Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work

Page created by Alice French
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
Relocation of the
European Medicines Agency

Where the world comes to work

Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
A message from An Taoiseach,
                                                                        Enda Kenny, T.D.

                                                                        The Irish Government decided to            Dublin offers excellent infrastructure
                                                                        propose Dublin as the new location         for international businesses, including
                                                                        for the European Medicines Agency          excellent transport links, office premises
                                                                        as we strongly believe our capital city    and hotel accommodation. For the
                                                                        has all of the features and amenities      extended community that are an integral
                                                                        needed for the EMA, its staff and          part of the EMA's work, a true Irish
                                                                        the wider life sciences community to       welcome for their visits to Dublin awaits.
                                                  An Taoiseach          seamlessly continue their essential
                                                  Enda Kenny, T.D.
                                                                        work for the EU and its citizens.          As Taoiseach, I would be delighted
                                                                                                                   to welcome the EMA to Dublin. I can
                                                                        Dublin is a modern, thriving, European     assure the Agency of every assistance
                                                                        capital and is a great place in which to   and cooperation across Government
                                                                        live and work. It is a vibrant city with   in making its move a successful one.
                                                                        a young, well-educated, multicultural
                                                                        population, supported by top class
                                                                        education institutions and offering
                                                                        outstanding quality of life, with great
                                                                        cultural and recreational facilities.

                                                                        Foreword by Simon Harris, T.D.,
                                                                        Minister for Health

                                                                        The European Medicines Agency              Our strong life sciences and technology
                                                                        plays a vital role in the protection       sectors, track record of excellence in
                                                                        of the health of over 500 million          medicines regulation and proven ability
                                                                        European citizens through the scientific   to attract and retain professionals
                                                                        evaluation and safety monitoring of        from across Europe and beyond, mean
                                                                        human and veterinary medicines. The        that Dublin can meet the Agency’s
                                                                        Agency is also critical to maintaining     needs now and into the future.
                                                  Minister for Health   the competitiveness of the European
                                                  Simon Harris, T.D.
                                                                        pharmaceutical industry which is           The Irish Government believes that
                                                                        worth around €260 billion annually.        relocating the EMA to Dublin is the best
                                                                                                                   choice for Europe. Simply put, relocating
                                                                        As a safe, modern city, well connected     to Dublin will best meet the needs of
                                                                        to the rest of Europe, Dublin provides     the EMA and its staff and ensure that
                                                                        a setting that will enable the Agency      the Agency can continue to deliver,
                                                                        to continue to work effectively and        without interruption, an excellent
                                                                        to continue to develop, during and         service to citizens and the industries
                                                                        after its relocation. Dublin will enable   that it regulates, far into the future.
                                                                        the EMA to retain existing staff and
                                                                        attract and retain new talent.

2 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                  FOREWORD | 1
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
Where the world comes to work

There are many reasons why Dublin is the ideal location
for the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Dublin can
provide a sustainable and smooth transition for the EMA,
the European regulatory network, its stakeholders and                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2

most importantly the people of Europe.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                            3                                     4

1                                                 2                                            3                                            4                                           5
A seamless transition                             Excellent quality of life                    An efficient operation base,                 World-class talent pool                      ynamic life sciences sector
A key factor in the successful relocation         The EMA’s most valuable resource is          with a ‘can-do’ attitude                     Dublin offers an exceptional, highly        Ireland has a long tradition of
of the EMA will be a seamless transition          its staff of 900 people. The suitability     Ireland has been ranked first in the world   educated, diverse young talent pool with    pharmaceutical operations excellence
of operations to its new location. This           of Dublin as a location for young            for the efficiency of large corporations;    fluency across all European languages.      and has been attracting and retaining
will allow the EMA to retain many key             professionals and their families will be     first for the flexibility and adaptability   Over half a million Irish residents speak   foreign direct investment in the life
staff members, as well as maintaining             a hugely influential factor in ensuring      of its workforce and first for a national    a foreign language fluently, including      sciences for over 50 years. Nine of the
as much of the agency’s operational               retention of staff. With an economy          culture that is open to new ideas.           approximately 185,000 Irish nationals       top ten global pharmaceutical companies
procedures and culture as is possible.            growing year on year, Dublin will offer                                                   who speak a foreign language at home.       have a presence in Ireland, with a
Our proximity to London can play                  excellent career opportunities for                                                                                                    number of these having operations in
a large part in the sustainability of             partners and spouses of EMA staff.           Overall, the IMD World                       With one of the youngest and most           Dublin. Furthermore, over €10 billion in
the EMA in its current format.                                                                 Competitiveness Yearbook                     highly educated populations in Europe,      new investments have been made over
                                                  Dublin offers an excellent quality of life   ranked Ireland the                           Ireland has a resource that cannot          the last 10 years in biotech manufacturing
                                                  for residents. It has all the amenities,                                                  be easily replicated elsewhere.             facilities in both drug substance and drug
Dublin and London are                             infrastructure and convenience of
                                                                                               seventh most competitive                                                                 product. Key to attracting this investment
both in the same (GMT)                            a modern capital city, but with a            of 61 countries across                                                                   has been Ireland’s strong regulatory
                                                  safe, local and friendly feel. It is a                                                    52% of 25 – 34 year olds have               environment and the availability of
time zone. Following the                                                                       the world in 2016.
                                                  city with a multicultural vibe.                                                           a third level qualification                 skilled life sciences professionals.
UK's departure from the
                                                                                                                                            (OECD) — higher than
EU, Ireland will be the
                                                  The city is steeped in                                                                    any other EU country.
only country within the
                                                  history and culture, and
network with English as                                                                                                                     Our talent pool extends across a
                                                  mountains and beaches
its primary language.                                                                                                                       range of skills and disciplines, with
                                                  are all within an easy drive.                                                             particular strengths in the areas of
                                                                                                                                            life sciences and ICT. We continue
Dublin offers excellent air connectivity
                                                  Dublin is an affordable place to                                                          to develop our talent base with
with other EU capitals and the rest of                                                                                                                                                                                                   1 Dún Laoghaire, a suburban
                                                  live, comparing favourably to                                                             exceptional education programmes                                                                 seaside town just a short drive
the world. The Dublin-London air route                                                                                                                                                                                                       south of Dublin city centre.
                                                  other European capitals in cost-of-                                                       and facilities, complemented by a host
is one the busiest international routes                                                                                                                                                                                                  2 The Bord Gáis Energy Theatre,
                                                  living indices. Importantly, the city                                                     of world-class research programmes.                                                              a 2,111-capacity theatre in
in the world, with up to 370 flights per                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dublin's Docklands.
                                                  offers a choice of accommodation
week and a flight time of just over one                                                                                                                                                                                                  3 Staff at AMBER (Advanced Materials
                                                  types, fresh air, green spaces and                                                                                                                                                         and BioEngineering Research).
hour, enabling existing staff of the                                                                                                                                                                                                     4 SSPC (Synthesis and Solid
                                                  activities at an affordable cost.
EMA to commute should they wish.                                                                                                                                                                                                             State Pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Centre) staff member.

2 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                                                                                                                              INTRODUCTION | 3
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
Leaders in Innovation                        A track record of excellence
                                                  and Collaboration                            in medicines regulation
                                                  Ireland also has one of the most             Located in Dublin, the Health Products
                                                  collaborative research systems in the        Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has an
                                                  world. Driven by Science Foundation          international reputation in regulatory
                                                  Ireland, there is a clear commitment         excellence, and an exceptionally strong,
                                                  to support outstanding research talent       established working relationship with
                                                  and a particular focus on the life science   the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
                                                  and ICT sectors. Innovation for future       and international counterparts. The
                                                  healthcare will increasingly centre on the   agency has a demonstrated ability to
                                                  convergence between medical device,          evolve and adapt, now governing a
                                                  pharmaceutical and information and           unique and extensive range of health
                                                  communication technologies, and all          products. It is an integral part of
                                                  three drivers come together in Dublin.       the European network, with experts
                                                                                               participating in and chairing or co-
                                                                                               chairing a number of EMA committees
                                                  Science Foundation Ireland’s                 and working groups. As a result the HPRA
                                                  researchers collaborate                      already provides significant support
                                                  with over 370 multinational                  to the EMA and this can be rapidly
                                                                                               scaled up in the event of relocation.
                                                  companies and 437 small/                     The importance of co-operation and
                                                  medium enterprises                           harmonisation is central to the HPRA's
                                                  and in 2015 increased                        regulatory approach, as demonstrated
                                                                                               by its commitment and involvement
                                                  investment in research                       at the Heads of Medicines Agencies
                                                  and development from                         (HMA), the International Medical Device
                                                  private enterprise by 44%.                   Regulators Forum (IMDRF) and the
                                                                                               International Coalition of Medicines
                                                                                               Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA).
                                                  In addition, the same cohort
                                                  of researchers reported over
                                                  2,000 international academic                 The HPRA values highly
                                                  collaborations in 62 countries.              the supplementary
                                                  Following on from this convergence
                                                                                               programmes and initiatives
                                                  of technologies will be developments         that support the Agency
                                                  in the area of biological medicines          and the Network. It has
                                                  and biotechnology. Ireland already
                                                  has a firmly established research and
                                                                                               played a leading role in
                                                  development (R&D) presence in this           the implementation of the
                                                  sector, supported by a state of the art      telematics and regulatory
                                                  National Institute for Bioprocessing
                                                  Research and Training (NIBRT, www.nibrt.
                                                                                               optimisation objectives for
                                                  ie), facilitating innovation and delivery    the medicines regulatory
                                                  from concept to product. Located in          networks in Europe.
                                                  a new world-class facility in Dublin,
                                                  this global centre of excellence, which
                                                  acts as a “flight simulator” for biotech
                                                  manufacturing, has been purpose built
                                                  to replicate a modern bioprocessing
                                                  plant and now trains over 3,500 people
                                                  annually. NIBRT also conducts process
                                                  research as a service on behalf of biotech
                                                  manufacturers in Ireland and overseas.

4 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                          INTRODUCTION | 5
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
 ublin Airport offers
D                                                 1
excellent direct air                              SEAMLESS
connections to EU                                 TRANSITION

capitals and a vast
European network                                                                                                                1

comprising 145 routes.
                                                  1 T erminal 2 arrivals gate.
                                                  2 Passenger waiting area.
                                                  3 Departing passengers.                                                      2                                          3

                                                  Dublin offers state-of-the-art optical networks and world-class
                                                  national and international connectivity, providing advanced
                                                  and competitive telecommunications infrastructure. With
                                                  numerous multinationals including SAP, Google and
                                                  Microsoft setting up their European headquarters in Dublin,
                                                  it is clear that the city can meet the ICT needs of the Agency.

                                                  Connected to London                     Madrid, with many of Europe’s regulatory   Approximate flight times
                                                  With a flight time of just 1 hour 15    destinations just a few hours away.        between Dublin and other
                                                  minutes, commuting between Dublin                                                  top business destinations
                                                  and London is a very realistic option   Runway to the USA
                                                  for employees making arrangements       Dublin is the fifth best connected         DESTINATION  FLIGHT TIME 
                                                  to move their families or even on       airport in Europe for transatlantic
                                                                                                                                     London           1 HR 15 MINS
                                                  a longer-term basis. Competition        flights and the only European capital
                                                                                                                                     New York         6 HRS 30 MINS
                                                  on the route means cost-effective       with US pre-clearance facilities. This
                                                  pricing, with up to 370 flights per     means that all US customs and pre-         Paris            1 HR 30 MINS
                                                  week between the two capitals.          clearance checks are completed in          Rome             3 HRS 5 MINS
                                                                                          Dublin before arrival into the United      Madrid           2 HRS 30 MINS
                                                  Connected to Europe                     States of America, meaning passengers
                                                                                                                                     Brussels         1 HR 40 MINS
                                                  In Dublin, nowhere in Europe is far     can clear US Immigration, Customs and
                                                  away. The top ten destinations to and   Agriculture controls prior to departure.   Toronto          6 HRS 45 MINS
                                                  from Dublin Airport include Paris,                                                 Tokyo            14 HRS 55 MINS
                                                  Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Brussels and

6 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                         SEAMLESS TRANSITION | 7
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work

                                                                   1                                                                  2                                  1                             2                                                   4

In 2016, the Airports Council                     World-class office solutions                  The second option is located in              Meeting spaces                                                Hotel accommodation
International ranked                              A critical requirement for the EMA is         Dublin Airport Central, a vibrant new        The Convention Centre Dublin is a world-class                 In a compact, welcoming, international
                                                  a bespoke building that will allow the        commercial district within Dublin Airport.                                                                 city, Dublin provides quality
Dublin Airport No. 1 for                          Agency to continue to operate at the          A new 500,000ft² office development
                                                                                                                                             conference venue in the heart of Ireland’s capital city       overnight hotel accommodation and
customer service ahead                            highest standards. Following a market         will shortly commence construction.          in Dublin’s Docklands, just 20 minutes from the               international conference facilities.
of all other European                             review of available opportunities,            The new development will be walking          airport. Since opening in September 2010, it has
                                                  and discussions with relevant state           distance to terminals offering seamless                                                                    With over 124 hotels (classified as 3
airports of a similar size.                       agencies, the Irish Government has            access to more than 600 flights daily
                                                                                                                                             won 34 industry awards and continues to position              stars and above) and over 40,000 rooms
                                                  identified two particularly suitable          to over 180 destinations worldwide.          Ireland on the world stage for international                  Dublin has an abundance of overnight
Dublin Airport has direct flights to 185          locations, one in the Dublin Docklands        This exciting new development will           conferences, congresses and events.                           accommodation. As of late March 2016,
destinations in 41 countries. Rated the           and the other in Dublin Airport               also include shops, restaurants and                                                                        80 prospective projects to develop
fastest growing airport in Europe in 2016,        Central, a vibrant new commercial             medical care, as well as a new 400+                                                                        additional bed capacity in the city were
Dublin Airport offers excellent direct air        district located within Dublin Airport.       bedroom hotel linked to Terminal 2.                                                                        identified. Some 65 of these will be
connections to EU capitals and a vast                                                                                                                                                                      open for business by 2020, generating
European network comprising 145 routes.           The first site is located in the rapidly                                                                                                                 over 5,500 additional bedrooms.
                                                  developing North Docklands Area close         Both of these options allow
Average through time from the aircraft            to Dublin City Centre. It also falls within   for considerable input by                                                                                  Easy to get around
to exiting the airport is 20 minutes or           a Special Development Zone (SDZ),             EMA into the final layout                                                                                  Dublin is a compact city that’s easy to get
even faster for passengers carrying               which was instigated as a catalyst to                                                                                                                    around on foot. Public transport options
only hand luggage. The airport is just            support and encourage the efficient
                                                                                                and can be ready by Q1 2019.                                                                               include bus, intercity and suburban
12km from Dublin city centre, served              redevelopment and rejuvenation of this                                                                                                                   rail and the LUAS light rail network.
by bus or a 20-minute taxi journey.               area of the city. In terms of transport,
                                                  the site is no more than twenty minutes
                                                  from Dublin Airport via the Port Tunnel                                                                                                                             1 T he Shelbourne Hotel.
                                                  and the cross-city tram system which                                                                                                                                2 The Ashling Hotel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3 Dublin’s LUAS cross-city light rail
                                                  terminates at the building's doorstep.                                                                                                                                 extension is scheduled to be in
                                                  It is also well served by city buses.                                                                                                                                  operation by the end of 2017,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         enabling an additional 10 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         passenger journeys per year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4 Dublinbikes’ self-service bike rental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         allows anyone from 14 years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         age to two-wheel through the city
1 D ublin Docklands.                                                                                                                                                                                                    centre, commuting between home
2 Dublin Airport Central, a vibrant                                                                                                                                                                                     and work or getting out and about
   new commercial district located                                                                                                                                                               5                       to enjoy Dublin at their leisure.
   within Dublin Airport.                                                                                                                                                                                             5 The Convention Centre.

8 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                                                                                                      SEAMLESS TRANSITION | 9
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
                                                   QUALITY OF LIFE

                                                   1 A
                                                      partment blocks in
                                                     Dublin's docklands.                                                                     2                                     1

                                                   “Dublin is now a truly cosmopolitan capital, with
                                                    an influx of people, energy and ideas infusing the
                                                    ever-beguiling, multi-layered city with fresh flavours
                                                    and kaleidoscopic colours…the place pulsates with
                                                    youthful vibrancy, optimism and creativity”.
                                                   LONELY PLANET, BEST IN TRAVEL, 2016

                                                   Nowhere in Europe will the EMA teams        robust and sustainable economic           A choice of accommodation options
                                                   who have put down roots in London feel      expansion. GDP grew by 4.2% in 2016.      Whether planning to purchase or rent in
                                                   closer to home than in Dublin. The city                                               Dublin, EMA staff have a wide range of
                                                   offers world-class standards of living to   This continued growth is creating         accommodation options from city centre
                                                   retain employees and attract new talent.    excellent employment opportunities        apartment living and terraced homes
                                                                                               in the city centre and greater Dublin     with gardens to single development
                                                   Diverse and rewarding career                area, providing a choice of high-         housing within commutable distance.
                                                   prospects for spouses and partners          quality career options for the partners   Earlier this year, the Irish Government
                                                   Ireland’s job market is fully open to       and spouses of EMA employees.             announced plans to double the annual
                                                   all members of EU and European                                                        level of residential construction to
                                                   Economic Area (EEA) countries,              Key opportunity areas include             25,000 homes in the period to 2021.
                                                   Norway, Switzerland and Iceland.            ICT, financial services, life             In addition, rent control legislation
                                                                                               sciences, manufacturing, media            ensures that landlords can only raise
                                                   Ireland’s economy grew five times faster    and digital content, healthcare,          rents in designated rent pressure
                                                   than the Eurozone average in 2015, and      education and government.                 zones within Dublin city according
                                                   we are now in the fifth year of continued                                             to specific rules, providing improved
                                                                                                                                         security and certainty for tenants.

10 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                          EXCELLENT QUALITY OF LIFE | 11
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
CITY          MERCER              EIU
                                                                                                          RANKING             RANKING

                                                                                                          17th most           6th most
                                                                                                          expensive           expensive

                                                                                            Dublin        47th most           24th most
                                                                                                          expensive           expensive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                1                                2                                           3

Competitive living costs                           Healthcare in Ireland is modern, safe           • highly professional teachers              With Trinity College Dublin,                 The Legatum Prosperity Index 2016             Dublin, a progressive, cultured city
Compared with London and other                     and among the best in the world. Dublin         • a diverse range of schools at               University College Dublin                    placed Ireland 13 out of 149 countries        Dublin has been transformed by two
major European cities, Dublin is a cost-           offers extensive healthcare options in             all levels meeting the highest                                                           worldwide, commenting that not                decades of multiculturalism, from
effective place to live. Both Mercer’s             high quality public hospitals. Dublin's            international standards.
                                                                                                                                                  and the Royal College of                     all of Ireland’s success is due to            an international to an intercultural
and the Economist Intelligence Unit’s              major University Hospitals host centres                                                        Surgeons in Ireland, the                     economics, citing “its spectacular            environment with a reputation for
2016 Cost of Living surveys rank Dublin            of excellence and deliver specialist            Education options in Ireland include           city hosts three schools of                  achievements in education and                 understanding and embracing the
as having a cost advantage over Paris,             medical services. There is also an              state-funded public schools, known as                                                       personal freedom”, two sub-indices            advantages of social diversity. In
London, Geneva and Copenhagen.                     extensive private hospital network in           national schools, fee-paying schools
                                                                                                                                                  medicine, two schools of                     where Ireland scores in the top 10.           2015, Ireland proudly became the
                                                   Ireland offering consultant delivered           and private schools. Two facilities            pharmacy and one school                                                                    first country in the world to introduce
Family friendly childcare                          care. Ten of these hospitals are in the         offer the European Baccalaureate:              of veterinary medicine.                      Green Spaces and Blue Flag Beaches            Equal Marriage for same-sex couples
                                                   Dublin area including high technology           the European Annex at St Andrew's,                                                          With a prevailing air flow from the           through a popular vote. Another 2015
Quality childcare is widely
                                                   hospitals offering specialist care.             Booterstown, Dublin and the European                                                        Atlantic, Ireland has of one the best         landmark for equality in Ireland was the
available throughout Dublin                                                                        School in Dunshaughlin, County Meath.          The IMD World Competitiveness Report         standards of air quality in Europe. Dublin    introduction of the Gender Recognition
in a variety of formats.                                                                                                                          ranks Ireland as having one of the best
                                                   World-leading education system                  Both are accredited and fully funded                                                        is a low-density city with over 1,500         Bill, allowing transgender people over 18
                                                                                                                                                  educational systems in the world. Over
                                                                                                   by the Irish Department of Education                                                        hectares of parks, green spaces, urban        to have their preferred and self-declared
                                                   The Irish education system                                                                     40 per cent of people aged between 25
                                                                                                   and Skills. In the event of a relocation                                                    trees and the Bull Island Biosphere,          gender recognised by the state, without
Through the Early Childhood Care                   provides consistent, high-                                                                     and 36 have benefited from third level
                                                                                                   of the European Medicines Agency to                                                         providing ample room to roam.                 requiring testimony from a doctor.
and Education (ECCE) Scheme,
                                                   quality education through all                                                                  education. Three of Ireland’s seven
                                                                                                   Dublin, the Department of Education
children can access a number of free                                                                                                              universities and four of its 14 institutes
                                                   levels of the school system.                    and Skills will accredit a facility to offer                                                Within a stone’s throw of the city            The country has a proud heritage of
hours every week with a playschool,                                                                                                               of technology are based in Dublin.
                                                                                                   the European Baccalureate to children                                                       centre, a coastline of sandy beaches,         traditional dance, music, theatre and
naíonra (Irish-medium pre-school),                 Our students’ achievements                      of staff employed at the agency.                                                            rocky coves, seaside towns and fishing        literary excellence. With four Nobel
Montessori or parent and toddler
                                                   in international assessments                                                                   A safe and welcoming city
                                                                                                   In addition, a new private international                                                    villages offer thrilling sports, historical   laureates (Yeats, Beckett, Shaw and
groups from 3 years of age until                                                                                                                  Dublin is also one of Europe’s safest
                                                   demonstrate the particular                      school catering for local and expatriate                                                    ruins, seafood dining and crystal             Heaney), universities of global distinction
they transfer to primary school.                                                                                                                  and most welcoming capital cities. In
                                                                                                   students aged between three and                                                             waters with Blue Flag status. The city        (TCD and UCD), countless theatre,
                                                   strengths of our system:                        eighteen years is scheduled to open            2016, Ireland was ranked the twelfth         also has mountains and wilderness             arts and literary festivals and the
Quality Healthcare                                                                                                                                most peaceful place in the world, by
                                                                                                   in south Dublin in September 2018.                                                          on its doorstep. A 30 minute drive            internationally prestigious Dublin Literary
With the relocation of 900 employees,                                                                                                             the Global Peace Index, which rates
                                                   • a
                                                      centrally devised curriculum                The new school will feature extensive                                                       south of Dublin will bring you into the       Award, it is unsurprisingly one of 20
their families and up to 350 visitors a                                                                                                           163 nations globally on measures
                                                     which facilitates equity of                   facilities, including specialist arts                                                       Wicklow mountains national park,              UNESCO Cities of Literature Worldwide.
day, a quality healthcare system is an                                                                                                            such as conflict, safety and security
                                                     opportunity for all students                  and STEAM (science, technology,                                                             20,483 hectares of wide open vistas.
essential consideration for the EMA.                                                                                                              in society and militarisation.
                                                   • integrated provision for children           engineering, arts and maths).                                                                                                                        1 F ounded in 1592, Trinity
                                                     of all abilities, religious beliefs,                                                                                                                                                                  College Dublin is located right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the heart of Dublin.
                                                     and ethnic backgrounds                                                                                                                                                                             2 Dublin Bay.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3 The Phoenix Park.

12 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                                                                                                                                EXCELLENT QUALITY OF LIFE | 13
Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
1                                                With four Nobel laureates for literature
                                                   (Yeats, Beckett, Shaw and Heaney),
                                                   universities of global distinction (TCD
                                                   and UCD), countless theatre, arts and
                                                   literary festivals and the internationally
                                                   prestigious Dublin Literary Award, it
                                                   is unsurprisingly one of 20 UNESCO
                                                   Cities of Literature Worldwide.

                                                                            1 T
                                                                               he National Gallery of Ireland,
                                                                              located in Dublin city centre.

Dublin Relocation of the European Medicines Agency - Where the world comes to work
A long-term commitment
                                                                     Ireland has an
                                                   3                 impressive track record
                                                                                                              to the European Union
                                                                                                              Ireland is one of the most pro-EU
                                                   AN EFFICIENT      in winning foreign direct                countries in Europe. According to

                                                   OPERATION BASE,   investment (FDI).                        the autumn 2016 Eurobarometer
                                                                                                              survey, optimism about the future
                                                   WITH A ‘CAN-DO’                                            of the European Union was highest
                                                   ATTITUDE          Home to 1,250 overseas company           in Ireland at 77 per cent, compared
                                                                     operations, the country continues        to an EU average of only 50 per
                                                                     to attract companies from a host of      cent. Irish respondents (55 per cent)
                                                                     different sectors. Ireland has been      were also the most likely to have a
                                                                     chosen by nine of the top ten global     positive image of the EU. As a member
                                                                     pharmaceutical companies; nine of the    of the eurozone, Ireland provides
                                                                     top ten global software companies;       stability for the EMA and its staff.
                                                                     nine of the top ten US ICT companies
                                                                     and thirteen of the top fifteen global
                                                                     medical technology companies.

                                                                     IRELAND IS RANKED:

                                                                     1st in the World for                     1st in Europe for

                                                                     Flexibility and adaptability             Workplace happiness 1
                                                                     of people 2
                                                                                                              Ease of paying taxes 3
                                                                     National culture being
                                                                     open to foreign ideas 2                  1st in Eurozone for

                                                                     Ease of complying with                   Supply chain risk quality 4
                                                                     corporation legislation
                                                                     and regulation 5

                                                                     Investment incentives
                                                                     being attractive to
                                                                     foreign investors 1

                                                                     Availability of finance skills 2

                                                                     Real GDP growth 2Exporting
                                                                     computer and
                                                                     information services 6                             1 Indeed Workplace Enjoyment
                                                                                                                           Ranking 2016
                                                                                                                        2 IMD World Competitiveness
                                                                     Inward investment based                               Yearbook 2016
                                                                                                                        3 PwC / World Bank
                                                                     on jobs per capita 7                                  Group — Paying Taxes 2016
                                                                                                                        4 FM Global Resilience Index 2016
                                                                                                                        5 TMF Group Global Benchmark
                                                                                                                           Complexity Index 2015
                                                                                                                        6 OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2015
                                                                                                                        7 IBM Global Location
                                                                                                                           Trends 2016 report

16 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                             AN EFFICIENT OPERATION BASE | 17
With a global visa programme and access
                                                                 Our young workforce is
                                                   4             capable, highly adaptable,
                                                                                                            to the European Union's 250+ million
                                                                                                            labour force, Dublin is where the world
                                                   WORLD CLASS   educated and committed                     comes to work. Some 17% of Ireland’s

                                                   TALENT POOL   to achievement.                            population is international with that
                                                                                                            figure increasing to 20% in Dublin. In 2014
                                                                                                            alone, over 59,000 Europeans moved to
                                                                 Ireland has the youngest population in     Ireland to live and work. Within Science
                                                                 Europe with one third of the population    Foundation Ireland-funded research
                                                                 under 25 years old. Combined with          groups, 62% of Postdoctoral Researchers,
                                                                 one of the most highly educated            50% of PhD Students and 30% of Award-
                                                                 work forces in the world, Ireland          holders hold citizenship outside Ireland.
                                                                 has a resource that cannot be easily
                                                                 replicated elsewhere. We continue to
                                                                 develop our talent base with exceptional
                                                                 education programmes and facilities,
                                                                 complemented by and integrated with
                                                                 world-class research programmes.

                                                                               < 25                                         17%

                                                                 ONE THIRD OF THE POPULATION                17% OF IRELAND’S POPULATION
                                                                 IS UNDER 25 YEARS OLD.                     IS INTERNATIONAL.

                                                                            59,000+                                         62%

                                                                 IN 2014 ALONE, OVER                        62% OF POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS
                                                                 59,000 EUROPEANS CAME TO                   HOLD CITIZENSHIP OUTSIDE IRELAND.
                                                                 LIVE AND WORK IN IRELAND.

18 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                              WORLD CLASS TALENT POOL | 19
1                                                With the youngest population in Europe
                                                   and one of the most highly educated
                                                   in the world, Ireland has a resource
                                                   that cannot be easily replicated
                                                   elsewhere. We continue to develop
                                                   our talent base with exceptional
                                                   education programmes and facilities,
                                                   complemented by and integrated with
                                                   world-class research programmes.

                                                                         1 T
                                                                            he Long Room Library at
                                                                           Trinity College.

                                                   DYNAMIC LIFE
                                                   SCIENCES SECTOR,
                                                   LEADERS IN
                                                   INNOVATION AND
                                                   & A TRACK RECORD
                                                   OF EXCELLENCE
                                                   IN MEDICINES

                                                   A heritage steeped in science,         Ireland is currently undergoing a           Over 60 per cent of operations based
                                                   medical innovation and                 wave of investment in biologics             here are engaged in research and
                                                   regulatory excellence                  manufacturing and is now home to 20         development (R&D). Capabilities
                                                   Ireland is a global centre for         individual biotech facilities, which has    span the sector from vascular,
                                                   pharmaceutical manufacturing           resulted in over €10 billion of capital     orthopaedic, diagnostic, and ophthalmic
                                                   and the bioprocessing industry.        investment over the last 10 years.          to drug delivery, combination
                                                                                                                                      devices and connected health.
                                                                                          Underpinning the success of the industry
                                                   As the seventh largest                 is Ireland’s strong regulatory compliance   With the highest number of personnel
                                                   exporter of medical                    track record and the availability of        per capita employed in medtech
                                                   and pharmaceutical                     skilled pharmaceutical professionals.       in Europe, over 29,000 people are
                                                                                                                                      directly employed by medical device
                                                   products in the world,                 A leader in medical device                  companies in Ireland, and medtech
                                                   Ireland is a leading centre            manufacturing                               exports represent 10 per cent of
                                                   for pharmaceutical                                                                 our total international sales.
                                                                                          Ireland hosts 13 of the
                                                   manufacturing globally.                world’s top 15 medical
                                                                                                                                      With a strong medical
                                                                                          device companies.
                                                   Over 75 international pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                      heritage, Ireland gave
                                                   companies operate here, many           Moreover, a strong and innovative
                                                                                                                                      the world the portable
                                                   with multiple sites and FDA-                                                       defibrillator, the modern
                                                                                          indigenous medical device sector has
                                                   approved pharmaceutical and            emerged in Ireland over the past two        stethoscope and the
                                                   biopharmaceutical plants. Spanning     decades supported by a continually
                                                   82 individual manufacturing sites      developing world-class research base
                                                                                                                                      hypodermic syringe.
                                                   and 40 service operations, the         and a strong clinical community.
                                                   sector employs over 28,000 people
                                                   across a multitude of disciplines.

22 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                   DYNAMIC LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR | 23
1                                                Over 75 international pharmaceutical
                                                   companies operate here, many
                                                   with multiple sites and FDA-
                                                   approved pharmaceutical and
                                                   biopharmaceutical plants. Spanning
                                                   82 individual manufacturing sites
                                                   and 40 service operations, the
                                                   sector employs over 28,000 people
                                                   across a multitude of disciplines.

Innovation at the heart of policy                  Dubbed Silicon Docks, Dublin’s hottest   To remain poised for radical changes     Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)             Science Foundation Ireland’s ICT-focused     Ireland is also home
Ireland has built an innovation-driven             new tech quarter, along the city’s       and anticipated future developments,                                                  research themes include data analytics,
                                                                                                                                     Science Foundation Ireland’s                                                              to a number of high
culture and is now firmly on the global            Grand Canal, hosts Google, Facebook,     Ireland’s research community has                                                      software, photonics integration and
map in terms of excellence in research.            AirBnB and TripAdvisor, Amazon,          adopted a connected approach
                                                                                                                                     research centres are built                   future communications and networks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               performing national Clinical
Ireland’s investment to date has been              Twitter, Etsy, HubSpot, Groupon,         to ensure actors are engaged and         around outstanding talent                                                                 Trial Networks, in areas
instrumental in strengthening indigenous           LinkedIn, Eventbrite and Stripe.         collaborating with key stakeholders.     and bring together the                       Health Research Board-Clinical               such as cancer, stroke,
enterprise, securing foreign direct                                                                                                                                               Research Coordination Ireland
investment, licensing new technologies,
                                                                                                                                     best teams from across the                   HRB-CRCI is an independent,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               perinatal care, critical
                                                   Connected research                       Ireland features strongly in the
establishing new companies, and                                                             International Bibliometric Rankings
                                                                                                                                     country’s universities and                   integrated national clinical research        care and primary care.
providing the highly-educated workforce            Ireland has invested                                                                                                           network, providing centralised
                                                                                            across many subject areas, advancing     institutes of technology.
needed to grow the economy and                     significantly in the                     to second place globally in the fields                                                support in the conduct of multicentre        In addition, our clinical research
contribute to society. Ireland’s economy           establishment of a                                                                                                             clinical trials (both commercial
                                                                                            of Immunology, Molecular Biology                                                                                                   system is supported by a dedicated,
                                                                                                                                     Likewise, our Technology Centres see
is one of the most open in the world.                                                                                                                                             and academic) across Ireland.
                                                   coordinated, efficient                   and Genetics and Nano-technology                                                                                                   national methodology trials network.
                                                                                                                                     multinationals and small and medium
                                                                                            and third in Materials Sciences.
                                                   and effective clinical                                                            enterprises (SMEs) work together with        The CRCI central office provides
                                                                                            This demonstrates Ireland’s path to
Nine out of ten of the                                                                                                               multi-institute research clusters.           overarching support and expertise,
                                                   research infrastructure,                 climbing the industrial value chain.
world’s top ICT companies                                                                                                                                                         through a range of services and activities
                                                   making the country a high-                                                        Over the past four years, SFI has invested   to academia and industry. Their partner
and the full top ten global                                                                                                          in 12 world-leading research centres of
                                                   quality location for clinical                                                                                                  Clinical Research Facilities (CRF), all
‘born on the internet’                                                                                                               excellence that include the Synthesis and    co-located with the largest research
                                                   research and trials.                                                              Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre; the
players have Irish bases.                                                                                                                                                         and teaching hospitals, provide the
                                                                                                                                     Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; CÚRAM        infrastructure, physical space and
                                                                                                                                     Centre for Research in Medical Devices;      facilities, experienced research and
                                                                                                                                     the Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal      specialist support staff and quality and
                                                                                                                                     Translational Research (INFANT), and the     oversight programs that are critical for
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Materials and BioEngineering        the successful conduct of world-class
                                                                                                                                     Research Centre (AMBER). These Ireland-      patient-focused research. HRB-CRCI
                                                                                                                                     based, world-leading research centres        and the CRFs facilitate research and
                                                                                                                                     have attracted investments exceeding         are located throughout Ireland.
                                                                                                                                     €200m from industry partners.

26 | RELOCATION OF THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY                                                                                                                                                                                             DYNAMIC LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR | 27

Molecular Medicine Ireland                         Connecting digital and
Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) is                communications technology
a not-for-profit research partnership              with medical therapies
promoting a strong multi-disciplinary and          The Applied Research for Connected
cross-institutional collaborative research         Health (ARCH) technology centre,
environment. MMI mobilises the                     hosted at University College Dublin
strengths of its five partner institutions         (UCD), focuses on connecting digital
and their associated hospitals to                  and communication technology with
build a sustainable national system                medical therapies and enabling a shift
to coordinate, support and promote                 towards personalised healthcare and
translational and clinical research, with a        information-based health services.
focus on development of diagnostics and            Other Technology Centre themes include
therapies from concept to realisation.             food for health, cloud computing,
                                                   nanotechnology and pharmaceutical
                                                   manufacturing technology.
MMI’s strategic vision
is improved healthcare
through the development
of diagnostics and therapies
from concept to realisation.

1 UCD campus, home to the
   Applied Research for Connected
   Health technology centre.

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