Everything Everywhere All At Once - Broadway Cinema

Page created by Derek Meyer
Everything Everywhere All At Once - Broadway Cinema
Everything Everywhere All At Once   May 2022
Everything Everywhere All At Once - Broadway Cinema
What’s on May 2022

FROM FRIDAY 6 MAY                                         FROM FRIDAY 6 MAY                                        FROM FRIDAY 6 MAY                                     FROM TUESDAY 10 MAY

Cabaret 50th Anniversary (15)                             Wild Men (15)                                            The Hermit of Treig (PG)                              Prayers for the Stolen (15)

Director: Bob Fosse            Duration: 118m             Director: Thomas               Duration: 102m            Director: Lizzie               Duration: 80m          Director: Tatiana Huezo           Duration: 110m
Year: 1972                     Starring: Liza Minnelli,   Daneskov                       Starring: Rasmus Bjerg,   Mackenzie                      Starring: Ken Smith    Year: 2021                        Starring: Mayra Batalla,
Country: USA                   Michael York               Year: 2021                     Zaki Youssef              Year: 2022                                            Country: Mexico                   Memo Villegas
                                                          Country: Denmark               With English subtitles    Country: UK                                                                             With English subtitles

Cabaret brings 1931 Berlin to life. Giving a career-      This razor-sharp Scandinavian black comedy               A meticulous diarist and avid photographer, Ken       From the producers of Roma, Prayers for the
defining performance, icon Liza Minnelli stars            tackles the timely issue of modern masculinity.          Smith has spent the past four decades in the          Stolen tells a powerful story of friendship, family
as the starry-eyed American Sally Bowles, who             Martin is having a mid-life crisis and has fled his      Scottish Highlands, living alone in a log cabin       and survival. Ana lives in the mountains of Mexico
performs nightly at the Kit Kat Klub while in the         family to head into the woods to channel his             nestled near Loch Treig, known as ‘the lonely         where the violence of the drug cartel looms in
street the Nazi party is beginning to grow into a         ancestors. Donning his own home-made Viking              loch’. He has no electricity or running water and     the background and forces a rotation of teachers
brutal political force. In this heady world arrives       costume, Martin is hilariously ill-equipped to           he lives off the land, even brewing his own tipple.   to flee from danger. When a local girl suddenly
bisexual English teacher Brian Roberts, who               live off the land as he wanders the forest in a          Filmed over 10 years, this humorous, life-affirming   disappears, Ana and her two best friends must
falls for Sally’s charm. Soon, the two of them            misguided attempt to regain his independence.            documentary captures Ken’s profound, spiritual        cut their hair short and wear baggy clothes to
find themselves embroiled in the turmoil and              But when he crosses paths with an injured drug           relationship with the wilderness. Now in his 70s,     avoid being kidnapped. A bold and uncanny
decadence of the era.                                     dealer, he finds an unlikely ally in his quest.          Ken reflects upon the reasons he turned his back      depiction of girlhood in the menace of modern
                                                                                                                   on society, the vulnerability of old age and the      day.
                                                                                                                   awe and wonder of a life lived in nature.

Fri         06         15:00        18:00                 Fri         06         17:15       20:00                 Fri         06         16:15       18:30              Tue         10            17:30        20:15
Sat         07         14:30        17:30        20:15    Sat         07         17:15       20:00                 Sat         07         16:15       18:30              Wed         11            17:30        20:15
Sun         08         16:15                              Sun         08         16:45       19:30                 Sun         08         15:00       17:15              Thur        12            17:30        20:15
Mon         09         17:00        19:45                 Mon         09         14:45       17:15       20:00     Mon         09         18:30       20:30
Tue         10         17:00                              Tue         10         17:15       20:00
                                                          Wed         11         17:15       20:00
                                                          Thurs       12         17:15       20:00
Additional Times TBC                                      Additional Times TBC                                     Additional Times TBC                                  Additional Times TBC
Everything Everywhere All At Once - Broadway Cinema
What’s on May 2022

FROM WEDNESDAY 11 MAY                                  FROM FRIDAY 13 MAY                                         FROM FRIDAY 13 MAY                                      FROM FRIDAY 13 MAY

South (U)                                              The Unbearable Weight of                                   The Quiet Girl (U)                                      The Velvet Queen (12A)
                                                       Massive Talent (TBC)

Director: Frank Hurley                                 Director: Tom Gormican           Duration: 105m            Director: Colm Bairéad      Duration: 94m               Director: Marie Amiguet        Duration: 92m
Year: 1919                                             Year: 2021                       Starring: Nicolas Cage,   Year: 2021                  Starring: Catherine         Year: 2021                     With English subtitles
Country: UK                                            Country: USA                     Pedro Pascal              Country: Ireland            Clinch, Carrie Crowley      Country: France
Duration: 81m                                                                                                                                 With English subtitles

A record of one of the greatest survival stories       Nicolas Cage stars as... Nick Cage in this new             An intricate and delicate coming-of-age drama,          High up on the Tibetan plateau amongst
in the history of exploration, South is the original   action-comedy. Creatively unfulfilled and facing           The Quiet Girl is the Irish language debut              unexplored and inaccessible valleys lies one of
1919 film of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914-16           financial ruin, the fictionalised version of Cage          from director Colm Bairéad. Nine-year-old Cáit          the last sanctuaries of the wild world, where
Endurance expedition to Antarctica, during which       must accept a $1 million offer to attend the               often disappears into the background of her             rare and undiscovered fauna lives. Renowned
the ship was crushed by ice, stranding the crew.       birthday of a dangerous superfan. Things take a            dysfunctional family. When her mother’s cousin          wildlife photographer Vincent Munier takes the
Now considered the world’s first documentary           wildly unexpected turn when Cage is recruited by           Eibhlín and husband Seán offer to take care of her      adventurer and novelist Sylvain Tesson with him
feature, South has been digitally remastered for       a CIA operative and forced to live up to his own           for the summer, her father can’t get her into the       on his latest mission to explore these valleys and
its centenary release, with a newly commissioned       legend, channelling his most iconic on-screen              car quick enough. Cáit blossoms over the course         try to spot the snow leopard, one of the rarest
score by Neil Brand. –BFI                              characters in order to save himself and his loved          of her stay, under the care of her distant relatives.   and most difficult big cats to approach. Featuring
                                                       ones. With a career built for this very moment, the        Much is left unsaid but slowly Cáit learns the          an atmospheric score by Nick Cave and Warren
The evening screening on Thursday 12 May               actor takes on the role of a lifetime: Nicolas Cage.       weight that Eibhlín and Seán carry with them.           Ellis.
will be introduced by researcher, Laura Ager.

Wed     11                       17:00                 Fri         13           19:45                             Fri     13                   15:15     17:45 20:15      Fri         13         15:45       18:15
Thur    12       10:30   13:30   17:00   19:15         Sat         14           19:45                             Sat     14                   15:15     17:45 20:15      Sat         14         15:45       18:15
                                                       Sun         15           14:45                             Sun     15                   14:30     17:00            Sun         15         17:30       19:45
                                                       Mon         16           17:30                             Mon     16                   17:45     20:15            Mon         16         15:45       18:15
                                                       Tue         17           17:15                             Tue     17                   17:45     20:15            Tue         17         15:45       18:15
                                                       Wed         18           17:15                             Wed     18                   17:45     20:15            Wed         18         15:45       20:30
                                                       Thurs       19           19:45                             Thurs   19       10:30 13.30 17:45     20:15            Thurs       19         15:45       20:30
Additional Times TBC                                   Additional Times TBC
                                                                                                                  Additional Times TBC                                    Additional Times TBC
What’s on May 2022

FROM WEDNESDAY 18 MAY                                FROM FRIDAY 20 MAY                                        FROM FRIDAY 20 MAY                                      FROM FRIDAY 20 MAY

You Are Not My Mother (15)                           Everything Everywhere                                     Benediction (TBC)                                       Vortex (TBC)
                                                     All At Once (TBC)

Director: Kate Dolan           Duration: 93m         Director: Daniel Kwan and      Duration: 139m             Director: Terence Davies       Duration: 137m           Director: Gaspar Noé           Duration: 135m
Year: 2021                     Starring: Carolyn     Daniel Scheinert               Starring: Michelle Yeoh,   Year: 2021                     Starring: Jack Lowden,   Year: 2021                     Starring: Dario Argento,
Country: Ireland               Bracken, Paul Reid    Year: 2022                     Stephanie Hsu              Country: UK                    Peter Capaldi            Country: France                Françoise Lebrun
                                                     Country: USA                                                                                                                                     With English subtitles

A creepy and unsettling psychological thriller       When an interdimensional rupture unravels reality,        Benediction explores the turbulent life of First        A radical departure from Noé’s previous films,
deeply rooted in Irish folklore from debut feature   an exhausted Chinese American woman just trying           World War poet Siegfried Sassoon. Adored by             Vortex is a tender exploration of ageing, death
director Kate Dolan. Char’s mother, Angela, has      to finish her taxes must channel her newfound             members of the aristocracy and stars of London’s        and dementia, starring giallo maestro Dario
disappeared. All that remains is her abandoned       powers to fight bizarre and bewildering dangers           literary and stage world, he embarked on affairs        Argento as Father and Françoise Lebrun as
car. When she returns home without explanation       from the multiverse as the fate of the world hangs        with several men as he tried to come to terms           Mother. The film is presented entirely in split-
the following evening, it becomes clear to Char      in the balance.                                           with his homosexuality. At the same time, broken        screen, with the couple going about their day
that something is amiss. Angela’s behaviour has      Directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert,               by the horrors of war, he made his life’s journey       simultaneously together and alone. Their day is
become increasingly frightening, as if she has       collectively known as Daniels (best known for             a quest for salvation, trying to find it within the     uneventful but compelling nonetheless, and their
been replaced by a malevolent force. As Halloween    the genre-defying Swiss Army Man) deliver this            conformity of marriage and religion. His story          tenderness so familiar it’s heartbreaking. Mother
night looms, a night steeped in ancient myth and     hilarious and big-hearted sci-fi action adventure.        is one of a troubled man in a fractured world,          and Father are loving and they’re dying, and it’s
legend, Char realises that she is the only one who                                                             searching for peace and self-acceptance.                the quiet universality of it that makes Vortex so
can save her.                                                                                                                                                          moving. - BFI

Wed         18         19:45                         Fri         20         14:00        17:00       20:00     Fri         20         13:15       16:30      19:45     Fri         20         19:30
Thurs       19         17:15                         Sat         21         14:00        17:00       20:00     Sat         21         13:15       16:30      19:45     Sat         21         19:30
                                                     Sun         22         13:00        16:00       19:00     Sun         22         15:45       18:45                Sun         22         18:30
                                                     Mon         23         13:15        17:00       20:00     Mon         23         16:30       19:45                Mon         23         19:30
                                                     Tue         24         13:15        17:00       20:00     Tue         24         16:30       19:45                Tue         24         16:45
                                                     Wed         25         14:00        17:00       20:00     Wed         25         16:30       19:45                Wed         25         19:30
                                                     Thurs       26         13:15        17:00       20:00     Thurs       26         10:30       13:30      16:45     Thurs       26         19:45
Additional Times TBC                                 Additional Times TBC                                      Additional Times TBC                                    Additional Times TBC
What’s on May 2022

FROM FRIDAY 20 MAY                                                               SATURDAY 21 & SUNDAY 22                                  FROM FRIDAY 27 MAY                                     FROM FRIDAY 27 MAY

Playground (15)                                                                  Robocop Director’s Cut (18)                              Doctor Strange In the Multiverse                       The Bob’s Burgers Movie (TBC)
                                                                                                                                          of Madness (12A)

Director: Laura Wandel                Duration: 72m                              Director: Paul Verhoeven       Duration: 99m             Director: Sam Raimi            Duration: tbc           Director: Loren Bouchard,           Duration: 102m
Year: 2021                            Starring: Maya Vanderbeque,                Year: 1987                     Starring: Peter Weller,   Year: 2022                     Starring:               Barnard Derriman                    Starring: H. Jon Benjamin,
Country: Belgium                      Günter Duret                               Country: USA                   Nancy Allen               Country: USA                   Benedict Cumberbatch,   Year: 2022                          Kristen Schaal, Dan Mintz
                                      With English subtitles                                                                                                             Rachel McAdams          Country: USA

Writer-director Laura Wandel’s extraordinary debut                               Paul Verhoeven’s Hollywood debut became an               Dr. Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that       When a ruptured water main creates an enormous
takes you back to the complex and petrifying                                     instant sci-fi/action classic when it landed in          opens the doorway to the multiverse, including         sinkhole right in front of Bob’s Burgers, blocking
world of the school playground. Shy seven-year-                                  cinemas in the summer of 1987. In Detroit in the         alternate versions of himself, whose threat to         the entrance indefinitely, the Belchers’ plans for
old Nora becomes aware that her older brother                                    not-too-distant future, hero cop Alex Murphy             humanity is too great for the combined forces of       a successful summer are ruined. While Bob and
Abel is being bullied by the other kids. Should she                              is gunned down in the line of duty, only to be           Strange, Wong, and Wanda Maximoff.                     Linda struggle to keep the business afloat, the
tell the adults or remain silent in solidarity with                              resurrected as RoboCop – a cybernetic mix of                                                                    kids try to solve a mystery that could save their
Abel? The original title – Un monde – encapsulates                               spare human parts and Motor City steel, and the                                                                 family’s restaurant. As the dangers mount, these
how, for a child, the playground’s politics, conflicts                           latest defence against crime designed by the all-                                                               underdogs help each other find hope and fight to
and abuses form your entire world and, for the duration of Playground, we view   powerful OCP Corporation. As RoboCop’s memories                                                                 get back behind the counter, where they belong.
                                                                                 of his former life resurface, he sets out to find the
                                                                                 vicious thugs responsible for
                                                                                 his death.

Fri             20              17:30                                            Sat         21         20:45                             Fri         27         13:45       17:30               Fri          27             15:15        17:45         20:15
Sat             21              17:30                                            Sun         22         16:15                             Sat         28         13:30       16:30               Sat          28             15:15        17:45         20:15
Sun             22              16:30                                                                                                     Sun         29         13:30       16:30               Sun          29             13:45        16:15         19:00
Mon             23              17:30                                                                                                     Mon         30         13:30       16:30               Mon          30             15:15        17:45         20:15
                                                                                                                                          Tue         31         13:30       16:30               Tue          31             15:15        17:45         20:15

Additional Times TBC                                                             Additional Times TBC                                     Additional Times TBC                                   Additional Times TBC
What’s on May 2022

FROM FRIDAY 27 MAY                                       FROM SATURDAY 28 MAY                                         Silver Screen
Between Two Worlds (TBC)                                 The Bad Guys (U)                                             All tickets £5

                                                                                                                      Our weekly Thursday matinee
                                                                                                                      screenings programmed with
                                                                                                                      our senior customers in mind

                                                                                                                      Downton Abbey: A New Era
Director: Emmanuel         Duration: 106m                Director: Pierre Perifel           Duration: 100m
                                                                                                                      Thursday 5 May
Carrère                    Starring: Juliette Binoche,   Year: 2021                         Starring: Sam Rockwell,
Year: 2021                 Hélène Lambert                Country: USA                       Awkwafina,                10:30 & 13:30
Country: France            With English subtitles                                           Anthony Ramos

Based on the real-life reportage of journalist
Florence Aubenas, Between Two Worlds exposes
                                                         Never have there been five friends as infamous
                                                         as The Bad Guys – dashing pickpocket Mr. Wolf,
the challenges facing workers at the bottom              seen-it-all safecracker Mr. Snake, chill master-of-
of the food chain in Northern France. Going              disguise Mr. Shark, short-fused ‘muscle’
                                                                                                                      Thursday 12 May
undercover, Marianne (Juliette Binoche) enlists          Mr. Piranha and sharp-tongued expert hacker Mrs.
for a series of thankless jobs, including cleaner        Tarantula.                                                   10.30 & 13.30
of a cross-Channel ferry. She forms close bonds
with her fellow workers, but sooner or later, must       But when, after years of countless heists and
face up to the ethical problems that her methods
entail. An array of charismatic non-professional
                                                         being the world’s most-wanted villains, the gang is
                                                         finally caught, they hatch a plan to save them all           The Quiet Girl
actors excel alongside Binoche, in a film that digs      from prison: The Bad Guys will go good.
deep into current social realities.                                                                                   Thursday 19 May
                                                                                                                      10.30 & 13:30
Fri         27         17:00     19:45                   Sat         28             12:15       14:30
Sat         28         17:00     19:45                   Sun         29             14:30
Sun         29         17:00     19:45                   Mon         30             14:30
Mon         30         17:00     19:45                   Tue         31             14:30
Tue         31         17:00     19:45                                                                                Thursday 26 May
                                                                                                                      10.30 & 13:30
Additional Times TBC                                     Additional Times TBC
Classic Cage
To coincide with the release of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, this
month we’re journeying through the weird and wild career of Nicolas Cage. Known
for his extreme method acting, Nic Cage truly has a screen presence like no other;
described by David Lynch as the ‘jazz musician of American acting’ and by Ethan
Hawke as ‘the only actor since Marlon Brando that’s actually done anything new
with the art’. In recent years, Cage has harnessed his cult following, choosing to
move away from Hollywood and towards low-budget indie projects, which he says
gives him more freedom. Either way, we love him, and we’re thrilled to be revisiting
some of his most iconic roles, back on the big screen.

All tickets £5

                                                 Wild at Heart (18)                                                      Adaptation (15)

                                                 Director: David Lynch               Duration: 125m                      Director: Spike Jonze                Duration: 110m
                                                 Year: 1990                          Starring: Nicolas Cage,             Year: 2002                           Starring: Nicolas Cage,
                                                 Country: USA                        Laura Dern, Willem Dafoe,           Country: USA                         Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper
                                                                                     Isabella Rossillini

                                                 Sailor (Nicolas Cage) and Lula (Laura Dern) are two lovers struggling   Nicolas Cage is Charlie Kaufman, a confused L.A. screenwriter
                                                 to remain together when fate (and Marietta, Lula’s mother) seems        overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, sexual frustration, self-
                                                 intent on keeping them apart. After Sailor is released from prison,     loathing, and by the screenwriting ambitions of his freeloading twin
                                                 the pair embark on a wild road trip to escape Marietta’s cronies.       brother Donald (also Nicolas Cage).
                                                 Sun               01                 19:15                              Mon                16                 19:45

                                                 Moonstruck (PG)                                                         Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (18)

                                                 Director: Noman Jewison             Duration: 102m                      Director: Werner Herzog              Duration: 117m
                                                 Year: 1987                          Starring: Cher, Nicolas Cage,       Year: 2009                           Starring: Nicolas Cage,
                                                 Country: USA                        Olympia Dukakis                     Country: USA                         Val Kilmer, Eva Mendes

                                                 In her Academy Award winning role, Cher, while waiting for her timid    Nicolas Cage stars in Werner Herzog’s Bad Lieutenant as Lieutenant
                                                 fiancé to decide between her and his mother, falls in love with her     Terence, investigating the death of five Senegalese immigrants,
                                                 fiancé’s estranged brother (Nicolas Cage), a bakery worker with a       who are killed over drugs. As he probes the case, Terence finds his
                                                 love of opera and life.                                                 eccentric method of investigation backfiring on him.
                                                 Sun               08		 19:15                                            Tue                17                 19:45

                                                 Raising Arizona (12)                                                    Face/Off (18)
                                                 Director: Joel Coen                 Duration: 90m                       Director: John Woo                   Duration 138m
                                                 Year: 1987                          Starring: Nicolas Cage, Holly       Year: 1997                           Starring: Nicolas Cage,
                                                 Country: USA                        Hunter, John Goodman                Country: USA                         John Travolta, Joan Allen

                                                                                                                         Nicolas Cage and John Travolta star in John Woo’s iconic cult
                                                 When a childless couple of an ex-con (Nicolas Cage) and an ex-          classic. In order to foil a terrorist plot, an FBI agent undergoes
                                                 cop (Holly Hunter) decide to help themselves to one of another          facial transplant surgery and assumes the identity of a criminal
                                                 family’s quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they     mastermind. The plan turns sour when the criminal wakes up
                                                 anticipated.                                                            prematurely and seeks revenge.
                                                 Tue               10                 19:30                              Sun                22                 19:15
Special Events.                                                                                                                                                                         Special Events.

Wake Up Punk (TBC)                                                                          My Movie:                                                                                   Miracle Valley & The Room double bill                                                        a-ha: The Movie (12A)
                                                                                            Some Like It Hot (12)                                                                       + virtual Q&A [Advised 15]
Director: Nigel Askew                           Duration: TBC                               Director: Billy Wilder                          Duration: 117m                              Prepare for the ultimate cult movie night: we’re pleased to present Greg Sestero’s           Director: Thomas Robsahm, Aslaug Holm         Duration: 109m
Year: 2022                                                                                  Year: 1959                                      Starring: Marilyn Monroe,                   directorial debut Miracle Valley as a double-bill with the now-legendary cult classic The    Year: 2021
Country: UK                                                                                 Country: USA                                    Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis                    Room, the endlessly quotable nirvana of so-bad-it’s-good cinema.                             Country: Norway

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sestero writes, directs and stars in the brilliantly atmospheric and pulpy Miracle Valley,
Has the legacy of punk been distorted and commodified beyond all recognition? Joe           After witnessing a mob hit, Chicago musicians Joe and Jerry decide to leave town by         charting a couple’s getaway from hell as they face nightmarish terror in the Arizona         a-ha’s hit Take On Me is still one of the most played songs of the last millennium. This
Corre most definitely thinks so. In 2016, the son of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne           disguising themselves as women and joining an all-female jazz band en route to Miami.       desert. We then journey beyond Miracle Valley, and inside The Room.                          documentary follows the band over a period of four years, sharing the full story of how
Westwood burnt millions of pounds worth of punk-era memorabilia in protest. This            The pair – now going by Josephine and Daphne – quickly find themselves romantically                                                                                                      three young men followed their impossible dream of making it big. Almost 35 years after
freewheeling documentary recalls the energy and anarchy of the punk era and gives a         entangled with the band’s singer Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe) and much-married               This unmissable night of cult fun will include a Q&A with Greg Sestero between the two       their breakthrough, a-ha still create magic on stage with their melancholic and timeless
voice to Corre’s fear that ‘punk has become part of business as usual’, but it also finds   millionaire Osgood Fielding III. Billy Wilder’s beloved comedy is back on the big screen.   films, hosted by Mayhem’s Steven Sheil, followed by an interval.                             music. The film portrays the challenging creative and personal dynamics of the group in
hope that the punk spirit survives in the guise of current protest movements.                                                                                                                                                                                                        this story of great music, big ambitions, broken friendships – and maybe forgiveness.
                                                                                            This film is showing as a My Movie screening – chosen by a Broadway customer to             Tickets: £16 / £14
                                                                                            celebrate a special occasion, and open to all.

                                                                                            Happy 60th Birthday Saul, from all your family and friends!
Fri                     06                       20:45                                      Sun                      08                      12:00                                      Sun                      15                       18:00                                      Fri                     20                      20:45

This Much I Know To Be True (TBC)                                                           Met Opera: Turandot – Puccini (12A)                                                         Met Opera:                                                                                   Film Club Takeover: Victoria (15)
                                                                                                                                                                                        Lucia Di Lammermoor – Donizetti (12A)                                                        All tickets £3.50

Director: Andrew Dominik                        Runtime: 105m                               Superstar soprano Anna Netrebko makes her long-awaited Met role debut as Puccini’s          Soprano Nadine Sierra takes on one of the repertory’s most formidable and storied roles,     Director: Sebastian Schipper                  Duration: 133m
Year: 2022                                      Starring: Nick Cave, Warren Ellis           icy princess—live in cinemas on May 7. Tenor Yonghoon Lee is the bold prince determined     the haunted heroine of Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, in an electrifying new staging       Year: 2015                                    Starring: Laia Costa, Franz Rogowski
Country: UK                                                                                 to win Turandot’s love, alongside soprano Ermonela Jaho as the devoted servant Liù and      by Australian theatre and film director Simon Stone, conducted by Riccardo Frizza.           Country: Germany
                                                                                            legendary bass Ferruccio Furlanetto as the blind king Timur. Marco Armiliato conducts       Tenor Javier Camarena adds to the bel canto fireworks as Lucia’s beloved, Edgardo, with
                                                                                            Puccini’s stirring opera, which takes the stage in the company’s dazzling, ever-popular     baritone Artur Ruciński as her overbearing brother, Enrico, and bass Matthew Rose as her
Shot on location in London & Brighton, Andrew Dominik’s new feature documentary                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nottingham-based film club Jackie Treehorn Productions present a screening of
                                                                                            production by Franco Zeffirelli.                                                            tutor, Raimondo.
This Much I Know To Be True captures Nick Cave and Warren Ellis’ exceptional creative                                                                                                                                                                                                immersive one-take crime thriller Victoria, set on the streets of Berlin.
relationship as they bring to life the songs from their last two studio albums, Ghosteen    Duration: 206m (Two intermissions)                                                          Duration: 224m (Two intermissions)
(Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds) and Carnage (Nick Cave & Warren Ellis).                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Laia Costa stars as young Spanish ex-pat Victoria – frustrated, somewhat directionless,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and eager to shake off the monotony of her current life. In the dead of night, she catches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the eye of a local, Sonne. As the night rolls on, what started out as a good time quickly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     spirals dangerously out of control.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This activity is part of the UK-wide BFI Film Academy programme and is supported using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     funds from the National Lottery.

Wed                      11                      20:30                                      Sun                      08                       12:00                                     Sun                             22                              12:00                        Thur                           24                              20:00
Love film? Come and learn more!
Special Events.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Come and meet other film-lovers at our informal but informative film courses. There’ll be teaching,
                                                                                                                                                                                      film clips and opportunities for questions and discussion. All courses are designed with adult
                                                                                                                                                                                      participants in mind (ages 18+).

                                                                                                                                                                                      For more information contact Laura at l.cubley@broadway.org.uk

NT Live: Straight Line Crazy (12A)                                                         Broadway’s Mystery Film (15)

A new play by David Hare, directed by Nicholas Hytner.
Ralph Fiennes leads the cast in David Hare’s blazing account of the most powerful man in
                                                                                           Duration: 115m
                                                                                           Certificate: 15
                                                                                                                                                                                      May Film Courses
New York - urban planner and master manipulator Robert Moses, whose legacy changed
the city forever.                                                                          We love film and love to share our passion for film with our audiences. Each month, a
For forty uninterrupted years, he exploited those in office through a mix of charm and     Mystery Film is chosen by a different member of our staff and is one we feel deserves to
intimidation to create his vision of New York City. But faced with resistance by protest   be (re)discovered on the big screen – expect anything from forgotten gems to stone-
groups, will the weakness of democracy be exposed in the face of his charismatic           cold classics. We’ll introduce the event and let you know who picked the film, but what     Talk Cinema – Afternoon       Alan       8 Weeks    Monday afternoons       £48 / £32 member & concessions
conviction?                                                                                you’ll be watching will remain a mystery until the lights go down...
                                                                                                                                                                                       (90m)                         Seaman                from 9 May              £24 under 25s
Broadcast live from the Bridge Theatre in London.                                          All tickets £3.50                                                                           Back by popular demand                              14:00–15:30             (includes entrance into films & tea,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (discussion sessions)   coffee and biscuits on arrival)
Tickets: £16 full / £14 conc

                                                                                                                                                                                       Far East on Film              Rich       10 weeks   Monday evenings         £70 / £50 member & concessions
Thur                     26                    19:00                                       Fri                     27                        20:30                                     (90m)                         Johnson               from 9 May              £35 under 25s
                                                                                                                                                                                       New course                                          19:00–20:30

                                                                                                                                                                                       Morality and the Movies       Andrew     10 weeks   Tuesday evenings        £70 / £50 memb & concessions
                                                                                           BFI Film Academy 2020-22 Showcase                                                           (90m)                         Graves                from 3 May              £35 under 25s
                                                                                                                                                                                       New course                                          19:00–20:30
                                                                                           Broadway’s BFI Film Academy showcase is back and proud to present the seven short
                                                                                           films made by our 2020-21 and 2021-22 Academy participants.

                                                                                           Over the past two years and through the various heights of the pandemic, we have            Croissants on the Croisette   Alan       8 weeks    Wednesday afternoons    £56 / £40 member & concesssions
                                                                                           successfully delivered our respected filmmaking programme to 38 aspiring young
                                                                                           filmmakers aged 16-19.                                                                      – A History of the Cannes     Seaman                from 4 May              £28 under 25s
                                                                                                                                                                                       Film Festival (120m)                                14:00–16:00             (includes tea, coffee and biscuits on
                                                                                           Our young participants developed their practical skills in sessions led by film industry
                                                                                           professionals, before putting their newfound knowledge into practice to create              New course                                                                  arrival)
                                                                                           short films - working with emerging acting talent from Nottingham’s BAFTA-winning
                                                                                           Television Workshop.

                                                                                           Join us as we watch their short films and hear about their experiences in a Q&A with        Beginning Screenwriting       Graham     8 weeks    Wednesday evenings      £130 / £100 mem & concessions
                                                                                           the young filmmakers.                                                                       (150m)                        Lester                from 4 May              £70 under 25s
                                                                                           All proceeds from this event will go towards Broadway’s Beyond the Reel campaign,           Back by popular demand        George                18:30–21:00
                                                                                           which supports the development of new filmmaking talent.

                                                                                           Find out more at broadway.org.uk/supportus

                                                                                           All tickets £3.50, available from Mid-May.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Film in Focus                 Sam        8 weeks    Thursday afternoons     £56 / £40 member & concessions
                                                                                                                                                                                       (90m)                         Maxfield              from 5 May              £28 under 25s
                                                                                                                                                                                       Back by popular demand                              14:00–15:30

                                                                                                                                                                                       Talk Cinema - Evening (90m)   Graham     10 weeks   Thursday evenings       £60 / £40 member & concessions
                                                                                                                                                                                       Back by popular demand        Caveney               from 12 May             £30 under 25s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19:30–21:00             (includes entrance into films)
                                                                                           Sun                      29                      19:15                                       Sold Out
Tickets and times at broadway.org.uk
Family Matinées – All tickets £3.90                             A short season of films from the master of French slapstick comedy, Jacques Tati.
                                                                Join us for Saturday afternoons of knee-slap French comedy, cinema, and laughter!

Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (U)                     Jour De Fête (PG)                                    Mon Oncle (U)

Director: Jacques Tati Duration: 123m            Director: Jacques Tati       Duration: 75m           Director: Jacques Tati       Duration: 106m
Year: 1953             Starring:                 Year: 1948                   Starring:               Year: 1958                   Starring: Jacques
Country: France        Jacques Tati,             Country: France              Jacques Tati,           Country: France              Tati, Jean-Pierre Zola,
                       Nathalie Pascaud                                       Guy Decomble                                         Adrienne Serveant

Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing         In his enchanting debut feature, Jacques             Slapstick prevails again when Jacques Tati’s
clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort,      Tati stars as a fussbudget of a postman who          eccentric, old-fashioned hero, Monsieur
where his presence provokes one catastrophe      is thrown for a loop when a traveling fair           Hulot, is set loose in Villa Arpel, the geometric,
after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle      comes to his village. Even in this early work,       oppressively ultramodern home of his brother-
slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-      Tati was brilliantly toying with the devices         in-law, and in the antiseptic plastic hose
choreographed sight gags involving dogs,         (silent visual gags, minimal yet deftly deployed     factory where he gets a job. The second Hulot
boats, and firecrackers; it was the first        sound effects) and exploring the theme               movie and Tati’s first colour film, Mon Oncle is a
entry in the Hulot series and the film that      (the absurdity of our increasing reliance on         supremely amusing satire of mechanised living
launched its maker to international stardom.     technology) that would define his cinema. –          and consumer society that earned the director
–Criterion Collection                            Criterion Collection                                 the Academy Award for best foreign-language
                                                                                                      film. –Criterion Collection

Sat       07         13:15                       Sat       14         13:15                           Sat       21         13:00

Supportive Environment                           Bringing Up Baby -
Screenings                                       Baby-Friendly screening

The Bad Guys (U)                                 Downton Abbey:
                                                 A New Era (PG)

Director: Pierre Perifel   Starring:             Director: Simon Curtis    Duration: TBC
Year: 2021                 Sam Rockwell,         Year: 2021                Starring: Hugh Dancy,
Country: USA               Awkwafina,            Country: UK               Maggie Smith
Duration: 100m             Anthony Ramos

In this new action comedy, a criminal crew of    From award-winning creator Julian Fellowes
animal outlaws are about to attempt their most   comes Downton Abbey: A New Era. The much-                                                                                   Follow:
challenging con yet - becoming model citizens.   anticipated cinematic return of the global
                                                 phenomenon reunites the beloved cast as                                                                                     @BroadwayCinema
A screening suitable for children on the
autistic spectrum and their families.
                                                 they go on a grand journey to the South of
                                                 France to uncover the mystery of the Dowager
                                                 Countess’ newly inherited villa.
Tickets £2 for under 16s, adults £3.80.
                                                 These screenings are for parents and                                                                                        Find out more:
                                                 guardians with babies (up to one year of age)                                                                               broadway.org.uk
                                                 Tickets are £5, babies go free.

                                                                                                                                                                             14–18 Broad Street
Sat       28         12:15                       Tues      10         13:30                                                                                                  Nottingham
                                                                                                                                                                             NG1 3AL
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