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                                                                                               HUNTINGTON NY 11743
                                  SUMMER 2022 (JUN –SEPT) • VOL XXII • ISSUE 2                    PERMIT NO. 275

                                                                                 POSTAL CUSTOMER


                                                                                    PRESENTING SPONSOR:

From the executive Director
        Arts Cultural News                                                                            of Huntington whose backing allows
                                                                                                      us to present the Huntington Summer
                                                                                                                                                        I'm looking forward to this next year
                                                                                                                                                        and experiencing this community grow,
        SUMMER 2022                                                                                   Arts festival and publish this Arts and           and seeing the Huntington Arts Council
                                                                                                      Cultural News. New York State Council             rededicate ourselves to you. HAC's
         Table of Contents                                                                            on the Arts continues to entrust us with          team will be working on a professional
         4 huntington summer                                                                          the invaluable regrant program year               development program and see an
           arts Festival                                                                              after year. Our a partner school districts
                                                                                                                                                        increase in funding for REGRANTS both
         6 arts in education                                                                          within the JOURNEY program continue to
                                                                                                                                                        at your suggestion. We will continue
        10 Gallery events                                                                             entrust us to supply cultural learning with
        12 Grants                                                                                                                                       to present the Summer Arts Festival
                                                                                                      visiting artists, discovery chests and CTLE
        15 event Listing                                                                                                                                with FREE family friendly, all-inclusive
                                                                                                      teacher training. As always, we need to
                                                                                                      recognize our Suffolk County legislators          entertainment as requested by you.
         Visit our Gallery                                                                            for their continued support of our many
                                                                                                                                                        HAC is your local, community based,
        213 Main Street, Huntington NY                                                                programs.
                                                                                                                                                        arts agency, and we are dedicated to
        631-271-8423                             Kieran Johnson
                                                                                                      We have been united with new                      you. So please come down to the Main
                                                 Executive Director
        hours:                                                                                        community partners like Michael Smith             Street Gallery at 213 main Street for
                                                 Huntington Arts Council
        Tues - Fri 11am - 4pm                                                                         and his team at The Agency to present             a conversation, sign up for our social
        (and by arrangement)                     Hello Community,                                     artists such as Joseph Santarpia. For the         media to see what's coming up next,
        Sat/Sun - tbd                                                                                 last year, Lielu has continued to feature         and where will be throughout the island.
                                                 As I begin my first year as the new
        Please call in advance                                                                        an HAC artist member quarterly in their           This summer make sure to "never miss a
                                                 Executive Director of the Huntington
                                                                                                      upstairs dining room. Recently we've              Sunday show" in Heckscher Park at the
                                                 Arts Council, entering the 59th year                                                                            been working with Lithology Brewery and
                                                 of programming, and 57th annual                                                                        Harry Chapin Rainbow Stage.
        Follow @HuntingtonArts on                                                                     Colored Colors on a very fun project with
                                                 Huntington Summer Arts festival, I think
        Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!                                                             custom canned designs commissioning               I look forward to seeing everyone out and
                                                 it's important to restate our commitment
                                                                                                      local artists. These past couple of               enjoying the arts in this community that
                                                 to the community, and build upon past
                                                                                                      months we have been fortunate to offer            HAC shares with you.
 To Donate:                                      and future partnerships across Long
                                                 Island.                                              Next Chapter LI our gallery to assist an
        Go to                                                                      independent bookstore to reopen in the
        and click “Donate.”                      We've seen continued support from                    Huntington Village after the closure of           Kieran Johnson
                                                 long time partnerships such as the Town              Book Revue.                                       Executive Director, Huntington Arts Council

        Arts Cultural News is published
        three times a year by the Huntington
        Arts Council, Inc. and is made
        possible, in part, with public funds                                 anthony                                                                                        Charlotte Paula
        from the New York State Council
                                                                             LaMarca                                                                                        Koons, a beloved
        on the Arts, Suffolk County, the
                                                                             Suburban                                                                                       member of the
        Town of Huntington, corporations,
                                                                             Art League’s                                                                                   community
        foundations, and individuals. The
        Huntington Arts Council gratefully
                                                                             (SAL) president,                                                                               recently passed
        acknowledges the support of Town                                     and artist in                                                                                  away. A longtime,
        Supervisor Edmund J. Smyth and                                       his own right,                                                                                 devoted teacher
        Council members Eugene Cook,                                         passed away                                                                                    in the Northport
        Joan Cergol, Dr. Dave Bennardo                                       suddenly in                                                                                    School District, her
        and Salvatore Ferro and the Suffolk                                  September.                                                                                     accomplishments
        County Delegation of the New York                                    As a tribute                                                                                   and dedication to
        State Assembly and Senate and the        Anthony LaMarca             to a man who                                                                                   the arts and her
        Suffolk County Council members.
                                                 was instrumental in bringing arts into the                                                                                 local community are
                                                 community SAL had a memorial event                                                                                         well documented.
                                                 in Tony’s honor. Funds raised during this                                                                                  Charlotte’s vibrancy
                                                 tribute will be dedicated to an Anthony                  Charlotte P. Koons (center) with Friends                          for life was evident
                                                 LaMarca Life Tribute cash award which will               in all she did. HAC was privileged to know her. As a long time member she was
        The Huntington Arts Council is a         be given at SAL’s annual member exhibits                 an active volunteer, panelist, note taker and frequently attended our events.
        501(c)(3) not for profit organization.   in Tony’s memory. HAC has fond memories                  Charlotte’s generosity to the HAC staff was filled with surprises when we all went to
                                                 of Tony and we always enjoyed our phone                  see her perform at the Bare Bones Theater, just to find out that she had treated us to
        To include a bequest to the              conversations with him detailing the                     the tickets!
        Huntington Arts Council in your
                                                 variety of artist’s opportunities he was so
        will, add “I give to Huntington
        Arts Council, Inc., with offices at      proud to provide to our local communities.                Anthony and Charlotte will be greatly missed.
        213 Main St, Huntington, NY 11743,
        a general bequest of $[amount] to
        be used for its exempt purposes.”
                                                 sTaFF                                                                   BoarD oF DireCTors
        For information on advertising
        contact Sheila Alyskewycz,               Kieran Johnson            Patty eljaiek          Maureen h. starr        Kenneth o. Britt, esq.   Kasmira Mohanty             Dr. nichelle rivers
        Advertising Director                      Executive Director        Grants Assistant       Director of Public      President                Member at Large            ex officio:                                                                 Relations &                                                                 Dr. Kay hutchins sato
                                                                                                                          Kit sullivan             Paul Biedermann
        631-659-3370                             John Chicherio            sueeyGutierrez          Marketing
                                                                                                                           Vice President          eileen Kathryn Boyd          Immediate Past
                                                   Performing Arts          Arts in Education
                                                                                                                                                   Katerina i. Duarte, esq.     President
                                                   Director                 Coordinator                                   Joshua Kreitzman
        Printed by:                                                                                                                                Marc Franchi                sandy Chapin
        Richner Printing Services                                                                                           Treasurer
                                                 Emily Dowd                sarah J. McCann                                                         andrea M. Gordon             Arts in Education
        Michael Karff                                                                                                     Jose Tutiven             John henry
                                                  Grants                    Gallery &                                                                                           Chairperson
        2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530
        516-569-4000 ext. 288                     Coordinator               Operations Director                             Secretary              ahmad Khan

2 | Arts Cultural News                           SUMMER 2022 | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
From the Supervisor
                                               that there are many free and low-cost            on Tuesdays, we have new recreational          summer offerings. Check the listings in
                                               opportunities for cultural enrichment and        fun planned for residents and families,        this newspaper or visit www.Heckscher.
                                               entertainment close to home, starting            including musical entertainment and a          org for more information.
                                               with the free Summer Concert Series in           cultural program beloved by families
                                               Heckscher Park. A perennial favorite,            – the free “Movies” series hosted by           These are highlights of just a few of the
                                               Huntington’s Summer Arts Festival –              the Town, which will expand to new             most popular offerings. For additional
                                               now in its 57th year – has performances          locations! A complete listing of the dates,    listings of diverse cultural opportunities
                                               scheduled weekly, Tuesday through                locations, and scheduled movies can be         throughout the Town browse the pages of
                                               Sunday, from June 24th through August            found in this newspaper or by calling          this newspaper and discover the cultural
                                               7th on Heckscher Park’s Chapin Rainbow           our Department of Parks and Recreation         treasures in your own “backyard.”
                                               Stage, with additional Thursday evening          at 631-351-3089. Follow the Town of                                        Sincerely yours,
                                               concerts by the Northport Community              Huntington and our Department of
                                               Band at the Robert W. Krueger Bandstand          Parks and Recreation on social media for
                                               in Village Park in Northport.                    exciting updates! Also be sure to make
Edmund J. Smyth                                                                                 your way to Heckscher Museum, one of                                     Edmund J. Smyth
                                               Kicking off Friday, June 24th with jazz          the great gems here in Town for their
Supervisor Town of Huntington                                                                                                                                 Supervisor, Town of Huntington
                                               vocalist Cyrille Aimee, the 2022 Summer
Dear Friends,                                  Arts Festival presents a family show
                                               every Tuesday, with a variety of acts            huntington town Council
Welcome to “Long Island’s Cultural             from the Huntington Folk Festival on July
Capital!” The Town of Huntington takes         16th featuring Paula Cole and Sophie
great pride in being the home to artists and   B. Hawkins, to Women in Jazz Week
musicians, as well as great cultural events    July 19th through July 24th, Swingtime
like our Summer Concert Series at the          Big Band on July 31st, closing out with
Chapin Rainbow Stage in Heckscher Park.        the country swing stylings of Bumper
                                               Jacksons on August 7trh.
Summer is a season that is always full of
arts and cultural activities, and the Town     In addition to the Summer Arts Festival’s        EugEnE Cook             Joan CErgol            dr. davE BEnnardo      SalvatorE FErro
of Huntington helps to ensure                  regular “Family Night” performances              Town Councilman         Town Councilwoman      Town Councilman        Town Councilman

Staff news
                                                                 Congratulations                                      HAC welcomes                                        HAC welcomes
                                                                 to HAC’s Sarah                                       Patty Eljaiek as                                    Sueey gutierrez
                                                                 J. mcCann on a                                       Grants Assistant                                    as our Arts
                                                                 well-deserved                                        working with                                        in Education
                                                                 recognition as a                                     Emily Dowd on                                       Coordinator.
                                                                 high-level, female                                   our Grants for                                      Sueey, a New
                                                                 business leader                                      the Arts Program.                                   York-based
                                                                 making an impact on                                  Patty is “thrilled                                  artist born
                                                                 Long Island, at the                                  to be joining HAC,                                  and raised in
                                                                 Herald Community                                     an organization                                     Brooklyn, was
                                                                                              Patty Eljaiek
                                                                 Newspapers’                                          that supports and                                   an Art Educator
                                                                 Third Annual 2022            empowers artists and arts organizations”.        Sueey Gutierrez            for the Barry
                                                                 Premier Business             Patty works at the intersection of art,          & Florence Friedberg JCC and Success
                                                                 Women of Long                ideas, and practical implementation.             Academy Charter Schools. Sueey’s family
                                                                 Island Awards. We            Through her work with organizations              is Salvadoran of Mayan descent, and her
                                                                 are thrilled to have         such as Community Change and the                 art is highly influenced by her cultural
                                                                 someone of Sarah’s           Center for Educational Innovation,               background. By the age of 6 she had
Sarah J. McCann, Stuart Richner, CEO/Publisher                   caliber representing         she has fostered partnerships with               received a scholarship to study art at
Richner Communications, Inc., Judy Gross, Honoree/Host           HAC.                         community organizations and schools              the Brooklyn Museum. Her BA degree is
                                                                                              to develop/implement arts integrated             from the Fashion Institute of Technology.
HAC is also happy to announce Sarah’s promotion to Gallery & Operations Director.             curriculum and mentor youth. Patty is            Sueey’s work can be found in private
This newly created position builds on both her prior role as Business Manager as              a graduate of the School of Visual Arts          collections around the world and she is
well as her creative expertise and passion for the arts. Sarah holds a BFA in Fashion         and continues to exhibit her own artwork         a member of the Art Juror Panel for Old
and MA in Business Design and Arts Leadership from Savannah College of Art and                that reflects her experience as a first          Bethpage Village Restoration.
Design.                                                                                       generation American immigrant.

thank you to our Sponsors!
the agency northshore
                                                korg uSa, Inc                                   re:dESIgn                                      Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone
Canon u.S.a., Inc.
                                                law offices of katerina I. duarte               Samson/hartke                                  Suffolk County legislators
Connolly music
                                                leilu huntington                                Suffolk County department of Economic            Stephanie Bontempi
Colored Colors                                  len marks Photography
                                                                                                   development & Planning                        tom donnelly
d’addario                                       lithology Brewing Company                                                                        manuel Esteban
digho                                           the long Island Community Foundation            tElEFunkEn Elektroakustik
                                                                                                                                               ny State Senate James gaughran
Folk music Society of huntington                mid atlantic art Foundation (maaF)              town of huntington
                                                                                                                                               ny State assembly Steven Stern
gBv Printing Services                           music Performance trust Fund                    Elected officials
huntington Fine arts                            new york State Council on the arts              town Supervisor Edmund J. Smyth
konig & meyer                                   the realist                                        & town Council

                                For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER 2022                    Arts Cultural News | 3
Huntington’s Cultural Mainstay                                                                                                                        the 24th is DIVA Five Play a quintet rooted in
                                                                                                                                                      the jazz tradition, fueled and inspired by the
                                                                                                                                                      members’ collective, creative vision to swing
The 57th Huntington Summer Arts Festival           community and L.I. than ever before. This                                                          through the twenty-first century.
will once again feature an abundance               year’s Festival will not only entertain, but
of exceptional music, dance and theatre            also provide a strong sense of community                                                           A shared-bill evening of Country/Crossover
performances by masterful artists both             as we come together to enjoy FREE live                                                             with stars Miko Marks and her band, plus The
regional, and from around the U.S. & the           entertainment at the Chapin Rainbow Stage                                                          Abrams (brothers James & John) arrives on
World. The 2022 Festival which runs from           in Huntington. Please go to page 19 for                                                            July 28. On July 30 Plaza Theatrical presents
June 24 through August 7th feels somehow           the full list of performances detailed in a                                                        Tick, Tick…Boom! - a semi-autobiographical
more vital and important to the Huntington         convenient calendar format.                                                                        musical by Jonathan Larson, recently
                                                                                                                                                      adapted for the screen and directed by
                                                                                                                                                      Lin-Manuel Miranda. Classical music fans
                                                                                                                                                      will be amazed by the emerging All-Star
Opening weekend features three great                                                                                                                  talents Rieko Tsuchida & Maximillian Morel
evenings: the truly innovative and                                                                                                                    from the Oyster Bay Music Festival on July
incandescent Cyrille Aimee will astound                                                                                                               29. Swingtime Big Band returns July 31
you with her vocal gymnastics on                                                                                                                      with a program of big band favorites. And
June 24; followed by Plaza Theatrical’s                                                                                                               don’t miss Orchestra L.I. on August 6 with
production of the iconic Lerner &                                                                                                                     conductor David Stewart Wiley.
Loewe musical Camelot on June 25;
                                                                                                   Kandace Springs by Robby Klein                     Five Tuesday evenings will feature live Family
and concluding with the Symphonic
                                                                                                                                                      performances starting at 7:00 PM, so pack a
Pops of L.I. with conductor Stephen                                                                We celebrate Women In Jazz with a full week        picnic and gather up the kids for this always
Michael Smith on Sunday, June 26.                                                                  (July 19 thru 24th ) of concerts featuring         popular and entertaining series. June 28
These performances, as with most of                                                                some of the most talented female artists           come at 6:15 PM for a pre-show workshop
the festival start at 8:00 PM.                                                                     & band leaders you’ll find anywhere. Lucy          with Sonia De Los Santos. Sonia tours the
                                                                                                   Kalantari & The Jazz Cats kick things off with     world, singing in English and Spanish, playing
Powerhouse lyric tenor Anthony
                                                                                                   a Family show on Tuesday, July 19. Vickie          guitar and lighting up the stage every place
Nunziata will enthrall with a program of
                                                                                                   Henson, the new Director of the Huntington         she goes. Although there is no performance
Broadway & Great American Songbook
                                                                                                   Community Band, has promised a special             on July 5, Wednesday, July 6 at 8:00 PM The
favorites plus his own heartfelt tunes
                                                                                                   jazz program on Wednesday, July 20. July 21        Huntington Community Band will celebrate
on July 2, followed by a reinvention of
                                                                                                   features a streetwise New York City native         All Things Kids!, including music from Harry
Gilbert & Sullivan’s timeless The Mikado
on July 3. Dizzy Gillespie’s Afro-Latin                                                            born and raised in Washington Heights              Potter, Star Wars, Casey At The Bat, and Peter
Experience will get you dancing to                                                                 Lakecia Benjamin & Pursuance paying                & The Wolf, and a special performance of
Afro-Cuban rhythms on July 9. The High Cyrille Aimee                                               homage to the music of John & Alice Coltrane.      “Old Grumbly Bear” featuring Tim Eckstrum
Kings from Dublin Ireland will delight                                                             Come early for a pre-concert “Conversation         on tuba, plus the winner of HCB’s Student
Celtic music fans on July 15. The 16th Huntington Folk Festival on July 16, a collaboration with   with the Artist” with Dan Bilawski, Music Dept.    Solo Competition, and the chance for a
the Folk Music Society of Huntington, will feature afternoon showcases, song-swaps (Noon           Coordinator at Harborfields CSD and noted Jazz     young audience member to conduct a
-5:00 PM) and an outstanding evening with Paula Cole & Sophie B. Hawkins. Eastline Theatre         journalist – 6:15 PM. On July 22 we welcome        favorite march. Tuesday July 12 L.I. Spotlight
Co. brings William Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona to the stage on July 17.                  Bria Skonberg a trailblazing trumpeter,            Artist, Darlene Graham & The Shades Of
                                                                                                   vocalist and songwriter described as “one of       Green Band perform music filled with fun
Several visiting artists exemplify a rich spirit of inclusion. Alsarah & The Nubatones on July     the most versatile and imposing musicians of       upbeat lyrics and rhythm that inspire families
7 with their enchanting East-African Retro Pop; Oran Etkin’s Open Arms Project on July 14          her generation” (Wall Street Journal). July 23     to move, sing, and dance. July 19 features
that grew out of this talented and sensitive reed player’s musical explorations with masters       features Kandace Springs, and once she starts      Lucy Kalantari as part of Women in Jazz
from around the world; and American Patchwork Quartet, on August 5, the latest project of          singing, it's pretty clearher music exists apart   as noted above. July 26, all time favorite
GRAMMY® winner Clay Ross (Ranky Tanky) and three kindred spirits that dives deep into              from the normal rules that govern space,           “How I Became A Pirate” by Plaza Theatrical
Americana/Roots traditions.                                                                        time, and talent. Closing out the week on                                        continued on page 5

4 | Arts Cultural News                             SUMMER 2022 | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
Productions is a fantastic musical excursion     Could Three-time Grammy® nominee Brady
the whole family will love. Closing out the      Rymer makes joyful, rootsy rock ‘n’ roll for
Family series on August 2 is L.I. Spotlight      kids and families                                                                                 Huntington Arts Council and The
Artist! Brady Rymer & The Little Band That                                                                                                         Heckscher Museum of Art will be
                                                                                                                                                   collaborating again this year to
                                                                                                                                                   present a visual arts component to
                                                                                                                                                   the Huntington Summer Arts Festival.
                                                                                                                                                   Details will be available on our

L.I. Dance Consortium - Photo by Darin Reed
Local ensembles that have formed the             The Huntington Summer Arts Festival
foundation of the Festival for years will        is produced by the Town of Huntington,
all perform, including the Huntington            presented by the Huntington Arts Council.
Community Band under the baton of new            We thank the Town Supervisor and the Town
Director Vickie Hansen, and Northport            Council for their steadfast support. We
Community Band (see pg 18 for details) each      work closely with the Town of Huntington in
performing five concerts; Long Island Dance       planning the region’s most varied Festival
Consortium with two evenings of dance, Sol       of free performances. Special thanks to                Melodious Memories by Tiffany Asadourian
y Sombra with an evening of Spanish Dance;       the Dept. of Parks & Recreation, General
                                                                                                        In our efforts to expand the visual arts component of the HSAF will be bringing
the Nassau Pops Symphony Orchestra; great        Services and Public Safety for their efforts
                                                                                                        back last years “Fence Project”. A series of large banners will be displayed
choral works from The Huntington Men’s           and logistical support. Thank you to the
                                                                                                        around the perimeter of the enclosed audience viewing area. The banners will
Chorus, and the Island Hills Chorus & Twin       County of Suffolk and its Office of Cultural
                                                                                                        feature work from our artists’ members who submitted festival inspired pieces
Shores Chorus.                                   Affairs, New York State Council on the Arts,
                                                                                                        for our cover call for the summer issue of our Arts Cultural News. Able to only
                                                 and to Canon USA for its continued support
The Festival wraps up with the rollicking                                                               include one piece on the cover, the “Fence Project” enables us to share these
                                                 as Presenting Sponsor.
Country Swing/Americana/Roots                                                                           vibrant, exciting pieces with the public.
shenanigans of the Bumper Jacksons on
                                                                             continued on page 18
Sunday, August 7.

                                   H S A F S

                                 For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER                         ARTS CULTURAL NEWS | 5
Arts in Education JOURNEY
The Huntington Arts Council’s JOURNEY
Arts in Education Program has been
                                               districts and available to other teachers
                                               in New York State for a fee of $50.00. Go
                                                                                               Primary, Southdown Primary and
                                                                                               Jefferson Primary. This program explored         Discovery
working with local school districts to
support cultural arts programs in schools
                                               to for information and
                                               class registration.
                                                                                               the lives of the 19th century whalers and
                                                                                               the importance of whaling in American
since 1985. Our 8 partner school districts                                                                                                     Discovery Chests include google slides
                                                                                               history, especially on Long Island. The
schedule artist presentations, borrow         VISITING ARTISTS
                                                                                               third grade students learned the how,           containing artifact descriptions and
discovery chests, participate in the          Partner schools are allocated funds to                                                           internet resources. With more than 30
                                                                                               why, and when of whale hunting through
exclusive student art exhibition – High       book Visiting Artists representing a variety                                                     physical discovery chests on hand and
                                                                                               this virtual exploration of the Cold Spring
Arts Showcase and our CTLE teacher            of cultures for workshops, residencies and                                                       10 different world cultures represented.
professional development courses. This                                                         Harbor Whaling Museum’s galleries. The
                                              assembles in their schools.                                                                      Partner schools have continued to take
year our partner districts were Cold                                                           students examined nautical artifacts and
                                                                                                                                               advantage of these loans through the
Spring Harbor, Commack, Harborfields,          Virtual Whalers and Whaling Program with         the need for whale conservation today.          end of the school year.
Huntington, Kings Park, Northport-East        Scrimshaw Box Craft by Cold Spring Harbor        The students tried carving a scrimshaw
Northport, Plainview-Old Bethpage and         Whaling Museum was recently presented            box, based on the classic folk craft of
South Huntington.                             at Washington Primary, Flower Hill               whalers.                                        High Arts
HAC is a sponsor for New York State                                                                                                            In March the exclusive student art
Department of Education and provides                                                                                                           exhibition, High Arts Showcase XVIII,
CTLE (Continuing Teaching and Learning                                                                                                         presented a superb body of work
Education) hours as required for                                                                                                               from 11th and 12th grade students in
teaching certificate holders in New York                                                                                                        our JOURNEY partner schools. These
State. These professional development                                                                                                          students learn firsthand what is involved
opportunities embody the goals of the                                                                                                          in a gallery exhibition; from submitting
JOURNEY Program that strive to promote                                                                                                         entries and writing an artist statement to
cultural appreciation in schools through                                                                                                       titling, framing and pricing their artwork.
the arts.                                                                                                                                      Four pieces of artwork sold during the
                                                                                                                                               exhibition with full proceeds going to the
This fall CTLE workshops will be offered
                                                                                                                                               student. Congratulations to the students
in October/November of 2022. The
                                                                                                                                               that presented their work and to those
workshops are free for our partner school      Mr. Edward’s 3rd grade class at Flower Hill
                                                                                                                                               that were awarded honors.

                                                                                                                                               For questions and information on
VISITING ARTISTS                                                                                                                               JOURNEY contact, sgutierrez@
Icons of the Hindu Texts as Superheroes
by Anu Annam was presented virtually at
Plainview - Old Bethpage Middle School.

Ancient Indian epics offer a dramatic
tapestry of engaging mythology, ripe
with characters possessing divine
                                                                                                                                                 Made possible with support from the
powers. These stories imbue the
                                                                                                                                                 Long Island Community Foundation
culture with its values, similar to how
Superhero lore reflects and shapes
American culture. This workshop is a
synergy of Superhero comics, Hindu             Mr. Poplawski, 5th grade Art class
                                                                                                                                               The Huntington Arts Council offers work
religious texts and the power of art as        ethics, making them relatable and easily                                                        experience and volunteer opportunities
a learning tool. It harnesses students'        comprehensible to the American student.                                                         for students year-round. College and
interest in Superhero stories and the
                                                                                                                                               high school students may apply for
comic medium to introduce the Hindu            “Each of the two programs were great.
                                                                                                                                               internships to gain valuable work
texts through comparative study.               The students loved to receive a one-on-
                                                                                                                                               experience or as “student volunteers” to
Through an interactive presentation            one feel through the zoom workshop. The
                                                                                                                                               assist with general office tasks. Please
and a teacher-led art project, concepts        ability for them to feel as if the artist was
                                                                                                                                               check our website for current internship
such as Reincarnation, Ahimsa, Moksha,         teaching them personally inspired them
                                                                                                                                               opportunities. Questions, contact:
Dharma and Karma - influential tenets of        much more than a live in class workshop.
Hindu Indian culture - will be compared        I can't wait to schedule more for the           Brush Painting
and contrasted with Western Superhero          future.” - Daniel Poplawski, Art Teacher
                                                                                               Chinese Calligraphy and Brush Painting
                                                                                               by Sungsook Setton at Plainview - Old
                                                                                               Bethpage Middle School.

                                                                                               In this virtual program students worked
                                                                                               closely with this master brush painter.
                                                                                               The artist engaged students in discussion
                                                                                               of the properties of paper, ink, water and
                                                                                               simple philosophy of Chinese painting
                                                                                               technique. Students learned to create in
                                                                                               this great tradition and brought home
                                                                                               multiple artworks and understanding
                                          SURPRISE SOMEONE WITH THE PERFECT GIFT
                                                                                               of the differences between Asian art
                                       PREPAID CAR WASH GIFT CARDS MAKE GREAT GIFTS!
                                                                                               techniques and Western.

6 | ARTS CULTURAL NEWS                        SUMMER  | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
Scholarships Awards 2022                                                                       Supporting Business Members
Benjamin Schlaich of                                                                           • The Maria and Donna Team /                                      • Huntington Township Chamber of
Northport High School/                                                                           Compass Real Estate, 16A Wall Street,                              Commerce, 164 Main St., Huntington.
LIHSA is the 2022 recipient                                                                      Huntington, NY 11743, 631-327-2912,                                NY 11743, 631-423-6100,
of The Joan Aboff Memorial                                                             ,                                 
Art Scholarship. His winning                                                           
digital work “Meld” is
                                                                                                 anddonna-team/                                                  • Melville Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                                                                                                                    585 Broadhollow Road, Melville,
featured here.                                                                                 • Go Latino, Mortgage Brokers, vianny.                               NY 11747, 631-777-6260,
Benjamin’s statement in part
states, “Art has allowed me                                                                    • Family Medical Practice of Long Island                          • Leilu Huntington, 10 New Street,
to look at the things around                                                                     Pc, 20 Tollgate Dr East Northport,                                 Huntington, NY 11743, 631-944-3111,
me from new perspectives.                                                                        NY 11731, 631-786-5692                                   
Before I learned art, all
                                                                                               • Huntington Art Center, 11 Wall St.,                             • iSchool of Music and Art,
I knew was myself, but I                                                                         Huntington, NY 11743, 631-423-6010,                                (516) 802-5885,
did not know my voice. I                                                                                              ,
knew how to speak, but                                                                                                                                    
never how to express                                                                           • Huntington Fine Arts, 266 Pulaski Road,
                                                                                                 Greenlawn, NY 11740 , 631-351-4060,
myself truly…Learning to
create has allowed me to
be brave, and a more well-
rounded communicator.                                                                          Creative Business Members
Art is the ultimate form of
communication, as it shows
                                                                                                • Spotlight at the Paramount, 12 Wall                            • The Firefly Artists, 162 Main Street,
                                  Meld by Benjamin Schlaich                                      Street, Huntington, NY 11743,                                      Northport, NY 11768, 631-921-5206,
values, perspectives, and                                                                        631-673-7300,                        
opinions all in one large chunk. And this willingness to communicate at such a level
with anyone who can participate in the artwork is incredibly fascinating to me…I want           • Cuentos de Triadas, https://                                   • The Gallery @, 51 Gibson Ave,
to be able to make an impact and remind people of the wonders of the things around     ,                                             Huntington, NY 11743,
                                                                                                                                631-320-2490, thegalleryattattoo@
them. ”
This is a visual arts scholarship for a 4 week session to Usdan; Summer Camp for the Arts
                                                                                                • Digho, 376 New York Ave, Suite 4,                       
                                                                                                 Huntington, NY, 11743, 631-629-5806,
for 11th and 12th grade students living in the town of Huntington. The scholarship is  
funded by the Aboff family.
                                                                                                • One River School Woodbury, 150
The dance scholarship winners, one each for the Rea Jacob Scholarship and the                    Woodbury Road Woodbury, NY 11797,
Sandi Bloomberg Scholarship will be announced shortly. For more information on the               516-268-3566, www.woodbury.
scholarship program go to                                      

    Top 10 Reasons Maria and Donna Love Huntington Township:
                                                                                                  1. The Huntington Arts Council
                                                                                                  2. The Parks
                                                                                                  3. The Food
                                                                                                  4. The Shopping
                                                                                                  5. The Beaches
                                                                                                  6. The Theatres
                                                                                                  7. The Culture
                                                                                                  8. Huntington Villages
                                                                                                  9. The Neighborhoods
                                                                                                  10. Home to our Compass office

                                                                                                 Maria Lanzisero
                                                                                                 Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
                                                                                                 Founding Agent of Compass Huntington
                                                                                                 M: 631.327.2912

                                                                                                  Donna Spinoso-Gelb
                                                                                                  Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
                                                                                                  Founding Agent of Compass Huntington
                                                                                                  M: 631.383.9920

                                                                                                  Maria Lanzisero and Donna Spinoso-Gelb are Licensed Associate Real Estate Brokerss affiliated with Compass. Compass is
                                                                                                  a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. 16A Wall Street, Huntington, NY

                               For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER 2022                                               Arts Cultural News | 7
Community Partnerships                                                                         Lithology Brewing
                                                                                               Company, Huntington
                                                                                               Arts Council, and
                                                                                               Colored Colors held a
                                                                                               call to commission an
                                                                                               artist can for the June
                                                                                               3 release of Lithology’s
                                                                                               Summer Colors. The
                                                                                               inspiration for the
                                                                                               design was to pull from
                                                                                               the three partners' core
                                                                                               values of Inclusivity,
                                                                                               Opportunity, and
                                                                                               Community. It was a
                                                                                               competitive open call,
                                                                                               with a public vote for      Lithology Brewing Co.
                                                                                               the design with over
                                                                                               600 participants.Thank you to Colored Colors and Lithology for this opportunity to support
                                                                                               both local nonprofits and artists. A portion of net proceeds from the sale of Summer Colors
The Next Chapter pop up in our Main Street Gallery
                                                                                               will be donated to the Huntington Arts Council, benefiting our general programming.
Many people were disappointed at the           weeks, Next Chapter LI has had a pop-up         Come down June 3rd to Lithology Brewery in Farmingdale, 211a Main Street, Farmingdale,
closing of Book Revue last year, a place       bookstore in our Main Street Gallery on         NY 11735 to see who won!
embedded in the cultural landscape of          weekends, bringing in hundreds of people
Huntingdon village. When HAC heard of          to support our local economy. We look
Next Chapter LI (spearheaded by Mallory        forward to supporting Next Chapter until                                                                               HAC continues to
Braun) taking up the mantle to have an         they find a new brick and mortar location.
                                                                                                                                                                      partner with Leilu
independent bookstore in Huntington            Follow Next Chapter LI, Book Review and
                                                                                                                                                                      Huntington as hosts
Village, we wanted to do all we could          HAC on social media to confirm dates/
to support them. For the last several          times of the pop-up.                                                                                                   of our Artist Member
                                                                                                                                                                      Spotlight presented
                                                                                                                                                                      in their upstairs
In April Colored Colors came to HAC                                                                                                                                   dining area. This
when artist, Joseph Santarpia, needed a                                                                                                                               opportunity, free to
space to exhibit his work after a previous                                                                                                                            HAC member artists
opportunity had abruptly fallen through.                                                                                                                              rotates seasonally to
We thought of no better partner than                                                                                                                                  provide local artists’
Michael Smith and our new neighbor
                                                                                                                                                                      exposure to Leilu’s
The Agency. Michael and his team
                                                                                                                                                                      patrons. Leilu owners,
quickly accepted Joseph's work into
their amazing offices at 229 Main Street                                                                                                                              James and Meghan
in Huntington Village. The exhibition                                                                                                                                 LaCourte, natives of
                                                                                               Lielu currently featuring the work of Patty Eljaiek
featured works from Joseph's series,                                                                                                                                  Huntington, have
Bound, Exhaust, and Scope. Joseph is a                                                         a passion for great hospitality. This past year HAC has featured local artists Nicole Franz,
recent graduate of the Stony Brook                                                             Angela Newman AKA Anjipan, Jean Cohn, and now Patty Eljaiek. Leilu is located at 10 New
MFA program. You can find his work at                                                          Street in Huntington Village. For information/reservations go to                     The work of Joseph Santarpia at The Agency        or call 631-944-3111.

Participating Merchants 2022
Our Participating Merchant Program             SCOTT FARRELL PHOTOGRAPHY                       MOROLAY CHILDREN’S BOUTIQUE
is an exclusive member benefit. These          8 Barclay St., Huntington Station, NY 11746     302 New York Ave., Huntington, NY                Performing Arts
establishments offer discounts to                     11743                            PLAZA THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS AT
members when you show your HAC                                                                 SCENTSATIONAL OF HUNTINGTON                      THE SHOWPLACE AT BELLMORE MOVIES
Membership Card. For a list of merchant        Classes                                         259 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743               34 Forest Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563
discounts, go to           ART LEAGUE OF LONG ISLAND                              
For information email development@             107 East Deer Park Rd., Dix Hills, NY 11746                                                      RIDOTTO ARTS ORGANIZATION
                                               LONG ISLAND BALLET THEATRE                      Museum & Historical                              4 Rolling Hills Dr.,
                                               310 New York Ave., Huntington, NY 11743                                                          Huntington Station, NY 11746
Artist Services                      
                                                                                               HECKSCHER MUSEUM OF ART
                                                                                               2 Prime Ave., Huntington, NY 11743
HUNTINGTON ART CENTER                          THE VILLAGE ARTIST                                                                               TILLES CENTER FOR THE
                                               630 New York Ave., Huntington, NY 11743
11 Wall St., Huntington, NY 11743                                                                                                               PERFORMING ARTS
                                                             HUNTINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY                                                                                                                     LIU, Post Campus, Brookville, NY 11548
                                                                                               209 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743
HUNTINGTON FINE ARTS                           Goods                                 
266 E. Pulaski Rd., Greenlawn, NY 11740                                                        NORTHPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY                           BJ SPOKE GALLERY                                                                                 Services
                                                                                               PO Box 545, 215 Main St.,
IMAGE ARTS ETC.                                299 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743              Northport, NY 11768                              ARTISTIC EXPRESSION & DESIGN LTD.
550 New York Ave.,                                                                                         90 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Huntington, NY 11743                           HERSTORY WRITERS WORKSHOP                       WALT WHITMAN BIRTHPLACE STATE                    11724
                                               2539 Middle Country Rd., FL 2,                                                                HISTORIC SITE                                    DR. HOWARD W. SCHNEIDER, DDS PC
                                               Centereach, NY 11720
INDUSTRY LOUNGE & GALLERY                                     246 Old Walt Whitman Rd.,                        153 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743
344 New York Avenue,                                                                           Huntington Station, NY 11746           
                                               LONDON OPTICAL
Huntington, NY 11743                           281 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743                                  MAGIC BEYOND IMAGINATION!                                         WHALING MUSEUM AT                                46 Shady Lane, Huntington, NY 11743
QUALITY PICTURE FRAMING CO. INC.               MAIN STREET NURSERY & FLORIST                   COLD SPRING HARBOR                     
105 Newtown Rd., Plainview, NY 11803           475 West Main St., Huntington, NY 11743         301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor, NY             TALL PINES CHIROPRACTIC                               11724                   270 Deer Park Ave., Dix Hills, NY 11746

8 | Arts Cultural News                         Summer 2022 | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
Artists News                                                                                   Artist Opportunities
                                                   Artist and arts educator Constance          L.I. Arts Council at Freeport - Call for                     when approaching the Emergency
                                                   Sloggatt Wolf shared her passion            Muralist. Submit your concept for a                          Room entrance. Submission deadline
                                                   for printmaking with her students           mural to be created for an outside wall                      for proposal is June 15, 2022. Info at
                                                   at Northport high school. Recently          of Mount Sinai South Nassau. They are               , for prospectus/
                                                   five of her students collaborated,           seeking colorful and innovative artists                      submission guidelines email infoliacf@
                                                   designing and carving together at           to create an inviting, vibrant mural for           , subject line Request for
                                                   a BIG INK event at The Firefly Artist        clients of Mount Sinai South Nassau                          Mural.
                                                   Coop. The results were unveiled
                                                   at the Northport East-Northport
                                                   Board of Education meeting where
                                                   a print is now on permanent display
                                                   in the William J. Brosnan building.
                                                   Constance will also be participating
                                                   in the BIG INK event in July at the
                                                   Heckscher Museum.

                                                   Award-winning, Karen L. Kirshner,
                                                   will be exhibiting in “Spotlight” as
                                                   solo artist, with her largest, exciting
                                                   abstract paintings at the Paramount
                                                   Theater, 370 New York Ave.,
Old Trees at Northport High School                 Huntington, NY June 15-August 1.

                                                               Mary McGrane is proud to        Art League of LI RAM Mural 3/2020
                                                               announce the publication
                                                               of her new book “Monet          The Art League of Long Island Resident                       is online at
                                                               and Me – Adventures in          Artist Membership is an opportunity                          resident-artist-membership. Applications
                                                               Life and Art” on Amazon.        for 4 Long Island based visual and                           accepted through June 30, 2022, online
                                                               The book explores art,          interdisciplinary artists to develop their                   only through Smarter Entry at www.
                                                               including those who             craft at the Art League of Long Island. The        
                                                               have inspired her as a          list of benefits is lengthy. The prospectus
                                                               self-taught artist, and
                                                               describes her childhood
                                                               experiences with Willem                                                                       4'x 6’) will be made available to each
                                                               DeKooning and the                                                                             artist selected.
                                                               Jackson Pollock House in
                                                               the Hamptons. Imagining                                                                      • artists who have uniquely creative
                                                                                                                                                             voices in the form of self-expression.
                                                               herself in Monet’s Garden
                                                                                                                                                             A curated selection of fine artists
                                                               at Giverny, wishing she
                                                                                                                                                             working in any media will be allotted
                                                               were there to watch him
                                                                                                                                                             a booth, approximately 10 x 10 feet, in
                                                               paint, the book burst
                                                                                                                                                             which they are invited to present their
Water Lily by Mary McGrane                                     forth from there.
                                                                                               Patchogue Arts Council (PAC) has three
                                                                                               upcoming artist opportunities for the                        • artists curated from an open call for
                                                  Howie Pohl had three photos in the           Arts on Terry contemporary art street                         PAC Paint Showdown, inspired by
                                                  Winter Palette exhibit at the Fine Line      fair on September 25, 2022. Application                       national painting competitions and
                                                  Creative Arts Center in St. Charles IL,      deadline is June 15, 2020. PAC is seeking:                    drawing events.
                                                  taking home an Honorable Mention
                                                  for Tree in Winter. His photo Little
                                                                                               • street artists and live painters to                        For more information and to enter go
                                                                                                 perform their craft live at the Arts on                    to
                                                  Boxes was displayed at the Art of              Terry festival. Large canvas panels (max                   terry-2022/
                                                  the City exhibit at the Southampton
                                                  Cultural Center. Photo Nobody is
                                                  Left was part of the Rustbelt: REDUX
                                                  exhibit at The Vestige Concept Gallery
                                                  in Pittsburgh. Photos were selected
                                                  for On Cloud 9 by the Firefly Artists
                                                  Group. His Lauder building photos
                                                  appeared at the Art League's Captured
                                                  exhibit andtwo more of Howie's
                                                  photos were selectedfor the Brooklyn
                                                  Waterfront Artists Coalition, The
                                                  Elements exhibition.                                                             Summer Exhibitions:                            Summer Activities:
                                                                                                                          Drawing Matters until June 17                           Self-guided Sculpture Tours
                                                   The Board of Trustees of The                                            Art of the Dogon until July 22                         Let's Explore Backpacks
                                                                                                                                                                                  The Great Art Caper
                                                   Heckscher Museum of Art has
                                                   appointed Heather Arnet, as the
Tree in Winter by Howie Pohl
                                                   organization’s Executive Director and
CEO. “I am excited for the opportunity to join such a passionate and creative staff and
Board of Trustees as we lead The Heckscher Museum of Art into the future,” said Arnet in

                               For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER                                   ARTS CULTURAL NEWS | 9
Gallery Events/Exhibitions
                                                                                                The Art and Soul of a Man
                                                                                                Art by Ebony Thompson
                                                                                                Invitational Solo Show
                                                                                                September 2 – October 15, 2022

                                                                                                Ebony Thompson is an
                                                                                                expressionist from Freetown Sierra
                                                                                                Leone in West Africa. His passion
                                                                                                in communicating the African
                                                                                                experience and encounters at
                                                                                                home and abroad especially in
                                                                                                America has led to representation
                                                                                                of his voice in Art. He uses Art
                                                                                                defined in the form of earth tone
                                                                                                colors on canvas and illustration
                                                                                                boards. Through this he has
                                                                                                reached out to multiple entities to
                                                                                                spark conversation and highlight
                                                                                                various societal issues. (www.
Moonlit Monarchs by Elithia Britt                                                      )           Valiant Woman by Ebony Thompson (ileadbydesign)

Member’s Showcase                               Patty Eljaiek, Clemente Ettrick, Terry Finch,

                                                                                                Call to Artist
Member Artist Opportunity                       Debra Fink, Kathleen Gerlach, Yuwen
June 10- July 9, 2022                           Han, Suzanne Hill, Gerry Hirschstein,
                                                Ron Janssen, EROCKSNY, Susan Kozodoy
Main Street Gallery presents “Members           Silkowitz, Linda Liao, Christophe Lima,
Showcase” the 2022 Huntington Arts              Jeffrey Lindstrom, Lynn Logan Roselli,
Council Artist Members Show. This annual        Norma Malinverno, Jennifer Mariotti,
exhibit is an opportunity exclusively for       Jeanette Martone, Kathleen Massi, Celeste
our artist members, to showcase a piece         Mauro, Mary McGrane, Meagan Meehan,
of their work in our Gallery along with         Paul Mele, Kristen Memoli, Jean M Miller,
their member peers. Artists featured            Roni Murillo, Ann Parry, Howie Pohl, Vivien
are: Cynthia Appold, Tiffany Asadourian,         Pollack, Silvia Maria Rey, Ari Ossur, Robert
Rosaria Bazan-Pepe, Sílvia Soares Boyer,        Schmid, Marcie Serber, Hillary Serota
Chevalier Daniel C. Boyer, Joyce Bressler,      Needle, Valerie Shalit, Sterber Sterber,
Elithia Britt, Lisa L. Cangemi, Maria Casini,   Toxic/Nature Studios, Bob Stuhmer, Ebony
RAFClark, Irene Clark, Caryn Coville,           Thompson (ileadbydesign), Katherine
Johanna Cutolo, Joseph Cutolo, Karen            Trunk, Paul Vermylen III, Pamela Waldroup,
Davis, Ellen DiFazio, Vicki Dollin,             Steve Walker, Joan Weiss, Marie Winn.

Uncommon Threads
Juried Exhibition
                                                                                                Plague Doctor (detail)                    Vulnerability
Juror: Patty Eljaiek
                                                                                                by Lauren La Bella                        by Christophe Lima
July 15- August 27, 2022
                                                                                                Nightmare on Main St                      Exploration of the Human Form
The Huntington Arts                                                                             Juried Student Exhibition                 Juried Exhibition
Council invites artists to                                                                      Juror: Lauren La Bella                    Juror: Christophe Lima
participate in Uncommon                                                                         October 21 – November 12, 2022            November 18, - December 17, 2022
Threads; an exhibition                                                                          Submissions Due: September 28th           Submissions Due: September 26th
with a focus on Fiber Arts
in all its forms. Entries
should include either
fiber-based materials OR
unconventional materials
used in typical fiber
art technique (crochet,
weaving, sewing, felting,
embroidery, etc). Items
should be either modified
                               House Hunting by Patty Eljaiek
or created from scratch.

About the Juror, Patty                          to explore traditional fiber arts to create
Eljaiek: As a mixed media artist Patty          new and evolving work incorporating
                                                                                                Main Street Gallery
exhibits nationwide, in galleries from          repurposed materials. Patty is a graduate
                                                                                                213 Main Street, Huntington NY 11743
New York to California. Her work reflects        of the School of Visual Arts with a BFA
                                                                                      , •
her experience as a first generation             in Illustration. To view some of her work,                                                                     Follow Us On
                                                                                                With additional support from Main St. Benefactor Members
American immigrant focusing on themes           please visit:                  Beth & Charles Levinthal, Dr. Kay Hutchins Sato,
of belonging and identity. She continues                                                        Bette & Paul Schneiderman

10 | ARTS CULTURAL NEWS                         SUMMER  | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
Conversations in the Arts will return in        Previous Conversions in the Arts, are
the early Fall and continue to provide a        available on
platform to bring artists and scholars from     HuntingtonArts/live_videos/ , HAC's
the arts community together to support          podcast feed and these other platforms.
and encourage collaboration and the
exploration of ideas. If you are interested
in curating one of these events please
submit a brief outline and suggested
panelists to         ANCHOR     SPOTIFY     ITUNES      HAC

Arts Leadership Forums, the reimagined          sessions that address a variety of topics
Arts Administrator Forums will return           designed to strengthen and grow the
in the Fall. Topics and locations TBD           capacity of arts organizations on Long
with the ongoing objective of providing         Island.
a series of professional development

About the Cover
                                   Five years ago HAC decided to provide our artist
                                   members with the opportunity to create artwork
                                   representing the Huntington Summer Arts Festival
                                   for the Summer issue of our Arts Cultural News.
                                   This year Marie Winn’s oil painting "Together Again"
                                   was chosen for the cover. “With this piece I hope
                                   to communicate the simple joy of being together
                                   again. I have been waiting with great anticipation
                                   to be surrounded by my multi-faceted community
                                   in the beautiful outdoors, with the sounds of live
                                   music. What we've taken for granted for too long
                                   now will be balm for the soul. I've been working as a
                                   liturgical musician for 55 years now, and I think that
                                   has influenced my oil work, making it very figurative
                                   in nature, since I do paint quite a lot of what I see in
                                   my workings with the church. I am most interested
Marie Winn                         in portraying people, and how they are interacting
                                   with each other in random small moments. When
considering what the outdoor concert season would look like, all I can think about is the
enjoyable 'connected-ness' of the crowd, and how that would look and feel. It’s been so
long since we've had such luxury.” Said Marie.

    Thank you to our volunteers!
     Linda Francy                E Craig Marcin              Kathy Williams-Ging
     Judi Green                  Kristen Memoli              Michelle Yadoo
     Klara Konovalova            Sondra Somin

                      Would you like to be a volunteer?
    Volunteers allow us to keep our gallery open on weekends, help with hospitality
    during events, and assist in the much-needed office work that keeps the business
    running. You can apply to be a volunteer at

               Questions, please contact:

                                For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER    ARTS CULTURAL NEWS | 11
2022 Long Island Grants for the Arts Awardees
            NASSAU COUNTY                       Nicole Loizides Albruzzese                      Islip Arts Council, Inc.                         Quogue Chamber Music
                                                 Gold Coast Dance Festival                        The Immersive Experience at Westfield Mall       Interactive Chamber Music for Kids
Creative Individual                              Glen Cove                                        East Islip                                       Quogue
                                                Oyster Bay Music Festival                       Long Island Dance Consortium                     Ridotto Arts Organization
Candido Crespo,                                  OBMF Young Artists Residency                     A Celebration of Dance
                                                 Oyster Bay                                                                                        Ridotto Spring 2022 Concert Series
 CreativiDAD: The Creative Dad                                                                    East Northport
                                                Symphonic Pops of Long Island                   Long Island Orchestra                              Huntington
 Franklin Square
                                                 Symphonic Pops Live 2022!                        Orchestral Favorites Performed                 Rites of nnnSpring Music Festival, Inc.
Adriana Devers-Rodriguez
                                                 Wantagh                                          Under the Stars                                  2022 Concert Series
 De Mente / Mental                              Uniondale Public Library
 Westbury                                                                                         Melville                                         Southold
                                                 Haitian Resilience                             Long Island Symphonic
Rohini B Ramanathan                                                                                                                              Segundo Orellana
                                                 Uniondale                                      Choral Association (LISCA)
 Indo-Western Classical Music Fusion            Westbury Arts, Inc                                                                                 Community Mural and Art Classes
 Oceanside                                                                                        A Winterlude of Music                            Patchogue
                                                 Be the Color of this World
                                                 Westbury                                         Setauket                                       Smithtown Community Band
Creative Learning                                                                               Montauk Library
                                                Arts Councils: Capacity Building                                                                   American Pop Culture: A Journey
                                                                                                  Seven Sisters Quilt
                                                Westbury Arts, Inc.                               Montauk                                          Through Time
Sonia Arora
                                                                                                Northeast Stage                                    Smithtown
  Rewilding: Native and Invasive Species                   SUFFOLK COUNTY                         Shakespeare in the Park ‘22                    Sol y Sombra Spanish Dance Company
  Port Washington
Elise May                                                                                         Greenport                                        Oye!
  Multicultural Voices: Time Capsule
                                                Creative Individual                             Northport Arts Coalition                           Smithtown
                                                                                                  Young Playwrights Festival                     South Country Concerts
  Port Washington
                                                Elena Faverio                                     Northport                                        Sounds True
Nassau Performing Arts
                                                  118                                           Northport Community Band, The
  Across the Great Atlantis:                                                                                                                       Bellport
                                                  Smithtown                                       2021-2022 Northport Community Band
  New and Old World Music                                                                         Summer Concert Series                          Suffolk County Senior Citizens Chorus dba
  Uniondale                                     Dance Education and The Arts                                                                     The Silver Chords
                                                  Connectics Dance                                East Northport
                                                                                                Oksana Danziger                                    Ruby Jubilee 40th Anniversary Season
Creative Communities                              Medford
                                                                                                  Imprints of Nature                               Nesconset
                                                William Edward Recce                              Huntington                                     Walt Whitman Birthplace Association
Alyson Kantor                                     Estuary Girls                                 OLA of Eastern Long Island
  The Great Gatsby: 100 Years Later                                                                                                                Poetry in Performance: Walking
                                                  Hauppauge                                       OLA's 19th Annual Latino Film Festival           With Whitman
  Massapequa Park                                                                                 of the Hamptons
The Art Guild of Port Washington                                                                                                                   Huntington Station
  CreArtive 2022
                                                Creative Learning                                 Sagaponack
                                                                                                Paige Patterson                                  Arts Councils: Capacity Building
  Manhasset                                     Anupama Annam                                     Musical Therapy For the Soul                   Greater Port Jefferson Arts Council
Artists In Partnership, Inc.                      Media Madness                                   Port Jefferson Station                         Islip Arts Council
  Community Voices and
  Visuals from the New Now
                                                Bay Shore Schools Arts
  Long Beach
Baldwin Public Library
  Poetry/Prose & Art:
                                                Education Fund (BSSAEF)
                                                  Arts for All
                                                                                                 Long Island Grants for the Arts
  Community Expressions of the Pandemic           Babylon                                        Statewide Community Regrant Program 2022 Cycle
  Baldwin                                       Dafna Soltes Stein
Circulo de la Hispanidad                          African American Heroes We Honor               The Huntington Arts Council administers         part of New York State. This program
  Celebrating Hispanic Heritage                   Huntington                                     the Statewide Community Regrant                 supports a variety of categories with
  Long Beach                                    Girls Inc. Of Long Island                        Program (SCR) to Nassau and Suffolk             the goal of keeping the arts thriving in
Dance Visions NY, Inc.                            Resilience & Advocacy through Theater Arts     County artists and nonprofit arts               our communities. Those categories are,
  Poetry/Prose & Art:                             Deer Park                                      organizations. The program was formed           Creative Communities, Creative Learning,
  Community Expressions of the Pandemic         Hampton Bays Public Library                      in 1977 to bring arts funding to every          and Creative Individuals.
  Great Neck
                                                  Through Our Eyes
EastLine Players Corp
                                                  Hampton Bays
  Classics Queered
  Malverne                                      Jo-Ann Wilson (DBA inspired)
Friends of North Shore                            Lion Tales
Symphony Orchestra                                Calverton
  NSSO Select Concerts of the 60th Season       North Fork Community Theatre
  Greenvale                                       Youth On Stage: “Once”
Helping Enrich the Arts                           Mattituck
of Port Washington
  Stage the Change Conference                   Creative Communities
Henry Waldinger Memorial Library                Arts Center at Duck Creek
of Valley Stream                                  Duck Creek Jazz Family Day
  Celebrating Valley Stream                       Springs, East Hampton
  through the Arts - Year 3                                                                      Creative Communities Recipient Friends of North Shore Symphony Orchestra
                                                Arts Project of Cherry Grove Inc.
  Valley Stream                                   Rainbow Connection Multigenerational           Congratulations to all of our SCR 2022          presented at the ceremony; Anupama
Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
                                                  Summer Theater Intensive                       Awardees on their funded programming!           Annam, Elena Faverio, Segundo Orellana,
  New Talent, New Ideas: It's Global!
                                                Atlantic Wind Symphony                           A special thank you to Huntington Fine          and Julie Lyon representing Westbury Arts.
  All Together Now!
  Hewlett                                         Atlantic Wind Symphony Concert –               Arts for hosting our first in person awards     We are looking forward to seeing all of the
Long Beach Arts Council                           Honoring Our Outstanding High School           ceremony since 2019! We were able               projects come to fruition.
  Community Art Making Program (CAMP)             Band Seniors                                   to have a select number of programs
  Long Beach                                      Sayville
Long Beach Theatre Guild                        Babylon Village Arts Council                    2023 Grants for the Arts Workshops
  Peter Pan Musical for the Sensory Sensitive     Babylon Village: Where It All Began
                                                                                                 The 2023 cycle upon us! Those interested       including dates, times, location and
  Long Beach                                      Babylon
Long Island Composers Alliance                                                                   in applying for this program must attend a     registration for the workshops will be posted
                                                Divaria Productions
  Four Concerts in Four Different Locations                                                      free grants workshop. These informational      to our website as it become available. Our
                                                  Macbeth and the Astor-ocracy
  Massapequa                                                                                     workshops are mandatory. Due to recent         website address is
Massapequa Philharmonic Orchestra               Girls Inc. of Long Island                        changes at the state level the workshop        Questions can be directed to grants4arts@
  Inside Out for Kids and Adults                                                                 dates are TBD. We do know however, that
                                                Institute for New Music, Inc., The
  Massapequa                                                                                     three of the workshops will be in person/
Mineola Choral Society                            The Kennedy Dream Project
                                                                                                 hybrid workshops and the remaining 6           We look forward to seeing you all at the
  Winter and Spring Concerts 2022                 Stony Brook
                                                                                                 workshops will be virtual The Zoom link        workshops!
  Mineola                                       Island Senior Citizens Orchestra Inc.
The Nassau Pops Symphony Orchestra              DBA Island Symphony Orchestra                    for the workshops will be in a confirmation
  Concerts in the Park                            ISO 2022 Bach Festival                         email you will receive after registering
  Franklin Square                                 Brentwood                                      for the workshop. Additional information,

12 | Arts Cultural News                         SUMMER | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
SCR Technical Assistance Seminars                                                                        New Members
The Huntington Arts Council's Statewide            Eastern Suffolk BOCES to work specifically              New Artist Circle Members                         Leslie Volle
Community Regrant Program is excited               with teaching artists to learn the NYS                Oluwaseyi Awoyomi                                 Soleil Carboni
to announce we will be hosting Technical           LearningStandards, how it works with their
                                                                                                         Elithia Britt                                     Richard Clark
Assistance Seminars. The seminars cover            art form, and how to put together lesson
                                                                                                         Maria Casini                                      Mark Fay
budgeting and community engagement.                plans. Please check our website for dates at
Additionally, we are partnering with      .                              Dianna Catania                                    Kathleen J. Graves
                                                                                                         DJ Collins                                        Norma Malinverno
                                                                                                         Emily Eisen                                       Mary McGrane
NYSCA/NYFA Artist as                                                                                     Lauren Giberti                                    John Melillo

Entrepreneur Program
                                                                                                         Sueey Gutierrez                                   Michael Sansone
                                                                                                         Roya Jenner                                       Carol Schanker
At the end of March the Huntington                                                                       Kevin Josephson                                   Gunter Stern
                                                   artists of all disciplines participate. Covering
Arts Council in collaboration with the             the relevant topics of strategic planning,            Rosemarie Kluepfel                                Kim Svoboda
Consortium of Long Island Arts Councils,           finance, law, marketing and fundraising,               Staci Kolinsky
presented the NYSCA/NYFA Artist as                 in a variety of interactive formats, the
                                                                                                                                                           New Patron of the Arts
                                                                                                         Jennifer Mariotti
Entrepreneur professional development              sessions were educational and encouraged
                                                                                                                                                           Circle Members
                                                                                                         Richard Mazler
program in our Main Street Gallery. This           collaboration.                                                                                          Elizabeth Lane
                                                                                                         James Miceli
free, intensive, multi-day program had
                                                                                                         Joseph Patrovich                                  New Business Members
                                                                                                         Patricia Pepe-Clark                               iSchool of Music and Art
                                                                                                         Susan Rostan
                                                                                                                                                           New Organizational
                                                                                                         Valerie Shalit                                    Members
                                                                                                         Ebony Thompson                                    Sunrisers Drum & Bugle Corps
                                                                                                         Paul Vermylen III                                 Love of Learning School

                                                                                                                                                  For more information
                                                                                                                                                  on membership, go to

NYSCA/NYFA Artist as Entrepreneur participants
The artist participants best described the         Program at the Huntington Arts Council and I
experience..                                       wanted to thank you.The resources given to us
                                                   were wonderful and will definitely be useful in
“My weekend at the NYSCA/NYFA Artist as
                                                   planning a successful business.
Entrepreneur Program presented by the
Huntington Arts Council was incredibly             Thank you Huntington Art Council and NYSCA/
informative and inspiring. I began                 NYFA for your vital artists program discussing
the program admitting that the word                business planning, taxes, expenses, income,
"entrepreneur" made me feel nervous and            grants, fiscal sponsorships, crowdfunding
ended it excited to share my project created       opportunities, legalities, marketing, social
from what I had learned. Thank you so much,        media, portfolio review and so much more.
HAC and NYFA/NYSCA. Extremely motivating!”         Those few days were invaluable to my practice
                                                   and I’ve made many new creative and like-
I recently attended the Artist Entrepreneurial     minded and life-long friends!

                                   For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370 | SUMMER                        ARTS CULTURAL NEWS | 13
Member Organizations
                                                   METROPOLITAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA OF N.Y.                OLA OF EASTERN LONG ISLAND                       HUNTINGTON CAMERA CLUB
Choral Groups                                                                                                                                           61 Thadford St., East Northport, NY 11731,
                                                   13 Myrtle St. 2nd Fl. Manhasset, NY 11030,          P. O. Box 278, Sagaponack, NY 11962,
BABYLON CHORALE, INC.                              516-365-6961,                           631-537-3518                                     631-368-0815,
P.O. Box 492, Babylon, NY, 11702                                                                       THE SUFFOLK Y JCC/STAR PLAYHOUSE                 LONG BEACH ART LEAGUE
                                                   NASSAU POPS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, INC.
585-329-6159,                                                                   74 Hauppauge Rd, Commack, NY 11725,              P.O. Box 862, Long Beach, NY 11561
                                                   859 Willow Rd., Franklin Square, NY 11010,
HUNTINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY                                                                              631-462-9800 x-136,        516-221-0289,
P.O. Box 349, Huntington, NY 11743                                                                                                                      SUBURBAN ART LEAGUE
                                                   NORTH SHORE POPS CONCERT BAND                       THE JAzz LOFT, INC
631-421-7464                                                                                                                                            P.O. Box 216, Syosset, NY 11791,
                                                                                                       Box 547, Stonybrook, NY 11790                    P.O. Box 920, Huntington, NY 11743,                                                                  516-445-7403,
HUNTINGTON MEN’S CHORUS                            516-574-3059,                                                                 SPLASHES OF HOPE
P.O. Box 763, Huntington, NY 11743                                                                     wESTBURY ARTS                                    Coindre Hall
                                                   NORTHPORT COMMUNITY BAND                            235 Lincoln Place, Westbury, NY 11560
631-427-6920                                       34 Clarke Dr., East Northport, NY 11731,                                                             101 Browns Rd, Huntington NY 11743                                                                           516-400-2787,               631-424-8230,
LONG ISLAND CHORAL SOCIETY                                                                                                                              THE ART GUILD
38 Fordham Ave Hicksville, NY 11801                NORTHPORT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, INC.                  Museums
                                                                                                                                                        200 Port Washington Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030
516-297-8565                                       PO BOX 602, East Northport, NY 11731,               THE HECKSCHER MUSEUM OF ART                      516-304-5797,                                      (516) 991-5966,           2 Prime Ave., Huntington, NY 11743,
NORTHPORT CHORALE                                  RECORDER SOCIETY OF LONG ISLAND                     631-351-3250,
P.O. Box 55, Northport, NY 11768                   10950 Old Sound Ave., Mattituck, NY 11952           HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART
631-223-3789                                                                    112 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY                                                                               11549-1120, 516-463-5672,
                                                   RIDOTTO ARTS ORGANIzATION
SILVER CHORDS                                                                                
P.O. Box 189, Nesconset, NY 11767                  4 Rolling Hills Dr., Huntington Station, NY 11746
631-254-3313                                                                  wALT wHITMAN BIRTHPLACE                                                                                   246 Old Walt Whitman Rd., Huntington Station,
                                                   SMITHTOwN COMMUNITY BAND
                                                                                                       NY 11746, 631-427-5240,
TwIN SHORES CHORUS/BARBERSHOP                      64 Mount Pleasant Rd, Smithtown, NY 11787
HARMONY SOCIETY                                    631-275-0443, www.smithtowncommunity.               Presenters
10 Woodment Ct. Holtsville, NY 11742     
631-472-8130                                                                                           FIRE ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE                           SUNRISERS DRUM & BUGLECORP
                                                                                                       PRESERVATION SOCIETY
                                                   8 Avenue B, Kings Park, NY 11754                    4640 Captree Island, Captree Island, NY 11702,
Dance                                                              631-583-5901,
122 Horace Harding Blvd. Great Neck, NY 11020,     PO BOX 7476 Wantagh, NY 11793                       P.O. Box 290, Huntington Station, NY 11746,
516-482-2621,               (516) 804-0220 /                631-425-2925,
EGLEVSKY BALLET                                                                                        LONG ISLAND TRADITIONAL MUSIC
700 Hicksville Rd. Bethpage, NY 11714,             Libraries                                           ASSOCIATION
516-746-1115,                                                                   Walt Whitman Performing Arts Center
                                                   COMMACK PUBLIC LIBRARY
LONG ISLAND DANCE CONSORTIUM                                                                           301 West Hills Rd., S. Huntington, NY 11746
                                                   18 Hauppauge Road, Commack, NY 11725
P. O. Box 427, Huntington, NY 11743,                                                                   347-674-1729
                                                   631- 499-0888, www.commack.
516-380-4777                                                                                           LOVE OF LEARNING SCHOOL
                                                   suffolk,library,us/                                                                                105 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721
LYNCH BALLET                                       ELwOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY                               631-629-5599,
237A East Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743,       1929 Jericho Tpke., East Northport, NY 11731,
                                                                                                       ST. JOHN'S CULTURAL EVENTS SERIES
631-470-9711,                  631-499-3722,
                                                                                                       12 Prospect St., Huntington, NY 11743,
NEw YORK DANCE THEATRE                             FREEPORT MEMORIAL LIBRARY                           631-427-1752,
60 Calvert Ave., Commack, NY 11725,                144 West Merrick Rd., Freeport, NY 11520,
631-462-6266,                                                                      STALLER CENTER
                                                   516-379-3274,              2032 Staller Center Stony Brook University,
                                                   HALF HOLLOw HILLS LIBRARY                           Stony Brook, NY 11794,
P.O. Box 252, Smithtown, NY 11787,
                                                   55 Vanderbilt Pkwy., Dix Hills, NY 11746,           631-632-2787,
                                                   631-421-4530,                    OYSTER BAY MUSIC FESTIVAL
P.O. Box 508, Centereach, NY 11720                 HARBORFIELDS PUBLIC LIBRARY                         37 Hildreth Ave., Huntington, NY 11743
631- 476-3707,                        31 Broadway, Greenlawn, NY 11740,                   631-357-2518,
Historical Societies                                                                                   Theaters
SOCIETY, INC.                                      338 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743,                 112 Sydney Ave., Malverne, NY 11565
4640 Captree Island                                                                                    516-749-5047,
Captree Island, NY 11702-4601                                    MODERN CLASSICS THEATRE COMPANY
(631) 321-7018,                                                                                        OF LONG ISLAND                       MONTAUK LIBRARY                                     44 Nehring Ave. Babylon, NY 11702
HUNTINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY                      871 Montauk Hwy, Montauk, NY 11954                  (631) 897-7471,
209 Main St., Huntington, NY 11743,                631- 668-3377,               PLAzA THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS
631-427-7045   NORTHPORT-EAST NORTHPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY             34 Forest Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563,
HUNTINGTON LIGHTHOUSE                              151 Laurel Ave., Northport, NY 11768,               516-599-6870,
PRESERVATION SOCIETY                                                            THEATRES AT SUFFOLK COUNTY
PO box 2454, Halesite, NY 11743                                                                        COMMUNITY COLLEGE
                                                                                                       533 College Road Islip Bldg, Room 121,
                                                   145 Pidgeon Hill Rd., Huntington Station, NY
                                                                                                       Selden, NY 11784
Instrumental Music                                 11746, 631-549-4411,                  631-451-4164,
CANTA LIBRE CHAMBER ENSEMBLE                                                                           TOwNSHIP THEATRE GROUP
631-374-7962,                                                                       P.O. Box 824, Huntington, NY 11743,
FRIENDS OF NORTH SHORE                             CINEMA ARTS CENTRE                                  631-213-9832,
SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA                                 423 Park Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743,
P. O. Box 419, Greenvale, NY 11548                 631-423-7610,              Visual Arts
631- 827-5401,                                                          ART LEAGUE OF NASSAU COUNTY
                                                   CUSTER INSTITUTE, INC.
HUNTINGTON COMMUNITY BAND                          P. O. Box 1204, Southold, NY 11971                  Clinton G. Martin Park 1601 Marcus Ave.,
167 Middleville Rd., Northport, NY 11768,          631- 765-2626,            New Hyde Park, NY 11040 917-287-5641
631-757-9032,                                                 ,
                                                   BABYLON VILLAGE ARTS COUNCIL
LONG ISLAND CHAMBER MUSIC, INC.                                                                        BJ SPOKE GALLERY
19 Cornfield Lane Commack, NY 11725                P.O. Box 141, Babylon, NY 11702,
                                                                                                       299 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743,
631-747-7655,               631-669-1810,            631-549-5106,
P.O. Box 94 Massapequa, N.Y. 11758                 130 E. Merrick Rd., Freeport, NY 11520,             14 West Carver St., Huntington, NY 11743,
516-305-4548,                     516-223-2522                   631-549-0448,

14 | Arts Cultural News                            Summer 2022 | For information on advertising, contact Sheila Alyskewycz, Advertising Director | 631.659.3370
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