Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker

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Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker

                                                       Jeongseok Hyun1 *    Myunggu Kang2         Dongyoon Wee2      Dit-Yan Yeung1
                                                       1                                                   2
                                                         Hong Kong University of Science and Technology      Clova AI, NAVER Corp.

arXiv:2205.00968v1 [cs.CV] 2 May 2022

                                            Joint object detection and online multi-object tracking
                                        (JDT) methods have been proposed recently to achieve one-
                                        shot tracking. Yet, existing works overlook the importance
                                        of detection itself and often result in missed detections when
                                        confronted by occlusions or motion blurs. The missed detec-
                                        tions affect not only detection performance but also track-
                                        ing performance due to inconsistent tracklets. Hence, we
                                        propose a new JDT model that recovers the missed detec-
                                        tions while associating the detection candidates of consec-
                                        utive frames by learning object-level spatio-temporal con-
                                        sistency through edge features in a Graph Neural Network
                                        (GNN). Our proposed model Sparse Graph Tracker (SGT)
                                        converts video data into a graph, where the nodes are top-
                                        K scored detection candidates, and the edges are relations              Figure 1. Three pedestrians are detected with their detection scores
                                                                                                                above the detection threshold (e.g., 0.5) at t1, but the green box is
                                        between the nodes at different times, such as position differ-
                                                                                                                missed at t2 due to its low confidence score (0.1) caused by partial
                                        ence and visual similarity. Two nodes are connected if they             occlusion. Our model associates top-K scored detections candi-
                                        are close in either a Euclidean or feature space, generat-              dates (e.g., 6), instead of the detections above the threshold. GNN
                                        ing a sparsely connected graph. Without motion prediction               outputs edge features which are higher-order relational features
                                        or Re-Identification (ReID), the association is performed by            considering neighboring edges. These edge features are effective
                                        predicting an edge score representing the probability that              in associating the objects correctly as shown in the red lines which
                                        two connected nodes refer to the same object. Under the                 are the positive edges. Then, the missed detection (the green box)
                                        online setting, our SGT achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA)                is recovered in an association step.
                                        on the MOT17/20 Detection and MOT16/20 benchmarks in
                                        terms of AP and MOTA, respectively. Especially, SGT sur-
                                        passes the previous SOTA on the crowded dataset MOT20                   (E2E) jointly trainable detection and tracking (JDT) meth-
                                        where partial occlusion cases are dominant, showing the ef-             ods are proposed in [2, 9, 30, 37, 42, 47, 60, 63]. However, all
                                        fectiveness of detection recovery against partial occlusion.            these methods only use the positive detections which confi-
                                        Code will be released at                 dence score is above a detection threshold value for associ-
                                                                                                                ation. Partial occlusion as shown by the green box in Figure
                                                                                                                1 results in the missed detection that the confidence score of
                                                                                                                true detection is below the detection threshold. Such missed
                                        1. Introduction                                                         detections consequently lead to inconsistent trajectory of
                                           Tracking-by-detection (TBD) is a dominant framework                  tracklets due to frequent disconnections. Accordingly, find-
                                        for multi-object tracking (MOT) that detects objects and as-            ing the detection threshold that achieves the best trade-off
                                        sociates them across frames in a video. Initially, two-stage            between false positives and true positives is crucial.
                                        models are proposed based on two or three separate models                  Online MOT methods are required to output tracklets at
                                        for detection and association (i.e., tracking) [5, 6, 36, 44, 49,       every timestep; thus, missed detections should be recovered
                                        52, 56, 65], but the performance is sub-optimal, and the in-            in an online manner as well. Existing works utilize tempo-
                                        ference speed is slow. To address these issues, end-to-end              ral cues based on previous frames to reduce missed detec-
                                                                                                                tions. Chained-Tracker [37] and CenterTrack [63] use extra
                                           * The   work was partially done during an intern at Clova AI.        convolution layers with input of two consecutive frames.

Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
GSDT [46], CorrTracker [45], and TransTrack [43] propose              [30], and JDE [47] extend object detectors Faster-RCNN
using GNN [32], correlation layer [15], and transformer               [39], RetinaNet [28], and YOLOv3 [38], respectively, to
[66] to enhance the features for detection and tracking, re-          JDT models by appending a ReID branch to the detector.
spectively. These methods are effective in reducing missed            FairMOT [60] improves this method by applying an anchor-
detection, but they still have an issue that low-confident true       free detector, CenterNet [64].
detections are excluded from association, leading to missing             However, CSTrack [26] points out that the objectives of
tracklets.                                                            detection and ReID are conflicting, and proposes a cross-
   In an association stage, existing online MOT works uti-            correlation network that learns task-specific features. Re-
lize pairwise relational features between two detections,             cently, RelationTrack [54] developed this line of works by
such as the similarity of appearance features [26, 30, 45–47,         learning more discriminative ReID features by consider-
54, 60], the center distance [63], and the Intersection over          ing the relation between objects in an image. Similarly,
Union (IoU) score [43]. These features reflect only the rela-         GSDT [46] improves the features by spatio-temporal rela-
tions between two objects and are not discriminative enough           tional modeling through GNN. CorrTracker [45], which is
for accurate matching in a crowded scene. Extra tracking              the current SOTA model, fuses the correlation in spatial and
components such as a motion predictor (e.g., Kalman fil-              temporal dimensions to the image features at multiple pyra-
ter [4], or a learnable offset head [63]) are commonly em-            mid levels.
ployed to improve online MOT performance. On the con-                 JDT by motion prediction. D&T [17] and CenterTrack
trary, we jointly use all these pairwise relational features          [63] introduce object motion prediction to MOT model.
to initialize edge features and update them to higher-order           While D&T uses correlation between feature maps of two
(multi-hop) relational features by aggregating the features           consecutive frames, CenterTrack adds the feature maps and
of neighboring nodes and edges through GNN. Without a                 an object heatmap of the previous frame. Chained-Tracker
motion predictor, the higher-order relational features are            [37] concatenates feature maps of consecutive frames and
strong enough to match tracklets with the current frame’s             predicts paired boxes in two frames. TraDeS [50] predicts
(It2 ) top-K scored detections including low-scored detec-            the offset of objects between two consecutive frames based
tions. Originally missed detection due to low confidence              on a cost volume which is computed by a similarity of ReID
score is recovered in association by edge classification as           features of the frames. TransTrack [43] is a transformer-
shown in Figure 1.                                                    based model that propagates previous frame’s tracklets to
   The main contributions of this work are as follows:                the coordinates in current frame and matches with current
     1. Sparse Graph Tracker (SGT) is a new MOT model                 frame’s detections by IoU score.
         that recovers missed detections in an online manner          Comparison. Our SGT is also a JDT model based on Cen-
         while matching detection candidates of consecutive           terNet [64]. Compared with others using pairwise relations
         two frames.                                                  (e.g., IoU or cosine similarity of ReID features), SGT ex-
     2. SGT is a graph-based online MOT model that per-               ploits edge features, which are higher-order relational fea-
         forms both short-term and long-term association in           tures generated through GNN, to solve tracking as an edge
         a single step without relying on a motion predictor          classification as shown in Figure 1.
         (e.g., Kalman filter [4]).
     3. SGT achieves MOTA of 76.7/76.3/72.8% while run-               2.2. Graph-based Multi-object Tracking
         ning at 23.0/23.0/19.9 FPS using a single V100 GPU
                                                                          A graph is an effective way to represent relational in-
         in the MOT16/17/20 benchmarks, respectively. SGT
                                                                      formation, and GNN learns higher-order relational infor-
         shows a large improvement in the MOT20 bench-
                                                                      mation through a message passing process that propagates
         mark which is vulnerable to missed detections due
                                                                      and aggregates neighboring features. STRN [52] is an on-
         to crowded scenes.
                                                                      line MOT method with a spatio-temporal relation network
                                                                      that consists of a spatial relation module and a temporal re-
2. Related works                                                      lation module. TNT [44] builds a graph using each short
2.1. JDT Methods                                                      tracklet as a vertex and predicts the connectivity score be-
                                                                      tween tracklets so that fragmented tracklets are connected.
    Joint object detection and multi-object tracking (JDT)            MPNTrack [6] adopts a message passing network [18] with
became a principal methodology for MOT due to its sim-                time-aware node update module to solve MOT problem by
plicity and performance. Recently proposed JDT methods                exploiting both node and edge features from a batch of
fall into two categories: (1) jointly training of the detection       frames. LPCMOT [11] generates and scores tracklet pro-
and ReID tasks in a single image, and (2) predicting the              posals based on a set of frames and detections using a Graph
motion between consecutive frames.                                    Convolution Network (GCN) [22]. These models are either
JDT by ReID. Siamese Track-RCNN [42], RetinaTrack                     not JDT or not online methods.

Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
GSDT [46] is the first work that applies a GNN in an               to nit1 without duplicates. The connections are bidirectional
online JDT method; however, a graph does not have edge                so that both Nt1 and Nt2 update their features. The visual
features and the GNN is limited to only enhancing the node            features of the detection candidates and the relational fea-
features reflecting spatio-temporal relations. In contrast,           tures between them are used as the features of nodes (V )
our SGT uses edge features for tracking with top-K detec-             and edges (E), respectively.
tions and recovers the missed detections which confidence                 To include detection candidates, we can introduce an
score is lower than the threshold.                                    extra low threshold value, τlow , as an alternative to using
                                                                      top-K scored detection candidates. Although it can also
2.3. Online Detection Recovery                                        achieve good performance as shown in Appendix, such de-
   ByteTrack [59] and OMC [27] are concurrent works                   tection threshold value is sensitive to the detector’s score
sharing our motivation and performing an online detection             distribution. As a result, using τlow requires careful cali-
recovery. In ByteTrack [59], the unmatched tracklets are              bration for different datasets. In contrast, top-K method is
matched with low-scored detections, which score is be-                robust to such issues as it is not affected by the score dis-
tween the original detection threshold (τD ) and a new intro-         tribution. Since K is the maximum number of objects that
duced threshold (τDlow ), using IoU. OMC [27] uses cross-             the model can detect, we set K to be sufficiently larger than
correlation between ReID features of previous tracklets and           the maximum number of people in the dataset (e.g., 100 in
feature map of current frame to recover missed detections.            MOT16/17; 300 in MOT20). In Table 7, we experimentally
Both works conduct detection recovery after or before as-             show the robustness of K values.
sociation using pairwise relational features, but SGT inte-               Some tracklets fail to connect for a duration when they
grates it in an association step exploiting edge features.            are invisible due to full occlusion. These missing tracklets
                                                                      are cached for a certain period (max age ) and used in long-
3. Sparse Graph Tracker                                               term association. Existing MOT works [5, 45, 47, 50, 60]
                                                                      usually apply the motion predictor (e.g., Kalman filter [4])
3.1. Overall Architecture                                             to the missing tracklets, and then match with the new de-
   Figure 2 shows the architecture of SGT. While vari-                tections. In SGT, they are appended to Nt1 and association
ous image backbones and object detectors can be flexibly              can be performed in a graph without the motion predictor.
adopted, we experiment based on CenterNet [64] with a                 Also, we introduce min age which is the minimum length
variant of the DLA-34 backbone [55] which is used in our              of the missing tracklets to be cached. When min age = 10,
baseline model, FairMOT [60]. Following [60], we mod-                 the missing tracklets which were successfully matched for
ify CenterNet such that the box size predictor outputs left,          at least 10 frames are included in the graph.
right, top, and bottom sizes (sl , sr , st , sb ) from a center       Graph Neural Network updates the features of nodes (V )
point of an object instead of its width and height. Cen-              and edges (E) in the graph through a message passing pro-
terNet is a point-based object detector that predicts objects         cess, as shown in Figure 3, that propagates the features to
at every pixel of a feature map. The score predictor out-             the neighboring nodes and edges and then aggregates those
puts a heatmap which is denoted as Bscore ∈ RHh ×Hw ×1 ,              features. By iterating this process, V now contain features
where Hh and Hw are height and width of the feature                   of both the neighboring nodes and edges and E indirectly
map. The output from the box size predictor is denoted as             aggregates the features of other edges which are connected
Bsize ∈ RHh ×Hw ×4 . The box offset predictor adjusts the             to the same node. Further iteration allows the edges to have
center coordinates of objects using Bof f ∈ RHh ×Hw ×2 .              higher-order (multi-hop) edge features. Initial edge features
At frame T , CenterNet finally outputs detections DT =                represent the pairwise relation of two detection candidates;
(ST , BT ), where ST ∈ RH−h×Hw ×1 is the detection score              however, updated edge features represent the higher-order
(Bscore ) and BT ∈ RHh ×Hw ×4 composed of the top-left                relation of neighboring detection candidates. More details
and bottom-right coordinates of the boxes.                            can be found in Section 3.2.
Sparse Graph Builder takes top-K scored detection can-                Edge Classifier is a FC layer that predicts the edge score
didates from each frame (It1 and It2 ) and sets them as the           (ES) from the updated edge features. The edge score is
nodes of a graph (Nt1 and Nt2 ). In the inference phase, the          the probability that the connected detection candidates at
previous timestep’s Nt2 will be the current timestep’s Nt1 .          t1 and t2 refer to the same object. Since nit1 is connected
We sparsely connect Nt1 and Nt2 if they are close in either           to many nodes at t2, we use the Hungarian algorithm [23]
a Euclidean or feature space. Specifically, nit1 ∈ Nt1 is con-        for optimal matching based on the edge score matrix. As
nected to Nt2 with three criteria: 1) small distance between          a result, nit1 has only one edge score which is optimally
their center coordinates; 2) high cosine similarity between           assigned. Then, the edge threshold (τE ) is used for deciding
their features; 3) high IoU score. For each criterion, the            a positive or negative edge. The yellow box shown in Figure
given number of Nt2 (e.g., 10) are selected to be connected           2 is the recovered detection that n3t2 is negative due to its

Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
Figure 2. Schematic of SGT. (S1) Top-K scored detections and their features are extracted from It1 and It2 . The red boxes are positive
detections which score above the detection threshold (τD ) while the white boxes are top-K scored detections but below τD . (S2) A sparse
graph is built, where a node, niT ∈ NT (i ∈ [1, K]), is a detection candidate of frame T = {t1, t2} and an edge (ei,j ) is a connection
between nit1 and njt2 . The red nodes are positive detections. The green nodes are the tracklets that are missed until t1 and are appended to
Nt1 . (S3) GNN updates the features of nodes and edges to become higher-order by aggregating neighboring features. (S4) The edge score
of the red line (a positive edge) is above the edge threshold (τE ) while the green line represents a negative edge. The yellow node (n3t2 )
is an example of detection recovery. It was previously negative detection due to its low score, but it becomes a positive detection with the
help of a positive edge. (S5) The recovered detection (n3t2 ) in S4 is verified by the node score. If the node score is below the node threshold
(τN ), it is regarded as a false positive and is filtered out. Otherwise, the node is recovered and hence can be successfully detected which is
shown by the yellow node becoming red.

low detection score, but its connected node, n1t1 , and edge
(e1,3 ) are positive.
Node Classifier is a FC layer that prevents incorrect detec-
tion recovery by predicting the node score (N S) from the
updated node features. If the recovered detection’s node
score is below the node threshold (τN ), we decide not to
recover it, thus the node stays negative. Otherwise, we con-
firm recovery of the missed detection and the node becomes
positive as shown by n3t2 in Figure 2.

3.2. Graph Construction and Update
   Designing the node and edge features is crucial for
graphs. Here, we use a FC layer, layer normalization [1]
and ReLU activation function as a basic FC block.                                                 Figure 3. In GNN, the message passing process updates node and
Initial node features. Contrary to the graph-based MOT                                            edge features in two steps. Firstly, initial edge features (E 0 ) are
works using ReID features of detected objects [6, 48, 52],                                        updated to E 1 containing the features of connected two nodes (Vt10
SGT exploits the image backbone’s visual features (H)                                             and Vt20 ). Secondly, initial node features (V 0 ) are updated to V 1
which are shared for the detection task and jointly trained.                                      containing the features of connected nodes (V 0 ) and edges (E 1 )
Initial edge features. We denote an edge feature as eli,j ,                                       which are already updated in the first step. For simplicity, we omit
                                                                                                  the bidirectional connection and show only few edges.
where i and j are the starting and ending node indices
respectively, and l indicates iteration. Inspired by MPN-
Track [6], SGT initializes high-dimensional edge features
as Figure 1.                                                                                      edge features are direction-aware, two edges connecting the
                  h                                                               i
                                                                                                  same nodes but reversely will have different features con-
  e0i, j = fenc                              wi
                    xi − xj , yi − yj , log( w j
                                                 ), log( hhji ), IoU i, j , Simi, j ,   (1)       sidering different relations (e.g., t1 → t2 and t2 → t1).
                                                                                                  Vt1 and Vt2 are updated on two different MLPs with these
where [·] is a concat operator, x and y are the center co-                                        different edge features. After updating in GNN, these bidi-
ordinates, h and w are the height and width of a bounding                                         rectional edge features are averaged to predict a single edge
box, and fenc refers to two FC blocks. As the initialized                                         score.

Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
Initial graph, shown in the left of Figure 3, is denoted                  (x̂il , ŷti , x̂ir , ŷbi ), GT size b̂isize = (ŝil , ŝir , ŝit , ŝib ) is computed
by G0 = {V 0 , E 0 }, where E 0 = {e0i,j | 1 ≤ i, j ≤                     by the difference between center coordinates (ĉix , ĉiy ) =
                                                              0               x̂il +x̂ir ŷti +ŷbi
2K S    + |Vmiss
              S |}0 is a set of initial edge features and V =             (                           and b̂i . Each GT size b̂isize is assigned to
   0        0                                                                      2 ,        2 )
Vt1 Vt2 Vmiss is a set of initial node features at t1, t2,                                                                                                             ĉix
and missing tracklets.                                                    the prediction bxy
                                                                                          size ∈ Bsize , where (x, y) = (b                                              4 c, b 4 c).
                                                                                                                              ĉi             ĉi      ĉi              ĉ i
Update in node and edge features. Figure 3 describes two                  Each GT offset (ôx , ôy ) = ( 4x − b 4x c, 4y −                                           b 4y c) is as-
steps to update the features of nodes and edges during the                signed to the prediction bxy of f . Then, l1 loss is used to
message passing process in GNN. The initial edge features                 compute Lsize and Lof f . For training the score head, GT
e0i, j , shown in the left side of the graph, are pairwise rela-          heatmap M xy ∈ RHh ×Hw ×1 is generated by the Gaussian
tional features considering only the two connected nodes at               kernel as Eq. 5.
t1 and t2 (direction i → j).
                                                                                                            ND                      ĉi                ĉi
     In Step 1 of Figure 3, the edge features are updated as                                                                (x−b      x   c)2 )+(y−b         c)2 )
                                                                                             M xy =                                                                                (5)
                                                                                                                  exp(−              4
Eq. 2.                                                                                                      i=1

              eli, j = fe vil−1 , vjl−1 , e0i, j , el−1
                                                    i, j    ,   (2)       where ND is the number of GT object and σd is computed
                                                                          by width and height of each object [24]. Lscore is com-
where fe refers to two FC blocks, l is the number of itera-
                                                                          puted as the pixel-wise logistic regression with the penalty-
tions (l ∈ [1, Niter ]), vi is the features of node i, and vil−1
                                                                          reduced focal loss [28].
indicates the node features of the previous iteration. There-
                                                                          Association loss. Our association loss is the weighted sum
fore, the current state of the two connected nodes, initial and
                                                                          of the edge and node classification losses as Eq. 6.
current edge features are concatenated and passed to fe to
update edge features as eli, j . Initial edge features (e0i,j ) are                            LA = wedge Ledge + wnode Lnode                                                      (6)
concatenated every iteration to prevent the over-smoothing
issue in GNN [34]. Although we use the shared MLPs (fe )                  In SGT, the edge and node classifiers output the edge and
for the edges of two different directions, the edge features              node scores (ES and N S), respectively. Ledge and Lnode
of the opposite direction may not be the same since their                 are computed on these scores with the focal loss [28]. Since
edge features are encoded in a direction-aware manner.                    it is difficult to assign GT labels to the edges connecting the
   In Step 2 of Figure 3, node j aggregates the features of               background patches, we exclude them in Ledge as Eq. 7.
the connected nodes and edges as Eq. 3.                                                             (
                                                      !                                 1     X FL(ES i,j , ey ), if ny = 1 or ny = 1;
                         1 X                                                                                       i,j        i           j
                                          l−1 l                        Ledge =
       vj = fvout        l |
                                  fvenc vi , ei, j       , (3)                        NE +           0                   otherwise,
                      |E:,j    i
                                                                                             e ∈E     i,j
where fvout is an FC block, |E:,j   | is the number of edges              where NE + is the number of GT edges which at least one
connected to the node j, fvenc refers to two FC blocks, eli j             of the endpoints is positive, E is a set of edges in G, FL is
is the updated edge features in Step 1 (Eq. 2) and vil−1 is               the focal loss, edge in direction of t1 → t2, ey i,j is the GT
the features of starting node. We suppose the index of Nt2 is             label of edge connecting the nodes ni and nj , and ny i is the
from 1 to K and Nt1 is from K + 1 to 2K + |Vmiss |. When                  GT label of ni . We compute Lnode only on the node scores
i > j, ei j is the edge features with direction of t1 → t2.               at t2 as Eq. 8.
Thus, message passing is from t1 to t2 and Vt2 are updated.
                                                                                                                  1         X
As our edge features are direction-aware, we use different                                 Lnode =                                        FL(NS j , ny j ),                        (8)
                                                                                                             NN +
fvenc for message passing t1 → t2 and t2 → t1.                                                                        t2   nj ∈Nt2

3.3. Training and Inference Strategies                                    where NN + is the number of GT positive nodes at t2. We

    SGT is trained by the sum of the detection loss (LD ) and             output zero when NE + = 0 or NN + = 0.
the association loss (LA ).                                               Node and edge label assignment is an essential step for
Detection loss. Since we adopt CenterNet [64] as a detec-                 computing the losses. MPNTrack [6] and other existing
tor, we follow [64] to compute the detection loss which is                works [45, 47, 60] use GT boxes to train matching branch.
the weighted sum of losses from three heads as Eq. 4.                     Instead of training with GT boxes, we introduce using
                                                                          pseudo labels, which are prediction boxes, to train edge
          LD = Lscore + wsize Lsize + wof f Lof f              (4)
                                                                          and node classifiers of SGT. Similar to one-to-one matching
The size head outputs Bsize composed of (sl , sr , st , sb ).             adopted in DETR [8], Hungarian algorithm [23] optimally
The offset head outputs Bof f which is the quantization er-               matches the GT boxes and the prediction boxes based on
ror of the center coordinates caused by the stride of fea-                their IoU score matrix; the matched GT object IDs are as-
ture map (e.g., 4). For each ground-truth (GT) object b̂i =               signed to the prediction boxes. To prevent the misallocation

Detection Recovery in Online Multi-Object Tracking with Sparse Graph Tracker
of GT ID, the assigned IDs are filtered out if IoU of their          Table 1. Detection evaluation on the MOT17/20Det Benchmark.
matching is lower than the threshold (e.g., 0.5). This step is       The best result for each metric is bolded.
repeated for Nt1 and Nt2 to assign (ny i and ny j ). Finally,              Benchmark      Method      AP↑ Recall↑ Precision↑ F1↑
the GT edge label (ey i,j ) is assigned to the edges by match-                         FRCNN [39]     0.72 77.3      89.8    83.1
ing the IDs of nodes. An edge is labeled as 1 if the two                     MOT        GSDT [46]     0.89 90.7      87.8    89.2
connected nodes have the same GT ID, and 0 otherwise.                        17Det      YTLAB [7]     0.89 91.3      86.2    88.7
                                                                                        SGT (ours)    0.90 93.1      92.5    92.8
Adaptive Feature Smoothing is our proposed inference                                   ViPeD20 [10]   0.80 86.5      68.1    76.2
technique to deal with recovered detections. Recent online                   20Det
                                                                                        GSDT [46]     0.81 88.6      90.6    89.6
MOT models update appearance features of tracklets in an                                SGT (ours)    0.90 91.6      92.6    92.1
exponential moving average manner as introduced in JDE
[47] following embtrk                 trk
                    t2 = α × embt1 + (1 − α) × embt2 .

This method updates the appearance features of tracklets             4.2. MOT Challenge Evaluation Results
adding the current detection features with the fixed weight,             We submit SGT to the MOT16/17/20 Challenge and
α. However, low-scored recovered objects have unreliable             compare it with the recent SOTA online MOT models as
appearance features since they may suffer from the occlu-            shown in Table 1 and 2.
sion or blur. Therefore, we use adaptive weight computed             Evaluation metrics. We use the standard evaluation met-
by the object scores (ST ) as Eq. 9.                                 rics for 2D MOT [3]: Multi-Object Tracking Accuracy
                                                                     (MOTA), ID F1 Score (IDF1), False Negative (FN), False
                          St1                 St2                    Positive (FP), Identity Switch (IDS) [25]. While MOTA
 embtrk     trk
    t2 = embt1 ×                 + embdet
                                      t2 ×           (9)
                       St1 + St2           St1 + St2                 is computed by FP, FN and IDS to emphasize the detec-
                                                                     tion performance, IDF1 [40] is a metric focused on the pure
4. Experiments                                                       tracking performance. Also, mostly tracked targets (MT)
                                                                     and mostly lost targets (ML) represent the ratio of GT tra-
4.1. Datasets and Implementation Details                             jectories covered by a track hypothesis for at least 80% of
                                                                     their respective life span, and at most 20% of their respec-
Datasets. We train and evaluate on the datasets of the               tive life span, respectively. For MOT17/20 Detection Chal-
MOT16/17/20 Challenge [13,31]. Due to a small size of the            lenge, we use precision, recall, F1, and AP [29] which is the
MOT Challenge training dataset, JDE [47] introduces train-           average precision taken over a set of reference recall values
ing with additional pedestrian detection and ReID datasets:          ([0:0.1:1]) with IoU threshold 0.5.
ETH [16], CityPerson [57], CalTech [14], CUHK-SYSU                   Evaluation results of MOT17/20 Detection. We evalu-
[51] and PRW [62]. FairMOT [60] further introduces                   ate the object detection performance on the MOT17/20Det
CrowdHuman [41], which is a pedestrian detection dataset.            Challenge and the results are shown in Table 1. For both
Recent SOTA models report high performance using these               MOT17/20Det, SGT achieves SOTA performance in every
additional datasets. We also use CrowdHuman [41] as an               metric and outperforms GSDT [46] which is also based on
additional training dataset. Since CrowdHuman does not               CenterNet [64] and GNN. Especially, SGT’s high precision
have ID data and is a still image, we assign a unique ID to          shows that it recovers missed detections effectively with few
every bounding box and randomly warp an image to gener-              false positives. Node classifier’s filtering stage contributes
ate a pair of It1 and It2 .                                          to this result as shown in Table 3.
Implementation details. SGT’s detector is initialized                Evaluation results of MOT16/17. As shown in Table 2,
with the official CenterNet’s weight [64] pretrained on the          in terms of MOTA, SGT achieves the highest and the sec-
COCO object detection dataset [29]. Our input image size             ond rank in MOT16/17, respectively, with the best trade-
is 1088 × 608 following and the output feature map size              off between FP and FN. SGT also ranks the highest MT
(Hw × Hh ) is 272 × 152. We randomly sample two images               on both MOT16/17, and the lowest and the second low-
in the interval of [1, 30] from MOT datasets. Following              est ML in MOT16/17, respectively. These results in-
FairMOT [60], random flip, warping and color jittering are           dicate that SGT generates stable and long-lasting track-
selected as data augmentation. The same augmentation is              lets, proving that SGT effectively recovers missed detec-
applied to a pair of images. We use Adam optimizer [21]              tions in association. Among the CenterNet-based mod-
with a batch size of 12 and initial learning rate (lr) of 2e−4       els [35, 45, 46, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63], CenterTrack [63], TraDeS
which drops to 2e−5 . There are 60 training epochs and lr            [50], GSDT [46] and CorrTracker [45] use more than one
is dropped at 50. For training, we use 1 for wof f , 0.1 for         frame to exploit the spatio-temporal cues. Although Cor-
wsize , wedge , and 10 for wnode . For inference, we use 0.5,        rTracker [45] shows marginally higher MOTA than SGT by
0.4 and 0.4 as τD , τE and τN , respectively. These values           0.2% in MOT17, CorrTracker [45] exploits longer temporal
are chosen empirically. We will release code for details.            cues with five previous frames, compared with ours using

Table 2. Evaluation results of ours and recent SOTA online JDT                 cuses on showing the effectiveness of the proposed graph
models under the “private detector" protocol on the MOT16/17/20                tracker performing detection recovery in an online manner.
benchmarks. Note that the methods using tracklet interpolation
in the post-processing step are excluded to strictly satisfy “online
                                                                               Evaluation results of MOT20. MOT20 is a challenging
setting". The values not provided by the paper are filled up with              dataset with severely crowded scenes. Specifically, on each
“-". For each metric, the best is bolded and the second best is                frame, while MOT17 has 30 people, MOT20 has 170 people
underlined.                                                                    on average. The most crowded scenes of MOT20 have more
                                                                               than 200 people. Such crowded situation causes frequent
        Method          MOTA↑ IDF1↑ MT↑    ML↓     FP↓      FN↓     IDS↓       partial occlusion between people, and existing methods suf-
                              MOT16 [31]
     QDTrack [35]        69.8  67.1 41.6   19.8    9861    44050    1097
                                                                               fer from missed detections with less confident detection out-
      TraDes [50]        70.1  64.7 37.3   20.0    8091    45210    1144       put. Our proposed detection recovery method leads SGT to
     CSTrack [26]        70.7  71.8 38.2   17.8   10286    41974    1071       being robust on such crowded scenes so that SGT achieves
     KDMOT [58]          74.3  74.7 40.4   17.6      -       -       797
      GSDT [46]          74.5  68.1 41.2   17.3    8913    36428    1229       SOTA in MOTA with a large gap as shown in Table 2. SGT
     FairMOT [60]        74.9  72.8 44.7   15.9      -       -      1074       surpasses CorrTracker [45], which MOTA is the highest in
   RelationTrack [54]    75.6  75.8 43.1   21.5   9786     34214     448       MOT17, by 7.6%. OMC [27] ranks the second in terms of
       OMC [27]          76.4  74.1 46.1   13.3   10821    31044      -
    CorrTracker [45]     76.6  74.3 47.8   13.3   10860    30756     979       MOTA, but SGT achieves better trade-off between FN and
      SGT (ours)         76.7  73.1 49.1   10.7   10689    30428    1420       FP, and higher MOTA and IDF1 by 2.1% and 2.7%, respec-
                              MOT17 [31]                                       tively. This is attributed to the difference of features used
    CenterTrack [63]     67.8  64.7 34.6   24.6   18489    160332   3039
     QDTrack [35]        68.7  66.3 40.6   21.9   26598    146643   3378       for detection recovery; OMC [27] uses appearance feature
      TraDes [50]        69.1  63.9 36.4   21.5   20892    150060   3555       similarity, which is pairwise relational features, while SGT
     CSTrack [26]        70.6  71.6 37.5   18.7     -         -     3465       uses edge features updated by GNN, which is higher-order
    TransCenter [53]     73.2  62.2 40.8   18.5   23112    123738   4614
       GSDT [46]         73.2  66.5 41.7   17.5   26397    120666   3891       relational features. We show the importance of higher-order
     KDMOT [58]          73.4  73.8 41.4   16.7     -         -     3303       features in Table 8.
     FairMOT [60]        73.7  72.3 43.2   17.3   27507    117477   3303
   RelationTrack [54]    73.8  74.7 41.7   23.2   27999    118623   1374
                                                                                   Apart from MOTA, SGT achieves high IDF1 and low
    TransTrack [43]      74.5  63.9 46.8   11.3   28323    112137   3663       IDS in MOT20. In MOT20, IDS of SGT is the low-
       OMC [27]          76.3  73.8 44.7   13.6   28894    101022     -        est, whereas it is higher than other methods in MOT16/17.
      SGT (ours)         76.3  72.4 47.9   11.7   25983    102984   4578
    CorrTracker [45]     76.5  73.6 47.6   12.7   29808     99510   3369
                                                                               Since the detection models are more vulnerable to the
                              MOT20 [13]                                       missed detections in the crowded scene, existing methods
    TransCenter [53]     58.3  46.8 35.7   18.6    35959   174893   4947       [45, 54, 60] use lower detection threshold; however, this
     FairMOT [60]        61.8  67.3 68.8   7.6    103440    88901   5243
    TransTrack [43]      64.5  59.2 49.1   13.6    28566   151377   3565
                                                                               leads to significantly high FP, and high IDS and low IDF1,
    CorrTracker [45]     65.2  69.1 66.4    8.9    79429    95855   5183       consequently. In Appendix, we also analyze the ratio of re-
       GSDT [46]         67.1  67.5 53.1   13.2    31913   135409   3131       covered detections by each sequence in MOT20 and show
   RelationTrack [54]    67.2  70.5 62.2   8.9     61134   104597   4243
     SOTMOT [61]         68.6  71.4 64.9   9,7     57064   101154   4209
                                                                               that the sequences with high ratio of recovered detections
       OMC [27]          70.7  67.8 56.6   13.3    22689   125039     -        achieve large improvement.
      SGT (ours)         72.8  70.5 64.3   12.8    25165   112897   2649
                                                                               Running time. We measure the running time in terms of
                                                                               frames-per-second (FPS) using a single V100 GPU; SGT
                                                                               runs at 23.0/23.0/19.9 FPS on MOT16/17/20, respectively.
only one previous frame. TransTrack [43] and TransCen-                         For fair comparison, we select the methods reporting FPS
ter [53] also exploit the spatio-temporal cues by aggregat-                    measured on the same GPU. In MOT17, CorrTracker [45]
ing the features in consecutive two frames as same as ours,                    and TransTrack [43] run at 14.8 and 10.0 FPS, respectively.
but through a deformable transformer [66]. SGT achieves                        In MOT20, CorrTracker [45] runs 8.5 FPS. SGT records
higher MOTA than both of them. In MOT17, OMC [27],                             much faster than them in both MOT17/20 because SGT per-
which is also using online detection recovery mechanism,                       forms relational modeling in the object-level sparsely com-
and CorrTracker [45] show lower FN than SGT; still, the                        pared with CorrTracker [45] and TransTrack [43] densely
decrease in FP of SGT exceeds the gap of FN by far, result-                    relational model features in the pixel-level.
ing a better trade-off between FP and FN.                                          Although FairMOT [60], SOTMOT [61], and OMC [27]
   One limitation of SGT is high IDS caused by lack of                         all measure FPS using a single RTX 2080Ti GPU rather
discriminative appearance features due to the absence of                       than V100 GPU, we can compare their decrease in FPS be-
a ReID network, compared with others [26, 27, 45, 50, 54,                      tween MOT17 and MOT20. When the number of objects
54, 60]. Also, in MOT17, occlusion is sometimes caused                         increases (MOT17 → MOT20), their FPSs are dropped
by non-human objects, such as vehicles, which are not in-                      by half; specifically, 25.9 → 13.2, 16.0 → 8.5, and
cluded in top-K detections for relational modeling. Exten-                     13.2 → 6.7 in the order of FairMOT [60], SOTMOT [61],
sion of SGT with a ReID network and open-world object                          and OMC [27]. However, SGT shows robustness of FPS
detection [20] is a promising future work, but this paper fo-                  (23.0 → 19.9) since SGT does not use Kalman Filter [4]

Figure 4. Qualitative comparison against CenterNet [64] based online JDT models [45, 46, 60, 61] in MOT17/20 Test which videos are
available in MOT Challenge website. In MOT17, ours detects occluded people who are missed in the existing methods [45, 46, 60] based
on the proposed detection recovery in association approach. In MOT20, ours does not have FP shown in the existing methods [46, 60, 61].

                                                                          Table 3. Ablation study of the detection recovery (DR) based on
                                                                          CenterNet [64]. DR-GNN denotes DR by the edge features. NC
                                                                          denotes filtering out recovered detections using the node classi-
                                                                          fier. BG denotes that top-K scored detections of It1 are used as
                                                                          Nt1 . Only detections above τD are used for measuring APτD , but
                                                                          recovered ones are included for τD .

                                                                                    Model           APτD ↑    AP (∆)↑ MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ IDS↓
                                                                                FairMOT [60]         71.6    71.6 (+0.0) 67.6 70.6 2346 14825 320
                                                                           FairMOT [60] + BYTE [59]  71.6    73.4 (+1.8) 68.0 71.7 3306 13643 352
Figure 5. When the pointed people are fully occluded, the tracklets               DR-GNN             73.6    77.2(+3.6)  70.3 72.8 3872 11521 671
                                                                                DR-GNN + NC          73.6    76.4(+2.8)  70.6 70.8 2693 12323 870
are missed in frame 390 and 405. SGT can perform long-term                DR-GNN + NC + BG (=SGT) 73.6       76.4(+2.8)  70.7 71.7 2724 12346 746
association without Kalman filter [4].

                                                                          has an extra step associating unmatched tracklets with low-
which running time increases proportional to the number of                scored detections using IoU score, leading to the marginal
objects.                                                                  improvement in overall but degradation in FP. Instead of
Visualization results. Figure 4 shows a qualitative com-                  performing detection recovery at a later stage, SGT matches
parison of SGT and other methods [45, 46, 60, 61]. In                     tracklets with top-K detections including low-scored detec-
MOT17, partially occluded people are missed by FairMOT                    tions in a single step. Edge features, which are higher-order
[60], GSDT [46], and CorrTracker [45], but SGT detects                    relational features yielded from iterations of GNN, bet-
all of them. In MOT20, FairMOT [60], GSDT [46], and                       ter represent object-level spatio-temporal consistency than
SOTMOT [61] all show FP detections on the chairs due to                   pairwise relational features, such as IoU; thus, using edge
their low detection threshold; however, SGT does not have                 features for matching in SGT significantly decreases FN
such FP without missed detections. Although SGT is ro-                    and increases AP attributed to recovered detections. To
bust against partial occlusion, detection recovery is failed              solve high FP issue, we add Step5 as shown in Figure 2 to
and the tracklets are missed when the objects are fully oc-               filter out false positive recovered detections by node clas-
cluded as shown in Figure 5.                                              sification. As a result, better trade-off between FN and FP
                                                                          with lower FN can be achieved and consequently, MOTA is
4.3. Ablation Experiments
                                                                          improved. In our final model, not only top-K scored detec-
   We conduct an ablation study to validate the effective-                tions of the t2 are used as nodes (Nt2 ) in a graph, but those
ness of each proposed module. We train FairMOT [60] and                   of the t1 are also included in Nt1 so that features of the
SGT on the first half of the MOT17 training dataset and                   background patches in the previous frame (t1) can be prop-
evaluate it on the rest. Refer to Appendix for more details               agated to Nt2 through the GNN iterations. This contributes
and results using different backbones.                                    to better IDF1 and IDS.
Detection recovery. Table 3 shows the results of experi-                  Long-term association. As shown in Table 4, introducing
ments comparing our GNN-based detection recovery archi-                   long-term association into SGT with maxage of one second
tecture with another detection recovery method. BYTE [59]                 increases IDF1 by 10.8%. We use minage of ten frames

Table 4. Ablation study of the long-term association in SGT.                       Table 8. Ablation study of the number of message passing itera-
                                                                                     tions in GNN.
             maxage       minage MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ IDS↓
              0 sec       0 frame  70.1 60.7 2495 12696 961                                          Niter MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ IDS↓
              1 sec       0 frame  70.5 71.5 2987 12151 818                                           0     66.2  69.0 2773 14775 731
              1 sec       1 frame  70.7 71.8 2916 12148 774                                           1     69.6  69.3 2866 12675 895
              1 sec       5 frame  70.7 71.7 2803 12261 745                                           2     68.2  69.8 2762 13646 792
              1 sec       10 frame 70.7 71.7 2724 12346 746                                           3     70.7  71.7 2724 12346 746
                                                                                                      4     70.8  71.9 2971 12027 805

Table 5. Ablation study of training techniques. “J" and “P" denote
joint training and pseudo labeling, respectively.
                                                                                     also robust to increasing K.
                J     P    MOTA↑    IDF1↑    FP↓     FN↓     IDS↓
                7     7     29.6     51.6   25490   10188    2396
                                                                                     Higher-order edge features. According to Table 8, the
                3     7     26.6     54.2   27885   9990     1776                    number of FN and IDS decreases as GNN iterates. This
                7     3     68.7     68.9    3395   12535     964
                3     3     70.7     71.7    2724   12346     746
                                                                                     trend proves that the higher-order relational features are
                                                                                     more effective in learning spatio-temporal consistency than
Table 6. Ablation study of feature smoothing in SGT. Note that we                    the pairwise relational features (Niter = 0). The perfor-
train SGT on CrowdHuman and MOT17 datasets, and evaluate on                          mance saturates when Niter = 4; thus, we decide to use
MOT17 Test server with different methods.                                            Niter = 3 which achieves the lowest FP and IDS.
           Weight MOTA↑ IDF1↑ MT↑ ML↓ FP↓      FN↓ IDS↓
            N/A    76.2  71.3 47.5 11.8 25998 103386 4797                            5. Conclusion
            fixed  76.3  71.7 47.6 11.8 26070 103215 4713
          adaptive 76.3  72.4 47.9 11.7 25983 102984 4578                               Partial occlusion in a video leads to low-confident de-
                                                                                     tection outputs, and the existing online JDT models suffer
Table 7. FPS, memory and time consumption for training, and                          from missed detections since they only use the detections
MOT17 validation performance with different K values.
                                                                                     which confidence score is higher than the threshold. This
      K (Inference)   K (Train)   FPS↑   MOTA↑   IDF1↑   Memory     Train time       paper presents SGT, a new approach of online JDT that can
           50           100       23.8    70.9    72.1   13.5 GB       3 hr
          100           100       23.7    70.7    71.7   13.5 GB       3 hr
                                                                                     recover missed detections while associating top-K detec-
          300           100       22.3    70.8    71.7   13.5 GB       3 hr          tions. With our proposed graph-based tracker, SGT effec-
          500           100       20.1    70.8    71.2   13.5 GB       3 hr
          300           300       20.9    71.0    73.8   14.4 GB      3.5 hr         tively captures an object-level spatio-temporal consistency
          500           500       18.1    70.7    71.7   15.6 GB      4.5 hr
                                                                                     in video data by exploiting higher-order relational features
                                                                                     of objects and background patches across time. This paper
so that only the stable tracklets are cached and false posi-                         also proposes pseudo labeling and adaptive feature smooth-
tive recovery cases are avoided as much as possible. Figure                          ing as training and inference techniques, respectively. The
5 shows that SGT can match the missing tracklets without                             effectiveness of our proposed detection recovery is shown
Kalman filter [4].                                                                   by SOTA performance in the MOT16/20 and MOT17/20
Training strategy. Table 5 shows training SGT with                                   Detection benchmarks. In particular, SGT surpasses the
pseudo labeling is an important technique to reduce FP sig-                          current SOTA significantly in the MOT20 benchmark which
nificantly. Using top-K detections as pseudo labels can                              is vulnerable to missed detections due to crowded scenes.
generate edge labels of not only object-object pairs but also                        SGT successfully performs detection recovery in the case of
object-background pairs. Training with object-background                             partial occlusion; still, detection recovery under full occlu-
pairs as extra negative examples helps SGT not to false                              sion is yet to be solved. Possible future works are exploit-
positively match. Jointly training detection and tracking                            ing longer temporal cues and modeling the spatio-temporal
branches can further improve performance.                                            relations of non-human objects (e.g., cars or traffic sign ob-
Adaptive feature smoothing. Naively update features with                             ject) which can occlude humans. We hope SGT will serve
a fixed weight marginally improves IDF1 and IDS as shown                             as a new online MOT method which is robust against occlu-
in Table 6. In contrast, our proposed adaptive feature                               sion.
smoothing increases IDF1 and reduces IDS by a larger gap,
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