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CONTENT 10 24 The new DMG MORI NETservice, Customer story Schaeffler Group: fast secure and intuitive. 5 × DMU 80 eVo linear with 180 pallet positions. FAMOT DIGITAL CUSTOMER STORY – SCHAEFFLER GROUP Continuous digitalization of the value creation chain ........... 04 Five DMU 80 eVo linears, 180 pallet positions ........................... 24 INTERVIEW – NETservice CUSTOMER STORY – LUDWIG FEINMECHANIK Digital service solutions................................................ 10 DMU 50 and PH 150, World premiere – DMC 1850 V ............ 28 WERKBLiQ GMBH WORLD PREMIERE – NHX 4000 & 5000 3 rd GENERATION Digital maintenance..................................................... 12 The new standard for horizontal machining centres. . ........... 32 DMG MORI TECHNOLOGY CYCLES CUSTOMER STORY – FUJI METAL Over 10,000 cycles per year ........................................... 14 NTX series................................................................. 34 INTERVIEW – DMG MORI HEITEC CUSTOMER STORY – JOHANNES LÜBBERING Partners for integrated automation solutions .................... 16 Robots as production aids: Robo2Go .. .............................. 36 CUSTOMER STORY – LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK CLX / CMX Automatic 5-axis precision machining.............................. 18 Ideal for individual automation.. ....................................... 40 CUSTOMER STORY – WEHL & PARTNER CUSTOMER STORY – EISENWERK ERLA DMU 60 eVo linear with a robotic cell. . .............................. 22 Automated 24/7 production on NLX 2500s......................... 42 WORLD PREMIERE – ALX SERIES ALX-Compact turning machines..................................... 44 Gearbox housing for an e-bike FAMOT CONTINUOUS DIGITALISATION WITH DMG MORI SOFTWARE................................................... 04 WEHL & PARTNER CELOS – an intelligent starting point for reaching the digital summit. Flexible software modules for maximum CUSTOMER STORY digitalisation. DIGITAL FACTORY – Solutions. . .................... 08 “The more complex the workpiece, the better we like it”....... 22 02 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
58 EDITORIAL AGILE . FLEXIBLE GLOBAL . TOGETHER DMG MORI is maintaining its course of profitable growth. We continue to focus on the continual improvement of the quality of our products and services, while at the same time consist- Customer Story NHW 3D: Innovative product and manufacturing optimisation using the powder process. ently strengthening our 5 future strategic areas: automation, integrated digitization, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, technology excellence and DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQP). CUSTOMER STORY – O.M.Z. SPRINT, SWISSTYPEkit . . ......................................... 46 Where automation is concerned, we offer flexible solutions CUSTOMER STORY – AMERICAN MICRO PRODUCTS for workpiece and pallet handling. From modular standard SPRINT / GMC ...................................................... 48 systems to customised turnkey projects that are highly integrated, right through to the control. You will find numerous relevant DMG MORI ACADEMY customer reports in this magazine. Interview with Jan Möllenhoff ................................... 52 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING We are shaping Industry 4.0 with integrated digitization. Core Four process chains for fields include CELOS, new software solutions for production additive complete machining..................................... 54 planning, exclusive technology cycles and Powertools. With WERKBLiQ for digital maintenance and the IIoT platform CUSTOMER STORY – NHW 3D GMBH ADAMOS, we also offer an end-to-end digitisation strategy. Our LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd Generation ............................. 58 daughter company FAMOT in Poland currently demonstrates CUSTOMER STORY – SCHAEFFLER how a digital added value chain can be realised in practice. The LASERTEC 65 3D hybrid........................................... 60 project is part of a 60 million Euro investment in the expansion of the entire site. CUSTOMER STORY – TFM LASERTEC 75 Shape............................................... 62 In the field of ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, we will use the au- CUSTOMER STORY – WEBER MANUFACTURING tumn trade fairs to present the LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd Generation Die & Mold Excellence.............................................. 66 for increased process autonomy and perfection starting from the first workpiece. 5-AXIS-MILLING Technology leader for more than 35 years.................... 68 We will also concentrate our technology excellence in the key industries “Aerospace”, “Automotive”, “Die & Mould” and “Medical”. With our partner program DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQP) we offer you, our customers, perfectly aligned peripheral products from a single source. We are ever present for our customers worldwide. Continued corporate integration means we are well poised to become the “Global One Company”. Agile, flexible, global and together with our customers, suppliers and partners. WORLD PREMIERE Dr. Ing. Masahiko Mori Christian Thönes President Chairman ALX COMPACT TURNING MACHINES ................................ 44 DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 03
INTEGRATED DIGITIZATION DMG MORI is supporting its customers with modular products and services from 21,000 m² of production and assembly space, with their digitalisation operations by pro- ISTOS, DMG MORI Software Solutions and FAMOT is one of the biggest production viding end-to-end solutions. DMG MORI is WERKBLiQ. The end result will be unveiled plants. And it will be the first DMG MORI currently evaluating and developing how a before an expert audience during the grand production plant where everything will be transformation such as this can be imple- opening on 8th October. continuously digital over all value creation mented in specific terms at the plant of its levels. The remodelled FAMOT plant is there- subsidiary, FAMOT Pleszew Sp. z o. o. in Founded in 1877, FAMOT Pleszew Sp. z o. o., fore marking a milestone for the corporate Poland. As a model project of the future, which employs around 700 staff, is one of group as a whole – setting an example for this is where the entire value creation chain DMG MORI’s most traditional sites. With DMG MORI’s customers and suppliers. is currently being continuously digitalised a total area of 50,000 m², which includes » PRODUCTION COCKPIT TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 05
INTEGRATED DIGITIZATION SAVE THE DATE GO FAMOT 08. – 12.10.2018 PLESZEW, POLAND The employees are crucial for the success By 2020, the capacity at FAMOT should be increased to more than 2,000 turning and milling machines in the CLX, CMX V of the digitisation. and CMX U series – plus a further 2,000 machine frames. Dr. Michael Budt (right), FAMOT’s CSO michael.budt@dmgmori.com Zbigniew Nadstawski, FAMOT’s CTO zbigniew.nadstawski@dmgmori.com A flexible mix of internal production And demand is on the rise. By 2020 the capac- Declared goals include fast, efficient and and contract manufacturing ity of the FAMOT plant will be virtually dou- secure production processes and an overall In addition to the turning and milling machines bled to 2,000 DMG machine tools and around sustainable increase in productivity, quality, of the CLX, CMX V and CMX U series devel- an additional 2,000 prefabricated machine transparency and response capacity. The oped and produced at the site and the auto- frames. To achieve this, DMG MORI will invest specifications also encompassed the mation solutions the company develops itself, approx. 60 million Euros in the renovation and requirement for linking existing stand-alone metal cutting is one of the fundamental pil- expansion of the site in Poland by the end solutions and new software systems into a lars of its success. “Beyond meeting our own of 2018. Another 20 million Euros have been coherent agile production network. needs, our production facilities in Pleszew budgeted for future automation projects. also act as a metal cutting service provider for Digital planning solutions from ISTOS the DMG MORI production network,” explains The age of digitization On its way to achieving these goals, FAMOT Dr Michael Budt, the Managing Director. A considerable part of the future FAMOT relies on the competence of its digital sister project is the digitisation of the entire added companies within the Group. These include value chain. “What belongs together we put DMG MORI Software Solutions (in particular together digitally”, stresses the General with its CELOS portfolio) and WERKBLiQ 50 MACHINES Managing Director Zbigniew Nadstawski. He (with its web-based maintenance and IN NETWORKED refers here in particular to the connection to the IT infrastructure of DMG MORI. All added service platform). ISTOS GmbH with its mod- ular applications for end-to-end production PRODUCTION value levels including internal workflows, planning is of special importance as well. systems and (automated and manual) pro- cess steps had to be seamlessly networked All parts of the system (such as order man- Doubling capacity by 2020 at the same time: From order receipt in sales agement, capture of shop floor data and Around 50 networked machine tools, the through to maintenance management, and overall data management) operate autono- majority from the group’s own “DMG MORI from integral production planning through to mously on the one hand, but are all linked family”, are in operation around the clock the in-house MDC / PDA software for moni- via the so-called SERVICE BUS on the at the moment in order to meet the enor- toring key parameters. other. This takes on the role of an intermediary mous demand. Over 1,200 prefabricated via which all connected applications are machine frames and hundreds of sub-as- “And above all we had to make our person- on a uniform data set and communicate semblies and components currently leave the nel digitally fit,” stresses Zbigniew Nadst- bidirectionally. plant on their way to the sister companies awski. The management sees people as DECKEL MAHO Pfronten, DECKEL MAHO essential for concluding such a mammoth Seebach, GILDEMEISTER Drehmaschinen in task successfully. They are convinced: Bielefeld and other group locations. “Our employees are crucial for the success of the digitisation.” 06 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
INTEGRATED DIGITIZATION Restructuring production at the touch of a button “The resulting transparency and efficiency some degree, or it was ensured by the new across the entire value creation chain is IoTconnector,” adds Dr Budt, describing a impressive,” says Mr Nadstawski, full of The connectivity of all machines, systems and work key criterion: “The existing installations are praise. Status messages for an order, he adds, procedures was partially already solved internally or already integrated into the network over the are available at any time and at the touch of will be ensured by the new IoTconnector. existing MDA / PDA. The CELOS IoTconnector a button, right down to the machine or to the is used where possible and necessary.” assembly station. into account the restricted capacity and differ- In addition to data exchange, the interface With regard to this specific scenario, he pro- ent priorities, in the PRODUCTION PLANNING offers NETservice 4.0, the SERVICEcamera vides the following description: “If, for exam- module. The best alternative solution can then for visual support during a remote service ple, there is a risk of an important delivery be triggered almost at the touch of a button call, and the CELOS MESSENGER as a fun- deadline being missed, or if a time-critical across the entire process chain.” damental introduction to monitoring and component delivery is delayed, information to statistical evaluation of the machine con- this effect is displayed in the PRODUCTION “The connectivity of all machines, systems dition. Manual workstations are also inte- COCKPIT in real time. We can immediately and processes that is necessary for this grated into the data and planning cycle over run through various planning options, taking had already been established internally to what are, in some cases, mobile terminals. « OPTIMISES PLANNING FOR THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION – WITHOUT EXCEL Christian Methe Managing Director ISTOS GmbH christian.methe@istos.com ISTOS GmbH, a DMG MORI daughter, offers processes in the company according to the customers simple entry to the optimisa- previously defined optimisation goals remains tion of their production planning with its in the background. app PLANNING SOLUTIONS. The challenge here is always limited resources. A good plan PLANNING SOLUTIONS consists of the apps takes into account the capacities of different PRODUCTION PLANNING, PRODUCTION machines, employees with diverse skills, FEEDBACK and PRODUCTION COCKPIT available materials as well as deliveries Because planning, direct feedback from the from suppliers and customers – all opti- workstation and transparency throughout the the first decisive step towards end-to-end mised according to setup and throughput factory are decisive for efficiency and flexibility connectivity of their systems and thus on times and the cost of capital. And also not in day-to-day production. Simple handling is their path to Industry 4.0. to be left out of the equation: delivery dates an outstanding feature of the products, which that must always be adhered to. Simple tools, can always be used with multiple manufac- About ISTOS: ISTOS GmbH stands for such as Excel, often cannot handle such turers and applications. “Innovative Software Technologies for Open sophisticated planning. Solutions”. The company develops appli- In addition companies also benefit from the cations for the mid-market manufacturing As part of PLANNING SOLUTIONS, the open technologies and modular design of industry. Its aim is the cross-machine con- PRODUCTION PLANNING app breaks down the solution, which enable them to integrate nection of all production steps along today’s this complexity in a way that enables the user existing systems as required and to ensure supplier and value chain and the provision of to simply move orders using drag-and-drop communication between the shop floor and data-intensive applications in the value-add- while the recalculation of all production the office floor. For many customers this is ing network of the future. TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 07
CELOS – DIGITAL MONITORING MONITORING FOR THE INTEGRAL AND SUSTAINABLE Dr. Holger Rudzio OPTIMISATION OF PROCESSES Managing Director of DMG MORI Software Solutions holger.rudzio@dmgmori.com More about digital monitoring and CELOS at: celos.dmgmori.com taneously uses sensor data to visualise the component-based status of the machine. This information can be used to support preventa- tive maintenance, for example. CELOS PERFORMANCE MONITOR allows the capture, analysis and visualisation of the effectiveness of the entire system tak- “Digital monitoring is an ideal entry into CELOS MESSENGER visualises the actual ing machine availability and part quality into digital transformation!” Dr. Holger Rudzio, job status of the machines on the shop floor account. All of this is good to know, says Managing Director of DMG MORI Software and can display machine-relevant informa- Dr. Rudzio, but the far greater value derives Solutions, is convinced that digital trans- tion such as operating status, the current NC from having the entirety of the information at parency increases planning security as well program or workpiece counter on mobile ter- your disposal. It means you can evaluate the as boosting the productivity of companies. minal devices. ramp-up curve of new machines, for exam- The CELOS apps MESSENGER, CONDITION ple, or quantify the benefit you can expect ANALYZER and PERFORMANCE MONITOR, This makes it possible to reduce downtimes from complementary digital products (like for example, enable the integral digital and boost productivity as well as evaluate the DMG MORI CAM system). Whatever the case, analysis of the production process and in so profitability of jobs based on information such information is transformed into knowledge doing pave the way towards new future-ori- as machine run times, downtimes and fail- and knowledge in turn enables the integral ented fields such as predictive maintenance. ures. CELOS CONDITION ANALYZER simul- and sustainable optimisation of processes. CELOS CELOS CELOS MESSENGER CONDITION ANALYZER PERFORMANCE MONITOR Reduce downtimes and boost productivity Capture and analysis of machine data and Site-independent capture, analysis and ++ Live status of networked machines process signals with real-time feedback visualisation of machine availability and ++ Evaluation of machine run time, ++ Capture, storage, analysis and effectiveness by means of direct feedback downtime and failure visualisation of machine sensor data from production ++ Changes in machine status via mail ++ Site-independent analysis of one or ++ Measurement of key performance or text message more machines e.g. for early detection indicators (such as OEE) of machine problems ++ Job-based performance analysis ++ Ideal complement to the DMG MORI ++ Available for machines, PCs, Industry 4.0 sensor package tablets & smartphones 08 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
INTEGRATED DIGITIZATION INTEGRATED DIGITIZATION End-to-end digitisation from planning and leader offers a gradual entry into net- larger companies modular solutions. All job preparation to production and on to worked production with CELOS version 5. installed CELOS machines can be given a monitoring and service. 27 CELOS Apps offer numerous ultra-mod- CELOS upgrade by a DMG MORI service tech- ern and intuitive solutions for more efficiency nician. With this offer, DMG MORI pursues an DMG MORI is the pioneer of digitisation along the entire value chain. This “digital integral digitisation strategy for the entire in machine tool building. Under the slogan toolbox” offers smaller companies simple manufacturing sector. Integrated Digitization, the technology and appropriate entry into digitisation and PLANNING PREPARATION PRODUCTION MONITORING SERVICE NEW NEW JOB JOB ORGANIZER JOB DOCUMENTS CAD / CAM TOOL PALLET PALLET STATUS MESSENGER CONDITION SERVICE NETSERVICE WERKBLiQ MANAGER SCHEDULER ASSISTANT VIEW HANDLING MANAGER CHANGER MONITOR ANALYZER AGENT NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW TECH PRODUCTION ROBO2GO TOOL 3D PART ENERGY CONTROL CLAMP COCKPIT PERFORMANCE TOOL CALCULATOR PLANNING AGENT ANALYZER SAVING CHECK MONITOR ANALYZER NEW CELOS UPGRADE celos.dmgmori.com SURFACE ANALYZER HAIMER 4.0 Connected to the future Tooling Shrinking Balancing Measuring and Technology Technology Technology Presetting Technology www.haimer.com TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 09
INTERVIEW – NETservice SERVICEcamera including 5G WiFi trans- mission, splash protection, lighting, laser pointer and data storage SIMPLE THE NEW UPGRADE DMG MORI NETSERVICE QUICK, SECURE AND INTUITIVE E VERY THING IN ONE PACK AGE SERVICE- & We found out why the new remote service That sounds interesting. How does the new ensures quick, secure and intuitive support in NETservice differ from its predecessor? MONITORING an interview with Thomas Wolf (COO Service). The new NETservice permits in-depth PACKAGE access to CELOS, IPC and NC, which in itself “Remote service” as a topic has been promises a higher resolution rate over the followed for a long time in DMG MORI DMG MORI hotline. Also, the new multi- ++ NETservice: Service. What hopes do you have for user conference can be used to add more The new remote service NETservice, the brand new successor? DMG MORI experts to the session so the for DMG MORI machines We have had a simple form of the remote service problem can be solved quickly together. But solution in our range for a long time now. But the highlight is the plug-and-play connection ++ Messenger on ADAMOS: with the introduction of the new NETservice, of the SERVICEcamera, which DMG MORI All the machines at a glance we are setting a new benchmark that is simply developed itself. Visual support due to ++ IoTconnector: incomparable with the previous tool. We will live streaming from the machine straight Preconfigured for your machine be able to identify, or even solve, the problems to the DMG MORI hotline allows for sig- of our customer far more often over the phone, nificant time savings during the problem- which in turn will allow improved planning of solving process. service capacity. Both sides benefit from this. 10 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
INTERVIEW – NETservice Thinking of the keyword “security”, there are always concerns when it comes to this topic, aren’t there? The new NETservice is based on a certified security architecture which guarantees a maximally encrypted connection via a VPN tunnel. The integrated firewall and the IoTconnector’s virus scanner are additional features. The new SERVICEcamera is natu- rally already seamlessly embedded into this security architecture. What’s the next step for DMG MORI at this point? IoTconnector retrofit kit We are keen to exploit the diverse possibili- including magnetic holder, ties of NETservice by providing user support, USB port and Ethernet online training with a visual component and connection also, in the near future, software upgrades or installation of new CELOS apps. We are working tirelessly to achieve this. « Practical retrofitting of the IoTconnector including magnetic holder, USB port and Ethernet connection. DMG MORI NETSERVICE: WHAT’S NEW FOR OUR CUSTOMERS? Thomas Wolf, COO, DMG MORI Service thomas.wolf@dmgmori.com ++ Shorter waiting times due to routing calls directly to the next free service expert ++ Higher resolution rate due to extensive access to CELOS, IPC and NC ++ Maximum data security due to a certified security But, conversely, the service expert on the architecture (VPN tunnel, virus scanner, firewall) hotline can provide helpful documents such ++ Live-stream visual support with an optional SERVICEcamera as wiring diagrams or instructions directly ++ Swifter solutions by adding other DMG MORI within the NETservice session. experts to the session ++ More intuitive operation compared to previous remote tools How does the customer benefit ++ Direct transfer of documents and updates from the new NETservice? ++ Retrofit kit for existing machines The NETservice is already pre-installed on every IoTconnector and will therefore be an integral part of DMG MORI machines delivered from now on. What’s more, the IoTconnector and therefore the NETservice can be retrofitted with extreme ease with the DMG MORI Monitoring and Service Package. You will find everything you need Put in simple terms, the IoTconnector is a to know about the new NETservice at gateway, which connects CELOS and CNC to netservice.dmgmori.com the Internet via a secure architecture. TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 11
WERKBLiQ GMBH MANUFACTURER Simple & direct SECURE– PAPERLESS– AUTONOMOUS MACHINE OPER ATORS communication Manufacturer-independent Accelerated data exchange THE NEW maintenance solution Digital cost and service reports INTELLIGENCE FOR MACHINE MAINTENANCE. SERVICE PARTNERS Simple planning and scheduling Increase in customer satisfaction Fabian Haase WERKBLiQ DIGITAL Senior Partner Manager WERKBLiQ GmbH fabian.haase@werkbliq.de Gerrit Schermeier MAINTENANCE Partner Manager WERKBLiQ GmbH gerrit.schermeier@werkbliq.de Meeting the challenge presented by digital tors not only collect errors, but their causes nance work is to take place, whether according transformation proves extremely difficult and solutions as well. The result is a specific to manufacturer specifications or based on for many companies in the industrial sector. knowledge database. Information concerning practical experience. Customers minimise the WERKBLiQ shows how simple entry can be certifications and audits is also available at all failure rate of machines by up to 55 % through achieved despite all the difficulties via the key time at just the press of a button. regular maintenance while at the same time topic of maintenance. The focus on the manu- ensuring compliance with ISO 9001: 2015. facturer-independent platform is not only on machines, but also on employees. Fierce competition and the dynamic devel- opment of the market exert great pressure You can reduce machine on companies. All the more important it is End-to-end documenta- downtimes by up to 55 % to ensure high technical availability of pro- tion of maintenance and with WERKBLiQ duction resources. Production managers are certification processes Gerrit Schermeier confronted with the challenge of reducing with WERKBLiQ. Partner Manager, WERKBLiQ GmbH machine downtimes to a minimum while at the same time saving time and costs. Fabian Haase Senior Partner Manager, WERKBLiQ GmbH Save time and increase quality Save costs Documentation in analog logbooks, main- You have to know the maintenance costs in a taining Excel files and leafing through files Minimise machine downtimes company before you can reduce them. WERK- all takes up a lot of time. With the digital The WERKBLiQ maintenance calendar BLiQ offers the option of capturing the time WERKBLiQ logbook operators receive a reminds employees automatically when and materials needed for every maintenance customised, user-friendly input mask as an maintenance is due and ensures that not even and every repair including costs. Operators will interactive man-machine interface. Incidents the smallest task is forgotten – so even new find clear analyses of all relevant key figures and all activities connected with the machine colleagues can work productively from day 1 in the WERKBLiQ dashboards. The breakdown are documented with just a click. So opera- onwards. The operator decides when mainte- of the individual machines means customers 12 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
WERKBLiQ GMBH INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS 0 – 24 HOURS 24 – 48 HOURS READY TO GO The first joint steps Account setup & training Simply start ++We introduce you to WERKBLiQ ++Creation of your personal account ++Integration into day-to-day work ++You name a department, ++Receipt of the necessary access data ++Other images of your processes 5 machines and 5 operators ++Training via tutorials or on-site visit ++Support from the customer hotline know the exact amount of the maintenance WERKBLiQ network Maintenance, Service, costs. With WERKBLiQ you can find the right With the open WERKBLiQ platform all those Purchasing and levers for ensuring sustainable cost reduction. involved in the maintenance process remain networked. Access to the specific service part- Procurement all benefit ner and distributor pool enables operators to from WERKBLiQ. find new business partners, compare offers Gerrit Schermeier and save costs. Partner Manager, WERKBLiQ GmbH Amortisation of « licence fees < 1 year. Dr. Tim Busse Manager Director, WERKBLiQ GmbH Acceleration of response times In the event of a machine breakdown, WERK- BLiQ can be used to send a repair order directly to internal maintenance. In this way WERKBLiQ maintenance staff only receive enquiries via a single channel. All relevant information such as machine type, department, contact person, YOUR BENEFITS description of the fault and photos are sent directly from the machine and leave no ques- HIGHLIGHTS tion unanswered. ++ Secure and seamless documentation – always prepared for audits ++ Fast assignment of technicians directly from the machine ++ Minimisation of downtimes through observation of maintenance intervals Up to 75 % increase in ++ Fast procurement of spare parts ++ Simple, cross-departmental the efficiency of service communication technicians. Fabian Haase Senior Partner Manager, WERKBLiQ GmbH TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 13
DMG MORI TECHNOLOGY CYCLES Customers replace up to three stand- alone machines with Dr.-Ing. Edmond Bassett Head of Technology Development, a turn & mill centre GILDEMEISTER Drehmaschinen GmbH edmond.bassett@dmgmori.com thanks to the new crownHOBBING cycle. OVER 10,000 CYCLES A YEAR Exclusive DMG MORI technology cycles are grated acceleration sensor, increases pro- refers expressly to the new “crownHOBBING” effective assistants for shop floor program- cess safety, enables spindle bearing diagnos- cycle for the production of demanding ming and the simplest way to boost produc- tics and prevents expensive damage caused Hirth couplings: “This enables users of our tivity, enhance safety and expand machine by collisions. turn & mill centres to generate the programs capability. They offer a clear program they need virtually at the press of a button. structure, intuitive operation and enable The cycle handles the required tooth path up to 60 % faster programming. In addi- tion, they help minimise errors as well as 60 % FASTER calculations and the settings for the axis movements”, he concludes. allowing the internal transfer of complex THANKS TO « technology know-how. CONVERSATIONAL Outstanding customer benefits mean PROGRAMMING DMG MORI’s exclusive technology cycles have been writing their own digital success story for years. Their record in the field of “Complex production processes that were integrated technologies is especially impres- reserved for special machines in the past now sive: users trust in the exclusive technology count among our powerful drivers of innova- cycles on more than 95 % of all turn & mill tion”, says Dr. Edmond Bassett as Head of universal turning centres in the CTX TC series. Technology Management at GILDEMEISTER Drehmaschinen GmbH. “Far more important for us, however, is the “Intensified technology integration adds a added value for and appreciation from our whole new dimension to the term com- customers”, stresses Dr. Edmond Bassett plete machining” he stresses. DMG MORI as Head of Technology Management at gearSKIVING is just such an example. GILDEMEISTER Drehmaschinen GmbH. He This enables the production of top quality takes the MPC technology cycle, a version gears through the input of clearly sold over 100 times a month and thus one structured programs. of the most successful technology cycles, to illustrate the high degree of acceptance The exclusive portfolio currently includes 30 among customers. MPC stands for Machine DMG MORI technology cycles, with two more DMG MORI technology cycles – 60 % faster thanks to Protection Control which, thanks to its inte- to follow in time for the AMB. Dr. Bassett conversational programming. 14 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
DMG MORI TECHNOLOGY CYCLES 5-AXIS SIMULTANEOUS MACHINING ON TURN & MILL TURNING CENTRES ++ High surface quality and smooth transitions in combination with thermal compensation ++ Free form surfaces with 5-axis interpolation at the main- and counter-spindle ++ Turning and milling with an interpolating B-axis ++ With ATC turning for enhanced machine dynamics ++ Look-ahead function for continuous machining HANDLING MEASURING MACHINING MONITORING CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES ++ Simplify machine ++ Increase machining accu- ++ Integrate new ++ Boost machine safety – operation – e.g. racy – e. g. 3D quickSET machining processes – e. g. MPC – Machine B-axis plunging ++ Open up new measuring e.g. gearSKIVING Protection Control ++ Automate processes – e. g. possibilities for bulky ++ Expand machine ++ Increase process counter-spindle centre component geometries – capability – e. g. grinding reliability – e. g. Easy ++ Reduce operator errors e. g. L-measuring probe ++ Simplify complex pro- Tool Monitoring 2.0 with increased safety – ++ Increase transparency gramming tasks – e.g. ++ Adapt processes to e. g. turret-mounted in QA processes – e.g. Multi-threading 2.0 eliminate vibrations – steady rest gearMILL with in-process e. g. MVC – Machine measurement Vibration Control TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 15
INTERVIEW – DMG MORI HEITEC WH 15 CELL: Modular automation system for workpieces up to 15 kg. Kai Lenfert Managing Director of DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH kai.lenfert@dmgmori.com PARTNERS FOR Markus Rehm Managing Director of DECKEL MAHO SEEBACH GmbH and DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH INTEGRATED AUTO- markus.rehm@dmgmori.com MATION SOLUTIONS Automation is a key pillar of the DMG MORI Digitisation has been the hot topic over What role does DMG MORI HEITEC play strategy for the future. One in every four new the last few months, with automation in these interlinked requirements? machines is already automated or ready for technologies also reporting record figures. DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH acts as the auto- automation. DMG MORI strengthened its Do you see a direct connection here? mation partner for the DMG MORI produc- automation expertise in November 2017 by In addition to information and production tech- tion plants. The interplay of the engineering starting a joint venture with HEITEC AG. We nologies, process automation and d igitisation competence at the plants and DMG MORI spoke with the two managing directors of the are two sides of the same coin. As a cross- HEITEC’s automation expertise means that new DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH in Erlangen, sectoral topic, automation has therefore taken customers receive an integral and reliable Markus Rehm and Kai Lenfert, about the on a fundamentally key role. This applies to solution: from engineering, tooling and NC start-up phase and the company’s future complexity and cost effectiveness of produc- programs right through to integrated auto- ambitions, requirements and goals. tion and it is also growing in relevance due to mation, all from a single source. the increasing shortage of skilled labor. 16 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
INTERVIEW – DMG MORI HEITEC Why this focus on workpiece handling? through to braking. This makes it possible On the one hand, DMG MORI already has to commission the entire automation system DMG MORI HEITEC FACTS solutions for pallet handling, as do other virtually in advance, reducing installation time established partner companies. On the other, on site by 80 percent, as was described in the ++ Robotic workpiece in the field of robotic automation, we will in Leistritz reference project. handling for SMEs future also be offering solutions for combined ++ End-to-end process concept: workpiece and pallet handling. How do you see future developments? engineering, fixtures, tooling, This new holistic view of the process will cer- NC programs and automation What principal arguments will tainly constitute a greater challenge for us from a single source DMG MORI HEITEC use to establish as a supplier. In future, production processes ++ Digital twin – virtual image of the itself on the market? at the customer and automation will form entire kinematic machine and The digital twin is the virtual image of the one entity. We see this development above automation model in real-time: entire kinematic machine and a real-time all as our chance to further differentiate 80 % shorter commissioning automation model. The actual motion our company by offering complementary time on site thanks to completely sequences can be viewed, from acceleration (digital) services. implemented processes « DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH Güterbahnhofstraße 5 91052 Erlangen, Germany www.dmgmori-heitec.com Everything from a single source: We are now able to offer our customers DMU 50 WITH WH 15 CELL a reliable turnkey solution – from engineering to fixtures, tooling, NC programs END-TO-END – PRO- and on through to integrated automation. CESS, MACHINE AND Markus Rehm AUTOMATION FROM Managing Director of DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH A SINGLE SOURCE HIGHLIGHTS ++ Automated workpiece handling for components up to 15 kg ++ Perfect integration of milling machine and automation thanks to end-to-end process concept and digital twin ++ speedMASTER 20,000 rpm spindle with 36-month warranty ++ Swivelling rotary table for 5-axis simultaneous machining with wide swivel range of -35 to +110 ° ++ 42 m/min rapid traverse OVER 150 ++ Tool magazine with up to 120 pockets INSTALLED WH ++ Also for the CMX V* and CMX U series SOLUTIONS * on request TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 17
CUSTOMER STORY – LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK GMBH AUTOMATIC 5-AXIS PRECISION MACHINING OF GUIDE VANES IN 3-SHIFT OPERATION Recent improvements in the performance The aerospace industry, with its uncompro- and accuracy of industrial robots mean mising approach to quality, precision and docu- that many new areas of application have mentation, is among the most demanding opened up for robot-based solutions. A and at the same time most complex of user good example is the 5-axis milling cell industries. Added to this is the focus on cost from DMG MORI at LEISTRITZ Turbinen- reduction typical in international turbine technik Nürnberg GmbH. Comprising a manufacture. In order to ensure an even DMU 40 eVo and the robotic workpiece stronger position in the future under such loading system WH 8 CELL, the system conditions, the company recently invested marks the prototype of a cooperation in a robotic 5-axis milling system from between DECKEL MAHO Seebach GmbH DMG MORI for its guide vane production. and DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH. DECKEL MAHO Seebach took over the task of supplying a turnkey solution for the project As a company operating globally with its four on behalf of DMG MORI. business units – Turbine, Pump, Extrusion and Production Technology – the Leistritz More specifically, this future project concerns Group manufactures demanding products and the automatic production of the shroud and 1 employs a high degree of innovation. root geometries of different guide blade vari- ants for the compressor of an engine. The This also applies to Leistritz Turbinentechnik system marks the entry into robotics for the Nürnberg GmbH. “As a partner for all lead- company from Nuremberg. “A true premiere ing OEMs and supply chains in the aircraft in the field of automated metal machining”, engine industry, we focus on the production of explains Harald Brand. Less than 2 days installation AUTOMATION time thanks to the Digital Twin Harald Brand sees no risk whatsoever and SOLUTION FROM A goes on to explain: “Firstly, the project will SINGLE SOURCE be supplied exclusively by DECKEL MAHO Seebach (machine, tooling, NC program- ming and automation), which also bears sole responsibility, so if the worst comes to blades, discs and other components for aircraft the worst (which has never happened), we engines”, Harald Brand, plant manager of the have just one point of contact. Secondly, the aerospace specialist in Nuremberg, tells us automation unit is made up of standard mod- about the company’s fields of activity. ules that have been configured individually. 2 18 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
CUSTOMER STORY – LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK GMBH Thirdly, the system has been put through its paces in advance at the supplier's premises as well as being specially tested on a Dig- ital Twin virtual system that simulates our requirements. In a nutshell, we have rarely felt ourselves to be in such good hands and so well supported. This approach eliminates tedious installation and commissioning took less than two days.“ It is apparent that the system has justified the confidence placed in the supplier and in the equipment. “After just a few months it is still too early to make any final conclu- sions”, says head of engineering at Leistritz, Wolfgang Heinrich, “but the current situation indicates the most successful start to a proj- ect we have ever experienced in our plant. This is true for both the DMU 40 eVo itself as well as for its interface with the WH 8 CELL workpiece handling system.” The number 8 in the name of the cell refers to the max. han- dling weight of 8 kg. Markus Heinrich, head of production in Nuremberg, praises the DMU 40 eVo in par- ticular for the following reason: “The machine achieves identically accurate results in a tolerance range of less than one hundredth of a millimetre in the morning. the evening and at night. And it does so day in, day out. » LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK FACTS ++ More than 100 years of experi- ence in turbine technology ++ Production of blades, discs and other components for aircraft engines and land turbines ++ Partner to all leading OEMs and subcontract suppliers in the aircraft engine industry LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK GMBH Lempstrasse 24 42859 Remscheid, Germany www.leistritz.com 3 1. The DMG MORI production cell was developed as a dedicated turnkey project for vane machining 2. Accurate results to a tolerance of less than one hundredth of a millimetre in 3-shift operation 3. Perfect accessibility, also for manual operation TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 19
CUSTOMER STORY – LEISTRITZ TURBINENTECHNIK GMBH The DMU 40 eVo with a WH 8 CELL delivers the same consistently accu- rate results in a tolerance range of less than one hundredth of a millimetre. Wolfgang Heinrich Head of Engineering LEISTRITZ Turbinentechnik Nürnberg GmbH Our contact partners at LEISTRITZ Turbinentechnik GmbH in Nuremberg (from left to right): Wolfgang Heinrich (Head of Engineering), Harald Brand (Plant Manager), Akdas Serkan (Technologist and Programmer) DMU 40 eVo This is truly a stroke of luck for our processes, because it enables us to improve the deli- we will gain three shifts on currently unuti- lised Sundays, during which the system will 5-AXIS cate interaction between the machine, fixture, operate completely automatically with no AUTOMATION handling equipment, process and tool to the absolute limits of what is theoretically feasible.“ supervision”, enthuses Markus Heinrich. A quick comparison: The operator of milling FROM DMG MORI machines requiring manual loading and Akdas Serkan, technologist at Leistritz and unloading has to measure every tenth part (in HIGHLIGHTS responsible for programming the system, compliance with the certified specifications) ++ Customised automation as a goes on to explain in more detail: “Every tool and is responsible for making any necessary modular solution: DMU 40 eVo is subject to process-related wear, which we adjustments to the program. with a robot-controlled workpiece need to address. Thanks to the stability of handling system WH 8 CELL from the processes we are now able to calculate In contrast, the DMU 40 eVo machines the 60 DMG MORI HEITEC the exact life cycle of the tools for each guide blanks in the WH system as a complete batch ++ 5-axis precision machining vane variant, taking the component toler- without interruption. Three shifts are planned. of aerospace guide vanes in ance into account, and can incorporate this Although the cell does not do away with the uninterrupted 7-day operation data into the program.“ need to measure every 10th part (see certifica- ++ Shortest possible installation time tion), measuring takes place in-process and thanks to digital pre-engineering Three additional unmanned shifts thanks any necessary corrections are automatically and concurrent digital simulation to an adaptive manufacturing process incorporated into the CNC program. As this ++ Impressive process stability and This continuous improvement process has process route has proved completely reliable repeatability in 3-shift operation already been completed for some compo- to date, the people at Leistritz in Nuremberg ++ Shortest possible machining times nents. The remaining guide vane geometries trust entirely in both the DMU 40 eVo from due to an acceleration of up to 1 g and will be made adaptively machinable in paral- DMG MORI and in the automation compe- a chip-to-chip time of 5.5 seconds lel with the ongoing operations. tence of DMG MORI HEITEC. ++ Unrestricted accessibility « to the work area for manual “Ultimately, the multi-machine system will machining operations run from Monday morning through to Sat- urday evening, 52 weeks a year. In addition, 20 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
VCM version With maximum performance density M version Cost-effective and robust HCM version For outstanding productivity X times longer service life M-Series High-Speed X times greater load-carrying capacity Spindle Bearings X times more efficient use of space The X-life High-Speed spindle bearings are available in three versions: For maximum speeds, the highest possible machining forces, and out- standing precision. VCM version: Made from VACRODUR material for maximum performance and outstanding operational reliability. www.schaeffler.de/en
1 CELOS – DIGITAL CUSTOMER STORYFACTORY – WEHL & PARTNER “THE MORE COMPLEX THE WORKPIECE, THE BETTER WE LIKE IT” The story of Wehl & Partner Muster + Proto- & Partner produces demanding samples and Versatile and reliable machining typen GmbH started back in 1994 in a small prototypes for customers in all industries. capacity from DMG MORI garage with a domestic oven for curing Where CNC technology is concerned, One of the reasons for choosing DMG MORI moulds. A new modern building in Zimmern DMG MORI has been supplying the com- as a supplier is its extensive portfolio. For the ob Rottweil, a location in Spain and a subsidi- pany with 5-axis DMU eVo linear machining most part, Wehl & Partner relies on dynamic ary in Salach are the outcome of continu- centres, vertical machining centres from and high-precision DMU eVo linear machining ous and successful business development 25 the CMX V series and CTX turning machines centres when it comes to milling. Bernardo years on. With its staff of 80 skilled workers since 2012. 2016 saw Wehl & Partner's first Wehl sees the versatile simultaneous 5-axis and 22 machines for metal cutting, additive step on the path of automated produc- machines as the ideal solution for the com- manufacturing and injection moulding, Wehl tion with two DMU 60 eVo linear machines pany’s demanding range of workpieces: “The equipped with a robotic cell. more complex the workpiece, the more we Gearbox housing for an e-bike We boost the productivity of the DMU 60 eVo linear enormously with the robotic cell. Bernardo Wehl with his sons Robert (left) and Alexander (right), members of the family that manage Wehl & Partner 22 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
2 CUSTOMER STORY – WEHL & PARTNER Battery case E-mobility 1. The robot loads the DMU 60 eVo linear with up to 20 pallets or blanks. 2. DMG MORI supplies Wehl & Partner with 5-axis DMU eVo linear machining Central support centres, CMX V series vertical machining centres and CTX lathes. for race car like taking on the order.” Orders come from clamped surface in a second process step. the automotive, electrical and aerospace “In other words, completely machined parts industries, among others, and range from are ready and waiting for us in the morn- power drill housings to instrument panels. ing, which we can send straight off to be Wehl & Partner also produces small batches finished”, explains Alexander Wehl. Automatic in the company’s own injection moulding reclamping has another advantage, accord- department. “Our high level of vertical inte- ing to Robert Wehl: “In contrast to manual gration also encompasses our own tool clamping, no inaccuracies can occur when making shop for injection moulding”, adds this is done automatically.” It is an important Alexander Wehl. point, as many components are machined to an accuracy measured in microns. Unmanned production thanks to the DMU 60 eVo linear with a robotic cell Robotic cell for highly flexible Wehl & Partner meets continuously rising one-off production demand by expanding its production. The The DMU 60 eVo linear with robotic cell quickly purchase of an automatic production cell was impressed Wehl & Partner: “This automated a logical consequence, according to Robert system is a highly flexible solution for one-off WEHL & PARTNER FACTS Wehl, who manages the business with his production of batch sizes of 1, with which we ++ Family business brother Alexander and his father Bernardo: can respond quickly while at the same time founded in 1994 boosting production capacity.” Short deliv- ++ Headquarters in ery times are what customers want and are Zimmern ob Rottweil UNMANNED therefore what Wehl & Partner aspires to, as the founder of the company stresses: “It takes ++ 80 employees ++ Location in Spain, PRODUCTION AT between one and two weeks from receipt of subsidiary in Salach THE WEEKEND an order to delivery of the finished prototypes.” Wehl & Partner also helps its customers with ++ High level of vertical integration with metal cutting, additive development if required. manufacturing and injection moulding “The robotic cell boosts our productivity enor- Expansion and technological progress mously, because it means we can exploit the The holistic range of products and services capacity of the DMU 60 eVo linear to the full and the company’s extensive level of exper- at night and at weekends. Our staff only work tise are the key drivers of growth at Wehl & one and half shifts. We program the orders Partner. Expansion of the factory is being and set everything up during the day and then planned, while the company is also developing Wehl & Partner mill the parts at night.“ technologically, says Robert Wehl: “Additive Muster und Prototypen GmbH Römerallee 12 manufacturing is becoming an increasingly Industriegebiet, IN-KOM Südwest The Kuka robot loads the machine with up to important addition to our portfolio, because 78658 Zimmern / Rottweil 20 pallets or blanks. Its accompanying rack we finish the parts from the powder bed on Germany www.wehl-partner.de provides the necessary space. A turnover sta- our CNC machines and can therefore offer tion enables the machining of the previously everything from a single source.“ « TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 23
CUSTOMER STORY – SCHAEFFLER GROUP INTERCONNECTION WITH ROBOTS ++ Five DMU eVo 80 linear machines ++ 180 locations for pallets measuring AUTOMATED 450 × 450 mm and weighing 250 kg ++ Two set-up stations and PRODUCTION one off-load station ++ Camera system developed by LuK for simple location of WITH INDUSTRY 4.0 the zero point during set-up ++ 120 tools per machine plus 105 tools in an external rack SOLUTIONS ++ Barcode reader for automatic transfer of tool data ++ FANUC robot with two grippers for pallets and tools 24 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
CUSTOMER STORY – SCHAEFFLER GROUP The linked DMU 80 eVo linear machines enable fully automatic and reliable one-hit manufacturing. Wilfried Schwenk Head of tool making at Schaeffler’s factory in Kappelrodeck The successful development of LuK GmbH as China, despite the fact that production is & Co. KG, founded by Wilhelm und Georg actually much cheaper there.” That is why Schaeffler, began in 1965 with the serial pro- Schaeffler is continually on the look-out for duction of diaphragm spring clutches for the cost saving potential, especially where tool VW Beetle. Part of the Schaeffler Group, the making is concerned. company employees around 5,500 people at its locations in Bühl, Bußmatten, Sasbach 40 DMG MORI machines for high- and Kappelrodeck. The location in Buhl has precision production in tool making been the Automotive OEM headquarters of A modern shop floor with more than 120 the Schaeffler Group since January 2018. machining centres and turning machines The company’s innovative manufacturing helps the tool making division to continuously processes are a key factor for ensuring boost productivity. The 40 machines from its technological lead. The latest example DMG MORI are proving to be the innovative of this is a flexible production cell com- standard in tool making. At an early stage, prising five DMU 80 eVo linear machines complex workpieces in the highest accuracy that DMG MORI developed and imple- classes were processed on an HSC 75 linear mented in cooperation with Schaeffler from DMG MORI. In 2007, an automated within eleven months. version of the same machine was added, explains Wilfried Schwenk: “The gain in pro- Products “Made in Germany” enjoy a great ductivity that we achieve through automation reputation worldwide. Equally great, however, is enormous, because it means we can con- is the challenge of manufacturing products centrate on preparing new orders while the economically, an issue Schaeffler tackles machine is running unattended.” early on in the development and production of its tools. “Innovative forming technologies High-precision machining centres such help us produce serial components with as models from the DMU eVo linear series increasing efficiency”, says Wilfried Schwenk, are standard in Schaeffler's production. head of tool making at the Schaeffler loca- “The modular design gives us the flexibility tion in Kappelrodeck, about the aims in this we need to equip our machines to suit the division. “The tools needed here are in such respective applications, so they can meet high demand that we deliver them as far away the high requirements demanded of them”, » TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 25
CUSTOMER STORY – SCHAEFFLER GROUP From left to right: Andreas Glaser, responsible for machining at Schaeffler Group in Kappelrodeck, Wilfried Schwenk, head of tool making, and Marco Rettig, in charge of machine procurement. says Marco Rettig, responsible for machine pallets and tools works inside the system. The blanks with enough material allowance”, procurement at the Schaeffler factory in long rack has 180 stations for pallets meas- says Andreas Glaser. Where necessary more Kappelrodeck. “It is vital that the machines uring 450 × 450 mm and weighing up to 250 kg. accurate zero points are set using a sensor – produce workpieces to impeccable quality and also carried out automatically. It would be that they do so with the necessary efficiency”, legitimate to speak of artificial intelligence adds Andreas Glaser, in charge of machining. where this automation is concerned stresses Customised automation with five ONLY THREE INSTEAD Wilfried Schwenk “The system manages orders, delivers finished parts, initiates the machines and 180 pallet stations OF NINE EMPLOYEES use of sister tools and corrects programs in Schaeffler and DMG MORI have now raised the topic of automation to a new level by link- PER SHIFT the case of tool wear completely automati- cally and independently.” In other words, we ing five DMU 80 eVo linear machines. The achieve reliable one-hit production of parts. 30-metre-long system includes a tool preset- ter with a set-up station for tools, two set-up Jointly developed automation Only three employees per shift are needed stations for workpieces and an off-load sta- with artificial intelligence to operate the entire automation system – tion in addition to the five machining centres. With this automation solution, DMG MORI Schaeffler was one of the first companies The data from tool presetting are transmitted acted as the sole supplier of the production to introduce three shifts in tool making. to the machines automatically via a barcode technology, tooling, NC programs and auto- “It represents a third of the manpower we reader at the set-up station, even before the mation. When designing the system, there would need for the same output without auto- robot places the tools in the external mag- was also close cooperation with Schaeffler, mation”, says Wilfried Schwenk with refer- azines. “These are used to store up to 105 which made implementing the requirements ence to the high capacity. “On the other hand, special tools that are not needed so often”, far simpler. Schaeffler, for example, was able we had to take on five new programmers to fill explains Andreas Glaser. “We load the 120 tool to contribute its own in-house camera system the plant with enough work.” His statement stations in the machines with standard tools for the set-up stations. The cameras scan also helps to dispel the fear of jobs being lost and their sister tools.” There is also a barcode every component and enable the operator as a result of automated production. Quite reader on the machines for transmitting the to set a zero point on the PC. “Accuracy is the opposite: “Costs would be too high in the tool data. A FANUC robot with two grippers for to one-tenth of a millimetre, sufficient for long term if we did not take this step in pro- 26 TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE
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