Development Management Guidelines - "To achieve high standards in design and to build sustainable, healthy communities where people can enjoy a ...

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Development Management Guidelines - "To achieve high standards in design and to build sustainable, healthy communities where people can enjoy a ...
Chapter 13
Development Management Guidelines
   “To achieve high standards in design and to build
   sustainable, healthy communities where people can
   enjoy a high quality of life.”
Development Management Guidelines - "To achieve high standards in design and to build sustainable, healthy communities where people can enjoy a ...
Development Management Guidelines - "To achieve high standards in design and to build sustainable, healthy communities where people can enjoy a ...
13.1      INTRODUCTION                        13.2      PRE-PLANNING
This Chapter sets out the standards and       Section 247 of the Planning and
guidelines, which will be applied in the      Development Act 2000 (as amended) sets
assessment of development proposals.          out the formal procedures for pre-
The land use zoning categories and            planning. The Council encourages
associated objectives and guidance are        applicants to engage in pre-planning
also provided.                                discussions and will endeavour to
Applications will be assessed against the     facilitate such discussions as required.
policy objectives in the preceding
chapters, the Settlement Statements in
                                              13.3      ENVIRONMENTAL
Volume 2, and the qualitative and                       ASSESSMENTS
quantitative standards set out in this
                                              13.3.1       Appropriate Assessment
Chapter. Qualitative standards include
design, layout, permeability, and built                    (AA)
form whilst the quantitative standards        The Birds and Habitats Directives set out
include density, plot ratio, and traffic      procedures and obligations in relation to
standards.                                    nature conservation management in
The fundamental aim is to achieve high        European Sites and the habitats and
standards in design and to build              species therein. This includes a
sustainable, healthy communities where        requirement to consider the potential
people can enjoy a high quality of life.      nature conservation implications of any
In addition to these standards, more          plan or project on the Natura 2000 site
detailed guidance has been published by       network.
government Departments and agencies           The process by which the possible effects
including the:                                of a plan or project, in combination with
     Department of Housing, Planning,        other plans and projects, on the Natura
        and Local Government;                 2000 network are considered is known as
     Department of Education and             Appropriate Assessment. The obligation to
        Skills;                               undertake Appropriate Assessment is set
     Department          of     Transport,   out in Article 6(3) and 6(4) of the Habitats
        Tourism, and Sport;                   Directive.
     Environmental Protection Agency;        Further      details    on      Appropriate
     National Transport Authority; and       Assessment are available in the
     Transport Infrastructure Ireland.       ‘Appropriate Assessment of Plans and
Any guidance published by Departments         Projects in Ireland: Guidance for Planning
and agencies shall be considered in           Authorities’.
conjunction with the standards and
guidance in this chapter.

                     Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.3.2       Environmental Impact              13.3.3       Flood Risk Assessment
                    Assessment (EIA)                  Where a risk of flooding may be an issue
       The requirement for Environmental              for a development, a Flood Risk
       Impact Assessment (EIA) has its origins in     Assessment appropriate to the scale and
       European Directives. It is the process of      nature of the development and the risks
       examining the potential effects of a           arising will normally be required.
       proposed project on the receiving              The detailed Site Specific Flood Risk
       environment. Annex I and Annex II of the       Assessment should quantify the risks and
       EIA Directive sets out the list of projects    effects of any necessary mitigation,
       for which EIA is required. The Annex I and     together with the measures needed or
       Annex II projects have been transposed         proposed to manage residual risks.
       into Section 5 (Parts 1 and 2) of the
       Planning and Development Regulations
                                                      13.4      CROSS-CUTTING THEMES
       2001 (as amended).                             The principles of sustainable design and
       Projects listed in Part 1 of the Planning      the creation of healthy, attractive, and
       and Development Regulations 2001 (as           sustainable communities are a cross
       amended) require EIA if the stated             cutting theme of this Draft Plan. These
       threshold has been met or exceeded or if       principles will be a central element of the
       no thresholds are set. Projects listed in      assessment of planning applications.
       Part 2 also require EIA if the stated          Developers, homeowners, and designers
       threshold has been met or exceeded or if       should consider these principles in the
       no thresholds are set. Sub-threshold           design of new or extensions to existing
       developments listed in Part 2 require          buildings, streets, and communities. This
       screening for EIA.                             includes embracing the principles of
       An Environmental Impact Assessment             Universal Design in order to ensure homes
       Report (EIAR) is required to be prepared       and buildings are adaptable for people as
       by the developer for developments for          they get older, making buildings more
       which EIA is required. This report is          energy efficient and resilient to the
       required to be examined, evaluated, and        potential impacts of climate change, and
       assessed by the competent authority.           providing for the integration of new
       Further guidance on EIA is set out in the      developments with established areas to
       ‘Guidelines for Planning Authorities and       improve connectivity and permeability.
       An Bord Pleanála on carrying out               Proposals for sustainable urban drainage
       Environmental Impact Assessment’. The          (SUDS) shall also be incorporated into the
       Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)          design of public spaces, where
       published ‘Guidelines on the Information       appropriate.
       to be contained in Environmental Impact        13.5      MASTER PLANS
       Assessment Reports’ in 2017. At the time
       of writing, these Guidelines were at Draft     The purpose of a Master Plan is to provide
       stage.                                         a vision and conceptual guide for the long-
                                                      term development of a large and/or
                                                      strategically located area of land, where
                                                      there is a co-ordinated framework for the
                                                      planning, phasing, and construction of the
                                                      lands. Master Plans can be particularly
                                                      useful in circumstances where lands are in
                                                      multiple ownership, as it can enable a
                                                      common approach for the development
                                                      area to be agreed.

13-2                        Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
The design and construction of a                   Any      potential    upgrades       to
development area in accordance with an              infrastructure required to facilitate
agreed Master Plan will ensure that ad              the development of the Master Plan
hoc and piecemeal development is                    area;
avoided     and     that   the     required      Any         potential    environmental
infrastructure, services, and facilities are        constraints    such    as     flooding,
delivered in tandem with any residential,           archaeology, or the location of the
commercial,          or       employment            Master Plan within or in proximity to
development.                                        a European Site;
                                                 The proposed phasing arrangements
                                                    for the development of the Master
                                                    Plan Area including the provision of
                                                    necessary community or physical
                                                    infrastructure in tandem with
                                                    residential       or       commercial
                                                    development; and
                                                 Any other information considered
                                               The Council will endeavour to work closely
                                               with      key    stakeholders      including
Master Plans shall be prepared by
                                               landowners,          developers,        and
landowners/developers and agreed with
                                               infrastructure agencies to progress Master
the Council. Depending on the size of the
                                               Plans and secure the development of the
land parcel, the land use zoning(s), and
                                               Master Plan area.
infrastructural requirements, the level of
                                               In the larger settlements of the County,
detail required in a Master Plan will vary.
                                               there are large parcels of undeveloped
The following information shall be
                                               lands zoned for residential and
                                               employment uses. A Master Plan will
  Master Plan Area in hectares and a          normally be required to be agreed on
     breakdown of land use of each land        these land blocks, to ensure there is a
     use zoning by area;                       framework in place setting out how the
  Details of landowners in the Master         area will be developed. This includes
     Plan Area;                                access points, internal road layouts,
  Conceptual layout and design brief;         sustainable       transport       provision,
  Key challenges in the development of        connectivity and permeability with
     the Master Plan area;                     surrounding areas, water services
  Building        types    and      design    infrastructure, open space provision, and
     (approximate unit numbers for             the design and layout of buildings.
     residential      development      and     Landowners or developers shall engage
     commercial floor space/building           with the Council at the early stage of the
     heights in a mixed use development);      design process to determine if a Master
  Connectivity        and    permeability     Plan is required. The larger Master Plan
     including pedestrian, vehicular, and      Areas in the County are outlined in Table
     cycle access;                             13.1.
  Service       arrangements     including
     water, waste water, and surface

                      Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Table 13.1: Master Plan Areas

       Plan         Settlement     General Description                                            Status
                                   Mullagharlin Framework Plan – this consists of c.450
                                   hectares of land situated between the M1 and the eastern
                                   edge of the Dublin Road c.2km south of Dundalk town
                                   centre. Approximately 116 hectares of these lands have
                                   been built out. The implementation of the Framework
                                   Plan is ongoing at the time of writing, with a range of Agreed in
       1            Dundalk
                                   businesses and educational uses situated within the 2008
                                   Framework Plan Area including in the IDA Park, Xerox
                                   Business Park, and DkIT campus. Any future development
                                   taking place within the Framework Plan Area shall comply
                                   with the requirements of this Framework Plan or any
                                   updated Plan.
                                   Mount Avenue Master Plan – this consists of an area of
                                   c.38 hectares of land to the north-west of Dundalk Town
                                   Centre with frontage onto Mount Avenue, Greyacres
                                   Road, and Castletown Road. The lands are zoned for
                                   residential and open space uses with a Local
                                   Archaeological Heritage Site of national importance also
                                   located within the Master Plan area. The key principles of
                                   any Master Plan will be to establish a coordinated
                                   approach to the development of the lands that will
       2            Dundalk                                                                   preparation
                                   include a mix of housing options that will support a
                                   sustainable community, the provision of a linear park, the
                                   provision of education facilities, and local neighbourhood
                                   and community facilities. The Master Plan shall include
                                   provision for the delivery of new/upgraded road
                                   infrastructure including new Link Roads within the Master
                                   Plan area and shall demonstrate how this road will tie in
                                   with the alignment of Link Roads outside of the Master
                                   Plan area.
                                   Northern Environs Master Plan – this Master Plan was
                                   agreed in 2006 and consists of an extensive land bank of
                                   c.254 hectares to the north of the town centre. The
                                   Master Plan provides for a wide range of uses including
                                   residential a, open space, employment, neighbourhood
       3            Drogheda       and community facilities. A linear park and sport and
                                   recreation facilities were also to be provided. The
                                   development of this Master Plan Area is dependent on the
                                   construction of the Port Access Northern Cross Route and
                                   water services infrastructure. To date small pockets of the
                                   Master Plan Area have been developed.
                                   North-East Master Plan – this consists of residential and
                                   employment lands to the north east of the town centre.
       4            Ardee          This Master Plan sets out details of the access and internal
                                   road layout of the lands in addition to a conceptual layout
                                   of the residential areas.

                               Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Plan         Settlement       General Description                                        Status
                              Lands East of town Centre – these lands have been
                              identified as an expansion area of the town centre with    Awaiting
5            Dunleer
                              potential to accommodate a mix of commercial activity      preparation
                              and ancillary residential development.
                              South-West employment area – these lands have been         Awaiting
6            Dunleer
                              identified for employment uses.                            preparation

The land use zoning maps include Spot Objectives in the following locations in the County.

Table 13.2: Spot Objectives

Objective       Location            Objective
                                    To preserve the ecological character and biodiversity value of the
1               Dundalk
                                    Nature Conservation Area.
                                    To preserve the ecological value and character of the lands and to
2               Dundalk
                                    provide appropriate recreational and amenity facilities.
3               Dundalk             To provide for the development of a retirement village.
                                    To provide a public park with a minimum area of 12 acres (4.9
4               Ardee
                                    hectares) as part of a residential development.
                                    To provide for the development of housing for older people,
                                    specifically designed for flexibility and adaptability to
5               Ardee
                                    accommodate the physical and cognitive needs of residents as
                                    they develop over time.
                                    To provide a minimum of 40% of public open space as part of any
6               Drogheda
                                    residential development on these lands.

The following sections set out the key standards and guidance for different development
types as follows:
    General                                        Transport
    Housing                                        Environment
    Social and Community                           Energy and Telecommunications
    Employment                                     Heritage
    Retail                                         Water Services
    Tourism

                         Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.8      GENERAL
       13.8.1       Management of Construction Sites
       It will be a requirement of any major           iv) Sustainable Urban Housing: Design
       planning permission for residential,                 Standards for New Apartments,
       community,          employment,         or,          DHPLG, (2018);
       infrastructure related development that a       v) Urban Development and Building
       management plan to be prepared for the               Height Guidelines, DHPLG, (2018);
       construction of the development. This will      vi) The Design Manual for Urban Roads
       ensure the orderly construction of the               and Streets, DTTAS and DECLG, (2013
       development.                                         and updated in 2019);
       The following details will be required:         vii) Permeability Best Practice Guide,
         Hours of operation;                               NTA, (2015).
         Construction/phasing programme;             13.9.2       Multi-Unit Residential
         Traffic Management Plan;
         Noise and Dust Mitigation Measures;
         Details of any construction lighting;       All multi-unit residential developments
            and                                       shall be designed and constructed in a
         The management of construction and          way      that    supports      community
            demolition waste, which shall be in       development, social interaction, as well as
            accordance with the requirements of       active and healthy lifestyles.
            the Best Practice Guidelines on the       13.9.3       Context
            Preparation of Waste Management
            Plans for Construction & Demolition       At the preliminary design stage, a
            Projects (2006).                          contextual analysis shall be carried out
                                                      assessing the relationship of the
       13.9      HOUSING                              development with surrounding land uses
       13.9.1       Housing in Urban Areas            in terms of design, scale, and layout. This
                                                      will assist in assessing how the
       This Section sets out the standards that       development will integrate into the
       will apply to developments relating to         surrounding environment.
       residential uses including single and multi-
       unit      developments,       mixed     use    13.9.4       Density and Plot Ratio
       developments, extensions, and family flat      The standard method of calculating
       extensions.                                    density is carried out by dividing the
       The following guidance documents should        number of units by the site gross site area,
       be consulted when designing a residential      which gives the number of units per
       development:                                   hectare. Appendix A of the Guidelines for
        i) The Guidelines on Quality Housing for      Planning Authorities on Sustainable
             Sustainable Communities, DEHLG,          Residential Developments in Urban Areas
             (2007);                                  (Cities, Towns and Villages), 2009 provides
        ii) The      Guidelines    for    Planning    more detailed provisions in this regard.
             Authorities on Sustainable Residential   For developments where there is a
             Development in Urban Areas, DEHLG,       mixture of apartments and houses, the
             (2009);                                  plot ratio would be a more applicable
        iii) Urban Design Manual: A Best Practice     method, as this is more reflective of the
             Guide, DEHLG, (2009);                    range of unit sizes.

                            Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
The plot ratio is calculated by dividing the        This is a useful calculation in determining
total floor area of a development with the          the ratio of the ground floor area of the
site area. The recommended density and              building relative to the total site area.
maximum plot ratios are set out in Table
                                                    13.9.6        Building Heights
In the Self-Sustaining Towns and Small              The ‘Urban Development and Building
Towns and Villages, the density and plot            Height Guidelines’ (2018) support
ratio of a development will be reflective of        increased building heights in urban areas
the character of the settlement and the             as part of the strategy of strengthening
existing pattern of development in the              urban areas and creating more compact
area.                                               settlements.
In designing a development, it is                   Proposals for higher buildings in urban
important that a higher density does not            areas will be considered on a case-by-case
reduce the quality of the development. If           basis. One of the key considerations will
there are site constraints such as                  be the contribution the building of height
topography or the shape of the site that            will make to the local environment in
compromise the quality of a development,            which it will be located. A design
the density/number of units may have to             statement shall be included with any
be reduced.                                         application setting out details of the
                                                    concept of the development, the scale,
13.9.5       Site Coverage                          massing, and built form of the building(s)
Site coverage relates to the percentage of          and any impacts the development would
the development site covered by buildings           have on the character of the
and structures (excluding public roads and          neighbourhood in which it is located. Any
footpaths) and is calculated, by dividing           potential impacts of the development on
the total area of ground covered by                 the microclimate such as wind patterns,
buildings by the total ground area within           daylight, air temperatures, and humidity
the site.                                           shall also be considered.

Table 13.3: Recommended density and Maximum Plot Ratio

                        Recommended Density
                                                             Maximum Plot Ratio
                        per Hectare
Settlement Category
                        Town/Village Edge of                 Town/Village   Edge of
                        Centre       settlement              Centre         settlement
Regional Growth
                        50               35                  2              1
Dundalk and
Growth Town
                        35               25                  1              0.5
Ardee and Dunleer

                      Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.7       Layout                            13.9.8        Design Statement
       The layout of residential developments         A Design Statement shall be required for
       shall consist of permeable, well connected     any development in excess of 10
       streets and neighbourhoods where open          residential units and shall include the
       spaces are functional, accessible, and         following:
       centrally located and where walking and         i) The design principles and concept;
       cycling are prioritised. When feasible, new     ii) Demonstrate how the development
       developments are encouraged to include               will accord with the 12 criteria set out
       pedestrian and cycle links to adjacent               in the Urban Design Manual; and
       residential        areas/        commercial     iii) Outline how the development is in
       developments.                                        accordance with the Development
       Consideration shall be given to existing             Plan policy objectives and standards.
       street patterns and established building       Applicants may wish to include
       lines. In some instances, there may be a       photomontages and sketches to support
       requirement to follow established              their application.
       patterns of development. However, there
       may be instances where a deviation from
                                                      13.9.9        Residential Amenity
       such patterns would create variety in the      Privacy
       street scene or improve the quality of a
                                                      Residential developments shall be
                                                      designed to take account of the amenities
       The front elevation of buildings shall         of existing residents in the locality of a
       normally be orientated towards the street      development area, in addition to the
       to create an active street frontage that       amenities of future residents of the
       would ensure the passive surveillance of       subject development. Whilst some degree
       open spaces and footpaths. Any buildings       of overlooking between properties is likely
       on corner sites are encouraged to have a       to occur in urban areas, efforts shall be
       dual aspect, particularly at the entrance to   made to minimise the extent of this
       a development.                                 overlooking where this is possible. A
       Roads and streets in residential areas shall   minimum of 22 metres separation
       be designed to reduce speeds, promote          between directly opposing first floor
       connectivity and permeability, and ensure      habitable rooms in residential properties
       there is a safe and comfortable                shall generally be observed. This
       environment for pedestrians and cyclists.      separation distance is not required for
       Measures to reduce vehicle speeds shall        windows in non-habitable rooms such as
       be included in the initial designs rather      bathrooms, stairwells or landings.
       than requiring the installation of traffic     There could be developments where a
       calming measures retrospectively. This         reduction in separation distances may be
       can include horizontal and vertical            acceptable. This is dependent on the
       deflections, shared surfaces, on-street        orientation, location, and internal layout
       parking, tighter corner radii, and on-street   of the development and its relationship
       parking. All roads and streets shall be        with any surrounding buildings. Any
       designed in accordance with the                applications for such developments will be
       requirements of the Design Manual for          assessed on a case-by-case basis.
       Urban Roads and Streets (2019).

                            Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Where the front elevation of new                ii) Side boundaries between properties
properties in urban locations are close to           shall be 2 metres in height. If timber
or abut the public footpath, consideration           boundaries are to be used they must
shall be given to providing some form of             be bonded and supported by
buffer such as a planting strip between              concrete posts;
the property and the footpath where this        iii) Walls bounding any public areas shall
is feasible.                                         be rendered and capped on both
13.9.10      Daylight and Sunlight              iv) Front boundaries along the estate
Care shall be taken in the design of                 road and between properties shall be
residential developments to ensure                   agreed as part of the planning
adequate levels of natural light can be              application. They can be open plan,
achieved in new dwellings and                        planted, consist of a low-level wall or
unacceptable impacts on light to nearby              railing, or as otherwise agreed with
properties are avoided.                              the Planning Authority.
The Building Research Establishment
                                               13.9.12      Landscaping
(BRE) guidelines ‘Site Layout Planning for
Daylight and Sunlight: A Guide to Good         Landscaping proposals shall be included
Practice (2011) and BS 8206-2008 –             with all applications. This includes a full
‘Lighting for Buildings – Part 2: Code of      schedule of all planting to be carried out
Practice for Daylighting’ - provide useful     and a timescale for planting. If any trees
guidance on avoiding unacceptable loss of      or hedgerows are to be retained this shall
light and ensuring developments provide        be clearly detailed on drawings.
minimum standards of daylight for new          Where existing trees are required to be
units. Section 6.7 of the ‘Apartment           removed to facilitate a development,
Guidelines’ states that where a proposal       replacement native trees at a ratio of 4:1
may not be able to fully meet all the          shall be planted in Drogheda and Dundalk,
requirements of the daylight provisions,       with a requirement of 10:1 in the County
this must be clearly identified and a          area.
rationale      for      any     alternative,
compensatory design solution must be set
                                               13.9.13      Dwelling Design, Size
out, in respect of which the planning                       and Mix
authority should apply their discretion,       To support a variety of household types
having regard to local factors including       and       tenures,     new       residential
site specific constraints and the balancing    developments, and in particular larger
of that assessment against the desirability    schemes in excess of 25 units shall
of achieving wider planning objectives.        endeavour to provide an appropriate mix
13.9.11      Boundary Treatment                of residential accommodation.
                                               Greater consideration shall be given to
Boundary treatments in residential             providing suitable accommodation for
developments shall consist of the              older people and people with a disability.
following:                                     This includes adaptable homes that can be
 i) The rear boundary shall consist of a 2     altered to meet the needs of residents
     metre high block wall;                    through the different stages of life.

                      Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Developments in excess of 50 units are          These open spaces can add to the
        encouraged to provide single storey units       attractiveness of an area by creating a
        to meet the needs of older people.              sense of place.
        Residential units in excess of 100 units will   If, designed and located appropriately,
        be required to provide at least one single      they can become an integral part of a
        storey unit for every 100 residential units     development that promotes social
        unless it can be demonstrated by an             interaction and physical activity, whilst
        appropriately qualified professional that       also providing important links and
        there is no demand for this type of             connections within the development and
        accommodation.                                  to surrounding neighbourhoods.
        All residential developments shall be           Open space can include passive areas of
        designed to a high standard. Modern and         green space that consist of landscaped
        innovative designs that have a positive         areas that soften the streetscape and
        impact on the surrounding streetscape are       more active areas where children can play
        encouraged.                                     and adults can walk. In order to maximise
        In order to create variety in the               the potential use of areas of open space
        streetscape a mixture of building types,        they should be functional, conveniently
        heights, and finishes are encouraged,           located, easily assessable and passively
        particularly in larger developments. This       overlooked in order to provide safety and
        could include minor variations such as          security.
        projections or canopies to avoid a              Public open space within a development
        repetitive streetscape. A full schedule of      shall normally equate to 15% of the total
        external finishes shall be provided.            site area. In developments where the
                                                        standard of the open space is of a high
        13.9.14      Climate Change and
                                                        quality due to its location, functionality,
                     Energy Efficiency                  and any additional detailing proposed e.g.
        Buildings that are designed to adapt to         paving, landscaping, or surfaced play
        the potential impacts of climate change         areas and equipment, a reduced rate of
        such      as   flooding    or    increased      open space may be acceptable. Such a
        temperatures in addition to improving           reduction will be assessed on a case-by-
        energy efficiency are encouraged. Such          case basis.
        designs will result in a more resilient and     For residential developments of up to five
        adaptable building stock that will support      dwelling units where the layout is of a
        more sustainable communities and                high quality and includes private open
        lifestyles.                                     space in excess of the minimum area
                                                        recommended there shall be no
        13.9.15      Public Open Space                  requirement to provide public open
        The provision of quality public open            space.
        spaces in a residential environment can
        have multiple benefits to a local

                              Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.16      Play Facilities in Residential Developments
Children should have access to safe and         This shall include the necessary ducting
secure outdoor play opportunities that          and wiring to facilitate the installation of
are accessible from their homes.                Electric Vehicle charging points at a rate of
Children’s play areas include traditional       20% of total spaces.
playgrounds with formal play equipment          A secure and conveniently located cycle
and natural play spaces with natural            parking area shall be provided in
features that promote informal children’s       apartment developments. This cycle
play. Developments of 50 units or more          parking area shall be covered.
shall include proposals for the provision of    There may be cases where a reduced car-
a dedicated children’s play area designed       parking requirement may be appropriate
to the satisfaction of the Planning             including in the following circumstances:
Authority.                                        There is sufficient parking available in
13.9.17      Private Open Space                      the vicinity of the development to
                                                     cater for any shortfall;
An area of functional private open space is       The nature of the development is
an important aspect of creating a quality            such that existing parking spaces in
residential environment that provides a              the vicinity could facilitate the dual
safe and secure outdoor area for children            use of parking spaces, particularly if
and adults. New dwellings and apartments             the development operated at off-
shall be provided with a functional area of          peak times;
private open space as set out in Table            The public transport links available
13.4.                                                would reduce the demand for car
13.9.18      Car and Cycle Parking                   parking;
                                                  The central location of the
The car and cycle parking requirements               development is such that the
for residential properties are set out in            customers/residents/users of the
Tables 13.11 and 13.12 in this Chapter.              development would be likely to walk
In new housing areas, car parking is                 or cycle.
normally provided to the front of               A Transport Mobility Management Plan
properties creating a linear streetscape        supporting any reduction in car parking
dominated        by      hard      surfacing.   would be required with any application
Consideration should be given to breaking       where the quantum of parking is
these parking areas up by altering the car-     significantly below that set out in the Car
parking layout in certain locations e.g. on     Parking Standards.
corner sites to facilitate the provision of a   In addition to the above, a reduction in
front garden area parking could be              the parking requirement will be facilitated
provided up the side of a property. This        where there would be a conflict between
would reduce the dominance of parking           the conservation objectives of the
areas and introduce variety to the street       Protected Structure or the Architectural
scene.                                          Conservation Area and the car-parking
Any areas of communal parking shall be          requirement, subject to the shortfall in
appropriately designed and conveniently         parking being met by on-street parking in
located for residents with suitable lighting    the vicinity.

                      Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Table 13.4: Private Open Space Requirements

                                              Town Centre and             Greenfield/Suburban
        Unit Type
                                              Infill/Brownfield locations locations
                                              Minimum private open space Minimum private open
                                              requirement (m²)            space requirement (m²)
        1-2 bedroom                           50                                 60

        3 or more bedroom                     60                                 80

        Apartments and Duplexes               See table 13.5

        13.9.19       Bin Storage                              13.9.22      Lighting
        Provision shall be made for the storage,               All public lighting in new residential
        segregation, and recycling of waste in                 developments shall be high performance
        residential     developments.       Where              low energy LED lanterns or any upgraded
        communal bin facilities are being provided             lantern as agreed with the Planning
        they shall be conveniently located,                    Authority.
        screened, and well ventilated.
                                                               13.9.23      Gated Communities
        13.9.20       Public Art
                                                               Gated communities are communities or
        Public Art in a development can positively             developments where access to the public
        contribute to the design quality of a                  is not readily available. They will generally
        development and assist in creating a                   not be permitted, as they do not promote
        sense     of     place.   In   residential             permeability or integration with the
        developments in excess of 100 units,                   surrounding neighbourhood.
        developers will be encouraged to include
        proposals for a piece of art that reflects             13.9.24      Taking in Charge
        the heritage of the area.                              The policy and procedures for the Taking
        13.9.21       Naming of                                in Charge of Housing Estates is set out in
                      Developments                             the Council policy document: Taking in
                                                               Charge Policy/Release of bond for
        It shall be a condition of planning                    completed Private Housing Developments.
        permission for new residential schemes                 Schools      and       New       Residential
        that the developer will submit a scheme                Development
        for the naming and numbering of the                    Any application for a development in
        development prior to the commencement                  excess of 200 residential units shall
        of development. The name of the                        include a report identifying the demand
        development is required to reflect the                 for school places likely to be generated by
        local or historical context in which it is             the development and the demand for
        located and will be required to get the                existing schools in the area to cater for
        approval of the Council’s Place Names                  this demand.
        Committee.      The    name     of     the
        development shall be clearly identified at
        the entrance.

                               Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.25       Childcare Facilities in New Residential Developments
The Guidelines on Childcare Facilities            The suitability of a specific site for the
(2001) recommend that in larger                   development of apartments will be
residential developments that one                 considered on a case-by-case basis and
childcare facility (with a capacity of 20         will take account of the location, the
child places) is provided for every 75            prevailing pattern of development of the
residential units. These childcare facilities     area, the proximity to local amenities and
shall be centrally located within a               services, and the scale of development
development where there are pedestrian            proposed.
and cycle links in addition to set                Apartments shall generally be located in
down/drop off area for parents using a            central urban areas within a reasonable
private car.                                      walking distance (up to 15 minutes) of
The requirement for a crèche facility will        town centres, public transport, or
take account of existing facilities in the        employment areas. Outside of the central
area, local demographics, and the likely          areas of towns, apartments are more
demand to be generated by the                     likely to form part of a larger residential
development. Input will also be received          scheme      than     be    a    standalone
from the County Childcare Committee.              development. However, there may be
Any application for a development that            opportunities     to    provide     smaller
does not include a crèche will require the        apartment schemes on infill or brownfield
preparation of an evidence based report           lands in these locations.
prepared in consultation with the County
Childcare          Committee            clearly
                                                  13.9.27      Design Standards for
demonstrating that there is sufficient                         New Apartments
childcare facilities available in the area.       The Design Standards for New Apartments
In these instances and with the agreement         (2018) set out the design criteria for
of the Council, developers will be required       apartment developments. All applications
to provide in lieu, other community               for apartments are required to
benefits by way of direct provision or            demonstrate compliance with these
financial contribution.                           Guidelines and the Specific Planning Policy
                                                  Requirements. Details of the following
13.9.26       Apartments
                                                  design criteria are set out in the
Apartment developments can provide a              Guidelines:
mix unit sizes and types that can meet the          Location;
residential needs of a wide range of the            Apartment mix;
population. They can also deliver higher            Internal space and floor areas;
density developments that support the               Dual aspect ratios;
delivery of more compact settlements. In            Floor to ceiling height;
order to make apartment living more
                                                    Apartments to stair/lift core ratios;
appealing, the design, layout, and setting
                                                    Storage spaces;
of apartments need to be of a high
                                                    Amenity spaces; and
                                                    Car Parking.

                       Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
For ease of reference, some of the key                  Principal dimensions of each room as
        requirements of the Guidelines are as                    well as the aggregate floor areas;
        follows1:                                             Details of internal and external
          A minimum of 33% of apartments in                     storage space;
             any development shall be dual aspect;            Quantum of proposed private
          A minimum floor to ceiling height of                  amenity space;
             2.7 metres is required on the ground             Communal open space and
             floor;                                           Storage and collection of waste
          Private amenity space shall primarily                 materials.
             be accessible from the main living             There may be cases where the
             area      in     the      form      of         requirements of these Guidelines cannot
             balconies/terraces.                            be met. Subject to the design quality of
          Communal amenity space shall be                  the development, these standards may be
             provided; and                                  relaxed in part. This will be assessed on a
          For apartment schemes of 10 or more              case-by-case      basis.    A    supporting
             units, the majority of apartments              statement outlining why the development
             must exceed the minimum floor area             should be positively considered shall be
             standard for any combination of the            included with any application that does
             relevant 1, 2, or 3 bedroom unit               not meet all the requirements of the
             types, by a minimum of 10%.                    Guidelines.
        The minimum standards for floor areas,
                                                            13.9.29       General
        private open space, and storage provision
        that shall be required are set out in Table         In order to reduce the maintenance
        13.5.                                               requirements          of         apartment
                                                            developments, careful consideration
        13.9.28       Design Schedule                       should be made to the design and finishes
        Any application for an apartment                    of the building(s).
        development or a mixed-use development              To prevent demands for the installation of
        including apartments shall include a                numerous satellite dishes, provision
        schedule that provides the following                should be made for locating communal or
        information:                                        individual dishes on less visible parts of
          The number and type of apartments                the building such as roof level.
             and associated individual unit floor
             areas;                                          Please refer to the Design Standards for full
          Details of apartment aspect (dual or             details of the requirements.
             single) and orientation;

        Table 13.5: Standards for Apartments

        Apartment Unit Type                    Floor Area   Storage       Private Open Space
        Studio                                 37m²         3 m²          4 m²
        One bedroom                            45 m²        3 m²          5 m²
        Two bedroom (3 person)                 63 m²        5 m²          6 m²
        Two bedroom (4 person)                 73 m²        6 m²          7 m²
        Three bedroom                          90 m²        9 m²          9 m²

                               Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.30      Mixed Use Development
In considering proposals for mixed-use               The design of the building(s) shall be
developments, minimising any potential                of a high quality and make a positive
conflict between uses, preserving, and                contribution to the local streetscape
protecting amenity will be key                        and character. Innovative and
considerations. This includes issues such             contemporary designs will be
as air quality, noise, and security.                  acceptable if it is demonstrated such
All commercial developments shall include             designs would positively benefit the
measures to control the extraction of                 built environment;
fumes and odours. The design of new              Impact on the residential amenities of
mixed-use buildings shall include provision           surrounding properties such as the
for internal ducting or flues so that ground          potential loss of daylight or
floor units have the potential for fumes to           new/increased overlooking;
be extracted to and discharged at roof           Private open space for existing and
level.                                                proposed properties;
                                                 Car parking for existing and proposed
13.9.31      Infill and Backland
                                                      residential units shall be in
             Development in Urban                     accordance with the car parking
             Areas                                    standards set out in Table 13.11 in
An infill site is a vacant or under-used area         this chapter. Adequate circulation for
of land between existing buildings whilst a           the parking and turning of vehicles
backland site is an area of land to the rear          within the curtilage of sites should be
of existing buildings.                                provided; and,
The development of infill and backland           The location and orientation of any
sites support the principles of compact               building(s) and windows in such
growth and the consolidation of                       building(s) shall take cognisance of
development in existing built up areas.               the       potential    of      adjacent
When developing such lands it is                      infill/backland sites being developed
important to maintain a balance between               and shall not prejudice the
preserving existing amenities and                     development potential of such lands.
neighbourhood            character,       and   Whilst infill and backland development
implementing a policy of compact                will normally be required to comply with,
development. Where opportunities arise          Development Plan standards there may
for infill or backland development, the         be circumstances where these standards
following considerations shall be taken         can be relaxed, particularly if it will result
into account:                                   in the development of vacant or under-
 The prevailing density and pattern of         utilised lands in central areas of towns
     development in the immediate area          and villages. This will be assessed on a
     including plot sizes, building heights,    case-by-case basis.
     and the proportions of buildings;

                      Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.32      Sub-division of Dwellings
        The sub-division of an existing dwelling       Whilst proposals for the redevelopment of
        into self-contained units or apartments        the buildings will normally be required to
        will be considered based on the location       meet the Development Plan Standards set
        of the property, potential impact the          out in this Draft Plan and the Design
        development would have on the character        Standards for New Apartments, it is
        of the area and the amenities of               recognised that in some cases it may be
        surrounding properties, and the quality of     difficult to retrofit older buildings to bring
        accommodation to be provided for future        them up to current residential standards.
        occupants. Existing and proposed car           Taking this into account, and subject to
        parking provision will also be considered.     the design quality of the development,
        The sub-division of dwellings will normally    there may be circumstances where the
        be required to comply with Development         design standards can be relaxed in part.
        Plan Standards and the Design Standards        This will be assessed on a case-by-case
        for Apartments.                                basis. A supporting statement outlining
        However, there may be circumstances            why the development should be positively
        where these standards can be relaxed due       considered, shall be included with any
        to the design and layout of the existing       application that does not meet the all
        building or if the development would           requirements of the Guidelines.
        bring vacant or under-utilised properties
                                                       13.9.34       House Extensions
        back into use. This will be assessed on a
        case-by-case basis, with consideration         The extension or renovation of dwellings
        given to the quality of the development.       is generally encouraged and supported as
                                                       it results in the upgrade and/or
        13.9.33      Town Centre Living                improvement to an existing building,
        As part of the strategy of promoting town      maximises the existing building stock, and
        centre living and improving the vibrancy       is often more sustainable than the
        and diversity of uses in town and village      construction of a new dwelling unit.
        centres, there will generally be a             There is a broad range in the type and
        presumption in favour of providing             scale of extensions applied for in the
        residential accommodation in the upper         County. This is often dependent on the
        floors of buildings in town and village        location of the property (e.g. in an urban
        centres.                                       or rural environment), the house type of
        Residential    development      may     be     the subject property, and the plot size of
        considered at ground floor level in certain    the property. Some of the extensions
        circumstances or locations where there         applied for include porches, sunrooms,
        has been a sustained level of vacancy over     installation of dormer windows, increase
        a prolonged period. This will normally be      in roof height, side, ground floor, and first
        on lands outside the Core Retail Area of       floor extensions.
        town centres. The provision of such
        accommodation will only be facilitated in
        circumstances where it is demonstrated
        the development would complement the
        role of the town centre as a ‘destination’
        for commercial, social, or cultural

                             Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Any application for the extension to or               Private Open Space – An adequate
renovation of a property shall consider                area of functional private open space
the following:                                         shall be retained.
  Scale – the scale of the extension                 Car Parking – Any loss of on-site car
     shall normally be ancillary to the main           parking shall not result in a
     dwelling. There are, however,                     requirement for vehicular parking on
     circumstances where an existing                   the public road, particularly in
     property is limited in size (e.g. a single        locations where there is no or limited
     bedroom cottage) and a large                      additional on street parking available.
     extension is required to allow it to be          Services – If the property is served by
     brought up to modern living                       an individual on-site wastewater
     standards. Such developments will be              treatment system this system must
     considered on a case-by-case basis                have the capacity to accommodate
     and will require a sensitive design to            any additional loading in accordance
     ensure that the proposal will not                 with the requirements of the EPA
     dominate the local streetscape and a              Code of Practice: Wastewater
     plot size that can absorb the                     Treatment Systems for Single Houses
     development.                                      (p.e. ≤ 10). This may result in the
  Design – whilst the design of                       requirement for existing on-site
     extensions shall normally reflect the             systems to be upgraded to the
     character of the existing property,               current standards.
     contemporary and innovative designs
     that would make a positive
                                                   13.9.35      Family Flat /
     contribution to the local streetscape                      Independent Living Unit
     will be considered.                           A family flat or independent living unit is a
  Privacy – Extensions shall not result in        separate unit of living accommodation on
     any      new      opportunities         for   the site of an existing dwelling unit used
     overlooking into properties where no          to accommodate an immediate family
     previous overlooking existed unless           member of the main household on the
     appropriate separation distances can          site. The construction of an extension or
     be achieved and the extent of                 conversion of part of an existing house or
     overlooking from an existing property         garage/outbuilding to a family flat or
     will not be significantly increased           independent living unit shall comply with
     because of the extension.                     the following requirements:
  Daylight – Extensions shall not result            Rationale – The need for the
     in a significant decrease in daylight or           development must be clearly set out.
     sunlight entering a property. There             Scale – The family flat shall be
     may be instances where a daylight                  ancillary to the main dwelling and
     and sunlight assessment will be                    shall be modest in size and scale with
     required. This shall be carried out in             a floor space that shall generally not
     accordance            with             the         exceed 50m².
     recommendations of the BRE                      Integration – If attached to the main
     Guidance ‘Site Layout Planning for                 dwelling an internal link shall be
     Daylight and Sunlight’: A Guide to                 provided.
     Good Practice (2011).

                        Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
   Ownership – It shall not be sold or let    Any application for such a development
            as an independent unit and shall           would require a clear rationale setting out
            remain in the same ownership as the        the reasons for the development, the
            main dwelling on the site.                 intended use of the garage/building, and
           Access – It shall not have a separate      how it would integrate into the local
            vehicular access.                          environment. These applications will be
           Services – If the property is served by    assessed on a case-by-case basis.
            an individual on-site wastewater           13.9.37      Temporary Residential
            treatment system this system must
            have the capacity to accommodate
            any additional loading in accordance       Temporary residential structures such as
            with the requirements of the EPA           mobile homes, portacabins, and caravans
            Code of Practice: Wastewater               are considered to represent a substandard
            Treatment Systems for Single Houses        and haphazard form of accommodation.
            (p.e. ≤ 10). This may result in the        Permission will generally not be granted
            requirement for existing on-site           for such structures.
            systems to be upgraded to the              Where an application is received for such
            current standards.                         accommodation on a site where
                                                       permission has been granted for a
        13.9.36      Domestic Garages and
                                                       residential    property     the     Planning
                     Outbuildings                      Authority     may       grant     temporary
        The purpose of garages and outbuildings        permission for a temporary residential
        within the curtilage of residential            structure on the site such as a mobile
        properties is normally for storage and         home. As part of any permission for such
        needs that are incidental to the dwelling      a development, the temporary structure
        on site. Whilst there has been an              will be required to be removed from the
        increasing demand for larger garages, it is    site upon occupation of the dwelling.
        important      that    any     garage     is   Pigeon Lofts
        proportionate to the existing property so      The development of pigeon lofts will be
        that it will integrate into the local          required to take account of the potential
        environment. Garages will normally be          impact of the development on the
        positioned to the side or rear of the          amenities of any surrounding properties
        dwelling and will be designed and finished     and, in particular, any noise or odour
        in materials that match the dwelling.          related impacts. Any development of
        The uses of garages will be strictly           pigeon lofts shall consider the following:
        controlled to uses incidental to the             Lofts should be located as far as
        residential property.                               possible       from       neighbouring
        The Planning Authority will not normally            properties and should not normally
        grant planning permission for a garage or           be within 5 metres of a boundary
        outbuilding of a design or scale that is not        abutting an adjacent property.
        in proportion or in keeping with the             The position and design of pigeon
        existing dwelling.                                  lofts shall strive to minimise and
                                                            avoid any adverse impact on the
                                                            amenities of surrounding properties.

                             Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
13.9.38      Housing in the Open Countryside    Context
The countryside in Louth is a valuable           3. Lower Faughart, Castletown and
resource that provides a scenic landscape           Flurry Bridge River Basins - landscapes
enjoyed by residents and visitors, and              dictated by landform and drainage
farmland that delivers high quality                 areas;
agricultural produce. Whilst this Draft Plan     4. Louth Drumlins and Lake Areas -
acknowledges the desire of local residents          contains the familiar rounded and
to live in the rural area, the provision of         smooth hills associated with a
one-off housing in the open countryside             drumlin landscape;
must be carefully managed in order to            5. Muirhevna Plain - a large plain
protect the landscape and countryside for           occupying the midland region and
future generations to work in and enjoy.            containing      the     most      fertile
 As we transition towards a low carbon              agricultural farmland;
economy, we must also consider how the           6. Dundalk Bay (includes the salt
dispersed pattern of development                    marshes and mudflats) - landform is
associated with one off housing impacts             quite flat and extends from Dundalk
on climate change and how rural                     to Dunany Point;
communities can reduce their carbon              7. Dunany, Boyne and Estuary Coast -
footprint and contribute to a more                  flat landscape with the exception of
sustainable way of living.                          the head at Clogherhead and
The following sections will set out the key         Castlecoo Hill;
criteria to be considered when choosing a        8. Uplands of Collon and Monasterboice
site and designing a dwelling in the open           - an elevated plateau rich in
countryside.                                        archaeological monuments;
                                                 9. Boyne and Mattock Valley - slopes
13.9.39      Louth Countryside                      gradually down from Monasterboice
Louth has a diverse topography and varied           and Collon with a lot of tree cover
landscape that includes an extensive                and mature hedgerows concealing
coastline,      upland,      drumlin,    and        the landform of the area.
mountainous areas, lake areas, river            More detailed information on these
systems and lands that are more low-            unique areas can be accessed here.
lying. The Council’s Landscape Character        In addition to the landscape character
Assessment, details of which are set out in     areas there are also parts of the County
Chapter 8 Natural Heritage, Biodiversity,       designated as Areas of Outstanding
and Green Infrastructure describes nine         Natural Beauty (AONB) and Areas of High
distinct landscapes as follows:                 Scenic Quality (AHSQ) by reason of their
 1. Cooley Lowlands and Coastal Areas -         unspoilt natural landscape and scenic
     relatively flat sloping to the sea;        quality. The location of these designated
 2. Carlingford Lough and Mountains             areas are set out in Table 13.6.
     (include West Feede Uplands and
     Slieve Gullion) - mountainous area
     and open moorland;

                       Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
At the preliminary stages of identifying a               vantage points (short and long distance
        site, the Landscape Character Assessment                 views) and if the site is located along any
        should be consulted to identify any                      listed views and prospects (see Chapter 8
        sensitivities or distinct features and                   Natural Heritage, Biodiversity, and Green
        characteristics associated with the                      Infrastructure).
        landscape in which the site is located. It               When       choosing     a     site   careful
        should also be determined if the site lies               consideration should be given as to how a
        within an Area of Outstanding Natural                    dwelling in the chosen location would
        Beauty or Area of High Scenic Quality.                   integrate into the surrounding landscape.
                                                                 If the site is elevated or exposed with no
        13.9.40       Criteria for
                                                                 natural features to provide screening or a
                      Development in Areas                       backdrop, it may be difficult to design a
                      of Significant Cultural                    dwelling that would integrate into the
                      Value                                      local landscape and therefore the site may
        Section 13.26.9 sets out specific criteria               not be suitable for development.
        that is required to be considered for                    In addition to integration, the ability of
        developments that are in proximity to the                the landscape to absorb further
        Brú na Bóinne UNESCO World Heritage                      development of one-off housing should
        Site, the Tentative World Heritage Site of               also be taken into account. If there is an
        Monasterboice, and the Battle of the                     existing proliferation of one-off houses in
        Boyne Battlefield Sites.                                 the area, the local landscape may be at a
                                                                 point where any further development
        13.9.41       Site Selection                             would completely erode the rural
        When identifying a site for a rural                      character of the area.
        dwelling, it is recommended that an                      Evidence of over proliferation of housing
        appraisal of the subject site and its                    includes the number of existing dwellings
        surroundings be carried out. This includes               in the area, the extent of intermittent
        the physical features such as the                        views of dwellings, and the capacity of the
        topography of the site and surrounding                   local road network to accommodate
        area, soils, existing boundaries, prevailing             further development.
        wind direction and proximity to water                    Areas of the County where the character
        bodies. Other considerations include, the                of the countryside is under severe
        presence of any ecology or heritage                      pressure or being extensively eroded will
        features, how the site will be accessed,                 generally not be suitable for any further
        the extent and distance to which the                     development of one-off housing.
        development might be seen from public

        Table 13.6: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

        Reference                   Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
        AONB 1                      Carlingford and Feede Mountains
        AONB 2                      Clogherhead and Port Oriel

                               Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
Table 13.7: Areas of High Scenic Quality

Reference                    Area of High Scenic Quality (AHSQ)
AHSQ 1                       Feede Mountains and Cooley Area
AHSQ 2                       Monasterboice
AHSQ 3                       Boyne Valley/King Williams Glen
AHSQ 4                       Collon Uplands
AHSQ 5                       Dunany
AHSQ 6                       Ardee Bog

13.9.42        Ribbon Development
Ribbon development is a prevalent issue                It is not respectful of the traditional
in the County that is having a detrimental             settlement pattern, creates a built-up
impact on the character of the rural                   appearance thereby eroding the rural
landscape. The Sustainable Rural Housing               character and further fragmenting
Guidelines define ribbon development as                agricultural lands, reduces residential
five or more houses on any one side of a               amenity standards and can have an
given 250 metres of road frontage. Ribbon              impact on traffic safety.
development does not necessarily have to               Backland Development will only be
be served by individual accesses nor have              considered in Rural Policy Zones 1 and 2
a continuous or uniform building line.                 where the applicants’ site has been
Buildings sited back, staggered, or at                 owned by the family for at least 15 years
angles and with gaps between them can                  and the landholding is at least 1.5
still represent ribbon development, if they            hectares. Only one dwelling will be
have a common frontage or they are                     permitted per landowner. Any backland
visually linked.                                       development should be accompanied by a
In cases where a development would                     deed of right of way to the proposed
create or extend ribbon development, the               dwelling and must not have a negative
proposal will not be considered                        impact on traffic safety.
                                                       13.9.44     Visual Impact
13.9.43        Backland Development                                Assessments
The Council will not generally favour                  In some instances, the Planning Authority
proposals which involve development                    may request the preparation of a Visual
located to the rear of established                     Impact Assessment (VIA) particularly for
buildings, located along a private lane off            proposals within sensitive/prominent
public roads and which introduce a                     areas including Areas of Outstanding
piecemeal form of backland development.                Natural Beauty, Areas of High Scenic
This type of development results in a                  Quality, or along scenic routes, or
scattered arrangement of housing or                    development that may infringe upon
clustered to the rear of existing properties           protected views and/or prospects (see
and often long laneways to reach the                   Chapter 8 Natural Heritage, Biodiversity,
properties.                                            and Green Infrastructure).

                         Draft Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027
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