Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich

Page created by Victor Fitzgerald
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Doctoral Event

                                      Doctoral Program Presentation   |   May 17, 2017   | 1
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
   Welcome
   Introduction to D-MAVT
   Legal basis of Doctoral studies: Research plan, Credits, Doctoral examination
   Human Resources
   Offer for doctoral students by LET
   Safety, Security, Health, Environment (SGU)
   Introduction to AV@MAVT
   Questions
   Apero

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
D-MAVT at a glance (Figures 2016)
    D-MAVT (Departement MAschinenbau und VerfahrensTechnik) = Department of Mechanical and Process
    Founded in 1855 – largest department at ETH (number of students)
    3078 students enrolled (including exchange students)
    926 employees
    38 professors: 28 full and associated professors, 7 assistant professors, 3 titular professors
    87 Mio. Basic, competitive and third party funding
    697 publications
    Technology transfer: 18 patents & 4 licenses, 6 spin-offs
    6 ERC Grants on-going

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
D-MAVT Board

   Prof. D. Norris          Prof. P. Jenny            Prof. Ch. Müller
 Head of Department         Deputy Head              Director of Studies
                      Delegate of Doctoral Affairs

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
D-MAVT Doctoral Administration

  Lorena Luzi                            Dr. Maddalena Velonà
  LEE K 208, Leonhardstrasse 21          LEE K 210, Leonhardstrasse 21
  Tel. +41 44 633 32 83                  Tel. +41 44 632 21 99

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
D-MAVT Doctoral Committee

Responsibilities of Head of Doctoral committee
• Contact person for doctoral students
• Member of conciliation committee
• Chairperson of doctoral examinations
• Responsible for the agenda item “Doctorate” in PK/DK                          Prof. P. Jenny

Competences of committee
• Admission of doctoral students
• Approval of research plan
• Approval of co-examiners                               Prof. K. Boulouchos      Prof. J. Dual              Prof. M. Mazzotti

• Deadline extensions
• Check on dossier for external theses
• Nominations for doctoral awards

                                                         Prof. D. Mohr           Prof. Ch. Onder              Prof. K. Shea

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
Legal Basis of Doctoral Studies

ETH Zurich


                                                              Doctoral Program Presentation   |   May 17, 2017   | 7
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
Research Plan
The research plan must be submitted to the Doctoral Administration within 12 months of
registration together with the form “Approval of research plan”, printed one-sided and not
The structure of the research plan requested in D-MAVT is as follows:
 cover sheet with date and signature of the doctoral student and supervisor
 abstract, max. ½ page
 scope of the project, research tasks
 relevance and relation to current work carried out at the institute/department
 literature review
 capacity for additional research
 time schedule
 planned publications
 teaching tasks
 additional duties of the doctoral candidate
The department controls the deadline for the research plan every two or three months.

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich
Cumulative Thesis
D-MAVT is usually requesting standard doctoral thesis.

A doctoral candidate may submit a doctoral thesis in the form of a “cumulative” thesis:
 Several publications
 Publications published or accepted in a peer reviewed journal (ISI journals or comparable)
 The doctoral candidate must be the first author of all publications;
 The thesis includes an extended introduction chapter with:
   i.   the overriding research question;
   ii. the methodology used;
   iii. the relevance and the contribution of the thesis to specific subjects;
 The thesis includes an extended conclusion chapter which integrates the results of the different
   publications and includes suggestions for future research, plus providing evidence for a
   coherent research framework of the thesis.

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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering - Doctoral Event - ETH Zürich

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   Doctoral candidate must earn at least 12 credits during his/her doctoral study.
   1 credit corresponds to a workload between 25 and 30 hours.
   1/3 of the required credits has to be outside the research field.
   Doctoral students need to enroll for courses and register for exams
   Additional requirements are not counted as credits for the doctoral study

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Courses/activities recognized as credits
D-MAVT tabulates the credits for the ETH courses and activities as follows:
 Course with examination in the course catalogue at ETH Zürich and UZH:
   # credits = ECTS
   results visible in myStudies (Functions: Transcript of records)
 Course without examination in the course catalogue at ETH Zürich:
   the lecturer defines the requirements for the confirmation (Testat)
   if the Testat is “received” # credits = # hours (V+U, G)
   results visible in myStudies (Functions: Studies overview)
 Course not listed in the course catalogue at ETH Zürich:
   Language courses (Sprachzentrum)
   LET (“How to teach”, see later), Seminars
   results not visible in myStudies, ECTS based on confirmation of attendance
 Activities not within the ETH program upon approval of supervisor (using D-MAVT Form)

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Doctoral Examination and final steps
 Examination must be taken not later than six years after matriculation
 Co-examiners must have been approved by Doctoral Committee
 Doctoral thesis has to be provided to co-examiners at least 6 weeks before examination
 Examination date proposed by supervisor and organised by MAVT
 Registration for the doctoral exam with confirmation of 12 credits
 Examinations oral, public: presentation (40 min), discussion (up to 50 min)
 Revision of the thesis: minor or major revision, according to the report of the committee
 Retake of examination: one retake within six months
 Approval of awarding the degree in D-MAVT Department Conference
 De-matriculation after the doctoral graduation date by ETH Doctoral Administration
 Use the title of “Doctor”: after the deposit of the official copies of the thesis (within 6 months

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Disagreements and Conciliation Committee
 In the case of serious disagreement between the supervisor and the doctoral
  candidate, the Head of the Department (Prof. Norris) together with the
  Delegate of Doctoral Affairs (Prof. Jenny) will attempt to settle the dispute. If
  necessary, the Vice-Rector Doctorate (Prof. Togni) will act as mediator.

 Should the mediation efforts fail, and the supervisor no longer wants to act in
  this role, the Vice-Rector for Doctoral Studies will refer the matter to the
  Conciliation Committee (Prorector for Doctoral Studies (chair), the Head of D-
  MAVT or Delegate, and a representative of the ETH Association of Scientific
  Staff (AVETH))

 Should no agreement be reached, the Rector will take over the matter.

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   Supervisor
   Other Students or AV@MAVT Helpdesk
   D-MAVT: Dr. Maddalena Velonà, LEE K 210, Tel 044 632 21 99
   ETH Doctoral Administration: Alfredo Picariello, HG FO 22.1, Tel. 044 632 26 72
   Psychological Counseling Center of ETH and the University of Zurich:
   Student Advisory Service:
   Student Association:

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Code of Conduct in Department MAVT

We, the D-MAVT ensures that our environment is respectful and professional for
ALL of our members including professors, students, lecturers, research staff,
administrative and technical staff.
We treat everyone with respect with which we expect to be treated.
We behave and present ourselves professionally at all times.
We expect that :
 Our environment is one of mutual respect
 Our environment is free from threats and violence
 Our environment is free from sexual harassment
 Our environment is free from discrimination
 Our environment is free from bullying (mobbing)

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Information Human Resources   Ueli Lott

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Organisation HR

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Responsible for D-MAVT

       Ueli Lott           Sarah Stacher
       HR Manager D-MAVT   HR Administration

       Office: LEE K206    Office: TUR D16
                           Turnerstrasse 1
                           10 minutes from
                           main building

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Terms of employment at ETH

          Science

       Function                           Limitation   Salary
                                                                      Minimal wage CHF 28.00
       Teaching Assistants *              fixed-term   hourly wage
                                                                      max. 15h/week
       Doctoral students                  fixed-term   fixed salary   1.- 3. year, 5 scales
       Scientific Assistant I                          1/12           with yearly advancements
       Postdoc                            fixed-term   fixed salary   1.- 3. year
       Scientific Assistant II                         1/12           with yearly advancements
       Senior Assistant I and II          fixed-term   Salary band    Function level 09-10,
       Scientific Assistant I and II                   1/13           years of experience 00-15
       Scientific Collaborator I and II                               Function level 10-11
                                                       Salary band    years of experience 00-15
       Senior Scientists I and II                      1/13           Function level 12-13
                                                                      years of experience 00-15
       * ONLY during study

                                                                6 years maximum employment!

                                                                               Doctoral Program 01.03.2017
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Terms of employment at ETH

          Doctoral students
            Level of employment in general 100%
            A part time contract is in reasonable cases possible, for example
             parenthood or contract with another employer (written confirmation
            At least 70% of the work time are for the PhD, whose scientific project and
             the doctoral study intended.
            There are 5 scales of salary:
               Scale           1. year             2. year        3. year
             Standard          47’040              48’540         50’040
                 2             52’855              55’230         57’610    If you get a SNF-grant it
                 3             58’670              61’920         65’180    is always standard level
                 4             64’485              68’610         72’750
                 5             70’300              75’300         80’320    SNF= Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
                                                                            (Swiss National Science Foundation)
                 Amount for year 2017, level of employment 100%

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          Website

              Human Resources: or
              Regulations, Forms and Infos:
              Personal data: or ETHIS > personally
              Offers / benefits: > All about employment
              Jobs:
              Courses HR: or
              Welcome Center:
              Hello Kids!:

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          Inhouse

            Career Center:

            Psychological counselling:

            Network crisis and suicide:

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      Doctoral Program Presentation   |   May 17, 2017   | 24
Safety, Security, Health and Environment during your
PhD Studies
       Andreas Hurni
       Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) Department

                                                                    |   |   25
         1. Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE)

         2. Training & Information

         3. Prevention (Safety Equipment, PPE)

         4. Hazardous waste disposal

         5. Special Hazards (radiation, chemical, biological etc.)

         6. Security

         7. Emergency

                                                                     |   |   26
Safety, Security Health & Environment (SSHE)

                                               |   |   27
Training and Information

                           |   |   28
Training and Information

                           |   |   29
Training and Information

                           |   |   30
Prevention: Safety Signs

           Warning signs
           Mandatory signs
           Prohibition signs
           Rescue signs

         on devices / equipment
         on doors
                                                                        Order Catalogue Safety Labeling

                                                                                                                                             |   |   31
Prevention: information on chemicals
         On the product label on the bottle / can

         In the SDS (Safety Data Sheet)

        Online databases
          e.g. GESTIS (also available as iOS and Android app)

                                                                 |   |   32
Prevention: PPE and safety equipment
        During the experiment
         Apply safety measures
         Protect people, environment and equipment
         Use protective equipment

                                                      |   |   33
Disposal of hazardous waste
         Use official containers
           Can be obtained at the disposal stations for free
         Label waste containers
         Do not pour chemicals down the sinks! Bring used
          chemicals to the hazardous waste disposal station.

         Disposal station CNB
          Wednesday: 09 - 11 am

                                                                |   |   34
Special requirements

       Topic                  Comments                              Requirements
       Radiation protection   Laser Class 3B and 4                  local safety officer
                              Radioactive Material, X-Ray           technical measures
                                                                    special PPE, training
                                                                    notification or permit req.
       Biosafety              Cell cultures, patient specimens,     local safety officer
                              blood, microorganisms etc.            technical measures
                                                                    special PPE, training
       Chemical Safety        Corrosive, toxic, CMR chemicals       risk assessment
                              cryogenic or pressurized gas, nano-   technical measures
       Mechanical and         Handling of Cranes and Loads, high    special PPE, training
       electrical hazards     voltage systems, machinery safety

       Prevention of fire and Explosion protection (flammable       Building permits
       explosions             liquids and gases), building          technical measures
                              construction                          organisational measures
                                                                                                  |   |   35
            Report any irregularities or crimes to us on 888 (044
             342 11 88). We will advise you what to do depending
             on the circumstances.
            Keep restricted access areas closed .
            Whenever possible, keep valuables such as wallets
             under lock and key.
            Secure laptops, monitors, projectors, etc. with lockable
             cables (Secure Locks).
            Inform us if you are threatened or stalked;
             we are here to assist you.
                                                                        |   |   36
Possible Emergencies

                       |   |   37
Emergency Numbers
       Important emergency
        numbers on all ETH-phones

      ETH Emergency Desk (24/7):
       From internal phones: 888
       From external phones:
                                    External intervention
        044 342 11 88               (0)118 fire brigade
                                    (0)144 ambulance
                                    (0)117 police
                                                            |   |   38
Alert the ETH Emergency Desk
          Who is calling?
          What did happen?
          Where did it happen?
          How many are involved/injured?
          When did it happen?

       After calling 888, the emergency desk will send members of
       the in-house Fire Alarm Team, First Aid Officers, CIT, SIDI
       and / or alert external intervention (ambulance, fire
       department, police)  if you alert ext. intervention
       directly, notify ETH Emergency Desk a.s.a.p.!
                                                                     |   |   39
Assembly Point ETH Zentrum
       In ASVZ – Sporthalle

                              [155]   |   |   40
Further Documentation

                                                                                      [157]; [158]

                                                                                                       |   |   41

e-mail us:

                                  |   |   42
D-MAVT Doctoral Event 17.5.2017

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What is AV@MAVT?
                                              Board 2017

           Scientific Staff
           (Doctoral Students, PostDocs, …)



                                                           |   18.05.2017   |   44
What does AV@MAVT do?

             Politics                         Networking                      Support
    Representation in important      Roofchat                   Helpdesk
     department comissions:           Labtours                   PhD Survey
    Where do labs move               Summer BBQ
     during/after ML renovation?
                                      Volleyball Tournament
    How is the doctoral exam
                                      AV@MAVT Hike
    Finding new D-MAVT

                                                                                        |   18.05.2017   |   45

 Labtour and Rooftalk every first Friday of the month
    Next: 2. June 2017 17:00

 AV@MAVT Hike 18. June 2017

 Volleyball tournament 11. July 2017

 Summer-BBQ 11. August 2017

                                                         |   18.05.2017   |   46

 Survey in Fall 2016

                                                                Do you know where to look for help
 Helpdesk                                                      if you have problems at work?
     Advice about a difficult situation in your group
                                                                          Total respondents: 155
     Questions about administrative matters
     Research plan
     …

                                                                           Yes                 No

         Agnieszka Ladosz           Manuel Zündel
                                                                                                    |   18.05.2017   |   47
How to contact us


 Website:
   Helpdesk
   Research plan template
   Useful links (ETH inventory, SBB offers, …)

 General assembly: March 2018

 Become a member during enrolment in MyStudies

 Meet us at the Apéro!
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LIMES (Ladies in Mechanical and Electrical Studies)
   Post-graduate extension of LIMES
   Events to connect female PhD students, postdocs and scientific staff:
    active networking with companies and peers, lunch at Dozentenfoyer, …

                                                                    Next event
                                                                 May 18 at 6 pm,
                                                              active networking with


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