Endogenous Ionic Currents and Voltages in Amphibian Embryos

Page created by Benjamin Estrada
Endogenous Ionic Currents and Voltages in Amphibian Embryos

Endogenous Ionic Currents and Voltages in
Amphibian Embryos
                        Center for Paralysis Research, Department of Anatomy, School of Veterinary
                        Medicine, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1244

      ABSTRACT          Using a noninvasive vibrating electrode for the measurement of extracellular cur-
      rent, we show that a polarized ionic current traverses the embryo for many hours in the anuran,
      perhaps days in the urodele following gastrulation. The voltage driving these ionic currents is an
      internally positive transepithelial potential (TEP)normally expressed across embryonic integuments.
      Current is driven out of the lateral walls of the neural folds and the blastopore and enters most of
      the rest of the embryo's body surface. The magnitude of the TEP is transitorily dependent on exter-
      nal sodium and can be reduced by the embryo's immersion in Na' depleted media or by treatment
      with 50 FM amiloride. Both treatments fail to chronically reduce externally detected currents, how-
      ever. The pattern of currents traversing the embryo suggests they would be associated with rostral-
      caudal and medial-lateral gradients of voltage within the embryo. By sampling the distribution of
      TEPs in axolotl embryos, we provide measurements of the former-an internal, caudally negative,
      potential gradient beneath the neural plate ectoderm. The magnitude of these endogenous fields is
      on the order of 10 to 20 mV/mm and is within a range of potential known to affect the shape and
      migration of a variety of embryonic cell types in vitro. We suggest that endogenous currents and
      voltages in the vertebrate embryo may provide gross cues for cell movement and emerging develop-
      mental pattern. 0 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  It is not commonly appreciated that steady, po-         and McCaig, '89) toward the cathode of an applied
larized DC currents are driven through develop-           electric field is consistent with such a hypothesis.
ing animals and plants for hours, even days. These        Furthermore, discontinuities in the pattern or po-
endogenous ionic currents (and their associated           larity of transcellular or transembryonic ion cur-
voltage gradients) may be controls of development         rents have been postulated to be the physiological
and not accidental to it (Jaffe and Nuccitelli, '77;      basis for discontinuity in positional values leading
Borgens et al., '79a; Jaffe, '81, '82). Endogenous cur-   to change in developing symmetry and pattern for-
rents often foreshadow the locus of cell growth, ori-     mation (Jaffe, '81). Though circumstantial evidence
entation, or migration. For example, the precise          for an electrical control of development is exten-
location where embryonic limb buds will form is           sive, there has been little direct evidence for cau-
predicted by an outward flow of ionic current (taken      sality
                                                            In amphibian embryos, weak ionic currents with
to be the direction in which positive charge moves)
                                                          densities of a few CLA/cm2can be detected entering
in both Xenopus Eaeuis (Robinson, '83) and Am-
                                                          most of their surface. This is associated with a
bystoma mexicanum (Borgens et al., '83). The as-          uniform uptake of Na' from the dilute environment.
sociated subepidermal voltage gradient (negative          This electrogenic inward Na' transport produces
beneath the region of outwardly directed current)         an internally positive transepithelial potential
has been proposed t o serve as a coarse guide for         (TEP) that develops across the embryonic integu-
the accumulation of limb bud mesenchyme as well           ment (McCaig and Robinson, '82; Borgens, '89).
as subsequent projections of axons (Borgens, '84,         This TEE observed early in embryonic life, is also
'89). The migration of mobile embryonic cell types
such as neural crest cells (Stump and Robinson,
'83; Cooper and Keller, '841,embryonic fibroblasts
(Nuccitelli and Erickson, '83; Erickson and Nuc-             Received October 7, 1993; revision accepted October 14, 1993.
citelli, '84),and projections of embryonic Xenopus           Address reprint requests to Richard B. Borgens, Center for Paraly-
                                                          sis Research, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, West
neurites (Hinkle et al., '81; McCaig, '87; Borgens        Lafayette, IN 47907-1244.
308                                      M.E.M. METCALF ET AL.

characteristic of most adult animal skins, includ-      1,200 SZ cm) (Robinson and Stump ’841, and the
ing man (Kirschner,’73;Borgens, ’82;Vanable, ’89).      supernatant from macerated testes added to the
Alow resistance pathway to support steady polar-        medium to fertilize the oocytes. Developing em-
ized current flow driven by this TEP through the        bryos were segregated into petri dishes (30-40 per
embryo is provided by several mechanisms: a             dish) and stored at various temperatures (15-23°C)
breakdown of tight junctions in localized regions       in order t o manipulate the developmental age.
of epidermis (Decker, ’Sl), programmed cell death       Embryos were staged using the criteria of Nieuw-
producing a localized near open circuit leak such       koop and Faber (’56). Prior t o electrical measure-
as “necrotic zones” in the limb bud (Borgens ’84;       ments embryos were stripped of their jelly coat and
Borgens et al., ’87) or so-called “hind gut reduc-      vitelline membrane by a 10 min immersion in 2%
tion” in the chick (Hotary and Robinson, ’901, or       cysteine (pH 7.8-8.0) in HC 1followed by mechani-
through the interstice of the embryo continuous         cal removal of the extraembryonic membranes.
with the outside milieu at the blastopore (Robinson     Physiological measurements began at an early
and Stump, ’84).We report the existence of a steady     stage of neural fold development (stage 15) and
ionic current driven out of the neural folds in am-     were discontinued at stage 33.
phibian embryos and confirm the blastopore cur-
rent in the urodele. The neural fold currents                           Vibrating electrode
disappear with fusion of the folds during the for-         The design, construction, and use of both one-
mation of the neural tube. These transembryo cur-       dimensional and two-dimenstionalvibrating probes
rents are associated with polarized internal electric   for the noninvasive detection of extracellular ionic
fields of about 5-25 mV/mm.                             currents have been described (Jaffe and Nuccitelli,
                                                        ’74; Nuccitelli, ’86; Hotary and Robinson, ’92a).
        MATERIALS AND METHODS                           Briefly, the sensor in this system is a platinum
                 Axolotl embryos                        tipped, parylene insulated tungsten microelectrode
  Axolotl embryos (blastulae), provided by the In-      which is vibrated between two positions (typically
diana University Axolotl Colony, were staged ac-        a 20-200 ym excursion). Using frequency lock de-
cording to Bordzilovskaya et al. (’89). They were       tection techniques, the minute voltage between the
held in an incubation chamber at 5°C and then           extremes of this excursion (produced by either a
removed to room temperature where development           biological or calibration source) immersed in a con-
continued until physiological measurements were         ductive medium is sampled near (50-200 pm) but
performed on them. Prior to measurement the jelly       not touching the source. Knowing the resistivity of
coat and vitelline membrane were mechanically           the medium (measured with a conductancebridge),
removed. During use embryos were kept at room           one calibrates the system to provide the density of
temperature and maintained in either artificial         current entering or leaving the source using an
pond water (APW) consisting of 1.5mM NaCl, 0.6          analog of Ohm’s law for extended media. This cali-
mM KCl, and 1.0 mM CaC12 or 25% Holtfreter’s            bration was further verified by placing the vibrat-
medium consisting of 15 mM NaC1,O. 17 mM KC1,           ing electrode in an artifically imposed current of
0.23 mM CaC12, and 0.60 mM NaHC03 (pH 7.4).             known density and direction with the plane of vi-
The resistivity of theAPW ranged from 2,400-2,700       bration parallel with the direction of current flow.
R cm and that of the 25% Holtfreter’s solution from     The absence of artifactual signals (generated by a
600-650 R cm. Modified media used in these stud-        leakage of current to the medium from the voltage
ies included a standard APW containing 50 yM            driven bender element of the probe) was checked
amiloride and an APW in which recrystallized            for after construction or replacement of a sensor
choline chloride was substituted for NaC1.              by bringing the vibrating electrode near the side of
                                                        the calibration chamber or a small piece of capil-
                Xenopus embryos                         lary glass. The probe was vibrated at a frequency
  Adult female Xenopus laevis (from a laboratory        away from resonance to overcome the problem of
colony) were injected with 750-1,000 i.u. of Hu-        depth-dependent changes in vibration amplitude.
man Chorionic Gonadotropin to induce ovulation.         Permanent records were chart recordings from an
Eight t o twelve hours later these females were         Omniscribe chart recorder. In the measurements
stripped of their eggs, the eggs placed in a n          reported here, a reference line was established by
artifically prepared culture medium, HC 1(6.1 mM        moving the vibrating sensor with a micropositioner
NaCl, 0.25 mM MgC1.6H20),0.05 mM Mg SO4,0.07            over 3 cm from the embryo and out of the electric
mM CaC12.2H2, 0.11 mM KC1, pH 7.0, resistivity =        field. The probe was then moved to one of two stan-
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                      309

dard measuring positions with the center of vibra-      embryos were maintained in large volumes of test
tion either 50 or 200 pm from the animal’s surface.     media during the intervals between measurements.
A deflection above the reference line indicates cur-
rent entering the embryo; a deflection below the          Measurements of transepithelial potential
reference line indicates current leaving it. In me-        Measurements were made using glass microelec-
dia of the resistivity given, we routinely measured     trodes pulled on a vertical puller (David Kopf In-
current densities on the order of tens of nano-         strhments, Model 700 C) from 1.5 mm 0.d.
amperes per square centimeter with a spatial reso-      borosilicate glass capillary tubing with an internal
lution dependent on the sensor’s size (either 35 pm     filament. We have used both 2 M and 100 mM NaCl
or 200 pm; refer below to results). ForAmbystoma        filling solution, finding recorded TEPs to be equiva-
measurements, the time constant used was 1sec-          lent. The higher molarity electrodes (with approxi-
ond and vibration frequency was about 200 Hz. For       mately 2 mV tip potentials at 30-70 meg Qs
Xenopus measurements, the time constant used            resistance) provided more stable recordings and
was 3 seconds and vibration frequency was 240 Hz.       were used in most measurements reported here.
   For vibrating probe measurements, embryos            The bath was grounded using aAg/AgCl electrode.
were moved from their culture chambers to a 60          Electrodes were connected to a WPI Instruments
mm x 15 mm petri dish and immersed in either            Model M-707 Micro Probe System amplifier, and
artificial pond water (APW) (axolotl) or HC 1           the measured potentials were displayed on a Fisher
(Xenopus)culture medium. The bottom of the dish         Recordall series 5000 chart recorder. Embryos (the
was covered with a 3 mm thick layer of Sylgard          jelly coat and vitelline membrane mechanically
184 (Dow Corning). A small pedestal was con-            removed) were positioned (dorsal surface up) in an
structed of sylgard (10 mm x 4 mm) with a wedge-        indentation formed for them in the 2% agar which
shaped groove t h a t held the relatively large         lined the bottom of the measurement dish. Twenty-
(approximately 2 mm) axolotl embryo in a fixed          five percent Holtfreter’s solution was the bathing
position during measurement. The density and di-        medium used during microelectrode penetration.
rection of current was measured at the anterior
portion of the neural folds and the lateral body ec-                        RESULTS
toderm of each axolotl embryo. In Xenopus, stabi-              Ionic currents during neurulation
lization of the relatively small (approximately 1.0        In the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), vibrat-
mm) embryo was facilitated by supporting it (dor-       ing electrode measurements were begun at stage
sal surface up) with 000 insect pins inserted into      15, when the neural folds were apparent. At this
the substrate. Orientation of the embryo and vi-        stage, inward and outward currents from the neu-
sual observations during physiological measure-         ral folds were detected with equal frequency By
ments were accomplished using a Wild                    stage 16 over 90% of the embryos (10 of 11)were
stereomicroscope.A study of the variation in cur-       driving current out of the developing neural folds.
rent density with distance from the surface allowed     These outward currents ranged in magnitude from
adjustment of all raw data t o values measured at       0.1-1.4pA/cm2(X = 0.5 pAcm2;SEM = 0.1 pA/cm2).
50 pm from the surface. Surface values would be         With further development until stage 19, we could
expected to be higher yet. Given the complex and        detect localized outwardly directed currents in 60%
varied topography, however, we chose not t o ex-        of the population studied (Fig. 1B). The relatively
trapolate data to such uncertain values and nor-        large axolotl embryos (approximately 2 mm) were
malized all measurements at the standard position       scanned with the large (200 pm) sensor with the
of 50 pm for ease of comparison. Two additional         distance from the center of vibration to the embryo’s
axolotl embryos (stage 18)were studied with a high      surface kept at about 200 pm. The inability t o de-
resolution computer assisted instrument display-        tect outwardly directed currents from the compara-
ing the vectoral sum of currents in two dimensions      tively small region of the folds in some embryos in
with a spatial resolution of 45 pm (Nuccitelli, ’86).   these initial measurements was felt t o be due to
In studies utilizing both standard and modified         the poor spatial resolution of this large probe. Con-
APW, axolotl embryos (stage 16) were transferred        sequently, ten additional stage 17 embryos were
through three large volumes (approximately 100          studied with a microprobe (35 pm diameter sen-
ml each) of the new test medium before being re-        sor), with the center of the probe’s excursion held
positioned in a fourth volume where measurements        50 pm from the embryo’s surface. In all embryos,
were repeated. When testing the long-term effect        currents were found leaving the neural folds (range
of external Na’ depletion on endogenous currents,       = 0.3-1.0 pA/cm2;X = 0.6 pA/cm2;SEM = 0.1 pA/
310                                                 M.E.M. METCALF ET AL.

cm'). Outward currents disappeared completely                         positioned over the flank proper. In six of these
from the area of cranial enlargement subsequent                       embryos, measurements were made well into
to neural tube formation. Only inwardly directed                      stages 18-21 (where the neural folds begin to fuse
currents could be detected in this region (18 of 18                   dorsally to form the neural tube). In five of these,
embryos, stage 20.5-21: range = 0.5-4.4 pA/cm2,X                      currents leaving the lateral wall of the neural fold
= 1.2 pA/cm2, SEM = 0.2 pA/cm2). Both embryos                         disappeared (Fig. 4B). In the sixth embryo, a small
studied with a two-dimensional probe possessed                        patch (about 0.3 mm2)of outward current was still
currents (approximately 1cLA/cm2)leaving the walls                    observed directly dorsal t o the eye primordium at
of the neural folds at stage 18 (Fig. 2). Current                     the most anterior margin of the cranial enlarge-
densities averaging about 1.2 pA/cm' (stage 15-21)                    ment. After the neural tube was well formed (stage
were measured entering the general body surface                       21-25), the 18 embryos scanned were character-
of all embryos (excluding the neural folds and                        ized by weak currents entering the dorsal regions
blastopore). Both left and right sides of Am-                         of the neural tube and the developing cranial en-
bystoma embryos were analyzed. The loops of out-                      largement (range = 0.4-2.6 pA/cm2;X = 1.4 pA/cm2;
ward current at the neural folds were bilaterally                     SEM = 0.7 pA/cm2)(Fig. 4B-D).
symmetrical, with current returning through the                         Later stages of development were studied in 43
neural plate and body surface. In axolotl embryos                     additional Xenopus embryos, with emphasis on
we noticed a leveling of these magnitudes of cur-                     the regions of optic and otic primordia (Fig. 4B-D).
rent leaving the neural folds. In contrast, ionic cur-                Of the 40 individuals in which the optic primor-
rents entering body epidermis increased in                            dium was scanned, in only three were outwardly
magnitude after stage 15 (Fig. 3).                                    directed currents (0.1-0.4 pA/cm2)observed. In 17
  Currents similar to those leaving the lateral                       embryos, the otic placode was scanned between
walls of the neural folds in salamander embryos                       stages 21 and 33. Currents were detected entering
were also detected in frog embryos (Xenopus Zaevis).                  the placode in 11of these (0.1-4.7 pA/cm'; X = 0.9
Measurements were begun at stage 15, at which                         pA/cm'; SEM = 0.3 pA/cm'). In the other six, mea-
time the neural folds were already apparent in                        surements were confounded by shifting polarities
Xenopus embryos. From this stage until just prior                     of current entering or leaving the nearby brachial
to the closure of the neural folds to form the neural                 region. Such transitory shifts in ionic current at
tube (stages 18-19), the dorsal and cranial region                    the developing brachial arch, and in later stages
of 16 embryos was characterized by currents (range                    the more well-developed gill, were not uncommon.
= 1.0-6.9 pA/cm2;X = 3.2 pA/cm'; SEM = 0.5 pA/                        These rapidly shifting and variable currents might
cm2)leaving the lateral walls of the neural folds                     be expected in this area, were noted, but not ex-
(Figs. IA, 4A). When the probe was moved from a                       amined further. These regions were not exam-
position adjacent the lateral wall of the neural fold,                ined in axolotl embryos. We made no attempt to
across the shallow groove where the neural folds                      systematically study the caudal-most neural fold
merge into the swelling of the embryo's body wall,                    in either species. The much greater density of
the large currents leaving the neural fold were ob-                   current leaving the blastopore dominates record-
served to decrease in magnitude and finally reverse                   ings made with the sensor up t o 200 pm from
their polarity when the vibrating electrode was                       the surface.
  Fig. 1. Ionic current traversing amphibian neurulae. A.             emerging at the folds; falling t o baseline levels at the bound-
Neurulation currents in Xenopus Zaevis. To the left, vibrating        ary of fold and flank ectoderm; and reversing to inward over
electrode record of a scan of the developing neural folds at          regions of flank ectoderm. B: Neurulation currents in Am-
stage 16/17.lb the right, an illustration of the measurement          bystoma mexicanum. To the left, vibrating electrode record of
positions. A reference line (R) was established by moving the         a scan of developing neural folds at stage 17/18. To the right,
probe more than 3 cm from the embryo and out of the electri-          an illustration of the measurement positions. Reference line
cal field. The probe was then moved to a standard measure-            (R) and current conventions as above. The probe was then
ment position 50 pm from the embryo's surface. A deflection           moved to a standard measuring position with the center of
above the reference line indicates current entering the em-           vibration 200 pm from the animal's surface. The plane of the
bryo; a deflection below the reference line indicates current         probe's vibration was held perpendicular to the wall of the
leaving it. Measurement began in the mid-flank region (a,b)           neural folds (plane 2) or slightly oblique (dorsalateral) (plane
moving dorsal adjacent to the neural folds and rostral (c,d,e);       1).The outward currents detected at position a and b presented
then ventral, crossing to the flank (f,g,h); rostral, and then        in this record were made at plane 1. The inward current re-
dorsal to the neural fold (i-m); then t o the anterior flank (n,o).   corded over body epidermis (C)was typical of ionic currents
The sensor's tip size was 35 pm, vibration distance approxi-          entering the rest of the embryo. The probe tip was 200 pm and
mately 30 pm, and embryo diameter approximately 1mm. Note             neurulae approximately 2 mm in length.
the shifting polarity of current throughout the scan: current


                  I   3


         pi; 9.
              I           I

 ,            I

,luwvfl t't                   a

                              a   I   I
312                                                M.E.M. METCALF ET AL,.

                                                                     Nr     1.6
                                                                                        a   Fold, ouiward current
                                                                                            Body, inward current

                                                                      Y     1.4
                                                                       I   1.0
                                                                      r    0.8



                                                                                   15           16          17      18   19

                                                                                                   Embryonic Stage

                                                                        Fig. 3. Ionic currents entering or leaving axolotl embryos
                                                                     as a function of stage. The currents entering the body epider-
                                                                     mis (hatched bars) increase steadily in magnitude with devel-
                                                                     opment. The mean current densities at stages 19 and 15 are
  Fig. 2. Neural fold currents in an Axolotl embryo (stage           significantly different (0.01 c: P < 0.02 Mann Whitney and
18)detected with a two-dimensional vibrating electrode. The          Student's t-test). The number of embryos measured at each
30 pm diameter sensor was moved in a circular excursion in a         stage is depicted above the error bars. Currents leaving the
plane horizontal to, and 50pm from, the embryo's surface. Both       folds in this population (solid bars) did not vary greatly in
orthogonal components of an ionic current were measured si-          magnitude, and the difference between groups is not signifi-
multaneously and represented as a current vector, superim-           cant. Only stages prior to neural fold closure are depicted.
posed on the video image of the neurula. Current vectors are         Though solid bars are all outwardly directed current and
displayed as a line originating at a dot which marks the mea-        hatched bars inwardly directed, they are plotted side by side
surement position. The direction of the line from the dot de-        to facilitate comparison of their magnitudes.
notes the direction of current flow, and the length of the line is
proportional to its magnitude (1cm = 1C1A/cm2).Note the out-
wardly directed currents at the edge of the cranial neural folds.
                                                                     any two measurement positions was often consid-
                                                                     erably higher, up to 63 mV/mm. The mean poten-
  Measurements of transepithelial potential                          tial at the anterior-most recording site of the neural
   Internally positive transepithelial potentials                    plate was 54 mV (SEM = 4 mV), while that at the
ranging from 18-64 mV were immediately and eas-                      posterior-most site was 39 mV (SEM = 7 mV). The
ily recorded following impalement of the ectoderm.                   difference in the TEP between these sites is sig-
We first examined the distribution of the trans-                     nificantly different (0.02 c P c 0.05, one-tailed
epithelial potential at 12 loci in each of four stage                Student's t-test).
16 axolotl embryos (Fig. 5 ) . The distance between                     This gradient was further explored in eight ad-
the measurement positions along the length of the                    ditional stage 16 embryos. In this second series of
embryo was approximately 400 pm. The order in                        measurements, seven locations along the longitu-
which these loci were examined was randomly se-                      dinal axis of the neural plate were sampled. The
lected for each embryo. Internally positive poten-                   most rostra1 was at the junction of fold and neural
tials were seen at each recording site in all 4                      plate; the most caudal was approximately 50 pm
embryos. An analysis of the magnitude of TEP re-                     from the blastopore. As in the previous mea-
corded at these various locations revealed a cau-                    surements, all TEPs recorded were internally posi-
dally negative voltage gradient under the neural                     tive, and a consistent caudally negative profile was
plate in each of the four embryos examined, though                   observed. This rostralkaudal potential gradient of
variation in the magnitude of the TEPs between                       10 mV/mm (range 1-24 mV/mm; SEM = 2.54 mV/
embryos was observed. This gradient was 5,7,20,                      mm) (Fig. 7). Statistical comparison between pooled
and 23 mV/mm in the four neurulae, respectively,                     data taken at positions 1and 7,2 and 6, and 3 and
across the length of the body axis (under the neu-                   5 were significant (Pc 0.005, P c 0.005, and P c
ral plate) (Fig. 6). The recorded gradient between                   0.05, respectively (Fig. 7). TEPs were consistently
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                      313

higher in the rostra1 lateral flank ectoderm (X =      rents, respectively (Fig. 10).Within 2 h currents at
45 mV; SEM = 7 mV) than in the caudal flank (X=        both surfaces had normalized in a single embryo
40 mV; SEM = 5 mV) in each of the first four em-       and within 4 h in a second. In the third embryo the
bryos studied. These differences were not statisti-    inward flank current, but not the blastopore cur-
cally significant given the variations in data and     rent, reached its original magnitude within 4 h and
the few embryos studied.                               that of the fourth embryo within 6 h.
                                                         In an effort t o determine if this transitory (2-4
 Na' dependence of the neurulation currents            h) interruption of natural currents (and therefore
   When Na+ was replaced with choline or increased     an interruption in the internal voltage gradients)
over threefold in the measurement medium, ionic        results in abnormal patterning, axolotl embryos
currents leaving the axolotl's neural folds were       were cultured in either 50 pM amilorideAPW (n =
eliminated (n = 4), or doubled in magnitude (n =       15) or choline substituted APW (n = 15) through-
6), respectively (Fig. 8). Exchanging the measure-     out the period of neurulation (beginning at stage
ment medium with one containing 50 pM amiloride        13.5).All embryos were then transferred to stan-
(a potent Na' channel blocking agent [Borgens et       dard APW at stage 21/22 when fusion of the neu-
al., '77, '79b; Sariban-Sohraby and Benos, '861) im-   ral folds was completed and reared to stage 36-39,
mediately eliminated outwardly directed currents       at which time they were sacrificed for histology.
in two embryos and reduced outward currents at         All embryos in the amiloride group, as well as an
the folds to less than 40% of their initial magni-     approximately equal number of control embryos
tude in a third embryo but did not affect the ionic    (reared solely in APW), displayed normal mor-
currents in a fourth. Identical responses to Na'       pholoa. Though 2 of the 15 embryos cultured in
modulation were observed in the same embryos           choline substitued APW possessed abnormalities
when testing inwardly directed flank currents. The     (blisters in head and hindbrain regions in one and
effect of amiloride on blastopore currents was also    enlarged abdomen in the other), this result is not
tested in three Xenopus embryos. Four separate         statistically significant (P> 0.05, chi-square test).
measurements were made t o establish the peak
density leaving this region for each embryo (8.3,                         DISCUSSION
3.6, and 16.8CLA/cm2).Aftera 15 min immersion in         Prior to closure of the neural folds, a steady ionic
HC 1 containing 10 pM amiloride, an identical          current is driven out of both lateral walls of the
series of measurements was repeated for each           folds and the blastopore in bothxenopus laevis and
individual. Peak currents recorded were reduced        Ambystoma mexicanum. These outwardly directed
to 0.7, 0 (no current detected), and 3.2 pUcm2,        currents disappear in both species coincident with
respectively.                                          the fusion of the neural folds. The blastopore cur-
   The effect of prolonged Na' deprivation on ionic    rent can still be detected following neural tube for-
currents was examined in an additional seven           mation in the anuran and urodele (Robinson and
embryos. Currents entering or leaving the flank        Stump, '84; Borgens, unpublished observations). In
and blastopore of stage 16 axolotl embryos were        Xenopus we detected little change in the polarity
first measured in standard APW. Each embryo            or magnitude of ionic current coincident with the
was then transferred to the new test medium and        formation of the optic vesicle and otic placode or
measurements were repeated periodically for up         their differentiation during later stages of devel-
t o 8 h (Fig. 9). When placed in choline APW (n =      opment. In both species, focused outwardly directed
31, the inward currents at the flank were elimi-       current localizes the pre-limb bud region of flank
nated or reduced by about 75%, while the outward       ectoderm in more mature larvae (Borgens et al.,
currents at the blastopore fell by more than 90% of    '83; Robinson, '83; see below).
their original magnitude (Figs. 8, 9). The magni-        All of these transembryo currents are driven by
tude of the inward flank current had returned t o      the internally positive TEP of the ectoderm and
normal within 2 h in one embryo and within 4 h in      would be associated with an internal voltage gra-
the remaining embryos. The outward currents at         dient increasingly negative at the subepidermal
the blastopore returned in similar fashion, though     region where current emerges from the embryo or
in one embryo the current never regained its origi-    larvae. We provide measurements of one of these
nal density When placed in APW containing 50           internal electric fields organized in the rostralkau-
pM amiloride (n = 4),a reduction by 50-90% and         dal plane beneath the neural plate in stage 16
75-98% of the original magnitude was observed in       axolotls (Fig. 11). This gradient is on the order of
the inward flank and the outward blastopore cur-       10 mV/mm and was distally negative in each of

Aii                          Bi i


                                            2 min

         2 min


                             Di i
                 Figure 4.
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTSAND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                                        315

  +70-                                                              Our continuing studies demonstrate that 1)the
                                                                 TEP of the lateral margin of the neural fold is con-
                                                                 sistently negative with respect to adjacent ecto-
                                                                 derm in the transverse axis; 2) the rostrallcaudal
                                                                 gradient beneath the neural plate begins to become
                                                                 apparent at stage 15 and disappears by stage 181
                                                                 19 in axolotl neurulae; and 3) the appearanceldis-
                                                                 appearance of the rostrallcaudal gradient relates

                                                                 more to the presence of the neural fold currents

I I                                       7-Jm                   than the blastopore current (Shi and Borgens, un-
                                                                 published observations). These data will be the
                                                           t subject of the third paper in this series.
                                                                    It is now quite clear that ectodermal “batteries”
  Fig. 5 . Measurements of TEP in an axolotl neurula. The drive polarized current through a wide variety of
insert shows the 12 standard measurement positions, approxi-
mately 400 km apart in the rostrallcaudal axis along the neu-
                                                                 embryos, including the frog, salamander, chick, and
ral plate, in the neural fold, and flank ectoderm. Records (A-E) mouse    (see below). The magnitude of the internal
are presented for 5 of these 12 positions. The abrupt shift (up- fields  have only been described in one other of these
ward) in each record indicates the shift in potential at the mo- models.Approximately 20 mVlmm fields are asso-
ment of microelectrodeimpalement of the ectoderm. Inwardly ciated with posterior intestinal portal current den-
positive potentials were relative stable for 5-15 min of record-
ing, and all records were taken with the same microelectrode.
                                                                 sities on the order of 100 pA/cm2 in the chick
Note the approximate 40-50% fall in the magnitude of recorded    (Hotary    and Robinson, ’90). We report a similar
TEP from that observed at the rostra1 neural plate as more       potential   drop along the longitudinal axis of the
caudal or more lateral regions of ectoderm were sampled. This axolotl beneath the neural plate associated with
would be associated with an increasingly more negative gradi- externally detected current densities only a frac-
ent of subectodermal potential at caudal or more lateral re-
gions relative to the cranial neural plate.
                                                                 tion of those measured in the chick. Hotary and
                                                                 Robinson (’90:157)suggest “the size of the current
                                                                 is relevant because it will directly determine the
the 12 embryos studied. Such internal voltages are size of the internal voltage gradient.” This is an
within a range known to affect the shape and the oversimplification. The magnitude of voltage gra-
migration of embryonic cells in vitro (reviewed by dients associated with extracellular currents in
Robinson, ’85, Nuccitelli, ’88, Borgens, ’92).                   animals and plants is more related to the cross-

   Fig. 4. Ionic currents traversing CNS specialization in          presumptive otic placode formation. i: Vibrating probe records
Xenopus embryos and larvae. A: One-dimensional vibrating            of a scan made in a stage 22 embryo. ii: Illustration of the
probe scan of region of prospective optic primordium and neu-       measurement positions depicted above. This scan begins with
ral folds in a stage 17/18 embryo (Nieuwkoop and Faber, ’56).       measurements made adjacent t o the epidermis of the cranial
i:Vibrating electrode record. Reference and other conventions       enlargement (a), moving caudally along the well-formed neu-
as in Fig. 1. Probe and measurement parameters as in Fig.           ral tube (b-g). The measurements were shifted ventrally, along
lA.ii: Illustration of the measurement positions depicted           the body wall (h-1) with a focus on the region of presumptive
above. Note the presence of outwardly directed current at the       otic placode formation (m-n). Note the presence of current
margin of the anterior neural folds (a) and the reversal of po-     entering all of these regions. The break in the record repre-
larity as the probe scans the surface over regions of subse-        sents 12 rnin of measurement where other regions of the em-
quent eye development (b-g). The polarity of current reverses       bryo were explored. D: Ionic currents traversing the more
again at the neural folds, position h-j. (The break in the record   differentiated nervous system including the epidermis of the
represents 3 min of recordings made elsewhere). B: Ionic cur-       otic vesicle. i:Vibrating probe records of a scan made in a stage
rents traversing the optic primordium and neural tube. i:Vi-        29 embryo. ii: Illustration of measurement positions depicted
brating probe record of scans in a stage 19-20 embryo. ii:          above. This scan begins adjacent to the anterior and lateral
Illustration of the measurement positions depicted above. This      wall of the cranial enlargement and moves caudally along the
probe record begins with measurements of current entering           dorsolateral region of the embryo, including a measurement
the lateral wall of the neural tube (now closed) (a), proceeding    directly adjacent the otic vesicle (position d). Note the pres-
cranially t o the most anterior margin of the cranial enlarge-      ence of inward currents in these regions. The break in the
ment (b-g). Measurements were taken directly adjacent t o the       record indicates 2.2 min of recording time where other regions
eye vesicle (h,i), and further measurements were made just          of the embryo were explored.A35 km diameter probe was used
caudal to the eye vesicle 6).Note the absence of outwardly          in these measurements, keeping the center of the probe’s ex-
directed currents in any of these regions. The break in the         cursion approximately 50 km from the embryo’s surface. The
record represents 2 min of recording time where other regions       illustrations are not drawn to scale; neurulae (as in A,B)     ))

of the embryo were explored. C: Ionic currents entering the         1.0-1.5 mm in length; as in D, 2.7-3 mm in length.
epidermis of the lateral wall of the neural tube and regions of
316                                         M.E.M. METCALF ET AL.

                                                                45    I
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTSAND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                                      317

N                                 N
 E                                E

 r       2 min
                                  O       2 min

         h                        I


I    R     B     R       F    R       R   B   R   F   R   F   R

   Fig. 8. Na' dependenceof axolotl neurulation currents (ref-
erence and current conventions as in Fig. 1).Steady current
(0.05 pA/cm2)was detected entering the body epidermis adja-
cent to the neural folds as well as leaving the neural folds of
this stage 16 embryo. TheAPW (Na' = 1.5mM) was exchanged
with 5 mM Na' APW (record begins here). Note the roughly
twofold increase in current density entering the body epider-
mis (B) and leaving the neural folds (F) in the presence of 5
mM Na'. This high Na' APW was subsequently (break in the
                                                                                       'I I
record a t arrow) replaced with a medium in which recrystal-
lized choline was substituted for the Na'. After 5 min, cur-
rents entering the body (B) were no longer detected, and
currents leaving the folds (F) had fallen to baseline or slightly
reversed their polarity. The change in scale reflects the differ-
ing resistivities of 5 mM Na' APW (1,350 R cm) and choline
chlorideAPW (2,500 R cm).
                                                                       Fig. 9. Vibrating probe record of the adaptation of flank
current has also been measured leaving the basal                    and blastopore currents to Na' depleted media. A: Currents
                                                                    leaving the blastopore (B) and entering the flank (F) in nor-
domain of mouse blastomeres and leaving the                         mal artificial pond water (APW), B: Same measurements af-
primitive streak of chick and mouse embryos (Jaffe                  ter 10 min immersion in a choline-substituted APW (see
and Stern, '79; Nuccitelli, '88; Winkel and Nucci-                  Materials and Methods), C: Same measurements after 2 h in
telli, '89). These transembryo currents have been                   the same medium shown in B. R = reference line (hatched line)
suggested t o play a role in the establishment of                   where the probe was more than 3 cm from the embryo and out
                                                                    of the electric field. The probe was then moved to a measure-
polarity in embryonic epithelium, but this has not                  ment position 150 pm from the embryo's surface for measure-
been directly tested. During later development of                   ments at B and F. Note the elimination of both flank and
the chick embryo, a large leakage current (approxi-                 blastopore current in B and their return to near normal
mately 100 CLA/cm2)has been detected leaving the                    values by 2 h (C). Scale in C is the same for all three sets of
posterior intestinal portal (Hotary and Robinson,                   measurements, as the resistivity of APW and choline APW
                                                                    is the same,
,901, producing an internal potential gradient of
about 20 mV/mm in the caudal region of the em-                      investigators noted outward currents at the blas-
bryo. When this leakage current was reduced by                      topore in Xenopus embryos but reported inwardly
about 30%using implanted current shunts, abnor-                     directed current at all other regions, including the
malities in tail development and in other regions                   neural plate. Had they positioned their probe nor-
of the embryo resulted (Hotary and Robinson,                        mal to the lateral walls of the neural folds, they
'92b). This direct test suggests the intestinal                     might have observed the outwardly directed cur-
portal leak is indeed relevant t o tail morphogen-                  rent described here. We note as well some incidence
esis in the chick.                                                  of transitory outwardly directed current that is not
   The endogenous currents reported here in anu-                    due to mechanical damage around the brachial
ran and urodele embryos both confirm and correct                    area, and in rare instances we have detected weak
a prior report by Robinson and Stump ('84).These                    outward currents over the developing optic and otic
318                                              M.E.M. METCALF ET AL.

           0          2           4          6           8                     0       2            4          6        8

                           Time (hours)                                                        Time (hours)

          1     c

                                                                  .-3In-   9
                                                                  s        3
      0.0 J I                                            1                 0
            0         2           4          6           a                     0           2            4          6        8
                           Time (hours)                                                         Time (hours)

   Fig. 10. Effect of chronic immersion in choline-substituted    blastopore a graded return to near normal values was observed
artificial pond water and Amiloride on the magnitude of ionic     by at least 2 h. The effect of chronic immersion in 50 FM
currents. A: The effect of Na+ depleted (choline-substituted)     Amiloride-treated APW on ionic currents entering the flank
media on ionic currents entering ectoderm is shown measured       (C) and ionic currents leaving the blastopore (D) are sh0wn.A
with a vibrating electrode at the midlateral flank. Three indi-   set of data measured in four individual neurulae ( 0 ,0, 0)
vidual sets of data for separate neurulae ( 0 ,0, 0)   are dis-   are displayed. The density of ionic current in normal APW is
played. Note the reduction in the density of current following    shown at time 0, followed by a substitution of this medium
medium substitution (time 0). B: A similar set of data for the    with APW containing 50 FM amiloride. Note the marked re-
same three neurulae is displayed; however, ionic currents leav-   duction (50% or greater) within 10 min following amiloride
ing the blastopore were analyzed. Note the marked (50% or         treatment. A graded recovery to near normal values was ob-
greater) reduction in the density of current after substitution   served in about 4 h in all but one embryo.
of APW (time 0) for Na' depleted media. At both flank and

regions. These do not, however, detract from the                  accompanying forelimb regeneration in adult
general rule that inwardly directed steady ionic                  urodeles (reviewed by Borgens, '89).
current (on the order of a 1-2 pA/cm2) enters
most of the surface of the early developing am-                                    The ectodermal battery
phibian and leaves the neural folds and blasto-
pore.                                                                We provide evidence that the ionic currents tra-
  In later larval development in both Xenopus                     versing the amphibian embryo are produced by the
laevis andAmbystoma mexicanum, an outwardly                       TEP of the embryonic ectoderm. This inwardly posi-
directed current accurately predicts the region                   tive voltage, expressed across the integument, has
of limb bud emergence (Borgens e t al., '83;                      been well characterized in adult amphibians and
Robinson, '83). Though spatially focused and de-                  other vertebrates (reviewed by Borgens '89, Van-
velopmentally prophetic, the relevance of this                    able, '89) and has been reported in Xenopus em-
current t o limb primogenesis has not been di-                    bryos (McCaig and Robinson, '82) and observed in
rectly tested. The relevance of endogenous cur-                   gastrulating axolotls and their neurulae (see
rent to limb development receives support from                    Metcalf and Borgens, this issue). In embryonic and
direct tests of a similar outwardly directed cur-                 adult amphibians the magnitude of the TEP is usu-
rent (approximately 100 pA/cm2; 60 mV/mm)                         ally immediately and reversibly responsive to
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                                 319

   Fig. 11. Videographic illustration of stage 16 axolotl em-    tralkaudal gradients in TEP in neural fold and neural plate.
bryos demonstrating TEP distribution. The false color scale at   The two additional embryos show a similar distribution of
the left displays the TEP measured by microelectrodeimpale-      TEP in the neural plate. These three examples demonstrate
ment of neural plate, neural fold, and flank ectoderm taken      the range of potentials observed in all 12 embryos.
from data presented in Figs. 5-7. The first embryo shows ros-

changes in the concentration of Na' in the incuba-               tions. Here we have used several culture media
tion medium or t o blockage of Na' channels at the               commonly employed in the laboratory ranging from
outer layers of the epidermis with amiloride,                    1.5 mM (APW) to 15 mM external Na' (25%
benzamil, the methyl ester of lysine, and other                  Holtfreter's solution).These media were chosen to
agents dilute in the bathing medium (reviewed by                 provide the best viability for embryos and for those
Borgens, '89; Sariban-Sohrabyand Benos, '86). The                following removal of the vitteline membrane (see
acute reduction (or elevation) of current travers-               Armstrong et al., '89, Robinson and Stump, '84).
ing the embryo by Na' modulation is strong evi-                  While externally detected current densities in
dence for its generation by the TEF!                             Xenopus neurulae (using HC 1;6 mM Na') at first
   We, as well as others, have referred to the TEP               glance appear generally higher than similar cur-
of the amphibian integument as "Na' dependent";                  rents in axolotl (measured in APW), this is prob-
however, this is something of an overstatement.                  ably due to the higher molarity of Na' in the
Short circuit current driven by the TEP is reduced               Xenopus bathing medium. It is unlikely that this
or eliminated by reducing or eliminating Na' flux                is a characteristic difference between species; simi-
across the skin, but only temporarily We have re-                lar current densities would probably be observed
ported "adaption currents" in adult urodeles in re-              if both were measured in the same medium, though
sponse to a chronic reduction in TEP by modulating               variation between individual embryos was ob-
Na' uptake (Borgenset al., '79b) and have reported               served in each species. Moreover, while the mea-
here a similar reappearance of ionic current tra-                surements of TEP in axolotl revealed gradients of
versing axolotl embryos and larvae cultured in Na'               potential in any one individual neurula, the mag-
depleted media o r media containing 50 pM                        nitude of TEPs between individuals varied consid-
amiloride. The ionic dependence of such adaption                 erably as well.
currents is unknown. It is also unknown if in-                      The migratory and conformational responses of
creased levels of current and voltage generated by               single cells may vary critically over a modest range
the skin in response to elevated Na' will fall to more           of externally applied fields in the physiological
nominal values, modulated by the skin's intrinsic                range (1-50 mV/mm) (Robinson,'85; Nuccitelli, '88;
abilities to regulate its TEP by regulating the ionic            Nuccitelli and Erickson, '83). It follows then, that
fluxes across itself.                                            development, if dependent on similar endogenous
   Amphibians develop normally in fresh waters of                voltages, might be clearly retarded or accelerated
a wide range of ionic strengths and Na' concentra-               depending on the salinity of the culture media, the
320                                       M.E.M. METCALF ET AL.

resultant magnitude of the TEP, and finally              ated processes important t o differentiation and
transembryo currents and potential gradients gen-        pattern formation include recognition of cell adhe-
erated by the TEP Given the individual variation         sion molecules (Edelman, '85), the binding of
noted above and unknown homeostatic physiologies         morphogens such as the peptide growth factors of
of the embryonic ectoderm, any relationship be-          the FGF and TGF families, known to be involved
tween development and the salinity of external           in A-P specification in Xenopus embryos (Ruiz i
media would only be weak evidence for or against         Altaba and Melton, '89), and possibly endogenous
the critical nature of endogenous currents and           retinoic acid (Maden and Holder, '91). 2) Extracel-
electric fields t o ontogeny. What would be more         lular voltage gradients can influence the shape of
relevant are direct tests of this hypothesized rela-     cells. For example myoblasts (Hinkle et al., ,811,
tionship such as the correlation of defective tail de-   epithelial cells (Cooper and Schliwa, '85) and neu-
velopment in the chick embryo with a chronic             ral crest (Cooper and Keller, '841,as well as others
reduction in ionic current leaving the posterior in-     (reviewed by Robinson, '85; Nuccitelli, '88; Borgens,
testinal portal. This reduction was accomplished         '92), form a bipolar axis of symmetry perpendicu-
through the use of hollow "shunts" that when in-         lar t o the voltage gradient. Reordering of cell shape
serted through tail ectoderm provided a secondary        involves a re-arrangement of connections with ex-
low resistance current leak that reduced the net         tracellular matrix molecules and a respecification
current driven out the intestinal portal (Hotary and     of the receptors that span the membrane and in-
Robinson, '92b). The large, well-developed, and          terconnect these molecules with the cytoskeleton.
sturdy chick embryo (stage 11-15) permits the use        Such biochemical alterations do not simply reflect
of such shunts. The more delicate neurula stage          structural change but significantly alter the trans-
urodele embryo is more easily damaged, and we            duction of signals controlling the expression of
have not overcome technical difficulties associated      genes important to phenotype (Ben-Ze'ev, 1991).3)
with the use of similar shunts in developing am-         It is clear that gradients of morphogens that spe-
phibians. We have made a preliminary test of the         cifically activate or repress genes crucial to the for-
relevance of the trans-embryo currents and fields        mation of pattern exist within the egg and the
by maintaining neurulae in Na' depleted media or         multicellular embryo (Hulskamp and Tautz, '91;
in culture media containing amiloride. Both treat-       Melton, '91). Molecular gradients may be supported
ments were designed t o reduce or eliminate en-          by a local source diffusion model; however, we sug-
dogenous fields. These manipulations failed t o          gest that a standing gradient of voltage can also
interfere with development but also failed to re-        be expected to support an asymmetrical distribu-
duce the ionic currents for any substantive period.      tion of molecules inside and outside of cells.
Other tests, however (see below), do support the            In the companion paper, we offer evidence sug-
critical nature of the currents and voltages de-         gesting the currents and fields reported here are
scribed here.                                            critical to development and are not epiphenomena.
                                                         If these ionic currents and their associated volt-
        Voltagegradients and molecular                   ages are incidental to cell movements and the for-
              determinants of pattern                    mation and definition of structure, then there
  We imagine that endogenous DC fields may act           would be no reason to suppose that a relatively
in concert with other known determinants of ver-         weak (approximately 25-50 mV/mm) potential,
tebrate pattern in at least three ways: 1)Extracel-      imposed across the embryo for about 1day, should
lular voltages can produce asymmetries in the            grossly affect development. Such externally applied
distribution of various cell surface receptor mol-       voltages in fact grossly interrupt normal develop-
ecules including ACh (Luther and Peng, '85) and          ment, and the form of developmental abnormali-
lectin (Po0 and Robinson, '77) receptors in muscle,      ties at the head or tail corresponds to a particular
lectin receptors in macrophages (Orida and Feld-          polarity of field application (Metcalf and Borgens,
man, '82) and neuroblastoma (Zagyanskyand Jard,          this issue). Taken together, these data provide pre-
'79), EGF receptors inA431 cells (Giugni et al., '87),   liminary evidence for a novel electrophysiologythat
and lipoprotein receptors in fibroblasts (Tank et         may help control emerging pattern in the verte-
al., '85). If the topological features of receptor ex-   brate embryo.
pression on the cell membrane are important t o
the cell's response t o the binding of ligands, then           ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
gradients in extracellular voltage may be reflected    We acknowledge the expert technical assistance
in gradients of biological activity Receptor medi- of Douglas Murphy and Debra Bohnert. We appre-
ENDOGENOUS CURRENTSAND VOLTAGES IN EMBRYOS                                                       321
ciate Kevin Hotary’s aid in 2-D probe analysis.                      opment with special reference to a transcutaneous current
Xenopus embryos were provided by Kenneth                             predicting limb formation. J. Exp. Zool., 244:203-214.
                                                                   Cooper, M.S., and R.E. Keller (1984) Perpendicular orienta-
Robinson’s laboratory and the axolotls by the Indi-                  tion and directional migration of amphibian neural crest cells
ana University Axolotl Colony We thank George                        in DC electrical fields. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 81:
Malacinski, Susan Duhon, and Sandra Borland for                       160-164.
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shipment, Michele Miller Bever and Rose Beghtol-                     of tissue cell locomotion in DC electric fields. J. Neurosci.
                                                                     Res., 13:223-224.
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Eddy for manuscript preparations, and Donald                         ing amphibian neurulation. Dev. Biol., 81:12-22.
Bliss for the drawings. This work is supported by                  Edelman, G.M. (1985) Molecular regulation of neural morpho-
a grant from the Department of Defense, DAMD17-                      genesis. In: Molecular Basis of Neural Development. G.M.
91-2-1008,and support of the Center for Paralysis                    Edelman, W.E. Gall, and W.M. Cowan, eds. John Wiley &
                                                                     Sons, New York, pp. 35-60.
Research from the Canadian Spinal Research Or-                     Erickson, C.A., and R. Nuccitelli (1984) Embryonic fibroblast
ganization.                                                          motility and orientation can be influenced by physiological
                                                                     electric fields. J. Cell Biol., 98:296-307.
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