Page created by Jim Burke
BOWMANS                                      Debt Capital Markets


              03   Our Firm

              04   Our Footprint in Africa

              05   Our Debt Capital Market Expertise

              06   Our Specialist Services

              07   Our Signature Matters

              13   Key Contacts

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                                           Debt Capital Markets

                Our Firm                                                                                                        Our Footprint
                                                                                                                                in Africa
                We help our clients overcome legal complexity                                                                  W      e are present in six countries in Africa:
                                                                                                                                      Kenya (Nairobi), Mauritius (Moka), South

                and unlock opportunity in Africa.                                                                               Africa (Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg),
                                                                                                                                Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Uganda (Kampala)
                                                                                                                                and Zambia (Lusaka).

                O   ur track record of providing specialist legal
                    services in the fields of corporate law,
                banking and finance law and dispute resolution,
                                                                     At the inaugural IFLR1000 Awards for Sub-
                                                                     Saharan Africa (2020), we received 10 awards
                                                                     across four jurisdictions confirming our leadership
                                                                                                                                We work closely with our alliance firms in
                                                                                                                                Ethiopia (Aman Assefa & Associates Law
                                                                                                                                Office) and Nigeria (Udo Udoma & Belo-
                spans over a century.                                when it comes to advising on multijurisdictional           Osagie). These are two of the leading                                                         Uganda
                                                                     mergers and acquisitions in Africa. At the African         corporate and commercial law firms in their
                With eight offices in six African countries and      Legal Awards (2020), we won awards in three                jurisdictions.                                                                                Ethiopia
                over 400 specialist lawyers, we draw on our          categories and were highly commended in a
                unique knowledge of the business and socio-          further four categories including African Law              We have developed best friends relationships
                political environment to advise clients on a wide    Firm of the Year – Large Practice.                         with PFI Partnerships in Malawi and Taciana
                range of legal issues.                                                                                          Peão Lopes & Advogados Associados in
                                                                     We received awards in three out of four                    Mozambique, and regularly work with leading
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nigeria                                          Kenya
                Everywhere we work, we offer clients a               categories at the Dealmakers East Africa Awards            law firms in other countries such as Angola,
                service that uniquely blends expertise in the        (2019): top legal adviser in the M&A Category for          Botswana, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Namibia,                                                         Tanzania
                law, knowledge of the local market, and an           both deal flow and deal value and advised on the           Rwanda, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
                understanding of their businesses. Our aim           Deal of the Year. In the Dealmakers South Africa                                                                                                         Malawi

                is to assist them to achieve their objectives        Awards (2020), we were placed third for both               We have a comprehensive database of all the       Zambia

                as smoothly and efficiently as possible while        transaction value and transaction volume in the            law firms we work with in the rest of Africa
                minimising the legal and regulatory risks.           General Corporate Finance Category and fourth              covering such countries as Algeria, Egypt,
                                                                     for both deal value and deal volume in the M&A             Morocco and French-speaking West Africa.
                Our clients include corporates, multinationals       Category.                                                                                                                                                     Mauritius
                                                                                                                                                                                  South Africa
                and state-owned enterprises across a range of                                                                   We are representatives of Lex Mundi, a global
                industry sectors as well as financial institutions                                                              association with more than 160 independent                                            Mozambique

                and governments.                                                                                                law firms in all the major centres across
                                                                                                                                the globe. Lex Mundi gives us the ability to
                Our expertise is frequently recognised by                                                                       connect our clients with the best law firms in
                independent research organisations. Most                                                                        each of the countries represented.
                recently, Mergermarket identified us as the                                                                                                                                 Bowmans offices
                number one legal adviser for Africa by number of
                completed deals in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Alliance firms

                                                                                                                                                                                            Best friends

                                                                                                                                                                                            Significant transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                            or advisory experience

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                              Debt Capital Markets

                Our Debt Capital Market Expertise                                                                           Our Specialist
                We provide exceptional legal and transactional    Our debt capital markets team is regarded                 •   Standalone bond issues
                debt capital markets advice to banks, financial   as one of the strongest in the South African              •   Domestic medium term note programmes
                institutions, corporates, state-owned entities,   financial space. This is borne out by the                 •   Commercial paper programmes
                municipalities and governments. Our practical     impressive mandates that we secure both                   •   Global/ euro medium term note
                and innovative approach to each transaction       locally and internationally. Our expertise in                 programmes (Regulation S and Rule 144A)
                ensures that we deliver clear and concise         Regulation S/ Rule 144A issues, stand-alone               •   Structured products
                solutions that enable our clients to conclude     bond issues, domestic medium term note                    •   Secured note programmes
                their transactions successfully.                  programmes, domestic issuances, inward                    •   Inward listings
                                                                  listings, structured products, secured note               •   Convertible bonds
                                                                  programmes, secured note issuances and                    •   DCM regulatory advice
                          “The lawyers I work with
                                                                  convertible bonds is particularly renowned.
                          have been top quality.
                          They are clearly at the                 We are differentiated in the South African
                          cutting edge in South                   market by our in-depth knowledge of the
                                                                  regulatory framework, which extends to
                          Africa, and they are also
                                                                  exchange control, and our relationships with
                          not just limited to South               the JSE Ltd, Strate Pty Ltd and the South
                          Africa either – they have               African Reserve Bank’s (SARB’s) Financial
                          stretched up into Africa.               Surveillance Department. In addition, members
                                                                  of our team sit on the JSE Listing Advisory
                          It's easy to get a very
                                                                  Committee and on the Executive Committee of
                          quick answer from them                  the South African Securitisation Forum.
                          and if there is some kind
                          of problem, it is always                We are active in several African jurisdictions
                                                                  in addition to those in which we are located,
                          addressed.” – Client
                                                                  including Botswana, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria
                          quoted by Chambers &                    and Zambia.
                          Partners, 2016

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Debt Capital Markets

                Our Signature
                                                                                                                                          “Deep bench of                                Programme and the debut issuance of
                We have advised:                                   •   IFC in connection with the inward listing                          experienced practitioners                     notes under the programme.
                                                                       of the IFC’s Global Medium Term Note
                                                                                                                                          with an outstanding
                FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS                                 Programme on the JSE and the debut                                                                           •   Santam Ltd and Rand Merchant Bank in
                                                                       issuance of ZAR 1 billion Green Notes                              reputation in both                            connection with the establishment by the
                •   BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance BV, an              listed on the JSE. We advised IFC on                               debt and equity capital                       Issuer of the Santam Ltd ZAR 4 billion
                    entity incorporated in the Netherlands, (as        the legal and regulatory aspects of the                            markets.”– Chambers &                         Unsecured Subordination Callable Note
                    Issuer), BNP Paribas, an entity incorporated       transaction, including in connection                                                                             Programme on the Interest Rate Market of
                                                                                                                                          Partners, 2018
                    in France, (as Issuer and, in respect of BNP       with obtaining the requisite regulatory                                                                          the JSE and the issue of various notes under
                    Paribas Arbitrage Issuance BV only, as             approvals from the office of the Minister of                                                                     the Programme.
                    Guarantor), BNP Paribas, acting through            Finance, the South African Reserve Bank,                    Mizuho International plc, Morgan Stanley & Co
                    its South African Branch (as Issuer), BNP          the Financial Services Board and the JSE.                   International plc, MUFG Securities EMEA plc,
                    Paribas Arbitrage SNC (as Arranger) and                                                                        Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand      STATE OWNED ENTITIES/
                    Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, acting      •   International Finance Corporation                           Bank Ltd (London Branch), RBC Capital            MUNICIPALITIES
                    through its Corporate and Investment               (IFC) (as Issuer) and Rand Merchant                         Markets, LLC., Scotia Capital (USA)
                    Banking Division (as JSE Debt Sponsor) in           Bank, a division of First Rand Bank Ltd                    Inc and Société Générale in connection           •   Absa Bank acting through its Absa Capital
                    connection with the update of the Note,            in connection with the issue of                             with the high yield bond (Regulation S/              division, Vunani Capital Holdings (Pty) Ltd,
                    Warrant and Certificate Programme, which           ZAR 500 million 8.765% Fixed Rate                           Rule 144A) offer of USD 1.05 billion listed          Deutsche Bank AG, Johannesburg Branch,
                    is inward listed on the Interest Rate Market       South African Notes due April 14, 2021                      on the Irish Stock Exchange.                         Quartile Capital (Pty) Ltd, Infrastructure
                    and the Main Board of the JSE and the              issued under the IFC’s ZAR 5 billion                                                                             Finance Corporation Ltd, Nedbank Ltd,
                    inward listing of notes, warrants and              Global Medium-Term Note Programme.                      •   The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd, Citigroup         FirstRand Bank Ltd, IDG Financial Services
                    certificates under the programme.                                                                              NA, South Africa branch, in connection with          Investments (Pty) Ltd, Standard Bank of
                                                                   •   RCS Investment Holdings Ltd (as Issuer),                    the inward listing of The Mauritius Commercial       South Africa Ltd and Basis Points Capital
                •   Calyon, acting through its South Africa            RCS Cards (Pty) Ltd (as Guarantor),                         Bank Ltd Medium Term Note Programme                  (Pty) Ltd in connection with the establishment
                    branch, in connection with the establishment       BNP Paribas (as Guarantor) and Rand                         and the issue of various notes under                 of the City of Johannesburg ZAR 13 billion
                    of the Calyon ZAR 4 billion Domestic               Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand                      the Programme.                                       amended and restated Domestic Medium
                    Medium Term Note Programme and the                 Bank Ltd (as Arranger, Dealer and JSE                                                                            Term Note Programme and the issue of
                    issuances of notes under the programme.            Debt Sponsor) in connection with the                                                                             various notes under the Programme.
                                                                       update of the RCS Investment Holdings Ltd               INSURERS
                •   FirstRand Bank Ltd in connection with the          ZAR 10 billion Domestic Medium Term                                                                          •   City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
                    establishment and ongoing updates of the           Note Programme, and the inclusion of a                  •   Absa Corporate and Investment Bank,                  with the issue of ZAR 500 million Senior
                    FirstRand Bank Ltd ZAR 50 billion Domestic         foreign guarantor, BNP Paribas, wherein                     a division of Absa Bank Ltd and Nedbank              Unsecured Fixed Amortising Rate Notes and
                    Medium Term Note Programme.                        we advised on the South African law                         Ltd in connection with the establishment of          with the private placement of ZAR 800 million
                                                                       aspects of the guarantee.                                   the Old Mutual Life Assurance (South Africa)         Senior Unsecured Fixed Amortising Rate
                •   Goldman Sachs International in connection                                                                      Ltd ZAR 10 billion Unsecured Subordinated            Notes issued under the Programme pursuant
                    with the inward listing of the Goldman Sachs   •   Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd in                        Callable Note Programme and the issuances            to the provisions of the Municipal Finance
                    International Programme for the issuance           connection with the inward listing of                       of various notes under the programme.                Management Act.
                    of warrants, notes and certificates in South       the African Development Bank EMTN
                    Africa and the issuance of notes under             Programme in South Africa and the                       •   MMI Group Ltd in connection with the             •   Denel (SOC) Ltd and FirstRand Bank Ltd
                    the programme.                                     issuances of notes under the programme.                     consolidation and amendment and                      in connection with the establishment of
                                                                                                                                   restatement of its ZAR 5 billion Unsecured           the Denel (Pty) Ltd ZAR 2 billion Domestic
                •   Goldman Sachs International in connection      •   The initial purchasers namely Citigroup                     Subordinated Callable Note Programme and             Medium Term Note Programme and the
                    with the inward listing in respect of the          Global Markets Inc, HSBC Bank plc,                          the issuance of notes thereunder.                    debut issue of notes under the programme
                    Goldman Sachs International Programme              Barclays Bank plc, Credit Suisse Securities                                                                      (including compliance with the Public
                    for the issuance of secured notes in               (Europe) Ltd, Standard Bank of South                    •   Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd ZAR 3 billion              Finance Management Act (PFMA) and
                    South Africa.                                      Africa Ltd, JP Morgan Securities plc,                       Unsecured Subordinated Callable Note                 Treasury Regulations).

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Debt Capital Markets

                •   Denel SOC Ltd in relation to its DMTN               and the debut issue of notes under the                  REAL ESTATE COMPANIES                                      with the update of the Mercedes-Benz South
                    Programme increase from ZAR 2.2 billion             programme (including compliance with the                                                                           Africa Ltd ZAR 35 billion Domestic Medium
                    to ZAR 3 billion and counsel to Denel SOC           PFMA and Treasury Regulations).                         •   Absa Capital and Growthpoint Properties                Term Note Programme on the Interest Rate
                    Ltd and Nedbank Ltd, acting through its                                                                         Ltd in connection with the establishment of            Market of the JSE. We also advised on the
                    Corporate and Investment Banking Division       •   Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Nedbank               the Growthpoint Properties Ltd ZAR 5 billion           South African law aspects of the Guarantee
                    in connection with the issue of various notes       Capital in connection with the establishment                Domestic Medium Term Note Programme                    (governed by German Law) provided by
                    under their Programme.                              of the Airports Company of South Africa Ltd                 and the various note issuances under                   the Guarantor.
                                                                        ZAR 12 billion Domestic Medium Term Note                    the programme.
                •   Eskom Holdings Ltd in connection with the           Programme and issuance of various notes under                                                                  •   Mercedes-Benz South Africa Ltd (as Issuer)
                    establishment of Eskom Holdings Ltd                 the programme (including compliance with the            •   Calgro M3 Developments Ltd and Nedbank Ltd,            and the Rand Merchant Bank, a division of
                    ZAR 65 billion Domestic Medium Term Note            PFMA and Treasury Regulations).                             in connection with the issue of ZAR 70 million         FirstRand Bank Ltd (as Arranger) in the
                    Programme and the issuances of notes under                                                                      Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (CGR22),          Republic of South Africa in connection with
                    the programme (including compliance with        •   Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd in                        ZAR 25 million Senior Unsecured Floating Rate          the issue of ZAR 1.5 billion Senior Unsecured
                    the PFMA and Treasury Regulations).                 connection with the establishment of the                    Notes (CGR23) and ZAR 20 million Senior                Floating Rate Notes due 14 March 2019 and
                                                                        City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality                 Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (CGR24)                  ZAR 500 million Senior Unsecured Floating
                •   Land and Agricultural Development Bank              ZAR 7 billion Domestic Medium Term Note                     issued under the Calgro M3 Developments                Rate Notes due 13 March 2017.
                    of South Africa (as Issuer), Standard Bank          Programme and the debut issue of notes                      Ltd ZAR 600 billion Debt Programme.
                    of South Africa Ltd (as Arranger) and the           under the programme.                                                                                           •   Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and
                    Dealers in connection with the update of the                                                                •   Emira Property Fund Ltd and Rand Merchant              Nedbank Capital in connection with the
                    Land and Agricultural Development Bank of       •   The managers and underwriters in connection                 Bank in connection with the update of the              establishment of the Sappi Manufacturing
                    South Africa ZAR 20 billion Domestic Medium         with the issue by Telkom Ltd of EUR 500 million             Issuer’s ZAR 5 billion Domestic Medium Term            (Pty) Ltd ZAR 3 billion Domestic Medium
                    Term Note Programme on the Interest Rate            Senior Notes.                                               Note Programme. In particular we advised               Term Note Programme and the debut
                    Market of the JSE. The Issuer is a Schedule 2                                                                   on aspects relating to the JSE debt listings           issuance of notes under the programme.
                    public entity under the PFMA regulated by       •   Transnet Ltd in connection with the                         requirements and the relevant aspects of
                    the Land and Agricultural Development Bank          establishment of the Transnet Ltd                           the conversion of Emira Property Fund              •   Steinhoff Services Ltd (as Issuer), and the
                    Act (the Land Bank Act) and the PFMA. We            ZAR 30 billion Domestic Medium Term Note                    (Old Emira) into a corporate Real Estate               Guarantors. The Standard Bank of South
                    advised on the necessary regulatory approvals       Programme and the debut issue of notes                      Investment Trust; and the transfer of rights           Africa Ltd, acting through its Corporate and
                    and consents required to be obtained                under the programme (including compliance                   and obligations under the Emira Programme              Investment Banking Division (as Arranger
                    pursuant to the Land Bank Act.                      with the PFMA and Treasury Regulations).                    from Old Emira to Emira Property Fund Ltd.             and JSE Debt Sponsor, and the Dealers
                                                                                                                                                                                           in connection with the amendment and
                •   Land and Agricultural Development Bank of       •   Transnet Ltd in connection with the                     •   Fortress Income Fund Ltd and Rand Merchant             restatement of the Steinhoff Services Ltd
                    South Africa (as Issuer) and Absa Corporate         establishment of the Transnet Ltd                           Bank in connection with the issuance of                ZAR 15 billion Domestic Medium Term
                    and Investment Bank, a division of Absa Bank        USD 2 billion Global Medium Term                            various notes under the Fortress Income Fund           Note Programme.
                    Ltd (as Dealer) in connection with the issue        Note Programme.                                             Ltd ZAR 10 billion Domestic Medium Term
                    of ZAR 500 million Senior Unsecured Floating                                                                    Note Programme.                                    •   Toyota Financial Services (South Africa) Ltd,
                    Rate Notes issued under their ZAR 20 billion                                                                                                                           Toyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) BV
                    Domestic Medium Term Note Programme.                                                                        •   Rebosis Property Fund Ltd and Nedbank Ltd,             (as Guarantor) in connection with the update
                                                                              “Their experience and                                 acting through its Debt Capital Markets division       by the Issuer of its ZAR 7 billion Domestic
                •   National Treasury and Department of Public                track record stand out, as                            in connection with the establishment of the            Medium Term Note Programme on the Interest
                    Enterprises in connection with the South                                                                        Rebosis Property Fund Ltd ZAR 3 billion                Rate Market of the JSE. We also advised the
                                                                              does the quality of their
                    African Government Guarantee for the                                                                            and the issuance of various notes under                Issuer and Absa Corporate and Investment
                    obligations of Eskom Holdings Ltd under the               individuals. The quality of                           the programme.                                         Bank, a division of Absa Bank Ltd, in relation to
                    notes issued pursuant to the Eskom Holdings               their work is exceptional                                                                                    its issue of ZAR 400 million Senior Unsecured
                    Ltd ZAR 65 billion Domestic Medium Term                   and they are good people                                                                                     Floating Rate Notes in addition to various other
                    Note Programme (including compliance with                                                                   MANUFACTURERS                                              issuances under the programme from time
                                                                              to deal with.” – Client
                    the PFMA and Treasury Regulations).                                                                                                                                    to time.
                                                                              quoted by Chambers &                              •   Mercedes-Benz South Africa Ltd, Daimler AG
                •   Nedbank Capital, Quartile Capital (Pty) Ltd               Partners, 2017                                        (as Guarantor) and Rand Merchant Bank, a
                    and Investec Bank Ltd in connection with the                                                                    division of FirstRand Bank Ltd, in connection
                    establishment of the Rand Water ZAR 5 billion
                    Domestic Medium Term Note Programme

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BOWMANS                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Debt Capital Markets

                •   Sappi Ltd and Sappi Papier Holding GmbH         •   Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Rand                  •   FirstRand Bank Ltd in connection with the             (as Dealer) in connection with the
                    in connection with the issue by Sappi Papier        Merchant Bank in connection with the Mobile                     Freestone Finance Company (Pty) Ltd                   establishment of the First National Bank
                    Holding GmbH of EUR 250 million 6.625%              Telephone Networks Holdings (Pty) Ltd                           ZAR 5 billion Commercial Mortgage Backed              of Namibia Ltd ZAR 5 billion/ NAD 5 billion
                    Senior Secured Notes and USD 350 million            ZAR 10 billion amended and restated                             Securitisation Programme and the issuing              Note Programme and issuances of notes
                    6.625% Senior Secured Notes.                        Domestic Medium Term Note Programme and                         of notes under the Programme.                         under the programme listed on the
                                                                        the issuance of notes under the programme.                                                                            Namibian Stock Exchange and JSE Ltd.
                •   Sappi Ltd and Sappi Papier Holding GmbH                                                                         •   FirstRand Bank Ltd in connection with the
                    in connection with the issue by Sappi Papier                                                                        OntheCards Investments Ltd ZAR 5 billion          •   IFC, in connection with the issuance and
                    Holding GmbH of USD 400 million 7.750%          CONVERTIBLE BONDS EXPERIENCE                                        Storecard Securitisation Programme and                listing on the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX)
                    Senior Secured Notes and USD 300 million                                                                            the issuing of notes under the programme.             by the Issuer of NAD 180 million 9.812% Fixed
                    6.625% Senior Secured Notes.                    •   Barclays Bank plc, JP Morgan Securities                                                                               Rate Notes under its Pan-African Domestic
                                                                        plc and Nedbank Ltd in connection with                      •   FirstRand Bank Ltd, acting through                    Medium Term Note Programme, in Namibia.
                •   Sappi Ltd in connection with the issue              the issuance of ZAR 2 billion 7.25% Senior                      its London Branch, in connection with
                    by Sappi Papier Holding GMBH of                     Unsecured Convertible Registered Bonds                          the issuance by Turbo Finance plc of              •   Letshego Holdings Ltd in respect of the
                    EUR 350 million unconditionally guaranteed          by Aveng Ltd.                                                   GBP 340 million Asset Backed Notes in                 restructuring of Letshego Financial Services
                    senior secured notes to be admitted to                                                                              connection with the securitisation of motor           (Namibia) Pty Ltd to Letshego Bank Namibia
                    the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock       •   Royal Bafokeng Platinum Ltd (as Issuer)                         vehicle financing receivables by FirstRand            Ltd and the ancillary restructuring of the
                    Exchange and to trade on the Euro MTF of            on the ZAR 1.2 billion unsecured, convertible,                  Bank Ltd.                                             security arrangements pursuant to the
                    the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The notes            registered bond issue.                                                                                                security sharing structure under
                    are unconditionally guaranteed by Sappi Ltd                                                                                                                               their programme.
                    pursuant to the guarantee and will be issued    •   The managers in connection with the issue by                CROSS-BORDER EXPERIENCE
                    on, and subject to, the terms and conditions        Netcare of ZAR 1.7 billion convertible bonds.                                                                     •   Standard Bank Namibia Ltd (as the Issuer)
                    as set out in the offering memorandum and                                                                       BOTSWANA                                                  and Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, acting
                    endorsed on the notes. The initial purchasers   •   The managers in connection with the                                                                                   through its Corporate and Investment Banking
                    of the notes were Crédit Agricole Corporate         issue by Steinhoff of EUR 390 million                       •   Letshego Holdings Ltd in connection                   Division (as Arranger, Debt Sponsor and Initial
                    and Investment Bank, JP Morgan Securities           convertible bonds.                                              with the amendment and restatement of                 Dealer) in connection with the establishment
                    plc, UniCredit Bank AG, Citigroup Global                                                                            Letshego Holdings Ltd ZAR 2.5 billion/                by the Issuer of Standard Bank Namibia Ltd
                    Markets Ltd, Erste Group Bank AG, KBC           •   The managers in connection with the issue by                    BWP 2.5 billion Medium Term Note                      ZAR 10 billion Note Programme on the
                    Bank NV, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.            Steinhoff of ZAR 1.6 billion convertible bonds.                 Programme on the Interest Rate Market of              Interest Rate Market of the JSE Ltd.
                                                                                                                                        the JSE and the Botswana Stock Exchange,
                                                                                                                                        and various notes under the Programme.
                •   Cell C (Pty) Ltd in connection with its         •   Absa Bank Ltd connection with the
                    issuance of EUR 270 million 11% Senior              establishment of the Asset Backed Arbitraged                •   Bank of Windhoek Ltd (as Issuer), Investec
                    Subordinated Notes.                                 Securities (Pty) Ltd ZAR 15 million Domestic                    Bank Ltd (as Lead Arranger and Dealer),
                                                                        Asset Backed Secured Note Programme                             PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd (as JSE Debt Sponsor),
                •   Cell C (Pty) Ltd in connection with issuance        and the debut issue of notes under                              PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd (as Dealer) and PSG
                    of EUR 400 million 85/8 First Priority Senior       the Programme.                                                  Wealth Management (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd
                    Secured Notes.                                                                                                      (as NSX Debt Sponsor) in connection with
                                                                    •   FirstRand Bank Ltd and The Nitro                                the establishment of the Bank of Windhoek
                •   Deutsche Bank, BOFA Merrill Lynch, Rand             Securitisation 4 Issuer Trust in connection                     Ltd ZAR 5 billion/ NAD 5 billion Note
                    Merchant Bank, Standard Bank and Standard           with the issuance of ZAR 4 billion Asset Bank                   Programme and various issuances
                    Chartered Bank in respect of the Regulation         notes in connection with the securitisation                     under the programme.
                    S/ Rule 144A USD 750 million 4.755%                 of motor vehicle financing receivables by
                    Guaranteed Notes issue by MTN (Mauritius)           Wesbank, a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd.                  •   First National Bank of Namibia Ltd (as Issuer),
                    Investments Ltd due 11 November 2024 and                                                                            FirstRand Bank Ltd, acting through its Rand
                    listed on the Irish Stock Exchange.                                                                                 Merchant Bank division (as Debt Sponsor,
                                                                                                                                        Dealer and Arranger and RMB Namibia Ltd

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     Key Contacts

                ULRIKE NAUMANN
                Head of General Finance
                Johannesburg, South Africa

                T: +27 11 669 9377

                CASPER VAN HEERDEN
                Johannesburg, South Africa

                T: +27 11 669 9354

Cape Town, South Africa
          T: +27 21 480 7800

          Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
          T: +255 76 898 8640

          Durban, South Africa
          T: +27 31 109 1150

          Johannesburg, South Africa
          T: +27 11 669 9000

          Kampala, Uganda
          T: +256 41 425 4540

          Lusaka, Zambia
          T: +260 211 356 638

          Moka, Mauritius
          T: +230 52 98 01 00

          Nairobi, Kenya
          T: +254 20 289 9000

          Follow us on Twitter:

          Alliance Firms:

          Aman Assefa & Associates Law Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
          T: +251 11 470 2868

          Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, Lagos, Nigeria
          T: +234 1 2774920-2, +234 1 2719811-3

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