DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council

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DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council

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DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council
Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

CONTENTS                                                                      ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Executive Summary........................................ 2                   Dr. Alina Polyakova is the President and Chief
Defense Against Disinformation:                                               Executive Officer of the Center for European
A Mixed Report Card ..................................... 3                   Policy Analysis (CEPA). She serves on the
A Burgeoning Sector of Disinformation                                         board of the Free Russia Foundation and the
                                                                              Institute of Modern Russia and is professor of
Research Groups.............................................. 7               European studies at the Johns Hopkins School
Stop the Whack-a-Mole Approach:                                               of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr.
Get on the Offense ......................................... 10               Polyakova was the founding director for global
Cyber Options ................................................. 11            democracy and emerging technology at the
Sanctions (and Other Financial) Tools........ 15                              Brookings Institution.
‘The Truth Shall Set You Free’:                                               Ambassador Daniel Fried is Ambassador Daniel
Support for Free Media................................... 17                  Fried is the Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow
Recommendations........................................... 20                 at the Atlantic Council. Ambassador Fried
Conclusion......................................................... 25        served as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe
                                                                              and as NSC Senior Director under President Bill
Endnotes............................................................ 26
                                                                              Clinton and President George W. Bush, and as
                                                                              Ambassador to Poland. He most recently served
                                                                              in government as State Department Coordinator
                                                                              for Sanctions under President Barack Obama.
This three-part series on how democracies can
defend against and get ahead of disinformation
would not have been possible without help                                     ABOUT CEPA
from many colleagues in the United States                                     The Center for European Analysis (CEPA)
and Europe. This paper, and the ones before                                   is a non-partisan think-tank dedicated to
it, would not have become a reality without                                   strengthening the transatlantic relationship.
Geysha González, who remained committed to                                    Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and led by
the work since the first paper was published                                  seasoned transatlanticists and young leaders
in 2018. We also received valuable feedback                                   from both sides of the Atlantic, CEPA brings
and support from colleagues at the Atlantic                                   an innovative approach to the policy arena.
Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab and                                   Our cutting-edge analysis and timely debates
the Center for European Policy Analysis. Many                                 galvanize communities of influence while
others from the public, private, and nonprofit                                investing in the next generation of leaders to
sectors across the Atlantic lent their expertise                              understand and address present and future
in the review process. Alexander Wirth of the                                 challenges to transatlantic values and principles.
Center for European Policy Analysis stepped in
at just the right moment to move this project
forward. The authors also thank the Delegation
of the European Union to the United States for
its generous support without which this report
would not have been possible. This report is
part of CEPA’s Digital Innovation Initiative,
which receives generous support from Craig
Newmark Philanthropies.

All opinions are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily represent the position or views
of the institutions they represent or the Center
for European Policy Analysis.

Cover: Assets from were used.

DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council
Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

The intentional use of misleading                 its efforts globally. Moreover, Russia is
information to influence societies, or            no longer the sole threat in the foreign
disinformation, presents a serious threat         influence game. The Chinese Communist
to the integrity of democratic systems.           Party (CCP) has far greater resources
Authoritarian states regularly use it to          than Russia and a long track record of
exploit democracies’ open information             information manipulation and aggressive
systems, presenting a significant                 intervention in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
national security threat that demands a           With the Covid-19 pandemic, China
purposeful and concerted response. This           entered the global disinformation space,
paper is the third in a series of papers          targeting Europe, NATO, and the United
that deals with how democracies can               States, working from the Kremlin’s
build resilience against disinformation.          playbook. There is now growing evidence
The first installment, Democratic                 that Russia and China are working
Defense Against Disinformation,1                  together to amplify anti-democratic
and its follow-up, Democratic Defense             narratives.4
Against Disinformation 2.0,2
unpacked the challenge of foreign-origin          Democracies have aimed to identify,
disinformation and suggested practical            expose, and build greater public
steps to deal with it, including actions by       awareness of state-sponsored
governments, social media companies,              disinformation with the goal of building
and civil society. The core argument was          up greater long-term resilience to
that defense against disinformation has           information influence operations.5 But
to be rooted in democratic principles and         the adversaries adapt and evolve their
values: transparency, accountability, and         strategies and tactics to circumvent
respect for freedom of expression. We             exposure and attribution. Companies,
must not become them to fight them.               researchers, and governments are
                                                  playing whack-a-mole — responding
While domestic-origin disinformation              to each disinformation campaign as it
is a more widespread (and growing)                arises while trying (and failing) to keep
challenge, the tools to deal with foreign         up with new threats. To get ahead of
state-sponsored disinformation are                foreign disinformation, democracies must
broader. The Russian government was the           develop a proactive strategy to prevent
first mover and innovator in exploiting           state-sponsored information operations
the digital information environment to            in the first place.6 That means getting off
carry out influence operations against            our back foot and getting on the offensive.
democracies, targeting the United States,         This paper, written principally for the
Europe, and countries beyond.3                    United States but hopefully applicable
                                                  in adapted form to other countries, is
But while Russian interference in the             a road map for how countries can get
2016 U.S. elections awoke Americans               ahead of foreign disinformation. The
and Europeans to the threat of                    new U.S. administration should lead the
disinformation, the response has not              democratic community in this effort.
deterred the Kremlin, which has extended

DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council
Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

Executive Summary                                   the fast-evolving threat and the slow
                                                    implementation of efforts to manage it.
The United States and other democratic              We, therefore, recommend
countries have made progress                        supplementing defense with offense. Our
defending against foreign and domestic              recommendations are designed for the
disinformation. Unevenly, but steadily, a           United States; some may be adaptable by
structure for democratic defense against            European governments and the European
disinformation is emerging, consistent              Union (EU) as well. Offense does not mean
with the principles of transparency,                spreading disinformation (that would not
accountability, and respect for freedom of          be consistent with democratic values and
expression. It includes:                            democracies aren’t good at it anyway). It
•   a growing network of disinformation             does mean building up:
    detectors (led by civil society                 •   Cyber tools to identify and disrupt
    sometimes informed by government                    foreign disinformation operations. The
    agencies);                                          U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
•   social media companies (responsive                  has already launched this option — the
    to public and legislative pressure)                 U.S. military terms it “hunt, surveil,
    that constrict disinformation on their              expose and disable.” It has the appeal
    platforms;                                          of immediacy and directness, but at
                                                        its harder-edged end it has drawbacks.
•   an informed media that exposes                      The “disable” option needs to be
    disinformation; and, potentially at a               implemented with care.
    next stage,
                                                    •   Sanctions (and other financial) tools
•   a regulatory framework that seeks to                against disinformation actors and their
    filter out inauthentic and deceptive                sources of funding, and development
    behavior.                                           of contingent retaliatory sanctions
                                                        as a deterrent. Use of the sanctions
While defensive measures cannot                         tool requires persistence to apply
block all disinformation, they can limit                well and its impact will be moderate
disinformation as more people learn                     rather than decisive. It will be more
to filter it out on their own (“social                  effective if carried out in parallel by the
resilience”).                                           United States, the EU, and the United
But defense is working against a moving
target. Purveyors of disinformation have            •   Support for free media in the broad
grown more sophisticated and their tactics              sense, including journalists, activists,
continue to advance. The line between                   and independent investigators, can
domestic and foreign disinformation                     be the most effective tool of counter-
has blurred, with Russian agents using                  disinformation. It is asymmetric
local actors as proxies to carry out                    — it does not directly counter
disinformation operations. “Deepfakes” are              disinformation — but plays to the
progressing beyond the ability to detect                greatest strengths of free societies
such content in real time. China and other              dealing with authoritarian adversaries:
foreign players (Iran, for example) have also           the inherent attraction, over the long
entered the disinformation game.                        run, of truth. This was a key lesson
                                                        of the Cold War, when 20th century
Defensive tactics based on democratic values
                                                        methods, e.g., support for independent
can mitigate the impact of disinformation,
                                                        radio broadcasting at Radio Free
but there remains a mismatch between
                                                        Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), proved

DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council
Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

       effective in reaching societies inside the
       Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc. Today,
                                                        Defense Against
       updated technologies, including direct,          Disinformation: A
       although unofficial, support for activist
       journalists working both inside and
                                                        Mixed Report Card
       outside Russia (and China) may become
       a 21st century equivalent. China’s               The good news
       media and internet landscape is more             Emerging whole-of-society counter-
       restrictive than Russia’s but options            disinformation activities: Transatlantic
       exist there as well. These activities can        democracies — governments, researchers,
       be slow to yield measurable results              and the private sector/social media
       but can have strategic impact over               companies — have generally moved
       time, if applied with creativity and             beyond denying the disinformation
       determination.                                   challenge (or describing disinformation
    The United States and, to some degree,              in awestruck terms as insurmountable) to
    the EU, NATO, and some European                     testing solutions.
    national governments, are already                   •   EU’s actions:
    applying versions of these tools, but often
    haphazardly, without integrating them                   ʑ   2015: The European External
    into a policy framework and with only                       Action Service (EEAS) established
    spotty coordination. For the first two levels               the EastStratCom Task Force
    of tools, governments will have the lead;                   to identify and raise awareness
    for the third, civil society groups will be                 around Russian disinformation
    critical and, in some cases, leading actors.                campaigns against EU member
                                                                states. Initially deeply underfunded
                                                                with few staff members, the task
     While defensive measures                                   force finally received significant EU
                                                                budget support and expanded to 16
cannot block all disinformation,                                members by 2020. The EUvsDisinfo
   they can limit disinformation                                database now holds almost 10,000
                                                                examples of disinformation.8 But
 as more people learn to filter it                              the future of the taskforce remains
                                                                uncertain as it is not a permanent
               out on their own                                 unit and relies on staff seconded
                                                                from EU member states.
    The new U.S. administration under                       ʑ   2018: The European Commission
    President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is likely               developed an Action Plan Against
    to be more committed to developing a                        Disinformation9 and concluded
    strategic response to disinformation, and                   a voluntary Code of Practice
    be more effective generally, in crafting                    on Disinformation with major
    and implementing policies. U.S. President                   social media companies, which
    Donald J. Trump’s mixed signals with                        lays out policy norms to restrict
    respect to Russian disinformation, attacks                  disinformation. The enlisted
    on free media, and distracting fights with                  companies, initially including
    European allies prevented a coordinated                     Facebook, Google, Twitter, and
    response and set the United States back7.                   Mozilla, now joined by Microsoft
    Recovering from these setbacks will not be                  and TikTok,10 have been providing
    easy, but the new Biden administration will                 monthly reports to the European
    have a roadmap for what to do.                              Commission. The results appear

DEMOCRATIC OFFENSE DISINFORMATION - AGAINST @apolyakova @AmbDanFried #russia #china #EU #US #disinformation - Atlantic Council
Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

France’s President Emmanuel Macron gestures as he speaks to the press after a plenary session at
the Bellevue centre in Biarritz, France August 25, 2019. Ludovic Marin/Pool via REUTERS.

        mixed in terms of the detail of data                Services Act (DSA) — to be finalized
        provided, independent verification,                 at the end of 2020. The former
        and lack of standard terminology                    will likely lay out next steps on
        and report structure.11                             the Code of Practice and may help
                                                            turn currently voluntary measures
    ʑ   2019: In preparation for the                        into regulation. The DSA, on the
        EU parliamentary elections in                       other hand, takes an expansive
        May 2019, the EU established a                      view of digital regulatory policy,
        Rapid Alert System to facilitate                    including the likely establishment
        information sharing, expose                         of an independent body to regulate
        disinformation in real time, and                    everything from data use to rules
        coordinate with other multilateral                  of the road around emerging
        efforts by the G-7 and NATO.                        technologies and e-commerce.
        Critics have noted that the system
        has yet to issue an alert, but EU           •   Notable actions by European national
        officials assert that the system is             governments:
                                                        ʑ   Sweden: Most European
    ʑ   2020: The EU is integrating lessons                 governments have established
        learned from previous efforts into                  counter-disinformation teams
        two broader policy initiatives —                    to coordinate governmental
        the European Democracy Action                       efforts to identify and respond to
        Plan (EDAP) and the Digital                         disinformation operations, but

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    Sweden has long been ahead in                       blow to the Macron government’s
    identifying the threat, analyzing                   counter-disinformation policy.
    its societal vulnerabilities,
    committing significant resources,               ʑ   United Kingdom: Following the
    and developing a strategic plan.                    poisoning of former Russian
    The Counter Information Influence                   spy Sergei Skripal by Russia’s
    Section at the Swedish Civil                        military intelligence service,
    Contingencies Agency (MSB) leads                    the GRU, in Salisbury in 2018,
    the effort and a newly expanded                     the UK government developed a
    Psychological Defense Agency is                     whole-of-government approach
    in the process of being established                 to responding to disinformation
    by 2022.12 The agency has trained                   attacks. The effort is led by the
    more than 14,000 Swedish                            Department for Digital, Culture,
    public servants in the subject of                   Media and Sport (DCMS) which
    information influence since 2016.                   coordinates efforts to expose
                                                        foreign disinformation, alert the
ʑ   France: In 2018, French President                   public, and assess appropriate
    Emmanuel Macron launched the                        responses through a counter-
    Paris Call for Trust and Security in                disinformation cell that engages
    Cyberspace that seeks to establish                  intelligence agencies, tech experts,
    international cyber norms. It has,                  the Foreign Office, as well as
    as of this writing, attracted backing               other government agencies.
    from 78 governments, civil society                  The UK’s broadcast regulator,
    groups, and a number of major                       Ofcom, is involved in an ongoing
    European and U.S. corporations                      investigation of China Global
    (including Facebook, Google, and                    Television Network (CGTN) for its
    Microsoft).13 Notably, Amazon,                      broadcasting of illegally obtained
    Apple, and Twitter have not joined                  “confessions.”15
    the Paris Call. And while the
    United States opted out of it, its          •   Multilateral institutions’ actions:
    platform provides a valuable space
                                                    ʑ   NATO: The NATO Strategic
    for multi-stakeholder discussions.
                                                        Communications Center of
    France’s domestic initiatives to                    Excellence in Riga,16 established in
    regulate disinformation through                     2014, and the European Center of
    content moderation have been                        Excellence on Countering Hybrid
    far less successful. In June 2020,                  Threats in Helsinki17 (the Helsinki
    a French court struck down as                       Hybrid CoE, established in 2017,
    unconstitutional a hate speech law                  that works with both the EU and
    passed by Parliament and supported                  NATO) are active in identifying
    by Macron’s government.14 The so-                   disinformation among other hybrid
    called Avia Law would have forced                   threats and sharing best practices
    social media platforms to take                      for countering them. Both have
    down content reported by users                      added Chinese disinformation to
    as hateful within 24 hours or face                  their areas of responsibility. Their
    fines of up to €1.25 million ($1.46                 focus is primarily on research
    million) among other stringent                      and coordination, however, and
    provisions. The French court’s                      neither has the power to affect and
    ruling saw the law as infringing on                 mandate policy.
    free speech. The ruling was a major

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    ʑ   G7: In 2018, the G7 established the                 Europe and elsewhere to carry out
        Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)                      counter-disinformation research
        at Canada’s initiative. The RRM                     and develop monitoring tools.
        aims to coordinate information
        sharing and respond to “malign and              ʑ   The U.S. Cyber Command
        evolving threats to G7 democracies”                 (USCYBERCOM) has gained
        and grew out of the Charlevoix                      prominence through its
        Commitment on Defending                             actions targeting purveyors of
        Democracies from Foreign Threats.18                 disinformation and a new proactive
                                                            posture that USCYBERCOM calls
    ʑ   United Nations: In the wake                         “persistent engagement” as part
        of disinformation campaigns                         of the Department of Defense’s
        around the Covid-19 “infodemic,”                    “defend forward” framework.21
        the United Nations launched
        an initiative called Verified to                ʑ   The U.S. Congress has been
        counter the spread of misleading                    considering legislation that
        information on the public health                    would constrict the space for
        crisis. It relies on individuals to                 disinformation. The 2017 Honest
        sign up as volunteers to receive                    Ads Act would mandate social
        verified content and share in their                 media platforms to keep a public
        communities and social media.                       database identifying purchase of
        This “crowdsourcing” approach is                    paid political ads while preventing
        a public-private partnership and                    foreign entities from purchasing
        takes on a novel approach that                      online political ads (as is the case
        relies on private citizens to be                    with non-digital ads). While the bill
        trusted community messengers.19                     has stalled in Congress, companies
        Though its sustainability remains                   have de facto implemented its
        in question, the program had                        main provisions through their
        recruited 10,000 volunteers                         own policies. The 2019 Digital
        worldwide as of July 2020.20                        Citizenship and Media Literacy
        The U.N. and the World Health                       Act would allocate $20 million
        Organization (WHO) have                             in funding for media and digital
        also partnered with Facebook,                       literacy education in U.S. public
        WhatsApp, and other messaging                       schools. This bill has also not
        services and telecom operators to                   passed Congress.
        deliver accurate information about
                                                    •   Notable private sector actions:
        the pandemic.
                                                        ʑ   Coordination among companies:
•   U.S. actions:
                                                            Social media companies and
    ʑ   The U.S. government’s Global                        others are implementing counter-
        Engagement Center (GEC, housed                      disinformation policies regarding
        at the State Department) has a                      issue and other political ads, taking
        mandate to counter state-sponsored                  down coordinated inauthentic
        disinformation, adding to its                       behavior, labeling misleading
        original mandate to counter terrorist               information and state-sponsored
        and Islamist propaganda. With                       media outlets, working more
        significant congressional funding                   closely with civil society groups
        of $64.3 million and an additional                  concerned about disinformation,
        $138 million requested for 2021,                    and generally engaging more with
        the GEC has provided funding to                     researchers and governments.
        independent research groups in

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    ʑ   Ahead of the 2020 U.S. elections,             aimed at reducing disinformation with
        LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit,                  respect to the 2020 U.S. elections.25
        Verizon Media, and the Wikimedia
        Foundation joined Google,
        Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft           A Burgeoning Sector
        to coordinate with the U.S.                of Disinformation
        intelligence community to identify
        disinformation campaigns.22 This led
                                                   Research Groups
        to several takedowns of coordinated        What was once a niche specialty has
        inauthentic behavior, including            evolved into a burgeoning field of research,
        the removal of a network linked to         in both the nonprofit and private sectors.
        the Kremlin-connected troll farm           Early responders from frontline states,
        Internet Research Agency (IRA)             such as the Baltic Elves and Ukraine’s
        from Facebook.23                           StopFake, are now part of a large global
•   Twitter, once seen as the most                 network of universities, think tanks,
    problematic of the platforms given             nonprofit research groups, consultancies,
    the extent of the IRA’s activities and         and independent media organizations.26
    the ease of access, is now an industry         Governments and foundations have
    leader in setting the policy agenda. The       increased funding for counter-
    company has banned:                            disinformation efforts, while companies
    ʑ   advertising by all state-controlled        and political campaigns now recognize
        media, including RT and Sputnik24          the need to understand the threat and
        and                                        respond. Groups long devoted to counter-
                                                   disinformation are developing ties with
    ʑ   all political advertising.                 other civil society groups new to the
                                                   topic, including U.S. domestic civil right
    It has extended and refined policies,          groups (e.g., the Congressional Black
    including:                                     Caucus Foundation and the Leadership
                                                   Conference on Civil and Human Rights)
    ʑ   labeling state-controlled media and
                                                   which have discovered that Russian-origin
        key government accounts, initially
                                                   disinformation is linked to U.S. right-wing
        from the United States, the UK,
                                                   extremist groups and others with a bigoted
        Russia, France, and China;
                                                   policy agenda (e.g., restricting minority
    ʑ   a framework for labelling and              voting rights).27 The ability to monitor,
        removing manipulated or synthetic          identify, and expose disinformation
        media and misleading information           operations is rapidly improving as
        intended to undermine public               information sharing between these groups
        confidence in an election; and             grows.

    ʑ   a policy framework for limiting
        coordinated harmful activity, which        A whole-of-society
        has reduced the reach of such              response is still in
        content.                                   nascent stages
    Twitter continues to be the only social        The abovementioned efforts constitute
    media company to publish a full                an emerging structure for democratic
    archive of the information operations          defense against disinformation: a
    it has removed, including all the tweets       growing network of disinformation
    and related media. In October 2020,            detectors (led by civil society sometimes
    Twitter announced additional policies          informed by government agencies), social

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

media companies (responsive to public                    They set up shell media and social
and legislative pressure) constricting                   media companies, attempted to
disinformation on their platforms,                       convince unsuspecting individuals to
informed media alert to disinformation                   “rent out” their social media accounts
campaigns and exposing them, and a                       and contracted local journalists
careful regulatory framework (reflecting                 to publish misleading content.28
a developing set of international norms)                 Such tactics obfuscate detection by
targeted less at content control and more                blending in with domestic voices and
at filtering out inauthentic and deceptive               taking away a telltale sign of foreign
behavior.                                                interference: the use of foreign-based
                                                         accounts whose location gives away
Defensive measures cannot filter out all                 their true identity.
disinformation. No doubt, some individuals
will believe even exposed falsehoods if they         As China has entered the disinformation
tend to confirm preexisting biases. But at           game, its approach has not simply copied
their best, defensive measures can limit             the Kremlin’s playbook. Rather, Beijing is
disinformation as societies slowly learn to          deploying a more far-reaching and deeply
filter it.                                           embedded set of tools to sway public
                                                     opinion in democratic societies, using
The bad news                                         the full scope of China’s economic and
                                                     political power. China’s “sharp power”
Defensive efforts are still at an early stage,       strategy, documented by the National
sometimes in sketch form only, and often             Endowment for Democracy, aims to
merely attempting whack-a-mole against               penetrate the political and information
an evolving threat.                                  environments in target countries.29
                                                     With China’s mishandling of the early
A rapidly evolving threat: Disinformation            stages of the Covid-19 pandemic facing
campaigns have grown more sophisticated.             international criticism, Beijing has
For instance:                                        stepped up its information influence
•   The production of increasingly                   operations aimed at Western democracies,
    credible disinformation content using            highlighting shortcomings in their
    artificial intelligence (e.g., “deepfakes”       public health systems, promoting its own
    or “synthetic media”) is rapidly                 efforts to provide medical and personal
    progressing far beyond the ability to            protective equipment, and attempting to
    detect such content in real time.                curb international political contacts with
•   Foreign state-sponsored disinformation
    operations, no longer restricted to the
    frontline states of Central and Eastern
                                                     Policy responses
    Europe in the case of Russia or Taiwan           woefully lag
    and Hong Kong in the case of China,              In the meantime, policy steps taken by key
    pose a global threat.                            players remain uneven.
•   The line between domestic and foreign            •   Notwithstanding constructive
    disinformation has blurred. Working                  steps, social media companies have
    through local proxies, disinformation                inconsistent approaches to the challenge
    purveyors are able to hide the true                  of disinformation. For example, Twitter
    source of online content. In Ukraine,                bans political ads while other social
    Africa, and Latin America, Russian                   media platforms do not. In another
    agents used local actors as proxies to               inconsistency, when confronted in
    carry out disinformation operations.                 May 2019 with a deceptively altered

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is seen testifying remotely via videoconference as U.S. Senator Chris Coons
(D-DE) listens during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled, «Breaking the News: Censorship,
Suppression, and the 2020 Election,? on Facebook and Twitter’s content moderation practices, on
Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 17, 2020. REUTERS/Hannah McKay/Pool.

   video of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the             •   Implementation of the EU’s
   U.S. House of Representatives, YouTube                policy framework for combating
   removed the video, Facebook de-                       disinformation remains spotty.
   ranked it, and Twitter let it stand.30                European critics have characterized
   Inconsistent standards can be exploited               the EU’s Rapid Alert System (RAS) on
   by purveyors of disinformation, who                   disinformation as being neither rapid
   can tailor their tactics to exploit the               nor alert nor a system; that may be
   gaps and opportunities.                               unfair, but the RAS does seem off to a
                                                         slow start.
Social media companies have concentrated
on takedowns of inauthentic content.                 •   The United States still lags the EU
That is a good (and publicly visible) step               (and many EU member states). While
but does not address deeper issues of                    the United States has sometimes acted
content distribution (e.g., micro-targeting),            with strength against purveyors of
algorithmic bias toward extremes, and lack               disinformation, e.g., by indicting IRA-
of transparency. The EU’s own evaluation                 connected individuals,31 U.S. policy
of the first year of implementation of its               is inconsistent. The U.S. government
Code of Practice concludes that social media             has no equivalent to the European
companies have not provided independent                  Commission’s Action Plan Against
researchers with data sufficient for them to             Disinformation and no corresponding
make independent evaluations of progress                 Code of Practice on Disinformation,
against disinformation.                                  and there remains no one in the

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    U.S. government in overall charge of              Some can raise the costs and may
    disinformation policy; this may reflect           change the incentive/risk calculus for
    the baleful U.S. domestic politics and            governments contemplating disinformation
    Trump’s mixed or worse messages                   campaigns and perhaps establish a
    on the problem of Russian-origin                  measure of deterrence. Others can
    disinformation.                                   weaken technical capabilities to conduct
                                                      disinformation operations and thus
•   Aside from funding the State                      serve as tactical supplements for defense
    Department’s Global Engagement                    against disinformation. Still other forms
    Center, congressional work on                     of offense can challenge regimes that
    countering disinformation has slowed,             use disinformation in strategic ways:
    with even the Honest Ads Act stalled.             Vladimir Putin’s regime in Russia seems
                                                      to use disinformation to weaken its
•   Longer-term tools to encourage public
                                                      democratic adversaries by attacking their
    sophistication about disinformation and
                                                      social cohesion; democratic countries can
    thus social resistance to it are being
                                                      answer this through support for free media
    developed in some European countries
                                                      inside Russia, China, and other purveyors
    (e.g., Finland and Sweden), but barely
                                                      of disinformation, working nationally or
    beginning in the United States.
•   A lack of coordination between
                                                      Care and caution are still required. The
    Europe and the United States on
                                                      principle of remaining true to democratic
    policy responses to disinformation
                                                      values holds as much for offensive as
    has produced two different tracks:
                                                      for defensive options. We must not
    Europe focuses on identifying and
                                                      become them to fight them. Democracies
    exposing disinformation, while the
                                                      should not attempt their own version of
    United States investigates, names, and
                                                      disinformation. Doing so would undermine
    shames, though inconsistently. Neither
                                                      the values that democracies seek to defend,
    has sought to develop a regulatory
                                                      creating a moral equivalence (one that
    framework to increase authenticity and
                                                      would bolster the cynical arguments of
    integrity in the social media space.
                                                      Russian propagandists about democracy
A combination of defensive tactics based              being mere fraud). Besides, if the history of
on democratic values can be effective in at           the Cold War is any guide, democracies are
mitigating the impact of disinformation in            no good at disinformation.
the short term. But the fast-evolving threat
                                                      Democratic countries have options.
and the slow implementation of policies,
                                                      Democratic offense against disinformation
practices, and long-term social antibodies (so
                                                      can draw on three levels of tools:
to speak) to manage it are still mismatched
in favor of disinformation; defense needs to          •   Cyber tools to identify and disrupt
be supplemented with offense.                             disinformation operations. This
                                                          option is already in use and has the
Stop the Whack-a-                                         appeal of immediacy and directness.
                                                          It is essential but at its harder-edged
Mole Approach: Get                                        end has drawbacks, e.g., the risk of
on the Offense                                            escalation.

Democracies also need to go on offense:               •   Sanctions (and other financial) tools
to take the fight more directly to the                    against disinformation actors and their
purveyors of disinformation and the                       sources of funding, and development
regimes that sponsor and direct them.                     of contingent retaliatory sanctions as
Effective offense can take many forms.                    a deterrent. Use of the sanctions tool

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    requires persistence to apply well and
    its impact will be moderate rather than         Democracies should not
    decisive.                                       attempt their own version
•   Support for free media in the broad             of disinformation.
    sense, including journalists, activists,
    and independent investigators. With
    respect to Russia, this could include           IRA, the St. Petersburg troll farm which had
    those operating both inside and outside         long been identified as a major source of
    the country. This option can be slow to         Russian disinformation targeting the United
    yield measurable results but can have           States.34 This information, probably leaked
    strategic impact over time, if applied          by USCYBERCOM itself, remains the United
    with creativity and determination.              States’ most notable publicly reported
                                                    counter-disinformation offensive operation.
The United States and to some degree the            USCYBERCOM appears to be continuing
EU, NATO, and some European national                such efforts, including reportedly against a
governments are applying versions of                criminal Russian botnet.35
these three levels of tools, but often
haphazardly, without integration into a             Cyber offensive operations (rightly)
policy framework and with only spotty               remain classified, but Gen. Paul Nakasone,
coordination. For the first two levels of           simultaneously director of the National
tools, governments will have the lead;              Security Agency (NSA) and commander of
for the third, civil society groups will be         USCYBERCOM, has outlined the basics of
critical and, in some cases, leading actors.        the strategy publicly.36

                                                    USCYBERCOM has offered a set of
Cyber Options                                       offensive actions meant to disrupt and
                                                    disable the internet infrastructure behind
The Department of Defense’s Cyber                   major disinformation operations. The
Strategy summary issued in September                concepts reflect intelligence capabilities,
2018 stated that the United States would            such as reconnaissance, gaining deep
“defend forward” and “persistently                  access and adversary awareness. Nakasone’s
contest” malicious cyber activity, with             statements37 and people familiar with the
specific reference to Russia and China,             program see options for actions on four
and emphasized Russian disinformation               levels: “hunt, surveil, expose, and disable.”
operations as a particular challenge.32
The National Security Presidential                  •   Hunt includes actively seeking out
Memorandum, NSPM-13, issued around                      adversarial activities and entities before
that time, reportedly gave new authorities              an attack takes place.
to the U.S. military, with USCYBERCOM               •   Surveil includes probing foreign
in the lead, to engage in certain cyber                 disinformation systems to identify
offensive actions below a certain                       bad actors and the details of related
threshold.33                                            software, malware, and viruses used in
While the new cyber strategy covers far                 disinformation and related operations.
more than the disinformation challenge,             •   Expose includes the release on
what the policy could mean with respect to              a selective basis of the details of
offensive counter-disinformation operations             disinformation operations, including
became clear when The Washington Post                   personnel, methods, and specific
reported that around the time of the 2018               campaigns. This information could be
U.S. mid-term elections, USCYBERCOM                     provided to internet service providers
had attacked and temporarily disabled the               (ISPs), social media companies, and

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    friendly third countries. Exposure               seems to exist. Recognizing that much
    could also include conveying such                of the policy and operations is classified,
    information to the media or to civil             we offer the following assessment and
    society groups that follow and combat            recommendations with respect to the
    disinformation, either directly or               reported cyber tools:
    through third parties, to out bad actors
    and expose networks and operational              Deploy the “hunt” and “surveillance” tools.
    habits. Exposure will have different             Use of the U.S. government’s cyber capacity
    outcomes depending on the actor:                 to gain intelligence on state-sponsored
    whereas Russia simply denies any                 disinformation operations, technical
    accusations, regardless of the evidence          details, and actors appears valuable. The
    presented, China has, in the past,               leads for such actions might have been
    responded by reducing its attacks on             placed elsewhere, e.g., in the intelligence
    U.S. companies.                                  community rather than in the military, but
                                                     it is important that they exist and are being
•   Disable could include disrupting                 employed.
    the infrastructure used to wage
    disinformation operations through                Expose (with tactical forethought) foreign
    a variety of means (e.g., redirecting            disinformation operations, especially to
    command and control of adversary                 friendly governments, ISPs, social media
    malware, degrading the infrastructure            companies that are active and responsible
    of prime Russian disinformation                  in countering disinformation, and civil
    sites, and other means to target or              society activists. In some cases, it may be
    compromise systems). This was the                advisable to filter such information so it
    level of attack reportedly chosen                reaches some (e.g., foreign civil society
    against the IRA.                                 activists) through third parties rather than
                                                     the U.S. government. USCYBERCOM or the
Under NSPM-13, as reported,                          NSA may not always be best placed to do
USCYBERCOM (with additional input                    liaison work with non-U.S. (and even some
from policy agencies) has a degree of                U.S. non-U.S. government) partners, so a
latitude regarding which targets to choose.          smooth interagency process for providing
Reportedly, the threshold for targeting              relevant information to outside groups
Russian government entities, e.g., the GRU           will be important. The NATO Strategic
cyber units responsible for the hacking              Communications Center of Excellence
operations against the Democratic National           in Riga and the Helsinki Hybrid CoE,
Committee’s computer system in 2016,                 especially by linking up with civil society
is higher than that for nominally non-               activists, should organize themselves to act
Russian government bodies such as the IRA            as early warning centers.
or proxies of the Russian government or
Kremlin. If accurate, this would be a wise           Providing U.S., European, and other media
distinction to make, especially with respect         with general information about Russian
to disabling operations.                             (and Chinese) disinformation operations —
                                                     exposing operational details, individual bad
                                                     Russian actors, and Russian organizations
Opportunities and                                    and their foreign collaborators — seems
cautionary notes                                     like sound policy. The IRA is now widely
                                                     known and the GRU’s cyber units are
The general appeal of applying cyber                 becoming so, but these are unlikely to
offense options to go after foreign                  be the only Russian entities engaged in
disinformation targets is clear, more or less        disinformation and related activities. The
on the grounds of “they have it coming,”             exposure of new names and organizations
and the capacity for effective action                can limit future disinformation operations.

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

A subset of exposure can include reaching              know that the U.S. government was aware
out directly to individuals engaged in                 of their activities and identities. That
disinformation (as USCYBERCOM is                       operation received broad support from
reported to have done with respect to                  those who follow disinformation because
employees of the IRA). According to                    the target was notorious, unofficial (though
various reports, many of these individuals             a tool of the Kremlin), and had a long track
are ordinary, tech-savvy Russians not fully            record of disinformation, including in the
aware of the impact or nature of their own             United States.
activities. Letting them know that their
identities are known, that they can be                 It will be important to maintain this
exposed, and that sanctions (e.g., bans on             relatively high bar for such operations
visas to the United States and Europe and/             going forward: targets chosen for active
or asset freezes) can be applied may have a            disabling operations should be nefarious
deterrent effect.                                      (i.e., major and not peripheral players in
                                                       disinformation, whether publicly known
Such operations must be carried out with               or not). A high degree of confidence on
care. Decisions about when and how much                attribution is key — while the Kremlin (or
to reveal about certain individuals associated         Beijing) will likely deny any involvement
with disinformation, especially third-                 in information influence operations even
country enablers of Russian disinformation             when presented with undeniable facts, that
operations (either witting or “useful idiots”),        attempt at plausible deniability should not
should be considered on an interagency                 prevent our ability and intent to act.
basis, incorporating input from regional
experts from the State Department about                While not familiar with the details of the
how to make best use of such revelations,              classified NSPM-13, we recommend that
especially those involving third-country               senior U.S. government interagency sign
nationals. In some cases, revelations about            off be required for any cyber disabling
Russian disinformation operations can be               operation against any foreign target. Using
provided discreetly, in small batches, to              cyber means to go after Russian or other
credible media. In other cases, it might be            countries’ assets carries risks of escalation
more effective to prepare bespoke counter-             and retaliation beyond the disinformation
disinformation campaigns intended to blunt             realm, potentially into targeting civilian
or preempt specific Russian campaigns.                 infrastructure more generally. This is not
Such decisions, and preparation for such               an argument for inaction, but for care and
campaigns, should likewise be made with                discipline.
strong interagency input.
                                                       Get organized. USCYBERCOM may be the
U.S. intelligence agencies are increasingly            lead element of the U.S. government’s cyber
cooperating with both social media                     action, including counter-disinformation,
platforms and researchers to flag suspicious           but it should not be responsible for
operations. A September 2020 takedown                  strategic decision making, including
of a (relatively small) IRA operation was an           with respect to counter-disinformation.
example of successful cooperation between              According to many in the U.S. government,
the U.S. government, platforms, and                    the interagency structure for counter-
researchers.38                                         disinformation remains weak, with lines
                                                       of authority unclear. This is especially true
Be judicious about disabling and disrupting            with respect to Russia, for reasons related
disinformation targets. Few shed tears                 to Trump’s own benign views about Putin
over reports that in 2018 USCYBERCOM                   and resistance to accepting the facts about
temporarily shut down the IRA and let                  Kremlin disinformation operations during
some of the individuals working there                  the 2016 elections and those ongoing.

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

Ft Meade, MD - U.S. Cyber Command is employing a new virtual training platform, the Persistent
Cyber Training Environment, during Cyber Flag 20-2. Over a period of two weeks, Cyber Flag 20-2 will
host more than 500 personnel worldwide, spanning nine different time zones and 17 cyber teams.
Credit: U.S. Cyber Command photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Jon Dasbach.

No private cyber “disabling” action.                 disinformation targets, risk triggering
Involvement of civil society in countering           unwanted cycles of escalation and should
disinformation — offense as well as                  not be part of the menu of offensive tools.
defense — can be critical. Civil society
and research groups, e.g., Bellingcat,               Cyber offense is an essential, not decisive,
the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic              tool in the counter-disinformation tool kit.
Research Lab, the Stanford Internet                  The tools of cyber offense, already in play,
Observatory, EU DisinfoLab, and private              are apt to be useful to limit the threat and
companies such as Graphika have played               thus worth pursuing. But we also suspect
a key role in defense against Russian                that their effectiveness will be at the
disinformation by uncovering campaigns               margins. This is often as good as it gets, but
and exposing methods. They are already               we should not expect that cyber offense
significant actors helping to surveil and            against disinformation will prove decisive.
expose Russian disinformation operations.            We have entered a shadow world of move
As noted above, we recommend robust                  and countermove in the cyber realm and
(and hopefully real-time) exchange                   its disinformation subset. USCYBERCOM’s
of information. Disabling operations                 and other U.S. government cyber tools
initiated by private cyber actors, however,          are useful but, as they themselves would
even directed against non-official state             acknowledge, incomplete.

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

Sanctions (and Other                                Ukraine-related sanctions authorities, but
                                                    by that time Prigozhin was publicly known
Financial) Tools                                    to be a supporter of the IRA. EO 13757 was
                                                    more usable than its 2015 predecessor, EO
Sanctions have been used since the end              13694, which it amended, but still provided
of the Obama administration against                 a high bar to sanctions against malicious
Russian purveyors of disinformation,                cyber actors engaged in disinformation
though not with a focus commensurate                operations.
with the threat. Headroom remains for
additional action using existing authorities        The Trump administration has had its
and options exist for other forms of                own challenges addressing Russian
financial pressure against purveyors of             disinformation directed against the
disinformation. By sanctions, we mean               United States (not least due to Trump’s
exercise of the Treasury Department’s               reluctance to acknowledge its existence).
authorities under the International                 Nevertheless, in September 2018, the
Emergency Economic Powers Act                       Trump administration issued EO 13848
(IEPPA), which essentially allow the U.S.           providing broader authority for the
government to freeze the assets of a foreign        U.S. government to impose sanctions
person — physical or legal — within the             against those interfering in a U.S. election
United States and to cut off that person            (EO 13848’s preamble explicitly notes
from use of and access to the U.S. dollar.          “covert distribution of propaganda and
Because of the extent of the dollar’s use           disinformation” as part of the national
in global finance, being placed under full          security threat that the EO seeks to
Treasury blocking sanctions means that              address).41 One year later, the Trump
the sanctioned person is effectively cut off        administration imposed its first sanctions
from the global financial system.                   using this EO: it designated the IRA as a
                                                    whole, six of its employees (four of whom
A slow start for sanctions options. Aware           had been previously designated under
of Russian disinformation operations                EOs 13694 and 13757), and identified some
during the 2016 U.S. presidential election,         Prigozhin-owned companies and property,
the Obama administration issued                     such as luxury aircraft and a yacht.42
Executive Order 13757 on December 28,
2016 (well after the elections) and used            To escalate pressure on purveyors of
it to impose full blocking sanctions on             disinformation, we recommend the
Russian targets which had engaged in                following:
malicious activities against the United
States, including election interference.            •   Intensify the use of existing sanctions
These targets included three small                      authorities after the 2020 election
Russian cyber companies, four Russian                   cycle. EO 13848 should be deployed
individuals, the Russian intelligence                   as post-election analysis reveals the
service (FSB), and the GRU.39 These latter              extent of disinformation operations.
targets are prominent, but unlikely to                  Potential targets should include
suffer much due to sanctions. Around                    individuals engaged in disinformation
the same time, the U.S. government also                 operations, organizations that generate
imposed full blocking sanctions on Yevgeny              disinformation (the IRA is probably not
Prigozhin, nicknamed “Putin’s chef,” who                the only such Russian outfit), and their
has functioned as a conduit for funding                 funding sources. Any financial dealings
aggressive Russian operations in Ukraine,               with already-sanctioned individuals
Syria, and (more recently) Africa.40 The                and organizations would provide
Obama administration designated (i.e.,                  grounds for derivative sanctions against
sanctioned) Prigozhin using separate                    such persons. So, collaborators, agents,
                                                        funders, and business partners of

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

    disinformation operators or operations,             DETER and DASKA mandate strong
    whether Russian, U.S., or third-country             financial and other sanctions should
    nationals, would be subject to being                the administration determine that
    sanctioned. Discretion, especially when             election interference has taken place.
    contemplating third-country or U.S.                 DETER mandates sanctions on major
    individuals, is wise; sanctioning on                Russian state banks and energy
    auto pilot would not be. The net result             companies (potentially including
    of a such a Russia-focused sanctions                Gazprom), new sovereign debt, and
    program, if applied rigorously (at the              Russian oligarchs. DASKA (in the
    level of the current Iran sanctions                 version approved in December 2019
    program, for example), could be                     by the Senate Foreign Relations
    to expose and isolate the Russian                   Committee) includes sanctions on
    disinformation apparatus.                           individuals with corrupt ties to Putin,
                                                        their family members who benefit
To implement such a program, resources at               from such dealings and persons who
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control              facilitate such ties; investments in
(OFAC), which administers financial                     Russian LNG projects outside Russia;
sanctions, would need to be increased                   new sovereign debt; and financial
to allow for targeting research. The                    institutions that support election
intelligence community and USCYBERCOM                   interference.
could also furnish OFAC with potential
targets, as could the State Department,                 In general, DASKA’s sanctions provisions
drawing on its contacts with civil                      seem more practical than DETER’s.
society groups that monitor the Russian                 DETER’s full blocking sanctions against
disinformation network.                                 major Russian state banks risk financial
                                                        blowback and its full blocking sanctions
•   Develop new sanctions authorities.                  against Russian energy companies could
    Pending legislation, including the                  disrupt world energy flows and expose
    Defending Elections from Threats by                 European customers. The sanctions
    Establishing Redlines Act [DETER,                   authorities should be refined if and as
    introduced by U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio                the bills advance.
    (R-FL) and Chris Van Hollen (D-
    MD)]; and the Defending American                •   Establish powerful but contingency
    Security Against Kremlin Aggression                 sanctions to deter future Russian and
    Act [DASKA, introduced by U.S. Sen.                 Chinese election interference. This is a
    Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Robert                    sound approach (and a better practice
    Menendez (D-NJ)] include provisions                 than imposing sanctions for past
    for escalating sanctions and other                  malicious behavior). But while election
    economic pressure in response                       interference, the target of these bills,
    to interference in the 2020 U.S.                    can include disinformation, it is a
    elections.43 DETER explicitly includes              far bigger and broader category of
    disinformation in its definition of                 malicious action than disinformation.
    election interference. DASKA, in its                Strong sanctions can be imposed
    current iteration, does not. Instead, it            for the first time only once, and
    focuses more on the administration                  to establish deterrence, the bar for
    of elections, though its definition                 action should either be placed high or
    could include certain forms of                      with some flexibility to impose some
    disinformation, e.g., if it impeded                 sanctions in response to disinformation
    voting rights. New versions of these                and more in response to additional,
    acts are likely to be introduced in the             aggressive election interference, such as
    next session of Congress, which starts              attacks on election infrastructure.
    in January 2021.

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

•   Apply additional tools of financial              Cyber offense and sanctions can put
    statecraft. Sanctions are not the only           pressure on disinformation networks
    options in the offensive arsenal against         and may provide a measure of deterrence
    disinformation. Putin’s ruling elite             against election interference that includes
    and their supporters are known to                disinformation. Support for free media,
    keep their personal wealth hidden in             if sustained, can be a strategic tool that
    offshore accounts. Those who attack the          challenges the brittleness, and exposes the
    democratic West appear to have more              corruption and brutality of the Russian and
    confidence in it and its financial system        Chinese systems that use disinformation
    than that of their own country. Working          in aggression abroad and to sustain
    with the UK and the EU, the United               themselves at home. Disinformation is
    States should develop and implement              a weapon of authoritarians; support for
    authorities to restrict hidden Russian           freedom of information is part of the
    wealth flowing anonymously to high-              arsenal of democracy. We have options,
    end real estate (in London, Miami,               but they must be curated to each country’s
    New York, and other locations) and               media landscape.
    through anonymous limited liability
    companies (LLCs) into the United                 Russia’s media landscape. One of Putin’s
    States. For reasons of good financial            first steps as he imposed authoritarian
    practice and anti-corruption, the United         governance on Russia was to seize control
    States, together with key allies (the UK,        of independent television networks,
    especially), should develop and enforce          forcing some of its leaders out of the
    standards of transparency. The United            country. 44 State-owned/Kremlin-controlled
    States and key allies could, however,            media, both television and radio, dominate
    prioritize identifying and exposing              broadcasting and have for many years.
    the funds and money flows of key                 The last remaining independent television
    players in the Kremlin disinformation            network — Dozhd (rain in Russian) — is
    world and respond asymmetrically                 under pressure from Russian authorities
    to disinformation campaigns by                   but has not yet been shut down. Some
    constricting Putin and his cronies’              independent (or semi-independent) radio
    financial freedom. Financial forensics           stations, such as Ekho Moskvy (Echo of
    can also reveal proxy networks and               Moscow in Russian), continue to function,
    infrastructure preparations for future           also under pressure. Print journalism has
    influence campaigns, which can                   greater latitude for free expression, e.g.,
    enhance preemptive measure to disable            Moskovskiy Komsomolets and especially
    such networks before an attack is                Novaya Gazeta (recalling to some extent
    carried out.                                     the Soviet practice of allowing some
                                                     publications somewhat greater editorial
                                                     latitude in an effort to limit disaffection).
‘The Truth Shall Set
You Free’: Support for                               The internet in Russia, however,
                                                     remains a space of contested freedom,
Free Media                                           with independent journalists and civil
                                                     society struggling with state attempts to
Support for free media — in this case                exert control and massive state trolling
for the purpose of fighting Russian and              operations. Using social media platforms
Chinese disinformation with support for              (YouTube is currently popular), a new
true information — may sound naïve. It               generation of Russians is creating a
shouldn’t. In fact, of the offensive options         proliferating community of pointed,
we regard it as having the greatest long-            independent, and investigative online
term potential against disinformation.               journalism. For example, Roman

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