Effects-oriented activites in selected countries - unece
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Informal document for the workshop “International Air Monitoring, Data, Reporting and Environmental Effects“ of the CAPACT project of UNECE, 17–19 October 2006, Almaty, Kazakhstan Effects-oriented activites in selected countries Presented to the 25th session of the Working Group on Effects, Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on 30 August – 1 September 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland In the twenty-fifth session of the Working Group on Effects under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, selected delegates gave informal oral presentations on the relevant work in their country (see forthcoming document ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2006/2, paras. 14–16), updating the information provided in the previous year (see EB.AIR/WG.1/2005/2, paras. 15–17). The delegates were invited to provide the information as a short informal note of one page in English and in Russian. The secretariat will to present this material to the UNECE project CAPACT (Capacity building for air quality management and the application of clean coal combustion technologies in Central Asia, www.unece.org/ie/capact/) in its workshop “Air Emission Inventories, Monitoring and Modelling” on 17–19 October in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The workshop will discuss, in addition to emissions and air quality, activities in air pollution effects and integrated assessment modelling. The information will also be passed to the 24th session of the Executive Body of the LRTAP Convention, 11–15 Dec 2006. The following contributions were received in time: Armenia Ms. Anzhela Ministry of Nature Protection (in English and Turlikyan in Russian) Belarus Mr. Sergei Ministry of Natural Resources and (in English only) Serapin Environmental Protection Bulgaria Ms. Ekaterina Ministry of Environment and Water (in English only) Bambalova Republic of Ms. Violeta Ministry of Ecology and Natural (in English only) Moldova Balan Resources Russian Mr.Evgeny Ministry of Natural Resources (in Russian only) Federation Gorshkov The following 1-page contributions were also requested, in English and in Russian: Azerbaijan Mr. Baghir Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Hidayatov Georgia Ms. Ketevan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Kordzakhia Georgia Ukraine Mr. Viktor Ministry of Protection Environmental of Ukraine Horbunov 1 (10)
Armenia (in English) Speech of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia at the 25th Session of the Working Group on the Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Dear Mr. Chairman, dear Colleagues, Struggle against air pollution is the question of priority for the Government of Armenia in the environment protection sector. This is also reflected in the measures undertaken by Armenia within the framework of international cooperation. At present the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia is developing Plan of Action aimed at further development of the normative-legal basis for pollution control, environmental monitoring, as well as studying the impact of air pollution on different objects which will be further submitted to the Government of Armenia for approval. According to this plan of Action the priority issues for surveying the impact of the main air pollutants in the Republic of Armenia should be determined, i.e. those of nitric oxide, fine dusts, heavy metals, permanent organic pollutants, sulfur oxide on man’s health and environment. Being a country in transition Armenia is and will be experiencing difficulties of organizational methodological nature particularly when developing new strategies for the impact monitoring which is quite new for the country, as well as providing necessary equipment for future stations for sampling and chemical analysis, and specialist training. With reference to above, we strongly need the assistance from the pertinent international bilateral programmes and Parties to the Convention which have a profound experience in this sphere. 2 (10)
Armenia (in Russian) Выступление представителя Республики Армения на 25-ой сессии Рабочей группы по воздействию Конвенции о трансграничном загрязнении воздуха на большие расстояния Уважаемый господин Председатель, уважаемые коллеги! Борьба с загрязнением атмосферного воздуха является одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности Правительства Армении в области охраны окружающей среды. Это отражается и в тех мерах, которые предпринимаются в Армении в рамках международного сотрудничества. В настоящее время в Министерстве охраны природы Армении готовится и должна быть представлена на утверждение Правительству Республики программа действий, направленных на дальнейшее развитие нормативно-правовой базы контроля загрязнения, мониторинга окружающей среды, а также изучения последствий загрязнения воздуха на различные объекты. Согласно этой программы должны быть определены приоритетные направления изучения в Республике Армения воздействия основных загрязнителей воздуха – окислов азота, тонкодисперсных частиц, тяжелых металлов, стойких органических загрязнителей, окислов серы на здоровье человека и окружающую среду, разработаны конкретные проекты осуществления и оценки мониторинга. Как страна с переходной экономикой, Армения, несомненно, будет сталкиваться и уже сталкивается с определенными трудностями организационно-методического характера, и, особенно, в части разработки стратегии новой для страны сферой мониторинга воздействия, а также обеспечения комплектации будущих станций необходимым оборудованием для отбора проб и химического анализа, подготовкой специалистов. В этом плане мы очень нуждаемся в содействии соответствующих Международных совместных программ, Сторон Конвенции, имеющих многолетний опыт в этой области. 3 (10)
Belarus (in English) Informal note on the effects oriental activities in Belarus, presented to the 25 session of the Working Group on Effects in Geneva by Sergei Serapin Effects-oriental activities in Belarus connected to several national requirements. - the Law “On Environment Protection” of 17/07/2002; - the Law “On the Protection of Air” of 15/04/1997; - National Environment Action Plan, covering the period of 2006–2010; - National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2020; - Resolution № 949 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 14.07.2003 “On the National Environmental Monitoring System of the Republic of Belarus”. The Republic of Belarus takes part in 5 International Cooperative Programs. 1) ICP on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (Belgosles, Ministry of forest) 2) ICP on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes (Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve) 3) ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve) 4) ICP on Modelling and Mapping of Critical Levels and Loads and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends (Belarusian Center "Ecology") 5) Cooperation with World Health Organization’s European Centre for Environment and Health (Ministry of health) Belarus makes systematic evaluations of effectiveness of undertaken actions aimed at preserving and improving air quality. Its monitoring is organized in 16 industrial cities of the Republic at 54 air monitoring stations (PM10 – 4 stations). All information accumulated and analysed in Main Informational Analytical Centre of the Belarusian Center "Ecology" and available in Internet (www.ecoinfoby.net). 4 (10)
Bulgaria (in English) REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA STATEMENT WGE, CLRTAP, UNECE, Geneva, 29 September 2006 Republic of Bulgaria is a country with economy in transition from South-East Europe. Negotiations on Chapter 22 “Environment” have been provisionally closed in June 2003. The negotiations have been finalized in 2004. The treaty on accession to EU in 1 January 2007 is signed in 2005. In the negotiation process serious commitments have been taken, related to ЕU law implementation. At present the EU Directive on ambient air have been fully transposed into our national legislation. To a great extent the Convention protocols are based on this law that ensures restriction of the transboundary air pollution and reduction of the emissions with harmful effect on the human health and environment. Bulgarian Government highly appreciates this responsible and noble activity in the name of human health and protection of the environment. A real expression of this appreciation is the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria for reaching this goal. The Republic of Bulgaria is among the first states that signed and ratified the Convention in 1981 In the last 10 years a Bulgarian scientific team from the University of Forestry and The Ministry of Environment and Water makes researches within the frame of the International Cooperative Program “ICP Modeling and Mapping”, the received annual results and the used methodological approaches are repeatedly reported and discussed at international conferences and working meetings, organized by the program’s coordinators. The received national results and annual reports for defining of the critical loads of acidification, sulphur, nitrogen, lead and cadmium for forest ecosystem types in Bulgaria were included in the European database, used for revising of the protocols to LRTAP. Having in mind the localization of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Center of the Balkan Peninsular, the presence of cultural and historical records of the past, International co-operative Program on effects on Materials, including historic and Cultural Monuments (ICP Materials) invited the scientific group of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia, to become member, together with other European institutes in the program, with the building of test center in Sofia this year. 5 (10)
Republic of Moldova (in English) Activities in frame of Convention’s effects in the Republic of Moldova The Republic of Moldova acceded to the Convention on Transboundary Air Pollution in the year of 1995. Republic of Moldova has signed and ratified two protocols and signed only one of seven currently on force protocols within the CLRTAP: Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (01.12.2002 (R)); Protocol on Heavy Metals (01.12.2002 (R)); Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone (23.05.2000 (S)); Though during last decade Republic of Moldova is passing through sharp economic crisis but main goal of the environmental policy of the Republic of Moldova is to consolidate the country course to sustained development and European Union integration through ensuring a safe environment of the population and improvement the state of environment on the whole. Actually the Republic of Moldova undertakes its first steps in the assessment of the critical loads and levels of atmospheric pollutants for ecosystems and we hope to be successful in this activity. The impact of both local pollution sources and Transboundary depositions, nowadays, air and water quality is characterized by Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) values, determining the final effect on human beings. A more complete characteristic of dose-effect on natural ecosystem involves the values of critical concentrations and critical levels included officially in the framework of CLRTAP. This fact reveals an approach to calculation and mapping of critical loads for heavy metals in forest ecosystems represented by deciduous forests species. Also, data for agricultural ecosystems were analyzed which are necessary for calculating and mapping critical loads of heavy metals, inclusively of Cu, Zn, based on their priority for the Moldova’s agriculture-based economy with its related technologies that intensify the migration of such metals in ecosystems as vineyards and orchards. Assessment of critical loads is carried out by a method that takes into account the approach to mass balance between content and mass of heavy metals in soil, vegetation, aquatic system and ecosystem as a whole. The Monitoring Department on Environmental Quality of the State Hydrometeorological Service performs systematic ecological monitoring of the environmental objects quality (surface water, air and soil) by chemical, physical, hydrochemical and radiological parameters. In spite of the fact that Republic of Moldova has not taken part in Trends in inter- comparisions of The International Co-operative Programm on Assessement and Monitoring of Acidification in Rivers and Lakes, the experimental data were obtained in different scientific centres by relevant methods in compliance with the international standards. At the same time, the Hydrometeorological Service Centre participate in intercomparisons trend – “Danube Pollution Reduction Programm” 6 (10)
Monitoring of surface water pollution in Moldova is performing along 14 rivers (including Prut, Dnester, Danube) and 3 storage pools which operating through 35 stations and perform a constant monitoring that includes over 40 hydrochemical and 5 hydrobiological indices. Draughts having registered during the last ten years leads to a partial drying-up of small rivers and lakes. Furthermore, both high density of population and intensive agriculture lead to higher anthropogenic loads on water streams and pools that make difficult the data processing with respect to acidification of rivers and storage pools. Monitoring data of heavy metals of surface water are used for calculating Critical Loads of heavy metals. In 2001 a joint project was initiated together with Romania having the subject of calculating and mapping Critical Loads of HMs for aquatic systems, especially, for EMEP 50 x 50 km grid cells wich cover the lakes of the Prut river basin – Costinesti-Stinca reservoir and south ones of both countries. The next step of the work will be the complex assessing of heavy metals content in sediment (silt) and fish. National Institute of Ecology is the basic state institution for scientific researches in field of environmental protection, for examination and expertise, as well as consultancies regarding evaluation of the impact upon the environment. Institute is under administrative and financial subordination of the Moldova Academy of Sciences. Researches are centered on studies of: - Structure functioning and dynamic natural and anthropisied ecosystems in conditions of the local and transboundary impact (air, water, soil, biocenose) (eg. Also in the republic carries out the joint project with financial support from NASA (research in activity of aerosol optical thickness investigations and solar irradiance variability in an urban environment.) by the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; - Development of the environmental normative and standards is provided by cooperating activities with National Scientific Applied Center of Preventive Medicine, of the Minister of Health and Social Protection, and other relevant organization; - Integrated ecological monitoring, in order to evaluate the quality of the environment, conservation of biodiversity, pedo-edafic and aquatic resources - Institute of Soil, Agrochemistry and Hydrology Studies “N. Dimo” and the Center for Agrochemical Services, both reporting to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. The scientific potential of institutes and the profile organizations is capable to carry out these tasks in the given problems. Much to our regret, the lack of the modern equipment and corresponding techniques, and the software programs in this area lead to reproducibility of researches. 7 (10)
Russian Federation (in Russian) 8 (10)
Russian Federation (in Russian) (continued) 9 (10)
Table 1. Participation of Parties to the LRTAP Convention on effects-oriented activities (as of August 2006) (TF = participation to the programme’s Task Force meeting, Data = submission of national monitoring and/or modelling data) (http://www.unece.org/env/wge/participation.htm) Participant ICP Forests ICP Waters ICP Materials ICP Vegetation ICP Integr.Mon. ICP Mod.&Map. TF Health (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) TF Data TF Data TF Data TF Data TF Data TF Data TF Data Albania x x x Armenia Austria x x x SC x x x x x x x Belarus x x x x x x x x x Belgium x x x x x x x x x Bosnia and Herzegovina x Bulgaria x x x x x x Canada x x x x x x x x Croatia x x x x x x x Cyprus x x x x Czech Republic x x x x SC x x x x x x x x Denmark x x (x) x (x) (x) x x x Estonia x x x x x x x x x (x) x Finland x x x x x x x x PCC x x x France x x x x x x x x x x x Georgia Germany PCC x x x SC x x x x x x x x Greece x x x x Hungary x x x x x x x x Iceland x x x Ireland x x x x x x x (x) x Israel */ x x Italy x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kazakhstan x Kyrgyzstan Latvia x x x x x x x x x x x Liechtenstein x x Lithuania x x x x x x Luxembourg x x Malta Netherlands x x x x x x CCE x x Norway x x PCC x SC x x x x x x x x Poland x x x x x x x x x x x x Portugal x x x x x x Republic of Moldova x x x (x) (x) x x Romania x x x x x x Russian Federation x x x x x x x x x x x x x Serbia and Montenegro x x x Slovakia x x x x x x x Slovenia x x x x x (x) Spain x x x x x x x x x x x x Sweden x x x x PCC x x x x x x x x Switzerland x x x x SC x x x x x x The FYR of Macedonia x Turkey x x Ukraine x x x (x) x United Kingdom x x x x SC x PCC x x x x x x United States x x x x x x x European Community x x Total countries: 40 37 25 24 20 18 22 35 19 18 29 26 23 0 Total Parties: 39 36 25 24 19 17 22 35 19 18 29 26 22 0 */ Not Party to the Convention PCC : Programme Coordinating Centre; CCE : Coordination Centre for Effects; SC : Sub-centre (a) - ICP for Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests, established in 1985 (b) - ICP for Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes, established in 1985 (c) - ICP for Effects on Materials, including Historic and Cultural Monuments, established in 1985 (d) - ICPon Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops, established in 1987 (e) - ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems, established in 1987 as a pilot programme (f) - ICP on Modelling and Mapping Critical Levels and Loads and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends, established in 1988 as a task force (g) - Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution, established in 1997 10 (10)
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