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   This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: C. Ma, B. Kim, S.
   Kim and N. Park, Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03487H.
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                                                                                               Broader Context

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript
                                                                                               Harvesting environmental energy to generate electricity is a key scientific development of our time.

                                                                                               Photovoltaic conversion and electromechanical transduction are two common energy-harvesting
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               methods, which have drawn much attention. Organic−inorganic halide perovskite materials

                                                                                               represent a recent key development in the photovoltaic field, which is attributed to their solution

                                                                                               processability and excellent photovoltaic properties. Though static perovskite PN junctions have

                                                                                               been widely studied and exploited in the photovoltaic field, the dynamic perovskite heterojunction

                                                                                               has not been studied yet. More importantly, achieving the photovoltaic effect with mechanical

                                                                                               energy harvesting in a single device is still challenging (i.e. alternative current (AC) for

                                                                                               electromechanical transduction and direct current (DC) for photovoltaic conversion). Here, we

                                                                                               demonstrate DC power from the dynamic perovskite/charge transport layer (CTL) heterojunctions

                                                                                               via electrical carrier generation from triboelectrification between two layers, which is different

                                                                                               from the electric energy generation by photon excitation in solar cells. More importantly, 1-sun

                                                                                               illumination stimulates charge carrier concentration, which results in several hundred times higher

                                                                                               current output than that in the dark due to the coupling triboelectric and photovoltaic effects. These

                                                                                               findings open a new research area of triboelectric naonogenerator generating DC power.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript

                                                                                                                                   Dynamic halide perovskite heterojunction generates direct current
                                                                                                                                   Chunqing Ma,aǂ Bosung Kim,bǂ Sang-Woo Kim,b* Nam-Gyu Parka*
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               Received 00th January 20xx,
                                                                                               Accepted 00th January 20xx          Here, we demonstrate a dynamic perovskite device capable of converting mechanical energy into direct current (DC)
                                                                                                                                   electrical energy, combining two concepts: carrier generation from triboelectric effect and carrier separation through band
                                                                                               DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x             energy level difference. By analyzing and comparing different perovskite (FAPbI3, MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, PEA2PbI4, etc.) and
                                                                                                                                   charge transport layer (CTL) materials (spiro-MeOTAD, PTAA, TiO2, SnO2, etc.), the key rules for determining DC output and
                                                                                                                                   performances are identified: (1) a suitable band alignment (band position and bandgap) between perovskite and CTL can
                                                                                                                                   separate the carrier transfer; (2) a large difference in work function between two layers leads to high electrical potential
                                                                                                                                   difference; and (3) a high carrier concentration can enhance the DC power-generating performances. Furthermore, it is
                                                                                                                                   found that the light illumination acts as a stimulus to current output to a large extent, which is due to the coupling effect
                                                                                                                                   from triboelectric and photovoltaic effects. This study provides a set of key rules to explain the mechanism and to further
                                                                                                                                   improve the performance of the dynamic perovskite/CTL heterojunction.

                                                                                               Introduction                                                                      triboelectric processes and the carrier directional transfer at static
                                                                                                                                                                                 perovskite/CTL heterojunctions, we hypothesized that DC power
                                                                                               Harvesting energy from nature is a key scientific and technological               generation could be achieved in response to applied mechanical
                                                                                               concept.1-2 Among different environmental energies, conversion of                 energy through a dynamic perovskite/CTL heterojunction.
                                                                                               solar energy and mechanical energy to electric power is invaluable                Static perovskite/CTL heterojunctions have been widely studied and
                                                                                               and thereby those technologies have drawn much attention.3-5                      exploited in solar cells.26-27 Here, we demonstrate for the first time
                                                                                               Organic−inorganic halide perovskite materials have shown great                    that DC power can be generated at dynamic perovskite/CTL
                                                                                               potential in photovoltaic field since seminal works by Miyasaka et                heterojunctions      by     electrical   carrier  generation      from
                                                                                               al. and Park et al.6-8 In these devices, the perovskite layer acts as a           triboelectrification between two layers, which is different from the
                                                                                               light absorber and generates free carriers under light illumination,              electric energy generation by photon excitation in solar cells. Key
                                                                                               after which the free carriers are separated by the different charge               factors for determining the DC output and performances (i.e.
                                                                                               transporting layers (CTL) due to the different bandgap alignments.9-              voltage and current) are studied: (1) heterojunctions formed by
                                                                                               12                                                                                materials with different band energy levels; (2) work function
                                                                                               There also has been parallel progress in electromechanical                        difference between the two sliding materials and (3) carrier
                                                                                               properties of organic−inorganic halide perovskite (piezoelectric,                 concentrations and mobilities. In these dynamic perovskite/CTL
                                                                                               triboelectric, and photoflexoelectric properties, etc.).13-17 Using the           devices, carriers in the heterojunction are separated during the
                                                                                               triboelectric device as an example, contact electrification can                   movement, as confirmed by photoluminescence (PL) and time-
                                                                                               provide the polarized charges on material surfaces and electrostatic              resolved PL (TRPL) measurements. As a result, free electrons and
                                                                                               induction can drive the charges to flow between two electrodes via                holes generated by triboelectrification from the sliding motion can
                                                                                               changes in electric potential. Most of the triboelectric or                       be directionally transferred by the heterojunction, forming DC
                                                                                               piezoelectric devices can only produce alternative current (AC)                   power output. Furthermore, more electrons and holes are
                                                                                               outputs with the changed contact status. A rectifier is needed to                 generated by photovoltaic effects under 1-sun illumination.
                                                                                               convert AC to direct current (DC), which not only reduces the                     Combining the triboelectric and photovoltaic effects, the current of
                                                                                               energy conversion efficiency but also increases the device size. It               a dynamic device under 1-sun illumination is about several hundred
                                                                                               was also reported that DC output can be achieved by the dynamic                   times higher than that in the dark. This new device can be used as a
                                                                                               Schottky and PN junctions (i.e. polymer/metal, inorganic/metal                    multi-energy (mechanical and solar energy) input system for self-
                                                                                               junctions) due to the directional carrier transfer between two                    powered electronic devices, such as portable electronics, wearable
                                                                                               materials.18-25 Inspired by the electric generation based on                      electronics, self-powered sensors, e-skin, and sustainable devices.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Results and discussion
                                                                                                    a. School  of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419,
                                                                                                       Korea, E-mail:                                             Perovskite used here is FAPbI3 (FA = formamidinium) with MACl
                                                                                                    b. School   of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan      (MA = methylammonium) as an additive to improve the quality and
                                                                                                       University, Suwon 16419, Korea, E-mail:
                                                                                                    c. ǂ These authors contributed equally to the work
                                                                                                                                                                                 stability.28 Structure and morphology of the perovskite film were
                                                                                                    Electronic       Supplementary       Information   (ESI)   available. See    characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron
                                                                                                    DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x                                                      microscopy (SEM). As shown in Figure S1a and b, the perovskite

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                                                                                               film shows a pure phase with uniform grain size and good coverage.      shown in Figure 1a, the current and voltage are View    measured      by
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                                                                                               Moreover, the absorption and PL spectrum in Figure S1c show that        pressing the spiro-coated electrode to make         contact with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03487H
                                                                                               the perovskite has a bandgap of ~1.5 eV. The dark current-voltage       perovskite-coated electrode and sliding the spiro film on the
                                                                                               (IV) curve was measured by pressing the 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis (N, N -di-   perovskite surface. The IV curve of the device under the movement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript
                                                                                               p -methoxyphenyl-amine)9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-MeOTAD, for          is shown in Figure 1b. The fluctuation of the IV curve under
                                                                                               short spiro) on the surface of the perovskite film to ensure the        movement compared with the static condition is indicative of the
                                                                                               electric contact. As shown in Figure S2, the static perovskite/spiro    voltage and current output.20 As shown in Figure 1c and d, a DC
                                                                                               heterojunction shows a nonlinear curve with a rectifying effect,        voltage of ~0.4 V and a current of ~1.2 A are achieved, which is
                                                                                               which is attributed to the formation of heterojunction.29 The           consistent with the results from the IV curve. This DC power is
                                                                                               performance of the dynamic perovskite/CTL junctions below are all       assumed to be related to the band alignment between perovskite
                                                                                               measured in the dark if without further notification.                   and spiro, which can directionally transfer carriers.
                                                                                               The electric power output of the dynamic perovskite/spiro
                                                                                               heterojunction was studied based on the sliding contact mode.30 As
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               Figure 1. Schematic device structure and output analysis. (a) Schematic illustration of the dynamic perovskite/hole transport layer (HTL)
                                                                                               heterojunction device. (b) IV curves obtained from the dynamic sliding contact between the FAPbI3 perovskite and the spiro layers, along
                                                                                               with static (no sliding movement) condition, measured in the dark (c) voltage and (d) current output of the dynamic perovskite/spiro
                                                                                               heterojunction device under continuous sliding movements. The contact area was ~1 cm2 and the applied force was ~5 N.

                                                                                               To study the mechanism of carrier generation and transfer at the        on the surface and much slower component (τ2) is due to radiative
                                                                                               dynamic perovskite/spiro heterojunction, the Mott-Schottky,             recombination of carriers in the bulk.39-40 Under the bending
                                                                                               steady-state PL, and TRPL measurements were conducted on the            condition, the slow decay component (τ2) is slightly decreased from
                                                                                               perovskite/spiro heterojunction. As shown in Figure 2a, the Mott-       87 ns (static) to 81 ns (bending), while τ1 is significantly reduced
                                                                                               Schottky curve shows a built-in potential of 0.38 V for the static      from 27 ns (static) to 16 ns (bending), which supports that the
                                                                                               perovskite/spiro junction, which confirms the formation of a stable     friction induced by the bending can facilitate carrier separation and
                                                                                               PN junction. To study the carrier dynamic of the perovskite/spiro       enhance carrier transferring at the perovskite/spiro interface.
                                                                                               junction, the PL and TRPL spectra of the device (see details in
                                                                                               experimental section) were measured under static and bending            Based on the above analysis, we interpret the DC power generation
                                                                                               conditions. Figure 2b shows that the PL intensity of the device         in dynamic perovskite/spiro heterojunctions through the following
                                                                                               reduces from ~ 27000 counts under static to ~ 22000 counts under        possible processes: (1) Figure 2d shows the energy band levels of
                                                                                               bending, which is indicative of enhancement in carrier separation       perovskite and spiro materials before the two layers come into
                                                                                               and transfer between perovskite and spiro.37 TRPL data in Figure 2c     contact. Perovskite is supposed to be n-type and spiro is a p-type
                                                                                               are fit with a bi-exponential decay equation, where relatively fast     material. (2) When the perovskite contacts with spiro at a static
                                                                                               decay component (τ1) is assigned to carrier transfer or separation      condition, the electrons in the n-type perovskite are attracted to

                                                                                               2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3                                                                  This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx

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                                                                                               the positive holes in the p-type spiro and they diffuse into the p-     (3) When the top material is sliding, free chargeView     carriers    are
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                                                                                               type materials. Similarly, the positive holes in the spiro are          generated by triboelectric effects. Then, theDOI:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    electrons  and holes can
                                                                                               attracted and diffuse to the perovskite. As a result, an electrical     be directionally transferred to perovskite and spiro, respectively,
                                                                                               potential is formed between two materials, as shown in Figure 2e.       forming a DC power (Figure 2f).

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Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               Figure 2. Mechanism of the dynamic perovskite/CTL heterojunction. (a) Mott-Schottky curve of the static perovskite/spiro junction. (b) PL
                                                                                               and (c) TRPL of the perovskite/spiro heterojunction under static and bending conditions (solid lines represent the fit results based on bi-
                                                                                               exponential decay equation). (d) and (e) Schematics and energy band diagram of the perovskite/spiro heterojunction before and after
                                                                                               contact (static heterojunction). (f) Free charge generation by triboelectric effects and the directional charge transfer by mechanical energy
                                                                                               (triboelectric                                                                                                                     potential).

                                                                                                                                                                       To explore the factors that determine the voltage and current
                                                                                               To study the voltage and current performances, perovskites with         performances, piezoelectric force microscope, kelvin probe force
                                                                                               different band levels and electronic properties (i.e. FAPbI3, MAPbI3,   microscope, Hall effect measurements were conducted on these
                                                                                               and MAPbBr3) were applied in the dynamic heterojunction with            samples. As shown in Figure S6, although FAPbI3 shows a larger
                                                                                               spiro. Structure and thickness of FAPbI3, MAPbI3, and MAPbBr3           piezoresponse value compared to MAPbI3, and MAPbBr3 in d33
                                                                                               were studied by XRD (Figure S3) and SEM (Figure S4), where the          direction, it is a very small value compared to the reference (Al2O3)
                                                                                               thickness of ca. 560 nm is observed for FAPbI3 and MAPbI3. As           sample indicating that the DC power-generating performance is
                                                                                               shown in Figure 3a, the device based on FAPbI3 shows the highest        hard to be determined by the piezoelectric property of the
                                                                                               voltage of 0.4 V, while the MAPbI3 and MAPbBr3 show reduced             perovskites. The topography images of FAPbI3, MAPbI3, MAPbBr3,
                                                                                               voltages of 0.05, and ~0 V, respectively. The current of the FAPbI3     and spiro are shown in Figure 3c-f, which shows uniform films with
                                                                                               (~1.2 A, Figure 1b) is also higher than the MAPbI3 (~0.6 A) and       good coverage. As shown in Figure 3g and Figure S7, the work
                                                                                               the MAPbBr3 (~0.2 A), as shown in Figure S5. The band energy           function, determined by surface potential, of FAPbI3, MAPbI3,
                                                                                               levels of the FAPbI3, MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, and spiro are shown in           MAPbBr3, and spiro are 5.05, 5.46, 5.31, and 5.37 eV, respectively. It
                                                                                               Figure 3b.36 Interestingly, though the FAPbI3 and MAPbI3 have           should be mentioned that the work function difference between
                                                                                               similar VB and CB levels, the voltage and current performances of       FAPbI3/spiro (0.32 eV) is larger than that of MAPbI3/spiro (0.09 eV)
                                                                                               the FAPbI3 device are about 8 and 2 times higher than the device        and MAPbBr3/Spiro (0.06 eV), which proves a higher driving force
                                                                                               based on MAPbI3, respectively. This result is different from the        for carrier transfer between FAPbI3 and Spiro than that between
                                                                                               perovskite solar cells, in which the band energy levels play a key      MAPbI3 or MAPbBr3 and spiro. Therefore, we attribute the large
                                                                                               role in the carrier transfer between perovskite and CTL. In the         voltage performance in the FAPbI3/spiro device to the large work
                                                                                               dynamic device, the carrier generation and separation processes         function difference between FAPbI3 and spiro, while the devices
                                                                                               are dominated by the triboelectric effect at the interface. Thus, the   based on MAPbI3 and MAPbBr3 show significantly reduced voltages
                                                                                               band energy level is not the key point to control the voltage and       because of the small work function differences with spiro.37 The
                                                                                               current performances.                                                   electronic properties of these perovskites are studied by Hall effect
                                                                                                                                                                       and summarized in Table 1. The FAPbI3, MAPbI3, and MAPbBr3 show

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                                                                                               similar Hall mobilities, while the carrier concentrations of FAPbI3       MAPbI3                   4.8                            6.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                View Article Online
                                                                                               and MAPbI3 are 3 and 10 times higher than that of MAPbBr3,                MAPbBr3                  0.44                          6.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03487H
                                                                                               respectively. Thus, the high carrier concentration can also               PEA2PbI4                 1.5                            0.8
                                                                                               contribute to the high voltage and current performances. It should

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript
                                                                                               be noted that the voltage and the current for MAPbI3 are low             Spiro films with different areas were used to study the effect of
                                                                                               although MAPbI3 has a higher carrier concentration and mobility          contact area on the voltage and current performances. As shown in
                                                                                               than FAPbI3. We attribute this to the small work function difference     Figure S8, with the contact area increasing from 0.3, 0.6, and to 1
                                                                                               between MAPbI3 and spiro, which results in the low carrier               cm2, the current generated from the perovskite/spiro
                                                                                               separation at the interface.                                             heterojunction increases from 0.6, 0.9 to 1.2 A, while the voltage
                                                                                                                                                                        is hardly influenced. Furthermore, different applied forces were
                                                                                               Table 1. Carrier concentration and Hall mobility of FAPbI3, MAPbI3,      also applied to the dynamic perovskite/spiro heterojunction. As
                                                                                               MAPbBr3, and PEA2PbI4.                                                   shown in Figure 3h, in the applied force ranging from 10 to 40 N,
                                                                                                Materials        Carrier concentration          Hall mobility           the voltage increases with the applied force on the dynamic device,
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                                                       (1016 m-3)               (10-2 m2/V s)           and the highest voltage of 1.3 V can be achieved under 40 N. The
                                                                                                 FAPbI3                    1.5                       5.5                current also slightly increases with the applied force, as shown in
                                                                                                                                                                        Figure S9.

                                                                                               Figure 3. Parameters affecting triboelectric voltage. (a) Voltage performance of FAPbI3, MAPbI3, and MAPbBr3 with spiro. The contact area
                                                                                               was ~1 cm2 and the applied force was ~5 N. (b) Schematic illustration of band energy levels of FAPbI3, MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, and spiro. (c to f)
                                                                                               Topography images and (g) work functions of FAPbI3, MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, and spiro. (h) Dependence of voltage output on applied force on
                                                                                               the                                 dynamic                                   FAPbI3/spiro                                heterojunction.

                                                                                               To reveal the relationship for the DC power generation caused by         lower than those of spiro, which forms a Type II alignment.34 Thus,
                                                                                               the directional carrier transfer and band alignments, tunable            the electrons will transfer to that of FAPbI3, while the holes will
                                                                                               heterojunction architectures between perovskite and electron             spontaneously transfer to that of spiro. Unlike the Type I alignment,
                                                                                               transport layer (ETL) or HTL were studied. The detailed relationship     the Type II heterojunction shows separated electron and hole
                                                                                               between triboelectric voltage output and heterojunction                  transfer routes.35 Thus, a DC power is observed (see Figure 1c). To
                                                                                               architectures are shown in Figure 4. As shown in Figure 4a, the CB       further confirm the directional carrier transport by the band
                                                                                               of PEA2PbI4 (PEA = penylethylammonium) two-dimensional (2D)              alignment, Type II alignment between TiO2 ETL and FAPbI3 was
                                                                                               perovskite is lower than that of spiro, and its VB position is above     studied, as shown in Figure 4b. In this TiO2/FAPbI3 junction, the
                                                                                               that of spiro, which exhibits Type I alignment.31-33 When the electric   electrons will transfer to TiO2 and holes will transfer to FAPbI3,
                                                                                               energy generated by the triboelectric effect, electrons, and holes on    which is opposite to that of the FAPbI3/spiro heterojunction. As
                                                                                               the contact surface will transfer to 2D perovskite in the same           expected, a negative DC output is observed, as shown in Figure 4d
                                                                                               direction driven by the band energy difference. As a result, an AC       and Figure S11. Based on these analysis of band alignments, we
                                                                                               power is observed in Figure 4c and Figure S10, which is due to the       conclude that the DC power is due to the directional carrier transfer
                                                                                               unseparated electron and hole transfer routes. For the FAPbI3/spiro      by the band alignment.
                                                                                               heterojunction (see Figure 2f), the CB and VB levels of FAPbI3 are all

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                                                                                               As the perovskite is an excellent photovoltaic material, the            observed for spiro films, where a thickness of 200 nm   shows the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           View Article Online
                                                                                               influence of the photovoltaic effect on the energy output from the      highest performance.                      DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03487H
                                                                                               triboelectric effect was studied. The IV curve for the static and
                                                                                               dynamic device under 1 sun (100 mW cm-2) illumination is shown in       The stability of the dynamic device is studied. The SEM image

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript
                                                                                               Figure 4e. Strikingly, the current of the dynamic device under light    (Figure S13) of spiro film after 20 cycles under the applied force of
                                                                                               is ~600 A, which is higher than the sum of the triboelectric effect    40 N shows small indentations compared to the pristine film, which
                                                                                               (~1.2 A in Figure 1d) and photovoltaic effect (~200 A). The           no mechanical damage is observed for the perovskite film. No
                                                                                               voltage of the dynamic device under light is ~0.95 V, which is also     degradation in performance is observed for 22 cycles under 40 N as
                                                                                               higher than the decoupled triboelectric effect (~ 0.4 V) and            shown in Figure S14. A high endurance is confirmed by continuous
                                                                                               photovoltaic effect (~0.65 V). We attribute the high current and        working for 4000 s (Figure S15), indicating the stable output of the
                                                                                               voltage output to the coupling effect of triboelectric and              dynamic device.
                                                                                               photovoltaic effects as shown in Figure 4f. The FAPbI3 with a
                                                                                               bandgap of ~1.5 eV can generate more carriers under light               To explore the universal applications of this perovskite/CTL
                                                                                                                                                                       heterojunction, PTAA and SnO2 are also applied, which shows
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               illumination and the carriers can be efficiently separated at the
                                                                                               dynamic perovskite/spiro, leading to enhanced current and voltage       voltages of 0.25 and 0.25 V, current of 0.2 and 0.3 A, respectively,
                                                                                               output. The influence of the thickness of the perovskite and the        as shown in Figure S16 and S17, confirming positive voltage output
                                                                                               spiro films on the triboelectric-photovoltaic coupling effect is        for PTAA and negative voltage output for SnO2. The FAPbI3/PEA2PbI4
                                                                                               studied. As shown in Figure S12, the perovskite film with a             dynamic device is also tested, which delivers DC outputs of 0.3 V
                                                                                               thickness of ~600 nm shows the highest current and voltage. Lower       and 0.25 A as shown in Figure S18. A FAPbI3/spiro dynamic device
                                                                                               performance for thinner perovskite films (~70 nm and ~250 nm) is        with a SnO2 ETL under the perovskite layer is measured (Figure
                                                                                               attributed to the reduced light absorption, and for thicker             S19), where the device shows a similar voltage (~0.4 V) with the
                                                                                               perovskite film (~900 nm), the reduced charge collection might          device without SnO2.
                                                                                               result in low performances. A similar trend of thickness effect is

                                                                                               Figure 4. Schematic illustration of different heterojunction architectures and voltage output. (a) Energy band schematic and (c) voltage
                                                                                               performance of the dynamic 2D PEA2PbI4/spiro heterojunction. (b) Energy band schematic and (d) voltage performance of the dynamic

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                                                                                               FAPbI3/TiO2 heterojunction. (e) IV curve of dynamic perovskite/spiro heterojunction device under sliding and 1-sun illumination.       Inset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         View Article Online
                                                                                               shows a schematic receiving mechanical and solar energies. (f) Energy band schematic showing the movement of charge  carriers created by
                                                                                                                                                                                                              DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03487H
                                                                                               triboelectric and photovoltaic effects. The contact area was ~1 cm2 and the applied force was ~5 N.
                                                                                               Conclusion                                                             The samples for PL and TRPL were prepared on flexible PEN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Energy & Environmental Science Accepted Manuscript
                                                                                               This work introduces a new DC energy generation based on charge substrate. The perovskite film was prepared on the PEN/ITO
                                                                                               carrier generation by triboelectric effects and directional carrier substrate and spiro film was spin coated on PEN/ITO substrate as
                                                                                               transfer by dynamic perovskite/CTL heterojunction. A range of mentioned above.
                                                                                               perovskite and CTL materials were applied to construct a set of
                                                                                                                                                                         Structure and surface characterization
                                                                                               rules for the design of this new device. Our findings suggest that: (1)
                                                                                               the suitable alignment of band position and bandgap can help
                                                                                                                                                                         X-ray diffraction (XRD) results of the samples were obtained by a
                                                                                               separate the carrier transfer; (2) at a given band alignment, the
                                                                                                                                                                         Rigaku SmartLab diffractometer, where Cu Kα radiation was used (λ
                                                                                               voltage output performance is highly dependent on work function
                                                                                                                                                                         = 1.5406 Å). The morphology of the samples was characterized by a
                                                                                               difference between two materials and (3) a high carrier
                                                                                                                                                                         scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM-7600F, JEOL). Work
Published on 05 January 2021. Downloaded by Sungkyunkwan University on 1/11/2021 8:17:51 AM.

                                                                                               concentration can contribute to the enhanced DC power-generating
                                                                                                                                                                         functions and topographies of the perovskites and spiro samples
                                                                                               performances. These findings provide a new prospect in the
                                                                                                                                                                         were obtained by using Kelvin probe force microscope (KPFM) (XE-
                                                                                               dynamic perovskite/CTL heterojunctions compared with the static
                                                                                                                                                                         100, Park Systems). Piezoresponse in d33 direction of each
                                                                                               perovskite/CTL junctions in solar cells.
                                                                                                                                                                         perovskite sample was measured by piezoresponse force
                                                                                                                                                                         microscopy (PFM) (XE-100, Park Systems)
                                                                                               Experimental section
                                                                                               Materials                                                                 Optical characterization

                                                                                               Formamidnium iodide (FAI), methylammonium iodide (MAI),                   Optical absorption spectra were measured by a UV-vis
                                                                                               methylammonium bromide (MABr) were prepared by reacting 0.04              spectrometer (Lambda 45, Perkin-Elmer). Steady-state PL was
                                                                                               M formamidinium acetate (methylammonium ethanol solution for              measured using a fluorescence spectrometer (QuantaurusTau
                                                                                               MAI and MABr) with 0.05 M HI (57 wt % in water, Sigma Aldrich)            C11367-12, Hamamatsu). TRPL was performed on the perovskite
                                                                                               (0.05 M HBr for MABr) in ice bath for 2 h. Then the solution was          films by a time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system by
                                                                                               evaporated at 70 oC for 1 h until solid powder was formed. The solid      FluoTim 200 (PicoQuant). The perovskite films were excited by 464
                                                                                               powder was washed with diethyl ether (99.0%, Samchun) and                 nm laser source and then the emitted PL from the samples was
                                                                                               recrystallized using anhydrous ethanol for about 3 times. The             collected by a photon multiplier tube detector (PMA 182,
                                                                                               resulting powder was dried under vacuum for 2 days. FAPbI3                PicoQuant-GmbH).
                                                                                               powders were synthesized by dissolving 1 M FAI and 1 M PbI2 in γ-
                                                                                               Butyrolactone (99.5%, Samchun). Then the solution was heated at           Device characterizations
                                                                                               130 oC for about 3 hours until black crystals were formed. The
                                                                                               FAPbI3 crystals were washed by acetonitrile (DAEJUNG) and diethyl         The voltage and current analysis of dynamic devices were measured
                                                                                               ether for about 2 times and then heated at 150 oC for about 30 min.       using a Keithley 2400 source meter and Keithley 6514 electrometer.
                                                                                               Spiro-MeOTAD was purchased from Merck. Colloidal tin oxide                The CTL films were pressed and sliding on the fixed perovskite film
                                                                                               solution (SnO2, 15% in H2O) was purchased from Alfa Aesar. Other          to make the electric contact (see video 1 under room light). All the
                                                                                               chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.                              films were prepared on conductive substrates as mentioned in the
                                                                                                                                                                         device fabrication part and the applied force was generated using a
                                                                                               Device fabrication                                                        setup (Figure S20).

                                                                                               FTO glass substrates were cleaned with acetone and ethanol under
                                                                                               ultrasonication sequentially. The FAPbI3 precursor solution was           Conflicts of interest
                                                                                               prepared by dissolving the pre-synthesized FAPbI3 powder in a
                                                                                               mixed solvent (DMF/NMP = 8:1), where 30 mol% MACl were                    There are no conflicts to declare.
                                                                                               included. The MAPbI3 and MAPbBr3 were prepared by dissolving
                                                                                               PbI2 with MAI and MABr in the same solvent (DMF/NMP = 8:1). The
                                                                                               concentration of the perovskite solution was 1.6 M. The perovskite
                                                                                                                                                                         This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
                                                                                               films were prepared by spin-coating 20 µL of the precursor solution
                                                                                                                                                                         Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT)
                                                                                               on the FTO glasses at 4,000 rpm for 20 s, where 1 mL of diethyl
                                                                                                                                                                         of Korea under contracts NRF-2016M3D1A1027663 and NRF-
                                                                                               ether was dropped on the rotating substrate 10 s after spinning.
                                                                                                                                                                         2016M3D1A1027664 (Future Materials Discovery Program) and
                                                                                               Subsequently, the sample was annealed at 150 oC for 10 min. The
                                                                                                                                                                         NRF-2018R1A2A1A19021947 (the Basic Science Research Program).
                                                                                               spiro-MeOTAD layer was prepared by spin-coating of 20 μL of the
                                                                                                                                                                         This research was in part supported by Energy Technology Program
                                                                                               stock solution comprising 60 mg of spiro-MeOTAD in 0.7 mL
                                                                                                                                                                         of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
                                                                                               chlorobenzene (CB) including 25.5 μL of tBP (tert-butylpyridine) and
                                                                                                                                                                         (KETEP), funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (No.
                                                                                               15.5 μL of the Li-TFSI solution (520 mg Li-TFSI in 1 mL acetonitrile
                                                                                               (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.8%)) at 3,000 rpm for 30 s. For a PTAA layer,
                                                                                               PTAA was dissolved in CB with a concentration of 5 mg/ml, which
                                                                                               was spin coated on the FTO substrate with a speed of 3,000 rpm for
                                                                                               30 s. For the SnO2 layer, a concentration of 4 mg/ml was spin-            Reference
                                                                                               coated at the speed of 4,000 rpm for 20 s and then annealed at 180
                                                                                               oC for 30 min.

                                                                                               6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3                                                                  This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx

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                                                                                                                                                                Environmental Science                                                               Page 8 of 8

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