Degree Thesis - Halmstad University
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Degree Thesis Utvecklingsingenjörsprogrammet 180 credits Product Development in University Driven Innovation An action research thesis Product development and innovation management 22,5 credits Halmstad 2021-08-13 Evelin Bergvall, Pontus Palmqvist HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY
Preface The writers of this thesis are Evelin Bergvall and Pontus Palmqvist. The thesis concludes a degree project and research project carried out through the autumn of 2020 and the spring of 2021 as the final thesis of the Bachelor Innovation Engineering program at Halmstad University. The project was developed in coordination with FabLab Innovation of Halmstad University. Through product development and innovation, a prototype to monitor the water quality of moving fresh water bodies has been developed in cooperation with nine other students from different academies of Halmstad University. Action research has been done on the project to find experience in product development. The writers of this thesis shared an interest in innovation within environmental problem solving. Through the Catfish project, they saw the opportunities to use their own skills together with other competences present at Halmstad University to create solutions to environmental problems in their close neighbourhood. The project has been very educational and has provided a broader insight into innovation, product development, research and cooperation between academies. The project has not only given new insights and new experiences, it has also created strong friendships to cherish for the rest of all time. “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.“ Theodore Levitt (1925 – 2006) Special thanks to, The catfish team: Vidar Hårding, Michael Forschlé, Aldonna Jasa Prima Purba, Jasmin Borgert, Katarzyna Nowak, Ellen Nihl, Eek de Bruijckere, Sebin Sunny and Meenu Joy Chirappanath. The stakeholders of the project: Harvey Blanco Rojas and Alireza Esmaeilzadeh. Senior Lecturer: Joakim Tell Other students who gave aid to the project: Noa Koch, Alexander Andersson, Joakim Wahlberg and Tim Malmgren. Supervisor: Leif Nordin
Abbreviations CNC - Computer Numerical Control MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard R&D - Research & Development LPD - Lean Product Development DPD - Dynamic Product Development EDIPT - Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Test LAMDA - Look Ask Model Discuss Act 1
Abstract This project has accepted the challenge of integrating competence from six different academies to create a versatile innovation; an autonomous amphibious vehicle for environmental monitoring. Water quality is routinely monitored by manually collecting samples from water bodies which are later on transported to a laboratory where they are analyzed, or by sampling data from stationary sensors placed at strategic sites in different waterbodies. The transportation itself can pose a risk to the quality of the samples since chemical reactions can transform the sample (such as pH and turbidity) over time and thus give inconclusive data. Stationary sensors give correct momentary data, but are restricted solely to a few specific points, and often monitor only one parameter. The purpose of the current product development is to contribute to improved environmental monitoring and a sustainable society, by creating a new efficient technical solution which monitors, analyzes and obtains data on multiple parameters of water quality of water bodies. The long term goal is to provide responsible authorities, local municipalities and environmental scientists with a versatile sampling method that produces high resolution, accurate and accessible data. The product development process resulted in a prototype of an autonomous amphibious vehicle that can monitor different parameters of water quality in freshwater. The parameters registered are; pH, turbidity, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and total dissolved solids(TDS). This is conducted through an autonomous mobile vehicle powered by electricity, the vehicle is programmed to drive at surface and stop at given geographical positions where a submersible subunit collects data from different depths before moving to the next location. The vehicle is designed to navigate also on moving water bodies such as fresh water streams. The prototype is expected to become useful in the context of water quality monitoring to increase awareness on water pollution and provide data for successful management action. 2
Sammanfattning Detta projekt har antagit utmaningen att integrera kompetens från sex olika akademier för att skapa en mångsidig innovation. Idag undersöks vattenkvalitet huvudsakligen genom att ta prover manuellt i vattendrag för att sedan transportera dessa vattenprover till ett laboratorium där de analyseras, eller genom att hämta data från stationära sensorer utplacerade i vattendrag. Transporteringen av vattenprover skapar i sig en risk att proverna förändras över tiden transporten tar och ger ogiltig data. Stationära sensorer ger data, men bara på en specifik punkt, och ofta på endast en parameter. Syftet med denna produktutvecklingsprocess är att skapa ett mer effektivt och hållbart sätt att övervaka, analysera och hämta data på vattenkvalitet i rörliga sötvattendrag, och att skapa en möjlighet för forskare att presentera mer exakt, mångsidig och tillgänglig data. Produktutvecklingsprocessen resulterade i en prototyp som kan övervaka nivåer av olika parametrar i sötvatten, av vilka det kan avgöras ifall vattnet har en bra kvalitet eller om det är förorenat. Parametrarna är pH, grumlighet, temperatur, elektrisk ledningsförmåga, upplöst syre och upplösta solider. Detta görs genom en autonom mobil enhet driven på elektricitet för att åka från punkt till punkt och jämföra data på olika djup och på olika platser i rörliga sötvattendrag. Prototypen blir användbar sammanhanget där vattenkvalitet övervakas för att öka medvetenhet om förorening i rörliga sötvattendrag. 3
Table of content 1 Introduction 10 1.1 Background 10 1.2 Goal 11 1.3 Intent 11 1.4 Limits 11 1.5 The catfish teams 12 2 Frame of reference 13 2.1 Dynamic product development 13 2.2 Lean product development 13 2.3 Dieter Rams 10 principles of good design 13 2.4 Aerodynamics and fluid dynamics 14 3 Methods 16 3.1 Action research 16 3.2 Dynamic Product Development & Lean Product Development 19 4 Tools 20 4.1 Design thinking EDIPT & LAMDA 21 4.2 Visual planning 25 4.3 Brainstorming 26 4.4 SMART-test 27 4.5 SWOT 27 4.6 BAD, PAD, MAD 28 4.7 Sixhats 29 4.8 Benchmarking 30 5 Catfish - The product 32 5.1 The sensors 32 5.2 The winch system 32 5.3 The electrical system 33 5.4 The body 33 5.5 The interface 34 6 Development process 35 6.1 Identification 35 6.2 Strategy 38 6.3 Qualification 43 6.4 Succession 45 7 Production process 46 7.1 Pre-prototype 46 7.2 Body 46 4
7.3 Winch system 50 7.4 Assembly 53 7.5 Competence analysis 54 8 Business model 55 8.1 User study 55 8.2 Market 56 8.3 Market plan 57 8.4 Economical calculations 57 8.5 Timeplan 59 8.6 Risks and possibilities - SWOT analysis 59 9 Research analysis 61 9.1 Industrial study 61 9.2 The result of action research 63 9.3 The difference between industry and university driven innovation 65 10 Discussion 66 10.1 Sustainable innovation 66 10.2 Work environment 68 10.3 Ethics 68 10.4 Equal terms 69 10.5 Eruditions 70 10.6 Conclusion 70 11 Appendix 72 11.1 Project description 72 11.2 Partners 77 11.3 Miro visual planning tool 78 5
1 Introduction This is one of the theses written about the Catfish project. The stakeholders of the project are Alireza Esmaeilzadeh and Harvey Blanco of FabLab Innovation, where the concept of integrating the functions of three drones was born. The project and the prototype is owned by Halmstad University. 1.1 Background This project was inspired by another research project called “Saving Norra Dragsviken” which investigates the environmental pollution of Norra Dragsviken’s water bodies, a shallow sea region in the Baltic sea. In this coastal environment, certain areas have been affected by eutrophication and leakage of environmental pollutants. Today researchers sample data from water bodies by collecting water in a bottle to analyze later on in a laboratory, or use stationary sensors to collect data. A problem with collecting water samples, in addition to the logistic challenges, is that the delay between collection and analysis is that the state of the water can change on the way to the lab and degrade over time, which can make the data inconclusive. A problem with using stationary sensors to collect data is that the sensors can become malfunctional and start to give inaccurate data, without notifying the investigator. The sensors are fixed which means that if the researcher wants to compare data to other depths or locations, a second sensor has to be installed. There is a need for collecting the data and analyzing them in situ, a need to solve the problem of the communication between the user, mobility of the sensors, reliable data and technology. “Innovation is taking two things that exist and putting them together in a new way.“ - Tom Freston, Co-founder of MTV The aim of this project is to create a solution to these problems by providing sensors that sample and analyze data in situ, but also remotely, mobilized and autonomously using drone technology. Not only on surface water, but on deeper water as well. It gives the opportunity to get data of many different parameters at once, from different depths, instead of having to use many of the same type of sensor devices at different locations, the sensors for the parameters acquired will be gathered in one unit, collecting data from different locations. In this case, referring to Tomas Freston, it is about taking not only two things, but combining several existing things in a new way to create innovation. 1.2 Goal To build a functional prototype which is able to navigate autonomously at moving water bodies, and monitors the required parameters of water quality from the surface and up to 5 metres under water. The result should be partly the prototype, partly a contribution to research within product development. 6
All purchases should be within the limit of the budget set. The prototype should be finished by the end of March 2021, and the project should be finished and handed over to the next generation by the end of June 2021. The project should be presented via zoom to the UtExpo fair by the 2nd of June. The prototype should be ready for a test day on the 21st of May. 1.3 Intent The product should contribute to a more effective and sustainable way to monitor, analyze and collect data in moving fresh water bodies. To create an opportunity for scientists to present more accurate, versatile and accessible data. When data is more qualitative and quantitative, it gives a better foundation for the parties involved to take action to improve the management of moving fresh water bodies and other potential water bodies if the result of the data shows signs of a bad health in the water´s properties. This also provides scientists with the opportunity to stop testing water with more unconventional methods, to spend more time analyzing the data and how to improve unhealthy water, instead of obtaining the data. The research should contribute with aspects to product development to take into account when using product development in university driven innovation. 1.4 Limits The limits which frame the product development process are mostly design related. The design was from the beginning decided to develop from pre-existent floatation devices in the form of two small surfboards. The design was expected to be waterproof in correlation to the storage room for electrical components as some of them are sensitive to, or malfunctioning when exposed to, water. The design was also limited to hold the weight of all components necessary to complete the project such as a battery, computers, sensors, etc, as if the weight would exceed the floatation capability of the surfboards, the whole unit would risk sinking. The weight of the whole unit was also expected to be balanced as there would otherwise be a risk of the unit malfunctioning in relation to steering mechanisms, or even to capsize in the worst case. The design was also limited to become at least two enclosed bodies, one for collecting data on the surface of the water, one for atleast five metres depth. This is because the water body the prototype was tested in, Nissan river, has an average depth of five metres and because open bodies would cause aerodynamic and fluid dynamics resistance to the bodies causing energy loss to the whole system. Another limitation is the correlation between these two bodies, enabling the submerged body to be lowered down during the collection of the data and to be raised up again to join the surface body while transporting the whole unit between measuring locations. This is also because of energy perseverance while transporting the unit as well as being able to collect 7
data at both surface and depth at the same time to make the unit more time efficient. Another limitation that was not related to design were to aim the project toward collecting data in the Nissan river. This is related to the project´s interests. The target users for Catfish are the municipality of Halmstad and Halmstad University who both are interested in this particular data, as well as the Catfish Team who has an interest in the accessibility, proximity and data relevance from an environmental perspective of Nissan river. The project was also limited to a budget of 35 000 SEK. 1.5 The Catfish teams The Catfish project consists of the following five subteams with the associated team members. This partition of teams was made to give more focus and expertise to the different areas of the project and to pair these areas with students from academies teaching these competences. The different areas of competence needed for creating the catfish were founded from the goals of the project (Chapter 1.2). These areas were later developed into responsibilities of each team, to achieve the goals seen to the respective areas in the best way possible. ● Control and Autonomy development - Vidar Hårding and Michael Forschlé. The competence of a control and autonomy team was needed to integrate the technology which was making the Catfish navigate autonomously. These were a student of Mechatronics at a bachelor’s level and a student of embedded sytems and artificial intelligence at a master’s level. ● Environmental sample analysis - Aldonna Jasa Prima Purba, Jasmin Borgert and Katarzyna Nowak. The competence of an environmental team was needed to make sure the right parameters of water quality was tested and how to interpret any obtained data. These were three students of Environmental analysis at a master’s level. ● Data and Sensors development - Ellen Nihl and Eek de Bruijckere. The competence of a data and sensors team was needed to make sure that data could be obtained from sensors and stored in a database. These were students of Civil Engineering within computer science. ● User experience (UX) design - Sebin Sunny and Meenu Joy Chirappanath. The competence of a UX team was needed to present the data to the user together with allowing the user to integrate with the Catfish in a simple and understandable way. These were students of user experience design at a master’s level. 8
● Product development and project management - Evelin Bergvall and Pontus Palmqvist. The competence of this team was needed to integrate all of the competences above with project management to achieve the goals, to design and to create a functional prototype. These were students of innovation engineering at a bachelor’s level and writers of this thesis. As the competences of the students matched the competences needed to create the catfish according to the goals, this set of teams were considered a complete project team for the catfish project. 9
2 Frame of reference This chapter contains background-knowledge to be referenced throughout the thesis. 2.1 Dynamic product development A model used in projects to be flexible and to make use of possibilities fast. By applying new insights fast, an effective method is created. Problems and unforeseen events are easier managed thanks to a less detailed time plan which allows more flexibility. The project members can thanks to a shared vision, keep up a fast working pace and work separately. The model has no predetermined structure as the forthcoming possibilities decide what approach that will be used1. 2.2 Lean product development A product development concept focusing on decreasing waste of resources and time by dynamic and parallel set based design. Focusing on the value of time and customers. Lean product development could be described as a resource efficient, robust concept that satisfies the needs of the customer of the product as well as the strategic goals of the company2. 2.3 Dieter Rams 10 principles of good design 1. Good design is innovative. There is always potential for development, technical development means new possibilities for innovation. Innovative design is always developed together with innovative technology and can never be a goal in itself. 2. Good design makes the product useful. A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain criteria, not just functional ones, but also psychological and aesthetical. Good design emphasizes the utility and removes distractions. 3. Good design is aesthetic. The aesthetic quality of a product is essential for its utility, because products are used everyday and affect people and their behaviour. Only well done products can be beautiful. 4. Good design makes a product understandable. It clarifies the product's structure. It can also express its functionality by using the user's intuitive understanding. In the best case, it is self explanatory. 5. Good design is discreet. Products best meet their purpose when they are like tools. They are neither decking or art objects. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the user's own expressions. 6. Good design is honest. It does not make the product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not try to manipulate the user with promises which cannot be kept. 1 Lars Holmdahl, Lean Product Development på svenska 2.0, 2016 2 Lars Holmdahl, Lean Product Development på svenska 2.0, 2016 10
7. Good design is long-term. It avoids trends and modernities and therefore never ages. Unlike trendy design, good design can last many years, even in today´s wear and tear society. 8. Good design is thorough into the last detail. Nothing can be arbitrarily or be left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design shows care for the user. 9. Good design is sustainable. Design makes an important contribution to sustainable development. It saves resources and minimizes physical and visual pollution in the whole of the product's life cycle. 10. Good design is as little design as possible. Smaller, but better, as good design focuses on the essential aspects, and therefore does not burden with insignificance. Back to purity, back to simplicity.3 2.4 Aerodynamics and fluid dynamics Aerodynamics is the study of how air or other gases interact with bodies in movement. You look at how different shapes create different types of pressure. There are two general types of pressure that you talk about in aerodynamics which is drag and lift. Drag is when the pressure of air creates a force in the opposite direction of where the body is moving. Lift is when the shape of a body is lifted by the pressure of gas generated by the gas having to travel a shorter distance around a moving body on the bottom. The shorter the distance, the more air can flow at the same period of time creating a higher pressure than at the parts of the body where the air has a longer distance to flow. Figure 1 - “Lift & Drag” 4 There is something called a drag coefficient. It decides how much drag is generated onto shapes. It is considered desirable to have a low drag coefficient on a body, as the force of drag will be smaller and restrict the body to move the desired direction less. NASA has made some calculations on existing bodies.5 It can be seen in this picture that the most desirable shape is the sphere. Fluid dynamics is the study of how gases and fluid interact with submerged moving bodies. Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics functions in a similar way 3 Design: process och metod, Åsa Wikberg Nilsson, Åsa Ericsson, Peter Törlind, 2015 4 What is Aerodynamics?, Jim Lucas 17:45 3rd of May 2021. 5 Shape effects of drag, Glenn Research Facility, 17:57 3rd of May 2021. 11
regarding to drag generated by the earlier mentioned shapes. Some important facts within fluid dynamics to consider for this prototype is; that pressure on a submerged body is the same over the whole body and increases with the depth of the immersion, when the pressure increases, the floatation power also increases of any material of the body that is less dense than the gas or fluid it is submerged within. Figure 2 - “Drag coefficient” 6 6 Fluid Mechanics, Science encyclopedia 3rd of May 2021. 12
3 Methods There were two different methods used for this thesis. One is the method of research and one is the method for the product development of the prototype. 3.1 Action research In this chapter, the structured course of action procedure with the aim to reach a specific result, or tool for organizing and translating information to support the theory and outcome of this thesis will be stated. In order to explain why action research was chosen as a method for this thesis, an overview of what action research is known to be will be addressed first, then an explanation of why this method fits in correlation to the theory and case of this thesis. In action research, observers of reality are the same participants of that reality. Observation here is not passive as opposed to traditional research methods where objective thinking is imprinted in people from seeing the world as pre-existent in carefully designed experiments uninfluenced by the observers intervention. This is a limiting way of thinking. Reality is relevant, which means people all have different perceptions of reality, which means objectivity would only exist when the same perception of the reality occurs which is unlikely. When the limitation of absolute objectivity is abandoned, the field of action research is opened, where the researcher is part of the processes studied. Just as mathematical logic in correlation with isolation of details from the whole is applicable on complex mechanical systems for example but not with living things as they are dependent on the situation or perspective, there is no way that true objectivity can be applicable to a situation where the observers participate in the processes that are to be observed objectively. This is where action research is the best option. There are two goals with research - to solve a problem or to contribute to science. Action research is a research method where the objective is not only to understand, describe and explain reality or knowledge but also improving methods of coping with reality and to apply knowledge through practical wisdom. Not only to solve problems for others but with others in a joint learning process. To gain knowledge from actions and reflect on the actions. It is an opportunity to implement research findings and results that can easily be adapted to practitioners. 13
Figure 3 - “Action research” 7 The action research method provides a holistic understanding of the development process of the research objective. There is a smaller risk of losing valuable data due to incorrect reconstruction as first hand info eliminates other peoples influences and misinterpretations and makes for easier communication through different information collecting methods, such as experiments, tests, simulations, observations, dialogues and open interviews. When action research is performed by a researcher that is to be viewed upon as a project leader, the researcher would be coordinating the work, responsible for sub-projects, and/or entire projects, information flow is large and difficult to record, a holistic view of the project would be central, descriptions of actions and discussions become brief, the researcher would have a narrative approach, providing the reader with this holistic view of the development process to make the reader understand and evaluate the findings.8 The American education research administration special interest group defines action research as the changing of something through a process of taking action and doing research linked together by critical reflection of the researcher's own questions, beliefs, assumptions, and practices with the goal of understanding, developing, and improving something. The researcher is and insider instead of an observer, and does not claim objectivity or neutrality but will take their position in the project into account throughout the process of actions and research findings.9 7 A contribution to Insider Action Research applied on development of assistive products, page 20, Doctoral Thesis, Evastina Björk, 2003 8 A contribution to Insider Action Research applied on development of assistive products, Doctoral Thesis, Evastina Björk, 2003. 9 Action researchers’ perspectives about the distinguishing characteristics of action research: a Delphi and learning circles mixed-methods study, Rowell, L. Polush, E. Riel, M, & Bruewer, A, 2015. 14
This adds another level of understanding as the researcher understands how their own interaction with other people affects the outcome of the project and creates a mutual knowledge. The critical thinking that comes with action research will automatically make the researcher question choices and increase their self-recognition. 3.1.1 Why was action research chosen as a method for this thesis? To explain why action research was chosen for this thesis, the case must be addressed. This thesis is written in correlation with a project of different students studying different fields working towards creating an innovation through collaboration. The case is the project which the most data for the theory of the thesis is gathered from, but the thesis writers are also responsible for the project and its team members to complete a product according to the project goals. The main reason why action research was considered as the best method for this thesis, is that it is suitable due to the fact that the authors are both project managers, project executioners, and researchers on the product development of the case. It has also to do with assumptions such as the method being effective in gathering data as the team works closely together in the same office, compared to studies made from an outside perspective like surveys, enquiries or interviews. The thesis writers wanted their experience gained from the project to play a central role in the theory in the end, which is why action research was considered suitable as a method for gathering data for the thesis, as it gives the opportunity to implement actions suitable for each situation according to both theories and common sense. For example, if a person is driving a car, and a situation occurs where the person is forced to choose between following traffic rules or causing an accident, common sense would be to ignore traffic rules for that situation to avoid the accident. The choice of method for this thesis is based on the same assumption. That common sense, experience and theories has to be balanced to achieve the more credible and lifelike results in research. 3.1.2 How was action research implemented in this thesis? First the thesis writers distinguished their roles as team members, project managers and researchers. The research method was then implemented by researching in books and articles for gaining a base knowledge in the subject product development as a central theory of the thesis. Furthermore, the gathered theories were used as a reference and not a manual for how the project and development process should go forth, along with gathering a broader knowledge in product development through the experience gained throughout the project. Whenever something deviated from the theories, or a problem arose related to product development, it was added as a new perspective or addition to the theories. 15
3.1.3 Purpose of action research ● To find new ways to develop products and to create sustainable innovation in universities. To find out what makes out to be the most important aspects to product development and how to implement it in the best way. ● To use established tools and methods to find out how they work in a university based product development and innovation process. ● To compare between established theories how they actually work in practise, seen from a university project´s perspective. ● To find the most important factors to collaboration between different academies in a common case between theses with different orientations. 3.1.4 Data collection Data was collected throughout the project by notes, discussions and testing of different methods and tools. The data was gathered through analysis of different situations represented throughout the product development process. The data was stored in a common data sharing platform called Microsoft Teams. The data from situations gathered from the experience gained in the processes, were compared with an assumption of how the situations should play out according to established theories, models, methods and tools. These comparisons resulted in the findings which you can read about in Chapter 9. 3.1.5 Analysis The choice of respondents were the members of the Catfish project team, users of the product and the stakeholders to the project. The lapse of respondents would have been members of other similar projects and members of projects in general. Since there is an infinity of number of product development projects existing or that have existed throughout time, taking the data from all general product development processes into account, is considered an impossible challenge. Having said that, a further comparison with data of other similar projects would have made the data comparisons and analyzes in this project more accurate and versatile, if this had been found within the frame of time of the project. 16
3.1.6 Result The research was conducted throughout the project by taking notes on deviations from the theories, proof of the theories assumptions and interesting aspects to university driven innovation. The theory gained is presented in Chapter 9. 3.2 Dynamic Product Development & Lean Product Development These two theories were used partly as a base of research, and also the way of method to use when developing the product. 3.2.1 Why was DPD and LPD chosen as methods for the project? As the project is about integrating many different components and competence within different subteams, and the DPD model allows high flexibility, to make use of possibilities fast, it was considered a suitable model for the project, to create an environment where the team members could keep up a fast working pace and work independently. LPD was implemented to give the project together with the flexibility of DPD, an added focus on resource efficiency. As there was a limited budget and time frame, this was considered as a valuable insight. 3.2.2 How was DPD and LPD implemented in the project? DPD was implemented three ways. First by creating a common vision for the project from the start, a common goal for all team members to achieve (Chapter 1.2). Then to keep up the tempo and independent work, pulse meetings were held to keep track of the progress and to set up smaller goals for the day, for the week, etc, in a work breakdown structure. When the team members had the vision together with smaller goals on the way, it was easy to follow the progress and to see when some part of the project´s tasks had to be sped up, or if there was any need for regrouping to solve bottlenecks or smaller problems. LPD is not something that you implement, but rather transform organisations to become. As this is not an organisation, but rather a small innovation team, some aspects of the concept of LPD were used such as the goal to become as resource efficient as possible. This was implemented by planning the prototype in detail in computer aided design software before constructing it, to save time and resources. 3.2.3 Purpose of using DPD and LPD To make sure that the time and resources limited to the project were exploited to the best result possible. 17
3.2.4 Result The prototype is a complete drone system built together with the catfish team. In the product development process of the prototype, the thesis writers of this thesis were responsible for putting all of the parts together into a unit and making sure that the goals for the unit were achieved by the team members. Besides that, the thesis writers was also responsible for creating the body of the prototype, the interfacing components with the body and the mechanical part of the winch system and the interfacing components to the computers, energy storing unit and sensors. The result of DPD and LPD is presented in Chapter 5,7 and 9 together with the linked electrical components programmed by the Data and sensor Team and the Control and Autonomy team. The result of their contribution is presented in their own theses1011. 10 An implementation of a real-time water quality monitoring IoT system with 4G connectivity, Catfish - Data and Sensors, Ellen Nihl & Eek de Bruijckere, 2021. 11 Control and autonomy of a water quality measuring unmanned surface vehicle(USV), Vidar Hårding, 2021. 18
4 Tools This chapter descibes what tools were used to form the project and the general project models used carrying through the project. 4.1 Design thinking EDIPT & LAMDA Design thinking is a problem-solving method that is useful when you want to develop your creativity, solve complex problems in a project. The method is divided into different phases (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test) which facilitates focus on results in the design process. It differs from the traditional problem-solving models in that it is not linear, but you work through the steps of the process several times during the work. Do first, think, do it again. This model also has, like DPD, an advantage to other models when developing new products due to its flexibility and focus on the end result. Empathize - Create an insight of the target group and their needs. Define - Develop a concept based on the insights from the empathize phase. Ideate - Brainstorm and present suggestions for solutions. Prototype - Build a prototype to show how the result could present itself. Test - Test the prototype with the target group to get feedback.12 LAMDA is founded from action research which is a qualitative research method. It focuses on the importance of visualisation and reflection of experiences and to wait abstract to word and higher concepts and conclusions until some sort of grip on the situation is achieved and that you have exhausted its inherent possibilities. The LAMDA process is divided into five different stages: Look - Regard the actual physical situation. Experience the problem and speak to others who experience the problem. Stay in the experience until you have exhausted the inherent possibilities of the situation. What do you see? What data can I collect? What problems am I trying to solve here? Ask - Why do I see what I see? Ask why five times. What are the root causes? Who has solved similar problems before? What information already exists? Model - Create a model of the situation that is as simple as possible so that you can share it with others. Build simple, monotonous models as sketches, drawings, graphs, clay models, models of lego, etc. What visual or physical models do best capture the current understanding? What models best describe the desired future solution? What alternative solutions will take us there? 12 Bo Tonnquist, Projektledning - Teori och praktisk tillämpning av projektmetodik och agila metoder, Seventh edition, 2018 19
Discuss - Discuss with all involved parties. Thereby you utilize the knowledge of the whole organisation and achieve a dissemination of knowledge. Share your thoughts with others, such as experts, people affected by the decisions made in the project and the decision makers. Who decides? Who is affected and what other interests are there? In what way will my position change from their input? Act - Act based on what you learnt, and continue to repeat the cycle. What can be seen now? What will the final decision be? What is the action plan? What are the expected results? What will be done next? When is there a need to verify the result again? 13 Design thinking and LAMDA were tools used often throughout the project. It was first considered as a way to divide the project into different stages, but was early reconsidered to be used as cyclse to go through several times on every prototype before it was finalized. 4.1.1 Empathize / Look / Ask In the empathize stage, the team members researched similar projects to find out which components were used in these projects. When a bank of knowledge was gained, types of components were gathered in a mutual document shared between the team members. The components were then benchmarked twice to find what brand was the best for every type of component. The first round of benchmarking had the goal of finding the individual top brands of products on the different types of components. The second round of benchmarking had the goal of finding the top brands of different types of components in assembly, or interface, with the other components. Before the benchmarking, there was an interview with a researcher, to gain more knowledge in the scientific area of monitoring water quality. The empathize stage was gone back to several times to get to know why some ideas for solutions did not function as desired. For example, when the problems with the RUSBA occurred (explained in Chapter 7.2.5), the thesis writers went back to the empathize stage by researching more about how electrical conductivity works between rotating parts. The “Ask” stage was frequently used. Any time when a problem occurred or when a new element was implemented, the act of asking why, gave a clear picture of how to solve the problem. It gave a reason to implement that new element, or if a reason could not be found or the reason was not enough to spend the time or resources to implement that new element, it was not implemented. 13 Lars Holmdahl, Lean Product Development på svenska 2.0, 2016 20
4.1.2 Define After the benchmarking process, the top components in every category were defined and bought. Then there was a further definition of the project, such as setting the time, design, manufacturing and project goals (Chapter 1.2). There were often new definitions made throughout the project every time new knowledge was acquired and that knowledge gave rise to a better solution to a problem than the already existing solution. For example, when the body was manufactured, the lid for the Electrobox was first made in the same way as the other lids, but the shape of this lid had a shape that was harder to laminate properly, which gave rise to the solution existing today, a thin plexiglas lid (Chapter 7.2.2). 4.1.3 Ideate In ideating, first concepts and ideas were discussed in meetings, but early it was noted that it was hard to understand the concepts and ideas of such a complex project solely through words. Therefore, the prototype was created and simulated through computer aided design(CAD) and pencil aided design(PAD). The software used for the CAD was Fusion 360. The different parts of the prototype were also fitted together using CAD. The PADs were mostly temporary sketches drawn upon a whiteboard to explain the ideas and make other team members understand the concepts before designing them in Fusion. In the start of the project, several team members made sketches on different concepts before decisions on the type of design could give rise to a more detailed design build. Ideating was also achieved while prototyping, as new ideas were born when putting pieces together in real life to make the prototype more functional, solve manufacturing related issues or how to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 4.1.4 Prototype / Model Prototyping started by building concepts together based on the designs created in the ideating phase. Some components went through several prototypes before it satisfied the requirements, or before it was considered a strong enough contribution to the criteria set for each prototype. For example, the winch system was changed several times before it was working. The placement for the winch system changed, the different holders making the system up was corrected, the RUSBA (Rotational Universal Serial Bus Adapter, see Chapter 7.3) went through at least five different designs before it was completely functional. The holders for the sensors were also changed as the placements for them changed a couple of times. There is more information about these changes and how they came to be in Chapter 7. 4.1.5 Discuss Since the project is cross functional through several areas, discussion was vital for every decision or problem solving situation. During the weekly meetings, the progress was first 21
shared, then the problems were presented, and naturally, these problems were discussed until a solution could be found that was befitting all areas. In the weekly meetings, there was always one person in each field present to provide expertise in that area. If problems occured that could not be solved by any of the team members, or if there was a need for an outside input by people of higher expertise, the team reached out to these people, and help was almost always given. The decision makers in the project were different people depending on what the decision was about. Since the thesis writers had the main responsibility, they were the most influential decision makers as they had the most holistic idea and knowledge about the project. If there was a decision within any of the expertise areas, the person with the most knowledge in that area made the final decision. Decisions affecting several teams were almost always discussed and approved by the whole team before it was decided. The character of the discussions changed throughout the project, very much like the FIRO-model.14 At first the discussions were more polite and conflicts were avoided as the team members wanted to be accepted, and to fit into the group. After a while, the group had achieved solidarity and as the FIRO-model implies, the discussions concluded less about the actual project and more about the personal connection to the group as the team members felt more comfortable working together. Then the team members started to try to find their role in the project, as some wanted to take more place and responsibility, and others felt encroached in their space, some conflicts arose. As the communication between the team members was very open minded and clear, these conflicts did not affect the project negatively in any way except for the time loss for talking it out, it rather gave rise to more productivity as the boundaries were now set. The productivity flourished more and more as the project continued and sometimes more conflicts arose but were quickly solved by talking it through instantly to avoid negative feelings towards each other. As the time went, the team members found themselves more and more secure in their roles and the cooperation seemed to flourish hand in hand with the productivity. 4.1.6 Test During the discussions there were often some problems solved solely by discussing them, but some problems needed a further answer. This was achieved by testing different theories that existed. If a problem had multiple answers, the only way to find out what gave the best result was to test which answer suited the situation best. There were tests that had to be made to go further with the development process, such as boyancy tests and waterproofing tests which 14 Firo Teorin, JobZone, 18:43 Wednesday sixth of May 2021. 22
were problems solved in theory but had a risky outcome if the function would not be as expected, this made testing mandatory. Some tests were also conducted out of curiosity, an answer could have been theoretically proven but was doubted in some way. This made tests a fun way to find out if the theories could be trusted. 4.1.7 Act Making the necessary corrections to the prototype was always based on what came out of the decisions made during the discussions and from the tests. There was a new goal or task set and put up on the scrum board with a time limit and a description of the new task containing what result to expect, what activity or part of the prototype the task refers to and who is responsible for that task to be completed. Whenever a task or goal was completed, a new discussion was held to make sure the result matches the common expectation of the result. 4.2 Visual planning Visual planning is a dynamic management tool that constantly tracks and updates the planning.The basics of visual planning are simple and according to Holmdal15, this method is based on prayer science. It often starts with all designers meeting to write down in detail what is to be done and its deadline. This is written down on various poster slips which are then usually placed on a whiteboard. Visual panning can be an effective tool that creates a good community and good collaboration within project groups. When it comes to product development, it is usually about distributing work tasks in different specific phases during a project. This was something used during this project, it helped to get a good overall picture of what was going on and what was to be done. 4.2.1 Scrum board The Scrum board itself acts as a tool to help the team to make different various prioritized tasks to be performed. It is the contact point of the project and is a good compliment to meetings held multiple times every week. Scrum Boards can be used physically on whiteboards and poster slips representing tasks and activities in something called a sprint backlog where the tasks and activities, called sprints, are represented by their status; if they are yet to start they would be represented in a “To-do”-column, if they are ongoing they would be represented in a “Doing”- column, if they are not yet defined they would be represented in a “On hold”- column and if they are completed they would be represented in a “Done”- column. Scrum is a working method where cross-functional teams develop products or run projects in a modern, open and iterative way. The sprint backlog could be described as a time frame, they end on a certain date regardless of whether the work has been completed or not. A sprint is usually 1-2 weeks and they never extend, as a new sprint starts immediately with new challenges when the other is over. This method gives a better constant 15 Lars Holmdahl, Lean Product Development på svenska 2.0, 2016 23
understanding of the progress made and also gives an easy way to track the success of the tasks, activities and goals. 16 Scrum was implemented in the early stage of the product development process by trying to get the concept physical parts out quickly and then see its true functionality. The product and its components were tested and evaluated and then developed which meant that the prototype was constantly developed one step closer to the end result at the same time as gaining knowledge from mistakes. A Scrum Board has been used online and on a wall with post-its for the overall project since day one, Microsoft Team's digital Scrum board was used as the online scrum board where the development and progress of the various teams could be followed digitally by all team members. As throughout the development process, there were many things to keep track of, communication sometimes failed which gave rise to irritation. The Scrum Board was created to facilitate communication on tasks to do, ongoing tasks and completed tasks. This contributed to improved communication, reduced irritation and gave rise to a higher productivity. 4.2.2 Miro Miro is an online visual collaboration platform with templates for mind maps, kanban frameworks, kinship diagrams, etc.17 At the beginning of the project, there was a need for understanding of how the different teams were connected to each other. Miro is a free program that allows you to draw and use templates for maps using for example arrows and different columns. It was used to create a holistic view of the project and made it easier to understand how the different areas of expertise were connected with the different parts of the prototype for team members and stakeholders. 4.3 Brainstorming Brainstorming is the process of letting ideas be generated freely without being abrupted until they are finished. It is usually conducted within a group of people where the quantity of ideas are seen as important as it comes with quality. Any idea is considered a good idea until it is fully developed and can´t be critisized until this is proven. This was a mindset and a tool used throughout the project. 16 Who uses Scrum and why?, Scrum Alliance, Scrum/who-uses-Scrum 12th of February 10:03. 17 Miro, , 11.09 25th of May 2021. 24
4.4 SMART-test A method for formulating a project, to see if a project is reasonable to start. In SMART the different letters stand for: Specific - What, where and why? State what you want to accomplish and what the main goal is. What functions should the product have? What is required for it to function? How do we know when it is complete? What components should be included in the product? Measurable - To and from? How do you know if the project is complete or if you reached your goal? Accepted - Who and how? Is the project feasible? Does the competence for completing the goals exist? Does the resources exist or can you make them? Who should do what in the project? Is the specified goals accepted by all members? Realistic - Worthwhile? Is the project goal worth the time it takes to reach them? Is the goals realistic and relevant to each other? Is this the right time to achieve the goals? Are we the right people to achieve the goals? Is the product applicable to the socio-economic environment? Timed - When? What is the time limit of the project? What can we do now? What can we do in 6 months from now?18 - Specific: Yes - To create an innovation that provides scientist with more exact and faster values of water measuring data. - Measurable: Yes - The progress is measurable in the ability of the product to measure the different parameters. The product is complete when the components put together is able to measure the different parameters of data we set up in our goals. - Accepted: Yes - Since the project is divided into five thesises with excellence in every area, and since there is a reasonable funding for the project. The components needed to complete the project aldready exist, the innovation would be to make these components integrate with each other, which seems to be a realistic idea. The ground for acceptance from the team members are founded in a common idea of project goals. - Realistic: Yes - The prototype will make it easier for scientist to analyze the health of water and the goals are relevant and realistic in all aspects that are relevant to the project. We are the right people to do this and at this time as it suits our common goals of writing thesises on these subjects and because we all posses the right amount of knowledge beforehand to make this product complete. - Timed: Yes - The prototype should be finished by the end of February 2021, and the project should be finished by the end of May 2021. - 18, 12th of December 2020 25
4.5 SWOT A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify these parameters of the project: Strengths - Do we have strenghts that compensate our weaknesses? Do we have strenghts that makes it possible to take advantage of the opportunities of the project? Weaknesses - What weak points can be found in this project? Opportunities - What can the project contribute to? Threats - What problems will the project face?19 Strengths - We posses a broad spectrum of knowledge as we are many different team members from different academies and areas. In the areas we lack knowledge, we have support from a large, well developed network through Innovation Lab, Halmstad University and High Five. Weaknesses - Because of the spread, the project is difficult to manage. Many different needs and wishes should be considered in the result and project goals. Opportunities - To learn how to manage a bigger project than we are used to, and to develop a cooperation between different academies for the present and the future. Threats - Bad communication and misunderstandings between team members. That some team members puts in more work than others. 4.6 BAD, PAD, MAD BAD - Brain Aided design. Start with thinking. A large part of concept development and construction starts with exchanging ideas and mental models. Constructors creates pictures of the construction in their mind and tries out different solutions in their head. That is why it is important to excercise this ability and to learn to create the right conditions to function optimally. To be in your most healthy state of mind when you use BAD, for example, to go outside and fill up with fresh oxygen before starting the thinking process, or drinking a cup of coffee. To compare what you achieve in the morning and in the afternoon to recognize when it is the right time for using BAD. PAD - Pen Aided Design. A pen and a paper is two of the most important tools when developing a concept and when to solve construction problems. When we draw on paper a direct link is created between the thoughts in your mind and the visual perception of the image we have. The kinetic sense, muscle memory and hand-eye coordination is activated. The movement of the hand is important for the brain activity when you seek a solution, especially ones of the creative kind. Many pictures are created simultaneously and are processed by the mind. The paper works both as a memory and a test bed for new solutions. 19 Bo Tonnquist, Projektledning - Teori och praktisk tillämpning av projektmetodik och agila metoder, Seventh edition, 2018 26
MAD - Model Aided Design. It is often useful to build and test simple models to quickly verify the function of the concepts you develop, or to increase the knowledge and understanding of the concepts. You can build the models out of anything, clay, lego, paper, etc. Just like with PAD, models have advantages which computer simulations lack - the tactile feedback and the visual impression, and the possibility to assimilate the actual object will differ if you solely rely on computer simulation. With models, you remember the impressions they make different and more alive. The strenght with computer simulations are that for example, to develop mechanisms, the possibility to get accurate information on displacements, forces, speeds and accelerations. You should always work through a creative process of BAD, PAD and MAD before you compare with solutions of other people. This is typical for the dynamic methods “Dynamic Product Development(DPD)” and “Lean Product Development(LPD)”. 4.7 Sixhats A model allowing you to see the thinking process of different roles, where every role is represented by a hat. The so called thinker hats supports a focused perspective and if it is applied in the right way it will contribute to more innovative solutions and thinking processes. The white hat - What do we know? That there is no similar solution today. - What are the facts? We have so far talked to a researcher for this area, he believes that this could facilitate sampling considerably. - What do we need to find out? More information on how sampling is done today. The black hat - What are the problems? The main problem is that wifi or bluetooth does not work underwater. - What will not work? Getting signals and measurements from an underwater drone's sensors The red hat - What do we feel? We feel hopeful to be able to combine three existing products into a completely new and unique product. We are disappointed not to be able to be part of the scholarship that is awarded on our program because we do not own 50% of the project - What do we want? 27
We feel hopeful to be able to combine three existing products into a completely new and unique product. We are disappointed not to be able to be part of the scholarship that is awarded on our program because we do not own 50% of the project - What do we believe? That we can succeed in connecting all components and thus get direct measurement values from the water. We hope that we can find a solution so that we can compete for the scholarships. The green hat - How will it turn out if we think in the opposite way? Find a whole new way for sensors and mobile devices to communicate underwater to the surface. - How can we develop this solution? We have far too little time and it is not our goal to invent a new way, but just to find a solution with the methods available on the market today. The yellow hat - What is good? A broad team working on the project, which adds a lot of knowledge. - What satisfies the user's needs? Not having to wait for answers from sensors, or having to bring samples to any laboratory. This entails a risk that the water's values will change and be affected by the transport. - What values are in the solution? Simple and direct answers. The blue hat - What is our purpose? Make it easier for biologists who study and analyze water values. - What is our goal? Fast safe values, get answers immediately and be able to locate the place where the sample was taken. - How can we move on with the solution? Have a good project plan for how we are going to proceed.20 20 Design: process och metod, Åsa Wikberg Nilsson, Åsa Ericsson, Peter Törlind, 2015 28
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