Page created by Aaron Castro
Week of 1/26/2021
Connecticut General Assembly Bill Tracking

     * - Bill Number prefix denotes actions since last business day

         - TRACKED BILLS
                                                                                                                   Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                             Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #        Title / Statement of Purpose                                                               Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                             Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                   Date                                             Act No's.

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE AUTHORITY OF THE PROBATE COURT TO ORDER THAT                                                      01-11
         HB-5057        A PERSON WITH A SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER OR PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY SUBMIT                                                 HCO -
                        TO AN INVOLUNTARY MEDICAL EVALUATION AND ASSISTED OUTPATIENT                                                            REF. TO
                        MEDICAL TREATMENT.                                                                                                      JOINT
                        To provide a Probate Court with the authority to order a person with a substance use                                    ON
                        disorder or psychiatric disability to submit to an involuntary medical evaluation and                                   JUD
                        assisted outpatient medical treatment.

                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING NONMEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR NURSING                                                        01-11
         HB-5061        HOME RESIDENTS.                                                                                                         HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To increase the socialization of nursing home residents who do not have access to                                       JOINT
                        transportation.                                                                                                         COMM.
                                                                                                                                                ON PH
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed       AN ACT DETERRING ABUSE IN NURSING HOMES.                                                                                01-11
         HB-5062                                                                                                                                HCO -
                        To deter abuse in nursing homes.                                                                                        REF. TO
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                                ON PH

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING INFECTION CONTROL AND STAFF SAFETY AT NURSING                                                         01-11
         HB-5072        HOME FACILITIES.                                                                                                        HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To limit the transmission of COVID-19 in nursing home facilities.                                                       JOINT
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  ON PH

         Proposed       AN ACT ESTABLISHING A WORKING GROUP TO STUDY THE FEASIBILITY OF                                                         01-12
         HB-5087        ALLOWING VIDEO CAMERAS IN THE ROOMS OF NURSING HOME RESIDENTS.                                                          HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To establish a working group to discuss the feasibility of allowing video cameras in the                                JOINT
                        rooms of nursing home residents.                                                                                        COMM.
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  AGE

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING NONEMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION FOR                                                                       01-12
         HB-5114        NONAMBULATORY NURSING HOME RESIDENTS.                                                                                   HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To provide more opportunities for nonambulatory nursing home residents to visit the                                     JOINT
                        homes of nearby families.                                                                                               COMM.
                                                                                                                                                ON HS
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR RESPITE SERVICES FOR                                                     01-12
         HB-5139        CARETAKERS OF ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS.                                                                                     HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To increase access to respite services for caretakers of Alzheimer's patients.                                          JOINT
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  ON PH

         Proposed       AN ACT PERMITTING ELDERLY PERSONS AND PERSONS WITH PHYSICAL OR                                                          01-13
         HB-5157        MENTAL DISABILITIES TO PERMANENTLY OPT OUT OF JURY SERVICE.                                                             HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To permit the elderly or those incapable of serving as jurors due to physical or mental                                 JOINT
                        disability to permanently opt out of jury service.                                                                      COMM.
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  JUD

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF COURT-APPOINTED                                                               01-15
         HB-5194        CONSERVATORS AND THE RIGHTS OF CONSERVED PERSONS.                                                                       HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                        To clarify the responsibilities of court-appointed conservators and the rights of a                                     JOINT
                        conserved person.                                                                                                       COMM.
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                  JUD

         Proposed       AN ACT PERMITTING THE USE OF VIDEO MONITORING DEVICES AT SKILLED                                                        01-22
         HB-5206        NURSING AND ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES.                                                                                 HCO -

1 of 3                                                                             Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                                Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                      Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                                Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                      Date                                             Act No's.

                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                    To ensure the safety of residents of skilled nursing and assisted living facilities by                                         JOINT
                    permitting the use of video monitoring devices.                                                                                COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         AGE

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS FOR CERTIFIED NURSE'S                                                                01-22
         HB-5404    ASSISTANTS EMPLOYED BY NURSING HOMES.                                                                                          HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                    To ensure the safety of nursing home residents by ensuring adequate staff to address their                                     JOINT
                    needs.                                                                                                                         COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF URINARY TRACT                                                                 01-26
         *HB-5567   INFECTIONS BY CERTIFIED NURSE'S AIDES AND HOME HEALTH AIDES.                                                                   HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                    To help residents and their families avoid unnecessary trips to the emergency department,                                      JOINT
                    which cause trauma for elders, unnecessarily burden the health care system and drive up                                        COMM.
                    the costs of treating a urinary tract infection, which is a common and recurrent, but                                          ON PH
                    nonlife-threatening medical condition.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT EQUALIZING COMPREHENSIVE ACCESS TO MENTAL, BEHAVIORAL AND                                                                         01-08
         SB-1       PHYSICAL HEALTH CARE IN RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC.                                                                                        SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To equalize comprehensive access to mental, behavioral and physical health care in                                                       JOINT
                    response to the pandemic.                                                                                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                                             ON PH
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT RAISING THE PERSONAL NEEDS ALLOWANCE FOR CERTAIN RESIDENTS OF                                                                     01-08
         SB-7       LONG-TERM CARE INSTITUTIONS.                                                                                                             SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To increase the amount of money residents of long-term care institutions who receive                                                     JOINT
                    medical assistance may keep for personal needs.                                                                                          COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   AGE

         Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING DRIVERS OF PARATRANSIT VEHICLES TO BE MANDATED                                                                          01-12
         SB-82      REPORTERS OF SUSPECTED ABUSE, NEGLECT, EXPLOITATION OR ABANDONMENT                                                                       SCO -
                    OF ELDERLY PERSONS.                                                                                                                      REF. TO
                    To help ensure the safety and well-being of elderly persons by adding drivers of                                                         COMM.
                    paratransit vehicles to the list of mandated reporters of suspected abuse, neglect,                                                      ON HS
                    exploitation or abandonment of such persons.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AND PERSONS                                                                      01-12
         SB-88      WITH DISABILITIES.                                                                                                                       SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To make it easier for senior citizens and persons with disabilities to apply for rental relief.                                          JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   ON

         Proposed   AN ACT PROHIBITING ON-CALL SHIFT SCHEDULING.                                                                                             01-13
         SB-143                                                                                                                                              SCO -
                    To prohibit the practice of on-call shift scheduling.                                                                                    REF. TO
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   COMM.

         Proposed   AN ACT CLARIFYING THE PROCESS BY WHICH PERSONS WITH COGNITIVE                                                                            01-22
         SB-161     DISORDERS EXECUTE WILLS AND CODICILS.                                                                                                    SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To ensure clarity in the law regarding the execution of wills and codicils by individuals                                                JOINT
                    with cognitive disorders.                                                                                                                COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   AGE

         Proposed   AN ACT INCREASING THE PERSONAL NEEDS ALLOWANCE OF CERTAIN RESIDENTS                                                                      01-22
         SB-196     OF LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES.                                                                                                            SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To increase the personal needs allowance of certain residents of long-term care facilities.                                              JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   ON HS

         Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MOTORIZED                                                                                 01-22
         SB-203     WHEELCHAIRS.                                                                                                                             SCO -
                                                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                    To: (1) Require health insurance coverage for (A) motorized wheelchairs, including, but                                                  JOINT
                    not limited to, used motorized wheelchairs, requested by insureds, (B) motorized                                                         COMM.
                    wheelchair repairs, and (C) motorized wheelchair battery replacements; and (2) require                                                   ON INS
                    health insurers to establish centralized locations to collect used motorized wheelchairs.
2 of 3                                                                           Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                  Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING NOTIFICATION OF A FAMILY MEMBER OF A PATIENT                                                                        01-22
         SB-228     ADMITTED TO A HOSPITAL.                                                                                                              SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To improve patient care and the patient experience by requiring the notification of a                                                JOINT
                    designated family member that the patient has been hospitalized.                                                                     COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON PH
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR THE CRIME OF ABUSING                                                                01-26
         *SB-361    AN ELDERLY PERSON.                                                                                                                   SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To amend the statute of limitations for the crime of abusing an elderly person to provide                                            JOINT
                    that the five-year period be based on the discovery of the offense or the death of the                                               COMM.
                    elderly person.                                                                                                                      ON
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE NONEMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS                                                                         01-26
         *SB-409    WITH DISABILITIES CONFINED TO A STRETCHER.                                                                                           SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To provide persons with disabilities an opportunity to travel in a stretcher van instead of                                          JOINT
                    an ambulance.                                                                                                                        COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               TRA

3 of 3                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Connecticut General Assembly Bill Tracking

     * - Bill Number prefix denotes actions since last business day

         - TRACKED BILLS
                                                                                                                       Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                                 Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #        Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                   Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                                 Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                       Date                                             Act No's.

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS FOR SENIORS TO PERSONAL                                                               01-11
         HB-5040        INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS.                                                                                                      HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                        To require that, for seniors, (1) qualifying income thresholds for personal income tax                                      JOINT
                        deductions be adjusted for inflation, and (2) income from individual retirement accounts                                    COMM.
                        that is currently taxable be exempt from the personal income tax.                                                           ON FIN

                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed       AN ACT ESTABLISHING ADVANCE DIRECTIVE AWARENESS WEEK.                                                                       01-11
         HB-5043                                                                                                                                    HCO -
                        To establish Advance Directive Awareness Week.                                                                              REF. TO
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      COMM.

         Proposed       AN ACT DETERRING FRAUD AND ABUSE IN PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.                                                             01-12
         HB-5115                                                                                                                                    HCO -
                        To ensure the proper allocation and use of benefits under state-administered public                                         REF. TO
                        assistance programs.                                                                                                        JOINT
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON HS

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE PROVISION OF SUPPORT SERVICES TO VICTIMS OF                                                           01-12
         HB-5120        DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.                                                                                                          HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                        To provide support services to victims of domestic violence.                                                                JOINT
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON

         Proposed       AN ACT REQUIRING THAT JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT HAVE CONTINUOUS                                                          01-12
         HB-5121        TRAINING ON FAMILY VIOLENCE ISSUES AND LAW.                                                                                 HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                        To require all judges of the Superior Court to have continuous training on family violence                                  JOINT
                        issues and law.                                                                                                             COMM.
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      JUD

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE PROVISION OF TEMPORARY IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY                                     01-20 JUD          01-12
         HB-5125        TO ENTITIES THAT HAVE SAFELY OPERATED DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.                                      - Vote to          HCO -
                                                                                                                                 Draft              REF. TO
                        To protect businesses, nonprofit organizations, schools, the state and its political                                        JOINT
                        subdivisions that have safely reopened from civil liability resulting from one's exposure to                                COMM.
                        COVID-19.                                                                                                                   ON
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed       AN ACT EXPANDING VETERANS' ELIGIBILITY FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.                                                      01-12
         HB-5146                                                                                                                                    HCO -
                        To exclude all veterans' pension benefits from income when determining eligibility for                                      REF. TO
                        public assistance programs.                                                                                                 JOINT
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON VA

         Proposed       AN ACT EXEMPTING VETERANS' PENSIONS FROM THE CALCULATION OF INCOME                                                          01-12
         HB-5147        FOR CERTAIN BENEFITS.                                                                                                       HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                        To exempt all veterans' pension benefits from the calculation of income when                                                JOINT
                        determining eligibility for state and municipal benefits granted to veterans.                                               COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON VA
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Raised         AN ACT CONCERNING REVISIONS TO MEDICAL CANNABIS STATUTES.                                                                   01-22
         HB-5313                                                                                                                                    HCO -
                        To make various revisions to the medical marijuana program.                                                                 REF. TO
                        House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON GL

         Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING DATA COLLECTION TO PREVENT MALNUTRITION AMONG                                                             01-22
         HB-5333        SENIOR CITIZENS.                                                                                                            HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO

1 of 4                                                                             Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                             Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                   Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                             Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                   Date                                             Act No's.

                    To combat malnutrition among senior citizens by identifying gaps in the provision of                                        JOINT
                    meals, causes for such gaps and recommendations for improvement.                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                ON HS
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE PROVISION OF TEMPORARY STATE SERVICES TO                                                              01-25
         *HB-5470   VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.                                                                                               HCO -
                                                                                                                                                REF. TO
                    To provide expedited temporary support services to victims of domestic violence.                                            JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON HS

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING PATIENT ACCESS TO MEDICAL RECORDS.                                                                        01-26
         *HB-5579                                                                                                                               HCO -
                    To ensure that patients have affordable access to their medical records.                                                    REF. TO
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      COMM.
                                                                                                                                                ON PH

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE.                                                                                           01-08
         SB-21                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                    To: (1) Cap certain long-term care insurance premium rate increases at the rate of                                                    REF. TO
                    inflation for long-term care insurance policies for three years; (2) require an insurer that                                          JOINT
                    purchases a group long-term care insurance policy from another insurer to honor the                                                   COMM.
                    contractual obligations of the transferring insurer to the consumer as determined on the                                              ON INS
                    date that the transferring insurer delivered or issued such policy to the consumer; and (3)
                    establish the Consumer Advocacy Group Regarding Long-Term Care Insurance to advise
                    the General Assembly regarding long-term care insurance.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLANS, QUALIFIED HEALTH                                                                      01-08
         SB-29      PLANS AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PERSONS ON THE BASIS OF SEXUAL                                                                       SCO -
                    ORIENTATION OR GENDER IDENTITY.                                                                                                       REF. TO
                    To: (1) Require certain high deductible health plans to apply annual deductibles on a                                                 COMM.
                    calendar year basis; (2) require certain health care providers to promptly refund excess                                              ON INS
                    cost-sharing payments for covered benefits; (3) require certain qualified health plans
                    offered through the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange to cover certain benefits,
                    have a minimum actuarial value of at least seventy per cent and offer a broad provider
                    network; (4) prohibit life insurers from discriminating against persons on the basis of
                    sexual orientation or gender identity; and (5) make changes to various provisions of the
                    general statutes concerning high deductible health plans to more closely conform to
                    provisions of the Internal Revenue Code concerning health savings accounts and medical
                    savings accounts.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE PREMIUM RATE INCREASES.                                                                    01-08
         SB-51                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                    To impose an annual cap on long-term care insurance premium rate increases.                                                           REF. TO
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                                          ON INS

         Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TASK FORCE TO EVALUATE THE EFFICACY OF THE STATE'S                                                              01-08
         SB-54      CERTIFICATE OF NEED PROGRAM AND ITS IMPACT ON THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.                                                                 SCO -
                                                                                                                                                          REF. TO
                    To establish a task force to evaluate the state's certificate of need program and its impact                                          JOINT
                    on the health care system.                                                                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                          ON PH
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT DESIGNATING RACISM AS A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS IN THE STATE AND                                                                  01-08
         SB-55      ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION TO STUDY THE IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL RACISM                                                                 SCO -
                    ON PUBLIC HEALTH.                                                                                                                     REF. TO
                    To designate racism as a public health crisis in the state and establish a commission to                                              COMM.
                    study the impact of institutional racism on public health.                                                                            ON PH

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT DETERRING AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS.                                                                       01-12
         SB-56                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                    To prevent the use of initial employment applications to discriminate against potential                                               REF. TO
                    employees based on age.                                                                                                               JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                ON

         Proposed   AN ACT PROHIBITING THE SALE OF CIGARETTES, TOBACCO PRODUCTS,                                                                          01-12
         SB-115     ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS AND VAPOR PRODUCTS BY HEALTH                                                                     SCO -
                    CARE FACILITIES AND PHARMACIES.                                                                                                       REF. TO
                    To prohibit any health care facility or pharmacy from selling cigarettes, tobacco products,                                           COMM.
                    electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor products.                                                                              ON PH

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

2 of 4                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                  Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

         Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY EVICTION AND FORECLOSURE                                                                  01-15
         SB-158     PREVENTION ACT.                                                                                                                      SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To protect: (1) Tenants from eviction due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and (2)                                                          JOINT
                    homeowners and certain landlords from foreclosures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                     COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               JUD

         Proposed   AN ACT STUDYING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FARES FOR PERSONS WITH                                                                         01-15
         SB-160     DISABILITIES.                                                                                                                        SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To ensure that publicly funded transportation providers are providing persons with                                                   JOINT
                    disabilities affordable access to public transportation.                                                                             COMM.
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               TRA

         Proposed   AN ACT INCREASING MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR HOME CARE SERVICES.                                                                     01-22
         SB-197                                                                                                                                          SCO -
                    To increase the rate of Medicaid reimbursement for home care services.                                                               REF. TO
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON HS

         Proposed   AN ACT ALLOWING ADVANCE PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES AND PHYSICIAN                                                                     01-22
         SB-233     ASSISTANTS TO WRITE ORDERS FOR HOME HEALTH CARE AND VISITING NURSE                                                                   SCO -
                    VISITS.                                                                                                                              REF. TO
                    To allow for advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants to write orders                                            COMM.
                    for home health care and visiting nurses to avoid delays in care.                                                                    ON PH

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT PROVIDING IMMUNITY FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS FOR TREATMENT                                                                    01-22
         SB-234     PROVIDED IN SUPPORT OF THE STATE'S RESPONSE TO COVID-19.                                                                             SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To provide health care professionals and health care facilities with immunity from suit for                                          JOINT
                    civil liability for injury or death allegedly caused by acts and omissions undertaken in                                             COMM.
                    good faith in support of the state of Connecticut's COVID-19 response.                                                               ON PH

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT DESIGNATING ADVANCE DIRECTIVE AWARENESS MONTH.                                                                                01-25
         *SB-295                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                    To designate the month of April as Advance Directive Awareness Month.                                                                REF. TO
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               COMM.

         Proposed   AN ACT REDUCING PARTICIPANT COSTS AND INCREASING ASSET LIMITS FOR THE                                                                01-25
         *SB-302    CONNECTICUT HOME-CARE PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY.                                                                                       SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To reduce participant costs and expand eligibility for home care services for persons                                                JOINT
                    sixty-five years of age or older.                                                                                                    COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON HS
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING HOME-BASED AND COMMUNITY-BASED CARE FOR PERSONS                                                                     01-25
         *SB-303    WHO ARE ELDERLY OR WHO HAVE ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE.                                                                                     SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To expand the provision of cost-effective, home-based and community-based care for                                                   JOINT
                    persons who are elderly or who have Alzheimer's disease.                                                                             COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON HS
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING PRESUMPTIVE MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTAIN HOME                                                                01-25
         *SB-304    CARE APPLICANTS.                                                                                                                     SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To create presumptive Medicaid eligibility for certain home care benefits.                                                           JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                               ON HS

         Proposed   AN ACT DETERRING ABUSE OF PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO OWNERS OF SERVICE                                                                  01-25
         *SB-313    ANIMALS.                                                                                                                             SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To prevent abuse of the special protections that are afforded to service animals and the                                             JOINT
                    owners of such animals.                                                                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON HS
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MOTORIZED                                                                             01-25
         *SB-314    WHEELCHAIRS.                                                                                                                         SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                    To require health insurance coverage for: (1) Motorized wheelchairs, including, but not                                              JOINT
                    limited to, used motorized wheelchairs; (2) motorized wheelchair repairs; and (3)                                                    COMM.
                    motorized wheelchair battery replacements.                                                                                           ON INS

3 of 4                                                                        Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                           Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
         Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                 Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                           Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                 Date                                             Act No's.

                    House Cal: Senate Cal:

         Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING STATE AGENCY COMPLIANCE WITH PROBATE COURT                                                                        01-25
         *SB-320    ORDERS.                                                                                                                             SCO -
                                                                                                                                                        REF. TO
                    To require state agencies to abide by orders entered by a Probate Court.                                                            JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              ON

         Proposed   AN ACT IMPROVING SERVICES FOR AND PROTECTING THE INTERESTS OF PERSONS                                                               01-25
         *SB-328    WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY.                                                                                                       SCO -
                                                                                                                                                        REF. TO
                    To improve services for and protect the interests of persons with intellectual disability.                                          JOINT
                    House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              ON PH

4 of 4                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Connecticut General Assembly Bill Tracking

     List LTCOP 3
     * - Bill Number prefix denotes actions since last business day

                                                                                                                       Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                                 Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #        Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                  Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                                 Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                       Date                                             Act No's.

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE PENSION AND ANNUITY INCOME DEDUCTION FROM                                                            01-08
          HB-5001        THE PERSONAL INCOME TAX AND THE QUALIFYING INCOME THRESHOLD FOR                                                            HCO -
                         MARRIED INDIVIDUALS FILING JOINTLY.                                                                                        REF. TO
                         To increase the qualifying income threshold for the pension and annuity income                                             COMM.
                         deduction from the personal income tax for married individuals filing jointly, to twice the                                ON FIN
                         amount of the qualifying income threshold for an unmarried individual.

                         House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed       AN ACT ELIMINATING ELECTION DAY REGISTRATION.                                                                              01-08
          HB-5008                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                         To eliminate election day registration.                                                                                    REF. TO
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     COMM.

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE COPYING OF PUBLIC RECORDS UNDER THE FREEDOM                                                          01-08
          HB-5011        OF INFORMATION ACT.                                                                                                        HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                         To reduce the fee for copying public records and provide no fee for copying records with                                   JOINT
                         a camera, cell phone or portable scanner.                                                                                  COMM.
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     GAE

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING MANDATED HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFIT REVIEW.                                             01-14 INS          01-08
          HB-5013                                                                                                                - Vote to          HCO -
                         To alter the manner in which the General Assembly enacts new mandated health                            Draft              REF. TO
                         insurance benefits.                                                                                                        JOINT
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     ON INS

          Proposed       AN ACT LIMITING THE DURATION OF A RENEWAL OF THE DECLARATION OF A                                                          01-08
          HB-5022        PUBLIC HEALTH OR CIVIL PREPAREDNESS EMERGENCY DURING A PANDEMIC.                                                           HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                         To limit the duration of a renewal of the declaration of a public health or civil                                          JOINT
                         preparedness emergency during a pandemic to not longer than a month.                                                       COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON PH
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING OPEN LOCATIONS FOR SERVICE DOGS.                                                                         01-11
          HB-5034                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                         To allow for the expansion of the types of settings where service dogs are permitted.                                      REF. TO
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     COMM.

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING ABSENTEE BALLOTS AND VERIFICATION OF SIGNATURES.                                                         01-11
          HB-5042                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                         To require absentee ballot counters to verify an electors' signatures on returned absentee                                 REF. TO
                         ballot inner envelopes.                                                                                                    JOINT
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     ON

          Proposed       AN ACT EXPANDING ACCESS TO MEDICAL SPECIALISTS FOR MEDICAID                                                                01-11
          HB-5045        BENEFICIARIES IN SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT.                                                                                 HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                         To ensure adequate access to medical specialists in southeastern Connecticut.                                              JOINT
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     ON HS

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING THE UNLAWFUL DISSEMINATION OF INTIMATE IMAGES.                                                           01-11
          HB-5050                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                         To elevate the penalty for dissemination of intimate images in the case of dissemination to                                REF. TO
                         multiple persons by certain electronic means.                                                                              JOINT
                         House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                     ON

          Proposed       AN ACT CONCERNING ACCESS TO COUNSEL IN CERTAIN SUMMARY PROCESS                                                             01-11
          HB-5053        PROCEEDINGS.                                                                                                               HCO -

1 of 12                                                                              Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                                 Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                      Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                                 Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                       Date                                             Act No's.

                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To ensure that any tenant negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic has access to                                           JOINT
                     legal counsel in a summary process proceeding.                                                                                 COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         JUD

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS EXPOSED TO A TRAUMATIC                                                              01-11
          HB-5066    EVENT.                                                                                                                         HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To create a broader safety net of care and support for individuals in the community who                                        JOINT
                     have been exposed to a traumatic event.                                                                                        COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING INFORMED CONSENT FOR A PELVIC OR PROSTATE                                                                     01-11
          HB-5067    EXAMINATION ON A PATIENT WHO IS UNDER DEEP SEDATION OR ANESTHESIA OR                                                           HCO -
                     UNCONSCIOUS.                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To prohibit unauthorized pelvic and prostate examinations on patients who have been                                            COMM.
                     administered sedation or anesthesia or are unconscious.                                                                        ON PH

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LEGISLATIVE PENSION CALCULATIONS AND THE                                                                     01-12
          HB-5089    TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE.                                                                                                      HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To remove mileage reimbursement from legislator pension calculations.                                                          JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         ON

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING PASSPORT TO THE PARKS FEE EXEMPTIONS.                                                                        01-12
          HB-5095                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                     To exempt senior citizens and veterans from the Passport to the Parks vehicle registration                                     REF. TO
                     fee.                                                                                                                           JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         ON

          Proposed   AN ACT ELIMINATING THE PASSPORT TO THE PARKS VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEE                                                          01-12
          HB-5099    FOR PERSONS OVER SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE AND FOR VETERANS AND                                                                  HCO -
                     REQUIRING PAYMENT OF SUCH FEE ON ONLY ONE CAR OWNED BY A PERSON.                                                               REF. TO
                     To eliminate or reduce the Passport to the Parks vehicle registration fee for certain                                          COMM.
                     citizens of the state.                                                                                                         ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL OF RENEWALS OF DECLARATIONS                                                             01-12
          HB-5103    OF EMERGENCY AND THE CONTINUATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS.                                                                         HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To require legislative approval for renewals of a declaration of a public health or civil                                      JOINT
                     preparedness emergency and the continuation of executive orders issued pursuant to the                                         COMM.
                     declaration.                                                                                                                   ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR HOUSING RESOURCES FOR THE HOMELESS                                                              01-12
          HB-5110    AND TO PREVENT HOMELESSNESS.                                                                                                   HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To provide increased funding for the coordinated access networks and the United Way of                                         JOINT
                     Connecticut 2-1-1 Infoline program for housing resources.                                                                      COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         HSG

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A HIGH-RISK NAVIGATOR PROGRAM.                                                                             01-12
          HB-5135                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                     To combat opioid abuse and addiction.                                                                                          REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON PH

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LICENSURE OF RESIDENTIAL STAIR LIFT TECHNICIANS.                                                             01-13
          HB-5164                                                                                                                                   HCO -
                     To promote and facilitate the safe installation of personal stair lifts by requiring installers                                REF. TO
                     of such lifts in private residences to be licensed as residential stair lift technicians.                                      JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                         ON PS

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE WAIVER OF FEES FOR OPERATOR'S LICENSES AND                                                               01-13
          HB-5167    MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FOR VETERANS.                                                                                       HCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                     To waive any operator's license or motor vehicle registration fee for one licensing period                                     JOINT
                     for a qualifying veteran who is a current resident of the state, rather than a veteran who                                     COMM.
                     was a resident at the time of his or her induction into the armed forces.                                                      ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

2 of 12                                                                           Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                 Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

          Proposed   AN ACT PROMOTING VOLUNTEERISM.                                                                                            01-15
          HB-5173                                                                                                                              HCO -
                     To promote volunteerism in the state of Connecticut.                                                                      REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM FOR ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION                                                       01-15
          HB-5180    COMPANY CUSTOMERS PURCHASING ELECTRIC GENERATORS WHICH POWER                                                              HCO -
                     NECESSARY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT.                                                                                              REF. TO
                     To require that the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority initiate a proceeding to (1)                                    COMM.
                     develop an electric generator purchase reimbursement program for electric distribution                                    ON ET
                     company customers; (2) limit the customers' eligibility for food and medicine
                     reimbursement under existing programs; and (3) require electric distribution companies
                     to notify the customers about storm-level forecasts.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT EXEMPTING HANDICAP RAMPS FOR RESIDENTIAL USE FROM THE SALES                                                        01-15
          HB-5181    AND USE TAXES.                                                                                                            HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To exempt handicap ramps for residential use from the sales and use taxes.                                                JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    ON FIN

          Proposed   AN ACT DESIGNATING KINDNESS WEEK.                                                                                         01-15
          HB-5187                                                                                                                              HCO -
                     To promote acts of kindness among the residents of the state.                                                             REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT PROTECTING PROPERTY OWNERS AGE FIFTY AND OLDER FROM                                                                01-22
          HB-5207    FORECLOSURE.                                                                                                              HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To prevent foreclosure for certain delinquent taxpayers age fifty or older.                                               JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    ON

          Proposed   AN ACT EXEMPTING SENIOR CITIZENS FROM THE "PASSPORT TO THE PARKS FEE"                                                     01-22
          HB-5263    WHEN REGISTERING A MOTOR VEHICLE.                                                                                         HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To exempt a senior citizen from the "Passport to the Parks Fee" when registering a motor                                  JOINT
                     vehicle.                                                                                                                  COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    ENV

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PERSONAL INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR LONG-TERM CARE                                                       01-22
          HB-5267    INSURANCE PREMIUM PAYMENTS.                                                                                               HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To establish a credit against the personal income tax for premiums paid for long-term                                     JOINT
                     care insurance.                                                                                                           COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE ESTATE TAX EXEMPTION THRESHOLD AND THE GIFT                                                         01-22
          HB-5275    TAX CAP.                                                                                                                  HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To maintain the estate tax exemption threshold at its current level and eliminate the gift                                JOINT
                     tax cap.                                                                                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A TAX CREDIT FOR WAGES PAID TO EMPLOYEES WHILE                                                          01-22
          HB-5281    ATTENDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING.                                                                                     HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To establish a tax credit for employers for the amount of wages paid to employees while                                   JOINT
                     attending mandatory sexual harassment training.                                                                           COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ELIMINATING THE ESTATE AND GIFT TAXES AND EXEMPTING SOCIAL                                                         01-22
          HB-5282    SECURITY, PENSION AND ANNUITY INCOME FROM THE PERSONAL INCOME TAX.                                                        HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To eliminate the estate and gift taxes and exempt from the personal income tax all Social                                 JOINT
                     Security income and income from pensions and annuities.                                                                   COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT PHASING OUT THE PERSONAL INCOME TAX ON CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL                                                          01-22
          HB-5284    RETIREMENT ACCOUNT INCOME.                                                                                                HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To phase out the personal income tax on certain individual retirement account income.                                     JOINT
3 of 12                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                              Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                   Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                              Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                    Date                                             Act No's.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON FIN

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE DEDUCTION AND WITHHOLDING OF PERSONAL                                                                 01-22
          HB-5285    INCOME TAX FROM PENSION AND ANNUITY DISTRIBUTIONS.                                                                          HCO -
                                                                                                                                                 REF. TO
                     To eliminate the requirement that payers of pension and annuity distributions deduct and                                    JOINT
                     withhold personal income tax from such distributions.                                                                       COMM.
                                                                                                                                                 ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING ACCESSIBILITY TO VOTING FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH                                                              01-22
          HB-5320    DISABILITIES.                                                                                                               HCO -
                                                                                                                                                 REF. TO
                     To (1) establish a task force for the study of accessibility to voting for individuals with                                 JOINT
                     disabilities, and (2) require at each federal election that each polling place have at least                                COMM.
                     one voting tabulator that is accessible for individuals with disabilities.                                                  ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ADDING ACUPUNCTURIST AND CHIROPRACTOR SERVICES TO THE LIST OF                                                        01-22
          HB-5328    REIMBURSABLE MEDICAID SERVICES.                                                                                             HCO -
                                                                                                                                                 REF. TO
                     To provide Medicaid reimbursement for acupuncturist and chiropractor services.                                              JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON HS

          Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING ACCESS TO IN-HOME COUNSELING.                                                                              01-22
          HB-5334                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To reduce barriers to outpatient counseling facing persons who lack transportation or                                       REF. TO
                     who have conditions preventing travel by providing Medicaid reimbursement for in-home                                       JOINT
                     counseling provided by social workers employed by home health care agencies.                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                                 ON HS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING PROVIDING MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR                                                                      01-22
          HB-5335    CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES.                                                                                                      HCO -
                                                                                                                                                 REF. TO
                     To ensure Medicaid recipients have access to chiropractic care.                                                             JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON HS

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LIVING ORGAN DONOR INSURANCE DISCRIMINATION.                                                              01-22
          HB-5339                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To: (1) Prohibit certain insurers from discriminating against any individual solely because                                 REF. TO
                     such individual is a living organ donor; and (2) provide that such discrimination                                           JOINT
                     constitutes a violation of the Connecticut Unfair Insurance Practices Act.                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                                 ON INS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC                                                            01-22
          HB-5351    ADJUSTERS.                                                                                                                  HCO -
                                                                                                                                                 REF. TO
                     To require public adjusters licensed in this state to complete a course of continuing                                       JOINT
                     education at least once every two years.                                                                                    COMM.
                                                                                                                                                 ON INS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE ABSENCE OF CONSENT.                                                                 01-22
          HB-5365                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To make sexual intercourse without consent a crime.                                                                         REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING RACIALLY MOTIVATED HATE CRIMES.                                                                           01-22
          HB-5367                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To ensure that persons found guilty of racially motivated hate crimes are held                                              REF. TO
                     accountable.                                                                                                                JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE FIRST DEGREE.                                                                       01-22
          HB-5368                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To clarify that a victim of sexual assault in the first degree is compelled to submit to,                                   REF. TO
                     rather than engage in sexual intercourse by the use of force.                                                               JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                      ON

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING REMOTE NOTARIZATION.                                                                                      01-22
          HB-5374                                                                                                                                HCO -
                     To codify the provisions of Executive Order 7k, issued by Governor Ned Lamont on March                                      REF. TO
                     23, 2020, so as to permit the remote notarization of documents by a notary public or a                                      JOINT
                     commissioner of the Superior Court provided there is compliance with certain                                                COMM.
                     safeguards.                                                                                                                 ON
4 of 12                                                                           Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                                Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                     Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                                Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                      Date                                             Act No's.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM TO IMPROVE OUTREACH TO PERSONS OF                                                               01-22
          HB-5390    COLOR REGARDING BREAST HEALTH.                                                                                                HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To improve the outreach and education to persons who currently may not be receiving                                           JOINT
                     information regarding breast health and the early detection of breast cancer.                                                 COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM FOR CERTAIN                                                               01-22
          HB-5397    NURSE'S AIDES.                                                                                                                HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To establish a tuition reimbursement program for nurse's aides who complete a nurse's                                         JOINT
                     aide training program and work as a nurse's aide in Connecticut.                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A GRANDPARENT'S ACCESS TO THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF                                                          01-22
          HB-5399    HIS OR HER GRANDCHILD.                                                                                                        HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To curtail the right of a grandparent to access the birth certificate of his or her grandchild                                JOINT
                     in certain situations.                                                                                                        COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT PROHIBITING MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION.                                                                            01-22
          HB-5401                                                                                                                                  HCO -
                     To prohibit the State of Connecticut or any employee thereof from mandating a COVID-                                          REF. TO
                     19 vaccination.                                                                                                               JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                        ON PH

          Proposed   AN ACT PROHIBITING EMPLOYERS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS FROM REQUIRING                                                              01-22
          HB-5402    PROOF OF COVID-19 VACCINATION.                                                                                                HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To prohibit employers and public officials from requiring proof of COVID-19                                                   JOINT
                     vaccination.                                                                                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PAIN WITHOUT OPIOID                                                                01-22
          HB-5406    DRUGS.                                                                                                                        HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To establish guidelines and recommendations for the treatment of chronic pain without                                         JOINT
                     the use of opioid drugs.                                                                                                      COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINED THERAPY DOGS.                                                                 01-25
          *HB-5452                                                                                                                                 HCO -
                     To distinguish between trained therapy dogs and untrained emotional support dogs.                                             REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                        COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE QUALIFYING INCOME THRESHOLDS FOR THE                                                                    01-25
          *HB-5455   PERSONAL INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR PENSION OR ANNUITY INCOME.                                                                  HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To establish additional qualifying income threshold tiers and deduction percentages for                                       JOINT
                     the personal income tax deduction for pension or annuity income.                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER SERVICES UNDER THE                                                                  01-25
          *HB-5469   MEDICAID PROGRAM.                                                                                                             HCO -
                                                                                                                                                   REF. TO
                     To expand Medicaid-covered services for persons with autism spectrum disorder.                                                JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                        ON HS

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE.                                                                                   01-25
          *HB-5471                                                                                                                                 HCO -
                     To protect consumers planning for long-term care.                                                                             REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                        COMM.
                                                                                                                                                   ON INS

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING ADDITIONAL TAX RELIEF FOR CERTAIN SENIORS.                                                                  01-26
          *HB-5539                                                                                                                                 HCO -
                     To provide additional tax relief to seniors who have resided in the same residence for                                        REF. TO
                     more than thirty years.                                                                                                       JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                        ON FIN

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING REQUIRED HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR                                                                      01-26
          *HB-5546   TELEHEALTH SERVICES.                                                                                                          HCO -
5 of 12                                                                          Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                 Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To: (1) Expand (A) required health insurance coverage for telehealth services, and (B) the                                JOINT
                     variety of telehealth providers and platforms that are eligible for reimbursement; (2)                                    COMM.
                     provide that no (A) telehealth provider who provides a covered benefit to an insured                                      ON INS
                     through telehealth and receives a reimbursement for such benefit shall seek any payment
                     from the insured for such benefit except for any coinsurance, copayment, deductible or
                     other out-of-pocket expense due and owing for such benefit under the insured's health
                     insurance policy, and (B) health carrier shall reduce the amount of any reimbursement
                     paid to a telehealth provider for a covered benefit solely because the telehealth provider
                     provided such covered benefit to an insured through telehealth.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING REQUIRED HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR                                                                  01-26
          *HB-5549   TELEHEALTH.                                                                                                               HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To: (1) Expand required health insurance coverage for telehealth services; and (2) require                                JOINT
                     reimbursement parity for telehealth services.                                                                             COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON INS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING REMOTE PERFORMANCE OF A NOTARIAL ACT.                                                                   01-26
          *HB-5556                                                                                                                             HCO -
                     To permit the remote performance of any notarial act.                                                                     REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING STATE PALLIATIVE MARIJUANA PROGRAM RECIPROCITY.                                                         01-26
          *HB-5577                                                                                                                             HCO -
                     To require the Department of Consumer Protection to establish a program allowing                                          REF. TO
                     visitors with out-of-state prescriptions for the palliative use of marijuana to purchase                                  JOINT
                     marijuana from state dispensaries of palliative marijuana.                                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                               ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Raised     AN ACT CONCERNING TELEHEALTH.                                                                                             01-26
          *HB-5596                                                                                                                             HCO -
                     To require a study concerning the expansion of the provision of telehealth services in the                                REF. TO
                     state.                                                                                                                    JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    ON PH

          PHJ        RESOLUTION PROPOSING A STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING                                                          01-08
          HJ-1       TERM LIMITS FOR LEGISLATORS.                                                                                              HCO -
                                                                                                                                               REF. TO
                     To establish term limits for legislators.                                                                                 JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                    ON

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING DATA PRIVACY, NET NEUTRALITY, CYBER SECURITY AND                                                                  01-08
          SB-4       FAIRNESS IN DATA USAGE IN THE NEW AGE OF A DIGITAL WORKFORCE.                                                                       SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To protect the economy and online learning from data breaches and limits on broadband                                               JOINT
                     usage.                                                                                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON ET
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING ACCESS TO VOTER REGISTRATION AND ABSENTEE BALLOTS                                                                 01-08
          SB-5       AND SAFE AND SECURE LOCATIONS TO VOTE.                                                                                              SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To allow electors to request an absentee ballot online, to increase access to voter                                                 JOINT
                     registration, to increase voter participation and to increase voter access to safe and                                              COMM.
                     secure locations to vote.                                                                                                           ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM, COMPASSIONATE RELEASE                                       01-20 JUD                    01-08
          SB-6       AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE POLICIES.                                                                        - Vote to                    SCO -
                                                                                                                            Draft                        REF. TO
                     To improve the criminal justice system, protect incarcerated individuals from                                                       JOINT
                     unnecessary death, and protect domestic violence victims in abusive relationships from                                              COMM.
                     coercive control from their abusers.                                                                                                ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT EXEMPTING DISABLED VETERANS FROM THE PASSPORT TO THE PARKS                                                                   01-08
          SB-10      VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEE.                                                                                                           SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To exempt disabled veterans from the Passport to the Parks fee.                                                                     JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              ON

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PERSONAL INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR LONG-TERM                                                                   01-08
          SB-12      CARE INSURANCE PREMIUMS.                                                                                                            SCO -
6 of 12                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                              Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                   Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                              Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                    Date                                             Act No's.

                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To establish a personal income tax deduction for premiums paid for long-term care                                                     JOINT
                     insurance.                                                                                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING ONLINE APPLICATIONS FOR ABSENTEE BALLOTS.                                                                           01-08
          SB-15                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                     To allow any eligible elector to electronically request an absentee ballot through the                                                REF. TO
                     Secretary of the State's Internet web site.                                                                                           JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                ON

          Proposed   AN ACT DESIGNATING CONNECTICUT RACE AMITY DAY.                                                                                        01-08
          SB-16                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                     To designate the second Sunday in June of each year as Connecticut Race Amity Day.                                                    REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                COMM.

          Proposed   AN ACT INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PENALTY FOR WRONGFUL DENIALS UNDER                                                                      01-08
          SB-17      THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.                                                                                                       SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To increase the maximum penalty for the wrongful denial of any right created by the                                                   JOINT
                     Freedom of Information Act.                                                                                                           COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                GAE

          Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR SEVERE OBESITY                                                                         01-08
          SB-28      TREATMENT.                                                                                                                            SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To require health insurance coverage for certain surgical procedures performed, and                                                   JOINT
                     certain outpatient prescription drugs prescribed, to treat severe obesity.                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON INS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT LOWERING THE AGE OF ELIGIBILITY FOR PROPERTY TAX RELIEF FOR                                                                    01-08
          SB-38      SENIOR CITIZENS.                                                                                                                      SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To increase the number of elderly residents eligible for property tax relief and permit                                               JOINT
                     municipalities to exempt from taxation one motor vehicle belonging to a person seventy-                                               COMM.
                     one years of age or older who has resided in the municipality for not less than forty years.                                          ON PD

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING ADDITIONAL HOUSING PROTECTIONS FOR A VICTIM OF                                                                      01-08
          SB-48      FAMILY VIOLENCE OR SEXUAL ASSAULT.                                                                                                    SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To allow a person who has a valid order of protection to request that such person's                                                   JOINT
                     landlord change the locks to the person's dwelling unit or permit such person to change                                               COMM.
                     the locks.                                                                                                                            ON
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE RECALCULATION OR CAPPING OF CERTAIN STATE                                                                       01-12
          SB-57      EMPLOYEE PENSIONS.                                                                                                                    SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To lower state employee retirement costs by capping or recalculating certain high-cost                                                JOINT
                     pensions.                                                                                                                             COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                APP

          Proposed   AN ACT CREATING A BROADBAND INTERNET TASK FORCE.                                                                                      01-12
          SB-68                                                                                                                                            SCO -
                     To create a task force to examine broadband Internet in the state of Connecticut and                                                  REF. TO
                     make recommendations to the General Assembly regarding high-speed Internet access,                                                    JOINT
                     provider selection and market competition to improve service quality.                                                                 COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON ET
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR HOUSING RESOURCES FOR THE HOMELESS                                                                     01-12
          SB-86      AND TO PREVENT HOMELESSNESS.                                                                                                          SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To provide increased funding for the coordinated access networks and the United Way of                                                JOINT
                     Connecticut 2-1-1 Infoline program for housing resources.                                                                             COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                HSG

          Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN SURGICAL                                                                       01-12
          SB-90      PROCEDURES PERFORMED TO TREAT SEVERE OBESITY.                                                                                         SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                     To require health insurance coverage for certain surgical procedures performed to treat                                               JOINT
                     severe obesity.                                                                                                                       COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON INS
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

7 of 12                                                                         Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                 Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING INTERSEX PERSONS.                                                                                                 01-12
          SB-100                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To extend various health and legal protections to persons with intersex conditions.                                                 REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON PH

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE USE OF GUIDE DOGS AND ASSISTANCE DOGS.                                                                        01-12
          SB-104                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To prohibit anyone from asking an individual the reason for using a guide dog or                                                    REF. TO
                     assistance dog as a condition of bringing the dog onto public transportation or into a                                              JOINT
                     place of public accommodation.                                                                                                      COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON PH
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT PERMITTING NURSE'S AIDES TO ADMINISTER VACCINES.                                                                             01-12
          SB-106                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To increase the number of medical staff who may vaccinate patients in a time when the                                               REF. TO
                     demand for such staff exceeds the supply.                                                                                           JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              ON PH

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL                                                                       01-12
          SB-116     SERVICES PERSONNEL.                                                                                                                 SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To permit additional organizations to certify instructors that provide mental health first                                          JOINT
                     aid training to emergency medical services personnel and require mental health first aid                                            COMM.
                     training for recertification of emergency medical services personnel.                                                               ON PH

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING HOMEMAKER AND COMPANION SERVICES.                                                                                 01-12
          SB-117                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To better protect individuals using homemaker and companion services.                                                               REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON PH

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A UNIT WITHIN THE DIVISION OF STATE POLICE TO                                                                   01-12
          SB-122     INVESTIGATE HATE CRIMES AND CRIMINAL ACTS COMMITTED BY EXTREMIST                                                                    SCO -
                     GROUPS.                                                                                                                             REF. TO
                     To establish a unit within the Division of State Police to investigate hate crimes and                                              COMM.
                     criminal acts committed by extremist groups.                                                                                        ON PS

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR VETERANS.                                                                                   01-12
          SB-129                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To exempt veterans from the fees for registration and written certification for medical                                             REF. TO
                     marijuana and to establish a process to identify veterans who qualify as patients for                                               JOINT
                     medical marijuana.                                                                                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON VA
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT EXEMPTING DISABLED VETERANS FROM THE PASSPORT TO THE PARKS FEE                                                               01-12
          SB-133     WHEN REGISTERING A MOTOR VEHICLE.                                                                                                   SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To exempt disabled veterans from the Passport to the Parks fee when registering a motor                                             JOINT
                     vehicle.                                                                                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON VA
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR CURRENT AND                                                                    01-13
          SB-141     FORMER MEMBERS OF PAID MUNICIPAL OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS.                                                                     SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To protect firefighters' health and secure their benefits in the event that they contract                                           JOINT
                     cancer due to their service.                                                                                                        COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              LAB

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING VOTING RIGHTS.                                                                                                    01-15
          SB-154                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To (1) implement several changes designed to increase access to absentee ballots, (2)                                               REF. TO
                     minimize the number of absentee ballots that are rejected, (3) improve timely tabulation                                            JOINT
                     of absentee ballots, and (4) prohibit the presence of firearms in or near polling places.                                           COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              GAE

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A STATE-WIDE ASSESSMENT TO ENCOURAGE AFFORDABLE                                                                 01-22
          SB-172     HOUSING IN THE STATE.                                                                                                               SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To establish a state-wide assessment on real property to encourage affordable housing in                                            JOINT
                     the state.                                                                                                                          COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TAX CREDIT FOR PREMIUM PAYMENTS FOR CERTAIN                                                                   01-22
8 of 12                                                                          Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                            Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
          Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                 Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                            Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                  Date                                             Act No's.

          SB-179     LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE POLICIES.                                                                                                  SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To provide an incentive for the purchase of long-term care insurance that provides                                                  JOINT
                     benefits for health care provided in an insured's home.                                                                             COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON FIN
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY AND JUNETEENTH                                                                            01-22
          SB-181     INDEPENDENCE DAY.                                                                                                                   SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To redesignate Columbus Day as Indigenous People's Day and establish Juneteenth                                                     JOINT
                     Independence Day as a legal holiday.                                                                                                COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              GAE

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY AND JUNETEENTH                                                                          01-22
          SB-182     INDEPENDENCE DAY AS LEGAL HOLIDAYS.                                                                                                 SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To redesignate Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples' Day and to establish Juneteenth                                                  JOINT
                     Independence Day as a legal holiday.                                                                                                COMM.
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              GAE

          Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING ACCESS TO MEDICAL ASSISTANCE.                                                                                      01-22
          SB-195                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To expand access to medical assistance for state residents.                                                                         REF. TO
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              COMM.
                                                                                                                                                         ON HS

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING TELEHEALTH SERVICES AND HEALTH INSURANCE                                                                          01-22
          SB-205     COVERAGE FOR SUCH SERVICES.                                                                                                         SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To expand: (1) Provisions concerning the provision of telehealth services by health care                                            JOINT
                     providers; and (2) health insurance coverage for such services to include coverage for                                              COMM.
                     services rendered by chiropractors, physical therapists, naturopaths and optometrists.                                              ON INS

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR VACCINATION                                                                          01-22
          SB-206     CONSULTATIONS.                                                                                                                      SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To require health insurance coverage for vaccination consultations.                                                                 JOINT
                     House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                              ON INS

          Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING A REVIEW OF THE PREMIUM RATE ADJUSTMENT PROCESS FOR                                                                01-22
          SB-209     LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE POLICIES.                                                                                                  SCO -
                                                                                                                                                         REF. TO
                     To require a review of the rate adjustment process for long-term care insurance policy                                              JOINT
                     premiums that has resulted in substantially increased premiums over the preceding two                                               COMM.
                     years.                                                                                                                              ON INS

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PARITY.                                                                              01-22
          SB-217                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To: (1) Require health insurance coverage for certain screenings for mental or nervous                                              REF. TO
                     conditions; (2) expand reporting requirements concerning the all-payer claims database                                              JOINT
                     and mental and behavioral health; (3) modify the Consumer Report Card on Health                                                     COMM.
                     Insurance Carriers in Connecticut; and (4) require health carriers to comply with the Paul                                          ON INS
                     Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, P.L.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING THE STATE'S RED FLAG LAW.                                                                                          01-22
          SB-219                                                                                                                                         SCO -
                     To expand the coverage and applicability of risk protection orders to allow a family                                                REF. TO
                     member, social worker, health care worker, clergy or other concerned community                                                      JOINT
                     member to notify the court directly about a person who is in possession of a firearm and                                            COMM.
                     has threatened to harm herself, himself or another person and ask the court to issue an                                             ON
                     order to remove firearms from the possession of the person issuing such threats or                                                  JUD
                     committing acts of violence.

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF CERTAIN                                                                            01-22
          SB-224     DEPICTIONS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND HISTORICAL STATUTES WITHIN                                                                      SCO -
                     LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGS.                                                                                                              REF. TO
                     To remove certain statues and pictures in the Capitol to provide an accurate portrayal of                                           COMM.
                     Quinnehtukqut history.                                                                                                              ON LM

                     House Cal: Senate Cal:

          Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TASK FORCE TO EXAMINE THE RECRUITMENT AND                                                                     01-22
          SB-229     RETENTION OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS IN THE STATE.                                                                                    SCO -
9 of 12                                                                        Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                       Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
       Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                               Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                       Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                             Date                                             Act No's.

                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To promote the recruitment and retention of health care providers in the state.                                                   JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            ON PH

       Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM FOR NURSE'S AIDES.                                                            01-22
       SB-230                                                                                                                                       SCO -
                  To promote the training and employment of nurse's aides in the state.                                                             REF. TO
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON PH

       Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH'S                                                                     01-22
       SB-235     WORKFORCE.                                                                                                                        SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To study the adequacy of the Department of Public Health's workforce.                                                             JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            ON PH

       Proposed   AN ACT PROHIBITING SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICIES THAT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST                                                             01-22
       SB-245     STUDENTS BASED ON NATURAL HAIR AND HAIRSTYLES.                                                                                    SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To prohibit local and regional boards of education from adopting policies that                                                    JOINT
                  discriminate against students based on natural hair and hairstyles.                                                               COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON ED
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE INCLUSION OF NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES IN THE                                                                 01-22
       SB-249     SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM.                                                                                                        SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To accurately reflect our history by including Native American studies in the public                                              JOINT
                  school curriculum.                                                                                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON ED
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A REVOLVING LOAN FUND TO HELP ELDERLY                                                                         01-25
       *SB-271    HOMEOWNERS TO PAY THEIR PROPERTY TAXES.                                                                                           SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To provide financial relief to elderly homeowners who fall behind on their tax payments.                                          JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            ON

       Proposed   AN ACT EXPANDING ACCESS TO THE ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE RESPITE CARE                                                                   01-25
       *SB-272    PROGRAM.                                                                                                                          SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To increase the number of persons who can receive assistance through the Alzheimer's                                              JOINT
                  disease respite care program.                                                                                                     COMM.
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            AGE

       Proposed   AN ACT SUPPORTING AGING IN PLACE.                                                                                                 01-25
       *SB-273                                                                                                                                      SCO -
                  To commit additional state funds to expand access to aging-in-place initiatives.                                                  REF. TO
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            COMM.

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING AN INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR THE COST OF HOME                                                                    01-25
       *SB-274    HEALTH CARE.                                                                                                                      SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To encourage aging in place by establishing a deduction against the personal income tax                                           JOINT
                  for the cost of home health care services and medical supplies.                                                                   COMM.
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            AGE

       Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PROPERTY TAX CREDIT FOR SENIORS.                                                                            01-25
       *SB-283                                                                                                                                      SCO -
                  To provide tax relief to seniors.                                                                                                 REF. TO
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON FIN

       Proposed   AN ACT INCREASING THE INCOME THRESHOLDS APPLICABLE TO THE PERSONAL                                                                01-25
       *SB-284    INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS.                                                                                SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To increase the federal adjusted gross income thresholds applicable to the personal                                               JOINT
                  income tax deduction for Social Security benefits.                                                                                COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON FIN
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TAX CREDIT FOR PREMIUM PAYMENTS FOR CERTAIN                                                                 01-25
       *SB-286    LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE POLICIES.                                                                                                SCO -
                                                                                                                                                    REF. TO
                  To provide an incentive for the purchase of long-term care insurance that provides                                                JOINT
                  benefits for health care provided in an insured's home.                                                                           COMM.
                                                                                                                                                    ON FIN
10 of 12                                                                    Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Public                                           Governor's
                                                                                                                              Committee   File   House     Senate                 Other
       Bill #    Title / Statement of Purpose                                                                      Hearing                                          Actions /
                                                                                                                              Actions     No.    Actions   Actions                Actions
                                                                                                                    Date                                             Act No's.

                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT EXEMPTING SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME AND PENSION AND ANNUITY                                                                          01-25
       *SB-292    INCOME FROM THE PERSONAL INCOME TAX.                                                                                                     SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To exempt from the personal income tax Social Security income and income from                                                            JOINT
                  pensions and annuities.                                                                                                                  COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON FIN
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT FACILITATING PROPERTY TRANSFERS BY RECIPIENTS OF PUBLIC                                                                           01-25
       *SB-305    ASSISTANCE.                                                                                                                              SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To allow conveyances of property of a recipient of public assistance to be recorded in a                                                 JOINT
                  timely fashion.                                                                                                                          COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON HS
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP TO DELIVER COST-                                                                        01-25
       *SB-306    EFFECTIVE HUMAN SERVICES AND DETER FRAUD.                                                                                                SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To improve the cost-effective delivery of human services and make sure such services are                                                 JOINT
                  given only to those in need.                                                                                                             COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON HS
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING FAIRNESS FOR FAMILIES IN MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY AND                                                                       01-25
       *SB-307    REIMBURSEMENT DETERMINATIONS.                                                                                                            SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To require fairness for families in Medicaid eligibility and reimbursement determinations.                                               JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   ON HS

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A FULLY STAFFED STATE MEDICAID FRAUD CONTROL UNIT.                                                                     01-25
       *SB-310                                                                                                                                             SCO -
                  To reduce fraud, waste and misuse of state resources.                                                                                    REF. TO
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON HS

       Proposed   AN ACT REQUIRING HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR COCHLEAR IMPLANT                                                                          01-25
       *SB-315    SURGERY.                                                                                                                                 SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To require individual and group health insurance policies to provide coverage for                                                        JOINT
                  cochlear implant surgery for certain individuals diagnosed with hearing loss.                                                            COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON INS
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A STRATEGIC PLAN TO ENHANCE SERVICES FOR PERSONS                                                                       01-25
       *SB-329    WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY.                                                                                                            SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To enhance operations of the Department of Developmental Services.                                                                       JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   ON PH

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE PROVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES IN HOSPITALS.                                                                         01-25
       *SB-330                                                                                                                                             SCO -
                  To improve the quality of care delivered to frequent hospital patients and reduce health                                                 REF. TO
                  care costs.                                                                                                                              JOINT
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   ON PH

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING THE PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PERSONS                                                                       01-25
       *SB-333    WITH AN INTELLECTUAL OR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SEEKING TO RECEIVE AN                                                                   SCO -
                  ORGAN TRANSPLANT.                                                                                                                        REF. TO
                  To prevent discrimination in the transplant recipient process.                                                                           COMM.
                                                                                                                                                           ON PH
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING A LANDLORD'S ABILITY TO REVIEW CRIMINAL RECORDS                                                                        01-26
       *SB-355    RELATING TO A PROSPECTIVE TENANT.                                                                                                        SCO -
                                                                                                                                                           REF. TO
                  To lower barriers to finding adequate housing for individuals with prior criminal                                                        JOINT
                  convictions.                                                                                                                             COMM.
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   HSG

       Raised     AN ACT CONCERNING THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.                                                                      01-26
       *SB-363                                                                                                                                             SCO -
                  To clarify the Attorney General's authority to (1) investigate allegations that an                                                       REF. TO
                  individual's civil rights are being violated, and (2) initiate legal proceedings in response to                                          JOINT
                  such allegations.                                                                                                                        COMM.
                  House Cal: Senate Cal:                                                                                                                   JUD

       Proposed   AN ACT CONCERNING WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN                                                                             01-26
       *SB-364    MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL INJURIES.                                                                                                           SCO -
11 of 12                                                                       Tuesday, January 26, 2021
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