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[ research report ] OLIVIER T. LAM, PT1 • DAVID M. STRENGER, PT2 • MATTHEW CHAN-FEE, PT3 PAUL THUONG PHAM, PT4 • RICHARD A. PREUSS, PT, PhD5 • SHAWN M. ROBBINS, PT, PhD5 Effectiveness of the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. for Treating Low Back Pain: Literature Review With Meta-analysis L ow back pain (LBP) is the worldwide leading cause of years lived A variety of clinical practice guide- with disability, with an estimated point prevalence of 9.4% and lines have been developed for the treat- Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. a lifetime prevalence of up to 39%.25,52,62 This negatively impacts ment of LBP.6,29,43 These guidelines propose a shift away from treatment of the psychosocial health of those affected.48 Moreover, with an LBP primarily based on pathoanatomi- aging population, LBP is expected to become more widespread.26 cal principles in favor of a classification- based approach. This suggestion is UUSTUDY DESIGN: Literature review with meta- patients with acute LBP, there was no significant largely based on several studies report- analysis. difference in pain resolution (P = .11) and disability ing that classifying patients led to im- UUBACKGROUND: The McKenzie Method of (P = .61) between MDT and other interventions. In proved clinical results.14,15,31 However, a patients with chronic LBP, there was a significant Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), a recent review has questioned the clinical difference in disability (SMD, –0.45), with results classification-based system, was designed to effectiveness of subgrouping claims, due Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® favoring MDT compared to exercise alone. There classify patients into homogeneous subgroups to to trials that were underpowered and the were no significant differences between MDT and direct treatment. manual therapy plus exercise (P>.05) for pain and poor quality of reporting.55 UUOBJECTIVES: To examine the effectiveness of disability outcomes. The McKenzie Method of Mechani- MDT for improving pain and disability in patients UUCONCLUSION: There is moderate- to high- cal Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) is a with either acute (less than 12 weeks in duration) quality evidence that MDT is not superior to other or chronic (greater than 12 weeks in duration) low well-studied classification system. This rehabilitation interventions for reducing pain and back pain (LBP). assessment and treatment model has disability in patients with acute LBP. In patients UUMETHODS: Randomized controlled trials with chronic LBP, there is moderate- to high-quality demonstrated good interexaminer reli- examining MDT in patients with LBP were identi- evidence that MDT is superior to other rehabilita- ability when classifying patients with fied from 6 databases. Independent investigators tion interventions for reducing pain and disability; LBP; however, evidence of its treatment assessed the studies for exclusion, extracted data, however, this depends on the type of intervention effectiveness continues to be challenged. and assessed risk of bias. The standardized mean being compared to MDT. The MDT was designed to classify pa- difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval UULEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 1a. tients into 3 mechanical subgroups were calculated to compare the effects of MDT to J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2018;48(6):1-15. (derangement, dysfunction, or postural those of other interventions in patients with acute doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.7562 syndrome) or an “other” subgroup, by UUKEY WORDS: centralization, classification, or chronic LBP. UURESULTS: Of the 17 studies that met the inclu- which to direct treatment.23,36 Derange- directional preference, lumbar spine, manual sion criteria, 11 yielded valid data for analysis. In therapy ment, the most common subgroup, is associated with a rapid change in symp- 1 Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, Canada. 2Physiotherapy at Concordia Physio Sport, Montreal, Canada. 3 Physiotherapy at Physio Multiservices, Chateauguay, Canada. 4Physiotherapy private practice, Saint-Laurent, Canada. 5Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation, Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre, and the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. The Edith Strauss Rehabilitation Research Project at McGill University provided grants to support its authors. The Edith Strauss Rehabilitation Research Project of McGill University took no part in the design, implementation, analysis, or production of the manuscript for this meta-analysis. The authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the article. Address correspondence to Olivier Tri-Thinh Lam, 7985 Salomon, Brossard, Quebec, Canada J4X 1J2. E-mail: olivierlam.qc@gmail.com t Copyright ©2018 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | ahead of print | 1
[ research report ] toms secondary to performance of a METHODS www.jospt.org). The first search was per- “directional-preference” exercise.36 The formed on November 12, 2015. A second T directional preference of a patient is the he methodology for this review search was performed on May 26, 2016, direction in which a repeated movement was based on the PRISMA state- and a third search was performed on Sep- and/or sustained position produces ment,39 and the data extraction form tember 6, 2017 to provide an update of an improvement in symptoms. Those was informed by the Cochrane meta- articles published since the first search. improvements may include centraliza- analysis guidelines.27 Additionally, references from the includ- Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. tion, a phenomenon in which symptoms ed studies and from previous systematic down the lower extremity are progres- Eligibility Criteria reviews/meta-analyses were searched sively abolished in a distal to proximal Randomized controlled trials that exam- manually, along with publications on the direction.64 The presence of centraliza- ined the effectiveness of MDT for pain and McKenzie Institute International website tion is associated with good prognosis disability in patients with LBP were in- (www.mckenzieinstitute.org). in patients with LBP.64 Furthermore, re- cluded. There was no limit on publication cent studies have shown that direction- date, and studies could be written in Eng- Study Selection al preference and centralization, when lish or French. Exclusion criteria included Titles and abstracts were screened in- matched with adequate MDT treatment, duplicated data from other studies, other dependently by 2 reviewers (O.L., D.S.). result in better patient outcomes than interventions combined with MDT where When disagreements between reviewers treatment with general range-of-motion the effects could not be partitioned, and occurred, they discussed the relevant ab- Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. exercise.31,47,50 studies published in non–peer-reviewed stract to reach a consensus. A third re- The latest meta-analysis to examine journals. Only trials in which therapists viewer (S.R.) made the decision when a the effectiveness of MDT for LBP found were MDT trained were included. To be consensus could not be reached. The full limited evidence to support the use of considered MDT trained, therapists were articles were obtained for the selected MDT.32 However, additional random- required to have participated in at least 1 abstracts and were reviewed again inde- ized controlled trials have since been course offered by the McKenzie Institute pendently by 2 reviewers (O.L., D.S.). As published. 31,33,47 Moreover, the previ- International focused on applying MDT before, a third reviewer (S.R.) made the ous meta-analysis did not consider to patients with LBP. This criterion was decision to include the study in the analy- acute and chronic LBP separately. Be- based on evidence that trained therapists sis if a consensus could not be reached by cause acute and chronic forms of LBP are more reliable in classifying patients the 2 initial reviewers. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® manifest differently, the treatment ef- (κ = 0.7-0.9) than are therapists without fect could be different. 19,44,51 A cutoff certification (κ = 0.17-0.39).28,49,65 Stud- Data Extraction of 12 weeks to differentiate acute from ies in which an MDT classification was Data extraction was performed by 2 in- chronic LBP has been used in previous not completed prior to the treatment vestigators (P.T.P., M.C.F.), who each systematic reviews and clinical prac- were excluded, as a priori classification independently extracted the data from tice guidelines. 4,37 Also, the previous is an essential characteristic of the MDT all studies with the use of an extraction meta-analysis compared MDT to pas- approach.36 Last, the comparator inter- form. A customized data extraction form sive therapy, which included a variety of vention had to be a typical rehabilitation was developed for each of the 2 outcomes interventions that might have different intervention, such as manual therapy, ex- of interest, pain and disability. The data effects. Because the relative effective- ercise, or education. There was no review extraction form was a Microsoft Ex- ness of MDT could change based on the protocol published for this meta-analysis. cel spreadsheet designed according comparator intervention, MDT should to the Cochrane meta-analysis guide- be compared to each intervention type Information Sources lines and adjusted to the needs of this separately. The level of MDT training Six electronic databases (MEDLINE, meta-analysis.27 should also be considered, as it may Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Database The following information was ex- impact interventions and risk-adjusted of Systematic Reviews, PsycINFO, and tracted from each study: (1) charac- functional outcomes. 10 The objective the Physiotherapy Evidence Database teristics of the study (study duration, of this meta-analysis was to determine [PEDro]) were searched using 3 pri- therapist MDT training, and the number the effectiveness of MDT provided by mary search strings: (1) MDT therapy, of patients allocated to each group) and trained therapists compared to that of (2) low back/lumbar pain, and (3) ran- inclusion criteria, (2) type of intervention different types of comparator interven- domized controlled trials. Related terms (including duration and frequency of the tions for improving pain and disability were included for each search string, different interventions), and (3) type of in patients with acute and chronic LBP and an example for the MEDLINE outcome measures (including pain scores, separately. search is provided (APPENDIX, available at disability scores, definitions and time of 2 | ahead of print | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
data collections). Where the study sample obtained from the PEDro website when erogeneity was present. RevMan 5.3 (The included a mix of individuals with chron- available. Articles not indexed in the PE- Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane ic and acute LBP, the average duration of Dro database were assessed by 2 raters Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark) LBP symptoms was used to determine (O.L., D.S.) and a third reviewer (S.R.) was used for all statistical analyses. whether they were acute or chronic. The made the final decision if a consensus When a study had 2 intervention comparison interventions were classified could not be reached. groups that were compared to MDT (eg, into “other interventions,” placebo, or a The Grading of Recommendations, manual therapy and education), the in- Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. subdivision of other interventions. Other Assessment, Development and Evalua- tervention that was considered to con- interventions were defined as nonsurgi- tion (GRADE) approach was used to as- tribute most (eg, manual therapy) was cal and noninvasive interventions within sess the quality of the body of evidence included in the primary analysis. How- the scope of physical therapy practice (eg, for each outcome of this meta-analysis ever, in these cases, a sensitivity analysis exercise, manual therapy, and education). (pain and disability).27 This evaluation was completed where the comparator These interventions could be performed was conducted by 2 raters (D.S., P.T.P.), groups were substituted. Both compara- by physical therapists or other health and a third reviewer (O.L.) made the tor groups could not be included in the professions. Other interventions were final decision if a consensus could not same analysis to avoid artificially inflat- further subdivided into manual therapy, be reached. The quality of evidence was ing the sample size. When medians and exercise, a combination of manual ther- initially considered “high” and could be interquartile ranges (first and third) apy and exercise, or education. Chronic downgraded based on the following 5 were provided, means were calculated by Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. LBP was defined as pain in the lumbar factors: (1) limitation of design, (2) in- summing the median, first interquartile spine lasting more than 12 weeks. Acute directness of evidence, (3) inconsistency range, and third interquartile range and LBP was defined as having a duration of results, (4) imprecision of results, and then dividing by 3. Standard deviation of pain less than 12 weeks. After hav- (5) high probability of publication bias. estimates were calculated from inter- ing completed the extraction process, Studies that did not reach a score of 5 on quartile values and consideration of the the investigators compared results and the PEDro scale could be downgraded study sample size.63 reached consensus on any discrepancies. for a limitation of design41; studies that A third investigator (S.R.) resolved dis- possessed differences in populations, in- RESULTS agreements if a consensus could not be terventions, outcome measures, and in- T reached. Once the extraction form was direct comparisons could be downgraded he literature search resulted Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® completed, the 2 investigators indepen- for indirectness; studies with effect esti- in the identification of 758 publi- dently tested the form with the first 3 mates that were heterogeneous could be cations, 678 from databases and included studies. The results were then downgraded for inconsistency; and stud- 80 from reference lists (FIGURE 1). After compared to ensure uniformity of the ies that had fewer than 400 participants removing duplicates, 2 independent extraction process. When relevant data could be downgraded for imprecision. reviewers screened 354 abstracts and were missing from a study, the authors selected 51 articles for full-text review. and coauthors were contacted via e-mail Statistical Analysis After review, 17 articles were retained for to request the missing information. If Analyses were completed separately for the meta-analysis; however, of these 17 the data could not be obtained, the study patients with acute and chronic LBP. The studies, 4 did not provide sufficient data was excluded from the analyses. For each effectiveness of MDT compared to other to be included in the statistical analy- study, pain and disability measures were interventions, subdivisions of other in- ses. These 4 studies are summarized in extracted immediately after the MDT in- terventions, or placebo were examined TABLE 1.1,20,46,53 No significant between- tervention or the comparison interven- using random-effects models with sta- group differences were observed in pain tion, when the intervention was assumed tistical significance set at P
[ research report ] a greater effect has been shown when a significant difference (P = .61) in disabil- in pain after the intervention period, with directional-preference exercise is given ity after the intervention period between results favoring MDT (SMD, –0.74; 95% to centralizers.66 Also, because the mod- MDT and other physical therapy inter- CI: –1.45, –0.03). Ratings were downgrad- ification occurred following allocation, ventions (SMD, –0.07; 95% CI: –0.34, ed because of imprecision of results. For the study could not be considered a ran- 0.20). The analysis included manipula- the disability analysis, all 3 studies were domized controlled trial. In this study, tions, with home exercises as the com- included and tests of heterogeneity were the findings of a significant between- parator intervention from the study that not significant (FIGURE 3B).3,54,55 There was Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. group difference in improvement in pain included 2 comparator interventions.3 moderate evidence of no significant differ- and disability favoring MDT should be When the education booklet was includ- ence (P = .36) in disability after the inter- interpreted with caution.41 One study ed instead, no significant differences re- vention period between MDT and manual with a mix of individuals with acute and mained (P = .16). therapy plus exercise (SMD, –0.24; 95% chronic LBP45 was included in the data CI: –0.77, 0.28). Ratings were also down- analyses for chronic LBP, because most Acute LBP: Subgroup Analysis graded because of imprecision of results. participants had recurrent episodes of MDT Versus Manual Therapy Plus Ex- MDT Versus Exercise None of the in- LBP. For 1 study, medians and inter- ercise Three studies compared MDT cluded studies compared MDT to exer- quartile ranges were converted to means to manual therapy plus exercise.3,54,55 cise alone in participants with acute LBP. and standard deviations, respectively, as Comparator interventions included spi- MDT Versus Education Two studies described in the Methods.63 A summary nal manipulative thrusts with lumbar compared MDT to an intervention that Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. of the meta-analysis is shown in TABLE 2. range-of-motion exercises,54 joint mo- included only education in participants bilizations,55 and manipulations with with acute LBP.3,33 In 1 study, education Acute LBP: Primary Analysis home exercises.3 Only 2 of 3 studies were was described as “first line care,” and in- of MDT Versus Other Interventions included in the pain intensity analysis.54,55 cluded advice to avoid bed rest and to Four studies compared MDT to other Tests of heterogeneity were not signifi- remain active, assurance of a favorable interventions in participants with acute cant (FIGURE 2B). There was moderate evi- prognosis, and advice to take acetamino- LBP.3,33,54,55 The other interventions in- dence of a significant (P = .04) difference phen.33 This first-line care was provided cluded spinal manipulative thrusts, lumbar range-of-motion exercise,54 joint MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane, McKenzie Institute lumbar spine trials, mobilizations,55 and first-line care (eg, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® PsycINFO, PEDro, n = 678 including articles from Machado et advice to remain active and take acet- al32 meta-analysis, n = 80 aminophen, and assurance of a favorable prognosis).33 Another study compared MDT to 2 other interventions: manipula- tions with strength and stretching home Records screened after duplicates Records excluded, n = 303 exercises, and an education booklet.3 removed, n = 354 • Not MDT interventions, n = 111 • Not a randomized controlled trial, n = 188 Only 3 of 4 studies were included in • Not an English or French article, n = 4 the analysis of pain intensity.33,54,55 The fourth study examined the bothersome- Full-text articles excluded, n = 34 ness of pain, numbness, and tingling, Full-text articles assessed for • Not MDT interventions, n = 19 which was considered a different con- eligibility, n = 51 • Not MDT trained, n = 4 struct.3 For the 3 included studies, tests • Not a randomized controlled trial, n = 6 of heterogeneity were not significant • Not an English or French article, n = 5 (FIGURE 2A). There was moderate-quality evidence of no significant (P = .11) differ- Included studies in qualitative • Lack of data for analysis, n = 5 ence in pain after the intervention period synthesis (meta-analysis), n = 17 (SMD, –0.45; 95% CI: –0.99, 0.10) be- tween MDT and the other interventions. Ratings were downgraded because of im- Full-text articles excluded, n = 5 precision of results. Full-text articles assessed for • Insufficient data for meta-analysis, n = 4 For the disability analysis, all 4 studies eligibility, n = 12 • Noncentralizers excluded from MDT group post allocation, n = 1 were included and tests of heterogene- ity were not significant (FIGURE 3A).3,33,54,55 FIGURE 1. Flow diagram of search strategy and results. Abbreviation: MDT, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. There was high-quality evidence of no 4 | ahead of print | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
to both the MDT group and the com- intervention,3 and had disability as an improvement (0.7 on an 11-point numeric parison group, who received no other outcome measure, but not pain intensity. pain-rating scale; adjusted values) in pain treatments. The outcome variables for As only 1 study assessed pain intensi- intensity compared to first-line care only. this study included both pain intensity ty,33 no meta-analysis was performed. This For the disability analysis, based on and disability. The second study used study found that MDT plus first-line care 2 studies,3,33 tests of heterogeneity were an education booklet as the comparison resulted in a significant (P = .02), but small, not significant (FIGURE 3C). There was Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Summary of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, TABLE 1 Intervention Groups, and Outcome Measures Acute Pain Study Participants (12 wk) Intervention of Training Outcomes Bonnet et al1 n = 28; men, n = n = 26 Nonspecific LBP Mix MDT: directional-preference exer- Parts A and B Pain: visual analog (7/10)† 17; women, n men, n = 12; women, with or without cises, can modify positions and/or scale = 11; age, 48.8 n = 14; age, 45.9 ± radiation to lower add manual techniques Disability: Oswestry ± 4.75 y; mean 5.1 y; mean symptom extremity, ≥18 y Manual therapy plus exercise: active Disability Question- symptom dura- duration, 49.2 mo of age mobilizations in weight bearing naire Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. tion, 46.1 mo and non–weight bearing, lower Outcomes evaluated extremity stretching, propriocep- after 1 wk tion in weight bearing, massage, TENS Cherkin et n = 133; men, n = Education: n = 66; men, LBP with pain 7 d Acute MDT: directional-preference Credentialed Bothersomeness of al3 (8/10) 71; women, n n = 38; women, n = 28; after initial physi- exercises, avoid symptom back/leg pain, = 62; age, 41.8 age, 40.1 ± 11.2 y; mean cian visit, 20-64 peripheralizing movements, home numbness/tingling: ± 11.5 y; mean symptom duration, y of age exercise program, education book, numeric rating symptom 72%
[ research report ] Summary of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, TABLE 1 Intervention Groups, and Outcome Measures (continued) Acute Pain Study Participants (12 wk) Intervention of Training Outcomes Machado n = 73; men, n = n = 73; men, n = 38; wom- Acute nonspe- Acute MDT: first-line care, directional- Credentialed Pain: numeric rating et al33 35; women, n en, n = 35; age, 45.9 ± cific LBP, pain preference exercises, postural scale (8/10) = 38; age, 47.5 14.9 y; mean symptom between the 12th correction and education, Treat Disability: Roland- ± 14.4 y; mean duration, 67%
Summary of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, TABLE 1 Intervention Groups, and Outcome Measures (continued) Acute Pain Study Participants (12 wk) Intervention of Training Outcomes Petersen n = 132; men, n = n = 128; men, n = 72; LBP with or without Mix MDT: directional-preference exer- Credentialed, Pain: back and leg et al46 70; women, n women, n = 56; median leg pain of >8 cises, can modify positions and/or parts A-D pain, Low Back Pain (7/10)† = 62; median (10th, 90th percentiles) wk; radiograph, add manual techniques Rating Scale (10th, 90th per- age, 35 y (24.0, 51.6 CT scan, or MRI Exercise: stationary bike and Disability: Low Back centiles) age, y); median symptom taken within the low-resistance exercises for Pain Rating Scale 34.5 y (23.0, duration (10th, 90th preceding 2 y; lumbopelvic muscles, dynamic Outcomes evaluated 52.1 y); median percentiles), 14 mo (2.7, 18-60 y of age back strengthening exercises, after 2, 4 , and 12 (10th, 90th 113.5 mo) stretching trunk and hip muscles mo percentiles) Both groups: asked to continue symptom dura- exercising for a minimum of 2 mo tion, 8 mo (2.0, after intervention 95.7 mo) Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. Petersen n = 175; men, n= n = 175; men, n = 83; LBP, with or without Chronic MDT: directional-preference exercise, Screening Pain: numeric rating et al47 72; women, n women, n = 92; age, 37 leg pain, >6 wk; no manual vertebral mobiliza- preran- scale (7/10) = 103; age, 38 ± 9.4 y; symptom dura- able to speak tions, educational booklet and/or domization: Disability: Roland- ± 10.4 y; symp- tion, 94 ± 181 wk and understand lumbar roll at therapist discretion diploma Morris Disability tom duration, Danish; clinical Manual therapy plus exercise: manu- Treatment: cre- Questionnaire 97 ± 230 wk signs of disc-re- al techniques at therapist discre- dentialed SF-36 lated symptoms; tion (eg, vertebral mobilization/ Outcomes evaluated 18-60 y of age manipulation), self-manipulation, after 3, 5, and 12 flexion/extension exercises and mo stretching, educational booklet Both groups: given stabilization/ strengthening exercises at Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® therapist discretion, given home exercise plan and encouraged to continue post intervention Sakai et al53 n = 25; men, n = Control: n = 25; men, n = LBP, without radiat- Chronic MDT: MDT approach, no further Credentialed Pain: visual analog (4/10)† 25; women, 25; women, n = 0; age, ing leg pain or details given scale, Faces Pain n = 0; age, 44.4 ± 13.9 y; symptom numbness in Control: compress, no exercise Scale-Revised 47.9 ± 13.1 duration, 20.3 ± 18.7 lower extremity, Medication: 50 mg eperisone Disability: SF-36 y; symptom mo of >6 mo; male hydrochloride, 3 times a day after Outcomes evaluated duration, 25.3 Medication: n = 24; men, >20 y of age meals for 4 wk after 2 and 4 wk ± 17.5 mo n = 24; women, n = All groups: educational booklet, heat 0; age, 44.2 ± 12.2 y; therapy, ultrasound, electrical symptom duration, muscle stimulation, traction, no 23.9 ± 20.4 mo use of NSAID or anti-inflamma- tory agent Schenk n = 19; men, n = n = 12; men, n = 5; LBP, at least 3 of 5 Acute MDT: directional-preference exer- Credentialed Pain: numeric rating et al54 7; women, n = women, n = 7; mean selection criteria cises, home exercise program scale (5/10) 12; mean age, age, 46 y; mean symp- from clinical Manual therapy plus exercise: Disability: Oswestry 39 y; mean tom duration, 15 d prediction rules, regional lumbopelvic thrust Disability Index symptom dura- ≥18 y of age technique, hand-heel rock range- Outcomes evaluated tion, 18 d of-motion exercise after 2 and 4 wk Both groups: as of third session, directional-preference exercises at home on an hourly basis, exercise log Table continues on page 8. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | ahead of print | 7
[ research report ] high-quality evidence of no significant One study included in the review, de- Chronic LBP: Primary Analysis (P = .45) difference in disability after the spite lacking data for analysis, compared of MDT Versus Other Interventions intervention period between participants MDT to education20 and found no sig- Seven studies compared MDT to other treated with MDT or education (SMD, nificant between-group differences for interventions in participants with chron- –0.09; 95% CI: –0.31, 0.14). changes in disability. ic LBP.17,22,31,38,40,45,47 Exercise, combined Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Summary of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, TABLE 1 Intervention Groups, and Outcome Measures (continued) Acute Pain Study Participants (12 wk) Intervention of Training Outcomes Schenk n = 15; men, n = 7; n = 10; men, n = 8; Lumbar radiculopa- Acute MDT: directional-preference exercises Credentialed Pain: visual analog et al55 women, n = 8; women, n = 2; mean thy: symptoms Manual therapy plus exercise: scale (5/10) mean age, 40.1 age, 44.8 y; symptom originating in mobilization: passive movement Disability: Oswestry y; symptom duration, 7 d to 7 wk disc, peripheral to spinal segments Disability Question- duration, 7 d to to lumbar region, Both groups: postural correction, naire Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. 7 wk with or without ambulation on treadmill Outcomes evaluated neurological after third visit symptoms; posterior derangement Miller et al38 n = 14; men, n = n = 15; men, n = 8; Chronic LBP for >7 Chronic MDT: postural correction, directional- Credentialed Pain: short-form McGill (5/10) 7; women, n = women, n = 7; age, 54 wk, 18 y of age or preference exercises, and manual Pain Questionnaire 7; age, 44 ± 16 ± 15 y; symptom dura- older techniques Disability: Functional y; symptom tion, 32 ± 58 mo Exercise: spine stabilization exercises Status Question- duration, 20 ± (transversus abdominis and lum- naire 30 mo bar multifidus) Outcomes evaluated Both groups: home exercise program after 6 wk Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® according to grouping Halliday n = 35; men, n = n = 35; men, n = 7; LBP localized Chronic MDT: directional-preference Credentialed Pain: visual analog et al22 7; women, n = women, n = 28; age, between the exercises, postural education scale (7/10) 28; age, 48.8 ± 48.3 ± 14.2 y; median 12th rib and the and lumbar roll, Treat Your Own Disability: Patient- 12.1 y; median symptom duration, 37.7 buttock crease, Back book Specific Functional symptom dura- wk (IQR, 28.8) with or without Exercise: motor control exercises of Scale tion, 26.6 wk referred pain deep lumbar stabilizers, home Outcomes evaluated (IQR, 22.3) into one or both exercise program after 8 wk legs and with or without sensory and or motor changes, for >3 mo; directional preference Garcia et al18 n = 74; men, n = n = 73; men, n = 19; Chronic nonspe- Chronic MDT: directional-preference exer- Part A Pain: numeric pain- (8/10) † 16; women, n = women, n = 54; age, cific LBP, pain cises, specific end-range motion rating scale 58; age, 57.5 ± 55.5 ± 13.7 y; symptom intensity of 3/10 exercise, postural education, Disability: modified 12.2 y; symp- duration, 48 ± 96 mo on a numeric home exercise program, and Treat Roland-Morris tom duration, pain-rating scale, Your Own Back book Disability Question- 36 ± 102 mo 18-80 y of age, Placebo: detuned pulsed ultrasound, naire and able to read detuned shortwave diathermy Outcomes evaluated Portuguese Both groups: given educational after 5 wk and 3, 6, booklet The Back Book and 12 mo Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; IQR, interquartile range; LBP, low back pain; MDT, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not available; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PEDro, Physiotherapy Evidence Database; SF-36, Medical Outcomes Study 36- Item Short-Form Health Survey; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. *Values are mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated. † Not included in meta-analysis. 8 | ahead of print | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
manual therapy and exercise, and educa- comparator groups.45 When education electrical muscle stimulation, and inter- tion were the comparator interventions. was included instead, significant differ- ferential current),42,53 found significant One of the studies compared combined ences remained (P = .03). between-group differences for changes in MDT and balneotherapy to combined Disability was measured in all 7 stud- pain, with results favoring MDT; only 1 of exercise, manual therapy, and balneo- ies.17,22,31,38,40,45,47 Tests for heterogeneity these studies42 found a significant differ- therapy.40 Another study had 2 compara- were not significant (FIGURE 5A). There ence in change in disability, with results tor groups, manual therapy with exercise was high-quality evidence of a signifi- favoring MDT. Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. and education.45 cant (P
[ research report ] current analysis. All 4 studies measured Risk-of-Bias Assessment no difference in improvement in disabil- pain intensity, and tests of heterogeneity and Strength of Evidence ity was found between MDT and either were significant (FIGURE 4C).17,22,31,38 There The articles’ scores on the PEDro scale manual therapy plus exercise or educa- was moderate evidence of no significant were all obtained through the PEDro da- tion. In those with acute LBP, the qual- difference in pain after the intervention tabase and ranged from 4 to 8 out of 10. ity of evidence assessed with the GRADE period between interventions (SMD, There were 15 studies with a PEDro score ratings was moderate and high for the –0.38; 95% CI: –0.82, 0.05). Ratings of at least 5, and 2 studies with a score of outcome of pain and disability, respec- Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. were downgraded because of impreci- less than 5. Due to the nature of the inter- tively; therefore, there is good-quality sion of results. These 4 studies also ex- ventions, the providers could not be blind- evidence showing that MDT is not clini- amined disability. Tests of heterogeneity ed to the interventions in any of the studies, cally superior to other interventions in were not significant (FIGURE 5C). There which lowered the PEDro scores of the acute LBP to improve pain or disability. was high-quality evidence of a signifi- included articles. Blinding of the patients In patients with chronic LBP, (1) MDT cant difference (P
uting to statistical analysis. A PEDro scale investigated separately. Chronic pain and meta-analysis. The basis of the MDT score of 5 or higher is used as a common acute pain manifest differently, because approach relies on the classification of a cutoff to evaluate the quality of a study.7 psychosocial factors are potentially more patient before providing treatment, such The current findings were different dominant in patients with chronic pain.68 as directional-preference exercises. Thus, from those of the previous meta-analysis, Second, the current meta-analysis only patients should be classified into 1 of the which concluded that the MDT approach included studies in which therapists re- subgroups (derangement, dysfunction, did not produce clinically significant dif- ceived MDT standardized training. When postural, or other) prior to receiving a spe- Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. ferences in pain and disability in patients providing care based on MDT principles, cific treatment to be considered an MDT with LBP. Nine studies included in the trained therapists obtained better treat- treatment. The classification process was current study were published after the last ment outcomes than untrained thera- omitted in 5 of the included studies in the meta-analysis,32 published in 2006 (TABLE pists.10 From the previous meta-analysis, previous systematic review.9,11,35,57,60 Thus, 1).1,18,22,33,40,45,47,53,54 There are 4 main differ- 2 studies included therapists who were the current findings provided an updated ences between the previous and current not trained in MDT.5,12 Third, only stud- meta-analysis of the effectiveness of MDT, meta-analyses. First, in the current me- ies in which classification was conducted and ensured that the included studies ta-analysis, acute and chronic LBP were a priori were included in the current more closely followed the MDT program as intended. A In patients with acute LBP, we ob- Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) served statistically significantly greater Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. Cherkin et al3 45.4% 0.09 (–0.16, 0.34) improvement in pain intensity when Machado et al33 35.0% 0.02 (–0.32, 0.35) utilizing the MDT approach compared Schenk et al55 9.5% –0.61 (–1.43, 0.21) to the combination of manual therapy Schenk et al54 10.1% –0.58(–1.37, 0.22) and exercise. Two studies in which di- Total 100.0% –0.07 (–0.34, 0.20) rectional-preference exercises were the primary means of treatment in the MDT –2 –1 0 1 2 Favors MDT Favors other interventions group were analyzed.54,55 Directional Heterogeneity: τ = 0.03, χ = 4.60, df = 3 (P = .20), I = 35%. 2 2 2 preference implies a rapid improve- Test for overall effect: z = 0.51 (P = .61). ment in patient symptoms in response B to a specific exercise.36 This could ex- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® plain the differences observed when Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) comparing a symptom-based approach Schenk et al55 24.0% –0.61 (–1.43, 0.21) to a nonspecific exercise regimen, such Schenk et al54 24.8% –0.58 (–1.37, 0.22) as range-of-motion exercises, which may Cherkin et al3 51.2% 0.09 (–0.16, 0.34) not address pain immediately. Analysis Total 100.0% –0.24 (–0.77, 0.28) of the 2 included studies showed sta- –2 –1 0 1 2 tistically significant differences in pain Favors MDT Favors manual plus exercise Heterogeneity: τ2= 0.12, χ2= 4.57, df = 2 (P = .10), I2 = 56%. favoring MDT (FIGURE 2), with an SMD Test for overall effect: z = 0.91 (P = .36). of 0.74 and a nonstandardized differ- ence of 1.86 on the visual analog scale C (analysis not presented), which would be Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) considered clinically meaningful.21 For MMachado et al33 46.0% 0.02 (–0.32, 0.35) acute LBP, no difference was observed Cherkin et al3 54.0% –0.18 (–0.48, 0.13) for change in disability across the dif- Total 100.0% –0.09 (–0.31, 0.14) ferent methods of intervention, includ- ing education (FIGURE 3). This could be –2 –1 0 1 2 Favors MDT Favors education explained by the nature of acute LBP, Heterogeneity: τ2 = 0.00, χ2 = 0.69, df = 1 (P = .41), I2 = 0%. in that most patients have a favorable Test for overall effect: z = 0.75 (P = .45). prognosis, and that rapid reductions in FIGURE 3. Forest plot of the effectiveness of MDT for improving disability in patients with acute low back pain in both pain and disability are noted with- comparison to (A) other physical therapy interventions, (B) a combination of manual therapy with exercise, and in 6 weeks of symptom onset.37 For pa- (C) education. The other physical therapy interventions included a combination of manual therapy with exercise tients with acute LBP, MDT seemed to or education. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IV, independent variable; MDT, Mechanical Diagnosis and be more effective at reducing pain than Therapy; SMD, standardized mean difference. manual therapy plus exercise; however, journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | ahead of print | 11
[ research report ] therapists should be careful when us- ing pain and disability in patients with derangement subgroup for the MDT ing MDT exclusively, as the effect size chronic LBP. intervention, whereas others included was moderate for a small sample size, However, there were some method- all 3 mechanical syndromes. The fact and other treatment approaches could ological issues in the included studies. that the 3 different subgroups had dif- yield similar results for disability in this Lower PEDro scale scores were often ferent prognoses could have impacted population. due to the nature of the studies: not al- MDT’s effectiveness. Furthermore, For patients with chronic LBP, MDT lowing for blinding of the therapists and MDT was not compared to other clas- Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. provided greater improvements in pain patients. The intention to treat was not sification approaches that tailor treat- and disability compared to other in- met for 4 studies, and it was not clear ments based on clinical characteristics terventions and exercise alone, but how participants who dropped out rather than pathoanatomical diagnoses, had similar outcomes compared to the were accounted for statistically.1,20,22,38 such as treatment-based classification combination of manual therapy and ex- Also, some studies included only the and movement system impairments.13,27 ercise. The SMD values represented a small treatment effect for the compari- A son of MDT to other interventions for Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) pain (SMD, –0.33) and disability (SMD, Miller et al38 9.6% –0.63 (–1.38, 0.12) –0.28); therefore, despite statistical sig- Halliday et al22 14.5% –0.04 (–0.54, 0.46) nificance, the clinical significance of the Paatelma et al45 16.7% –0.53 (–0.94, –0.13) Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. difference may be less meaningful. Other Long et al31 18.8% –0.81 (–1.13, –0.49) symptom-matched approaches have also Garcia et al17 18.8% –0.09 (–0.41, 0.23) demonstrated similar findings in patients Petersen et al47 21.6% –0.04 (–0.25, 0.17) with chronic LBP.2,56 Total 100.0% –0.33 (–0.63, –0.03) Although effective in treating chronic –2 –1 0 1 2 LBP, MDT might not be any better than Favors MDT Favors other interventions combined manual therapy plus exercise. Heterogeneity: τ = 0.10, χ = 19.81, df = 5 (P = .001), I = 75%. 2 2 2 It has been shown in treatment-based Test for overall effect: z = 2.19 (P = .03). classification that patients who may ben- B efit from specific exercise may also benefit Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) from spinal manipulation.58 Also, small Paatelma et al45 43.5% –0.53 (–0.94, –0.13) treatment effects could be credited to the Petersen et al47 56.5% –0.04 (–0.25, 0.17) fact that a large group of patients may not Total 100.0% –0.26 (–0.73, 0.22) fall into a distinct subgrouping and may benefit from a more generalized exercise –2 –1 0 1 2 Favors MDT Favors manual plus exercise program.59 These patients are likely to be Heterogeneity: τ = 0.09, χ = 4.46, df = 1 (P = .03), I = 78%. 2 2 2 classified into the “chronic pain” category Test for overall effect: z = 1.05 (P = .30). of the MDT classification. Because the meta-analysis did not evaluate each MDT C subgroup separately, definite conclusions Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) regarding the different treatment effec- Miller et al38 17.2% –0.63 (–1.38, 0.12) tiveness outcomes are unknown. This Halliday et al22 24.0% –0.04 (–0.54, 0.46) latter subgroup is largely based on the Long et al31 29.4% –0.81 (–1.13, –0.49) presence of psychological factors and on Garcia et al17 29.4% –0.09 (–0.41, 0.23) patients not responding to mechanical- Total 100.0% –0.38 (–0.82, 0.05) type treatments.36 Also, MDT does not –2 –1 0 1 2 explicitly account for pain systems theory, Favors MDT Favors exercise specifically differentiating between pain Heterogeneity: τ2 = 0.14, χ2 = 12.09, df = 3 (P = .007), I2 = 75%. Test for overall effect: z =1.73 (P = .08). that is central or peripheral in origin, and for a wider spectrum of psychological fac- FIGURE 4. Forest plot of the effectiveness of MDT for improving pain in patients with chronic low back pain in tors that could be present in patients with comparison to (A) other physical therapy interventions, (B) a combination of manual therapy with exercise, and (C) chronic LBP.44,51 Regardless, although the exercise. The other physical therapy interventions included either a combination of manual therapy with exercise treatment effects are small to moderate, or exercise alone. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IV, independent variable; MDT, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy; SMD, standardized mean difference. MDT remains a viable option in reduc- 12 | ahead of print | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
These approaches have yielded simi- CONCLUSION interventions for reducing pain and dis- larly modest results, finding statistically ability; however, this depends on the T insignificant improvements in outcome here is moderate- to high- type of intervention being compared to measures for both the classification-spe- quality evidence that MDT is not MDT, and the effect sizes were generally cific and the non–classification-specific superior to other rehabilitation considered small to moderate, which groups.24,61 However, this current review interventions for reducing pain and means clinical significance needs to be did find a significant difference between disability in patients with acute LBP. determined. Although some evidence Downloaded from www.jospt.org at Grand Valley State University on April 12, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. patient-matched treatment and generic In patients with chronic LBP, there is supported the use of MDT for assessing exercise for disability in the short term moderate- to high-quality evidence that and treating LBP, therapists should be for chronic LBP, albeit moderate. MDT is superior to other rehabilitation careful when using this approach exclu- sively, because other treatments have A shown similar effectiveness, and a pa- tient’s values and preferences should be considered. t Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) Moncelon and Otero40 2.3% –0.11 (–1.16, 0.94) Miller et al38 4.4% –0.64 (–1.39, 0.11) KEY POINTS Halliday et al22 9.1% –0.32 (–0.82, 0.18) FINDINGS: For reducing pain and dis- Paatelma et al 45 13.4% 0.00 (–0.40, 0.40) ability in patients with acute low back Garcia et al17 18.5% –0.36 (–0.68, –0.03) Copyright © ${year} Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. pain (LBP), the McKenzie Method of Long et al 31 19.3% –0.55 (–0.86, –0.23) Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Petersen et al47 33.0% –0.14 (–0.35, 0.07) (MDT) is not superior to other rehabili- Total 100.0% –0.28 (–0.44, –0.12) tation interventions. In patients with –2 –1 0 1 2 Favors MDT Favors other interventions chronic LBP, however, MDT is superior Heterogeneity: τ2 = 0.01, χ2 = 7.44, df = 6 (P = .28), I2 = 19%. to other rehabilitation interventions for Test for overall effect: z = 3.38 (P = .0007). reducing pain and disability; however, this depends on the type of intervention B being compared to MDT. The treatment Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) effect for MDT was generally small to Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Moncelon and Otero40 3.0% –0.11 (–1.16, 0.94) moderate. Paatelma et al45 21.0% 0.00 (–0.40, 0.40) IMPLICATIONS: To treat patients with LBP, Petersen et al47 76.0% –0.14 (–0.35, 0.07) MDT may be used, although other inter- Total 100.0% –0.11 (–0.29, 0.07) vention methods might offer a similar –2 –1 0 1 2 benefit. Favors MDT Favors manual plus exercise CAUTION: Although statistically signifi- Heterogeneity: τ2 = 0.00, χ2 = 0.38, df = 3 (P = .83), I2 = 0%. cant, clinical significance of MDT effects Test for overall effect: z = 1.20 (P = .23). needs to be determined because the ef- C fect sizes found were small to moderate. Study Weight SMD IV, Random (95% CI) Miller et al38 7.0% –0.64 (–1.39, 0.11) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Jose Correa and Joe Halliday et al22 15.7% –0.32 (–0.82, 0.18) Ornelas provided advice on statistics. Jill Garcia et al17 37.5% –0.36 (–0.68, –0.03) Boruff provided assistance with developing Long et al31 39.7% –0.55 (–0.64, –0.25) the literature search. Total 100.0% –0.45 (–0.86, –0.23) –2 –1 0 1 2 REFERENCES Favors MDT Favors exercise Heterogeneity: τ = 0.00, χ = 1.18, df = 3 (P = .76), I = 0%. 2 2 2 1. Bonnet F, Monnet S, Otero J. Short-term effects Test for overall effect: z = 4.39 (P
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