Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...

Page created by Franklin Barber
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Energy efficient heat pumps,
      from “standard”
to “seasonal” performances

               Rehva Clima 2016
                  May 2016

                               Sandrine MARINHAS
               Thermodynamics - Head of Department
                                  +33 1 75 44 71 54
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Workshop plan
 2/30   May 2016

15:30 Introduction                       16:15 Minimum requirements, labelling,
What is a directive ? A regulation ?     testing, and certification regarding
What is market surveillance ?            Chillers and Heat Pumps
What is a standard ?                     and Hybrid Systems
What is certification ?                  in heating and cooling mode
Questions                                Questions

15:40 Minimum requirements, labelling,   16:45 Incentives
testing, and certification regarding
Air Conditioners,                        16:50 Discussion
Heat Pumps and Variable
Refrigerant Flow Systems
in cooling and heating mode
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
 3/30   May 2016
                          …about how EU institutions
Directive = Legal act of the           European Regulation = Common
European Union requiring member        piece of legislation applicable in all
states to achieve a result without     countries of the EU at the same
dictating means of achieving it        time
Has to be combined with
implementing measures which
can be different from one country to
another, also called national
Ex: Energy performance of Buildings

                                       Our products are nowadays falling
                                       into these texts, already into force
                                       or in final stages of preparation
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Market surveillance
 4/30   May 2016                       in the EU
• To protect consumers from dangerous products but also to ensure a
  level playing field for reputable businesses

• Is the responsibility of the Member States for non-food consumer

• Relevant national authorities check whether products meet the
  applicable requirements, take necessary steps to make sure that
  products are compliant, exchange information (RAPEX) and apply
  sanctions when necessary

• Generally considered as having potential of
  improvement due too low and not harmonised
  national budgets, new package of measures
  under discussion to strengthen mandatory
  market surveillance
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
                  in Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning and
5/30   May 2016                     Refrigeration (HVAC&R)
• Reference documents, giving definitions,
  test methods, test conditions and/or
  requirements (ex: safety) to be met

• Not mandatory unless reference is made to
  them in European or national legal

• European EN standards are approved in
  Technical Committees and developed
  Working Groups of CEN, and automatically
  prevail to any corresponding national
  standard (ex: Dansk Standard in Denmark,
  NF in France, DIN in Germany…)

• International ISO standards are approved
  and developed in ISO TCs and WGs, but EN
  can cohabit with them
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
 6/30    May 2016                                    standards
• « Harmonised » ?
  There are annexes in the standard referring to
  the relevant EU regulations (Annex ZA)

• Harmonised standards for
  Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and
  heat pumps with electrically driven
  compressors for space heating and cooling

     EN 14511:2013-3 Test methods
        How to test Coefficient of performance (COP) or
        Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)
     EN 14825:2016 Testing and rating at part
      load conditions and calculation of seasonal
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Third-party certification
 7/30   May 2016
                                        for HVAC&R products
• To give assurance that an organization, its professional skills, process,
  services, and/or products meet the requirements set out in a reference

• Business-to-business voluntary process for manufacturers and

• Managed by an independent body, recognized by
  the authorities trough ISO 17065 accreditation
  (Ex: COFRAC in France, member of MRA)

• Gives written assurance through publication of data on a public
  website(s) and/or certificates
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Our Certification
8/30          May 2016
                                  How does it work? Accredited ISO 17065
                            Declaration lists
                             Product ranges (and models)
                             + Technical characteristics & Performances
                               or Selection software

                             After study of the list
        Selection on-site
        Visit of the         Random selection of models
                             No. of tests based on lifetime of models
       Production             or Selection software
                             Delivery, verification of testing object
                            Testing in an independent laboratory
        produced vs.        Comparison declared vs. measured data
        declared             If necessary: correction of catalogues or software

                                        Review, Approval, Certificate and
       File rejected                  Publication of data &
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Air Conditioners
 9/30   May 2016
                   & Air-to-air Heat Pumps ≤ 12 kW
• Air-to-air units, heating and/or cooling function,
  below 12 kW

• Eco-design for Energy related products (ErP)
  regulations 206/2012 and Labelling 626/2011              Indoor Unit (Cassette type)

• Manufacturers are required to declare the
  Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) &                           Remote
  Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP)                          Control

• Products have to meet the energy efficiency
  thresholds since 1st January 2013 (“Tier 1”)
  and 1st Jan. 2014 (“Tier 2”)
   (revision in Consultation Forum before 1st Jan. 2018)

• Thresholds depend on Global Warming
  Potential (GWP) of the refrigerant
                                                                  Outdoor Unit
Energy efficient heat pumps, from "standard" to "seasonal" performances - Rehva Clima 2016 May 2016 Sandrine MARINHAS ...
Air Conditioners
10/30   May 2016
                   & Air-to-air Heat Pumps ≤ 12 kW
• Since 1st Jan. 2014
Requirements for minimum energy efficiency (Table 6)

                            GWP (R410A) = 2088
                            GWP (R32) = 675

Note: Requirements for maximum sound power level (Table 5)
Air Conditioners
11/30      May 2016
                      & Air-to-air Heat Pumps ≤ 12 kW
• Evolutive                                  • 3 climate
  labelling                                    zones:
        2013 : A to G                           Warmer and
        2015 : A+ to F                          Colder
        2017 : A++ to E
        2019 : A+++ to D
                                                    but why
                                                    sesonal ?
                                                    and why 3
                                                    climates ?
From « standard »…
12/30   May 2016

• EN 14511 defines one set of conditions at which we used to rate
  thermodynamic HVAC systems for COP and EER
…to « seasonal »
                                                    technical definitions:
13/30   May 2016                Important EN 14825 temperatures

• Operating Limit Temperature TOL
    Temperature below which unit cannot work

• Bivalent Temperature Tbiv
    Temperature at which capacity of the unit and
    load demand are equal ; below Tbiv, capacity
    has to be completed by an electrical back-up

• Design Temperature Tdesign
  and Capacity Pdesign = Prated
    Design temperature depending of
    the climate, at which the heat pump
    shall be rated
                       Part load conditions,
14/30   May 2016   weighted with “bin hours”

                                     Takes also into
                                     coefficients Cc
                                     when demand is
                                     so low that load
                                     ratio stops
                                     continuously and
                                     units starts on/off
15/30       May 2016                          and Efficiency ηs

  Off-mode power Poff
        When the unit is switched off
  Standby mode power Psb
        When the HP is manually deactivated but                SCOP
        can be reactivated by remote control              ηs =      − ෍ F(i)
  Thermostat off mode power Pto
        When the HP is deactivated by thermostat
                                                      F(1) = 3% for temperature
  Cranckcase heater Pck                              regulation
        When the cranckase heater is on (to avoid     F(2) = 5% for electrical
        refrigerant to migrate to the compressor to   consumption for pumping of
        limit refrigerant concentration in oil at
        compressor start)                             geothermal heat pumps
ACs, Variable refrigerant Flow Systems
                             Rooftops & Heat pumps 12 kW – 1MWh/2MWc
16/30         May 2016

• Applies to air-to-air units, heating and/or cooling function, above 12 kW,
  up to 1MW in heating mode and 2 MW in cooling mode
• Eco-design for Energy related products (ErP) regulation ??/2016, not
  published yet, out for scrutiny in December 2015 untill 23 April 2016,
  expected very soon (including Transitional Method)
• No labelling (B-to-B) but mandatory information about data to calculate
  efficiency need to be available
• Minimum requirements scheduled on 1st Jan 2018 and 2021 (tbc)
Heating mode                                                  2018                      2021
Air-to-air heat pump, driven by an electric motor,
                                                              133                       137
except rooftop heat pump
Rooftop heat pump                                             115                       125
Air-to-air heat pump, driven by an internal
                                                              120                       130
combustion engine
Cooling mode                                                  2018                      2021
                                                     GWP > 150     GWP ≤ 150   GWP > 150    GWP ≤ 150
Air-to-air air conditioners, driven by an electric
                                                        181          163          189          170
motor, except rooftop air conditioners                                                                  GWP (R152a) = 124
Rooftop air conditioners                                117          105          138          124      GWP (R134a) = 1430
Air-to-air air conditioners, driven by an internal                                                      GWP (R407c) = 1800
                                                        157          141          167          150      GWP (R410A) = 2088
combustion engine
Certification challenges
17/30   May 2016                   for Air-to-Air units
• Organisation of tests on 141 Reversible Air
  Conditioners, 31 Rooftops and 34 VRF for 2015
  campaign, with deliveries from April 2015
• Second tests to be organised when necesary
• Audits of 9 VRF factories from 2016
• Test of Rooftops with downflow vertical impossible
• Current maximum heating capacity limited to :
     2 Indoor Units (IU) for calorimetric chamber (units ≤12 kW)
     2 cassette type IU up to 20 kWh
     4 ducted IU up to 50 kWh
• Extension of laboratory expected Spring 2017
     8 cassette type IU up to 100 kWh
     12 ducted IU up to 100 kWh
      While regulation goes up to 1MW, note that market uses
      modules for large ACs and VRFs
Process and Comfort Chillers
18/30   May 2016
                          and Hydronic Heat pumps
• ErP regulation 2015/1095 applies to process chillers, with minimum
  Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio (SEPR)
     “Low” water outlet temperature -25°C
     “Medium” water outlet temperature -8°C
• ErP regulation ??/2016 applies to air heating products, cooling
  products as comfort chillers (SEER) and high temperature process
  chillers (SEPR)
     “High” water outlet temperature +7°C for process (medium for comfort)
     “Low” water outlet temperature +18°C for comfort
• ErP regulation 813/2013 applies to space heaters (i.e. providing heat to
  water-based central heating systems) below 400 kW since Sept. 2015
• Labelling 811/2013 applies to space heaters below 70 kW since
  Sept. 2015, 3 climate zones
     “Low” water outlet temperature +35°C
     “High” water outlet temperature +55°C
Process and Comfort Chillers
19/30   May 2016
                      and Hydronic Heat pumps
• 2015/1095: Minimum requirements on SEPR 1st Jan 2018 and 2021
  for low (-25°C) and medium (-8°C) temperature

                                          2016       2018
Process and Comfort Chillers
 20/30     May 2016

• ??/2016: Min. requirements on ηc                               2018           2021
  scheduled on 1st Jan 2018 and 2021 (tbc)                   GWP > GWP ≤ GWP        GWP
  (+7 or +18°C)                                               150   150  > 150      ≤ 150
Air-to-water chillers < 400 kW (electric motor)               149      134   161     145
Air-to-water chillers ≥ 400 kW (electric)                     161      145   185     167
Water/brine to-water chillers < 400 kW (electric motor)       196      179   200     180
Water/brine to-water chillers 400 kW-1500 (electric motor)    227      204   252     227
Water/brine to-water chillers ≥ 1500 kW (electric motor)      245      220   272     245
Air-to-water comfort chillers (internal combustion engine)    144      130   154     139

• ??/2016: Min. requirements on SEPR for high temperature (+7°C)
  scheduled on 1st Jan 2018 and 2021 (tbc)
   Heat transfer                                           2016                2018
                      Rated refrigeration capacity
     medium                                          Min. SEPR value     Min. SEPR value
                            PA < 400 kW                     4.5                 5.0
                            PA > 400 kW                     5.0                 5.5
                            PA < 400 kW                     6.5                 7.0
         Water            400 kW - 1500 kW                  7.5                 8.0
                            PA > 1500 kW                    8.0                 8.5
Hydronic Heat pumps
  21/30   May 2016

• 813/2016: Min. requirements on ηs,h
                                               Sept. 2015          Sept. 2017
             Water Low temperature (+35 °C)       115                 125
             Water High temperature (+55 °C)      100                 110
Dual-service Heat pumps
22/30   May 2016
                                          Domestic hot water
• ErP regulation 814/2013 applies to water heaters below 400 kW and
  storage tanks below 2000 litres
• Labelling 812/2013 applies to water heaters below 70 kW and storage
  tanks below 500 litres
• ErP regulation 813/2013 applies to combination heaters (i.e. providing heat
  to heating and domestic hot water) below 400 kW since Sept. 2015
• Labelling 811/2013 applies to combination heaters below 70 kW since
  Sept. 2015

• Test standard EN 16147 - Heat pumps with
  electrically driven compressors - Testing and
  requirements for marking of domestic hot water units
Dual-service Heat pumps
23/30      May 2016
                                  Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
• 813/2016 and 814/216: Min. requirements on ηHW

        2015 [813 & 814]

   2017 water heaters [814]
Water heating energy efficiency
2017 combination heaters [813]                           60%     64%
   2018 water heaters [814]

                                            Bonus 3% for smart regulation
Dual-service Heat pumps
24/30     May 2016
                                     Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
• ‘mixed water at 40 °C’ V40 = quantity of water at 40 °C, which has the
  same heat content (enthalpy) as the hot water which is delivered above
  40 °C at the output of the water heater
• Min. requirements for storage water heaters

  Declared load profile    3XS       XXS-XS          S

          V40             7 litres    15 litres   36 litres
Hybrid systems
25/30   May 2016

Solution for          Pilot : €, CO2 or
replacement of        primary energy
old burners

Tests according       Storage tank
to EN 13203-5
for DHW

                      Gas or fioul

                      Heat Pump
                      Split or Monobloc
Certification challenges
26/30   May 2016

• Organisation of tests on 267 chillers and hydronic heat pumps and
  hybrid systems, for 2015 test campaign, renewed every year
• Second tests to be organised when necessary
• Audit of ~60 factories, renewed every year

• European testing capabilities are limited:
     below -10°C
     above 100 kW for heating function

• Standard for testing of hybrid EN 13203-5 for DHW indicates to
  determine capacity of HP even from high water temperature as +55°C,
  but the product is not intended for this use (the burner switches on) and
  some HP cannot reach this water temperature

• New refrigerants coming (F-gas) ?
27/30      May 2016
                                                   Table to sum-up
                                 Heating                      Cooling
                            Heat Pump, Hybrid          Air conditioner, Chiller
                         Eco-design    Labelling     Eco-design       Labelling
Air cond.      ≤ 12 kW   206/2015      626/2011      206/2015         626/2011
and HP
               >12 kW     ??/2016                     ??/2016
Chillers       -25°C
and                                                  2015/1095
                         813/2013      811/2013
Hot water      Single    814/2013      812/2013
               Comb.     813/2013      811/2013
Incentives and Labels
28/30    May 2016                through Europe
       Belgium: Primes Energies
       Italy: Tax incentives for minimum HP with minimum COP
       Denmark: Sparenergi
       France: Crédit d’Impôt Transition Energétique
       Germany: BAFA
       The Netherlands: Tax incentives
       Norway: ENOVA

         Do you have other examples or more details ?
29/30   May 2016

How can actors contribute ?
Is labelling too simple ?
Is testing too complex ?
Who controls what, when and how ?
How much can we afford for controls ?
Challenges at European level
Thanks for your attention

          Looking for a job position in Paris?
          Contact us
                                 Sandrine MARINHAS
              Thermodynamics - Head of Department
                                    +33 1 75 44 71 54
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