffin
Hydrogels as Drug Carriers Part II     Light influences the rate of
Overview: This project                 degradation faster on the             1544                                1601
investigates the effect of different   breakdown of plastic compared         Title: How does your Food and       Title: Factors Affecting Muon
pHs that would be found in the         to natural degradation                Water Intake Affect your Physical   Flux Density
digestive system on the release of     School: John The Baptist              Performance?                        Overview: We built a muon flux
drugs in hydrogels                     Community School                      Overview: This project will test    detector, and will investigate
School: St Mary’s College              County: Limerick                      how different diets affect our      factors affecting flux density.
County: Derry-Londonderry              Teacher: S Walsh                      physical performance.               School: Mungret Community
Teacher: Ann Blanking                  Student(s): Kate O’Dwyer,             School: Meánscoil na mBráithre      College
Student(s): Nikitta Morrison,          Karen Cusack, Karen Harty             Criostaí                            County: Limerick
Becca Connolly                                                               County: Kilkenny                    Teacher: Simon Hill
                                       1540                                  Teacher: Eanna Collins              Student(s): Aaron Waldron,
1536                                   Title: Understanding the              Student(s): Cathal O’Reilly,        Conor Quinlivan
Title: An investigation into the       chemical processes in                 Shane Phelan,
quantity of protein in protein         photosynthesis                                                            1603
supplements                            Overview: Using chemical              1545                                Title: Solving Reaction-Diffusion
Overview: The aim of our               methods to investigate the            Title: Designing an olivine         Equations - Reflections on
project is to investigate the          chemistry of chlorophyll in           filtration system to reduce         Some Mathematical Problems
quantity of protein in different       photosystem II                        domestic CO2 emissions from         Arising in Alan Turing’s Theory of
protein supplements to see if the      School: Dominican College             typical household chimneys          Morphogenesis
packaging information is truthful.     County: Wicklow                       Overview: Our project will          Overview: Turing’s theory of how
School: Loreto Secondary School        Teacher: Brian O Reilly               develop a carbon dioxide            shapes and patterns are formed
County: Kilkenny                       Student(s): Keelin Campbell           filtration system to reduce         in animals and plants contains

18   BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023
equations that are difficult           School: Coláiste Muire Máthair       School: St Mary’s Secondary              1610
to solve. Are exact solutions          County: Galway                       School Mallow
possible?                              Teacher: Anthony Carey               County: Cork                             Title: Universe’s Foundation
School: Christian Brothers,            Student(s): Liam Murphy,             Teacher: Rory Coote                      Overview: Detecting, sub-
Synge St.                              Cathal O’Grady-Corcoran              Student(s): Lydia O Leary                atomic particles, Muons on
County: Dublin                                                              Kelleher, Sophie Creedon                 a high-altitude balloon and
Teacher: Shane Freeman                 1606                                                                          measuring the amount detected
Student(s): Mahdi Abass,               Title: Can Luminol determine iron    1608                                     in relation to altitude.
Abdullah Abid                                                                                                        School: Our Lady’s Bower
                                       concentration in water?              Title: Realities of Imaginary
                                                                                                                     County: Westmeath
                                       Overview: In this project we will    Numbers
1604                                   be investigating if luminol can      Overview: The goal of our
                                                                                                                     Teacher: Samantha Fox
                                                                                                                     Student(s): Xhesika Gica,
Title: Oxidation Of Apples: Does       determine iron concentration in      experiment was to discover
                                                                                                                     Ritcha Lee
the pH of an Apple Change as it        ionised water.                       new applications of Complex
Ripens?                                School: Loreto College               Numbers in the real world
Overview: An investigation of the      County: Dublin                       School: Meánscoil na mBráithre
effect of the oxidation process on     Teacher: Katie Kinkaid               County: Clare
the pH of apples.                      Student(s): Beth Lynam,              Teacher: Sean Murphy
School: Coláiste Chú Chulainn          Anna Laura Pisanelli Messina         Student(s): Daniel Vaughan,
County: Louth                                                               Rory Linnane
Teacher: Deirdre Dunford               1607
Student(s): Ayodeji Sofola,            Title: An investigation into the     1609
Breanna Winters                        biomechanics of heading a            Title: Treatment of myocardial
                                       football with implications for the   infarction using magnetic fields
1605                                   design of protective, wearable       Overview: Applying magnetic
Title: How we could have saved         technology for measuring and         fields to blood flow to reduce
the Pirates! An analysis of the        recording cumulative non-            blood viscosity and risk of
best cooking methods to save           concussive cranial impacts.          blockages in blood vessels
Vitamin C                              Overview: To study the               that can lead to myocardial
Overview: An investigation into        biomechanics of heading a            infarction.
the factors affecting Vitamin          football and develop wearable        Teacher: Donal Enright
c yield in potatoes. By Iodine         technology to monitor the            School: Desmond College
titration of solutions of different    frequency, severity and              County: Limerick
variables against a control            implications of non-concussive       Student(s): Ethan Kirwan,
solution.                              cranial impacts that result.         Jack Kelly

Young Scientist & Technology
of the Year Limited
The BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition is the main activity of a charitable
trust, Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition Limited. The charitable trust which
has been in existence since 2003 and was set-up in order to create a separate
corporate entity to protect and act as custodian for the YS&TE. The Company aims to
build on the successful track record of the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
(“Exhibition”) and maintain and develop the integrity and identity of the Exhibition.
Development of Internationalisation of Young Scientist & Technology of the Year
The trust has worked with some important entities outside and has granted licensing arrangements to
stakeholders in Tanzania, Kenya, United Arab Emirates and Jordan to allow them to operate the Young
Scientist model in these countries.
The first Young Scientist Tanzania took place in 2011. In 2018 the first Young Scientist Kenya was held in
Nairobi and in 2019 the first United Arab Emirates edition took place. A pilot national Jordan Young Scientist
and Technology initiative was launched in June 2022.

                                      BTYSTE                                                                   www.btyoungscientist.com         19
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