ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC

Page created by Rodney Sparks
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
ESA Earth Observation:
  Current status and latest results,
  CM-22 proposals, and activities
  linked to ESSC
  Meeting of the European Space Sciences Committee
  5 May 2022

  Maurice Borgeaud
  Head of the Earth Observation Department
  "Science, Applications and Climate"
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
•   Latest News from ESA-EOP
•   Examples of recent EOP activities
•   EOP Programmes at CM-22
•   Answers to ESSC Comments
•   Potential role of ESSC for the selection of the ESA-EGU EO Award
•   Support of the ESSC for the update of the ESA EO Science Strategy
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
ESA’s Earth Observation Mission
                                        12 in heritage
                                       15 in operation
                                       41 in development
                                       22 in preparation
                                              (90 in total)

       Develop world-class
        Earth Observation
     systems with European         *
      and global partners to
       address scientific &
       societal challenges
*Pending final mission selection
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
Latest News in ESA/EOP
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
Earth Observation: highlights

  PNNR Italian EO project Kick-off            16-17 February
  and Implementation plan
  approved .
                                      20 January Successful
                                      presentation CO2M Mission to
                                      White House Advisory Group

                                                                     2nd February
                                                                      Aeolus VOI
  13 January Space for Green Future                                   Workshop
           User Workshop
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
Earth Observation: highlights
 16th Feb. Space Summit                          1st March               1st March 20 year ENVISAT

European leaders confirm ambitious
plans to work closely together to     New international WCRP project     9-10 March – Virtual EO Info Day
accelerate Europe as a world leader   office opened at ECSAT facility.   Info day on opportunities to FutureEO
                                                                         Block 4, GDA, and CCI+, including B2B
in space
                                                                         meetings ESA-industry.
                                                 1st March
                                                                         29-31 March - CEOS SIT-
                                         JPPG NASA/ESA meeting           37
                                                                         Virtual meeting with ESA as
                                                                         Chair for next two years

  24-25 Feb. Φ-Lab Investing in
   Industrial Innovation Event                                                                                   6
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
Earth Observation: highlights
    14th March                          22-23 March
                                                        12-13 April Eurospace -
                                                        EARSC Workshop with
 ESA 2021 Team                                            industry on CM22
Award to Phisat-1

23-24 March            30th March
                     DestinE Kick-off
CM22 EO                event with
Programme             DG Connect
workshop with
Member State                                           Reorganisation of
delegates                                               the Directorate
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
Earth Observation: highlights
     CSC4 - COM/ESA
      Joint Proposal

    CO2M            LST                                         Successful PRR of EE10 (Harmony)
                                                                       for both consortia
                              Signature of Sentinel-1C
  CRISTAL         CHIME       launch with Arianespace

                               Progress on MTG
    CIMR          ROSE-L      testing activities &   NanoMagSat RRA
                              launch preparation      kick-off meeting
                                with EUMETSAT                            Sentinel CO2M Successful
FORUM                                                                    PDR in March
Contract signature in April
                                                                         EE11 Candidates (CAIRT,
                                                                         Nitrosat, SEASTAR, and
                                                                          WIVERN) proposals for
                                                                           Phase 0/A evaluated
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
              OF OUR PLANET
              FROM SPACE

LPS22 in Numbers:                   Plenaries Sessions:
                                    10+ thematic sessions:
•   240+ Science Sessions           • Opening Ceremony
•   1370+ Oral Presentations        • Climate change
•   2250+ Posters (1 session/day)   • New Space
•   80+ Agoras                      • Commercialization
                                    • Accelerators
•   30+ Networking events           • Int. Collaboration in EO
•   60+ Countries (authors)         • FutureEO
                                    • CMIN22
                                    • EO National Missions

                    One single Programme
ESA Earth Observation: Current status and latest results, CM-22 proposals, and activities linked to ESSC
A Few Examples of
Recent EOP Activites
Monitoring crop health across the Netherlands
                                Thanks to the combination of Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-
                                2 optical data and a newly developed dataset tool, called
                                Agricultural Sandbox NL, people working in the agriculture
                                sector, but who are not satellite data experts, can monitor
                                the health and development of crops, right down to each
                                crop in individual fields.

                               Animation of
                               crops between
                               January and           Crop type for all agricultural parcels
                               December 2020            Flevoland in the Netherlands 1111
Major floods in Australia observed by Sentinel-1A

  Activation EMSR567
  from the Copernicus
 Emergency Management

Example of flood map near Grafton
(New South Wales) based on both
 Sentinel-1A imagery acquired on
 02/03/2022 and COSMO-SkyMed
 imagery acquired on 01/03/2022

                                            Copyright: Copernicus Service Information (2022) /
                                    Copernicus Emergency Management Service / processed by e-GEOS
Sentinel-5p Applications during wildfires
Wildfire emission measurements
over Western USA (30 Aug 2021)

                                            Copyright: contains modified Copernicus
                                            Sentinel data (2021), processed by KNMI
NO2                              CO             13
Copernicus Contributing Missions

    La Palma
 eruption (2021)

  Pilot study with

  Lava depth

Economic and Industrial Benefits Assessment of EO Security Activities
Preliminary Key Takeaways (Final report will be presented in May PB-EO)
       4 best market opportunities identified for European industry
       •   Maritime domain awareness,
       •   Disaster management,
       •   Critical infrastructures
       •   Law enforcement

       By 2030, their addressable market value is estimated at $576M for the European industry.

       Activities are considered to support European independence, thanks to more permanent and
       persistent observation systems

       An absence of ESA in these activities is seen as a potential high loss for stakeholders particularly to
       support their competitiveness.

       Beyond supporting technology development, ESA is expected to play a key role in harmonizing and
       coordinating MS and European agencies’ needs and to coordinate the definition of common standards.
ESA Climate Change Initiative and IPCC AR6

                                 Increase in # of papers
                                 cited and citations

   AR6 WG1 report:
   7 lead/coordinating authors
   14 contributing authors
   ~10 expert reviewers
   ~100 papers cited
   +300 in-text citations

Sentinel-1B anomaly
• Sentinel-1B unavailable since 23 December 2021.
• Agreements with Canada and other radar data
  providers being jointly organised with the EC to
  continue supporting user requirements.

                          First Sentinel-1B image,                 Sentinel-expansion missions
                           taken over 5 years ago                         • Development activities progressing nominally and in
      Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2016], processed by ESA   line with the CSC LTS
                                                                          • Industrial activities at both prime and subcontractor
Sentinel-1C Launch                                                          level progressing nominally with PDR for all
 • Signature of Sentinel-C launch with ArianeEspace, launch Expansion Missions expected in
   in first half 2023                                                     • CO2M PDR already took place on 1 March             17
Copernicus Data Users Keeps Growing (Status end April 2022)

 Registered Users, total data download and     Evolution of Copernicus Open Access Hub
published products since start of operations                Registered Users
Earth Explorers
                  • PAS schedule agreed with MRR
                    passed review, confirming the
                    new overall mission planning
                  • Launch 2023-24 (impact on
                    Russian aggression in Ukraine)

                                  • Successful repair of ATLID TLE
                                  • Good progress of the CPR
                                    towards a repair in April
                                  • Launch 2023-24 (impact on
                                    Russian aggression in Ukraine)
EOP Programmes at CM22

EO Programme                        CUSTOMISED COMMERCI-
                                                                                             Securing the long-term
                                                                                                continuation of
Package for CM22                        EO      ALISATION
                                                    InCubed 2
                                                                                              Europe’s eyes on our
            Pre-operational activities   TRUTHS
                                                                                       METEOROLOGY OPERATIONAL
          answering demands from user                                                    Aeolus-2         EO
         communities, industry, Member
                                                    SPACE*                                       COPERNICUS
                                     DTE*                                                         Sentinels
                                                                                                  Next Gen.


                                  Earth Science, Preparation
                                   of EO future and World-
                                      class EO Research
                                                                                        Worldwide data and a walk
* Proposal for a merged approach                                BASIC ACTIVITIES           in the past to better
to be discussed in May PB-EO                                                            understand the present and    21
                                                Earthnet        Heritage Space     DPTD                               21
                                                                                                the future
Financial Envelope For CM22 (Work in Progress)(e.c. 2022)

    FUTURE EO             CSC-4 PHASE-2                  METEO        CUSTOMIZED EO
                                                                                                TOTAL EO

      Research                                          405M
      Missions    777                                                                         FutureEO-1
   Component*                                                            367M                      Seg.2
  Development                                                                                     CSC-4
              &               Sentinel                 Aeolus-2 405                                     617
                  813                  577                                                       Phase2
   Exploitation                    NG                                    TRUTHS 202
   Component                                                                                      Meteo 405
                            G/S dev &                                   CLIMATE-
                                       40                                        80
  * Incl. Contingency          Coll GS                                     SPACE             Custom. EO 367
                                                                       InCubed-2 85

                                                                             + 50 MEUR for DTE as EO
                                                                          precursor to future DTE&U MDA*
* By MS request, MDA DTE&U has been descoped to DTE                                                             22
 EO precursor component only of an EO programme, TBC                                                            22
Earth Science, Preparation of EO future and World-class EO Research Missions       Harmony   Scout 3 & 4

                                                                                    EE-11    MAGIC/NGG

          Foundations and Concepts                    Research Missions
                                     -                                         -

            Mission Management                     Earth Science for Society                       p
                                     -                                         -                           23
Operational EO
Securing the long-term continuation of Europe’s eyes on our planet

                                                             Copernicus Sentinels Next Generation

             Meteorology - Aeolus-2

Customised EO
Pre-operational activities answering demands from user communities, industry, Member States
                                                        Enter market

                        CLIMATE–SPACE                                      Incubed-2
                                             -                                         -

                                                                       -                      25
Digital Twin of the Earth as EO Precursor to Future DTE&U MDA
(MDA DTE&U has been descoped to DTE EO component only of an EO programme, TBC)

   Dynamic and interactive representations of processes in the Earth System

                  FutureEO                                                            ESA Digital Twins
                                                                       DT           DT             DT            DT
     Will foster a community effort to develop the                                                                             Solid
                                                                      Polar      Hydrology       Oceans         Carbon
   scientific foundations, novel data and precursors
                                                                   Derived from DTE precursor activities & defined/developed with
       of the Digital Twins and their evolution…                    scientific community, optimised to utilise ESA EO data assets

                                                                              DTE Platform Component
                                                                           Integrating and linking Digital Twins Enabling
                        DTE                                         visualisation/simulation/modelling functions without coding

   Will ensure the operationalisation and integration                            DTE EO Data Space
     of FutureEO results into a set of operational                 Cloudification of Earth Explorer-, Heritage- and relevant TPM-data
          Digital Twins open to the community                      Scalable data management for seamless ingestion in Digital Twins
                                                                  Interface optimisation for integrating other data sets (incl. Cop. data)

EO Programme Package for CM22

A coherent and comprehensive set of programme proposals has been consolidated for EO at CM22.

All the proposal components support key strategic challenges and priority policies at European level:
         • Climate crisis and COP agreements implementation
         • Green Deal
         • Decarbonisation of Europe

Additional priorities/focus
• Organise dedicated activities in support of Ukraine (e.g. RACE-like initiative in FutureEO on food
   security and agriculture)
•  Enlarge FutureEO block4 civil security activities in support of monitoring migration fluxes
• Or do this in the EO component of Space for Civil Security MDA
• MDA Space for Civil Security reinforces (joint TIA and EOP activities)
• All EO proposals to CM22 aim at giving European autonomy in terms of data access and technology
   (with some exceptions of dependencies on Ukraine/Russia)
Accelerators: a new concept of action for Europe
                                    • Focus on responding to
                                      urgent societal needs
                                    • Upscale existing space
                                      investments to the next level
                                    • Users at the centre
                                    • Strengthen European
                                      leadership and STEM
                                    • Attract new funding sources
                                    • Combine strengths of ESA,
                                      EU, Member States and the
                                      commercial sector
Accelerator 1: Space for a Green Future

  missions for    +   Digital Twin
                                      +     transition

  + Accelerating decarbonisation & sustainability
  = Supporting the climate neutrality by 2050 objective
ESSC Comments on
        EOP CM-22 Programme Proposals

• EOP CM-22 programme proposals circulated to ESSC on 24/2/2022
• ESSC comments received on 31/3/2022 – Thank you !

CLIMATE SPACE is a highly ambitious and timely programme, much needed to address the
challenges posed to society through climate change.
The contributions of CLIMATESPACE to climate science and climate services, and in particular to the
UNFCCC Paris Agreement process are well described. However, the document could be
strengthened by improving on the balance between the descriptions of how ESA intends to achieve
the different programme aims. In particular, more detailed description on how to achieve the ‘Global
Cycles, Tipping Points and Climate Sensitivity’ goals would be welcome.

•   ESA’s Climate Change Initiative and the new climate initiative Climate-Space respond closely to the requirements outlined in the GCOS
    Implementation Plan with regard to the ECVs. First discussions point to the fact that GCOS will move away from looking only at individual ECVs and
    more towards cycles. This is a point that has already started to be addressed through cross-ECV activities in CCI+ and will be continued under
    Climate-Space, through for example activities such as Sea Level Budget Closure (SLBC).
•   On Tipping Points, ESA in collaboration with ISSI is currently organising a detailed TIPMIP workshop in October 2022. This is based on a first review
    exercise defining the EO requirements for the Tipping points community in 2021. On the basis of this detailed review the design of the intended 1-2
    medium size projects (~1-2 Meuro) will be based.
•   On Climate Sensitivity, this is clearly a point that we would like to address through our – now – closer link to the climate modelling community
    through hosting the WCRP CMIP-IPO


What are the prospects and time frames of exploration vs exploitation of such (again very valuable
and innovative) technology?
Will the ESA call on EO4SOCIETY be totally open in terms of objectives?
What does the EO Africa project consist of?
Links with UNFCCC, ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EU Horizon Europe, etc. ?

• Approx 2/3 of the FutureEO budget is dedicated in building new missions (EE10 Harmony, SCOUTS, and preparing
    for NGGM) for operating and managing the flying missions
•   Preparing for new technology and supporting to “EO science for society) is approx. 1/3 of the budget
•   New activities foreseen in Block 4 such as “Sentinel Users Preparation” to prepare the community to the
    Copernicus Expansion missions
•   Open Call fully open and transparent driven by innovate solutions to EO
•   EO Africa started at CM-19 and will be continued at CM-22 : African-European R&D partnership to facilitate the
    adoption of EO and related space technology in Africa, driven by African user needs
•   All activities based on users needs (workshops and consultation) and close collaboration with partners (ECWMF for
    DestinE, DG-RTD for Grand Science challenges)                                                                       32
The document is unclear on the missions of opportunity. The document highlights 2 missions, potentially
developed in cooperation with NASA: a Daedalus-type mission to study the lower thermosphere-ionosphere and
MAGIC (a GRACE-type mission for measuring mass changes in the Earth system). Depending on the section
pages, the document seems to favour either one or the other. Both missions are important. MAGIC has strong
support from the whole EO community considering its multidisciplinary applications (climate and cryospheric
sciences, oceanography, hydrology, geophysics, etc.).
What are ESA intentions on the missions of opportunity?

•   ESA and NASA are involved since 2011 in cooperation discussions on gravity missions under the JPPG umbrella in order to realise global user
    community’s vision of a mass change constellation
•   The ESA/NASA MAGIC Missions Requirement Document (MRD) was released in October 2020 including the global user requirements
•   ESA’s first activities for NGGM commenced in 2003 following ACEO/ESAC recommendations in response to mission proposals to ESA (e.g.
    Licody, 2002, e-motion2, 2015)
•   MAGIC is the first step of a long-term vision for enhanced continuity of sustained mass change products at higher spatial and temporal resolution
    that can directly feed operational services (e.g. Copernicus)
•   MAGIC, being the first mass change constellation, is a necessary step for realising the long-term goal of Quantum Space Gravimetry (QSG) which
    is expected to deliver enhanced products that contribute to enhanced climate change monitoring and transition to green economies
•   Daedalus – as important as MAGIC but would come in a 2nd phase, based on a very good EE-10 proposal.
•   Daedalus – in very close collaboration with NASA Heliophysics Division                                                                              33

Q1 : How does ESA intend to coordinate Heritage Space with Copernicus Services
    à HS ensures access and improvement of heritage data for research & operational
    applications. Copernicus Services can freely and openly access all these data for their purpose.
    Consultation activities with users (including Copernicus Services) to collect requirements and
    needs related to heritage data are included in the HS programme proposal.

Q2 : How to ensure that the data archive is at the best level possible (state of
the art calibration files and approaches) through time (including retrieval
algorithms improvements when involved)?
    à Consolidation, improvement and reprocessing activities are periodically performed on high
    priority heritage datasets (due to affordability) to add newly recovered data, improve data
    quality, and implement latest algorithms to align with newer missions (e.g. implementation of
    Sentinels formats and algorithms). Concept of Fundamental Data Records was introduced at
    CM19 to reinforce harmonization and calibration across sensors and missions. New FDRs
    planned after CM22 (depending on funding allocation).


Q3 : How are the activities coordinated with similar efforts done by other
agencies (avoid duplication and possibly agree on formats etc…)?
    à Coordination with other agencies is ensured through the European Data Access and
      Preservation Working Group, the CEOS Cal/Val Working Group, and the CEOS WGISS
      Working Group. These groups allows to share lessons learned, experiences, approaches and
      tools for data preservation/discovery/access/valorization, and to conduct joint projects and
      activities. See for example

Q4 : Exploration of ML/AI for archives mining. Is there a particular agenda for
this? Later the use of AI for data analytics is just « nice to have ». Please clarify
this (apparent) contradiction in priorities, and the plans to eventually develop.
    à Heritage Space is a multi-directorate programme so priorities can vary depending on the
      specific directorate (this explains the apparent contradiction). The provision of advanced
      data access tools and research environments, possibly using ML/AI technologies, is overall
      considered important and included in the programme proposal but will most likely be
      postponed/descoped due to lack of resources.


ESSC finds that some lack of coherence in the high-priority Copernicus missions and others as the
new missions envisioned are not necessarily demonstrated (hence rather Explorer-type mission like
Chime for instance) or redundant with other missions (LSTM/trishna, Rose L NISAR, etc) which are
also sometimes exploratory. We could have expected to see validated Earth Explorer missions to be
in the selected missions.
• The evolving needs of the Copernicus services remain the key driver for the evolution of the CSC.
    Therefore, the expansion of the CSC were considered based on emerging EU policy and service needs
    as prioritised by the Commission
•   The Expansion Sentinels component corresponds to the enlargement of the present measurements
    through the introduction of new missions to answer emerging and urgent user requirements and was
    following a gap analysis of current measuring capabilities.
•   The missions and the various trade-offs are discussed in the Copernicus Long-Term Scenario LTS in the
    context of four observational capability families: Microwave Imaging Family, Optical Imaging Family,
    Topographic Measurement Family and Spectroscopic Atmosphere Measurement Family. In general, the
    Expansion Sentinels mission designs strive for an optimal level of effective complementary with regards
    to the NG mission designs. The complementarity to existing missions are described in the LTS.

Considering that Aeolus provides a useful contribution to the global observing system (in one may want a
better justification to push forward this mission rather than others of equivalent merit but less risky
or of reduced costs.
How will ESA ensure more efficient phases BCD, and control costs while improving data quality?

Answers (1/2)
• Aeolus-2 will build on the heritage and expertise gained from Aeolus and ATLID on EarthCARE.
    In particular, Aeolus has already demonstrated a Technology Readiness Level of 9 for all the critical
    technologies. ESA has undertaken an extensive lessons learned exercise based on the development
    and in-orbit experience of Aeolus and the development experience of the ATLID and MERLIN lidar
    instruments. Based on these lessons learned, technology pre-developments are already on-going to
    correct observed in-orbit anomalies (e.g. hot pixels) and to extend the lifetime / robustness (e.g. laser
    transmitter power and lifetime), which will overall improve the data quality. In addition, the number of
    vertical channels in the atmosphere will be increased by a factor of 2, to improve the data quality.
•   All this will help secure the Phase B2/C/D schedules and minimise technology development risks.

Answers (2/2):
•   Aeolus has been affected by a continuous reduction in the atmospheric return signal over time, which has been
    found to be due to laser induced contamination in the shared transmit / receive optics and a misalignment of the
    return signal and the aperture stop.
    Therefore, it has been decided to change from a “mono-static” (shared optical path for transmit and receive beams)
    configuration as used on Aeolus to a “bistatic” (completely separated transmit and receive optics) configuration as
    used on ATLID for Aeolus-2. This allows to implement redundant transmit optics, where laser induced
    contamination can occur, and to eliminate a single point failure.
    In addition, a beam steering mechanism and better thermal control of the primary mirror, will improve the alignment
    of the receive optics.
    Furthermore, the laser transmit optics will be contained in a sealed and pressurised structure with an oxygen
    atmosphere which will significantly reduce the risk of laser induced contamination.
•   All the above measures will increase the return signal levels and improve the robustness of the design.
•   Finally, it is worth noting that a recent value of information study undertaken by London Economics on behalf of
    ESA has identified a total value of the direct and indirect benefits from 10 year of in-orbit observations from Aeolus-2
    of € 7.1 billion, which represents a factor of 7 on the total ESA and EUMETSAT investment in a collaborative
    Aeolus-2 Programme.

Very ambitious and broad agenda, but the document is not specific about the «how», in particular when it comes to:
(1) Integration of models and data with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Some statements are vague and rather bold.
How data integration will be made systematic? How can AI fuse different sensors automatically? Citizen science and the human in the
loop are apparently seen as an active player, but mechanisms are not detailed to ensure trustworthiness and robustness (only appears to
«ensure traceability»).
(2) Digital Twin Earth builds on a (not new concept) of modelling+data+interface+API+HPC complex systems, in this case, other initiatives
do essentially the same. In a similar vein, the CliMA (Climate Modelling Aliance) in the US pursue similar goals. Several others in Asia and
Australia are on their way. None is mentioned and the position of ESA is not clear in this regard; collaboration, competition, reinventing the
(3) Use of AI technology that is in its infancy, not available or largely dependent on (inexistent) labelled data: e.g., «complex analyses (e.g.,
“what-if” analysis) will require the development of advanced AI-based analytical and reasoning functions for large-scale HPC-based
models. » implies the use of counterfactual modelling and causality.
•   ESA Council in March suggested to limit DTE&U only to EO => DTE
•   AI/ML basic R&D developed in the frame of the FutureEO activities. DTE will make use of the latest AI technology but is not about
    new R&D development
•   DTE to ensure a strong European position/independence as this field is developing extremely fast
•   DTE not only about AI/ML but includes a strong componenet on Earth science models, EO digital platforms, andacces t lar ge
    aount of data (cloud.HPC)
Support of ESSC to update the EO
Science Strategy (initial Steps for
  Boost FutureEO Early Phases)

Boost FutureEO – Early Phases
Concerns expressed by the community at large about attractiveness and outcome of
recent Earth Explorer Calls whereas expectations remain high (“to provide world
leading science using yet-to-exist EO techniques”)
EE-10 Lessons Learned
   Meaningful science has a cost                                    § Attract new proposals

         Those large Explorers we want to build collectively        § Attract bolder proposals
                                                                    § Foster more competition
             We want innovation and scientific excellence
                                                                    § Foster longer maturation
                                        Let’s be bold
                                                                    § Better mitigate the cost
                   Earth Explorers are the heart of the programme     and schedule risks
                                                                      before missions get
                          We want scientific competition
                        Let’s avoid last minute bad surprise
“The Global scenario” – The new Executive’s proposal
A Global scenario with 5 steps:

  Step 1: New approach to a revision of Living Planet Challenges including observational gap analysis
  Step 2: New EO Mission Ideas (NEOMI)/On-boarding activities
  Step 3: Call for ideas followed by Phases 0 and maturation activities for ‘commended’ missions
  Step 4: Selection of missions for Phase A and implementation of Phase A
  Step 5: Selection of missions for implementation followed by Phase B/C/D/E1

• This global scenario is cyclical, synchronised with CMs, can be further improved (lessons learned)
• It capitalises on a strengthened interaction with the Science Community (ACEO, UCM, LPS, on-
  boarding of a new generation of scientists)
• It provides a long-term perspective for the preparation of Earth Explorer missions (and beyond).
• Full steps will be fully deployed as from EE-13; scenario adapted for EE-11 and EE-12.
Update of the EO Science Strategy

• Update of the EO Science Strategy recommended by
  EOEP/FutureEO Independent Science Review (ISR) and
  confirmed during the recent Programmatic and Technical
  Review (PTR)
• Based on the work developed in the Boost FutureEO - Early
  Phases Steps 1 and 2
• Step 1: Towards a renewed EO science strategy
      • Part 1: EO Science Strategy Foundation Studies
      • Part 2: Definition Phase – Formulation of Strategy
• Step 2: New EO mission ideas (NEOMI)
Objective: Updated EO Science strategy in place by Q4 2024 to
drive the scientific scope/content of the EE13 Call for Mission
Ideas (Call Q1 2025) and to guide NEOMI Study ITTs
Status of the EO Science Strategy Foundation Studies
• Discussed and concept endorsed by ACEO on 3 February 2022
• Mainly to review the Living Planet Challenges and identify potential new
  challenges (and gaps)
• Statement of work (SOW) being finalised with an Invitation to Tender
  (ITT) release foreseen by mid-May 2022
• (up to 3) Studies to be kicked-off on 1 Oct 2022 till end of 2023
• Early results available by mid 2023 and a workshop planned with ACEO
• Workshop and consultation with the the science community planned in
  2023 and 2024 (ESSC involvement)
• Roadmap for the update of the EO science strategy to be presented
  (and discussed) with the community during the LPS’22

Process driven by ACEO but ESSC to be defined but involvement
welcome                                                                      44
LPS 22 – Open Forum on EO Science Strategy (1)
• “Deep Dive” Agora Session – Open Forum “On the way forward towards updating
  the ESA Earth Observation Science Strategy ”
• Friday 27th May 2022, 08:30-10:30hrs (option for Wed 25th – but climate day clash)
• Co-chair by Florence Rabier (ACEO Chair) and Johnny Johannessen (ISR chair)
     • Introduction by the Chairs
     • Presentations by ESA of the roadmap for the update of the EO Science
       strategy emphasising:
         • EO Science Strategy Foundation Studies
         • Capture of observation gaps and cross-cutting science challenges            i ted
                                                                                   i nv
         • Interaction with the community                                     b ers te
                                                                        mem icipa
     • 45’ Q&A and discussions with the audience                    S C   a rt
                                                              l l ES to p                45
ESSC to organise the selection of the
        ESA-EGU EO Awards

ESA-EGU EO Excellence Award – Competition Open
Honouring early career researchers or – teams for outstanding
contribution to innovative use of Earth observations for
science and applications, based on European satellites.
   Idea for a dedicated EO Excellence Award by ACEO Meeting in
   Nomination process 1 September - 2 November 2020 through the
   Award web-page:
   Evaluation early December – 31.January 2021 through dedicated
   and secured online data-base.
   Selection of winning Team and Individual took place mid February
   2021 through Award Selection Committee of high ranking EO
   Winners were announced at the EGU General Assembly on 19.
   April 2021 during a dedicated Award Ceremony
   Prize: ESA certificate of honour and funds for EGU participation
  ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use
ESSC to organise the selection of
                          the ESA-EGU EO Awards (1)
Potential role of ESSC:
• To comment the text of the call, including whether the distinction between the two different types of EO Excellence Award we
  used in 2020 (Early Career Scientist and Scientific Team Awards) should still be used
• To propose selection criteria
• To invite and convene the Science Committee to perform the selection (no limit but we would suggest approx. 10 persons),
  though the number of reviewers will depend on the number of proposals received. On top, ESA and EGU should be invited as
  observers in the committee. You may want to use some of the members from the previous committee established in 2020 but it
  will be ESSC responsibility to appoint the committee.
• To evaluate the proposals received
• To select the best proposals based on criteria known in advance of the call
• To write a short report on each of the applications and of course rank them
Note that reviewers will have to sign a Non-disclosure Understanding (NDU)
Timeline: Call published in September with deadline end of November 2022 (TBC)
ESSC to evaluate the proposals from 1 Dec 2022 to 28 Feb 2023

If agreeable ESA/EOP and ESSC to formalise with an exchange of letters
ESSC to organise the selection of
                       the ESA-EGU EO Awards (2)
On ESA role:
• Organize the web site (advertisement of the Call, processing and handling of the proposals)
• Write the draft text of the call
• Provide all the dossiers received in electronic format to ESSC
• Financial Support (limited) for the secretarial work during the ESSC evaluation
• Cover for the expenses for the participation of one meeting of the Selection committee
• One ESA representative to be observer in the Selection committee
• Ensure overall coordination with EGU

Decision to be taken before 20 May 2022 so pre-annoucment of the Call to be made at LPS’22 and EGU’22
If agreeable, ESA/EOP and ESSC to formalise with an exchange of letters


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