EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

Page created by Reginald Fletcher
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW
PASSUR and Aireon join hands for smarter
                                                                      digital technology                               Pg 02
                                                                      Embraer extends maintenance renewals for
                                                                      Phenom series to 800 flight hours                Pg

                                                                      San Francisco International Airport- A Step
                                                                      closer to achieve carbon neutrality              Pg

                                                                                                           Aug 01 st , 2020

    EasyJet extends supply chain
    management contract with AJW

    E   asyJet has decided to continue with
        AJW group as their supply chain
    management providers for the next
                                                 A key operational enhancement will
                                               be the introduction of an EU-hub in Mal-
                                                                                            to continue our partnership and look
                                                                                            forward to seeing the benefits of our
                                                                                            innovative solutions which will allow
    seven years extending the existing 2015    pensa, Italy, which will serve to further    easyJet to continue delivering value
    contract. AJW has been planning and        enhance operational efficiency across        with an exceptional customer experi-
    delivering eayJet’s demand and supply      Europe. The EU-hub will supplement the       ence. This contract renewal strengthens
    requirements from inventory manage-        current UK-hub to maximise up-time,          AJW’s position as the world’s leading
    ment across the network. Besides AJW is    availability and dispatch reliability.       independent provider of component
    also responsible for the full component      This contract introduces innovative        support programmes and the contract
    repair and overhaul services, provision,   solutions that will provide step-change      length demonstrates the confidence that
    storage and distribution of all rotable,   improvements for the airline. AJW is         leading airlines, like easyJet, place on our
    consumable and expendable material.        developing and investing in process          ability to go above and beyond to deliver
      Brendan McConnellogue, easyJet’s Di-     re-engineering and automation tools to       at every step. This is a ground-breaking
    rector of Engineering and Maintenance,     drive superior performance, cost reduc-      achievement for AJW Group and I am
    explained the main deciding factors for    tion and operational excellence across       justifiably very proud of our team.”
    selecting AJW, “easyJet has worked with    the board. AJW Technique, the Group’s          The re-award of the contract to AJW
    AJW for the past four years on supply      Maintenance Repair and Overhaul facil-       was the result of a thorough tender pro-
    chain management and we’re confident       ity, will continue to play a significant     cess which started in January 2019. AJW
    that this new contract will ensure we      role in the new contract as it repairs and   emerged once again as the front-runner
    remain focused on improving efficiency     overhauls easyJet components.                for this partnership, given its proven
    and value so we are able enhance our         Christopher Whiteside, President           ability as a global supply chain solutions
    operational performance, whilst ensur-     and Chief Executive Office of AJW            provider with award-winning 24/7/365
    ing that safety remains our highest        Group, commented, “We are delighted          support and logistics services.

1   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    PASSUR and Aireon join                                                                      Bombardier
                                                                                                to provide
    hands for smarter digital                                                                   Enhanced
    technology                                                                                  Structural
                                                                                                Capabilities for
                                                                                                business jets

    P   ASSUR and Aireon have signed an
        agreement to integrate Aireon’s
                                                 costs and compensate for lost exper-
                                                                                                B    ombardier Aviation in collabo-
                                                                                                     ration with The Mobile Repair
                                                                                                Team has expanded their worldwide
    global, gate-to-gate ADS-B dataset, into       “Aireon’s global air traffic surveillance    customer support offerings through
    PASSUR’s AR\VA platform. This integra-       data will now be expanded to include           enhanced structural repair capabili-
    tion will be the first to feature Aireon’s   airport surface data. With its gate-to-        ties for its worldwide fleet of busi-
    air traffic service (ATS) surveillance-      gate, high-fidelity coverage, Aireon           ness jets.
    quality data feed including high-            data will enable PASSUR products to              “Our customers are at the heart of
    fidelity, low latency airport surface        facilitate more accurate and actionable        everything we do, and this extended
    surveillance and global International        decision-support and provide a greater         partnership with The Mobile Repair
    Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)           level of prediction capabilities,” said        Team will allow us to provide world-
    compliant flight tracking on PASSUR’s        Cyriel Kronenburg, Vice President of           wide skilled and proficient structural
    AR\VA platform. The partnership will         Aviation Services at Aireon. “We are           repairs directly through our Custom-
    also power PASSUR’s predictive arrival       delighted to partner with PASSUR to            er Response Center alongside the
    times (ETA) and constraint forecasting       offer enhanced airfield management             outstanding service experience that
    services, delivering advanced disrup-        solutions to airports and airlines, as         our distinguished Bombardier cus-
    tion management, as well as PASSUR’s         well airspace optimization solutions.          tomers expect,” said Andy Nureddin,
    unique collaborative airfield manage-        Transparency and prediction are two            Vice President, Customer Support,
    ment solutions, to any airline, airport,     of the major common denominators               Bombardier Aviation.
    or business aviation service provider        in providing highly accurate air traffic         The cross-functional Customer
    globally.                                    management products.”                          Response Centre (CRC) teams at
      “The combination of Aireon’s space-          PASSUR AR\VA is a single platform,           Bombardier are empowered with
    based ADS-B data, including its new-         cloud based solution, available across         state-of-the art tools and technol-
    est surface surveillance dataset, with       multiple devices and delivers greater          ogy and are backed by Bombardier’s
    PASSUR’s advanced decision support,          efficiency in airline and airport              aircraft engineering as well as The
    expands our ability to deliver action-       operations management, resource                Mobile Repair Team’s high-quality
    able automation, driven by machine           utilization and improved throughput            structural repair solutions that
    learning and artificial intelligence —       through industry-leading flight trajec-        keep customers’ aircraft flying.
    with a clear path to return on invest-       tory forecasting technology; advanced          Bombardier continues to show its
    ment,” said Brian Cook, President and        predictability in airline demand and           on-going commitment to providing
    CEO of PASSUR Aerospace. “With our           air traffic/airport capacity; collab-          its customers with the most compre-
    current industry conditions, it is more      orative airfield traffic workflow; and         hensive onsite, mobile and aircraft-
    important than ever to make smart            operational disruption alerting and            on-ground resolution services in the
    technology investments that reduce           resolution.                                    industry.

2   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    ‘Developing solutions,
    evolving situation’,
    Exclusive Interview with
    Chuck Adams, Managing
    Partner of the Coeptis
    Consulting Group
    The Aviation industry across the globe is in an unlock
    phase. However there is a lot of uncertainty around
    air travel. Many passengers are still sceptical about
    taking a long-haul flight. But slowly and steadily
    the industry is set to motion. The wheels of recovery
    have started rolling. How will the MRO industry re-
    cover from this? With the increased cargo carriers for
    medical and essential supplies, there’s a spurt in P2F
    conversions in the market. Do we see a new emerg-
    ing market from this, all this and many other ques-
    tions were answered by Chuck Adams,
    Managing Partner of the Coeptis Consult-
    ing Group in a candid conversion with

    Q – With halting of International           Q – Going ahead, it is said that airlines        a trade-off in this uncertain market.
    flights, naturally the MRO services also    will further delay the maintenance
    suffered a set-back during the lock-        schedules. Your views                            Q – The COVID-19 pandemic brought
    down phase. However, with the open-         A - Yes, airlines will delay maintenance,        about a sudden spurt in the cargo car-
    ing of International borders and flights    but it also depends on other factors, such       riers for essential goods and commodi-
    slowly starting to resume, how do you       as aircraft utilization, the type of aircraft,   ties, with the CF6 engine proving to be
    predict the comeback of operations for      and traffic demand. On one hand, airlines        the power plant of choice for freight-
    MROs?                                       will hold on to as much cash as possible,        ers. The oldest model of CF6 is still in
    A - My thoughts and predictions are in      and if they are not using assets, main-          service, after 48 years. Your views
    line with many others, including many       tenance naturally will get pushed back.          A - No surprises there; freighters have
    much wiser than me. MROs perform            However, there are other negatives of let-       been using the CF6 and related engine
    services on aircraft and its relevant       ting aircraft sit. An example, if they do not    models for years. With part availability
    assets. Since operators, both domestic      generate revenue, excluding load factor          and lower fuel costs, I think the CF6 is
    and international, scaled back utili-       loss potential, it does not help with cover-     here to stay for some time, particularly
    zation, MRO has and is still taking a       ing fixed expenses such as leases which          in the freighter space, but like all things
    major hit in demand, which will likely      are committed no matter what (i.e. Hell or       that can change.
    drag out for some time. As we have          High-Water clause in leases). Additionally,
    been seeing, traffic is slowly picking      airframes and power plants have certain          Q – Today, the entire aviation industry
    back up, but it will likely take a few      requirements and procedures for long-            is working on reducing carbon foot-
    years. I would imagine narrowbody to        term storage. Instead of bearing the cost        prints and achieving a cleaner envi-
    come back first, followed by interna-       of performing these procedures, it is not        ronmentally friendly aviation by 2050.
    tional passenger travel via widebody        unheard of for operators to just switching       Can you tell us the technology behind
    later as countries hopefully begin          aircraft to keep the assets flying so that       a fuel-efficient engine? Is it possible to
    lifting international travel restrictions   long-term storage procedures do not need         make a zero-pollution engine (non-
    again.                                      to be performed, as they can be costly. It is    electric) in future?

3   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    A - Many engine OEMs have been push-
    ing the envelope for more fuel efficient,
    less emissive engines for a while now.
    What has been interesting is how the
    engine OEMs set out to achieve this goal.
    For example, GE Aviation has invested
    heavily in materials R&D, including
    CMCs, so that compression ratios in the
    core can be pushed higher to create more      A - Engineering is an area that I have       Garbage Out;” a technology like artificial
    thermally efficient, thus more fuel ef-       always been interested in, especially        intelligence is revolutionary, but if your
    ficient, engines. On the other hand, Pratt    in the aviation sector. My experience        digital infrastructure & systems are
    & Whitney pursued other means, such           has been at an engine OEM in both the        not configured correctly, or at least not
    as using a geared turbofan for greater        new-make and MRO side, which I have          properly understood, utilizing any solu-
    propulsive efficiency without the need        found gives a very comprehensive view        tion like artificial intelligence will only
    to drive core temperatures higher. While      compared to just working at an inde-         provide meagre returns. Furthermore,
    these technologies, combined with better      pendent MRO. It gives you line-of-sight      all stakeholders need to be involved, not
    fuel burn in combustors and alternative       on maintenance issues across the whole       just data scientists and IT personnel; if
    fuels, can help reduce emissions and          fleet worldwide with the lens of the         you do not know what variables and
    pollution, a zero-pollution, non-electric     OEM, which has been very fascinating         factors to examine, you will not produce
    engine will likely not ever be achievable.    and valuable at the same time. Over the      meaningful or the needed results. Even
    Electric engines provide emissions and        past couple years, I have been looking       OEMs can still struggle with apply-
    pollution relief, but even those have a       to expand into business focused roles,       ing new solutions as they are learning
    way to go technology-wise.                    including consulting; I have many inter-     new, important factors and variables
                                                  ests, what can I say?                        affecting the operation of their designs
    Q – The British Airways recently an-          For the up-and-coming generation, if         and parts, and this is just compounded
    nounced the retirement of their entire        you are considering a career in avia-        further for other independent MRO
    fleet of B-747. Australia’s Qantas has        tion MRO, think about what function          organizations.
    also retired the last remaining 747s.         you want to pursue. On the Engineer-
    With shrinking operations, more op-           ing & Maintenance side, a few routes         Q - I am sure you must have had your
    erators are opting for smaller aircraft.      can be taken. If you like to go hands-on,    fair share of virtual meetings and We-
    How will this affect the engine after-        and want to become a trained service         binars in the lockdown phase. Do you
    market?                                       professional, pursuing technician route,     think virtual meetings will replace the
    A - This will be an evolving situation,       such as the FAA A&P license, is a great      face-to-face meetings? Has it changed
    depending on recovery rates from COVID.       career choice, especially with the major     people’s preference of doing business?
    Many operators are retiring the older,        shortage of trade labour. On the other       A - Oddly enough, I have been working
    larger aircraft, which will increase engine   hand, if you want to perform develop-        remotely from my home in Idaho for over
    and parts availability in that sector.        ment activities, such as R&D, innovation,    three and a half years already, so virtual
    However, there are major rollbacks in the     and drive new technologies, a university     meetings and webinars are my normal
    smaller narrow body market as well. I         degree in engineering is the way to go. It   routine. However, I do not think virtual
    am aware that many independent MROs           just depends on where you want to go.        meetings will replace face-to-face meet-
    and brokers are trying to find good deals                                                  ings completely, especially in hands-on
    on mid-life to mature engines and parts,      Q - Today’s MRO industry is infused          industries like aviation MRO. In my career
    such as the CFM56-3 and even some -5          with latest technology like predictive       experience, there is so much value of
    and -7. While many operators, especially      maintenance, additive manufacturing,         going to the workspace, “genba,” where
    airlines, will likely focus on ramping        artificial intelligence etc. Your take.      the process is performed, and interacting
    back up with newer aircraft/engines           A - This is an area that has piqued my       directly with the wonderful folks making
    due to operating costs and efficiencies,      interest these past few years, especially    the value magic happen. While I think
    there will be large populations of Used       in the aviation MRO digital transforma-      it will help people realize the wonder-
    Serviceable Material available for mid-life   tion and solutions space. As a recov-        ful benefits of working from home and
    and “green-time” engines that may make        ering programmer (Python, C#, SQL,           drive folks away from the office a little
    those engines attractive to other opera-      etc.), I can understand the great value      more, there should always be some time
    tors; only time will tell.                    that technologies such as block chain,       taken for face-to-face meetings; you can’t
                                                  artificial intelligence, and the like can    replace that connection with a computer
    Q – Was engineering always our first          bring to aviation MRO. The major chal-       screen. I have found through experience
    choice of career? What advice will you        lenge is not only developing solutions       that working remotely is feasible, but
    give to the younger generation plan-          but bringing it all together to provide      pre-COVID I always made home visits to
    ning to pursue aircraft maintenance as        value as a system in the aviation MRO        the office at least three to four times per
    their career choice?                          chain. The old saying is “Garbage In,        year.

4   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW
    Embraer extends                                                              Under the Patronage of His Royal Highness
    maintenance renewals                                                     Prince SULTAN BIN SALMAN BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD
                                                                                 Chairman of the Saudi Space Commission
    for Phenom series to 800                                                  Founder and Chairman of Saudi Aviation Club

    flight hours

                                                                                           2nd Edition
                                                                                 Aviation, Aerospace,
                                                                                 Defence and Space
    E    mbraer has recently extended their maintenance
         renewals for Phenom series from 600 flight hours
    and/or 12 months and multiples to 800 flight hours or
    12 months and multiples. This revision to the Scheduled
                                                                                 16-17-18 February
    Maintenance Requirements (SMR) is with a view to
    achieve less downtime, lower maintenance costs, a long                             2021
    economic life, and more time in the air. This is a 33 per
    cent maintenance interval improvement, which is almost
                                                                                 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    double the industry average.
      The improvement was only made possible by the per-
    formance of the Phenom fleet over the last decade. More                       Join the leaders
    than one year of engineering analysis confirmed that the
    customers of these aircraft can fully benefit from the high
                                                                             in the aerospace industry
    availability of the fleet for their even better convenience
    and greater flexibility. Most of the tasks with double
    intervals were also optimized to the longest period. This is
    a 33 per cent maintenance interval improvement, which is
    almost double the industry average.
      “Conceived as clean-sheet designs to be the best in their
    respective classes, the Phenom 100 and 300 series aircraft
    were built for high utilization. Now, eleven years after the
    first delivery, with a fleet of over 900 jets in operation,
    our customer support and engineering team can reaffirm,
    once again, that our products are even better than the
    initial specification,” said Johann C. Bordais, President &
    CEO, Embraer Services & Support.
      The Phenom fleet has accumulated more than 1.7 million
    flight hours and 1.4 million cycles since the first delivery
    of the Phenom 100 in December 2008. The Scheduled
    Maintenance Requirements for the Phenom jets were
    developed to meet the specific needs of business avia-
    tion and are based on the Maintenance Steering Group
    (MSG-3) methodology. The methodology aims to preserve
    and restore the inherent safety and reliability levels of
    the aircraft and to build a knowledge base for design
    and maintenance improvement. The main benefits of
    this methodology include higher aircraft availability and                     www.saudiairshow.aero
    overall cost reduction to keep the aircraft in ideal operat-
    ing conditions.

5   Aug 01, 2020
                                                             MRO 90X254.indd 1                                                13/05/2020 15:27
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    San Francisco International Airport- A Step
    closer to achieve carbon neutrality
                                                                                                     make San Francisco International Airport
                                                                                                     a hub for the use of sustainable aviation
                                                                                                     fuel in our pursuit of carbon neutrality,”
                                                                                                     says SFO Airport Director Ivar C. Satero.
                                                                                                     “By focusing on the entire supply chain
                                                                                                     process, achievements like this one have
                                                                                                     the power to transform the landscape
                                                                                                     of our entire industry. I am grateful for
                                                                                                     our partnership with Neste to make this
                                                                                                     climate quantum leap a reality.”
                                                                                                       “The aviation industry is essential for

    I  n a major milestone, San Francisco Inter-
       national Airport (SFO) in their quest at
    reducing carbon emissions received their
                                                    eight airlines and fuel producers in a 5-year
                                                    collaborative effort to provide sustainable
                                                    aviation fuel to SFO. Accordingly Neste has
                                                                                                     global business, generating growth and
                                                                                                     facilitating economic recovery. But if we
                                                                                                     are to address aviation-related emis-
    first batch of sustainable aviation fuel        delivered its first batch of sustainable avia-   sions, we need to utilize all the avail-
    for commercial use from Neste. This step        tion fuel via pipeline. This fuel will now be    able solutions. We are extremely happy
    was extremely important for SFO to reach        used by other major airlines committed to        to have partnered with San Francisco
    their ambitious goals of becoming “triple       reduce carbon emissions.                         International Airport, a forerunner with
    zero” campus, achieving not just carbon           Neste is the world’s largest producer of       a concrete emission reduction strategy,
    neutrality but also net zero energy and         renewable diesel and sustainable avia-           to address climate change and support
    zero waste in the next five years.              tion fuel (SAF) produced from waste and          them in achieving those climate targets,”
      Depleting ozone layers, melting of ice in     residue raw materials and with this de-          says Thorsten Lange, Executive Vice Presi-
    Northern and southern hemispheres and           livery has become the first company to           dent for Renewable Aviation at Neste.
    rising climate has been on the environ-         deliver sustainable aviation fuel under            “Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel is a
    mentalists agenda for a while now. Apart        their brand name Neste MY Renewable              sustainable aviation fuel that in neat
    from other modes of transport, Avia-            Jet Fuel. Also, Neste has been ranked as         form and over the lifecycle reduces GHG
    tion industry has its fair share of carbon      the world’s 3rd most sustainable com-            emissions up to 80 per cent compared
    emissions leading to pollution. Various         pany on the 2020 Global100 list.                 to fossil jet fuel. It can be easily deliv-
    organisations like IATA & ICAO are striv-         This fuel can be transported via the           ered in a multi-product pipeline, which
    ing to cut CO2 emissions with innovative        same pipelines which are used to carry           should become a standard process in the
    technologies, sustainable aviation fuel and     fossil fuels and other oil products. Besides     future,” Lange continues.
    improved operations and infrastructure.         it can be used as a drop-in fuel with exist-       Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel is made
    Riding high on these lines, San Francisco In-   ing aircraft engines and airport infra-          from sustainably sourced, 100 per cent
    ternational Airport (SFO) signed a one-of-a-    structure, requiring no extra investment.        renewable waste and residue materials,
    kind MoU with Neste along with a group of         “This is a major milestone in our goal to      like used cooking oil or animal fats.

    Honeywell expands existing channel partnership
    with Sabena technics
    H     oneywell has appointed Sabena
          technics and Singapore Compo-
    nent Solutions as their Global Channel
                                                    Solutions is a joint venture between Air
                                                    France Industries KLM Engineering &
                                                    Maintenance and Sabena technics.
                                                                                                     has an estimated 30 per cent reliability
                                                                                                     improvement. This will reduce operating
                                                                                                     costs through fuel efficiencies, avoid-
    Partners as a part of their expansion             Honeywell’s Air Cycle Machine is key to        ance of flight route restrictions and
    policy of the existing relation with Sa-        air flow in aircraft and improving cabin         incidental costs from customer dissatis-
    bena technics. As a part of this contract,      air temperature, resulting in a better cus-      faction. The system also allows for better
    they will provide repair and upgrades           tomer experience. Any failures on the Air        air flow in the cabin and cockpit.
    for Honeywell’s Air Cycle Machine on            Cycle Machine can result in significant            Sabena technics is an independent pro-
    ATR 42 and 72 twin-engine turboprop,            passenger discomfort due to a warmer             vider of MRO and is primarily licensed
    short-haul regional airliners to its lat-       cabin and lead to aircraft delays.               for mechanical and avionics component
    est standards. Singapore Component                Honeywell’s new Air Cycle Machine              repair for Honeywell.

6   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    Sierra Nevada selects Northrop Grumman for
    prime mission equipment of AC/MC-130J
                                                                                              vice president, navigation, targeting and
                                                                                              survivability, Northrop Grumman. “Our
                                                                                              product line approach to the RFCM pro-
                                                                                              gram is mature and in use throughout
                                                                                              our electronic warfare systems.”
                                                                                                The modular, open systems approach
                                                                                              to the suite is designed to provide radar
                                                                                              warning, threat identification and coun-
                                                                                              termeasure capabilities today, while
                                                                                              allowing for the flexibility to adapt to
                                                                                              future threats. The system is applicable
                                                                                              to both US and international custom-
                                                                                              ers and represents the latest upgrade
                                                                                              to Northrop Grumman’s RFCM product
                                                                                                Northrop Grumman has deep expertise
                                                                                              in electronic warfare systems for land,

    N    orthrop Grumman Corporation
         has been selected to provide the
    prime mission equipment for the Sierra
                                                  This technology provides superior situ-
                                                  ational awareness and better enables
                                                  aircraft survivability in operationally
                                                                                              sea and air. Covering the full spectrum
                                                                                              of operations from self-protection to
                                                                                              electronic attack, the company’s systems
    Nevada Corporation-led AC/MC-130J Ra-         relevant environments.                      are preparing war fighters for multi-do-
    dio Frequency Countermeasure (RFCM)             “With the radio frequency threat grow-    main operations. Among these systems
    program. Northrop Grumman’s RFCM              ing, modern electromagnetic spectrum        are the F-16 electronic warfare suite, AN/
    system utilizes the latest in antenna,        protection for AC/MC-130J operators         APR-39 family of radar warning receiv-
    amplifier and electronics technology.         worldwide is essential,” said Jim Conroy,   ers and pod-based self-protection.

    Boeing partners with MHI to add upgrades
    to Japan’s F-15J fleet
    A     s a part of US Government’s USD
          4.5 billion modernization program
    , Boeing and Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
                                                                                              honoured to further our long-standing
                                                                                              tradition of support for Japan’s Ministry
                                                                                              of Defence, the Japan Air Self-Defence
    tries (MHI) signed a Direct Commercial                                                    Force, and MHI,” said Will Shaffer,
    Sale agreement to support upgrades to                                                     Boeing Japan President. “These up-
    Japan’s F-15J fleet. The upgrades will in-                                                grades will deliver critical capability
    troduce state-of-the-art electronic war-                                                  for national and collective self-defence,
    fare and weapons, all-new advanced                                                        in which the F-15J plays a key role. At
    cockpit system, running on the world’s                                                    the same time, they will provide MHI
    most advanced mission computer to                                                         and our partners in Japan’s aerospace
    deliver pilots enhanced situational                                                       defence industry with an opportunity to
    awareness.                                    MHI produced under license the              enhance their own extensive engineer-
      Under the agreement, Boeing will            current Japan F-15J fleet of over 200       ing capabilities.”
    provide MHI with retrofit drawings,           aircraft between 1980 and 2000, and           This DCS contract lays the foundation
    ground support equipment and techni-          will serve as prime contractor for the      of the modernization program. MHI
    cal publications for the upgrade of the       upgrade. Sojitz Corporation, a trading      will develop the detailed modification
    first two F-15J aircraft to the Japan Super   company that works with Boeing’s            plan for the jets and prepare the facili-
    Interceptor configuration.                    team in Japan, will support this ef-        ties and workforce for the induction
      Boeing has partnered with MHI in            fort.                                       and upgrade of up to 98 aircraft begin-
    the defence arena since the 1950s.             “Through this agreement, Boeing is         ning in 2022.

7   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW
                                                                                         VSE going strong in
                                                                                         bidding activity for
                                                                                         Federal and Defence

      Team SkyGuardian
      Australia to develop
      & deliver MQ-9B                                                                    V     SE Corporation has announced new
                                                                                               contracts worth USD 59 million
                                                                                         from US Department of Defence and
                                                                                         other federal agencies. The first order is

      SkyGuardian RPAS                                                                   a 26 month delivery order to provide ser-
                                                                                         vices under VSE’s Foreign Military Sales
                                                                                         contract with the Naval Sea Systems

    G     eneral Atomics Aeronautical
          Systems recently announced that
    the industry team, made up of Austra-
                                                 The change to the Australian indus-
                                               try team name was made in consulta-
                                               tion with the ADF to better reflect the
                                                                                         Command (“NAVSEA”) International
                                                                                         Fleet Support Program Office. Under this
                                                                                         delivery order, VSE will provide procure-
    lian partner businesses assembled for      RPAS capability that will be delivered.   ment, staging installation and training
    the development and delivery of MQ-          “GA-ASI is working closely with the     of the Low Frequency Active Towed So-
    9B SkyGuardian RPAS for Australia,         ADF and our TSGA partner to deliver a     nar (LFATS) System to an allied country
    will now be called “Team SkyGuardian       robust Armed RPAS capability to Aus-      of the United States.
    Australia” (TSGA). This replaces the       tralia that meets the operational and       “We are honoured to provide the high-
    previous team name, “Team Reaper           industry capability requirements,”        est level of support to our service men
    Australia.”                                said Linden Blue, CEO. GA-ASI.            and women, allies and civil servants in
      GA-ASI announced its intention to          MQ-9B is GA-ASI’s most advanced         the field through long-term partnerships
    offer a Medium-altitude, Long-endur-       RPAS. In addition to Australia, the UK    with the DOD and other federal agen-
    ance (MALE) RPAS to the ADF during         Royal Air Force recently announced its    cies,” said John Cuomo, President and
    AVALON 2017 with the launch of Team        MQ-9B production contract through         CEO of VSE Corporation. “In our Federal
    Reaper Australia. Under Project Air        UK Ministry of Defence and the            and Defence segment, we have signifi-
    7003, GA-ASI was selected to provide       Government of Belgium has approved        cantly increased our bidding activity
    MQ-9B SkyGuardian for the Armed            Belgian Defence to negotiate the          on a year-over-year basis, and these
    RPAS capability for the Australian         acquisition of MQ-9B. There has been      recent successes validate our focus on
    Defence Force (ADF).                       significant interest from customers       leveraging VSE’s core competencies to
      Now known as Team SkyGuardian            throughout the world.                     build a robust, growing book of business
    Australia, this group of robust Aus-         The MQ-9B SkyGuardian will pro-         including both new business wins and
    tralian industry partners consists of      vide much-needed protection and           renewal awards.”
    10 world-class Australian companies        support to Australian Land Forces,          They have also received another USD
    providing a range of innovative sen-       while having considerable potential       17 million 36-month task order award
    sor, communication, manufacturing          to expand support into Multi-Domain       to continue work under the Contrac-
    and life-cycle support capabilities. The   Operations through GA-ASI’s devel-        tor Field Team (CFT) program. Under
    10 TSGA members Cobham (TSGA lead          opment of advanced capabilities,          the terms of this task order, VSE will
    industry partner), CAE, Raytheon Aus-      including Anti-Submarine Warfare,         continue to provide corrosion control
    tralia, Flight Data Systems, TAE Aero-     Electronic Warfare, self-protection       treatment, prevention and repair main-
    space, Quickstep, Airspeed, Collins        and Detect and Avoid systems, along       tenance to aircraft, aerospace ground
    Aerospace, Ultra, and Sentient Vision      with a range of advanced networking       equipment and support equipment at
    Systems are well positioned to provide     solutions. These roles suit the MQ-9B     Kadena Air Base in support of the 18th
    a cohesive approach for meaningful         ideally for ADF future operations en-     Wing, 353rd Special Operations Group
    and sustainable Australian industry        visaged through the recently released     and Navy Commander Task Force 72 for
    content.                                   2020 Defence Strategic Update.            up to three more years.

8    Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW

    GKN Aerospace to venture into new
    fighter jet engine market
    G     KN Aerospace announced its par-
          ticipation in feasibility studies on
    technology development for the future
                                                 nology development
                                                 of the future fighter
                                                 engine.                                                                    lot of resourc-
    combat air system and next genera-             Joakim Andersson,                                                es over a long period
    tion of fighter jet engines with partner     President of engines                                           of time. The cooperation
    industries in Italy and the UK. GKN          systems at GKN                                              shall take advantage of the
    Aerospace Sweden and Saab are the two        Aerospace said, “We                            best skills from each company while
    companies in Sweden that are part of         are proud to be a part of                    strengthening the ability of companies
    the cooperation.                             this exciting collaboration. It seamlessly   to support their respective countries’ Air
      Air combat capabilities are designated     fits our ambition to develop our market      Forces.’’
    by Sweden as a national security inter-      position in engine systems and enables         Future fighter jets will impose com-
    est. Through a joint technology devel-       us to benefit from synergies between         pletely new demands on the engine. It
    opment, the Swedish aviation industry        our civil and military aircraft engine       will not only have to meet increased pro-
    will be able to build and sustain their      technologies. We have many years of          pulsion needs, but also supply increas-
    continuous development of competen-          experience in international cooperation      ingly demanding sensors and weapons
    cies and capabilities in a cost-effective    and we are convinced that this is the        with more power output and cooling
    way. GKN Aerospace was contracted in         right way to go. Developing such a com-      needs. Therefore, a substantial techno-
    Q1 2020 by FMV to conduct a study on         plex system as a new fighter jet engine      logical leap will be needed compared to
    collaboration with Rolls Royce on tech-      is a major challenge that will require a     today’s fighter engines.

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9   Aug 01, 2020
EasyJet extends supply chain management contract with AJW
                                                                                               Saab signs support
     US Army awards USD 179                                                                    agreement with
     million contract to BAE Systems                                                           UAE for GlobalEye

                                                                                               S   aab has signed a support agree-
                                                                                                   ment with the United Arab
                                                                                               Emirates regarding the advanced
                                                                                               airborne early warning and control
                                                                                               (AEW&C) solution GlobalEye. The
                                                                                               agreement is valid between 2020
                                                                                               and 2022, with an order value of
                                                                                               144.9 MUSD. The agreement cov-

     B    AE Systems received USD 179 mil-
          lion in total awards from the US
     Army as part of the Limited Interim
                                                 fiber optic A-kit for faster data transmis-
                                                 sion. The system processor serves as the
                                                 high-bandwidth digital backbone of the
                                                                                               ers support and maintenance for
                                                                                               the airborne surveillance system
                                                                                               GlobalEye. The support and mainte-
     Missile Warning System (LIMWS)              system and houses advanced machine            nance will be executed locally in the
     Quick Reaction Capability (QRC)             learning missile warning algorithms           United Arab Emirates.
     program. This award includes orders         specifically designed for complex, high-        Saab had delivered its first Glo-
     for the first two production lots and       clutter environments and rapid threat         balEye early-warning plane to the
     funding to enable fielding of the next-     updates. LIMWS is compatible with             United Arab Emirates during the
     generation Missile Warning System           existing US Army aircraft survivability       2019 Dubai Air Show. The GlobalEye
     (MWS). The MWS provides aircrews            equipment, including pilot interfaces         provides air; maritime and ground
     with advanced threat detection capa-        and countermeasure systems, allowing          surveillance in a single solution
     bilities, improving survivability and       for accelerated installation and integra-     combining a powerful new extend-
     mission effectiveness in contested          tion timelines.                               ed range radar with the ultra-long
     environments.                                 The awards will continue the fielding       range Global 6000/6500 jet aircraft
       “Threats are evolving and proliferat-     of LIMWS systems in support of critical       from Bombardier. The GlobalEye is
     ing at a rapid pace and our aircrews        U.S. Army requirements. It follows a          perfectly suited to fulfil the most de-
     who fly into harm’s way need the most       December 2017 development contract            manding operational requirements.
     advanced protection systems available,”     and an initial production order in May        Particularly since it has the ability to
     said Chris Austin, director of Threat De-   2018. Work on the LIMWS program will          detect low-observable air targets in
     tection Solutions at BAE Systems. “These    be conducted in BAE Systems’ facilities       heavy clutter and jamming condi-
     orders follow an intensive two-year         in Merrimack, New Hampshire, and              tions and also can detect and track
     development and qualification program,      Huntsville, Alabama, where the com-           maritime targets out to the elevated
     made possible by a strong industry-         pany is building a new state-of-the-art       horizon and small jet-ski or RIB sized
     government partnership focused on           facility.                                     vessels at very long distances.
     achieving an aggressive schedule.”            2CAWS builds on the company’s                 Saab serves the global market with
       The foundation of LIMWS is BAE Sys-       experience delivering combat-proven           world-leading products, services and
     tems’ 2-Color Advanced Warning System       aircraft survivability equipment to           solutions within military defence
     (2CAWS) processor which will allow          the US and allied armed forces, and           and civil security. Saab has opera-
     the Army to outpace the threat. 2CAWS       its experience executing critical QRC         tions and employees on all conti-
     builds upon BAE Systems’ experience in      programs. The company’s Common                nents around the world. Through
     fielding systems for the complex rotary-    Missile Warning System is currently           innovative, collaborative and
     wing environment. Optimized for size,       fielded on thousands of US Army               pragmatic thinking, Saab develops,
     weight, and power, 2CAWS features an        platforms and has saved dozens of air-        adopts and improves new technol-
     open system processor, two-color infra-     craft and their crews since it was first      ogy to meet customers’ changing
     red sensors for increased range, and a      fielded in 2005.                              needs.

10   Aug 01, 2020

       Panasonic Avionics Corporation an-         Avionics Corporation. “His proven track      and led the development of the first-
     nounced the appointment of Joe Bentley       record in successfully delivering digital    of-its-kind feature, the award-winning
     as Chief Technology Officer. Bentley will    innovation makes him a natural fit as        Voice Search through Alexa. Fire TV
     be responsible for leading all aspects of    we continue to build remarkable IFEC         Stick was the fastest-selling product in
     the company’s software and systems           solutions that enhance the airline pas-      Amazon’s history.
     engineering teams, cloud, hardware,          senger experience.”
     and IT/security. He will serve as a key        Prior to joining Hulu in 2018, Bentley
     member of Panasonic’s executive team         was Vice President, Software Engineer-
     and be directly responsible for an orga-     ing at GoPro, leading the company’s
     nization of over 800 employees spread        overall software research and develop-
     across Panasonic’s Lake Forest, California   ment and launching its award-winning
     headquarters, as well as the Bay Area        mobile apps to over 150 million devices
     office and other global locations.           worldwide and bringing its spherical
       Bentley was previously Senior Vice         Fusion camera to market.
     President, Engineering at Hulu where he        “Bringing together a world-class team
     led its 700-person engineering, program,     with a rich legacy of engineering prow-
     and research organizations across three      ess is humbling,” said Joe Bentley. “I
     international offices. During his tenure,    am excited to deliver scalable, inflight
     Hulu doubled subscribers to over 30 mil-     entertainment platforms that will en-
     lion while becoming the largest digital      able airlines to increase efficiency and
     multichannel video programming               promote passenger loyalty.”
     distributor (DMVPD) in the US.                 From 2012-2015, he was Director,
       “I am delighted to welcome Joe Bentley     Digital Products at Amazon, where
     to Panasonic Avionics.” said Ken Sain,       he launched the market-leading
     Chief Executive Officer of Panasonic         Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick

                                                    APOC Aviation has appointed Marty-         pinned by independent and flexible
                                                  nas Jakimavicius as the Sales Represen-      repair management services.
                                                  tative in the landing gear division based      Karolis Jurkevicius, VP Landing Gear
                                                  in Vilnius, Lithuania right before the CO-   Trading & Leasing, believes that invest-
                                                  VID-19 crisis emerged. His appointment       ing in people is a significant, but vital
                                                  was part of the LDG division’s strategy      commitment, especially now. “The
                                                  to strengthen its position in the market-    entire industry has been on ‘stop’, with
                                                  place with an experienced and commit-        airlines focusing on preserving cash and
                                                  ted team. “With the industry going into      minimizing expenditure” he observes.
                                                  lockdown, I knew I was facing an un-         “At APOC we have used this downtime
                                                  precedented situation” he said. “Finding     to engage even more deeply than usual
                                                  a new way to approach each customer          with our customers, seeking to develop
                                                  so they hear the ‘APOC voice’ in an over-    business opportunities for high qual-
                                                  crowded and uncertain marketplace is         ity assets that can be placed accurately
                                                  our mission. There is no more business       within the maintenance lifecycle to
                                                  as usual, the whole trading environment      ensure seamless operational efficiency.
                                                  has evolved and still is evolving – so we    Closing his first A320 landing gear tran-
                                                  must adapt accordingly.”                     sition with a major European airline has
                                                    APOC services a growing number of          given Martynas and our team an incred-
                                                  leading airlines and MROs worldwide          ible boost and it demonstrates that with
                                                  with a range of flexible short and long-     persistence and a clear focus even this
                                                  term lease agreements. Its strategy is to    unprecedented crisis can become an op-
                                                  build a strong portfolio of LDGs under-      portunity if you have the right attitude.”

11   Aug 01, 2020


                                                                 AvAir’s Senior Vice President of Finance, Robert Knox has been pro-
                                                               moted to Chief Accounting Officer. During his time as SVP of Finance,
                                                               Knox increased access to capital, financed a management buyout and
                                                               significant inventory purchases, established a European subsidiary,
                                                               upgraded the 410K plan and developed an exceptional finance organi-
                                                               zation. As CAO, Knox will continue to position AvAir as a top aviation
                                                               parts supplier globally.
                                                                 Knox joined AvAir in 2016 as a corporate finance veteran with 20
                                                               years of experience at Fortune 50, start-up, rapid growth and high-
                                                               tech companies. Early in his career, he spent 12 years at Intel Cor-
                                                               poration where he was the finance manager for their USD 5 billion
                                                               internet components business and then finance executive for the
                                                               USD15 billion procurement group. Knox left Intel to join a renewable
                                                               energy startup where he managed an international USD3 billion fac-
                                                               tory network expansion.
                                                                 In 2013, Knox brought his passion for supply chain operations to
                                                               the aircraft industry when he joined a leading international provider
                                                               of advanced carbon fiber for aircrafts. He is an active volunteer in
                                                               community organizations and a graduate of Arizona State University
                                                               with an MBA in finance and a BS in mathematics.

     JOSH THOMPSON APPOINTED AS                                             PATRICK BLANEY APPOINTED AS
     THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER                                            NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT
     OF GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE                                                NORDIC AVIATION CAPITAL
       Josh Thompson is appointed as the Chief Financial Officer             Nordic Aviation Capital announced the appointment
     (CFO) of Gulfstream Aerospace Corp effective August 3, follow-         of Mr Patrick Blaney as Non-Executive Director and mem-
     ing the retirement of Dan Clare in September 2020. Clare has           ber of the Strategic Advisory Committee.
     been with Gulfstream since 20 years. He joined the company              Mr. Blaney is currently Chairman of the Aircraft Leasing,
     in 1998 as its director of finance for aircraft services and went      Finance and Law Programme in UCD Michael Smurfit
     on to provide financial and accounting support to all company          Business School. He was Non-Executive Director of Shan-
     operations. He has served as a corporate vice president of             non Airport Authority until 2012 and Chief Executive of
     General Dynamics and was the president of Jet Aviation from            GPA Group plc until 2001. He has over 30 years’ experi-
     2011 to 2014.                                                          ence working in aircraft financing.
       Prior to Gulfstream, Josh Thompson has served as the CFO              Martin Moller, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board,
     of General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (OTS)                Nordic Aviation Capital said, “We are delighted to have
     since 2018. He brings a wealth of experience in the role having        Patrick Blaney join our Board. His background and his
     served several positions in the parent company General Dy-             knowledge of our industry will be an important and
     namics’ corporate headquarters since 2004.                             welcome addition to the collective skills and experience
       “Josh is the ideal candidate given his extensive business            of the Board especially at this time.”
     acumen, financial savvy and in-depth knowledge of General
     Dynamics,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. “His expe-
     rience will be invaluable to Gulfstream as we move into the
     next decade.”
       “Dan has provided strong financial leadership during Gulf-
     stream’s pivotal period of growth,” Burns said. “He will leave a
     significant mark on our company, and we wish him all the best
     in his retirement.”
       Thompson earned masters and bachelor’s degrees in business
     administration from the University of Florida.

12   Aug 01, 2020

       Tom Blakely is appointed as the new                                                     neer or Technical Director positions, two
     Chief Technology Officer at Triumph                                                       assignments in the company’s Washing-
     Group. He will report directly to Vice                                                    ton Operations office and more than 7
     President of Operations, Nick Drazic and                                                  years as the Engineering Vice President
     chair Triumph’s Innovation and Tech-                                                      responsible for integrity of technical op-
     nology Council and oversee technical                                                      erations at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics,
     matters across the company’s 36 facto-      growth on new platforms and profit-           including the company’s famed Skunk
     ries including both original equipment      ability,” said Drazic. “As we expand our      Works. Blakely has also consulted on and
     and aftermarket contracts. Blakely has      military backlog, Tom will play a critical    provided contract engineering for com-
     led the development, certification, and     role in partnering with our military          mercial aircraft development projects for
     transition to production of dozens of       customers to offer solutions for current      Airbus and Triumph, as well as the Naval
     advanced military and commercial air-       and future platforms.”                        Air Systems Command.
     craft as well as complex subsystems and       Blakely most recently worked for Mit-         “As Triumph accelerates its transition
     components over the last four decades.      subishi Heavy Industries as the Deputy        from a contract manufacturing compa-
       Blakely will also prioritize and manage   Head of Engineering on their regional jet     ny to a focused provider of proprietary
     the company’s research and develop-         program after a brief retirement. Prior to    components and services for leading
     ment efforts as it develops intellectual    that, he worked at Lockheed Martin for 33     military and commercial platforms, I am
     property in alignment with its business     years, holding a broad range of technical     confident Tom will provide the techni-
     strategy.                                   leadership positions including the F-35,      cal leadership to solve our customer’s
       “Development of proprietary prod-         C-5, P-3 and C-130J aircraft. This included   hardest challenges,” said Dan Crowley,
     ucts and processes is key to Triumph’s      28 years with Lockheed in Chief Engi-         Triumph Group President and CEO.

       Bruce Atlas has joined Pentastar          fleet of commercially operated busi-            Atlas studied Aviation Technology at
     Aviation as the Director of Quality As-     ness jets; a C.A.S.E. Level III auditor; an   Gavilan College in Gilroy, California and
     surance in place of Dave Marble who         AS9100 auditor; and an ISO 9001 audi-         has an A&P License and several industry
     will retire this month. He will report      tor. We are excited to welcome him            certifications for quality.
     to Michael Baker, Vice President of         into the Pentastar family.”                     “I am excited to join the Pentastar
     Safety & Compliance and will be re-           Prior to joining Pentastar, Atlas also      team,” said Atlas. “Pentastar has a ster-
     sponsible for providing management          held the title of Chief Inspector; Man-       ling reputation for safety and service ex-
     and on-going oversight of aircraft          ager of Quality Assurance; Director of        cellence and I know my background will
     maintenance quality assurance activi-       Quality; and Quality Assurance Engi-          further contribute to that. I look forward
     ties for Pentastar fleet aircraft. This     neer. Most recently he served as Quality      to sharing my knowledge and learning
     position is accountable for monitoring      Engineer for GE Avionics.                     from the Pentastar team.”
     compliance with the company manual
     system and the Federal Aviation Regu-
     lations relative to the maintenance
     and continuous airworthiness of
     Pentastar’s fleet.
       “I am pleased to announce that
     Bruce Atlas has accepted the posi-
     tion of Director of Quality Assurance,”
     said Baker. “Bruce has an extensive
     career in aviation quality manage-
     ment including FAR 121, 129, 135 and
     145 maintenance operations for airline
     and business aircraft operations, some
     of which included initial certifica-
     tion. Additionally, Bruce has served as
     Director of Maintenance for a large

13   Aug 01, 2020
                                 08-10       The MEBAA Show
                                  DEC        DWC, Dubai Airshow Site, UAE

                                             Saudi International Airshow

                                  FEB        Thumamah Airport, Riyadh,
                                             Saudi Arabia

                                             Aviation Festival Asia 2020
                                  JUN        Suntec Convention Centre,

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14   Aug 01, 2020
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