Development of meteorological parameters and total ozone during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999

Page created by Lewis Ramirez
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 10, No. 3, 193-199 (June 2001)
c by Gebr üder Borntraeger 2001                                                                                                  Article

Development of meteorological parameters and total ozone
during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999
1   Meteorologische s Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg, Germany
    Universität München, Germany
(Manuscript received May 31, 2000; in revised form September 8, 2000; accepted September 8, 2000)

             During the total eclipse of August 11, 1999 frequent showers occurred due to a unstable stratiŽ cation of the
             air mass. At different observation sites, meteorological effects from the eclipse (99.4% coverage at Hohen-
             peißenberg) and from showers were superimposed making it partly difŽ cult to unambiguously interpret the
             observations. The weather radar at Hohenpeißenberg observatory provided a general overview of the distribu-
             tion of clouds and precipitation in this area (200 km diameter). From the Garching site in the zone of totality
             (100%) temperature and wind data taken on a 50 m mast were evaluated. By selecting periods with relatively
             low cloud cover it was possible to approximately follow the development of the vertical temperature and wind
             proŽ les during the eclipse. The minimum temperature at Hohenpeißenberg (about 450 m above the altitude
             of Garching) during the eclipse was comparable to that during the previous night, the corresponding value
             measured at Garching remained about 2 K above the minimum observed during clear sky conditions in the
             previous night.
                  Showers before, during or after the eclipse may have induced vertical exchange of air parcels. Temperatu-
             res during a shower change towards the same direction at all altitudes, thus no inversion forms. Additionally,
             air parcels with relatively lower concentrations of trace constituents were transported down from aloft for
             time periods of 10–15 minutes. These mixing processes signiŽ cantly determined the temporal variations of
             various trace substances measured during the eclipse.
                  Total ozone measurements at Hohenpeißenberg were performed with both D OBSON and B RE WER spec-
             trophotometers and at another site within the zone of totality by using a portable Microtops II Ž lter instrument.
             Different results were obtained for both sites. These differences can be to a large extend, but not exclusively,
             attributed to eclipse induced shifts (limb darkening and straylight effects in the atmosphere) in the wavelength
             pairs used to calculate total ozone. However, there also appeared to be real  uctuations in total ozone during
             the reemerging phase of the sun which may be related to eclipse induced gravity waves.

             Während der totalen SonnenŽ nsternis am 11. August 1999 bildeten sich bei der herrschenden labilen Wet-
             terlage in Bayern zahlreiche Schauer. Schauereffekte überlagerten sich daher an vielen Beobachtungspl ätzen
             (99,4% Sonnenabdeckung am Hohenpeißenberg) mit Finsterniseffekten, weshalb eindeutige Interpretationen
             schwierig sind. Das Bildprodukt des Hohenpeißenberger Wetterradars ermöglicht einen Überblick über die
             Verteilung von Niederschlag und dichter Bewölkung. In Garching wurden in der Totalitätszone Temperatur
             und Wind an einem 50 m Mast gemessen. Durch Auswahl von Zeiten mit geringer Bewölkung ist es möglich,
             die ungefähre Entwicklung der Temperatur- und WindproŽ le zu verfolgen. Am Hohenpeißenberg etwa 450 m
             oberhalb von Garching erreichte das Temperaturminimum etwa die Temperatur, die auch in der vorangegan-
             genen Nacht beobachtet wurde. In Garching dagegen blieb die Temperatur während der Finsternis deutlich
             oberhalb (2K) des Nachtminimums.
                  Bei Schauern vor, während und nach der Totalität kam es zum Vertikalaustausch von Luftpaketen. Die
             Temperaturen am 50 m Mast änderten sich dabei gleichsinnig in allen Höhen. Gleichzeitig wiesen diese
             Luftpakete für 10–15 Minuten geringere Belastungen an Luftbeimengungen auf. Diese Beobachtungen sind
             für die Interpretation luftchemischer Messreihen während der Finsternis von Bedeutung.
                  Messungen des Gesamtozons am Hohenpeißenberg mit B RE WER - und D OBSON Spektrophotometern und
             in der Totalitätszone mit einem portablen Mikrotops II Filtergerät ergaben unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Die
             Unterschiede können zum Teil auf Ž nsternisbedingte Verschiebungen in den Wellenlängenpaaren (Randver-
             dunklung der Sonne und Streueffekte in der Atmosphäre) zurückgeführt werden, die zur Berechnung des
             Gesamtozons benutzt werden. Es scheint aber auch realistische Fluktuationen im Gesamtozon nach der To-
             talität zu geben, die wahrscheinlich auf von der Finsternis ausgelösten Schwerewellen in der Atmosphäre

              Corresponding author: Peter Winkler, Meteorologisches Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg, Deutscher Wetter-
             dienst, 82383 Hohenpeißenberg, Germany, e-mail:

                                                                                                         0941-2948 /01/0010-0193 $ 03.15
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2001/0010-0193                                                       c Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart 2001
194                                 P. Winkler et al.: Meteorological parameters during an eclipse                   Meteorol. Z., 10, 2001

1     Introduction

At the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeißenberg
which was situated slightly outside (ca. 20 km) south
of the total shadow zone, up to 99.4% coverage of the
sun was observed. The monitoring program of the ob-
servatory, being part of the Global Atmosphere Watch
Program of WMO, comprised the standard meteorologi -
cal parameters, radiation measurements including pho-
tolysis frequencies of O3 and NO2 , trace constituent s
like surface ozone, NOx , CO, OH, H2 SO4 , aerosol pa-
rameters and volatile organic compounds. Total ozone
was measured with several instruments. A detailed des-
cription of the variations of all parameters measured at
Hohenpeißenberg during eclipse is given in W INKLER
et al. (2000). In the present paper an overview of the
weather situation and some meteorological parameters
is given and measurements of total ozone at two sites
are discussed.
    Since a detailed description of the radiation data is
treated in K OEPKE et al. (2001) we consider typical me-
teorological parameters like temperature and wind be-
cause these are of interest with respect to the interpreta -
tion of observations of the other BAYSOFI-groups. The                   Figure 2: Top graph: Time series of temperature in 2, 10, and 50 m
data were collected at two sites: The Ž rst site is Garching            height above ground, measured at a 50 m mast at Garching (Ž rst
in the north of Munich. Here, data from a 50 m mast are                 contact between moon and sun 10:00 CET, second 12:00, fourth
                                                                        14:00). Prior to totality two showers passed causing simultaneous
                                                                        cooling at all measurement levels. After passage the temperatures
                                                                        recovered to relatively undisturbed conditions. The formation of a
                                                                        surface inversion during the eclipse is clearly shown. Bottom graph:
                                                                        Time series of the temperature difference T50m–T10m. The much
                                                                        stronger development of the temperature gradient during the eclipse
                                                                        in comparison with shower passages is clearly detectable.

                                                                        available allowing to study temperature and wind proŽ -
                                                                        les during the eclipse in  at terrain. The second site is the
                                                                        Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeißenberg, an isola-
                                                                        ted mountain (988 m a.s.l.) in the prealpine area 60 km
                                                                        southwest of Munich. In Fig. 1 both sites are indicated.
                                                                        While Garching was situated within the zone of tota-
                                                                        lity, Hohenpeißenberg was some km south of the total
                                                                        shadow zone and here 99.4% coverage of the sun were

                                                                        2    Weather situation
                                                                        As described in FABIAN et al. (2001) warm and moist air
                                                                        with labile stratiŽ cation determined the weather. A weak
Figure 1: Weather radar image presenting an overview of the me-         cold front moved slowly to the south. Around noon, it
teorological situation around Hohenpeißenberg. Various other ob-        was located along the line Mannheim/Nürnberg/Prague
servation sites of the BAYSOFI campaign north of Munich are in-         and passed Garching at 14:00 CET and Hohenpeißen-
dicated. Yellow areas indicate dense clouds reducing chances for        berg at 15:00 CET. North and south of this frontal zo-
good eclipse observations. Higher re ectivity levels indicate preci-   ne, showers formed frequently. The image from the Ho-
pitation bands, especially individual showers. At the northern edge     henpeißenberg weather radar gives an overview of the
of the picture showers associated with a weak cold front can be seen    situation 7 minutes after totality (Fig. 1). The lowest re-
moving slowly to the south and passing Garching at 14:00 CET and         ectivity level was set to 1 dBZ, with the yellow areas
Hohenpeißenberg at 15:00 CET. The eclipse was total north of the        showing the distribution of dense clouds. Outside these
green line.                                                             areas relatively undisturbed observations were possible.
Meteorol. Z., 10, 2001           P. Winkler et al.: Meteorological parameters during an eclipse                                    195

The higher re ectivety levels show some more or less
intensive showers with different grades of intensity. At
Hohenpeißenberg showers occurred shortly before and
at maximum coverage of the sun. At the Garching site
two showers occurred just before totality but the totality
itself could be observed under clear sky conditions.

3   Temperature
The temporal development of the temperature at three
of the Ž ve measurement heights (2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 m)
at Garching is shown in Fig. 2 (top graph). During the
preceding night a strong inversion had established under          Figure 4: Time series of the temperature (2 m above ground) mea-
clear sky conditions. After 3:30 CET clouds came up               sured at the Hohenpeißenberg Observatory, about 450 m above the
and the inversion strength reduced. Before the Ž rst con-         Garching site. Note that a shower passed the site during the last Ž ve
tact between moon and sun (11:16 CET) a shower pas-               minutes before and during the eclipse maximum.
sed the site and the temperature decreased at all levels
by a similar amount of about 1.2 K. A second shower               of the mast in uenced the temperature and wind proŽ -
passed before the second contact but again temperatures           les below the 10 m level. Therefore we suggest that un-
decreased by the same degree in all levels and returned           der completely undisturbed conditions the temperature
back to nearly undisturbed conditions after the shower            in the two lowest levels may still have been up to 1 K
had passed. In the lower panel of Fig. 2 the course of the        lower. When the sun was visible at two thirds (63%) of
temperature gradient between 50 m and 10 m is shown               its disc area, the temperature proŽ le was comparable to
(T50–T10). It can be clearly seen, that during passage            that before the Ž rst contact. Notably the lowest tempe-
of showers the lapse rate in the air was much less sta-           rature observed during the eclipse remained above the
ble than during the eclipse. Before and especially after          nighttim e temperature minima. Obviously, the rapid dar-
totality an inversion developed as shown in Fig. 3. Addi-         kening during an eclipse does not allow cooling at the
tionally a temperature proŽ le measured during the pre-           same rate as during sunset and night.
vious night under cloudless conditions is presented for               At Hohenpeißenberg (about 450 m above the level
comparison. The proŽ les selected for presentation we-            of Garching) a temperature depression of 3–3.5 K was
re taken from periods with relatively low cloud cover.            measured at a height of 2 m above ground (Fig. 4) with
A clear inversion developed extending over all levels.            the same temperature being reached during eclipse as
By extrapolation to larger heights it can be estimated            in the preceding night. Since a shower occurred during
that the top of the eclipse inversion was at a height bet-        totality it is reasonable to assume that under undistur -
ween 90 and 120 m above ground. The temperature mi-               bed conditions the cooling could have been 1–2 K less
nimum was reached 10–15 minutes after totality which              than monitored because the shower brought down coo-
is typical (S CHMEIDLER, 1967; F IRNEIS and F IRNEIS,             ler air from aloft. The time delay between the maximum
1974; K UIPER and VAN DER W OUDE, 1998). We no-                   eclipse and the temperature minimum was also of the
te that at the measurement site buildings in the vicinity         order of 10 to 15 minutes, similar as in the totality zo-
                                                                  ne at Garching. This delay is typical and is of the sa-
                                                                  me order of magnitude as observed during earlier eclip-
                                                                  ses (S CHMEIDLER, 1967; F IRNEIS and F IRNEIS, 1974;
                                                                  A NDERSON et al., 1972; B ERNARD et al., 1992).

                                                                  4    Wind
                                                                  A prominent but rarely observed phenomenon is the so-
                                                                  called eclipse wind which is described as a wind burst
                                                                  before or after an eclipse (e.g. K IMBALL and F ERGU -
                                                                  SON , 1919; E ATON et al., 1996). In present times scien-
                                                                  tists even doubt the existence of this ”legendary“ phe-
                                                                  nomenon and attribute its observation to the exceptional
                                                                  situation of a total eclipse where excited people are pro-
Figure 3: Vertical proŽ les of temperature measured at the 50 m   bably not able for unbiased observations (A NDERSON ,
mast at Garching (Ž rst contact 10:00 CET, second 12:00, fourth   1999).
14:00). These observation times were based on the criteria that       There are some physical reasons which could be re-
cloud coverage was minimum in order to demonstrate the eclipse    sponsible for the formation of an eclipse wind. During
effect relatively free of disturbances.                           an eclipse gravity waves may form as a result of strong
196                                P. Winkler et al.: Meteorological parameters during an eclipse                  Meteorol. Z., 10, 2001

Figure 5: Time series of wind velocity at the two levels 20 and 50 m
at the mast at Garching.

cooling (Q UIROZ and H ENRY, 1973) in the upper stra-
tosphere (C HIMONAS, 1970; C HIMONAS and H INES,
1970; F RITTS and L UO, 1993). Another type of gravity
wave can arise from longwave radiative cooling in wa-
ter vapor absorption bands in the troposphere (J ONES
et al., 1992). Although corresponding pressure waves
have been measured (J ONES, 1976; B USH and G AR -
CHEV, 1984) it is not clear whether such gravity waves
are strong enough to induce a wind gust.
    However, the following physical process could mo-
re likely create an eclipse wind under certain favorable
conditions: During the night when an inversion forms
and turbulent friction is reduced at higher levels, the
wind above the inversion is accelerated to an intensity
corresponding to the pressure gradient. Due to inertia
oscillation the wind velocity can even exceed the pres-
sure equilibrium and turn into a low level jet. At the top
of the inversion a strong wind shear develops which in-
duces turbulent mixing when a threshold value is excee-
ded. This mixing process has been shown to occur fre-
quently at night (W INKLER , 1980) and to transport ozo-
ne down to the ground, producing a secondary concen-
tration maximum of ozone. During an eclipse a similar
process may be possible producing wind gusts. It is clear
that certain factors like cooling rate, inversion strength
and height, pressure gradient and obstacles (surface resi-
stance) are of importance for inducing strong wind shear
and turbulent mixing. Thus, an eclipse wind is an event
which can be observed only under favorable conditions .
    In Fig. 5 time series of wind measurements at Gar-
ching during the eclipse are presented. Thirty minutes
before totality, a rain band with showers passed through
the area leading to a pronounced reduction of wind
speed at all observation levels. Ten minutes before to-
tality the velocity at 20 and 50 m reached a maximum,
which, however, remained below the daily maximum
(9:00 CET and 13:00 CET, wind speed 8 m/s). There-
after the wind slowed down concurrently with the con-                  Figure 6: Wind proŽ les between 10 and 50 m above ground measu-
tinued darkening of the sun. After the maximum the                     red at the 50 m mast at Garching. Concurrently with the formation
wind velocity continued to slow down until the insola -                of the surface inversion the velocity slowed down below the inver-
tion became strong enough to induce new turbulent mi-                  sion. Upper panel: 11:00–11:30; lower panel: 11:40–12:10.
Meteorol. Z., 10, 2001             P. Winkler et al.: Meteorological parameters during an eclipse                            197

xing from the ground. Since we have concluded from                     measurements of trace constituents indicated advection
the development of temperature proŽ les that the inver-                of air from below the mountain top (W INKLER et al.,
sion top should have been between 100 and 120 m the                    2000). At this moment turbulent mixing slowed down
decrease in wind velocity was most probably caused by                  the wind velocity due to increased in uence of surface
stabilization below the inversion. Because the most sta-               friction. Thus, the increase in wind velocity at Hohen-
ble lapse rate was reached at 11:45 (CET) and the wind                 peißenberg during and after the eclipse maximum was
maximum occurred prior to that time, no indication for                 most probably caused by frictional decoupling of the
turbulent mixing as described earlier is available and the             air above the surface inversion which formed below the
formation of an eclipse wind can be excluded for the gi-               mountain top in the surrounding area. This is an indi-
ven conditions.                                                        cation that the eclipse wind forming process described
    In Fig. 6 wind proŽ les are shown normalized to the                earlier is active in principle.
wind velocity measured at 50 m. The two lowest le-
vels are not included because of disturbances by nearby
buildings. It can be seen that the relative gradient beca-             5   Total ozone
me strongest, when the lowest temperature was reached
(note, that similar to the temperature proŽ les those pe-              Regular total column ozone measurements at the Meteo-
riods were selected, when cloud cover was low). At the                 rological Observatory Hohenpeißenberg are usually per-
mountain station Hohenpeißenberg the situation develo-                 formed with the two spectrometer types D OBSON (sin-
ped slightly different in spite of the fact that a shower oc-          ce 1967) and B REWER (since 1983). In October 1996
curred during the eclipse maximum. In connection with                  additional measurements were started using the newly
this shower the wind turned to a direction present at hig-             developed Ž lter ozonometer Microtops II (Solar Light
her levels for about 10 minutes as measured by radar.                  Co. Inc., Philadelphia). All three instruments agree very
However, the wind velocity started to increase when the                well within 2–3% (K ÖHLER , 1999) under daylight at-
wind had turned back to the original direction (Fig. 7).               mospheric conditions. Because at Hohenpeißenberg the
    This increase in wind velocity lasted from eclipse                 maximum darkening during the eclipse of 1999 was pre-
maximum until about 60% recovery of the sun, when                      dicted to reach only 99.4% additional ozone measure-
                                                                       ments were made with the hand-held Microtops II Ž lter
                                                                       instrument at Kaltenberg, which is located in the totality
                                                                       zone about 30 km towards the north.
                                                                           Unfortunately, the weather was dominated by the
                                                                       passage of a cold front at Hohenpeißenberg just at the
                                                                       time of the maximum darkening, the other site Kalten-
                                                                       berg had clear sky conditions, however. Thus the condi-
                                                                       tions before, during and after the total solar eclipse were
                                                                       not optimal, especially at Hohenpeißenberg. Clouds fre-
                                                                       quently obstructed free view of the sun, making possi-
                                                                       ble only a few reliable B REWER measurements (each la-
                                                                       sting for about 5 minutes) during the interesting period.
                                                                       The conditions at Kaltenberg were much better allowing
                                                                       multiple short-term (10s for one observation) Microtops
                                                                       measurements with high time resolution.
                                                                           Figure 8 shows the results of the observations with
                                                                       both instruments at the two different locations. B RE -
                                                                       WER ozone and SO2 -values showed a contrasting be-
                                                                       havior: decrease of ozone by about 15 DU, whereas
                                                                       SO2 increased up to 5 DU around the maximum cover-
                                                                       age of the sun. Similar observations were reported from
                                                                       the Czech monitoring station Hradec Kralove where al-
                                                                       so a B REWER instrument was evaluated (VANICHEK ,
                                                                       1999, private communication). However, the measure-
                                                                       ments with the Microtops at Kaltenberg gave an ozone
                                                                       maximum during the total solar eclipse. The difference
Figure 7: Wind direction (upper panel) and velocity (lower panel)      to the ”background“ values was as high as 10 DU. Very
measured at 35 m height above ground at Hohenpeißenberg Obser-         interesting in this context is the comparison of the ozone
vatory. Following the eclipse and the passage of a shower, the wind    time series for both locations. The increase before the to-
velocity increased in contrast to the observations at Garching. This   tal eclipse was rather homogeneous and steady, whereas
increase was most probably due to frictional decoupling of the air     the decrease after the maximum appeared to be supe-
above the inversion in the vicinity of the mountain.                   rimposed by small (1–2 DU), short-term oscillations on
198                                 P. Winkler et al.: Meteorological parameters during an eclipse               Meteorol. Z., 10, 2001

                                                                        cult to quantify these instrumentally based effects and to
                                                                        separate them from naturally produced ozone  uctuati-
                                                                            In view of the partly contradicting explanations
                                                                        available in the literature it is planned to conduct and
                                                                        publish a careful and detailed instrumental study of the
                                                                        1999 ozone-observation s based on the radiation trans-
                                                                        fer model STAR of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit y
                                                                        Munich (RUGGABER et al., 1994; K OEPKE et al., 2001).
                                                                        With STAR it should be possible to estimate the most
                                                                        important effects (limb darkening, relative shift of diffu-
                                                                        se to direct radiation ratio etc.), to speciŽ c contributions
                                                                        by the various types of instruments and to simulate the
                                                                        speciŽ c ”responses“ to an eclipse for various atmosphe -
                                                                        ric conditions . The artiŽ cial, instrumentall y based ozo-
Figure 8: Observations of total ozone (and total SO2 ) column den-
                                                                        ne variations should be Ž ltered out from the data base
sities measured with a B REWE R -spectrophotometer at Hohenpei-
                                                                        by this procedure with the remaining signal  uctuations,
ßenberg Observatory and with a Microtops Ž lter instrument at Kal-
                                                                        if any, in the total ozone amount being due to natural
tenberg (30 km to the north). Some of the measured features may
                                                                        causes. This will require more detailed photochemical
be instrumental artifacts and will be further corrected. However, the
                                                                        and/or meteorological analysis of these phenomena.
 uctuations following totality are most probably real.

the scale of minute intervals, although the atmospheric
                                                                        6   Conclusions
conditions in both periods were comparable.
                                                                        Over the relatively plain countryside at Garching, an in-
    Numerous publication s report on observed changes
                                                                        version formed during the eclipse extending to an altitu-
and  uctuations of the total ozone column during a solar
                                                                        de between 100 and 120 m above ground. Concurrently,
eclipse. Similar, but also sometimes contradictory ob-
                                                                        below the inversion the wind slowed down while above
servations of these phenomena have previously been re-
                                                                        the inversion an acceleration of the air occurred due to
ported (B OJKOV, 1968, in SoŽ a 1966; YADAV and S IN -
                                                                        frictional decoupling. However, an eclipse wind was not
HA , 1969, in New Delhi 1966; O SHEROVICH et al. 1969
                                                                        observed, although the temperature- and wind-proŽ le
and 1974: eclipses in 1969 and 1972, respectively; B E -
                                                                        developments were favorable to induce an eclipse wind.
LETSKY et al. (1998): eclipse of 1997; M IMS and M IMS
                                                                        At the rural mountain site Hohenpeißenberg (450 m abo-
(1993): eclipse of 1991; C HAKRABARTY et al., 1997:
                                                                        ve Garching) the temperature minimum during eclipse
eclipse of 1995). Observed changes and  uctuations we-
                                                                        reached the same temperature as in the preceding night.
re attributed either to natural effects (disturbance of the
                                                                        Observations of total ozone column density during the
photochemical equilibrium in the middle and upper stra-
                                                                        eclipse in comparison to uncovered sun suffered from
tosphere) or to instrumentally or observationall y based
                                                                        various instrumental uncertainties (limb darkening, mul-
uncertainties (limb darkening effect, shifts in the diffuse
                                                                        tiple scattering, Ž eld of view). More detailed investiga -
to direct radiation relationship , changes of the effecti-
                                                                        tions are necessary to quantify and correct for such ar-
ve temperature of the ozone layer, affecting the spec-
                                                                        tifacts. However, some short term  uctuations of total
tral absorption coefŽ cient). In addition, it may have also
                                                                        ozone after totality appeared to be real and may have
been possible that meteorological processes, induced by
                                                                        been caused by gravity waves.
the strong temperature variations during a solar eclipse
triggered short term variations in the total ozone column
density (bow waves of the lunar shadow, C HIMONAS,                      References
1970). As most of the instrumental uncertainties are a
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