Covid-19 relief measures - the public issuer perspective - International Bar Association

Covid-19 relief measures –
the public issuer perspective
Country-by-country comparison through April 2020*
Information gathered with the collaboration of IBA Securities Law
Committee members
* Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay were added in May 2020
Countries surveyed
       Argentina             Luxembourg
       Australia             Montenegro
        Austria              Netherlands
        Belgium                 Nigeria
         Bolivia           North Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina        Paraguay
         Brazil                  Peru
        Bulgaria                Poland
        Canada                 Romania
          Chile                 Russia
          China                 Serbia
       Colombia               Singapore
        Croatia                Slovakia
    Czech Republic             Slovenia
       Denmark               South Africa
        Estonia              South Korea
        Finland                  Spain
         France              Switzerland
       Germany                  Turkey
      Hong Kong                Ukraine
        Hungary            United Kingdom
         Israel             United States
          Italy                Uruguay
         Japan                Venezuela

Objectives and methodology
•   Objectives
    – To compile a survey of Covid-19 relief measures introduced by securities regulators
    – To provide practitioners with an understanding of Covid-19 relief measures to assist their
      clients in complying with disclosure and other securities requirements in their home
      market and abroad.
•   Methodology
    – Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 global pandemic, a framework was developed to
      survey responses by securities regulators to the Covid-19 outbreak;
    – IBA member law firms were invited to participate;
    – Consolidated responses follow, preceded by a brief summary.

Overview of regulatory context and participant responses
•   The response by governments across the globe in respect to public issuers varies, including:
    1. Guidance on Covid-19 stability plan disclosure and governance;
    2. Relaxation of reporting and other requirements;
    3. Move towards virtual shareholder/board meetings due to social distancing requirements;
    4. Extensions for certain financial reporting filing deadlines;
    5. Suspension of administrative or judicial proceedings.
•   Several countries have also:
    6. Temporarily banned short selling;
    7. Made recommendations against issuing dividends and share buybacks;
    8. Taken enforcement actions for misleading Covid-19 disclosures.

Public issuer corporate governance measures
Guidance on Covid-19                              Relaxation of reporting                                     Move towards virtual meetings                               Extensions for filing deadlines for                    Suspension of administrative or
disclosure and governance                                                                                                                                                 financial reports                                      judicial proceedings
Securities regulators in most countries(1) have   Securities regulators in Canada, China, the United          Many countries have banned gatherings as a means of         Regulators in many countries have extended the         Countries have taken varied approaches toward
instructed companies to report how Covid-19       Kingdom and the United States have provided leeway on       enforcing social distancing to combat the spread of         filing deadlines for annual and periodic reports.      convening administrative and judicial proceedings
will impact their financial condition and any     various reporting and other securities requirements,        Covid-19.                                                                                                          during the outbreak.
other material Covid-19 risk factors.             including:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 •   Many countries(6) have temporarily suspended all
                                                  •   the manner in which audits are conducted (China);                                                                                                                              non-essential proceedings.
                                                  •   trading approval (Canada);                                                                                                                                                 •   Several countries(7) have tolled statutes of
                                                  •   wrongful trading laws (UK);                                                                                                                                                    limitations and extended procedural deadlines for
                                                  •   listing and late filing fees (China, Canada);                                                                                                                                  their judicial proceedings.
                                                  •   identity verification (Canada);                                                                                                                                            •   Some of the largest capital market jurisdictions,
Regulators in the United States and several       •   signing and notarisation of documents (US);             As a result, regulators in the overwhelming majority of     Some examples include:                                     like China, the UK and the US, have not suspended
other countries(2) advised companies to           •   proxy delivery requirements (US).                       countries are extending the time frame within which         • 30 days – Israel and Turkey                              proceedings.
assess the adequacy of their policies,                                                                        annual shareholder meetings must be held(4) and/or          • 45 days – Canada and the United States
procedures and controls in place related to                                                                   allowing virtual board and shareholder meetings in lieu     • Two months – Brazil, Croatia, Nigeria and            However, there has been a significant push to utilise
insider trading and disclosure issues.                                                                        of physical meetings.(5)                                       Poland                                              technology and move proceedings to virtual settings.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Three months – Denmark and the United
                                                                                                                                                                          • Four months – Luxembourg
                                                                                                                                                                          • Six months – Spain

Regulators in several European countries(3)                                                                   In some jurisdictions, like Hong Kong, virtual              Some countries, like Hungary, only extended
advised companies to prepare contingency                                                                      shareholder meetings are generally not feasible due to      deadlines for private companies, not for public
plans to maintain business continuity.                                                                        legal uncertainty and the lack of widely available IT       issuers.
                                                                                                              systems to support online voting.
                                                                                                                                                                          Other countries, like Japan, are         providing
                                                                                                              To mitigate safety risks, regulators in Hong Kong have      extensions on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                                                              recommended precautions at meetings, including
                                                                                                              temperature screenings, wearing face masks and
                                                                                                              establishing limits on the number of attendees.

German regulators instructed companies to                                                                     Russia is unique in not providing significant meeting       Some countries, like Colombia and Romania, have
set up a crisis management team that is                                                                       accommodations. Annual general meetings are still           not extended any deadlines.
required to report to the board on a daily                                                                    required to be conducted in physical meetings, with the
basis.                                                                                                        extraordinary exception for joint stock companies.

(1) Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, US.
(2) Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Singapore, South Africa.
(3) Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy.
(4) Australia, Colombia, Japan, Singapore.
(5) Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine,
     UK, US.
(6) Hong Kong, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey.
(7) Brazil, Colombia, France, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey.
Capital markets measures
Short selling bans                                                   Dividend and share buyback recommendations                               Enforcement actions

China, South Korea, Turkey, and several European countries(8)        To promote the financial health and liquidity of companies, securities   Regulators in the United States have initiated enforcement actions for
have responded to the market volatility by temporarily banning       regulators in Turkey and several European countries(9) have advised      company misconduct related to Covid-19.
short selling.                                                       companies to consider suspending the issuance of dividends and
                                                                     engaging in share buyback programs.                                      Examples include actions taken against misleading disclosure (eg,
                                                                                                                                              availability of N95 masks, access to Covid-19 treatments).

Regulators in Canada and Japan have also been monitoring short
selling activity, advising investors that regulators would
intervene in instances of abusive or manipulative trading.

However, regulators in most countries have not imposed new
short selling bans beyond the existing measures in some
countries restricting naked short selling or specified forms of
market manipulation.

•   In declining to institute a short selling ban, Germany
    emphasised that short selling plays an important role in
    supporting the information function of capital markets.

(8) Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain.
(9) Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

                                                                                           Looking ahead…
• Most countries’ securities regulatory actions are temporary and are set to expire in mid to late April 2020, whereas some countries have already extended the
  expiry of their regulatory actions into May 2020. Therefore, before relying on any given relief measure, double check to make sure that the measure has not yet
• Due to the dynamic, continuously unfolding situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, additional measures may be adopted by regulators in the near term as
  conditions change.
• Even after the outbreak ends, some convenient practices, like virtual shareholder meetings, may become permanent trends.
Public issuer relief measures by country
                                                                                                                                                                Special extension on                                                 Web address/access of
                                                                   Actions                                                   Special rules on electronic                                                                                                             Other special
                                                                                                                                                               deadlines to adopt and                                                 the primary securities
                                                               recommended        Short                   Ban on physical    voting/virtual meeting for                                                                                                                corporate
                                                                                                                                                                  disclose financial                                                 regulator – specifically                              Additional
   Country                                                       to financial     selling    Lowered        meetings of        corporate bodies if not                                         Suspension of the terms of                                        governance or trade
                                                                                                                                                                statements and other                                                if they are keeping all of                             comments
                                                                   market          ban      reporting     corporate bodies    regulated earlier in legal                                             proceedings                                                 restrictions measure
                                                                                                                                                               documents required by                                                  their measures in one
                                                                participants                threshold                          regulations or by laws                                                                                                             s on public issuers
                                                                                                                                                                 securities regulator                                                     resource area

                                                              Due to Covid-19,    None.     Information    As a              Prior to the lockdown, the       The 20-day extension to         The terms of all administrative     N/A                    The CNV required
                                                              on 17 March                   regime         preventive        virtual board of directors and   file the annual financial       and legal proceedings have            Prensa                                              the issuers to
                                                              2020 (three days              through        measure           shareholders meetings were       statements for fiscal           generally been suspended.                                                                 report in their
                                                              before the                    Financial      against Covid-    permitted by law (provided       periods ended on 31             However, as the CNV is                                  offering documents
                                                              lockdown) the                 Information    19, the           they were authorised by the      January 2020, 29 February       deemed to be an essential             MarcoRegulatorio                                    (ie, prospectus,
                                                              Argentine                     Reporting      government        by-laws). However,               2020, and 31 March 2020.        service, its activity was not                                                             offering
                                                              Securities and                System on      has resolved      shareholders meetings were       A 25-day extension to file      suspended. In this regards, the                                                           memorandum)
                                                              Exchange                      CNV            the mandatory     pending regulation by the        the intermediate financial      CNV stated that:                                                                          sufficient
Santiago Carregal, Javier Etcheverry Boneo, Agata Radajczyk

                                                              Commission (the               website        lockdown          CNV, thus, in practice, they     statements – including the      • it could arrange exceptions                                                             information
                                                              ‘CNV’ after its               (the ‘AIF’     across the        were not allowed.                quarterly and/or semi-              to the suspension in certain                                                          regarding Covid-;;

                                                              acronym in                    after its      Argentine                                          annual accounting                   cases at the request of an                                                            19.
                                                              Spanish) issued               acronym in     territory from    Due to the lockdown the          certification if applicable –       issuer or ex-officio;
                                                              a communication               Spanish) is    20 March          CNV regulated the virtual        for fiscal periods ended on     • The issuers must make
                                                              by means of                   maintained.    2020 until (by    board of directors and           29 February 2020 and 31             filings virtually (previously
                                                              which the public                             means of          shareholders meetings to be      March 2020.                         the filings were made
                                                              issuers could                                several           held during the sanitary                                             physically);
                   Marval O’Farrell Mairal

                                                              request the                                  extensions) 24    emergency, even if they                                          • the final offering documents
                                                              extension of the                             May 2020.         were not authorised by the                                           (ie, prospectus, offering

                                                              term for holding                             Therefore no      by-laws. The CNV regulated                                           memorandum) must be filed
                                                              of ordinary                                  physical          minimum requirements to                                              virtually in PDF format for
                                                              shareholders                                 meetings can      perform remote shareholders                                          CNV final approval
                                                              meetings that                                take place.       meetings and additional                                              (previously the final and
                                                              consider the                                                   requirements if such remote                                          executed documents were
                                                              approval of                                                    meetings are not authorised                                          filed physically for approval).
                                                              financial                                                      by the by-laws. The minimum                                      • the acts performed or to be
                                                              statements for                                                 requirements to hold the                                             performed are valid,
                                                              the fiscal year                                                board of directors meeting                                           however, there are no
                                                              ended on 31                                                    are the same as provided                                             deadlines. Particularly, the
                                                              December 2019.                                                 previously by the law; the                                           CNV established the
                                                              However, on 3                                                  CNV established special                                              continuity of the
                                                              April 2020, the                                                requirements in case such                                            proceedings regarding,
                                                              CNV regulated                                                  virtual meetings are not                                             among others, the
                                                              the virtual board                                              authorised by the by-laws.                                           authorisation for public
                                                              of directors and                                                                                                                    offerings of the issuers;
                                                              shareholders                                                                                                                    • the obligations of the entities
                                                              meetings during                                                                                                                     regulated by the CNV are in
                                                              the sanitary                                                                                                                        force, especially the
                                                              emergency.                                                                                                                          obligations related to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  information regime.

                                                                            Public issuer relief measures by country               Special rules on electronic
                                                                                                                                                                         Special extension on
                                                                                                                                                                        deadlines to adopt and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Web address/access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of the primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Other special corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           governance or trade
                                                                                                            Ban on physical        voting/virtual meeting for                                                                securities regulator –
                                                  recommended to          Short selling      Lowered                                                                       disclose financial         Suspension of the                                  restrictions measures on          Additional
        Country                                                                                               meetings of            corporate bodies if not                                                                 specifically if they are
                                                   financial market           ban           reporting                                                                    statements and other             terms of                                             public issuers              comments
                                                                                                            corporate bodies        regulated earlier in legal                                                                keeping all of their
                                                      participants                          threshold                                                                     documents required            proceedings
                                                                                                                                     regulations or by laws                                                                    measures in one
                                                                                                                                                                        by securities regulator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                resource area

                                                  Listed entities must     None.          No lowered         The Australian     For entities with a 31 December         ASIC has indicated that,       None, beyond          ASIC ‘COVID-19              In recognition that many     ASX has warned
                                                  tell the Australian                     securities law     federal            2019 financial year end, ASIC has       at present, there              ASIC’s ‘no            Information’ page           listed entities will need    entities it will not
                                                  Securities                              reporting          government         provided guidance that it will take     appears to be no               action’ stance.    to raise capital urgently    hesitate to use its
                                                  Exchange (ASX) if                       thresholds.        has advised        no action against those                 widespread indication of                             t-asic/news-                to sustain term due to       new power of
                                                  they become aware                       Note that all      non-essential      companies where: (1) their AGM          any significant issue that     The                   centre/articles/covid-19-   the effects of the Covid-    censure in ASX
                                                  of any information                      monetary           gatherings         is postponed up to the end of           would prevent entities         Commonwealth          information/                19 pandemic, the ASX         Listing Rule 18.18 to
                                                  that a reasonable                       screening          should be          July; (2) their AGM is held as a        from meeting their full-       Government has                                    has implmented               censure entities that
                                                  person would                            thresholds         cancelled.         ‘virtual meeting’ (fully virtual        year and half-year             introduced new        ASX Compliance              temporary emergency          make misleading
                                                  expect to have a                        under the                             AGMs were previously prohibited         financial reporting            insolvent trading     Update – 30 March           capital raising              Covid-19 claims.
                                                  material effect on                      Foreign            As a result, the   under the Corporations Act); and        obligations.                   ‘safe harbour’        2020                        measures. The,

                                                  the price of the                        Acquisitions       Australian         (3) supplementary notices are                                          legislation which        measures have been
                                                  entity’s securities.                    and Takeovers      Securities &       issued to shareholders up to two        Requests for extensions        provides a six-       ents/asx-news/Listed-       implemented by way of
                                                  However, ASX                            Act 1975 (Cth)     Investments        business days before the                on entities’ deadlines to      month                 Compliance-Update-31-       class order waiver under
                                                  acknowledges the                        have been          Commission         scheduled date of the meeting           filing their financial half    moratorium on         mar2020.pdf                 ASX Listing Rule 18.1
                                                  challenges entities                     reduced to $0,     (ASIC) has         which provide further instructions      year or for the full year      insolving liability                               and will expire on 31
                                                  face around Covid-                      effective from     provided           for online participation.               will be looked at by ASX       in respect of                                     July 2020 unless ASX
             Addisons, Gilbert & Tobin
             Arthur Davis, Tim Gordon

                                                  19 and that entities’                   2230 (AEST)        various                                                    on a case-by-case              debts incurred in                                 otherwise decides to
                AUSTRALIA (1 of 2)

                                                  continuous                              on 29 March        guidance to        The Federal Treasurer has been          basis.                         the ordinary                                      remove or extend them.
                                                  disclosure                              2020. Review       entities           given temporary six-month                                              course of the
                                                  obligations do not                      periods for the    regarding          powers to alleviate otherwise           ASX may grant a listed         company’s                                         The emergency
                                                  extend to predicting                    Foreign            holding their      mandatory requirements for              entity with a 30               business.                                         measures include: (a)
                                                  the unpredictable.                      Investment         Annual             companies under the                     September, 31                                                                    ASX permitting an entity
                                                                                          Review Board       General            Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). This       December or 31 March           New jury trials in                                to request consequence
                                                  ASX’s practical                         (FIRB) to          Meetings           power could be used, for                balance date a short           Australia have                                    trading halts, allowing it
                                                  guidance regarding                      review new         (AGMs) during      example, to modify the                  extension of the               been temporarily                                  a total of up to four
                                                  continuous                              and existing       this period        Corporations Act to allow entities      deadline for filing its        suspended.                                        trading days in halt to
                                                  disclosure in the                       applications       (see ‘Special      to hold virtual AGMs for six            reviewed half-yearly or                                                          consider, plan for and
                                                  wake of the Covid-                      has been           rules’ column).    months from the date of the             audited financial                                                                execute a capital
                                                  19 pandemic                             extended up to                        instrument. In contrast to ASIC’s       statements where                                                                 raising; and (b) a
                                                  includes: (1)                           six months.                           ‘no-action’ stance, the Treasurer’s     certain conditions are                                                           temporary (one-time)
                                                  entities are                                                                  relief is likely to preclude third-     met, including that ASIC                                                         uplift in the 15 per cent
                                                  encouraged to                                                                 party legal action in relation to       has agreed to the                                                                placement capacity rule
                                                  review their                                                                  AGM conduct, or a court ruling,         extension. Any relief                                                            in ASX Listing Rule 7.1
                                                  published guidance                                                            because the exemption from or           granted by ASX from                                                              to 25 per cent.
                                                  in light of Covid-19,                                                         modification to the Corporations        financial reporting
                                                  noting that                                                                   Act will mean the entity granted        deadlines will be
                                                  withdrawal of                                                                 the relief will not be in a breach of   conditional on the entity
                                                  earnings guidance                                                             the relevant legislation.               taking certain steps,
                                                  issued prior to                                                                                                       including

Web address/access
                                                                                                                                                           Special extension on                                                         Other special
                                                                                                                         Special rules on electronic                                                          of the primary
                                                        Actions                            Lowered                                                        deadlines to adopt and                                                          corporate
                                                                                                      Ban on physical    voting/virtual meeting for                                                       securities regulator –
                                                  recommended to          Short selling   reporting                                                          disclose financial           Suspension of                             governance or trade    Additional
        Country                                                                                         meetings of        corporate bodies if not                                                         specifically if they
                                                   financial market           ban         threshold                                                        statements and other            the terms of                            restrictions measures   comments
                                                                                                      corporate bodies    regulated earlier in legal                                                        are keeping all of
                                                      participants                                                                                        documents required by            proceedings                               on public issuers
                                                                                                                           regulations or by laws                                                           their measures in
                                                                                                                                                            securities regulator
                                                                                                                                                                                                           one resource area

                                                  Covid-19 is                                                                                          announcing to the market the
                                                  acceptable in the                                                                                    date it reasonably anticipates
                                                  circumstances; and                                                                                   being able to lodge its audited
                                                  (2) entities should                                                                                  or reviewed financial
                                                  immediately                                                                                          statements with ASX (as
                                                  announce any                                                                                         applicable).
                                                  decisions that are                                                                                   To facilitate the operation of
                                                  likely to materially                                                                                 the New Zealand Financial
                                                  affect the price of                                                                                  Markets Authority and NZX,

                                                  its securities, for                                                                                  Regulation’s announcement
                                                  example, a                                                                                           that it was extending
                                                  decision to stand                                                                                    deadlines for filing financial
                                                  down employees or                                                                                    statements and annual reports
                                                  suspend certain                                                                                      for certain NZX-listed entities,
             Addisons, Gilbert & Tobin
             Arthur Davis, Tim Gordon

                                                  operations.                                                                                          ASX has granted an
                AUSTRALIA (2 of 2)

                                                                                                                                                       equivalent waiver to duly listed
                                                  Listed entities                                                                                      ASX/NZX entities incorporated
                                                  should act diligently                                                                                in New Zealand and admitted
                                                  to mitigate the risks                                                                                to ASX as a standard ASX
                                                  of insider trading,                                                                                  listing.
                                                  the risk of which
                                                  may be enhanced
                                                  in this fast-evolving

Special rules on          Special extension                                      Web                   Other special
                                                                                                                    electronic              on deadlines to                                 address/access         corporate governance
                                 Actions                                                                           voting/virtual         adopt and disclose         Suspension of the       of the primary                or trade
                                                                   Lowered reporting      Ban on physical                                                          terms of proceedings                            restrictions measures
                           recommended to                                                                           meeting for          financial statements                             securities regulator                                      Additional
 Country                    financial market
                                                 Short selling ban    threshold             meetings of
                                                                                                               corporate bodies if             and other                                  – specifically if they     on public issuers              comments
                                                                                          corporate bodies
                               participants                                                                    not regulated earlier     documents required                                are keeping all of
                                                                                                               in legal regulations          by securities                                 their measures in
                                                                                                                    or by laws                 regulator                                   one resource area

                           Periodically check    A short selling     Reporting            Public places        Existing rules have       Adoption of financial     Yes.                     Credit institutions and    Export authorisation
                           the dedicated         ban was put         threshold of net     must not be          been adopted and          statements within the                                                     insurance                  for certain products
                           section on the        into effect until   short positions in   accessed, which      valid until 31            first nine months and     Amongst others, any                             undertakings are           required until 26 April
                           regulator’s website   18 April 2020       shares traded on     de facto prohibits   December 2020.            filing with the           disclosure deadline                             recommended to             2020.
                           whether any new       (prolongation to    a regulated          (the ‘journey’ to    Video conferences as      commercial register       pursuant to the, eg,                            abstain from dividend
                           Covid-19 measures     be expected).       market lowered       the place of) the    well as video             within the first twelve   Austrian Stock                                  payments and share
                           have been                                 to 0.1 per cent      meeting; until 30    conferences mixed         months of the             Exchange Act,                                   buyback
                           implemented at                            from 0.2 per cent    April 2020. Some     with 50 per cent of       business year.            Securities                                      programmes.
                                         (European            exemptions           the participants          Holding of ordinary       Supervision Act, for

                           ovid-19.                                  Securities and       apply.               participating via audio   shareholders’             which the regulatory                            General restriction on
                                                                     Markets                                   conference, in each       meeting is to be until    authority is the                                dividend payments for
    Binder Grösswang

                           Evaluate whether                          Authority                                 case via two-way          end of December           competent authority                             companies that made
                           the impacts of                            (ESMA) decision                           communication. For        2020.                     may be extended                                 use of state aids
       Florian Khol

                           Covid-19 require an                       of 16 March                               shareholdes’                                        upon application to                             currently discussed.

                           ad-hoc notification                       2020).                                    meetings of stock                                   the regulatory
                           or disclosure delay                                                                 corporations, video                                 authority.
                           and/or a                                                                            (50 per cent audio)
                           supplement to any                                                                   conference via one-
                           prospectus.                                                                         way communication
                           Assess before                                                                       For shareholders’
                           trading whether                                                                     meetings of listed
                           there is insider-                                                                   companies or
                           information related                                                                 companies having
                           to Covid-19                                                                         50+ shareholders, a
                           measures.                                                                           special proxy vote
                                                                                                               mechanism has been

Special rules on         Special extension                                 Web address /        Other special corporate
                                                                                                                    electronic            on deadlines to          Suspension of the       access of the          governance or trade
                                Actions                               Lowered reporting                           voting/virtual        adopt and disclose       terms of proceedings    primary securities      restrictions measures
                                                                                           Ban on physical
                          recommended to                                 threshold                                 meeting for         financial statements                                 regulator –            on public issuers            Additional
 Country                   financial market
                                                  Short selling ban                          meetings of
                                                                                                              corporate bodies if            and other                                   specifically if they                                   comments
                                                                                           corporate bodies
                              participants                                                                    not regulated earlier    documents required                                are keeping all of
                                                                                                              in legal regulations         by securities                                 their measures in
                                                                                                                   or by laws                regulator                                   one resource area

                         The Financial            The FSMA has         None specific for   No specific ban    Electronic               When the                  General measures      No.                      No.
                         Services and             issued a short       Belgium.            for corporate      voting/virtual           management body           taken whereby most     ance-relating-covid-
                         Markets Authority        selling ban                              bodies; however,   meetings are allowed,    has postponed the         terms of proceedings   19-pandemic
                         (FSMA) to listed         taking effect on                         a general ban on   subject to the           general meeting of        are extended by one
                         companies:               18 March 2020                            all physical       modalities prescribed    shareholders to a         month.
                         disclose as soon as      to 17 April                              gatherings.        by the Belgian           later date, then the                             s/prudential-
                         possible any             2020.
                                                                                                              Companies and            obligation to have the                           measures-covid-19
                         relevant significant
                                                                                                              Associations Code.       financial statements
                                                                                                                                       of the company
                         concerning the                                                                       A special Royal

                         impacts of Covid-19                                                                                           approved by the
                                                                                                              Decree declares that     general shareholders’
                         on the
                                                                                                              no statutory
    Stibbe cvba/scrl

                         fundamentals,                                                                                                 meeting and filed with
                                                                                                              authorisation is
      Jan Peeters

                         prospects or                                                                                                  the National Bank of

                         financial situation in                                                               necessary to organise    Belgium can be
                         accordance with the                                                                  virtual meetings of      deferred a maximum
                         applicable                                                                           corporate bodies until   of ten weeks.
                         transparency                                                                         3 May 2020. This
                         obligations under                                                                    date can be              Certain specific
                         the Market Abuse                                                                     extended.                financial reports to be
                         Regulation.                                                                                                   published by listed
                                                                                                                                       companies are also
                                                                                                                                       deferred for a
                                                                                                                                       maximum of ten

Special rules on           Special extension                                   Web address /        Other special corporate
                                                                                                                                             electronic              on deadlines to          Suspension of the         access of the          governance or trade
                                                      Actions                                Lowered reporting                             voting/virtual          adopt and disclose       terms of proceedings      primary securities      restrictions measures
                                                                                                                   Ban on physical
                                                recommended to                                  threshold                                   meeting for           financial statements                                   regulator –            on public issuers           Additional
  Country                                        financial market
                                                                         Short selling ban                           meetings of
                                                                                                                                       corporate bodies if              and other                                     specifically if they                                 comments 1
                                                                                                                   corporate bodies
                                                    participants                                                                       not regulated earlier      documents required                                  are keeping all of
                                                                                                                                       in legal regulations           by securities                                   their measures in
                                                                                                                                            or by laws                  regulator                                     one resource area

                                               No specific actions       No express           No express           No express ban      Ministerial Resolution     By virtue of different    By virtue of different          N/A.                     SD 4198 deferred
                                               were recommended          resolutions or       resolution of        on physical         MDPyEP No                  administrative            administrative           Authority of             However, there are       payment of corporate
                                               to financial market       ban has been         lowered              meetings of         0072.2020, dated 13        resolutions, the          resolutions, the terms   Supervision of the       generally applicable     profit tax (IUE -
                                               participants.             approved.            reporting            corporate bodies    April 2020, authorises     deadlines were            of administrative,       Financial System         restrictions under the   Impuesto sobre la
                                               However, by means                              threshold has        has been            the use of a digital       extended to adopt         judicial, fiscal, and    (ASFI)                   National Sanitary        Utilidad de las
                                               of Supreme Decree                              been approved.       approved.           signature to sign          and disclose financial    arbitral procedures                               Emergency and Total      Empresas) for 30
                                               (SD) 4198, national                            However,             However,            minutes of board of        statements and other      were suspended                                    Lockdown.                days of those
Bufete Aguirre Quintanilla Soria & Nishizawa;
 Santiago Nishizawa and Leonardo Azurduy

                                               sanitary emergency                             physical filing of   physical meetings   directors, partners        documents required        during the lockdown                                                        companies with fiscal
                                               was declared due to                            regulatory           have been           assemblies and             by regulators.            period. Resolution                                                         year closed as of 31
                                               the Covid-19                                   reports were         banned in           shareholders               By means of RND           ASFI 251/2020, dated                                                       December 2019 until
                                               outbreak, and by                               deferred until       general during      meetings.                  10200000010, dated        23 March 2020, ASFI                                                        29 May 2020. IUE
                                               means of SD 4199                               lockdown             total lockdown.     Pursuant to                8 May 2020, the           declared the                                                               may be paid in three
                                               total lockdown was                             measures are                             Administrative             Bolivian National Tax     suspension of terms                                                        monthly installments,
                                               ordered since 22                               lifted. Digital                          Resolution SEMP No         Service extended until    of administrative                                                          without interest or
              BOLIVIA (1 of 2)

                                               March 2020, initially                          filing must be                           36/2008, dated 7           July 2020 the             proceedings including                                                      guarantees if 50 per
                                               until 4 April 2020.                            done, whenever                           March 2008, virtual        deadline to file          summary and                                                                cent is paid until 31
                                               The lockdown was                               possible.                                board of directors’        physical and digital      sanctioning                                                                May 2020.
                                               successively                                                                            meetings may be            financial statements,     proceedings and
                                               extended until 31                                                                       held, unless the by-       annual report, and tax    others that may not                                                        Law No 1294, dated 1
                                               May 2020.                                                                               laws expressly forbid      information regarding     be fulfilled before                                                        April 2020,
                                               Exceptions to the                                                                       them. However,             company profit tax        ASFI because of the                                                        establishes an
                                               lockdown were                                                                           pursuant to the Code       (Impuesto sobre la        total lockdown.                                                            exceptional deferral of
                                               approved for                                                                            of Commerce,               Utilidad de                                                                                          loan payments for up
                                               national security                                                                       partners assemblies        Empresas) with the                                                                                   to six months after the
                                               entities, healthcare                                                                    and shareholders           fiscal year ending 31                                                                                lifting of the lockdown
                                               entities, food                                                                          meetings are required      December 2019.                                                                                       in favour of all debtors
                                               industry, and                                                                           to be held physically      The Bolivian Financial
                                               financial institutions.                                                                 in the legal domicile of   Supervision Authority
                                               By means of SD                                                                          the company.               (ASFI), which is also
                                               4229, Conditioned                                                                       Nevertheless, the          the regulator of public
                                               and Dynamic                                                                             minutes of the             issuers, on 26 March
                                               Lockdown was                                                                            meetings may be            2020 issued a
                                               established since                                                                       signed with a digital      communication
                                               10 May 2020 to                                                                          signature.                 extending the

Special rules on        Special extension                                 Web address /        Other special corporate
                                                                                                                                       electronic           on deadlines to           Suspension of the      access of the          governance or trade
                                                      Actions                             Lowered reporting                          voting/virtual       adopt and disclose        terms of proceedings   primary securities      restrictions measures
                                                                                                              Ban on physical
                                                recommended to                               threshold                                meeting for        financial statements                                 regulator –            on public issuers           Additional
  Country                                        financial market
                                                                      Short selling ban                         meetings of
                                                                                                                                 corporate bodies if           and other                                   specifically if they                                  comments
                                                                                                              corporate bodies
                                                    participants                                                                 not regulated earlier   documents required                                are keeping all of
                                                                                                                                 in legal regulations        by securities                                 their measures in
                                                                                                                                      or by laws               regulator                                   one resource area

                                               gradually lift the                                                                                        publication of financial                                                                           of banks and financial
                                               lockdown, based on                                                                                        statements of banks                                                                                entities, without

                                               governmental                                                                                              and financial                                                                                      penalty or incremental
                                               assessment of the                                                                                         companies until 30                                                                                 interests, and
                                               Covid-19 risk level                                                                                       April 2020. Also, by                                                                               temporally reduction;
    Santiago Nishizawa and Leonardo Azurduy

                                               in each city. The                                                                                         means of a                                                                                         of payment of public
                                               sectors of industry,                                                                                      communication dated                                                                                utilities.
                                               manufacturing and                                                                                         26 March 2020, ASFI
                                               construction were                                                                                         extended the term of
                                               included to the                                                                                           publication of list of
                                               exception regime,                                                                                         funds of open
                                               authorising them to                                                                                       investment funds until
                 BOLIVIA (2 of 2)

                                               resume business                                                                                           31 April 2020.
                                               activities following
                                               the biosecurity                                                                                           By means of
                                               protocols.                                                                                                Resolution ASFI No
                                                                                                                                                         265/2020, dated 24
                                                                                                                                                         April 2020, ASFI
                                                                                                                                                         exceptionally the
                                                                                                                                                         publication of financial
                                                                                                                                                         statements and list of
                                                                                                                                                         funds of open
                                                                                                                                                         investment funds
                                                                                                                                                         using electronic
                                                                                                                                                         means, which will be
                                                                                                                                                         required to be
                                                                                                                                                         published physically
                                                                                                                                                         once the lockdown is

Web address /
                                                                                                                                                                         Special extension on                      access of the
                                              Actions                                                                  Special rules on electronic voting/virtual       deadlines to adopt and   Suspension      primary securities        Other special
                                                                                 Lowered      Ban on physical
                                        recommended to                                                                   meeting for corporate bodies if not               disclose financial    of the terms       regulator –             corporate        Additional
   Country                               financial market
                                                            Short selling ban   reporting   meetings of corporate
                                                                                                                      regulated earlier in legal regulations or by       statements and other         of         specifically if they     governance or      comments
                                                                                threshold          bodies
                                            participants                                                                                  laws                          documents required by    proceedings     are keeping all of     trade restrictions
                                                                                                                                                                          securities regulator                   their measures in         measures on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 one resource area        public issuers

                                        N/A                  N/A                N/A         No prohibition of         No special rules are introduced. Provisions of   N/A                       N/A            Federation of Bosnia    N/A                  N/A
                                                                                            physical meetings of      Company law are applicable if internal acts                                               and Herzegovina:
                                                                                            corporates bodies;        of the company do not regulate this matter.                                     

                                                                                            however, it is strongly                                                                                             ite/index.php/en
                                                                                            recommended that all      Republika Srpska company law -
                                                                                            meetings of larger        shareholders’ meeting of a limited liability                                              Republic of Srpska:

                                                                                            groups of persons         company with no more than ten members of                                        
                                                                                            should be cancelled       the company may be held using a
          Karanovic & Partners

                                                                                            and if a meeting is       conference call or other audio and visual
            Patricia Gannon

                                                                                            necessary it should be    communication equipment.
                                                                                            organised in a large
                                                                                            room, with sufficient     Company law of the Federation of Bosnia &
                                                                                            space between the         Herzegovina does not regulate virtual
                                                                                            meeting participants      meetings for corporate bodies, meaning that
                                                                                            (one to two metres).      corporate bodies may enact decisions and
                                                                                                                      may hold the sessions by video
                                                                                                                      conference/phone only if stipulated by the
                                                                                                                      company’s internal acts.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ss of the                Other special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   primary                   corporate
                                                                     Lowered                                                                                                             Special extension on                       Suspension of the                                  governance or trade
                                                                                                                                        Special rules on electronic                                                                                               securities
                                  Actions                                                                                                                                               deadlines to adopt and
                                                             Short reporting                                                            voting/virtual meeting for                                                                terms of proceedings           regulator –           restrictions measure
                            recommended to                                           Ban on physical meetings of                                                                           disclose financial                                                                                                                 Additional
   Country                                                  selling threshold                                                             corporate bodies if not                                                                                               specifically if         s on public issuers
                             financial market                                             corporate bodies                                                                               statements and other                                                                                                                 comments
                                                              ban                                                                        regulated earlier in legal                                                                                                they are
                                participants                                                                                                                                            documents required by
                                                                                                                                          regulations or by laws                                                                                                keeping all of
                                                                                                                                                                                          securities regulator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 measures in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                one resource
                         The Securities and Exchange         N/A.   N/A.          The Brazilian Federal Government sanctioned          Before the Covid-19 pandemic,                 According to the MP 931, exceptionally        The Brazilian federal        The CVM makes          The CVM Resolution 849         The CVM Resolution 849
                         Commission of Brazil (CVM)                 (except for   Provisional Measure 931 (MP 931), which              shareholders of public companies were         during the fiscal year of 2020, CVM           government sanctioned        available on its       set forth the suspension,      allowed investment funds to
                         recognised that the                        extensions    amended certain provisions of Brazilian              already allowed to vote remotely in           may extend the terms established in           Provisional Measure 928,     website the            for four months, of the 90-    hold virtual meetings for all
                         postponement of disclosure of              on            Corporate Law, among other things, and               shareholders meetings by a proxy vote         the Brazilian Corporate Law for               which suspends running       resolutions,           day term, counting from        eligible matters in 2020, even
                         information to the market                  deadlines)    allowed for the extension of some reporting          mechanism called ‘Remote Voting Form’.        publicly held companies.                      of limitation periods for    instructions and       the acquisition, for trading   if there is no provision in the
                         tends to accentuate situations                           deadlines by issuers and the postponement of         Each company is required to describe in                                                     application of               guidelines in          the securities distributed     regulation, provided that
                         of information asymmetry.                                annual shareholders’ meetings for a period of        the shareholders meetings calling             The CVM (Resolutions 849 and 852)             administrative penalties     connection to the      with restricted efforts in     investors are informed and
                         Therefore, CVM has                                       seven months, from the end of the respective         material as well as in their reference form   has extended the deadline for                 under Law 12.846/2013        Covid-19               regulated markets, when,       have the option to participate
                         strengthened the rules that                              fiscal year for companies which fiscal year ends     (ie, an annual disclosure form) the rules,    disclosure of: (1) first and third quarter    (‘the Anti-Corruption        pandemic:              alternatively or               in the meeting.
                         seek to ensure that the                                  between 31 December 2019 and 31 March                policies and practices relating to            financials of companies and hotel             Law’), Law 9.873/1999      cumulatively: (1) the
                         integrity of the market remain                           2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.                  shareholders’ meetings, including how         developments with the fiscal year             (which establishes           ticias/index.html?ta   acquirer is a professional     In addition, Resolution 849
                         fully in force, especially those                                                                              the shareholders may vote remotely by         ended on 31 December 2019 and 31              limitation periods for       gs=+Coronavirus.       investor; and (2) the          also authorised the automatic
                         that prohibit the use of                                 In relation to public companies, the MP 931          proxy.                                        March 2020, for a period of 90 days           punitive actions brought                            security is issued by a        approval of the financial
                         privileged information and                               delegated to the CVM powers to regulate: (1)                                                       after the end of the quarter (extended        by the Federal Public                               company duly registered        statements of all investment
                         price manipulation.                                      the way shareholders remotely may take part          The CVM’s new regulation on remote            for 45 days); (2) Registration Form, for      Administration), Law                                with the CVM.                  funds, for the fiscal years
                                                                                  and vote in shareholders meetings; and (2)           access to the shareholders meetings           a period until 31 July 2020 (extended         8112/1990 (which                                                                   ended between 31 December
                         The CVM highlighted the                                  allow public companies to hold shareholders          allowed online participation of               for two months); (3) Annual update of         establishes the legal                               The MP 931: (1) extends        2019 and 31 March 2020, if
                         importance of publicly held                              meetings outside of its headquarters or entirely     shareholders in shareholders meetings.        the Reference Form, for a period of           regime applicable to                                the terms in office of the     the corresponding meeting is
                         companies and their                                      online.                                                                                            seven months after the end of the             federal public servants,                            current management until       not installed due to the non-

                         independent auditors to                                                                                       In the case of partially or exclusively       fiscal year (extended for two months);        including those working in                          the date of such meeting       attendance of investors and
                         carefully consider the impacts                           The CVM issued Instruction 622, which allowed        virtual meetings, it shall be necessary for   (4) Financial Statements of domestic          federal agencies and                                is held; (2) authorised the    provided the fund’s audit
                         of Covid-19 on their business                            publicly-held companies to hold virtual              companies to include in the respective        issuers and hotel developments (and           federal public                                      board of directors or, if      opinion is unqualified.
    Chico Müssnich

                         and to report in the financial                           meetings. The exclusively virtual meetings shall     call notice, in addition to the information   Financial Statements in Standardised          foundations), and other                             there is no board, the
                         statements the main risks and                            be deemed to be held at the company’s                required by Article 124 of the Brazilian      form DFP), for a period of five months        legislation applicable to                           officers, to declare           Brazilian Stock Exchange
                         uncertainties arising from this                          headquarters and the partially virtual meetings      Corporate Law and CVM Instruction 481,        after the end of the fiscal year              government employees.                               dividends, with no need to     (B3) has also established

                         analysis, in compliance with                             may, exceptionally and upon justification,           the information detailing the rules and       (extended for two months); (5)                                                                    make any amendment to          measures in order to provide
                         the applicable accounting and                            presented in the call notice, take place outside     procedures on how shareholders may            Financial Statements related to               In addition, the CVM                                the bylaws; and (3)            relief to companies, specially
                         auditing standards.                                      the company’s headquarters, including in             participate and vote remotely, including      unregistered issuers that made offers         (Resolution 848) set forth                          authorised the board of        related to: (1) the reporting on
                                                                                  another municipality.                                information related to the access and use     at an organised trading desk, for a           the suspension or                                   directors to resolve, ad       periodic information; (2) free-
                                                                                                                                       of the electronic systems.                    period of five months after the end of        extension of deadlines in                           referendum, on urgent          float requirements; (3) circuit
                                                                                  According to the CVM new regulation, the                                                           the fiscal year (extended for two             its regulations, among                              matters within the             breaker rules; and (4) the
                                                                                  shareholders meetings can be held: (1)                                                             months); (6) Report of the Corporate          which are highlighted: (1)                          competence of the              compliance with legal
                                                                                  exclusively virtual, if the shareholders                                                           Governance Code of Publicly Held              suspension of procedural                            shareholders’ meeting,         deadlines.
                                                                                  participate and vote though electronic systems;                                                    Companies in category A, for a period         deadlines that run against                          except if otherwise set
                                                                                  or (2) partially virtual, if the shareholders                                                      of nine months after the end of the           respondents in                                      forth in the bylaws.
                                                                                  participate and vote in person or remotely, in                                                     fiscal year (extended for two months);        administrative
                                                                                  both cases without prejudice to the use of the                                                     (7) Annual Report published by the            proceedings, while the
                                                                                  'Remote Voting Form'. In addition, in the case of                                                  fiduciary agent to debenture holders          state of emergency
                                                                                  virtual meetings, the company may request the                                                      with the relevant facts that occurred         brought on by Covid-19
                                                                                  shareholders, who intend to participate in the                                                     during the fiscal year ended, for a           exists; (2) postponement,
                                                                                  meeting, to deposit the documents required in                                                      period of six months after the end of         for 120 days, of the
                                                                                  the call notice at least two days prior to the                                                     the fiscal year (extended for two             maturity of obligations
                                                                                  meeting (digital protocol of the documents is                                                      months); (8) Report prepared by               assumed in the terms of
                                                                                  allowed).                                                                                          fiduciary agent of certificates of real       commitment, entered into
                                                                                                                                                                                     estate receivables, for a period of six       by the CVM and not
                                                                                  The electronic systems provided by the                                                             months from the end of the fiscal year        settled, whose maturities
                                                                                  companies for the remote participation in the                                                      (extended for two months).                    have not occurred until
                                                                                  shareholders meetings shall guarantee: (1) the                                                                                                   publication date of CVM
                                                                                  registration of the presence of shareholders and                                                                                                 Resolution 848; and the
                                                                                  their respective votes; (2) the possibility of                                                                                                   suspension of other
                                                                                  simultaneous demonstration and access to                                                                                                         deadlines to comply with
                                                                                  documents presented during the meeting that                                                                                                      several regulatory
                                                                                  have not been previously made available; (3)                                                                                                     obligations.
                                                                                  the meetings’ full record; (iv) the possibility of                                                                                                                                                                              8
                                                                                  communication between shareholders.
Other special
                                                                                                                            Special extension                                                       corporate
                                                                                                    Special rules on                                Suspension of the             Web             governance or
                                                                                                                             on deadlines to
                                                                  Lowered                              electronic                                       terms of           address/access of           trade
                                                                                                                                adopt and
                                Actions                          reporting                            voting/virtual                                  proceedings             the primary        restrictions mea
                                                                               Ban on physical                              disclose financial
                          recommended to              Short      threshold                             meeting for                                                        securities regulator sures on public
Country                    financial market        selling ban
                                                                                 meetings of
                                                                                                   corporate bodies if
                                                                                                                             statements and
                                                                                                                                                                          – specifically if they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Additional comments
                                                                               corporate bodies                             other documents                                                           issuers
                              participants                                                        not regulated earlier                                                    are keeping all of
                                                                                                                               required by
                                                                                                  in legal regulations                                                     their measures in
                                                                                                       or by laws                                                          one resource area

                        A state of emergency was   No            No express    No express ban     Such options exists       Yes – most deadlines    Yes with respect to   Financial Supervision   N/A.              A one-month extension of
                        imposed by an Act of the   express       provisions    on physical        anyway under the Public   for regulatory          certain proceedings   Commission (FSC):       There are         the terms which have
                        National Assembly from     resolutions   on            meetings of        Offering of Securities    disclosures of          only.                 generally         expired during the term of
                        13 March 2020 and          or ban –      reporting     corporate bodies   Act (POSA).               financial statements                                                  applicable        the state of emergency
                        extended to 13 May and     ESMA          thresholds    (physical                                    (annual and periodic)                                                 restrictions      following the lifting of the
                        an Act on the Measures     guidance      – ESMA        distancing is                                were extended to 30                                                   under the state   state of emergency is
                        and Actions during the     is            guidance is   recommended                                  September 2020.                                                       of emergency.     provided for: (1) the time
                        state of emergency         followed.     followed.     where possible).                             The term for approval                                                                   limits set in a law, which
                        Declared by a Resolution                                                                            of the 2019                                                                             expire during the state of
                        of the National Assembly                                                                            consolidated annual                                                                     emergency and involve the

                        of 13 March 2020 (‘the                                                                              financial statements                                                                    exercise of rights or the
                        Emergency Act’).                                                                                    (AFS) by the General                                                                    fulfilment of obligations by a
    Borislav Boyanov

                                                                                                                            Meeting of the                                                                          private subject;
     BoyanoV & Co

                        The FSC follows the                                                                                 Shareholders was                                                                        (2) the effect of
                        recommendations of                                                                                  extended to 31 July                                                                     administrative acts which is
                        ESMA:                                                                                               2020.                                                                                   subject to a time limit and
                                                                                                                                                                                    lapses during the state of
                        ss-news/esma-                                                                                                                                                                               emergency.

Special rules on
                                                                                                                                    Special extension                                       Web
                                                                                                                                     on deadlines to                                address/access of
                         Actions                                                                                                   adopt and disclose                                   the primary
                                                                                   Ban on physical           meeting for
                   recommended to                                                                                                 financial statements                             securities regulator       Other special corporate         Additional
Country             financial market
                                          Short selling ban                          meetings of         corporate bodies if
                                                                                                                                        and other                                  – specifically if they                                     comments
                                                                                   corporate bodies         not regulated                                    Suspension of the                                  governance or trade
                       participants                           Lowered reporting                                                   documents required       terms of proceedings      are keeping all of        restrictions measures
                                                                                                            earlier in legal
                                                                 threshold                                                            by securities                                 their measures in            on public issuers
                                                                                                          regulations or by
                                                                                                                                        regulator                                   one resource area

                   Canadian                The Canadian        To date, there      Public gathering      Virtual meetings are     Blanket relief issued    Restrictions on in-     British Columbia:           Issuers should not       Exemptive relief
                   Securities              Securities          have been no        restrictions differ   allowed in some          by all members of the    person hearings:              purchase their own       available from
                   Administrators          Administrators      proposed            by jurisdiction.      jurisdictions, subject   Canadian Securities      • Ontario: no in-                                   securities pursuant to   Investment Industry
                   (CSA) have              (CSA) and the       changes to the      Provinces and         to requirements in       Administrators (CSA)         person hearings     Alberta:                    a normal course          Regulatory
                   advised issuers that    Investment          ten per cent        territories have      the company’s            provides for a 45-day        until 30 April      https://www.albertase       issuer bid while in      Organization of
                   wish to rely on         Industry            early warning       imposed limits on     governing                extension for                2020.                    possession of            Canada (IIROC)
                   blanket orders of       Regulatory          reporting           public gatherings     documents.               reporting and filing     • British Columbia:                                 material undisclosed     Dealer Member Rules
                   each province and       Organization of     threshold and       ranging from a                                 requirements for             no in-person        Saskatchewan:               information,             for an initial six-month
                   territory providing     Canada              related one         maximum of two        For companies            certain documents            hearings until 12          especially when          period in areas such
                   temporary relief        (IIROC) are         business day        people to 50          governed under the       otherwise due                May 2020.                                       relying on filing        as client document
                   and 45-day              monitoring          buying              people (with one      Ontario Business         between 23 March         • Alberta: reviewing    Manitoba:                   exemptions.              approval or execution,
                   extensions for          short selling       moratorium due      territory banning     Corporations Act,        2020 and 1 June              hearings on a                                  filing of Approved
                   certain filing          activity to         to the pandemic.    all public            Ontario Regulation       2020, including              case-by-case                                                             Person Information,
                   requirements            detect and                              gatherings). It is    107/20 under the         management                   basis.              Ontario:                                             notice of termination,
                   during an ongoing       intervene in        There have also     unclear in some       Emergency                discussion and           • Quebec: in-                                     Form 1 audit
                   prospectus              instances of        been no             jurisdictions         Management and           analysis, annual             person hearings                                                          procedures, pre-trade
                   distribution should     abusive or          changes to          whether physical      Civil Protection Act     information forms,           are adjourned,      Quebec:                                              approvals, trade
                   cease the               manipulative        alternative         annual and            provides that despite    annual and interim           except for urgent                             reviews, late filing
CANADA (1 of 4)

                   distribution and        trading. CSA        monthly             special meetings      any provision in the     financial statements,        matters, until      en/general-public/                                   fees, margin-related
 Philippe Tardif

                   contact their           and IIROC will      reporting or        of shareholder        governing                working capital              public health                                                            relief, identity
                   principal regulator     consider            insider reporting   and directors’        documents,               reports, net asset           emergency           New Brunswick:                                       verification to comply

                   to discuss this         limiting short      deadlines.          meetings              meetings may             value error reports,         declaration                                    with federal anti-
                   matter.                 selling if                              constitute public     temporarily be held      executive                    expires.                                                                 money laundering
                   Issuers relying on      warranted.                              gatherings.           electronically and       compensation             • Manitoba: no in-      Nova Scotia:
                   exemptive relief                                                                      those who                disclosure, technical        person hearings
                   must comply with        IIROC                                   Most jurisdictions    participate or vote      reports, reserves            until 30 April
                   certain conditions,     publishes                               have also imposed     using electronic         data, notices of             2020.               Prince Edward Island:
                   including disclosing    summaries of                            mandatory             means are deemed         change in year-end,      • New Brunswick:        https://www.princeed
                   any material            reported short                          closures of all       to be present.           corporate structure,         in-person 
                   business                positions and                           non-essential                                  auditor, business            hearings            c/securities
                   developments since      short sale                              workplaces.           Companies                acquisition reports,         adjourned.
                   the last filing of      activity on its                                               governed under the       and fee-related                                  Newfoundland and
                   their financial         website.                                                      Canadian Business        requirements, subject                            Labrador:
                   statements. In                                                                        Corporations Act         to certain conditions,                 

                                                                                                                                                                                   Northwest Territories:

Special rules on        Special extension                                  Web address /
                                                                                                            electronic          on deadlines to                                    access of the
                           Actions                                                                        voting/virtual        adopt and disclose                                 primary securities
                                                                                Ban on physical
                     recommended to                                  Lowered                               meeting for          financial statements        Suspension of the      regulator –               Other special corporate         Additional
   Country                                      Short selling ban                 meetings of
                      financial market                              reporting                         corporate bodies if       and other                 terms of proceedings     specifically if they        governance or trade           comments
                                                                                corporate bodies
                         participants                               threshold                         not regulated earlier     documents required                                 are keeping all of         restrictions measures
                                                                                                      in legal regulations      by securities                                      their measures in            on public issuers
                                                                                                           or by laws           regulator                                          one resource area

                   determining what is                                          However,              can hold virtual          including issuing and     Investment Industry      Nunavut: none.                                      requirements. A
                   'material’, issuers                                          workplaces            meetings if permitted     filing news releases      Regulatory                                                                   written application is
                   should refer to existing                                     engaged in            by by-laws. If by-laws    on SEDAR.                 Organization of          Yukon:                                              required.
                   securities rules and                                         capital markets       are silent/prohibitive,                             Canada (IIROC): In-
                   guidelines, including                                        and related           directors may amend       For investment fund       person hearings                             IIROC is accepting
                   National Policy 51-102,                                      securities trading    them, effective until     issuers: 45-day           suspended until 30       s_about.html                                        alternatives to wet
                   National Policy 51-201                                       and advisory          the next meeting.         extension for filing of   April 2020. Hearings                                                         signatures, requests
                   and National Policy 12-                                      services activities                             financial statements,     adjourned unless they    Investment Industry                                 for extensions to post-
                   203.                                                         are considered        CSA has advised that      management report of      can proceed by way       Regulatory                                          licensing due dates.
                                                                                essential             issuers that have         fund performance,         of teleconference or     Organization of
                   Provincial/Territorial                                       services,             already sent and filed    custodian reports,        in writing.              Canada:                                             Mutual Fund Dealers
                   Blanket Orders:                                              including             proxy-related             valuation report,                                                               Association (MFDA)
                   issuers should not file                                      regulators and        materials and want to     annual information        Mutual Fund Dealers                                                          members are allowed
                   preliminary or final                                         registrants, in       change the annual         forms, prospectus         Association (MFDA):      Mutual Fund Dealers                                 to postpone
                   prospectuses for an                                          Ontario, British      general meeting           lapse date and            compliance               Association:                                        obligations to conduct
                   offering of securities                                       Columbia,             (AGM) date/location,      renewal, subject to       examinations to be                                         on-site branch
CANADA (2 of 4)

                   until it has filed all the                                   Alberta,              or make the AGM           certain conditions        conducted remotely,                                                          reviews and periodic
 Philippe Tardif

                   documents for which it                                       Saskatchewan,         virtual, can notify       depending on the          no attendance at         Toronto Stock                                       visits.
                   relies on exemptive                                          Quebec,               security holders          province or territory.    member offices. For      Exchange/TSX

                   relief,                                                      Manitoba, Prince      without sending                                     disciplinary hearings,   Venture Exchange:                                   On a case-by-case
                   including annual                                             Edward Island         additional materials,     Blanket orders are        MFDA will use remote                                        basis, the TSX will
                   financial statements,                                        and Yukon.            provided the issuer       harmonised across all     methods where                                                                use a shorter time
                   annual request forms,                                                              issues a news release     jurisdictions except      possible.                                                                    period for the
                   management                                                   In other              and files it on the       Ontario, Alberta,                                                                                      determination of
                   discussion and                                               jurisdictions,        System for Electronic     Saskatchewan,                                                                                          market price for the
                   analysis, annual                                             these workplaces      Document Analysis         Quebec, Nova Scotia                                                                                    purposes of pricing
                   information form,                                            are not an            and Retrieval             and New Brunswick                                                                                      securities for private
                   executive                                                    essential service     (SEDAR). Issuers that     provide for an offering                                                                                placements.
                   compensation, etc.                                           but not prohibited    have not yet sent and     memorandum
                                                                                from operating,       filed the materials       exemption subject to
                   Issuers relying on                                           subject to            should include            certain requirements
                   exemptive relief should                                      guidelines such       meeting changes in        including issuing a
                   deliver their annual                                         as social             its disclosures.          press release.
                   financial statements                                         distancing.
                   and                                                                                                          For Toronto Stock
                                                                                Extensions have                                 Exchange (TSX)
                                                                                been made                                       issuers, relief has
                                                                                available for                                   been provided in the
                                                                                                                                form of extensions for

Special rules on     Special extension
                                                                                                                                                                 Web address /
                                                                                                  electronic       on deadlines to
                                                                                                                                                                  access of the
                                                                                               voting/virtual         adopt and
                        Actions                                                                                                            Suspension of the   primary securities
                                                                        Ban on physical          meeting for      disclose financial                                                      Other special
                   recommended to           Short selling    Lowered                                                                           terms of            regulator –                                   Additional
  Country          financial market             ban         reporting
                                                                          meetings of        corporate bodies      statements and
                                                                                                                                             proceedings       specifically if they
                                                                        corporate bodies      if not regulated    other documents                                                     governance or trade
                      participants                          threshold                                                                                          are keeping all of
                                                                                               earlier in legal      required by                                                      restrictions measure
                                                                                                                                                               their measures in
                                                                                             regulations or by        securities                                                       s on public issuers
                                                                                                                                                               one resource area
                                                                                                     laws             regulator

                   management                                            Toronto Stock                            filing of annual                                                                           There has also been
                   discussion and                                        Exchange and                             financial statements                                                                       an increase to the
                   analysis before or                                    TSX Venture                              for the year ended 31                                                                      daily purchase limit
                   with the delivery of                                  Exchange issuers                         December 2019 until                                                                        for normal-course
                   the management                                        to hold AGMs up                          14 May 2020,                                                                               issuer bid (NCIB)
                   information circular                                  to and including                         extension of security                                                                      purchases from 25
                   delivered for its next                                31 December                              holder approval of                                                                         per cent to 50 per
                   annual general                                        2020, as                                 security-based                                                                             cent for TSX issuers
                   meeting (AGM) of                                      opposed to the                           compensation                                                                               until 30 June 2020.
                   security holders.                                     usual                                    arrangements to
                   Issuers should still                                  requirement for                          anytime in 2020, and                                                                       For TSXV issuers,
                   send annual request                                   meetings to be                           relief from de-listing                                                                     temporary relief has
                   forms before the                                      held within six                          of securities until 31                                                                     been provided in the
                   record date for its                                   months of fiscal                         December 2020,                                                                             form of a decrease in
                   next AGM.                                             year end. These                          among others.                                                                              minimum price at
CANADA (3 of 4)
 Philippe Tardif

                                                                         extensions are                                                                                                                      which shares can be
                   Assess adequacy of                                    subject to                               For TSX Venture                                                                            listed from CAD$0.05
                   policies, procedures                                  compliance with                          (TSXV) issuers, the                                                                        to CAD$0.01.

                   and controls to                                       corporate law                            filing of annual
                   ensure an                                             requirerments.                           financial statements
                   appropriate business                                                                           and management
                   continuity plan is in                                 Ontario                                  discussion and
                   place. Monitor                                        Regulation                               analysis for the year
                   publicly available                                    107/20 under the                         ended 31 December
                   information to                                        Emergency                                2019 has been
                   ensured continued                                     Management and                           extended to 15 June
                   client service and                                    Civil Protection                         2020.
                   regulatory                                            Act provides that
                   compliance.                                           meetings for
                   For dealer members                                    incorporated
                   of self-regulated                                     corporations
                   organisations, see                                    required to be
                   under ‘Additional                                     held during a
                   Comments’.                                            declared
                                                                         emergency can

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