Estrella - Valero $30,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital

Page created by Luis Rice
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
                                       2020   |   Vol. 34   |   N o. 1

to Camp
Easy Breathers

Fiesta de
los Niños
set for Jan. 24                      Telemedicine
                                        Valley, Laredo
                                      patients benefit

                    star treatment
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
Winter 2020
                      Vol. 34
                      No. 1
                                                                               Welcome from
Board of Directors
Mike Carrell, Chairman
Lenora Keas, Vice-Chair
                                                                               Driscoll Health System
                                                                               President and CEO
Bob Parker, Secretary
Sam L. Susser, Past Board Chair
Stephen Almond, MD, Chief of Staff
Carol Deline, MD, Chief of Staff-Elect
Julie Buckley
Paul Daniel Chapa
Mary D. Clark
Jim Devlin
Tom Dobson                                           The start of a new year is always exciting.    even more children and infants with
Robert Furgason                                      It brings opportunities to set new goals,      congenital heart issues. Funds from this
Diane Gates, President Development Foundation        and to continue building upon the goals        year’s Fiesta de los Niños will go toward
Alex Kirkland
                                                     set by our founder, Clara Driscoll. For        Driscoll’s Heart Program, specifically,
Reba Cardenas McNair
Loyd Neal                                            Driscoll Children’s Hospital, 2020 is the      a new pediatric heart-lung machine,
Val LaMantia Peisen                                  next chapter in a story we are all helping     diagnostic fetal imaging equipment, and
Philip Ramirez                                       to tell, about providing more care for more    upgrades to electrophysiology and cardiac
Leon Smith-Harrison, MD                              kids in South Texas.                           catheterization. Our excellent medical team
Eric Hamon, President & CEO                                                                         led by Dr. Langley, and the most advanced
   Driscoll Health System                            This year will mark a momentous
                                                                                                    technology are key to the high-quality care
                                                     milestone with the opening of Driscoll’s
                                                                                                    Driscoll is able to provide to the children of
                                                     new North Pavilion. A year ago at this time,
Development Foundation                                                                              South Texas.
                                                     we were less than halfway through the
Board of Directors                                   construction of the North Pavilion. As 2020    As we move forward in the New Year, our
OFFICERS                                             dawned, the building is enclosed, paving       focus on excellence, care and compassion
Diane Gates, President                               of parking and driveways is underway, and      will remain in the forefront of all we do. I
Marc Layton, Vice President                          the interior of the building is progressing    am confident that our future is incredibly
Bob Shockney, Vice President                         nicely with the furniture selections           bright.
Kurt Roush, Treasurer
Susan Bonner, Secretary                                                                             Sincerely,
Alex Kirkland, Past President                        Through generous donations from
DIRECTORS                                            individuals, groups and community
Leah Cohen                  Juli Lowry               business partners, Driscoll remains a
Joe DeBellas                Andy Saenz               thriving, growing and caring institution,
Diane DeCou                 Evelyn Sames             built by and for our community. We have        Eric Hamon, President and CEO
Miguel DeLeon, MD           Manette Scanio
                                                     an excellent team of physicians, nurses        Driscoll Health System
Samantha Gates              Roger Timperlake, MD
Nancy Hawn                  Kimberly Walker -        and staff in place to continue creating
Janie Hoskins                Tijerina                hope and healing for the children of South
Natesh Kumar                Wes Weigle               Texas.
Marco Longoria
                                                     Our team is excited to welcome Mike
TRUSTEES EMERITUS                                    Minor, President and Chief Executive
Mary D. Clark                                        Officer for Driscoll Health Plan, and Lee
Bernard Paulson                                      Budin, MD, Driscoll’s first Chief Medical
Rich Tuttle                                          Officer. Mike is coming to Driscoll Health
EX-OFFICIO                                           Plan from Miami Children’s Health Plan
Eric Hamon, President & CEO                          in Florida, where he served as President.
   Driscoll Health System                            Dr. Budin is a general pediatrician who
Martha Avery, CFRE, Vice President of Development,   brings more than 15 years of distinguished
  Driscoll Children’s Hospital                       clinical leadership experience to Driscoll.

Driscoll Children’s Hospital                         In December 2019, Stephen Langley,
3533 South Alameda Street                            MD, joined Driscoll as our new Heart
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411                          Center Medical Director. As the Heart
(361) 694-5000                                       Program continues to grow, Dr. Langley’s       Driscoll Health System President and CEO
TTY Deaf Messaging (800) 735-2989                    extensive experience as a cardiovascular       Eric Hamon and son, Blake Hamon, at the                            surgeon will enable Driscoll to serve          annual Driscoll Golf Classic, held Oct. 4.
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital

                         Welcome from
                         Diane Gates, President of the
                         Driscoll Children’s Hospital
                         Development Foundation Board
As a new year begins and we reflect on     a few seasoned members, as well            will allow cardiologists to care for the
what we’ve accomplished and what we        as many new committee members,             hearts of some of the most vulnerable
can improve on, we become acutely          led by co-chairs Alice and Jeremy          children in South Texas.
aware that our volunteer efforts are       Evans, working together to ensure          All of the support from Fiesta de los
never quite finished. So many of the       this year’s event is another success       Niños and beyond helps keep Driscoll
special programs at Driscoll Children’s    for the hospital. Special thanks to our    Children’s Hospital on the leading edge
Hospital are due directly to community     long-standing presenting sponsor, Flint    of pediatric healthcare. I hope you will
support — programs that enrich the         Hills Resources, for its many years of     join the Development Foundation on
lives and experiences of both patients     support.                                   Jan. 24 for a fun-filled evening raising
and families above and beyond the          The 2020 Fiesta funds are designated       funds for the children of South Texas.
required standards of care.                to Driscoll’s Heart Program — a leading
Bright, comforting treatment areas,        center for pediatric cardiology and        Sincerely,
advanced medical equipment,                cardiovascular surgery in South Texas.
specialized summer camps and               With cardiology clinics in Corpus
one-of-a-kind patient experiences, all     Christi, Victoria, McAllen, Laredo and
touching hundreds of lives every single    Rio Grande City, families can avoid
day, thanks in part to the generosity of   traveling, unless absolutely necessary,
others.                                    to receive pediatric cardiac care. Last
                                                                                      Diane Gates, President
                                           year, doctors at Driscoll performed over
Another season of opportunity to                                                      Driscoll Children’s Hospital
                                           170 open-heart surgeries and more
make a difference begins with the 28th                                                Development Foundation Board
                                           than 240 catheterizations. The most
Annual Fiesta de los Niños, Friday,
                                           advanced technology and equipment
January 24. We are fortunate to have

       Miracle Story | Pages 4-5                                  New Physicians | Pages 14-15
       futuresbright | Pages 6-7                                  New Health Plan Executives | Page 16
       Telemedicine | Pages 8-9                                   Fiesta de los Niños 2020 | Page 17
       For Kids’ Sake | Page 10                                   Honor Giving | Page 18
       Valley Happenings | Page 11                                Memorial Giving | Page 19
       Community Giving | Pages 12-13                             Planned Giving | Pages 18-19
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
    Craniofacial surgery
    offers infant
    the chance to be
    “happy and lively”

    When Maria Gonzalez was three months
    pregnant, an ultrasound revealed she was
    having twins. It wasn’t until Maria was five
    months pregnant that doctors discovered
    one of the twins, Estrella, would be born
    with a cleft lip. Doctors also believed her
    twin, Luna, had Down syndrome.
    The unanticipated findings led Maria to
    a maternal fetal specialist in McAllen, for
    further observation. She would spend the
    next two months in the hospital before
    delivering both three-and-a-half-pound
    little girls, Estrella and Luna, on Aug. 27,
    While Luna was born perfectly healthy, and
    without Down syndrome, Estrella’s cleft
    extended from her lip to the roof of her
    mouth, known as the palate. The congenital
    condition often requires multiple surgeries
    during the years of a child’s growth and
    In order to get the best care for Estrella,
    Maria was referred by a family member to
    Driscoll Children’s Medical Plaza in McAllen,
    where she met Vanessa Dimas, MD.
    Dr. Dimas, a craniofacial, reconstructive
    and plastic surgeon at Driscoll, travels to
    McAllen and Brownsville multiple times
    each month to treat patients like Estrella

4   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE             
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
who would otherwise not receive the                                                                        recovered at home.
  level of care provided by Driscoll. The
                                                                                                             “It was very difficult not being there with my
  Craniofacial and Cleft Center treats more
  than 470 patients across South Texas with                                                                  baby,” said Maria. “I cried and prayed, and
  similar facial anomalies.                                                                                  prayed some more. The staff at Driscoll was
                                                                                                             always supportive and informed me every
  “It was a blessing finding Dr. Dimas.
                                                                                                             step of the way.”
  We are able to stay close to home for
  appointments, avoiding the travel to Corpus                                                                A second surgery was completed just
  Christi unless for surgery,” said Maria.                                                                   before her first birthday, at 11 months old, to
  Dr. Dimas informed Maria that Estrella                                                                     close the palate. Estrella will need a bone
  would need more than one medical                                                                           graft and additional surgeries as she grows.
  intervention to repair her cleft. Without                                                                  Twice a year, Estrella will see Dr. Dimas
  surgery, Estrella would face complications                                                                 and the entire cleft team, which includes
  including difficulty eating, impaired dental                                                               speech therapists, an ENT (ear, nose and
  development and trouble speaking.
                                                                                                             throat) specialist and a nutritionist.
  Maria was relieved to learn the Craniofacial
                                                                                                             “There is a whole team that comes into play
  and Cleft Center at Driscoll had advanced
  treatment options ready for Estrella. The                                                                  to work with the child in learning how to eat,
  team builds nasoalveolar molding, or               Estrella’s cleft extended from her lip to the roof of   drink, swallow and speak,” said Dr. Dimas.
  NAM, devices that fit like a mouth guard,          her mouth, known as the palate.                         “We all work together to have the best
  reshaping the lips and nose. This pre-                                                                     outcome for the child. Estrella’s family is
  surgical device makes it easier for the            Christi for the surgery, while she stayed               very supportive and involved in her care.”
  surgeon to repair the cleft, and improves          behind in McAllen to care for her other
  the baby’s feeding.                                                                                        Maria uses the words “happy and lively” to
                                                     children. Maria had her concerns about the
                                                                                                             describe the now 16-month-old Estrella,
  “The first two weeks with the NAM were             procedure, but said Dr. Dimas put her at
                                                     ease and was very thorough, “explaining all             who enjoys dancing and laughing, and
  tough, and then she began to eat normally
                                                     of the details for the surgery.”                        loves to eat bananas and chocolate ice
  after about a month of having it. She even
  started gaining weight,” said Maria.                                                                       cream.
                                                     Dr. Dimas and the medical team provided
  Estrella’s first surgery was at six months         frequent updates and support during                     “She’s doing great and is developmentally
  old to construct her lip and nostril. Maria’s      Estrella’s procedure, the following three               on track. I am so grateful for the care
  family traveled with Estrella to Corpus            days in the hospital and as Estrella                    Estrella has received at Driscoll.”

                                                                                                   Erin Garrison and baby Garrett in Driscoll Children’s
                                                                                                   Hospital Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Maria Gonzalez describe a sus hijas gemelas Luna (izquierda) y Estrella (derecho) como inseparables y “Con mucha personalidad.”                                                                                           WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                  5
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
North Pavilion reaches construction milestone
    As we move into a season of growth and renewal,                 completion with glass installation ongoing. Concrete
    the construction of the new North Pavilion at Driscoll          paving of the Pavilion patient/family parking area has
    Children’s Hospital is flying along, with doors scheduled to    begun, and the front circle drive has reopened. Furniture
    open this summer. While the finishing touches are being         selections have been finalized with functionality, quality,
    put on the building’s exterior, the interior details are just   durability, long-term satisfaction and sustainability being
    beginning to take shape.                                        the key factors in the final selection.

    Installation of the steel canopy and colored metal panels       The North Pavilion will soon house an expanded, more
    is in progress. Perhaps one of the most exciting steps          contemporary Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU),
    in the building’s recent progress — the bridge, which           designed with families in mind, along with a new
    connects the main hospital to the new Pavilion, is nearing      Outpatient Surgery Center.

6     WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                               
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
Construction activity will
   shift to Surgical Services
   with the opening of the
   Pavilion. The renovation and
   buildout of the additional
   surgical suites require
   aspects of the project to be
   designed in several stages,
   ensuring services are

   View the latest updates on our
   futuresbright construction project at

                                           HARD HAT TOURS
                                           Driscoll Children’s Hospital Development Foundation board members
                                           Susan Bonner (from left), Manette Scanio and Bob Shockney, along with
                                           Vice President of Hospital Support Services Donna Quinn, tour the Pavilion
                                           in a series of Hard Hat Tours for donors and physicians. Contact John Hyde
                                           at (361) 694-4394 or email to schedule a guided Hard
                                           Hat Tour of our under-construction North Pavilion.                                                              WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE        7
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
By using Driscoll’s telemedicine program, Pediatric Plastic Surgeon Kevin S. Hopkins, MD, FACS, is able to access various clinic locations while in Corpus
    Christi. The secure audio/video connections allow Dr. Hopkins to communicate with patients and Driscoll staff throughout South Texas.

     Valley, Laredo children benefit from
     physicians using telemedicine program
     With its telemedicine program, Driscoll Health System is                       Advanced technology applications and broadband
     furthering the reach of healthcare by physicians such as                       telecommunications allow physicians to see and speak to
     Pediatric Plastic Surgeon Kevin S. Hopkins, MD, FACS, of the                   their patients in a real-time private and secure environment,
     Craniofacial and Cleft Center at Driscoll Children’s Hospital,                 regardless of the distance. What’s more, telemedicine
     who is seeing Rio Grande Valley and Laredo patients from his                   is allowing secure and convenient conferencing among
     Corpus Christi office.                                                         physicians and the opportunity to reach a large audience with
                                                                                    clinical classes and coursework.
     “In many ways, telemedicine is just as effective as an in-person
     consult,” said Dr. Hopkins. “The physician is virtually brought                Plastic surgeons like Dr. Hopkins in Corpus Christi perform
     into the examining room and with state-of-the-art cameras, we                  consultations through secure audio/video connections to see
     can do full-body exams including the eyes, ears, mouth and                     patients at Driscoll Children’s Specialty Center – Brownsville,
     listen to the lungs and heart.”                                                Driscoll Children’s Specialty Center – Laredo and Driscoll
                                                                                    Children’s Medical Plaza – McAllen.

8     WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                                                         
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
“Driscoll Children’s Hospital serves a catchment area of some             and smaller with better cameras and screen resolution,” said Dr.
    33,000 square miles. I am at one of our outlying subspecialty             Hopkins. “The increased bandwidth for connectivity also makes
    clinics once a week for outreach for our patients,” said Dr.              it feasible to transmit large files such as echocardiograms, fetal
    Hopkins.                                                                  ultrasounds and CT scans so that we can accurately render a
                                                                              diagnosis and second opinion from afar – many times allowing
    “We also are using telemedicine visits to decompress our
                                                                              the patient to stay locally, avoiding costly transfers, but still
    subspecialty clinic days in order to be able to see more new
                                                                              keeping our patient within the Driscoll network.”
    patients sooner, reducing their waiting time from the initial
    referral.”                                                                That network is becoming more and more connected, as
                                                                              Dr. Hopkins sees a bright future for Driscoll patients and the
    Such convenience is fitting into the lifestyles of many of the
                                                                              telemedicine program.
    patients and their families.
                                                                              “The trend for telemedicine (and medicine in general) is to
    “Our families are becoming more and more tech-savvy, using
                                                                              make it more patient-centric. Communicating directly with our
    video chats in their everyday life, which makes for a natural
                                                                              referring pediatricians and also our patients and their families
    transition to telemedicine visits,” said Dr. Hopkins. “It is still very
                                                                              using HIPAA-compliant mobile apps is already becoming more
    important to maintain the human connection and be able to
                                                                              mainstream. Speech therapy via telemedicine and mobile apps
    reassure our patients and their families about their conditions –
                                                                              for our cleft lip and palate patients is definitely in the future,”
    telemedicine helps us by being able to speak with and see our
                                                                              said Dr. Hopkins.
    families directly.”
                                                                              Such accessible technology pleases Dr. Hopkins.
    That “human connection” is critical in any physician/patient
    relationship, especially in one where technology plays such an            “Telemedicine has helped me to have better, more convenient
    important role.                                                           access to our patients on a daily basis. If someone needs to
                                                                              be seen right away, or if I may not be at a nearby clinic for
    “The advancement of telemedicine has been by leaps
                                                                              several weeks, I can virtually see them with telemedicine and
    and bounds in sync with the technology that has made
                                                                              determine what action needs to be taken.”
    smartphones, computers and televisions more sophisticated

NE                                                                                     WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE             9
Estrella - Valero ,000 gives - Driscoll Children's Hospital
FOR                                                                                                   Driscoll events offer the

                                                                                                       community a chance to
                                                                                                       gather and support our

 Fun and games at 41st
 annual NICU Reunion
 Graduates of Driscoll Children’s Hospital’s Level
 IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) reunited
 with Driscoll staff and physicians at the 41st
 annual NICU Reunion, held Oct. 19.
 NICU alumni and their families enjoyed food,
 face painting, pumpkin decorating and carnival
 rides. Many of the graduates were dressed in          Driscoll Children’s Hospital staff, patients and families celebrated World Diabetes Day
 their Halloween costumes.                             aboard the USS Lexington, Nov. 14.

                                                       Driscoll observes
                                                       World Diabetes Day on the Lex
                                                       Driscoll Children’s Hospital staff, patients and families gathered on the USS
                                                       Lexington for World Diabetes Day, Nov. 14. Events like these help diabetic
                                                       patients realize they are not alone. Diabetes and Endocrinology team
                                                       members were on hand with patients, family and friends to witness the
                                                       Harbor Bridge lit up in blue, the color chosen by the International Diabetes
                                                       Federation, to honor those with the disease.

 NICU graduates decorate pumpkins at the 41st annual   Teddy Bear Hospital a chance
 NICU Reunion.
                                                       for patients to be physicians
                                                       Patients were the physicians
                                                       during a Sept. 10 Teddy Bear
                                                       Hospital organized by the
                                                       Stripes Child Life Program at
                                                       Driscoll Children’s Hospital.
                                                       The event allowed children
                                                       to become more familiar with
                                                       the medical procedures and
                                                       equipment involved in their
                                                       treatment. Driscoll patients
                                                       chose their teddy bear, gave
                                                       it a name and, with the help of
                                                       Child Life Specialists and other            Child Life Specialist Caitlin Olmstead
                                                       Driscoll staff, measured its                wraps the teddy bear patient’s IV during
                                                       height and weight, placed an IV             Driscoll’s Teddy Bear Hospital. Every year,
 Melissa Saenz (back row from left); Eyla Saenz;       and drew lab work, gave it an               the Stripes Child Life program gives patients
 Queta Almanza, Patient Relations Rep.; Elyse and      X-ray, attached an anesthesia               an interactive opportunity that is fun and
 Emilisa Saenz (front row from left).                  mask for surgery, and put an                educational, while helping them to learn
                                                       arm or leg in a cast.                       more about their own treatment process.

10   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                                           
VALLEY                                                                                                             The spirit and
                                                                                                                   generosity of the

                                                                                                                   Rio Grande Valley
                                                                                                                   community makes
                                                                                                                   miracles a reality.

   Driscoll Children’s Specialty Center – Brownsville
   Celebrates 15 years of service
                                 Driscoll Children’s Specialty
                                 Center – Brownsville marked its
                                 15th anniversary in September.
                                 The pediatric outpatient center
                                 currently provides more than
                                 a dozen specialty services to
                                 children in Brownsville and the
                                 neighboring communities of the
                                 Rio Grande Valley. The center
                                 also houses representatives
                                 of the Driscoll Health Plan, a
                                 nonprofit, community-based
                                 health insurance plan which has
                                 grown significantly in Cameron
                                 An anniversary celebration was
                                 held Sept. 26 at the center,
                                 where many of the community         Reba Cardenas McNair (from left); Rene Cardenas;
                                 leaders and legislative members     Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.; Efren Guedea; Mary Rose Cardenas;
   Driscoll Health System        responsible for its establishment   and Representative Alex Dominguez
   President and CEO             spoke and were honored.
   Eric Hamon thanks the         Among them was Asim Zamir,
   Cardenas-McNair family        MD, FAAP, a graduate of
   and the Brownsville           Driscoll’s Residency Program,
   community at the 15th         currently with Brownsville
   anniversary celebration       Children’s Clinic. Dr. Zamir was
   of Driscoll Children’s        among the early voices to bring
   Hospital Specialty Center –   Driscoll’s specialty services to
   Brownsville.                  Brownsville.
                                Reba Cardenas McNair, member
   of the Driscoll Children’s Hospital Board of Directors, also
   was at the event, speaking as part of the Cardenas Family,
   who donated the land on which Driscoll Children’s Specialty
   Center – Brownsville is built.
   Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr., District 27, recognized the
   donation by presenting Mary Rose Cardenas with a state
   flag and gavel.
   “It’s been a wonderful 15 years, and we couldn’t be more          Staff at Driscoll Children’s Specialty Center – Brownsville celebrate the
   proud of being a part of the Brownsville community. We are        15th anniversary of the clinic. Christina Munoz (from left);
   always working to find new ways to best serve the children        Aurora Barrera; Graciela Perez; Angelina Garcia; Mirna Roche; and
   in Brownsville,” said Eric Hamon, President and CEO of            Leticia DelAngel-Hernandez.
   Driscoll Health System.                                                                           WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                    11
Giving                                                                    It is with deep gratitude that we thank our
                                                                          friends across South Texas for their gifts to
                                                                          Driscoll Children’s Hospital.

                                                                        Apple Sale benefits
                                                                        summer camps
                                                                        The Six Points
                                                                        Kiwanis Club held
                                                                        their 37th Annual
                                                                        Apple Sale on Oct.
                                                                        25-26. This long-
                                                                        standing tradition
                                                                        ushers in the fall
                                                                        season each year
                                                                        with cases of
                                                                        Red and Golden
                                                                        Delicious apples.
                                                                        Special thanks
                                                                        goes to our
                                                                        partner, H-E-B,
                                                                        for the loan of a
                                                                        refrigerated truck.
                                                                        Proceeds benefit
                                                                        the summer camps
                                                                        for patients from
                                                                        the Cardiology,
 John Hyde, Director of Major Gifts, Driscoll Children’s Hospital
 (back row). Shelly Bigelow, Pulmonology Lab Manager/Camp Easy          Oncology/
 Breathers Coordinator, Driscoll Children’s Hospital (front row, from   Hematology, and
 left); Martha Avery, CFRE, Vice President of Development, Driscoll     Pulmonology            Six Points Kiwanis President Don Kingsbury (left)
 Children’s Hospital; and Kurt Roush, Valero Bill Greehey Refineries.   clinics at Driscoll    and member Larry Hale at the 37th annual Apple
                                                                        Children’s Hospital.   Sale.

 Valero Energy Foundation
 gives $30,000 to                                                           XOOM Energy’s
 Camp Easy Breathers                                                        MiraclePower program
 The Valero Energy Foundation presented Driscoll                            raises over $48,000
 Children’s Hospital with a check for $30,000 to assist with
 Camp Easy Breathers, a summer camp for children with
                                                                            The 2019 third quarter earnings from XOOM Energy’s
 asthma. Camp Easy Breathers allows asthmatic children to
                                                                            MiraclePower program to Driscoll Children’s Hospital
 experience a fun summer camp while reinforcing asthma
                                                                            totaled $48,787.
 education and self-management skills.
                                                                            When a customer enrolls in the MiraclePower fixed rate
                                                                            plan, five percent of XOOM Energy Texas charges will be
                                                                            donated to support Driscoll’s mission.

12   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                                         

 Driscoll’s annual Singer Songwriter Showcase
 and Golf Classic is a fundraising success
                                                                Driscoll Children’s Hospital’s annual Singer
                                                                Songwriter Showcase and Golf Classic were
                                                                held Oct. 3-4.
                                                                Songwriters Bob DiPiero, Jeffrey Steele and
                                                                Tim Nichols took the stage at the Harbor
                                                                Playhouse Oct. 3 to entertain a sold-out
                                                                audience with their chart-topping country
                                                                music songs and the inspiration behind
                                                                those songs.
                                                                The next day, golfers teed off at the Corpus
                                                                Christi Country Club for the 24th annual
                                                                Golf Classic. More than 140 golfers enjoyed
                                                                lunch and a half-day tournament, followed
                                                                by an awards party and dinner.
                                                                EPIC Midstream served as the Golf Classic’s             Award-winning country music
                                                                Title Sponsor. “We are grateful for Epic’s              songwriters Jeffrey Steele (left),
                                                                support of our Golf Classic, which continues            Bob DiPiero and Tim Nichols told
                                                                to be a successful event allowing us to raise
                                                                                                                        the stories behind some of their
                                                                funds to provide more care to more South
 Jimmy Myrick (from left); Eric Hamon, President and                                                                    chart-topping songs in a lively
                                                                Texas children,” said Martha Avery, CFRE,
 CEO of Driscoll Health System; Blake Hamon; and                Vice President of Development at Driscoll               performance at the annual
 Chris McCollum enjoyed a fall day on the green in              Children’s Hospital.                                    Singer Songwriter Showcase.
 support of Driscoll Children’s Hospital. EPIC served as
                                                                Thank you to all of the sponsors, Driscoll
 the 2019 Golf Classic Title Sponsor.                           volunteers and employees who make these
                                                                events possible!

 Auxiliary to Driscoll Children’s Hospital
 gifts $185,000 in September
 The Auxiliary to Driscoll Children’s
 Hospital gave $185,000 back to the
 hospital this fall for the purchase of
 72 parent sleep chairs, installment of
 the new CT scanner, and to support
 the NICU Reunion. Their generous
 giving spirit is evident not only in their
 donation, but also in the beautiful
 decorations adorning the halls of the
 hospital this holiday season.
 “Our goal and purpose is to give back
 to the kids and help make Driscoll
 Children’s Hospital the best,” said
 Auxiliary President Marihelen Boyd.
 Driscoll Children’s Hospital is grateful
                                                     Auxiliary to Driscoll Children’s Hospital Board members and Volunteer Services staff with
 for all of our dedicated volunteers who
 donate their time and talents to benefit            Chaplain Alan Bagnall at the November Auxiliary Board meeting.
 the children of South Texas.                                                                                        WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                   13
Driscoll                                                    Nauman Khan, MD
                                                                                           Nauman Khan, MD, has joined
                                                                                           the staff of Driscoll Children’s

     welcomes                                                                              Hospital as a Child and
                                                                                           Adolescent Psychiatrist.
                                                                                           Dr. Khan received his medical

                                                                                           degree from Khyber Medical
                                                                                           College in Peshawar, Pakistan.
                                                                                           He completed his Residency
                                                                                           in Psychiatry at Western

                                                                                           Michigan University Homer
                                                                                           Stryker MD School of Medicine
                                                                                           in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Dr.
                                                                 Khan completed his Fellowship in Child and Adolescent
                                                                 Psychiatry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,

                                                                 Danielle Kleppe, MD
 Shanan Brown, DDS
                                                                                           Danielle Kleppe, MD, has joined
                         Shanan Brown, DDS, has joined the                                 the staff of Driscoll Children’s
                         staff of Driscoll Children’s Hospital                             Hospital as a Pediatric
                         as a Pediatric Dentist.                                           Hospitalist.
                         Dr. Brown received her Doctor of                                  Dr. Kleppe received her
                         Dental Surgery degree from the                                    medical degree from the
                         University of Texas Health Science                                University of North Dakota
                         Center in San Antonio, Texas.                                     School of Medicine and Health
                                                                                           Sciences in Grand Forks, North
                         She received a Certificate in
                         Pediatric Dentistry from the
                         University of Florida School of                                    She completed her Pediatric
                         Dentistry in Naples, Florida.                                      Residency at the University
                                                                 of Arkansas for Medical Sciences-Arkansas Children’s
                        She is board certified by the
                                                                 Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas.
 American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.
                                                                 She is board certified in General Pediatrics by the
                                                                 American Board of Pediatrics.

 Ashley Hanna, MD
                                                                 Scott Kleppe, DO
                         Ashley Hanna, MD, has joined
                         the staff of Driscoll Children’s                                  Scott Kleppe, DO, has joined
                         Hospital as a Pediatric                                           the staff of Driscoll Children’s
                         Neurosurgeon.                                                     Hospital as a Pediatric Sports
                         Dr. Hanna received her medical                                    Medicine Specialist.
                         degree from Wayne State                                           Dr. Kleppe received his medical
                         University School of Medicine in                                  degree from the Texas College
                         Detroit, Michigan.                                                of Osteopathic Medicine at
                          She completed her Neurological                                   the University of North Texas
                          Surgery Residency at the                                         Science Center in Fort Worth,
                          University of Chicago Medical                                    Texas.
                          Center in Chicago, Illinois. Dr.                                 He completed his Residency
 Hanna completed her Neurosurgical Trauma and Critical                                     at the University of Arkansas
 Care Fellowship at the University of Miami School of            for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Kleppe
 Medicine in Miami, Florida, and her Pediatric Neurosurgery      completed his Fellowship in Primary Care Sports
 Fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.             Medicine at University Hospitals Sports Medicine
                                                                 Institute in Cleveland, Ohio.
                                                                 He is board certified in General Pediatrics by the
                                                                 American Board of Pediatrics.

14   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                             
Shannon Koehler, MD, PhD                                       Waldemar Torres, MD
                            Shannon Koehler, MD, PhD,                                        Waldemar Torres, MD, has joined
                            has joined the staff of Driscoll                                 the staff of Driscoll Children’s
                            Children’s Hospital as a Pediatric                               Hospital as a Retinal Pediatric
                            Surgeon.                                                         Ophthamologist.
                            Dr. Koehler received her medical                                 Dr. Torres received his medical
                            degree from the University of                                    degree from the Ponce School of
                            Wisconsin School of Medicine                                     Medicine in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
                            and Public Health in Madison,                                He completed his Residency
                            Wisconsin.                                                   at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital
                            She completed her General                                    Center/Albert College of
                            Surgery Residency at the                                     Medicine of Yeshiva University
                            University of Hawaii in Honolulu,                            in Bronx, New York. Dr. Torres
  Hawaii. Dr. Koehler completed her Postdoctoral                 completed his Medical and Surgical Vitro-Retinal
  Fellowship at the Medical College of Wisconsin/                Fellowship at South Texas Retina Consultants in Corpus
  Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,      Christi, Texas.
  and her Pediatric Surgery Fellowship at Children’s             He is board certified in Ophthamology by the American
  Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.                 Board of Ophthamology.
  She is board certified by the American Board of Surgery
  in General Surgery and is board eligible for Pediatric
  Surgery. She has passed the Pediatric Surgery written
  boards but won’t take the oral boards until March 2020.
                                                                 Robin Whitehall, MD
                                                                                             Robin Whitehall, MD, has
  Stephen M. Langley, MD                                                                     joined the staff of Driscoll
                                                                                             Children’s Hospital as a Pediatric
                            Stephen M. Langley, MD, has
                                                                                             Dr. Whitehall received her
                            joined the staff at Driscoll
                                                                                             medical degree from Drexel
                            Children’s Hospital as a Pediatric
                                                                                             University College of Medicine in
                            Cardiothoracic Surgeon and
                                                                                             Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
                            Driscoll’s Heart Center Medical
                            Director.                                                        She completed her Pediatric
                                                                                             Residency and Child Neurology
                            Dr. Langley earned his Medical
                                                                                             Residency at Dell Medical School
                            Degree from the University of
                                                                                             at the University of Texas at
                            London in London, England.
                                                                  Austin in Austin, Texas.
                            After completing his residency in
                            General Surgery, he completed
                            his Residency in Cardiothoracic
  Surgery in Cambridge and Southampton, after which he
                                                                 Michelle Zebrack, MD
  spent a year in laboratory research at Duke University
  in Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Langley completed his                                       Michelle Zebrack, MD, has
  Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery at Great                                    joined the staff of Driscoll
  Ormond Street Hospital in London and Birmingham                                            Children’s Hospital as a
  Children’s Hospital, UK.                                                                   Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
                                                                                             Dr. Zebrack received her
                                                                                             medical degree from the
                                                                                             University of Nevada, Reno
                                                                                             School of Medicine in Reno,
                                                                                           She completed her Internal
                                                                                           Medicine and Pediatrics
                                                                 Residency at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City,
                                                                 Utah. Dr. Zebrack completed her Fellowship in Pediatric
                                                                 Critical Care at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City,
                                                                 Utah, and a Senior Clinical Fellowship in Pediatric
                                                                 Cardiac Intensive Care from Stanford University in Palo
                                                                 Alto, California.                                                                     WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE           15
Mike Minor, MHA, named
Driscoll Health Plan President and CEO
                          Mike Minor,        to recruit such a seasoned health plan       He has worked at several institutions,
                          MHA, has           executive as Mike Minor, who especially      including as National Medicaid
                          been named         loves working for children’s hospitals,”     President and Regional Market
                          President          said Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MSHCA,          President for Evolent Health in
                          and Chief          Executive Vice President and Chief           Arlington, Virginia, and as Kentucky
                          Executive          Operating Officer (COO) for Driscoll         Market President and South Division
                          Officer (CEO)      Health System, and former President          Chief Operating Officer (COO) for
                          for Driscoll       and Chief Executive Office for Driscoll      Wellcare Health Plans Inc., based in
                          Health Plan.       Health Plan.                                 Tampa, Florida.
                          As President       “He understands the population that           “I am honored and excited to join the
                          and CEO,           we serve and the need to have close          Team at Driscoll Health Plan. I look
                          Minor will be      relationships with our wonderful             forward to working with South Texas
responsible for the overall performance      network of physicians and other              providers and spending time in local
of Driscoll Health Plan. He also will        providers. We welcome Mike and his           communities to support our members
be responsible for developing and            wife Lauren to South Texas,” she said.       in as many ways as we can,” said Minor.
maintaining strong relationships with        Minor is coming to Driscoll Health Plan      He received his Bachelor of Business
all providers and individuals in the         from Miami Children’s Health Plan            Administration (BBA) from the University
public and political arena, as well as       in Miami, Florida, where he served           of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky,
representing Driscoll Health Plan in the     as President. While there, he led the        in 1990 and his Master of Healthcare
South Texas community.                       successful launch of a new health plan       Administration (MHA) from Xavier
“I am thrilled that we have been able        in 150 days.                                 University in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1992.

 Lee Budin, MD, named first Driscoll Health System CMO
                            Lee Budin,       safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of     the system’s DNA! This is a mission
                            MD, has          healthcare delivery.                         that makes me jump out of bed in the
                            been named                                                    morning excited to go to work.”
                                             Dr. Budin is a general pediatrician
                            Chief Medical    who brings more than 15 years of             He received his Bachelor of Arts
                            Officer (CMO)    distinguished clinical leadership            degree from Yale University in New
                            for Driscoll     experience to Driscoll. He has held          Haven, Connecticut, and his medical
                            Health           leadership positions at Nationwide           degree from The Ohio State University
                            System.          Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio,       College of Medicine in Columbus,
                            As Driscoll      and at the Ann and Robert H. Lurie           Ohio. He completed his residency
                            Health           Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.    at Nationwide Children’s Hospital/
                            System’s first                                                The Ohio State University College of
                            Chief Medical     “While every pediatric hospital is sure
                                                                                          Medicine – Department of Pediatrics, in
                            Officer, Dr.     that they are the pediatric hospital
                                                                                          Columbus, Ohio.
 Budin will be responsible for leading a     whose mission is to care for kids (they
 culture of excellence in the delivery of    all share this mission), Driscoll takes it   Dr. Budin is a member of the Children’s
 clinical services.                          further,” said Dr. Budin. “Driscoll is so    Hospital Association Quality and
                                             committed to caring for kids and has         Safety Leader Conference Steering
 Working with medical staff, the senior      a special emphasis on focusing on the        Committee and the Children’s Hospital
 leadership team and the Board of            most vulnerable children, those who          Association Quality Member Advisory
 Directors, Dr. Budin will establish the     are indigent. The passion around this        Committee. He is board certified by the
 direction and priorities for Driscoll       is palpable and feels like it is part of     American Board of Pediatrics.
 in enhancing the overall quality,

16   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                                 
Proceeds from Fiesta de los Niños
                             2020 will go toward
                             Driscoll’s Heart Program

 The 28th annual Fiesta de los Niños
 is set for Friday, Jan. 24, 2020, at the
 American Bank Center. Presented
 by longtime sponsor, Flint Hills
 Resources, proceeds from this year’s
 event will help support the Heart
 Program at Driscoll Children’s Hospital.
 A leading program for pediatric
 cardiology and cardiovascular surgery
 in South Texas, and the largest service
                                              Josh Abbott Band will provide entertainment for the event.
 line at Driscoll Children’s Hospital,
 will receive upgraded equipment,             children and infants with congenital               children’s hospital in South Texas.
 for surgeries, fetal imaging and             heart issues.
 interventional cardiology inclusive of                                                          This year’s event chairs are Alice
 catheterization (cath) procedures and        Guests at Fiesta de los Niños will enjoy           and Jeremy Evans. Visit www.
 electrophysiology. A comprehensive           great food, live entertainment from      
 and responsive team, along with              country music artist Josh Abbott Band,             ninos to view auction items and for
 the most advanced technology and             silent and live auctions, and most                 ticket information. Contact Amy McCoy
 equipment are key to the high-caliber        importantly, an opportunity to support             at (361) 694-6419 or amy.mccoy@
 care Driscoll is able to provide for         the only comprehensive, free-standing    

                               Development Foundation welcomes
                               new Special Events Coordinator
                                Amy McCoy joined the staff of Driscoll            Amy received a Bachelor of Arts
                                Children’s Hospital in December 2019              degree in English from Trinity
                                as a Special Events Coordinator for the           University. She brings 10 years of
                                Development Foundation. Amy will                  experience as the Event Manager for
                                organize all fundraising events including         the Buccaneer Commission, where
                                Fiesta de los Niños, South Texas                  she facilitated events for Buc Days
                                Cattlemen’s Roundup, Singer Songwriter            and Rodeo Corpus Christi.
  Amy McCoy                     Showcase and Golf Classic.                                                                                  WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE     17
Honor giving
July 23, 2019 to November 12, 2019

 Aysun Alagoz                        Estate of Leah B. Goltzman        Diane H. Kirmse                    Courtney Reopelle
 Ms. Beverly Dirks                   Ms. Lisa Strickhausen             Mrs. Cecile Pesek                  Mr. Todd Reopelle
 Janet Allen                         Logan Fierro-Rayhons              Kelsey Krnavek                     Manette and Richard Scanio
 Elizabeth A. Nisbet                 Mr. and Mrs. George A.            Mr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Krnavek      Ms. Mary Beth DeLano
 Aubree Avants                       Rayhons                           Stacia Krnavek                     Marcie Taylor
 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mazzola      Penny and William Fletcher        Mr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Krnavek      Mrs. Georgia P. Duff Schwartz
 Azali Homes, LLC                    Mrs. Cecile Pesek                 Malorie and Carlos Mendez          Stella Griffith Thomas
 Ms. Connie Esparza                  Gayle and Hendrik Goedhart        Ms. Connie Esparza                 Ms. Mary Carol Griffith
 Ermelinda Banuelos                  Ms. Beverly Dirks                 Dorothy R. Minten                  Andy Torrez
 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edelman        Rodolfo F. Gutierrez              Ms. Melinda S. Minks               Ms. Connie Esparza
 Kelly and Brian Berner              Ms. Connie Esparza                Cayden Montonthez                  Irma and Jesse Valle
 Ms. Mary Beth DeLano                Levi Haas                         Mr. Leroy Darrow                   Ms. Lisa Strickhausen
 Cynthia and Timothy                 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Haas           Christopher L. Munro               Tina and Peter Vasconellos
 Blacklock                           Ticia Hanisch                     Ms. Deborah Cook                   Ms. Lisa Strickhausen
 Mrs. Cecile Pesek                   Mrs. Georgia P. Duff Schwartz     My Grandchild /                    Matthew Huckaby and
 Wayne Brown                         Alicia Huerta                     Grandchildren                      Benjamin Walther
 Ms. Beverly Dirks                   Ms. Dolores G. Huerta             Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.             Ms. Deborah Cook
 Kelly and Michael Davis             Josh Jarvis                       Herrmann                           Frank Weathered
 Ms. Dianne Mendiola                 Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Jarvis       Mr. and Mrs. Wes W. Hoskins        Ms. Mary Beth DeLano
                                                                       Mrs. Zulema V. Maldonado
 Driscoll Children’s Hospital        Michael P. Kelly                  Mrs. Tammy Shockney                Emily Weil
 Volunteens                          IAM&AW Aeronautical                                                  Mrs. Linda H. Weil
 Mrs. Averill Walters                Industrial                        Jacob Palermo
                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mazzola     Sandra G. Williamson
 Driscoll Children’s Hospital          District Lodge 776                                                 Ms. Mary Beth DeLano
 Volunteers                          IAM&AW Local Lodge 2916           Lowell S. Pigott
 Mrs. Averill Walters                Carol and Kevin Kirksmith         Ms. Dianne Mendiola
 Ann K. Engel                        Ms. Lisa Strickhausen             Sada Englelking Reeves
 Elizabeth A. Nisbet                                                   Ms. Susan J. Kibbe

Planned giving
Your savings, your legacy
Over the many decades in the life of Driscoll, one of the most         gifts are vitally important. If you are 70 ½ years or older, you
significant and ongoing traditions has been the generous               can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to support
support of Driscoll by grateful parents, grandparents, friends,        Driscoll’s mission. Making an IRA charitable rollover gift to
physicians, staff and volunteers. Philanthropy has been the            Driscoll will lower the income and taxes from your IRA required
lifeblood of Driscoll since its founding, by and through the will of   minimum distribution (RMD) this year. Plus, it’s easy to do!
Clara Driscoll.                                                        Instruct your retirement account custodian to send any amount
                                                                       (up to $100,000) to Driscoll this year. There is no tax paid on the
Gifts made through estate commitments and other planned

18   WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                                                                      
Memorial giving
 July 23, 2019 to November 12, 2019

 Consuelo Alaffa                      Ted Ellis                            Dorothy K. Lamm                        Mercedes Popejoy
 Ms. Loryanne DeHoyos                 Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Lewis             Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Seidel          Mr. and Mrs. David L. Getz
 Leigh W. Blum                        George W. Flood, MD                  Lori Lull                              Edmond F. Powers
 Mrs. Frances Z. Fulton               Mr. Peter S. Flood                   Mr. Bobby Clark                        Mrs. Frances Z. Fulton
                                      Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Young
 John A. Canales                                                           Merle J. Main                          Edith (Edie) D. Sapp
 Ms. Rosalinda Canales                Traci G. Fugh                        Mr. and Mrs. Gail A. Oldham            Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E.
                                      Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lembke                                               Muenster
 Emma Cantrell                                                             Helen McCrimmon
 Mr. Lee A. DeLaune                   Kathryn and Robert                   Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Young         Eden E. Settegast
                                      Goodwyn                                                                     NRG Engery, Inc Global Giving
 Yolanda Cortes                       Edinburg Livestock Auction Inc.      Homer G. Moralez, Sr.
 Mrs. Martha Avery                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Moralez          James W. Simpson, MD
 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Harris       Bruce M. Henderson, MD                                                      Dr. and Mrs. John J. Fraser, Jr.
 Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Hoyt            Stephen Almond, M.D.                 Elaine Moses
                                                                           NRG Engery, Inc Global Giving          Lisa Villarreal
 Aimee L. DeHoyos                     Brooke Hester                                                               Mr. Roger Villarreal, Jr.
 Mr. and Mrs. Amado R. Trevino        Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Covington        Marianne R. Oldham
                                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Gail A. Oldham            Ruth D. Welch
 Michael T. Dellinger                 Bertie H. Hoch                                                              Mrs. Frances Z. Fulton
 Mrs. Frances Z. Fulton               Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Young       Mary Ann Parish                        Mrs. Georgia P. Duff Schwartz
 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Young                                            Mr. Ken Hodges, Jr.
                                      Verna Jolley                         NRG Engery, Inc Global Giving          Dooley and James Weyman
 Isabel C. Dodson                     Mr. and Mrs. Darwin B. Rea                                                  Ms. Ann E. Hodges
 Mr. Ken Hodges, Jr.                                                       Helen Pavelka
 NRG Engery, Inc Global Giving        Anna M. Koenning                     Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
                                      Herrmann’s Fish Farm, LLC            Herrmann
 Gerald W. Eckel
 Mr. Dale Kopecki

 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists, errors sometimes occur.
 If a mistake has been made, please accept our apology and notify the Development Foundation at (361) 694-6401.

transfer, and all or part of your RMD will be met.                         invite you to consider how you might make your commitment.
                                                                           Thank you for your love and support of Driscoll Children’s
Our donors help thousands of children every year to dream,
hope and triumph. We hope that you are ready to join Driscoll’s
special family of supporters.                                              To discover how you can make a difference in the lives of ill and
                                                                           injured children through your estate plans, please contact John
Our staff is readily available to help you find ways of giving to
                                                                           Hyde, Director of Major Gifts, at (361) 694-4394 or
Driscoll Children’s Hospital that are unique and meaningful. We
                                                                                                                                                 WINTER 2020 DRISCOLL LIFE                  19
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      Development Foundation
      3533 South Alameda Street
      Corpus Christi, Texas 78411-1785

Save the date:
Fiesta de los Niños
Friday, January 24, 2020                 American Bank Center   Presented by:
6:30 - 11:30 p.m.                        Exhibit Hall
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