Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu

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Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
2020 Integrated

Driving progress
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
   Portfolio. Trend analysis
after a peculiar year.
                                       What will our post-Covid world look like?
page 04                                To answer this question, central to all of our debates
                                       throughout 2020, we have continually engaged
                                       in dialogue with the stakeholders and experts in our
                                       ecosystem. This report delivers their analysis of
                                       Covid-19’s impact on our health systems, economy,
                                       environment, lifestyles and society.

Driving                                This trend analysis has, of course, been integrated
progress                               into AXA’s strategic considerations. AXA has
   Opinion. Our strategic              emerged from the crisis robust and confident
vision up to 2023.
page 14                                of the choices that have guided us since 2016
                                       and served as the basis for our new Driving
                                       Progress 2023 strategic plan.

                                       This plan reflects AXA’s purpose defined in 2020,
Protecting                             “act for human progress by protecting what
and acting                             matters,” which guides the Group’s contribution
  Health. How can AXA meet growing
global healthcare needs? page 24
                                       with concrete action to protect patients’ health
  Customers. How can we simplify       and make insurance easier to access and use
and improve access to our services
for our customers? page 32
                                       for all our customers, and to support the transition
  Climate. How can we accelerate
                                       to a sustainable economy.
the transition to adress the climate
emergency? page 40
                                       As we have done every year since 2016, we are
                                       reporting on our contribution with transparent
                                       indicators of our financial and extra-financial impact.
                                       This integrated reporting approach is inspired by
Measuring                              the International Integrated Reporting Framework.
our impact
  Reporting. AXA Group’s financial
and non-financial indicators.
page 48
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t   U N D E R S T A N D I N G _ H E A LT H

    “The Covid-19 pandemic has
    shone light on a number of flaws:
    how we organize our healthcare
    systems and how we treat our
    oldest and most vulnerable
    citizens. It has also demonstrated
    the role played by socio-economic
    factors in health risks. Another
    point worth noting is the number
    of patients who are no longer
    seeking treatment for other
    serious illnesses such as cancer,
    diabetes or cardiovascular

    As our populations age, we have
    to get better at dealing with
    multi-morbidity. We have made
    progress in this area, but not
    enough. Finally, we must learn
    from the mistakes made with our
    elders, due in particular to poor
    coordination between health and
    social services. Most of these
    issues cut to the heart of who we
    are: how we balance the interests
    of younger and older people,
    protect the less fortunate and
    integrate older people more fully
    into our economies and societies.
    The hard lessons of the pandemic
4   challenge us to radically transform                                                                                                                                   053
    our health and welfare systems,
    using fresh insights and new

    Emeritus Professor of Aging
    at Newcastle University (UK),
    chairman of the AXA Research
    Fund’s Scientific Board                                                                   “Chronic diseases are responsible      management of chronic diseases,
                                                                                              for 71% of global deaths, and          for example by using data models
                                                                                              this percentage is rising as the       to streamline medical appointments
                                                                                              population ages. Patients of           or redistribute them across
                                                                                              chronic diseases have been the         a network of establishments.
                                                                                              main victims of the Covid-19           We also use these tools to study
                                                                                              pandemic. They are not only more       patients’ behavior, especially
                                                                                              vulnerable due to their underlying     their medication adherence
                                                                                              conditions but are also increasingly   and lifestyles, since the ultimate
                                                                                              pausing or abandoning treatment        challenge is to make them agents
                                                                                              altogether, due to the disruption      of their own health, in terms of
                                                                                              to many services caused by the         both treatment and prevention.”
                                                                                              pandemic. It’s essential to maintain
                                                                                              diagnostics and continuity of care,    _EVRIM DIDEM GUNES
                                                                                              and health systems have gradually      Associate professor of operations
                                                                                              adapted by introducing solutions       management at Koc University,
                                                                                              such as telemedicine and               Istanbul (Turkey), AXA Research
                                                                                              home-based care. But to determine      Fund Award Recipient in service
                                                                                              the best forms of treatment, each      operations management
                                                                                              patient’s risks must be assessed       in healthcare
                                                                                              according to their pathologies
                                                                                              and profiles. Our work consists
                                                                                              of optimizing the healthcare
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t           U N D E R S T A N D I N G _ E C O N O M Y

    “The Covid-19 pandemic              unprecedented challenges.
    perfectly illustrates the growing   The European Union is also
    connectivity of risks: the health   facing an existential moment,
    crisis quickly led to a social,     particularly in terms of debt
    economic, cultural, political and   management. The crisis has
    geopolitical crisis. In the US,     sharpened international tensions,
    the African-American community      not only between the US and
    has been disproportionately         China, but also, for example,
    affected by the pandemic. Lower     with Russia. The health crisis has
    average incomes are part of         made the world’s most prominent
    the explanation but there are       democracies more vulnerable.
    other factors such as preexisting   Emergency measures, widespread                                                   “Supply chains – from the
    health conditions and higher        lockdowns and the use of                                                         purchasing of raw materials
    unemployment rates, which           personal data have weakened                                                      to the delivery of goods to the
    mean less access to healthcare.     personal freedoms.”                                                              consumers – are continually
    Worldwide, the complex character                                                                                     expanding. This is explained
    of the crisis has put pressure      _JAMES PETER BURGESS                                                             by the complexity of finished
    on the international system,        Professor of philosophy and                                                      products, which are manufac-
    weakening the World Health          political science at ENS Paris                                                   tured with parts from a multitude
    Organization, the International     (France), holder of the AXA                                                      of geographically dispersed,
    Monetary Fund and the World         Research Fund Chair in the                                                       specialized suppliers. This model
    Bank, which have faced              Geopolitics of Risk                                                              enables companies to reduce
                                                                                                                         costs but at the price of complex
                                                                                                                         logistics, which have proven
6                                                                                                                        to be fragile during the Covid-19    7
                                                                                                                         crisis. This has been unique in
                                                                                                                         combining a supply-side shock
                                                                                                                         – production plant closures,
                                                                                                                         transport disruptions, etc. – with
                                                                                                                         a major shift in demand (a drop
                                                                                                                         in traditional purchases and
                                                                                                                         an increase in online buying).
                                                                                                                         In normal times, this kind of
                                                                                                                         imbalance is enough to create
                                                                                                                         disruption. In a health and
                                                                                                                         economic crisis, the situation
                                                                                                                         can degenerate into complete
                                                                                                                         paralysis. To secure supply
                                                                                                                         chains, companies more than
                                                                                                                         ever need a comprehensive
                                                                                                                         approach to risk management
                                                                                                                         with insurance and an
                                                                                                                         emergency fund providing
                                                                                                                         a buffer for crises. And new
                                                                                                                         technologies are becoming
                                                                                                                         essential for improving risk
                                                                                                                         analysis and prevention: the
                                                                                                                         most resilient companies during
                                                                                                                         this critical period are those
                                                                                                                         who have invested in this field.”

                                                                                                                         _ANDREEA MINCA
                                                                                                                         Associate professor at Cornell
                                                                                                                         University (United States),
                                                                                                                         AXA Research Fund Award
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t                U N D E R S T A N D I N G _ C L I M A T E

                   “The pressure we exert on nature
                   through our consumption and
                   manufacturing methods is
                   conducive to pandemics such as
                   Covid-19. Zoonosis, or diseases
                   transmitted from animals to
                   humans, are a direct consequence
                   of biodiversity erosion, since
                   the destruction of ecosystems
                   considerably increases the risk
                   of contacts between species and
                   the transmission of infectious
                   agents. Global food security,
                   which relies on the free ecosystem
                   services provided by nature to
                   humankind, requires a large
                   number of wild species. However,
                   the vertebrate population has                                           “The numerous lockdowns during
                   dropped by 68% in less than half                                        the Covid-19 pandemic have had
                   a century. We are both culprits                                         positive repercussions for the
                   and victims of this decline, in                                         environment: lower CO2 emissions,
                   the face of fires, droughts, water                                      improved air quality, less pressure
                   shortages, lower farming yields,                                        on wild fauna, etc. While the
                   and pandemics… Nature is our                                            impact on the climate has been
                   life insurance, and the health                                          limited (the temporary drop in
                   crisis should raise our awareness                                       CO2 emissions is small compared
                   of these issues and encourage                                           to the quantity accumulated in
                   us to make the transition to a                                          the atmosphere), the lockdowns
                   sustainable, resilient economy.                                         have enabled us to observe our
                                                                                           interactions with the environment
                   Companies can and must play                                             and increase our awareness
8                  a driving role in preserving                                            of climate issues, offering an          9
                   biodiversity by helping develop                                         opportunity for each of us to be
                   a circular economy, reduce                                              more responsible consumers and
                   greenhouse gases and halt                                               try to reduce our carbon footprint.
                   deforestation. Through their                                            To move towards a +2°C global
                   action, they can influence the                                          warming trajectory, we will need
                   entire supply chain from suppliers                                      to do much more by 2030:
                   to employees and consumers.                                             continue decarbonizing electricity
                   Society expects companies to                                            production and transportation,
                   be agents of change.”                                                   improve energy efficiency in
                                                                                           buildings, change farming practices
                   _VÉRONIQUE ANDRIEUX                                                     and stop deforestation. Recovery
                   CEO of WWF France                                                       plans offer tremendous potential to
                                                                                           achieve this. For the injected public
                                                                                           funds to benefit both the economy
                                                                                           and the environment, we need to
                                                                                           favor green investments and create
                                                                                           the regulatory and socioeconomic
                                                                                           conditions for directing private
                                                                                           investments to carbon neutrality.
                                                                                           Closing down our economy cannot
                                                                                           be a viable response to the climate
                                                                                           crisis: if we want to limit climate
                                                                                           change and protect the environ-
                                                                                           ment, we must quickly transform
                                                                                           the economy and transfer jobs
                                                                                           to virtuous sectors.”

                                                                                           _OLIVIER BOUCHER
                                                                                           Climatologist, Deputy Director
                                                                                           of Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
                                                                                           and Member of the AXA Research
                                                                                           Fund’s Scientific Board
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t   U N D E R S T A N D I N G _ D I G I T A L           T R E N D S

     “A few weeks after the start
     of the lockdown in Italy, we
     observed a rise in cybercrime
     with tripled attacks and, in
     particular, a success rate close
     to 50%. This scenario was
     reproduced in France in April
     2020, mainly with phishing, or
     basic fraud exploiting temporary
     technological weaknesses after
     remote working was widely
     adopted. Since then, the success
     rate for these attacks has
     started to decline. Government
     cybercrime – aimed at destabilizing
     economic sectors with viruses
     or by overloading systems
     to block access and capture
10   data – is more worrying: it’s                                                                                                                                                    11
     accelerating, leaving companies
     less time to get organized.
     There are best practices for
     victims of these attacks: closing
     your networks and informing
     stakeholders, especially the
     markets, and isolating vulnerable
     systems to quickly relaunch those
                                                                                                        “The Covid-19 crisis increased          The Covid-19 also accelerated
     required to resume business.
                                                                                                        the importance of remote customer       the shift to mobile banking:
     But above all, prevention will
                                                                                                        interactions in many sectors. Whilst    we registered 87% of mobile
     enable companies to become
                                                                                                        human contact remains important,        interactions with our customers
     more resilient (through efficient
                                                                                                        digital proficiency is no longer a      in 2020 – which is a new record.
     IT investments, employee
                                                                                                        ‘nice to have’ for banks. We see        The crisis has only but reinforced
     awareness, reinforced security
                                                                                                        across the board banking brands         the relevance of ING’s mobile-first
     systems at each company and
                                                                                                        accelerating their digital capability   approach – our share of
     its partners), while innovation
                                                                                                        and, in some cases, applying this       mobile-only active customers
     (AI and blockchain) will improve
                                                                                                        acceleration to reducing their          went from 26% in 2018 to 40%
     digital traceability.”
                                                                                                        physical footprint as customer          in 2020. The Covid-19 has changed
                                                                                                        demands shift. The pandemic has         people’s lives. We do not foresee
                                                                                                        fast-tracked market trends such as      this trend reversing, however
     Associate Managing Director
                                                                                                        contactless and mobile payment.         balancing fully digital channels
     Financial Markets at Accenture
                                                                                                        For instance, in the Netherlands,       with human contact will be key.”
                                                                                                        ING recorded 85% contactless
                                                                                                        payments in 2020 via cards              _SUZANNE AKTEN
                                                                                                        and services like Apple Pay.            CEO of ING Digital Bancassurance
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t   U N D E R S T A N D I N G _ S O C I A L        S T A K E S

                                                                                                       “Although children have been less    risen by 20% since the first
                                                                                                       affected by the Covid-19 epidemic    lockdowns. Finally, the prolonged
                                                                                                       itself, they’re among those most     disruption to schools may
                                                                                                       impacted by the crisis. Restricted   aggravate inequality in the long
                                                                                                       movements, school closures and       term: the most vulnerable
                                                                                                       the economic crisis have had         students will have trouble
                                                                                                       serious consequences on many         catching up and hundreds of
                                                                                                       of them. A further 86 million        thousands may drop out of
                                                                                                       children worldwide have fallen       pathways to jobs. What’s more,
                                                                                                       below the poverty line, and this     we still have a poor grasp on
     “The economic shock linked                                                                        aggravated poverty has led to        the consequences the crisis will
     to the Covid-19 crisis has come                                                                   a resurgence of child labor and      have on this very vulnerable
     at extremely high speed, and yet                                                                  child marriage in low-income         population’s mental health. In
     it has not affected every segment                                                                 countries. Malnutrition has          any event, UNICEF will continue
     of the population equally.                                                                        also gained ground: around           to provide the protection they
     Those on lower incomes have                                                                       400 million children depend          need all around the world.”
     been more exposed to the crisis,                                                                  on school meals for their daily
     partly because the sectors                                                                        nutritional needs. With canteen      _SÉBASTIEN LYON
     subject to lockdown tend to be                                                                    closures, impoverished families      Executive Director,
     relatively low-pay, low-skill.                                                                    and limited access to food,          UNICEF France
                                                                                                       especially in certain regions of
     But there are other economic                                                                      Africa, child malnutrition has
     factors at play. Those who have
     lost their jobs need to rely on
     government help, which is
12   sometimes paid after a delay,                                                                                                                                              13
     further reinforcing their
     precarity. The same goes for the
     self-employed who have been
     forced to close their businesses
     from one day to the next. The
     crisis increased their debts and
     they sometimes had to liquidate
     their assets. Another issue is
     the returns on some assets that
     are particularly important for
     the middle class, like housing
     and small commercial real estate,
     are going down. The rents
     cannot be paid, and they are
     likely to be renegotiated. What
     I foresee for the future is that
     wealth inequality will most
     likely go up and it will be a while
     before low- and middle-income
     segments of the population are
     able to restore their assets.”

     Professor at the Einaudi Institute
     for the Economy and Finance
     in Rome (Italy), holder of the
     AXA Chair in Household Finance
     and Insurance
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 I nt e grat e d R e p or t                                      D R I V I N G    P R O G R E S S

                                                                                                                of thousands of patients worldwide have used
                                                                                                                our telemedicine services throughout the crisis
                                                                                                                and I’m proud to say that AXA has contributed

                                                          Report.                                               to continuity of care during this critical period.
                                                                                                                The last is the solidarity we’ve shown. We have
                                                                                                                of course been impacted by the economic
                                                             Our solidity has                                   recession, but we’ve come through this year

                                                          enabled us to withstand
                                                                                                                more robust with a 200% solvency ratio, up
                                                                                                                20 points on the fourth quarter of 2020. This is

                                                          the crisis. It’s also                                 a strong guarantee for our customers, as well
                                                                                                                as our financial partners and shareholders.

                                                          the reason we can                                     All across AXA, 2020 also marked the end of a
                                                          look to the future                                    five-year strategic plan that enabled a deep and
                                                                                                                durable transformation of the Group’s profile.
                                                          with confidence.                                      We can all see the road traveled since 2016.

                                                          Thomas Buberl                                         In just a few years, we’ve switched our focus
                                                          CEO of AXA                                            from financial risks to technical insurance
                                                                                                                risks. Property and casualty, health and
                                                                                                                protection now account for two-thirds of our

     Opinion. 2020
                                                          In 2020, we faced a crisis that was                   business. At the same time, we’ve redesigned
14                                                                                                                                                                   15
                                                          unprecedented in form, scale and impacts.             and simplified our organization to provide
                                                          The ongoing consequences of the coronavirus           AXA entities with more autonomy, enabling

     and the future seen
                                                          on health, humans and the economy will                them to get closer to customers and better
                                                          leave a mark on our societies and the world           meet their needs. This reorganization has
                                                          we live in for a long time to come.                   significantly increased customer satisfaction,

     by Thomas Buberl
                                                                                                                with 94% of our entities now exceeding the
                                                          I have already had the opportunity to talk            average satisfaction score for our sector,
                                                          about the way AXA has approached this crisis,         compared with 50% in 2015. Finally, we’ve

     and three members                                    first protecting its employees and then quickly
                                                          ensuring the continuity of service we owe
                                                          our customers: two emergency responses
                                                                                                                become a leader in health insurance with a
                                                                                                                from “payer to partner” strategy that provides
                                                                                                                our customers with services well beyond

     of AXA’s Management                                  made possible by the Group’s strong
                                                          digitalization efforts over the last few years.
                                                          During the first global lockdown, AXA also
                                                                                                                healthcare reimbursements.

     Committee.                                           brought support to hospitals and was the
                                                          first company to contribute to the French
                                                          government’s solidarity fund for businesses.
                                                                                                                Continued on page 16

                                                          Looking back over this exceptional year,
                                                          three things strike me. The first is clearly
                                                          AXA teams’ unreserved commitment to
                                                          supporting their customers during the crisis.
                                                          The second is the power and utility of the
                                                          solutions and services we’ve developed over
                                                          the past five years, particularly in health: tens
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 Int e g rat e d R e p or t                                                                     D R I V I N G    P R O G R E S S

                                                                            The emerging
                                                                         trends in the post-
                                                                         Covid world fully                     We made the right choice in investing very                       We must prevent
                                                                                                               early in digital innovation and developing
                                                                         confirm our strategic                 tools and services with our customers in mind.
                                                                                                                                                                             systemic risks, starting
                                                                         decisions.                            The successive lockdowns and business                         with climate change.
                                                                                                               closures have considerably accelerated
                                                                                                               digital adoption worldwide. Our customers                     _ALBAN DE MAILLY NESLE,
                                                                                                               want simplified, personalized journeys with                   Chief Risk and Investment Officer* and a
                                                                                                               more high-value advice and expertise from our                 Member of the Management Committee
                                                                                                               agents, and our digital investments will boost
                                                                                                               our performance in these two areas.                           “The health, economic and social crisis
                                                                                                                                                                             provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic shows
                                                                                                               Finally, we made the right choice in making                   we live in a world of heightened risks
                                                                                                               climate action our absolute priority for                      that are interconnected and increasingly
                                                                                                               a number of years already. As you know,                       systemic. Having reached this conclusion
                                                                         We have a strong position in all      AXA’s decision to divest from the coal sector                 a long time ago, we have been preparing
                                                                         of our markets, particularly France   was pioneering in 2015. Since then, we’ve                     by maintaining an extremely robust
                                                                         and Europe, where we can build        continually strengthened our commitments                      solvency ratio and diversifying our business
                                                                                                                                                                             portfolio. This has enabled us to bring the
                                                                         on the quality of our distribution    as an investor and insurer. Our action is
                                                                                                                                                                             best possible solutions to our customers’
                                                                         networks and our technical            perfectly aligned with the green recovery                     needs during the crisis.
16                                                                       excellence. AXA is the global         plans launched by governments in several                                                                       17
                                                                         leader in property and casualty       regions across the world: like them, we’re                    However, no insurer is equipped for a global
                                                                                                                                                                             lockdown: when the entire population
                                                                         commercial lines, thanks to the       convinced this crisis presents an opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                             simultaneously sustains losses on such
                                                                         creation of AXA XL in 2018, and we    to accelerate the ecological transition
                                                                                                                                                                             a large scale, we cannot use the pooling
                                                                         are the leader in health insurance,   and take the climate emergency seriously.                     mechanisms that underpin our business
                                                                         a sector that will be critical in                                                                   model. We must therefore create measures
                                                                         the coming years. We also have        We’ve built the strategic priorities of our plan,             hand in hand with governments, like
                                                                         important growth opportunities        Driving Progress 2023, on these in-depth                      the French public-private model for
                                                                         in Asia and international markets.    trends and in line with our purpose: act for                  natural disasters.
                                                                                                               human progress by protecting what matters.                    In addition to crisis response mechanisms,
                                                                          More importantly, the trends                                                                       we need to anticipate systemic risks, starting
                                                            emerging in our post-Covid world fully                                                                           with the most important: climate change.
                                                            confirm our strategic decisions. We made                                                                         We are one of the first global insurance
                                                                                                               Continued on page 18
                                                            the right choice in reducing our exposure to                                                                     companies to have integrated climate action
                                                            financial markets to concentrate on technical                                                                    into their corporate strategy. In addition,
     This transformation has involved scrupulous            risks: the low interest-rate environment                                                                         we’ve set up an internal Role in Society
                                                                                                                                                                             committee to activate every means at our
     financial discipline that has enabled us to keep       penalizes investors in the long term when
                                                                                                                                                                             disposal as an insurer and an investor.
     our commitments to financial partners. Between         technical risk pricing cycles, especially in
                                                                                                                                                                             To act quickly and effectively, we must also
     2015 and 2019, we achieved a 5% increase per           property and casualty commercial lines, are                                                                      engage as a group and organize our action.
     annum in operating profits per share, generated        more favorable.                                                                                                  That’s why, in addition to our investment
     €25 billion of liquidity and obtained a 16% return                                                                                                                      commitments through the Net-Zero Asset
     on equity while maintaining a high solvency ratio.
     From this robust position, we’ve been able to
                                                            We made the right choice in making healthcare
                                                            our first development priority. The Covid-19
                                                                                                                  We’re convinced                                            Owner Alliance, we recently called for
                                                                                                                                                                             the creation of a Net-Zero Insurance
     weather the financial crisis linked to Covid-19,       pandemic has shown just how critical health        this crisis presents                                          Underwriting Alliance that will promote
     and we can look to the future with confidence.         is to our societies and concerns, as well                                                                        the transition to a low-carbon economy
                                                            as the extent to which failings in health          an opportunity to                                             through underwriting measures.”

     The group we’ve built with Ambition 2020               systems can impact the entire economy.             accelerate the ecological                                     * Alban de Mailly Nesle will become
     is poised to enter a decade in which the first         Our prevention-centric approach is useful
                                                                                                                                                                             Group Chief Financial Officer on July 1, 2021
     years will be marked by the current crisis.            and can only grow in the years to come.                                                                          while continuing to direct investments.
Driving progress - 2020 Integrated Report - axa-contento-118412.eu
AXA - 2 02 0 Int e g rat e d R e p or t                                                                  D R I V I N G    P R O G R E S S

                                                            our profile as a both global and local company
                                                            that is capable of meeting the specific needs
                                                            of a region while developing globally in
                                                            high-demand segments, such as group health
                                                            insurance, where we are leaders.

     Perspectives.                                          In Europe, where we are a major player
                                                            in health insurance, we want to develop
                                                                                                             intuitive journeys; if customers find
                                                                                                             our processes too complicated, we must
                                                                                                                                                                              Driving Progress 2023
                                                                                                                                                                          is an operational plan
        We want to                                          a health ecosystem with data and digital
                                                            technology that will enable us to improve
                                                                                                             eliminate any unnecessary steps; and if
                                                                                                             they want faster answers, we must automate                   focused on implementing
     further enhance                                        coordination and quality of care, while
                                                            reinforcing prevention through our Digital
                                                                                                             our transactions.
     our services to                                        Health Platform. The solutions launched in
                                                            Italy, Germany and soon other European
                                                                                                             Arriving at this outcome means investing
                                                                                                             in the technologies that will enable us to
                                                                                                                                                                          _GEORGES DESVAUX, Chief Strategy

     become a health
                                                                                                                                                                          and Business Development Officer and
                                                            countries enable our customers to access         automate these management tasks and
                                                                                                                                                                          a Member of the Management Committee
                                                            services across the entire healthcare journey.   focus on what counts: expertise and advice.
     “orchestrator” for                                     This is a first in Europe. In regions where
                                                            the healthcare systems themselves need
                                                                                                             To achieve this, we’re concentrating on
                                                                                                             becoming more agile by modernizing our                       “Our new Driving Progress 2023 plan
     our customers.                                         to be reinforced, we’re focusing on a vertical
                                                            integration strategy, creating and managing
                                                                                                             IT infrastructures, while simplifying our
                                                                                                             internal processes.
                                                                                                                                                                          has been built in several stages since
                                                                                                                                                                          mid-2019, based on very solid foundations.
     Thomas Buberl                                          our own structures. This is already the case                                                                  First, our long-term ‘from payer to partner’
                                                                                                                                                                          vision, defined in 2016, remains relevant,
     CEO of AXA                                             of Mexico and Egypt, as well as Spain and        In this way, our customers will benefit from
                                                                                                                                                                          since the major trends we’ve identified
                                                            Italy for specific medical needs. To measure     even simpler relations with their insurer, while
                                                                                                                                                                          continue to play out. Second, our
                                                            our progress in this ambitious undertaking,      we will benefit from increased productivity.                 transformation efforts have prepared us
     With Ambition 2020, we’ve built a solid                we’ve set an annual average growth target        Our aim is to generate €0.5 billion of absolute              to manage these structural evolutions
18   insurance business, firmly focused on                  of 5% of our health revenues by 2023.            cost reduction between 2019 and 2023.                        without ever losing sight of our solidity      19
     society’s needs. Driving Progress 2023                                                                                                                               and profitability. Finally, our work on
     will enable us to leverage these strengths             Our plan’s second priority is simplifying                                                                     defining our purpose, which we conducted
     and become even stronger in our fields                 the customer journey while boosting the                                                                       at the same time as our strategic review,
                                                                                                             Continued on page 20                                         has guided us through the process.
     of excellence. That’s why we’ve opted                  Group’s productivity. As I’ve mentioned,
     for a short plan centered on execution                 our customers are looking for fast and                                                                        We also wanted to capitalize on our
     of our transformation, with manageable                 fluid interactions that give them more                                                                        organizational model to improve our
     objectives.                                            autonomy. We must put ourselves in their                                                                      understanding of local needs and identify
                                                            shoes and understand the pain points at                                                                       strategic priorities that would be both
     This new strategic plan also illustrates               every step of the customer relationship:                                                                      inspiring and highly operational in all
                                                                                                                                                                          of our markets. This combination of the
     the utility expressed in our purpose.                  if our contracts take too long to read, we
                                                                                                                                                                          Group’s global vision and feedback on local
     “Act for human progress” invites us to take            must simplify them; if our services aren’t
                                                                                                                                                                          perceptions from our entities reinforces
     transformative action for ourselves and                accessible enough, we must offer more                                                                         Driving Progress 2023. It’s an operational
     our stakeholders. This is exactly the object                                                                                                                         plan focused on achieving transformation,
     of the plan, which completes our transition                                                                                                                          with a local anchor to ensure we meet
     to a new insurance model. “By protecting                                                                                                                             the real needs of our customers.
     what matters” leads us to concentrate on
                                                                                                                                                                          Our strategic plan was finalized during
     major risks for our stakeholders.                                                                                                                                    the first months of the global Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                          pandemic, so we carried out several stress
     Our top priority – developing health and                                                                                                                             tests to ensure our strategy remained valid
     protection in every geography, especially                              Driving Progress                                                                              in this new context. We noticed that the
     through innovative services – meets growing                                                                                                                          global crisis accelerated the trends we’d
     healthcare needs worldwide. In this field,                         2023 will enable                                                                                  prepared for, rather than create new ones.”
     an insurer can do much more than bear                              us to leverage our
     its customers’ risks. We’ve proven it
     by developing prevention services, and                             strengths and become
     we want to further expand our business
     and become a health “orchestrator.”
                                                                        even stronger in our
     To reach this goal, we have a major asset:                         fields of excellence.
AXA - 2 02 0 Int e g rat e d R ep or t                                                                    D R I V I N G   P R O G R E S S

                                                                        The climate
                                                                     emergency raises
                                                                     global questions                        As you can see, our new strategic plan is                     Autonomy and
                                                                     that require us                         both highly operational and fully aligned
                                                                                                                                                                        diversity are key strengths
                                                                                                             with our purpose, which provides each of our
     Our third priority concerns our underwriting                    to act with                             employees with a clear vision of the meaning               for attracting the best
     performance, especially at AXA XL, the global                   determination.                          behind their actions. We ask a lot from AXA
                                                                                                             women and men, employees and agents.                       talents and standing out
     leader in property and casualty commercial
     lines. This is a segment with strong demand                                                             The successful execution of our plan relies                on the market.
     and a favorable pricing cycle. To seize these                                                           on their commitment and ability to transform
     opportunities, AXA XL must switch from a                                                                with the Group, so it’s essential for them to              _KARIMA SILVENT, Chief Human
     global growth model to a specialist model                                                               own and contribute to our long-term vision.                Resources Officer, AXA Group and
     with very high-value risk expertise. This           For this new plan, we’ve also decided to            To get everyone on board, we’ve made                       a Member of the Management Committee
     means managing volatility risks more                place our climate ambitions at the center           our strategic plan and our purpose a time
     effectively by reducing the maximum impact          of our strategy. The climate emergency              for collective intelligence and reflection.
                                                                                                                                                                        “We want to accelerate AXA’s cultural
     per contract and reviewing the portfolio’s          raises global questions that require us to          We must keep this momentum going:
                                                                                                                                                                        transformation through three major programs.
     exposure to natural disasters. Supported            act with determination: offering solutions          it takes a team effort to build our expertise              The first concerns smart working, which
     by AXA XL’s new governance, this strategy           to protect our shared future is fundamental         and performance, and we will support this                  will enable us to become more agile, pursue
     must enable AXA XL to generate €1.2 billion         to our purpose. Driving Progress 2023               with more inclusiveness and training,                      digitization in our businesses and further
     in underlying earnings in 2021 and a 93%            defines new milestones in our long-term             while measuring our progress with the AXA for              boost our employees’ autonomy. Equipped
     property and casualty all-year combined             commitments.                                        Progress Index that we’re creating this year.              with laptop computers, as well as user-friendly
20   ratio for the Group by 2023.                        Between 2019 and 2025, AXA will have                                                                           software, specific training and updated             21
                                                                                                             I would like to take this opportunity to thank             working methods in all our countries, AXA
                                                         reduced the carbon footprint of its general
                                                                                                                                                                        teams can now work from home two days a
                                                         account assets by 20%, in line with the targets     all AXA employees worldwide. You have
                                                                                                                                                                        week, depending on the specific requirements
                                                         set by the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance.           demonstrated the utility of our profession,
                                                                                                                                                                        of their jobs.
                                                         After launching the first €100 million transition   and despite the current crisis, we have good
                                                                                                             reasons to be confident in the future.                     The second program involves demonstrating
                                                         bond in 2019, we’ve continued down this
                                                                                                                                                                        our purpose in our corporate culture,
                                                         path by financing a second issuance of the
                                                                                                                                                                        particularly by introducing an inclusion policy:
                                                         same amount at the end of 2020. This new                                                                       I’m convinced a focus on diversity will enable
                                                         bond category demonstrates our willingness                                                                     us to activate the best talents and stand out on
                                                         to support the economy and society in the                                                                      the market. To keep moving forward and make
                                                         energy transition. We’re doing this as an
                                                         investor and insurer by developing products
                                                                                                                Offering solutions                                      this inclusive culture a reality in the Group,
                                                                                                                                                                        we’re launching a major training and awareness
                                                         that help our customers adapt to climate            to protect our shared                                      program at every level of the company and
                                                         change. It’s the only way to build a greener                                                                   measuring progress through employee surveys.
                                                         and more inclusive society.                         future is fundamental                                      Our third priority concerns our employees’
                                                                                                             to our purpose.                                            health, which is both a responsibility as an
                                                         Our strategic plan has a fifth financial                                                                       employer and a prerequisite for our
                                                         priority of consolidating our robust position       Driving Progress 2023                                      performance as a Group. In 2021, AXA will
                                                                                                                                                                        introduce a global health policy that includes
                                                         – a prerequisite for our customers and
                                                         shareholders. In addition to a much higher
                                                                                                             defines new milestones                                     a complete health checkup every four years for

                                                         solvency ratio than the regulatory minimum,         in our long-term                                           employees over 40, a digital medical visit every
                                                                                                                                                                        two years for all employees, and psychological
                                                         Driving Progress 2023 focuses on generating
                                                         strong cash upstream to support our                 commitments.                                               support. Mental health is a pressing social issue
                                                                                                                                                                        and we want to make this a priority at AXA.
                                                         dividends, reducing general account                                                                            We’ve raised awareness among our managers so
                                                         exposure and continuing to simplify the                                                                        they understand it fully. We’ve also reinforced
                                                         Group’s organization, in line with clear capital                                                               our detection mechanisms and included stress
                                                         management principles. This should enable                                                                      measurement in our internal surveys.”
                                                         us to generate €14 billion cumulative
                                                         cash upstream by 2023.
AXA - 2 02 0 I nt e grat e d R e p or t                        P R O T E C T I N G    A N D     A C T I N G

                                               Focus. The essence of insurance
                                               – sharing risks through pooling
                                               mechanisms – means AXA has
                                               an important role to play in social
                                               cohesion and solidarity. We fully
                                               accept this responsibility, aiming
                                               to help build positive solutions
                                               for the future.                                                                                  23

                                                     Health.                       Customers.                       Climate.
                                                     How can AXA                   How can we simplify and          How can we accelerate
                                                     meet growing global           improve access to our services   the transition to address
                                                     healthcare needs?             for our customers?               the climate emergency?

                                                     P. 24-31                      P. 32-39                         P. 40-47
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Re p or t             P R O T E C T I N G        A N D      A C T I N G

     Health. How can                                                              and mental disorders, the prevalence
                                                                                  of which we are only beginning to
                                                                                                                                    By simplifying reimbursement systems and
                                                                                                                                    offering new ways of distributing services,

     AXA meet growing global
                                                                                  understand. Finally, unmet medical needs          AXA is also facilitating access to the health
                                                                                  are stimulating innovation, supported             insurance required to access treatment
                                                                                  by technological progress and data.               in many countries.

     healthcare needs?                                                            Healthcare at the heart of our
                                                                                  “payer to partner” strategy
                                                                                                                                    In addition, the Group has launched a
                                                                                                                                    vertical integration strategy in a number
                                                                                  Fully aware of these issues, AXA has made         of countries (Mexico, Colombia and Egypt),
                                                                                  a strategic priority of healthcare since          where it now runs its own medical centers.
                                                                                  2016, with a service-centric approach             This guarantees quality, affordable and
                                                                                  and the ambition of going beyond its              homogenous healthcare in markets when
                                                                                  role as an insurer. More than a payer,            access to certain treatment remains
                                                                                  the Group is positioned as a partner              complicated or non-reimbursable
                                                                                  for its customers, improving the way it           expenses are often high. The acquisition
                                                                                  anticipates and covers health risks. With         of diagnostic centers in Italy and a clinic
                                                                                  Driving Progress 2023, AXA is going a             in Spain supports this approach.
                                                                                  step further, positioning the Group as an
                                                                                  orchestrator of health ecosystems and             Through its action, AXA is aiming to achieve
                                                                                  even becoming a health center provider            two complementary goals: to reinforce
                                                                                  in some countries. In this way, it is rising      access to quality healthcare, while enabling
     The health crisis has shown how                                              to several critical healthcare challenges.        patients and society to better manage
24                                                                                                                                                                                  25
     dependent our lives, societies and                                                                                             healthcare spending.
     economies are on access to quality                                           Prevention and simplification
     healthcare systems. It has also                                              To reduce the impact of health risks,
     provided a reminder, as if any were                                          AXA has made prevention another
     needed, of the need to protect our                                           of its priorities. This means increasing

     health, a precious asset. By taking                                          its prevention services, particularly in
     remarkable action throughout this                                            individual or collective healthcare
     public health emergency, the sector                                          solutions. Providing its customers with
                                                                                  better medical follow-up means ensuring
     has demonstrated its resilience.                                                                                                            AXA telemedicine
                                                                                  they are sick less often and receive better
     And more than ever, healthcare is                                                                                                           consultations
                                                                                  treatment when they are. Patients are at                       in 2020
     recognized as critical to our future.                                        the center of this approach, but the entire
                                                                                  ecosystem benefits. This requires AXA

     Sharply rising needs                                                         to simplify their healthcare journey, from
     In addition to the increased risk of                                         diagnosis to treatment, while improving
     pandemics, the health sector is being                                        care by guiding patients to the best
     driven by a number of underlying trends.                                     health professionals for them.
     The first is population pressure and aging                                                                                                  of people have
     accentuating demand for medical care                                         An accessible, quality healthcare                              mental health
     across the globe. In emerging countries,                                     offering                                                       issues during the
     demand is rising particularly fast with                                      Access to care is the crux of health                           Covid-19 crisis,
     longer life expectancies and infrastructure                                                                                                 according to
                                                                                  issues. The Covid-19 crisis has shown                          an AXA mental
     developments. The rise in chronic diseases                                   how harmful it can be to interrupt medical                     health survey
     is also transforming the healthcare                                          follow-up, particularly when patients
     landscape. These diseases are the leading                                    have chronic diseases. By enhancing
     cause of death worldwide and require                                         our pioneering telemedicine solution,
     long-term care in the same way                                               the Group is providing complementary
     as cancers, cardiovascular disease                                           solutions for maintaining continuity of care.
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                                                               Ensuring continuity
                                                               of care
                                                               Throughout the health crisis, AXA has accelerated
                                                                                                                                          Health. We’re proud of
                                                               and widened access to its e-health offering to support
                                                               healthcare systems. With the Group’s local entities,                       the support brought to
                                                                                                                                          our customers during the crisis.
                                                               AXA Emerging Customers rolled out telemedicine solutions
                                                               enabling 1 million patients to access Covid-19 diagnoses
                                                               and consultations free of charge in seven emerging
                                                               countries.* In Singapore, AXA Insurance offered free online
                                                               consultations on its platforms from July to December 2020.
                                                               In Europe, telemedicine has become widespread, for
                                                               example in the United Kingdom, where appointments                                                                                By Tracy Garrad,
                                                               on Doctor@Hand rose from 7,000 to 18,000 during the first                                                                        CEO of AXA Health
                                                               lockdown, with new subscribers mostly aged over 65.
                                                                                                                                          “The Covid-19 pandemic has been
                                                               * Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates,
                                                               India and Mexico.                                                          particularly tough for people with
                                                                                                                                          underlying health issues. The crisis has
                                                                                                                                          shown us just how crucial healthy lifestyles,
                                                                                                                                          prevention and healthcare access are. This is
                                                               MENTAL HEALTH                                                              something AXA Health has widely integrated
                                                                                                                                          into its ʻfrom payer to partnerʼ strategy.
                                                               Online psychological                                                        Health data analysis, handled in the strictest
                                                               support                                                                    confidence, enables us to create more refined
                                                                                                                                          and effective prevention solutions. With
                                                               Building on the conclusions of the Group’s survey                          our digital technologies and integrated care
                                                               of Europeans’ mental health after the first lockdown,*                     pathways, we can offer solutions that help
                                                               AXA Belgium has added a psychological support                               our customers become agents of their own
                                                               service to its Doctors Online e-health platform.
                                                                                                                                          health. For example, AXA Health has
26                                                             Free 30-minute consultations with practicing                                                                                                         27
                                                                                                                                          developed numerous remote services, such
                                                               clinicians, accessible 24/7, even from abroad, were
                                                                                                                                          as Doctor@Hand virtual GP consultations,
                                                               offered during the project pilot phase from October
                                                               to December 2020.
                                                                                                                                          which saw an eight fold increase in subscribers
                                                                                                                                          during the first lockdown.
                                                               * See page 30.

                                                                                                                                          At the same time, our Thrive mental health app
                                                                                                                                          was downloaded 8,000 times, demonstrating
                                                                                                                                          the heightened mental health pressures felt
                                                                                                                                          amongst members. This reflects the conclusions
                                                                                                                                          of AXA’s mental health survey in the summer
                                                                                                                                          of 2020, involving 5,800 Europeans in seven
                                                                                                                                          countries. This survey reported a major
                                                                                                                                          deterioration in the respondents psychological
                                                                                                                                          well-being, with the number of people
     HEALTH SERVICES                                                                                                                      in distress nearly tripling during the lockdown.
                                                                                                                                          It also reveals that despite being more inclined
     Emma: an app                                                                                                                         to use digital consultations than face-to-face
     for insurance and                                                                                                                    appointments, mental health patients have
                                                                                                                                          little knowledge of the available solutions.
     treatment                                                                                                                            This clearly provides food for thought on how
     Developed by AXA in Hong Kong and the                                                                                                to enhance our health insurance solutions.
     Philippines, Emma is a mobile app enabling
     customers to manage their health insurance                                                                                           I’m very proud of the support we’ve brought
     contracts and access care through the same                                                                                           our customers during the crisis and
     interface. Everything from information on their                                                                                      I’m convinced we must go even further.
     contracts and premium payments to insurance                                                                                          More than ever, our customers are looking for
     claims and questions on coverage is available                                                                                        a health partner to support them holistically.
     online and simplified by a chatbot system.                                                                                           We must keep developing innovative solutions
     Customers can also find registered practitioners,                                                                                    to meet their needs, and our digital health
     information on their diseases and symptoms,
                                                                                                                                          solutions enable us to pursue this goal.”
     and challenges for staying in good health.
AXA - 2 02 0 Int e g rat e d R e p or t                                                                                   P R O T E C T I N G   A N D     A C T I N G

     By Didier Weckner,
     Deputy CEO of AXA
                              Employee health benefits.
     France, in charge of
     health and employee      We’re winning over customers                                                       VERTICAL INTEGRATION
                              thanks to our innovative services.                                                 Facilitating access
                                                                                                                 to quality care
                                                                                                                 To simplify the patient journey and facilitate
                                                                                                                 access to quality healthcare, AXA is developing
                                                                                                                 its role as a healthcare orchestrator. In Italy,
                                                              “AXA is a global leader in group health            the Group has invested in Cidimu, an innovative
                                                              insurance. With Driving Progress 2023,             radiology center, to integrate diagnostics into
                                                              we want to go further and become                   the healthcare journeys provided to customers.
                                                              the reference partner for all companies’           AXA Italy also offers home deliveries of
                                                              employee benefits, whether guarantees or           medication. In the United Kingdom, AXA has
                                                              services. To achieve this, our strategy focuses    launched “labs at home,” a home blood-test
                                                              on innovation, and one of our key strengths        service involving analyses by a partner laboratory
                                                              is our ability to roll out innovative solutions    and the results communicated to patients over
                                                              on a large scale. But to be convincing, we         the phone by a qualified doctor. AXA also intends
                                                              need to achieve excellence and bring value         to reinforce its vertical integration by creating
                                                              to the three ‘customers’ of group insurance:       or acquiring health centers. AXA has already
                                                              distributors, companies and employees, who         opened medical centers in Colombia, Egypt and
                                                              are the end-beneficiaries of our solutions.        Mexico and plans to create about 50 in emerging
                                                                                                                 countries by 2023. This rollout will enable AXA
                                                                                                                 to offer integrated health systems to around
                                                              Distributors want us to offer relevant solutions
                                                                                                                 1.5 million patients.
                                                              and facilitate their work with simple, agile
                                                              and fast underwriting processes. Meanwhile
                                                              companies will choose an insurer that helps
28                                                            them fulfill their legal and regulatory                                                                                                                      29
                                                              obligations, simplify the everyday management
                                                              of their health and protection policy, and best
                                                              preserve their employees’ health. We want to
                                                              be capable of improving people’s well-being
                                                              at work and supporting them even when
                                                              they have physical or mental problems or are
                                                              returning to their careers after a long break.
                                                              Finally, end-beneficiaries want us to help them
                                                              become agents of their own and their families’
                                                                                                                                                                       HEALTH SERVICES
                                                              health. To satisfy these expectations, we’ve
                                                              created Angel, a new-generation e-health
                                                              platform that combines remote consultations                                                              The Digital Health
                                                              and services with a physical medical center,                                                             Platform rolled out
                                                              emergency services, medical analyses, patient
                                                              follow-up, and more. All this is available 24/7,
                                                                                                                                                                       in Europe
                                                                                                                                                                       In partnership with Microsoft, AXA has
                                                              enabling employees to chat with experts and
                                                                                                                                                                       developed a dedicated health platform
                                                              ask questions about disease prevention for
                                                                                                                                                                       enabling AXA European entities to offer a single,
                                                              themselves and their families in the strictest
                                                                                                                                                                       coordinated interface for their healthcare
                                                              medical confidentiality. We’re winning over                                                              offerings. The first version, launched by Italy
                                                              customers thanks to these innovative services.”                                                          at the end of 2020, offers online diagnostics,
                                                                                                                                                                       referrals or remote consultations with
                                                                                                                                                                       specialists, prevention services, home deliveries
                                                                                                                                                                       of medication, and more. Thanks to packages
                                                                                                                                                                       combining insurance and unlimited access
                                                                                                                                                                       to these services, Italian customers benefit
                                                                                                                                                                       from comprehensive health support. Activated
                                                                                                                                                                       in Germany at the end of 2020, the Digital
                                                                                                                                                                       Health Platform should gradually be rolled out
                                                                                                                                                                       by all AXA entities across Europe.
AXA - 2 02 0 Int e g rat e d R e p or t                                                  P R O T E C T I N G   A N D   A C T I N G

                          Find out more

                          Mental health

                                                             A report on mental
                                              A Report on
                                                             health and well-being
                                             Mental Health
                                           & Wellbeing       in Europe
                                         in Europe
                                                             In June 2020, AXA and InSites
                                                             Consulting surveyed 5,800
                                                             people from seven European
                                                             countries (Belgium, France,
                                                             Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
                                                             Spain and the United Kingdom).
                                                             READ MORE ON: AXA.COM/EN/


                                                             “E-santé: augmentons
30                                                           la dose!” (E-health: let’s                                                   31
                            E-santé :                        increase the dosage)
                            augmentons la dose !
                                                             This report, suggesting ways
                                                             to accelerate the development
                                                             of telemedicine in France,
                                                             was published in June 2020
                            RA PPORT JU IN 2020

                                                             by Institut Montaigne and
                                                             coordinated by a working group
                                                             that included AXA.
                                                             READ MORE ON:

                           Medical research

                                                             AXA Research Fund
                                                             Our fund supports 665 research
                                                             projects in 36 countries.
                                                             Five new research projects
                                                             on Covid-19 health issues
                                                             were launched in 2020.
                                                             FIND OUT MORE ON:
AXA - 2 02 0 I nte g rate d Rep or t             P R O T E C T I N G         A N D       A C T I N G

     Customers. How can                                                         This strategy involves understanding
                                                                                customer habits and adopting powerful
                                                                                digital tools.
                                                                                                                                    exposure management. Another solution
                                                                                                                                    created by AXA XL Digital Risk Engineer
                                                                                                                                    enables businesses to monitor threats

     we simplify and improve                                                    A seamless journey
                                                                                Simplifying our customer journey
                                                                                                                                    to their commercial buildings, machinery
                                                                                                                                    and assets in real time through an
                                                                                                                                    online dashboard. AXA also helps its

     access to our services                                                     means putting ourselves in customers’
                                                                                shoes to identify the steps they consider
                                                                                too slow or complex, and then making
                                                                                                                                    business customers to anticipate and
                                                                                                                                    manage cyberattacks.

     for our customers?                                                         them more efficient and transparent.
                                                                                Data analysis enables us to eliminate
                                                                                or automate certain processes,
                                                                                                                                    A new business model
                                                                                                                                    Launched as part of Ambition 2020,
                                                                                                                                    AXA’s customer-centric innovation strategy
                                                                                particularly for insurance buying,                  has led to an overhaul of processes
                                                                                claims or reimbursements. For example,              and a significant increase in customer
                                                                                Sherlock, the data fraud detection                  satisfaction. At the end of 2020, 90%
                                                                                tool developed by the Group, reduces                of entities had already redesigned
                                                                                the number of checkpoints for claims.               their customer journeys for improved
                                                                                And thanks to automation, an entire                 performance. With Driving Progress 2023,
                                                                                corporate fleet can be insured in a few             this transformation will continue to
                                                                                minutes compared to several hours                   accelerate, in particular with modernized
                                                                                in the past. Facilitating processes and             IT infrastructures. This will enable the
     The digitalization of customer                                             access to services also means finding the           Group to develop powerful shared tools
32                                                                              ways for customers to enter the system,             that can be adapted to local needs by each   33
     journeys and internal processes
     has been at the center of AXA’s                                            particularly through the platforms                  entity. AXA intends to become a partner
     strategy for several years now,
                                                                                they already use, such as the vehicle               in customers’ digital transition, building
                                                                                assistance service offered by AXA in                on their confidence and a commitment
     and has accelerated remarkably
                                                                                Belgium on WhatsApp.                                to ethical data management.
     since the start of the health crisis.
     The Group intends to build on                                              Personalized advice
     the fast change in habits to reach                                         At the same time, the Group is reinforcing
     two objectives: simplifying and                                            its consulting capabilities through a
     improving the customer experience,                                         “phygital” strategy of bringing high-value,

     and also boosting productivity.                                            personalized and accessible solutions.
                                                                                While tools such as chatbots can answer
     During the first lockdown, billions                                        frequently asked questions, agents
     of people suddenly switched to digital                                     continue to play a key role by focusing
                                                                                                                                                 of AXA entities
     for work, shopping and socializing.                                        on tailored advice. For this, they benefit                       h av e a N e t
     This widespread digitalization created                                     from management tools that offer a                               Promoter Score
     two new needs among policyholders:                                         comprehensive overview of the digital                            in line with
                                                                                                                                                 or higher than
     on the one hand, faster processes for                                      transactions made by their customers,
                                                                                                                                                 their market
     simple formalities – buying insurance,                                     as well as AXA’s risk identification expertise.                  av e r a g e
     making claims – and on the other,                                          With its Risk Scanning solution, AXA XL
     growing demand for expertise and                                           provides corporate customers with a

     personalized advice on health, property                                    comprehensive risk mapping and analysis
     and casualty, and protection coverage.                                     report including recommendations on
     These trends reflect the goals of                                          mitigation measures. In addition, the
     AXA’s new Driving Progress 2023 plan:                                      Ecosystem solution enhances our value
                                                                                                                                                 of AXA agents
     to simplify the customer journey by                                        proposition for our customers by offering                        use a digital
     automating or eliminating low-value                                        innovative tools such as connected                               CRM
     tasks for more efficiency, to reduce costs                                 sensors, along with access to external
     and to focus on consulting and services.                                   databases for comparison and improved
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                                                             Automating insurance
                                                             To reinforce its presence on the strategic SME business
                                                                                                                       Simplification. We took
                                                                                                                       insurance customers dissatisfaction
                                                             market, AXA has developed “OSE”, a corporate
                                                             underwriting tool that considerably speeds up
                                                             and simplifies new contracts through data and
                                                             automation. Available to AXA agents and brokers,
                                                             this simple digital interface accesses the company’s      and found ways to stand out.
                                                             existing databases, analyzes them and then
                                                             automatically proposes the most suitable solutions
                                                             from the AXA range. Using a company’s registration
                                                             number, for example, “OSE” can aggregate fleet data                                                                    By Patrick Cohen,
                                                             and propose a suitable solution within minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                    CEO of AXA Italy*
                                                             By simplifying agents’ and brokers’ work on standard
                                                             contracts and freeing up time to focus on more            “For a long time, the Italian insurance
                                                             complex solutions, “OSE” has boosted AXA France’s         market was lacking in innovation,
                                                             Net Promoter Score among business customers.              with fairly generic services. Customer
                                                             The solution is gradually being extended to               satisfaction left a lot to be desired.
                                                             different coverage categories and can be rolled out
                                                                                                                       AXA Italy wanted to stand out by working
                                                             and adapted by Group entities.
                                                                                                                       on four priorities directly inspired by this

                                                                                                                       First of all, we wanted to make the customer
                                                                                                                       journey simpler and faster with digitalization
                                                                                                                       and new processes. For example, we’ve
                                                             Omnichannel                                               digitalized claim management: payments are
                                                                                                                       now made within five days, compared to 12
                                                             advice                                                    in 2017. Second, we’ve introduced high-value
34                                                                                                                                                                                                      35
                                                             AXA agents’ ability to quickly switch to remote           services, particularly in the health market.
                                                             contacts – by phone, chat or video – during               With our Digital Health Platform, which we
                                                             the crisis has not only confirmed the Group’s             launched in 2020, we’ve become the first
                                                             competitive advantage in this area but also               insurance company to offer a service that
                                                             customers’ appetite for omnichannel services.             coordinates the entire health journey,
                                                             After the first lockdown, the leaders of European         including diagnosis, remote consultation
                                                             AXA entities met (remotely) to share feedback             or guidance to suitable treatment, medicine
                                                             and best practices. The aim was to further                deliveries, etc. Third, we wanted to bring
                                                             reinforce agents’ resources and training                  transparency and smoothness to every step
                                                             in digital consulting tools.
                                                                                                                       of the supposedly tedious customer journey.
                                                                                                                       We’ve changed the format of our contracts
                                                                                                                       with a document that sums up in one page
                                                                                                                       and clear language the coverage – and
                                                                                                                       exclusions – in the customer’s contract.
     SIMPLIFICATION                                                                                                    Our customers are invited to rate our
                                                                                                                       services, and these ratings are visible online.
     One-page contracts                                                                                                Finally, we wanted to develop services to
     In Italy, AXA teams have redesigned contracts                                                                     meet the specific needs of certain market
     to make them easier for customers to                                                                              segments, like SMEs in different sectors,
     understand. They are now limited to a single                                                                      to offer tailored coverage.
     page organized in three parts: a banner with
     the main contract data (policy and customer                                                                       In 2020, AXA Italy ranked as the leading
     number, type of contract, customer contact                                                                        traditional insurance company in every
     details, etc.), a glossary of technical terms                                                                     market segment and customer satisfaction
     used, and a transparent summary of the                                                                            shot up, particularly during the crisis, when
     guarantees included or not in the contract.                                                                       we noted three times more traffic on our app.”
     This simplified format has been popular
     with Italian customers.
                                                                                                                       *Patrick Cohen becomes CEO of AXA France,
                                                                                                                       effective May 3, 2021.
AXA - 2 02 0 In t e g rat e d R e p or t                                                                                       P R O T E C T I N G   A N D   A C T I N G

     By Delphine
                            Innovation. Accelerating the                                                           MOBILE APP

                                                                                                                   Rethinking vehicle
     CEO of AXA Next
     and Group Chief        roll-out of innovative solutions                                                       assistance
                            to protect our customers.
     Innovation Officer                                                                                            The eRescue mobile app for emergency
                                                                                                                   vehicle assistance digitalizes the entire
                                                                                                                   claims management process, from requests
                                                                                                                   for assistance to vehicle repairs. Already
                                                                                                                   developed successfully in seven European
                                                                                                                   countries (Spain, France, the United Kingdom,
                                                                                                                   Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Italy) since
                                                              “AXA Next is an innovation ecosystem                 October 2020, this solution should further
                                                              in seven units. It’s designed to provide             expand with services such as replacement
                                                              solutions for improving protection                   vehicles, towing to local garages and new
                                                              for AXA customers and partners, going                solutions for heavy goods vehicles.
                                                              beyond our traditional insurance role to
                                                              become an everyday partner. Our ecosystem
                                                              enables us to pool the expertise and knowledge
                                                              of each unit to accelerate the creation and
                                                              roll-out of innovative products and solutions
                                                              across the Group. Our customer experience
                                                              approach is based on two main steps: first,          CYBERSECURITY
                                                              putting ourselves in customers’ shoes to
                                                              understand the pain points and gaps, and             Protecting individuals
                                                              then identifying or co-creating with local           and companies
                                                              teams the right solutions for their activities,      AXA is developing solutions for companies and
                                                              which can be widely adopted by our customers.        individuals to face the threat of increasingly
                                                              We’re convinced innovation is useful when            prevalent cyberattacks. For companies, AXA XL
                                                              it combines real value for customers with            has formed a partnership with Accenture,
36                                                            productivity gains for AXA. For example, the         a global cybersecurity expert. The Group                                                                           37
                                                              e-Rescue tracker system developed by AXA             will build on its tools and expertise to help
                                                              Partners enables drivers to track the location       customers prepare for an attack (with an
                                                              of their tow truck in real time after an accident.   exposure report and prevention measures) as
                                                              This is a relief for them and also reduces           well as after any incidents to limit their impact.
                                                              the number of calls to our customer service          For individuals, AXA Switzerland is launching
                                                              platforms to check how far away their                a cybersecurity solution comprising four options
                                                              rescue vehicle is.                                   – online accounts, cyber bullying and copyright
                                                                                                                   protection, online buying, and virus removal
                                                              Our role is to help AXA entities shape these         and data recovery – with financial compensation,
                                                              solutions, to accelerate roll-out and to offer       as well as legal and IT assistance.
                                                              suitable technologies, building on the Group’s
                                                              best practices and our network of partners
                                                              and investments. For example, in several
                                                              countries, AXA Next recently helped implement
                                                              AXA XL's Risk Scanning Tool, an innovative
                                                              digital property and casualty risk analysis tool
                                                              based on data. Digital solutions and analyses                                                                      CLAIMS SETTLEMENT
                                                              of the vast amount of data at our fingertips
                                                              enables us to better understand, anticipate                                                                        Simplifying fraud
                                                              and price risks in the strictest confidentiality.                                                                  detection
                                                              We use this data to reinforce our partnership
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sherlock is a data analysis software solution
                                                              role and technical excellence. What’s more,
                                                                                                                                                                                 created by AXA to automate and simplify fraud
                                                              we focus considerable energy and effort on                                                                         detection. By comparing external data (weather,
                                                              developing new health, climate and financial                                                                       traffic, etc.) with claims reports and identifying
                                                              inclusion solutions, which are key customer                                                                        words or approaches commonly used in fraud,
                                                              needs at the heart of the Group’s ambition.”                                                                       Sherlock can identify and extract suspicious
                                                                                                                                                                                 claims, while more importantly enabling honest
                                                                                                                                                                                 claims to be processed more quickly. Another
                                                                                                                                                                                 benefit for customers is the lower impact
                                                                                                                                                                                 of fraud costs on pricing.
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