550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist

Page created by Jack Davidson
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
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Amazing Projects
competing for BT Young Scientist
of the Year

5 Exhibition Halls
crammed with exciting things
to see and do!

                 EXHIBITION GUIDE
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
Bail ó Dhia ort agus fáilte chuig Taispeántas                                 mó tionchair ar domhan. Nuair a fhéachaimid ar na hiontrálacha a
                                                                              fuaireamar le haghaidh thaispeántas na bliana seo, níl aon amhras orm
Teicneolaíochta & Eolaí Óg BT. Is é 2015 an                                   ach go bhfuil sé de chumas ag ár rannpháirtithe reatha cur tuilleadh leis
                                                                              an rath sin in 2015.
51ú bliain den taispeántas agus arís eile tá
                                                                              Gheobhaidh tusa deis sna laethanta beaga seo amach romhainn
clár imeachtaí den scoth againn anseo duit                                    iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar Thaispeántas Teicneolaíochta agus Eolaí Óg BT
ag an RDS sna laethanta beaga seo amach                                       agus turas a fháil den 550 tionscadal atá ar an ngearrliosta i mbliana.
                                                                              Feicfidh tú féin an obair chrua, na huaireanta fada agus an síor-chúram a
romhainn.                                                                     thugann na mic léinn do na tionscadail seo agus go deimhin na múinteoirí
                                                                              a thacaíonn agus a spreagann iad lena gcuid smaointe a fhorbairt. Gan
Tá ríméad orm a rá go bhfuil éacht déanta againn i mbliana nach               trácht ar an 82 moltóir breá atá againn, ar lucht gairme a bhfuil taithí
ndearnamar riamh cheana ó thaobh líon na dtionscadal ar cuireadh              mhór acu iad go léir i réimsí gnó agus STEM, agus a thugann a gcuid ama
isteach orthu agus líon na mac léinn a bhí rannpháirteach i dtionscadal. Is   gach bliain chun moltóireacht a dhéanamh ar na tionscadail.
mar gheall ar an méid tallainne atá againn ar an oileán beag seo gur lean
an taispeántas ag dul i méid i measc an phobail gach bliain agus é mar        Is minic a fhiafraítear dom cén fáth a n-eagraíonn BT an taispeántas seo
shampla thar barr d’imeachtaí eile den chineál céanna ar fud an domhain.      agus cén fáth a bhfuilimid ina bhun le cúig bliana déag anuas. Is é an
                                                                              freagra a thugaim ná go gcreidimid i ndáiríre i gcumhacht na heolaíochta,
Agus ní hiad na mic léinn atá rannpháirteach i mbliana an t-aon dream         na teicneolaíochta, na hinnealtóireachta agus na matamaitice, agus na
atá ag ardú an chaighdeáin. D’éirigh le roinnt de na hiar-bhuaiteoirí go      daoine cumasacha taobh thiar dóibh, d’fhonn saol níos fearr a chruthú.
leor a bhaint amach ar leibhéal idirnáisiúnta le déanaí anuas. I mí Mheán     Le beagnach 170 bliain tá BT i mbun taighde agus forbartha ar
Fómhair, d’éirigh le Paul Clarke a bhain Teicneolaí agus Eolaí Óg BT          theicneolaíochtaí nua lenar athraíodh an bealach a dhéanaimid cumarsáid
amach in 2014 an 2ú háit a bhaint amach i gcomórtas Eolaí Óg an AE i          mar shochaí agus mar a mhairimid ó lá go lá. Mar sin gach bliain,
Vársá. Gairid ina dhiaidh sin d’éirigh le buaiteoirí chomórtas 2013 Ciara     tugaimid ar bhfoireann mhór d’os cionn 200 fostaí BT le chéile agus
Judge, Sophie Healy Thow agus Emer Hickey an chéad duais a fháil ag           cuirimid an taispeántas seo ar fáil agus fios againn go bhfuilimid ag
Aonach Idirnáisiúnta Eolaíochta Google in California agus tugadh onóir        déanamh ár gcion, más beag féin é, chun smaointeoirí, anailísithe,
mhór dóibh nuair a ainmníodh iad i liosta na hirise TIME den 25 déagóir is    teicneolaithe, matamaiticeoirí, eolaithe agus innealtóirí na todhchaí a
                                                                              Mar sin féin, ní bheimis in ann an taispeántas seo a chur ar fáil asainn féin
                                                                              agus ní mór buíochas speisialta a ghabháil lenár gcomhpháirtithe
                                                                              tiomanta lena n-áirítear an Roinn Oideachais & Scileanna i bPoblacht na
                                                                              hÉireann, RTÉ, Fearais Analógacha, Elan, Intel, Perrigo, agus an Roinn
                                                                              Oideachais i dTuaisceart Éireann, gan trácht ar lear mór lucht tacaíochta
                                                                              eile a fheicfidh tú liostaithe sa treoir seo. Ba mhaith liom freisin buíochas
                                                                              a ghabháil lenár moltóirí clúiteacha, na múinteoirí, na tuismitheoirí agus
                                                                              lucht eagraithe BT a thug a gcuid ama go flaithiúil ionas go dtarlóidh an
                                                                              ócáid seo bliain i ndiaidh bliana. Níos tábhachtaí fós, ba mhaith liom
                                                                              buíochas a ghabháil leis na mic léinn iad féin as an bhfuinneamh agus as
                                                                              an díograis a léiríonn siad don taispeántas.
                                                                              Chomh maith leis an 550 tionscadal a bheidh ar taispeáint an tseachtain
                                                                              seo, tá lear mór lucht taispeántais, lucht siamsaíochta agus míreanna
                                                                              speisialta den scoth againn. Is ócáid é seo don teaghlach go léir mar sin tá
                                                                              súil agam go dtaitneoidh an taispeántas leat agus go bhfágann tú an áit
                                                                              seo agus an mórtas céanna agat inár ndaoine óga cumasacha agus atá
                                                                              againne in BT.

                                                                              Bain sult as do chuairt agus guím gach rath
                                                                              ar gach duine a bheidh rannpháirteach.

                                                                              Colm O’Neill
                                                                              Príomhfheidhmeannach, BT Ireland

                                                                              Tá BT ar cheann de na sár-chomhlachtaí cummarsáide agus seirbhísí
                                                                              teicneolaíochta fáisnéise ar domhan. Le breis eolais a fháil, tabhair cuairt
                                                                              ar www.btireland.com
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
Hello and welcome to the BT Young                                          done so for the past fifteen years. The answer is that we truly
                                                                           believe in the power of science, technology, engineering and
Scientist & Technology Exhibition.                                         maths, and the great minds behind them, to create a better
2015 marks the 51st year of the exhibition                                 world. For almost 170 years BT has researched and developed
                                                                           new technologies that have altered how we communicate as a
and once again we have a superb                                            society and how we go about our daily lives. So each year, we
programme of events for you to enjoy here                                  gather together our extensive team of over 200 BT employees
                                                                           and deliver this exhibition in the knowledge that we are playing
at the RDS over the coming days.                                           our small part in cultivating the great thinkers, analysts,
I’m delighted to announce that this year we have broken all                technologists, mathematicians, scientists and engineers of the
previous records for the number of projects entered and the                future.
number of students who participated in a project. It’s a testament         However, we could not deliver this exhibition alone and special
to the breadth of talent we have on this small island that the             thanks must go to our dedicated partners including the
exhibition has continued to grow in popularity every year and has          Department of Education & Skills in the Republic of Ireland, RTE,
become a shining example for other similar events across the               Analog Devices, Elan, Intel, Perrigo, and the Department of
world.                                                                     Education in Northern Ireland, not to mention a host of others
And it’s not just this year’s participating students that are helping      supporters whom you’ll find listed in this guide. I would also like
to raise the bar. Some of our former winners have gone on to               to thank our esteemed judges, the teachers, the parents and the
achieve great success on an international level in recent times. In        BT Redcoats who all give so freely of their time to make this event
September, we saw our 2014 BT Young Scientist & Technologist               happen year on year. Most importantly, I would like to thank the
Paul Clarke win 2nd prize at the EU Young Scientist competition            students themselves for the boundless energy and enthusiasm
in Warsaw. This was quickly followed by our 2013 winners Ciara             they bring to the exhibition.
Judge, Sophie Healy Thow and Emer Hickey who scooped first                 As well as the 550 school projects on display this week, we also
prize at the international Google Science Fair in California and           have a fantastic line-up of exhibitors, entertainers and
were honoured in TIME magazine’s list of the 25 most influential           outstanding special acts. There is something here for all the family
teenagers in the world. Judging by the entries we have received            so I hope that you enjoy the exhibition and that you leave here
for this year’s exhibition, I have no doubt that our current               with the same sense of pride in our talented young people as we
participants have the potential to raise the bar of success even           do in BT.
higher in 2015.
Over the coming days you will have the opportunity to explore              Enjoy your visit and I wish the very best of
the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition and enjoy a tour            luck to all involved.
of the 550 projects that have been shortlisted this year. You will
see for yourself how much hard work, long hours and relentless
commitment goes into these projects by the students and indeed
the teachers who support and encourage them in developing their
ideas. Not to mention our 82 highly esteemed judges, all highly
experienced professionals in the fields of business and STEM, who
give their time freely each year to judge the projects.                    Colm O’Neill
I’m often asked why BT organises this exhibition and why we have           Chief executive officer, BT Ireland

 BT is one of the world’s leading communications and IT services companies. For more information on BT in Ireland, visit www.btireland.com

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550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015 is proudly sponsored and supported by;

4 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
Suirbhéireacht Gheolaíochta Éireann
                                                                          Geological Survey of Ireland



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550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
The BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2014 is
                         Paul Clarke from St Paul’s College, Raheny, County Dublin.

THE                                                                 CATEGORY AWARDS
                                                                    There are 36 prizes for Individuals and 36 prizes for Group

                                                                    projects. The prizes take the form of 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Junior,
                                                                    Intermediate and Senior sections of each of the four categories:
                                                                    • Biological and Ecological Sciences
                                                                    • Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences
                                                                    • Social and Behavioural Sciences
                                                                    • Technology
MAIN AWARDS                                                         The prizes are:
Here are all the awards that will be presented at the BT Young      • 1st prize of €300 / £270
Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015.                                 for both Individual and Group projects
BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year 2015               • 2nd prize of €225 / £202
Individual or Group                                                     for both Individual and Group projects
• BT Young Scientist(s) of the Year Trophy (perpetual)              • 3rd prize of €150 / £135
                                                                        for both Individual and Group projects
• Cheque for €5,000 / £4,500
• The chance to represent Ireland at the European Union             In the event of a tie in any category, the prize money will be split
    Contest for Young Scientists                                    equally. A number of Highly Commended and Display awards will
                                                                    also be awarded in each category by the panel of judges.
Best Individual or Best Group
• BT Trophy (perpetual)
• Cheque for €2,400 / £2,160
                                                                    REVEREND DR TOM BURKE BURSARY
Runner-up Individual and Runners-up Group
                                                                    Fr Tom was one of the co-founders of the project and sadly
• BT Trophy (perpetual)                                             passed away in 2008. In memory of his contribution to the
• Cheque for €1,200 / £1,080                                        project, a €1,000 bursary is awarded in his name to an
Please note if the title BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the   individual participant who is deemed by the judges as the best
Year is awarded to an Individual, a Best Group Award will also be   communicator. This will be paid to a student to help them in their
made. If the title BT Young Scientist of the Year is awarded to a   second/third level education.
Group, a Best Individual Award will be made.                        This bursary will be open to participants of all categories across
                                                                    all age groups - but the winner cannot be either the overall
                                                                    Individual Winner or Runner Up.

6 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
STUDENT AWARDS                                                              EDUCATOR OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS
• Analog Devices Student Award                                              These awards will be presented to the teachers whose commitment and
                                                                            encouragement have consistently enabled their students to participate
  This award is presented to an individual or group for outstanding work
                                                                            successfully in the following subject areas for the purpose of the
  exhibited in the Technology category, except where the project has
                                                                            exhibition: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technology and Computing.
  been selected as BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year. The
  prize consists of a trophy and an all expenses paid trip to America as    • Analog Devices Educator of Excellence Award
  the guests of Analog Devices, visiting San Francisco and Los Angeles.
  In addition, Analog Devices will donate €2,500 to the school of the          The winner receives the Analog Devices Trophy and an all-expenses
  winning student(s) as a contribution towards its science laboratory          paid trip to America.
  equipment fund.                                                           • Intel Educator of Excellence Award
• Intel Student Award                                                          The winner will receive the Intel Trophy and an all-expenses paid trip
                                                                               to the USA to attend the Intel International Science and Engineering
  This award is presented to an individual or group for outstanding work
                                                                               Fair which takes place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from May 10-15
  exhibited in the Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences category,
                                                                               2015. The selected teacher will also have the opportunity to attend
  except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist &
                                                                               sessions at the Intel Educator Academy.
  Technologist(s) of the Year. The prize is an all-expenses paid trip to
  the USA to compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering
  Fair (ISEF) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from May 10-15, 2015. The
  teacher/mentor of the winner(s) of this award will also receive an all-
  expenses paid trip to ISEF.

• Perrigo Student Award
  Perrigo will be offering an award in the Biological and Ecological
  category to the best placed project, either group or individual,
  except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist
  & Technologist(s) of the Year. Final details of this award will be
  announced at the awards ceremony.
• RTÉ Student Award
  RTÉ will be offering an award in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
  category to the best placed project, either group or individual,
  except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist
  & Technologist(s) of the Year. Final details of this award will be
  announced at the awards ceremony.

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550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
Special awards
We are pleased and proud to have a fabulous range of Special Awards       Full details of all the Special Awards and the criteria for each can be
at this year’s Exhibition. Each award is industry-sponsored and details   found on our website www.btyoungscientist.com
of each organisation and awards can be found on the Awards
section of our website www.btyoungscientist.com                           Schools awards
This year Special Awards will be presented by our partner                 Each year two school awards are made, one for Best School in
organisations. Special Awards recognise excellence in specific areas,     Northern Ireland presented by MATRIX and one for Best School in
examples include projects which have a focus on innovation in             Republic of Ireland presented by NAPD. These are presented on a
technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability, recycling, the            points based system and cannot be won by the same school in a
environment, research or improving cancer awareness.                      three year period.

                                                                                                         Suirbhéireacht Gheolaíochta Éireann
                                                                                                         Geological Survey of Ireland

8 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
BT Young Scientist & Technology Judges 2015

                      Prof Joe Barry            Dr Frances Fahy               Dr Maeve Martin              Prof Ian Robertson
                      Dr Barry Brunt            Dr Domnall Fleming            Michelle McCarthy Severs     Aidan Ryan
                      Annette Cahalane          Dr Yseult Freeney             Aebhric McGibney             David Silke
                      Prof Catherine Comiskey   Dr Kevin Hourihan             Lynda McSweeney              Prof Anthony Staines
                      Dr Catherine Conlon       Dr Jones Irwin                Prof Des McCafferty          Dr Joanne Stuart
                      Dr Almar Ennis            Dr Angela Leahy               Nora NicAodha                Prof James Williams
                      Ciaran Ennis              Eoin MacCuirc                 Dr Elizabeth Nixon


                      Prof Tom Brazil           Prof Pat Guiry                Dr Fergal O’Reilly
                      Dr Mike Byrne             Dr Graeme Horley              Dr Rachel Quinlan
                      Prof Stephen Connon       Prof Tom Laffey               Dr Tony Scott
                      Prof Sean Corish          Dr Michael McGrath            Dr Emma Sokell
                      Prof Padraig Dunne        Dr Ronan McNulty
                      Prof Orla Feely           Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain


                      Colm Buckley              Leonard Hobbs                 Ann O’Sullivan
                      Dr Sarah Jane Delany      Joe Hogan                     Dr Diarmuid O’Brien
                      Prof Linda Doyle          Bill Hunt                     Tom O’Dwyer
                      John Dunnion              Barry Kennedy                 Dr Mary Shire
                      Dr Carol Gibbons          Noel King
                      Prof Jim Greer            Aaron McCormack


                      Dr Donagh Berry           Dr Jervis Good                Prof Deirdre McGrath         Prof John O’Halloran
                      Dr Sarah Culloty          Prof Marie Guidon             Dr John Monahan              Prof Donal O’Shea
                      Prof Michael Doherty      Prof Des Higgins              Prof Ian Montgomery          Dr Brid Quilty
                      Prof Liam Dolan           Dr Mary Kelly-Quinn           Prof Niall Moyna             Dr Dagmar Stengal
                      Dr Evelyn Doyle           Dr Grace McCormack            Prof Grace Mulcahy
                      Hubert Fuller             Prof Jennifer McElwain        Dr Kathy O’Boyle

BT CHAIRPERSON                                                  SPECIAL AWARDS CHAIRPERSON

Maureen Walkingshaw                                               Professor Eoin O’Neill

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550 Amazing Projects - EXHIBITION GUIDE - BT Young Scientist
Quick search - Project category

     Social and Behavioural           Chemical, Physical and                                         Biological and
             Sciences                 Mathematical Sciences                                        Ecological Sciences

           1100 - 1618                    2100 - 2613                3100 - 3611                      4100 - 4616

 Quick search - School name
                            Antrim                             Christian Brothers College                      1214, 1613
 Antrim Grammar School                           1595, 2539    Clonakilty Community College                    3506, 4510
 Ballyclare High School                                 2532   Coláiste Choilm        1412, 1422, 1512, 1524, 1556, 1604,
 St Killian’s College                            3505, 3603                           2505, 2511, 3602, 4107, 4517, 4519,
                                                                                                              4542, 4544
 Wellington College                                     4421
                                                               Coláiste Muire - Crosshaven                               4506
                            Cavan                              Coláiste Na Toirbhirte                    1204, 1580, 4555
 Breifne College                                        1503
                                                               Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai                       1431, 4434
 Loreto College                                  2509, 4538
                                                               Colaiste Treasa                                           1583
                             Clare                             Glanmire Community College                      3530, 4214
 Ennis Community College, Gaelcholaíste an Chlaír 1427, 4112   Kinsale Community School 1101, 1109, 1400, 1403, 1405,
 Kilrush Community School                               4513                            1501, 1505, 1511, 1520, 1543,
                                                                                        1592, 2413, 2417, 2501, 2510,
 Mary Immaculate Secondary School - Lisdoonvarna                                        3511, 3517, 4402, 4408, 4413,
                    1103, 1301, 4102, 4206, 4301, 4410,                                                   4568, 4603
                                 4417, 4419, 4423, 4428
                                                               Midleton College                                4300, 4530
 Meánscoil Na Mbráithre                    1303, 1402, 3401
                                                               Millstreet Community School        1540, 1558, 1569, 4536
 Rice College                                           4101
                                                               Mount Mercy College                             3411, 4108
 Scoil Mhuire                              2529, 4549, 4611
                                                               Mount St Michael                                          2209
 St John Bosco Community College                 1424, 2408
                                                               North Monastery Secondary School                2612, 3611
                              Cork                             Patrician Academy                                         4525
 Ardscoil Uí Urmoltaigh                    1541, 1572, 3514
                                                               Pobalscoil na Tríonóide                                   1606
 Bandon Grammar School       1110, 1206, 1410, 1420, 1425,
                                                               Presentation College               2514, 2518, 4217, 4609
                             1428, 1434, 1522, 1552, 2410,
                        2526, 3526, 4213, 4433, 4539, 4548     Regina Mundi College                                      1564
 Bishopstown Community School                           2519   Sacred Heart Secondary School             2211, 2531, 3523
 Boherbue Comprehensive School                          1581   Schull Community College      1528, 1545, 1603, 4106, 4414
 Carrigaline Community School                    1611, 4518    Scoil Mhuire                                              1413
 Christ King Girls Secondary School                     2207   Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Blarney    1419, 1561, 1588, 3402,
                                                               Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Blarney           3533, 4514, 4545
 Christ King Girls Secondary School                     4215

10 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
St Aloysius College                                     4543        Jesus and Mary Secondary School, Our Lady’s Grove     1514
St Aloysius School                                      1415        Loreto Abbey Secondary School             1519, 1568, 4435
St Mary’s High School                       1504, 2310, 3203        Loreto College - Foxrock     1212, 1553, 1591, 2414, 4557
St Mary’s Secondary School - Mallow         2401, 4405, 4561        Loreto College - St Stephens Green      1106, 1205, 1418,
                                                                                                 2103, 3531, 4111, 4426, 4564
                                                                    Loreto High School                              1509, 1532
Coláiste Ailigh                    1302, 1587, 4306, 4403,
                        4407, 4409, 4411, 4416, 4424, 4508          Loreto Secondary School - Balbriggan  1406, 1426, 1529,
                                                                                               3205, 4200, 4207, 4415, 4515
Loreto Convent - Letterkenny                      1567, 2537
                                                                    Luttrellstown Community College                       3609
Magh Ene College                                  4512, 4613
                                                                    Malahide Community School                       1102, 1610
Moville Community College                               4302
                                                                    Mount Sackville Secondary School                      1590
Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair                   2521, 3502, 3521
                                                                    Newpark Comprehensive School                    1209, 2200
St Eunan’s College                                      4201
                                                                    Our Ladys School - Templeogue                         2407
                              Down                                  Rockbrook Park School                                 3308
Abbey Christian Brothers School                         2607
                                                                    Sandford Park School Ltd                              1584
New-Bridge Integrated College                           4612
                                                                    Skerries Community College                            3528
South Eastern Regional College - Bangor Campus 4607, 4616
                                                                    St Andrew’s College                             2611, 4100
St Colman’s College                                     4559
                                                                    St Colmcille’s Community School                 1549, 3512
St Louis Grammar School                     3400, 3406, 3410
                                                                    St Declan’s College                                   3103
                              Dublin                                St Dominics College                                   3605
Alexandra College                                 1597, 2308        St Joseph Of Cluny                                    4406
Ardgillan Community College            2102, 2309, 4104, 4209       St Kevins College                                     1607
Belvedere College                                 1614, 3305        St Louis High School                            2516, 4534
Blackrock College                                 1201, 3309        Sutton Park School           2203, 3101, 3202, 4400, 4507
C.B.S. Westland Row                                     4422        Synge Street CBS             2101, 2206, 2301, 2304, 2311,
Castleknock College                                     4550                                           2403, 2603, 2604, 2610
Clonkeen College                                  1508, 1531        Tallaght Community School                 1516, 1601, 2601
Coláiste Chilliain                          3408, 1548, 1562        The Kings Hospital                                    4109
Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan            1100, 1615, 2201, 2208,        The Teresian School - Donnybrook                      2538
                                     2303, 2402, 3500, 4522
Colaiste Pobail Setanta                                 1414
                                                                    Coláiste Bhaile Chláir                          1423, 3416
Dominican College - Drumcondra         1518, 1539, 1542, 1557
                                                                    Colaiste Cholmcille                                   4608
Fingal Community College                          1500, 1521
                                                                    Coláiste Iognáid S.J.                           1210, 2210
Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh                             4436
                                                                    Coláiste Mhuire                                       4216
Gaelcholáiste Reachrann                                 2515
                                                                    Coláiste Naomh Eoin                                   3106
Gonzaga College                             2506, 2609, 3607
                                                                    Dominican College - Galway                            1526
Holy Child Secondary School                 1417, 1507, 2204

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Galway (continued)                                                   Leitrim
 Garbally College                           1544, 1609, 2307   Ballinamore Community School                            4202
 Portumna Community School                  4437, 4551, 4563   Carrick-On-Shannon Community School                     4520
 Presentation College                                  3536    St. Clare’s Comprehensive School                  2606, 3207
 Seamount College                                      2530
 St Joseph’s College - Galway                          4604    Ardscoil Ris                                      1547, 3409
 St. Mary’s College                         1409, 1534, 4418   Castletroy College                                1200, 3209

                                Kerry                          Colaiste Ide and Iosef                            1207, 3525
 Causeway Comprehensive School                   3608, 4532    Coláiste Iósaef          1407, 1515, 1550, 1574, 1589, 1602
 Coláiste Bhréanainn                                   2507    Desmond College          2100, 2400, 2404, 3100, 3201, 3303,
                                                                                        3403, 3405, 3501, 3504, 3520, 3601,
 Coláiste na Sceilge                                   1612
                                                                                              3606, 4500, 4504, 4601, 4605
 Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí                          1111, 2533
                                                               Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh                      2300, 3503, 4212
 Killorglin Community College                          3404
                                                               John The Baptist Community School    1208, 1510, 1535,
 Presentation Secondary School - Milltown              1213                              1582, 3206, 3515, 4516, 4521

                            Kildare                            Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ                        1554
 Clongowes Wood College                                2600    Salesian Secondary College, Pallaskenry
                                                                                    2306, 3417, 3529, 3535, 3538, 4431
 Kildare Town Community School 1429, 1575, 1598, 1618,
                    2416, 2613, 4113, 4569, 4606, 4615         St Nessan’s Community College                           3600
 Maynooth Post Primary School                          4105                               Londonderry
 Newbridge College                               1105, 4304    Oakgrove Integrated College                       2412, 3513
 Patrician Secondary School - Newbridge          1605, 2205    St Columb’s College                                     2602
 Salesian College - Celbridge                          1215    St Mary’s College             2202, 2212, 2305, 2500, 2512,
                                                                                                         3301, 4203, 4210
 St Farnan’s Post Primary School                 1579, 4554
                                                               St Mary’s Limavady                                2520, 2608
 St Wolstan’s Community School                         1538

                           Kilkenny                                                        Longford
                                                               Ballymahon Vocational School                      1563, 1570
 Coláiste Mhuire                                 3304, 4438
                                                               Lanesboro Community College            1107, 1211, 4432, 4547
 Coláiste Pobal Osraí - Kilkenny            1565, 4501, 4505
                                                               Mercy Secondary School - Longford                       3524
 Grennan College                                 1546, 1586
                                                               Templemichael College                                   1433
 Kilkenny College                                      3204
 Loreto Secondary School - Kilkenny 1576, 1578, 1616, 4556                                   Louth
 Meánscoil na mBráithre Criostaí                 1401, 4503    Bush Post Primary School               1411, 1525, 1530, 3510

 St Kieran’s College                                   2522    Coláiste Rís                                            3307
                                                               De La Salle College                                     3102
                                                               Dundalk Grammar School                                  1416
 Heywood Community School                        1300, 1617
                                                               O Fiaich College                                        4567
 St. Mary’s C.B.S.                                     3105
                                                               Our Ladys College - Drogheda                            2104

12 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
Our Ladys College - Drogheda                        2525, 4305        C.B.S. Thurles                        3208, 3509, 3610, 4562
St Vincent’s Secondary School            2523, 4303, 4526, 4535       Cistercian College                               1593, 4531
                                                                      Colaiste Dun Iascaigh                                  4558
Jesus & Mary Secondary School                             1585        Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed                            1533, 3604

Mount St Michael                                          1203        Presentation Secondary School - Thurles         1560, 3415,
                                                                                                                 3532, 4552, 4566
St Muredachs College                                      1551
                                                                      Scoil Ruain                                            1104
St. Patrick’s College                                     3104
                                                                      St Joseph’s College                                    3508
                                Meath                                 St. Mary’s Secondary School                      1555, 1559
Loreto Secondary School - Navan               1536, 2409, 2517
St Oliver Post Primary                                    3407
                                                                      St Ciaran’s High School                                1430
St Patrick’s Classical School                             3414
St Peter’s College - Dunboyne                             4404                                   Waterford
                                                                      Blackwater Community School                            4537
                                                                      De La Salle College                              1216, 3519
Coláiste Oiriall                                    1217, 4420
                                                                      Gael Choláist Phort Láirge                       2503, 4565
Our Lady’s Secondary School - Monaghan                    3302
                                                                      St Augustines College                                  3527
Patrician High School - Carrickmacross        2536, 3200, 4211
St. Macartan’s College                              4527, 4533                                   Westmeath
                                                                      Athlone Community College                        1202, 4425
                                                                      Marist College - Athlone                               3534
Colaiste Choilm                                           3300
                                                                      Moate Community School                           2508, 4205
Gallen Community School                             1404, 3412
                                                                      Mullingar Community College                            4600
Sacred Heart Secondary School                       1573, 2415
                                                                      Our Lady’s Bower                           1506, 2528, 2535
St. Brendan’s Community School                            3537
                                                                      St Aloysius College                              3306, 3516
Tullamore College                                   4110, 4546
                                                                      Ramsgrange Community School                            4430
C.B.S. Roscommon                         2504, 4509, 4528, 4541
Roscommon Community College                               4502                                     Wicklow
                                                                      Arklow Community College                               1432
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Roscommon      1513, 1517, 1523,
                           1527, 1600, 2502, 2513, 2527,              Avondale Community College                 1408, 2405, 3507,
                            2534, 4511, 4524, 4529, 4540                                                               4401, 4429
Scoil Mhuire Strokestown        1566, 2605, 4412, 4602, 4614          Avondale Community College                             4523
St Nathy’s College                                  2302, 2406        Coláiste Bhríde         1108, 1571, 1577, 1594, 4553, 4610
                                                                      Dominican College                     1421, 1608, 2411, 2524
                                                                                                                  3522, 4204, 4427
Jesus & Mary Secondary School                             4560
                                                                      Gaelcholaiste Na Mara - Arklow             1596, 3518, 4208
Summerhill College                                        3413
                                                                      Loreto Secondary School                                4103
Borrisokane Community College                       1502, 1537

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Social & Behavioural Sciences

JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL                            1105                                     Overview: For my project, I would like   of influence the media have in peoples’
                                             Title: How password savvy are you?       to investigate why students feel it is   perception of murder.
1100                                         Overview: I aim to check the strength    okay not to wear seatbelts on buses.     School: Mount St Michael
Title: Rememberability vs. guessability:     of passwords and educate my peers on     School: Bandon Grammar School            County: Mayo
Entropy and human factors in                 the importance of online security.       County: Cork                             Teacher: Maureen Commons
password creation                            School: Newbridge College                Teacher: Mrs Carena McCarthy             Student(s): Hannah Allsopp
Overview: To determine whether there         County: Kildare                          Student(s): Kendra Kingston
is a connection between the human            Teacher: Ms Anne Marie Davis                                                      1204
factor in password composition/              Student(s): Aoife Ryan                   1111                                     Title: How an individuals position in
usage and the relative entropy of the                                                 Title: Astuithe dé-ocsáid charbóin       their family affects their personality
password.                                    1106                                     agus básanna ar na bóithre a laghdú:     traits and subsequent career choice
School: Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan            Title: An investigation to determine     Cé chomh maith ar an eolas go bhfuil     Overview: My project is an
County: Dublin                               techniques to help reduce B and D        tiománaithe na hÉireann? (Reducing       examination of how an individual’s
Teacher: Ms Jacqueline Farrell               reversal                                 carbon dioxide emissions and road        birth order in their family affects
Student(s): Cian Tormey                      Overview: I am investigating methods     deaths)                                  their personality traits and also their
                                             to help students with dyslexia,          Overview: To establish how               subsequent career choice.
1101                                         specifically addressing the B and D      knowledgeable Irish professional         School: Coláiste Na Toirbhirte
Title: A statistical study on the public’s   reversal problem.                        drivers are of fuel efficient and safe   County: Cork
attitude towards female participation        School: Loreto College - St Stephens     driving techniques that will result in   Teacher: Mr Pat O Leary
and aggression control in mixed gender       Green                                    reducing carbon emissions and road       Student(s): Celine Lordan
martial arts                                 County: Dublin                           deaths.
Overview: I am investigating the             Teacher: Ms Jennifer Campbell            School: Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí           1205
public’s attitudes towards aggression        Student(s): Adrianne Ward                County: Kerry                            Title: Are aptitude tests a fair
control and anger levels in martial arts                                              Teacher: Ms Elaine Ní Dheargáin          representation of a student’s ability?
and also the stigma attached to female       1107                                     Student(s): Laura Ní Eidhin              Overview: I want to find out why
participation in martial arts.               Title: “For behind the parent stood                                               aptitude tests are used and if they are
School: Kinsale Community School             the school and behind the teacher the    INTERMEDIATE INDIVIDUAL                  fair in differentiating students based
County: Cork                                 home” - Does parental involvement                                                 on their ability.
Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly                      in education improve academic            1200                                     School: Loreto College - St Stephens
Student(s): Jennifer McCarthy                outcomes?                                Title: Sugar tax: To be or not to be     Green
                                             Overview: To demonstrate that            Overview: My project aims to reflect     County: Dublin
1102                                         parental involvement in numeracy/        my community’s opinion about the         Teacher: Ms Yseult Whitaker
Title: Children’s diets in transition from   literacy is effective in improving       sugar tax proposed by the government     Student(s): Iman Awan
primary to secondary school                  outcomes and engagement. I will use      and the risks of sugar and obesity.
Overview: To find out how children’s         specific numeracy/literacy programmes    School: Castletroy College               1206
lifestyles and diets change in their         in my school on a 1st year group.        County: Limerick                         Title: Using Twitter sentiment analysis
transition from primary to secondary         School: Lanesboro Community College      Teacher: Ms Linda Hannon                 to determine the happiest county
school and why these changes occur.          County: Longford                         Student(s): Tamara Mahdi                 Overview: Determining which county
School: Malahide Community School            Teacher: Mr Michael Lyons                                                         in Ireland is the happiest by Twitter
County: Dublin                               Student(s): Brian Lyons                  1201                                     sentiment analysis.
Teacher: Ms Caroline Tighe                                                            Title: An analysis of teenagers’         School: Bandon Grammar School
Student(s): Aisling Lynch                    1108                                     knowledge of the Ebola virus and         County: Cork
                                             Title: Have iPads facilitated enquiry-   current crisis                           Teacher: Dr Edward Gash
1103                                         based learning in schools?               Overview: To test teenagers’             Student(s): Ben O’Regan
Title: The geography of the voting           Overview: I want to investigate          knowledge of the Ebola virus and
patterns in the Eurovision song contest      whether iPads improve the teaching       current crisis affecting West Africa,    1207
Overview: I am looking to see if there       and learning in my school, as it was     using survey questions and comparing     Title: What are the effects of exercise
is a geographical aspect to the way          advertised it would. I will examine      it to methods of obtaining this          on your emotional and mental well-
votes are cast in the Eurovision song        teaching practices.                      information.                             being?
contest.                                     School: Coláiste Bhríde                  School: Blackrock College                Overview: I will be investigating
School: Mary Immaculate Secondary            County: Wicklow                          County: Dublin                           the positive, emotional and mental
School - Lisdoonvarna                        Teacher: Ms Miriam Rickerby              Teacher: Mr Hugo Rowsome                 effects of physical activity / exercise
County: Clare                                Student(s): Grace Hennessy               Student(s): Scott Donohoe                by carrying out various surveys on P.E.
Teacher: Mr John Sims                                                                                                          classes.
Student(s): Fearghal Burke                   1109                                     1202                                     School: Colaiste Ide and Iosef
                                             Title: A statistical study on people’s   Title: An investigation into the         County: Limerick
1104                                         attitudes and awareness of allergies     correlation between personality and      Teacher: Ms. Joannah Kennedy
Title: An investigation into post-           and anaphylaxis                          height in teenage boys                   Student(s): Darragh O’Connell
primary school teacher understanding         Overview: I will investigate the         Overview: Why does the taller man
of dyslexia and the school experiences       general population’s attitudes and       get the girl, earn more, run the         1208
of post-primary school students with         awareness of allergies/anaphylaxis to    company and become president? Does       Title: A statistical analysis of whether
dyslexia                                     provide insight to the knowledge and     his teenage height and personality       segregating males and females for P.E.
Overview: My project aims to assess          perception of allergies amongst the      development predict this?                will increase participation and physical
post-primary teacher understanding of        public.                                  School: Athlone Community College        activity levels
dyslexia and to see if this is reflexed by   School: Kinsale Community School         County: Westmeath                        Overview: We are constantly told at
dyslexic student’s experiences.              County: Cork                             Teacher: Mr Leo Smith                    school/in the newspapers that physical
School: Scoil Ruain                          Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly                  Student(s): Evie McTague                 exercise is good for us and important
County: Tipperary                            Student(s): Mia Hynes                                                             to living a long and healthy life. This
Teacher: Ms Margaret O’Neill                                                          1203                                     is because it is linked to having a
Student(s): Joseph Mee                                                                Title: Is the media murdering murder?    healthy heart, preventing diabetes
                                             1110                                     Overview: To determine a correlation     and stopping some cancers. However,
                                             Title: Why do students abstain from
                                                                                      between Ireland’s murder rate since      it appears from my experiences that
                                             wearing seatbelts on buses?
                                                                                      1846, media reporting and the degree

14 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
some people choose to miss school         on the attitudes of children towards              opinions.                                   package.
P.E./sport because they sometimes         gender roles in the workforce                     School: Heywood Community School            School: Meánscoil na mBráithre
have to do it with boys and girls         Overview: I aim to investigate if                 County: Laois                               Criostaí
together. I would like to see whether     children should be taught about                   Teacher: Mr Aodhagan O Suilleabhain         County: Kilkenny
doing some sports in P.E. separately      gender equality in the workforce and              Student(s): Lisa Daly                       Teacher: Ms Mary B. Lenane
would ensure more people participate      what age education is most effective in                                                       Student(s): Ronan McMorrow
in and enjoy the activity. This study     influencing attitudes.                            1301                                        Dean Kiely
will also look at which aspects of        School: Presentation Secondary School             Title: The geography of award winning       Oskar Salvbe
P.E. teenagers prefer to do with          - Milltown                                        Young Scientist projects
their own gender, and will make           County: Kerry                                     Overview: I am looking at the location      1402
recommendations to help increase the      Teacher: Mr Denis Maguire                         of all award winning projects at the        Title: What’s your sense of humour?
number of pupils doing P.E./school        Student(s): Emily Cahill                          Young Scientist competition and how         Overview: The aim of our project is to
sport.                                                                                      they relate to entries per county.          find out what most people laugh at
School: John The Baptist Community        1214                                              School: Mary Immaculate Secondary           and the difference between adults and
School                                    Title: Does scientific research lead to           School - Lisdoonvarna                       teenagers.
County: Limerick                          job creation?                                     County: Clare                               School: Meánscoil Na Mbráithre
Teacher: Ms Michelle Buckley              Overview: One of the Irish                        Teacher: Mr John Sims                       County: Clare
Student(s): Liam Passmore                 government’s main objectives is to                Student(s): Deirdre O’Connell               Teacher: Mr Sean Murphy
                                          create a knowledge economy. Does                                                              Student(s): Aaron McGannon
1209                                      money given in grants for scientific              1302                                        Michael Rynne
Title: Why do women stay in STEM          research lead to job creation?                    Title: Diagoirí in aghaidh Gardaí? -
careers?                                  School: Christian Brothers College                Staidéar a dhéanamh ar an dearcadh          1403
Overview: I want to investigate gender    County: Cork                                      atá ag diagoirí I dtreo na Gardaí           Title: A statistical study of the effects
inequality in STEM by collecting data     Teacher: Mr David O’Connell                       Overview: In this project, I aim to         of the incoming water charges on
from women who have stayed in these       Student(s): Robert Dinan                          find out the attitude teenagers in          domestic life
fields.                                                                                     the greater Letterkenny region have         Overview: Our project is based on the
School: Newpark Comprehensive             1215                                              towards An Garda Síochana using             incoming water charges and how it will
School                                    Title: How much do Irish teenagers                quantitative survey methods.                affect everyday life. We have done a
County: Dublin                            know about Asperger’s syndrome?                   School: Coláiste Ailigh                     survey on this matter.
Teacher: Ms Karen Clarke                  Overview: My project aims to                      County: Donegal                             School: Kinsale Community School
Student(s): Anna Porter                   investigate the level of understanding            Teacher: Mr Micheál Ó Giobúin               County: Cork
                                          of Asperger’s syndrome amongst                    Student(s): Hugh Carr                       Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly
1210                                      teenagers in Ireland, especially                                                              Student(s): Bethan Lewis
Title: Cyber contagion - The science      regarding other young people with                 1303                                        Kerri Murphy
behind the ice bucket challenge           high-functioning autism.                          Title: An investigation to discover
Overview: A study, using                  School: Salesian College - Celbridge              whether young people participate in         1404
epidemiological models, of how            County: Kildare                                   prayer and the benefits they receive        Title: Make-up: A true reflection
viral fundraisers like the ice bucket     Teacher: Mr. Barry ODonoghue                      Overview: For this project, I will be       Overview: We wish to investigate how
challenge spread, and from the results    Student(s): Tadhg Carey                           hoping to find out if young people          make-up impacts the psycho-social
finding the ideal fundraising campaign.                                                     pray, and if they do, what benefits they    behavior of Irish women, both young
School: Coláiste Iognáid S.J.             1216                                              get from it.                                and old.
County: Galway                            Title: A study into T.Y. student’s                School: Meánscoil Na Mbráithre              School: Gallen Community School
Teacher: Ms Niamh Conway                  opinions on computer programming                  County: Clare                               County: Offaly
Student(s): Kate Duggan                   Overview: I want to do a survey,                  Teacher: Miss Roseanne healy                Teacher: Mrs Alma Killian
                                          based on coding, of T.Y. students                 Student(s): Conor Murphy                    Student(s): Lucy Egan
1211                                      across Waterford. I will also note the                                                        Sophie Gilson
Title: €2.50 too much? - A statistical    attendance of a class I have set up.              JUNIOR GROUP
analysis of the effect of the GMS fee     School: De La Salle College                                                                   1405
Overview: The aim of my project is        County: Waterford                                 1400                                        Title: A statistical study on the
to examine the effect that the GMS        Teacher: Ms Mary McDonagh                         Title: Reading speed, comprehension         influence of Aqua Phobia as an
charge has had on the medications         Student(s): Evan McConnell                        and recall: A statistical study of iPad     impediment to swimming in Irish
that patients take.                                                                         vs. paper-based reading in 12-16 year       society
School: Lanesboro Community College       1217                                              old students                                Overview: Our project aims to
County: Longford                          Title: Lámhscríbhneoireacht dochtúirí             Overview: To investigate differences        investigate people’s attitude towards
Teacher: Ms Mary O’Brien                  Vs Daoine eile                                    between paper and iPad reading              swimming and Aqua Phobia. We also
Student(s): Mark Lyons                    Overview: Bhí mé ag iarraidh hipitéis             through quantitative and qualitative        hope to discover the effects and causes
                                          faoi scríobhneoireacht dochtúirí                  testing of speed, recall and                of this phobia.
1212                                      dóléite a fhoisrú trí foirmle L2A1S2 a            comprehension in approximately 500          School: Kinsale Community School
Title: The quality of fire safety         chruthaigh mé.                                    12-16 year old students.                    County: Cork
procedure in Irish schools                School: Coláiste Oiriall                          School: Kinsale Community School            Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly
Overview: I wish to find out how          County: Monaghan                                  County: Cork                                Student(s): Deirdre O Reilly
prepared primary and secondary            Teacher: Ms Jane NicPhaidin                       Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly                     Anna Walsh
schools throughout the country are for    Student(s): Aoibhín Ní Fhionnagáin                Student(s): Orlaith Cummins                 Cara O Dwyer
the event of a fire.                                                                        Lucy Plant
School: Loreto College - Foxrock          SENIOR INDIVIDUAL                                 Amanda Draper                               1406
County: Dublin                                                                                                                          Title: The effects of meditation
Teacher: Ms. Helen Hennessy               1300                                              1401                                        and positivity training on school
Student(s): Aoife Linehan                 Title: To P.E., or not to P.E.: Introducing       Title: Computer training for senior         community members
                                          P.E. as an exam subject                           citizens in the Carlow/Kilkenny area        Overview: Using a blood pressure
1213                                      Overview: To investigate whether                  Overview: To find out what the              monitor, stress tests, questionnaires,
Title: An investigation into the          or not P.E. as an exam subject would              computer training requirements are for      an app and interviews, we investigated
influence of gender equality education    be beneficial and to survey students,             elderly people living in Carlow/Kilkenny    the effects of meditation and positivity
                                          parents and P.E. teachers for their               and to develop a computer training

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Social & Behavioural Sciences

training on our school community.             County: Louth                                1417                                       1422
School: Loreto Secondary School -             Teacher: Ms Emma McMahon                     Title: Ebooks and iPads or traditional     Title: Leaving Certificate bonus points!
Balbriggan                                    Student(s): Deborah Malone                   books - Which is better for you?           Overview: Are the 25 extra points
County: Dublin                                Ava O’ Shaughnessy                           Overview: We will investigate first year   an effective incentive for Leaving
Teacher: Ms Grainne Enright                   Lillian O’ Reilly                            students to see whether symptoms like      Certificate students to undertake
Student(s): Aoife Conroy                                                                   nausea, dizziness and blurred vision are   higher level maths?
Jessica Barbulescu                            1412                                         caused by extended iPad use, or are        School: Coláiste Choilm
Lauren Murphy                                 Title: A study into the effects of           just coincidental.                         County: Cork
                                              depression on young people                   School: Holy Child Secondary School        Teacher: Ms Lorraine Marron
1407                                          Overview: With the use of surveys, we        County: Dublin                             Student(s): Cian Sullivan
Title: Fear of cities by reputation           will be studying how depression and          Teacher: Ms Regina Greehy                  Cian McCarthy
Overview: Our project is about the fear       other people’s depression can have an        Student(s): Eanna Ferguson
of cities by reputation and the different     effect on young people.                      Emer Morton                                1423
opinions people from Irish counties           School: Coláiste Choilm                      Zahra Farrington                           Title: The ice bucket challenge: An
have about their city and other cities.       County: Cork                                                                            analysis into the internet sensation
School: Coláiste Iósaef                       Teacher: Ms Julie Hanlon                     1418                                       Overview: A study of the ice bucket
County: Limerick                              Student(s): Edel O’ Raw                      Title: Dublin Bikes: To wear or not to     challenge to determine ways that could
Teacher: Ms Sharon Magner                     Eva Heelan                                   wear                                       have improved the rate of adoption,
Student(s): Enda O’Neill                                                                   Overview: A project researching cyclist    and possible impacts on other internet
Daire Brady                                   1413                                         behavioural patterns while wearing         applications.
Joseph Keating                                Title: Stress, distress and mode of birth    helmets and not wearing helmets,           School: Coláiste Bhaile Chláir
                                              Overview: This project is testing the        specifically on Dublin Bikes.              County: Galway
1408                                          hypothesis that mode of delivery             School: Loreto College - St Stephens       Teacher: Ms Eleanor Nolan
Title: On Wednesdays we wear pirate           (C-section or natural birth) determines      Green                                      Student(s): Meg Regan
hats                                          how we deal with stress later in life.       County: Dublin                             Ethan Coogan
Overview: A study into whether it is          School: Scoil Mhuire                         Teacher: Ms Louise Kerr                    Emily Sheran
possible for a considerably abnormal          County: Cork                                 Student(s): Anna Clarke
social behavior to become a social            Teacher: Ms Shirley Breen                    Alexandra Phelan                           1424
norm in an environment where it is            Student(s): Emma Walsh                       Hannah Mulgrew                             Title: How important is local radio to
routinely performed.                          Kate Dinan                                                                              people living in rural Ireland?
School: Avondale Community College                                                         1419                                       Overview: The importance of local
County: Wicklow                               1414                                         Title: Occupations and educational         radio in rural communities.
Teacher: Ms Aoife Sullivan                    Title: The study of the brain’s ability to   standards of politicians - What we         School: St John Bosco Community
Student(s): Jake Walsh                        adopt a foreign body                         want vs. what we get                       College
Emma Holt                                     Overview: We are going to conduct            Overview: Looking at people’s              County: Clare
Eden Bryan                                    experiments on randomly selected             perception of what an ideal politician     Teacher: Ms Anna Quilter
                                              participants from our school. We will        is, including their educational            Student(s): Maire Donnellan
1409                                          try to prove that the brain can adopt a      qualifications, compared to the            Claire McNamara
Title: The Goldilocks volume                  foreign body.                                politicians we in reality have in our      Roisin Coffey
Overview: We are attempting to                School: Colaiste Pobail Setanta              constituencies.
find the perfect volume of sound for          County: Dublin                               School: Scoil Mhuire gan Smál -            1425
concentration using a Stroop test             Teacher: Miss Roisin Breslin                 Blarney                                    Title: Teenage attitudes towards gay
under varying decibel levels.                 Student(s): Grace Thompson                   County: Cork                               marriage
School: St. Mary’s College                    Ioana Uncheasu                               Teacher: Mr Sean Foley                     Overview: We will explore teenage
County: Galway                                Milica Stankovic                             Student(s): Alex Walsh                     attitudes towards gay marriage and
Teacher: Mr Anthony Carey                                                                  Isaac Wren                                 the factors that could influence how
Student(s): Thomas Caffrey                    1415                                         Paul Dineen                                they will vote, as the 2015 referendum
Dion Darcy                                    Title: Do fandoms affect teenagers?                                                     approaches. We will survey secondary
Thomas Levalds                                Overview: We want to do this project         1420                                       students using an anonymous
                                              to find out if “fangirling” affects          Title: The power of music                  questionnaire.
1410                                          teenagers. We will carry out a series of     Overview: For our project, we are          School: Bandon Grammar School
Title: The Stroop Effect                      surveys and tests.                           going to be studying how the power         County: Cork
Overview: For our project we would            School: St Aloysius School                   of music affects the elderly and people    Teacher: Ms Paula McGath
like to investigate the Stroop Effect         County: Cork                                 with alzheimers.                           Student(s): Asha Egan McCutcheon
and whether there is any correlation          Teacher: Ms Deborah Murray                   School: Bandon Grammar School              Katie Galvin
between the Stroop Effect and people’s        Student(s): Benushila Tripathi               County: Cork
spelling abilities.                           Roisin Fahy                                  Teacher: Mrs Carena McCarthy               1426
School: Bandon Grammar School                                                              Student(s): Claire O’ Mahoney              Title: Can taking pictures actually make
County: Cork                                  1416                                         Georgie Roche                              it easier for you to forget?
Teacher: Mrs Carena McCarthy                  Title: An examination of intercultural       Caoimhe Sanchez                            Overview: Our aim with this project
Student(s): Alison Hathaway                   understanding in Irish schools                                                          is to discover if taking photographs of
Amy Bevan                                     Overview: Our project investigates           1421                                       things we are learning about can help
                                              intercultural awareness and                  Title: Can we stand to be left alone       us to remember them.
1411                                          understanding between students and           with our thoughts?                         School: Loreto Secondary School -
Title: A statistical analysis investigating   school policies and practices associated     Overview: We investigate whether           Balbriggan
the link between intense training at the      with intercultural understanding in          people can sit in a room by themselves     County: Dublin
age of 13-16 and cruciate ligament            Irish primary and secondary schools.         for 10 minutes with only their thoughts.   Teacher: Ms Shauna McGee
and hip injury at senior level football       School: Dundalk Grammar School               School: Dominican College - Wicklow        Student(s): Isabelle Martin
Overview: Our project aim is to               County: Louth                                County: Wicklow                            Meíbh O’Sullivan
investigate if cruciate and hip injuries      Teacher: Mr. Shane Lynch                     Teacher: Mr John O’Brien
are in any way related to intense             Student(s): Penny Morris                     Student(s): Ellie Dunne                    1427
training at growth spurt age.                 Zoha Khan                                    Laura Whitty                               Title: Tionchar na Féinphiceanna
School: Bush Post Primary School              Roisin Murphy                                                                           Féinmheasa

16 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2015
Overview: Tá muid chun ceistneoir          positive psychology campaign on                 County: Cork                                County: Westmeath
a dhéanamh le dhá céad daltaí faoi         students and teachers at Arklow                 Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly                     Teacher: Mrs Ethna Benson
féinphiceanna.                             Community College                               Student(s): Maebh Delahunty                 Student(s): Julie Ryan
School: Ennis Community College,           Overview: This project involves                 Aoife Gilleran                              Maeve McMahon
Gaelcholaíste an Chlaír                    carrying out a ‘happiness campaign’             Ciara Morrison
County: Clare                              via an online survey, by practicing                                                         1507
Teacher: Ms Martina Mc Namara              mindfulness, through meditation                 1502                                        Title: Liv-er die? - A statistical
Student(s): Síofra Ní Chonaill             and by taking part in random acts of            Title: An investigative study into          analysis to predict the outcome of
Oileán Ní Laighin                          kindness.                                       the effects and health and financial        current teenage drinking trends and
                                           School: Arklow Community College                benefits of e-cigarettes                    their effects on the incidence of liver
1428                                       County: Wicklow                                 Overview: Our aim is to discover the        transplants
Title: The representation of ethnic        Teacher: Ms Helen Corbett                       effects, positive or negative health        Overview: We are going to predict
minorities in children’s media - Does      Student(s): Maedbh Murphy                       impacts and financial advantage of          the outcome of teenage drinking by
representation really matter?              John Naik                                       using e-cigarettes versus regular           surveying teenagers and comparing
Overview: We would like to find out        Maciek Smyk                                     cigarettes and other quitting methods.      with current liver transplant statistics.
if there is a fair representation of                                                       School: Borrisokane Community               School: Holy Child Secondary School
ethnic minorities in children’s media in   1433                                            College                                     County: Dublin
Ireland, England & America.                Title: Round the twist                          County: Tipperary                           Teacher: Ms Regina Greehy
School: Bandon Grammar School              Overview: We will improve road safety           Teacher: Ms Rachel Ahern                    Student(s): Emma O’Brien
County: Cork                               in the Longford area. Longford is a             Student(s): Rebecca Mulqueen                Laoise Maguire
Teacher: Mrs Carena McCarthy               town surrounded by a bypass with                Sabhbh Murray                               Clare Dolan
Student(s): Emily Shilling                 lots of roundabouts and too many
Erika Jeffers                              accidents.                                      1503                                        1508
Áine Falvey                                School: Templemichael College                   Title: Farm vs. road accidents              Title: The effect of strictness
                                           County: Longford                                Overview: Our project is about farm         Overview: An investigation into how
1429                                       Teacher: Mr. Mick O’Rourke                      and road accidents. We are going to         the lenience of teachers can affect
Title: Can subliminal messages affect      Student(s): Willow Greene                       research information about farm and         a student’s ability and attitude to
student attainment?                        Carol Shirren                                   road accidents and compile a report.        learning.
Overview: To see if subliminal             Eireann O’Leary                                 School: Breifne College                     School: Clonkeen College
messages can affect student                                                                County: Cavan                               County: Dublin
performance.                               1434                                            Teacher: Miss Kerri-Ann Thornton            Teacher: Ms Jennifer Egan
School: Kildare Town Community             Title: An investigation into the price of       Student(s): Laura Halton                    Student(s): Shane Kelly
School                                     public transport in our local area              Hannah Macken                               Daniel Flatman
County: Kildare                            Overview: We want to see how far                Aisling Cooney                              Jake Healy
Teacher: Ms Sinead Sheils                  your money goes when you use public
Student(s): Emma Field                     transport and the reason behind the             1504                                        1509
Hannah Scully                              lack of uptake in public transport.             Title: Does mood influence sickness?        Title: Does something seem catfishy
Chloe O Donovan                            School: Bandon Grammar School                   Overview: This project is a study of the    to you?
                                           County: Cork                                    effect mood has on your well-being.         Overview: Our project aims to find out
1430                                       Teacher: Mrs Carena McCarthy                    This was conducted through the              what people know about fake online
Title: MED awareness and the effects       Student(s): Elyse Dennehy                       method of both online and written           profiles and to educate people on how
of it                                      Alanna O’Driscoll                               survey.                                     to prevent being catfished.
Overview: MED, the physical and            Gillian Seigne                                  School: St Mary’s High School               School: Loreto High School
emotional effects on people suffering                                                      County: Cork                                County: Dublin
from the disease, inventions that may      INTERMEDIATE GROUP                              Teacher: Ms Marguerite Alley                Teacher: Mrs Angela Benson
make that person’s life easier and                                                         Student(s): Abbie Gleeson                   Student(s): Eleanor Keane
society’s views on the disease.            1500                                            Stacey Murphy                               Sadhbh Molloy Killeen
School: St Ciaran’s High School            Title: MATHletes: Male vs. female,
County: Tyrone                             primary vs. secondary                           1505                                        1510
Teacher: Miss Roisin Pearson               Overview: We are investigating to see           Title: A statistical study investigating    Title: Living with Coeliac’s disease -
Student(s): Niamh Conlan                   which gender and which school level,            the public’s awareness of male suicide,     The ins and outs!
Rebecca Hughes                             either primary or secondary, is more            support services and education of           Overview: We have three approaches
Oisin McCartan                             engaged in MATHletes used through               young people regarding suicide              to our project: self-diagnosed Coeliacs,
                                           Khan Academy.                                   Overview: Our project investigates          the overlap between Coeliac’s disease
1431                                       School: Fingal Community College                attitudes towards male suicide,             and type 1 Diabetes, and the Coeliac
Title: The labelling of non-gluten free    County: Dublin                                  educating youths regarding suicide          lifestyle.
Irish products                             Teacher: Mr Damian Barrett                      and the public’s awareness of support       School: John The Baptist Community
Overview: Irish companies that make        Student(s): Ciara Gilsenan                      services locally available to them.         School
products containing gluten should          Emma Bodiu                                      School: Kinsale Community School            County: Limerick
clearly label the merchandise with                                                         County: Cork                                Teacher: Ms Michelle Buckley
a specific logo identifying that it        1501                                            Teacher: Mr Shaun Holly                     Student(s): Meabh Finucane
contains gluten.                           Title: A statistical analysis to                Student(s): Marieke Buckley                 Anna Bonar
School: Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai          investigate the public’s attitude               Niamh Twomey                                Rachel Flynn
County: Cork                               towards mental illnesses and the
Teacher: Ms Sharon Kingston                differences that emerge between age             1506                                        1511
Student(s): Kate Crowley                   categories                                      Title: HPV: Warts and all                   Title: A statistical study on the effect
Clodagh Burke                              Overview: We wish to find a difference          Overview: An investigation of               of change blindness and its impact on
Elena O’Donovan                            in attitudes towards mental health              Westmeath teenagers’ knowledge and          road safety
                                           between teenagers nowadays and                  awareness of Human Papilloma Virus          Overview: Our project aims to
1432                                       older generations and see if younger            (HPV) and vaccine before and after the      investigate the visual phenomena
Title: The happiness project: An           people are more open-minded.                    delivery of an information module.          change blindness and its effect on
investigation into the effect of a         School: Kinsale Community School                School: Our Lady’s Bower                    drivers’ ability to focus on the road and

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