Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis

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Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
Taiwania 63(2): 155-162, 2018
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2018.63.155

Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae:
Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
Da-Mien WONG1, Anthony BAIN2, Lien-Siang CHOU1 and Shiuh-Feng SHIAO3,*

1. Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.,
   Taipei, 10617, Taiwan.
2. Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lienhai Rd., Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan.
3. Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 10617, Taiwan.
  Corresponding author’s tel. +886-02-33665530, fax. +886-02-27359990, email:

(Manuscript received 4 April 2018; accepted 18 May 2018; online published 28 May 2018)

ABSTRACT: This study presents two new fig wasp species, Philotrypesis taida Wong and Shiao sp. nov. and Sycorycteridea
taipeiensis Wong and Shiao sp. nov., which were reared from Ficus benguetensis Merrill in Taiwan. They are the seventh and first
species belonging to the genera Philotrypesis and Sycorycteridea, respectively, to be reported in Taiwan. The holotypes and
paratypes were deposited in the Department of Entomology at National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

KEY WORDS: Chalcidoidea, Ficus, Fig wasps, Philotrypesis, Sycorycteridea, Taiwan.

INTRODUCTION                                                      galls. Males usually fight severely using their
                                                                  mandibles for females soon after their emergence
    Fig wasps belonging to the subfamily Sycoryctinae             (Murray, 1987; Bean and Cook, 2001). Male
(Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) are highly diversified and           Sycoryctinae exhibit diverse adaptations in their
widespread parasitoid species (Segar et al., 2012).               morphology, including winged dispersers and wingless
Sycoryctine fig wasps are associated with all six                 fighters (Jousselin et al., 2004). Sycoryctines serve as a
subgenera and at least 15 sections in Ficus (Jiang et al.,        model organism in behavioral ecology research because
2006). Consequently, there is an estimated species                of their fascinating behaviors and diverse morphologies
richness of 826 that is yet to be discovered in the Old           (Moore et al., 2009). Despite the ecological importance
World (Segar et al., 2012). From a taxonomic                      of sycoryctine fig wasps as nonpollinating species
perspective, Sycoryctinae are currently placed in the             associated with fig trees, they are poorly represented in
family     Pteromalidae    within     the superfamily             collections in Taiwan because of the special
Chalcidoidea (Rasplus et al., 1998). Sycoryctinae are             requirements for collecting, preserving, and identifying
then divided into four tribes: (1) Apocryptini,                   them. Consequently, only eight species of sycoryctine
comprising two genera: Apocrypta Coquerel, 1855, and              fig wasps have been identified in Taiwan (Chou and
Bouceka Kocak and Kemal, 2008; (2) Critogastrini,                 Wong, 1997; Chen et al., 1999).
comprising only one genus: Critogaster Mayr, 1885; (3)                Two new fig wasp species belonging to the genera
Philotrypesini, comprising four genera: Dobunabaa                 Philotrypesis and Sycorycteridea, which are associated
Boucek, 1988, Philoverdance Priyadarsanan, 2000,                  with the fig tree Ficus benguetensis Merrill, are
Philotrypesis Forster, 1878, and Watshamiella Wiebes,             reported in this study. They are the seventh and first
1981; and (4) Sycoryctini, comprising seven genera:               species belonging to the genera Philotrypesis and
Adiyodiella Priyadarsanan, 2000, Arachonia Joseph,                Sycorycteridea, respectively, reported in Taiwan.
1957, Parasycobia Abdurahiman and Joseph, 1967,
Sycorycteridea Abdurahiman and Joseph, 1967,                      MATERIALS AND METHODS
Sycoryctes Mayr, 1885, Sycoscapter Saunders, 1883,
and Sycoscapteridea Ashmead, 1904 (McLeish et al.,                    Fig wasp samples associated with the fig tree F.
2012; Segar et al., 2012).                                        benguetensis were collected on the National Taiwan
    Female sycoryctines oviposit through the fig wall             University (NTU) campus, Taipei from 2011 to 2013.
with the aid of their long ovipositors, and their larvae          Additional populations were collected from Fuyang Eco
eventually kill their host wasps or spend their larval            Park, Taipei and Hengchun Tropical Garden, Pingtung
stage inside the figs as plant-feeders (Compton et al.,           during 2014 to 2017 (Table 1). The sample figs were
2015). The feeding habits of sycoryctine larvae vary              stored at room temperature in transparent plastic pots
considerably as they can be parasitoids, inquilines, or           closed with mesh covers for 24 hours with their ostioles
obligate seed predators, among other types (Tzeng et al.,         facing upward. The wasps’ exit was confirmed by the
2008; Wang et al., 2014). Sycoryctine larvae mature in            presence of a hole, which was chewed on the surface of

Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
Taiwania                                             Vol. 63, No. 2

Table 1: Collection point of Philotrypesis taida sp. nov. and Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp. nov.

           Date               Coordinate                           Location                   Host (Ficus)      Number of figs
           2011-Oct-29        25°00'54.7"N; 121°32'11.8"E          NTU Campus                 F. benguetensis       10
           2012-Jul-26        25°00'54.7"N, 121°32'11.8"E          NTU Campus                 F. benguetensis       15
           2013-Aug-17        25°00'57.6"N, 121°33'27.0"E          Fuyang Eco Park            F. benguetensis        8
           2014-Jul-20        25°00'57.6"N, 121°33'27.0"E          Fuyang Eco Park            F. benguetensis       10
           2015-Jul-22        25°00'57.6"N, 121°33'27.0"E          Fuyang Eco Park            F. benguetensis       10
           2017-May-20        21°57'45.0"N, 120°48'38.2"E          Hengchun Tropical Garden   F. benguetensis       15
           2017-Jul-14        21°57'45.0"N, 120°48'38.2"E          Hengchun Tropical Garden   F. benguetensis       10

the figs. All the wasps that exited their natal figs were                   inhabiting Taiwan is provided (Table 2).
collected and stored in 75% ethanol. The figs were then                          Types: Holotype, ♀, TAIWAN: Taipei City: Daan
dissected and the wasps therein were also collected.                        District: NTU campus, 25°00'54.7"N; 121°32'11.8"E,
The collected wasps were dehydrated through an                              Alt. 0–10 m, October 29, 2011, D.M. Wong; Paratypes,
ethanol series (75%, 90%, and 100%) and critical-point                      5♀ and 5♂, the same locality and data as holotype. All
dried (DO-11-R-269 CPD, Quorum Technologies Inc.,                           specimens deposited in the Department of Entomology
UK) before being mounted on cards following Noyes                           at NTU.
(1982). The specimens were point-mounted on black                                Description: Female - Body length 2.0–2.2 mm.
cards and photographed to avoid the low contrast                            Body color variable. Head and antenna orange.
caused by a white background.                                               Mandible bidentate. Mesosoma and metasoma usually
    Morphological terminology followed Gibson (1997)                        brownish orange, sometimes metallic black. Coxae
and the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO) Portal                           concolorous with mesosoma. Wings hyaline. The 7th
(Yoder et al., 2010). Images were taken using a                             and 8th segment in ratio 3:1. Ovipositor sheath length
stereomicroscope (Leica Z16 APO, Wetzlar, Germany)                          3.0–3.6 mm.
with a digital camera (Leica DFC490, Wetzlar,                                    Head. Head width 0.4–0.5 mm (Fig. 1A). Antenna
Germany) and were processed using the Helicon Focus                         with 13 antennomeres, antennal formula: 11353 (Fig.
6.7.1. software (Helicon Soft Inc., Dominica) to                            1B). Scape clavate 4× longer than goblet pedicel.
combine them into a single image with increased focal                       Funicular segments slightly longer than wide. Terminal
depth. Physical characteristics were measured using                         antennomere conspicuous. Face sculpture smooth.
ImageJ 1.45a software (National Institutes of Health,                       Antenna inserted at the bottom line of compound eyes.
USA). Specimen measurements were taken with                                 Toruli apart, distance between toruli larger than
accuracy of 0.001 mm and were rounded to the nearest                        diameter of one torulus. Eye red, longer than gena.
0.1 mm. Holotype and paratype specimens were                                Clypeal margin flattened. Mandible bidentate.
deposited in the Department of Entomology at NTU.                                Mesosoma. Body length 2.0–2.2 mm (Fig. 1C);
                                                                            Coxae concolorous with mesosoma. Hind tibia at its
TAXONOMIC TREATMENT                                                         distal end provided with apical spur and about 8× as long
                                                                            as its own thickness (Fig. 1D). Wings length 1.3–1.5 mm
Key to species of Philotrypesis females commonly                            and finely pubescent (Fig. 1E). Postmarginal vein 3×
found in Taiwan                                                             longer than stigmal vein. Pronotum sculpture smooth
                                                                            (Fig. 1F). Pronotum longer than high in lateral view.
1a. Body black; 2 anelli; mandibles 2 teeth …………………………..                    Notauli complete. Mesoscutellum trapezoidal. Axilla
  …………..………………….….… Philotrypesis taiwanensis Chen
1b. Body orange; 3 anelli; mandibles 2 or 3 teeth …………..……… 2               triangular and small. Scutellum round. Propendeum
2a. Mandible 2 teeth ……………………….……………………..… 3                                transverse.
2b. Mandible 3 teeth ………………..… Philotrypesis emeryi Grandi                       Metasoma. Without petiole. The 7th and 8th segment
3a. Gaster VII as long as VIII (1:1) .... Philotrypesis okinavensis Ishii   in ratio 3:1. Ovipositor sheath length 1.5× longer than
3b. Gaster VII longer than VIII (3:1) …... Philotrypesis taida sp. nov.
Philotrypesis taida Wong & Shiao, sp. nov.                                       Male - Head width 0.3–0.7 mm and covered long
                            臺大延腹小蜂 Figs. 1–2                                seta (Fig. 2A). Head as long as wide across eye.
                                                                            Mandible length 0.1–0.4 mm. Eye black, one-fourth of
    Diagnosis: The female of this genus can be                              head length. Antenna toruli situate in a shallow
recognized by its lengthened seventh and eighth                             depression above epistomal margin, with 1 keel in the
urotergites and its subquadrate narrow pronotum. The                        middle. Body orange, apterous and body length 2.8–3.6
antenna of this genus usually composed of 12–13                             mm (Fig. 2B–C).
antennomeres (1–3 anelli), including an oval terminal                            Etymology: The specific name refers to the pinyin
flagellomere.     Comparison      of    morphological                       (Chinese pronunciation) abbreviation of “National
characteristics in females between Philotrypesis spp.                       Taiwan University.”
Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
June 2018                         Wong et al.: New fig wasps associated with Ficus benguetensis

Fig. 1. Female Philotrypesis taida sp. nov. A: Head frontal view; B: Antenna; C: Lateral view; D: Hind leg; E: Wings; F: Dorsal view of
mesosoma. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.

Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
Taiwania                                                 Vol. 63, No. 2

Fig. 2. Male Philotrypesis taida sp. nov. A: Head frontal view; B: Dorsal view of mesosoma; C: Lateral view. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.

    Host: Reared from syconia of F. benguetensis.                   Table 2: Characteristics of four Philotrypesis species
                                                                    inhabiting Taiwan
    Biology: This species could be the parasitoids or
inquilines of other fig wasps associated with fig sections,             Species             P.          P.          P.       P.
such as Conosycea, Ficus, Galoglychia, Sycidium,                     (Philotrypesis)      taida    taiwanensis okinavensis emeryi
                                                                    Body color          Orange        Black      Orange    Orange
Sycocarpus, and Urostigma.                                                             Across eye Below eye Below eye Below eye
    Distribution: Taiwan. According to host                         Antenna toruli
                                                                                          area         area        area     area
specialization of fig wasps and the geographical                    Anelli                  3            2           3        3
distribution of F. benguetensis, we assume that this                Mandible teeth          2            2           2        3
                                                                    Gaster VII : VIII      3:1          3:2         1:1      3:1
species is also distributed in Malesia and Ryukyu                                           F.          F.          F.       F.
islands.                                                            Host (Ficus)
                                                                                      benguetensis microcarpa microcarpa microcarpa

Description of two new species of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoryctinae) associated with Ficus benguetensis
June 2018                       Wong et al.: New fig wasps associated with Ficus benguetensis

Sycorycteridea taipeiensis Wong & Shiao, sp. nov.                    Distribution:      Taiwan.    According     to    host
                           臺北細尾小蜂 Figs. 3 & 4                    specialization of fig wasps and the geographical    distribution of F. benguetensis, we assume that this
    Diagnosis: The female of this genus can be                   species is also distributed in Malesia and Ryukyu islands.
recognized by the long slender ovipositor and its sheaths,
slightly swollen at the apex, the whole length of the            Table 3: Characteristics comparison between        female
                                                                 Sycorycteridea taipeiensis and S. keralensis
ovipositor being covered by the extended last tergite.
Tarsi distinctly shorter than tibia. Comparison of                                    S. taipeiensis     S. keralensis
morphological characteristics in females between                 Body color           Yellow             Metallic green
Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp. nov. and Sycorycteridea           Anellus              1                  1
keralensis is provided (Table 3).                                Epistomal margin     Protruded          Protruded
                                                                 Ovipositor : body    3:1                5:1
    Types: Holotype ♀, TAIWAN: Taipei City: Daan                 Stigmal knob         Not elongate       Not elongate
District: NTU campus, 25°00'54.7"N; 121°32'11.8"E, Alt.          Host (Ficus)         F. benguetensis    F. callosa
0–10 m, October 29, 2011, D.M. Wong; Paratypes, 5♀,
5♂, same locality and data as holotype. All specimens            DISCUSSION
deposited in the Department of Entomology at NTU.
    Description: Female - Body length 1.0–1.5 mm.                    Fig wasps are pantropically distributed and play a
Body color variable. Antenna yellow. Head and                    pertinent role within tropical plant communities (Bain
mesosoma yellow to metallic black. Metasoma usually              et al., 2015). Fig wasps and their host fig trees have
yellow, sometimes metallic black. Coxae concolorous              long been used as an example in studies on interspecific
with mesosoma. Wings with short and sparse pilosity.             interactions. These fascinating interactions include
Ovipositor sheath length 3.0–3.2 mm.                             classic obligate mutualism to antagonistic parasitism.
    Head. Head width 0.2–0.3 mm (Fig. 3A). Antenna               These trophic relationships of the figs and wasps
with 12 antennomeres, antennal formula: 11163 (Fig.              sometimes include up to 20 taxa on a single fig species
3B). Scape clavate 3× longer than goblet pedicel.                (Chen et al., 1999). Because plant–herbivore–parasitoid
Funicular segments slightly longer than wide. Terminal           associations are a major component of terrestrial
antennomere conspicuous. Antenna inserted at the                 biodiversity, intensive taxonomical research is hence
bottom line of compound eyes. Toruli contiguous,                 pertinent for understanding how fig wasp communities
distance between toruli smaller than diameter of one             interact and evolve.
torulus. Ecdysial cleavage conspicuous. Eye red, longer              Although some examples of host switching have
than gena. Face sculpture smooth. Clypeal margin                 been found, fig wasps belonging to Sycoryctinae are the
protruded. Mandible bidentate.                                   largest nonpollinating wasps conservatively associated
    Mesosoma. Body length 1.0–1.5 mm (Fig. 3C);                  with fig trees in Old World regions (Segar et al., 2012).
Coxae concolorous with mesosoma. Hind tibia at its               Despite being geographically widespread, the taxonomy
distal end provided with apical spur and about 6× as long        of sycoryctine fig wasps is poorly understood and is less
as its own thickness (Fig. 3D). Tarsi distinctly shorter         advanced than that of pollinating fig wasp species.
than tibia. Wings length 0.9–1.0 mm with short and               Sycoryctine fig wasps inhabiting the Indomalayan region
sparse pilosity (Fig. 3E). Postmarginal vein 2.5× longer         have received less taxonomical attention compared with
than stigmal vein. Pronotum sculpture smooth (Fig. 3F).          those from other biogeographical realms, such as the
Pronotum longer than high in lateral view. Notauli               Afrotropics and Neotropics and Australasia (Bouček,
incomplete. Mesoscutum trapezoidal. Axilla triangular.           1988; van Noort and Rasplus, 1997; Farache et al., 2013).
Scutellum round. Propendeum transverse.                          The lack of taxonomical knowledge has hampered the
    Metasoma. Without petiole. Ovipositor sheath                 understanding of the ecology and evolution of fig wasps
length 3× longer than body.                                      inhabiting this speciose region.
    Male - Head width 0.2–0.6 mm and pear shaped with                Given that there are 26 species of native Ficus in
short seta (Fig. 4A). Head longer than wide. Mandible            Taiwan, an estimated 70 species of sycoryctine fig
length 0.1–0.3 mm. Eye red, one-seventh of head length.          wasps are yet to be discovered. Taxonomical studies of
Body yellow, apterous and body length 2.6–3.5 mm.                Taiwanese fig wasps were discontinued in 1999. Only
(Figs. 4B–C).                                                    eight species of sycoryctine fig wasp have been
    Etymology: The specific name refers to the type of           identified in Taiwan. Two new sycoryctine species
locality of Taipei City in Taiwan.                               associated with F. benguetensis are described and
    Host: Reared from syconia of F. benguetensis.                illustrated in this paper. The female Philotrypesis can
    Biology: This species could be parasitoid fig wasps          easily be assigned to Philotrypesini because of the
in the Ceratosolen, Eupristina and Kradibia genera.              presence of tubular urotergites of the terminal segments
This species may have some strong seasonal variation in          (7th and 8th segments) and its ovipositor. The
abundance and distribution.                                      extraordinarily long ovipositor not only functions as an
Taiwania                                               Vol. 63, No. 2

Fig. 3. Female Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp. nov. A: Head frontal view; B: Antenna; C: Lateral view; D: Hind leg; E: Wings; F:
Dorsal view of mesosoma. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

June 2018                        Wong et al.: New fig wasps associated with Ficus benguetensis

Fig. 4. Male Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp. nov. A: Head frontal view; B: Dorsal view of mesosoma; C: Lateral view. Scale bar = 0.2

egg-laying apparatus but is also capable of piercing the            phylogeny for the Sycoryctinae reinstated all of the
fig wall. Distinguishing male Philotrypesis is                      former names. These genera are difficult to
sometimes difficult because of polymorphism;                        distinguished due to morphological conservatism.
moreover, some resemble male Sycoscapter.                           Female Sycorycteridea can be differentiated from other
Sycorycteridea was first established by Abdurahiman                 Sycoryctini species by their anellus number and long
and Joseph (1975), later Bouček (1988) synonymized                  slender, slightly swollen at the apex of its ovipositor;
Sycoscapter, Sycoryctes, Arachonia, Sycoscapteridea                 male Sycorycteridea males exhibit a pear-shaped head,
and Sycorycteridea into a single genus Sycoscapter, but             which is quite different from the square-shaped male
Segar et al. (2012) in their study on global molecular              Philotrypesis.
Taiwania                                             Vol. 63, No. 2

    Although Philotrypesis taida sp. nov. and                    Gibson, G.A.P. 1997. Morphology and terminology. In:
Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp. nov. both inhabit the                Gibson G. A. P., J. T. Huber and J. B. Woolley (eds.)
same host (Ficus benguetensis), their relationships with            Annotated Keys to the Genera of Nearctic Chalcidoidea
each other as well as with pollinating species remain               (Hymenoptera): 16-44. NRC Research Press, Ottawa,
unclear. To determine the trophic level of these two             Jiang, Z-.F., D.-W. Huang, L.-L. Chen, W.-Q. Zhen, Y.-G.
nonpollinating species, a precision-cut tissue slice                Fu and Z.-Q. Peng. 2006. Rampant host switching and
technique may be required to acquire evidence of their              multiple female body colour transitions in Philotrypesis
feeding habits. Collecting Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp.           (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae). J. Evol. Biol.
nov. is rare because it is sporadically distributed.                19(4): 1157-1166.
Extensive collection of Sycorycteridea taipeiensis sp.           Jousselin, E., S. van Noort and J.M. Greeff. 2004. Labile
nov. is therefore encouraged to enhance knowledge                   male morphology and intraspecific male polymorphism in
about this species.                                                 the Philotrypesis fig wasps. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33(3):
                                                                 McLeish, M.J., G. Beukman, S. van Noort and T.C.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                    Wossler. 2012. Host-plant species conservatism and
                                                                    ecology of a parasitoid fig wasp genus (Chalcidoidea;
   The authors thank Prof. Chiun-Cheng Ko and Mr.                   Sycoryctinae; Arachonia). PLoS ONE 7(9): e44804.
Chi-Man Leong from the Department of Entomology at               Moore, J.C., D.J. Obbard, C. Reuter, S.A. West and J.M.
National Taiwan University for their generous advice and            Cook. 2009. Male morphology and dishonest signalling in
suggestions. We also thank Dr. Yuan-Tung Shih for his               a fig wasp. Anim. Behav. 78(1): 147-153.
guidance in slide-making techniques for chalcidoid wasps.        Murray, M.G. 1987. The closed environment of the fig
This work was supported by the Bureau of Animal and Plant           receptacle and its influence on male conflict in the Old
Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture,           World wasp, Philotrypesis pilosa. Anim. Behav. 35(2):
Taiwan (106AS-9.5.3-BQ-B1(2)), and Ministry of Science              488-506.
and Technology, Taiwan (104-2311-B-002-031).                     Noyes, J.S. 1982. Collecting and preserving chalcid wasp
                                                                    (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). J. Nat. Hist. 16(3): 315-334.
LITERATURE CITED                                                 Rasplus, J.Y., C. Kerdelhue, I. Le Clainche and G. Mondor.
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