Crowd Gate Installation And Operation Manual Calf-Star 4324 N. County Road P. New Franken, WI 54229 Phone: 920-866-2485 Email: ...

Page created by Brittany Bryant
Crowd Gate Installation And Operation Manual Calf-Star 4324 N. County Road P. New Franken, WI 54229 Phone: 920-866-2485 Email: ...
Crowd Gate
          Installation And Operation Manual

                   4324 N. County Road P.
                   New Franken, WI 54229
                    Phone: 920-866-2485
                          September 2015
Calf-Star Crowd Gate                          1
2   Calf-Star Crowd Gate
1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 4
    1.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................4

2. Component Identification .................................................................................... 5

3. Safety ..................................................................................................................... 6
    3.1 Safety Alert Symbol And Signal Words .............................................................................6
    3.2 Installation Hazards .............................................................................................................6
    3.3 Operational Hazards ............................................................................................................6
       3.3.1 Prepare For Emergencies ...........................................................................................7
    3.4 Maintenance Hazards ..........................................................................................................7
    3.5 Pressurized Air Hazards ......................................................................................................7
    3.6 Hazards From Modifying Equipment..................................................................................7

4. Assembly And Installation ................................................................................... 8
    4.1 Assemble Structure .............................................................................................................8
    4.2 Install Structure ....................................................................................................................8
    4.3 Install Gate ............................................................................................................................9
    4.4 Install Air Fittings And Hoses ...........................................................................................10
    4.5 Install Air Line Track ..........................................................................................................10
    4.6 Chain Drive Units ...............................................................................................................11
    4.7 Drive Unit Bumpers............................................................................................................11
    4.8 Fill Oilers .............................................................................................................................12
    4.9 Level Structure ...................................................................................................................12
    4.10 Crowd Gate Air Control Operation .................................................................................12

5. Operation............................................................................................................. 13
    5.1 Crowd Gate Operation .......................................................................................................13

6. Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 14
    6.1 Lubrication..........................................................................................................................14
    6.2 Fill Oilers .............................................................................................................................14

7. Wiring Diagrams ................................................................................................. 15
    7.1 Wiring Without PLC ...........................................................................................................15
    7.2 Wiring With PLC .................................................................................................................16

Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                                                                                                  3
1. IntroductIon
1.1 IntroductIon
Congratulations on your purchase of a Calf-Star
Crowd Gate. This equipment has been designed and
manufactured to meet the needs of a discriminating

Safe, efficient and trouble free operation requires
that you and anyone else who will be operating or
maintaining the equipment, read and understand this

Use of the equipment outside of the intended use, or
without written approval from Calf-Star is not covered
by our performance guarantee, nor will damages
caused be covered by our warranty.

Calf-Star cannot be held liable for consequential
damages, including, but not limited to, loss of
production, personal injury or property loss.

Installation, setup, operation, maintenance and
repairs must be performed by qualified personal only.

Modification and tampering and/or the use of
unapproved spare parts will exempt Calf-Star from
any and all responsibility and will void the warranty.

4                                                        Calf-Star Crowd Gate
2. component IdentIfIcatIon
          B                                  D                   B
                          C                                  G


A                                                                    A


A.   4 Inch Channel (Supplied By Customer)
B.   Drive Unit
C.   Structure
D.   Air Cylinder (4)
E.   Drive Shaft
F.   Drive Motor
G.   Cylinder Oiler (4)
H.   Tension Rods (2)
I.   Gate

Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                     5
3. Safety                                                3.2 InStallatIon HazardS

3.1 Safety alert Symbol and SIgnal                                         ^ WARNING
WordS                                                      Prevent serious injury or death.
You must read, understand and follow the instructions
in this manual.                                            Electrical and mechanical installation
                                                           must be performed by qualified
The safety information in this manual is denoted by        technicians.
the safety alert symbol:
                                                           Installation must conform to all national,

                       ^                                   local, and provincial codes and standards.

This symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT!                                 ^ WARNING
YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!                                   Prevent serious injury or death.
The level of risk is indicated by the following signal
                                                           Use adequate lifting devices to raise,
                                                           move and install equipment.

                   ^ DANGER                              3.3 operatIonal HazardS
    DANGER - Indicates a hazardous
    situation, which, if not avoided, WILL                                 ^ WARNING
    result in death or serious injury.                     Safely operate equipment.

                                                           Allow only properly trained and qualified
                  ^ WARNING                                personnel to operate this equipment.
    WARNING - Indicates a hazardous
    situation, which, if not avoided, could              Carefully read all safety messages in this manual and
    result in death or serious injury.                   on equipment safety signs. Keep safety signs in good
                                                         condition and replace missing or damaged safety
                  ^ CAUTION
    CAUTION - Indicates a hazardous                      New equipment components and repair parts must
    situation, which, if not avoided, could              include the current safety decal.
    result in minor or moderate injury.
                                                         Learn how to properly operate equipment. NEVER
                                                         operate or work around this equipment without proper
                     NOTICE                              instruction, while fatigued or under the influence of
                                                         alcohol, prescription or non-prescription medication
    NOTICE - Indicates a situation that could
                                                         or if feeling ill.
    result in damage to the equipment or
    other property.                                      Keep your equipment in proper working condition.

                                                         Know the regulations and laws that apply to you
                                                         and your industry. This manual is not to replace any
                                                         regulations or laws. If you do not understand any part
                                                         of this manual, contact Calf-Star at 920-866-2485.

6                                                                                        Calf-Star Crowd Gate
3.3.1 prepare for emergencIeS                             3.5 preSSurIzed aIr HazardS
Be prepared in case of emergencies.                       Compressed air can cause serious injury or death.

Keep a fire extinguisher and first aid kit close to the
equipment.                                                                 ^ WARNING
                                                            Do not use compressed air for any other
Keep emergency phone numbers close to, or
                                                            purpose than that for which it is provided.
programmed in your phone.

Know your address so emergency services can locate          Never direct a stream of compressed air
you if an emergency arises.                                 towards your body or the body of another

                                                            Before using, check all components for
                                                            damage or wear. Verify connections are
                                                            tight and all hoses and lines are in good

                                                          3.6 HazardS from modIfyIng equIpment
3.4 maIntenance HazardS
                                                          Do not alter or modify equipment in any way. Altering

                  ^ WARNING                               or modifying may cause your equipment to be unsafe
                                                          and may void the manufacturers’ warranty.
  Prevent serious injury or death.
                                                          Contact Calf-Star before altering or modifying
  Equipment maintenance must be                           equipment.
  performed by qualified technicians.

Before performing service, maintenance or
adjustments, lockout power source and close air
pressure supply.

Always wear face and/or eye protection, safety shoes,
and other protective equipment appropriate for the
job. Follow company stated safety procedures and

Always use Calf-Star replacement parts.

Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                                                          7
4. aSSembly and InStallatIon                               engage coupler on motor. Tighten coupler set

                   ^ WARNING
    Prevent serious injury or death.

    Electrical and mechanical installation
    must be performed by qualified

    Installation must conform to all national,
    local, and provincial codes and standards.

4.1 aSSemble Structure

                   ^ WARNING                            5. Install two tension rods (F) on bottom of structure.
    Prevent serious injury or death.                       Install nuts and snug against brackets. Do not
                                                           tighten nuts at this time.
    Use an adequate lifting device to setup
    and install equipment.

    Use of inadequate equipment may result
    in serious injury or death.

                   ^ WARNING
    Prevent serious injury or death.

    Never go under equipment suspended by
    a lifting device.

Unassembled structure pieces weigh approximately        4.2 InStall Structure
35 lbs per foot. Measure the length of one end piece
and multiply by 35 to get the weight of that piece.
                                                                          ^ WARNING
Use an adequate lifting device to setup and install       Prevent serious injury or death.
                                                          Use an adequate lifting device to setup
1. Center section (A) is pre-assembled to one end         and install equipment.
     section (B). Set assembly on a level surface.

2. Move other end section (C) into position, close to
                                                          Use of inadequate equipment may result
     center section.                                      in serious injury or death.

3. Slide shaft through hole and install coupler (D)
     and shaft key on shaft. Place sections together
                                                                          ^ WARNING
     and install ½ x 1½ bolts, lock washers and nuts      Prevent serious injury or death.
                                                          Never go under equipment suspended by
4. Install spyder in coupler and slide coupler (D) to     a lifting device.

8                                                                                       Calf-Star Crowd Gate
Assembled structure weight is approximately 35 lbs       1. Attach an adequate lifting device to gate and raise
per foot. Measure the length of the structure and           gate into position.
multiply by 35 to get the total weight.
                                                         Gate attaching brackets will be aligned with cylinder
Use an adequate lifting device to raise and install      mounts on top rail of structure.
                                                         2. Attach gate (A) to rear structure tube (B) with
1. Attach an adequate lifting device to structure           bearing blocks (C) and ½ x 6½ bolts, lock washers
   assembly and install on track.                           and nuts (D). Gate will be position between
                                                            structure supports (E) and can be installed in only
2. Position retainer bracket (A) ½ inch from bottom of      one position.
   channel, on inside corner of drive housing. Mark
   hole locations and drill ⅝ inch holes to align with
   predrilled holes in drive housing. Install ½ inch
   bolts (B) and lock washers. Repeat this step for
   remaining three retaining brackets.

                                                         3. Attach base end of cylinder to mount with ¾ x 3
                                                            inch bolt (F) and lock nut.

                                                         4. Attach rod end of cylinder to gate with ¾ x 5 inch
                                                            bolt (G) and lock nut.

4.3 InStall gate

                  ^ WARNING
  Prevent serious injury or death.

  Use an adequate lifting device to setup
  and install equipment.

  Use of inadequate equipment may result
  in serious injury or death.

                  ^ WARNING
  Prevent serious injury or death.

  Never go under equipment suspended by
  a lifting device.

Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                                                         9
6. Install ½ inch hose (G) and ½ inch hose (H). Hose
                                                                  length to be determine by installer. Repeat this
                                                                  step for remaining air cylinders.

5. Install oiler (H) approximately 6 inches from
     cylinder. Attach to structure top tube with hardware

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for remaining cylinders.
                                                             7. Apply pipe sealant to threads and install ½ inch
4.4 InStall aIr fIttIngS and HoSeS                                elbow fittings (B) into drive housing threaded
                                                                  ports. Orient top fitting forward and bottom fittings
Each cross pipe is charged with air during operation.
                                                                  downward. Left drive housing is illustrated below.
Top pipe carries air for lift/lower functions. Lower front
                                                                  Your application may have the threaded ports on
pipe carries air for forward motion. Lower rear pipe
                                                                  the right side drive housing.
carries air for reverse motion.

1. Apply pipe sealant to threads and install ½ inch
     straight fittings (A) and ½ inch elbow fittings (B)
     into structure. Push hose into fitting to lock. To
     release hose, push ring toward fitting and pull
     hose out.

2. Install hose (C). Hose is labeled number 1.

3. Install hose (D). Hose is labeled number 2.

4. Install hose (E). Hose is labeled number 4.

5. Install hose (F) between super structures sides.          4.5 InStall aIr lIne track
     Hose is labeled number 3.
                                                             1. Install air line track (A) to support (B) a minimum
                                                                  of 2 in. (C) from crowd gate track (D).

                                                                                   A         E


                       Rear View                                                End View Of Track
10                                                                                               Calf-Star Crowd Gate
2. Install liner (E) in front half of track only.          4.6 cHaIn drIve unItS
3. Route air lines (F) under liner (E) and into flexible   Note: This procedure is for chain drive units only.
    air line track (G)
                                                           1. Disconnect one end of chain and route over
                                        G                      sprocket on drive shaft (A) inside housing as
F E        A             Mid Point                             shown. Chain must be routed under center of
                                                               wheels (B). Reconnect end of chain.

                                                           2. Repeat step for other drive unit.
                   Side View Of Track

Note: Depending on clearance, your track (G) may be
installed on top as shown or on bottom of support.

4. Place end of flexible air line track (G) on drive
    housing track support (H). Mark location of two
    holes and drill through support (H). Attach track to         B                                    B
    support with two bolts and nuts.                                         A

                                                           4.7 drIve unIt bumperS
                                                           Stop (A) is 4'' C channel (same as the track) welded
                                                           perpendicular to the track. This will assure proper
                                                           strength for stopping crowd gate and rubber bumper

                                                           1. Weld stop (A) at the ends of each track. Mark
                                                               bumper (B) location on bracket.

                                                           2. Drill ⅜ inch hole through bumper and bracket. Bolt
5. Connect rearward travel air hose to connector (I).
                                                               bumpers to brackets.
6. Connect forward travel air hose to connector (J).

7. Connect cylinder air hose to connector (K).


Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                                                             11
4.8 fIll oIlerS                                                  4.10 croWd gate aIr control operatIon
1. Remove canister (A) and fill with vacuum pump                 The Crowd Gate is designed to lift gate at 35-50 psi
     oil until at top of sight gauge (B). Install canister. If   (2.4-3.4 bar) and travel forward/reverse at 70-100 psi
     temperature will be below 32° F, use Kill Frost air         (4.8-6.9 bar). Air pressure settings for travel may vary
     oil in canister oiler.                                      based on size of gate and amount of force required.

                                                                 For connection within the parlor, electric/air control
                                                                 switches must be used. Most installation have the
                                                                 crowd gate switches mounted directly in one of the
                                                                 rear and/or front detacher panels. If no panel exists,
                                                                 please use a water tight plastic enclosure for mounting

                                                                 The base crowd gate does not come with any controls,
                                                                 you must order the electric/air switches separately
                                                                 from Calf Star. A PLC control system is also available
                                                                 and highly recommended. The PLC Controller allows
                                                                 much flexibility and control during the operation of the
                                                                 Crowd Gate. The PLC Control allows the flexibility of
                                                                 cycling the forward movement of the Crowd gate in
                                                                 a timed event every time the parlor entrance gate is
2. Remove oiler cap (C) and fill with vacuum pump                opened. For example, every time the Parlor entrance
     oil. Install cap. Repeat this step for remaining            gate is opened, the crowd gate will operate in the
     cylinder oilers. Automatic oilers oil during reverse        forward motion for a pre-determined time. This will
     travel.                                                     help keep your parlor employees in the parlor prepping
                                                                 the cows vs. in the holding area pushing the cows.

                                                                 To calculate the operation time, calculate the space
                                                                 needed for the cows on the single side of the parlor.
                                                                 For example, if it is a 2x20 parlor, calculate the amount
                                                                 of space occupied by 20 cows, then program the PLC
                                                                 to energize for enough time to move that span. So, if
                                                                 the space occupied by the cows is 10’ and the crowd
                                                                 gate moves at 5’ per second, program the PLC for 2

                                                                 3 sets of controls will be needed; Lift/Lower; Forward;
                                                                 and Reverse.
4.9 level Structure                                                a. The Lift/Lower is controlled by a two way switch,
                                                                       energized for UP, de-energized for DOWN.
Once installation is completed, the structure must                 b. The Forward of the Crown Gate is controlled
be leveled for proper operation. Tighten nuts (A) on                   by two separate switches, Forward Start and
tension rods to level structure. Visually verify that                  Forward Stop.
structure is level.                                                c. The Reverse of the Crowd Gate is controlled
                                                                       by two separate switches, Reverse Start and
                                                                       Reverse Stop.

                                                                 A remote control-box is supplied for mounting in the
                                                                 back of the holding area for operation of the crowd
                                                                 gate by an employee in charge of loading the holding
                                                                 area. Please mount this control box in a safe location
                                                                 behind the crowd gate. This remote box will be
       A                                             A           redundant of the controls mounted within the parlor.

12                                                                                                 Calf-Star Crowd Gate
Please refer the wiring diagram for connection of the        Start and Forward Stop to cycle the crowd gate
controls for the crowd gate.                                 forward to the proper position.

5. operatIon                                              Normal Operation Without PLC Control:
                                                          1. Open parlor entrance gate.
                                                          2. Press the Forward Start switch. Once the gate
                  ^ WARNING                                  moves forward the correct distance, press the
  Safely operate equipment.                                  Forward Stop switch. The Crowd gate comes with
                                                             a safety over-ride that will disengage the crowd
  Allow only properly trained and qualified                  gate if it is lifted by a cow.
  personnel to operate this equipment.
                                                          As the holding area is emptied, normally the next
                                                          group of cows is loaded behind the gate. Once the
                  ^ WARNING                               holding area is completely emptied, press the Crowd
                                                          Gate Up switch to lift the crowd gate above the cows
  Do not operate without guards, covers                   heads.
  and shields in place.
                                                          Once crowd gate is fully up, press the Reverse Start
                                                          switch to move the gate to the rear of the holding
^ Do not operate, work on or around this equipment        area. When gate reaches desired position, press the
     while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or if    Reverse Stop switch.
     feeling ill.

^ It is your responsibility to operate this equipment     There is a safety stop switch to disengage the crowd
                                                          gate at the end of the track.
     safely. You must be familiar with the equipment
     and all safety practices before use.                 Once all the cows are ahead of the crowd gate, press
^    Do not allow untrained or unqualified people to
                                                          the Crowd Gate Down Switch to lower the gate behind
                                                          the cows. Repeat this step until all groups are milked.
     operate this equipment.

5.1 croWd gate operatIon
The normal rest mode of the crowd gate will be
fully forward in the down position. This removes all
pressure on the lift cylinders and prevents undo stress
on the crowd gate. This will also minimize the risk of
hitting the crowd gate in the open/up position while
cleaning the holding area.

To Load Holding Area:
1. Lift the crowd gate to its fully up position by
   pressing the Crowd Gate Up switch.
2. Press the Reverse Start to move the crowd gate
   to the rear of the holding area.
3. Bring the cows into the holding area.
4. After holding area is full, lower the crowd gate to
   prevent the cows from leaving the holding area.
5. Press the Forward Start switch until the cows are
   contained, but not overcrowded.

Normal Operation With PLC Control
1. When parlor entrance gate is opened, the crowd
   gate will automatically cycle to keep the cows
   contained. If there is a large void in the holding
   area at this time, manually press the Forward
Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                                                          13
6. maIntenance
6.1 lubrIcatIon
Lubricate 14 shaft bearings every month.

6.2 fIll oIlerS
1. Remove canister (A) and fill with vacuum pump
     oil until at top of sight gauge (B). Install canister. If
     temperature will be below 32° F, use Kill Frost air
     oil in canister oiler.

2. Remove oiler cap (C) and fill with vacuum pump
     oil. Install cap. Repeat this step for remaining
     cylinder oilers.

14                                                               Calf-Star Crowd Gate
7. WIrIng dIagramS
7.1 WIrIng WItHout plc

                        V    V                   SWITCHES
                        24 VDC


                       120/220 VAC
                            N L




                                     UP                       HOLDING PEN
       FORWORD         REVERSE            DOWN
                 AIR SOLENOID VALVE

Calf-Star Crowd Gate                                                         15
7.2 WIrIng WItH plc

     +2 4V COM   11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18                                                                             +       24V
       24                 INPUT 8 X 24 D.C.




      1    2     1    2        1    2     1    2                                                                    120/240 VAC
                                                                                                                              N      L
          Q1         Q2            Q3         Q4





     PURPLE - IN 2                                      REV FWD COM + 24              IN      IN       L1     L2
     BROWN - IN 1                                                                      1       2
     GRAY - COM
     YELLOW - 24 VOLT D.C.

16                                                                                                                 Calf-Star Crowd Gate
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