Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Yeager Elementary School 2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plan

Page created by Claude Anderson
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Yeager Elementary School 2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plan
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District
                                          Yeager Elementary School
                                     2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plan

Yeager Elementary School                                                           Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                        1 of 30                    January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Mission Statement
                                 Yeager is a safe place for all students to learn, grow and become their best self.

                                                    LEAD: Learn. Empower. Achieve. Dream.

                                                     Value Statement
                                                               At Yeager we CARE!

                                                                I am compassionate.

                                                                 I am accountable.

                                                                  I am respectful.

                                                            I always give my best effort!

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                        2 of 30                                         January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Table of Contents

Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                                                                                                  4
   Needs Assessment Overview                                                                                                                                                    4
   Student Achievement                                                                                                                                                          5
   School Culture and Climate                                                                                                                                                   6
   Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention                                                                                                                                    7
   Parent and Community Engagement                                                                                                                                              8
Priority Problem Statements                                                                                                                                                     9
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation                                                                                                                              11
Goals                                                                                                                                                                          12
   Goal 1: Academic Achievement: The district will ensure academic performance and achievement levels that reflect excellence in learning and attainment of both high
   expectations and high standards for all students.                                                                                                                           13
   Goal 2: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment: The district will provide a safe, disciplined, and healthy environment conducive to student learning.                        17
   Goal 3: Human Capital: The district will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel reflective of our student demographics.                      22
   Goal 4: Family and Community Engagement: Increase parent engagement on the campus and the methods of communication used to engage parents in school activities.             24
2020-2021 CPOC                                                                                                                                                                 26
Campus Funding Summary                                                                                                                                                         27
Addendums                                                                                                                                                                      29

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                     Campus #101-907-109
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
                                                                        Revised/Approved: October 1, 2020

Needs Assessment Overview
Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Element 1.1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment: The campus conducted a comprehenisve needs assessment of the entire school that took
into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or
are at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards and any other factors determined by the local education agency.

The campus used the following process to conduct the comprehensive needs assessment: Data was reviewed from the 2018-2019 school year and what was available from the
2019-2020 school year. Spring engagement data was also reviewed.

The comprehenisve needs assessment was reviewed and/or revised on the following date(s): October 1, 2020.

In summary, the comprehensive needs assessment denotes the following: Several of our student populations struggled in Reading and Math. We also have added challenges for many
students with gaps in learning due to campus closure for face to face teaching in the Spring of 2020.

The comprehensive needs assessment was used to develop the goals, performance objectives, and strategies in the remainder of this campus improvement plan.

Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Element 2.1: Campus Improvement Plan Developed with Appropriate Stakeholders: The campus improvement plan was developed with
the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out the plan, including teachers, principals, other school leaders,
paraprofessionals present in the school, administrators, the local education agency, and where appropriate, other individuals determined by the school. The committee that develops
and evaluates the CIP is called the Campus Performance Objective Committee (CPOC). Attached to this document is a list of the CPOC members, their roles, and the dates/location
of the meetings for the 2020-21 school year.

Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Element 2.2: Regular Monitoring and Revision:The campus improvement plan will stay in effect for the duration of the school year, and
will be regularly monitored and revised as necessary based on student needs to ensure that all students are provided opportunities to meet the challenging state academic standards.
The campus improvement plan will be evaluated on the following dates for the 2020-21 school year:

November 19, 2020

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                            Campus #101-907-109
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February 18, 2021

May 19, 2021

 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Element 2.3: Available to Parents and Community in an Understandable Format and Language: The campus improvement plan is
available to the local education agency, parents, and the public, and information contained in the plan is in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent, practicable
provided in a language parents can understand. It is written in English and translated into Spanish and other languages based on the following Language Access Plan for Title I

In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, this procedure establishes guidelines for providing language accessible services to
individuals that are limited English proficient.

All Title I Campuses shall have all written and oral communication services readily available in English and Spanish.

When 25% of a Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Title I campuses home language data shows that the common form of communication is a language other than English or Spanish, the
campus will provide the following documents translated to the common language:

       Registration and Enrollment Forms
       Progress Reports
       Report Cards
       Campus Improvement Plans
       School-Parent Compact
       Parent Engagement Policy

Individual campuses may provide other documents translated in a language accessible to their community based upon campus needs. All documents will be translated upon request.
Verbal translation in Spanish is available at all Cypress-Fairbanks ISD campuses. The entire Cypress-Fairbanks ISD website, including attachments and links, is translated into
Spanish. Other translations may be provided upon request.

The Campus Improvement Plan is made available to parents on the campus website, the district website, the front office, and the Promenade Apartment Complex.

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                            Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                          5 of 30                                                                   January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Student Achievement
Student Achievement Strengths

The following strengths were identified based on a review of the 2019-20 data.

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, STAAR assessments were not administered in the 2019-20 school year. Therefore, the student achievement strengths are based on local assessment data
available before COVID-19.

Yeager earned three distinction designations in 2018-2019: ELA/Reading, Science and Comparative Academic Growth.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Achievement Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Reading: Our ED and LEP students consistently perform lower in reading than all students. Root Cause: Reading: Planning is focused more on
what is being taught than planning engaging and meaningful learning activities to the rigor required.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Writing: Our ED and LEP students perform lower in writing than all students. Root Cause: Writing: Teachers may be unaware of the most
effective practices to implement in their classrooms to support economically disadvantaged and LEP students.

Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): Math: Our ED and LEP student perform lower than all student in math. Root Cause: Math: Math is more focused on what is being taught than
planning engaging, ,motivational, hands-on activities to the rigor required.

Problem Statement 4 (Prioritized): Science: Our ED and African American students perform lower than all students in science. Root Cause: Science: Students lack exposure and
experiences with science vocabulary.

Problem Statement 5 (Prioritized): Students are beginning the 2020-21 school year with learning gaps. Root Cause: The onset of COVID-19 in the spring of 2020 and the
implications of modified instructional methods necessitated by the need for immediate remote learning.

Problem Statement 6 (Prioritized): Campuses serving the most economically disadvantaged students experience larger achievement gaps. Root Cause: The need to deepen
understanding and address specific academic needs of All, Hispanic, Asian, African American, White, Two or More, Economically Disadvantaged, LEP and SPED student groups.

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                   Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                     6 of 30                                                               January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
School Culture and Climate
School Culture and Climate Strengths

The following are strengths of the campus in regard to school culture and climate. (Summarize the campus strengths in regard to student attendance, restorative discipline, and
campus safety based on 2019-20 data available before the onset of COVID-19.)

Yeager is a PBIS campus. At Yeager, we have a strong focus on social and emotional learning as evidenced by our three counselor model. Yeager is in compliance with all safety
drill requirements. We maintained our status as a No Place for Hate campus.

Problem Statements Identifying School Culture and Climate Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): School Culture and Climate: Root Cause: School Culture and Climate:

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                          Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                         7 of 30                                                                  January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Strengths

The following are strengths of the campus in regard to staff quality, recruitment and retention. (For example, summarize the campus strengths in regard to professional development
and/or teacher/paraprofessional attendance in 2019-20 based on data available before the onset of COVID-19.)

Yeager had very little staff turnover this year; we actually had excess staff. All teachers are appropriately certified for their current teaching assignments. Yeager has a strong teacher
leader team.

Problem Statements Identifying Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance: Root Cause: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance:

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                               Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                            8 of 30                                                                    January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Parent and Community Engagement
Parent and Community Engagement Strengths

The following are strengths of the campus in regard to parent and community engagement. (For example, summarize the campus strengths in regard to parent survey data, records of
parent attendance at meetings/trainings/student events and/or other related 2019-20 data available before the onset of COVID-19.)

Yeager has an active and supportive PTO and support from our community. Yeager continues to collaborate with parents and our community for events such as our annual Veterans
Day program, Yeager Honor Choir caroling, and other community engagements. Parent participation is high at events such as STEAM Night and Winter Wonderland. Watch DOGS
increases the number of male volunteers at our campus. Yeager has a community mentoring program.

Problem Statements Identifying Parent and Community Engagement Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Parent and Community Engagement: Engaging families virtually during the pandemic is challenging. Root Cause: Parent and Community
Engagement: Many families have limited access to technology at home.

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                      Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                       9 of 30                                                                January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Priority Problem Statements
Problem Statement 2: Reading: Our ED and LEP students consistently perform lower in reading than all students.
Root Cause 2: Reading: Planning is focused more on what is being taught than planning engaging and meaningful learning activities to the rigor required.
Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Achievement

Problem Statement 7: School Culture and Climate:
Root Cause 7: School Culture and Climate:
Problem Statement 7 Areas: School Culture and Climate

Problem Statement 8: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance:
Root Cause 8: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance:
Problem Statement 8 Areas: Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention

Problem Statement 9: Parent and Community Engagement: Engaging families virtually during the pandemic is challenging.
Root Cause 9: Parent and Community Engagement: Many families have limited access to technology at home.
Problem Statement 9 Areas: Parent and Community Engagement

Problem Statement 1: Writing: Our ED and LEP students perform lower in writing than all students.
Root Cause 1: Writing: Teachers may be unaware of the most effective practices to implement in their classrooms to support economically disadvantaged and LEP students.
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Student Achievement

Problem Statement 3: Math: Our ED and LEP student perform lower than all student in math.
Root Cause 3: Math: Math is more focused on what is being taught than planning engaging, ,motivational, hands-on activities to the rigor required.
Problem Statement 3 Areas: Student Achievement

Problem Statement 4: Science: Our ED and African American students perform lower than all students in science.
Root Cause 4: Science: Students lack exposure and experiences with science vocabulary.
Problem Statement 4 Areas: Student Achievement

Problem Statement 5: Students are beginning the 2020-21 school year with learning gaps.
Root Cause 5: The onset of COVID-19 in the spring of 2020 and the implications of modified instructional methods necessitated by the need for immediate remote learning.
Problem Statement 5 Areas: Student Achievement
Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                      Campus #101-907-109
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Problem Statement 6: Campuses serving the most economically disadvantaged students experience larger achievement gaps.
Root Cause 6: The need to deepen understanding and address specific academic needs of All, Hispanic, Asian, African American, White, Two or More, Economically
Disadvantaged, LEP and SPED student groups.
Problem Statement 6 Areas: Student Achievement

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                  Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                     11 of 30                                                             January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
       District goals
Accountability Data
       Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
Student Data: Assessments
       Local benchmark or common assessments data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
       Discipline records
Parent/Community Data
       Parent surveys and/or other feedback

Yeager Elementary School                                                                           Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                        12 of 30   January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 1: Academic Achievement: The district will ensure academic performance and achievement levels that reflect excellence in learning and attainment of
both high expectations and high standards for all students.

Performance Objective 1: Curriculum and Instruction & Accountability: By June 2021, students will meet or exceed the STAAR performance targets as noted
on the attached CIP data table.
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Reading, Writing, Math and Science results
     Summative Evaluation: Some progress made toward meeting Objective

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Reading: Teachers will have consistent plans that differentiate instruction for students based on their academic needs.                Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Lakeshore reading packets- The reading material will assist in meeting or exceeding            Nov         Feb          June
     targets on the attached CIP target table.
     2.Students will receive additional books and poems of various genres in their bags to increase their literacy.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 1
      Funding Sources: Lakeshore- reading packs for grades 2-5 - 211 - Title 1 - $227.92, Book Bags (Really Good Stuff) - 211 - Title
      1 - $2,470.88

                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Writing: Students will have daily writing experiences in all content areas.                                                            Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Meet or exceed the targets on the attached CIP target tables.                                     Nov         Feb          June
     1. Writing materials (Lakeshore)- writing materials will be purchased to assist 4th grade students prepare for the writing STAAR
     this year.
     2. Students will be able to use the notebook to improve their writing skills to prepare for the upcoming writing assessment.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 2
      Funding Sources: Writing materials (Lakeshore) - 211 - Title 1 - $360.87, Writing notebooks (School Speciality) - 211 - Title 1 -

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                         13 of 30                                                       January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Strategy 3 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Writing: Students need more exposure and direct teaching of revising and editing skills.                                                       Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Meet or exceed the targets on the attached CIP target tables.                                             Nov         Feb          June
     1. Students will be provided individual writing journals to focus learn skills and strategies to assist in writing. This tool should
     help writing scores increase.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 2
      Funding Sources: PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS - 211 - Title 1 - $2,984.27

                                                               Strategy 4 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: Math: Teachers will have consistent plans that differentiate instruction for students based on their academic needs and include the            Formative
use of manipulatives and highly engaging activities.                                                                                              Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Math Supplies- The students will be able to have physical items to assist with learning
     math. This will help with comprehending and assist in higher academic achievement.

      2. Supplies-Due to safety concerns with COVID-19, the students will have their own supplies and will not have to share. Using
      individual supplies will assist the students in being able to comprehend and solve problems easier.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 3
      Funding Sources: Supplies Grades Pre-K -5 - 211 - Title 1 - $4,308.74, Math Supplies- grades 2-5 - 211 - Title 1 - $1,497.75

                                                               Strategy 5 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 5: Science: Students will participate in hands-on STEM lessons and use interactive word walls.                                                    Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Generation Genius, Inc.- will be purchased as an additional intervention at school and at              Nov         Feb          June
     home to assist in meeting or exceeding instructional targets.
     2. This resource provides the ability to assist with creating interactive word walls and displays. Interactive walls can be displayed
     in hallways and classrooms to assist with learning throughout the campus at various locations.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 4
      Funding Sources: School Speciality - 211 - Title 1 - $2,891.20, Generation Genius, Inc. - 211 - Title 1 - $995

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                        Campus #101-907-109
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Strategy 6 Details                                                                    Formative Reviews
Strategy 6: Eliminate the Learning Gap and Increase the Amount of Quality Learning Time: The campus will provide 30 minutes of targeted            Formative
instruction each day that includes: small group differentiated instruction based on deficit skills and enrichment for students who are
                                                                                                                                          Nov         Feb          June
performing at or above level.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Classroom headphones- headphone will be purchased to aid in hybrid classes during the
      bridging the gap time.
      2.Students will have tools they need to assist with small group instruction and book bags to increase the literacy needs of our
      3. The maker hub cart will allow teachers to provide small group instruction with all of the necessary materials located in one
      central location. Teachers will be able to provide targeted instruction. This should increase students performance.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5
      Problem Statements: Student Achievement 6
      Funding Sources: Classroom Headphones -CDWG - 211 - Title 1 - $3,676.21, Whiteboard- maker hub cart - 211 - Title 1 -
      $8,377.36, Really Good Stuff- Book Pouches - 211 - Title 1 - $6,826.90

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                Campus #101-907-109
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Strategy 7 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 7: Well-Rounded Education : The campus will provide the following enrichment programs, courses, and/or activities in order to                       Formative
provide all students with a well-rounded education: Activities during Closing the Gap, weekly wellness activities with the counselors, RAZ,
                                                                                                                                                   Nov         Feb           June
Education Galaxy, Flocabulary, Brain Pop, Choice Boards, etc. When feasible with safety protocols, we will offer before and after school
clubs, choir and student leadership.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Education Galaxy- Students will utilize Education Galaxy as an additional intervention at
     school and at home in meeting or exceeding instructional targets.
     2. Brain Pop- Students will utilize Brain Pop as additional intervention at school and at home to assist in meeting or exceeding
     instructional targets.
     3. Flocabulary- Students will utilize Flocabulary as additional intervention at school and at home to assist in meeting or exceeding
     instructional targets.
     4. Instructional supplies for ELAR- Supplies will be purchased to assist in the writing process.
     5. Instructional supplies for life skills/primary- providing additional resources to aid in meeting or exceeding targets on the attached
     CIP target table.
     6. Instructional supplies- We want to ensure that all of our students have the necessary materials for learning as we prepare an
     intensive academic approach to overcome learning that was lost.
     7. Many of our programs purchased through title 1 are online resources. Students are using their devices more than ever and they
     need the ability to charge it while maneuvering around the classroom. The charging stations will allow for increased instruction and
     8. As we are increasing our technology usage at the campus, this will provide for more mobile and flexible spaces for students to
     charge their devices and increase learning.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Counselors, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5
      Funding Sources: Brain Pop - 211 - Title 1 - $2,950, Prime Systems - 211 - Title 1 - $5,714.41, Primary and Life Skills Resources
      from Lakeshore - 211 - Title 1 - $2,477.82, Education Galaxy - 211 - Title 1 - $4,180, Title 1 Temporary Worker - 211 - Title 1 -
      $2,147, Flocabulary - 211 - Title 1 - $2,000, Instructional supplies - 211 - Title 1 - $31,109.62, B&H PHOTO-VIDEO-PRO-
      AUDIO (B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP.) - 211 - Title 1 - $1,450.88, ELAR- Writing materials - 211 - Title 1 - $360.87

                                                              Strategy 8 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 8: Deepen understanding of and address specific academic needs of the limited English proficient, economically disadvantaged,                      Formative
African American and Hispanic student groups in an effort to address the needs of all students, particularly at-risk.
                                                                                                                                                   Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 1. Headphones- will be purchased to assist in our bilingual , LEP, EL students with TELPAS.
     2. Writing Supplies- writing supplies will be purchased to assist in the effectiveness and efficiency in writing.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists, Assistant Principals, Principal

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6
      Funding Sources: Headphones for TELPAS - 211 - Title 1 - $1,196.70, Writing Supplies - 211 - Title 1 - $347.35

                                          No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                         Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                         16 of 30                                                                January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Student Achievement
Problem Statement 1: Reading: Our ED and LEP students consistently perform lower in reading than all students. Root Cause: Reading: Planning is focused more on what is
being taught than planning engaging and meaningful learning activities to the rigor required.
Problem Statement 2: Writing: Our ED and LEP students perform lower in writing than all students. Root Cause: Writing: Teachers may be unaware of the most effective
practices to implement in their classrooms to support economically disadvantaged and LEP students.
Problem Statement 3: Math: Our ED and LEP student perform lower than all student in math. Root Cause: Math: Math is more focused on what is being taught than planning
engaging, ,motivational, hands-on activities to the rigor required.
Problem Statement 4: Science: Our ED and African American students perform lower than all students in science. Root Cause: Science: Students lack exposure and experiences
with science vocabulary.
Problem Statement 6: Campuses serving the most economically disadvantaged students experience larger achievement gaps. Root Cause: The need to deepen understanding and
address specific academic needs of All, Hispanic, Asian, African American, White, Two or More, Economically Disadvantaged, LEP and SPED student groups.

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                  Campus #101-907-109
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Goal 2: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment: The district will provide a safe, disciplined, and healthy environment conducive to student learning.

Performance Objective 1: Student Safety: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, 100% of the district's safety policies will be implemented.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Record of safety drills and other required safety actions
     Summative Evaluation: Met Objective

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Campus Safety: Project safety lessons on anti-bullying and drug awareness will be taught each month, along with classroom                        Formative
guidance from our school counselors.
                                                                                                                                                   Nov         Feb           June
Yeager will remain a No Place for Hate campus.

Students, staff and community will be aware of Cy-Fair Tipline and understand how to use it.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease number of office referrals and reports of bullying.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Assistant Principals, Counselors, PBIS Commitee

                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Conduct Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) safety drills (fire, shelter in place, intruder, crisis, evacuation, metal detectors,               Formative
etc.) throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                                   Nov         Feb          June
       Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) safety drills will be conducted by scheduled
       Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal, Principal

                                          No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                         Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                         18 of 30                                                                January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 2: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment: The district will provide a safe, disciplined, and healthy environment conducive to student learning.

Performance Objective 2: Student Attendance: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, student attendance will be at 98%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Student attendance records
     Summative Evaluation: Some progress made toward meeting Objective

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                   Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Student Attendance On-Campus: Students will earn perfect attendance in grades PK-5. Students will be encouraged to stay home             Formative
and participate online if they are not feeling well.
                                                                                                                                           Nov         Feb           June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student attendance will remain at or exceed 98%.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, attendance secretary, Assistant Principals, Counselors

                                                            Strategy 2 Details                                                                   Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Student Attendance Remote: Students will earn perfect attendance incentives in grades PK-5.                                             Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student attendance will remain at or exceed 98%.                                                   Nov         Feb          June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, attendance secretary, Assistant Principals, Counselors

                                        No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify              Discontinue

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                 Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                      19 of 30                                                           January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 2: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment: The district will provide a safe, disciplined, and healthy environment conducive to student learning.

Performance Objective 3: Restorative Discipline: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, discipline referrals and exclusionary discipline actions will be
decreased by 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Discipline reports
     Summative Evaluation: Met Objective

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                  Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Restorative Discipline: Staff will attend training in PBIS, Capturing Kids Hearts, Social Emotional Learning and Restorative            Formative
                                                                                                                                           Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Discipline referrals will be decreased by 10%.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, PBIS Team

      Problem Statements: School Culture and Climate 1

                                                             Strategy 2 Details                                                                  Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: In School Suspensions Alternative strategies to in school suspensions for SPED African American students will be implemented            Formative
including mindfulness strategies, counseling, and in class support as appropriate.
                                                                                                                                           Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: In School Suspensions for SPED African American students will be reduced by 10%.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principals, PBIS

                                                             Strategy 3 Details                                                                  Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Out of School Suspensions: Alternative strategies to out of school suspension including restorative practices and reverse               Formative
suspension will be put in place as appropriate.
                                                                                                                                           Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Out of school suspensions will be reduced by 100%.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principals; PBIS Committee

                                                             Strategy 4 Details                                                                  Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: Special Opportunity School (SOS) Placements: Alternative strategies to SOS placements will be used as appropriate.                      Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Special Opportunity School (SOS) placements of African American students will continue to          Nov         Feb          June
     be 0%.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principals

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                 Campus #101-907-109
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Strategy 5 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 5: Violence Prevention: Our campus will continue to use and teach Project Safety, PBIS, No Place for Hate, Sanford Harmony and              Formative
other SEL resources to promote positive behaviors over violence.
                                                                                                                                            Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Violent incidents will continue to be 0%
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselors, PBIS Team, Assistant Principals, teachers, staff

                                        No Progress               Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                Discontinue

Performance Objective 3 Problem Statements:

                                                                      School Culture and Climate
Problem Statement 1: School Culture and Climate: Root Cause: School Culture and Climate:

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                  Campus #101-907-109
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Goal 2: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment: The district will provide a safe, disciplined, and healthy environment conducive to student learning.

Performance Objective 4: Coordinated Health Program: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, 100% of the Campus School Health Advisory Council
(CSHAC) Campus Plan will be implemented.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Records of CSHAC plan implementation (ex: Lesson Plans etc.)

                                                         Strategy 1 Details                                                                   Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: A Campus School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) Campus Plan will be developed and implemented as written within the                  Formative
specified timelines.
                                                                                                                                        Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Use of successful methods to ensure students participate in instruction and a variety of
     activities designed to enhance and encourage lifelong health fitness.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: CSHAC Team

                                       No Progress              Accomplished                 Continue/Modify              Discontinue

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                              Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                  22 of 30                                                            January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 3: Human Capital: The district will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel reflective of our student demographics.

Performance Objective 1: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, teacher/paraprofessional attendance will increase by
     Evaluation Data Sources: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance Reports
     Summative Evaluation: Some progress made toward meeting Objective

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance: Due to COVID-19 we will not be providing perfect attendance incentives for staff this                  Formative
year. Instead, we will focus on reducing discretionary leave and leave for appointments that could possibly be scheduled outside of work
                                                                                                                                               Nov         Feb          June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teacher/paraprofessional attendance will increase by 1%.

      Problem Statements: Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention 1

                                         No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

                                                               Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention
Problem Statement 1: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance: Root Cause: Teacher/Paraprofessional Attendance:

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                     Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                       23 of 30                                                              January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 3: Human Capital: The district will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel reflective of our student demographics.

Performance Objective 2: Ensure that Teachers are Receiving High-Quality Professional Development: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, 100% of
teachers will receive job targeted professional development based on identified needs.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Classroom implementation of professional learning
     Lesson Plans
     Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective

                                                           Strategy 1 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: High-Quality Professional Development: Professional development will be provided focusing on Schoology and blended                       Formative
                                                                                                                                            Nov         Feb          June
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will be competent in providing instruction in person, virtually and in blended
      learning formats.

      TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals
      Funding Sources: Region 4 Campus Testing Coordinator Academy (Virtual) 2021 CTC Academy presented in collaboration with
      B.R.A.T.S. - 211 - Title 1 - $50

                                        No Progress               Accomplished                Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                  Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                     24 of 30                                                             January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Goal 4: Family and Community Engagement: Increase parent engagement on the campus and the methods of communication used to engage parents in school

Performance Objective 1: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, parent and family engagement will increase by 5%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Parent Survey
     Activity sign-in sheets/records
     Summative Evaluation: Some progress made toward meeting Objective

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                 Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Parent and Family Engagement: Parents and students will participate in virtual family engagement activities such as :                  Formative
                                                                                                                                          Nov         Feb          June
Meet the Teacher
Open House
Parent Teacher Organization Meetings
Virtual Winter Wonderland
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parent and family engagement will increase by 5%.
     1. Yeager Elementary is promoting family involvement with a individual (COVID friendly) educational activity to promote
     literacy and family time.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Title I Coordinator

      Problem Statements: Parent and Community Engagement 1
      Funding Sources: Scholastic Books for each student (Winter Wonderland) - 211 - Title 1 - $3,216.50, Literacy Activity- School
      Speciality - 211 - Title 1 - $987.05

                                                             Strategy 2 Details                                                                 Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Title I Campus:                                                                                                                        Formative
                                                                                                                                          Nov         Feb          June
Parent and Family Engagement Policy: On October 1, 2020 the campus jointly developed/amended with the CPOC and distributed to all
parents and family members within the school.

This policy was made available in English and Spanish and other languages based on the Language Access Plan for Title I Campuses on the
campus website as well as in the following location(s): Promenade Apartments
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of parents and family members will have access to the Parent and Family Engagement
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Title I Specialist

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                        25 of 30                                                        January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Strategy 3 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Title I Campus:                                                                                                                         Formative
                                                                                                                                           Nov         Feb          June
Flexible Number of Parent Involvement Meetings: The campus offers a flexible number of parent and family engagement meetings. Oct.27,
Dec. 1, Jan 26, March 23, May 4 at 9:30am and 6pm via Zoom due to Covid-19.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parent and family participation will increase by 5% due to the campus offering flexible
     meeting dates and times.

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.2

                                         No Progress              Accomplished                Continue/Modify                Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

                                                                Parent and Community Engagement
Problem Statement 1: Parent and Community Engagement: Engaging families virtually during the pandemic is challenging. Root Cause: Parent and Community Engagement:
Many families have limited access to technology at home.

Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                                                 Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                    26 of 30                                                             January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
2020-2021 CPOC
Committee Role                   Name                            Position
Administrator                    Laura Barrett                   Principal
Classroom Teacher                Alane Williams                  PE Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Debbie Santalucia               Resource Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Marisa Ochoa                    Kindergarten Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Julie Mendoza                   3rd Grade Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Mary Ellen Houston              2nd Grade Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Majorie Wise                    1st Grade Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Jennifer Mahon                  4th Grade Teacher
Classroom Teacher                Carrie Wilkins                  5th Grade Teacher
Paraprofessional                 Nora Lopez                      Paraprofessional
District-level Professional      Christina Cole                  Assistant Superintendent
Administrator                    LaDonna Williams                Title 1 Coordinator

Yeager Elementary School                                                                      Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                        27 of 30                              January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Campus Funding Summary
                                                                               211 - Title 1
   Goal          Objective       Strategy                                   Resources Needed                         Account Code         Amount
     1                1             1       Lakeshore- reading packs for grades 2-5                                                       $227.92
     1                1             1       Book Bags (Really Good Stuff)                                                                $2,470.88
     1                1             2       Writing materials (Lakeshore)                                                                 $360.87
     1                1             2       Writing notebooks (School Speciality)                                                         $465.75
     1                1             3       PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS                                                                      $2,984.27
     1                1             4       Supplies Grades Pre-K -5                                                                     $4,308.74
     1                1             4       Math Supplies- grades 2-5                                                                    $1,497.75
     1                1             5       School Speciality                                                                            $2,891.20
     1                1             5       Generation Genius, Inc.                                                                       $995.00
     1                1             6       Classroom Headphones -CDWG                                                                   $3,676.21
     1                1             6       Whiteboard- maker hub cart                                                                   $8,377.36
     1                1             6       Really Good Stuff- Book Pouches                                                              $6,826.90
     1                1             7       Brain Pop                                                                                    $2,950.00
     1                1             7       Prime Systems                                                                                $5,714.41
     1                1             7       Primary and Life Skills Resources from Lakeshore                                             $2,477.82
     1                1             7       Education Galaxy                                                                             $4,180.00
     1                1             7       Title 1 Temporary Worker                                                                     $2,147.00
     1                1             7       Flocabulary                                                                                  $2,000.00
     1                1             7       Instructional supplies                                                                       $31,109.62
                                            B&H PHOTO-VIDEO-PRO-AUDIO (B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS
     1                1             7                                                                                                    $1,450.88
     1                1             7       ELAR- Writing materials                                                                       $360.87
     1                1             8       Headphones for TELPAS                                                                        $1,196.70
     1                1             8       Writing Supplies                                                                              $347.35
                                            Region 4 Campus Testing Coordinator Academy (Virtual) 2021 CTC Academy
     3                2             1                                                                                                      $50.00
                                            presented in collaboration with B.R.A.T.S.
     4                1             1       Scholastic Books for each student (Winter Wonderland)                                        $3,216.50
     4                1             1       Literacy Activity- School Speciality                                                          $987.05
Yeager Elementary School                                                                                                              Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                                                     28 of 30                                         January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
211 - Title 1
   Goal          Objective       Strategy   Resources Needed   Account Code              Amount
                                                                       Sub-Total        $93,271.05
                                                                     Grand Total        $93,271.05

Yeager Elementary School                                                             Campus #101-907-109
Generated by                    29 of 30                         January 7, 2022 3:42 PM

Yeager Elementary School                         Campus #101-907-109
Generated by      30 of 30   January 7, 2022 3:42 PM
Cypress‐Fairbanks Independent School District
                                       Department of District Improvement and Accountability
                                                        2020‐21 CIP Targets

                                          The targets listed below meet minimum expectations.
                   Campuses are responsible for meeting the CIP targets as well as state and federal accountability targets.

                                                                 2019 Approaches          2021 Approaches                               2021 Approaches
                                    Student         Tested                                                       % Growth      Tested
Content   Grade   Campus                                                                 Incremental Growth
                                     Group           2019           #           %                                 Needed        2021     #         %
Reading     3     Yeager               All            150          99         66%                66%                0%          118      77       65%
Reading     3     Yeager            Hispanic           70          38         54%                54%                0%           72      43       60%
Reading     3     Yeager          African Am.          40          24         60%                60%                0%           23      14       61%
Reading     3     Yeager             White             30          27         90%                90%                0%           19      16       84%
Reading     3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          91          52         57%                57%                0%           86      52       60%
Reading     3     Yeager          LEP Current          34          12         35%                35%                0%           35      14       40%
Reading     3     Yeager             SPED              11           3         27%                27%                0%           19       7       37%
Reading     4     Yeager               All            142          99         70%                70%                0%          113      75       66%
Reading     4     Yeager            Hispanic           69          44         64%                64%                0%           65      43       66%
Reading     4     Yeager          African Am.          38          25         66%                66%                0%           25      12       48%
Reading     4     Yeager             White             19          17         89%                89%                0%           17      15       88%
Reading     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95          61         64%                64%                0%           76      46       61%
Reading     4     Yeager          LEP Current          33          11         33%                33%                0%           25      13       52%
Reading     4     Yeager             SPED              19           8         42%                42%                0%           12       4       33%
Reading     5     Yeager               All            171         137         80%                80%                0%          130     105       81%
Reading     5     Yeager            Hispanic           75          59         79%                79%                0%           64      44       69%
Reading     5     Yeager          African Am.          45          31         69%                69%                0%           30      25       83%
Reading     5     Yeager             White             35          33         94%                94%                0%           26      26       100%
Reading     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         103          76         74%                74%                0%           78      57       73%
Reading     5     Yeager          LEP Current          25           9         36%                36%                0%           25       9       36%
Reading     5     Yeager             SPED              19           9         47%                47%                0%           11       4       36%
 Math       3     Yeager               All            150         101         67%                67%                0%          118      66       56%
 Math       3     Yeager            Hispanic           70          39         56%                56%                0%           71      34       48%
 Math       3     Yeager          African Am.          40          26         65%                65%                0%           23      12       52%
 Math       3     Yeager             White             30          26         87%                87%                0%           19      16       84%
 Math       3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          91          53         58%                58%                0%           86      42       49%
 Math       3     Yeager          LEP Current          34          13         38%                38%                0%           35      12       34%
 Math       3     Yeager             SPED              11           3         27%                27%                0%           19       2       11%
 Math       4     Yeager               All            142          84         59%                59%                0%          114      62       54%
 Math       4     Yeager            Hispanic           69          35         51%                51%                0%           65      40       62%
 Math       4     Yeager          African Am.          38          20         53%                53%                0%           26       5       19%
 Math       4     Yeager             White             19          18         95%                95%                0%           17      13       76%
 Math       4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95          46         48%                48%                0%           77      39       51%
 Math       4     Yeager          LEP Current          33           5         15%                15%                0%           25      13       52%
 Math       4     Yeager             SPED              19           6         32%                32%                0%           12       2       17%
 Math       5     Yeager               All            173         138         80%                80%                0%          131      92       70%
 Math       5     Yeager            Hispanic           76          63         83%                83%                0%           65      43       66%
 Math       5     Yeager          African Am.          45          27         60%                60%                0%           30      16       53%
 Math       5     Yeager             White             36          35         97%                97%                0%           26      25       96%
 Math       5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         105          74         70%                70%                0%           79      51       65%
 Math       5     Yeager          LEP Current          25          14         56%                56%                0%           25      13       52%
 Math       5     Yeager             SPED              19           9         47%                47%                0%           12       2       17%
Writing     4     Yeager               All            141          88         62%                62%                0%          115      64       56%
Writing     4     Yeager            Hispanic           68          39         57%                57%                0%           65      39       60%
Writing     4     Yeager          African Am.          38          19         50%                50%                0%           26       7       27%
Writing     4     Yeager             White             19          17         89%                89%                0%           18      15       83%
Writing     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95          50         53%                53%                0%           79      40       51%
Writing     4     Yeager          LEP Current          32           9         28%                28%                0%           25      12       48%
Writing     4     Yeager             SPED              19           6         32%                32%                0%           12       1        8%
Science     5     Yeager               All            172         136         79%                79%                0%          131      97       74%
Science     5     Yeager            Hispanic           74          58         78%                78%                0%           65      44       68%
Science     5     Yeager          African Am.          48          30         63%                63%                0%           30      19       63%
Science     5     Yeager             White             34          33         97%                97%                0%           26      25       96%
Science     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         105          74         70%                70%                0%           78      53       68%
Science     5     Yeager          LEP Current          24          11         46%                46%                0%           24      13       54%
Science     5     Yeager             SPED              19           9         47%                47%                0%           12       1        8%
Cypress‐Fairbanks Independent School District
                                       Department of District Improvement and Accountability
                                                    2020‐21 Meets CIP Targets

                                          The targets listed below meet minimum expectations.
                   Campuses are responsible for meeting the CIP targets as well as state and federal accountability targets.

                                                                    2019 Meets               2021 Meets                                  2021 Meets
                                    Student         Tested                                                       % Growth      Tested
Content   Grade   Campus                                                                 Incremental Growth
                                     Group           2019          #           %                                  Needed        2021    #         %
Reading     3     Yeager               All            150         53          35%                35%                 0%         118     43       36%
Reading     3     Yeager            Hispanic          70          10          14%                14%                 0%          72     16       22%
Reading     3     Yeager          African Am.         40          13          33%                33%                 0%          23     11       48%
Reading     3     Yeager             White            30          23          77%                77%                 0%          19     13       68%
Reading     3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         91          21          23%                23%                 0%          86     25       29%
Reading     3     Yeager          LEP Current         34           1          3%                  3%                 0%          35     4        11%
Reading     3     Yeager             SPED             11           1          9%                  9%                 0%          19     1        5%
Reading     4     Yeager               All            142         61          43%                43%                 0%         113     35       31%
Reading     4     Yeager            Hispanic          69          26          38%                38%                 0%          65     17       26%
Reading     4     Yeager          African Am.         38          11          29%                29%                 0%          25     4        16%
Reading     4     Yeager             White            19          14          74%                74%                 0%          17     11       65%
Reading     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         95          30          32%                32%                 0%          76     20       26%
Reading     4     Yeager          LEP Current         33           3          9%                  9%                 0%          25     3        12%
Reading     4     Yeager             SPED             19           4          21%                21%                 0%          12     1        8%
Reading     5     Yeager               All            171         93          54%                54%                 0%         130     71       55%
Reading     5     Yeager            Hispanic          75          30          40%                40%                 0%          64     27       42%
Reading     5     Yeager          African Am.         45          23          51%                51%                 0%          30     13       43%
Reading     5     Yeager             White            35          29          83%                83%                 0%          26     22       85%
Reading     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         103         43          42%                42%                 0%          78     34       44%
Reading     5     Yeager          LEP Current         25           2          8%                  8%                 0%          25     4        16%
Reading     5     Yeager             SPED             19           4          21%                21%                 0%          11     1        9%
 Math       3     Yeager               All            150         54          36%                36%                 0%         118     27       23%
 Math       3     Yeager            Hispanic          70          15          21%                21%                 0%          71     14       20%
 Math       3     Yeager          African Am.         40          13          33%                33%                 0%          23     2        9%
 Math       3     Yeager             White            30          21          70%                70%                 0%          19     8        42%
 Math       3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         91          23          25%                25%                 0%          86     17       20%
 Math       3     Yeager          LEP Current         34           1          3%                  3%                 0%          35     4        11%
 Math       3     Yeager             SPED             11           1          9%                  9%                 0%          19     0        0%
 Math       4     Yeager               All            142         50          35%                35%                 0%         114     30       26%
 Math       4     Yeager            Hispanic          69          22          32%                32%                 0%          65     17       26%
 Math       4     Yeager          African Am.         38           7          18%                18%                 0%          26     2        8%
 Math       4     Yeager             White            19          13          68%                68%                 0%          17     7        41%
 Math       4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         95          20          21%                21%                 0%          77     16       21%
 Math       4     Yeager          LEP Current         33           2          6%                  6%                 0%          25     3        12%
 Math       4     Yeager             SPED             19           3          16%                16%                 0%          12     0        0%
 Math       5     Yeager               All            173         88          51%                51%                 0%         131     69       53%
 Math       5     Yeager            Hispanic          76          32          42%                42%                 0%          65     30       46%
 Math       5     Yeager          African Am.         45          18          40%                40%                 0%          30     11       37%
 Math       5     Yeager             White            36          27          75%                75%                 0%          26     21       81%
 Math       5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         105         39          37%                37%                 0%          79     31       39%
 Math       5     Yeager          LEP Current         25           3          12%                12%                 0%          25     7        28%
 Math       5     Yeager             SPED             19           4          21%                21%                 0%          12     1        8%
Writing     4     Yeager               All            141         39          28%                28%                 0%         115     28       24%
Writing     4     Yeager            Hispanic          68          19          28%                28%                 0%          65     13       20%
Writing     4     Yeager          African Am.         38           4          11%                11%                 0%          26     3        12%
Writing     4     Yeager             White            19           9          47%                47%                 0%          18     9        50%
Writing     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         95          15          16%                16%                 0%          79     14       18%
Writing     4     Yeager          LEP Current         32           2          6%                  6%                 0%          25     1        4%
Writing     4     Yeager             SPED             19           1          5%                  5%                 0%          12     0        0%
Science     5     Yeager               All            172        101          59%                59%                 0%         131     60       46%
Science     5     Yeager            Hispanic          74          38          51%                51%                 0%          65     22       34%
Science     5     Yeager          African Am.         48          21          44%                44%                 0%          30     10       33%
Science     5     Yeager             White            34          32          94%                94%                 0%          26     20       77%
Science     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.         105         47          45%                45%                 0%          78     29       37%
Science     5     Yeager          LEP Current         24           6          25%                25%                 0%          24     4        17%
Science     5     Yeager             SPED             19           3          16%                16%                 0%          12     1        8%
Cypress‐Fairbanks Independent School District
                                       Department of District Improvement and Accountability
                                                   2020‐21 Masters CIP Targets

                                          The targets listed below meet minimum expectations.
                   Campuses are responsible for meeting the CIP targets as well as state and federal accountability targets.

                                                                    2019 Masters            2021 Masters                                2021 Masters
                                    Student          Tested                                                      % Growth      Tested
Content   Grade   Campus                                                                 Incremental Growth
                                     Group            2019          #           %                                 Needed        2021    #         %
Reading     3     Yeager               All             150         35          23%               23%                0%          118     17       14%
Reading     3     Yeager            Hispanic           70           4          6%                 6%                0%           72     7        10%
Reading     3     Yeager           African Am.         40          10          25%               25%                0%           23     3        13%
Reading     3     Yeager              White            30          16          53%               53%                0%           19     5        26%
Reading     3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          91          14          15%               15%                0%           86     9        10%
Reading     3     Yeager          LEP Current          34           0          0%                 0%                0%           35     2        6%
Reading     3     Yeager             SPED              11           0          0%                 0%                0%           19     0        0%
Reading     4     Yeager               All             142         36          25%               25%                0%          113     20       18%
Reading     4     Yeager            Hispanic           69          17          25%               25%                0%           65     8        12%
Reading     4     Yeager           African Am.         38           5          13%               13%                0%           25     1        4%
Reading     4     Yeager              White            19           8          42%               42%                0%           17     9        53%
Reading     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95          15          16%               16%                0%           76     8        11%
Reading     4     Yeager          LEP Current          33           2          6%                 6%                0%           25     2        8%
Reading     4     Yeager             SPED              19           2          11%               11%                0%           12     0        0%
Reading     5     Yeager               All             171         57          33%               33%                0%          130     46       35%
Reading     5     Yeager            Hispanic           75          13          17%               17%                0%           64     13       20%
Reading     5     Yeager           African Am.         45          14          31%               31%                0%           30     9        30%
Reading     5     Yeager              White            35          23          66%               66%                0%           26     18       69%
Reading     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          103         22          21%               21%                0%           78     18       23%
Reading     5     Yeager          LEP Current          25           1          4%                 4%                0%           25     0        0%
Reading     5     Yeager             SPED              19           3          16%               16%                0%           11     0        0%
 Math       3     Yeager               All             150         26          17%               17%                0%          118     8        7%
 Math       3     Yeager            Hispanic           70           3          4%                 4%                0%           71     3        4%
 Math       3     Yeager           African Am.         40           4          10%               10%                0%           23     0         0%
 Math       3     Yeager              White            30          17          57%               57%                0%           19     3        16%
 Math       3     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          91           5          5%                 5%                0%           86     5         6%
 Math       3     Yeager          LEP Current          34           0          0%                 0%                0%           35     0        0%
 Math       3     Yeager             SPED              11           0          0%                 0%                0%           19     0         0%
 Math       4     Yeager               All             142         30          21%               21%                0%          114     19       17%
 Math       4     Yeager            Hispanic           69          12          17%               17%                0%           65     9        14%
 Math       4     Yeager           African Am.         38           3          8%                 8%                0%           26     0         0%
 Math       4     Yeager              White            19          10          53%               53%                0%           17     7        41%
 Math       4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95          10          11%               11%                0%           77     8        10%
 Math       4     Yeager          LEP Current          33           1          3%                 3%                0%           25     1        4%
 Math       4     Yeager             SPED              19           2          11%               11%                0%           12     0        0%
 Math       5     Yeager               All             173         56          32%               32%                0%          131     42       32%
 Math       5     Yeager            Hispanic           76          17          22%               22%                0%           65     18       28%
 Math       5     Yeager           African Am.         45           8          18%               18%                0%           30     5        17%
 Math       5     Yeager              White            36          22          61%               61%                0%           26     14       54%
 Math       5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          105         19          18%               18%                0%           79     17       22%
 Math       5     Yeager          LEP Current          25           1          4%                 4%                0%           25     4        16%
 Math       5     Yeager             SPED              19           4          21%               21%                0%           12     1        8%
Writing     4     Yeager               All             141         13          9%                 9%                0%          115     8        7%
Writing     4     Yeager            Hispanic           68           3          4%                 4%                0%           65     2        3%
Writing     4     Yeager           African Am.         38           4          11%               11%                0%           26     0        0%
Writing     4     Yeager              White            19           4          21%               21%                0%           18     4        22%
Writing     4     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          95           5          5%                 5%                0%           79     4         5%
Writing     4     Yeager          LEP Current          32           1          3%                 3%                0%           25     0        0%
Writing     4     Yeager             SPED              19           1          5%                 5%                0%           12     0        0%
Science     5     Yeager               All             172         67          39%               39%                0%          131     22       17%
Science     5     Yeager            Hispanic           74          24          32%               32%                0%           65     6        9%
Science     5     Yeager           African Am.         48          11          23%               23%                0%           30     3        10%
Science     5     Yeager              White            34          24          71%               71%                0%           26     9        35%
Science     5     Yeager            Eco. Dis.          105         29          28%               28%                0%           78     7        9%
Science     5     Yeager          LEP Current          24           2          8%                 8%                0%           24     1        4%
Science     5     Yeager             SPED              19           2          11%               11%                0%           12     0        0%
                           Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal
The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 38% to 48% by June 2025.
                                                     Yearly Target Goals
      2021                        2022                        2023                             2024                       2025
      38%                         40%                         42%                              45%                        48%

                             Closing the Gaps Student Groups Yearly Targets
                                                                         Two or                           Special
               African                    American             Pacific                          Eco.                       Cont. Non‐Cont.
                       Hispanic   White               Asian               More    Special Ed                Ed      EL
              American                     Indian             Islander                         Disadv.                    Enrolled Enrolled
                                                                          Races                          (Former)
  2021          36%      18%      79%                                                          24%                  17%    44%      26%
  2022          38%      20%      81%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        26%         NA       19%    46%      28%
  2023          40%      22%      83%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        28%         NA       21%    48%      30%
  2024          43%      25%      86%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        31%         NA       24%    51%      33%
  2025          46%      28%      89%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        34%         NA       27%    54%      36%

                             Early Childhood Math Board Outcome Goal
 The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 39% to 49% by June 2025.
                                                     Yearly Target Goals
      2021                        2022                        2023                             2024                       2025
      39%                         41%                         43%                              46%                        49%

                             Closing the Gaps Student Groups Yearly Targets
                                                                         Two or                           Special
               African                    American             Pacific                          Eco.                       Cont. Non‐Cont.
                       Hispanic   White               Asian               More    Special Ed                Ed      EL
              American                     Indian             Islander                         Disadv.                    Enrolled Enrolled
                                                                          Races                          (Former)
  2021          39%      25%      71%                                                          28%                  19%    44%      30%
  2022          41%      27%      73%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        30%         NA       21%    46%      32%
  2023          43%      29%      75%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        32%         NA       23%    48%      34%
  2024          46%      32%      78%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        35%         NA       26%    51%      37%
  2025          49%      35%      81%       NA        NA        NA        NA         NA        38%         NA       29%    54%      40%
                                          Standard Expectations
The following activities will no longer appear in the District Improvement Plan or the Campus Improvement Plans, since
they represent practices that are expected to happen in an ongoing manner to provide instructional “standard operating

Curriculum and Instruction
   • The District provides a common curriculum for all subjects at every grade level with appropriate learning
       experiences based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and ensures that all students, no matter
       which campus they attend, receive the same curriculum.
   • The District curriculum staff updates and revises the curriculum regularly considering teacher input, state and
       district assessment data, and current research and best practices. The curriculum includes scope and sequence,
       pacing guides, instructional resources, model lessons, and assessment items that support the content area while
       addressing the needs of a diverse student population.
   • The District curriculum resides in Schoology, the learning management system. Schoology is used to its fullest
       capacity: lesson planning, resource selection, assessments, data digging, and data interpretations for
       instructional decisions.
   • Teacher teams meet weekly (the appropriate number of times using Schoology) to plan collaboratively and
       develop effective, relevant lessons that focus on creating classroom experiences that meet students’ needs while
       maximizing first-time instruction and learning. These classroom experiences provide opportunities in which
            o use technology (including but is not limited to online textbooks, animations/videos, simulations, reports,
                 assessments, information graphics, probe ware, graphing calculators, programs, etc.) to support the
                 learning of the TEKS;
            o generate and translate between multiple representations (graphs, diagrams, pictures, equations, tables,
                 poems, advertisements, etc.);
            o develop academic language proficiency through speaking, reading, writing, and listening;
            o develop stamina to solve complex problems, read long passages and questions, and transfer knowledge
                 to other situations and/or disciplines; and
            o have time to make sense of their learning (reflective journaling, student discourse, collaborative group
                 work, Socratic seminars, etc.).
   • The District provides and campuses follow student placement guidelines and scheduling protocols (Blue Book,
       Elementary Administrative Handbook, Master’s Scheduler Handbook, etc.) ensuring that students are placed in
       the appropriate classrooms/programs and are ready and able to achieve at high levels.

   • Campus leaders use various strategies, processes, and/or procedures to monitor the standard expectations to
       ensure fidelity. Examples include but are not limited to
            o review of lesson plans;
            o participation in team planning by administrators;
            o participation in data review/data dig sessions; and
            o monitor Schoology use.
   • Campus leaders gather data, and coach teams and individual teachers in order to improve the impact of first-time
       instruction and learning.

Assessment and Data Analysis
   • The District develops and campuses administer assessments (District Progress Monitors, benchmark
      assessments, unit tests, check points, etc.) based on the established assessment calendars.
   • Teacher teams review student data from multiple sources (DPMs, benchmark assessments, unit tests, check
      points, etc.) and develop a response that supports and defines methods for re-teaching and re-evaluating to
      ensure all students learn the content.
   • Each teacher reviews data at the individual student level in an effort to adjust instruction and provide support so
      that every student has opportunity to master the content.

Updated July 2020 / HB
Elementary Content Area
                                           Standard Expectations

Literacy (Reading and Writing)
    • Maximize instructional time by developing, posting, and consistently following a balanced literacy schedule that
        contains all components.
    • Teach/re-teach the reading and writing process throughout the school year and ensure that students read and
        write each day.
    • Utilize reading and writing workshop strategies to teach and reinforce critical TEKS (think aloud, modeling reading
        and writing processes in mini-lessons, interactive read aloud with accountable talk, independent reading and
        writing, small group instruction, conferring, and whole group share time).
    • Use varied, authentic literature as mentor texts in reading and writing.
    • Allow student choice from among varied genres and reading levels during independent reading time from
        classroom and digital libraries.
    • Post and use anchor charts, created with students, in literacy classrooms.
    • Maintain a monitoring notebook as documentation of individual student’s progress observed during small group
        instruction and/or reading/writing conferences.
    • Use varied, research-based strategies to teach revising and editing skills and apply language conventions within
        the context of writing.
    • Use the Continuum of Literacy Learning and District and campus data to differentiate literacy instruction using
        individual conferences, small group instruction, and/or strategy group instruction.
    • Integrate social studies and theater arts TEKS in literacy classes through read aloud and reading and writing

   • Model and expect students to use a problem-solving process.
   • Post and use classroom-created anchor charts in math classrooms.
   • Facilitate fact fluency for 10-15 minutes daily during math instruction to develop automaticity. This can be
      accomplished using Number Talks, Math Talks, CFISD Fact Fluency Plan, and other content conversation
            o “Procedural fluency refers to knowledge of procedures, knowledge or when and how to use them
                appropriately, and skill in performing them flexibly, accurately, and efficiently.” NRC (2001)
            o Automaticity is fast recall of facts which seemingly appear instant.
   • Use math manipulatives to help students develop concept understandings.
   • Include teaching strategies and questions designed to promote higher-level thinking in lesson plans to improve
      first-time learning, which includes time for productive struggle.
   • Use and encourage students to use precise mathematical vocabulary.
   • Use Interactive Math Notebooks in 2nd-5th grade.
   • Encourage student discourse/discussion including “what do you notice/wonder” and justifications.
   • On a regular basis, integrate classroom Chromebooks and other student devices into the learning environment.
      Use the devices so that students can create, collaborate, and share their thinking.

Teachers will develop science literate students by creating learning opportunities using the 5E Instructional Model (grades
2-5) that engage students in scientific practices that require them to
    • ask questions, identify problems, plan and conduct classroom and field investigations to answer questions
         according to grade level TEKS expectations (K-1 = 80% of time, 2nd-3rd = 60% of time, 4th-5th = 50% of time).
    • use a science notebook (grades 2-5) to collect and organize data in simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts.
    • analyze data using math to derive meaning, identify patterns, and discover relationships.
    • engage in a common inquiry experience to make sense of and develop scientific concepts and vocabulary.
    • develop evidence-based explanations and communicate findings, conclusions, and proposed solutions.
    • engage respectfully in scientific discussion by listening, speaking, reading and scientific writing.
    • incorporate the use of technology when it is the most effective tool for the task.
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