Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges

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Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges
Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is
common in boreo-Arctic sponges
Christine Rooks1 , James Kar-Hei Fang2 , Pål Tore Mørkved3 , Rui Zhao1 , Hans Tore Rapp1,4,5 , Joana R. Xavier1,6 , and
Friederike Hoffmann1
1 Department  of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7803, 5020 Bergen, Norway
2 Department  of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen, Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen, Norway
4 K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research, University of Bergen, Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen, Norway
5 NORCE, Norwegian Research Centre, NORCE Environment, Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway
6 CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the

University of Porto, 4450-208 Matosinhos, Portugal

Correspondence: Friederike Hoffmann (

Received: 12 April 2019 – Discussion started: 24 April 2019
Revised: 7 January 2020 – Accepted: 20 January 2020 – Published: 6 March 2020

Abstract. Sponges are commonly known as general nutrient              Low rates for coupled nitrification–denitrification indicate
providers for the marine ecosystem, recycling organic matter       that also under oxic conditions, the nitrate used to fuel den-
into various forms of bioavailable nutrients such as ammo-         itrification rates was derived rather from the ambient seawa-
nium and nitrate. In this study we challenge this view. We         ter than from sponge nitrification. The lack of nifH genes
show that nutrient removal through microbial denitrification       encoding nitrogenase, the key enzyme for nitrogen fixation,
is a common feature in six cold-water sponge species from          shows that the nitrogen cycle is not closed in the sponge
boreal and Arctic sponge grounds. Denitrification rates were       grounds. The denitrified nitrogen, no matter its origin, is then
quantified by incubating sponge tissue sections with 15 NO−   3-   no longer available as a nutrient for the marine ecosystem.
amended oxygen-saturated seawater, mimicking conditions               These results suggest a high potential denitrification ca-
in pumping sponges, and de-oxygenated seawater, mimick-            pacity of deep-sea sponge grounds based on typical sponge
ing non-pumping sponges. It was not possible to detect             biomass on boreal and Arctic sponge grounds, with areal
any rates of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) us-            denitrification rates of 0.6 mmol N m−2 d−1 assuming non-
ing incubations with 15 NH+     4 . Denitrification rates of the   pumping sponges and still 0.3 mmol N m−2 d−1 assuming
different sponge species ranged from below detection to            pumping sponges. This is well within the range of denitri-
97 nmol N cm−3 sponge d−1 under oxic conditions, and from          fication rates of continental shelf sediments. Anthropogenic
24 to 279 nmol N cm−3 sponge d−1 under anoxic conditions.          impact and global change processes affecting the sponge re-
   A positive relationship between the highest potential rates     dox state may thus lead to deep-sea sponge grounds changing
of denitrification (in the absence of oxygen) and the species-     their role in marine ecosystem from being mainly nutrient
specific abundances of nirS and nirK genes encoding nitrite        sources to becoming mainly nutrient sinks.
reductase, a key enzyme for denitrification, suggests that the
denitrifying community in these sponge species is active and
prepared for denitrification. The lack of a lag phase in the
linear accumulation of the 15 N-labelled N2 gas in any of our
tissue incubations is another indicator for an active commu-
nity of denitrifiers in the investigated sponge species.

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges
1232                                                                C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

1   Introduction                                                     N2 ) was shown to exceed sedimentary denitrification rates
                                                                     at equivalent depths by a factor of 2 to 10 (Hoffmann et
Sponges are sessile filter feeders with an immense capac-            al., 2009). Also, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox,
ity to process large volumes of seawater (Kahn et al., 2015;         transforming NH+               −
                                                                                        4 and NO2 to N2 ) was quantified in that
Reiswig, 1974). As such, they play a critical role in benthic–       study, as well as nitrification performed simultaneously with
pelagic coupling, recycling particulate or dissolved organic         denitrification (coupled nitrification–denitrification). Given
matter from the water column into various forms of bioavail-         that marine sediments are considered the major sites of ma-
able nutrients (Reiswig, 1974; Yahel et al., 2003; Hoff-             rine N transformations (Seitzinger, 1988; Middelburg et al.,
mann et al., 2009; Schläppy et al., 2010a; Maldonado et              1996), sponges may thus represent a significant, yet largely
al., 2012; de Goeij et al., 2013; Rix et al., 2016). Sponges         overlooked sink for bioavailable nitrogen (Hoffmann et al.,
show active nitrogen metabolism, as recently reviewed by             2009).
Feng and Li (2019), Pawlik and McMurray (2019), Zhang                   The redox state of the sponge tissue as well as the rates of
et al. (2019), and Folkers and Rombouts (2020). Actively             the different N transforming processes could thus determine
pumping sponges have been associated with the release of             whether the sponge may act as a nutrient source or a nutrient
dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), enriching ex-current wa-         sink. It has been observed in field studies that sponges can
ters with excess ammonium (NH+     4 ) and/or nitrite and nitrate    act as both net sources or sinks for NH+            −
                                                                                                               4 and NO3 (Fiore et
(NO−               −                        −
      3 and/or NO2 , summarized as NOx ; Southwell et al.,           al., 2013; Archer et al., 2017); however the balance of the
2008; Fiore et al., 2013; Keesing et al., 2013; Leys et al.,         underlying processes and their controlling factors have not
2018; Hoer et al., 2018). Whilst NH+   4 is excreted by sponge       as yet been quantified.
cells as a metabolic waste product (Yahel et al., 2003), NO−    x       The understanding of such processes and their dynamics
is derived from the microbial oxidation of NH+       4 , through     is particularly relevant for areas where sponges occur in high
NO−            −
     2 , to NO3 in aerobic nitrification (Painter, 1970; Corre-      densities, forming highly structured habitats as is the case
dor et al., 1988; Diaz and Ward, 1997; Jiménez and Ribes,            of the sponge grounds found widely distributed across the
2007; Southwell et al., 2008; Fiore et al., 2010; Schläppy et        deeper areas of the oceans. In such areas, sponges can rep-
al., 2010a; Radax et al., 2012;). Nitrogen fixation has also         resent up to 95 % of the total invertebrate biomass (Murillo
been reported in shallow-water sponges (Wilkinson and Fay,           et al., 2012) and attain densities of up to 20 individuals m−2
1979; Wilkinson et al., 1999; Mohamed et al., 2008; Ribes et         (Hughes and Gage, 2004). In the North Atlantic boreo-Arctic
al., 2015), reducing biologically inaccessible N2 gas to NH+   4,    region the widely distributed sponge grounds have tradition-
which represents yet another source of DIN from sponges.             ally been divided into two main types. The cold-water (Arc-
DIN release has been affiliated with a number of deep-sea            tic) type, generally found along continental slopes and mid-
and shallow-water sponges and varies according to species            ocean ridges at negative temperatures, or at least below 3–
(Schläppy et al., 2010a; Radax et al., 2012; Keesing et al.,         4 ◦ C, and comprising a multi-specific assemblage of demo-
2013), as well as on temporal (Bayer et al., 2008; Radax et          sponges (the astrophorids Geodia parva, G. hentscheli, and
al., 2012) and spatial scales (Fiore et al., 2013; Archer et al.,    Stelletta rhaphidiophora) and glass sponges (the hexactinel-
2017). Such variations have been linked to abiotic conditions,       lids Schaudinnia rosea, Trichasterina borealis, Scyphidium
as well as the availability of organic matter or nutrients in the    septentrionale, and Asconema foliata; Klitgaard and Tendal,
water column (Bayer et al., 2008; Fiore et al., 2013; Archer         2004; Cardenas et al., 2013; Roberts et al., 2018) . The bo-
et al., 2017).                                                       real type is mainly found along continental shelves and up-
   In any case, since nitrification is dependent on oxygen,          per slopes and at temperatures above 4 ◦ C. These grounds are
NO−  x release is dependent on active filtration, delivering an      dominated by the astrophorids Geodia barretti, G. atlantica,
excess of O2 to sponge tissues (Reiswig, 1974; Hoffmann et           Stryphnus fortis, and Stelletta normani (Klitgaard and Ten-
al., 2008; Southwell et al., 2008; Pfannkuchen et al., 2009;         dal, 2004; Murillo et al., 2012; Cardenas et al., 2013). To
Fiore et al., 2013; Keesing et al., 2013; Leys et al., 2018).        make reliable estimates on the potential nitrogen sink func-
Fluctuations in pumping activity, however, disrupt the deliv-        tion of these deep-sea sponge grounds, denitrification rates
ery of O2 to sponge tissues, resulting in either heterogeneous       from more sponge ground species are needed.
oxygenation within the sponge matrix or complete anoxia                 In this study we quantify the potential nutrient sink func-
(Hoffmann et al., 2005, 2008; Schläppy et al., 2007, 2010b).         tion of six sponge species which characterize the two main
Under such conditions, a paucity of oxygen would inevitably          types of boreo-Arctic tetractinellid sponge grounds. We aim
promote anaerobic microbial processes.                               to test our hypothesis that nutrient removal through microbial
   Anaerobic N transformations have been quantified using            denitrification is a common feature in cold-water sponges,
15 N tracer experiments in deep-sea (Hoffmann et al., 2009)          and that rates are dependent on oxygen availability in the
and shallow-water sponges (Schläppy et al., 2010a; Fiore et          sponge tissue. Based on these results we aim to estimate
al., 2013). In the deep-sea sponge Geodia barretti, the re-          the potential nutrient sink function of boreo-Arctic sponge
moval of fixed nitrogen via heterotrophic denitrification (the       grounds for the marine ecosystem.
sequential and anaerobic reduction of NO−                   −
                                               3 , via NO2 , to

Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020                                            
Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges
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2     Materials and methods                                        tact individuals were either transported to the aquaria at the
                                                                   University of Bergen (ca. 1 h; boreal species), or immediately
2.1    Site description                                            to the lab on board the R/V GO Sars (Arctic species). Sponge
                                                                   tissue, from three intact individuals, was then dissected for
Arctic sponge species were collected at the Schulz Bank            use in either 15 N-labelled tissue incubations or preserved for
(73◦ 500 N, 7◦ 340 E). This is a large seamount located at         subsequent DNA extraction for each species.
the transition between the Mohn and the Knipovich ridges,             Whilst completely immersed in site water, the massive
two of the main sections of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge             sponge individuals were cut into three sections of ap-
(AMOR). The seamount rises from more than 2500 m depth             proximately equal size to aid dissection. Using an au-
and its summit and shallower areas (550–700 m depth) host          toclaved stainless steel core (internal diameter = 0.74 cm;
a dense and diverse sponge ground composed of a mul-               length = 7 cm), the choanosomal portion of the sponge was
tispecific assemblage of species dominated by tetractinel-         sliced from each section to produce cylindrically shaped tis-
lid demosponges (Geodia parva, G. hentscheli, and Stel-            sue samples. Three whole sponges (n = 3) were collected
letta rhaphidiophora) and hexactinellid sponges (Schaudin-         for each species. The dissected tissue from a single sponge
nia rosea, Trichasterina borealis, Scyphidium septentrionale,      individual represented one replicate. Avoiding exposure to
and Asconema foliata). The exact hydrodynamic settings at          air, tissue samples were then transferred to 1 L containers
the summit are not known, but conditions measured using a          holding site water. Using a sterile scalpel, the tissue cylin-
benthic lander at 670 m (i.e. 70–80 m below the summit) re-        ders were further sectioned (under water) into pieces of
vealed a water temperature just below 0 ◦ C, salinity of 34.9,     equal size (volume = 0.45 cm3 ). The samples were then ei-
and dissolved oxygen between 12.4 and 12.6 mg L−1 . Near-          ther distributed into 12 mL gas-tight vials (Exetainer, Labco,
bed suspended particulate matter concentrations were deter-        High Wycombe, UK) for incubation with 15 N isotopes, or
mined to be 3.2 mg L−1 , considerably larger than those ob-        into 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes, and then snap frozen and
served both in surface and deeper waters (where values range       stored at −80 ◦ C for subsequent DNA extraction.
from below 1 to 2 mg L−1 ; Roberts et al., 2018).                     Sediment was collected from the Arctic sponge grounds
   Boreal sponge species were collected on the hard-bottom         using a box corer. The upper few centimetres were sam-
slope of the Korsfjord (60◦ 090 1200 N, 05◦ 080 5200 E) near the   pled, homogenized and packed into 10 mL sterile cut-off sy-
city of Bergen, on the west coast of Norway. Hard-bottom           ringes. One millilitre of sediment was then either distributed
slopes of these fjords, which can be several hundred metres in     into 3 mL gas-tight vials (Exetainer, Labco, High Wycombe,
deep, host dense assemblies of typical boreal sponges, domi-       UK) for 15 N isotope incubations, or into 1.5 mL microcen-
nated by tetractinellid demosponges such as different species      trifuge tubes (Eppendorf), and then snap-frozen and stored at
of the Geodiidae. Site characteristics are described elsewhere     −80 ◦ C for subsequent DNA extraction. At the boreal sponge
(Hoffmann et al., 2003); see Supplement figure for locations       ground, sponges were collected from the rocky slope of the
of sampling sites.                                                 fjord. It was therefore not possible to collect sediment from
   Average sponge biomass (kg m−2 ) in both Arctic and bo-         this site.
real grounds was estimated from trawl catches and under-
water imagery collected in the course of various sampling          2.3     Quantifying rates of N-removal processes in sponge
campaigns.                                                                 tissues and deep-sea sediments

2.2    Sample collection and preparation                           2.3.1    Sponge tissue incubations

                                                                   For simulating conditions in pumping and non-pumping
Intact individuals from each of the key Arctic species, Geo-
                                                                   sponges, sponge tissue sections were incubated with oxygen-
dia hentscheli (n = 3), Geodia parva (n = 3), and Stelletta
                                                                   saturated (standard temperature and pressure) and degassed
rhaphidiophora (n = 3), were retrieved from a depth of
                                                                   site water (oxygen-free seawater, degassed with ultra-high-
700 m at the top of Schulz Bank. Sponges were collected
                                                                   purity He). Site water was retrieved using 10 L Niskin flasks
with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) on board the R/V
                                                                   mounted on a CTD rosette water sampler aboard the R/V GO
GO Sars in June 2016
                                                                   Sars. This water was collected at a depth of approximately
   Intact individuals from each of the key boreal species,
                                                                   650 m, just above the summit of the seamount. It was then
Geodia barretti (n = 3), Geodia atlantica (n = 3), and
                                                                   filtered to remove water column bacteria and or phytoplank-
Stryphnus fortis (n = 3), were collected from a depth of
                                                                   ton (0.2 µm polycarbonate filters, Whatman Nucleopore) and
200 m at the slope of Korsfjord, Norway. Sponge individu-
                                                                   added to all incubations with Arctic specimens. Boreal spec-
als were retrieved using a triangular dredge deployed from
                                                                   imens were incubated with sand-filtered seawater, pumped
the R/V Hans Brattström in November 2016.
                                                                   into the aquaria at the University of Bergen from a local fjord.
   Upon retrieval, samples were immediately transferred into
                                                                   This water was sourced from a depth of 130 m.
containers holding low-nutrient seawater, directly recovered
from the sampling site. Following species identification, in-                                                      Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020
1234                                                               C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

   To ensure that all labelled N2 gas was retained, it was          anammox (e.g. at least 50 % above the ambient pool of 14 N),
necessary to maintain gas-tight conditions in each of the in-       we selected high concentrations of stock solutions (Holtap-
cubations. Consequently, no oxygen could be added during            pels et al., 2011). To enable continuous homogenization of
the experiment. Estimating from typical respiration rates of        the isotopic label with sponge tissue, Exetainer vials were
0.32 µmol O2 mL sponge−1 h−1 in G. barretti (Leys et al.,           placed on rollers (Spiromix, Denley) and incubated at (6 ◦ C)
2018), this would suggest the complete removal of oxy-              in the dark. At zero hours, and at subsequent 3–6 h intervals,
gen (by sponge cells and associated microbes) following             a selection of samples were injected with 2 mL of ultra-high-
26 h of incubation (12 mL Exetainer vials, 0.45 cm3 sponge          purity helium to create an oxygen-free headspace using a
pieces, 313 µmol L−1 oxygen concentration at experiment             gas-tight syringe. The vials were then injected with 200 µL
start). This means that oxygen concentrations in the aero-          of formaldehyde, and shaken vigorously to inhibit further mi-
bic incubation continuously decreased from oxygen satura-           crobial activity. This was repeated over a period of 48 h.
tion to zero throughout the course of the experiment, thus
mimicking conditions where a sponge has recently ceased             2.3.2   Sediment slurry incubations
pumping, or where pumping occurs at a low rate (Hoffmann
et al., 2008; Schläppy et al., 2010b; Fang et al., 2018). Nev-
                                                                    One millilitre of the homogenized sediment was distributed
ertheless, we can assume that oxygen was available during
                                                                    into 3 mL gas-tight vials (Exetainer, Labco, High Wycombe,
the first 26 h of incubation in the oxic experiment, in contrast
                                                                    UK) with 1 mL of degassed site water (as above). The cap
to the anoxic experiment where oxygen was absent from the
                                                                    was replaced, the headspace (1 mL) flushed with ultra-high
beginning of the incubation, thus mimicking non-pumping
                                                                    purity helium, and each vial was shaken vigorously to pro-
conditions (Hoffmann et al., 2008; Schläppy et al., 2010b).
                                                                    duce an anaerobic sediment slurry. Anaerobic slurries were
   For the oxic incubations, 12 mL of air-saturated (stan-
                                                                    prepared as two sets of un-amended references (no iso-
dard temperature and pressure) seawater was transferred into
                                                                    topic mixture added) and five amended samples in incuba-
12 mL gas-tight vials. Using autoclaved forceps, one piece of
                                                                    tions, screening for either anammox and or denitrification.
freshly dissected tissue was then placed into each gas-tight
                                                                    Amended samples were injected with oxygen-free isotopic
vial until a sufficient number of samples were prepared for
                                                                    mixtures (as above) and placed on rotating rollers (Spiromix,
the incubations. The caps were then replaced and the vial
                                                                    Denley) in a constant-temperature room (6 ◦ C) in the dark.
was carefully sealed to exclude any air bubbles.
                                                                    At zero hours, and every subsequent 3–6 h, 3 parallel sam-
   For the anoxic incubations, 2 L of site water was de-
                                                                    ples were injected with 200 µL of formaldehyde, and shaken
gassed with ultra-high-purity He for 2 h. To verify the ab-
                                                                    vigorously to inhibit further microbial activity. This was re-
sence of oxygen in the degassed water, an anaerobic strip
                                                                    peated over a period of 48 h. Concentrations of 28 N2 , 29 N2 ,
test (colour change from pink to white under anaerobic con-
                                                                    and 30 N2 were measured as above and calculations for deni-
ditions; Sigma Aldrich) was performed prior to transfer into
                                                                    trification and or anammox were performed as per Thamdrup
12 mL Exetainer vials. The caps were then replaced and the
                                                                    and Dalsgaard (2002) and Risgaard-Petersen et al. (2003).
gas-tight vials were carefully sealed to exclude any air bub-
bles. An anaerobic strip was added to control Exetainer vials
(seawater only) in order to verify the absence of oxygen dur-       2.3.3   Calculation of denitrification and anammox rates
ing anaerobic incubations.
   Incubations were prepared in four sets of one una-               Concentrations of 28 N2 , 29 N2 , and 30 N2 were measured by
mended reference (no isotope added) and five amended (15 N-         directly sub-sampling 70 µL from the gas headspace on a gas
labelled) samples per intact sponge (three intact sponge in-        chromatograph (Trace GC, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bre-
dividuals/species). Each set was then either injected (gas-         men) connected to a continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spec-
tight luer lock syringes, VICI, USA) with air-saturated (at         trometer (Delta V plus, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen)
standard temperature and pressure, for oxic incubations) or         calibrated with in-house reference gas and air. Though we
oxygen-free (degassed; for anoxic incubations) concentrated         never observed visual signs of tissue degradation (see for
stock solutions of (i) Na15 NO−    3 (99.2
                                           15 N atm %), screen-     example Osinga et al., 1999, 2001; and Hoffmann et al.,
                                      +    −
ing for denitrification; or (ii) NH4 Cl (≥ 98 15 N atm %)
                                 15                                 2003 for a description of how to spot signs of sponge tis-
and Na14 NO−   3 , screening for anammox. The solutions were        sue degradation), some samples showed an abrupt increase
shaken vigorously. The final concentrations of (i) 15 NO−    3;     in N2 production, indicating the onset of tissue degrada-
or (ii) 15 NH+4 ; 14 NO− were 100 µM NO− and 10 µM NH+
                        3                   3                 4     tion. These were not included in the analyses and rate cal-
respectively. These values were essentially 10 times greater        culations. Calculations for rates of both anammox and den-
than ambient NO−                    −          +
                     3 (10 µM NO3 ) and NH4 concentrations          itrification were based on established methods for measur-
(< 1 µM NH4 ) present in the seawater. Prior to the incuba-         ing these processes in sediments (Thamdrup and Dalsgaard,
tions, however, background nutrient concentrations were un-         2002; Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2003). Rates were calculated
known. In this regard, to ensure that the availability of 15 N      from the linear increase in excess N2 accumulation over time
was sufficient for the measurement of denitrification and or        as measured from the isotope ratio mass spectrometer.

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   The accumulation of excess 29 N2 and 30 N2 , from incu-
bations with15 NO−  3 , was linear over a 24 h period (p
1236                                                                 C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

Essentially, D15 is indicative of denitrification of labelled         at 72 ◦ C for 45 s. All qPCR reactions were run in triplicate
15 NO− and D represents in situ denitrification of 14 NO− .           and each reaction mixture contained one QuantiTech Sybr-
      3        14                                          3
   To estimate denitrification of NO−3 from the ambient water         Green PCR master mixture (QIAgen, Germany), 0.5 µM for-
(Dw ), in terms of D14 , the following calculation was applied        ward and reverse primer, and 1 µL of DNA template in a final
(Eq. 3):                                                              volume of 20 µL. The qPCR standard of each gene was lin-
                                                                      ear DNA, containing the respective genes from an uncultured
Dw = D15 [14 NO−      15 −
               3 ]w /[ NO3 ]w ,                               (3)     denitrifying bacterium in an Arctic permafrost soil. For each
                                                                      gene, the DNA concentration of the standard was measured
where [14 NO−            15   −
               3 ]w and [ NO3 ]w represent the concentration          using Bioanalyzer (DNA 1000 chips, Agilent Technologies)
of unlabelled and labelled NO−   3 in the ambient water. Dw           and a DNA abundance gradient of 10–105 copies µL−1 were
thus represents an estimate of denitrification of NO−   3 at am-      prepared via serial dilution 10 times.
bient NO− 3  concentrations (approximately   10 µM),   and in the
rest of the publication we refer to this as denitrification rates     2.5    Statistical analyses
unless otherwise stated.
   In situ coupled denitrification (Dn ), in terms of D14 , was       Statistical analyses were performed to test for significant
calculated using Eq. (4) (see below).                                 differences in (i) species-specific rates of denitrification or
                                                                      (ii) variations in the rates of denitrification according to oxy-
Dn = D14 − Dw                                                 (4)     gen availability. The data set failed to meet the assumptions
                                                                      of normality or equal variance. As a result, the data set was
2.4    Screening and quantifying the abundance of nirS,
                                                                      transformed by rank prior to two-way ANOVA. All pairwise
       nirK, and nifH genes
                                                                      multiple comparisons were performed using the Holm–Sidak
Total DNA was extracted from dissected sponge pieces                  method at species level. In all cases, the level of significance
(0.45 cm3 of sponge tissue) using a FastDNA Spin Kit for              was set to at least p
C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks                                                                   1237

under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions were signifi-        (2) rates are dependent on oxygen availability in the sponge
cant in Stryphnus fortis (t = 6.591, p
1238                                                                      C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

Figure 2. Sponge species-specific rates of denitrification in incubations with degassed site water (anoxic conditions, black bars) and air-
saturated site water (oxic conditions, grey bars) for six key species from boreal and arctic sponge grounds. Statistically significant differences
between denitrification rates in the presence and absence of dissolved oxygen are indicated by an asterisk for each species. Error bars
indicate SE (n = 3 individuals). Coupled nitrification–denitrification under oxic conditions is visualized with dark grey colour in the grey
bars. Compare with Table 1.

Table 1. Nitrate sources for denitrification in the presence of dissolved oxygen. Most nitrate removed by sponge denitrification in oxic
incubations originates from seawater, while some originates from sponge nitrification (coupled nitrification–denitrification). Denitrification
rates in anoxic incubations (no coupled nitrification–denitrification) are also shown. Data are also presented in Fig. 2.

              Sample                Location     Denitrification     Denitrification         Nitrate     Nitrate   Percent coupled
                                                      in anoxic              in oxic           from       from        nitrification-
                                                   incubations         incubations     nitrification   seawater      denitrification
                                                                   nmol N cm−3 sponge/sediment d−1
              G. atlantica          boreal                   24                18.9             5.7        13.2                30.1
              S. fortis             boreal                 29.8                 ND              ND          ND                  ND
              G. barretti           boreal                157.6                96.5            15.9        80.7                16.4
              S. rhaphidiophora     Arctic                 40.9                 8.4             ND          8.4                 ND
              G. hentscheli         Arctic                181.9                93.2             ND         93.2                 ND
              G. parva              Arctic                279.1                64.5             1.1        65.3                 1.7
              Sediment              Arctic                  ND                  ND              ND          ND                  ND

            ND: not detectable.

cause we did not have control over oxygen concentration in                  al., 2017). For the present study, we do not know if denitrifi-
the sponge tissue pieces during the experiment. From marine                 cation actually happened in the presence of oxygen in anoxic
sediments, there are numerous studies reporting denitrifica-                microniches, which were already present in the sponge tissue
tion in bulk oxic conditions, either in anoxic microniches or               at the experiment’s start, or in tissue sections which rapidly
under complete oxygenated conditions (e.g. Wilson, 1978;                    become anoxic when not continuously flushed with oxygen.
Robertson et al., 1995; Chen and Strous, 2013; Marchant et                  Nevertheless since all these scenarios reflect the situation in

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Table 2. Abundance of the nitrite reductase genes nirS and nirK in sponge and sediment samples. The nitrite reductase copy number is the
sum of the mean number of nirS and nirK copies cm−3 of sponge tissue (n = 3).

                               Sample                Location          nirS        nirK     Nitrite reductase
                                                                   copy no.     copy no.             copy no.
                               G. atlantica          boreal      2.67E+02      6.00E+07            6.00E+07
                               S. fortis             boreal           ND       2.19E+03            2.19E+03
                               G. barretti           boreal      7.04E+02      1.75E+06            1.75E+06
                               S. rhaphidiophora     Arctic      4.02E+02      2.39E+03            2.80E+03
                               G. hentscheli         Arctic      1.25E+03      1.82E+08            1.82E+08
                               G. parva              Arctic      3.81E+02      1.03E+09            1.03E+09
                               Sediment              Arctic             ND     2.77E+04            2.77E+04

                             ND: not detectable.

Figure 3. Mean species-specific denitrification rates in incubations with air-saturated site water (with O2 , open circles) and degassed site
water (without O2 , closed circles) as a function of nitrite reductase copy number. The nitrite reductase gene copy number is the sum of the
mean number of nirS and nirK copies cm−3 of sponge tissue (n = 3). There is a positive relationship between denitrification rates (in the
absence of oxygen) and the species-specific abundance of nirS and nirK for five of the six sponge species.

a sponge which is pumping at a low rate or occasionally                  to actual in situ conditions (0 ◦ C), which may have led to an
stops pumping (Schläppy et al., 2007, 210b; Hoffmann et al.,             overestimation of the potential rates for the Arctic species.
2008), typical features in sponges, we assume that our results              Our systematic screening of six cold-water sponge species,
are representative for sponges under normal conditions.                  together with reports of denitrification activity from other
   Our study further indicates significant differences in anaer-         sponge species from around the world and from different
obic denitrification rates between most sponge species, in-              habitats (see above) strengthens the view that denitrification
dicating species-specific differences in maximum potential               is a common feature in many sponge species – both under
denitrification rates. Two of the Arctic sponges (G. hentscheli          oxygenated (pumping) and deoxygenated (non-pumping) tis-
and G. parva) showed the highest denitrification rates. It is            sue conditions, with rates being highest when oxygen is ab-
worth noting that for technical reasons the Arctic incubations           sent. Anammox in contrast seems to be a rarer and occasional
had to be performed at a higher temperature (6 ◦ C) compared                                                              Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020
1240                                                               C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

feature in sponges, which might not have quantitative impor-        tions, which strengthens our conclusion that the denitrifying
tance for sponge-mediated nitrogen cycling.                         community is active and prepared for the denitrification rates
                                                                    observed in our experiments. This again means that the mea-
4.2    The fate of nitrogen in sponges                              sured maximum denitrification rates are likely to occur in situ
                                                                    in situations where the sponge tissue becomes completely
With the exception of Stryphnus fortis, denitrification was         anoxic. This also suggests that the heterotrophic microflora
verified in the presence of dissolved oxygen across all             in these sponges regularly find themselves in an anoxic or
species. For most species, denitrification was partly coupled       microoxic environment where it is beneficial to have the den-
to nitrification. For G. barretti, 16 % of the nitrate used for     itrification genes readily expressed.
denitrification under oxic conditions was derived from ni-             In the slurries of surface sediments from the Schulz Mas-
trification, which is very close to previously reported val-        sive, nirK and nirS copy numbers were comparable to those
ues of 26 % as reported for the same species (Hoffmann et           in the sponges (Table 2); however, in these samples we did
al., 2009). Evidence for coupled nitrification–denitrification      not detect any labelled N2 production within 48h of incuba-
in most sponge species of this study indicates that nitrifi-        tion. This would suggest that although a microbial commu-
cation was present in these species. Nitrification rates have       nity capable of denitrification is present in the surface sedi-
been quantified in the cold-water species Phakellia venti-          ments of the Schulz Bank, its activity was under the detection
labrum, Antho dichotoma, Geodia barretti, and Stryphnus             limit. Low availability of reactive carbon in these Arctic sed-
fortis (120–1880 nmol N cm−3 sponge d−1 ; Hoffmann et al.,          iments (Baumberger et al., 2016) may be the reason for this
2009; Radax et al., 2012; Fang et al., 2018), and we may as-        lack of detectable denitrification activity, in contrast to a high
sume similar rates for the species in this study. Since the am-     availability of reactive carbon within a living sponge. Our
monium concentration in bottom seawater at our sampling             results indicate that in the Arctic deep sea, sponge grounds
sites is far too low (under the detection limit of 1 µM NH+  4)     play a much more important role for nitrogen cycling and
to fuel these nitrification rates, ammonium needs to originate      benthic–pelagic coupling than the surrounding sediment.
from organic nitrogen remineralized from organic matter by
the sponge cells or by heterotrophic sponge microbes. Un-           4.4   Sponge grounds as nutrient sinks
der anoxic conditions, there is no nitrification, and the ni-
trate used to fuel the much higher denitrification rates has        Denitrification rates in this study were quantified in lab
to be retrieved directly from the seawater. We did not detect       experiments, and therefore show potential rates of these
any genes for nitrogen fixation; the N cycle is not closed in       species under certain conditions, not real rates under cur-
the cold-water sponges. The denitrified nitrogen, no matter         rent in situ conditions. Keeping this in mind, and also con-
its origin, is no longer available as a nutrient and thus is in-    sidering that denitrification rates are calculated to represent
evitably lost as a good and service for the marine ecosystem.       that of the ambient NO−  3 , no carbon source was added, and
                                                                    the incubation temperature was realistic for natural condi-
4.3    The sponge microbial community is ready for                  tions, our results allow estimates of the potential denitrifi-
       denitrification                                              cation capacity of sponge grounds. Our results reveal av-
                                                                    erage nitrogen removal rates for boreal sponge grounds of
NirS and nirK are functionally equivalent genes that code for       70 nmol N cm−3 sponge d−1 assuming all sponges are not
the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide, the first step towards    pumping (results from the anoxic experiment), and 38 when
the production of a gas in denitrification (Shapleigh, 2013).       all sponges are pumping (results from the oxic experiment).
Copies of nirS and nirK were quantified in all six sponge           For Arctic sponge grounds the rates will be 167 and 55
species, and also in the sediment (Table 2). Scattering denitri-    for non-pumping and pumping sponges respectively. Based
fication rates against nitrite reductase copy numbers revealed      on our own observations from trawl catches and underwa-
a clear positive relationship between denitrification rates (in     ter imagery from several cruises, we estimate that masses
the absence of oxygen) and the species-specific abundance           of 10 kg m−2 are common in boreal sponge grounds, while
of nirS and nirK (Fig. 3) for five of the six sponge species.       smaller areas both in shelves and fjords may even reach den-
This relationship suggests that there is an active denitrifying     sities of 30 kg m−2 . In other areas masses can be consider-
community present in these species.                                 ably lower and more patchy, e.g. 3.5 kg in the Traena area, as
   This is further corroborated by our observation of a lin-        reported by Kutti et al. (2013). In the Arctic sponge grounds
ear accumulation of 15 N-labelled N2 gas at the start of our        investigated in this study we estimate the sponge biomass to
15 N incubation experiments, as shown in Fig. 1. The lack of        be approximately 4 kg m−2 .
a lag phase is frequently associated with “active” denitrifi-          These estimates reveal a potential areal denitrification rate
cation (Ward et al., 2009; Bulow et al., 2010). Conversely,         for the boreal sponge grounds of up to 0.587 mmol N m−2
denitrifiers in pure culture require a 24–48 h reactivation pe-     assuming non-pumping and still show 0.321 mmol N m−2
riod to recover from dormancy (Baumann et al., 1996, 1997).         assuming pumping sponges. For Arctic sponge grounds
There was no lag phase in any of our sponge tissue incuba-          the numbers are quite similar (sponge biomass is lower

Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020                                            
C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks                                                                        1241

but sponge denitrification rates are higher): 0.608 for non-        5   Conclusions
pumping and 0.201 for pumping sponges. These rates are
well within the range – or, for the non-pumping situa-              In this study we have shown that several sponge species ac-
tion with anoxic tissue, on the upper end – of denitrifi-           tively remove the bioavailable nutrients ammonium and ni-
cation rates from continental shelf sediments, which are            trate from the marine ecosystem by denitrification and cou-
0.1–1 mmol N m−2 d−1 (Middelburg et al., 1996; Seitzinger           pled nitrification–denitrification, which challenges the com-
and Giblin, 1996). For the densest boreal sponge grounds,           mon view of sponges as DIN providers through mineraliza-
with sponge densities up to 30 kg m−2 , rates are up to             tion of organic matter and nitrification. While variations in
1.7 mmol N m−2 d−1 , well above typical rates for continen-         sponge remineralization activity only postpone the delivery
tal shelf sediments.                                                of nutrients, denitrification inevitably removes these nutri-
   While our denitrification rates in sponges incubated un-         ents from the marine ecosystem. The nitrogen cycle is not
der oxic conditions may reflect normal in situ conditions           closed in the sponge grounds; denitrified nitrogen, no matter
for pumping sponges, our numbers on denitrification rates           its origin, is no longer available as a nutrient and is efficiently
in sponges incubated under anoxic conditions are theoreti-          removed from the marine ecosystem. We further showed that
cal extremes, since we know little about the in situ pump-          the investigated sponges host an active community of den-
ing patterns of deep-sea sponges or the environmental fac-          itrifiers which show the highest denitrification rates under
tors influencing them. Seawater nitrate, which fuels most of        anoxic conditions. Anthropogenic impacts and global change
the denitrification under anoxic conditions, enters the sponge      processes affecting the sponge redox state may thus lead
through pumping. The maximum denitrification rates in non-          to deep-sea sponge grounds changing their role in marine
pumping sponges can therefore only be maintained until the          ecosystems from functioning mainly as nutrient sources to
nitrate in the sponge pore water is used up. The length and         functioning mainly as nutrient sinks.
frequency of these anoxic spells will thus determine the vari-
ability of in situ sponge denitrification rates. Observations
by Schläppy et al. (2010b) showed non-pumping periods               Data availability. The data are available in the data publisher PAN-
of sponges in situ of up to 2 h, leading to complete tissue         GAEA, (Rooks
anoxia, followed by several hours of high pumping activity.         et al., 2019).
Sponges with dense tissue and high loads of associated mi-
crobes (high-microbial abundance, HMA, sponges, such as
most sponges in our study) generally show slower volume             Supplement. The supplement related to this article is available on-
                                                                    line at:
pumping rates than sponges with low microbial numbers and
loose tissue structure (Weisz et al., 2008). Slow pumping
rates lead to reduced and heterogeneous oxygen concentra-
                                                                    Author contributions. FH and CR designed the study. CR and
tions in sponges (e.g. Schläppy et al., 2007, 2010b), while
                                                                    JKHF performed the sponge experiments. CR and PTM performed
they still may supply sufficient nitrate from ambient seawa-        the stable isotope analyses. CR and RZ quantified the functional
ter to fuel denitrification. Even though our calculated areal       genes. CR analysed all the data. HTR organized the cruises, quanti-
denitrification rates of sponge grounds so far only point out       fied sponge biomass at key sites, and determined the sponge species.
potential capacity, our study clearly shows that both boreal        CR wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and all authors con-
and Arctic sponge grounds can function as efficient nutri-          tributed substantially to writing and revision. FH supervised and
ent sinks, especially when they reduce or stop pumping and          coordinated the writing process, and finalized the manuscript.
the tissue becomes anoxic. Environmental and anthropogenic
stressors such as increased sediment loads (Bell et al., 2015)
reduce pumping activity and increase anoxic conditions in           Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no conflict
sponges (Kutti et al., 2015; Tjensvoll et al., 2013; Fang et al.,   of interest.
2018), and thus stimulate nutrient removal through denitri-
fication. Elevated ambient nitrate concentrations have been
linked to increased nitrate removal by sponges (Archer et           Acknowledgements. This study was performed in the scope of
                                                                    the SponGES project, which received funding from the European
al., 2017). Global change processes affecting sponge redox
                                                                    Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
state will impact the sponge holobiont (Pita et al., 2018), and     grant agreement no. 679849. This document reflects only the au-
may thus lead to deep-sea sponge grounds changing their role        thors’ views and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized
in marine ecosystems from functioning mainly as nutrient            Enterprises (EASME) is not responsible for any use that may be
sources to functioning mainly as nutrient sinks.                    made of the information it contains.

                                                                    Financial support. This research has been supported by the Eu-
                                                                    ropean Union Horizon 2020 programme (grant no. 679849),                                                         Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020
1242                                                                      C. Rooks et al.: Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks

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Biogeosciences, 17, 1231–1245, 2020                                                 
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