Eat All You Can in an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
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Eat All You Can in an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Ratul Mahajan Jitendra Padhye Ramya Raghavendra Brian Zill Microsoft Research Abstract — In contrast to the efficiency-centric de- sources. signs that are more prevalent today, we advocate a view But as demonstrated by the two examples above, a of system design based on a holistic view of available singular focus on efficiency can lead to poor designs. resources. This view is embodied in what we call the Such designs can offer poor performance even when there Buffet principle: continue using additional resources as are spare resources in the system that can enable bet- long as the marginal benefit is more than the marginal ter performance. Instead, designs that aggressively use cost of using the resources. We illustrate through sev- available resources – respectively, the stomach space and eral examples how this seemingly obvious principle is spectrum in the examples – are limited only by the amount not adhered to by many common designs and how its of available resource. application can lead to qualitatively different and better Based on these observations, we put forth the Buf- performing designs. We also discuss the broad consider- fet principle in this paper. This principle states that we ations that apply to designing systems that use the Buffet should continue using additional resources as long as the principle. marginal benefit is more than the marginal cost of using the resources. Stated differently, efficiency should not be a driving concern in situations where more of a re- 1. INTRODUCTION source can be used at a cost that is lower than the benefit Alice is hungry and walks into a restaurant that is from the additional use. serving an all-you-can-eat buffet. She wants to eat enough We present several examples of situations where the food so that she can avoid hunger until the next meal. application of the Buffet principle leads to designs that Should she eat based on expected time until the next are qualitatively different and arguably perform signif- meal, or should she eat as much as she can? In this icantly better. These examples span a range of appli- context, the second strategy is clearly superior. With the cations across a range of resource types. They include first strategy, any misestimation in the time until the next erasure coding over lossy channels, replication for reli- meal (or a faster than anticipated digestive rate due to ability, managing control traffic, and speculative execu- increased activity levels) would lead to hunger. The sec- tion. The diversity of these examples points to the broad ond strategy provides the best possible protection against applicability of the principle. hunger that is limited only by the space in Alice’s stom- We discuss broadly the situations in which the Buffet ach. And it represents no additional cost over the first principle can be naturally applied. These include sce- strategy. narios where the opportunity cost of greedily using re- Surprisingly, system design often follows the first strat- sources can be effectively controlled. The principle is egy today. For instance, consider the task of adding FEC also more readily applied when the resources in question (forward error correction) bits to transmissions over a goes to waste if not used and the greedy usage does not noisy channel such as wireless. In current designs, the hurt non-Buffet users if any, for instance, when the en- number of added bits tends to be a function of the an- tire resource is controlled by a Buffet design. Finally, we ticipated bit error rate [2, 4, 18], and independent of also discuss potential limitations of this principle. These the available spectrum resources. This method protects include the fact performance is now a function of the against packet loss as long as the bit error rate is below amount of spare resources and greedy usage of one re- the anticipated rate, but fails when it is higher or errors source can strain other aspects of the system. are highly bursty. This failure is unfortunate because We are not claiming that the Buffet principle should there may be available spectrum resources in the system be an overarching design criteria in all situations, only to protect against the errors. Worse, left unused, these that it offers a different and potentially useful perspec- resources simply go to waste. tive to designing systems. The most attractive aspect to Underlying the use of the first strategy today is the us is that the performance of the designs that emerge designer’s desire to make efficient use of available re- from it would be limited primarily by the amount of sources. In the example above, adding the number of available resources, rather than potentially artificial lim- bits as a function of the anticipated bit error rate is per- itations driven by efficiency concerns. However, its full haps the most efficient way to use the spectrum. Adding potential can only be understood in the context of con- more bits might be considered as a wasteful use of re- crete, practical designs. This is an active area of research 1
Performance Buffet! Sweet spot Benefit Minimize Resource Usage Amount of resource consumed Cost Figure 1: The current thinking underlying the design Figure 2: Illustration of scenarios where the Buffet of many systems. Motivated by efficiency, the goal is principle applies. to operate the system at the sweet spot. of resource available, and not using it leads to un- for us, and we are currently building two different sys- necessary wastage. That is, the resource in ques- tems based on the Buffet principle. tion is of a “use it or lose it” variety. This fixed amount of resource could be disk space, channel 2. THE (SOMETIMES MISPLACED) FO- capacity, etc. While the returns from using more CUS ON EFFICIENCY resources is low beyond the sweet spot, the re- In this section, we discuss how the focus on efficiency turns nevertheless represent additional benefit that manifests itself in system design today. even when it is should be had when the cost is low. not required. • The amount of resource usage needed to hit the In many systems, the amount of resources consumed sweet spot is hard to determine accurately because depends on the design, rather than it being a simple func- the system is very dynamic. This occurs, for in- tion of workload. Examples of such systems include stance, when the failures or packet losses are bursty; those that add FEC to data transmitted over a communi- here, even if the view of average failure or loss rate cation channel. Here, the amount of resources consumed is accurate, bustiness implies that at any given in- depends not only on the payload but also on the extent stance the system may be operating far from the of error correction added. Other examples include sys- sweet spot. In such scenarios, the system would tems that i) replicate data over multiple storage devices, perforam better if the focus was on using as much where the amount of resources consumed depends on the resource as possible, to improve performance, rather degree of replication; ii) pre-fetch libraries into memory than trying to operate at constantly a moving tar- before user programs ask for it, to speed execution. get. For those familiar with the design of systems in which the amount of resource usage can be controlled, Figure 1 We argue in this paper that instead of blindly focusing would appear familiar. The x-axis on the graph repre- on efficiency, the designers must take a holistic look at sents the amount of resources consumed and the y-axis the resources at their disposal. This can lead to designs represent performance. In the FEC example above, for whose performance is limited only the amount of avail- instance, the amount of resources consumed would be able resource, rather than a designer-imposed constraint the extent of FEC added and performance would be the on the amount of resource usage. Towards this end, we fraction of pakcets correctly received. outline the buffet principle in the next section. System designers often use such a graph to guide their design. The goal is to operate at the “sweet spot.” Before 3. THE BUFFET PRINCIPLE hitting the sweet spot, consuming more resources brings The Buffet principle is easily stated: continue using great additional benefit. Beyond the sweet spot, there are additional resources as long as the marginal benefit is diminishing returns from using more resources. Because more than the marginal cost of using the resources. This of this behavior, operating at the sweet spot is a natural principle is illustrated in Figure 2. This graphic is sim- goal when the design is guided by efficiency. plistic in that it does not capture the dynamic nature of However, this exclusive focus on efficiency can be resource availability, cost, or benefit, but it does capture misplaced in many settings. We outline specific exam- the essence of the principle. ples in Section 4, but the general characteristics of the The simplicity of the Buffet principle is deceptive, to situations where this occurs are the following. the extent that it might even seem obvious and in wide • The cost of using more resources is zero or low. usage. But system design today is seldom approached This would be the case when there is a fixed amount from the perspective advocated by it. This aspect will 2
become clear from the case studies outlined in the next not become a distraction by itself. We suggest how this section. challenge may be addressed in each case. We return in For a quick illustration, however, consider TCP, the the next section to a more general discussion on the key dominant transport protocol today. At first glance, it considerations surrounding the application of the Buffet may appear that TCP embodies the Buffet principle be- principle. cause it tries to estimate and consume all available band- width. However, TCP consumes all available bandwidth 4.1 Wireless spectrum or bandwidth only if there is sufficient amount of new data, for in- stance, during a large file transfer. It will not use the ex- 4.1.1 Forward error correction (FEC) cess bandwidth, even if available, to protect existing data Wireless medium tends to be error-prone and the bits from loss. For example, consider the case where TCP’s inferred by the receiver may not be the same as those congestion window is 8 packets; assume for the sake of transmitted. Adding FEC bits can help recover from argument that this window is reflective of the available some of the bit errors and thus improve performance by bandwidth along the path. Now, if TCP receives only 4 reducing packet loss. packets from the application, it will initially send only 4 Conventional methods add a fixed number of FEC bits packets even though the path can support more packets. to transmissions, which is based on the expected bit er- If any of those packets are determined to be lost, which ror rate case. While this works for the common case, takes at least a round trip time, it will then send more. performance suffers whenever conditions are worse than A transport protocol based on the Buffet principle might the expected common case. Some recent designs tune pre-emptively send each application packet twice, using the number of FEC bits based on estimated bit error all available resources and thus providing faster recovery rate [2, 4, 18]. Their effectiveness depends on the qual- against loss. Of course, whether such a transport proto- ity of their estimate. If they overestimate bit error rate col is appropriate depends on the nature of the paths and and add more than required redundancy, throughput will whether the additional bandwidth can be otherwise used suffer in times of high load. If they underestimate bit er- by other flows. ror rate, throughput will suffer, which is avoidable when Interestingly, however, one domain that does appear to the medium is underutilized. embody the Buffet principle is the sale of airline seats. An FEC design based on the Buffet principle can en- For each flight, airline companies have a fixed number able the maximal protection against bit errors that the of seats to sell. One business model is to set a fixed amount of available spectrum resources can provide. Such price at the sweet spot that balances return per seat and a design, for instance, will add some fixed number of the number of seats sold. A different strategy, and one FEC bits to all transmissions, perhaps based on the ex- which the airline companies tend to use, is to drop the pected common case. On top of that, it will add more price closer to flying date. This is done in an effort to FEC bits as long as there is available spectrum. sell all remaining seats. As long as the price is above A key challenge here is to ensure that additional FEC the marginal cost of carrying additional passengers, this bits do not interfere with other data transmissions; oth- strategy would be more profitable, even though its profit erwise, overall system throughput will suffer, especially per seat sold is lower. when the data traffic is high. Embedding FEC bits within The change in perspective from a design driven by ef- data packets does not have this property. But we can ficient use of resources to a design driven by consuming accomplish the desired behavior by transmitting addi- resources until the marginal benefit minus cost is posi- tional FEC bits with a lower priority such that data traffic tive is subtle. But as the examples in the following sec- always takes precedence over FEC traffic. Such prior- tion illustrate, it can lead to novel designs that perform ity mechanisms can be implemented using today’s hard- significantly better. ware that supports quality of service (QoS) enhancements (802.11e) [1]. We are currently designing such an FEC system. Our 4. CASE STUDIES focus is VoIP and multimedia streaming applications. In this section, we outline several examples where Aggressive addition of FEC bits in these domains leads efficiency-focused designs are outperformed by Buffet to lower packet loss and more timely delivery of data. At designs. We classify our examples based on the nature the same time, lowering the priority of additional FEC of the resource in question. These examples are not com- bits ensures that we do not hurt other data traffic. plete designs but are meant to highlight the diversity of settings in which the Buffet principle can bring bene- 4.1.2 Erasure coding for lossy paths fit. Many challenges need to be addressed before they Rationale similar to the one above also applies to pro- become practical. A key challenge common to all ex- tection against losses in any lossy medium, such as dirty amples is ensuring that aggressive resource usage does fiber. A recent mechanism adds a fixed amount of re- 3
dundancy to protect against these losses [5], which ren- other hand, the design of RAPID [6] uses the Buffet ders it ineffective if the loss rates are higher than those principle. It replicates as much as available resources protected against. A method based on the Buffet princi- allow. Messages are prioritized to prevent a handful of ple will provide greater protection during periods when messages from dominating the network and crowding there is available leftover capacity. out others. The authors demonstrate that RAPID sig- The key challenge here is to send redundant infor- nificantly outperforms more traditional designs. mation such that it does not interfere with normal data traffic. One way to accomplish this behavior is to op- 4.2 Disk or long-term storage portunistically send erasure coded data only when the Replication of data protects it against node failures or queues are empty. latent sector errors in disks. The amount of replication, We are currently building such a system. Our sys- however, is pre-determined in systems today [?]. This tem is targetted for paths provided by cellular providers unnecessarily limits the amount of protection provided in vehicular environments; such paths tend to be highly by replication even when there are spare resources. A lossy and have unpredictable loss rates [12]. But their replication system based on the Buffet principle will pro- roughly stable capacity lets us estimate when the queues vide maximal protection given available resources. are empty and more erasure coded packets can be sent. Consider two scenarios in this domain. The first is Our coding methodology can be easily adapted for other replication across one or more disks on a single com- kinds of paths such as those based on dirty fiber. puter. Replication mechanisms today (e.g., various RAID configurations) are based on a preset amount of replica- 4.1.3 Mobility updates tion that provides protection against a certain number of The performance of systems that exhibit a high-degree failures. This can lead to data loss when more failures of mobility, such as a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), occur even though ample working storage may still be depends on the frequency of mobility updates. A higher available. A replication design based on the Buffet prin- frequency yields better performance as nodes will have ciple would replicate aggressively to fill up all available a more up-to-date view of the topology, but it can also storage. This design will provide maximal protection swamp data traffic. Existing systems get around this that available storage can provide. The key challenge is trade-off by setting the frequency of updates to a tolera- to not hurt read and write performance in the process of ble level that is based on an analysis similar to the sweet replication, which we believe can be accomplished by spot reasoning presented in the previous section [8, 3]. relegating the task of additional replication to the back- Such systems may perform poorly in situations with higher ground and conducting it only when the disk is idle. than anticipated mobility levels even when there is spare The second scenario is replication across computers capacity to support a high update frequency. as in a data center or a peer-to-peer system. Here too, A mobility update mechanism based on the Buffer the system will be more reliable if we were to expand the principle will provide better performance whenever spare level to replication to using all available resources rather capacity is available. The practical difficulty here again than employing a fixed amount of replication. A key is ensuring that the additional updates do not hurt data challenge is to manage the impact of aggressive repli- traffic. This can be accomplished using a priority mech- cation on normal data traffic because of its bandwidth anism similar to the one suggested above to FEC trans- needs. This may not be much of a concern inside a data missions. center where ample spare bandwidth may be available. In situation where that may not be true, such as the wide- 4.1.4 DTN Routing area context, one can reduce the impact of aggressive As further proof of its value, at least one recent de- replication through background transfer protocols like sign [6] appears to embody the Buffet principle.1 Many TCP Nice [16]. DTN routing protocols replicate messages along multi- ple paths to improve their delivery probability. However, 4.3 Caches or short-term storage most protocols attempt to limit the amount of replica- 4.3.1 Prefetching libraries and executables tion to prevent messages from flooding the entire net- work [13, 10, 14]. Because this limit is not guided by The speed of program execution can sometimes be the amount of available storage at or bandwidth between slowed by the time it takes to load in memory the pro- replication end points, these designs can perform poorly gram itself and the libraries it links to. One can speed even when plenty of resources are available. On the this up by preemptively loading in memory commonly 1 used binaries when there is space (and time) available. In contrast to this work (or other specific cases that we may be unaware of), our contribution lies in an explicit and gen- Indeed, this strategy has already been proposed or im- eral specification of the principle and a broad discussion of its plemented for modern operating systems today [7, 15]. applicability, strengths and limitations. A strategy based on the Buffet principle will maximize 4
performance by aggressively fill all available memory, mitting more data, which can hurt overall system perfor- instead of stopping after loading the most likely candi- mance. The amount of FEC that can be safely added is dates. thus dependent on the amount of data that applications generate. But predicting the amount of application data 4.3.2 Pre-fetching web pages can be error prone. Similar ideas have been explored in the context of In our designs, one effective way that we have found pre-fetching web pages that users are likely to view in to skirt this difficulty is to greedily use resources in an the future [9, 17, 11]. If the bandwidth impact of such opportunistic manner that minimally interferes with the prefetching can be minimized, for instance using a back- normal operation of the system. For our FEC design, we ground transfer mechanism [16], such systems should send additional FEC bits only when the spectrum is va- aggressively fill available cache capacity to maximize cant and with a low prioority; this ensures that new data user-perceived performance. gets higher priority over the greedy FEC bits. For our erasure coded design, we send additional erasure coded 4.4 Computational resources packets only when the queues are empty, such that new Speculative execution of code is a commonly used data is never delayed by coded packets. We believe that technique in modern processors [?]. In it, parts of code such opportunistic usage can pave the way for greedy are executed even though the results may eventually be use of resources in other settings as well. discarded, depending on the outcome of (if) conditions that occur prior to these parts. (The execution of the pro- gram is non-sequential to parallelize processing.) When 5.2 For what types of resources is the Buf- the results prove useful, speculative execution boosts per- fet principle most useful? formance. The performance benefit of speculative exe- cution depends on the accuracy branch prediction (with- Two categories of resources are ideally suited for the out definitive evaluation). Conventionally, code along application of the Buffet principle. First, the principle only one branch is speculatively executed even though appears more useful for non-conservable resources, or additional resources may be available for executing mul- those that would go to waste if they are not used. Stor- tiple branches. For maximal performance, a Buffet de- age, bandwidth, and computational resources are typi- sign would speculatively follow as many paths as current cally non-conservable. An example of a resource that is resources levels allow. As the number of cores inside conservable is battery power, as we are able to save it processors increase, such a design would increasingly for future use. We are not claiming that the Buffet prin- outperform strategies that limit speculative execution to ciple does not apply to conservable resources. But the more likely paths. principle seems more easily applied to non-conservable resources because applying it to conservable resources requires weighing current use against future use, which 5. APPLICABILITY CONSIDERATIONS requires predictions of future behavior. In this section, we discuss considerations related to The second category is where the design controls the applying the Buffet principle in system design. These entire resource, as opposed to sharing the resource with are based on our early experiences with designing sys- Buffet-unaware users. The concern here is that non- tems based on this principle. They will be refined as we Buffet users may not be able to distinguish between greedy gain more experience. usage, which has a lower marginal benefit, and normal usage. Such users might reduce their resource consump- 5.1 When is it safe to greedily use resources? tion on observing aggressive usage by Buffet users, which The glib answer to this question is embedded within would reduce overall system throughput. This would be the principle statement itself: whenever the marginal cost the case, for instance, if the transport protocol alluded is more than the marginal benefit. On a deeper level, to in Section 3 was implemented as is; the redundant however, quantification of the benefit and cost can be packets sent by this new transport protocol would steal tricky. The primary difficulty is accounting for the op- bandwidth from other users. portunity cost of greedily using resources, that is, for However, with careful design, it may be feasible for what else could those resources might have been used. Buffet users to co-exist with non-Buffet users. For in- This is not a concern where the greedily allocated re- stance, coexistence is achieved in our wireless FEC de- source can be easily reclaimed or the resource would sign by making sure that the FEC bits are sent with a otherwise remain unused, as is the case for a resource lower priority. A similar design would work for the like disk blocks. But this is a major concern otherwise. transport protocol if we could send redundant packets For instance, greedily transmitting more FEC bits uses at lower priority such that they are dropped by routers resources that might have been otherwise used for trans- when resources are limited. 5
5.3 How much benefit does a Buffet design limited by artificial design choices, such designs have bring in practice? the potential to enable the best performance the available It depends on the workload and the amount of re- level of resources can provide. Through several exam- sources. So it might vary from none to a lot. For ex- ples, we outline how Buffet designs differ from the more ample, consider our erasure coding system, in which the traditional efficiency-focused designs and how they are benefit can be quantified in terms of reduction in loss likely to perform significantly better. rate. Here, we observe zero loss when the incoming We also discuss under what circumstances Buffet de- data rate is low to loss rate that is equal to the channel signs are likely to be most useful. Our limited experi- loss rate when the incoming data rate is more than the ence points to both the strengths and challenges in in- channel capacity. The appropriate way to view a Buffet corporating the principle in practical designs. Overall, design is that its performance is limited by the amount we find the principle to be promising and offering a use- of spare available resources instead of being limited by ful perspective on system design. Its eventual worth can specific design parameters. In other words, it can pro- only be understood by studying the performance of con- vide the best performance that a fixed level of resource crete designs that are based on it. This is an active area investment can provide. of research for us. 5.4 What are the side effects of greedily us- 7. REFERENCES [1] Medium access control (mac) quality of service enhancements. ing resources (i.e., what is the fine print)? http: We have encountered two side-effects. First, the pe- //, 2005. formance of the system becomes a function of the work- [2] J.-S. Ahn, S.-W. Hong, and J. Heidemann. An adaptive FEC load itself. 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