Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland - Egle Gusciute, Emma Quinn and Alan Barrett ESRI Research ...
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Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Egle Gusciute, Emma Quinn and Alan Barrett ESRI Research Series Number 49 November 2015
Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Egle Gusciute, Emma Quinn and Alan Barrett November 2015 RESEARCH SERIES NUMBER 49 Study completed by the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) which is financially supported by the European Union and the Irish Department of Justice and Equality. The EMN has been established via Council Decision 2008/381/EC. Available to download from ISBN 978-0-7070-0395-5 © The Economic and Social Research Institute Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
The European Migration Network The aim of the European Migration Network (EMN) is to provide up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum at Member State and EU levels with a view to supporting policymaking and informing the general public. The Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network, EMN Ireland, sits within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). The ESRI The Economic Research Institute was founded in Dublin in 1960, with the assistance of a grant from the Ford Foundation of New York. In 1966 the remit of the Institute was expanded to include social research, resulting in the Institute being renamed the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). In 2010 the Institute entered into a strategic research alliance with Trinity College Dublin, while retaining its status as an independent research institute. The ESRI is governed by an independent Council which acts as the board of the Institute with responsibility for guaranteeing its independence and integrity. The Institute’s research strategy is determined by the Council in association with the Director and staff. The research agenda seeks to contribute to three overarching and interconnected goals, namely, economic growth, social progress and environmental sustainability. The Institute’s research is disseminated through international and national peer reviewed journals and books, in reports and books published directly by the Institute itself and in the Institute’s working paper series. Researchers are responsible for the accuracy of their research. All ESRI books and reports are peer reviewed and these publications and the ESRI’s working papers can be downloaded from the ESRI website at The Institute’s research is funded from a variety of sources including: an annual grant-in-aid from the Irish Government; competitive research grants (both Irish and international); support for agreed programmes from government departments/agencies and commissioned research projects from public sector bodies. Sponsorship of the Institute’s activities by Irish business and membership subscriptions provide a minor source of additional income.
The Authors Egle Gusciute is Research Assistant and Emma Quinn is Head of the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). Alan Barrett is Director of the Economic and Social Research Institute. Acknowledgements In compiling this study valuable assistance was received from officials of the Economic Migration Policy Unit, the Employment Permit Operations Unit, and the Strategic Policy Division, all within the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, as well as representatives of the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS and the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs. Thanks are also due to the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland. We also acknowledge the useful comments and suggestions received from referees. Finally, thanks are due to our colleagues Elaine Byrne and Sarah Burns at the ESRI. We are grateful to everyone who shared their expertise with us for the purpose of writing this study. About this Report This European Migration Network Study aims to investigate the process in place in Ireland for identifying labour and skills shortages and how that information is used in labour migration policymaking. The report consists of information gathered for an overview, EU-level Synthesis Report on Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration from third countries in the EU. All national reports together with the synthesis report will be made available at ion_network/. The opinions presented in this report are those of the authors and do not represent the position of the Economic and Social Research Institute, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, the Department of Justice and Equality, the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit or the European Commission, Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs.
Table of Contents | i Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................ iii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................... iii ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. vi SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Objectives and Background to the Study .................................................................. 1 1.1.1 EU Context .................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2 Irish Context ................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Methodology and Key Terminology .......................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Key Terminology ........................................................................................... 6 SECTION 2 NATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR ECONOMIC MIGRATION POLICY ............................................................ 9 2.1 Institutional Framework............................................................................................ 9 2.1.1 The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs..................................................... 9 2.1.2 Skills and Labour Market Research Unit .................................................... 11 2.2 Legislative Framework ............................................................................................ 11 2.3 National Policy on Labour Migration ...................................................................... 12 2.3.1 Employment Permit System ....................................................................... 14 SECTION 3 MECHANISMS AND TOOLS USED TO IDENTIFY LABOUR AND SKILLS SHORTAGES ................................... 20 3.1 Definition and Classification of Labour and Skills Shortages .................................. 21 3.1.1 Classification of Labour and Skills Shortages ............................................. 22 3.1.2 National Skills Database ............................................................................. 23 3.2 Mechanisms in Place to Identify Labour and Skills Shortages ................................ 24 3.2.1 National Skills Bulletin ................................................................................ 25 3.2.2 Vacancy Overview ...................................................................................... 31 3.2.3 Sectoral Studies .......................................................................................... 34 3.3 Challenges in Identifying Labour and Skills Shortages ............................................ 36 SECTION 4 MANAGING ECONOMIC MIGRATION IN ORDER TO ADDRESS SHORTAGES ........................................... 39 4.1 Tools Used to Manage Economic Migration in Order to Address Shortages.......... 39 4.1.1 Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List ...................................................... 40
ii | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland 4.1.2 Ineligible Categories of Employment for Employment Permits ................. 42 4.1.3 50:50 Rule................................................................................................... 43 4.1.4 Labour Market Needs Test ......................................................................... 44 4.1.5 Other Relevant Supporting Measures and Tools ....................................... 45 4.2 Monitoring Outcomes and the Role of Social Partners .......................................... 46 4.2.1 The Role of Social Partners......................................................................... 46 4.3 Public Debate on National Policies ......................................................................... 48 SECTION 5 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 53 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 55 ANNEX 1 DEPARTMENT OF JOBS, ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATION ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE....................... 58 ANNEX 2 SAMPLE RECRUITMENT AGENCY SURVEY: SKILL SHORTAGES IN IRELAND ......................................... 59 ANNEX 3 HIGHLY SKILLED ELIGIBLE OCCUPATIONS LIST.............................................................................. 60 ANNEX 4 INELIGIBLE CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT FOR EMPLOYMENT PERMITS .......................................... 62 ANNEX 5 ADDITIONAL DATA ................................................................................................................. 69
List of Tables / Figures | iii List of Tables Table 1.1 Organisations/Departments Interviewed for the Study, 2015 ............................................5 Table 2.1 Members of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, 2015 ........................................... 10 Table 2.2 Overview of Employment Permit System in Ireland, 2015 .............................................. 15 Table 2.3 Employment Permits Issued, Renewed and Refused, 2014, by Permit Type................... 18 Table 2.4 New Employment Permits Issued (New and Renewed) by Nationality, 2013-2015 ........ 19 Table 3.1 Mechanisms Used to Identify Labour and Skills Shortages and Tools Used to Manage Labour Migration in Order to Address Shortages............................................................. 20 Table 3.2 Categories and Definitions of Shortages .......................................................................... 21 Table 3.3 Summary of Occupations with ‘High’ Levels of Shortages, 2014 ..................................... 28 Table 3.4 An Overview of Sectors and Occupations Experiencing Skill/Labour Shortages, 2014 .... 30 Table 3.5 Summary of Vacancies as Identified in the Vacancy Overview, 2014 .............................. 33 Table 3.6 Sectoral Studies, 2012-2015 ............................................................................................. 34 Table 4.1 Conditions and Features of Employment Permits, 2015 .................................................. 40 Table 4.2 Top Employers Issued with Employment Permits in 2014 ............................................... 47 Table 4.3 Selected Actions from Action Plan for Jobs 2015 – First Progress Report ........................ 50 Table A5.1 Employment Permits Issued, Renewed, Refused and Withdrawn, 2012-2014 ............... 69 Table A5.2 Persons Aged 15 Years and Over in Employment (ILO) Classified by Nationality and by NACE Rev.2 Economic Sector Q1 2015. ....................................................................... 70 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Employment Permits Issued (New and Renewed) by Sector, 2013-2015 ........................ 19 Figure 3.1 The Process of Producing the National Skills Bulletin ...................................................... 28 Figure 4.1 Review Process of the HSEOL ........................................................................................... 42
iv | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Abbreviations CSO Central Statistics Office DJE Department of Justice and Equality DJEI Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation DPS EP Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permit DSP Department of Social Protection DTF Difficult to Fill EEA European Economic Area EGFSN Expert Group on Future Skills Needs EMN European Migration Network EP Employment Permit EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment FTDL Freight, Transport, Distribution and Logistics GC Green Card HR Human Resources HSE Health Service Executive HSEOL Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List IBEC Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation ICEL Ineligible Categories of Employment List ICT Information and Communications Technology ICTU Irish Congress of Trade Unions ILO International Labour Organization INIS Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service Intra-CT Intra-Company Transfer ISCED International Standard Classification of Education ISME Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association LMNT Labour Market Needs Test LTR Long-term Residency MRCI Migrant Rights Centre Ireland NCP National Contact Point NMW National Minimum Wage
Abbreviations | v NSB National Skills Bulletin OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development QNHS Quarterly National Household Survey SLMRU Skills and Labour Market Research Unit RAS Recruitment Agency Survey SOC Standard Occupational Classification SOLAS Further Education and Training Authority SPD Strategic Policy Division TCN Third-Country National TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
vi | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Executive Summary Many EU Member States view labour migration as one part of a wider strategy to address labour shortages. Countries differ in the importance given to labour migration relative to other measures, such as market activation of the current resident population and reforming education and training opportunities (European Migration Network, 2015). In Ireland, while the primary goal of national policy is to create high-skilled jobs for the resident population, non-EEA immigration can allow for a speedy response to emerging skill shortages and an ongoing supply where the number of graduates remains below the number needed. Ireland’s approach to labour migration can be best understood in terms of broad economic policy: the State aims to support and attract investment that results in high value-added jobs and a skilled workforce must be available to meet the demand created by such investment. In addition Ireland tends to pursue Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in certain specific areas, such as ICT and pharmaceuticals, thereby creating employment demand in narrow occupations and fields. In order for this strategy to be successful, potential investors should not perceive or experience skills constraints; indeed if the State is seen to be proactively identifying and addressing shortages as they arise, it could support the policy objectives. In Ireland an employment permit is issued in respect of a non-EU national only after an offer of employment has been made. Approximately 69 per cent of new employment permits issued in 2014 were to professionals (Behan et al., 2015), illustrating the link between identified skills needs and Ireland’s employment permit system. This indicates that non-EEA nationals working in Ireland tend to be highly skilled and is consistent with previous research (Quinn and Gusciute, 2013). While the majority of EU Member States attempt to forge links between their economic migration policies and skills shortages, Ireland stands out for attempting to link almost all types of employment permits to identified labour market shortages (European Migration Network, 2015). Study Aims This study aims to investigate the process in place in Ireland for identifying labour and skills shortages, by providing an overview of the mechanisms and tools used for that purpose. The role of economic migration from outside the European
Executive Summary | vii Economic Area (EEA) in addressing such shortages is examined. The extent to which information on shortages guides labour migration policy is also discussed. This report is based on the Irish contribution to an EU-wide European Migration Network (EMN) study on Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration from third countries in the EU. A similar study has been undertaken by each EMN National Contact Point (NCP) and a synthesis report has been produced (See European Migration Network, 2015). Legislative and Institutional Framework for Economic Migration Policy In Ireland, employment permits are issued under a policy of meeting labour and skills needs from within the enlarged European Economic Area (EEA) as far as possible, while limiting non-EEA labour migration to that of the most highly skilled and hard to find workers. The employment permit system responds to labour and skills shortages by broadening and narrowing categories for eligible occupations. During periods of economic prosperity, the eligible occupation categories for non- EEA nationals are broadened, while during periods of economic downturn the categories are narrowed and other restrictions are applied. The process for using information on labour and skills shortages in labour migration policy formulation has recently become more formalised, with the enactment of the Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014. A Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL) and an Ineligible Categories of Employment List (ICEL) are now contained in secondary legislation under the amended Employment Permits Act 2006. 1 By underpinning the employment permit system in legislation, the 2014 Act also gave the Minister more clearly defined powers and therefore increased flexibility to adapt the system in response to changing economic conditions. The employment permit policy and associated procedures were revised in 2013 in order to address shortages in certain employment categories and to introduce a more user-friendly application process in order to attract highly skilled workers. From October 2014 there are nine types of employment permits (EPs) falling into the following categories: Critical Skills; Intra-Company Transfer (Intra-CT); Dependant/Partner/Spouse (DPS); General; Contract for Services; Reactivation; Internship; Sport and Cultural, and Exchange Agreements. In 2014, 5,495 employment permits (new and renewed combined) were issued, representing an approximate 42 per cent increase since 2013 when 3,863 permits were issued. 1 The lists were last amended 1 September 2015. S.I. No. 432 of 2015. Correspondence with Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (October 2015).
viii | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Employment permits designed to target skills shortages (Critical Skills Employment Permits and the pre-October 2014 equivalent ‘Green Cards’ combined) accounted for 33 per cent of all employment permits issued in 2014. Indian nationals accounted for 37 per cent of recipients in 2013, falling to 30 per cent in 2014. Nationals of Pakistan and the US also account for large proportions of recipients in recent years. The 2015 National Skills Bulletin indicated that the IT sector accounted for 43 per cent of all new employment permits issued in 2014, with a further quarter issued in respect of workers in the healthcare sector. Instruments and Tools Used to Identify Labour and Skills Shortages Labour and skills shortages in the Irish labour market are analysed at occupational level by the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU), SOLAS for the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN). The SLMRU maintains a National Skills Database which contains a range of quantitative information on demand and supply of skills and labour in Ireland. Each year the SLMRU publishes a National Skills Bulletin (NSB), which is a key source used by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (DJEI) to identify occupations to be included on the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL) and the Ineligible Categories of Employment Lists (ICEL). The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system (2010) is used by the SLMRU to code source data, insofar as possible. Both the HSEOL and the ICEL are also classified using SOC 2010. The SLMRU has worked with a range of data providers to have as many source datasets within the National Skills Database as possible also coded according to the SOC classification and significant progress has been made in this regard. The main outputs that are relevant to migration policy from the SLMRU are the National Skills Bulletin and the Vacancy Overview. The EGFSN also undertakes in- depth sectoral studies in order to identify current and future labour and skills requirements in specific sectors. Sectoral studies are also used by DJEI to complement the National Skills Bulletin and the Vacancy Overview to provide a more complete picture of the demand and supply of labour and skills in the Irish labour market. In order to compile the shortage lists published annually in the National Skills Bulletin, the SLMRU identifies 130 occupational groups as a basis for the analysis. A wide variety of data sources are used to cumulatively build a comprehensive picture of skill availability in each occupation category according to the following model:
Executive Summary | ix Replacement demand + expansion demand – number of jobseekers available – number of graduates available. Shortages are expressed as a proportion of total employment stock although quantification is avoided in general due to data constraints. Low refers to a shortage of less than 1 per cent of total employment stock; medium, a shortage of 1 per cent to 3 per cent; high, a shortage of less than 3 per cent. Although significant progress has been made in the accurate identification of skills and labour shortages in Ireland, certain challenges remain. In the context of a labour migration policy that prioritises labour migration from within the EEA, the fact that the NSB cannot be used to analyse the availability of skills within the EEA represents a constraint. Furthermore, data availability problems exist regarding the estimation of vacancies and the supply of graduates. The SLMRU has adopted a multi-layered approach in order to try to counteract such challenges, using a wide range of data in order to establish an overview of the Irish labour market. Tools Used to Manage Economic Migration in Order to Address Shortages Several tools are available to policymakers to manage economic migration and to target non-EEA immigration towards areas of shortage. The HSEOL and ICEL are used to ensure the employment permit system responds directly to identified labour and skills shortages or surpluses. Within this framework other instruments are employed to further refine the system, in particular the Labour Market Needs Test and the 50:50 Rule, along with supporting measures such as the Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permit; these are explained below. Occupations listed on the HSEOL are deemed to be both required for the proper functioning of the Irish economy and in short supply in relation to the required qualifications, experience or skills. Annual remuneration is also used as an indicator of level of skill and Critical Skills Employment Permits are available in all occupations, provided the occupation in question is not on the ICEL, once a minimum €60,000 threshold is reached. The HSEOL is mainly concerned with professional and associate professional grades. Lower skilled occupations generally do not feature on the list. The list focuses on short-term needs and is updated every six months after a ‘formalised evidence-based review process’ undertaken by DJEI. However DJEI stressed the importance of also incorporating a long-term, strategic approach in the process in order to avoid cutting across initiatives focussed on increasing domestic supply. The ICEL identifies occupations for which it is believed there are sufficient workers available from within the EEA. In general employment permits will not be issued
x | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland in respect of employment in occupations on this list, although exceptions exist. According to the 50:50 Rule an employment permit may not be issued for a non- EEA national unless at the time of application at least 50 per cent of the employees in a company are EEA nationals. In certain cases, for example in the case of start-ups supported by Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland, the requirement is waived for an initial period of two years. The Labour Market Needs Test (LMNT) is designed to ensure that employment opportunities are made available to Irish and EEA nationals in the first instance and only offered to non-EEA nationals when labour or skills needs cannot be met from within the EEA. Employers wishing to employ non-EEA nationals must show that the vacancy in question has been advertised for a specified period before a General Employment Permit or Contract for Services Employment Permit can be issued to/in respect of a non-EEA national. The LMNT is directly linked to identified skill shortages in that it is waived if the employment is in an occupation included on the HSEOL, or the annual remuneration attached is €60,000 or above. Instant family reunification is only available to Third Country Researchers 2 and holders of the Critical Skills employment permit as an incentive to relocate to Ireland. The Dependant/Partner/Spouse EP issued to such family members is also designed to support the attractiveness of Ireland as a location of employment for potential and current Critical Skills Employment Permit holders and Researchers. In addition, the Department of Justice and Equality has introduced the Highly Skilled Interview Permission, which allows non-EEA nationals to enter and remain in the State on a temporary basis in order to attend a job interview for a vacancy in an occupation identified on the HSEOL.3 It is now well established in Ireland that the employment permit system can allow for a quick response to emerging skill shortages and an ongoing response where the number of graduates remains below the number needed. The continued 2 The Third Country Researchers Directive (Council Directive 2005/71/EC) provides for a fast track procedure (Hosting Agreement) for admitting third-country nationals, (i.e. persons from countries outside of the European Economic Area) for a period of between three months to five years, to carry out a research project with an accredited research institution. See Innovation/Hosting-Agreement-Scheme. 3 Permission to enter and remain in the State on a temporary basis (up to a maximum of 90 days from date of arrival) will be granted to non-EEA nationals who have been invited by an employer based in the State to attend a job interview for eligible employment as identified on the Highly Skilled Occupations list. During this time period, successful interviewees may apply for an Employment Permit from DJEI and await the outcome of the application. See
Executive Summary | xi economic recovery may mean that shortages will be observed in greater number and in more occupations and sectors. In this context, the effective identification of labour shortages and the incorporation of this information to labour migration policy are important. This study indicates that significant improvements have been made in this regard in Ireland and that the employment permit system is increasingly linked to information on labour shortages and surpluses.
Introduction | 1 Section 1 Introduction Section 1 provides an introduction to the study, the scope of the discussion and its objectives. Relevant terminology is introduced and the methodology used to compile the study is discussed. 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The study aims to investigate the process in place in Ireland 4 to identify labour and skills shortages by providing an overview of mechanisms and tools used for that purpose. The role of economic migration, from outside the European Economic Area (EEA), in addressing such shortages is examined. The manner in which information on shortages is fed into labour migration policymaking is then discussed. The report is based on the Irish contribution to an EU-wide, European Migration Network (EMN) study on Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration from third countries in the EU. A similar study has been undertaken by each EMN National Contact Point (NCP) and a synthesis report has been produced (see European Migration Network, 2015). Consistent with the remit of the European Migration Network, this study is primarily concerned with labour migration from outside the EEA. 5 Data and information on EEA nationals, where relevant, are also provided for comparison purposes. The scope of the study includes all skills and qualification levels of non- EEA nationals and is not limited to highly-skilled migrants. In the context of the current discussion labour and skills shortages are not differentiated. The study is focussed on the mechanisms and tools in place to identify labour shortages and how that information is used in labour migration policymaking. Broader, related issues such as: the linkages between skills provision and labour market demand; skill mismatches and labour market imbalances; and the effects of skills shortages on productivity growth, are outside the scope of the study and are not discussed in depth. 4 Ireland refers to the Republic of Ireland, i.e. excluding Northern Ireland. 5 Established by way of Council Decision No 2008/381/EC of 14 May 2008, the EMN has the objective of providing EU and national authorities and institutions, as well as the general public, with up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum. In the context of EU Migration and Home Affairs policy, ‘migration’ refers exclusively to the migration of non-EU nationals. In Ireland, nationals of EEA states who are not EU members (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland) are treated similarly to EU nationals in terms of access to the labour market.
2 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland The structure of this study is as follows: Section 1 provides an introduction to the study, its objectives and scope. The methodology used is also set out in this section and key terminology is introduced. The institutional framework and relevant national legislation are described in Section 2. An overview of the employment permit system and national policy regarding labour migration is also provided in this section. Section 3 explores mechanisms and instruments used to identify labour and skills shortages in Ireland. Challenges in identifying labour and skills shortages are also considered in this section. Tools used to manage economic migration in order to address labour and skills shortages and associated public debate are considered in Section 4. Section 5 highlights some of the key findings. Additional information and data are provided in Annexes 1-5. 1.1.1 EU Context Various research studies have highlighted a number of future challenges likely to be faced by European societies. Demographic changes such as an ageing population and a shrinking labour force will impact significantly on the European labour market (Carrera et al., 2015). Population projections indicate that by 2050 the median age in Europe, on average, will reach 38 years of age while that of Africa will reach 26 years of age (OECD and European Union, 2014). It is also predicted that between 2013 and 2020 the working age population will decline by 2.2 per cent in the EU28 (OECD and European Union, 2014). In addition, factors such as rapid technological challenges and increased demand for highly-skilled labour will further affect the European labour market (Attström et al., 2014). While immigration alone is not sufficient to address demographic and labour challenges, it has a significant role to play in counterbalancing the effects of such challenges (OECD and European Union, 2014; European Migration Network, 2015). Research indicates that in the absence of migration, all EU Member States will face shortfalls within the total labour force, with the labour force decreasing by 7.4 per cent (Fargues and McCormick, 2013). 6 Current and future labour and skills shortages are not only due to demographic changes but also to the change in the type of skills that are in demand (OECD and European Union, 2014). Increased global completion for highly skilled workers and skill shortages, particularly in sectors such as IT, health care and engineering, will affect Europe’s economic prosperity and therefore its economic recovery 6 The study measures ageing and population shrinking within the working age population in the EU27 between 2010 and 2025, in the context of ‘no migration scenario’. In this scenario, between 2010 and 2025 the total labour force will decrease from 220,016,308 to 203,655,867 (7.4%). A no migration scenario refers to a situation where there is no immigration and no emigration. See Fargues and McCormick, 2013.
Introduction | 3 (European Commission, 2014). Labour and skills shortages are frequently cited by policymakers and employers as among the main reasons for the EU needing to attract foreign labour. 7 The European Agenda on Migration has highlighted the identification of labour and skills shortages and attraction of highly qualified and skilled third-country nationals as among the main priorities in legal migration in the EU (European Commission, 2015). 8 Many EU Member States view labour migration as one part of a wider strategy to address labour shortages, but countries differ in the importance placed on labour migration relative to other measures, such as market activation of the current resident population and reforming education and training opportunities (European Migration Network, 2015). 1.1.2 Irish Context In Ireland, the tasks of identifying skill shortages and using the immigration system, in part, to address such shortages is critical to the efficient functioning of the labour market. Unlike other European countries population ageing is not, as yet, an important driver. Instead, Ireland’s approach in this area can be best understood in terms of broader economic policy. For many years, a core feature of Ireland’s economic policy has been the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI). In the early days of this policy, less attention was paid to the types of jobs that were created and the focus was on employment creation, broadly defined. In more recent times, the authorities have been eager to attract FDI that results in high value-added 9 jobs in sectors such as ICT, science and manufacturing. Similar thinking is evident with regard to state assistance for jobs created by domestic enterprises. This policy also responds to the loss of lower value-added activities as a result of off-shoring to lower cost locations. Given the skills orientation of public policy towards job creation, it is important that a skilled workforce is available to meet the demand created by the sorts of foreign and domestic investment which the State is seeking to assist. This is true in a broad sense but it also applies to narrow occupations and fields. This point is especially important because Ireland tends to pursue FDI in certain specific areas such as ICT and pharmaceuticals, thereby creating employment demand for 7 See Europe 2020, European Commission, 2010. 8 The European Agenda on Migration identified four pillars to manage migration: 1) Reducing the incentives for irregular migration; 2) Border management – saving lives and securing external borders; 3) Europe's duty to protect: a strong common asylum policy and 4) A new policy on legal migration. See European Commission, 2015. 9 The difference between the total revenues of a firm, industry, etc., and its total purchases from other firms, industries, etc.
4 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland certain skills which can be large relative to the size of the domestic labour force. If the skills are not available, the full benefits of job-creating investments will not be realised. In addition, subsequent investment might be lost if investors perceive or experience skill shortages as being a constraint on the functioning of enterprises or affiliates. Extending this logic, an advantage for the State can possibly be gained in the competition for FDI if potential investors can be shown that the State tracks skill shortages and proactively seeks to address them. In the discussion that follows, the process used by the authorities in identifying skill shortages is set out. While the results from that process eventually feed into decisions on which skills and occupations are to be open for employment permit applications, the results are also used for planning purposes in the education and training sectors. The primary goal of policy is to create high-skilled jobs for the resident population. However, there is recognition that there is often a lag between the identification of a skill shortage, the transmission of this observation to the education and training system and the re-orientation of courses. The economic migration system, through the issuing of employment permits, can allow for a speedier response to emerging skill shortages and an ongoing response where the number of graduates remains below the number needed. In this way, the employment permit system can be seen as complementing the education and training system. While the majority of EU Member States attempt to forge links between their economic migration policies and skills shortages, Ireland stands out for attempting to link almost all types of employment permits to identified labour market shortages (European Migration Network, 2015). By way of illustrating the link between skills and Ireland’s employment permit system, it can be noted that approximately 69 per cent of new employment permits issued in 2014 were to professionals (Behan et al., 2015). This would indicate that non-EEA nationals working in Ireland tend to be highly skilled, a finding that is consistent with previous research (Quinn and Gusciute, 2013). The study showed that on average 21 per cent of non-EEA nationals were highly skilled in the EU27, 10 the proportion was much higher in Ireland (46 per cent); with only the UK (53 per cent) and Luxembourg (53 per cent) reporting higher proportions. (Quinn and Gusciute, 2013; European Migration Network, 2013). 11 10 Note that the data do not include Croatia. 11 Data were derived from the Labour Force Survey. In the case of Ireland, approximately 29,442 or 46 per cent of non-EEA nationals in employment were employed as managers, professionals and technicians and associate professionals (ISCO 1-3). Data for Luxembourg are of low reliability. See Quinn and Gusciute, 2013.
Introduction | 5 1.2 METHODOLOGY AND KEY TERMINOLOGY The information used to compile this report was gathered according to commonly agreed EMN specifications. Extensive desk research was undertaken at the outset of the study, including a review of existing academic literature on the issue. A range of international studies focussing on labour and skills shortages were used to provide the European context for this study. The National Skills Bulletin, Vacancy Overview and sectoral studies, produced by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, were key sources of information in relation to the Irish context. Previous EMN studies on economic migration and Government publications regarding economic policy were also consulted. Detailed information regarding employment permits and economic migration policy was gathered from the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation website. 12 The website of the Department of Justice and Equality was also consulted. 13 Media reports and parliamentary debates were examined for an overview of public debates regarding labour and skills shortages and economic migration. National data on employment permits were supplied by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and additional data were obtained from statistical tables available on the DJEI website. CSO statistical publications, mainly Earnings and Labour Costs Quarterly and the Quarterly National Household Survey, were also used. A number of organisations were interviewed as part of the study (see Table 1.1). TABLE 1.1 Organisations/Departments Interviewed for the Study, 2015 Follow up Organisation/Department Roundtable Interviews Economic Migration Policy Unit, Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation Employment Permit Operations, Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS Strategic Policy Division, Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation A roundtable meeting was convened with representatives from the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS; the Economic Migration Policy Unit, 12 See 13 See
6 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation and the Strategic Policy Division, 14 Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation. At the roundtable, the draft study was briefly presented and discussion followed. A roundtable format was chosen in order to gain a full understanding of the interplay and interactions between various actors. Prior to the roundtable, a brief overview of the study was sent to the participants and key questions and areas to be discussed were highlighted. In order to clarify more technical details, follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with representatives from the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS and the Economic Migration Policy Unit, Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation. A draft of the study was subsequently circulated to: the Economic Migration Policy Unit (DJEI); the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, SOLAS; the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS); and an NGO, the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI). Further information and comments were incorporated as appropriate. 1.2.1 Key Terminology Key definitions used in this study are derived from various sources; mostly from previous EMN studies and the Asylum and Migration Glossary (European Migration Network, 2014). Where possible agreed definitions are used in order to facilitate comparison across the EU Member States, however, some terms are specific to the Irish context. Definitions related to economic migration and labour and skills shortages provided in this section reflect the terminology used at EU and international levels. Variations used in the Irish context are also indicated and used throughout the report. Where different terms are used interchangeably throughout the study, this is specified in the definitions provided below. Abbreviations used throughout the report are provided at the front of this report. 14 Formerly Forfás. Forfás was the national policy advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation in Ireland. The agency was dissolved on 1 August 2014 when its policy functions were integrated with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. See Are/Department-Structure/Strategic-Policy-Division/Strategic-Policy-Division.html.
Introduction | 7 Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List is a list of occupations which are experiencing labour or skill shortages in respect of qualifications, experience or skills and which are required for the proper functioning of the Irish economy.15 Ineligible Categories of Employment for Employment Permits is a list of occupations in respect of which an employment permit shall not be granted in Ireland. 16 Intra-corporate transferee refers to a third-country national subject to a temporary secondment from an undertaking established outside the territory of a Member State and to which the third-country national is bound by a work contract to an entity belonging to the undertaking or to the same group of undertakings which is established inside this territory (European Migration Network, 2014). In the Irish context, third-country nationals who fall into this category of workers are referred to as intra-company transferees. Labour market test is a mechanism used to support the policy of admitting migrant workers only after employers have unsuccessfully searched for national workers, EU citizens (in EU Member States this also means EEA workers), or legally residing third-country nationals with access to the labour market according to national legislation (European Migration Network, 2014). In the Irish context this is referred to as the Labour Market Needs Test (LMNT). Labour migration is the movement of persons from one state to another, or within their own country of residence, for the purpose of employment (European Migration Network, 2014). In this study the terms labour migration and economic migration are used interchangeably. Labour shortage refers to a situation in which there is a shortage or an insufficient number of individuals willing or available to take up employment opportunities in a particular occupation (Behan et al., 2013). Long-term resident is a third-country national who has long-term resident status as provided under Articles 4 to 7 of Council Directive 2003/109/EC or as provided for under national legislation (European Migration Network, 2014). Ireland has 15 See Eligibility/Highly-Skilled-Eligible-Occupations-List/#sthash.wW8b8JX0.dpuf. 16 See Eligibility/Ineligible-Categories-of-Employment/#sthash.ielFWP11.dpuf.
8 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland not opted in to this Directive and long-term residency (LTR) currently falls under an administrative scheme of the Department of Justice and Equality. Any person who has been legally resident in Ireland for a minimum of five years on the basis of an employment permit may apply for LTR. 17 Replacement demand can be defined as employment resulting from the departures of employees that have to be filled by new workers due to retirement, withdrawal from the labour market temporarily or due to disability or illness etc. (Willems and De Grip, 1993). Skills shortage refers to a situation in which there is a shortage or an insufficient number of trained/qualified individuals in the domestic market to meet the demand for an occupation (Behan et al., 2013). Standard Occupational Classification system (SOC 2010) is a system which classifies workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation uses the SOC system to organise the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List and the Ineligible Categories of Employment for Employment Permits List. 18 Third-country national is any person who is not a citizen of the European Union within the meaning of Article 20 (1) of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and who is not a person enjoying the EU right to free movement as defined in Article 2(5) of the Schengen Borders Code (European Migration Network, 2014). In this study the terms third-country national (TCN) and non-EEA national are used interchangeably. 50:50 Rule is a requirement which states that an employment permit (new or renewal) cannot be issued in Ireland unless at the time of application at least 50 per cent of the employees in a firm are EEA nationals. This requirement may be waived in certain circumstances (Gusciute et al., 2015). 19 17 See 18 See Eligibility/Highly-Skilled-Eligible-Occupations-List. 19 See also
National Framework for Economic Migration Policy | 9 Section 2 National Framework for Economic Migration Policy Section 2 provides an overview of the Irish immigration system in relation to labour migration from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The institutional framework and national legislation are described. The national policy regarding labour migration and the employment permit system are outlined in order to provide context for the discussion on mechanisms used to identify labour and skills shortages and mechanisms used to manage economic migration, which are described in later sections (see Sections 3 and 4, respectively). 2.1 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The principal government department with responsibility for developing economic migration policy is the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (DJEI). 20 The DJEI is organised into six Divisions which are further subdivided into units (see Annex 1, for the organisational structure of the DJEI). DJEI policy development is informed by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) along with other stakeholders. The Employment Permits Section within the Labour Affairs Division of DJEI administers the employment permit system. The Strategic Policy Division (SPD) within the DJEI is focused on evaluating, designing and executing enterprise and jobs strategies. The SPD co-ordinates the development of the Action Plan for Jobs within DJEI and supports the work of the EGFSN. 21 2.1.1 The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) 22 was established in 1997 and advises the Government on the current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth. Its main role is to ensure that labour market needs for 20 See 21 See n.html. 22 See
10 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland skilled workers are anticipated and met. The EGFSN members comprise representatives of business, employees, education, government departments and state agencies (see Table 2.1). The main function of the Group is to provide advice to the Irish Government on issues related to skills needs through: • Skills foresight and benchmarking • Strategic advice on building skills through education and training • Data collection and analysis of demand and supply of skilled labour • Influencing and monitoring implementation. The EGFSN publishes a National Skills Bulletin (NSB) once a year which provides an overview of developments in the Irish labour market at occupational level. The Group also publishes a regular Vacancy Overview and sectoral studies as required (see Section 3). The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation provides the EGFSN with research and secretariat support. TABLE 2.1 Members of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, 2015 Members Government Departments and Agencies Department of Education and Skills Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Enterprise Ireland IDA Ireland Skillnets SOLAS Education Cork Institute of Technology Higher Education Authority Institute of Guidance Counsellors Irish Universities Association National Adult Literacy Agency Industry Cook Medical I.C.E. Group Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC) Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ISME) Openet Trade Union ICTU Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Source: National Skills Bulletin 2015 (Behan et al., July 2015).
National Framework for Economic Migration Policy | 11 2.1.2 Skills and Labour Market Research Unit The Skills and Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU) within the Further Education and Training Authority (SOLAS) 23 provides the EGFSN with data, analysis and (primarily quantitative) research and manages the National Skills Database (see Section 3.1.2). The work of the group informs the selection of new targeted programmes (for example the initiatives such as Momentum, Springboard and the ICT skills conversion programme) designed to address skills shortages in particular economic sectors. 24 The EGFSN analysis of the labour market informs and provides evidence to the Employment Permits section of DJEI. The Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL) and the Ineligible Categories of Employment List (ICEL) are drawn up largely on the basis of this evidence (see Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2).25 2.2 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK The employment permit system in Ireland rests on three main pieces of legislation: 26 the Employment Permits Act 2003, the Employment Permits Act 2006 and the Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014. Applications for employment permits are processed in accordance with the Employment Permits Act 2006, as amended by the Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014 and associated regulations. The amended 2006 Act sets out the procedures relating to the application, grant, refusal and revocation of employment permits. 27 In general all non-EEA nationals require an employment permit in order to take up employment in the State, but certain exceptions apply (see Table 2.2 for different types of employment permits). 28 23 See 24 Dáil Éireann Debate, (Unrevised), Written Answer No. 47 ‘Skills Shortages’ (24 January 2013). 25 See 26 Note that the legislative basis for the employment permits regime in Ireland is set out in the Employment Permits Acts 2003 and 2006 as amended by the Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014, the European Union (Accession of the Republic of Croatia) (Access to the Labour Market) Act 2013, the Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014 and S.I. No. 682 of 2006, S.I. No. 430 of 2014 and S.I. No. 432 of 2014, S.I. 172 of 2015 and S.I. 349 of 2015. 27 See 28 In the following cases an employment permit is not required: i. Van der Elst Visa holders; ii. Non-EEA nationals who have been granted permission to remain in the State as a spouse or a dependant of an Irish/EEA national or as the parent of an Irish national; iii. Non-EEA nationals who have been granted temporary leave to remain in the State on humanitarian grounds, having been in the asylum process; iv. Non-EEA nationals who have been granted an explicit permission from the Department of Justice and Equality to remain resident and employed in the State; v. Non-EEA students who are permitted to work 20 hours during term-time and 40 hours during holiday periods; vi. Non-EEA nationals who have been granted permission to remain in the State under the terms of the Diplomatic Relations and Immunities Act 1967, and are assigned to a Mission of a country with whom the Government has entered into a Working Dependants Agreement; vii. Swiss Nationals in accordance with the terms of the European Communities and Swiss Confederation Act, 2001.
12 | Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland The Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014 now provides inter alia for new types of permits, and additional criteria and rules for determining whether or not to grant applications for permits. DJEI noted that by underpinning the employment permit system in legislation, the Act gives the Minister more clearly defined powers and therefore increased flexibility to adapt the system in response to changing economic conditions. 29 Central to the current discussion is the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL), which is now contained in secondary legislation made under the amended 2006 Act. 30 Section 15(1)(d) of the Employment Permits Act 2006 as amended sets out the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation’s responsibilities regarding the estimation of skills shortages: the Minister must consider whether, in his or her opinion ...there is likely to be, during the relevant period, a shortage or surplus in respect of qualifications or skills falling within paragraph (c), an estimate as best the Minister may make (and which estimate the Minister is, by virtue of this section, required to make) of what the extent of that shortage or surplus will be. The Employment Permits Regulations 2014-2015 31 set out at Schedule 3 Employments in respect of which there is a shortage in respect of qualifications, experience or skills which are required for the proper functioning of the economy. Schedule 4 sets out ‘Employments in respect of which an employment permit shall not be granted’. The Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL) and the Ineligible Categories of Employment List (ICEL) replicate Schedules 3 and 4 respectively. 2.3 NATIONAL POLICY ON LABOUR MIGRATION In 2005 a study entitled Skills Needs in the Irish Economy: The Role of Migration was submitted by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) and Forfás 32 to 29 Communication with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, May 2015. 30 S.I. No. 432 of 2014. DJEI, Roundtable meeting, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, May 2015. 31 S.I. No. 349 of 2015 is the most up-to-date version of Schedules 3 and 4. Regulations may be consulted at 32 Forfás acted as Secretariat of the EGFSN. In 2014 it was subsumed into the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and is now called the Strategic Policy Unit.
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