Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt

Page created by Richard Herrera
Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
        Harvest Issue 2021
Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
    to our Harvest newsletter
    Hello everyone and welcome to              spiritual thing. At the new Don
    our Harvest newsletter.                    Robins House, we have planted
                                               eight sweet chestnut, six cherry and
    I hope everyone has had some               one oak in order to sustain as much
    sort of Summer break with all              wildlife as possible in an urban
    the restrictions and early doubts          environment. None of us expect to
    regarding the national Covid               see 50 feet of growth and dappled
    status.                                    shade in our lifetime.                    Chris Fields
    To be honest, Autumn isn’t my most         Planting trees is about leaving a         Chief Executive Officer
    favourite season. It feels to me like      legacy and not expecting to see
    the last vestiges of a wonderful open      results within our time here.
    airtime and we are getting ready to                                                  in services, buildings and most of
    put everything to bed in readiness         We have been blessed over the             all lives changed. A legacy that
    for the winter ahead… cup half             years by the amazing generosity of        our founder Don Robins would
    empty I guess!                             people leaving a gift in their will – a   be pleased to put his name to as
                                               seedling – for us to plant and pray       we have to our flagship housing
    I do actually like the colours, scents     that it provides years of fruit further   project.
    and amazing produce that Harvest           down the years.
    time brings but the mist, drizzle and                                                So to all of our regular givers a
    damp gets to me a little.                  Without adding gifts in wills to our      massive thank you for sustaining
                                               provision of sustainable and safe         us through a world pandemic, and
    No one can escape the beauty               housing, we simply wouldn’t have          to those who have passed and
    beyond imagination of the trees.           been able to build, refurbish and         left a gift in their will, may they
    The colour pallet never fails to take      provide homes for our brothers and        rest in peace and rise in glory! In
    my breath away, it’s almost as if          sisters. To be honest, we wouldn’t        the knowledge that their “sapling”
    they are dressing up to the nines          have been able to even dream of it.       grows strong into the future
    for the last ball of the season before                                               providing shade and security.
    putting themselves into mothballs          The gifts in wills allowed a freedom
    (remember them?) for the Winter.           to dream and plan for growth, whilst      Finally... enjoy the crumbles, the
                                               the regular giving and fundraising        tons of vegetables and the glorious
    Talking of trees, it was a wise and        sustained our core work helping the       colours of our friends, the sleepy
    gentle man who said “the one who           most in need as they seek shelter         trees, knowing that they are a
    plants a tree knowing they will never      day after day.                            legacy of what went before and
    benefit from its shade, has started to                                               with God’s promise, of what’s yet to
    understand the meaning of life.”           I pray that in my time here (life still   come!
                                               in the old dog) we, that’s you and all
    The preparation and foresight              of us here will have worked together      With all blessings, Chris
    in planting trees are a deep and           to leave a strong and lasting legacy

    Dates for your diary
2021 Jane Tomlinson’s Leeds 10K 2021 Leeds Big Sleep                                        2021 Beeston Festival
Sunday 5th September            Thursday 25th November                                      Saturday 18th September
Normally taking place in July we are now            Emerald Headingley Stadium              Cross Flatts Park
accepting signups for 2022. Places are still        Joint fundraiser with St Gemma’s        Please visit or help at our stall
available for this year’s race in September.        and Leeds Rhinos Foundation

Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
Setting Down Roots
We received this lovely       tennis with some of
photo and note from           the men and both of us
Geoffrey Floyd, who met       remember some interesting
his wife volunteering         conversations where
at the Crypt and              matters of faith would come
subsequently married her      up from time to time.’
at St George’s Church:
                              ‘We would see some of
‘The food served was          the men at the Sunday
rather rudimentary - bread    evening services. They
and dripping, sometimes       were quite often assigned a
(I think) bread and jam,      “chaperone” and from time
soup, tea and biscuits.       to time they would either
Anne remembers washing        leave mid-service or be
the feet of some of the men   escorted out.’
there. Both of us remember
                              ‘I associate St. George’s
the short (quarter hour or
                              with fearless proclamation
so) services which were
                              of the Christian message,
held in the Crypt chapel.
                              sound systematic Bible
The volunteers were mostly
                              teaching, an openness to
young people: the group of
                              the Holy Spirit, enthusiastic
us included a fair number
                              worship and a true
of students.’
                              dedication to serving the
‘The furniture for sleeping   poorest of the poor in
on was pretty rudimentary     many practical ways. And,
too - I seem to recollect     of course, Anne! A truly
they were wide benches.       significant place!’
I remember playing table

                                                      Longstanding Support
                                                      Kathleen Mckay was a           friend – lovely and kind.’
                                                      child when her family
                                                                                     It speaks volumes about
                                                      started supporting the
                                                                                     the kind-heartedness of our
                                                      Crypt. She was 11 when
                                                                                     supporters, many of whom
                                                      she first met Revd. Don
                                                                                     have known about the work
                                                      Robins, coming down
                                                                                     we do, not only since they
                                                      to the Crypt to help
                                                                                     were born, but generationally
                                                      deliver food cooked by
                                                                                     through the support of their
                                                      her mum and delivered
                                                      on motorbike. She has
                                                      continued to support the       They have grown up and
                                                      Crypt throughout her life,     watched us develop, grow
                                                      and it was great to have       and evolve into the charity
                                                      the opportunity to talk with   we are today; offering a
                                                      her about her long history     range of state-of-the-art
                                                      with the Crypt, and how        services that support our
                                                      much it has changed since      clients’ move from the streets
                                                      she first saw it.              to independence, from chaos
                                                                                     to citizenship.
                                                      She said of Revd. Don
                                                      Robins ‘He was a close

Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
Lisa - Support Worker

Providing Stepping Stones to Independence
Work is now complete on our latest       guidance, helping them to develop         Supporting people who had similar
building project. The building,          the confidence and ability to live        histories meant the world to me;
Don Robins House, named after            independently and return to full          just being able to help other people.
our founder, will accommodate            citizenship.                              Before I wouldn’t have given them
vulnerably housed people in                                                        the time of day. Just being there for
                                         Simon, a former client who has
Leeds.                                                                             people, listening to people, helping
                                         gone on to work for the Crypt for
                                                                                   people, and then that feeling when
At the Crypt, we not only support        approx. three years, said:
                                                                                   people have completed it and
homeless and vulnerable clients but
                                         ‘I came to the Crypt from being           knowing that you’ve been part of
also listen to their needs and learn
                                         homeless on the streets for three         turning that person’s life around and
from them. This project is not only
                                         months; begging and stuff. I spent        getting it back on track. I’m still good
the fruit of 90 years of listening and
                                         about three to six months there. Still    friends with a lot of them; we save
learning but also a new seed for the
                                         using drugs; I overdosed. I went to       each other’s lives. You know what,
next 90 years.
                                         hospital, came back to the Crypt and      you can’t put into words. You really
Located at Hedley Chase, New             asked the staff for help. I got pointed   can’t put into words. It’s special, really
Wortley, the project, developed in       in the direction of Growing Rooms,        special.
partnership with Leeds City Council,     which is for substance misuse, which
                                                                                   Now I’ve moved to Don Robins House
consists of 24 one-bedroom and           I went into in 2017.
                                                                                   as a Support Worker. I absolutely
two-bedroom apartments. Six of the
                                         After I finished 18 months, I did six     love it. I love it; making a difference
apartments are adapted for disabled
                                         months volunteering at Growing            to people’s lives. That’s what I love
residents, and two homes will be
                                         Rooms. The Crypt secured funding          doing. Seeing the residents, when
allocated to people under the
                                         from Path Yorkshire which enabled         you show them around and you can
age of 25.
                                         me to have paid work at Growing           see them crying, they don’t know what
The development will support             Rooms for six months.                     to say because it’s such a beautiful
residents to build on foundational                                                 place. They’re overwhelmed!’
                                         After six months, St George’s Crypt
skills that they have developed
                                         took me on as a full time member of       Another of the new residents, a
working with us and other agencies
                                         staff. I worked at Growing Rooms for      single mother and son, said:
in the city. Residents will benefit
                                         two years, helping clients in recovery.
from the 24/7 onsite support and                                                   ‘It was more than I was expecting,

Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
Simon - Support Worker

I wasn’t expecting it to be so nice. I      it’s not for people addicted to alcohol.   and have never looked back.
didn’t expect it to be so fresh – it’s so   The people coming in here might
                                                                                       When the opportunity came to apply
fresh and new. I didn’t think it would      have learning difficulties, they might
                                                                                       to move into Don Robins House,
be fully furnished!                         struggle to budget, they can’t pay the
                                                                                       I went for it. I was living with my
                                            rent and they get evicted. We can
I get scared when I’m on my own so                                                     parents; I’ve never lived on my own.
                                            help them with budgeting plans. We
it’s always good to know the staff are                                                 It was a little scary and totally new but
                                            can help with setting up bills and just
always there to talk to and security                                                   the staff are really friendly and helpful.
                                            help with living.
there on a night.
It’s really good that there’s a gym area
                                                           More Than Shopping
                                            This is an absolutely massive step
                                                                                       They supported me to get all my
                                                                                       paperwork done, set up all my bills
                                            forward for the charity. We’ve been        and that; I would struggle with all that.
– hopefully it motivates me to use the
                                            inundated with referrals from different
equipment. My son’s been using it                                                      It’s an amazing building, brand new
                                            agencies from all over the city. It’s
even though he’s only seven!’                                                          and everything’s pristine. There’s
                                            even surprised me. I’ve worked with
                                                                                       an outside gym; Sunday morning I
Tony, Team Leader at Don Robins             homeless people for quite a long time
                                                                                       went and used the equipment. There
House, said:                                but didn’t think there were so many
                                                                                       was no-one else there. I really enjoy
‘I’m the Team Leader. I also run            people looking for a place with staff
                                                                                       working out so having something
Regent Lodge. What I’m doing is             onsite so they can be supported. My
                                                                                       like that literally on your doorstep is
helping set all this up, ready for the      fear is that when we are full, where
                                                                                       brilliant. The whole thing is amazing; I
future. What we’ve be doing for             will everyone else go? We’ll need
                                                                                       can’t rave about it enough!’
the last few weeks is we’ve been            another place soon!’
                                                                                       It is amazing to think that since our
assessing new tenants and we’ve             One of the new residents, who
                                                                                       inception 90 years ago, we’ve gone
invited several tenants in. We bring        also has volunteered with us for
                                                                                       from offering food and shelter to
them in, go through the rules and           a couple of years, developing
                                                                                       those in need in the Crypt beneath
regulations, sign a licence agreement       new skills and supporting our
                                                                                       St George’s Church in Leeds, to
and get them into the new flats, ready      Fundraising team, said:
                                                                                       providing purpose-built new homes to
and raring to go.
                                            ‘I came to the Crypt because I needed      people.
The people at Regent Lodge are              something to do. I’ve never had a
                                                                                       A big thank you to all our partners,
addicted to alcohol. The people here        job because of my difficulties. I’ve
                                                                                       funders and the people of Leeds. We
are people who have struggled to            volunteered with other charities but
                                                                                       would not be able to this without your
maintain their own property; they still     they’ve always seemed to fizzle out.
have issues and they need support.          With the Crypt, I applied for the role
This is supported accommodation,
Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
The fun in Fundraising
Upcoming events
 What’s been happening in fundraising? – We’ve had a busy few months in the Fundraising team, apart from organising more
events for later this year, we’ve been climbing Peaks and jumping over burning trees! Our Yorkshire three Peaks and Total
Warrior events were a great success. Total Warrior was a brand-new event in the Crypt calendar. The team of 12 battled their
way through 12km of mud, fire, barbed wire and icy water with everyone crossing the finish line in under 2.5 hours and with a
tired but big smile on their face! The Yorkshire three Peaks was extremely challenging in its own way. Tasked with completing
the walk in under 12 hours, the team set off at 7am with near enough everyone arriving back around 7pm. We were greeted
with low cloud and the odd splash of rain but the team pulled together, encouraging each other along the entire route.
Completing the three peaks is no easy task and huge credit must be given to all the participants. Many thanks to our partners
at Kuta Outdoors, their guidance and medical support on route was priceless.
2021 Leeds Big Sleep – Thursday 25th November.                 2021 Jane Tomlinson’s Leeds 10K – Sunday 5th September.

                                                                                                For the 5th year running St George’s Crypt,
                                                                                                St Gemma’s Hospice and Leeds Rhinos
                                                                                                Foundation join together to give up one
                                                                                                night of comfort, sleeping under the stars at
                                                                                                Emerald Headingley Stadium. So why not
                                                                                                grab your friends, colleagues and a sleeping
                                                                                                bag, sign up to brave the cold whilst raising
                                                                                                money to help others? Entry is free with a
                                                                                                fundraising target of £100. Participants must
  Leeds 10K – Join Team Crypt in the Leeds                                                      be 18 years or older on or before the event.
  10K. The 10K is a favourite with runners
  of all levels and has become one of the                                                       Search for St. George’s Crypt on Virgin
  highlights in Leeds’ sporting calendar.                                                       Money Giving. Click on homepage, click on
  Normally taking place in July we are taking                                                   Events, click on 2021 Leeds Big Sleep to
  signups for 2022, but if you really want a                                                    register.
  challenge, places are still available for this                                                More details on
  year’s race in September. No matter if you
  want to beat your personal best or just want
  to have a fun challenge amongst friends
                                                            We need you!
                                                    Community Fundraising Volunteers
  and colleagues, you can join Team Crypt!
  Places are £25 with a fundraising target of      We have lots of upcoming events and need
                                                                 help with them
  £100, entry includes a Team Crypt running
  t-shirt.                                         For more information please contact us on:
                                                                  0113 245 9061

What’s been happening in fundraising?
                  2021 Yorkshire Three Peaks                                                    2021 Total Warrior

              Contact us
              To sign up, join in, buy tickets or volunteer for any of our fundraising events and activities, please
              contact the Fundraising Department at St. George’s Crypt:
    66        Tel: 0113 245 9061 or email
Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
Chaplain’s Corner
                                                                                                                “Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will
                                                                                                                also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the
                                                                                                                harvest of your righteousness.” Corinthians 9:10

                                                                               It was not the building itself which                                         the example of Jesus, who comes to
                                                                               impressed them – though certainly                                            give us “Life in all its fullness”.
                                                                               it did.
                                                                                                                                                            All we are asked to do is to pass
                                                                               It was not the high standard of                                              it on; to give as freely as we have
                                                                               furniture, generously donated –                                              received, in body, mind and spirit.
                                                                               though that too delighted them.
                                                                                                                                                            Pray with us, that we may use well
                                                                               What struck them most was the story                                          the resources of people, time,
                                                                               of their guide, himself a former client                                      and money; generously given,
Our new facility, Don Robins                                                   of the Crypt, a recovering addict who                                        thankfully received.
House, is the culmination of                                                   knew what rock bottom looked like
years of vision, of work and of                                                because he’d been there.
                                                                                                                                                            Pray for those who come to us
hope. Its opening was a truly                                                  Now he was giving something
                                                                                                                                                            in the grip of addiction; may they
joyful occasion, much needed as                                                back, and his story of hope, of
                                                                                                                                                            find strength and courage.
we, at last, move out of the long                                              rehabilitation, of a new life filled with
months of lockdown and hope for                                                new meaning and purpose, spoke to
a brighter future.                                                             them most powerfully of all.                                                 Pray for those starting a new
The moment I shall remember best                                               That is as it should be. Whatever                                            life in Don Robins House. May
was one of our guests telling me how                                           material facilities we are, by grace,                                        it be a place of hope, of healed
much they had just enjoyed their                                               enabled to provide, it is always in the                                      memories, of shared laughter.
guided tour.                                                                   end about people. In that, we follow
Gifts in Wills For 90 years St. George’s Crypt has helped homeless and vulnerable people. Gifts in wills can be
arranged in minutes but the impact lasts a lifetime. The only information your will writer / professional adviser needs is
the charity name and registered charity number: St. George’s Crypt, Registered charity number 1144474.
Every gift will help transform lives.

Donation form
                                                                                                                     Standing Order
                                                                                                                     1b. For regular donations by standing order,
                                                                                                                     please complete both sides.
                                                                                                                     Bank / building society name:...............................................................
1a. For one-off donations, please complete this side.
                                                                                                                    Bank address:...........................................................................................

Full name.................................................................................................
                                                                                                                    Please pay St. George’s Crypt (HSBC, PO Box 105,
Home address.........................................................................................
                                                                                                                    Leeds, LS1 1LD. Sort code 40-27-15, account number 54703537)
                                                                                                                    The sum of £...................
City...............................................................Postcode.......................... each month / quarter / year (please delete as applicable)

Email......................................................................................................... commencing on...................................(date) and until further notice.

Telephone no........................................................................................... Name of account to be debited:.............................................................

I enclose a cheque / postal order                                                                                   Account number:..........................................Sort code:.........................
(made payable to ‘St. George’s Crypt’) for £........................

2. Gift Aid Declaration
Please claim Gift Aid on all donations I have made within the past four years of this date                           Signed:................................................................................................
and all donations I make in the future. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay
less Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my
donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the
                                                                                                                     Date of declaration:...............................................
charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after the date signed below, or
                                                                                                                     Please let us know if your address or your tax circumstances change.
in the preceding 4 years.
                                                                                                                     (Post your completed form to: St. George’s Crypt, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR)

3. GDPR Consent:
Do we have your consent to send you our quarterly Newsletter                                                                   Yes by post
and other interesting updates about the Crypt? Tick all contact                                                                Yes by email
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post and by email if you wish
Crypt Leeds Harvest Issue 2021 - St. George's Crypt
A Journey of Recovery
“Six months ago, I had a massive                staff team diligently continued to support        a corner. The staff are pleased to see
mental health breakdown. I was                  him. They worked in partnership with the          how far he has progressed in a short
getting ready to get married and start          Crisis team, mental health services, and          space of time.
a family but mental health issues               the police to provide him with the best
                                                                                                  “I was at death’s door when I moved in
took over. I took an overdose; I just           possible support.
                                                                                                  here, I just wanted to die, I wanted to
didn’t want to be here. It just went
                                                “They kept me going,” says Adrian,                end things. But now I am more positive
downhill very quickly; I didn’t see it
                                                “Knowing that whenever I was feeling              and looking forwards to the future.”
                                                bad, I could go to the office and have a
                                                                                                  Adrian’s flat is tastefully decorated,
When Adrian came out of the hospital,           chat, that helped me through at a time
                                                                                                  with furniture that he makes himself,
he was referred to St. George’s Crypt’s         when I didn’t care about myself”
                                                                                                  from restoring old pieces. He is looking
emergency accommodation.
                                                With suitable accommodation and all the           forward to getting a place of his own.
He has since moved to our long-stay             joint support, Adrian’s journey started
                                                                                                  He is happy to stay at Regent Lodge
accommodation at Regent Lodge. This             taking a more positive turn.
                                                                                                  in the meantime, until he can secure
service offers fully furnished, one-bed
                                                “It was a battle, and I’ve had to pull            suitable accommodation.
studio flats with tailored support for
                                                myself through it but having everyone
homeless people dealing with alcohol                                                              All our housing pathways are fully
                                                around me helped me a lot. Things
dependency in an independent setting.                                                             supported to ensure that our clients lay
                                                started changing in my head, I started
                                                                                                  the strongest possible foundation. With
Adrian was still unwell and he was              doing some positive things, started
                                                                                                  your support we’ve helped transform the
still going out drinking at times. He           setting myself challenges, keeping busy”
                                                                                                  lives of thousands of people in Leeds
attempted suicide a couple of times. The
                                                Adrian says he feels that he has turned           over the last 90 years.

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