European Commission - Daily News
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European Commission - Daily News Daily News 08 / 02 / 2022 Brussels, 8 February 2022 COLLEGE MEETING: Digital sovereignty: Commission proposes Chips Act to confront semiconductor shortages and strengthen Europe's technological leadership Today, the Commission proposes a comprehensive set of measures to ensure the EU's security of supply, resilience and technological leadership in semiconductor technologies and applications. The European Chips Act will bolster Europe's competitiveness, resilience and help achieve both the digital and green transition. Recent global semiconductors shortages made more evident the extreme global dependency of the semiconductor value chain towards a very limited number of actors in a complex geopolitical context. But it also illustrated the importance of semiconductors for the entire European industry and society. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “The European Chips Act can be a game changer for our global competitiveness. In the short term, it will increase our resilience to future crises, by enabling us to anticipate and avoid supply chain disruptions. And in the mid-term, it will help make Europe an industrial leader in this strategic market. With the European Chips Act, we are putting out the investments and the strategy. But the key to our success lies in Europe's innovators, our world-class researchers, in the people who have made our continent prosper through the decades”. The European Chips Act will ensure that the EU has the necessary tools, skills and technological capabilities to become a leader in this field beyond research and technology in design, manufacturing and packaging of advanced chips, to secure its supply of semiconductors and to reduce its dependencies. The main components are a Chips for Europe Initiative, a new framework to ensure security of supply, a Chips Fund to facilitate access to finance, a coordination mechanism between the Member States and the Commission for monitoring the supply of semiconductors, estimating demand and anticipating the shortages. Together with the Chips Act, the Commission is publishing a targeted stakeholder survey in order to gather detailed information on current as well as future chip and wafer demand. Also today, the Commission and the European Investment Bank group signed a joint statement on boosting investments in semiconductors in the context of the Chips Act package, which is available online. For more information, please find the press release, a Q&A, a web-accessible factpage and factsheet. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Charles Manoury – Tel.: +32 229 13391) Premier parcours de transition co-créé avec l'industrie et la société civile pour un écosystème de tourisme résilient, vert et numérique La Commission a présenté aujourd'hui le parcours de transition pour le tourisme lors de l'évènement EU Industry Days. Le parcours de transition est un plan élaboré conjointement avec les acteurs de l'écosystème du tourisme, détaillant les actions clés, les objectifs et les conditions pour réaliser les transitions écologique et numérique et la résilience à long terme du secteur. La Commission a invité les parties concernées à participer à sa mise en œuvre. Le commissaire chargé du marché intérieur, Thierry Breton, a déclaré: « Je suis très heureux que nous puissions vous présenter aujourd'hui le résultat de mois de coopération entre toutes les parties prenantes. En travaillant main dans la main, nous avons élaboré une vision commune du tourisme européen et convenu des moyens d'y parvenir. Ce parcours fixera l'agenda du tourisme européen pour la décennie à venir. Aujourd'hui, je souhaiterais inviter toutes les parties prenantes à participer au processus de mise en œuvre commune. » Le parcours de transition invite la communauté touristique à mettre en œuvre des mesures dans vingt-sept domaines, notamment: investir dans la circularité afin de réduire l'énergie, les déchets, l'eau et la pollution et, dans le même temps, mieux répondre à la demande croissante de tourisme durable; améliorer les pratiques de partage des données afin de permettre de nouveaux services touristiques innovants et d'améliorer la gestion durable des destinations; et à investir dans les compétences pour garantir la disponibilité d'une main-d'œuvre qualifiée et des carrières attrayantes dans l'écosystème. Un communiqué de presse est disponible ici. (Pour plus d'informations: Sonya Gospodinova – Tél.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli – Tél.: +32 229 58300)
The Commission facilitates upskilling and reskilling of workers in the construction ecosystem Today, with the support of the Commission, the construction sector launched a skills partnership, under the Pact for Skills. The partnership aims to upskill and reskill at least 25% of the construction industry's workforce in the next five years, which corresponds to three million workers. The partnership focuses on skills in areas such as energy efficiency, circular economy and digitalisation. The partnership will thus help ensure that construction sector keeps up with the green and digital transition and achieves the objectives set out in the EU Renovation Wave. While doing so, it will also strengthen the sector's resilience and attractiveness. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, said: “The construction sector is a key economic and social asset for local communities in European regions and cities. Today's partnership for skills with the construction industry will provide better opportunities for lifelong learning, career and digital working practices. While the renovation and decarbonisation of Europe's building stock is a big challenge, this partnership will also allow everyone to seize the business opportunities it represents.” Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, said: “The construction ecosystem relies on well-trained people. New technologies and climate goals mean that workers have to learn and acquire new skills or update them. I commend the important skills partnership launched today by the construction ecosystem, which will see three million workers benefit.” The partnership is part of the wider EU Pact for Skills flagship initiative under the European Skills Agenda, presented in July 2020. It aims to mobilise resources and incentivise all relevant stakeholders to take concrete action to upskill and reskill people, by pooling efforts and setting up partnerships supporting green and digital transitions as well as local and regional growth strategies. The Commission is in the process of co-creating a transition pathways for the construction ecosystem to support the sector in its green and digital transitions, while increasing its resilience. (For more information: Sonya Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli – Tel.: +32 229 58300) Zero pollution: Commission seeks views on review of EU rules on use of mercury Today, the Commission is launching an open public consultation on the review of the Mercury Regulation, which tackles the last remaining intentional uses of this very toxic chemical in products. The EU has policies to reduce the risk of mercury exposure for both people and the environment, with legislation covering all aspects of the mercury lifecycle. But significant amounts of mercury are still used in the EU, mainly in dental amalgam and some products such as lamps or measuring devices. As mercury pollution is persistent, such continued use contributes to its accumulation in the environment, including food. The review of the current rules will contribute to the Zero Pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment announced in the European Green Deal. Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius said: “Mercury is a major risk to the environment and human health, and in the EU we have come a long way in limiting it. But risks are still present today. We now need to look at the remaining uses of mercury in the EU, such as dental amalgam, as well as the export of mercury-added products. We are committed to zero pollution and are showing it on all fronts.” With this consultation, the Commission invites citizens and interested parties to express views that will help assess impacts related to the possible phase-out of dental amalgam and the availability and cost of mercury-free alternatives. The consultation will also look at the prohibition of production in the EU and export of certain mercury-added products that are already banned from being placed on the EU market. The public consultation will provide insight for the ongoing work on an impact assessment. The consultation will run until 3 May 2022 and is available here, more information is available in the News item. (For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: + 32 229 53156; Daniela Stoycheva – Tel.: +32 229 53664) Capital Markets Union: Commission extends time-limited equivalence for UK central counterparties and launches consultation to expand central clearing activities in the EU The European Commission has today adopted a decision to extend equivalence for UK central counterparties (CCPs) until 30 June 2025. This decision will ensure the European Union's financial stability in the short-term. In addition, the Commission has also launched today a targeted public consultation and a call for evidence on ways to expand central clearing activities in the EU and improve the attractiveness of EU CCPs in order to reduce the EU's overreliance on systemic third- country CCPs. The aim of this consultation is also to seek stakeholders' views on changes to supervisory arrangements for EU CCPs. More attractive, and better supervised, EU CCPs will enhance the benefits of the Single Market for EU financial market participants and EU businesses. Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, responsible for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union said: “Ensuring financial stability and further developing the Capital Markets Union are our key priorities. Central clearing parties (CCPs) play an important role in mitigating risk
in the financial system. The Commission plans to come forward with measures to reduce our excessive dependence on systemic third-country CCPs, and to improve the attractiveness of EU- based CCPs while enhancing their supervision. We call upon all relevant stakeholders to engage in the consultation being launched today.” Today's decision follows the statement of the Commissioner on 10 November 2021 proposing an extension. This proposed way forward strikes a balance between preserving EU financial stability in the short term and building a strong and competitive Capital Markets Union in the coming years. More information is available in our press release. (For more information: Daniel Ferrie - Tel : +32 229 86500 ; Aikaterini Apostola - Tel : +32 229 87624) Madagascar: L'UE fournit une aide aux personnes touchées par le dévastateur cyclone Batsirai La Commission européenne fournit une aide d'urgence à la population malgache après le passage, le 5 février 2022, du puissant cyclone Batsirai sur la côte centre-est de l'île. Une première équipe composée de cinq experts de l'UE en matière de protection civile originaires de France, de Finlande et de Suède et d'un agent de liaison de la Commission, est en cours de constitution pour se rendre cette semaine dans les zones touchées. Formés à la coordination de situations d'urgence, les membres de l'équipe apportent une solide expertise, notamment dans les domaines de la logistique humanitaire, de l'eau et de l'assainissement, ainsi que celui de la santé. L'équipe de l'UE évaluera l'ampleur et la gravité des besoins immédiats et les principaux défis opérationnels pour guider la réaction d'urgence de l'UE. Compte tenu des possibilités de voyage limitées avec les compagnies aériennes commerciales, l'UE assure une arrivée dans les meilleurs délais via un vol du pont aérien humanitaire de l'UE. Le premier vol devrait arriver à Madagascar le 9 février 2022. Un coordinateur régional de la réaction rapide de l'UE a également été déployé à Madagascar pour aider à évaluer les besoins et les défis immédiats. En outre, la France et l'Allemagne ont proposé une aide d'urgence par l'intermédiaire du mécanisme de protection civile de l'UE à la suite d'une demande d'aide des autorités malgaches. L'assistance consiste en deux modules de purification de l'eau répondant à la demande d'assistance formulée par les autorités malgaches. Le satellite d'urgence de l'UE Copernicus soutient les équipes d'urgence sur le terrain grâce à des images spatiales détaillées de l'étendue des dégâts dans les régions touchées. Plus de détails figurent dans le communiqué de presse. (Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tél.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tél.: +32 229 69140). State aid: Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Portugal The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Portugal's map for granting regional aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised Regional aid Guidelines ('RAG'). The revised RAG, adopted by the Commission on 19 April 2021 and in force since 1 January 2022, enable Member States to support the least favoured European regions in catching up and to reduce disparities in terms of economic well-being, income and unemployment – cohesion objectives that are at the heart of the Union. They also provide increased possibilities for Member States to support regions facing transition or structural challenges such as depopulation, to contribute fully to the green and digital transitions. At the same time, the revised RAG maintain strong safeguards to prevent Member States from using public money to trigger the relocation of jobs from one EU Member State to another, which is essential for fair competition in the Single Market. Portugal's regional aid map defines the Portuguese regions eligible for regional investment aid. The map also establishes the maximum aid intensities in the eligible regions. The aid intensity is the maximum amount of State aid that can be granted per beneficiary, expressed as a percentage of eligible investment costs. Under the revised RAG, regions covering 70.23% of the population of Portugal will be eligible for regional investment aid. A press release is available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) State aid: Commission approves €43.63 million aid to compensate CFR Calatori for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €43.63 million aid to compensate CFR Calatori, the largest public service operator of rail passenger transport in Romania, for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictive measures that the Romanian government had to implement to limit the spread of the virus. This measure will enable Romania to compensate CFR Calatori for the damage suffered during the period between 1 April and 31 August 2020 as a direct result of the restrictions in place. The aid will take the form of an equity injection. The measure was approved under Article 107(2)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which enables the Commission to approve State aid measures granted by Member States to compensate companies for the damage directly caused by exceptional occurrences, such as
the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission found that the notified measure will compensate damage that is directly linked to the coronavirus outbreak. It also found that the measure is proportionate, as the compensation does not exceed what is necessary to make good the damage. On this basis, the Commission concluded that the measure is in line with EU State aid rules. More information on actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.60996 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control of IntraFi Group by Blackstone and Warburg Pincus The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Nexus Parent LLC (‘IntraFi Group') by Blackstone Inc. and Warburg Pincus LLC, all of the US. IntraFi Group is a financial technology solutions provider that offers deposit placement and wholesale funding services to financial institutions. Blackstone is a global asset manager. Warburg Pincus is a global private equity firm. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, given that IntraFi Group will have no or negligible activities in the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10587. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of GreenCollar by OTPP and KKR The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Green Climate Co Pty Ltd of Australia by Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board (‘OTPP') of Canada and KKR & Co. Inc. of the US. GreenCollar is an environmental platform and project developer in Australia. OTPP administers the pension benefits and the investment of pension plan assets of active and retired teachers in the Canadian province of Ontario. KKR is a global investment firm. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquistion would raise no competition concerns given that the joint venture has no, or negligible, current or planned activities within the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10596. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Dodge by STG and Clearlake The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Dodge Construction Network Holdings, L.P. by STG Partners, LLC and Clearlake Capital Group, L.P., all of the US. Dodge, currently solely controlled by STG, is a provider of data, analytics, news, and intelligence serving the North American commercial construction industry. STG is a private equity investment firm, with portfolio companies active in software, data and analytics. Clearlake is a private equity investment firm, with portfolio companies active in software and technology-enabled services, energy, industrials and consumer. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given that (i) Dodge has limited activities in the European Economic Area; and (ii) the transaction will not give rise to any horizontal overlaps and to very limited vertical links between the activities of Dodge and Clearlake. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10599. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526) Concentrations: La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune par EDF, Nebras Power, Sojitz et Kyuden La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, la création d'une nouvelle entreprise commune, basée en Ouzbékistan, par Électricité de France (« EDF »), basée en France, Nebras Power Investment Management B.V. (« Nebras »), basée aux Pays-Bas, Sojitz Corporation (« Sojitz ») et Kyuden International Corporation (« Kyuden »), toutes deux basées au Japon. L'entreprise commune, établie à Syrdarya (Ouzbékistan), sera active dans le
développement, la propriété, le financement, l'acquisition, la construction, les essais, la mise en service, l'exploitation et l'entretien d'une nouvelle centrale électrique dotée d'une capacité de production d'électricité de 1,200 à 1,600 Megawatts (MW), ainsi que des infrastructures et installations associées. EDF est principalement présente sur les marchés de l'électricité. Nebras est présente dans le secteur de l'énergie propre. Sojitz est notamment active dans les secteurs des produits chimiques, des ressources alimentaires et de l'énergie, à savoir un parc éolien terrestre et la fourniture au détail d'électricité et de gaz. Kyuden utilise la technologie et l'expertise de Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc, qui contrôle Kyuden, dans le secteur de l'énergie sur les marchés situés hors du Japon. La Commission a conclu que l'acquisition envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problèmes de concurrence, étant donné que l'entreprise commune n'a pas d'activités prévues au sein de l'Espace économique européen. L'opération a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée de contrôle des concentrations. De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans le registre public des affaires sous le numéro d'affaire M.10617. (Pour plus d'informations: Arianna Podesta – Tél.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tél.: +32 229 90526) APPOINTMENTS College meeting: The European Commission appoints a new Chair of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board The European Commission has decided today to transfer Rytis Martikonis to the function of Director- General Chair of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB), with the date of effect of 1 March 2022. The Regulatory Scrutiny Board is an independent body within the Commission that advises the College of Commissioners. It provides central quality control and support for Commission impact assessments and evaluations at early stages of the legislative process. In his new capacity, Rytis Martikonis, a Lithuanian national, will build on his excellent management, representation and communication skills as well as his deep knowledge of EU affairs and legislation. Through successive EU negotiations he has been part of its enlargement and has intimate knowledge of administrative capacity building, law harmonisation as well as impact assessment. He is also well placed to contribute to better regulation agenda. Rytis Martikonis has been Director-General for the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) since 2012. He steered the world class service renowned for quality and efficiency into digital era. DGT today handles unprecedented volumes of translation, manages biggest multilingual data sets and provides automated translation to the EU institutions. Prior to that, Rytis Martikonis, had a long career in European affairs. From July 2005 until October 2010, he was Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the EU, after having been Ambassador to the Political and Security Committee. Before, as Undersecretary of state he was Member of the European Convention. From 1992 until 2001, he worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vilnius and Brussels, occupying the positions of Director of European Integration Department and Counsellor at the Mission of Lithuania to the EU. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859) College meeting: The European Commission appoints three Directors for its departments for competition, economic and financial affairs and its Secretariat-General The European Commission has decided today to appoint Barbara Brandtner as Director for the ‘Markets and cases III: Financial services' Directorate in the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP). This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on competition and for enforcing EU competition rules, in cooperation with national competition authorities. Barbara Brandtner, an Austrian national, is endowed with a deep knowledge of competition law enforcement and more than 25 years of experience in the Commission, of which close to 14 handling competition cases, with a particular emphasis on State aid and antitrust. She has also acquired a considerable amount of experience in negotiations and in providing leadership. Ms Brandtner is currently Acting Director of ‘Markets and Cases III - Financial Services Activities' where she is responsible for the enforcement of antitrust, merger and state aid rules in the financial services sector. Between 2008 and 2020, she headed four units in the same Directorate-General. Earlier in her career, she took on the role of Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Neelie Kroes, responsible for Competition and was also Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Chris Patten, responsible for External Relations. Prior to joining the Legal Service of the Commission in 1996, she worked in Brussels as Associate of ‘Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton', notably in charge of competition law.
The European Commission has also decided to appoint Annika Eriksgård as Director for ‘International economic, financial relations and global governance' in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN). DG ECFIN is the Commission department responsible for EU policies promoting economic growth and recovery, higher employment, stable public finances and financial stability. In her new position, Annika Eriksgård, a Swedish national, will build on her 30 years of professional experience in applied economics in both the private and public sector, dealing with both advanced and emerging economies. In addition to her experience in economic diplomacy, her negotiation skills and robust management skills will make her particularly suitable for the position at hand. Since 2020, she has been Deputy Director for ECFIN's international directorate where she e.g. led the EU support through macro-financial assistance to 10 of our neighbourhood countries to better weather the economic fallout of the COVID pandemic. In the previous fifteen years, she occupied several management positions notably as Head of the unit dealing with G7, G20 and the International Monetary Fund; that for Macro-Financial Assistance to the EU'S neighbourhood; the Commission's macro-economic forecasts; or the work in assessing the macroeconomic impact of the migration flows. She also represented the EU for 5 years in China. Prior to joining the Commission in 1996, she was Lead Forecaster at Swedbank Markets. The European Commission has also appointed Elisa Roller as Director for the ‘Twin Transition, Economic and Social Affairs' in the Secretariat-General. This department is responsible for the overall coherence of the Commission's work – both in shaping new policies, and in steering them through the other EU institutions. Elisa Roller, a Spanish and Dutch national, will draw on her excellent knowledge of the Commission's strategies and policies, her strong communication and negotiation skills, as well as her capacity to lead crosscutting Commission-wide teams across multiple Directorates-General with the aim of producing quality policy proposals. She is currently managing the unit responsible for Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia in the Recovery and Resilience Task Force where she coordinates and steers the successful roll-out of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. She also headed three units in the Directorate-General for Maritime affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) and was twice Deputy Head of Unit in the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). Previously, she was a Policy Analyst for the Lisbon Task Force of the Secretariat- General. Prior to joining the Commission in 2003, she worked as a Lecturer in European Politics in the University of Manchester. She holds a Ph.D in Government from The London School of Economics. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859) ANNOUNCEMENTS La présidente von der Leyen au Maroc pour sa première visite officielle au royaume La présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, se rends au Maroc cet après-midi. À son arrivée, elle rencontrera le ministre des affaires étrangères Nasser Bourita. Demain matin, elle rencontrera également le chef du gouvernement Aziz Akhannouch. Après leur réunion, la présidente et le chef du gouvernement feront une déclaration à la presse qui sera transmise sur EbS (+/- 8h50 CET). Cette visite est la première de la présidente von der Leyen au royaume de Maroc, un partenaire stratégique et solide de l'Union européenne. La présidente souhaite approfondir les relations entre l'UE et le Maroc en tant que voisins, partenaires et amis. Après sa visite, la présidente partira au Sénégal. (Pour plus d'informations : Eric Mamer – Tél.: +32 229 94073 ; Dana Spinant – Tél.: +32 229 90150) La présidente von der Leyen et cinq autres membres du Collège se déplacent au Sénégal pour renforcer la coopération bilatérale et préparer le Sommet Union européenne-Union africaine Demain et après-demain, la présidente Ursula von der Leyen sera à Dakar, Sénégal. La présidente sera accompagnée par la vice-présidente exécutive Margrethe Vestager et par les commissaires Thierry Breton, Ylva Johansson, Jutta Urpilainen et Kadri Simson. Cette visite sera l'occasion de renforcer les liens étroits entre l'Union européenne et le Sénégal, ainsi que de préparer le Sommet Union européenne-Union africaine des 17 et 18 février. La présidente von der Leyen et les commissaires Breton et Urpilainen commenceront leur visite demain dans l'après-midi à l'Institut Pasteur de Dakar où la présidente présentera les investissements de l'Équipe Europe pour la vaccination en Afrique. La visite sera suivie d'une déclaration à la presse vers 16h15 CET. Plus tard,
la présidente et les membres du Collège se rendront au Consortium Jeunesse Sénégal, une association de soutien à l'entreprenariat. Les membres du Collège échangeront avec différents représentants de la jeunesse sénégalaise et la commissaire Urpilainen signera un accord de soutien à un programme pour donner plus d'opportunités aux femmes et jeunes filles. La visite sera suivie d'une déclaration à la presse aux alentours de 17h45 CET. Le lendemain, la présidente von der Leyen rencontrera Macky Sall, le président du Sénégal, qui assure aussi la présidence de l'Union africaine cette année. Après la réunion, la commissaire Urpilainen et ses collègues sénégalais signeront différents accords de coopération en présence de représentants européens et sénégalais. Une conférence de presse des deux présidents est prévue vers 13h00 CET. Pour clôturer la rencontre, un déjeuner de travail sera offert par le président Sall. La présidente von der Leyen quittera le Sénégal dans l'après-midi et la vice-présidente exécutive Vestager et les commissaires Breton, Johansson, Urpilainen et Simson continueront leur visite avec plusieurs rencontres. Les cinq membres du Collèges rencontreront en fin de journée la ministre des affaires étrangères Aïssata Tall Sall et le secrétaire d'État chargé des Sénégalais de l'extérieur Moïse Sarr. La vice-présidente exécutive Vestager et les commissaires Breton et Urpilainen rencontreront ensemble le ministre de l'économie Amadou Hott. La vice-présidente exécutive Vestager rencontrera également le ministre de l'économie numérique et des télécommunications Yankhoba Diatara. Elle visitera le centre régional de cyber sécurité et la délégation de l'entreprenariat rapide et elle participera à une table ronde avec des partenaires de la D4D Hub. Le commissaire Breton rencontrera le ministre des forces armées Sidiki Kaba. Il visitera aussi une école de cinéma et participera à une table ronde avec des participants du Forum des entreprises UE-Afrique et de EuroCham. Pour sa part, la commissaire Johansson rencontrera le ministre de l'intérieur Antoine Félix Diome. Ensemble, ils visiteront le nouveau quartier général de la Direction de la Police de l'Air et des Frontières (DPAF). La commissaire rencontrera aussi le haut commandant de la Gendarmerie nationale Moussa Fall et des bénéficiaires du Programme d'appui aux initiatives de solidarité pour le développement (PAISD). La commissaire Urpilainen visitera des projets de coopération en matière d'accès à l'eau et l'assainissement, de lutte contre la pollution, de création d'emploi dans le secteur de la culture et d'accueil aux enfants. Enfin, la commissaire Simson rencontrera la ministre de l'énergie et du pétrole Sophie Gladima et aura d'autres rencontres à COS PETROGAZ, l'institution en charge des projets pétroliers et gaziers au Sénégal. Elle participera à une table ronde sur les énergies renouvelables et visitera une centrale solaire. Le vendredi matin les membres du Collège auront une conférence de presse conjointe à 10h30 CET. Toutes les conférences de presse seront transmises en direct sur EbS. Vous pouvez consulter les détails des rencontres dans le calendrier des activités des membres du Collège. (Pour plus d'informations : Eric Mamer – Tél.: +32 229 94073 ; Dana Spinant – Tél.: +32 229 90150) Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications. Prochains événements de la Commission européenne Eurostat: communiqués de presse The Spokesperson's Service has re-opened the Berlaymont press room to a limited number of journalists. For more information, please see here. MEX/22/887
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