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CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 6 2 BASES FOR PREPARING THE NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 8 2.1 Electricity demand in the past 9 2.2 Electricity generation on the transmission network in the past 10 2.3 Electricity balance in Slovenia in the past 11 2.4 Transmission network operation in the past 11 2.4.1 Trends of Transmission Network Loading 11 2.4.2 N-1 Security in the Slovenian Transmission Network 11 3 ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND GENERATION SCENARIOS OVERVIEW 13 3.1 Scenarios of future electricity demand 14 3.2 Evolution of generation in the transmission network 15 4 ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND PEAK LOADS FORECAST 17 4.1 Electricity demand forecast at the transmission level 18 4.2 Peak loads and minimal loads forecast 19 5 COVERING ELECTRICITY DEMAND FROM THE TRANSMISSION NETWORK 21 5.1 Covering electrity demand 22 5.2 Projection of achieving energy and climate targets 23 5.2.1 Electricity balance forecast 23 5.3 Projection of ancillary services and power reserves 24 5.4 Regional electricity exchange 25 4 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
6 TRANSMISSION NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 27 6.1 Slovenian transmission network development in the next 10-year period 28 6.2 Projects of common interest 32 6.3 Other investments priorities in the next 10-year period 32 6.3.1 SINCRO.GRID Project 32 6.3.2 NEDO Project 32 6.3.3 SUMO Project 33 6.3.4 ELES Beričevo Technology Centre 33 6.3.5 Development of Diagnostics and Analytics Centre 33 6.3.6 Battery Energy Storage Systems 33 6.3.7 Compensation devices for voltage control 33 6.3.8 Construction of advanced infrastructure for ensuring flexibility from electric vehicles – the E8 concept 34 6.3.9 Implementation of Article 35 of the Energy Act (EZ-1) – Acquisition of 110 kV transmission network owned by other companies 34 6.4 Research and development activities 34 6.4.1 FutureFlow Project 34 6.4.2 MIGRATE Project (Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices) 35 6.4.3 BioEnergyTrain Project 35 6.4.4 OSMOSE Project 35 6.4.5 Defender Project 35 6.4.6 TDX-ASSIST Project 35 6.4.7 Activities in the Area of Demand Response and Distributed Generation 35 6.4.8 System reserve from DG sources of uninterrupted power supply – diesel electric generators 36 6.4.9 Wide Area Measurement, Protection and Control System (WAMPAC) 36 6.5 Long-term transmission network development 36 7 CONCLUSION 40 ABBREVIATIONS USED 42 REFERENCES 43 NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 5
Social Responsibility INTRODUCTION 1 S u s ta i n a b l e d e v e lo p m e n t 6 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
This document is a summary of the document »Slovenian Network Devel- opment Plan 2019–2028«, prepared by ELES on 21 December 2018. The main purpose of the Network Development Plan of the Republic of Slo- venia from 2019 to 2028 is to present an overview of the current situa- tion and define the needed investments in the transmission network in upcoming decades, which will provide for the adequate transfer capacity of the transmission grid and adequate voltage conditions in the transmis- sion network of the Republic of Slovenia, thus ensuring the reliable and high-quality supply of electricity to stakeholders of the power system. The summary has been meaningfully shortened and provides all relevant infor- mation and data necessary for presentation to the broader professional public and electricity market participants. Long-term network development plans are pre- ting new overhead line connections in space or re- pared for the purpose of identifying the necessary constructing existing ones, experts examine the investments in the transmission system that will, most favourable routes while synthetically con- in a constantly changing environment, meet and sidering the relevant spatial, security, functional satisfy the growing needs of all electricity con- and economic aspects, as well as the aspect of sumers, from household to business. In the long social acceptability. term, the goal of the network's development is to ensure the best possible quality of electricity sup- ELES has to ensure the sufficient capacity of the ply at minimum costs and with higher utilisation network at all times in order to satisfy the peak of existing devices and facilities, a maximum level load. This will guarantee the safe, reliable and of investment effectiveness, and minimum im- quality supply of electric power to consumers in pacts on the environment. future as well, and increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transmission services in the Owing to difficulties in the siting of facilities in electric power system while pursing the goal of physical space on the one hand and the growing providing for the energy industry's gradual tran- needs for transfer capacities on the other, we are sition to the use of more sustainable electricity searching for ways to transmit larger quantities of sources. For this reason the first and main step electricity while retaining the same utilisation of in achieving the set goals in the energy sector on space. The electricity market that connects, in a the European Union (EU) level is to prepare an liberalized way, all countries in the ENTSO-E sys- adequate strategy for the development of elec- tem is pushing the electric power system closer to tricity grids. In preparing the ten-year network transfer capacities and operational security limits, and towards the increased utilisation of existing development plan, the transmission system op- infrastructure in general. erator formulates reasonable assumptions on the development of production, supply, consumption ELES carries out activities related to the siting of and exchanges with other countries, taking into electricity facilities in physical space in accord- consideration the investment plans for regional ance with applicable legislation, which is chang- networks [3] and other relevant documents im- ing more rapidly than it is possible to carry out pacting the preparation of the development plan. the actual siting of a particular facility in space. On 1st June 2018 the new Spatial Planning Act Data on the current state of the network, data (ZureP-2) [1] and the Building Act (GZ) [2] came obtained from all electricity generation and dis- into effect, both of which stipulate significant tribution companies and direct consumers, as well changes in procedures for siting electricity facili- as data on 220 kV and 400 kV networks obtained ties in physical space. In all areas ELES is conduct- from other TSOs across Europe, were used in the ing activities aimed at the more effective siting preparation of analyses that served as a basis for of electricity transfer facilities in space. When si- elaboration of the development plan. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 7
2.1 ELECTRICITY DEMAND IN THE PAST A review of the previous ten-year period shows a Consequently, due to low temperatures in Feb- decline in electricity demand in 2008 due to the ruary 2012 and January 2017, the highest peak economic crisis, followed by a gradual recovery power increased substantially, exhibiting a high that lasted relatively long in Slovenia – until 2014. temperature dependence of demand. This will Afterwards, electricity demand again began to continue to increase in upcoming years as a result rise sharply and reached the 2007 level in 2017. of changes in heating methods (heating pumps). A slightly higher dynamic than electricity demand Although the periods of extremely low or high on the transmission network (TN) was shown by temperatures are short on a yearly level and do the peak powers in TN, which are, among others, not occur every year, the transmission network also strongly dependent on weather conditions. must be capable of withstanding such extremes. Figure 2.1: Total electricity demand on TN and annual peak powers in the 2008-2017 period 18,000 2,300 Total electricity demand at the transmittion level [GWh] 16,000 2,100 14,000 1,900 12,000 1,700 Peak power [MW] 10,000 1,500 8,000 1,300 6,000 1,100 4,000 900 2,000 700 0 500 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Peak power PSP – pumping Distributions – Total Transmission losses Locations of direct consumption NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 9
2.2 ELECTRICITY GENERATION ON THE TRANSMISSION NETWORK IN THE PAST The quantity of generated electricity and an over- units was the new Unit VI at the Šoštanj Thermal view of the net installed capacity of units in the Power Plant. At the end of 2017, the generation past ten years show that previous investments units connected to the Slovenian transmission in the Republic of Slovenia were made primarily network had a net total installed capacity of into peak units (Hydro Power Plant (HPP) on the 3,535 MW, of which 696 MW in the Krško Nuclear Lower Sava River, Avče Pumped Storage Power Power Plant (NPP Krško), 1,654 MW in TPPs, 1,000 Plant (PSP), gas units at the Šoštanj Thermal Po- MW in HPPs, and 185 MW in PSPs. wer Plant (TPP)). The only investment in base-load Figure 2.2: Electricity generation of HPPs, TPPs and NPP Krško and net installed capacity 16,000 4,000 273 4 184 144 278 271 14,000 187 293 3,500 282 3,512 3,218 4,274 4,064 5,520 12,000 3,543 4,015 3,453 3,000 Electricity generation [GWh] 4,187 3,426 Net installed capacity [MW] 10,000 2,500 4,868 4,787 8,000 4,700 4,795 4,262 2,000 4,636 3,242 4,401 4,381 3,809 6,000 1,500 2,985 2,949 3,030 2,983 4,000 2,726 2,686 2,616 2,685 2,712 1,000 2,512 2,000 500 2,985 2,726 2,686 2,949 2,616 2,512 2,030 2,685 2,712 2,983 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 NPP SLO (1/2) Thermal PSP Net installed capacity NPP HR (1/2) Hydro Other Gen. on Trans. Level 10 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
2.3 ELECTRICITY BALANCE IN SLOVENIA IN THE PAST In previous periods, Slovenia almost always had Krško can be included among domestic sources, a negative electricity balance which, although Slovenia is in reality a net importer of electricity, fluctuating significantly over the years, is mostly i.e., approximately up to 20%. In times of higher due to its large dependence on hydrology. If only demand in the network, Slovenia covers a major the physical conditions are observed and the en- part of its needs by importing electricity, whereas tire electricity generated at NPP Krško is taken during lower demand, it is still capable of gene- into account, Slovenia is a net exporter. However, rating surpluses of electricity that are exported to since only half of the electricity generated at NPP neighbouring markets. 2.4 TRANSMISSION NETWORK OPERATION IN THE PAST The basis for forecasting the future loading of Germany. Figure 2.4 is particularly indicative, as network elements and, consequently, any new in- no decline in network loading can hardly be noted vestments in the electricity network, is a precise anywhere. Although loading is stagnant in certain insight into the current state of the electricity areas (southeastern region, Pomurje), it is increas- system. The large quantity of measurement data ing in all other parts of Slovenia. kept by ELES allows us to consider several diffe- rent criteria regarding transmission line loading and not only the highest yearly loads, as practised 2.4.2 N-1 Security in the Slovenian in the past. The map of Slovenia in Figure 2.3 Transmission Network shows the overhead lines with the highest loading and with a 95% probability of loading occurring The basic criterion for network planning and ope- above a rated capacity of 60%. rating requirements foresee that the N-1 security criterion is to be ensured at all times. The goal of ensuring this criterion is to prevent the occurrence 2.4.1 Trends of Transmission of major disturbances and their spread due to the failure of any individual element. This is a simple, Network Loading robust, coordinated and established criterion in Figure 2.4 shows the trend of overhead line load- transmission network planning. Figure 2.5 shows ing in the period between 2012 and 2017 (inclu- compliance with the N-1 criterion on the basis of sive), where an increase or decrease represents a simulations, where all Slovenian and cross-bor- change expressed as a percentage of the rated der lines, as well as the majority of double circuit line capacity. The figure reveals a constant net- lines, were considered in the analysis. The figure work loading growth in the lower Gorenjska re- indicates that in case of failures, the most difficul- gion, where the same trend was noted in previous ties can be expected in the networks of Primorska years, but has intensified in the past two years. and Dolenjska; high network loading was also att- The trend of increasing network loading is pro- ained in the Pomurje network. For the mentioned nounced on the 220 kV and 400 kV levels. This apparent difficulties in Slovenia's transmission means that the interconnection links are exposed grid, ELES had already foreseen upgrades of the to considerable power flows in both directions as network in its previous transmission system devel- the result of the gradual decommissioning of nu- opment plans. In future, these could provide for clear power plants and other conventional power the quality supply of electricity to consumers and plants, as well as the concurrent implementation better resilience to potential disturbances occur- of renewable energy sources (RES) in Italy and ring in the electricity power system. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 11
Figure 2.3: Overhead lines with the highest current loading with respect to the 95-percent probability limit Kainachtal Obersielach Rated capacity above 70% (Na Selu) Rated capacity between 60% and 70% Ravne Maribor Šoštanj Rated capacity between 50% and 60% Cirkovce Okroglo Podlog Kleče Beričevo Žerjavinec Redipuglia Krško (Sredipolje) Tumbri Padriciano Divača (Padriče) Pehlin Melina Figure 2.4: Trends of transmission network loading based on five-year measurements Kainachtal Obersielach Over 3% increase per year (Na Selu) 1% - 3% increase per year Ravne Maribor Šoštanj 1% - 3% decrease per year Cirkovce Okroglo Podlog 3% decrease per year Kleče Beričevo Žerjavinec Redipuglia Krško (Sredipolje) Tumbri Padriciano Divača (Padriče) Pehlin Melina Figure 2.5: Line loading in a N-1 situation Kainachtal Obersielach Above 100% rated capacity (Na Selu) 80% - 100% rated capacity Ravne Maribor Šoštanj 60% - 80% rated capacity Cirkovce Okroglo Podlog Line causing partial outage Kleče Beričevo Žerjavinec Redipuglia Krško (Sredipolje) Tumbri Padriciano Divača (Padriče) Pehlin Melina 12 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
transport ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND GENERATION SCENARIOS Control of the S lov e n i a n E l e c t r i c i t y overview P ow e r Syst e m NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 13
3.1 SCENARIOS OF FUTURE ELECTRICITY DEMAND The scenarios of future electricity demand and policies and targets defined for the entire EU transmission network loading are designed to con- for the year 2030. Electricity needs are inten- sider as far as possible the requirements defined sifying due to the extensive use of heating by ENTSO-E TYNDP ([4], [5]), as well as the sce- pumps. The reduction of petroleum products narios presented in the draft Energy Concept of in transport and their gradual replacement Slovenia (ECS) [6]. Drawing on the defined guide- with natural gas is taken into account, but in lines and on the basis of projections of economic contrast to Sc1 this scenario is more ambi- development, four development scenarios have tious and considers a higher growth of electric been created, as follows: mobility. The long-term vision, which extends • Sc1 foresees a lower growth of economic deve- beyond the ten-year period, includes the con- lopment and development in the attainment of struction of a new nuclear power plant in energy policy targets, with results focused on Slovenia. By its targets, the Sc2 Scenario cor- moving closer to ECS targets. Electricity needs responds to the ENTSO-E Distributed Genera- are intensifying due to the extensive use of tion scenario. heating pumps. The consumption of petroleum • Sc3 anticipates a higher growth of economic products is gradually decreasing and these are development. It includes policies and meas- being replaced by natural gas. In the Sc1 sce- ures adopted at the EU level and in Slovenia nario, the introduction of electric mobility and until 1st September 2016. Sc3 is therefore de- gas fuels is assessed according to technical and signed to bring the results closer to ECS targets financial capabilities, where EU targets regard- by continuing the trend of measures from AN- ing the reduction of emissions have not been URE-2020 [7]. Due to higher economic growth achieved. Also, the construction of distributed the intensity of traffic is increasing, where a generation (DG) on the distribution level is ex- very high increase of natural gas consumption tremely limited. is foreseen. By its targets, the Sc3 Scenario • Sc2 foresees a lower growth of economic de- corresponds to the ENTSO-E Sustainable Tran- velopment. It takes into account the energy sition scenario. Figure 3.1: Development scenarios overview Final energy demand Sc1 Electric vehicles Electricity demand Sc2 Electricity consumption Sc3 Air condition in households Sc4 Solar Peak power in transmission network Wind Transmission losses HPP (Drava, Sava, Soča, Mura) Distribution losses 14 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
• Sc4 foresees that the energy targets and po- order to create a more attractive environment licies defined for the entire EU for the year for the implementation of renewable energy 2030 will be met. It is assumed that in order sources. Sc4 considers the more favourable to achieve the target of reducing emissions by macroeconomic conditions, which is why the 80% on the EU level by 2050 in comparison number of heating pumps is increasing rapid- with 1990, the national target for electricity ly. Favourable economic conditions are conse- generation up to the year 2050 is 100% co- quently also increasing the intensity of traffic verage from renewable energy sources. Policies with the highest level of electric mobility. By its promoting the further application of renewa- targets, the Sc4 Scenario corresponds to the ble energy sources are being implemented in ENTSO-E Global Climate Action scenario. 3.2 EVOLUTION OF GENERATION IN THE TRANSMISSION NETWORK For the purposes of preparing forecasts of the • Sc4 is, as regards generation units, even more evolution of generation units in the transmission ambitious than Sc3, where all investments an- system according to individual development sce- nounced by investors are realised. This scenario narios, ELES has obtained from generation com- is based on the assumptions that all targets in panies the relevant data on planned new genera- the action plans for RES and energy efficiency tion units and decommissioning plans for existing (EE) will be achieved by 2030. units, which are shown in Table 3.1. Based on their In comparison with the previous network develop- current status, the generation units were classi- ment plan, the 2019-2028 plan presents a set of fied under scenarios as follows: planned generation units in TN where the majo- • Sc1 takes into account only those new ge- rity of changes can be found in the year of their neration units that are already in the phase of construction and not in their selection. Most of construction and have obtained a building and them have been delayed for two years. TPP Trbov- an environmental permit (TPP Brestanica PB7, lje reappeared on the list after its liquidation was CHP Ljubljana). The probability of their execu- terminated on 1st January 2018. In line with the tion is therefore high. With the exception of the adopted business plan of the HSE Group, the stor- above-mentioned sources, Scenario no. 1 does age of petroleum products will be carried out at not foresee any new investments in other ge- this location within the scope of compulsory emer- neration sources. gency reserves prescribed by the state and ancil- lary services in the electric power system. For this • Sc2 considers investments in generation units purpose two gas units have been preserved at this that can be realistically expected. However, due location, but only until 2022, when the termination to siting difficulties, delays in the completion of of production at the TPP Trbovlje location is fore- construction are particularly frequent in HPPs, seen. Previous development plans indicated the in- which is why the uncertainty of their construc- tention to construct a second unit of the Krško Nu- tion is slightly higher than in generation sour- clear Power Plant which, according to the investor, ces classified under Scenario no. 1. The scenario will foreseeably be realised beyond the ten-year therefore foresees a delay in the construction of period, after 2028; a decision on its construction new HPPs, and the opinions of investors are also has not yet been adopted [8]. The modernisation considered [8]. In addition to generation sour- of the high-pressure turbine at NPP Krško is fore- ces included in Scenario no. 1, the construction seen in 2021, which will increase its net capacity by of HPP Mokrice is also included here. approximately 1%. Unit IV at TPP Šoštanj has an • Sc3 foresees the realisation of all announced operating permit valid until 2022, but is currently investments in existing and new generation non-operational due to the revitalisation of Unit V, units according to data received from investors, which has been operating at full capacity since the which also includes the construction of PSP summer of 2018. Namely, both units (IV and V at Kozjak and two HPPs on the Mura River. TPP Šoštanj) cannot operate simultaneously. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 15
Table 3.1: Overview of the planned electricity generation units in TN in the upcoming ten-year period (MW) [8] Power units in TN 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Scenario Dravograd 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Vuzenica 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 Vuhred 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 Ožbalt 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 Fala 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 Mariborski otok 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Zlatoličje 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 Formin 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 PSP Kozjak 420 420 420 420 Sc3,4 HPPs on the Drava River 587 587 587 587 587 587 1,007 1,007 1,007 1,007 Ceršak 20 20 20 Sc3,4 Hrastje Mota 20 20 20 20 20 Sc3,4 HPPs on the Mura River 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 40 40 Moste, Moste Završnica 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 HYDRO POWER PLANTS Moste II 42 42 42 42 Sc3,4 Mavčiče 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 Medvode 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Suhadol 44 44 44 Sc3,4 Vrhovo 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Boštanj 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Blanca 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 Krško 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 Brežice 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Mokrice 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Sc2,3,4 HPPs on the Sava River 276 276 276 304 304 304 346 390 390 390 Doblar I 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Doblar II 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Plave I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Plave II 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Solkan 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 PSP Avče 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 Učja 34 34 34 34 Sc3,4 HPPs on the Soča River 322 322 322 322 322 322 356 356 356 356 Total HPPs 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,214 1,214 1,234 1,730 1,794 1,794 1,794 TEŠ unit IV 248 248 248 248 TEŠ unit V 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 TEŠ gas unit 51 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 TEŠ gas unit 52 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 TEŠ unit VI 539 539 539 539 539 539 539 539 539 539 TPP Šoštanj 1,176 1,176 1,176 1,176 928 928 928 928 928 928 Gas unit I+II 58 58 58 58 TPP Trbovlje (HSE – EDT) 58 58 58 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 THERMAL POWER PLANTS Gas unit 1 23 23 23 Gas unit 2 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Gas unit 3 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Gas unit 4 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 Gas unit 5 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 Gas unit 6 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 Gas unit 7 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Sc1,2,3,4 TPP Brestanica 350 350 400 377 377 377 377 377 331 331 Unit I coal 39 39 Unit II coal 39 39 Unit III coal, wood. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 biomass RES PPE-TOL 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 Sc1,2,3,4 TE-TO Ljubljana 123 123 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 Total TPPs 1,707 1,707 1,818 1,795 1,489 1,489 1,489 1,489 1,443 1,443 NPP Krško 696 696 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 703 Sc1,2,3,4 TOTAL 3,589 3,589 3,707 3,712 3,406 3,426 3,922 3,986 3,940 3,940 16 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
4.1 ELECTRICITY DEMAND FORECAST AT THE TRANSMISSION LEVEL One of the bases of network planning is forecast- tion of distributed generation (DG) sources in DN ing future electricity demand. Inadequate initial and the losses in TN and DN, which is reflected assumptions are a frequent reason for suboptimal in the reduced total demand of distribution com- investments in the network. For this reason a pre- panies at the transmission level. Figure 4.1 shows cise analysis of the future electricity demand at the forecast of installed capacity of DG in DN, and the transmission level was prepared in the plan- Figure 4.2 presents a scenario assessment of elec- ning process for all development scenarios. tricity generated from DG in DN until 2028. When identifying the needs of TN it is also neces- sary, among other things, to forecast the genera- Figure 4.1: Scenario assessment of the quantity of installed capacity from DG until 2028 3,000 2,500 Net capacity [MW] 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2016 Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 2020 2025 2028 CHP Biomass Solar Hydro Wind Geothermal Figure 4.2: Scenario assessment of electricity generation from DG until 2028 [8] 3,500 3,000 Electricity generation [GWh] 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 18 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
Figure 4.3: Scenario assessment of electricity demand until 2028 [8] 17,000 16,000 Electricity demand [GWh] 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 Previous period Sc1 Sc1' (without DG) Sc3 Sc3' (without DG) Sc2 Sc2' (without DG) Sc4 Sc4' (without DG) Figure 4.3 presents the forecast of electricity de- The results in Figure 4.3 show that the highest mand at the transmission level until 2028 (solid growth of electricity demand is expected in Sc1, curves) and the electricity needs of Slovenian also as the consequence of the lower growth of customers, or the electricity needs at the trans- DG. In 2028, electricity demand ranging from 14.5 mission level if there were no DG (dotted curves) to 15.4 TWh can be expected at the transmission installed in DN. The dotted curves show the total network level (without PSP), which represents an electricity demand (including losses in TN and increase of 11.0 to 17.6 percent over 2017, or, on DN) in Slovenia. an annual level, 1.1 to 1.8 percent [8]. 4.2 PEAK LOADS AND MINIMAL LOADS FORECAST The peak loads and minimal loads forecast in the resting to note the dynamic of movement of min- next ten-year period for all four scenarios is shown imal loads, where Sc4 is highlighted, as it assumes in Figures 4.4 and 4.5, together with the impact of the high growth of DG. Minimal load is expected DG on peak and minimal loads for each scenario. to occur on 1st or 2nd May in night time, when the It can be observed from the figures that genera- majority of generation is not operational, but DG tion from DG will impact the peak load levels at are operating (wind power stations, cogeneration the transmission level, depending on the quantity plants, small HPPs, etc.). of DG, which will have a direct effect on reduced electricity demand and peak load at the trans- mission level. The peak load in 2028 will therefore range from 2,401 to 2,491 MW, and is expected to occur in December or January. It is also inte- NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 19
Figure 4.4: Peak loads forecast until 2028 [8] 2,700 2,600 Peak load at the transmission level [MW] 2,500 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 Previous period Sc1 Sc1' (without DG) Sc3 Sc3' (without DG) Sc2 Sc2' (without DG) Sc4 Sc4' (without DG) Figure 4.5: Minimal loads forecast until 2028 [8] 1,200 1,100 Minimal load at the transmission level [MW] 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 Previous period Sc1 Sc1' (without DG) Sc3 Sc3' (without DG) Sc2 Sc2' (without DG) Sc4 Sc4' (without DG) 20 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
5 Cr o ss - b o r d e r e xc h a n g e s COVERING ELECTRICITY DEMAND FROM THE TRANSMISSION NETWORK Interoperability o f Tr a n s m i ss i o n S y s t e m O p e r ato rs NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 21
5.1 COVERING ELECTRITY DEMAND Electricity demand at the transmission level is tricity generation at the Ljubljana Combined Heat covered by generation sources connected to the and Power Plant (TE-TOL) is a side product, since transmission network. The annual quantities of its primary role is supplying most of Ljubljana with electricity generated from these sources are cal- heating energy and industrial steam. The quantity culated according to the climatic conditions in an of electricity generated at PSP Avče is assessed on average year, i.e., by taking into account the aver- the basis of its previous operation and amounts age precipitation and temperatures in the calcu- to 285 GWh. The covering of electricity demand lations. The quantity of electricity generated from from the transmission network until 2028 and for RES is entirely dependent on weather conditions, all scenarios is shown in Figure 5.1. while the main role in electricity generated from TPPs is played by the electricity market. As a rule, The results indicate a deficit in domestic generation the quantities of energy generated from conven- on a similar level in all four visions, primarily as a tional sources are obtained with the help of mar- consequence of the uneconomical operation of ket simulations within the entire ENTSO-E system. available domestic generation units. The difference NPP Krško operates at full capacity with its low will be covered in the market by importing electri- production price of electricity. This also applies for city from abroad. The structure of generation will Unit VI of TPP Šoštanj, although its production not change significantly, and the highest increase price is currently higher than market prices. Elec- in generation can be expected in the Sc4 scenario. Figure 5.1: Covering of electricity demand from transmission network until 2028 for all four scenarios 18,000 15,000 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 Electricity [GWh] 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Sc1 Sc2 18,000 15,000 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Sc3 Sc4 NPP SLO (1/2) TPP HPP PSP Demand TN 22 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
5.2 PROJECTION OF ACHIEVING ENERGY AND CLIMATE TARGETS In line with the requirements of European environ- set targets. Only in the optimistic Sc4 scenario, mental legislation, the Republic of Slovenia is re- under which all HPPs on the Sava, Soča, and also quired to meet the set energy and climate targets on the Mura and Idrijca rivers have been built by 2020 and thus contribute to the reduction of and, additionally, solar and wind power stations greenhouse gas emissions. Slovenia's goal in the are being constructed at a rapid pace, does Slo- area of electricity supply is to cover at least 38.6% venia almost come close to its set goal for 2030, of its final gross electricity demand in 2020 from i.e., 47.4%. RES. Figure 5.2 shows a scenario assessment of the share of covering final electricity demand from RES until 2030. The results show that Slovenia will 5.2.1 Electricity balance forecast not fulfil the objectives for 2020 even under the The electricity balance is defined as the differ- most optimistic forecasts. To achieve these tar- ence between electricity demand and generation gets, Slovenia would need additional generation at the transmission level, where only half of the from RES in a quantity between 650 and 1,050 energy obtained from NPP Krško (Slovenia owns GWh. For comparison, the cascade of HPPs on the 50%) is taken into account in the calculation. lower Sava River (from HPP Vrhovo to HPP Krško, The results show a negative balance throughout without HPP Brežice) has a net total installed ca- the entire observed period for all four scenarios. pacity of 144 MW, annually generating from 490 Since no additional, large generation units will be to 630 GWh of electricity in varying hydrologic constructed in the Slovenian electric power net- conditions. On the other hand, photovoltaics with work in the upcoming ten-year period, and con- a total capacity of 277 MW generates on average sidering the growth of electricity consumption, approximately 270 GWh of electricity per year. Slovenia's dependence on imports can again In most of the outlined scenarios until 2030, Slo- be expected in future, i.e., between 14% and venia is moving away from the increasingly higher 20% in 2028. Figure 5.2: Share of final electricity demand covered with RES for all four scenarios Share of final electricity demand covered with RES 55% Sc1 50% 47.4% Sc2 45% 43.5% Sc3 40% 38.6% Sc4 35% Energy-climate targets 30% 25% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 23
Table 5.1: Electricity balance forecast and import dependence at the transmission level for all four scenarios in the upcoming ten-year period (GWh) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Electricity balance (GWh) Sc1 -1,303 -1,434 -1,468 -1,711 -1,954 -2,197 -2,440 -2,654 -2,869 -3,083 Sc2 -931 -876 -838 -872 -1,042 -1,213 -1,383 -1,610 -1,837 -2,064 Sc3 -1,073 -1,089 -1,136 -1,255 -1,511 -1,679 -2,248 -2,263 -2,491 -2,719 Sc4 -1,065 -1,076 -1,043 -1,083 -1,258 -1,434 -1,922 -1,957 -2,119 -2,280 Import dependence (%) Sc1 9.4 10.3 10.4 11.9 13.3 14.8 16.1 17.3 18.4 19.5 Sc2 6.9 6.6 6.2 6.4 7.5 8.6 9.7 11.2 12.5 13.9 Sc3 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.9 10.5 11.5 14.0 13.8 15.0 16.2 Sc4 7.9 7.9 7.6 7.8 8.9 10.1 12.2 12.3 13.2 14.1 5.3 PROJECTION OF ANCILLARY SERVICES AND POWER RESERVES The frequency containment reserve (hereinaf- long-term strategy is to install 10 MW advanced ter: FCR) and the automatic frequency restora- battery storage systems in Li-ion technology pri- tion reserve (hereinafter: aFRR), as well as the marily for the purpose of improving the quality reactive power reserve for voltage control, are of secondary frequency control, and at the same currently linked only to providers from the terri- time encouraging other investors to construct tory of Slovenia, whereas ELES is already provid- such flexible sources and offer them in the ancil- ing part of the power for the manual frequency lary services market. restoration reserve (mFRR) from abroad through an agreement on reserves sharing within the The implementation of the Regulation [10] also control area of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and requires that ELES sets up a local market of ba- Herzegovina. ELES is already actively cooperat- lancing services. For this purpose ELES has pre- ing with neighbouring system operators in the pared entirely new Rules and conditions for pro- area of aFRR and mFRR regarding the establish- viders of balancing services in ELES's balancing ment of common markets of such services. Par- market [10], and submitted them to the Energy ticularly two projects in this area will be of key Agency for approval. Their approval is expected importance for ELES in upcoming years: MARI, by the end of 2018, to be followed by their gradual whose purpose is the balanced creation of a implementation in 2019 and 2020. common European platform for the exchange of aFRR, and the PICASSO project, whose pur- In March 2018 an agreement between ELES and pose is the creation of a common European the generation companies HSE and GEN-I came platform for the exchange of aFRR. Besides inte- into effect, which provides for the constant availa- grating markets for aFRR and energy exchange bility of FCR in the Slovenian electric power system mechanisms for aFRR, ELES is endeavouring to as specified in ENTSO-E requirements (15 MW). introduce advanced technologies in the area This consensual arrangement will remain in effect of electricity storage facilities. The company's until a market for FCR is established. 24 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
ELES has defined a long-term strategy of co- with classical generation sources for aFRR and vering mFRR needs, which takes into account va- mFRR. rious types of available generation or reserve In future, changes will also be necessary in the sources. Owing to changes in European legisla- financing of ancillary services, since the growing tion (new network codes), ELES will have to con- clude shorter-term contracts for the provision of needs for ancillary services are also increasing ancillary services. The company will continue to costs. By optimising the prices and costs of an- actively include in its offer of ancillary services cillary services, ELES has so far managed to keep also other market participants, such as electrici- these on a reasonable level. The new model of cal- ty customers and smaller distributed generation culating network charge will have to ensure that sources integrated into a unified entity (virtual end users do not bear the additional burden of electric power plants). Its goal is to achieve such financing, but that growing needs will be financed a level of development of virtual electric power by the generators of additional costs in the form plants that will enable them to freely compete of a special network charge for ancillary services. 5.4 REGIONAL ELECTRICITY EXCHANGE The key change in this area is the introduction of that are the consequence of commercial con- two network codes regulating the allocation of tracts and actual physical flows. This difference is transfer capacities and the management of trans- today one of the key causes of difficulties in trans- mission network congestion. The two mentioned mission networks. Another anticipated result of documents ([11], [12]) present very clear require- implementing new methodologies will be a high- ments and guidelines to system operators regard- er volatility of remaining transmission capacities, ing the manner of coordinating and developing especially for day-ahead and intra-day. If, only a the specified methodologies. The implementa- few years ago, the determination of NTC values tion of new methodologies in practice will bring was the subject of an annual agreement and any a completely new flow-based approach of deter- changes during the year were the consequence of mining transmission capacities. The final result is extraordinary operating events, the situation has expected to reduce the differences between flows completely changed today. Table 5.2: Maximum NTC values, physical capacity and physical flows at Slovenian borders in 2017 ITA AT HR Rated capacity of interconnections [MW]* 1,488 2,860 4,716 NTC value - winter 2017 (import/export) [MW]** 660/730 950/950 1,500/1,500 NTC value - summer 2017 (import/export) [MW]** 680/620 950/950 1,500/1,500 Maximum flow in 2017 (import/export) [MW] 559/1,405 1,528/913 1,784/1,272 Average flow in 2017 (import/export) [MW]*** 110/675 708/245 483/308 No. of hours of physical flow in direction for 2017 217/8,543 8,391/369 3,805/4,955 (import/export) [h] * Calculated at cosφ = 0.95. ** Maximum planned NTC hourly value at individual border. *** Yearly average of hourly physical load flows in specific direction. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 25
Despite the strategy of increasing NTC values, a in the event of the foreseen development of the higher increase in future can only be expected Slovenian network. The NTC values are only indic- with the construction of new cross-border connec- ative and have not been harmonised with neigh- tions and investments in critical points, primarily bouring system operators. It should additionally in neighbouring electric power systems. The cal- be noted that a method of calculating transfer culation shows that by observing the N-1 crite- capacities on the basis of load flows is currently rion, the Slovenian electric power system is still being established in Europe and will replace the able to considerably raise the maximum NTC va- current concept of NTC values, which may signifi- lues above the current ones. Table 5.3 shows the cantly change the quantity of transfer capacities assessed future NTC values at Slovenian borders in future. Table 5.3: Indicative NTC values at Slovenian borders in 2020 and 2030 Indicative NTC values in MW (import/export) Year ITA HR AT HU 2020 680/730 1,500/1,500 950/950 0/0 2030 660/730 2,000/2,000 1,200/1,200 1,200/1,200 26 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
6.1 SLOVENIAN TRANSMISSION NETWORK DEVELOPMENT IN THE NEXT 10-YEAR PERIOD The set of newly planned transmission facilities • 400 kV substation Cirkovce (connected with in- is presented below by priority, according to indivi- vestment in: OHL 2 x 400 kV Cirkovce–Pince); dual voltage levels and types of facilities, for en- • 220/110 kV substation Ravne (connected with suring the secure and reliable operation of the investment in: OHL 2 x 220 kV Zagrad–Ravne); Slovenian electric power system. Higher priority • Second TR 400/110 kV in substation Divača; means that a project will be constructed sooner, and the level of priority is based on the impact of • TR 400/110 kV in substation Beričevo (new TR an individual project on security of operation. 411); • TR 400/110 kV in substation Maribor (replace- 400 and 220 kV connections: ment TR 41); • Double circuit OHL 400 kV Cirkovce–Pince (new • TR 220/110 kV in substation Divača (replace- interconnection between Slovenia and Hunga- ment TR 211); ry/Croatia); • TR 220/110 kV in substation Podlog (replace- • Double circuit OHL 220 kV Zagrad–Ravne. ment TR 212); In addition to the above-mentioned investments, • TR 220/110 kV in substation Kleče (replace- activities are also under way in connection with ment TR 211). the potential new high-voltage direct current in- 110 kV connections: terconnection line between Slovenia and Italy, which is still in the study phase and a decision on • Double OHL 110 kV Divača–Gorica (Renče) (fi- its execution has not yet been adopted. Its reali- nalization of the missing section); sation depends on market conditions and the at- • Double OHL 110 kV Dravograd–Velenje (sus- tainment of an adequate level of social welfare. pension of 2nd circuit); In the past, ELES was also intensively engaged • Double OHL 110 kV Brestanica–Hudo (upgrade in carrying out the upgrade of the 220 kV trans- of OHL to double circuit OHL); mission network to the 400 kV voltage level, ini- • 110 kV cable line (CL) Koper–Izola (new con- tially on the Divača-Beričevo section, which was nection); suspended in 2017 due to difficulties with the permitting procedure and siting process of OHL in • 110 kV CL Izola-Lucija (new connection); physical space. Thus, in the present development • Double OHL 110 kV Divača–Pivka–Ilirska Bistri- plan ELES does not foresee any upgrade to the ca (upgrade of OHL to double circuit OHL); 400 kV voltage level on any section. The develop- • Double OHL 110 kV Divača–Koper (upgrade of ment plan does, however, foresee the beginning OHL to double circuit OHL); of a longer-lasting process of renewal of the entire • 110 kV CL Jeklarna–Železarna and 110 kV CL 400 and 220 kV networks. ELES will conduct the Železarna–Jesenice. necessary studies for project execution by 2021 and subsequently decide on the beginning of its 110 kV substations and TR: implementation. • Battery energy storage systems in substation Okroglo and substation Pekre (within the scope 400 and 220 kV substations and transformers of SINCRO.GRID project); (TR): • Substation 110/20 kV Tolmin (modernisation); • Compensation devices in substations Divača, Beričevo and Cirkovce (within the scope of the • Substation 110/20 kV Plave (modernisation); SINCRO.GRID project); • Substation 110/20 kV Velenje (modernisation). 28 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
Figure 6.1 presents the estimated investments in and reliable operation of the entire power system. the upcoming ten-year period until 2028. Tables However, due to difficulties in obtaining permits 6.1 and 6.2 show the desired years of inclusion of and state spatial planning documents, which are individual investments in the transmission net- outside of ELES's jurisdiction and on which it has work of the Republic of Slovenia from the aspect no influence, it is realistic to expect delays in pro- of ensuring security of operation under the N-1 ject realisation that may lead to the unreliability criterion. The specified investments are both of of the network in future, and consequently to the local and national importance, and need to be re- non-supply of electricity to customers. alised in the given period in order to secure safe Figure 6.1: Planned investments in the period from 2019 to 2028 180 160 140 120 Investments [mio EUR] 100 80 60 40 20 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Primary equipment - power Telecommunications and improvements lines 400 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV in information services Primary equipment - substations Major investments in operation 400 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV Secondary equipment (protection, Other planned investments management, measurements) NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 29
Table 6.1: Necessary investments in the transmission network of the Republic of Slovenia until 2028 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Project 400 and 220 kV voltage level OHL 2 x 400 kV Cirkovce-Pince * OHL 2 x 220 kV Zagrad-Ravne * OHL 2 x 400 kV Hrenca-Kozjak (connection of PSP Kozjak) * TR 400/110 kV Cirkovce * TR 400/110 kV Divača * TR 400/110 kV Beričevo * TR 400/110 kV Maribor * TR 220/110 kV Ravne * TR 220/110 kV Divača * TR 220/110 kV Podlog * TR 220/110 kV Kleče * Central Slovenia and Zasavje region 110 kV 110 kV CL PCL-TETOL ** 110 kV CL Center-TETOL (replacement) ** OHL 2 x 110 kV Polje-Vič ** 110 kV CL Vrtača-Šiška ** 110 kV CL PCL-Litostroj ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation LCL ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Brdo ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Rudnik ** Connecting OHL for connection of HPP Suhadol ** Dolenjska, Bela Krajina and Posavje regions 110 kV OHL 2 x 110 kV Brestanica-Hudo (reconstruction) * OHL 2 x 110 kV Grosuplje-Trebnje ** OHL 110 kV Kočevje-Hudo (reconstruction) ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Ivančna Gorica ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Dobruška vas ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Mokronog ** Connecting line for connection of HPP Mokrice * Primorska region 110 kV OHL 2 x 110 kV Divača-Nova Gorica * 110 kV CL Koper-Izola * 110 kV CL Lucija-Izola * OHL 2 x 110 kV Divača-Koper (reconstruction) * OHL 2 x 110 kV Divača-Pivka-Ilirska Bistrica (reconstruction) * OHL 2 x 110 kV Pivka-Postojna (2nd circuit) ** OHL 2 x 110 kV Cerknica-Postojna ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Hrpelje */** Connecting line for connection of substation Luka Koper */** Koroška and Savinjska Valley regions 110 kV OHL 2 x 110 kV Dravograd-Velenje * 110 kV CL substation 220/110 kV Ravne-Železarna Ravne OHL 2 x 110 kV Ravne-Mežica * Connecting CL for connection of substation Vojnik * 30 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Project Gorenjska region 110 kV OHL 2 x 110 kV Kamnik-Visoko ** 110 kV CL Jeklarna-Železarna */** 110 kV CL Železarna-Jesenice * Connecting OHL for connection of substation Brnik ** Štajerska and Pomurje regions 110 kV OHL 110 kV Murska Sobota-Lendava ** OHL 110 kV Lenart-Radenci ** Connecting OHL for connection of substation Dobrovnik ** * Investment in ELES's domain. ** Investment in domain of other company. */** Investment in domain of ELES and other company (co-investment). Table 6.2: Necessary investments in new substations until 2028 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Project 400 in 220 kV voltage level Substation 400/110 kV Cirkovce * Substation 220/110 kV Ravne */** Substation PSP Kozjak ** Central Slovenia and Zasavje region 110 kV Substation PCL ** Substation LCL */** Substation Brdo ** Substation Rudnik ** Substation Vodenska ** Dolenjska, Bela krajina and Posavje regions 110 kV Substation Ivančna Gorica ** Substation Dobruška vas */** Substation Mokronog ** Primorska region 110 kV Substation Hrpelje */** Substation Izola */** Koroška and Savinjska Valley regions 110 kV Substation Vojnik */** Substation Mežica ** Gorenjska region 110 kV Substation Brnik ** Substation Kranjska Gora ** Štajerska and Pomurje region 110 kV Substation Dobrovnik ** * Investment in ELES's domain. ** Investment in domain of other company. */** Investment in domain of ELES and other company (co-investment). NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 31
6.2 PROJECTS OF COMMON INTEREST In line with the Commission Delegated Regulation Europe Facility (CEF) was established to provide (EU) No. 2018/540 of 23 November 2017 [13], the European Union funding. following ELES projects have been included in the In September 2018, ELES submitted three new list of projects of common interest (PCI): applications for CEF funding. ELES submitted • Interconnection between Cirkovce (SI) and Žer- an application for the PCI Salgareda (ITA)-Di- javinec (CRO) / Heviz (HU) – double circuit OHL vača-Beričevo (SI) connection together with a 400 kV Cirkovce-Pince; »Study of technical, economic and social effects • Italy–Slovenia interconnection between Sal- of high-voltage direct-current connection be- gareda (ITA) and Divača-Beričevo (SI) region; tween Slovenia and Italy«. The second application • SINCRO.GRID project from the thematic area was for the smart grid project »Implementation of smart grids. of the project of common interest SINCRO.GRID« The projects of common interest are eligible for - Phase 2. For the first time ELES also applied for financial assistance in the form of non-reimburs- CEF funding with a project in the field of construc- able aid for studies, work and projects in the area tion works – »Construction of OHL 2 x 400 kV Cir- of smart grids. For this purpose the Connecting kovce-Pince and substation 400/110 kV Cirkovce«. 6.3 OTHER INVESTMENTS PRIORITIES IN THE NEXT 10-YEAR PERIOD 6.3.1 SINCRO.GRID Project 6.3.2 NEDO Project The SINCRO.GRID smart grids project was set up In November 2016 the representatives of the Slo- by the system operators of the transmission and venian Government and ELES on one side, and the distribution networks of Slovenia and Croatia Japanese New Energy and Industrial Technolo- (ELES, HOPS, SODO and HEP-ODS), and offers an gies Development Organization (NEDO) and the innovative system integration of mature technolo- Hitachi company on the other side, signed offi- gies whose synergy will benefit the electric power cial agreements on the beginning of cooperation systems of Slovenia and Croatia, as well as other within the framework of the Slovenian-Japanese countries in the region. The project includes the de- partnership. The NEDO project is designed to set ployment of compensation devices, an advanced up advanced network management and operat- ing systems that combine all voltage levels of the dynamic thermal rating system, a battery energy power system into an efficient whole, and whose storage system, integration of distributed RES, and purpose is to utilise available sources from all volt- a virtual cross-border control centre with pertaining age levels for effective operation of the complete information and telecommunications infrastruc- system. The substantive focus of the project is on ture. The value of the entire project is 88,6 million secondary voltage control using battery energy EUR, of which 40,5 million EUR was obtained from storage systems, voltage control, and the inclu- the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) fund and 59,3 sion of active consumers. million EUR is ELES's share in the entire project. SINCRO.GRID is divided into 11 activities and was initiated in 2015. It is currently in the implementa- tion phase, which will be completed in 2021. 32 ELES NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028
6.3.3 SUMO Project the Maximo Insights module was implemented – asset health index. Further integrations with other The SUMO project integrally connects the Dy- technical systems are planned. namic Thermal Rating (DTR) technology with N and N-1 reliability analyses. It provides the transmission system operator with a transparent 6.3.6 Battery Energy Storage assessment of transmission capacities regarding current and forecasted atmospheric conditions Systems and loading of the transmission network. SUMO ELES encounters problems primarily in the areas results have been used by ELES in its operations of secondary control of active power and frequen- since December 2016, where the operating li- cy, for which there are insufficient quantities of mits of four OHLs are being assessed on the basis reserves in the Slovenian power system, while the of dynamic thermal ratings. SUMO's results are quality of such services is not satisfactory, primar- integrated in SCADA/EMS, thus allowing for the ily due to the technical limitations of generation transparent use of results by operators. In 2017 sources. In searching for solutions to such prob- and 2018, SUMO enabled the network's opera- lems, ELES has focused on modern battery energy tion above the static thermal limit more than 40 storage systems and set the long-term goal of in- times. stalling electricity storage systems that will parti- cipate in secondary frequency control. 6.3.4 ELES Beričevo Technology Battery energy storage systems are one of the Centre main building blocks of the international SINCRO. GRID smart grid project. Within the scope of this The first phase of the project was completed in project, ELES will install 10 MW of advanced lith- 2018, during which the southern office lamel- ium-ion battery storage systems. Alongside the la was constructed and part of the necessary SINCRO.GRID project, the installation of battery landscaping, traffic, utility, energy and telecom- energy storage systems is also planned within the munications arrangements were carried out in scope of the NEDO project. order to ensure the undisturbed functioning of the building in the first phase, as well as of the existing facilities. The second phase foresees the 6.3.7 Compensation devices for construction of the critical, technological part of the facility, which includes the national and re- voltage control gional control centres, as well as additional office This solution is the answer to the ever-increasing and technological space. In the third phase, ELES lack of adequate ancillary services which, in the foresees the construction of the northern lamella past, were generally provided by conventional that will provide the basic working conditions for generation sources, and which at present are be- the functioning of maintenance groups working ing driven out of operation by other generation on overhead lines and at substations. The facility sources that are incapable of providing ancillary will comprise four storeys – two parking levels and services. This phenomenon is also strongly pre- two office storeys. sent in Slovenia's transmission system, which is why ELES has set the goal of ensuring the long- term autonomous control of the voltage profile 6.3.5 Development of Diagnostics with its own sources and the coordinated ma- and Analytics Centre nagement of these sources, which will provide In line with project documentation, the new Cen- for their coordinated and optimal operation. tre will be set up at a new location in 2019 – at After devoting numerous activities to the con- ELES's Technology Centre in Beričevo. Within cept of installing compensation devices in the the scope of the project's second phase, the pro- past, ELES will implement the concept within the gramme contents will be expanded by upgrades scope of the European/international SINCRO. of existing technical information systems. In 2019 GRID project. NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019–2028 ELES 33
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