Cystic Fibrosis: Pathogenesis and Future Treatment Strategies
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Cystic Fibrosis: Pathogenesis and Future Treatment Strategies Felix A Ratjen MD PhD FRCP(C) Introduction Pathophysiology Genetics Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Function Airway Surface Liquid and Mucociliary Clearance Infection and Inflammation New Therapies Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Replacement Therapy Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Pharmacotherapy Stimulation of Alternative Chloride Channels Inhibition of Sodium Absorption Airway Rehydration Summary Since the detection of the underlying gene defect, our knowledge of how the genetic mutations in cystic fibrosis cause lung disease has increased substantially, but we still lack a complete under- standing of some of the pieces in the puzzle. Nevertheless, the information gained has led to new therapeutic approaches that address key factors of cystic fibrosis pathophysiology. Past therapeutic successes were largely based on targeting the consequences of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator dysfunction, such as phlegm retention, infection, and inflammation, but new therapies may be able to address the underlying abnormality rather than its downstream effects. The efficacy of these treatments still needs to be established, but early studies look promising for several compounds. This review summarizes our current understanding of the pathophysiology and treat- ment of cystic fibrosis lung disease. Key words: cystic fibrosis, airway surface liquid, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator, CFTR, pharmacotherapy, chloride secretion, gene therapy, osmotic therapy. [Respir Care 2009;54(5):595– 602. © 2009 Daedalus Enterprises] Introduction translate into new and potentially more causative treat- ment approaches. As in many areas of research, more de- Cystic fibrosis (CF) can serve as a paradigm of how a tailed studies of the molecular structure and function of the better understanding of the underlying disease process can CF transmembrane regulator (CFTR) protein have shown us that its functions and interactions may be much more complex than initially anticipated. Therefore, while many Felix A Ratjen MD PhD FRCP(C) is affiliated with the Division of aspects of CF pathophysiology have been clarified, there Respiratory Medicine, Physiology, and Experimental Medicine, The Hos- are still multiple areas of ongoing debate that need to be pital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest. Dr Ratjen presented a version of this paper at the 43rd RESPIRATORY CARE Correspondence: Felix A Ratjen MD PhD FRCP(C), Division of Respi- Journal Conference, “Respiratory Care and Cystic Fibrosis,” held Sep- ratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, tember 26-28, 2008, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8. E-mail: RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5 595
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES Fig. 2. Classes of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) Fig. 1. Cascade of pathophysiology in cystic fibrosis lung disease. mutations (see text). (From Reference 5, with permission.) clarified. Resolving these controversies will be important Genetics to identifying the most promising treatment strategies. This review will summarize the current knowledge on how CF gene mutations cause disease and will focus largely on the After the CFTR gene defect was detected in 1989, it was respiratory tract. In addition, new therapeutic targets and expected that a limited number of disease-causing muta- compounds that have arisen from this improved under- tions would cause CF.1,2 By now more than 1,500 different standing will be discussed. mutations have been described, but it is important to un- derstand that the functional consequences of many of these mutations are poorly understood and the majority of these Pathophysiology mutations are rare.3 In fact, less than 10 mutations occur with a frequency of more than 1%, whereas the most com- A brief and simplified cascade of the current concept of mon mutation worldwide, caused by a deletion of phenyl- how lung disease evolves in CF is summarized in Figure 1. alanine in position 508 (DF508) is found in approximately The CF gene defect leads to an absent or malfunctioning 66% of CF patients. CFTR mutations can be grouped into CFTR protein, which results in abnormal chloride conduc- different classes based on their functional consequences tance on the apical membrane of the epithelial cell. In the on the CFTR within the cell: CFTR is either not synthe- lung this results in airway surface liquid depletion and, sized (I), inadequately processed (II), not regulated (III), since airway surface liquid is essential to support ciliary shows abnormal conductance (IV), has partially defective stability and functioning, ciliary collapse and decreased production (V), or has accelerated degradation (VI) mucociliary transport. The consequence of this is a vicious (Fig. 2).4,5 The class I, II, and III mutations are more circle of phlegm retention, infection, and inflammation. common and associated with pancreatic insufficiency, Though this broad concept is largely undisputed, contro- whereas patients with the less common class IV, V, and VI versies exist on multiple aspects of this cascade. Topics mutations often are pancreatic sufficient. So far, the prog- that have specific relevance to the development of new nostic knowledge of the genetic mutation is of limited therapies are highlighted below. clinical value, but this changed recently because of the 596 RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES Fig. 3. Current models of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) functioning in the airways. (From Reference 5, with permission.) development of new treatment approaches that address channel for other proteins, such as glutathione.14,15 Aside specific aspects of CFTR dysfunction.6 A detailed under- from these known functions, newer proteomic approaches standing of the underlying genetic abnormalities is there- have shown that CFTR interacts with many other intracel- fore essential to define the best targets for therapies, For lular proteins, and the pathophysiologic relevance of these instance, DF508 CFTR is misfolded and is recognized as interactions has not been fully elucidated.16 However, this abnormal protein in the endoplasmic reticulum, and is con- understanding is important for therapeutic interventions, sequently proteolytically degraded in the proteasome.7,8 since drugs that induce chloride secretion but do not affect Small amounts of DF508 CFTR reach the plasma mem- other CFTR functions may not address all relevant aspects brane of epithelial cells, and even DF508 CFTR has func- of CF pathophysiology. tional activity.9 However, DF508 CFTR, though it is func- tionally active, has a greatly reduced half life in the plasma Airway Surface Liquid and Mucociliary Clearance membrane,10 which suggests that DF508 CFTR rescue from endoplasmic-reticulum degradation or interference with There is ongoing discussion on how CFTR causes dis- pathways that recycle CFTR in the plasma membrane may ease, but the most widely accepted model is that CFTR be therapeutic strategies. Drugs to correct the intracellular acts as a chloride channel that pumps chloride from the trafficking of DF508 CFTR are currently in development intracellular space to the extracellular space. This seems to and described below. be a rather basic statement, but it has in fact been rather difficult to clearly demonstrate the direction of ion flux in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Function CF epithelium. Lack of CFTR activity will therefore cause less chloride secretion, and, since ion transport also creates CFTR belongs to a family of transmembrane proteins an osmotic gradient, less water transport into the epithelial called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding cassette trans- surface layer (Fig. 3).17 This is not the only mechanism, porters, and functions as a chloride channel in apical mem- since, as mentioned above, one of CFTR’s physiologic branes.11 This fits with the clinical and laboratory obser- roles is to inhibit sodium absorption, and loss of CFTR vations prior to the detection of the CF gene, that the therefore causes excessive sodium (and water) absorption underlying defect in CF is one of chloride secretion.12 through the epithelial sodium channel.18 Which of the 2 However, CFTR possesses other functions in addition to mechanisms (reduced chloride secretion or sodium hy- being a chloride channel. CFTR has been described as a perabsorption) is more relevant in the development of CF regulator of other membrane channels, such as the epithe- lung disease is unclear, and it is likely that both events are lial sodium channel and the outwardly rectifying chloride important in the development of airway-surface-liquid de- channel.13 CFTR also transports or regulates HCO3⫺ trans- pletion. Airway-surface-liquid depletion is believed to port through epithelial cell membranes and may act as a cause ciliary collapse and loss of mucociliary clearance.19,20 RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5 597
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES According to this model, mucociliary transport should hibition of salt-sensitive cationic antimicrobial peptides be completely absent in CF, which is not the case.21 Local (defensins) in the airway surface liquid.29 However, not all mediators secreted onto the airway surface liquid play an defensins are salt-sensitive, it is difficult to prove or dis- important role in the dynamic regulation of the airway prove that the airway surface liquid in CF is hypertonic, surface liquid volume, because they can induce both CFTR- and most studies have found that airway surface liquid is dependent and CFTR-independent chloride secretion.22 The isotonic in CF. CF mucus contains very little intact mu- P2Y receptor is activated by ATP in both CF and non-CF cin,30,31 and since mucins bind bacteria and aid in clearing epithelium, and mediates chloride secretion independent bacteria from the airway, the mucin deficit may increase of CFTR through an alternative chloride channel.23 This exposure of the CF epithelium to bacteria or their products mechanism is triggered by movement and is important for and thereby trigger inflammation. increasing airway surface liquid in CF cells in vitro. This Though the debate continues on the pathophysiologic is relevant for understanding specific disease scenarios relevance of some of these factors, the bulk of the evi- and for developing treatments. Respiratory syncytial virus dence suggests that dehydration of airway surface liquid is and possibly other viruses increase ATPase activity in re- a key factor that impairs cilia functioning and mucociliary spiratory epithelium, which results in breakdown of ATP clearance in CF, so inhaled bacteria are not cleared.28,32 and loss of this compensatory mechanism, which may par- Also, CF sputum has a below-normal oxygen concentra- tially explain their negative impact on airway clearance in tion, which may trigger P. aeruginosa to switch from non- CF patients.22 On the other hand, ATP analogues increase mucoid to mucoid cell types, which is the predominant mucociliary clearance in CF and are being tested in pa- P. aeruginosa phenotype in CF lungs28 and is resistant to tients with CF (see below). host defenses. The vicious circle of sputum retention, infection, and Infection and Inflammation inflammation perpetuates itself, because inflammatory products (eg, elastase) released by neutrophils stimulate Bacterial lung infections (eg, Pseudomonas aeruginosa mucus secretion and mucus breakdown. There is also ev- or Staphylococcus aureus) are typical of CF lung disease.23 idence that inflammation is dysregulated in CF airways, Several hypotheses may explain the high affinity of but a complete discussion of this topic would be beyond P. aeruginosa for the CF lung and the failure of the mu- the scope of this review. Neutrophilic airway inflamma- cosal defense system to clear these organisms. Most of the tion has been detected in infants with CF in the first months hypotheses assume that there are disease-specific expla- of life, and in CF fetal lung tissue.33,34 Whether inflam- nations for the high rate of bacterial infection, but that mation is directly related to the CFTR defect is still dis- concept has been challenged because other patient groups puted, but an exaggerated, sustained, and prolonged in- that have poor mucociliary clearance, such as individuals flammatory response to bacterial and viral pathogens is an with primary ciliary dyskinesia, also have infections with accepted feature of CF lung disease. There is also suffi- organisms typical in CF, including mucoid P. aeruginosa, cient evidence that the persistent endobronchial inflamma- although this is generally seen at a later age.24 Compara- tion is deleterious on the course of lung disease, so anti- tive studies may clarify which aspects of bacterial infec- inflammatory therapy may be relevant.35 tion are disease-specific and which can be considered an unspecific consequence of reduced mucociliary clearance. New Therapies Earlier studies suggested that P. aeruginosa binds to CF airway epithelial cell membranes in higher density than The increased knowledge of how CFTR dysfunction they do to cells from normal individuals, because of a causes lung disease has resulted in new exciting targets for higher density of the asialo-GM1 receptor.25 Others pro- treatment. CF care has largely focused on the downstream posed that CFTR acts as a receptor for P. aeruginosa, effects of CFTR dysfunction (sputum retention, infection, which mediates intracellular uptake of bacteria and and inflammation) and there have been many advances on P. aeruginosa killing—a process that is defective in CF.26 those problems, but this review will primarily focus on However, more recent studies revealed that both P. aerugi- therapies that aim to treat the underlying abnormality in nosa and S. aureus are mainly located in the mucus layer CF, either directly or through mechanisms that are closely on respiratory epithelial cells, rather than directly on cell related to the basic defect. membranes, which makes it less likely that CF cell-spe- cific changes are a key factor in the development of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator P. aeruginosa infection.27,28 Replacement Therapy An alternative concept is based on the assumption that the luminal side of CF respiratory epithelium has an in- After the CFTR gene defect was discovered, there was creased sodium chloride concentration, which leads to in- considerable enthusiasm that gene therapy could be rap- 598 RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES idly developed, and CF has had among the highest number clinical use because of the adverse effects of aminogly- of gene-therapy trials.36 Several vector (ie, gene-transfer) cosides. PTC 124 [premature termination codon] is a systems have been tested in human trials; adenoviruses, derivative that lacks antibiotic function and toxicity, adeno-associated viruses, and cationic lipids have been the and it has shown some promise in clinical trials.43,44 most commonly used vectors. The initial in vitro and in vivo Treatment response differed among patients with dif- studies looked quite promising, with successful gene trans- ferent genotypes, which exemplifies that even CFTR fer into airway epithelial cells, but in most studies CFTR class-specific treatment may not necessarily work for expression has been rather short-lived, and it is difficult to all patients with a given mutation class. Recent evi- establish a link between the relatively small improvements dence suggests that an in vitro assay might help predict in CFTR functioning and clinical manifestations in pa- the in vivo efficacy of PTC 124.45 Though clinical ef- tients.37 One of the challenges is that we still lack suffi- ficacy still needs to be demonstrated in a placebo-con- cient knowledge of how much improvement in CFTR func- trolled trial, the preliminary research illustrates that tion is needed to make a clinical difference.38 That CFTR-specific therapy may become feasible in the near information is also crucial for selecting the appropriate future. Class I mutations are highly prevalent in Israel, vector, because viral vectors seem to be more efficacious whereas only about 5% of the CF population in other but are also more likely to have adverse effects, compared to liposomal vectors, which generally have lower trans- countries carry these stop mutations, so this treatment fection efficiency. The transient effect on gene expression will be an option for only a small fraction of the CF makes it likely that gene therapy will require repeated population. dosing, which is especially problematic with viral vectors, Class II mutations include the most common mutation, because virus-specific immune response develops with re- DF508, in which CFTR trafficking is impaired due to current dosing. proteosomic degradation of misfolded CFTR. Since this Few multi-dose trials have been conducted. An adeno- misfolded CFTR does have a chloride-conducting func- associated-virus-based gene therapy looked promising in tion, compounds that reduce degradation and increase the an early-phase trial because it successfully transferred the trafficking of CFTR to the cell membrane are a potential gene and improved forced expiratory volume in the first treatment option.46 High-throughput screening assays have second (FEV1) and sputum interleukin 8 concentration,39 been used to screen libraries of known drugs, and some but a subsequent trial powered to test clinical efficacy drugs (called correctors) have shown promise in improv- failed to reproduce those results.40 The most ambitious ing CFTR processing. In addition, screening of chemical gene-therapy trial is underway in the United Kingdom, libraries and modifications to optimize compounds have with a cationic-lipid-based vector.41 Other vector systems resulted in new drugs that are now in later stages of de- are being optimized in preclinical studies and may lead to velopment.47 Because intracellular degradation of mis- further clinical trials. folded protein is an important intracellular control mech- anism, and interference with this pathway may have adverse Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator effects, great care is required to find the right balance Pharmacotherapy between efficacy and safety, but some compounds look promising in preclinical studies and are expected to enter Another treatment alternative is drugs that affect intra- clinical trials soon.48 cellular function, including the trafficking, expression, or Though class III mutations, which reduce the opening functioning of CFTR. CFTR gene mutations have different probability of the CFTR channel, are relatively rare, stud- functional consequences, so CFTR pharmacotherapy will ies of compounds that activate CFTR (potentiators) may not work for all patients, but, rather, must target the dis- have a role beyond the class III patient group. VX770 is a tinct classes of mutation and therefore limited patient groups. Promising compounds are in development for sev- potentiator with a good efficacy and safety profile, and is eral intracellular processes. currently in clinical trials with CF patients who carry the Class I mutations are the “stop mutations” that de- G551D mutation. Preliminary results look very promising; crease or eliminate the production of certain proteins. orally administered VX770 improved CFTR function in Aminoglycosides induce read-through of premature stop nasal-potential-difference measurements and markedly re- codons, which can result in formation of a full-length duced the sweat chloride concentration.49 If those findings CFTR protein with functional activity, and topical ap- are confirmed, VX770 may also be a treatment option in plication of aminoglycoside to the nasal epithelium in other patients, such as those with class II mutations, when CF patients improves CFTR functioning.42 However, combined with a corrector compound, which would bring the concentration required to achieve an effect on chlo- CFTR to the cell membrane, where the potentiator could ride transport is high and would not be suitable for activate it. RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5 599
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES Stimulation of Alternative Chloride Channels Chloride secretion in airway epithelial cells is not lim- ited to CFTR; a calcium-dependent chloride channel also secretes chloride in epithelial cells,50 and increasing the activity of that chloride channel might compensate for the lack of CFTR-mediated chloride secretion. CFTR-deficient mice do not develop the typical lung disease seen in pa- tients, which is probably at least partially attributable to up-regulation of the alternative chloride channels.51 Acti- vation of this channel can occur either directly or through the purinergic P2Y receptor. Two agents that stimulate that chloride-secretion pathway (denufosol and lancovutide [Moli1901]) are in clinical trials. Denufosol. ATP plays a role in increasing airway sur- face liquid, and is induced by movement and is functional Fig. 4. Proposed mechanism of action of osmotic agents such as in both healthy and CF epithelium. ATP and other purines hypertonic saline in cystic fibrosis. (From Reference 62, with permission.) bind to the P2Y receptor and induce intracellular calcium release. About a decade ago, uridine-5⬘ triphosphate was tested as an agent to promote mucociliary clearance, and it had some positive effects, but its short half life limited its a larger study powered to assess efficacy is under way in clinical value.52 Denufosol has greater stability, longer ac- Europe. tivity in vitro, and increases mucociliary clearance in healthy subjects.53 In patients with CF, 3 placebo-con- Inhibition of Sodium Absorption trolled phase-2 studies found a significant difference in FEV1 between the denufosol-treated and the control pa- An alternative approach to CFTR pharmacotherapy is to tients.54 The first phase-3 study (the Transport of Ions to inhibit sodium absorption through the epithelial sodium Generate Epithelial Rehydration study [TIGER1]) recently channel. This approach is supported by evidence that mice completed the 6-month placebo-controlled phase, and is that overexpress the  subunit of the epithelial sodium continuing in the open-label 6-month extension phase. The channel and therefore have sodium hyperabsorption do results look promising for the primary outcome measure- have signs of CF lung disease, such as mucus plugging and ment, FEV1, and a second placebo-controlled study (TI- neutrophilic inflammation.57 In clinical trials, amiloride GER2) is underway. Both studies focus on patients with (an epithelial sodium channel blocker with a short half relatively mild CF, because the concept of an inhaled agent life) not only had no clinical benefit, it showed a trend to stimulate chloride secretion is most compelling as an toward poorer lung function in the treated patients.58 In- early intervention strategy in patients with milder disease, terestingly, studies with the epithelial sodium channel in whom lung aerosol deposition is likely to be better. mouse model found that amiloride lacked efficacy when administered after airway disease had developed, whereas Lancovutide. Lancovutide (Moli1901) was initially de- early administration prevented the development of lung veloped as an antibiotic, but was also found to increase the disease.59 So far, in vivo data from humans are lacking to intracellular calcium level and activate the alternative chlo- support this concept.60 Amiloride has a short half life, and ride channel. It does not bind to a receptor, but directly epithelial-sodium-channel blockers with a longer half life interacts with phospholipids in plasma and organelle mem- may be a better option; at least one compound is being branes. Its mechanism of action is unclear, but is does developed and will soon enter clinical trials.61 result in intracellular calcium release and activation of chloride transport. In a proof-of-concept study, lancov- Airway Rehydration utide increased chloride conductance, measured via the nasal potential difference, when applied topically to nasal Inadequate airway surface liquid is thought to be an epithelium in patients with CF.55 A phase-2 placebo-con- important factor in the development of CF lung disease, trolled double-blind single-center study on the safety and so one treatment approach is to increase the airway fluid tolerability of aerosol lancovutide, in 24 patients with CF, layer with an inhaled osmotic agent (Fig. 4).62 Hyper- found safety and benefit to pulmonary function.56 A sub- tonic saline was initially used as an irritant to obtain sequent 4-week study supported those initial findings, and sputum samples in patients with airway diseases, but 600 RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5
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CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES Discussion fibrosis with hypertonic saline. N Engl also in the pipeline, but the pig model J Med 2006;354(3):241-250. is further along. 2. Bush A, Payne D, Pike S, Jenkins G, Henke Rubin: Felix, that was wonderful, MO, Rubin BK. Mucus properties in chil- to be able to bring that all together so dren with primary ciliary dyskinesia: com- REFERENCES quickly. I’m not even going to get into parison with cystic fibrosis. Chest 2006; 1. Ratjen F, Bush A. Amiloride: still a viable phlegm and mucus and stuff until much 129(1):118-123. treatment option in cystic fibrosis? Am J Re- later. I’ve been trying to figure out for spir Crit Care Med 2008;178(12):1191-1192. the longest time what to call this stuff Rosenblatt: I thought it was inter- 2. Cantin AM, Hanrahan JW, Bilodeau G, El- in the airways: spucus or mucum. I esting that you referred to infection in lis L, Dupuis A, Liao J, et al. Cystic fibro- think we’ve come up with a reason- the mucus in the paper published in sis transmembrane conductance regulator The Lancet, whereas in the mouse function is suppressed in cigarette smok- able solution. A couple of things—it’s ers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006; still not clear what is the pathogenesis model they found inflammation but 173(10):1139-1144. of CF lung disease. Mucociliary clear- not infection. This seems to be coun- ance is completely abolished in pa- terintuitive in the context of these mod- Marshall: Regarding the ISIS [In- tients with primary ciliary dyskinesia. els. What happens to the mice later fant Study of Inhaled Saline] trial,1 These patients have bad ear disease, on? Do they develop lung disease and you mentioned that pulmonary exac- they have runny noses, but very little destruction without infection, or do erbation was the primary end point. in the way of lung disease when com- they develop infection? How does that How did you develop that as an end pared with patients with CF. Muco- relate to CF? point for that population, and how will ciliary clearance in large airways is you use it? preserved in patients with CF. So that REFERENCE doesn’t seem to be the most important 1. Ratjen F, Döring G. Cystic fibrosis. Lancet REFERENCE thing going on in the airway. 2003;361(9358):681-689. 1. United States National Institutes of Health. Infant Study of Inhaled Saline in Cystic Ratjen: We can learn quite a bit Ratjen: An upcoming report in Fibrosis. from primary ciliary dyskinesia, and American Journal of Respiratory and show/NCT00709280. Accessed April 2, we haven’t yet studied what is spe- Critical Care Medicine is going to 2009. cific about CF. If we look at the rate address long-term follow-up of those of decline and lung function, even mice. Andy Bush and I wrote an ed- Ratjen: Thank you for that chal- though this has substantially improve- itorial1 on that, because the mice lenging question. It isn’t easy. You din CF, it’s so much more than in pri- don’t behave like CF in the longer could have a whole talk on the valid- mary ciliary dyskinesia. The Chapel term, but, rather, more like COPD ity of the various definitions of pul- Hill group1 believes that if you have [chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- monary exacerbation. The bottom line preserved airway surface liquid, then ease], which is interesting because is that most of them are not well val- cough clearance is maintained, and that some data suggest that even COPD idated. We took advantage of the on- cough clearance is more efficient than may have a CFTR-related problem, going EPIC [Early Pseudomonas In- what we see in CF. But we haven’t because if you look at ion transport fection Control] trial,1 and we used looked in detail at some of the other in smokers, they certainly have some the observational part of EPIC, which aspects such as the inflammatory re- abnormalities that are similar to CF.2 was studying a large population of CF sponse in primary ciliary dyskinesia But we have to understand that all patients and offered a good opportu- versus CF. Andy Bush looked at it of these models are incomplete mod- nity to study the exacerbation rate. cross-sectionally in a group of patients els of the phenotype that we observe We know that many of these young and didn’t see much difference be- in patients. They will be useful to study children with CF will have viral in- tween the 2 diseases.2 If we look at some, but not all, aspects of the dis- fections and we do not necessarily ex- this more closely to figure out what is ease. And that’s certainly something pect an intervention such as hyper- specific to CF, it may help us to learn we have struggled with in the past. tonic saline to prevent that, though it what is related to mucociliary clear- And because mice differ from humans might alleviate it. We used those num- ance and what is related to the CFTR in many respects, including their ab- bers to make a very conservative es- problem. sence of submucosal glands, there are timate of our effect size. That’s a lots of differences that make them in- strength of these observational stud- REFERENCES complete models of the human phe- ies—that they can help us develop out- 1. Donaldson SH, Bennett WD, Zeman KL, notypes. There’s some hope that the come measures. And if we use defi- Knowles MR, Tarran R, Boucher RC. Mu- pig model developed by the group in nitions that have been built in and that cus clearance and lung function in cystic Iowa may be better. A ferret model is are specific for patients, that hope to RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5 603
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES be more specific for patients with mod- of tolerability and what you can do. line, DNAse [recombinant human de- erate disease, such as the one used in We did our safety studies with a cer- oxyribonoclease], inhaled antibiotics, the EPIC trial, then that may be very tain device and we’re going to stick and—if denufosol pans out—we’ll useful for these early intervention tri- with that device in the efficacy trial. have denufosol 3 times daily, and other als. And our hope is that we’ll finally get medications. It’s just going to be very What we struggle with in many of some data on that young age group; if complicated to convince our patients the studies now is that if we use the we do, it may be the first time we’ll to do all of that unless we can show initial criteria of pulmonary exacerba- have some proof of efficacy for any kind that earlier treatments will have long- tion, such as the Fuchs criteria that of treatment that we use in that age group. term benefit. were used in the DNAase trials,2 then We struggle with many of the medica- One of the things in which we seem at least in pediatrics we see very few tions, including Pulmozyme, because of to be successful is in pseudomonas patients who develop pulmonary ex- a lack of good clinical studies with these eradication. The recent data from the acerbation that require intravenous an- young individuals. European ELITE [Early Inhaled To- tibiotics. So these outcome measures bramycin for Eradication] trial1 makes may be less useful now, so it’s impor- Lester: Did you use 7% in that it appear that a relatively short treat- tant that we develop these new defini- study? ment period can be advantageous. This tions. may alleviate the treatment burden, be- Ratjen: Yes we did use 7%, be- cause if we have less pseudomonas- cause in various studies, including one positive patients, then we’ll have fewer REFERENCES in Australia,1 which used various con- patients who need to be on regular in- 1. United States National Institutes of Health. centrations up to 12%, there was cer- haled antibiotics, which eliminates at Comparison of two treatment regimens to tainly a dose-dependent increase in least one treatment. reduce pseudomonas infection in children mucociliary clearance up to 7%, with cystic fibrosis (EPIC). http:// whereas there wasn’t much increase REFERENCE past 12% but there were more adverse NCT00097773. Accessed March 18, 2009. 2. Fuchs HJ, Borowitz DS, Christiansen DH, effects. And we found that 7% can be 1. Ratjen F, Munck A, Kho P. Short and long- Morris EM, Nash ML, Ramsey BW, et al. safely administered to infants. So term efficacy of inhaled tobramycin in early Effect of aerosolized recombinant human we’re pretty confident that 7% is the P. aeruginosa infection: the ELITE study DNase on exacerbations of respiratory (abstract). Pediatr Pulmonol 2008;(Suppl best concentration. 31):319-320. symptoms and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis. The Pul- mozyme Study Group. N Engl J Med 1994; REFERENCE Newton: How many times a day do 331(10):637-642. you recommend for hypertonic saline? 1. Robinson M, Hemming AL, Regnis JA, Wong AG, Bailey DL, Bautovich GJ, et al. Lester: I love the use of hypertonic Ratjen: For this study we’re going Effect of increasing doses of hypertonic sa- saline in my practice, but of our pe- line on mucociliary clearance in patients with to use it twice daily, but there’s cer- diatric patients under 6 years old, I cystic fibrosis. Thorax 1997;52(10):900-903. tainly an argument that the more fre- don’t think we have any on hyper- quently you use it, the better. People tonic saline. Lester: You talked about lessening use it up to 4 times daily. Interest- the treatment burden. When I suggest ingly, in cell culture models done in Ratjen: Great, so they can all join starting hypertonic saline, I do it cau- Chapel Hill,1 the hypertonic saline had our study. tiously because it will add 15 minutes a long-lasting effect on airway sur- to their therapy routine. face liquid and mucociliary clearance, Lester: Is the study going to help us which was not necessarily expected, be- know when to start hypertonic saline? Ratjen: Right, but, hopefully, if we cause we have the cycle of sodium hy- We don’t know what age to start it. can show that this is a useful early per-absorption, and people expected that You mentioned getting it to the smaller intervention, then we would use it be- this would be very short lived, but that airways. What device do you use to fore the patient is on 5 other medica- doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case. deliver it? tions already. It will be the first thing The ideal frequency is not yet known. they start, and, hopefully, it will pre- Ratjen: We will use the Pari LC vent enough lung disease that they Sprint, which provides a somewhat don’t have to use all the other medi- REFERENCE smaller aerosol particle size, but ide- cations. Ultimately, that’s what we 1. Donaldson SH, Bennett WD, Zeman KL, ally we want an even smaller particle struggle with. We get more and more Knowles MR, Tarran R, Boucher RC. Mu- size. There’s also a balance in terms drugs that we can use— hypertonic sa- cus clearance and lung function in cystic 604 RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5
CYSTIC FIBROSIS: PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENT STRATEGIES fibrosis with hypertonic saline. N Engl any comparisons of mannitol and hy- Ratjen: There certainly are a num- J Med 2006;354(3):241-250. pertonic saline? ber of abnormalities in CF, and glu- tathione may be related to the under- Rosenblatt: Felix, if the sodium lying defect, because there are REFERENCE channel is open and we put hyper- 1. Jaques A, Daviskas E, Turton JA, McKay sufficient data to believe that CFTR tonic saline in the airway, would you K, Cooper P, Stirling RG, et al. Inhaled also acts as a transporter for glutathi- not expect more sodium to be ab- mannitol improves lung function in cystic one. We know that CF airways are sorbed? Clinically, we do not see this fibrosis. Chest 2008;133(6):1388-1396. deficient in nitric oxide, and that’s paradoxical effect. thought to be important for bacteria- Ratjen: I don’t know about any data killing and other organisms such as Ratjen: I don’t have a good expla- on that. Some cell experiments were nation for that, and those experiment S. aureus and Pseudomonas. We are done with mannitol, but I don’t think results are confusing. You would ex- interested in trying to augment nitric- they were conclusive. pect that if you put sodium on top of oxide production, and we’ve done respiratory epithelial cells, that be- some studies1 with L-arginine, which Geller: You’ve done some work cause of the up-regulation of the epi- is a simple amino acid that you can with glutathione1 and nitric oxide,2 thelial sodium channel, it would be administer via inhalation. In a single- which concerns the intermediate stage taken up very quickly and the effects dose study we found that it improved in CF disease, where we’re looking at would be very short-lived. But that nitric-oxide production and lung func- inflammation and antioxidants. Can was not the case, and the reason is you comment on that? tion. We are about to finish a 2-week unclear. That certainly needs to be study of L-arginine in CF patients, but worked out, because it may tell us I can’t give you any data right now, REFERENCES about how we can interact with the because it’s still blinded, but it’s go- 1. Griese M, Ramakers J, Krasselt A, Starosta ing to be very interesting. sodium channel, for which we cur- V, Van Koningbruggen S, Fischer R, et al. rently don’t have very effective treat- Improvement of alveolar glutathione and ments, and that could inhibit the so- lung function but not oxidative state in cys- dium hyper-absorption. tic fibrosis. Am J Rspir Crit Care Med 2004; REFERENCE 169(7):822-828. 2. Grasemann H, Kurtz F, Ratjen F. Inhaled 1. Grasemann H, Kurtz F, Ratjen F. Inhaled Rosenblatt: Jaques et al studied in- L-arginine improves exhaled nitric oxide L-arginine improves exhaled nitric oxide haled mannitol in CF.1 Does mannitol and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis. and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis. have a different effect on the sodium Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;174(2): Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;174(2): channel absorption? Have there been 208-212. 208-212. RESPIRATORY CARE • MAY 2009 VOL 54 NO 5 605
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