Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Plan 2019 2022 - NHS East ...

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Plan 2019 2022 - NHS East ...
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
               Plan 2019 – 2022

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Plan 2019 2022 - NHS East ...
Why does equality, diversity and inclusion matter?

   First and foremost, we have a moral responsibility to treat people equitably,
   fairly and to optimise the commissioning levers we at our disposal to address
   the inequalities that exist in our population.

   Secondly, it makes sound business sense. All evidence now points to the
   conclusion that diverse organisations are more effective and efficient.

   Thirdly, as public sector bodies, we are bound by the law to treat people fairly
   eliminate discrimination and tackle health inequalities. This includes our
   duties under the Equality Act 2010 and Health and Social Care Act 2012 and
   reporting requirements in relation to:

   •   Equality Delivery System 2 (ESD2)
   •   Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)
   •   Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)
   •   Gender Pay Gap

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Our Commitment
          The CCGs in SES are committed to
          recruiting, retaining and developing people
          according to their potential, thereby ensuring
          we have a workforce that better reflects the
          population we serve.

          Additionally, we are fully committed to
          optimising the commissioning levers at our
          disposal to reduce the inequalities in health
          that persist within and across our populations.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Development of the Plan

    •    This plan builds on the earlier good work of the Alliance, Coastal West Sussex CCG,
         Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford and Hastings and Rother CCGs in tackling
         discrimination in the workforce, reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes
         in their respective populations and combines this into one overarching document for the
         eight CCGs in SES.

    •    It describes our priority areas and actions within the framework of ESD2, namely:
          –   A Representative and Supported Workforce
          –   Inclusive Leadership
          –   Better Health Outcomes
          –   Improved patient access and experience

    •    Together with the Appendices, sets out the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against
         which we will monitor our impact and how we will deliver and report on this regularly.

    •    This plan has been developed in consultation with staff, and in particular those with a
         protected characteristic aligned to our Staff Equality Network alongside colleagues in public

    •    The plan will be further developed and refreshed with our stakeholders during the first six
         months of delivery.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
A Representative & Supported Workforce

    •    We still have a high percentage of staff not declaring details on our electronic
         staff record, in particular, in relation to sexual orientation and disability. Without
         this key information it is impossible to track whether we are doing the right thing
         by staff and creating an inclusive and diverse workforce. We will therefore run a
         campaign promoting awareness of the need to record protected characteristics
         on individual’s Electronic Staff Record (ESR), with the aim of reaching the best
         achieving NHS organisations coverage by the end of 2019.

    •    We will further strengthen our mechanisms for internal leadership and
         engagement related to our workforce priorities including:
          – Continuing to develop and support our Staff Equality Network which
            coordinates our inclusion workforce agenda and establishing firm
            sustainable arrangements for our LGBT, BAME, Age, Disability and Gender
            Equality Working Groups.
          – Confirming EDI leads within our Governing Bodies, and Executive
            Management Team.
          – Establishing a twice yearly meeting of all Ambassadors, Executives and
            Governing Body Champions to support the development and achievement
            of our EDI goals and objectives.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
A Representative & Supported Workforce – Continued

    •    Our Staff Equality Groups will be lead by Staff Ambassadors and supported
         by Executive Leads, the Head of EDI. They will each develop specific
         action plans aligned to national reporting requirement where appropriate i.e.
         WRES, WDES, and the Gender Pay Gap.

    •    Our Disability Working Group will ensure that SES becomes a Disability
         Confident Employer and our LGBT Working Group will progress our work
         towards achieving accreditation as a Stonewall Workplace Equality Index

    •    As part of National Inclusion Week, we will promote an annual programme
         of staff engagement events and awareness raising around inclusion and
         protected characteristics, led by Ambassadors, Executives and staff but co-
         ordinated and supported by our Communications and Engagement Team.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
1. 1 Our Black, Asian and Minority
    Ethnic (BAME) Staff
    •    We need to do more to better recruit, support and develop our BAME staff:
          –   Our staff composition when analysed by ethnicity, does not reflect the populations we serve.
              Additionally, the more senior within the organisation you get, the less likely you are to be
              from a BAME background.
          –   From our WRES submission we also know that you are 1.4 times more likely to be recruited
              from shortlisting to SES vacancies if you are white and that in some CCGs this can be as
              high as 2.4 times.
          –   We also know that our BAME staff are significantly more likely to report having experienced
              discrimination at work from colleagues and feel that the organisation does not offer fair and
              equitable opportunities for career progression.
          –   The annual WRES analysis and action plan is attached as Appendix 1 for more detail but the
              priority actions SES will take over the coming months to address this include:
                 •     more proactively promoting job opportunities within our local BAME communities;
                 •     strengthening the feedback mechanism following interviews, particularly for BAME candidates;
                 •     setting up a BAME Network for staff; and
                 •     offering a bespoke talent management programme of training, coaching and support to our BME staff
                       and putting in place diverse recruitment panels and diversity recruitment training.

Brighton and Hove CCG    |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                     Hastings and Rother CCG   |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG     |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
1. 2 Our Female Staff

    •    It is clear from the evidence in our gender pay gap submission, that
         there is more we could do to provide equitable opportunities for flexible
         working and addressing the cultural barriers which may discourage
         women from progressing to more senior roles.
          –   our gender pay gap across SES is 21% overall in favour of men.
          –   whilst overall the workforce is 73% female, this proportion is not carried into the more senior roles
              where there is a more even balance between men and women.
          –   the Alliance was one of the national pilot sites exploring the culture of the NHS. Staff reported
              feeling that more traditionally masculine traits were valued and rewarded above those of females
              and this was seen as a barrier to career progression.

    •    Through discussions with our staff there are a number of actions we will
         be taking forward including:
          –   Establishing a womens network across the STP area. This will be launched via a conference in
              then co-designed with women from each of the constituent organisations.
          –   Roll out of agile working; enabling more flexible working solutions for women who are carers, to
              keep them in the workforce and enable career progression.
          –   Addressing values and behaviours both within and outside of the organisation through our Inclusive
              and Compassionate Leadership Programme.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
1. 3 Our Staff with a Disability

    •    Over one third of our staff have not recorded whether or not they have a
         disability on the ESR so it is hard to draw any firm conclusions about how
         representative we are of the population more generally.

    •    We do know however, that staff with a disability report a lower level of
         satisfaction on a number of indicators in the national staff survey including:
         support from line managers, resources to do the job well and equitable
         opportunities for career progression.

    •    In order to test some of these issues out in more detail with our staff the
         Ambassadors for disability have carried out a more detailed survey to gain more
         feedback on the experience of staff and identify specific actions that would
         improve their working conditions and career opportunities. This will be analysed
         and progressed over the next six months.

    •    We are currently at level 2 – Disability Confident as an employer with plans to
         apply for level 3 and aspire to level 4 within the next two years. An action plan
         is in place which will be overseen by the disability working group and feed into
         annual submission for the WDES.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
1. 4 Our Staff who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or
    Transgender (LGB or T)

    •    Again, about one third of our staff do not record their sexual orientation
         on their ESR and we will take action to improve this.

    •    Stonewall will be working with SES on a year long programme to
         develop a more inclusive working environment for LGBT staff.

    •    The LGBT working group have benchmarked SES against the
         Stonewall Work Equality Index and made an initial submission in
         September 2019.
    •    An action plan arising from this self assessment will be produced with
         support from Stonewall and include:
          –   the development of an LGBT network across SES;
          –   actively promoting any job opportunities through the Proud Employers website;
          –   conducting an analysis of SES policies and procedures;
          –   strengthening engagement with the LGBT community; and
          –   optimising our commissioning levers with providers and suppliers.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
1. 5 Our Older and Younger Staff

    • Our age profile is somewhat skewed across SES, with less than
      10% of our staff under the age of 30 and almost 50% in the 50+ age

    • Age was often raised during staff engagement sessions and there is
      more we could be doing to support our workforce as they approach
      the end of their careers and prepare for retirement.

    • Conversely we need to do more to attract younger people into the
      workforce including, for example, through the roll out of
      apprenticeship schemes across the sites.

    • A working group for age will be established, to agree a more
      detailed action plan over the summer months.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
2. Inclusive Leadership

    • We will embed EDI throughout the CCGs, with a clear EDI focus at
      Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Governing Body and Executive level.
      A revised schedule of Executive/Governing Body leads will be
      finalised and published.

    • Governing Body members and all staff will receive appropriate EDI
      training as part of the Leadership and Development Programme.

    • A twice yearly report on progress against the EDI Plan will be
      considered by the Senior Management Team and presented to
      Governing Bodies.

    • We will continue to cut and analyse the staff survey results by
      protected characteristics and include specific actions within the
      overall staff survey action plan.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
3. Health Outcomes

    •    The SES Operating Plan 2019 sets out a clear commitment to take action in order to
         reduce the health inequalities that exist across our geography.

    •    In partnership with public health colleagues across Sussex, we established a task and
         finish group to consider health inequalities across SES, agree how we collectively respond
         to the guidance on this aligned to the Long Term Plan and develop an integrated
         commissioning framework in order to address inequalities in the 2020 planning round.

    •    We have an opportunity to make more use of the contractual levers at our disposal to
         assure ourselves that providers are complying with their equality duties and responsibilities
         to tackle health inequalities. The Quality Team will incorporate this focus into Clinical
         Quality Review Meetings (CQRMs) and request that providers report more systematically
         and regularly report on this.

    •    We need to ensure that any decisions we make are underpinned by due care and attention
         to our duties under the Equality and Health and Social Care Acts. We therefore continue to
         strengthen our processes for Equality Health Impact Assessments (EHIAs and in particular
          –   incorporate quality and equality into one consistent, integrated impact assessment process;
          –   provide training on EHIAs for all commissioners and senior leaders; and
          –   establish a SES EHIA Reference Group to quality assure EHIAs and sign off Assessments for

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Commissioning to Address Inequalities

      • The NHS Long Term Plan proposes reducing health
        inequalities as a result of:
         • effectively managing multiple conditions
             experienced by the aging population;
         • preventing premature deaths exacerbated by
             individual health behaviors (smoking, diet,
             physical activity); and
         • receiving timely and effective care.
      • However, our ambition is to go further and embed
         this explicitly in the development of Primary Care
         Networks (PCNs) and new models of care.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Wider Determinants of Health

    According to Dahlgreen and Whitehead (1992), health is impacted by wider
    factors other than health services, including but not limited to, lifestyle, social
    and community networks, living and working conditions, and
    socioeconomic status.
Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
NHS’ Historical Role in Determinants of Health

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
NHS’ Widening Role in Determinants of Health

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
NHS’ Future Role in Determinants of Health

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
What is the potential impact?

 There exists a missed
 opportunity to influence
 individuals' health by
 addressing these wider
 determinants of health in
 addition to providing health

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Delivering our commitment to tackling health inequalities

To support and inform our commitment to
tackling health inequalities across SES, we
hosted a Yale (USA) Intern during July and
August 2019 from the Public Health Faculty.
The Intern undertook a two month review of our
commissioning arrangements and in partnership
with Yale Professors made a number of
recommendations which have been agreed as

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Recommendation 1

Take action to tackle the wider determinants of health by:
• Ensuring access to advice and support services (disability,
  housing, employment, welfare, legal aid, befriending /social
  support, etc) embedded within new care models and PCNs.
• Ensure consistent high quality access to social prescribing
  across SES embedded within emerging PCNs.
• Weight resources in areas of greatest need and deprivation
  to prevent exacerbation of health inequalities and to
  support this work with Local, District and Borough Councils
  and third sector organisations to maximise investment.
• Take a more person centred approach, recognising the
  needs and wishes of individuals.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Recommendation 2
Ensure our commissioning is intelligence driven by:
• Strengthening commissioning efforts by investing in a single platform to ensure data
   quality and public access with the aim of:
    – Enabling professionals to identify health needs
    – Supporting the integration of PCN and CCG analytical functions
• Recruiting staff with skills pertaining to the analytical needs of organisations e.g.
   supplying analytical support to PCNs.
• Forming a SES Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Board, to oversee
   monitoring, metrics, publishing, data collection and data evaluation and use this to:
    – Agree on inequality and inequity metrics to be used across SES in addition to
      those that are employed nationally.
    – Include a comparison of health outcomes with the financing of certain sectors by
      financier (ie: Quality-adjusted life year (QALYS) vs public health investments vs
      CCG/Local Authority)

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Recommendation 3

Spread a culture of engagement to ensure
people with lived experience are informing our
• Engagement will vary depending on the
  populations served.
• Widen culture of engagement
• Develop PCN-level engagement strategies that
  have a grassroots approach and ensure that
  practices respond to patient feedback and
  feature co-design principles.
Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
4. Patient Access

    •    In order to identify and remove barriers to services, especially for protected
         groups, we need to have a greater and more consistent focus on
         engagement, particularly with more hard to reach or seldom heard groups,
         across all of SES. A review of our engagement mechanisms will be
         undertaken over the second half of 2019/20.

    •    We need to ensure all of our communication with patients and the public is
         jargon free, accessible and in a range of appropriate languages and formats
         as part of our delivery of the Accessible Information Standard. In order to do
         this we will refresh our AIS work and plans and set KPIs for improvement.

    •    The CCG website, including the Complaints section, is often the first port of
         call for patients and the public requiring more information about all aspects
         of our work. We will ensure this is easily located and sends a clear and
         positive message about our inclusive approach, including the AIS. We are
         committed to refreshing the diversity of our website by for example,
         improving the diversity of images, increasing the availability of video clips
         and signposting to our work on equality and diversity.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Delivery and Accountability
    •    In order to maintain the focus on EDI, ensure our statutory duties are effectively discharged
         and the commitments in this plan are delivered, a dedicated EDI central resource, working
         with and co-ordinating the efforts of all departments, is required.

    •    The Head of EDI will report into the Director for Organisational Development (OD) and
         Human Resources. As we continue to develop and firm up our new operating model we will
         also explore and confirm arrangements for support to this post for example in relation to
         programme management and administration.

    •    We will also continue to develop our wider EDI team and network through internal EDI
         meetings which bring together colleagues across HR, Communications, Engagement and
         Commissioning to take forward the EDI work programme. We will also broaden this
         network to more formally include external stakeholders such as Public Health.

    •    A Report incorporating regular progress on delivery of this plan and performance against
         the key performance metrics will be produced every six months for Governing Bodies.

    •    Governance - the EDI programme currently reports into the Our People Our Future
         Programme. This will need to be revised in due course and align with revised
         commissioning and accountability structures as appropriate.

Brighton and Hove CCG   |   Coastal West Sussex CCG   |   Crawley CCG   |   East Surrey CCG   |   Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG
                  Hastings and Rother CCG    |   High Weald Lewes Havens CCG      |   Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
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