Dengue vaccine development: status and future - RKI

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     Bundesgesundheitsbl 2020 · 63:40–44               Annelies Wilder-Smith1,2        1
                                                           Department of Disease Control, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
     Published online: 29 November 2019                2
                                                           Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
     © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil
     von Springer Nature 2019

                                                       Dengue vaccine development:
                                                       status and future

     Introduction                                     Rationale for a dengue vaccine                         serotypes. As a tetravalent immune re-
                                                                                                             sponse is desired, when a mixture of all
     Dengue is globally the most frequent ar-         According to modeling estimates, about                 four serotypes in a tetravalent live at-
     boviral disease, present in more than 128        50–100 million dengue cases occur every                tenuated vaccine is given, each compo-
     countries in the tropics and subtropics          year [10]. The incidence of dengue has                 nent would need to independently result
     and poised to increase even further in           increased greatly, with the number of                  in four different monotypic immune re-
     terms of incidence and continued geo-            cases more than doubling every decade,                 sponses that are solid to each serotype.
     graphic expansion [1, 2], thereby also af-       from 8.3 million (3.3–17.2 million) ap-                This has, unfortunately, proven to be dif-
     fecting international travelers [3, 4]. The      parent cases in 1990 to 58.4 million                   ficult to achieve.
     four dengue virus serotypes belong to the        (23.6–121.9 million) apparent cases in
     family of Flaviviridae and are genetically       2013, responsible for 1.14 million disabil-            Dengue vaccine development
     distinct but still closely related. Infec-       ity-adjusted life-years [10]. In dengue-
     tion with any of the four dengue virus           endemic countries, approximately 10%                   Despite more than 30 years of efforts
     serotypes may be asymptomatic or may             of febrile episodes in children and ado-               using various vaccine platforms includ-
     result in clinical manifestations ranging        lescents are due to dengue, with a higher              ing inactivated, DNA, and live vaccines,
     from a mild undifferentiated febrile syn-         incidence in Asia (4.6 episodes per 100                only live attenuated vaccines have en-
     drome to severe dengue. Severe dengue            person-years) compared to Latin Amer-                  tered phase 3 trials. Three live attenu-
     is characterized by plasma leakage, hem-         ica (2.9 episodes per 100 person-years);               ated dengue vaccines are now in late-stage
     orrhagic tendencies, organ failure, shock,       the percentage of dengue infections re-                development, with one candidate having
     and, occasionally, death[5]. Patients with       quiring hospitalization was 19% in Asia                completed phase 3 trials including long-
     a second dengue infection with a dengue          versus 11% in Latin America [11]. Many                 term follow-up of 5 years: CYD-TDV
     serotype different from the first are at           dengue infections lead to hospitaliza-                 by Sanofi Pasteur, Lyon, France, with the
     increased risk for severe dengue. The            tions, which can overwhelm weak health                 trade name of Dengvaxia.
     hallmark of severe dengue is capillary           care structures, in particular during times
     leakage leading to shock and, if not man-        of outbreaks. Given the unpredictability               CYD-TDV dengue vaccine
     aged well, death. The pathomechanism             of outbreaks, the increasing magnitude
     of severe dengue is still poorly under-          and frequency of such outbreaks, and                   CYD-TDV, a tetravalent live attenuated
     stood, although the most plausible hy-           the current lack of highly effective and                vaccine with a yellow fever 17D back-
     pothesis is antibody-dependent enhance-          sustainable vector-control interventions,              bone, is the first dengue vaccine to be li-
     ment in secondary infections [6]. Be-            there is a clear indication for a dengue               censed. Phase 3 trials revealed a vaccine
     cause effective vector-control measures           vaccine for endemic populations.                       efficacy that depended on age, serosta-
     are not scalable or sustainable, commu-                                                                 tus, and serotype but also showed a pop-
     nity-based approaches have led to mixed          Challenges and hurdles in                              ulation-level benefit [13]. Interference
     results [7, 8], and promising novel strate-      the development of dengue                              manifested by asymmetric immunolog-
     gies such as Wolbachia are still under de-       vaccines                                               ical responses to the mixtures of four
     velopment [9], a dengue vaccine would                                                                   dengue vaccine viruses was recognized
     appear to be the best intervention. The          Several difficulties have hampered the de-               as a possible reason for this varied vac-
     purpose of this review is to elaborate on        velopment of a dengue vaccine. One                     cine performance [14]. Post hoc retro-
     the first licensed dengue vaccine and re-         challenge is the lack of an appropriate                spective analyses of the long-term safety
     view second-generation dengue vaccines,          animal model and poor knowledge of                     data using a novel nonstructural protein
     both in the context of endemic popula-           correlates, both for protection and dis-               (NS1) antibody assay revealed an excess
     tions as well as international travelers.        ease enhancement [12]. But the biggest                 risk of severe dengue in those who were
                                                      hurdle is the interaction among the four               seronegative at baseline, which means

40    Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 1 · 2020
those who were dengue-naïve at the time      cination screening strategy [22]. In May        and phase 2 clinical trials, with high
of administration of the first dose [15].     2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-           titers of neutralizing antibody to all four
This increased risk was observed start-      tration (FDA) approved CYD-TDV for              serotypes in nonhuman primates and
ing from 30 months after administration      use in seropositive individuals 9–16 years      humans, including cross-reactive T-cell-
of the first dose. The reasons for the        of age living in endemic areas of the           mediated responses that may be neces-
excess cases are not fully understood,       United States. The European Medicines           sary for broad protection against dengue
but a plausible hypothesis is that Deng-     Agency also endorsed the use of this vac-       fever [25, 26]. The vaccine efficacy is
vaxia may trigger an immune response         cine in seropositive individuals only.          currently being tested in approximately
to dengue in seronegative persons that          The World Health Organization has            20,000 recipients in phase 3 trials in
predisposes them to a higher risk of se-     published guidance on evaluating the            Asia and Latin America using a two-
vere disease, analogous to what is seen      quality, safety, and efficacy of live at-         dose regimen given 3 months apart.
in natural secondary dengue infections.      tenuated dengue tetravalent vaccines,           Efficacy data for the first 18 months are
In other words, it is plausible that Deng-   including the need for baseline blood           imminent.
vaxia results in a “primary-like” silent     samples from all participants for a priori          The other tetravalent live attenuated
infection (which live attenuated vaccines    analysis plans stratified by serostatus, as      dengue vaccine was developed by the U.S.
often elicit) [16]. A subsequent infection   well as long-term follow-up for 3–5 years       National Institutes of Health (NIH) and
with the first true wild-type dengue virus    after the first dose [23]. This document         is currently in a phase 3 trial in Brazil, but
would then be a “secondary-like”, clin-      will guide vaccine developers in trial          it was also licensed to Merck and various
ically more severe dengue illness. It is     design and facilitate regulatory review         other vaccine manufacturers for further
not the vaccine itself that causes excess    to enable broader public health rec-            development outside Brazil. This vac-
cases, but rather the vaccine’s induction    ommendations for second-generation              cine consists of three full-length dengue
of an immune status that increases the       dengue vaccines. Indeed, the phase 3            virus (DENV) serotypes attenuated by
risk that subsequent infections will be      efficacy trials of the two second-genera-         one or more deletions in the 3′ untrans-
more severe.                                 tion dengue vaccines have incorporated          lated region with DEN1Δ30, DEN2Δ30,
   Despite licensure in 20 dengue-en-        all these requirements. Furthermore,            and DEN4Δ30, while the fourth com-
demic countries to date, CYD-TDV has         there is a need for the development             ponent is a chimeric virus in which the
been introduced in only two subnational      of standardized end points for vaccine          prM and E proteins of DENV-2 replace
public health programs: those in the         and other interventional trials, includ-        those of DENV-4 in the DEN4Δ30 back-
Philippines and in Brazil. After a me-       ing the need for subsequent validation          ground [27]. This vaccine performed well
dia release in November 2017 about the       with prospective data sets [24]. The            and was safe in phase 1 and phase 2 tri-
safety concern for seronegative persons,     complexity of developing moderate dis-          als [28]. A single dose induced robust
the Philippines decided to suspend its       ease research end points for dengue is          tetravalent antibody and cellular T-cell
program, while Brazil completed its pro-     particularly challenging.                       responses and resulted in 100% efficacy in
gram but has not expanded it. The media                                                      a human challenge study [29]. The capac-
release resulted in a major public outcry    Second-generation dengue                        ity to elicit CD4+ cell responses closely
in the Philippines, with heightened anx-     vaccines                                        mirrored those observed in a population
iety and lack of confidence around vac-                                                       associated with natural immunity [30].
cines in general [17], which led to the      Two live attenuated dengue vaccines are             The advantages of these second-gener-
subsequent resurgence of measles in the      now in phase 3 trials. One such live atten-     ation dengue vaccines are the inclusion of
Philippines, reflecting the global resur-     uated dengue vaccine is being developed         NS proteins of the dengue backbone and
gence of measles [18–20]. Communi-           by Takeda: DENVax vaccine consists              more convenient dosing, with reduced
cation around the introduction of any        of an attenuated DENV-2 (DEN2-PDK-              numbers of doses needed: While Deng-
newvaccine, butespeciallythose vaccines      53), whereby three chimeric viruses con-        vaxia is licensed for three doses 6 months
with partial efficacy or complex vaccine       taining the prM and envelope proteins of        apart, the Takeda vaccine is currently be-
performance, needs to be improved to         DENV-1, DENV-3, and DENV-4 are in-              ing considered for two doses 3 months
avoid public distrust and lack in vaccine    serted into the DEN2-PDK-53 backbone.           apart and the NIH vaccine for a sin-
confidence.                                   The difference from Dengvaxia, there-            gle dose. Whether these second-genera-
   The World Health Organization rec-        fore, is the presence of nonstructural (NS)     tion vaccines will provide balanced high
ommends that for countries considering       proteins due to the DENV2 backbone.             protection against all four serotypes and
CYD-TDV vaccination as part of their         The conserved NS proteins within the            thus overcome the serostatus-dependent
dengue-control program, a prevaccina-        dengue backbone may well be required            problem of CYD-TDV remains unknown
tion screening strategy is recommended       to generate T-cell-mediated responses to        and can be addressed only by the long-
so that only dengue-seropositive persons     dengue infection, and antibodies against        term results of the pending phase 3 trials.
are vaccinated [21]. The challenge is now    NS1 are associated with cross-protective
to urgently develop and license rapid di-    humoral immune responses [25]. This
agnostic tests to support such a prevac-     vaccine has performed well in phase 1

                                                               Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 1 · 2020     41
Abstract · Zusammenfassung

     Dengue vaccines for travelers                       Bundesgesundheitsbl 2020 · 63:40–44
                                                         © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2019
     Many dengue-endemic countries are
     commonly visited travel destinations,               A. Wilder-Smith
     and therefore dengue has become a fre-              Dengue vaccine development: status and future
     quent cause of febrile illness among
     international travelers [31]. An increase           Abstract
                                                         Dengue, the most common arbovirus,                to facilitate prevaccination screening. Two
     in hospitalizations and health care visits
                                                         represents an increasingly significant cause of    second-generation dengue vaccine candida-
     for dengue has been seen in American                morbidity worldwide, including in travelers.      tes, both also live attenuated recombinant
     [32] and European travelers [33, 34].               After decades of research, the first dengue        vaccines in late-stage development, may
     GeoSentinel is an international network             vaccine was licensed in 2015: CYD-TDV,            not present the same limitations because of
     of travel medicine providers [35] that has          a tetravalent live attenuated vaccine with        differences in the backbone used, but results
                                                         a yellow fever vaccine backbone. Recent           of phase 3 trials need to be available before
     also reported an increase in dengue over
                                                         analyses have shown that vaccine perfor-          firm conclusions can be drawn.
     the past decade [36]. Dengue can affect              mance is dependent on serostatus. In those        Dengue is increasingly frequent in travelers,
     tourists, business travelers, expatriates           who have had a previous dengue infection,         but the only licensed dengue vaccine to date
     [37, 38], pilgrims [40], and migrants,              i.e., who are seropositive, the efficacy is         can be used only in seropositive individuals.
     including those visiting friends and rel-           high and the vaccine is safe. However, in         However, the vast majority of travelers are
                                                         seronegative vaccinees, approximately             seronegative. Furthermore, the primary series
     atives [39], and can affect both adults
                                                         3 years after vaccination the vaccine increases   of three doses given 6 months apart renders
     and children [4, 41, 42]. Interruption              the risk of developing severe dengue when         this vaccine difficult in the travel medicine
     of travel, premature return, hospital-              the individual experiences a natural dengue       context.
     ization during or after travel, and out-            infection.
     of-pocket expenses are the result [43].             The World Health Organization recommends          Keywords
                                                         that this vaccine be administered only to         Severe dengue · CYD-TDV · Antibody-
     With an incidence of about 1–5% for
                                                         seropositive individuals. Current efforts are      dependent enhancement · Travelers · Live
     travelers to dengue-endemic countries               underway to develop rapid diagnostic tests        attenuated chimeric dengue vaccine
     [31], dengue is much more frequent
     than many of the other travel-associated
     vaccine-preventable diseases, such as               Entwicklung von Impfstoffen gegen Dengue: aktueller Stand und
     hepatitis A, yellow fever, and Japanese             Zukunft
     encephalitis [44, 45]. Vaccination would
     be of clear benefit to travelers, but the            Zusammenfassung
     benefit versus risk needs to be clearly              Das Dengue-Virus, das am meisten verbreitete      beide ebenfalls attenuierte rekombinante
                                                         Arbovirus, stellt weltweit eine zunehmende        Lebendimpfstoffe, befinden sich in der
     weighed [46]. Although vaccination is
                                                         Ursache für Morbidität dar, auch bei              Spätphase der Entwicklungspipeline und
     now licensed in Europe by the European              Reisenden. Nach jahrzehntelanger Forschung        könnten aufgrund der Unterschiede der
     Medicines Agency and in the United                  wurde 2015 der erste Impfstoff gegen               verwendeten „backbones“ nicht dieselben
     States by the FDA, and is also licensed in          Dengue-Fieber zugelassen: CYD-TDV, ein            Limitierungen aufweisen; es müssen aber die
     Australia, it has not yet been endorsed             tetravalenter, attenuierter Lebendimpfstoff        Ergebnisse der Phase-3-Studien abgewartet
                                                         auf Basis des Gelbfieber-Impfvirus („back-         werden, um dies sicher beurteilen zu können.
     for the travel medicine indication. Fur-
                                                         bone“). Neuste Analysen haben gezeigt,            Dengue-Fieber tritt immer häufiger bei
     thermore, the only currently licensed               dass die Performance des Impfstoffs vom            Reisenden auf. Die überwiegende Mehrheit
     dengue vaccine, CYD-TDV, should be                  Serostatus abhängig ist. Bei Menschen, die        der Reisenden ist jedoch seronegativ, weshalb
     used only in seropositive travelers [47].           bereits eine Dengue-Infektion hatten und          bei ihnen der bisher einzige zugelassene
     Most travelers, however, are seronegative           seropositiv sind, ist die Wirksamkeit hoch        Impfstoff gegen Dengue-Fieber nicht
                                                         und der Impfstoff sicher. Bei seronegativen        eingesetzt werden kann. Darüber hinaus
     [48]. Furthermore, the dosing schedule
                                                         Impflingen erhöht der Impfstoff jedoch              sind für die Grundimmunisierung drei
     of three doses 6 months apart for CYD-              im Fall einer nachfolgenden Dengue-               Impfdosen nach dem Schema 0-6-12 Monate
     TDV renders the use of such a vaccine               Wildvirusinfektion das Risiko für eine schwere    erforderlich, wodurch der Einsatz dieses
     difficult in the travel medicine context.             Dengue-Erkrankung etwa 3 Jahre nach der           Impfstoffes im reisemedizinischen Kontext
     A safe and efficacious vaccine that can               Impfung. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation          schwierig ist.
     be used regardless of serostatus would              empfiehlt daher, den Impfstoff nur an
                                                         seropositive Menschen zu verabreichen.            Schlüsselwörter
     enhance the use of a dengue vaccine in              Derzeit wird intensiv an der Entwicklung von      Schweres Dengue-Fieber · CYD-TDV ·
     travelers [49]. Travelers should be ad-             Schnelltests gearbeitet, um das Screening vor     Antibody-dependent enhancement ·
     vised to take daytime personal protective           der Impfung zu erleichtern. Zwei Dengue-          Reisende · Attenuierter chimärer Dengue-
     measures against mosquito bites [50].               Impfstoffkandidaten der zweiten Generation,        Lebendimpfstoff

     Given the unpredictability of dengue out-
     breaks, the increasing magnitude and fre-

42    Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 1 · 2020
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