Environmental Policy Quarterly

Page created by Bertha Dean
Environmental Policy Quarterly
September 2019 Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

                          Environmental Policy Quarterly
                          Environmental Protection Administration R. O. C. (Taiwan)

                          ISSN: 1811-4008 GPN: 2008600068

   Waste          Strengthening Industrial Waste Management
  F   rom industrial waste reduction in its early days to the recent reduction at source, the direction
      of industrial waste management in Taiwan has gradually incorporated new concepts such as
  sustainable materials management (SMM) and from-cradle-to-cradle (C2C). Through combining reuse
  and management of industrial wastes, the EPA will keep pushing for resource cycling and zero waste
  as Taiwan’s long-term goals.

How it began                                            recycling and reuse guidelines,                              of clearance and disposal
Waste management in Taiwan                              opening up diverse reuse channels,                           organizations
started with the promulgation of                        and improving proper treatment
the Waste Disposal Act (廢棄物清                            technology. In recent years, the                         To e f f e c t i v e l y m a n a g e t h e
理法) in 1974. When established                           approach has shifted to reduction                        operation of clearance and
i n 1 9 8 7 , t h e E PA b e g a n t o                  at source. Concepts like SMM and                         disposal organizations, the EPA
keep track of industrial waste                          C2C have been introduced into                            forms inspection plans every year
production and set up a permit                          Taiwan one after another.                                for waste clearance and disposal
system concerning clearance and                                                                                  equipment and organizations
disposal organizations. As different                    Strengthening industrial waste                           currently in operation. Regional
industries were gradually placed                        management can be examined                               competent authorities are also
under control, industrial waste                         in two aspects: Strengthening                            encouraged to conduct regular
treatment became a focal point for                      management of the waste disposal                         onsite inspection to properly
the EPA.                                                system, and tracking industrial                          ascertain actual practices
                                                        waste flows.                                             and operations at treatment
Beginning in 1990, the core policy                                                                               organizations. Inspection mainly
has been to cut industrial waste                        Strengthening management                                 focuses on online registration and
generation by pushing for clean                         of the waste disposal system                             operation documentation, storage
production technology, specifying                       (1) S trengthening management                           methods and facilities, treatment

     In This Issue
● Strengthening Industrial Waste Management....................................................................................................................... 1
● Simultaneous Inspection Launched Nationwide Following Start of Ban on Single-use Plastic Straws................................. 3
● EPA Promotes Recycling of Plastic Wrapping....................................................................................................................... 3
● Taiwan-US Cooperation Steps Forward in International Environmental Education............................................................... 4
● International Collaboration for Air Pollution Control Formed Under New Southbound Policy................................................ 5
● Volatile Organic Compound Limits for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings Announced................................ 6
● Enhancing Soil Pollution Remediation and Related Technology Development..................................................................... 7
● Green Point Scheme Expands to Include Smile Logo-certified Products............................................................................ 10
● EPA Celebrates Its 32nd Anniversary with Former Ministers............................................................................................... 10
● Stricter Air Quality Standards Preannounced to Tackle Air Pollution.................................................................................... 11

Environmental Policy Quarterly
September 2019          Environmental Policy Quarterly

    and operation maintenance,                     70% of industrial feedstocks                       Circular Resources for Taiwan’s
    clearance of waste generated after             are imported due to inadequate                     Construction Industry have been
    treatment, product flows, and so               natural resources locally, suddenly                set up. The purpose of these
    on. Moreover, the EPA continues                stopping imports of industry-                      alliances targets the recycle and
    to assist enterprises in their                 use materials would seriously                      reuse of waste plastic, e-waste,
    applications for setting up waste              impact industries that are unable                  wastes generated from construction
    disposal organizations. From 2016              to source needed materials in                      and demolition, incinerator bottom
    to 2018, a total of 23 enterprises             Taiwan. Therefore, the EPA has                     ash, and slag. Various groups
    obtained clearance and disposal                been focusing on management                        voluntarily promoted the signing of
    permission to improve their own                and planning to improve material                   the Green Deal and now strive to
    waste disposal channels.                       q u a l i t y, s e t t i n g u p i m p o r t e r   create win-wins for the economy
                                                   data, and adding controls on                       and environmental protection via
    On 22 December 2018, the                       registrations.                                     cooperation with the public sector.
    E PA a n n o u n c e d r e v i s i o n s o f                                                      The semiconductor industry has
    the Regulations Concerning                     Opinions have been collected                       been assisted to recycle and reuse
    Permisssions for Citizens’ Waste               from all stakeholders and sectors                  waste solutions and solvents, with
    Clearance and disposal (公民廢                    in order to understand concerns                    work done at source management
    棄物清除處理機構許可管理辦法 ) t o                           around the environmental impacts                   and sorting of solvents. Moreover,
    improve the management system                  brought by imported industry-use                   the industry has begun pushing
    for waste clearance and disposal.              materials. The EPA also considered                 for testing wastewater treatment
    One of the revision details is that            the implications of China’s no-                    plants located in industrial parks,
    disposal facilities are mandated               waste policy as part of its effort                 and exploring the feasibility of
    to present their own standards                 to tighten controls of imported                    using low-concentration waste
    for taking in waste, conduct tests             materials and protect the recycling                isopropanol, which is only
    on waste and products, and keep                system in Taiwan as quickly as                     generated in the semiconductor
    records on business, management,               possible.                                          industry, as a carbon source.
    and operations. The aim is to keep
    track of products reutilized from              O n 4 O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8 , t h e E PA           Regarding collection, clearance,
    treated waste so that waste can                announced the Industrial Wastes                    disposal, and reuse of agricultural
    be properly cleared and disposed               Categorized As Industrial Raw                      waste, the EPA has planned to
    of. Clearance and disposal prices              Materials (屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄                            establish a recycling, treatment,
    are required to be disclosed to the            物). The content included adjusted                  and reuse mechanism for
    public in order to establish a pricing         criteria for the importation of waste              waste orchard branches and
    and market mechanism for waste                 plastic and waste paper, specified                 other residual materials from
    clearance and disposal. Meanwhile,             import limits, and relevant quality                agricultural production. Pingtung
    the EPA is requiring clearance                 controls.                                          County’s experiences in crushing,
    and disposal organizations to join                                                                centralized storage and clearance
    relevant associations based on the             (3) E
                                                        nhancing at-source                           and reuse of waste orchard
    Commercial Group Act (商業團體                         reduction of industrial waste                  branches, all commissioned,
    法) to enhance coordination among                   and self-management                            are greatly relied upon for
    associated enterprises and tighten                                                                reference. The practices have
    links among competent authorities.             Since 2018, civil society groups                   been promoted to municipalities,
                                                   in Taiwan have been gradually                      counties, cities, and townships
    (2) Management of industrial                   and voluntarily promoting the                      that produce large amounts of
        waste categorized as                       Green Deal, based on referencing                   waste orchard branches. The EPA
        industrial raw material                    c o n c e p t s o f t h e N e t h e r l a n d ’s   also designated Pingtung County
                                                   Green Deal. The Alliance of a                      as a demonstration point and
    Waste paper and plastic have                   Circular Economy of Marine Waste                   assisted the agricultural industry
    been announced as industrial                   Plastic, the Green E-Resource                      to voluntarily establish a circular
    raw materials since 2003. As                   Alliance, and the Alliance of                      system for recycling and reuse of

Environmental Policy Quarterly
Environmental Policy Quarterly             Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

residual materials.                        install a real-time tracking system                   sensors and signals for power
                                           is now expanded to include those                      failures in vehicles and machinery
Tracking the flow of                       that clear and transport wastes like                  specifications to increase stability
industrial waste                           sludge, construction waste, and                       and accuracy of vehicle track
To better track the flow of industrial     waste plastic. In addition, the EPA                   signals.
waste, the EPA announced the               further required all clearance and
revised Regulations Concerning             transport vehicles with operation                     Future prospect
C l e a r a n c e a n d Tr a n s p o r t   permissions to be equipped with                       I n t h e f u t u r e , t h e E PA w i l l
Machinery Required to Be                   such a system. The measure is                         continue to improve management
Equipped with Real-Time Tracking           expected to put all machinery                         of industrial waste reuse as it
S y s t e m s ( 應裝置即時追蹤系統之                 and vehicles under control in                         gradually works toward reaching
清運機具及其規定 ) o n 1 7 A u g u s t             four stages from 2019 to 2022.                        Taiwan’s goals of resources cycling
2018. The list of clearance and            Additionally, the EPA will utilize new                and zero waste.
transport vehicles required to             technology by including collision

  Waste       Simultaneous Inspection Launched Nationwide
              Following Start of Ban on Single-use Plastic Straws
  A   fter a ban on single-use plastic straws took effect on 1 July 2019, inspections of the item were
      conducted in every county and city in Taiwan, which took place simultaneously at 1,138 sites
  on the first day. Two enterprises were found not compliant with the ban and subsequently received
  warnings. Nationwide implementation of the ban has generally gone well overall.

The Targets and Implementation             breaking it a second time while                       in the face of increasingly severe
Methods of the Single-use Plastic          showing no improvement. Before                        environmental and ecological
S t r a w B a n ( 一次用塑膠吸管限制使               t h e b a n o ff i c i a l l y t o o k e ff e c t ,   challenges. The main goal of the
用對象及實施方式), announced by                    the EPA formulated regulations                        ban on single-use plastic straws
the EPA on 8 May 2019, requires            concerning inspections and                            that begun on 1 July 2019 is to
roughly 8,000 enterprises in four          compiled lists of enterprises in                      implement phased controls and for
categories, namely, the public             the four categories as references                     the public to become less reliant
sector; schools; department                for local governments to conduct                      on such straws. Citizens and
stores and shopping malls; and             inspections and awareness                             enterprises can learn to adapt to
fast-food chain restaurants to             campaigns.                                            such a measure starting with the
stop providing single-use plastic                                                                first targets subject to the ban,
straws for onsite dining. Before 30        The EPA stated that since reducing                    which are onsite, indoor dining
June 2020, violators will receive          marine waste is a pressing issue                      environments where use of single-
warnings for breaking the ban for          globally, it hoped more and more                      use plastic straws is not necessary.
the first time, with fines ranging         people would voluntarily answer
from NT$1,200 to NT$6,000 for              the call to reduce waste at-source,

  Waste       EPA Promotes Recycling of Plastic Wrapping
  T   o reduce plastic waste, the EPA promotes the recycling of plastic resources and has thus
      developed a platform for connecting both upstream and downstream enterprises, such as
  hypermarkets, logistics enterprises, as well as clearance and recycling organizations. This will allow
  for plastic wrapping with recycling value to become a reusable material. Initial assessments estimate
  that 1,700 metric tons of waste plastic wrapping can be recycled annually.

Environmental Policy Quarterly
September 2019     Environmental Policy Quarterly

    Hypermarkets and logistics             The costs of recycling plastic bags    other products. As plastic wrapping
    enterprises use large amounts of       and film are currently high due to     recycling demonstration sites,
    plastic wrapping when transporting     the complexities of the material and   hypermarkets must improve their
    goods. The plastic wrapping            the tendency of being contaminated     processes of removing plastic
    is mixed with labels made of           with oil. However, plastic wrapping    wrapping. They must remove any
    different materials along with tape    used in hypermarkets is made           labels or tape, and store the plastic
    and waterproofing materials that       of a single material, most often       separately. This entails enhanced
    impact the sorting process. Once       polyethylene (PE), that is resistant   employee training. Meanwhile,
    plastic wrapping is discarded, it      to oil and other contaminants. It      clearance enterprises can take
    is typically incinerated. The EPA      would be most effective to reclaim     into consideration the light weight
    has therefore created a platform       this resource if the disposed          of the plastic film, the puffy nature
    to bring together upstream and         plastic could be sorted properly       of the product, and the reasonable
    downstream industries, including       at its source. Presently, there        allocation of compactor trucks
    hypermarkets, logistics enterprises,   are more than 150 hypermarkets         to save on the costs of shipping.
    and clearance and recycling            in Taiwan that are estimated to        Recycling enterprises can also
    organizations, in order to ensure      produce 1,700 metric tons of waste     have label-removing equipment
    that plastic wrapping with recycling   plastic wrapping per year. The         remove labels and tape to increase
    value is reused as plastic feedstock   EPA has thus decided to prioritize     the quality of the recycled material.
    material.                              hypermarkets as plastic wrapping
                                           recycling demonstration sites          T h e E PA n o t e d t h a t t h r o u g h
                                           and to connect them with other         this demonstration plan and by
                                           enterprises for plastic wrapping       encouraging more enterprises to
                                           recycling.                             follow through on their corporate
                                                                                  social responsibility, the EPA will
                                           Once plastic wrapping is removed,      further promote plastic wrapping
                                           sorted and then re-packaged, a         recycling by bringing in more
                                           clearance organization transports      hypermarkets and logistics
                                           it to a recycling organization,        enterprises to learn from the
                                           which then sorts and breaks the        procedures at demonstration
                                           material down further. After it is     sites. This will further boost plastic
                                           cleaned, dried and melted, it is       resource recycling, by allowing
                                           turned into pellets. This process      more people to become familiar
                                           transforms the wrapping into           with Taiwan’s plastic recycling
    Hypermarket plastic wrapping tends
                                           recycled plastic feedstock material    technologies and join in the
    to be made of a single material, and
    is thus easier to recycle.             that can then be used to produce       creation of a circular economy.
                                           plastic bags, film, containers, and

                      Taiwan-US Cooperation Steps Forward
                      in International Environmental Education
      T  he Ministry of Education and Chinese Society of Environmental Education (CSEE) in Taiwan
         both joined the Taiwan-US Environmental Education Task Force in 2019. The first meeting of the
      task force was held on 29 July. The meeting was attended by the USEPA, Japan’s Ministry of the
      Environment, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education, and NGOs.

    It’s been 25 years since Taiwan and    years Taiwan has evolved from a        the Global Environmental
    the US signed the Environmental        learner and created its own path       Education Partnership (GEEP)
    Protection Technology Cooperation      step by step. Since 2014, both         and the Taiwan-US Eco Campus
    Agreement in 1993. Over the            countries have jointly promoted        P a r t n e r s h i p p r o g r a m . Ye a r s

Environmental Policy Quarterly           Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

                                                                              promotion of international
                                                                              environmental education. As
                                                                              mentioned in GEEP’s mission
                                                                              statement, a goal has to be large
                                                                              enough in order to be seen at
                                                                              all times, so Taiwan will always
                                                                              endeavor to work hard on the path
                                                                              to sustainable development.

                                                                              Not only so, Japan’s Ministry of the
                                                                              Environment came to the meeting
                                                                              as an observer to learn more about
Members of the Taiwan-US Environmental Education Task Force.                  Taiwan-US joint collaboration
                                                                              to create opportunities for
of endeavor have gradually             Task Force displayed, but the          future multilateral collaboration
shaped Taiwan into a leader in         participants also discussed            and exchanges among Japan,
environmental education both in        all possibilities of continuing        t h e U S , a n d Ta i w a n . A n d t h e
the Asia-Pacific region and the        collaboration between the US and       American Institute in Taiwan also
world.                                 Taiwan.                                acknowledged the agreement as
                                                                              the most significant part of the
The meeting was attended by the        In the future, GEEP will first build   bilateral collaboration between
USEPA, Japan’s Ministry of the         a more tightknit environmental         the US and Taiwan. Meanwhile,
Environment, Taiwan’s Ministry         education network in the Asia-         Taiwan will continue to look for
of Foreign Affairs and Ministry        Pacific region. Aligned with this      opportunities to interact with the
of Education, North American           goal, the Taiwan EPA brought up        w o r l d . T h e Ta i w a n E PA a i m s
Association for Environmental          in the meeting its mission of soon     to let environmental education
Education (NAAEE), National            working with Taichung City Hall        take deeper root in Taiwan and
Wildlife Federation (NWF), Fairfax     to set up GEEP’s Asian center in       keep up with developments in
County Public Schools in the US        Taichung. The center’s purpose is      t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y,
State of Virginia, and CSEE.           to plan environmental education        making Taiwan a key figure in the
Not only were the achievements         promotion in the Asia-Pacific region   sustainable development of global
of the Environmental Education         and communicate and coordinate         environmental education.

    Air      International Collaboration for Air Pollution Control
             Formed Under New Southbound Policy
  T   he 2019 South & Southeast Asia -- Air Improvements in the Region (SSEA-AIR) Annual Meeting was
      held in Taipei from 29 July to 2 August. The meeting was jointly organized by the Taiwan EPA and
  the USEPA, and more than 30 government officials and experts in the field shared their experiences in
  air pollution control. Participating countries and organizations included Indonesia, Korea, Mongolia,
  Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Asian Environmental Compliance and
  Enforcement Network (AECEN).

Through the help of the Asia Pacific   on the differences of air pollution    the International Environmental
Clean Air Partnership of the UN        control policies among various         Partnership to support the
Environment Programme located          Asian countries. Moreover, the         implementation of the SSEA-AIR.
in Bangkok, Thailand, a contingent     Taiwan EPA and the USEPA have          Most Southeast Asian countries
from the USEPA visited Vietnam         also launched the new Air Quality      have agreed that the three key
and Indonesia to gather information    Management (AQM) platform under        parts of air pollution management

September 2019             Environmental Policy Quarterly

    are: the establishment of air quality                strategies based on local air quality   practice in roadside and random
    policies and standards, the control                  and pollution characteristics,          inspections of mobile sources and
    of transportation emissions, and                     Taiwan has gained a considerable        its achievements in air pollution
    the development of environmental                     amount of unique experiences in         reduction. After the meeting, the
    monitoring and data management                       air pollution control to share with     Taiwan EPA gave Vietnam 100
    t e c h n o l o g y. I n a d d i t i o n , m o s t   other Asian countries.                  sets of air quality sensors to help
    officials have expressed that they                                                           establish environmental monitoring
    are facing similar environmental                     The main purpose of the meeting         technology with lower costs.
    challenges. Therefore, the AQM                       was to exchange experiences in air
    will also serve as an important                      quality management. The meeting         The meeting laid the foundation
    communication and collaboration                      focused on topics that most             for not only future cooperation with
    network for the training of                          Southeast Asian countries showed        other Asian countries that will be
    government officials and technical                   interest in due to their similar        mutually beneficial, but also the
    experts, especially for developing                   environmental and developmental         implementation of the SE Asian
    countries that are in their early or                 background, including funding for       Quality Management Platform.
    middle stage of development.                         air pollution improvement, mobile       By providing technical assistance
                                                         source pollution control, and           and implementation experiences,
    Taiwan has seen significant results                  pollution prevention equipment          the Taiwan EPA aims to achieve
    in air quality improvement in the                    for factories. The Taiwan EPA           regional air quality improvement
    past 25 years. Additionally, since                   also arranged on-site tours for the     and promote local environmental
    every city adopts different control                  guests to demonstrate Taiwan’s          education and green industry.

         Air          Volatile Organic Compound Limits for Architectural
                      and Industrial Maintenance Coatings Announced
      O   n 13 August 2019, the EPA announced the Volatile Organic Compound Content Limits for
          Architectural Coatings and Industrial Maintenance Coatings (建物及工業維護塗料揮發性有機物成分標準).
      These regulations seek to reduce the usage of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as part of the EPA’s
      mission to safeguard the public’s health.

    Architectural and industrial                         to collect and treat these VOCs         to be released, impacting air
    maintenance coating products                         during coating processes. For           quality, working personnel and
    contain high concentrations of                       a short period of time after the        people in general.
    VOCs. It is often not possible                       coating is applied, VOCs continue

                            The concentration limit of VOCs in three broad categories and five specific types

        Category                                 Use                     Adjust stickiness method     Concentration limit of VOCs

                           Coatings used for interior walls and          water-based
     Category A                                                                                       must not exceed 50 (g/L)
                           ceilings (60o glossiness < 25 GU)             solvent-based

                           Coating used for interior walls and           water-based
     Category B                                                                                       must not exceed 100 (g/L)
                           ceilings (60o glossiness > 25 GU)             solvent-based

     Category C1           Exterior wall coating                         water-based                  must not exceed 100 (g/L)

     Category C2           Opaque exterior wall coating                  solvent-based                must not exceed 450 (g/L)

     Category C3           Transparent exterior wall coating             solvent-based                must not exceed 600 (g/L)

Environmental Policy Quarterly     Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

Furthermore, according to the         the EPA announced the Volatile          manufacturing, importation and
recently amended Air Pollution        Organic Compound Content Limits         sale of architectural and industrial
Control Act, chemical products that   for Architectural Coatings and          maintenance coatings containing
are manufactured, imported or sold    Industrial Maintenance Coatings.        VOCs. The regulated coatings
containing the VOCs announced by      The restrictions put in place will be   include three broad categories and
the central competent authorities     for coatings used in buildings and      five specific types. The categories
must meet the content limits for      in maintaining industrial equipment,    are: coatings for interior walls and
such VOCs. Thus, there is a need      as these are stationary sources         ceilings (category A/B) and exterior
to enhance related controls on        of pollution. The concentration         walls (category C). Labels for the
such products.                        limits are for the VOC content in       diluting solvents and the solution
                                      the products sold on the domestic       ratios will be required to prevent
After considering other countries’    market. Coatings to be exported         the use of solvents from unknown
experiences in controlling VOCs,      will not be affected.                   sources and to determine the
the current state of manufacturing                                            largest amounts of VOCs used in
technology development, and the       The EPA emphasized that the             coating products.
VOC content testing data of the       targets of this draft include
coating products on the market,       enterprises involved in the

 Soil &
                    Enhancing Soil Pollution Remediation and
                    Related Technology Development
 S  peeding up soil pollution remediation and developing relevant technology is a vital part of the
    EPA’s “A Sustainable Earth” policy. Under the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act
 (土壤及地下水污染整治法), the policy consists of two major parts: “strengthening preventive control and
 conducting investigations of high pollution potential” and “speeding up remediation of pollution sites
 and enhancing remediation technology”. As tasks under the policy are gradually implemented, soil and
 groundwater pollution sites can be cleaned up and taken off the control list, leading to improvement of
 overall environmental quality.

Strengthening preventive              a total of 7,921 voluntary reporting    parks based on current testing
control and conducting                cases between 2005 and 31               status and control results. The
investigations of high                July 2019. In the future, current       latest result (in August 2019)
pollution potential
                                      relevant regulations will undergo       showed red in five sites, orange
(1) Preventive control measures       evaluations on a rolling basis in       in 13 sites, yellow in 24 sites,
                                      order to increase the effects of        and green in 116 sites. The EPA
Land owners and enterprises are       voluntary controls.                     will continue to promote the color
supervised and urged to take                                                  signal control system, enhance
the soil quality of the land they     To enhance regional control of soil     warning and monitoring efficiency
use seriously as well as clear        and groundwater quality, competent      in industrial parks, speed up
up both pre- and post-operation       authorities are responsible to          pollution improvement, strengthen
responsibilities. In accordance       regularly monitor pollution trends      systematic support services for
with the Soil and Groundwater         within their jurisdictions under the    decision making and analysis, and
Pollution Remediation Act,            Soil and Groundwater Pollution          supervise all units to actively take
announced enterprises are             Remediation Act. From 2011 to           up various projects.
required to report soil pollution     31 August 2019, the monitoring
assessment investigations and         rate reached 98.7% in all of the        Every year, the EPA holds two
testing data before land transfer,    158 designated industrial parks         to three training seminars on
as well as establishing, changing,    in Taiwan. A color signal control       sediment quality testing and
and closing business. There were      system is in place in industrial        reporting as well as sediment

September 2019       Environmental Policy Quarterly

    reporting coordination meetings so       quality monitoring wells, monitoring      list. The investigation of the rest
    as to supervise and help competent       is conducted regularly in order           145 enterprises is expected to be
    authorities conduct testing and          to get a grip on groundwater              completed in two years.
    reporting tasks. The purpose is to       quality background in Taiwan. In
    strengthen control of water body         2018, a total of 750 samples were         Furthermore, the EPA surveyed
    sediment quality, disclose testing       taken from monitoring wells and           943 enterprises and inspected 198
    data, and set up an Environmental        the testing results that met the          enterprises from 2008 to August
    Resource Open Data Platform for          Groundwater Pollution Monitoring          2019 for plants with high-polluting
    the public to look up testing data. It   S t a n d a r d s (地下水污染監測標               potential that are still in operation.
    also assists competent authorities       準) (Category 2) was 92.3% on              The detection rate reached 62%
    and agencies in charge of water          average.                                  as 122 of them were found to be
    body control to complete various                                                   polluted. To date, 29 enterprises
    reporting operations.                    (2)	Investigation of high-polluting      are off the regulatory list. Onsite
                                                 potential                             inspection at another 194 plants
    Between January 2014 to 31                                                         will continue and is expected to
    August 2019, authorities of 473          A. Enterprises                            finish in three years.
    sites, including 83 rivers, 91 lakes     To enhance control of abandoned
    and reservoirs and 299 irrigation        factories, the EPA has inspected          B.	U n d e r g r o u n d s t o r a g e t a n k
    ditches have submitted sediment          and rated 504 enterprises as                 systems
    investigation and sampling plans         sites with high-polluting potential.      To prevent underground storage
    for reference. The plan submission       Inspection was done on 359 of             tank systems from leakage,
    rate reached 100%. Among                 these enterprises between 2004            enterprises are required by law
    them, 90.7% have completed the           and August 2019, 157 of which             to self-monitor them on a regular
    inspections and submitted the            were confirmed with pollution,            basis before reporting to the local
    reports for references.                  or a detection rate of 44%.               environmental agency. Targeting
                                             Currently, 98 enterprises have            abnormalities in these reports, the
    For the 453 regional groundwater         been removed from the regulatory          EPA has continued inspection and

                         The color signal control system in industrial parks (unit: site)
      160                                                                                                             5
                                                                   5               5               13                 13
      140           5              5              6                               19
                                                  27              20                               26                 24
      120          27              36                                             22
      100                                         28
        80         58              40
        60                                                                                         113                116
                                                                  95             104
        40                                        83
                   52              62
                  2013           2014            2015            2016           2017              2018               2019

    For the soil and groundwater pollution remediation network, color signals for pollution control in industrial parks are
    updated to effectively keep track of environmental quality and improvement status.

Environmental Policy Quarterly               Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

pollution investigations in order               A.	Developing and testing new                             Research units were welcomed
to prevent pollution. Inspections                  technology                                               to submit applications to
have been conducted since 2001                  Technologies suitable for pollution                         develop technologies suitable
with a total of 3,524 station-                  investigation and remediation in                            for domestic needs. A two-
times, leading to confirmation of               Taiwan have been developed and                              stage review was carried out
pollution in 289 stations. A total of           tested based on the features and                            from October to December
224 stations have been removed                  remediation needs of polluted                               2018. Twenty-eight applications
from the regulatory list so far,                sites. It includes phyto-sensors,                           were approved, which included
and 65 stations on the list are                 high-resolution site investigation                          18 research projects and ten
currently undergoing remediation                technology, bio-remediation, and                            pilot study projects. The total
implemented by their respective                 onsite smoldering remediation. The                          subsidies amounted to NT$30
enterprises.                                    technologies developed are being                            million.
                                                tested on seven sites.                                  (iii)	 F o r c o m m e r c i a l i z e d
Speeding up pollution-site                                                                                      technology with great potential
remediation and enhancing                       B.	P romoting development and                                  developed under the research
remediation technology                                                                                          and pilot study project above,
                                                     application of local technology
(1)	P romoting remediation on                  (i)	S i n c e 2 0 1 0 , t h e E PA h a s                       t h e E PA h a s e s t a b l i s h e d
    polluted sites                                   been promoting the 2019 Soil                               a soil and groundwater
                                                     and Groundwater Pollution                                  pollution technology matching
T h e E PA h a s s e t u p s i t e                   Remediation Funds-subsidized                               mechanism. A conference
management plans, a mechanism                        Research and Pilot Study                                   with 360 attendees was held
to improve sites where remediation                   Program. Research centers                                  in June 2019 to promote soil
has halted, and a control system                     in universities in Taiwan (both                            and groundwater remediation
to oversee the entire operation.                     national and private) as well                              results and match available
The aim is to hasten improvement                     as public and private research                             technologies to those in need
of sites with soil and groundwater                   facilities are encouraged to                               of them. It aimed to strengthen
pollution and effectively increase                   investigate soil and groundwater                           local technical capacity, link
remediation progress by keeping                      and develop remediation and                                up industries and academia,
an eye closely on the status of                      r e h a b i l i t a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y.           and enhance the potential for
site remediation. The use of the                     The program also helps link                                application of technology.
Soil Pollution Fund is maximized                     remediation technology with
through taking inventory of polluted                 those in need of it in order to                    C.	I n t r o d u c t i o n o f a d v a n c e d
sites, keeping track of investigation                speed up removal of polluted                           technology and related training
information such as site history and                 sites from the regulatory list.                    In 2018, Dr. James Landmeyer
current pollution status, evaluating                 Up to December 2018, major                         of the US Geological Survey and
new evidence, and assessing the                      results included 205 projects                      Dr. Song Jin of the University
needs for additional investigation.                  subsidized with NT$220 million,                    of Wyoming were invited to
                                                     129 research manuscripts                           speak at seminars and staff
As of 31 July 2019, a total of 8,680                 submitted to international                         training programs titled “Green
sites had been put under control.                    journals, 23 patents, five                         Investigation Technology” and
As many as 5,724 sites had been                      technology transfers, 43                           “Electrokinetic Remediation
removed from the regulatory                          instances of technology applied                    Technology”. A total of 413 people
list, leaving 2,956 sites that are                   to polluted sites, and more                        attended 13 training sessions. Soil
currently under control, 2,515 of                    than 800 soil and groundwater                      and groundwater investigation and
which are farmland (374 hectares)                    professionals trained.                             remediation technology in Taiwan
and 441 sites of enterprises.                   (ii)	In 2019, the EPA has kept on                      were greatly enhanced through
                                                     promoting the research and                         such training courses and case
(2)	 E n h a n c i n g r e m e d i a t i o n        pilot study program, accepting                     sharing.
      technology                                     applications between 31 August
                                                     and 26 September 2018.

September 2019        Environmental Policy Quarterly

                     Green Point Scheme Expands to Include Smile
                     Logo-certified Products
       E   PA Minister Tzu-Chin Chang announced that MIT smile logo-accredited products are to be included
           in the green point redemption program starting from 1 September 2019. The green point scheme
       allows participants to earn and collect points by taking public transportation, renting public bikes, and
       taking part in environmental protection activities. The green points can be used in exchange for food,
       clothing, accommodation and transportation. For example, the points can be redeemed for products
       with the Green Mark certification, or entrance to environmental education facilities and national forest
       recreation areas. Points can also be used for purchasing green products or dining at green point
       partner restaurants.

     Minister Chang announced that              Director General Leu also                          7-Eleven, and ET Mall. The green
     the EPA would be launching new             encouraged consumers to support                    point system has a total of 320,000
     incentives in September as part            the domestic products and take                     users who have accumulated more
     of the green point scheme to               part in environmental protection                   than five billion points.
     encourage public participation.            by purchasing MIT smile logo
     Starting from September 2019,              products. The green point system                   To start earning points, individuals
     the EPA will hold weekly giveaway          recently expanded to include 814                   only need to create an account
     events to give out one million             MIT smile logo products (such as                   on the Green Point website or
     points to randomly selected                clothing, towels, shoes and small                  app and link up their smart cards
     participants. Also, purchasing             home appliances) and, with the                     or retail customer reward cards
     specific items will be given 2000          existing green products, now                       to their accounts. Points can also
     extra points and purchasing MIT            consists of a total of 1,858 green                 be acquired through shopping
     smile logo-accredited products on          products. The purpose of the                       from a range of 1,000 eco-friendly
     weekends can earn participants 10          green point scheme is to boost                     products on the website. The green
     times the number of points.                green business participation,                      point redemption program is the
                                                support a circular economy, and                    best reward program in the market
     Both Minister Chang and Director           promote green consumerism and                      where points can be exchanged
     General Jang-Hwa Leu of the                sustainable lifestyles.                            for up to 10% of discounts on
     Industrial Development Bureau of                                                              products.
     the Ministry of Economic Affairs           Individuals can redeem their green
     urged retailers to support the             points in exchange for more than                   The EPA encourages everyone
     green point program to stimulate           1,000 available Green Mark-                        to download the Green Point app
     green consumerism and a circular           certified or eco-labelled products                 and sign up to enjoy the various
     e c o n o m y. T h e s c h e m e a l s o   (including home appliances,                        benefits of the redemption program
     motivates manufacturers to obtain          household cleaners, thermos cups,                  while practicing environmental
     MIT smile logos, Green Mark                stationery, food and groceries)                    protection in their daily lives. For
     certification, and carbon footprint        through the following retailers:                   more information, please go to
     labels.                                    E - L i f e M a l l C o r p o r a t i o n , R T-   its official website: htps://www.
                                                Mart, Far Eastern A-Mart, Hilife,                  greenpoint.org.tw/.

                    EPA Celebrates Its 32nd Anniversary
                    with Former Ministers
      O  n 22 August 2019, the EPA marked the 32nd anniversary of its founding. To celebrate its birthday,
         the EPA held an event and invited former EPA ministers, deputy ministers, and all retired
      employees to share its accomplishments in environmental protection.

Environmental Policy Quarterly              Vol.Ⅲ Issue 3

With the joint efforts of 16 former    environmental protection over the       honor the EPA staff’s hard work
ministers and the entire EPA staff,    past 32 years. Participating former     and commitment in promoting
environmental protection sprouted      ministers included: Eugene Chien,       e n v i r o n m e n t a l s u s t a i n a b i l i t y.
and has become deeply rooted in        Larry L.G. Chen, Chu-Enn Chang,         Hence, to commemorate the
Taiwan’s education system. On          Stephen Shu-Hung Shen, Kuo-Yen          EPA’s growth over the past three
this special day, former ministers     Wei, and Ying-Yuan Lee.                 decades and to show gratitude for
were invited to join the celebration                                           the joint cooperation of the entire
and share their experiences in         The theme of the event was to           staff, the EPA made a large mosaic
                                                                               poster with thousands of images
                                                                               of current and past staff. The EPA
                                                                               also made special anniversary
                                                                               albums with photos of major
                                                                               environmental events throughout
                                                                               the last 32 years and gifted them to
                                                                               every former minister.

                                                                               I n r e c e n t y e a r s , Ta i w a n
                                                                               has experienced significant
                                                                               improvement in both its
                                                                               environmental regulations and
                                                                               awareness. In the future, the EPA
                                                                               will continue working on resource
                                                                               reuse and recycling and striving
                                                                               for environmental sustainability.
                                                                               Through this event, the EPA also
                                                                               wished to show the public its
On 22 August 2019, the EPA hosted its former ministers and deputy ministers    determination and perseverance in
to celebrate past accomplishments.                                             environmental protection.

    Air      Stricter Air Quality Standards Preannounced to
             Tackle Air Pollution
  T   o further improve air quality in Taiwan, the EPA plans to tighten the air quality standards and lower
      the daily average PM10 limit to 100 µg/m3, and the maximum one-hour average of SO2 concentration
  to 0.075 ppm. In addition, the EPA will also impose stricter standards for NO2 and lead.

The Air Quality Standards were         0.25 ppm to 0.075 ppm and the           According to the air quality
last amended on 14 May 2012, in        annual average concentration from       guidelines published by the World
which both the annual and 24-hour      0.030 ppm to 0.020 ppm. As for the      Health Organization (WHO) in
PM2.5 concentrations were added        NO2 standards, the maximum one-         2005, the interim target values for
to strengthen PM 2.5 control. To       hour average NO 2 concentration         the 24-hour PM 2.5 concentration
enhance air quality improvement,       will be brought down from 0.25          a n d t h e a n n u a l m e a n P M 2.5
the EPA plans to lower the daily       ppm to 0.1 ppm and the annual           concentration are set at 25 μg/m3
average PM 10 limit from 125 µg/       average from 0.050 ppm to 0.030         and 10 μg/m 3 , respectively. The
m 3 to 100 µg/m 3 and reduce the       ppm. Lastly, the air quality standard   interim targets are provided to
annual average limit from 65 µg/       for lead will be set at 0.15 µg/m3      encourage air quality improvement
m3 to 50 µg/m3. Moreover, the EPA      as a rolling three-month average        and to reduce adverse health
will lower the maximum one-hour        concentration.                          effects posed by PM2.5 emissions.
average SO 2 concentration from                                                However, the WHO did not set a

September 2019         Environmental Policy Quarterly

     fixed threshold for PM 2.5 and the       WHO also provided three interim         tightened to 35 μg/m 3 in 2006,
     interim target values provided           target values for both the 24-hour      and the annual standard was
     are relatively lenient. Hence, the       PM2.5 concentrations (75, 50, 37.5      lowered to 12 μg/m3 in 2012. Even
     EPA won’t change the air quality         μg/m3) and the annual mean PM2.5        though the annual standard finally
     standards for PM2.5.                     concentrations (35, 25, 15 μg/m3).      dropped from 15 μg/m3 to 12 μg/
                                                                                      m3 after 15 years of adjustments
     The WHO suggested that national          The US first established its PM2.5      and efforts, most states were still
     air quality standards should be set      standards in 1997, which originally     unable to reach the tightened
     based on factors such as health          set the 24-hour concentration           standard of 12 μg/m3. South Korea
     risks caused by local air conditions,    at 65 µg/m3 and the annual              started implementing an annual
     current pollution sources,               mean concentration at 15 μg/            P M 2 .5 s t a n d a r d o f 2 5 μ g /m 3 i n
     technological feasibility, and social    m 3 . The standards for the 24-         2015. Singapore currently does
     and economic development. The            hour concentration were then            not maintain air quality standards
                                                                                      for PM 2.5, but a goal of reaching
                                                                                      an annual mean concentration of
                                                                                      12 μg/m 3 by 2020 has been set.
                                                                                      Thus, Taiwan enforces stricter
                                                                                      PM2.5 standards compared to other
                                                                                      Western and Asian countries.

                                                                                      From the Clean Air Action Plan
                                                                                      promulgated in 2015 to the Air
                                                                                      Pollution Control Action Plan, the
                                                                                      EPA has shown its devotion to the
                                                                                      control of PM2.5 and its precursors.
                                                                                      According to the data collected by
                                           goal                                       manual monitoring devices, the
                                                                                      annual average PM2.5 concentration
                                                                                      in 2017 was 17.5 μg/m3, which was
                                                                                      an improvement over the previous
                                                                                      three years.

                                                                                         The WHO set three interim target
                                                                                      values for both the 24-hour PM2.5
                                                                                      concentrations and the annual mean
                                                                                      PM2.5 concentrations.

         Environmental Policy Quarterly                              For inquiries or subscriptions, please contact:
         R.O.C. (Taiwan)                                             Environmental Policy Quarterly
                                                                     Office of Sustainable Development
                                                                     Environmental Protection Administration
         Tzi-Chin Chang, Minister
                                                                     83, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei 100, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
         Editor-in-Chief                                             tel: 886-2-2311-7722 ext. 2211
         Shyn-Wei Chen                                               fax: 886-2-2311-5486
                                                                     Contents Copyright 2019
         Executive Editors
         Shiuan-Wu Chang; Yu-Ling Yang; Chun-Wei Yang;               行政院新聞局出版登記證局版北市誌字第1611號
         Shaowen Chang; Ken Lee; Jason Hoy                           中華郵政北台字第6128號執照登記為雜誌交寄

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