Enriching a Model's Notion of Belief using a Persistent Memory
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Enriching a Model’s Notion of Belief using a Persistent Memory Nora Kassner1,2 , Oyvind Tafjord1 , Hinrich Schütze2 , Peter Clark1 1 Allen Institute for AI, Seattle, WA 2 Center for Information and Language Processing, LMU Munich, Germany kassner@cis.lmu.de {oyvindt,peterc}@allenai.org Abstract Although pretrained language models (PTLMs) have been shown to contain signif- icant amounts of world knowledge, they can arXiv:2104.08401v1 [cs.CL] 16 Apr 2021 still produce inconsistent answers to questions when probed, even after using specialized training techniques to reduce inconsistency. As a result, it can be hard to identify what the model actually "believes" about the world. Our goal is to reduce this problem, so systems Figure 1: The proposed architecture. The model’s are more globally consistent and accurate in raw answers are stored in a persistent memory (Be- their answers. Our approach is to add a mem- liefBank), and two mechanisms attempt to improve ory component - a BeliefBank - that records them: (a) A constraint solver flips beliefs that clash a model’s answers, and two mechanisms that significantly with others (b) A feedback mechanism re- use it to improve consistency among beliefs. queries the model about those beliefs, but uses other, First, a reasoning component - a weighted relevant beliefs as the query context. We find both con- SAT solver - improves consistency by flipping sistency and accuracy of the overall system improves. answers that significantly clash with others. Second, a feedback component re-queries the model but using known beliefs as context. We show that, in a controlled experimental setting, Li et al., 2019), but with imperfect results. We these two mechanisms improve both accuracy present an alternative approach in which the model and consistency. This is significant as it is a is unchanged, but an evolving, persistent memory first step towards endowing models with an of beliefs - called the BeliefBank - is layered on evolving memory, allowing them to construct top, and two mechanisms use it to improve consis- a more coherent picture of the world.1 tency among beliefs. First a reasoning component - 1 Introduction a weighted SAT (satisfiability) solver - flips beliefs that clash with others. Second, a feedback compo- How might we ascribe a notion of belief to a nent re-queries the model but using known beliefs model? Prior work has shown that, while pre- as context, aiming for more accurate and consis- trained language models (PTLMs) contain substan- tent answers. Thus, the overall system attempts to tial world knowledge (Petroni et al., 2019; Roberts build a more coherent representation of the world et al., 2020), their answers to probing questions can from the model’s raw answers, by ruminating on be inconsistent (Elazar et al., 2021; Ravichander the answers seen so far. This can also be viewed as et al., 2020; Kassner and Schütze, 2020), making it assembling a simple “mental model” of the world hard to pin down what a model actually “believes” (Johnson-Laird, 1983) from the noisy output of a about a proposition. Our goal is to reduce this raw PTLM. problem by having systems provide more globally We explore this in a controlled experimental set- consistent answers to questions. ting where both candidate facts and constraints are Prior work on reducing inconsistency has fo- provided. Candidate facts are simple sentences cused on retraining the model itself to be more that may be true or false, e.g., "An eagle is a bird" consistent in its answers, e.g., (Ribeiro et al., 2019; (T), “An eagle is a mammal” (F). Constraints are 1 Dataset is available at https://allenai.org/data/beliefbank between (variabilized) facts, e.g., “X is a bird →
X has wings”. These allow us both to probe and fication” as the task of building a maximally con- measure improvement in the system’s consistency sistent knowledge graph given noisy facts and their and accuracy. extraction confidences, and ontological constraints We make the following contributions: between them. They develop a solution use prob- 1. We augment a PTLM with a global memory abilistic soft logic (PSL) (Broecheler et al., 2010) - the BeliefBank - and show how it can be as their constraint reasoner. Similarly, Berant et al. leveraged to produce more globally consistent (2010) learn the globally optimal set of entailments answers. Specifically, we compare two mech- between a large database of candidate entailment anisms for using the BeliefBank - a reasoning pairs (with associated confidences), by applying and a feedback mechanism - and demonstrate a global transitivity constraint (X`Y & Y`Z → that both can improve system accuracy and X`Z) using Integer Logic Programming. In our consistency in a restricted setting. case, we follow similar ideas but show how they 2. We contribute a controlled dataset to mea- can be usefully applied to the noisy predictions of sure a PTLM’s consistency against given con- a PTLM. Specifically, we formulate the task as a straints weighted SAT (satisfiability) problem, and use the 3. We provide an analysis of the failure modes SMT solver Z3 (De Moura and Bjørner, 2008) to and directions for future work solve it (Section 4.2.1). These are significant as they enrich a model’s no- In the area of formal knowledge-bases (KBs), tion of “belief”, helping them construct a more efficient algorithms have been developed for de- coherent picture of the world. tecting, measuring, and resolving inconsistency (Hansen and Jaumard, 2000; Andersen and Pre- 2 Related work tolani, 2001; Thimm, 2009; Muiño, 2011; Thimm, 2013). Our contribution is to leverage some of PTLMs are known to contain extensive world these methods for PTLMs, adding a reasoning ca- knowledge (Petroni et al., 2019; Roberts et al., pability that the PTLMs alone lack. 2020), yet be inconsistent in their answers to prob- An important part of our contribution is the use ing questions (Ettinger, 2020; Davison et al., 2019; of a dynamic, persistent memory. While there Kassner and Schütze, 2020; Ravichander et al., are neural architectures that include an associated 2020; Elazar et al., 2021). While there has been memory, e.g., (Henaff et al., 2016; Sukhbaatar et al., some prior work on improving answer consistency, 2015), these components typically play the role of the primary approach has been through modified a short-term working memory to help computation. model training. Ribeiro et al. (2019) improved In contrast, our BeliefBank memory layer is a per- consistency by adding question paraphrases and sistent, long-term memory of explicit beliefs. question implications to the training data (data Finally, our feedback mechanism uses old an- augmentation). Others have trained models with swers to help answer new questions. This builds (small) sets of examples with known constraints on prior work such as Self-Talk (Shwartz et al., between them, and included an additional loss term 2020), where a model asks itself related questions reflecting inconsistency among set members dur- to help with new answers. In our case, feedback ing training (Minervini and Riedel, 2018; Li et al., is selected from a global BeliefBank, rather than 2019; Asai and Hajishirzi, 2020). However, the generated with templated subqueries, potentially constraints are unused at test time (beyond what allowing more control over feedback selection. the model may have internalized), and inconsistent answers are still produced. 3 Task For problems requiring a structured answer, e.g., predicting a sequence of state changes, domain- 3.1 Beliefs specific constraints have been used to down- What does it mean to believe a proposition, say p = grade/block answers that violate them (Tandon eagles are birds? In general, a system can be said et al., 2018; Du et al., 2019). This encourages to (appear to) believe something if it acts as if it consistency within a single answer structure, but were true. In the specific context of a QA system, not among different answers, our goal here. we would expect it to produce answers consistent In the area of knowledge graph construction, Pu- with p (and its other beliefs). Pragmatically, we jara et al. (2013) define “knowledge graph identi- expect the system to (a) give a consistent answer
to different paraphrases of the question "p?" ("Are – label li ∈ {T,F} denotes the system’s eagles birds?", "Is an eagle a type of bird?", ...), True/False belief about the truth of si and (b) give correct answers about implications – weight wi is a number ∈ [0, 1] represent- of p ("Eagles lay eggs", "Eagles have feathers", ing the system’s strength of that belief ...). Of course, a system may not perfectly answer For example: such implications as the implications may have exceptions, or the system may not be a perfect ("a poodle is a dog", T, 0.9) reasoner.2 . Thus, to the external observer, there denotes the belief (strength 0.9) that "a poodle are degrees to which a system acts as if it believes is a dog" is a true statement (T). something. • a BeliefBank B(S) = a set of beliefs over assertions S = s1 , ..., sn 3.2 Task Definition • a constraint ci = a 4-tuple of the form (si → Our goal is to ascribe a stronger notion of “belief” sj , lj , wi ) where to a system that includes a model M , by improv- – si , sj are sentences ∈ S, ing the consistency and accuracy of its answers – lj ∈ {T,F} denotes the expected truth of (compared with M ). To measure this we consider sj if si is true, a true/false probing task, where we are also given a – wi denotes the strength of that expecta- set of constraints between answers: tion (a penalty wi is applied if it is vio- Given: lated). • a set of sentences S For convenience, we allow a shared variable X • a set of constraints C(S) between (the to be used in si , sj , allowing a set of grounded truth values of) sentences in S, each an- constraints to be expressed in a single state- notated with a weight wi (A penalty wi is ment, e.g. applied if ci ∈ C(S) is violated) (“X is a dog” → “X has a tail”, T, 0.8) • a model M that takes as input a True/False expresses that if something is a dog, then it natural language (NL) question Q and op- should (T) have a tail, with a penalty of 0.8 tionally an (NL) context X, and predicts a applied if it does not. Mutual exclusivity is True/False answer A with confidence score expressed using two rules, e.g., that fish and F birds are mutually exclusive is expressed: Predict: (“X is a bird” → “X is a fish”, F, 1.0) • the True/False labels for S, so as to max- (“X is a fish” → “X is a bird”, F, 1.0) imally improve accuracy (with respect to where “F” indicates the conclusion should be gold labels) and consistency (minimize to- false if the condition is true. tal penalties of constraint violations) com- • A constraint graph C(S) = a set of con- pared with model M ’s raw answers straints ci over assertions S 4 Approach Given a set of beliefs B(S) about S and a set of Our approach is to add a memory layer, called constraints C(S), we measure consistency using the BeliefBank, on top of the model to globally (the complement of) Li et al. (2019)’s conditional track beliefs. Two mechanisms are then used to constraint violation (τ ) metric, namely the frac- modify BeliefBank beliefs, namely (a) constraint tion of constraints whose condition si is believed reasoning and (b) re-asking queries augmented true, but whose conclusion (that sj has truth value with feedback from the BeliefBank. lj , denoted lj .sj ) is not. In other words, over all constraints ci ∈ C(S), inconsistency τ is 4.1 Definitions τ = |{ ci | ¬(si → lj .sj ) }| / |{ ci | si }| Let i.e., the size of the set of violated constraints • a belief bi be a triple (si ,li ,wi ), where (si → lj .cj is false) divided by the size of the – si is a sentence ∈ S set of applicable constraints (i.e., those where the 2 condition si is true). We then define: Similarly, people do not always behave fully consistently with their professed beliefs. consistency = 1 - τ
BeliefBank has just 1 error and greater consistency. Note that updates can also introduce new errors (not shown in Figure 2), so improvement is not guaranteed. 4.2.1 Constraint Solving Given a set of beliefs and constraints, the constraint solver has two competing objectives: (a) flip be- liefs so as to minimize constraint violations (b) don’t flip beliefs, so as to preserve the model’s raw beliefs, i.e., minimize conflict between the model and BeliefBank. To implement this tradeoff, the model’s beliefs are themselves treated as just an- other constraint, e.g., the belief "a poodle is a dog" (weight 0.9) is treated as a constraint "a poodle is a Figure 2: Simplified illustration of iteratively improv- dog", with penalty 0.9 if it is violated (i.e., labeled ing the BeliefBank (oval). +/- denote true/false predic- as false by the constraint solver). To balance the tions for 10 facts about swallows. The model alone two objectives (a) and (b), the belief weights are makes 4 prediction errors (M). Re-querying for those scaled by a learned hyper-parameter λ, trained on beliefs using other selected beliefs as context (feed- back) fixes 2 of those errors (F). Running constraint a calibration part our dataset, disjoint from the data solving on the updated BeliefBank fixes another er- then used in experiments (Section 5). ror (C), resulting in just 1 error in the final Belief- To implement constraint solving, we translate Bank. Here, the sequence is Model → Feedback → the task into a weighted SAT (satisfiability) problem Constraints. P , for which efficient algorithms with guarantees exist. Each belief becomes a weighted assertion in P , e.g., the belief ("a poodle is a dog", T, 0.9) is 4.2 Methods expressed in SAT syntax: We evaluate two methods for improving the Belief- 0.9 "a poodle is a dog"3 Bank’s accuracy and consistency: while the constraint ("a poodle is a dog" → "a Constraint solving: Given a model M ’s answers poodle has a tail", T, 0.8) is expressed: (with confidences) in the BeliefBank, a con- 0.8 "a poodle has a tail" -"a poodle is a dog" straint solver seeks to reduce constraint vi- (literally: "a poodle has a tail" OR NOT ("-") "a olations by potentially flipping answers that poodle is a dog"). We then apply the solver Z3 maximally clash with other answers. (De Moura and Bjørner, 2008) to P , which outputs Feedback: Beliefs are checked by re-querying the a set of truth assignments for all individual sen- model, but additionally using relevant other tences in P so as to minimize the weighted sum of beliefs as context for those (re-)queries. violations. If the truth assignment of any sentence Figure 1 shows these components, and Figure 2 has changed, the BeliefBank is correspondingly illustrates how they can iteratively improve the Be- updated. liefBank. In Figure 2, there are 10 beliefs of interest 4.2.2 Feedback about swallows. When probed about these, the raw model gets 4 of these wrong, including inconsis- Feedback involves re-asking the model a question, tently believing that a swallow is both a bird and a but with the benefit of knowing answers to related mammal (see (M) in Figure 2). Applying feedback, questions. To use these answers in the re-query, we re-ask the model the 10 questions but adding in selected beliefs are added to the query context be- the most relevant known beliefs as context for those fore re-asking the model. (Note that the selected (re-)queries. The BeliefBank is updated with these beliefs are not guaranteed to be correct, of course). new answers, fixing 2 of the errors (F). We then run Our conjecture is that if the model is explicitly re- the constraint solver over the BeliefBank, resulting minded of relevant beliefs when answering a new in one answer being flipped (question 9, from T 3 In practice, strings are replaced with numeric identifiers to F), thus fixing another error (see (C)). The final in SAT syntax, but for clarity we leave them as strings here.
question, it will answer the question more accu- expresses that an entity cannot be both a dog rately and consistently. For example, in Figure 1, and a bird at the same time. when asked "Do swallows have gills?", our model Positive implications were manually gathered from M incorrectly answers "yes". But if reminded ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017). First, we identified that swallows are not fish, by asking: "CONTEXT 176 general concepts of interest, e.g., “mammal”, Swallows are not fish. QUERY Do swallows have choosing concepts with high occurrence (> 100 gills?" the model now correctly answers "no". times) in ConceptNet, avoiding significantly am- We evaluate two policies for choosing which biguous terms (e.g., “bat”), and filtering out plurals beliefs to feed back to M when re-asking question and obscure concepts. For these entities, we then Q: collected all ConceptNet facts involving 6 relations: 1. randomly selected from the BeliefBank IsA, HasA, MadeOf, PartOf, HasProperty, and Ca- 2. most relevant, using the constraint graph to pableOf, and re-expressed them as constraints. For identify relevance. As the constraint graph example, the ConceptNet triple (dog, HasA, tail) captures potential clashes that the answer to Q gives rise to the constraint "X is a dog" → "X has a could cause, we use the graph to select those tail." (Triples are converted into English sentences beliefs that would be most affected by that using simple templates). We then manually filter answer. For example, if the current query is: theses constraints for factual correctness. We also "Is a poodle an animal?", the constraint graph add the constraint in the backwards direction, "X identifies potential clashes the would occur if has a tail" → "X is a dog", expecting these to have the model answered "yes", and also clashes if lower weight, i.e., be weaker. (These backwards it answered "no". In this example, if the model rules discourage the trivial solution that everything answered "no", the resulting belief ("a poodle is false.) Finally, weights are assigned to all the is not an animal") would strongly clash with constraints using a combination of crowdsourcing other beliefs "A poodle is a dog.", "A poodle is and calibration, described shortly (Section 5.2). a mammal.", and "A poodle is a domesticated Mutual exclusivities were gathered from the canine.", so all three are strong candidates “isa” taxonomies in ConceptNet and WordNet (Fell- for the context. We select the three overall baum, 2005), using the approximation that (gener- strongest clashing beliefs found in this way, ally) siblings in the noun hierarchy are mutually considering both a "yes" and a "no" answer to exclusive. Thus, for any pair of concepts in our con- Q. cepts of interest that reside in different taxonomic In both cases, three (if possible) beliefs are selected, subtrees, we add a mutual exclusivity constraint this number empirically found to be most effective. (using two constraint rules). (For experiments with small amounts of data, some- times less than three relevant beliefs are found.) We collected 12,147 constraints in this fash- ion (1798 implications, 8599 mutual exclusivities). 5 Dataset The set of constraints can be viewed as a constraint graph of implications from one sentence to another. We create a dataset to test our approach in a con- trolled way, allowing us to perform systematic ex- periments to evaluate behavior. The dataset con- 5.2 Constraint Weights tains two parts, constraints and facts, defined over simple sentences such as “a swallow is a bird.”. We used a combination of crowdsourcing and cal- ibration to assign a reasonable constraint weight 5.1 Constraints wi to each constraint. Workers were shown each The dataset contains two kinds of constraints: constraint and asked to judge if the implication positive implications: (conclusion truth value li held always/usually/sometimes/rarely/never with = True), e.g., raw scores 4/3/2/1/0. Three workers independently “X is a dog → [TRUE] X has a tail.” scored each constraint and the scores averaged. mutual exclusivities: expressed as a pair of con- When used with a particular model M , the raw straints with li = False, e.g., scores need to be recalibrated to appropriately “X is a dog → [l=FALSE] X is a bird.” match the confidences output by that model. This “X is a bird → [l=FALSE] X is a dog.” is described shortly in Section 6.2.
5.3 Facts beliefs and the constraints, the relative weight of We also collect a set of truth-labeled facts about the backward implications (compared with the for- different entities, relevant to the constraints. To ward), and the relative weight of mutual exclusivity do this, we select a new entity, e.g., "poodle", that rules. To do this we perform a grid search over is a member of one of our general concepts, e.g., these parameters, finding the values that result in "dog", then instantiate the constraint graph with the highest F1 (accuracy) after running the con- that entity (i.e., set X = "poodle"). We then identify straint solver over the raw model’s beliefs about the leaf (source) nodes of that graph, just consid- these facts. ering forward implication rules, i.e., find facts not 7 Experiments implied by other facts in the graph, and manually annotate their True/False labels. We then use the We evaluate accuracy (F1)4 and consistency (1- implications to infer other True/False labels for τ , Section 4.1) for 3 different-sized, randomly se- other sentences, i.e., propagate the annotated labels lected subsets of our data: 10%, 50%, 100%. We through the graph. This provides “silver” labels average results across entities. The results are for sentences reachable in this way (a subset of shown in Table 1, showing the model’s a priori all the sentences in the graph), silver because the accuracy and consistency (line 1), and the effects implications are soft, hence not guaranteed to hold of constraint-solving, feedback, or both (lines 2-5). for all entities. We repeat this for 27 entities (17 animals, 10 7.1 Results plants), resulting a final dataset containing 4998 Several conclusions can be drawn: “silver” facts (sentences + True/False labels). 1. The basic model is both imprecise and in- 6 Experiment Environment consistent, with F1 ≈ 73% and consistency ≈ 75%. This reflects similar observations of 6.1 Model model inconsistency made for other PTLMs The fixed model M that we use for our experiments (Section 2), and illustrates the challenge we is the multi-angle QA system MAQAw (Bhaktha- wish to address. As we show shortly, the main vatsalam et al., 2021). MAQAw is a derivative of source of error is in precision, rather than re- UnifiedQA, a state-of-the-art T5 model fine-tuned call, i.e., the large majority of errors are false on ≈400k question-answer pairs (Khashabi et al., positives. 2020). MAQAw was then further fine-tuned on several thousand science questions and trained on 2. Constraint-solving removes almost all in- different permutations of inputs and outputs (e.g., consistency with respect to our constraints, query Q + context X → answer A; XA → Q; etc.). even with only a subset of the data. (Of course, To query the model’s beliefs we pose the query with less data, there are fewer applicable con- and let the model chose between the two answer straints that can be violated.) It also signifi- options "yes" and "no". MAQAw also outputs an cantly improves accuracy (≈+10% F1), in- answer confidence, used as the belief weight. Note dicating that the flipped truth values not only that we do not retrain MAQAw for this work; rather, reduce clashes but better align with the true it is used as a black-box QA module in the broader (gold) labels. Note that improvement in ac- system (Figure 1). curacy is not guaranteed: constraint-solving can (and sometimes does) flip truth values the 6.2 Calibration wrong way, in order to reduce constraint vi- To appropriately mix MAQAw’s confidences and olations. The improvement suggests that the the constraint scores, a calibration step is needed. model is getting enough answers correct, a To do this, we use the 1239 facts about seven en- priori, to steer the constraint-solving in the tities in our dataset as a calibration set, and then right direction. Comparing accuracy after see- perform experiments using (only) the remaining ing 10%, 50% and 100% of the data, we note facts. 4 We measure accuracy with F1 (on the True class) rather We calibrate the crowdsourced raw constraint than % correct because the True/False distribution in our dataset is unbalanced, with significantly fewer True than False scores using sigmoid-scaling (two parameters). We answers. F1 avoids scores being dominated by negative an- also calibrate the relative weight λ of the model’s swers.
Results after seeing % of data → 10% 50% 100% Accuracy (F1), Consistency (1-τ ) → F1 Con F1 Con F1 Con model (raw) 75.07 87.06 74.29 77.11 73.25 74.68 model + constraint-solving 81.23 100.0 89.80 99.93 91.90 99.83 model + feedback (random) 85.33 93.46 84.59 87.59 84.00 88.02 model + feedback (using constraints) 82.04 94.69 84.74 92.24 88.28 91.00 model + feedback (using constraints) + constraint-solving 83.69 100.0 91.66 99.53 93.40 99.42 Table 1: Results after seeing different proportions of data. model (raw) are scores for the model stand-alone. In model + constraint-solving, the constraint solver is run over all the raw answers so far. In model + feedback, questions are re-asked using context selected from the other raw answers so far. In model + feedback + constraint- solving, the constraint solver is additionally run on the answers with feedback. incremental gains the more beliefs and con- more accurate and consistent than those of the un- straints the constraint-solver is able to lever- derlying model. However, both mechanisms have age. the potential to flip beliefs in the wrong direction also. We provide some analysis of both good and 3. Feedback (both types) also improves both bad flips here. accuracy and consistency, although not to the same extent as constraint-solving. It is The System Behaving as Desired: As an illus- perhaps surprising that explicitly reminding tration of desired behavior, the raw model incor- the model of facts it already believes, when rectly believes that a pine is both a plant (correct) answering a new question, can improve the and a vertebrate (incorrect), when queried. How- results. The context may be behaving loosely ever, this violates a mutual exclusivity rule, so the like an attention mechanism, encouraging constraint-solver considers flipping one of these. the model to focus on the facts provided in Flipping “pine is a plant” from T to F would result the context, even if they are already latently in numerous other violations, e.g., “pine is a tree” known, thus influencing question-answering (which the model also believes) would become vio- behavior. Similar observations have been ob- lated. As a result, it prefers to (correctly) disbelieve served by Shwartz et al. (2020). “pine is a vertebrate”, improving both the accuracy 4. Constraint-guided feedback is more effec- and consistency of the BeliefBank. tive than random feedback when the Belief- Types of Error: From an analysis of the data, Bank is large (100% column), with F1 rising we see that the majority of the raw model errors to 88% and consistency to 91%. Conversely, are false positives - the MAQAw model generally randomly selected feedback perform similarly answers (almost) all the positive facts correctly (re- across different data sizes. We analyze this call is ≈97%), but mistakenly thinks some negative further in Section 7.2. facts are also true (precision is ≈60%). These false 5. Combining constraint-guided feedback positives are typically rather unusual facts, e.g., “A with constraint solving further improves poodle is a bathroom.” (MAQAw’s answer: True). accuracy by ≈5 percent points compared It is unsurprising that the model knows most of with only using feedback, and by ≈2 percent the positive facts, as they are simple statements points compared with the constraint-solver about common entities (“eagles can fly”), likely alone. Again the addition of the constraint- seen in pre-training. However, the fact that the solver results in almost perfect consistency model makes (what a person would view as) catas- of 99%. This setup reflects the incremental trophic errors when asked more unusual questions, setup depicted in Figure 2, where the e.g., believing that “a poodle is made of fermented constraint-solver can leverage the updated milk and bacteria”, reveals that the PTLM’s grasp BeliefBank. of the world is still incomplete and problematic. The constraint mechanism proposed here essen- 7.2 Analysis tially asks the model to think about its answers and Both constraint-solving and feedback can cause the their consequences, so that it can spot problems overall system to flip beliefs, with the goal that that the PTLM alone does not see, and repair them the overall system’s beliefs (in the BeliefBank) are accordingly.
Sensitivity to Constraints and Weights: The model’s behaviour, we would also need to check constraint reasoner also makes mistakes, some- if the model knew the violated constraints them- times flipping things the wrong way so as to im- selves, e.g., using additional probes. Again this is prove consistency, at the expense of accuracy. For an area for future exploration. example, the raw model correctly believes that a “a rat is not a cat”. However, the constraint solver The influence of Feedback: We currently can then (incorrectly) flips this to "a rat is a cat". It does only speculate why feedback (i.e., providing rel- this as there are multiple constraint rules weakly evant facts to the model as context for question- suggesting rats are cats given the model’s other answering) improves results. One explanation is beliefs (”rats catch mice”, “rats have tails”, “rats that feedback helps the model focus attention. For have fur”,...), which together add up. However, example, reminding the model that "a swallow is the model also (correctly) believes “a rat is not a not a fish" should help it realize that "a swallow feline”, and there is a constraint that “a cat is a fe- has gills" is False (Figure 1). However, we also line”, so in principle this should prevent the belief observe significant gains when feeding back ran- “a rat is a cat”. In practice, though, the constraint dom facts about the entity being queried. Possibly “a cat is a feline" does not have infinite weight, so these facts still encourage the model to focus on the here the constraint mechanism allows it to be vi- entity. Or, given the majority of beliefs are nega- olated, allowing the wrong conclusion (“a rat is a tive, the simple presence of negation in the context cat”) to be drawn. may discourage false positive answers, the primary cause of raw model errors. Of course, one could increase the weight on the “a cat is a feline” constraint to solve this particu- 8 Future Work lar problem, or add new constraint rules like “cats are larger than squirrels”. In general, though, the These findings were made using a restricted ex- effectiveness of constraint reasoning is sensitive perimental setup where facts are short sentences, to both the number and weights on the constraints. constraints are provided, and both facts and con- Although we have used automated techniques to re- straints use the same language so it is clear when calibrate the various weights (Section 6.2), the sys- constraints apply. To broaden the approach, several tem’s behavior remains sensitive to them. Finding developments are required: more effective ways to discover and appropriately tune constraints remains an open problem. • A system would need to automatically gather constraints and queries. Constraints Ambiguity: Although we have avoided obvious might be mined from text, or even extracted cases of ambiguity, e.g., reasoning about “bats”, from the model itself by direct querying. Al- there are smaller cases of ambiguity that may ex- ternatively, domain-specific constraints (e.g., plain some of the raw model’s errors. For exam- “X is a bird → X has wings”) could be replaced ple, although the model (incorrectly) believes "a with more generally applicable constraint pat- swallow is a fish", there is a fish called "a black terns (e.g., “X is a Y & Y has Z → X has swallower" that it may have seen in pre-training, Z”), turning the domain-specific parts of con- confusing it. Similarly, some unusual statements straints into facts that themselves could reside such as “A penguin is a protein” (gold label is False, in the BeliefBank. model believes is True) are partially ambiguous, • Our queries have been simple facts. To possibly contributing to the discrepancy. fully utilize the BeliefBank for more complex queries (e.g., “What color is the gas that plants Does the Model Know the Constraints? Fi- produce?”), a mechanism would be needed nally, we are checking consistency using externally to decompose compound queries into their defined constraints, which the raw model may not primitives (“What gas do plants produce?”, itself be aware of (i.e., may not have acquired in “What color is that gas?”), and ensure they pre-training). For example, although the model were consistent with BeliefBank beliefs (e.g., may appear to be internally inconsistent if it thinks “Oxygen is colorless”); in other words, ensure a swallow is both a bird and a fish, this is only complex answers were faithful to the Belief- true if it also knows these beliefs are mutually ex- Bank (Subramanian et al., 2020). clusive. To check for internal inconsistency of a • In general, detecting when a constraint ap-
plies to a fact is non-trivial, and requires ture of the world. The dataset is available at appropriate machinery for identifying sen- https://allenai.org/data/beliefbank. tence/constraint alignment, e.g., an entail- ment model (Seo et al., 2016). • Although constraint/model weights are auto- References matically calibrated (Section 6.2), the system Kim Allan Andersen and Daniele Pretolani. 2001. is still sensitive to those weights and can make Easy cases of probabilistic satisfiability. Annals of mistakes (Section 7.2). Improved mecha- Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 33(1):69– 91. nisms for automatic calibration would sig- nificantly help. Akari Asai and Hannaneh Hajishirzi. 2020. Logic- • Our system is passive, in that it answers ques- guided data augmentation and regularization for con- sistent question answering. ArXiv, abs/2004.10157. tions and uses answers in the order they are provided. An alternative design would be Jonathan Berant, Ido Dagan, and Jacob Goldberger. an active system that, given a new question, 2010. Global learning of focused entailment graphs. actively identifies which auxiliary questions In ACL, pages 1220–1229. would be most useful to also ask, to help an- Sumithra Bhakthavatsalam, Daniel Khashabi, Tushar swer the main question (either with constraint Khot, B. D. Mishra, Kyle Richardson, Ashish Sab- solving or feedback). harwal, Carissa Schoenick, Oyvind Tafjord, and P. Clark. 2021. Think you have solved direct- Finally, scaling to a massive BeliefBank would re- answer question answering? Try ARC-DA, the quire addressing several engineering requirements, direct-answer AI2 reasoning challenge. ArXiv, abs/2102.03315. including bounding the constraint checking, and not re-asking every prior question as new answers Matthias Broecheler, Lilyana Mihalkova, and were discovered. For example, we might only L. Getoor. 2010. Probabilistic similarity logic. check constraints and their implications up to depth In UAI. D from a new fact, rather than exhaustively. Simi- Joe Davison, Joshua Feldman, and Alexander Rush. larly, the system may maintain a BeliefBank where 2019. Commonsense knowledge mining from pre- earlier answers were generated using only feed- trained models. In EMNLP. back available at that point, rather than re-asking Leonardo De Moura and Nikolaj Bjørner. 2008. Z3: all earlier questions as new knowledge becomes An efficient SMT solver. In International confer- available. ence on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pages 337–340. Springer. 9 Conclusions X. Du, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Niket Tandon, Antoine PTLMs can be inconsistent in their answers to Bosselut, Wen-tau Yih, P. Clark, and Claire Cardie. 2019. Be consistent! Improving procedural text probing questions, and can still give (what to a comprehension using label consistency. In NAACL. person appears as) naively wrong answers to un- usual questions. This work is a first step to alle- Yanai Elazar, Nora Kassner, Shauli Ravfogel, Abhi- viating these problems. By augmenting a PTLM lasha Ravichander, E. Hovy, H. Schutze, and Yoav Goldberg. 2021. Measuring and improving con- with a persistent, global memory - the Belief Bank sistency in pretrained language models. ArXiv, - and using it for both constraint-solving and feed- abs/2102.01017. back, we have shown that both consistency and accuracy can be significantly improved. The addi- Allyson Ettinger. 2020. What BERT is not: Lessons from a new suite of psycholinguistic diagnostics for tional memory layer can loosely be seen as a simple language models. Transactions of the Association “mental model”, constructed from the PTLM’s raw for Computational Linguistics, 8:34–48. answers. Christiane Fellbaum. 2005. Wordnet and wordnets. Our experiments were conducted in a restricted, In Keith et al. Brown, editor, Encyclopedia of Lan- controlled setting, and further development is guage and Linguistics, Second Edition. Elsevier, Ox- needed to scale to larger and more complex ford. tasks. Nevertheless, the work here is signifi- Pierre Hansen and Brigitte Jaumard. 2000. Probabilis- cant as it is a first step towards endowing mod- tic satisfiability. In Handbook of Defeasible Rea- els with a globally consistent notion of belief, al- soning and Uncertainty Management Systems, pages lowing them to construct a more coherent pic- 321–367. Springer.
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