Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World

Page created by Shawn Ford
Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
Education Programs 2017
      Years 7 – 12, Vocational
Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
  FREE CALL 1300 369 577

  Village Roadshow Theme Parks
School Excursions & Education Team
 Hours: 8.00am-5.00pm, Weekdays

         p: 07 5519 6210
Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
Welcome to Village Roadshow Theme Parks               With exclusive access to industry professionals
School Excursions and Education Programs. We          and performers, students will have the opportunity
are proud to offer you the largest selection of       to learn and apply different skills to enhance their
discounted Theme Park school excursion packages       dramatic performance. The Tourism program at
available on the Gold Coast. All of our educational   Warner Bros. Movie World allows students to hear
programs are aligned with the Australian              from Managers who have a wealth of experience
Curriculum, and have been tailored to encourage       to impart, providing valuable information regarding
students to actively participate in a diverse range   the plethora of opportunities the ever growing,
of activities including various attractions, shows    exciting and diverse tourism industry provides!
and experiences, with the right balance of both       Coming term 3, 2017 we are taking our programs
education and fun. We look forward to providing       to the next level by introducing all new programs,
students and teachers with unique excursion           which will include STEM and engineering.
opportunities across all of our parks.
                                                      WET‘N’WILD GOLD COAST
SEA WORLD                                             Scale new heights of water slide fun at Wet‘n’Wild
Sea World’s new and exciting programs allow           Gold Coast with leisure and incentive days
students to engage in a wide variety of learning      available for students to attend as a reward and
experiences to gain a greater knowledge and           celebration of a job well done. These bookings can
understanding of marine animals and environmental     include an undercover area as a base for the day
sustainability. Students will be challenged in an     and access to BBQ facilities that the schools can
immersive and interactive way to understand           use. This is a well earned memorable day for both
the importance of marine life conservation and        students and teachers alike; a special day many
sustainability, and the effects these issues will     will remember for years to come. Wet‘n’Wild Gold
cause for future generations. Our programs are        Coast has exciting new programs coming in term 3,
continuously being updated, in line with Australian   2017 including the exciting Wet Physics program!
Curriculum documentation, with a number of
                                                      WET‘N’WILD SYDNEY
new and exciting specialised programs for senior
                                                      Take fun to a whole new level at Wet‘n’Wild
subjects such as Marine Science and Chemistry
                                                      Sydney, with full day or half day excursions
being released for term 3, 2017. Sea World is the
                                                      available as incentive and leisure days for schools
home of discovery and fun, where the adventure
                                                      groups. With over 40 amazing water slides, there is
never ends with exciting rides, spectacular
                                                      something for everyone to have the best day ever!
presentations and amazing marine animals.
                                                      Keep an eye out for our new specialised education
WARNER BROS. MOVIE WORLD                              Wet Physics program commencing term 4, 2017.
Warner Bros. Movie World is proud to present
                                                      SEA WORLD RESORT
our exciting new programs for Physics, Media
                                                      Sea World Resort excursion packages provide
Arts, Drama and Tourism! See students apply
                                                      students with the opportunity to gain valuable
their knowledge and understanding of physics
                                                      experiences within the hospitality and tourism
to real world experiences with our exceptional
                                                      industry. Our curriculum based H.O.T.E.L School
Physics programs. In an educational program like
                                                      program allows students to learn different skills
no other, students will have the opportunity to
                                                      and apply their knowledge through practical
learn all about the science behind our world class
                                                      activities and workplace situations within Sea
rides and attractions at this iconic Gold Coast
                                                      World Resort. This program offers students
Theme Park. Teachers will be provided with work
                                                      authentic, real world experiences with exclusive
booklets, as well as task and assessment sheets
                                                      behind the scenes operating procedures in a
aligned with the Australian Curriculum, which are
                                                      hotel environment. Sea World Resort also offers
year level specific. Our Media Arts program uses
                                                      students the opportunity to earn while learning
up-and-coming modern technology, including
                                                      through School Based Traineeship programs. What
virtual reality, to allow the students to engage in
                                                      better environment for students to learn and earn
an authentic experience, with exclusive behind the
                                                      in than award winning Sea World Resort or one of
scenes interactions with industry professionals.
                                                      our world class Theme Parks!
Catch a sneak peek into the real world of the
entertainment industry with our unforgettable
Drama programs at Warner Bros. Movie World.

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
YEAR 7                            YEAR 10
Lights! Camera! Action!      4    Newton’s Rollercoaster       22
Masterpiece in the Making    4    Lights! Camera! Action!      25
Kinetic Theme Park Physics   5    Mastering Media Arts         25
Let’s Get Sorted             6    Dolphin Descendants          26
The Hunger Games             6    Marine Investigators         26
Environmental Issues         7    Ever Changing Environments   27
Paws, Claws and Roars        7    How to Train a Seal          28
Getting Smart About Sharks   7    Environmental Issues         29
In Depth With Dolphins       8    Paws, Claws and Roars        29
The Real Deal With Seals     8    Getting Smart About Sharks   29
Stay & Play Package          8    In Depth With Dolphins       30
Leisure and Incentive Days   9    The Real Deal With Seals     30
                                  Stay & Play Package          30
YEAR 8                            Earn and Learn!              31
Lights! Camera! Action!      10   Leisure and Incentive Days   31
Masterpiece in the Making    10   H.O.T.E.L School             32
Rollercoaster Science        11
Bear Essentials              12   YEAR 11/12
Environmental Issues         13   Full Throttle                35
Paws, Claws and Roars        13   Tourism Today and Tomorrow
Getting Smart About Sharks   13   – a million opportunities!   35
In Depth With Dolphins       14   Immersion Physics            36
The Real Deal With Seals     14   Bear Essentials              37
Stay & Play Package          14   Dolphin Descendants          38
Leisure and Incentive Days   15   The Hunger Games             40
                                  How to Train a Seal          41
YEAR 9                            Marine Investigators         42
Lights! Camera! Action!      16   Ever Changing Environments   44
Mastering Media Arts         16   What’s in the Water?         46
Leisure and Incentive Days   17   Environmental Issues         48
Bear Essentials              17   Paws, Claws and Roars        48
The Hunger Games             19   Getting Smart About Sharks   48
Marine Investigators         19   In Depth With Dolphins       49
Environmental Issues         20   The Real Deal With Seals     49
Paws, Claws and Roars        20   Stay & Play Package          49
Getting Smart About Sharks   20   H.O.T.E.L School             50
In Depth With Dolphins       21   Earn and Learn!              53
The Real Deal With Seals     21   Leisure and Incentive Days   53
Stay & Play Package          21
                                  Leisure and Incentive Days   54
                                  Environmental Issues         54
                                  Paws, Claws and Roars        54
                                  Getting Smart About Sharks   55
                                  In Depth With Dolphins       55
                                  The Real Deal With Seals     55
                                  How to Train a Seal          56

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
Lights! Camera! Action!


                                It takes a talented person to become a super hero here at Warner Bros. Movie World, and now these
                                students get to learn how to use the elements of drama from our industry professionals! Not only do our
         Capacity               presenters work here in our Theme Parks, but they live and breathe the life of a performer. The students
         20 - 100+              will engage in combining the elements of drama, focusing on improvisation and characterisation. Our
                                team will guide the students to ensure the skills and techniques being used are consistent with the
                                situation, performance styles and intention of how the character would interact.

          45 mins               Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                                                                              •	Develop and refine expressive skills in voice and
        Inclusions              Drama
                                                                                                 movement to communicate ideas and dramatic action in
                                •	 Combine the elements of drama in devised and scripted
                                                                                                 different performance styles and conventions, including
                                 drama to explore and develop issues, ideas and themes
                                                                                                 contemporary Australian drama styles developed
                                                                                                 by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dramatists
                                •	Develop roles and characters consistent with situation,
    Student Workbook                                                                             (ACADRM043)
                                    dramatic forms and performance styles to convey status,
                                                                                              •	Perform devised and scripted drama maintaining
                                    relationships and intentions (ACADRM041)
                                                                                                 commitment to role (ACADRM044)

       Teacher Aids
        Answer Sheet
     Program Overview


                                               Masterpiece in the Making
                                                                                                                                              NEW!    Term 2, 2017

                                MEDIA ARTS

                                The Year 7 Media Arts program will have the students discovering the techniques and skills using virtual
                                reality. Through the use of virtual reality, students will be able to experience the importance of Media
          Capacity              Arts elements including camera angles, sound and framing and how this can affect the way the audience
    20 - 40 per session         perceives the intent of the piece. Our professional Art Director will plan and explain the importance
                                of storyboarding, how it is used and why, as well as how the planning and structure engages different
                                audiences. Students will leave this program with an in depth knowledge and understanding of how the
                                media arts is used professionally, as well as the techniques and skills required.
          45 mins
        Inclusions              Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                Media Arts
                                •	Experiment with the organisation of ideas to structure
                                   stories through media conventions and genres to create
                                   points of view in images, sounds and text (ACAMAM066)
    Student Workbook
                                •	Develop media representations to show familiar or
                                   shared social and cultural values and beliefs, including
                                   those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
                                •	Plan, structure and design media artworks that engage
       Teacher Aids                audiences (ACAMAM069)
        Answer Sheet
     Program Overview

  Individual cardboard VR
  headset with applicable
further learning references

       *A per student fee
     applies to this program.

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
                                            Kinetic Theme Park Physics

                                                                                                                                                                     Year 7

                            The Year 7 science curriculum explores the major branches of sciences, investigating them in different
                            scales and unifying them to allow a generalised understanding of scientific phenomena, with one of the
     Capacity               major branches comprising study of the physical sciences. Within this unit, students will explore the
     20 - 100+              concept of objects in motion being a result of uneven focus.
                            With careful consideration and reference to the Australian Curriculum, Year 7 science students who
                            partake in this physics program will experience kinetic energy and an imbalance in force resulting in
                            motion via the application of the thrill rides offered at Warner Bros. Movie World.
     Full Day
    or Half Day             It is the aim of Warner Bros. Movie World to provide students with a high quality physics program which
    Inclusions              will focus on the reinforcement of content within a real world application. Students will experience a
                            full day excursion in which they will observe different types of roller coasters and measure the type and
                            magnitude of forces they exert on riders. Students can then summarise and discuss their findings and
                            the corresponding laws of motion, which can be presented in a multimodal method to the class.
Student Workbook            Students will collect evidence in the form of personal observations and the systematic collection and
                            recording of various types of data such as acceleration and height to determine whether the thrill rides
                            offered at Warner Bros. Movie World comply with the foundational laws of physics. The experience will
                            include a workbook for students to complete within the park, a constructed assignment task sheet and
  Teacher Aids              criteria sheet compliant with the Australian Curriculum and relevant exercises and resources for use
    Answer Sheet            after the completion of this program.
 Program Overview
      task sheet            Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                             Science Inquiry Skills
                                                                                                 • Questioning and predicting
     Extended               Science
                                                                                                   -	Identify questions and problems that can be investigated
   Response Task            Science Understanding
                                                                                                      scientifically and make predictions based on scientific
    Checklist for           • Physical sciences
                                                                                                      knowledge (ACSIS124)
   submitting ERT             -	Change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced
                                                                                                 • Planning and conducting
                                 forces, including Earth’s gravitational attraction, acting on
                                                                                                   -	Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a
                                 the object (ACSSU117)
                                                                                                      range of investigation types, including fieldwork and
                            Science as a Human Endeavour                                              experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are
Marking Criteria            • Nature and development of science                                       followed (ACSIS125)
   Knowledge and              -	Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding           -	Measure and control variables, select equipment
     conceptual                  of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes                  appropriate to the task and collect data with accuracy
   understanding                 available (ACSHE119)                                                 (ACSIS126)
     Investigative            -	Science knowledge can develop through collaboration
      processes                  across the disciplines of science and the contributions of
   Evaluating and                people from a range of cultures (ACSHE223)

   *A per student fee
 applies to this program.

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
NEW!        Available

                                       Let’s Get Sorted                                                       Term 3, 2017

                        The incredible variety of species in Shark Bay’s tropical reef pool effectively introduces students to the
                        diversity of life in the ocean, assisting them in developing an understanding of classification. Students will
        Capacity        be introduced to the current hierarchical system for classifying organisms and the scientific conventions
         10 - 60        for naming species. During this inquiry-based program, students will learn how organisms are grouped
                        based on similarities and differences in body features and they will use these features in conjunction with
                        a simple key to identify some of Shark Bay’s animals. Students will consider why we classify organisms in
                        reference to their conservation and how biodiversity can be impacted by human activity.
        45 mins
       Inclusions       Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                         -	Science knowledge can develop through collaboration
                                                                                            across the disciplines of science and the contributions of
                                                                                            people from a range of cultures (ACSHE223)
                        Science Understanding
                        • Biological sciences                                           Cross-Curriculum Priorities
                          -	Classification helps organise the diverse group of         • Sustainability
    Student Workbook
                             organisms (ACSSU111)
                        Science as a Human Endeavour
                        • Nature and development of science
                          -	Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding
                             of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes
      Teacher Aids
                             available (ACSHE119)
       Answer Sheet
     Program Overview


                                                    The Hunger Games
                                                                                                                                  D Term 3, 2017

                         SCIENCE     TECHNOLOGY

                        In this program, Year 7 students observe the interactions and relationships between the captivating
                        inhabitants of Shark Bay to determine their interconnectedness with each other and their environment.
        Capacity        Students will be guided to construct a marine food web and identify the roles of the included organisms
        10 - 100        and their relationships to one another. The role of humans as consumers and competitors in the marine
                        food web will be considered, with a focus on how overfishing can impact marine ecosystems. Students
                        will also become informed on how technology and ethical considerations have lead to various sustainable
                        fishing innovations to maintain balance in marine ecosystems.
        45 mins
       Inclusions       Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                         -	People use science understanding and skills in their
                                                                                            occupations and these have influenced the development
                                                                                            of practices in areas of human activity (ACSHE121)
                        Science Understanding
                        • Biological sciences                                           Technologies
                          -	Interactions between organisms, including the effects of   Design and Technologies
    Student Workbook                                                                    • Design and technologies knowledge and understanding
                             human activities can be represented by food chains and
                             food webs (ACSSU112)                                         -	Investigate the ways in which products, services and
                                                                                             environments evolve locally, regionally and globally
                        Science as a Human Endeavour
                                                                                             and how competing factors including social, ethical
                        • Nature and development of science
                                                                                             and sustainability considerations are prioritised in the
                          -	Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding
      Teacher Aids                                                                           development of technologies and designed solutions for
                             of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes
       Answer Sheet                                                                          preferred futures (ACTDEK029)
                             available (ACSHE119)
     Program Overview                                                                   Cross-Curriculum Priorities
                        • Use and influence of science
                          -	Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using      • Sustainability
                             science and technology, may impact on other areas
                             of society and may involve ethical considerations

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
Environmental Issues

                                                                                                                                Year 7

             Set in the underwater viewing gallery of Shark Bay, this program introduces students to the numerous
             ways humans are interconnected to the oceans and their inhabitants. Students of all year levels will
Capacity     engage in inquiry-based learning activities to discover how fishing activity, shark nets, marine debris
10 - 100     and pollution are all contributing to loss of biodiversity and what actions can be taken personally and
             collectively to live sustainably and reduce our ecological footprint.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
 45 mins
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

Fact Sheet

                         Paws, Claws and Roars


             This interactive program provides a broad overview of Polar bear biology and ecology for students of
             all ages. Students will learn where Polar bears live, what role they occupy in their habitat and how they
Capacity     are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered will address how Polar bears
 10 - 35     move, hunt, protect themselves and maintain body temperature. Students will consider how some human
             activities are threatening Polar bears’ survival and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and
             globally to help with conservation of this species.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
 45 mins
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

Fact Sheet

                         Getting Smart About Sharks


             During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the amazing biology and ecology of
             sharks. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where sharks live, what roles they occupy
Capacity     in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered
10 - 100     will address how sharks move, hunt, protect themselves, rest and breathe. Students will consider how
             some human activities are threatening the survival of sharks and will discuss actions that can be taken
             individually and globally to help with conservation of these animals.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
 45 mins
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

Fact Sheet

Education Programs 2017 - Years 7 - 12, Vocational - Movie World
In Depth With Dolphins


                 This interactive program provides a broad overview of dolphin biology and ecology for students of
                 all ages. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where dolphins live, what roles they
    Capacity     occupy in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations
    10 - 100+    covered will address how dolphins move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain body
                 temperature. When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training and
                 caring for Sea World’s dolphins. Students will consider how some human activities are threatening the
                 survival of dolphins and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and globally to help with
     45 mins     conservation of these animals.
                 This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
                 overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                 than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
    Fact Sheet
                 writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                              The Real Deal With Seals


                 During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the fascinating biology and ecology
                 of seals. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where seals live, what roles they occupy
    Capacity     in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered
    10 - 100+    will address how seals move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain body temperature.
                 When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training and animal care usually
                 involving a brief training session with a seal. Students will consider how some human activities are
                 threatening the survival of seals and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and globally to
     45 mins     help with conservation of these animals.
                 This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
                 overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                 than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
    Fact Sheet
                 writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                              Stay & Play Package
                 • One night’s accommodation in a Resort room
    Capacity     •	All-you-can-eat buffet breakfast in the Shoreline Restaurant
    10 - 100+    •	Dinner at the Shoreline Restaurant all-you-can-eat nightly buffet
                 • Pre-organised night activities
                 • Full use of the resort’s facilities

Leisure and Incentive Days

                                                                                                                            Year 7

            Wet‘n’Wild Gold Coast and Sydney* offers leisure and incentive days for students to attend as a reward
            and celebration of a job well done. These bookings can include an undercover area as a base for the day
            and access to BBQ facilities that the schools can use^. This is a well earned memorable day for both
            students and teachers alike; a special day many will remember for years to come!
Capacity    *Wet’n’Wild Sydney is a seasonal park. Please refer to operating calendar
10 - 100+   ^
            BBQ and undercover facilities available Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast only

            Australian Outback Spectacular
            Discover the heart and soul of the Aussie outback during a school excursion to Australian Outback
            Spectacular. A behind the scenes tour provides students with the opportunity to observe various
            functions involved in the operation of the only show of its kind in Australia*. Students will also be exposed
            to the history of the Australian outback.
            *Additional fee applies

Lights! Camera! Action!


                                 It takes a talented person to become a super hero here at Warner Bros. Movie World, and now these
                                 students get to learn how to use the elements of drama from our industry professionals! Not only do our
          Capacity               presenters work here in our Theme Parks, but they live and breathe the life of a performer. The students
          20 - 100+              will engage in combining the elements of drama, focusing on improvisation and characterisation. Our
                                 team will guide the students to ensure the skills and techniques being used are consistent with the
                                 situation, performance styles and intention of how the character would interact.

           45 mins               Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                                                                               •	Develop and refine expressive skills in voice and
         Inclusions              Drama
                                                                                                  movement to communicate ideas and dramatic action in
                                 •	Combine the elements of drama in devised and scripted
                                                                                                  different performance styles and conventions, including
                                    drama to explore and develop issues, ideas and themes
                                                                                                  contemporary Australian drama styles developed
                                                                                                  by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dramatists
                                 •	Develop roles and characters consistent with situation,
     Student Workbook                                                                             (ACADRM043)
                                    dramatic forms and performance styles to convey status,
                                                                                               •	Perform devised and scripted drama maintaining
                                    relationships and intentions (ACADRM041)
                                                                                                  commitment to role (ACADRM044)

       Teacher Aids
         Answer Sheet
      Program Overview


                                                Masterpiece in the Making
                                                                                                                                         NEW!      Term 2, 2017

                                 MEDIA ARTS

                                 The Year 8 Media Arts program will have the students discovering the techniques and skills using virtual
                                 reality. Through the use of virtual reality, students will be able to experience the importance of Media
           Capacity              Arts elements including camera angles, sound and framing and how this can affect the way the audience
            20 - 40              perceives the intent of the piece. Our professional Art Director will plan and explain the importance
                                 of storyboarding, how it is used and why, as well as how the planning and structure engages different
                                 audiences. Students will leave this program with an in depth knowledge and understanding of how the
                                 media arts is used professionally, as well as the techniques and skills required.
           45 mins
         Inclusions              Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                 Media Arts
                                 •	Experiment with the organisation of ideas to structure
                                    stories through media conventions and genres to create
                                    points of view in images, sounds and text (ACAMAM066)
     Student Workbook
                                 •	Develop media representations to show familiar or
                                    shared social and cultural values and beliefs, including
                                    those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
                                 •	Plan, structure and design media artworks that engage
       Teacher Aids                 audiences (ACAMAM069)
         Answer Sheet
      Program Overview

  Individual cardboard VR
  headset with applicable
further learning references

        *A per student fee
      applies to this program.


                                           Rollercoaster Science
                            The Year 8 science curriculum explores the major branches of sciences, investigating them in different
                            scales and unifying them to allow a generalised understanding of scientific phenomena, with one of
     Capacity               the major branches comprising study of the physical sciences. Within this unit, students will explore
     20 - 100+              the concept of energy, the different forms in which it appears and the transformations and transfers
                            between systems.
                            With careful consideration and reference to the Australian Curriculum, Year 8 science students who
                            partake in this physics program will experience kinetic energy and how energy is transformed in the
     Full Day
                            application of the thrill rides offered at Warner Bros. Movie World.
    or Half Day
                            It is the aim of Warner Bros. Movie World to provide students with a high quality physics program which

                                                                                                                                                                Year 8
                            will focus on the reinforcement of content and its real world application. Students will experience a full
                            day or half day excursion in which they will research various types of rides and use their findings to design
                            a feasible ride of their own. They will summarise their findings and present their ride design to the class.
Student Workbook            Students will collect evidence in the form of personal observations and the systematic collection and
                            recording of various types of data such as acceleration and height to determine whether the thrill
                            rides offered at Warner Bros. Movie World comply with the foundational laws of physics and how
                            students may replicate their results in their own roller coaster design. The experience will include a
                            workbook for students to complete within the park, a constructed assignment task sheet and criteria
  Teacher Aids
                            sheet compliant with the Australian Curriculum and relevant exercises and resources for use after the
    Answer Sheet
                            completion of this program.
 Program Overview
      task sheet
                            Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                          • Planning and conducting
                                                                                                -	Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a
     Extended                                                                                      range of investigation types, including fieldwork and
   Response Task            Science Understanding
                                                                                                   experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are
                            • Physical sciences
    Checklist for                                                                                  followed (ACSIS140)
                              -	Energy appears in different forms, including movement
   submitting ERT                                                                               -	Measure and control variables, select equipment
                                 (kinetic energy), heat and potential energy, and energy
                                                                                                   appropriate to the task and collect data with accuracy
                                 transformations and transfers cause change within
                                 systems (ACSSU155)
                                                                                              • Processing and analysing data and information
                            Science as a Human Endeavour                                        -	Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and
Marking Criteria
                            • Nature and development of science                                    secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to
   Knowledge and
                              -	Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding           identify relationships and draw conclusions based on
                                 of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes               evidence (ACSIS145)
                                 available (ACSHE134)                                         • Evaluating
                              -	Science knowledge can develop through collaboration            -	Reflect on scientific investigations including evaluating
                                 across the disciplines of science and the contributions of        the quality of the data collected, and identifying
   Evaluating and
                                 people from a range of cultures (ACSHE226)                        improvements (ACSIS146)
                            • Use and influence of science                                      -	Use scientific knowledge and findings from investigations
   *A per student fee         -	People use science understanding and skills in their              to evaluate claims based on evidence (ACSIS234)
 applies to this program.
                                 occupations and these have influenced the development        • Communicating
                                 of practices in areas of human activity (ACSHE136)             -	Communicate ideas, findings and evidence based
                            Science Inquiry Skills                                                 solutions to problems using scientific language, and
                            • Questioning and predicting                                           representations, using digital technologies as appropriate
                              -	Identify questions and problems that can be investigated          (ACSIS148)
                                 scientifically and make predictions based on scientific
                                 knowledge (ACSIS139)

NEW!     Available

                                        Bear Essentials
                                                                                               Term 3, 2017


                         With Polar Bear Shores as a backdrop, students will examine how Polar bears are equipped with
                         specialised body systems to survive and reproduce in the challenging Arctic environment. Students will
         Capacity        be introduced to the unique qualities of a Polar bear’s digestive, sensory and reproductive systems and
          10 - 35        will discuss how each of these contributes to the overall survival of one of the Arctic’s top predators.
                         Comparison with human body systems will allow students to better appreciate the differences and
                         complexities of Polar bear body systems. Concluding with dialogue on human impacts, students will
                         contemplate how environmental change is likely to affect the functioning of Polar bears’ bodies and,
         45 mins         ultimately, the survival of this species.
                         Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                         Science Understanding
     Student Workbook    • Biological sciences
                           -	Multi-cellular organisms contain systems of organs
                              carrying out specialised functions that enable them to
                              survive and reproduce (ACSSU150)
                         • Physical sciences
                           -	Energy appears in different forms, including movement
       Teacher Aids
                              (kinetic energy), heat and potential energy, and energy
        Answer Sheet
                              transformations and transfers cause change within
      Program Overview        systems (ACSSU155)
                         Cross-Curriculum Priorities
                         • Sustainability

Environmental Issues


             Set in the underwater viewing gallery of Shark Bay, this program introduces students to the numerous
             ways humans are interconnected to the oceans and their inhabitants. Students of all year levels will
Capacity     engage in inquiry-based learning activities to discover how fishing activity, shark nets, marine debris
10 - 100     and pollution are all contributing to loss of biodiversity and what actions can be taken personally and
             collectively to live sustainably and reduce our ecological footprint.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
 45 mins
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                                                                                                                                Year 8
Fact Sheet

                         Paws, Claws and Roars


             This interactive program provides a broad overview of Polar bear biology and ecology for students of
             all ages. Students will learn where Polar bears live, what role they occupy in their habitat and how they
Capacity     are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered will address how Polar bears
 10 - 35     move, hunt, protect themselves and maintain body temperature. Students will consider how some human
             activities are threatening Polar bears’ survival and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and
             globally to help with conservation of this species.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
 45 mins
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

Fact Sheet

                         Getting Smart About Sharks


             During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the amazing biology and ecology of
             sharks. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where sharks live, what roles they occupy
Capacity     in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered
10 - 100     will address how sharks move, hunt, protect themselves, rest and breathe. Students will consider how
             some human activities are threatening the survival of sharks and will discuss actions that can be taken
             individually and globally to help with conservation of these animals.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
 45 mins
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

Fact Sheet

In Depth With Dolphins


                  This interactive program provides a broad overview of dolphin biology and ecology for students of
                  all ages. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where dolphins live, what roles they
     Capacity     occupy in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations
     10 - 100+    covered will address how dolphins move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain body
                  temperature. When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training and
                  caring for Sea World’s dolphins. Students will consider how some human activities are threatening the
                  survival of dolphins and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and globally to help with
      45 mins     conservation of these animals.
                  This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
                  overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                  than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
     Fact Sheet
                  writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                               The Real Deal With Seals


                  During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the fascinating biology and ecology
                  of seals. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where seals live, what roles they occupy
     Capacity     in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered
     10 - 100+    will address how seals move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain body temperature.
                  When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training and animal care usually
                  involving a brief training session with a seal. Students will consider how some human activities are
                  threatening the survival of seals and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and globally to
      45 mins     help with conservation of these animals.
                  This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
                  overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                  than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
     Fact Sheet
                  writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                               Stay & Play Package
                  • One night’s accommodation in a Resort room
     Capacity     •	All-you-can-eat buffet breakfast in the Shoreline Restaurant
     10 - 100+    •	Dinner at the Shoreline Restaurant all-you-can-eat nightly buffet
                  • Pre-organised night activities
                  • Full use of the resort’s facilities

                            Leisure and Incentive Days
            Wet‘n’Wild Gold Coast and Sydney* offers leisure and incentive days for students to attend as a reward
            and celebration of a job well done. These bookings can include an undercover area as a base for the day
            and access to BBQ facilities that the schools can use^. This is a well earned memorable day for both
            students and teachers alike; a special day many will remember for years to come!
Capacity    *Wet’n’Wild Sydney is a seasonal park. Please refer to operating calendar
10 - 100+   ^
            BBQ and undercover facilities available Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast only

            Australian Outback Spectacular
            Discover the heart and soul of the Aussie outback during a school excursion to Australian Outback

                                                                                                                            Year 8
            Spectacular. A behind the scenes tour provides students with the opportunity to observe various
            functions involved in the operation of the only show of its kind in Australia*. Students will also be exposed
            to the history of the Australian outback.
            *Additional fee applies

Lights! Camera! Action!


                                 This multimodal presentation will have the students engaging with the dark side of our favourite super
                                 hero’s while exploring and engaging in the elements of Drama. These students will have the opportunity
          Capacity               to explore becoming the character, to further develop their skills of improvisation and characterisation.
          20 - 100+              Presented by industry professionals, these students will learn how to develop and convey the physical
                                 and psychological aspects of the role and how to apply their knowledge and understanding of the
                                 required skills and techniques. Teacher resources will be provided for this program to be extended into
                                 the classroom environment.
           45 mins
         Inclusions              Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                                                                                •	Practise and refine the expressive capacity of voice and
                                                                                                   movement to communicate ideas and dramatic action in a
                                 •	Improvise with the elements of drama and narrative
                                                                                                   range of forms, styles and performance spaces, including
                                    structure to develop ideas, and explore subtext to shape
                                                                                                   exploration of those developed by Aboriginal and Torres
                                    devised and scripted drama (ACADRM047)
     Student Workbook                                                                              Strait Islander dramatists (ACADRM049)
                                 •	Manipulate combinations of the elements of drama to
                                                                                                •	Evaluate how the elements of drama, forms and
                                    develop and convey the physical and psychological aspects
                                                                                                   performance styles in devised and scripted drama convey
                                    of roles and characters consistent with intentions in
                                                                                                   meaning and aesthetic effect (ACADRR052)
                                    dramatic forms and performance styles (ACADRM048)

       Teacher Aids
         Answer Sheet
      Program Overview

                                               Mastering Media Arts
                                                                                                                             NEW!        Available
                                                                                                                                       Term 2, 2017

                                 MEDIA ARTS

                                 The Year 9 Media Arts program will have students building and refining their knowledge and skills
                                 necessary for Media Arts practises. Through the use of virtual reality, students will have the opportunity
           Capacity              to analyse and evaluate the use of Media Arts elements including camera angles, sound and framing.
            20 - 40              Students will hear from renowned industry professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills from the
                                 initial planning stage to the final polished production. After seeing how these skills are applied, students
                                 will be well equipped to start experimenting with their knowledge and skills developed during this
                                 program accompanied by their prior knowledge of Media Arts.
           45 mins
         Inclusions              Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                       •	Evaluate how technical and symbolic elements are
                                                                                                   manipulated in media artworks to create and challenge
                                 Media Arts
                                                                                                   representations framed by media conventions, social
                                 •	Develop and refine media production skills to integrate
                                                                                                   beliefs and values for a range of audiences (ACAMAR078)
                                    and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images,
                                    sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style
     Student Workbook
                                 •	Plan and design media artworks for a range of purposes
                                    that challenge the expectations of specific audiences by
                                    particular use of production processes (ACAMAM076)

       Teacher Aids
         Answer Sheet
      Program Overview

  Individual cardboard VR
  headset with applicable
further learning references

        *A per student fee
      applies to this program.

                                    Leisure and Incentive Days
                    Wet‘n’Wild Gold Coast and Sydney* offers leisure and incentive days for students to attend as a reward
                    and celebration of a job well done. These bookings can include an undercover area as a base for the day
                    and access to BBQ facilities that the schools can use^. This is a well earned memorable day for both
                    students and teachers alike; a special day many will remember for years to come!
    Capacity        *Wet’n’Wild Sydney is a seasonal park. Please refer to operating calendar
    10 - 100+       ^
                    BBQ and undercover facilities available Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast only

                    Australian Outback Spectacular
                    Discover the heart and soul of the Aussie outback during a school excursion to Australian Outback
                    Spectacular. A behind the scenes tour provides students with the opportunity to observe various
                    functions involved in the operation of the only show of its kind in Australia*. Students will also be exposed
                    to the history of the Australian outback.
                    *Additional fee applies

                                                                                                                                    Year 9
                                                                                                NEW!     Available

                                    Bear Essentials
                                                                                                       Term 3, 2017


                    With Polar Bear Shores as a backdrop, students will examine how the specialised body systems of Polar
                    bears work in coordination to help them survive and reproduce in the challenging Arctic environment.
    Capacity        Students will deduce how systems, including the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and excretory
     10 - 35        systems are interlinked to utilise nutrients, oxygen and water. The nervous and endocrine systems will
                    also be introduced for their role in detecting changes in the environment and triggering responses in
                    other body systems with particular focus on nutrition and reproduction. Students will contemplate how
                    environmental change is likely to affect the functioning of Polar bears’ bodies and, ultimately, the survival
    45 mins         of this species.
                    Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                    Science Understanding
Student Workbook    • Biological sciences
                      -	Multi-cellular organisms rely on coordinated and
                         interdependent internal systems to respond to changes to
                         their environment (ACSSU175)
                    Cross-Curriculum Priorities
  Teacher Aids      • Sustainability
   Answer Sheet
 Program Overview


                                                 The Hunger Games
                                                                                                                                  D Term 3, 2017


                                  Year 9 students will observe the captivating inhabitants of Shark Bay to determine their
                                  interconnectedness with each other and the abiotic components of their environment. Students will
         Capacity                 construct a food web to highlight interactions and will identify how energy circulates through the system
         10 - 100                 and must be replaced to maintain sustainability. Using turtles as a focus, the group will examine how
                                  factors such as seasonal and long-term climate change, habitat destruction, introduced species and
                                  disease can affect species’ survival. Students will discover some human initiatives for protecting marine
                                  life including turtle exclusion devices (TEDs) and the formation of marine protected zones and will devise
         45 mins                  other actions that can be applied to conserve ecosystems.
                                  Alignment with the Australian Curriculum
                                  Science Understanding
  Student Workbook                • Biological sciences
                                    -	Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent
                                       organisms and abiotic components of the environment;
                                       matter and energy flow through these systems

      Teacher Aids                Cross-Curriculum Priorities
                                  • Sustainability
       Answer Sheet
    Program Overview

                                                                                                                                                                     Year 9
                                                 Marine Investigators


                                  During this program, students will learn about the roles and relationships of marine animals within
                                  a reef ecosystem. Students will participate in a 45 minute lesson at Shark Bay’s underwater viewing
         Capacity                 gallery, followed by an hour Tropical Reef Snorkelling program, which includes 20 minutes in the water.
         10 - 48*                 Marine Investigators develops students’ science inquiry skills as they are literally immersed in the
                                  marine environment mastering basic snorkelling skills and witnessing, up close, the body features and
                                  behaviours typical to a variety reef animals and how these species are all interconnected.

      1 hr 45 mins                Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                          • Planning and conducting
                                                                                                      -	Plan, select and use appropriate investigation types,
       Inclusions                 Science
                                                                                                         including field work and laboratory experimentation, to
                                  Science Understanding
                                                                                                         collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical
                                  • Biological sciences
                                                                                                         issues associated with these methods (ACSIS165)
                                    -	Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent
                                                                                                      -	Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital
                                       organisms and abiotic components of the environment;
  Student Workbook                     matter and energy flow through these systems
                                                                                                         technologies, to collect and record data systematically
                                                                                                         and accurately (ACSIS166)
                                                                                                    • Processing and analysing data and information
                                  Science as a Human Endeavour                                        -	Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions
                                  • Use and influence of science                                         that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS170)
                                    -	People use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they     • Evaluating
      Teacher Aids
                                       accept claims, explanations or predictions, and advances       -	Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of
       Answer Sheet                    in science can affect people’s lives, including generating        uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and
    Program Overview                   new career opportunities (ACSHE160)                               describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data
    *Maximum number of 48         Science Inquiry Skills                                                 (ACSIS171)
  participates for this program   • Questioning and predicting                                      Cross-Curriculum Priorities
with a maximum of 12 snorkelers
   per tour and a maximum of
                                    -	Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be                • Sustainability
      four tours per school.           investigated scientifically (ACSIS164)

      *A per student fee
    applies to this program.

Environmental Issues


                  Set in the underwater viewing gallery of Shark Bay, this program introduces students to the numerous
                  ways humans are interconnected to the oceans and their inhabitants. Students of all year levels will
     Capacity     engage in inquiry-based learning activities to discover how fishing activity, shark nets, marine debris
     10 - 100     and pollution are all contributing to loss of biodiversity and what actions can be taken personally and
                  collectively to live sustainably and reduce our ecological footprint.
                  This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
                  overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
      45 mins
                  than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
                  writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

     Fact Sheet

                              Paws, Claws and Roars


                  This interactive program provides a broad overview of Polar bear biology and ecology for students of
                  all ages. Students will learn where Polar bears live, what role they occupy in their habitat and how they
     Capacity     are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered will address how Polar bears
      10 - 35     move, hunt, protect themselves and maintain body temperature. Students will consider how some human
                  activities are threatening Polar bears’ survival and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and
                  globally to help with conservation of this species.
                  This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
      45 mins
                  overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                  than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
                  writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

     Fact Sheet

                              Getting Smart About Sharks


                  During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the amazing biology and ecology of
                  sharks. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where sharks live, what roles they occupy
     Capacity     in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations covered
     10 - 100     will address how sharks move, hunt, protect themselves, rest and breathe. Students will consider how
                  some human activities are threatening the survival of sharks and will discuss actions that can be taken
                  individually and globally to help with conservation of these animals.
                  This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
      45 mins
                  overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
                  than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
                  writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

     Fact Sheet

In Depth With Dolphins


             This interactive program provides a broad overview of dolphin biology and ecology for students of
             all ages. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where dolphins live, what roles they
Capacity     occupy in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific adaptations
10 - 100+    covered will address how dolphins move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain body
             temperature. When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training and
             caring for Sea World’s dolphins. Students will consider how some human activities are threatening the
             survival of dolphins and will discuss actions that can be taken individually and globally to help with
 45 mins     conservation of these animals.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
Fact Sheet
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                          The Real Deal With Seals


                                                                                                                         Year 9
             During this interactive program, students of all ages will learn about the fascinating biology and
             ecology of seals. Students will discover the variety of marine habitats where seals live, what roles
Capacity     they occupy in their habitats and how they are equipped to survive in their environment. Specific
10 - 100+    adaptations covered will address how seals move, hunt, protect themselves, rest, breathe and maintain
             body temperature. When available, a marine mammal trainer will deliver a short talk about training
             and animal care usually involving a brief training session with a seal. Students will consider how
             some human activities are threatening the survival of seals and will discuss actions that can be taken
 45 mins     individually and globally to help with conservation of these animals.
             This program has been developed to cater for mixed year level groups; groups wanting a general
             overview on marine conservation or a specific animal; and student groups from a different learning area
             than those covered in our standard curriculum based education programs (for example an English class
Fact Sheet
             writing a persuasive essay on the topic of marine conservation).

                          Stay & Play Package
             • One night’s accommodation in a Resort room
Capacity     •	All-you-can-eat buffet breakfast in the Shoreline Restaurant
10 - 100+    •	Dinner at the Shoreline Restaurant all-you-can-eat nightly buffet
             • Pre-organised night activities
             • Full use of the resort’s facilities


                                                Newton’s Rollercoaster
                                 The Year 10 science curriculum explores the major branches of sciences, investigating them in different
                                 scales and unifying them to allow a generalised understanding of scientific phenomena. Within Year 10
           Capacity              science, one of the major branches is the study of the physical sciences. Within this unit, students will
           20 - 100              explore the concept of energy conservation and how energy is transferred and transformed within a
                                 system. Students also explore the relationship between mass, acceleration and force and apply these
                                 relationships to explain and justify a change in motion to an object with reference to Newtonian forces,
                                 and careful consideration and reference to the Australian Curriculum, Year 10 science students who
          Full Day               partake in this physics program will experience Newtonian forces, laws of motion in the application of
         or Half Day
                                 the thrill rides offered at Warner Bros. Movie World.
         Inclusions              Students will collect evidence in the form of personal observations and the systematic collection and
                                 recording of various types of data such as acceleration and height to determine whether the thrill rides
                                 offered at Warner Bros. Movie World comply with the foundational laws of physics. The experience will
                                 include a workbook for students to complete within the park, a constructed assignment task sheet and
     Student Workbook
                                 criteria sheet compliant with the Australian Curriculum and relevant exercises and resources for use
                                 after the completion of this program.

                                 Alignment with the Australian Curriculum                            -	Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital
        Teacher Aids                                                                                    technologies, to collect and record data systematically
                                                                                                        and accurately (ACSIS200)
         Answer Sheet            Science Understanding
                                                                                                   • Processing and analysing data and information
      Program Overview           • Physical sciences
                                                                                                     -	Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions
          Assessment               -	Energy conservation in a system can be explained
                                                                                                        that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS204)
           task sheet                 by describing energy transfers and transformations
                                                                                                   • Evaluating
          Extended                                                                                   -	Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of
        Response Task              -	The motion of objects can be described and predicted
                                                                                                        uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and
                                      using the laws of physics (ACSSU229)
         Checklist for                                                                                  describe specific ways to improve the quality of the
        submitting ERT           Science as a Human Endeavour                                           data (ACSIS205)
                                 • Use and influence of science                                      -	Critically analyse the validity of information in primary
                                   -	People use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they          and secondary sources, and evaluate the approaches
                                      accept claims, explanations or predictions, and advances          used to solve problems (ACSIS206)
                                      in science can affect people’s lives, including generating   • Communicating
     Marking Criteria
                                      new career opportunities (ACSHE194)                            -	Communicate scientific ideas and information for a
        Knowledge and
                                   -	Values and needs of contemporary society can influence            particular purpose, including constructing evidence-
                                      the focus of scientific research (ACSHE230)                       based arguments and using appropriate scientific
          Investigative          Science Inquiry Skills                                                 language, conventions and representations (ACSIS208)
           processes             • Questioning and predicting
                                   -	Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be
        Evaluating and
          conclusion                  investigated scientifically (ACSIS198)
                                 • Planning and conducting
        *A per student fee         -	Plan, select and use appropriate investigation types,
      applies to this program.
                                      including field work and laboratory experimentation, to
                                      collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical
                                      issues associated with these methods (ACSIS199)

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