Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER

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Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
Creating Brighter Spaces with the

New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1
          A H E LVA R W H I T E PA P E R

                   JULY 2021
               HENRI JUSLÉN
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
Ēm and
                                                                                         maintenance factor
                                                                                      Before we dive deeper into the Norm,        use maintenance factor to take this
                                                                                      it’s worth explaining a significant         into account in their design. So, for

      the new lighting
                                                                                      term mentioned throughout the Norm          example: if the required amount is
                                                                                      — Maintained illuminance.                   1000 lux, the initial value could be
                                                                                                                                  1250 lux (maintenance factor 0.8.

     norm EN-12464-1
                                                                                      Maintained illuminance is illuminance       —1250*0.8=1000) and then on the
                                                                                      at the time when maintenance is             site, the light sensors can be used to
                                                                                      expected to take place. It should be        control the lighting in a way that there
                                                                                      achievable even without any daylight,       is 1000 lux.
                                                                                      just by artificial lighting. All lighting
                                                                                      systems and environments get old            Another option is to program this
                                                                                      and/or dirty, and how much this             constant light output to a led driver.
The EN-12464-1 lighting norm specifies lighting                                       influences illuminance depends on           The luminaire then automatically
requirements for people in indoor workplaces.                                         the lighting system, environment, and       dims up overtime to compensate
                                                                                      especially maintenance.                     for lost lumen output resulting from
It covers all indoor working                                                                                                      ageing. The Norm defines maintained
areas including but not limited to       —The new informative Annex clarifies         Ēm refers to the illuminance level and      illuminance on the working area in
offices, industry, healthcare, retail,   glare requirements                           is the value below which the average        its surroundings and for ceilings and
restaurants, hotels, museums,                                                         illuminance on a specified area should      walls. Maintained semicylinderical
libraries, schools, and car parks.       — Flicker and stroboscopic effect are        not fall. Ēm is the figure that should      illuminance is also defined in the
You could say it is easier to mention    updated                                      always be measurable in the specified       tables. All of these have the same
what it doesn’t cover — outdoor                                                       area. In practice, it means that initial    logic; artificial lighting should, at
working areas, underground mining or     Arguably, the most crucial change in         illumination in the new installation        least, be able to always produce this
emergency lighting.                      the Norm was changing the structure          needs to be higher. Lighting designers      amount of light to the defined areas.
                                         so that more information is added to
This norm replaces the previous 2011     the tables. Previously, many users
version. The main changes include:       have solely focused on the minimum
                                         requirements in the tables, missing
— The recommendations provided           key details in the Norm, resulting
in the tables account for user needs     in bad design and bad lighting. Or
more so than in the past                 at least not as good lighting that
                                         the previous Norm was requesting.
— The impact of visual and non-          Although the tables now have more
image forming effects of light are       information, it is still important to note
elaborated                               that the central part of the Norm are
                                         the chapters before the tables.
— Requirements for walls, ceilings
and cylindrical illuminances are         This whitepaper looks at the Norm
moved to tables                          through lighting control glasses. To
— More advises on applying the           understand the bigger picture, every
requirements when designing lighting     designer must read the entire Norm.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
scale of illuminance
In a similar way to the previous 2011      — the task is undertaken for an
version of the norm, recommended           unusually long time;
steps of illuminance are given in the
new norm referring to EN12665: 5 -         — the task area or activity area has a
7,5 - 10 – 15 - 20 - 30 - 50 - 75 - 100    low daylight provision;
- 150 - 200 - 300 - 500 - 750 - 1 000
- 1 500 - 2 000 - 3 000 - 5 000 - 7 500    — the visual capacity of the worker is
- 10 000. Under certain conditions,        below normal.
designers are recommended to use
higher steps. If one or two conditions     When you think about these
apply, one step is required, and if more   conditions, many of them are often
than two conditions apply, then two        very valid. The first two, ‘errors
steps are required.                        are costly to rectify’, and ‘accuracy,
                                           higher productivity or increased
                                                                                      Arguably, the rarest condition is             globe, this is quite normal.
Mentioned conditions for increase of       concentration is of great importance
                                                                                      the middle one; ‘task details are of
maintained illuminance visual work is      and are valid in several working areas.
                                                                                      unusually small size or low contrast’.        The remaining condition: ‘the visual
                                                                                      The last three conditions require             capacity of the worker is below
                                           The cost of lighting is around 0.01% of
                                                                                      future knowledge.                             normal’ might be the most difficult
— errors are costly to rectify;            the total cost of work. Lighting related
                                                                                                                                    to neglect if, at the design phase,
                                           devices, installation, and maintenance
                                                                                      A designer should know how long               the workers are unknown. So, in
— accuracy, higher productivity or         are quite small compared to the cost
                                                                                      people are working and their visual           practice, most of these conditions
increased concentration is of great        of space, training, and salaries. We
                                                                                      capacity. They might know the plan            are valid in most projects, meaning
importance;                                could even say that errors are always
                                                                                      initially; however, it is difficult to know   that two steps of higher illuminances
                                           more costly to rectify than increasing
                                                                                      what happens after a short period.            are recommended to be available for
— task details are of unusually small      light level if that influences the error
                                                                                                                                    users in working areas.
size or low contrast;                      rate.
                                                                                      The condition: ‘the task is undertaken
                                                                                      for an unusually long time’ is often          The Norm also allows the use of a
                                                                                      valid, although we would instruct             one-step lower illuminance under
                                                                                      workers to take regular breaks. ‘The          certain conditions: ‘task details are
                                                                                      task area or activity area has a low          of an unusually large size or high
                                                                                      daylight provision’ is often true and is      contrast, or the task is undertaken
                                                                                      deeper in the rooms and work, which           for an unusually short time’. These
                                                                                      is completed outside of daylight hours.       options are possible from time to time.
                                                                                      For certain tasks and parts of the
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
task area, immediate
                       The Norm refers to the task area,          or more, the immediate surrounding
                       immediate surrounding area and             area should have at least 500 lx.
                       background area. Most of the focus

surrounding area and
                       has always been around the task area       The background area is a horizontal
                       — the area where the task is and often     area on the floor level. It is adjacent
                       not the horizontal layer.                  to the immediate surrounding area

  background area
                                                                  within the limits of space and should
                       Close to that is the immediate             be illuminated with a maintained
                       surrounding area. It is at least a 0.5m    illuminance of 1/3 of the value of the
                       area around the task area and its          immediate surrounding area. For
                       illuminance relates to the task area       larger rooms, the band should be at
                       illuminance. If the task area has 750 lx   least 3m wide.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
52 tables
Towards the end, the Norm provides several tables. It is essential to read the entire Norm and not focus solely on the tables. Below is part of an example of arguably one
of the most commonly referred tables - Offices. For specifiers, looking at this one table is not enough. There are always other areas than those mentioned in the table in
every office. For example, Table - Traffic zones inside buildings and Table - General areas inside buildings: rest, sanitation and first aid room. These two tables are also
relevant in almost every office.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
lighting control
As previously mentioned, there are        your old designs done by Dialux or
more recommendations provided in          Relux. If you have carried out a design
the tables than in the past. The most     aiming 500 lux to a task area just
significant change is the addition of     by using direct lighting – look at the     The last column in the tables in             environments that are tuned to our
the column ‘modified’ to the tables.      values at the ceilings. It is not easy     the new Norm includes ‘specific              own needs.
This forces specifiers to think: what     to reach 100 lux at the ceiling using      requirements’. Several areas note that
is the illuminance level needed?          only direct lighting and only “required”   “lighting should be controllable”. To        If you are unaware of who the users
In earlier versions, this was only        column values.                             fully understand this topic, it is crucial   are, it is practical to design and install
explained in the text and not shown in                                               to read chapters 6.2.4 and 6.6, where        good quality light for different users
the tables, which resulted in a misuse    The Norm provides a strong                 more instructions are provided, and          and different circumstances.
of the Norm.                              recommendation: “This standard             the reasoning explained.
                                          recommends the use of the higher                                                        The Norm lists this in the form that an
Two further significant additions to      maintained illuminance Ēm’ to              The Norm states that “lighting               adjustable system ensures that:
the tables are: ‘Maintained values        give the user the full use of the lit      should be adjustable to the actual
of cylindrical illuminance’ and           environment. Designing a basic             user needs”. This opens the idea of          —The benefit of available daylight is
‘illuminance on the ceiling and walls’.   lighting installation only fulfilling      lighting being able to be tailored to        maximised
These were also only mentioned in         the minimum criteria limits the            individual needs. Personal lighting          —Occupancy of the space can be
the text and not shown in the tables.     possible benefits of good lighting         provides the opportunity to tune the         taken into account
The values of these two have also         quality.” By increasing, for example,      light settings on your very own desk         —Changes in visual tasks can be
been increased which may influence        the illuminance at the ceiling; it is      according to your needs, allowing            catered for
lighting design considerably.             very challenging even to try not to use    you to manage the light settings you         —Changes of occupant’s preferences
                                          higher lighting levels also on the task    prefer. This can boost satisfaction and      or needs can be catered for
If you’re a lighting designer, here’s a   area.                                      productivity since we all feel better in
small exercise for you to check with
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
The overall focus of the Norm is on        and CIE S 026 and highlights general
the visual aspects of lighting. It does,   information about non-image forming
however, discuss the influences            effects in the informative annex (B.5).
of light on health and wellbeing. It
repeats the known effects of light         Arguably, the most interesting
on one’s mood, emotion, mental             variability of light-related specific
alertness, and circadian rhythms.          requirements to note is: “variability
                                           of light is important in spaces that
Varying illuminances and varying           are occupied for extended periods.”

                                                                                              energy and
colour temperature or spectrum per         Examples of these types of areas
time and season can enhance people’s       include classrooms, healthcare,
wellbeing. The new Norm, however,          offices, and production spaces —

                                                                                          cost considerations
does not give exact information on         pretty much covering a large variety of
how this variability should be done.       spaces; you could say the variability of
Instead, it refers to CEN/TR 16791         light is essential almost everywhere.

                                                                                      Despite the Norm not mentioning how        raise some cost considerations. Does
                                                                                      lighting control should be arranged,       doubling the initial illuminance double
                                                                                      it does provide typical examples, such     the cost? The cost effect of installing
                                                                                      as increasing or decreasing light          more “light” is minimal.
                                                                                      output of luminaires, changing colour
                                                                                      temperature, or using different light      Uniformity and glare limitations
                                                                                      scenes.                                    define the number of luminaires
                                                                                                                                 needed. This means that installing
                                                                                      The Norm underlines the starting           more “light” does not affect the
                                                                                      phase of every lighting project without    number of luminaires. When the
                                                                                      forgetting energy. “Lighting should        number of luminaires stay the
                                                                                      be designed to meet the lighting           same, the installation, cabling, and
                                                                                      requirements of a particular task,         lighting controls do not generate
                                                                                      activity or space in an energy-efficient   any additional costs. More powerful
                                                                                      manner.”                                   luminaires can be, however, more
                                                                                                                                 expensive. Although the same
                                                                                      It highlights the order of thinking        mechanics could be used, an
                                                                                      — first, what is needed, and then          increased number of LEDs or more
                                                                                      explains how to do it energy-              powerful LEDs are needed. By using
                                                                                      efficiently. Thus, the visual aspects of   more powerful LED drivers, the
                                                                                      light should not be compromised in         luminaires are likely to become more
                                                                                      any situation, which begs the question:    expensive.
                                                                                      how can you save energy in lighting?
                                                                                                                                 However, in terms of the total lighting
                                                                                      The Norm provides an answer in the         project cost, the difference is less
                                                                                      form of examples: daylight harvesting,     than 10%. But even more importantly,
                                                                                      responding to occupancy patterns,          the main cost consideration
                                                                                      maintenance characteristics and full       should be done in relation to the
                                                                                      use of controls.                           energy which can be saved during the
                                                                                                                                 lifetime of the lighting, and here, the
                                                                                      Using higher initial illuminances might    answer is full use of lighting control.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
Helvar Light over Time®
                                                                                                                      Helvar’s lighting profile creation and
                                                                                                                      implementation tool, designed to
                                                                                                                      balance the artificial lighting in our
                                                                                                                      daily environment and provide a more                             WELLBEING
                                                                                                                      natural lighting cycle.

                                       full use of                                                                    In the direct context of EN-12464-1,
                                                                                                                      this could be used in a way that the

                                    lighting control
                                                                                                                      required higher lighting level would
                                                                                                                      be used during working hours and
                                                                                                                      beyond that time when occupancy and
                                                                                                                      lighting levels would be according to
                                                                                                                      the required minimum.                                              NATURAL

   But what exactly does ‘full use of                                 platform, and tuning levels and
   lighting control’ actually mean?                                   parameters based on data.                              Click here to read more
                                                                                                                             about Light over Time
   Traditionally, we might have thought                               The picture below shows a movement
   of adding occupancy sensing and                                    detector optimisation report. This
   light sensors as they help keep light                              is created by analysing sensor data                             Watch the video
   ‘on’ only when needed at the planned                               in the cloud platform to detect if the
   level. Nowadays, however, we have the                              system’s fade times are optimised
   opportunity to add more intelligence to                            from an energy-efficiency and
   lighting control.                                                  wellbeing perspective. This is just
                                                                      one practical example of using more                 At Helvar, we have innovative tools to help implement
   By smartly using sensor data, we                                   intelligence to make spaces brighter.                the perfect circadian lighting for users of the space!
   can take a step towards full use of
   lighting control. Intelligence, such as                            Implementing report
                                                                                                                      As stated in the Norm, lighting should
                                                                                                                      be controllable according to user
                                                                                                                                                                 ActiveTune is just one
   self-learning capabilities, would boost                            recommendations can be done                                                                example. Once you have scanned the
                                                                                                                      needs. The traditional way has been
   functionality and future flexibility                               manually; however, a more intelligent                                                      QR code on the desk, the user will
                                                                                                                      to use different kinds of user interface
   further. The next level of lighting                                way might be to let AI tune lighting                                                       have control over the lighting in that
                                                                                                                      panels. They can be wireless, self-
   control would mean enhancing                                       parameters continuously or                                                                 area.
                                                                                                                      powered devices that are positioned in
   lighting data, for example, at cloud                               periodically.
                                                                                                                      the most suitable location.
On-timer optimisation
Sensor A: 4103 System Testing_pir             Sensor C: 4131 WC_pir                   Sensor D: 4132 WC_kaytava_pir   This whitepaper is written during
                                                                                                                      the covid-19 era where touching
                                                                                                                      panels is not so favourable. In
                                                                                                                      these circumstances, the ability to
                                                                                                                      personally control the lighting can be
                                                                                                                      beneficial. Personal control can be
Lighting Time Saving (each luminaire/month)                                                                           done via mobile phones.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
is there room left for
Another option is lighting that adjusts
according to users’ personal needs

Helvar WellTune is one
concept solution. With WellTune, it is
                                                                                               direct lighting?
possible to save and adjust individual
lighting settings.
                                                                                           It’s still possible to use only ceiling-   With direct lighting, the most critical
When a user selects a working                                                              mounted luminaires aiming                  lighting parameter might be ceiling
place with a new working station,                                                          for uniform lighting in an area.           illuminance. Ceiling based area
the individually tailored lighting                                                         Luminaires can illuminate task             sensors can measure this value. They
parameters saved with the personal                                                         areas, immediate surroundings, and         fit this role better than their traditional
laptop can automatically follow the                                                        background areas evenly. This type         role, where they are used to evaluate
user to the new workstation chosen.                                                        of installation is a perfect choice,       how much light is at the task area
This requires no action from the user.                                                     primarily when task areas are not          below.
The best lighting systems are ones                                                         known well enough in advance. It also
where the lighting works without the                                                       provides flexibility should changes be     In practice, this type of lighting
need for people to think about it.                                                         needed in the future.                      control could work in a way that the
                                                                                                                                      lighting on the ceiling is always kept at
                                                                                           Despite this, this general solution is     100lux, and the lighting below, at task
                                                                                           not without its problems. For example,     area, can be, for example, 600lux to
                                                                                           suppose there are shadowing                1000lux. Occupancy can be detected
These are just a few intelligent lighting solution options for lighting design according   objects, such as the separation wall       by area sensors controlling several
to the new Norm requirements. However, the Norm does not define “how”, so it is            in the picture below. In that case,        luminaires. Alternatively, another
important to remember that a designer has a lot of freedom to use their imagination.       the installation density needs to be       option could be to locate sensors to
                                                                                           enough, or the location needs to be        every luminaire. This would improve
                                                                                           well planned to avoid shadows from         measurements density leading to
                                                                                           objects or users of the task area.         more exact lighting levels and more
                                                                                                                                      significant energy savings.
Creating Brighter Spaces with the New Lighting Norm EN-12464-1 - JULY 2021 A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
flexibility of
                                                                                      Direct and indirect solutions provide      With all of these solutions, it is
                                                                                      alternatives to a different use of        essential to consider the whole
                                                                                      sensors. Area sensors could control       lighting experience. The controlling

location and direction
                                                                                      indirect lighting in the whole room       system should offer a seamless
                                                                                      or around the task area. Luminaire-       experience so that you don’t recognise
                                                                                      based sensors could tune direct           that it is working. Pretty clever stuff,
                                                                                      lighting depending on the specific task   right?
                                                                                                                                To get full use of lighting control, you
One option for lighting installation       area sensors by grouping luminaires        One option could be to use direct or      should always consider connecting
in a room is to use direct or indirect     in the correct way. It is essential        indirect general lighting in a room and   the system to a centralised
illuminance. If both directions are        to note that luminaires need two           add freestanding luminaires as and        intelligence, such as a cloud platform,
controlled in the same way, the            addresses to make this work well.          where required.                           which provides the scalability and
solution is quite similar to the                                                                                                flexibility needed in the future.
previous ceiling illuminance example.      If there is enough indirect lighting,
                                           task area illuminance can be reached
Controlling indirect lighting and direct   at the required level. This model
separately could provide exciting          could work so that the whole room’s
benefits. For example, indirect            indirect lighting is at the level that
lighting could be ‘on’ when part of the    fulfils the ceiling, wall and background
space is occupied. This would take         illuminance requirements.
care of suitable ceiling illuminance,
well illuminance, and background           Occupancy sensors boost indirect
illuminance in the whole space.            lighting to a level where “minimum”
                                           task illuminance is achieved. Direct
Direct lighting could be used for task     lighting is then manually put on by
area and immediate surrounding area        users that need higher illuminance
lighting. This is possible to do with      levels.
our closing remarks
When considering the new Norm, it’s          exist, you are recommended to use
essential to put the needs of end-           higher maintained levels.
users at the heart when designing
future-proof lighting.                       Many of these conditions, such as:
                                             “accuracy, higher productivity or
It is often the case that the                increased concentration is of great
requirements of end-users are                importance”, “the task is undertaken
unknown since the end-users                  for an unusually long time”,” the task
themselves are unknown. Light should         area or activity area has a low daylight
be tuned according to users’ needs,          provision” and “the visual capacity of
and lighting control already offers          the worker is below normal”, exist very
excellent tools.                             often.

The Norm strongly advises building           The future-proofness of installation
variability and adjustability to lighting.   will increase with higher available
Using only the minimum in the tables         illuminance, and then building lighting
goes against the Norm. If any of the         control strategies beyond energy-
conditions mentioned in the Norm             savings are possible.

      We’re Turning Everyday Places into Brighter Spaces.
 Throughout 2021, we’re celebrating our centennial anniversary. Our journey of
  innovation and reinvention has enabled us to develop market-leading future-
            proof lighting solutions across office projects worldwide.

           To learn more about how Helvar can help you create
                Brighter Spaces, speak to our team today!

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