Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...

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Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2021, Article ID 4167296, 12 pages

Research Article
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and
Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage
Snakebite Envenomation in Mwingi West Subcounty, Kenya

          Stella Kwamboka Mokua ,1 James Mucunu Mbaria,1 Timothy Elias Maitho,1
          and Gervason Apiri Moriasi 2
            Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences,
            University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625, Nairobi, Kenya
            Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Mount Kenya University,
            P.O. Box 342-01000, Thika, Kenya

          Correspondence should be addressed to Stella Kwamboka Mokua;

          Received 28 June 2021; Accepted 20 September 2021; Published 27 September 2021

          Academic Editor: Mohammed S. Ali Shtayeh

          Copyright © 2021 Stella Kwamboka Mokua et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
          Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
          properly cited.
          Snakebite envenomation (SBE) is a life-threatening global public health problem affecting over 2.7 million persons annually, with
          a bigger burden lying in the developing world. Despite the successful management of SBE by antivenom therapy in conventional
          medicine, it is of low efficacy due to the diverse venom composition across snake types, which limits its usefulness. As a result,
          inhabitants of the sub-Sahara region, where SBE incidence is high, utilise medicinal plants as an alternative remedy for SBE.
          However, most plants have not been ethnobotanically documented and validated empirically and hence this study is needed. An
          ethnobotanical survey to document medicinal plants used to manage SBE in Migwani ward, Mwingi West Subcounty, Kitui
          County, was conducted between January and February, 2021. Ethnobotanical data were collected from 45 purposefully sampled
          respondents from Migwani ward using semistructured questionnaires, field walks, and oral interviews. In this study, 14 medicinal
          plants which are used to manage SBE were documented. Four plants with the highest Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC)
          (Entada leptostachya Harms-stem bark (0.58), Senna singueana-roots (0.53), Securidaca longipendunculata-roots (0.36), and
          Strychnos henningsii-stem bark (0.46)) were selected and extracted using water, methanol, and dichloromethane according to the
          standard procedures. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of the plant extracts and their cytotoxic effects on brine shrimp nauplii
          (brine shrimp lethality assay) was conducted according to the standard techniques. Qualitative phytochemical screening revealed
          the presence of anti-SBE-associated phytochemicals, such as alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phenols, and flavonoids, in the aqueous
          and methanolic extracts of the studied plant extracts. However, the tested phytochemicals were not detected in dichloromethane
          extracts of all the studied extracts. The anti-SBE effects of the documented plants could be attributable to these associated bioactive
          phytocompounds, which are synthesized by the studied plants and transfered to humans when consumed. Furthermore,
          the aqueous and methanolic extracts of Entada leptostachya and Senna singueana had high LC50 of >1000 µg/ml and were
          considered noncytotoxic. However, Securidaca longipendunculata had an LC50 of
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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health policy frameworks, strategies, and investment in the        myotoxicity, and neurotoxicity [17–22], and some others are
affected regions, to sustainably reduce the medical and             used as prophylaxis against SBE complications in case of a
societal strain posed by SBE due to the lack of political          snakebite [16].
goodwill and the demographic nature of the affected                     Based on this background, the current study was conducted
communities [2–4].                                                 to identify and document medicinal plants used to manage
    Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of venom, via a        venomous snakebites in Mwingi West Subcounty, Kenya, and
snakebite, into the victim’s body, elicits local and systemic      evaluate their phytochemical composition and safety.
toxic effects with profound sequela [5, 6]. Local effects as-
sociated with SBE include haemorrhage, oedema, myo-                2. Materials and Methods
necrosis, and extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation. Also,
neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, and hemotoxic          2.1. Study Area. Ethnobotanical documentation was carried
syndrome are associated with systemic SBE sequelae [6].            out in Migwani ward, Mwingi West Subcounty, in Kitui
    Currently, antivenom therapy is the standard and ar-           County, Kenya (Figure 1), located about 49.7 km from Kitui
guably reliable strategy for averting the adverse effects           town and 176.2 km from Nairobi city, lying along
caused by snake venom [7, 8]. However, despite the benefits         35°1′49.044″N and 91°57′1.944″W. Migwani ward comprises
of antivenom therapy, it evokes immediate hypersensitivity         six villages: Kyamboo/Kaliluni, Migwani/Itoloni, Nzatani/
reactions, among other adverse effects, exhibits limited ef-        Ilalambyu, Nzeluni/Mung’alu, Kisovo, and Katalwa/Mum-
ficacy against local tissue damage, and suffers a stability          buni [23, 24]. It is the most populated ward of Kitui County,
deficit [9, 10]. Moreover, most antivenoms are ineffective           with a population of 79,255 persons in 39,096 households,
due to geographic variation in venom composition and               according to the 2019 national census report [25]. This
antigenic reactivity, attributable to the taxonomic diversity      region experiences a subhumid climate, hot and dry for
of venomous snake types [10, 11]. Besides, the high cost of        almost the entire year, with an erratic and unreliable rainfall
antivenoms, especially in economically deprived settings,          distribution. As a result, its lowest annual average tem-
unavailability of enough antivenom stocks in various               perature is 14°C, while the highest annual average tem-
healthcare facilities, and inaccessibility of hospitals impede     perature is 32°C. Most residents of the Migwani ward
timely antivenom access, thereby leading to high morbidity         (67.3%) are small-scale farmers, with family members being
and mortality rates [6, 8, 12].                                    the primary source of labour in the agricultural production
    In Kenya, approximately 15,000 cases of SBE are                system [23].
recorded annually, with 6.7 deaths per 100,000 persons, in
the rural settings, accounting for ∼0.7% of all deaths [2].
Among the Kenyan counties, Kitui County has a compar-              2.2. Ethnobotanical Data Collection and Analysis. The field
atively higher SBE incidence caused by venomous snake              survey was conducted between January and February 2021.
species, including the puff adder (Bitis arietans), the black-      The purposive sampling technique described by Palinkas
necked cobra (Naja nigricollis), and the black mamba               et al. [26] was used to sample forty five participants aged
(Dendroaspis polylepis) [13]. This is attributable to the dry      between 20 and 80 years old who were knowledgeable about
and hot climate of Kitui County, its geographic location, and      medicinal plants used to treat SBE in the study area. The
the type of housing and agricultural activities which pre-         inclusion criteria for selecting study respondents were
dispose inhabitants to snakebites [13]. Additionally, the          herbalists and members of local community (based on their
unavailability of effective SBE treatment in most health            knowledge), natives who understood the local area, and local
facilities, especially those in rural areas, and the unafford-      names of the plants. The initial participants were selected
ability of antivenom treatments by most of the population          with the help of local leaders, local dwellers, and herbalists,
further complicate effective management of SBE in                   who referred others through their existing networks within
Kenya [14].                                                        the study area. Saturation was reached when new data
    Due to the bottlenecks of the conventional antivenom           collection did not yield any new information on the me-
therapy, compounded by low supplies in sub-Saharan                 dicinal plants used [26].
Africa, various communities use medicinal plants in their              Following this, ethnobotanical data on medicinal plants
traditional medicine practices to manage SBE complications         used in the management of snakebites were collected
[12]. Medicinal plants are critical for maintaining human          through interviews (conducted either in the native language,
health, especially SBEs in rural regions where it is not easy to   Kamba, or Swahili, depending on the participants’ prefer-
obtain specific antivenoms [15]. Despite the longstanding           ence), administration of semistructured questionnaires, and
usage of medicinal plants against SBE in traditional medi-         guided field walks to plant collection sites [27–30].
cine, it has not been accorded sufficient attention in the               The collected data included the demographic informa-
scientific arena [12].                                              tion of the respondents (name, age, sex, practice specifica-
    Research evidence has revealed the presence of various         tion, and level of education) and botanical information (local
phytochemicals with antivenom properties, which present a          name of the plant(s) used, its source, availability of the
viable alternative source of accessible, safe, and efficacious       plant(s), parts used, method of drug preparation and ad-
therapies for SBEs, especially in rural settings [16]. More-       ministration, any side effects, frequency of treatment, and
over, plant-derived extracts successfully inhibit and reverse      duration of treatment). In addition, the respondents filled
snake venom-induced inflammation, haemorrhage,                      informed consent forms before taking part in the study.
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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                                                  MIGWANI COUNTY ASSEMBLY WARD

                     Towns                                          Rivers
                     Sublocation Boundary Roads                     County Assembly Ward Boundary
Figure 1: Map of Kenya showing the study site (Migwani ward) (adopted from the Kitui County integrated development plan 2018–2022

2.3. Collection and Identification of Plants. Medicinal plants     methanol and dichloromethane, respectively, at room
reportedly used in the management of SBE, as mentioned by         temperature for 48 hours and regularly shaken using a
the participants during the survey, were collected as voucher     mechanical shaker. The extracts were filtered twice, initially
specimens by a team comprising herbalists and the re-             with cotton wool and later with a Whatman filter paper No.
searchers. Also, photographs of all the medicinal plants cited    1. The filtrates were evaporated to dryness at 40°C using a
were taken to help during identification and for docu-             rotary evaporator/evaporating dish. The crude extracts were
mentation. The plant specimens were identified at the East         weighed and placed in a refrigerator at 4°C in sealed glass
African Herbaria hosted at the National Museums of Kenya          bottles until use.
by botanists (Dr. Paul Kirika and Mr. Mathias M. Mbale),              To obtain the aqueous extracts, two hundred grams
where reference numbers were assigned and voucher                 (200 g) of the powdered plant materials were weighed and
specimens deposited. Upon identification, plant materials          transferred into conical flasks, and 1000 ml of distilled water
were transported to the Department of Public Health,              was added and shaken. Afterwards, the flasks were placed in
Pharmacology, and Toxicology Laboratories of the Uni-             a hot water bath (70°C), heated for 2 hours, and filtered
versity of Nairobi for analysis.                                  through cotton gauze and Whatman filter paper No. 1. The
                                                                  filtrates were transferred into freeze-drying flasks covered
                                                                  with dry carbon ice and acetone and freeze dried for 48
2.4. Sample Preparation and Extraction. The plant materials       hours. The crude extracts were weighed and placed in the
were prepared according to the methods of Abubakar et al.         refrigerator at 4°C in sealed glass bottles until use.
[31] and Moriasi et al. [32] with slight modifications. Briefly,
the collected plants’ parts were washed with clean water,
chopped into small pieces with a sharp knife, and dried at        2.5. Qualitative Phytochemical Screening of the Selected Plants.
room temperature for two weeks. Upon drying, the plant            Qualitative phytochemical screening of the aqueous,
materials were ground using an electric mill to a coarse          methanolic, and dichloromethane extracts of the selected
powder, packed in khaki bags, and stored on a shelf awaiting      plants was performed using the methods described by Trease
extraction.                                                       and Evans [35], Harborne et al. [33], and Moriasi et al. [36]
    The extraction procedures described by Harborne et al.        with slight modifications to detect the presence or absence of
[33] and modified by Moriasi et al. [34] were followed in this     various bioactive compounds. The phytochemicals tested
study. Briefly, two hundred grams (200 g) of each powdered         include alkaloids, tannins, phenols, saponins, and flavo-
plant material was weighed and soaked in 1000 ml of 95%           noids. Direct visual observations of the reactions’
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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colouration profile or the formation of precipitates were            species) by the total number of respondents in the survey
done and used to appraise the presence or absence of re-            (N � 45). This RFC index ranges from zero (0) (when nobody
spective phytochemicals in the study samples.                       refers to a plant as useful) to one (1) (when all respondents
                                                                    mention the species as useful). The following formula described
                                                                    by Vitalini et al. [38] was used to calculate the RFC index:
2.6. Evaluation of the Effects of the Selected Plant Extracts on
Brine Shrimp Nauplii. In this study, the brine shrimp le-                                            FC
                                                                                             RFC �      ,                      (1)
thality assay technique of Meyer et al. [37] was used to                                             N
determine the cytotoxic effects of the studied plant extracts        where RFC is the relative frequency of citation, FC is the ci-
to appraise their safety.                                           tation frequency, and N is the sample size (45 respondents).
                                                                         Medicinal species with high RFC were selected for
2.6.1. Hatching of Brine Shrimp Nauplii. Brine shrimp eggs          phytochemical analysis as per the recommendations of
were commercially sourced from the Department of Public             Rahman et al. [39].
Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nai-                  The brine shrimp lethality assay data of the studied plant
robi. They were hatched in a rectangular box with two               extracts were analysed using probit regression analysis.
chambers having perforations. One chamber was dark, and a           Mortalities were converted to probits and regressed against
40-watt electric bulb illuminated the other chamber. The box        the log concentration of crude plant extracts (SPSS v20)
was filled with brine solution, after which 50 g of brine            [40, 41]. Meyers and Clarkson’s criteria were used to infer
shrimp eggs was sprinkled with a spatula into the dark              the toxicity of substances tested in the brine shrimp lethality
chamber of the box. Five grams of yeast was added as feed for       assay (LC50 values) [37, 42]. The findings of this study were
the hatched nauplii. After 48 hours, the nauplii were col-          presented in bar graphs (drawn using GraphPad Prism
lected from the illuminated chamber and used for the brine          version 9.1.2) and tables.
shrimp lethality test.
                                                                    3. Results
2.6.2. Preparation of Plant Extracts. In this study, 0.1 g of the   3.1. Ethnobotanical Documentation of Medicinal Plants Used
studied organic and aqueous plant extracts were weighed                  to Manage SBE in the Study Area
and dissolved in 1 ml of brine salt solution (38.5 g of marine
salt in 1 litre distilled water) to make a stock concentration of   3.1.1. Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Study
10,000 µg/ml, which was then diluted serially.                      Participants. This study included 45 participants, aged be-
                                                                    tween 20 and 80 years, who provided ethnobotanical in-
                                                                    formation of medicinal plants used to manage SBE in the
2.6.3. Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay. The assay was carried          study area. In terms of gender, 58% of the respondents were
out to investigate the cytotoxicity of extracts of medicinal        male, while 42% were female. Most participants (53%) were
plants of Migwani according to the principle and protocol           aged between 41 and 60 years, followed by those aged be-
previously described by Meyer et al. [37], with slight modi-        tween 20 and 40 years (31%), while those aged ≥61 years
fications. Three dilutions were prepared by transferring             accounted for 16%. Only 2% of the respondents were for-
500 µl, 50 µl, and 5 µl of plant extract (Entada leptostachya,      mally employed, with the majority (67%) practising sub-
Senna singueana, Securidaca longipendunculata, and Strych-          sistence farming and other small-scale activities for
nos henningsii) into the set of five graduated tubes. Next, brine    livelihood.
solution was added to obtain dilutions of 1000 µg/ml, 100 µg/           The results further showed that 33% of the respondents
ml, and 10 µg/ml in five replicates. After that, ten (10) brine      had not acquired any formal education, 38% had a primary
shrimp nauplii were transferred into each tube. Vincristine         level, 18% had obtained a secondary level of education, and
sulphate was used as a positive control, while brine solution       11% had tertiary education. Most respondents (91%) were
was used as the negative control. Test tubes were left to settle    native local people, while 9% comprised herbalists. Ethno-
at room temperature, and the surviving nauplii were counted         medical knowledge was primarily acquired from family
after 24 hours. Probit regression analysis was performed to         members and relatives (65%); 13% of the respondents ac-
determine the median lethal concentration (LC50) of each            quired knowledge from herbalists, while 22% learnt from
studied plant extract in this assay.                                dreams/divine call/literature.
                                                                        It was observed that most of the respondents (42%) had
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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Table 1: Sociodemographic             characteristics    of   the   study     singueana (1.43%), then Entada leptostachya (1.22%), and
respondents.                                                                  Strychnos henningsii (1.03%), respectively. On the other
Variable                            Category             N           %N       hand, the highest yield of dichloromethane extracted was
                                                                              obtained by Senna singueana (1.45%) followed by Securidaca
                                      Male               26          58
Sex                                                                           longipendunculata (0.51%), Entada leptostachya (0.49%),
                                     Female              19          42
                                                                              and Strychnos henningsii (0.46%), respectively (Table 3).
                                     20–40               14          31
Age (years)                          41–60               24          53
                                     61–80                7          16       3.3. Qualitative Phytochemical Composition of the Selected
                                    Primary              17          38       Plant Extracts. Qualitative phytochemical screening
                                   Secondary              8          18       revealed the presence of alkaloids, phenols, and tannins in all
                                    Tertiary              5          11       the aqueous and methanolic extracts of the four studied
                                      None               15          33
                                                                              plants (Table 4). Additionally, saponins and flavonoids were
                                   Herbalist              4           9       detected in all the aqueous and methanolic extracts, except
Practise specifications
                                  Local people           41          91
                                                                              in the methanolic extracts of Senna singueana and Entada
                                  Employment              1           2       leptostachya (Table 4). Conversely, alkaloids, phenols, fla-
Source of income                    Business             14          31       vonoids, tannins, and saponins were not detected in the
                                     Others              30          67
                                                                              dichloromethane extracts of all the studied plants (Table 4).
                                       0–5               19          42
Experience (years)                    6–10               17          38
                                      >10                 9          20       3.4. Cytotoxic Effects of the Aqueous, Methanolic, and
                                    Relatives            29          65       Dichloromethane Extracts of the Studied Plants. The results
Source of knowledge                Herbalist              6          13       revealed that all the aqueous extracts of the studied plants
                                     Others              10          22       have high LC50 values (>1000 µg/ml) except that of Secur-
N � number of participants (sample size); % N � percentage of participants.   idaca longipendunculata, which posited an LC50 value of
                                                                              170.66 µg/ml (Table 5). Similarly, the methanolic extracts of
                                                                              all the studied plants had high LC50 values (>1000 µg/ml),
summarised in Table 2. In this study, 14 medicinal plants                     except Securidaca longipendunculata, which had an LC50
species belonging to 12 families were documented. The most                    value of 293.97 µg/ml (Table 5). Besides, no LC50 values were
represented family was Asteraceae with three plant species,                   predicted for all the dichloromethane extracts of the selected
while Capparaceae, Fabaceae, Burseraceae, Loganiaceae,                        plants, as no nauplii mortalities were recorded in the re-
Musaceae, Polygalaceae, Vitaceae, Solanaceae, Euphorbia-                      spective setups. Overall, the positive control drug (Vin-
ceae, Leguminacea, and Opiliaceae were represented by one                     cristine) posited the lowest LC50 value of 4.06 µg/ml in this
plant species each (Table 2).                                                 study (Table 5).
    The most frequently cited plant species included Entada
leptostachya (RFC � 0.56), Senna singueana (RFC � 0.53),                      4. Discussion
Strychnos henningsii (RFC � 0.47), and Securidaca long-
ipendunculata (RFC � 0.36), respectively (Table 2). Notably,                  Herbal medicine plays a significant role in treating diverse
all the documented plants were applied topically on the                       diseases, especially in rural settings of less developed
bitten site, with some being administered orally and topically                countries. A recent report by the WHO indicate that over
(Table 2).                                                                    80% of the world’s human population rely on medicinal
    The results also showed that most of the documented                       plants for their primary healthcare needs [43]. The increased
plants were shrubs (50%), followed by herbs (21.4%), trees                    popularity of herbal medicines is attributable to their easy
(21.4%), and climbers (7.2%) (Table 2; Figure 2).                             accessibility, affordability, and presumed safety compared to
    The most used plant part(s) in the preparation of SBE                     conventional medicines [44–47]. However, despite the
remedies were the leaves (42%), roots (25%), stems/barks                      longstanding usage of medicinal plants in traditional
(25%), and fruit (8%), respectively (Table 2; Figure 3).                      medicine, only a handful have been scientifically investi-
                                                                              gated. One of the hindrances to the appraisal of medicinal
                                                                              plants’ potency and possible development is the lack of
3.2. Extract Yields of the Selected Plants. Four medicinal                    baseline ethnomedical information to spur empirical
plants with the highest RFC values were selected and                          studies.
extracted using water, methanol, and dichloromethane for                          The management of SBE using medicinal plants has been
qualitative phytochemical screening and brine shrimp le-                      practised since antiquity in many ethnic communities, es-
thality assay.                                                                pecially those in rural settings [48]. However, in most tra-
    For the aqueous extracts, Securidaca longipendunculata                    ditions, ethnomedical knowledge, including the traditional
had the highest yield (10%), followed by Senna singueana                      management of SBE, is undocumented and often passed
(5%) and Strychnos henningsii (5%), while Entada lep-                         across generations by word of the mouth to trusted family
tostachya had the lowest yield (4%) (Table 3). The highest                    members or relatives [49–52]. However, there is a high
percentage yield of the methanolic extracts was recorded by                   propensity to lose this critical information, especially if the
Securidaca longipendunculata (1.97%), followed by Senna                       family members are not interested and not appropriately
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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                                    Table 2: Medicinals used to manage SBE in the study area.
                         Common name                       Growth   Part(s)                               Mode of
Plant species (V/N)                           Family                          Preparation and dosage                   FC       RFC
                          (local name)                      form     used                               administration
Entada leptostachya                                                                Stem crushed, sap
                         Entada/Sikidy                               Stem,
Harms. (NMK/BOT/                             Fabaceae      Shrub                squeezed and applied        Topical        26 0.56
                         (“Mwaitha”)                                 bark
CTX/5/4)                                                                        directly to the wound.
                                                                              Roots dried in the sun,
                                                                                   crushed into a fine
                                                                               powder and applied or
                         Winter cassia/
Senna singueana                                                               mixed with sheep soup,
                           sticky pod                               Leaves,                                 Topical
(Delile.) Lock. (NMK/                       Leguminosae    Shrub                  one full glass drunk                     24 0.53
                         (“Mukengeka”/                               roots                                    Oral
BOT/CTX/1/4)                                                                  daily for five days. Leaf’s
                                                                               infusion of the plant is
                                                                              drunk as an antidote for
                                                                                    puff adder bites.
                                                                                   Fresh roots can be
                                                                               chewed and swallowed
                                                                                   to expel poison by
Strychnos henningsii     Walking stick/                                       vomiting. Leaves may be
                                                                     stem,                                    Oral
Gilg. (NMK/BOT/         Panda’s strychnos   Loganiaceae     Tree                cooked with water or                       21 0.47
                                                                     bark,                                  Topical
CTX/5/6)                   (“Muteta”)                                           sheep soup of original
                                                                                  intestines and taken
                                                                                 twice daily quarter a
Securidaca                                                                           Soak the dried
longipendunculata         Violet plant                                        powdered root bark part
                                            Polygalaceae    Tree    leaves,                              Topical or oral   16 0.36
(NMK/BOT/CTX/5/          (“Munguuka”)                                           in water, take thrice a
1)                                                                            day, or apply leave paste.
                                                                               The stems or fruits are
                                                                                 cut into small pieces,
Solanum incanum           Thorn apple                                               dried in the sun,
(NMK/BOT/CTX/1/           (“Kikondu”/       Solanaceae     Shrub                pounded, and powder         Topical        11 0.24
1)                        “Mutongu”)                                          applied, or sap from the
                                                                                 fruit may be applied
                                                                              Sap from pounded leave
Cissus rotundifolia
                     Peruvian grape ivy                                       is applied directly onto
(Forsk.) Vahl. (NMK/                          Vitaceae     Shrub    Leaves                                  Topical        8   0.18
                         (“Itulu”)                                              the wound four times
                                                                                     for 10–14 days.
                                                                                  Sap squeezed out of
                                                                                 leaves and stem and
Musa x paradisiaca        Edible banana
                                                                    Leaves,      applied immediately
L. (NMK/BOT/CTX/         (“Mathangu ma       Musaceae       Tree                                            Topical        5   0.11
                                                                     stem      onto the snakebite site
5/7)                         maiu”)
                                                                                reducing swelling and
Tagetes minuta L.                                                               Leaves are crushed or
                        Mexican marigold
(NMK/BOT/CTX/1/                              Asteraceae     Herb    Leaves        chewed rubbed into        Topical        4   0.09
6)                                                                            snakebite as an antidote.
                                                                                  The milky exudates
                                                                               from unripe fruits can
                                                                                be applied. Leaves are
Commiphora sp.           Commiphora/
                                                                    Leaves,       crushed. Infusion is
(NMK/BOT/CTX/5/            corkwood         Burseraceae    Shrub                                            Topical        2   0.04
                                                                     fruit     taken orally half a cup
5)                        (“Ithangu”)
                                                                                 once a day for three
                                                                                days. Leaves pounded
                                                                                    applied directly.
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                                                                           Table 2: Continued.
                                       Common name                            Growth     Part(s)                                  Mode of
 Plant species (V/N)                                           Family                              Preparation and dosage                      FC   RFC
                                        (local name)                           form       used                                  administration
                                                                                                    Fresh young leaves are
                                                                                                   pounded and tied to the
                                                                                                    snakebite for six hours
 Ricinus communis                      Castor oil plant                                               to accelerate healing.
 L. (NMK/BOT/CTX/                        (“Kyaiki”/       Euphorbiaceae       Shrub      Leaves    The plant is cultivated at      Topical      2   0.04
 1/3)                                    “Kivaiki”)                                                 the homestead since it
                                                                                                    has a strong smell that
                                                                                                      causes discomfort or
                                                                                                   disorientation to snakes.
                                                                                                   Roots and barks burned
 Boscia salicifolia L.                 Willow-leaved                                                into charcoal, crushed
 (NMK/BOT/CTX/5/                       shepherd’s tree    Capparaceae         Shrub                  into fine powder, and          Topical      1   0.02
 2)                                     (“Ithangana”)                                                 applied twice for six
                                                                                                       Roots pounded and
                                                                                                      soaked in water and
 Kleinia abyssinica
                                      Klenia (“Ngondu                                                  infusion drunk two
 A. Berger. (NMK/                                             Asteraceae       Herb       Roots                                  Topical oral   1   0.02
                                       ya “Kimani”)                                                glasses twice a day until
                                                                                                     the wound heals or is
                                                                                                    applied on the wound.
 Gutenbergia cordifolia                                                                            Leaf’s sun-dried burned
 Benth ex. Oliv. (NMK/                                        Asteraceae       Herb       Leave    ash is rubbed on the site       Topical      1   0.02
 BOT/CTX/5/8)                                                                                           daily for five days.
                                                                                                     Roots cut into pieces,
 Opilia amentacea                                                                                  sun dried, then crushed
 Roxb. (NMK/BOT/                                              Opiliaceae      Climber     Roots    into powder mixed with          Topical      1   0.02
 CTX/1/5)                                                                                          crushed snake teeth and
                                                                                                    applied for 7–10 days.
V/N � voucher number; FC � frequency of citation; RFC � relative frequency of citation.

                 60                                                                          The current study’s findings revealed that most re-
                                                                                        spondents (65%) acquired ethnomedical knowledge through
                                                                                        their family members and relatives. This finding corrobo-
                             50.0%                                                      rates that of Nadembega et al. [54], who asserted that tra-
                                                                                        ditional medicinal knowledge on plants is passed from
                                                                                        generation to generation verbally to family members.
                 40                                                                     However, most people who could inherit this art are often
                                                                                        younger and disinterested, as they view it as archaic. As a
Percentage (%)

                                                                                        result, valuable ethnomedical information is lost, especially
                                                                                        when the bearer dies and no record of such information is
                                         21.4%        21.4%                                  In the current study, shrub species were commonly used
                 20                                                                     to manage SBE in Migwani ward, the study area. Perhaps,
                                                                                        this could be attributed to their relatively high resistance to
                                                                                        drought conditions experienced in the study area, hence
                                                                     7.2%               leading to their unlimited availability throughout the year
                                                                                        [55]. Besides, medicinal plants are mostly found on hills
                                                                                        (Kea), valleys (Ikoo), rocky surfaces, and roadsides in the
                 0                                                                      study area, thereby depicting their availability and accessi-
                            Shrubs       Herbs        Trees        Climbers             bility. Furthermore, studies have shown that the abundance
                                            Growth form                                 and availability of herbaceous plants in natural habitats such
                                                                                        as forests largely influence their exploitation for medicinal
                      Figure 2: Growth forms of the documented plants.                  purposes [54].
                                                                                             The most widely used plant part(s) in preparing SBE
documented [53]. As a result, ethnomedical documentation                                remedies were the leaves, perhaps due to their ease of harvest
is an important undertaking for heritage, conservational                                and availability in large quantities, compared to other plant
strategies, and the advancement of research.                                            parts [38]. Moreover, previous studies have indicated that
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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                                        Percentage (%)
                                                                25%         25%


                                                         10                                                8%

                                                               Roots     Stem barks       Leaves          Fruits
                                                                              Plant part used
                               Figure 3: Plant part mostly used to prepare remedies for SBE in the study area.

                      Table 3: Yields of the aqueous, methanolic, and dichloromethane extracts of the selected plants.
                                                                                                Percentage yield
Plant and part extracted
                                                              Aqueous extracts             Methanolic extracts               Dichloromethane extracts
Entada leptostachya (stem bark)                                      4                           1.22                                 0.49
Senna singueana (root)                                               5                           1.43                                 1.45
Securidaca longipendunculata (root)                                 10                           1.97                                 0.51
Strychnos henningsii (stem bark)                                     5                           1.03                                 0.46

    Table 4: Qualitative phytochemical composition of the aqueous, methanolic, and dichloromethane extracts of the studied plants.
                          Entada leptostachya                       Senna singueana                       Securidaca            Strychnos henningsii
Phytochemical                 stem bark                              (Delile) roots                longipendunculata roots         Gilg stem bark
                        Aq.      Me.        Dc.                 Aq.       Me.       Dc.            Aq.       Me.       Dc.     Aq.       Me.      Dc.
Alkaloids                +         +         −                   +         +         −              +         +         −       +         +        −
Flavonoids               +         −         −                   +         +         −              +         +         −       +         +        −
Saponins                 +         +         −                   +         −         −              +         +         −       +         +        −
Tannins                  +         +         −                   +         +         −              +         +         −       +         +        −
Phenols                  +         +         −                   +         +         −              +         +         −       +         +        −
Note. +: present; − : absent; Aq.: aqueous extract; Me.: methanolic extract; Dc.: dichloromethane extract.

the preference of leaves in traditional medicine to other parts                    complications. These findings are consistent with previous
is due to their perceived rich host of bioactive ingredients,                      studies, which report the use of various plant parts to
such as alkaloids and tannins, associated with photosyn-                           mitigate ailments [39, 59]. This practice could potentially be
thesis [56]. Furthermore, leaves produce and accumulate                            due to the synergistic effects of the combined plant parts,
most phytochemical amalgams due to their involvement in                            which produce amplified efficacy and in a short time, hence
photosynthesis [57]. Indeed, most phytochemicals possess                           being helpful in cases of SBE [39].
pharmacologic activities, which are thought to confer                                  The most common herbal preparation methods included
therapeutic potency [34, 36, 58].                                                  infusions, poultices, tinctures, decoctions, and powders
    Notably, some respondents mentioned using single plant                         administered orally, topically, or both to avert SBE [60, 61].
parts or blending many plant parts to thwart SBE                                   It was observed that water was the primary medium for
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Table 5: Cytotoxic effects of the aqueous, methanolic, and                        highlighted that polar solvents such as methanol and water
dichloromethane extracts of the selected plants.                                 extract antioxidant-associated phytochemicals, which pos-
                                               LC50 (µg/ml)                      sess diverse pharmacologic activities. Owing to the profound
Drug                                                                             usage of E. leptostachya, S. singueana, S. henningsii, and
                                   Aq.                 Me.               Dc.
                                                                                 S. longipendunculata to manage SBE in the study area, their
E. leptostachya                 5789.69#∗          16108.21#∗            ND
                                                                                 pharmacologic efficacy could be due to the presence of polar
S. singueana                    24995.60#∗        230149.13#∗            ND
S. longipendunculata            170.66##∗∗         293.93##∗∗            ND
                                                                                 phytocompounds, such as phenols and flavonoids [71].
S. henningsii                   1288.55#∗           2180.37#∗            ND      Besides, the absence of certain phytochemicals in one sample
Vincristine sulphate                            4.06##∗∗∗                        and their presence in the others can be attributed to the
The superscript notations # and ## represent noncytotoxic and cytotoxic,
                                                                                 plant’s various physiological and biosynthetic reactions and
respectively, based on Clarkson’s criteria, while the superscript notations ∗,   the agroecological conditions of the study area [32, 72].
   , and ∗∗∗ represent noncytotoxic, cytotoxic, and highly cytotoxic, re-        Additionally, the absence of the tested phytochemicals in the
spectively based on Meyer’s criteria. ND: not determined. Aq. � aqueous          dichloromethane extracts of the studied plants could be
extract; Me. � methanolic extract; Dc: dichloromethane extract.                  attributed to the low polarity of the solvent, which hindered
                                                                                 their extraction [70].
                                                                                      Previous studies indicate that various phytochemicals
preparing most remedies, and additives like honey, cow                           with protein binding properties, such as flavonoids, poly-
milk, and sheep soup were added to enhance taste and                             phenols, saponins, tannins, and alkaloids, bind to toxic
palatability [62–65]. It suggests that the administration of                     venom proteins, thereby inactivating them [73]. Further-
herbals through different routes could increase the bio-                          more, flavonoids have been shown to inhibit phospholipases
availability of the drug’s bioactive constituents and counter                    A2, an essential component of snake venoms [74]. Thus, the
SBE sequelae.                                                                    presence of flavonoids in all crude plant extracts may
    It was notable that the mode of drug administration and                      confirm their use in SBE management. Additionally, fla-
treatment type depended on the type of snake, the age of the                     vonoids, phenols, tannins, and alkaloids have been shown to
victim, and the presence of any other preexisting condi-                         act as antidotes to snake venoms, with the ability to reverse
tions. This implies that the respondents were knowledge-                         the deleterious effects of SBE [75, 76]. Therefore, the studied
able about the basic pharmacologic principles of their                           plant extracts are a valuable reservoir of bioactive com-
medicines’ activity. Besides, it was evident that the study                      pounds of pharmacological significance, which warrant
participants understood the dangers of a drug overdose and                       further investigations.
indicated that they use mutton soup, cow’s milk, honey,                               In the present study, the brine shrimp lethality assay
activated charcoal, and water as antidotes. However, the                         technique of Meyers et al. [37] was adopted to appraise the
herbalists claimed the potency of their herbal formulations                      studied plant extracts’ cytotoxicity. A drug agent or chemical
would reduce if they revealed some specific adjuvants they                        that kills the exposed brine shrimp nauplii is considered a
added. Moreover, they argued that unique offerings or                             cytotoxic agent in this assay. Furthermore, median lethal
rituals ought to be performed to reveal some of these                            concentration (LC50) values are widely used to evaluate the
adjuvants with the promise of utmost secrecy. This caveat is                     cytotoxic efficacy of drugs and chemicals in bioassays,
a tool employed by herbalists to protect their ethnomedical                      whereby low values indicate high cytotoxic efficacy.
[66–68], thus hindering knowledge sharing, especially in                         According to Meyer’s cytotoxicity classification criteria,
this study.                                                                      plant extracts with LC50 < 1000 µg/ml are considered toxic,
    The relative frequency of citation (RFC) was used to                         while those with LC50 > 1000 µg/ml are considered nontoxic,
determine the most used medicinal plant for managing                             hence safe [37]. Additionally, Clarkson’s toxicity criteria
SBE in the study area. The RFC index indicates the reli-                         classify plant extracts as nontoxic (LC50 > 1000 µg/ml),
ability and accuracy of the collected information, as it                         slightly toxic (LC50 � 500–999 µg/ml), moderately toxic/
reveals the medicinal plants best known or with a long                           toxic     (LC50 � 99–499 µg/ml),       and     highly     toxic
history of use by most of the participants [69]. Our study                       (LC50 � 0–100 µg/ml), respectively [42].
revealed that Entada leptostachya, Senna singueana,                                   Accordingly, based on Meyer’s and Clarkson’s criteria,
Strychnos henningsii, and Securidaca longipendunculata                           the aqueous, methanolic, and dichloromethane extracts of
had the highest RFC, indicating they were commonly                               E. leptostachya, S. singueana, and S. henningsii were nontoxic
utilised among the locals to manage SBE. As a result, these                      and safe to brine shrimp nauplii since their LC50 values were
plants were selected and screened for their qualitative                          higher than 1000 µg/ml. Therefore, the safety of these plants
phytochemical composition and cytotoxic effects on brine                          was attributed to the absence or low concentrations of
shrimp nauplii to lay a framework for further character-                         toxicity-associated phytocompounds. Conversely, the
isation and development of bioactive components that can                         aqueous and methanolic extracts of S. longipendunculata
be used as therapies for SBE.                                                    were moderately toxic, which calls for caution when used for
    Upon extraction, the yields of the studied plants’ extracts                  SBE management. However, these extracts can be used as
were varied according to the solvent used. The variations                        cytotoxic agents in appropriate settings. Nevertheless, fur-
were attributed to the different polarity indices of the sol-                     ther toxicological investigations should be performed to
vents, which solubilise and extract amalgams of corre-                           establish the toxicity profile and safety of the studied plant
sponding polarity [70]. Previously, Moriasi et al. [32]                          extracts.
Ethnobotanical Documentation, Phytochemical Screening, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants Used to Manage Snakebite Envenomation in ...
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5. Conclusions and Recommendations                                  authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript for
The study revealed that fourteen medicinal plants were used
to manage SBE in Migwani ward, Mwingi-West Subcounty,               Acknowledgments
Kitui County, Kenya, and Entada leptostachya, Strychnos
henningsii, Securidaca longipendunculata, and Senna sin-            The authors acknowledge the study respondents from
gueana were most frequently cited. The most used plants             Mwingi West Subcounty, for providing instrumental eth-
against SBE in Migwani ward, West Mwingi Subcounty                  nobotanical information for this study. The authors also
(Entada leptostachya, Strychnos henningsii, Securidaca              thank Mr. Maloba of the Department of Public Health,
longipendunculata, and Senna singueana) contain phyto-              Pharmacology and Toxicology (UoN), for his technical
chemicals associated with snake antivenom. Three of the             support.
aqueous, methanolic, and dichloromethane extracts of the
commonly used plants against SBE in Migwani ward, West              Supplementary Materials
Mwingi Subcounty (Entada leptostachya, Strychnos hen-
ningsii, and Senna singueana) are noncytotoxic and safe. In         A consent form and the questionnaire used in this study to
contrast, the aqueous and methanolic extracts of Securidaca         collect ethnomedical data of plants used to manage SBE in
longipendunculata are moderately toxic to brine shrimp              Mwingi West Subcounty are presented in Appendices 1 and
nauplii.                                                            2, respectively, in the additional file. (Supplementary
    Based on this study’s findings, further empirical inves-         Materials)
tigations of the studied plants and their extracts, especially to
determine their potential to avert SBE in in vivo models,           References
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