Diabetes in Saskatchewan Backgrounder

Page created by Jordan Ramos
Diabetes in Saskatchewan


                  diabetes.ca|1-800-BANTING (226-8464)
Summary: This backgrounder provides key statistics about diabetes in Saskatchewan, the
impact of diabetes on the population of Saskatchewan, and Diabetes Canada’s
recommendations to the Government of Saskatchewan to address diabetes prevention
and management.

Publication Date: January 2021

Report Length: 5 Pages

Cite As: Diabetes in Saskatchewan: Backgrounder. Ottawa: Diabetes Canada; 2021.

About Diabetes Canada: Diabetes Canada is a national health charity representing close
to 11.5 million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes. Diabetes Canada leads the
fight against diabetes by helping those affected by diabetes live healthy lives, preventing
the onset and consequences of diabetes, and discovering a cure. It has a heritage of
excellence and leadership, and its co-founder, Dr. Charles Best, along with Dr. Frederick
Banting, is credited with the co-discovery of insulin. Diabetes Canada is supported in its
efforts by a community-based network of volunteers, employees, health care
professionals, researchers, and partners. By providing education and services, advocating
on behalf of people living with diabetes, supporting research, and translating research
into practical applications, Diabetes Canada is delivering on its mission. Diabetes Canada
will continue to change the world for those affected by diabetes through healthier
communities, exceptional care, and high-impact research.

For more information, please visit: www.diabetes.ca

Contact: advocacy@diabetes.ca with inquiries about this Diabetes Canada report.

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Estimated Prevalence and Cost of Diabetes

                        Prevalence (1)                               2021                        2031
    Diabetes (type 1 and type 2 diagnosed)                       109,000 / 9%             142,000 / 10%
    Diabetes (type 1)                                                5-10% of diabetes prevalence
    Diabetes (type 1 + type 2 diagnosed + type 2
                                                                327,000 / 26%             395,000 / 29%
    undiagnosed) and prediabetes combined
    Increase in diabetes (type 1 and type 2 diagnosed),
    Direct cost to the health care system                        $108 million              $137 million
                                        Out-of-pocket cost per year (2)
    Type 1 diabetes on multiple daily insulin injections                     $700–$2,700
    Type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy                                  $700–$6,200
    Type 2 diabetes on oral medication                                       $900–$1,900

Impact of Diabetes                                         •   Diabetes contributes to (5):

                                                                                  30% of strokes
•     Among the population of Saskatchewan (1):
                                                                                  Leading cause of
      o 26% live with diabetes or prediabetes                                     blindness
                                                                                  40% of heart
      o 9% live with diagnosed diabetes.
•     Diabetes complications are associated with
      premature death (3). Diabetes can reduce                                    50% of kidney
      lifespan by five to 15 years (3). It is                                     failure requiring
      estimated that the all-cause mortality rate                                 dialysis
      among Canadians living with diabetes is
      twice as high as the all-cause mortality rate                               70% of all non-
      for those without diabetes (4).                                             traumatic leg and
                                                                                  foot amputations
•     People with diabetes are over three times
      more likely to be hospitalized with
                                                           •   The prevalence of clinically relevant
      cardiovascular disease, 12 times more likely
                                                               depressive symptoms among people living
      to be hospitalized with end-stage renal
                                                               with diabetes is approximately 30% (6).
      disease, and almost 20 times more likely to
                                                               Individuals with depression have a 40% –
      be hospitalized for a non-traumatic lower
                                                               60% increased risk of developing type 2
      limb amputation compared to the general
                                                               diabetes (6).
      population (3).

•   Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of      •   For many Canadians with diabetes,
    vision loss in people of working age (7).             adherence to treatment is affected by cost.
    Vision loss is associated with increased falls,       The majority of Canadians with diabetes pay
    hip fractures, and a 4-fold increase in               more than 3% of their income or over
    mortality (7). The prevalence of diabetic             $1,500 per year for prescribed medications,
    retinopathy is approximately 25.1% in                 devices, and supplies out-of-pocket (2,14).
    Canada (8).                                       •   Among Canadians with type 2 diabetes, 33%
•   Foot ulceration affects an estimated 15%–             do not feel comfortable disclosing their
    25% of people with diabetes in their lifetime         disease to others (2).
    (9). One-third of amputations in 2011–2012        •   Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and
    were performed on people reporting a                  hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) may affect
    diabetic foot wound (10).                             mood and behaviour and can lead to
•   The risk factors for type 1 diabetes are not          emergency situations if left untreated (11).
    well understood, but interaction between
    genetic and environmental factors are likely      Policy, Programs, and Services Related to
    involved (11). Type 2 diabetes is caused by a
    combination of individual, social,
    environmental, and genetic factors (11).
                                                      •   A commitment was made during Election
    o Certain populations are at higher risk of
                                                          2020 by the incoming government to
         developing type 2 diabetes, such as
                                                          remove the age restriction from the insulin
         those of African, Arab, Asian, Hispanic,
                                                          pump program as well as provide coverage
         Indigenous, or South Asian descent,
                                                          for continuous glucose monitors (CGM) for
         those who are older, have a lower level
                                                          children under the age of 18 who are insulin
         of income or education, are physically
         inactive, or are living with overweight or
                                                      •   In May 2020, the Saskatchewan Ministry of
         obesity (11).
                                                          Education released the Policy
    o Diabetes rates are 9.6 times higher in
                                                          Statement: Supporting Students with
         First Nations People off reserve and 8.6
                                                          Potentially Life-Threatening Medical
         times higher in Métis than in the non-
                                                          Conditions (e.g., allergies, asthma, diabetes,
         Indigenous population, a situation
                                                          epilepsy) in Saskatchewan Schools.
         compounded by barriers to care for
                                                      •   In February 2019, in response to current
         Indigenous peoples (12,13).
                                                          evidence, Saskatchewan made available
    o The prevalence of diabetes among
                                                          empagliflozin, an SGLT-2 inhibitor, as
         adults in the lowest income groups is
                                                          additional therapy for individuals with type 2
         5.6 times that of adults in the highest
                                                          diabetes and clinical cardiovascular disease
         income group (13).                               who have inadequate glycemic control
    o Adults who have not completed high
                                                          despite existing pharmacotherapy.
         school have a diabetes prevalence 3.4        •   The Government of Saskatchewan
         times that of adults with a university           introduced changes in 2015 to reduce public
         education (13).                                  coverage of blood glucose test strips. Within

                                                                                      diabetes.ca |2
the new test strips policy, the maximum              o    Approximately 11.5% of people in
    number of test strips reimbursed is similar to            Saskatchewan self-identify as being of
    Diabetes Canada’s minimum recommended                     African, Arab, Asian, Hispanic, or South
    test strip usage guidelines.                              Asian descent (15). These groups are at
•   In 2015, the government announced funding                 increased risk of developing type 2
    to support a pediatric endocrinology and                  diabetes (11).
    diabetes program, adding a second pediatric          o There are 175,015 Indigenous Peoples
    endocrinologist and more support positions                in Saskatchewan, who face significantly
    for the pediatric diabetes team.                          higher rates of diabetes and adverse
•   In January 2012, the Government of                        health consequences than the overall
    Saskatchewan announced expansion of the                   population (17).
    insulin pump program to include all              •   Saskatchewan has high rates of individual-
    individuals with type 1 diabetes under the           level modifiable risk factors (18):
    age of 26.                                           o 47.3% of adults and 45.7% of youth are
•   The Saskatchewan Children’s and Seniors’                  physically inactive;
    Drug Plans are available to children aged 14         o 33.3% of adults are living with
    and younger and eligible seniors aged 65                  overweight, 34.8% of adults are living
    and older, who pay $25 per prescription for               with obesity, and 33.4% of youth are
    drugs on the Saskatchewan Formulary and                   living with overweight or obesity;
    those approved under Exception Drug                  o 74% of adults are not eating enough
    Status.                                                   fruits and vegetables; and
                                                         o 20.1% of adults are current tobacco
Challenges                                                    smokers.
                                                     •   Factors related to the social determinants of
                                                         health and that can influence the rate of
Saskatchewan faces unique challenges in
                                                         individual-level modifiable risk factors
preventing type 2 diabetes and meeting the
                                                         include income, education, food security, the
needs of those living with diabetes:
                                                         built environment, social support, and access
• Non-modifiable risk factors of type 2
                                                         to health care (3).
    diabetes include age, sex, and ethnicity (11).
                                                         o Saskatchewan has a large rural
    o The median age in Saskatchewan is 37.8
                                                              population. For people with diabetes,
        years (15). 15.5% of people in
                                                              accessing care is more challenging in
        Saskatchewan are over 65 years old (15).
                                                              rural areas across Canada than in urban
        The risk of developing type 2 diabetes
                                                              areas (19).
        increases with age (11). Older adults
        living with diabetes are more likely to be
        frail and progressive frailty has been
        associated with reduced function and
        increased mortality (16).
    o Adult men are more at risk of type 2
        diabetes compared to adult women (11).

                                                                                    diabetes.ca |3
Diabetes Canada’s Recommendations to                 3.   Diabetes in Canada: Facts and figures from a
the Government of Saskatchewan                            public health perspective [Internet]. Ottawa:
                                                          Public Health Agency of Canada; 2011 p.
                                                          126. Available from:
1. Launch a provincial diabetes strategy that
   aligns with Diabetes 360°, and support a
   nation-wide D360˚ strategy.
2. Enhance access to diabetes medications,
   devices, and supplies.
       •    Publicly fund advanced glucose
                                                     4.   Twenty Years of Diabetes surveillance using
            monitoring devices (CGM and Flash)
                                                          the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance
            for citizens with diabetes who would
                                                          System [Internet]. Ottawa: Public Health
                                                          Agency of Canada; 2019 Nov. Available
       •    Remove the age barrier on the
            insulin pump program.
3. Expand services and supports to promote
     limb preservation for citizens living with
     diabetes.                                            diabetes/64-03-19-2467-Diabetes-
                                                     5.   Hux J, Booth J, Slaughter P, Laupacis A.
References                                                Diabetes in Ontario: An ICES Practice Atlas.
                                                          Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences;
1.   Canadian Diabetes Cost Model. Ottawa:                2003 Jun.
     Diabetes Canada; 2016. Diabetes statistics in   6.   Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines
     Canada are estimates generated by the                Expert Committee, Robinson DJ, Coons M,
     Canadian Diabetes Cost Model, a                      Haensel H, Vallis M, Yale J-F. Diabetes and
     forecasting model that provides projections          Mental Health. Can J Diabetes. 2018 Apr;42
     on prevalence, incidence and economic                Suppl 1:S130–41.
     burden of diabetes in Canada based on           7.   Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines
     national data from government sources.               Expert Committee, Altomare F, Kherani A,
2.   2015 Report on Diabetes – Driving Change.            Lovshin J. Retinopathy. Can J Diabetes. 2018
     Ottawa: Diabetes Canada; 2015. Estimated             Apr;42 Suppl 1:S210–6.
     out-of-pocket costs for type 1 and type 2       8.   Thomas RL, Halim S, Gurudas S, Sivaprasad
     diabetes were calculated based on                    S, Owens DR. IDF Diabetes Atlas: A review of
     composite case studies. As such, the                 studies utilising retinal photography on the
     estimates may reflect the out-of-pocket              global prevalence of diabetes related
     costs for many people with diabetes in               retinopathy between 2015 and 2018.
     Canada, but not all. The costs are 2015              Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2019 Oct 23;107840.
     estimates and may vary depending on
     income and age.

                                                                                      diabetes.ca |4
9.    Singh N, Armstrong DG, Lipsky BA.                        Census [Internet]. Ottawa: Statistics Canada;
      Preventing Foot Ulcers in Patients With                  2017 Nov. Report No.: Statistics Canada
      Diabetes. JAMA. 2005 Jan 12;293(2):217–28.               Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Available
10.   Compromised Wounds in Canada [Internet].                 from: https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-
      Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health                    recensement/2016/dp-
      Information; 2013 Aug. Available from:                   pd/prof/index.cfm?Lang=E
      https://secure.cihi.ca/free_products/AiB_Co        16.   Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines
      mpromised_Wounds_EN.pdf                                  Expert Committee, Meneilly GS, Knip A,
11.   Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines             Miller DB, Sherifali D, Tessier D, et al.
      Expert Committee. Diabetes Canada 2018                   Diabetes in Older People. Can J Diabetes.
      Clinical Practice Guidelines for the                     2018 Apr;42 Suppl 1:S283–95.
      Prevention and Management of Diabetes in           17.   Aboriginal Peoples Highlight Tables, 2016
      Canada. Can J Diabetes [Internet]. 2018                  Census [Internet]. Statistics Canada; 2017
      [cited 2019 Oct 28];42. Available from:                  Oct [cited 2019 Dec 17]. Available from:
      http://guidelines.diabetes.ca/docs/CPG-                  https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-
      2018-full-EN.pdf                                         recensement/2016/dp-pd/hlt-fst/abo-
12.   Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines             aut/Table.cfm?Lang=Eng&S=99&O=A&RPP
      Expert Committee, Crowshoe L,                            =25
      Dannenbaum D, Green M, Henderson R,                18.   Health characteristics, annual estimates
      Hayward MN, et al. Type 2 Diabetes and                   [Internet]. Statistics Canada; 2019 Dec [cited
      Indigenous Peoples. Can J Diabetes. 2018                 2019 Dec 17] p. Ottawa. Available from:
      Apr;42 Suppl 1:S296–306.                                 https://doi.org/10.25318/1310009601-eng
13.   Public Health Agency of Canada, Pan -              19.   Table 17-10-0118-01 Selected population
      Canadian Public Health Network, Statistics               characteristics, Canada, provinces and
      Canada, Canadian Institute of Health                     territories [Internet]. Ottawa: Statistics
      Information. Pan-Canadian Health                         Canada; 2019 Dec. Available from:
      Inequalities Data Tool, 2017 Edition [Internet].         https://doi.org/10.25318/1710011801-eng
      Public Health Agency of Canada. 2019 [cited
      2019 Oct 31]. Available from: https://health-
14.   The burden of out-of-pocket costs for
      Canadians with diabetes. Ottawa: Diabetes
      Canada; 2011. Out-of-pocket costs that
      exceed 3% or $1,500 of a person’s annual
      income are defined as catastrophic drug
      costs by the Kirby and Romanow
      Commissions on healthcare.
15.   Saskatchewan [Province] and Canada
      [Country] (table). Census Profile. 2016

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