Cummins ISB, ISC, ISL Engine Run Harness Kit - This kit is for 1998 - 2001 EPA/CARB automotive engines.
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Cummins ISB, ISC, ISL Engine Run Harness Kit This kit is for 1998 - 2001 EPA/CARB automotive engines. Manufactured by: Custom Chassis, Inc. Wellington, OH 44090 440-647-6401
NOTICE: Custom Chassis, Inc. (CCI) supplies this kit for expressed purpose of Cummins ISB, ISC, and ISL engine operation. This installation manual provides sufficient information to achieve a reliable and successful installation. Therefore, CCI is not responsible for damage to engine or related components due to poor or inappropriate installation practices. Care should be taken while installing this kit to prevent personal injury. CCI warranties the quality of this kit for workmanship for 30 days from installation date.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for selecting this Cummins engine run harness. It will provide you with years of trouble-free use. Be fore beg inn ing this installatio n, pleas e rea d th oro ug hly th is en tire instru ction boo klet. Th e ba sic C um m ins run ha rnes s pro vides all the req uired circuits for the en gine to operate properly. Du e to the flex ibility of the C um m ins EC M, m any m ore fu nction s are available dep end ing up on the final engine ap plication . Follow ing is a list of additional circuits and /or kits that CCI can provide. OPTIONAL CIRCUITS Cruise Control/ PTO Control - Includes an on/off rocker switch to turn cruise/PTO off or in stan dby. A m om enta ry on/off/ m om enta ry on rocker sw itch for set/c oas t and resu m e/ac celerate functions is includ ed. T his sam e sw itch se ts and m aintains en gine spe ed fo r PT O o pera tion. Brake and clutch switch input is required. Fan Clutch control - The fan is activated by one of the following: high A/C pressure, high coolant temp, high intake m anifold temp, increase engine braking demand, or with manual switch activation . Als o included is an additional roc ke r to m anually ove rride the fa n control. Transmission Shift Mo dulation Signal - This allows the engine to talk to an Allison electronic, Allison hydraulic, or Aisin A581 automatic transmission for up shifting and kick down. Exhaust Brake Control - Includes an on/off rocker switch. This provides transmission clutch, throttle positio n, and PT O interlock control. J1587 Data-link Connector - Allows connection to Cum mins computer programm ing and needed for R oad Relay. A cab-m oun ted conn ecto r is required for au tom otive applica tions a cco rding to TM C-R P-1202 . This uses the 6 p in diagnostics connec tor. J1939 Data-link Connector - Allows con nec tion to C um m ins com pute r program m ing an d to interconnect betwee n other drive train devices. This uses the 9 pin diagnos tics connector. Tachom eter Signal - Provides a 12 pulses per en gine re volution outp ut s ignal. A com patible tachometer can also be provided. Start Lockout - It is used to preve nt the ability to engage the starter w hen the engine is running. An add itional norm ally closed relay is provided to activate function . Coolant Level Sensor and Harness - A sensor and short jumper can be provided to allow the engine to shut down on low coolant. Required for automotive applications. Complete Instrumentation - Any, or all gauges can be provide d that will com m unicate directly to the engine. Page 1
PRE-HARNESS INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS • Before be ginning installation, verify that all parts are included in the kit. Report any shortag es or d am aged parts im m ediate ly. BASIC ISB RUN HARNESS KIT PART LIST: Qty. Part Number Description 1 HAR-001 Main harness assem bly 1 CAB-023 3' batte ry ne gative cable 1 CAB-034 4' batte ry po sitive cable 1 CAB-012 2' flat engine gro und cable 1 CON -001 Throttle pedal assembly - Suspended 1 CON -004 Switch - Diagnostic, ON/OFF 1 CON -005 Switch - Diagnostic, Increment/Decrement 2 CON -007 Brackets - Rocker switch 1 CON -006 Display - 10 Lamp W arning 1 CON -003 Ign ition switch assem bly and two ke ys 20 MIS-001 Cable Ties - 10" Note: This harness is designed to be used with a single 12 volt Group 31 battery with 3/8 " stud term inals. T he battery is N OT included with this kit. Fo r ad ditional cold crankin g pow er, a second batte ry m ay be necessary for cold clim ate s. T his should be w ired in parallel with the first battery. The add itional battery cables are NO T inc luded in this k it. • The engine MUST BE securely mounted in vehicle or power unit frame. • Fuel lines, air cleaner, radiator, and CAC must be installed and plumbed. • Transmission or drive unit must be mounted. • DISCONNECT any existin g electrical pow er to th e engine to avoid perm anently damaging electrical components. Note: Use Caution to avoid personal injury or death. Page 2
STEP 1 - LAY OUT THE HARNESS ROUTING • Route the harness so that it comes close the to object it connects to. Use the harness drawing in the Appendix as a guide. The following is the sequence of connections on the harness: Battery cable lugs Start solenoid wire Start relay Engine power connector Engine ECM connector W ater in fuel connector Grid heater power cabling Grid heate r relays Throttle pedal connections Ignition switch W arning lamp panel Diagnostic on/off switch & diagnostics increment/decrement switch Fuse panel • Mount harness with cable ties or rubber coated band style clamps to avoid sharp, rotating, or hot objects. Note: DO NOT over tighten the cable ties as this can cut insulation and pinch the wires. Note: If the harness passes through a firew all or pa nel, use a rub ber grom m et to avoid chafing the loom or harness wires. STEP 2 - CONNECT THE ROUND POWER CONNECTOR TO ENGINE • The round power connector is located at the left rear corner of the engine attached with a bracket bolted to the intake m anifold. • Grasp the rear body of the connector and rotate it until it aligns with tangs of the matting connector. See Figure 1. • W ith the rear body aligned, rotate the outer ring at the front to pull the connector together. The connector will click when it is fully engaged. Page 3
Figure 1 STEP 3 - CONN ECT THE START SOLENO ID WIRE TO THE STARTER: • The start solenoid stud is the small stud located at the 12:00 o’clock position on the start solenoid. See figure 2. • Carefully place the eyelet wire on the stud. Install the original nut and lock was her a nd tigh ten using a 8m m nut driver. Sn ug tigh t, but DO NOT over tighten. • Be sure that the eyelet does not touch any other surface. Figure 2 Page 4
STEP 4 - FRAME OR CHASSIS MOUNT THE HARNESS START RELAY • Fin d a suitab le location for the rela y pro tec ted from exhaust heat, w ate r spray, and road grim e. • Bolt or screw the relay to the frame rail or cross mem ber. See Figure 3. Note: The relay should be mounted upright to avoid water from running along the wires into the connector. Note: Do not mount the relay to the engine as this will reduce the life of the relay. The constan t m ovem ent of the engine will cause the contac ts to fail. Figure 3 STEP 5 - FRAME OR CHASSIS MOUNT THE CUMMINS SUPPLIED VP44 POWER RELAY ( ISB ONLY) • This relay is Cum mins supplied and temporarily banded to the Cum mins harness on the left side of the engine near the power connector. This relay must be permanently mounted. • Mount the VP44 power relay in the same manner as the start relay. See figure 3. Ǹote: The relay should be mounted upright to avoid water from running along the wires into the connector. Note: Do not mount the relay to the engine as this will reduce the life of the relay. The constan t m ovem ent of the engine will cause the contac ts to fail. S TE P 6 - INS TALL THE E CM CONNECTOR Page 5
• The engine ECM is located on the left side middle of the engine under the intake manifold. The OEM receptacle is the large rectangular connector located to the left of the EC M. Th e conne ctor receptacle m ay be covered by a yellow protective cover. • Rem ove the protective cover and note the indexing tangs on connector and in the receptacle port. See figure 4. • Gently insert the connector into the receptacle and carefully tighten the center screw using a 4mm Allen wrench. See Figure 5. • Carefully tighten the center screw to approximately 25 in-lb. Figure 4 Figure 5 Page 6
S TE P 7 - A T TA CH W IF (W ATE R IN F ILTER) CONNECTOR • The W IF sensor receptacle is located on the forward side of the fuel filter/water separator. The fuel filter/water separator is located on the left side of the engine with a bracket attached to the intake m anifold. See figure 6. • Insert the two-pin connector into the receptacle. • The connector will click when fully inserted. Figure 6 Page 7
STEP 8 - CONN ECT TH E POW ER CABLES T O TH E INTAKE H EATER T ERMINALS • The two positive intak e heater stu ds are locate d on the re ar of the square grid heater section on the inlet section of the intake manifold. See Figure 7. • Attach one cable of the harness to each of the positive studs. • Rem ove the lock washer and nut, then install the cables and re-install the lock washer and nut. Tighten to snug. Do not over torque. • Th e op pos ite side of the squ are g rid heater s ection has the two gro und studs. There should be a Cumm ins installed jumper cable connecting them together and a short cable attached to the engine. See figure 8. Figure 7 Figure 8 Page 8
STEP 9 - MOUNT INTAKE HEATER GRID RELAYS • Find a suitable location for the relay panel. It should NOT be mounted on the eng ine an d aw ay from direct heat. • The panel should be m ounte d with th e re lays and fu ses in an easily viewable area. See figure 9. • The two holes in the panel allow for easy mou nting to the firewall or inner fende r. • The panel can be mounted with bolts or screws. Check the back of the mounting surface for obstructions before drilling or screwing. Figure 9 Page 9
STEP 10 - MOUNT THE ELECTRONIC THROTTLE PEDAL • M oun ting the su spen ded p edal (Stan dard). • To dete rm ine the best p edal position hold the pedal against the firewa ll while the operator operates the pedal in the seated position. Move the pedal until the operation is smooth and comfortable. Make sure that the pedal doesn’t contact the floor or flooring material. See figure 10. • Use a m arker to locate the two mounting holes. • Drill the two mounting holes in the firewall after making sure there are no wires or o the r ob struction s on the opposite side of the firewa ll. • The pedal m ust be secu rely m ounted to firewall with bolts, flat washers and lock nuts. DO NOT use screws. Figure 10 Page 10
- OR - • M oun ting the floo r mo unted peda l (optional). • To determine the best pedal position, have the operator operate the pedal in the seated positio n. M ove the pedal until th e operation is smooth and comfortable. See figure 11. • Use a m arker to locate the two mounting holes. • Drill the two mounting in the firewall after making sure there are no wires or other obstructions on the opposite of the mounting surface. • The pedal must be securely mounted with bolts, flat washers and lock nuts . DO NOT use screws. Figure 11 Page 11
STEP 11 - CONNECT SIX PIN CONNECTOR TO THE THROTTLE PEDAL • Attac hed the six pin conn ecto r in the h arne ss to the m ating c onn ecto r built into the throttle pedal potentiometer. See Figure 12. • The connectors will click when fully inserted. Note: Be careful to ro ute the cables and harness awa y the m oving parts of the pedal to avoid jam m ing the pedal. Figure 12 Page 12
S TE P 1 2 - IGNITION S W ITCH INS TALLATION • Find a suitable location for the ignition switch. It should be located at or near horizontal. This prevents w ater and debris from entering the lock tum bler. • Th e rec om m end ed m oun ting pa nel thickness is 0.03 0" to 0.090 ". • The ignition switch mounting hole is 1" in diameter. Hint: Use a 7/8" hole saw. • Debur and enlarge hole if ne cessary. • Find and connect the six pin ignition switch connector from the harness to the back of the ignition switch. See Figure 13. • Insert the ignition switch in the hole from the back side. • Install the metal panel nut and tighten to a maximum of 50 in lbs. Figure 13 Page 13
STEP 13 - INSTALL THE WARNING LAMP DISPLAY • Find a suitable location that can be easily seen by the operator in the operating position. • Using figure 14 to create the opening and holes for mounting the warning lamp display. • The display can be mounted on top of the panel or below for a recessed look. • No. 10 machine screws (not included) work best for mounting the panel. Do not over tighten the screws as this will pucke r the plastic panel. • Find and connect the male and female 12 pin lamp connectors from the harness to the app ropriate co nne ctors on the lam p disp lay pigtail. Figure 14 Note: This run harness only uses the five lower indicator lamps. The left turn, oil pressure, volts, coolant temp, and right turn lamps are available for customer use. The harness has a 12" lead in pins 6 thru 10 in each the harness connectors for customer connection. The male connector is for power and the female connector is for ground. DISPLAY PIN LOCATIONS #6 Left Turn #7 Oil Pressure #8 Volts #9 Coolant tem perature # 10 Right turn Page 14
STEP 14 - MOUN T DIAGNOSTIC SW ITCHES • Find a suitable loc ation that is ac ces sible by the op erato r, but is n ot pro ne to accidental activation. • Th e rec om m end ed p ane l moun ting thick nes s is 0.0 9" to 0.19". • Create a hole that is 2.02" long by 1.90" high. • Assem ble the rocker switches in the rocker switch bezel. The on/off switch should be located on the left and the mom entary on/off/mom entary on switch on the left. • Find the two six pin connectors in the harness for the diagnostic switches. Feed the connectors th rough the diagnostic switch hole just c reate d. T his will aid in connecting the switch es pro perly. • The connector with two wires is installed on the on/off rocker switch. The con nec tor with three wires is installed on the m om enta ry rock er sw itch. Pu sh to seat the connectors over the spade terminals. See figure 15. • W ith the connectors installed, push the rocker switch assembly in the mounting hole. The as sem bly should sn ap into place . Figure 15 Page 15
STEP 15 - MOUNT THE FUSE BLOCKS • The two fus e blocks can be m ounte d togethe r (recom m ended) or s eparate ly. • The fuse blocks should not be mounted upside down increasing the chance of fuses loosening from vibration. • The fuse blocks should me mounted in an easily accessible, weatherproof location. See Figure 16. Figure 16 Page 16
STEP 16 - CONN ECT BATTERY CA BLES Engine Ground • Connect the flat braided engine grounding cable to an available threaded hole on the upper engine block just above the flywheel housing and to frame m ounting bolt or stud. • Tighten both m oun ting nu ts se curely to insure prope r con tact. • Apply dielectric grease , anti-se ize, or sim ilar prod ucts to both m oun ting po ints to reduce the chances of corrosion. Battery Ground • Connect the shorter (negative) battery cable first to one of the starter mounting bolts and then to the negative battery terminal. See figure 17. • Tighten the starter b olt sec urely to ins ure p rope r con tact. • Also install the two ground (black heat shrink) harne ss term inals on the negative battery term inal. • Apply dielectric grease , anti-se ize, or sim ilar prod ucts to both m oun ting po ints to reduce the chances of corrosion. Battery Power • Connect the longer (positive) battery cable first to large starter solenoid stud and to the positive battery terminal. See figure 18. • Tighten the starter b olt sec urely to ins ure p rope r con tact. • Also install the three power (red he at shrink) harness terminals on the po sitive battery term inal. • Apply dielectric grease , anti-se ize, or sim ilar prod ucts to both m oun ting po ints to reduce the chances of corrosion. Figure 17 Page 17
Figure 18 STEP 17 - FINAL CHECKS AND SYSTEM TESTS • Us ing ca ble ties and /or ha rnes s clam ps tie u p an y lose or han ging wires . • Check all routing to prevent chafing or pinching the harness. • Ch eck that all wiring avoids an y moving parts . • Check all mounting fasteners to ensure properly tightened. • Turn the ignition switch to the on position and observe the followings functions. • The EC M powe rs the fue l pum p and a whirring sound will continu e until the fu el pressu re is m et. • W ith the diagnostic switch in the off position, the indicator lamps (warning, stop, service engine, wait to start, and water in fuel) light up for two secon ds and g o off in the given order, one after the other, to verify they are wo rking an d wired co rrectly. • If the ECM determ ines the cold starting aid is neede d, the wait to start lam p will rem ain on until the inta ke hea ters h ave timed o ut. • If an active fault is present, one of the three warning lamps will remain on determined by the type of fault being sensed. See the diagnostics section in the appendix for further explanation. • If no faults are noted, turn the ignition to the start position to begin engine cranking. If the engine does not start after 30 seconds , wait 1 minute for the start to c ool down . Repeat as necessary. • The engine electronic subsystems and the starter motor are independent of each othe r. During the cranking ph ase, with the key switch in the start position, the ECM commands all the fuel needed to start the engine. THE THROTTLE PEDAL HAS NO EFFECT W HILE CRANKING THE ENGINE. • W hile the engine is crankin g, th e ECM is perform ing additional diagnostic and status operations. An active fault may cause one of the indicator lamps to illuminate and remain lighted; which lamp is illuminated, dep end s on the severity of the fa ult. Page 18
APPENDIX Table of Contents: Section A - Wiring Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Section B - Harness Connector Diagram . . . . . A-2 Section C - Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Section D - Fault Code Information . . . . . . . . . A-4
Page A-2
DIAGNOSTICS The ISB, ISC, and ISL engines have a built-in diagnostic capability which alerts the operator of a system problem while the engine is running by illuminating one of the indicator lam ps. The w arning (yellow) lam p, when lighted warns the op erator of an active component or system fault. W hile it denotes a failure has happened, the vehicle can be operated. The vehicle should be serviced to solve the problem, but the situation is not considered an emergency. The lighted stop (red) lamp indicates a major ISB, ISC, ISL engine problem and the vehicle should be stopped as soon as possible. Note: The red lamp will be flashed in scenarios where engine protection shutdown is about to shut the engine down. The engine protection system uses an indicator lamp to alert the operator of a coolant tem perature high, intake m anifold tempe rature high, oil pressure low, or coo lant (water) level low condition. The lamp will turn on at the occurrence and then begin blinking after a period of time. This blinking operation is to warn the operator that something has been active for a period of time or else the pressure or temperature condition has become worse and engine shutdown is about to occur, if the shutdown feature has been enabled. Note: The engine protection faults defined above w ill turn on the yellow and red lamps depending on the severity of the fault detected with the exception of the coolant level engine protection which will turn on the service engine lamp. In addition to alerting the operato r of system fau lts, the lam ps are used in the diagnostic operation. The diagnostic mode begins when the ignition switch and diagnostic test switch are on and the engine is not running. The yellow lamp flashes at the beginning of a fault code sequence, the red lamp flashes the three digit code for the active fault and yellow lam p ag ain flas hes to separa te the previous red lam p se que nce from the next one. The second diagnostic switch allows the operator to toggle upward or downward through the fault codes. At the conclusion of the diagnostic mode, the diagnostic test switch should be turned off. Page A-3
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 111* ECM internal hardware error. Possible no effect or engine may run rough or not start. ISB, ISC, ISL W arning 115* No engine speed or position signal detected at pin No. 17 of the Engine power derates. ISB, ISC, ISL W arning engine harness. Possible white smoke. 121* No engine speed or position signal detected at pin No. 9 of the No engine speed and position backup for main speed/position ISC, ISL W arning engine harness. sensor. 122 High voltage detected at the boost pressure sensor signal pin No. Engine will derate to no-boost fueling. ISB, ISC, ISL W arning 45 of the engine harness. 123 Low voltage detected at boost pressure sensor signal pin No. 45 Engine will derate to no-boost fueling. ISB, ISC, ISL W arning of the engine harness. Engine idles when idle validation switch indicates idle and ramps up 131 High voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. 30 of the to a default set speed when the idle validation switch indicates off ISB, ISC, ISL W arning OEM harness. idle. 132 Low voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. 30 of the Engine idles when idle validation switch indicates idle and ramps up ISB, ISC, ISL W arning OEM harness. to a default set speed when idle validation switch indicates off-idle. 135 High voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No. 33 of the Default value used for oil pressure. ISB, ISC, ISL W arning engine harness. No engine protection for oil pressure. 141 Low voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No. 33 of the Default value used for oil pressure. No engine protection for oil ISB, ISC, ISL W arning engine harness pressure. 143 Oil pressure signal indicates oil pressure below the low engine Power and/or speed derate and possible engine shutdown if engine ISB, ISC, ISL W arning protection limit. protection shutdown feature is enabled. 144 High voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. 23 of Default value used for coolant temperature. No engine protection for ISB, ISC, ISL W arning the engine harness. coolant temperature. 145 Low voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. 23 of Default value used for coolant temperature. No engine protection for ISB, ISC, ISL W arning the engine harness. coolant temperature. 146 Coolant temperature signal indicates coolant temperature has Power derate and possible engine shutdown if engine protection ISB, ISC, ISL W arning exceeded the minimum engine protection lim it. shutdown feature is enabled. 151 Coolant temperature signal indicates coolant temperature has Power and/or speed derate and possible engine shutdown if engine ISB, ISC, ISL Stop exceeded the engine protection lim it. protection shutdown feature is enabled. Page A-4
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 153 High voltage detected at intake manifold temperature signal pin Default value used for intake manifold temperature. No engine ISB, ISC, ISL W arning No. 34 of the engine harness. protection for intake manifold temperature. Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 154 Low voltage detected at intake manifold temperature signal pin No. Default value used for intake manifold temperature. No engine ISB, ISC, ISL Warning 34 of the engine harness. protection for intake manifold temperature. 155 Intake manifold air temperature signal indicates intake manifold air Power and/or speed derate and possible engine shutdown if engine ISB, ISC, ISL Stop temperature is above the engine protection limit. protection shutdown feature is enabled. A/C Clutch driver signal indicates a short to ground when 191 Can not turn on A/C ISB, ISC, ISL commanded on. 221 High voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. 32 of Engine power derate. ISC, ISL Warning the engine harness. 222 Low voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. 32 of Engine power derate. ISC, ISL Warning the engine harness. 234 Engine speed signal indicates engine speed has exceeded the Fuel to injectors disabled until engine speed falls below the overspeed ISB, ISC, ISL Stop overspeed limit. limit. 235 Coolant level signal at pin No. 37 of the engine harness indicates Power and/or speed derate and possible engine shutdown if engine Service ISB, ISC, ISL coolant level is low. protection shutdown feature is enabled. Engine Engine speed limited to “Max. Engine Speed without VSS”. Cruise 241 Vehicle speed signal on pin Nos. 8 and 18 of the OEM harness has control, gear-down protection and the read speed governor will not work. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning been lost. Trip information data that is based on mileage will be incorrect. Invalid or inappropriate vehicle speed signal indicated on pin Nos. 8 Engine speed limited to “Max. Engine Speed without VSS”. Cruise 242 and 18 of the OEM harness indicating on intermittent connection or control, gear-down protection and road speed governor will not work. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning possible tampering. Trip information data that is based on mileage will be incorrect. Error detected in exhaust brake relay enable circuit at pin No. 42 of 243 Exhaust brake will not work. ISB, ISC, ISL the engine harness. Error detected in fan clutch relay enable circuit at pin No. 31 (ISB) Electronic control module (ECM) cannot control the engine cooling fan. 245 ISB, ISC, ISL and pin No. 41 (ISC) of the engine harness. Fan will remain on or off. 261* VP44 Fuel Pump Control Module indicates the fuel temperature has Power derate. ISB Warning exceeded the engine protection limit. High voltage detected at fuel temperature signal pin No. 35 of the 263 Default value used for fuel temperature. Possible low power. ISC, ISL engine harness. Page A-5
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 264 High or low voltage detected at the fuel temperature sensor signal Default value used for fuel temperature. Possible low power and no ISB Warning circuit inside the VP44 pump controller. engine protection for fuel temperature. Low voltage detected at fuel temperature signal pin No. 35 of the 265 Default value used for fuel temperature. Possible low power. ISC, ISL engine harness. Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 268* Fuel pressure in the accumulator is not changing with engine Power derate. Engine may run rough. ISC, ISL Warning operating conditions. 271 Low or no current detected on front pumping control valve return pin Low power. Poor Performance ISC, ISL Yellow No.21. (Set only during control valve click test) 272 High current detected on front pumping control valve return pin No. Low power. Poor performance. Possible damage to the ECM. ISC, ISL Warning 21. 273 Low or no current detected on rear pumping control valve return pin Low power. Poor performance. ISC, ISL Warning No. 15. (Set only during control valve click test) 274 High Current detected on rear pumping control valve return pin No. Low power. Poor performance. Possible damage to the ECM. ISC, ISL Warning 15. 275 Engine ECM has detected a failure in the front pumping element. Low power. Poor performance. ISC, ISL Warning 276 Injection Control Valve is shut down and engine will not run. Possible High current detected on injection control valve return pin No. 7. ISC, ISL Warning ECM damage. 277* Engine ECM has detected a failure in the injection control valve. Low power. Engine may not run. ISC, ISL Warning 278* Error detected in lift pump circuit at pin 11 of the engine harness. Possible low power. Engine may die, run rough or be difficult to start. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning 279 Low or no current detected on injection control valve return pin No. Low power. Engine may not run. ISC, ISL Warning 7. (Set only during control valve click test) 281 Engine ECM has detected a failure in the front pumping element. Possible no effect or engine power derate. ISC, ISL Warning 282 Engine ECM has detected a failure in the rear pumping element. Possible no effect or engine power derate. ISC, ISL Warning 283 High voltage detected at main engine speed/position sensor voltage ECM will use the VP44 pump speed (ISB) or the engine position signal ISB, ISC, ISL Warning supply pin 8 of the engine harness. (ISC,ISL) as a backup. Possible white smoke and power loss. Page A-6
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 284 Low voltage detected at main engine speed/position sensor voltage ECM will use the VP44 pump speed (ISB) or the engine position signal ISB, ISC, ISL Warning supply pin 8 of the engine harness. (ISC,ISL) as a backup. Possible white smoke and power loss. 285 The software has detected an error due to a parameter time-out on At least one mux device will not work properly. Engine may idle only. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning the multiplexed data bus. 286 The software indicates that the multiplexed data bus is not Engine will idle only. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning erroneous but is invalid. Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 287 The software indicates that the multiplexed data is not valid and Engine will idle only. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning erroneous for the accelerator pedal sensor. 288 The software indicates that the multiplexed data is not valid and Engine will not respond to remote throttle. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning erroneous for the remote throttle. 319 Power to the real time clock has been interrupted and its setting is Service Time stamp in ECM power down data will be incorrect. ISB, ISC, ISL no longer valid. Engine 328 Engine ECM has detected a failure in the rear pumping element. Low power. Engine may not run. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning 329* Engine ECM has detected an over pumping failure in the CAPS Instability at idle accompanied by low power or extremely poor ISC, ISL Stop pump. performance and severe black smoke. Engine may shutdown. Default value used for sensors connected to this +5 volt supply. Engine 352 Low voltage detected at engine position sensor +5 volt supply, pin will derate to no-boost fueling and loss of engine protection for oil ISB, ISC, ISL Warning No. 10 of the engine harness. pressure. Intake manifold pressure and coolant temperature. 361 Continuous power detected at VP44 fuel control valve. Fueling to injectors disabled. Engine dies. ISB Stop 362 Low voltage or no voltage detected at the VP44 fuel control valve. Engine will lose power and may shut down. ISB Warning 363 No fuel control valve movement detected by the VP44 pump Engine power loss. ISB Warning controller. No communications or invalid data transfer rate detected on date 364* link between ECM and VP44 pump controller at pins 4 and 13 of the Engine will run at a backup mode set speed when throttle is off idle. ISB Warning engine harness. 365 Low voltage detected at VP44 pump controller supply voltage Engine may lose power and may shut down. ISB Warning circuit. Page A-7
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 366 VP44 pump controller battery voltage measurement is outside the Engine will lose power and may shut down. ISB Warning range between 6 and 24 volts. 367 VP44 pump speed/position sensor signal lost. Fueling to injectors is disabled and engine will shutdown. ISB Stop 368 The VP44 pump can not achieve the timing value being Significant engine power loss. ISB Warning commanded by the ECM. 369 VP44 pump controller does not detect engine position pulse at pin Significant engine power loss. Possible white smoke. ISB Warning No. 7 of the engine harness. Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp VP44 pump controller detects continuous voltage at idle select pin If communication is lost between the ECM and VP44 pump controller, 372* No. 16 of the engine harness...OR...pump controller detects an engine will either only idle or will be stuck at a slightly higher set speed, ISB Warning open circuit or short circuit to ground at idle select pin 16 of the regardless of throttle position. engine harness. 373 High voltage detected at VP44 fuel shut off signal pin No. 6 of the Fueling to injectors disabled. Engine will shut down. ISB Stop engine harness. 374* VP44 pump controller has detected an internal error. Engine power derate or engine may die. ISB Warning 376* No calibration in the VP44 pump controller. Fueling to injectors disabled. Engine will shut down. ISB Stop 377 VP44 pump controller is not powering down when key switch power Equipment batteries may be drained low during long shutdown periods. ISB Warning is removed from the engine control module. 381* Error detected in cold start aid relay 1 enable circuit at pin No. 41 of Intake air heater can not be fully energized by the ECM. Possible white ISB, ISC, ISL Warning the OEM harness. smoke and/or hard starting. 382* Error detected in cold start aid relay 2 enable circuit at pin No. 31 of Intake air heater can not be fully energized by the ECM. Possible white ISB, ISC, ISL Warning the OEM harness. smoke and/or hard starting. 385 High voltage detected at OEM harness sensor supply pin No. 10 of Sensors connected to this +5 volts supply will not function. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning the OEM harness. Default value used for sensors connected to this +5 volts supply. 386 High voltage detected at the engine harness sensor +5 VDC supply Engine will derate to no-boost fueling and loss of engine protection for oil ISB, ISC, ISL Warning pin No. 10 of the engine harness. pressure, intake manifold temperature, and coolant temperature. 387 High voltage detected at the throttle position sensor +5 VDC supply Engine idles when idle validation switch indicates idle and ramps up to a ISB, ISC, ISL Warning pin No. 29 of the OEM harness. default set speed when idle validation switch indicates off-idle. Page A-8
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 391 Error detected in VP44 power supply relay enable circuit at pin No. Possible no effect on performance or engine may die. ISB Warning 43 of the engine harness. 415 Oil pressure signal indicates oil pressure below the very low engine Power and/or speed derate and possible engine shutdown if engine ISB, ISC, ISL Stop protection limit. protection shutdown feature is enabled. 418 Water-in-fuel signal indicates the water in the fuel filter needs to be Excessive water in the fuel can lead to severe fuel system damage. ISB, ISC, ISL WIF drained. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the coolant level high and 422 low signal pins No. 27 and 37 of the engine harness ...OR... no No engine protection for coolant level. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning voltage detected on either pin. (Fault is active for Switch type coolant level sensors only) Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 429 Low voltage detected at water-in-fuel signal pin 40 of the OEM No water-in-fuel protection. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning harness. 431 Idle validation signals on pins No. 25 and 26 of the OEM harness No effect on performance, but loss of idle validation. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning indicate no voltage detected simultaneously. Idle validation signal at pin No. 26 of the OEM harness indicates the throttle is at the idle position when the throttle position signal at pin No. 30 of the OEM harness indicates the throttle is not at the 432 idle position...OR...idle validation signal at pin No. 26 of the OEM Engine will only idle. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning harness indicates the throttle is not at the idle position when the throttle position signal at pin No. 30 of the OEM harness indicates the throttle is at the idle position. Boost pressure signal indicates boost pressure is high when other 433 engine parameters (i.e. speed and load) indicate boost pressure Possible over fueling during acceleration. Increase in black smoke. ISB, ISC, ISL Yellow should be low. Supply voltage to the ECM fell below 6.0 volts for a fraction or a Possible no noticeable performance effects ...OR... engine dying or hard 434* second ...OR... the ECM was not allowed to power down correctly starting. Fault information, trip information, maintenance monitor data, ISB, ISC, ISL Warning (retain battery voltage for 30 seconds after key start) trending data, and user activated data logger data may bee inaccurate. Voltage detected at ECM power supply pins No. 38, 39, and 40 of 441 the engine harness indicates the ECM supply voltage fell below 6 Engine will die or run rough. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning volts. Voltage detected at ECM power supply pins 38, 39, and 40 (and pin 442 No. 50 for ISC, ISL) of the engine harness indicates the ECM None on performance. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning supply voltage is above the maximum system voltage level. Page A-9
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 443 Low voltage detected at throttle position sensor +5 volts supply pin Engine idles when idle validation switch indicates idle and ramps up to a ISB, ISC, ISL Warning No. 29 of the OEM harness. default set speed when idle validation switch indicates off-idle 444 Low voltage detected at OEM harness sensor +5 volts supply pin Sensors connected to this +5 volts supply (i.e. remote throttle position ISB, ISC, ISL Warning No. 10 of the OEM harness. sensor) will not function. 449 Fuel pressure signal indicates that fuel pressure has exceeded the Fuel pumping is stopped until pressure returns to normal. Possible fuel ISC, ISL Warning maximum limit for the given engine rating. pump damage may result. 451 High voltage detected at fuel pressure sensor signal pin No. 46 of Low power, reduced performance. ISC, ISL Warning the engine harness. 452 Low voltage detected at fuel pressure sensor signal pin No. 46 of Low power, reduced performance. ISC, ISL Warning the engine harness. Flash Code/ REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is active) APPLICATION Lamp 488 Intake manifold temperature signal indicates intake manifold Power derate and possible engine shutdown if engine protection ISB, ISC, ISL Warning temperature is above the minimum engine protection threshold. shutdown feature is enabled. 493 ECM has detected a circuit failure on the Injection Control Valve Small power loss. ISC, ISL Warning Identifier circuit. 515 High voltage detected at the auxiliary +5 sensor supply voltage pin No engine protection for coolant level. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning No. 49 of the engine harness. 516 Low voltage detected at the auxiliary +5 volts sensor supply voltage No engine protection for coolant level. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning pin 49 of the engine harness. 517 A mechanically stuck fuel control valve has been detected by the Engine may shutdown. ISB Warning VP44 fuel pump controller. 529* Error detected in the Dual Output B circuit pin No. 1 of the engine The device being controlled by the Dual Output Driver B signal will not ISB, ISC, ISL Warning harness (ISC) or pin No. 21 of the engine harness (ISB). function properly. 539 Open circuit failure of the Injection Control Valve transorb pin No. 6 Low power, possible ECM damage. ISC, ISL Warning of the engine harness. 551 Idle validation signals on pins No. 25 and 26 of the OEM harness Engine will only idle. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning indicate voltage detected simultaneously on both pins. 591 High voltage detected at the exhaust pressure sensor signal pin No. Default value used for exhaust pressure. Engine will be limited to no- ISL Warning 43 of the engine harness. boost fueling. 592 Low voltage detected at the exhaust pressure sensor signal pin No. Default value used for exhaust pressure. Engine will be limited to no- ISL Warning 43 of the engine harness. boost fueling. Page A-10
FAULT CODE INFORMATION for ISB, ISC, ISL ENGINES 593 VGT speed signal on pin No. 4 of the engine harness indicates the Reduce turbo charger speed. No fueling derate. ISL Warning VGT has exceeded the maximum limit. 594 VGT speed signal on pin No. 4 of the engine harness indicates the No effect. ISL Warning VGT speed is below the minimum limit. The duel output feature is a customer specialized calibration and it 599 has initiated an engine shutdown based on the customer’s specified Engine will shutdown ISB, ISC, ISL Stop operating conditions, engine sensor value, and/or OEM inputs to the ECM 768 Error detected in the Output Device Driver (VGT or Transmission Cannot control the VGT or Transmission, depending on application. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning Shift Modulation Signal) signal pin No. 21 on the OEM harness. 779 Low or no voltage detected at the OEM switch. Engine will lose power and may shut down. ISB, ISC, ISL Warning Note: * Indicates multiple errors can generate this fault code. Page A-11
Document # 032902 Custom Chassis, Inc. 21950 G ore O rphan age Road Wellington, OH 44090 Phone 440-647-6401 Fax 440-647-3817
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