Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
European Journal of Archaeology 2022, page 1 of 24
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                  Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late
                  Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark

                  TIMOTHY EARLE1 , ANNE-LOUISE HAACK OLSEN2, BERIT VALENTIN ERIKSEN3                                                              ,
                    Anthropology, Northwestern University, Evanston (IL), USA
                    Museum Thy, Thisted, Denmark
                    Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, Schleswig, Germany
                    Environmental Archaeology and Materials Science, National Museum of Denmark,
                  Lyngby, Denmark
                    Museum Salling, Skive, Denmark

                  Bjerre 7 is a modest Late Bronze Age house in Thy, Denmark. Excellent preservation and full-recovery
                  techniques provided comprehensive evidence of farm self-sufficiency, local exchange, and amber collection
                  for trade. Spatial analyses of ceramics, lithics, plant macrofossils, and amber identified distinctive activ-
                  ity areas at both ends of the house and outside. Routines are discussed for refuse disposal, ceramic use in
                  everyday activities, ad hoc knapping and use of flint tools, plant processing, and amber storage. The
                  household was economically generalized and largely self-sufficient, with limited specialization. Located
                  close to the North Sea, the householders collected raw amber for trade. Metal was obtained from outside
                  for a small-scale, household industry. Although some division of labour is likely, it seems that the whole
                  household engaged in the diverse activities identified on site.

                  Keywords: Late Bronze Age, Denmark, household archaeology, palaeobotany, amber

                                      INTRODUCTION                                   equivocal, based on assumptions of nor-
                                                                                     mality in traditional Scandinavian society
                  Farmsteads have been thought to represent                          that require reconsideration (Gröhn,
                  independent households spread across                               2004). Distinction by status, for example,
                  Scandinavia from at least 2000 BC. As                              is a well-recognized factor, and Mikkelsen
                  Jensen (1988: 161) states, ‘little doubt                           (2020) suggests that even common farms
                  [exists] that each [farm] building formed a                        consisted of people of different standing,
                  complete unit, whose material basis,                               including the unfree. Although often iso-
                  however, could vary from area to area even                         lated, farms sometimes clustered as
                  within a single settlement’. This conclu-                          hamlets and small villages (Artursson,
                  sion was based on the dispersed farms                              2009) but their self-sufficiency is difficult
                  known from Scandinavian history, but this                          to ascertain. The study of the socio-eco-
                  model may not necessarily apply to the                             nomic organization of such farms or farm-
                  Bronze Age. The evidence seems quite                               steads is constrained by archaeological
                  Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the European Association of
                  Archaeologists                                                                            doi:10.1017/eaa.2021.63
                  Manuscript received 1 December 2020
                  accepted 28 November 2021, revised 29 June 2021

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
2                                                                                     European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 methods developed to deal with intensively                         expertise) involving family members
                 ploughed sites. Nonetheless, the well-pre-                         extended as necessary to meet work
                 served occupation layers of one Late                               requirements.
                 Bronze Age farmstead at Bjerre gave us                                Third is the House Society as intro-
                 the opportunity to consider these ideas                            duced by Levi-Strauss (1982) and made
                 substantially and theoretically (Bech et al.,                      popular in archaeology by Beck (2007)
                 2018).                                                             and others. As a social group, the House
                    The independent Scandinavian farm fits                          was seen as a minimal corporate group
                 a theoretical model applicable to many                             owning land and other material and non-
                 traditional societies. At scales ranging                           material things. The House was the base
                 from egalitarian local groups to stratified                        social unit with kin and non-kin members.
                 agrarian states, households were, ethno-                           Slaves were important in Levi-Strauss’
                 graphically, basal economic and social                             original case (North-west coast Native
                 units (Johnson & Earle, 2000). The sig-                            Americans), and the organization of the
                 nificance of independent households                                House fits the objectives proposed by
                 comes from three theoretical approaches                            Sahlins.
                 that have emerged independently but                                   To investigate householding concepts in
                 should be considered together. First is the                        Denmark, the Thy Archaeological Project
                 Germanic Mode of Production (GMP) as                               (Bech et al., 2018) examined changing
                 originally suggested in the Grundrisse                             domestic economies in north-western
                 manuscript (Marx, 1974) and adapted to                             Jutland. At the Bronze Age settlement of
                 archaeology by Gilman (1995; Earle &                               Bjerre in Denmark, we excavated two
                 Kristiansen, 2020). Based on an historical                         habitation sites (Early Bronze Age Bjerre
                 understanding of northern European soci-                           6 and Late Bronze Age Bjerre 7) to study
                 eties, the GMP recognizes that often iso-                          patterns of everyday life. Located on
                 lated agropastoral farms owned fields and                          Jutland’s north-western coast, Bjerre lies
                 animals, allowing self-sufficiency and                             on an old sea floor, close to an ancient
                 independent action. The GMP can best                               shoreline. Soils are flat, moist and sandy,
                 be understood as anarchistic (Angelbeck                            and they were extensively farmed in the
                 & Grier, 2012), with the capability, even                          Bronze Age.
                 propensity, to self-organize.                                         Analysed here, Bjerre 7 offers exceptional
                    Second is the Domestic Mode of                                  opportunities to scrutinize a well-preserved
                 Production (DMP hereafter), introduced                             house with an associated occupation layer
                 by Sahlins (1972) and adapted to archae-                           and features (see Supplementary Material).
                 ology by Earle (2002; Cveček, 2021).                              Using systematic full-recovery and record-
                 Refining Polanyi’s concept of household-                           ing techniques, we excavated a longhouse
                 ing, Sahlins suggests the DMP as a base                            and immediately adjacent activity areas
                 strategy to meet household needs.                                  (Olsen & Earle, 2018). Four radiocarbon
                 Although always tied into systems of                               measurements date the site to the ninth
                 interhousehold reciprocity, political tax-                         century cal BC, within the Late Bronze
                 ation, and even market exchange, these                             Age period V (Figure 1).
                 domestic units sought self-sufficiency to                             In this article, two research questions
                 reduce risks and uncertainty. Sahlins                              refer to the operation of the farm as a
                 emphasized that households were trad-                              socio-economic unit: did the farm consti-
                 itionally organized by elemental divisions                         tute a largely independent household unit
                 of labour (age, gender, and special                                responsible for meeting the requirements

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                              3

                  Figure 1. Radiocarbon dates from Bjerre 7.

                  of everyday life? And if so, how were tasks                        m at the west to 4.5 m at the east. At the
                  organized internally for self-sufficiency?                         south-east, a limestone entrance pavement
                     We propose that Bjerre 7 provides arch-                         (N4) was recorded 12 m from the western
                  aeological evidence of a Scandinavian farm                         end. Patches of clay and dark, cultural
                  oriented towards self-sufficiency, using                           deposits that we identify as a compacted
                  locally available resources and technologies                       earthen floor partially disturbed by post-
                  designed to provide shelter, warmth, and                           occupational ploughing. The dwelling was
                  subsistence, with evidence of food prepar-                         a fairly simple structure, resembling other
                  ation, tool making, and possibly household                         asymmetrical Late Bronze Age structures
                  ritual. Collecting amber, an opportunity                           (Davidsen, 1982), with size and construc-
                  offered by the farm’s proximity to the                             tion suggesting a commoner household
                  North Sea, allowed it to acquire metal for                         (compare other Bronze Age house excava-
                  small-scale production. The farm appears                           tions at Bjerre; Bech et al., 2018).
                  to have been occupied by a single family                              House construction was slight and
                  engaged in different rather ad hoc activities                      irregular. Five pairs of roof-supporting
                  not strongly divided by gender roles.                              posts provided framing in two crooked
                                                                                     lines: two pairs formed a square in the
                                                                                     west, single pairs occupied the east, and
                    SHELTER       AND    WORK       AT   BJERRE SITE 7               two posts were unpaired. The postpipes
                                                                                     ranged from 6 to 20 cm in section, indi-
                  Bjerre 7 consists of a farming household                           cating a modest construction. One post-
                  defined by features preserved in situ below                        pipe retained traces of alder, a locally
                  its occupation layer. The house structure                          available, poor-quality wood. The outer
                  and related pits document inside and                               posts were smaller, probably supporting
                  outside facilities for shelter, warmth and                         wattle-and-daub walls. The variation in
                  light (fire), and refuse disposal (Figure 2).                      spacing between the wall posts is probably
                  The dwelling itself was a three-aisled,                            due to poor preservation.
                  trapezoidal longhouse, oriented NW-SE,                                Three feature clusters existed within the
                  at least 15 m long and narrowing from 5.5                          house, and several fire features were

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
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                 Figure 2. Location of Bjerre 7 and excavation plan showing the house structure, activity area, and
                 major coeval features.

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
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                  identified in each cluster, at the transition                      cooking, refuse disposal, and amber
                  between the occupation and underlying                              storage (N190). An irregular, shallow
                  layers; the basal layers in the pits con-                          depression (N191), at least 4 m across,
                  tained homogeneous, charred material,                              contained a peaty fill above a thin clay
                  which palaeobotanical analysis identified                          layer; assorted refuse filled this wet depres-
                  as peat. The western cluster comprised four                        sion, perhaps representing a workspace. A
                  fire pits (N149, N150, N159A–B, and                                pit with at least six phases (N208) docu-
                  N161); N159A was 36 cm deep (inter-                                menting fire and refuse disposal was
                  preted as a fire pit), others were shallower                       located nearby, capped by a peaty layer
                  (12–24 cm deep, identified as hearths).                            containing flint, pottery, and chalk.
                  Two hearths (N116 and N107) were in a                                 The features at Bjerre 7 defined a house
                  central position. At the eastern end, near                         and working yard used for different activ-
                  the entrance, a cluster of four fire pits                          ities. We conclude that the household
                  (N42, N58, N64, and N96) was recorded;                             group would have been capable of per-
                  N42 and N96 were deep with flat bases,                             forming all the tasks involved in building
                  N58 and N64 were shallower. A hearth                               and maintaining such a simple structure
                  (N49) was found farther east. The fire fea-                        and facilities. All materials (timber,
                  tures would have provided heat, light, and                         branches, thatch, limestone, and clay) were
                  cooking throughout the house.                                      locally available. We shall now turn to the
                     Other features included a sunken pot                            excavation of the well-preserved occupa-
                  containing an amber cache (N163), an                               tion layer at Bjerre 7 to investigate
                  unusually large central pit (N30, 2 m across                       whether more can be added to the inter-
                  and 30 cm deep) with vertical sides and a                          pretation of the features themselves.
                  horizontal base suggesting a cellar, and a
                  sunken storage pot close to N30. A number
                  of other poorly defined features were identi-                         BJERRE SITE 7: HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITY
                  fied, a few used for refuse disposal.                                             PATTERNING
                     Outside the house, limited funding pre-
                  cluded extensive excavations. It is highly                         Artefact distributions across a living
                  likely that structures and features remain                         surface can define activity patterning, as
                  unexplored. One possible irregular struc-                          exemplified in American household
                  ture includes a limestone pile (N157) to                           archaeology (Wilk & Rathje, 1982). Bjerre
                  the south-west of the house.                                       7’s good preservation conditions meant
                     Two outside activity areas (south and                           that archaeological methods for intensive,
                  west) were defined by pits used primarily for                      systematic artefact recovery were appropri-
                  refuse disposal but also for fires and storing                     ate. They included systematic sampling for
                  amber. To the south, and extending almost                          flotation and full soil screening (sieving),
                  as far as the eastern end of the house, were                       which provided comprehensive data sets
                  many features separated from the house by a                        for the analysis of plant macrofossils, cer-
                  2 m-wide void bridged by the entrance                              amics, lithics, and amber. The macrofossils
                  pavement. Some twenty-three refuse pits                            included 12,000 grains and parts of culti-
                  contained pottery sherds, flint, charcoal,                         vated plants, 6000 arable weed seeds,
                  lumps of unfired clay, and a few amber                             30,000 seeds from other wild plants, and
                  pieces. Two features (N6 and N141) were                            more than 700 twigs, leaves, and flowers
                  fire pits with charred layers in their base.                       from heather and shrubs. The most
                     To the west, and extending beyond the                           common artefacts were 46,066 ceramic
                  excavation area, features were dedicated to                        sherds, representing perhaps 200–500

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
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                 discarded pots calculated from the number                          household cuisine (Henriksen et al.,
                 of sherds in reconstructed vessels. The                            2018). Barley (Hordeum vulgare), bread
                 second most common class comprised                                 wheat (Triticum aestivum), emmer
                 worked flints with 13,550 pieces, predom-                          (Triticum dicoccum), and spelt (Triticum
                 inantly debitage (96 per cent), and 115                            spelta) were routinely recovered by flota-
                 pieces of non-flint stone. Amber was sur-                          tion at Bjerre 7, as at other Danish Late
                 prisingly abundant. We begin by consider-                          Bronze Age sites (Robinson, 1994). Oil-
                 ing household activities involving food and                        rich plants included gold-of-pleasure
                 crafts linked to the farm.                                         (Camelina sativa) and two flax (Linum usi-
                    Activity patterns associated with in situ                       tatissimum) seeds, attesting to the early
                 features and artefacts document tasks that                         cultivation of flax in Denmark. The seeds
                 took place immediately around the farm-                            of these two plant species contain up to 40
                 stead. Most evidence is circumstantial as                          per cent oil, and they were also found
                 we rely on the simplest explanations                               together in an Iron Age site in Thy
                 derived from standard patterns observed                            (Henriksen & Harild, 2020).
                 among traditional peoples. When possible,                             The fields surrounding Bjerre 7 were
                 we shall examine contrasting and common                            capable of producing these crops, as docu-
                 patterns between inside vs outside activ-                          mented by ard-marks in soil horizons
                 ities and between the five feature areas.                          above, below, and outside the occupation
                 Levels of analysis depend on the contexts                          layer. The ard-marks indicate regular
                 of the finds defined by site formation pro-                        fields, suggesting sustained farming, as
                 cesses (see Supplementary Material). Here,                         does the presence of carbonized arable
                 we consider tasks oriented towards house-                          weed seeds. Flint blades (as well as heavy
                 hold subsistence, self-sufficiency in food,                        knives and laterally retouched flakes) prob-
                 and technology, and address questions of                           ably served for harvesting (Figure 4 e–g),
                 specialization involving exchange. While                           but they were all-purpose cutting tools
                 we try to avoid hesitation in our expos-                           that could have had multiple uses. Blade-
                 ition, the tentative nature of our modelling                       like flakes have lateral retouching or
                 must be taken as read.                                             natural backing, creating a sharp blade
                                                                                    with a blunt back suitable to be handheld,
                                                                                    and some were used for cutting plant
                             FOOD TASKS          AT   BJERRE 7                      material, as indicated by silica gloss;
                                                                                    however, their varied forms suggest a
                 Crops and animal products were raised                              range of uses (Jensen, 2018: 367ff). We
                 nearby in the fields and pastures surround-                        know little about Late Bronze Age tool
                 ing the site and were prepared inside and                          hafting, except a preserved example of a
                 outside the house, and eaten by household                          hafted blade knife used for harvesting
                 members. Fish was caught locally. All sub-                         from eastern-central Jutland (Jensen, 2018:
                 sistence resources could, and probably                             368). Our large blade knives show traces
                 were, regularly procured by household                              of similar hafting.
                 members.                                                              Domestic animals are likely to have
                                                                                    been raised in the grasslands and fields
                                                                                    around the farm, but, because of soil con-
                                  Household cuisine                                 ditions, their bones did not survive. Bones
                                                                                    of cattle and sheep/goats were present at
                 Plant macrofossil remains (Figure 3) docu-                         other Bjerre farms (Nyegaard, 2018).
                 ment cereals and oil plants basic to                               Supporting evidence for animal use in

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Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                              7

                  Figure 3. Distribution of food-related plant macrofossil remains from activity areas at Bjerre 7.

                  Bjerre 7 includes animal dung as fuel,                             ceramics, and non-flint stone artefacts
                  animal residue on ceramics, and heavy-                             constitute primary evidence of activities
                  duty flint tools used for such activities as                       linked to food preparation. Flotation
                  cutting and scraping likely involving bone                         samples provided good evidence for burnt
                  in addition to wood. Fish is documented                            seeds and fuels that could be locally pro-
                  in a refuse pit (N208), where chalk con-                           cured from Bjerre’s environs. Although
                  served many partially burnt fish bones and                         burnt fuel was found in virtually all
                  scales of local salmon/trout (Salmo) and                           samples, almost no wood charcoal was
                  stickleback (Gasterosteidae).                                      present, which corresponds to the almost
                                                                                     treeless landscape around Late Bronze
                                                                                     Age Bjerre (Søgaard et al., 2018). Instead,
                   Food preparation, cooking, and serving                            burnt peat is documented by seeds and the
                                                                                     root parts of sedges (Carex) and heather
                  Fire features (hearths and deeper fire pits                        twigs (Calluna) as well as burnt animal
                  used for cooking), plant macrofossils,                             manure, as attested by stem fragments and

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8                                                                                     European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 Figure 4. Characteristic flint artefacts from Bjerre 7 (a–b: scrapers; c–d: strike-a-lights; e: heavy blade
                 knife; f: laterally retouched piece; g: sickle blade; h–i: borers; j–k: ad hoc tools).

                 seeds from grass (Poaceae) and clover                              household. The ratios of plant seeds and
                 (Trifolium). More than half the 9000 seeds                         parts show areas where the harvest was
                 from grasses were found in the house’s                             cleaned (high proportion of chaff and field
                 easternmost pit (N49), with intact drop-                           weeds) vs cooking (high proportion of
                 pings from sheep or goats, indicating that                         edible seeds). The distribution of the plant
                 manure was burnt here. Eight strike-a-                             material across the site (Figure 3) shows
                 lights made from local flint were identi-                          food-related macrofossil remains divided
                 fied, half of them confirmed microscopic-                          into a) cereal grains (barley, wheat,
                 ally as fire starters.                                             emmer, and spelt); b) camelina seeds
                    Macrofossils can document steps in pre-                         (gold-of-pleasure); c) rachis of barley/
                 paring and cooking plants within the                               wheat (chaff); d) rachis of emmer/spelt

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                              9

                  (chaff); and e) field weeds. Plant parts                           most with no/low lipid residues, a barrel-
                  were all carbonized accidently or as fuel in                       shaped vessel with terrestrial animal and
                  fire features, probably close to primary                           vegetable residues, and one small vessel
                  working areas.                                                     contained ruminant, vegetable, and meat
                      The preparation and serving of food are                        residues.
                  documented by abundant ceramics and                                   Fifty-two sherds from four or more
                  non-flint stone artefacts. We assume that                          strainers had multiple drilled holes (2-6
                  most pottery involved storage, preparation,                        mm diameter) placed variably a few centi-
                  cooking, and serving foods, although iden-                         metres below the rim, on the belly, and/or
                  tifying specific activities proved difficult                       at the base. Although strainers are often
                  because the assemblage was fragmented,                             thought to document cheese-making, four
                  and the vessels are likely to have had mul-                        residue analyses show no traces of milk or
                  tiple uses. Nevertheless, a diversity of forms                     plant-based liquids, and other uses like
                  suggests different uses (Figure 5), including                      steaming should be considered.
                  food preparation (cooking, straining),                                For serving, vessel forms include three
                  storage, and serving (thin-walled and/or                           cups or small vessels, two bowls with or
                  decorated vessels), although only four                             without handle(s), and two conical or
                  vessels are preserved from rim to base and                         biconical vessels. Four were analysed for
                  fifteen from rim to below belly. These                             lipids: a cup or small vessel contained
                  vessels include two conical-neck examples                          ruminant, vegetable, and meat residues; a
                  (Figure 5g, h), two concave-convex vessels                         bowl contained milk and vegetable; and
                  (Figure 5d, k), three pot- and barrel-shaped                       two vessels (a cup or small bowl and a
                  items (Figure 5e, f, l), and three miniatures                      conical or biconical vessel) had little
                  (Figure 5a, b, c); strainers were also identi-                     residue. Vessel forms include both
                  fied (Kristensen, 2018).                                           thinner and decorated vessels, which
                      Some vessels have thick walls, including                       were most probably used for serving,
                  fifteen undecorated pots with wall thick-                          because the risk of breakage was reduced
                  ness of 7–9 mm. Thicker walls probably                             and perhaps the transfer of information
                  made vessels more durable during cooking.                          was more important. As discussed below,
                  Sherds with charred organic material                               cooking and serving vessels show distinct
                  represent c. one per cent of the total, burnt                      distributions.
                  during cooking and perhaps disposal.                                  Stone tools were also used in food prep-
                  They have diverse shapes and sizes,                                aration. Non-flint stone artefacts included
                  including a 3.4 cm-high vessel side (rim                           fragmented hammerstones and crushing
                  diameter: 8 cm), a handled vessel (diam-                           stones (pestles) associated with plant pro-
                  eter: 16 cm), and a barrel-shaped vessel                           cessing (Eriksen, 2018: 303–06). They
                  (diameter: 32 cm) (Kristensen, 2018:                               were recovered across the site, probably
                  251ff.). The general lack of patterning                            not where they were originally used. Many
                  suggests a rather ad hoc use of vessels.                           edged lithics could have served for butch-
                      Twenty-two sherds with burnt organic                           ering, although function is hard to deter-
                  material were chosen for lipid analysis, to                        mine and tool use may have been
                  identify the presence or absence of lipids                         opportunistic.
                  or low lipids, ruminant (adipose), dairy,                             The evidence from plant macrofossils,
                  terrestrial animal (non-ruminant), meat,                           organic residue analysis, and from stone
                  and vegetable matter (Isaksson, 2018).                             tools, suggests that food was produced and
                  Analysis of fifteen vessels with thick pro-                        processed for use by the farm household.
                  files documents a mixed agropastoral diet,                         Although various forms of lithics and

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10                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 Figure 5. Ceramic vessel forms from Bjerre 7.

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             11

                  ceramics are present, these artefact classes                       ‘pointed tools’. One borer is made on an
                  show ad hoc, unspecialized, and variable                           irregular quartzite piece, available in glacial
                  uses. Related tasks were uncomplicated                             deposits. No on-site evidence exists for
                  and could be handled by the farm’s small                           skilled knapping; tool manufacture was
                  workforce. House building may have                                 simple and could be performed by
                  required reciprocal participation by neigh-                        anybody, anywhere, anytime for cutting,
                  bours. As for the choices of cuisine, they                         scraping, and drilling. Knapping was by
                  seem to fit the DMP model.                                         direct, hard-hammer percussion to crude
                                                                                     flake cores, supplemented by bipolar and
                                                                                     anvil techniques to maximize raw material
                      TECHNOLOGICAL TASKS                 AT   BJERRE 7              use. Two ‘fabricators’, heavy-duty tools
                                                                                     used ‘for retouching other flint tools, or
                  The tasks involved in resource procure-                            for grinding, or […] as part of a fire-light-
                  ment and making and using tools could all                          ing kit’ (Butler, 2005: 56), were identified.
                  be, and probably were, performed by                                Other tool uses are described under the
                  household members. Stone, moraine                                  relevant task categories. Overall, the lithic
                  deposits, wood, bone, and skins were                               tool assemblage included tools for cutting,
                  available, and tool manufacture suggests                           scraping, and boring, performed by a het-
                  an ad hoc fabrication for household use.                           erogeneous range of flint flake tools
                  Small-scale metal production, evidenced at                         (including pieces with discontinuous,
                  Bjerre 7, would have required imported                             irregular retouch, notches, denticulation,
                  metal, but the simple metallurgy suggests                          etc.). Numerous retouched flakes display
                  that production was for domestic use and                           great variation, making it challenging to
                  perhaps small-scale exchange. Although                             distinguish morphologically between more
                  ceramics were produced from local clays,                           or less regular scrapers, knives, and
                  no direct evidence exists for manufacture                          retouched pieces. Most tools appear to
                  immediately around the farm.                                       have been multifunctional. Many ad hoc
                                                                                     tools (274 examples) were recorded, along
                                                                                     with scrapers (101), borers (62), and
                                  Making stone tools                                 several large blade knives (26).

                  At Bjerre 7, debitage was abundant and
                  ubiquitous, without obvious concentrations                            Making tools from wood and animal
                  of debris. The materials were erratic flints                                       products
                  and water-rolled cobbles available around
                  the farm and probably collected as needed.                         Although probably used for food prepar-
                  On-site flintknapping is well documented                           ation, the multiple-purpose lithic assem-
                  by extensive lithic waste, including widely                        blage could also have served to produce
                  distributed nodules, cores, flakes, and                            tools and to build structures, evidencing
                  shatter. No micro-debitage was recovered.                          organic materials otherwise not preserved,
                  Approximately half the scrapers (the most                          except for one bone spatula.The common
                  common tool) were fashioned on cortical                            scrapers served to work hard material like
                  blanks indicative of on-site manufacture,                          wood or bone (Jensen, 2000). Several
                  although refits were impracticable. Some                           fragmented scraper edges indicate heavy
                  borers are quite regular, typically with one                       use and/or resharpening. Scrapers have a
                  or two pronounced tips. Classic drills are                         distinct angle along the edge, which
                  present, but others are best described as                          varies considerably in steepness, and no

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12                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 Figure 6. Metallurgical ceramics from Bjerre 7 (a–c: crucible fragments; d: mould fragment).

                 standardization exists in length, width, or                        seems likely that these pieces were made
                 thickness. Heterogeneous flint borers are                          by the metalurgists themselves. The
                 our second-most common tool type.                                  mould, although too fragmentary to iden-
                 Many borers were put under great strain.                           tify what it was intended for, had two
                 Several were broken, and many tips show                            slots. Technically similar Late Bronze Age
                 heavy abrasion, edge rounding, and splin-                          crucibles and moulds were found in a large
                 tering, presumably caused by boring into                           refuse pit near Skive about sixty kilometres
                 a hard material like wood, bone, or even                           south-east of Bjerre.
                 stone.                                                                Four stone artefacts were likely to have
                                                                                    been involved in metalworking (Figure 7)
                                                                                    (Eriksen, 2018: 306). The item illustrated
                                        Metallurgy                                  in Figure 7a is a well-worn, fragmented
                                                                                    whetstone made from a fairly coarse-
                 Small-scale, rather rudimentary metallurgy                         grained sedimentary rock, used to sharpen
                 is documented by ceramic and stone arte-                           metal edges or to remove irregularities
                 facts at Bjerre 7. Since the technology was                        from casting. The object illustrated in
                 quite straightforward, it could have been                          Figure 7b is tentatively interpreted as a
                 conducted by experienced household                                 small whetstone made from a fine-grained,
                 members. The metal, however, must have                             slate-like sedimentary rock. The front is
                 been obtained through trade and recycling.                         flat, smooth, and slightly faceted but not
                 Metal objects were probably intended for                           polished, the base is partly faceted, and a
                 household use, but they could have been                            fine groove is visible on the back. The
                 exchanged with neighbours.                                         stone illustrated in Figure 7c is perhaps a
                    For bronze working, nine ceramic                                cushion stone (hammer or anvil), made of
                 pieces (crucible and mould fragments) were                         quartzite. The lower face is flat and excep-
                 recovered. The crucibles (Figure 6a–c) and                         tionally smooth, the upper is rounded, and
                 mould (Figure 6d) were made of local                               the side is grooved, presumably for fixing
                 clay, but distinct from standard ceramics.                         (Eriksen, 2018: 306f). The fragment illu-
                 The matrix of the crucibles was clay mixed                         strated in Figure 7d is a piece of grey-
                 with sand, and the crucibles were well                             wacke with traces of modification that
                 fired with surfaces almost vitrified. It                           may have been a preform mould;

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             13

                  Figure 7. Possible metalworking stone tools from Bjerre 7 (a–b: whetstones; c: cushion stone; d: mould

                  additional fragments of this material could                        evidence from traditional societies shows
                  not be refitted.                                                   that part-time household specialists regu-
                                                                                     larly produced pots (Miloglav & Vukovic,
                                                                                     2018). Although pottery is often assumed
                                     Pottery making                                  to have been produced by each
                                                                                     Scandinavian farm, this seems unlikely.
                  At Bjerre 7, evidence for ceramic manu-                            Suitable clays are not common, perhaps
                  facture is absent from the excavated area,                         encouraging part-time specialization.
                  although analysis of the pots’ clays sug-
                  gests that they ‘seem to have local charac-
                  teristics’ (Rasmussen & Bech, 2018: 263).                                  Summary: technological tasks
                  Small, well-rounded stones might,
                  however, have been burnishers. Both the                            Tool making almost exclusively appears to
                  quantity and relatively high firing tem-                           have been largely for household use, in
                  perature of the Late Bronze Age ceramics                           line with the DMP model. No evidence
                  (in contrast to those of the Early Bronze                          exists for specialized lithic production for
                  Age) suggest a degree of skill and scale in                        exchange; production was ad hoc for a
                  their production. Ceramic manufacture,                             variety of activities, probably involving har-
                  not unlike metallurgy, is a messy affair                           vesting, making plant and animal products,
                  producing considerable waste; hence, even                          and working wood and perhaps bone for
                  if production had taken place away from                            tools, structures, and clothing. Local pro-
                  the house, we would expect debris in the                           duction is dominant, the exception being
                  household refuse. Because pyrotechnic                              metallurgy. Although for household use, it
                  industries have considerable economies of                          required exchange-based procurement of
                  scale (as ad hoc production for household                          metal. Bjerre 7 was technologically generally
                  use would be inefficient), ethnographic                            self-sufficient, but probably exchanged some

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14                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 items locally, perhaps including ceramic                           located close to the ancient coastline, and
                 vessels and a few stone tools.                                     amber was probably procured along the
                                                                                    beach by household members. All amber
                                                                                    was raw, without any trace of modification
                      EVIDENCE        OF   HOUSEHOLD RITUAL?                        or use within the household. We posit
                                                                                    that it served as an exchange medium pri-
                 Although ritual is typically embedded in                           marily to obtain metal.
                 everyday and community life, evidence from                            Nearly 1800 pieces of amber were
                 Bjerre 7 is ambiguous. Small (‘miniature’)                         recovered during excavation. Most pieces
                 vessels could have been used for serving, or                       were small, with a mean weight of just
                 as ritual props (as they are often inter-                          over 1 g. They were found in almost all
                 preted), or again as children’s toys, or any                       contexts, from special storage pits to refuse
                 combination. The clay of the item illu-                            disposal features, from sub-floor caches to
                 strated in Figure 5b is yellowish and badly                        the occupation layer. We identified seven
                 fired. The vessel is poorly formed, with an                        caches (concentration: > 30 pieces), and
                 uncertain diameter and irregular rim as                            amber was recovered from almost all (51
                 might be expected for a pot made by a                              out of 53 = 96 per cent) 2 × 2 m excavation
                 child or perhaps by a household member                             units targeting the occupation layer.
                 who is not a potter. Four distinctive vessels                         Caches appear in two contexts, pits and
                 (a miniature, a shallow bowl, and two orna-                        clusters. Pits originally contained sunken
                 mented vessels) were found close to the                            storage vessels. A distinctive storage vessel
                 entrance pavement (N4 on Figure 2). This                           with associated amber was recovered from
                 does not appear to be random, and the                              N163. As reconstructed, the vessel is 40
                 context suggests that this cluster lies close                      cm high with a rim diameter of 34 cm;
                 to the vessels’ place of deposition. Entrances                     these dimensions are outside those of food
                 are points of social transition that are often                     storage vessels, and the vessel could have
                 culturally significant, perhaps indicating a                       held many kilograms of amber (Figure 5i);
                 ritual function, although other interpreta-                        863 raw pieces were recovered from N163,
                 tions are plausible (see Bradley, 2005). The                       many directly on the in situ pot base, in
                 abundant amber finds, however, show no                             the fill, and in the unit directly above it.
                 evidence of ritual contexts.                                       Because the vessel base was only 24 cm
                                                                                    below the occupation layer, its rim would
                                                                                    have protruded from the ground level,
                                  EXCHANGE GOODS                                    providing easy access. The pit profile of
                                                                                    N59 matched the contours of a storage
                 While most food and materials used to                              vessel, and an inverted base was recovered
                 make tools were probably obtained and                              in the pit fill, among eighty pieces of
                 transformed by household members for                               amber. Feature N190 contained the frag-
                 their own uses, tasks involving amber,                             ments of a third large storage vessel with a
                 metal, perhaps ceramics, and a few lithics                         rim diameter of 40 cm and a horizontal
                 were linked to local and longer-distance                           lug, suggesting that it was transportable.
                 exchange, as detailed here.                                        Although no amber was found in the fill
                                                                                    of that pit, two fragments adhered to the
                                           Amber                                    interior of a body sherd. With a scattering
                                                                                    of 127 pieces of amber, pit N39 would
                 Bjerre 7 shows evidence of sorting and                             seem to fit the category of vessel storage,
                 storing amber (Earle, 2018). The site is                           but no sherds were recovered. At some

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             15

                  point during the life of the house, subter-                           We contend that the household at
                  ranean storage pots were broken, leaving                           Bjerre 7 engaged in part-time tasks gath-
                  variable amounts of amber behind. All                              ering considerable amounts of amber to
                  storage in vessels was outside the house,                          obtain metal. A linkage between amber
                  although one vessel was located on the                             collection on the seashore and metal crafts
                  house wall-post line and may have been                             may be a more widespread phenomenon.
                  accessible from inside the house.                                  At the nearby Late Bronze Age coastal
                     Two clusters (N30 and N182) suggest                             site of Troldsting, co-occurrence of amber
                  that amber was packed in a small bag or                            and metal casting indeed suggests such an
                  other container. One cache, within the                             economic linkage (Müller, 1919).
                  cellar N30, consisted of 158 pieces (132 g)                           If pottery were acquired, this too would
                  tightly packed together, including the                             require some yet unidentified product in
                  largest chunk (39.5 g) excavated by the Thy                        exchange. Local pottery is often produced
                  Project. Despite some rodent disturbance,                          by households with limited subsistence
                  the dense packing appears similar to a sub-                        opportunities (e.g. poor soils) but with
                  floor cache from Bjerre 6 that was inter-                          access to suitable clays. In such situations,
                  preted as a small bag of amber. As for                             pottery is produced in exchange for food.
                  N182, it was a posthole containing a dense                         Perhaps Bjerre 7 produced a surplus of
                  packing of thirty-three pieces of amber. In                        animals, cereals, oils, and/or metal objects?
                  another shallow, saucer-like pit (N144), a                         This would fit the logic of the DMP model.
                  scattering of forty-nine pieces was recov-                         Although the goal is self-sufficiency, house-
                  ered, perhaps representing a disturbed con-                        holders become part-time specialists to
                  centration. It is possible that bags of amber                      obtain specific commodities that they cannot
                  were stored within the house.                                      produce on their own. Pyrotechnology and
                                                                                     special materials demand such exchanges,
                                                                                     and the amber gathering fits this pattern.
                   Other materials and tools for exchange                            With a largely self-sufficient household,
                                                                                     part-time specialization complements house-
                  Household bronze metallurgy requires                               hold independence.
                  metal obtained as ingots or scrap, possibly
                  through long-distance trade. Additionally,
                  because metallurgy and ceramics are tech-                                ORGANIZING WORK: TASK AREAS
                  nologies with strong economies of scale
                  (decreasing costs with expanding volume),                          The second aspect of the DMP, which
                  it is likely that both products involved                           also characterizes Household Societies,
                  exchange between households engaged in                             consists of obtaining and organizing
                  part-time specialization. Probably, some                           labour for self-sufficiency. Here we con-
                  metal products were traded out, and cer-                           sider the tasks involved in subsistence,
                  amics traded in.                                                   craft, and amber collection as illustrated by
                     Two formally diagnostic lithic blade                            their distribution inside and outside the
                  knives found at Bjerre 7 appear to have                            house and between activity areas.
                  been obtained by regional exchange. In
                  central Thy, a specialized knapping site for
                  such Late Bronze Age knives has been                                                 Subsistence tasks
                  identified (Masojć, 2016: 62ff), and it may
                  be that special skills or flint encouraged                         Plant macrofossils and ceramics from
                  such part-time specialization.                                     Bjerre 7 provide the best data for specific

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16                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 subsistence tasks in distinct activity areas.                         Figure 8 shows that the distribution
                 The eastern end of the house was the                               of ceramics probably documents mainly
                 primary cooking area, attested by macro-                           the disposal of refuse, but some pattern-
                 fossils documenting the final processing                           ing suggests cooking and serving activ-
                 and cooking of barley, wheat, and emmer                            ities. Within the house, pottery
                 or spelt. Most cereal grains of all species                        concentrations show a contrast between
                 were found here, in fire pits N42, N49,                            cooking vessels (foodcrusts) at the
                 and N64; N42 also contained chaff from                             eastern end and serving vessels (thin-
                 barley and bread wheat. These pits also had                        walled) at the west (see Supplementary
                 abundant field-weed seeds from a final                             Material). Just west of the house, food
                 sieving. Sherds with encrusted food were                           activities were documented from a refuse
                 recovered here, and eleven strainer sherds                         pit (N208) and area to the north
                 were found in the central cellar (N30).                            (N191). The absence of cultivated
                    At the western end of the house, by                             cereals in N208 suggests little cooking;
                 contrast, chaff of emmer or spelt concen-                          the pit contained 546 sherds weighing
                 trated in fire pits N149, N150, and N159                           almost ten kilos, including an ornamen-
                 documented their dehusking, probably by                            ted serving vessel, two ribbon-shaped
                 crushing with mortars. Here thirty-five                            handles from serving vessels, and pos-
                 sherds representing three or four vessels                          sibly a lid. Feature N190, also north of
                 for food preparation or cooking, and two                           N208, contained a smaller ornamented
                 ornamented body sherds, perhaps from                               vessel, perhaps suggesting serving, and a
                 serving vessels, were recovered. Thin-                             bowl-like vessel with a rim diameter of
                 walled (< 4 mm thick) serving vessels were                         c. 20 cm. A large, barrel-shaped storage
                 found concentrated in the western fire-                            container and a smaller vessel for
                 pits. Perhaps some special activities involv-                      pouring was found in N208 and N190.
                 ing food processing and eating took place                          Thin-bodied serving vessels concentrate
                 here; unlike in the east, evidence of                              here. This distinctive assemblage sug-
                 cooking is limited (few cereals).                                  gests a place for special activities or dis-
                    Outside the house, despite much debris                          posal, perhaps related to festive meals.
                 resulting from cleaning, a distinctive                                Stone artefacts are hard to interpret as
                 pattern exists. Although food-encrusted                            to function, but knives were probably
                 vessels were heavily concentrated south of                         used, at least partly, for butchering.
                 the house, this concentration is probably                          Abundant burnt flint concentrated around
                 owed to cleaning and not cooking tasks;                            fireplaces where such butchering and other
                 because items difficult to clean (cereals                          activities are likely to have taken place.
                 and chaff) were rare here, cooking of                              Hammerstones and crushing stones,
                 cereals was evidently limited. However,                            perhaps used in preparing cereal and plant
                 many gold-of-pleasure seeds and two flax                           food, were concentrated outside, in the
                 seeds were found here. Attesting to oil                            south-east, probably reflecting cleaning.
                 extraction, these seeds (which contain up                             Overall, food-related activities domi-
                 to 40 per cent of oil) represent approxi-                          nated everyday life in the immediate sur-
                 mately seventy-five per cent of the total                          roundings of the farm. Some distinct
                 276 seeds recovered, compared to only                              activity areas exist, but interpretations are
                 seven per cent for grains. We conclude                             confounded by patterns of disposal. Food
                 that oil extraction was an outdoor activity,                       preparation and cooking concentrated at
                 but cereal cooking was primarily an indoor                         the eastern end of the house and prepar-
                 activity.                                                          ation of oil outside the house. Serving

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             17

                  Figure 8. Distribution of ceramics at Bjerre 7.

                  vessels appear to be somewhat separated                            all lithics (tools as well as debitage) are
                  from primary cooking, in the western                               interpreted as waste from the manufacture
                  sector of the house and perhaps outside                            of simple tools used once and discarded.
                  the house to the west.                                             The distributions of nodules, cores, flakes,
                                                                                     and shatter suggest that flintknapping
                                                                                     generally took place outdoors, especially
                                           Crafting                                  south-east of the house. Some flintknap-
                                                                                     ping was also undertaken inside the house
                  Used in diverse crafts, the lithics at Bjerre                      (especially in the eastern end), where flint
                  7 are widely distributed, like the food                            debris was routinely recovered. Knapping
                  tasks. Evidence of elementary tool manu-                           was broadly associated with general activity
                  facture is ubiquitous, often associated                            areas that included food processing and
                  with fire. Burnt flint is quite abundant,                          other tasks requiring cutting, scraping, and
                  often near fireplaces, especially outside to                       drilling.
                  the south-east, associated with refuse                                Late Bronze Age flintknapping was exe-
                  disposal.                                                          cuted as needed, for heavy work with food
                     Tool production and use were expedi-                            preparation, wood- and stone-working. The
                  ent, without discrete work areas. Almost                           distributions and the presence of irregular

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18                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 Figure 9. Distribution of lithic debitage and tools at Bjerre 7.

                 morphological types suggest that such activ-                                          Amber handling
                 ities were widespread. Scrapers are evenly
                 spread in the house and outside, with a                            Figure 10 shows the spread of amber-
                 faint concentration in the exterior south-                         related activities across the site. The distri-
                 eastern area. Borers show a similar distribu-                      bution of amber in virtually all the units
                 tion. Sickles blades were found outside the                        excavated in the occupation layer suggests
                 house, primarily in the south-east, while                          that it formed part of everyday activities.
                 large blade knives were also found outside                         Within the house, amber was concentrated
                 the house, especially in the southern activity                     in its western part, associated with many
                 areas; two blade knives (one used as a                             fire pits. We presume that this represents
                 sickle, the other to cut reeds) were located                       an area of primary sorting for storage and
                 in the house at its eastern end, possibly as                       eventual exchange. A similar pattern was
                 curated objcts.                                                    observed in the Early Bronze Age house
                     Although associated artefacts are few, the                     of Bjerre 6 (Earle, 2018). Scattered
                 distribution of metal-making tools (crucible                       outside, some western culture-layer units
                 and mould fragments) outside the house is                          had high densities of amber not directly
                 associated with intense fire (Figure 8),                           associated with storage; these may have
                 whereas the tools used for finishing the                           been sorting locations possibly associated
                 metal were found inside (Figure 9).                                with a structure (Figure 2).

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             19

                  Figure 10. Distribution of amber indicating related storage features at Bjerre 7.

                     Storage caches were found close to, but                         labour for its tasks. Most tasks lacked
                  somewhat removed from, general household                           strong patterning, despite good spatial
                  activity spaces. A large amber storage pot                         data. Subsistence, tool manufacture, and
                  (N163) was recovered at the extreme western                        amber handling were found inside and
                  end along the house wall and another cache                         outside the house, suggesting considerable
                  was found nearby. Outside, N39 and N59                             flexibility as people moved around accord-
                  were somewhat removed from the primary                             ing to conditions (e.g. rain, cold, wind)
                  activity. That amber storage was both inside                       and needs; any distinction would be
                  and outside the house and that storage jars                        obscured partially by disposal patterns.
                  stood visibly above the ground surface sug-                        The close association of tasks for food and
                  gests few security concerns.                                       lithic manufacture speaks in favour of such
                                                                                     flexibility. Sorting and storage of amber
                                                                                     was undertaken close to normal household
                                    Organizing tasks                                 tasks, and shows little concern for security.
                                                                                     Finally, flexibility in carrying out tasks
                  How did the farmstead at Bjerre 7 obtain                           would decrease potential clashes in timing
                  and organize its labour to maintain a high                         that could have created labour shortages.
                  degree of self-sufficiency? The simplest                              Martin Mikkelsen (2020) describes how,
                  explanation is that the farm had sufficient                        across a spectrum of sizes and status, Bronze

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20                                                                                    European Journal of Archaeology 2022

                 Age farmsteads had features suggesting that                        exchanged for the metal used in small-scale
                 two families occupied the ends of the houses                       metallurgy. Simple metal products, perhaps
                 or paired houses. He proposes that one of                          sickles, axes, and decorative items, would
                 these families may have been unfree. At                            have served the household, and small quan-
                 Bjerre 7, parallel feature areas existed at the                    tities may have been exchanged. Some
                 eastern and western ends, which might                              exchange of goods and labour undoubtedly
                 support Mikkelsen’s model. The artefact dis-                       took place between neighbouring farms.
                 tributions, however, suggest that these dis-                           How were tasks organized within the
                 tinctions could be more easily explained as a                      household for self-sufficiency? The pattern-
                 separation between cooking and other,                              ing we observed may raise more questions
                 cleaner activities, including eating and amber                     than it answers. As modelled by the DMP,
                 sorting, within a single family. Mikkelsen                         division of labour characterizes most
                 notes that Late Bronze Age houses became                           domestic units cross-culturally, and typical
                 paired, the second house perhaps accommo-                          divisions, for example by gender and age,
                 dating a servant family, but this was not                          involve activities separated spatially. Bjerre
                 found at Bjerre 7, possibly because the exca-                      7 is divided into inside and outside spaces;
                 vation area was limited.                                           the transition from the outside to the inside
                                                                                    is marked by a zone with few activities: a
                                                                                    paved entrance, and a cluster of four dis-
                                      CONCLUSIONS                                   tinctive ceramics that may have had a ritual
                                                                                    function. Some distinction exists between
                 We asked two questions at the beginning                            inside and outside activities, but this may
                 of this article: did the farm constitute a                         be for pragmatic reasons, as between cereal
                 largely independent household responsible                          vs oil processing, or finishing vs pyrotech-
                 for meeting requirements of everyday life,                         nic metalworking.
                 and how were tasks organized within the                                Ceramic use in food and lithic produc-
                 household for self-sufficiency? In answer                          tion for butchering and tool manufacture
                 to the first question, the farm was indeed                         were quite generalized and ad hoc, suggest-
                 largely independent, with some engage-                             ing much flexibility. The collection and
                 ment with local and long-distance                                  sorting of amber were combined with
                 exchange networks. Subsistence was sup-                            other activities. Farming was in established
                 ported by a mixed agropastoral economy:                            fields, probably near the house. Whatever
                 the household grew and processed cereals                           the division of labour, we found no evi-
                 and some oil-containing crops, practised                           dence that tasks were rigidly divided by
                 husbandry, and could rely on fishing.                              gender roles (cf. Robin, 2013).
                    As posited by the DMP model, some                                   The patterning of features, artefacts,
                 part-time specialization was embedded in                           and macrofossils at Bjerre 7 does not
                 the household as a means of obtaining a few                        support Mikkelsen’s suggestion that Late
                 outside commodities, but specialized activ-                        Bronze Age houses with fire features at
                 ities were part of general household tasks.                        both ends generally incorporated two fam-
                 Amber gathering, perhaps opportunistically                         ilies living under the same roof. Living/
                 by men, women, and children, would have                            working spaces existed at either end of the
                 required only collecting by hand or with                           house, but with distinct zones for cooking,
                 simple nets, as is still done today (Earle,                        work, and eating. The house’s better con-
                 2018). Once gathered, amber was sorted                             structed part was at the west, where four
                 and stored among other routine activities.                         substantial supporting posts and stronger
                 The amber was not modified but probably                            walls defined an improved living space

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Earle et al. ‒ Everyday Life at a Late Bronze Age House in Denmark                                                             21

                  away from the entrance and thus more                               13080-3 7/1998 and 10/2001; and by the
                  private, compared to the eastern end,                              German Research Foundation (DFG,
                  interpreted as the cooking space. In our                           Grant 2901391021-SFB 1266).
                  opinion, Bjerre 7 did not accommodate
                  separate families of different status at each
                  end. Although slavery seems unlikely for
                  this specific farm, the hypothesis must not
                  be rejected out of hand.                                           Angelbeck, B. & Grier, C. 2012. Anarchism
                     In terms of the archaeology of Bronze                               and the Archaeology of Anarchic Societies:
                  Age farms, we emphasize the importance of                              Resistance to Centralization in the Coast
                  detailed area excavations and inter-farm                               Salish Region of the Pacific Northwest
                  comparisons as a means to test economic                                Coast. Current Anthropology, 53: 547–87.
                  and social hypotheses (Gröhn, 2004;                                Artursson,      M.     2009.    Bebyggelse   och
                  Artursson, 2009). Despite the high cost of                             samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta
                  such excavations, this is feasible whenever                            Skandinavien under senneolitikum och
                  occupation layers are preserved; even plough-                          bronsålder 2300–500 f. Kr. (GOTARC
                  soil excavation can provide good evidence at                           B:52).      Gothenburg:      University   of
                  the household level (see Supplementary
                                                                                     Bech, J.H., Eriksen, B.V. & Kristiansen, K.
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                  This work was supported by the United
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                  States’ National Science Foundation under                              Bronze Age of Thy. In: J.H. Bech, B.V.
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