Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way Forward for Migrant Workers - Centre for Budget and Governance ...

Page created by Kyle Buchanan
Covid-19 Pandemic:
                                  Charting the Way Forward
                                  for Migrant Workers
                                                                                              July 2020

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the                     employment. The Mahatma Gandhi
Government is moving towards                                  National Rural Employment Guarantee
rejuvenating the economy. The task is a                       Scheme (MGNREGS), despite its various
formidable one as the level of                                challenges, has been a time-tested
unemployment continues to be as high as                       successful programme for providing a
21.3 per cent¹. The unlocking of the                          minimum of 100 days of wage employment
economy and the stimulus relief has done                      in a financial year to every household
little to reduce unemployment and the loss                    whose adult members volunteer to do
of livelihoods as over 100 million people are                 unskilled manual work in the rural areas.
out of jobs². Desperate, millions of                          The demand for providing employment
workers, mainly migrant labourers                             guarantee to both rural and urban workers
reduced to joblessness by the lockdown                        has been a key point of policy discussion in
had started returning to their homes and                      the present situation. This note explores
villages despite public transport having                      some of the options and challenges of
come to a virtual standstill as they could                    providing employment guarantee to the
not afford the urban cost of living without                    workers in the context of the Covid-19
earnings. The tremendous suffering and                         pandemic.
hardships that they faced during their
journey back home, many on foot, reflects
the chronic problem of a lack of social
security nets for workers. The massive loss
of livelihoods, increasing incidents of
hunger and distressed demand for labour,
calls for commensurate public policy
actions in the form of guaranteed

¹ CMIE, June 9, 2020. Link :
² 21 Million Jobs Added in May, Mahesh Vyas, CMIE, June 2, 2020. Link:

Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                             Forward for Migrant Workers

                                                                       the announcement a month ago
  Bleak employment                                                     providing relaxation to run factories.
  scenario for migrants
                                                                       As per preliminary estimates of the
The sudden announcement of the                                         Ministry of Skill Development and
lockdown without planning and due                                      Entrepreneurship, 67 lakh migrant
notice to people suspended most of the                                 workers have returned in 6 states (Bihar,
economic activities and movement of                                    Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya
workers in one fell swoop. Whereas                                     Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand)⁴.
economic recovery post lockdown for an                                 However, the actual number of return
already struggling Indian economy is a                                 migrants would be much higher than
major challenge, the prospects for urban                               those reflected in official figures as the
employment remain very uncertain for                                   data available so far does not include
mainly the following two reasons:                                      West Bengal and Chhattisgarh, two
Lack of raw material has led to a large-                               major destinations       for returning
scale discharge of workers as most of the                              migrants. Given the uncertain future of
major projects in the construction sector                              employment in cities and the severity of
stopped. A state-wide survey conducted                                 the health crisis, a large proportion of
by the Madhya Pradesh government to                                    migrant labourers may not be eager to
map the skill sets of migrant workers,                                 return and rejoin urban employment
shows that out of 7.3 lakh returnee                                    anytime soon. For instance, out of more
migrants since 1st March 2020, 24 per                                  than 18 lakh return migrants in Uttar
cent were engaged in the construction                                  Pradesh, 77 per cent want to stay back
sector³. Secondly, on account of a                                     and work in the state, according to a
collapse in purchasing power, it has not                               survey conducted by the relief cell of the
been possible for the work to resume                                   state’s revenue department⁵.
fully in the manufacturing sector, despite                             Back in their villages, a large share of

³ Of 7.3 Lakh Back to MP, 60% from SC/ST groups, 24% Worked in Construction, Milind Ghatwai, The
Indian Express, June 8, 2020. Link:

⁴ 67 Lakh Migrants Return to 116 Dists of 6 States, Liz Mathew, The Indian Express, June 10, 2020. Link:

⁵ Yogi Govt Completes Skill-Mapping of 23.5 lakh Migrant Workers, 18 lakh Want Jobs in UP, Prashant
Srivastava, The Print, June 4, 2020. Link:
Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                    Forward for Migrant Workers

returnees is seeking employment at their                         bargaining power of the workers will
native places, in spite of being less                            decline further which will have long-term
remunerative. The agriculture sector,                            implications on wages, terms of work,
which is already facing a crisis, can                            employee-employer relationship and the
provide only seasonal employment                                 overall work environment.
during the harvesting and sowing
                                                                  MGNREGS: the option
periods. Further, the prospect of labour
absorption in the rural non-farm sector is
                                                                  of last resort
also abysmal as it largely comprises petty                       Given the limited employment availability
trade and less gainful economic activities.                      outside agriculture and restricted inter-
In such circumstances, the rural labour                          state mobility of workers, a sudden surge
markets will experience a further rise in                        of the demand for work under MGNREGS
unemployment after the kharif sowing is                          has been observed. Around 39.5 lakh new
over. The low demand for labour will lead                        job applications had been received in the
to a decline in wage-rates as surplus                            current      financial    year
labour is rising, with a worsening of                            between 1st April and 20th
working conditions and an increase in a                          May⁶. For the same period in
variety of petty trades.                                         the last fiscal, there were
                                                                 only 1.8 lakh new applicants.
Adding to the misery of workers, some of
                                                                 The huge increase in new applicants is
the states have relegated their respective
                                                                 attributed to the migrant workers who
‘labour laws’ and others have indicated to
                                                                 have returned home, have no work and
doing so to boost economic activities.
                                                                 hence, are seeking jobs under the
These measures protect employers’
                                                                 scheme. The maximum increase in
interests in decisions regarding layoff,
                                                                 demand for job cards has been from Uttar
retrenchment, and closure of industrial
                                                                 Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh
enterprises etc. These regressive changes
                                                                 and Odisha. These are the destination
in ‘labour laws’ will affect workers’ rights
                                                                 states for most of the migrant workers
in terms of their safety, health, tenure,
                                                                 returning from various parts of the
wages and collective bargaining. As the
reverse migration has increased the
availability of surplus labour, the

⁶ MGNREGA Work Demand at Five-Year High, Shows Stress In Informal Sector, Pushkar Banakar, The
New Indian Express, May 23, 2020. Link:

Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                     Forward for Migrant Workers

Viewing the sudden surge in the demand                            recorded as having declined to work; they
for work under MGNREGS, in addition to                            neither get employment nor an
the budget allocation of Rs 61,500 crore                          unemployment allowance as mandated
for the financial year 2020-2021, the                              by the Act. In 2019-2020, out of 27.4 crore
Finance Minister on 17th May announced                            persons registered in MGNREGS, the
an additional fund of Rs 40,000 crore for                         demand for work was formally recorded
this scheme. Out of the Rs 61,500 crore                           only for 9.3 crore persons. Of these,
budgeted for this financial year, Rs 11,500                        employment was actually provided to
crores were meant for clearing the                                only 0.79 crore persons. Most of the
dues/arrears. Therefore, the actual                               remaining applicants were recorded as
budgetary allocation for MGNREGS for                              having declined work and were, thus,
2020-2021 amounts to Rs. 90,000 crores                            denied the unemployment allowance⁸.
after factoring in the additional
allocation. The amount is expected to                              Repurposing of MGNREGS
generate 300 crore person-days of                                 In the current scenario, with the workers
employment during the current financial                            returning to their homes, unemployment
year. In view of the tremendous swell in                          levels surging and states weakening their
the number of new job applications, the                           labour laws, the workers are increasingly
amount seems to be insufficient. Notably,                           vulnerable and disadvantageously placed.
MGNREGS is a demand-driven                                        The arithmetic obviously favours the
programme with an open-ended budget;                              employers who are in a position to dictate
nothing in the Act authorises the                                 their terms and exploit workers. While
government to impose a budget cap⁷.                               the relegation of labour laws must be
It has also been observed that the                                reversed it is equally crucial to provide
average person-days and the demand for                            employment and livelihoods to workers
work remains less than the actual                                 to uphold their right to work as citizens
demand for such work due to the states’                           and endorse the dignity and bargaining
low capacities inhibiting the absorption of                       power of millions of workers during the
more MGNREGS funds. When workers                                  pandemic. Although the allocation for
demand work, a significant number are                              MGNREGS has been increased, new

 ⁷ The Need for a Million Worksites Now, Jean Dreze, The Hindu, May 25, 2020. Link:

 ⁸ COVID-19 Lockdown: The Crisis of Rural Employment, Vikas Rawal and Manish Kumar, May 21, 2020.

Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                        Forward for Migrant Workers

projects for work will have to be                                  improved the income of
identified quickly given the increase in                            rural households; reduced
the demand for work. In this direction, a                          gender      wage         gaps,
Group of Ministers on employment has                               smoothened and stabilised
made some recommendations for                                      consumption       by     poor
MGNREGS⁹. It has suggested that                                    people; enabled better access to
MGNREGS should be merged with skill                                nutrition,   health      and     education;
development programmes and its funds                               increased financial inclusion because of
should be made usable to provide a wage                            payments through bank accounts; and
subsidy for small and medium-size                                  reduced distress migration. It has also
enterprises (SMEs) in urban areas as well.                         served as a built-in stabiliser of the
Further, work in factories and                                     economy during downturns¹⁰. As such it
construction sites may also be provided                            has proven valuable on several fronts,
through MGNREGS.                                                   while most importantly, it has played a
                                                                   key role in eliminating unemployment
However, various experts and activists                             during lean seasons and reducing rural
with several years of grassroots                                   poverty; therefore, the original plan of
experience on the implementation of                                100 days of employment conducting
MGNREGS       and      other     livelihood                        support activities for agriculture and rural
programmes claim that repurposing                                  development must not be compromised
MGNREGS will dilute the original                                   in any way.
objective of the scheme. It has created
valuable public assets in rural areas such                         Second, MGNREGA wage rates are lower
as water storage structures, soil and                              than the general wage rates. After
water conservation measures and roads                              revision in MGNREGA wage rates during
for the community, despite the general                             this financial year, it still stands at just 60
perception about it being a dole for                               per cent of the minimum wage rate.
“digging pits and filling them up”. Many                            Using MGNREGS for other works is likely
studies have established that its works                            to cause pressure for a reduction in the
have had a range of positive benefits: it                           general wage rates in respective sectors,
has added to farm productivity and                                 which will inevitably reduce the

⁹ Is Repurposing MGNREGA the Right Way Forward?, Ashwini Kulkarni and Pramathesh Ambasta, The
Indian Express, May 25, 2020. Link:

¹⁰ India's Rural Employment Programme is Dying a Death of Funding Cuts, Jayati Ghosh, The Guardian,
February 5, 2015. Link:
Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                             Forward for Migrant Workers

bargaining power of the workers.              them to administer the complex issue of
                                              wage subsidy will lead to another
Third, using MGNREGS workers for farm         problem.
operations will not, in any way, solve the
present conundrum. For example, the            Possible solutions for
Chief Minister of Punjab has asked the         employment guarantee
Union government to allow labourers
                                              Extending the scope of MGNREGS in
and cardholders under MGNREGS to
                                              public works
work in farm operations. Doing so will
only replace the labour but will not          Most of the work done under MGNREGS
provide additional employment. The            includes soil and water conservation,
lower MGNREGS wage rates will replace         irrigation development and rural roads.
the existing ones on farm workers. It will    The scope of work can be extended to
also induce feudal tendencies as              developing infrastructure for public
landlords may use this labour for their       health, education, and other related
household chores.                             areas. Its potential can also be used in
                                              accomplishing the targets of public
Fourth, providing wage subsidy using
                                              programmes such as Swachh Bharat
MGNREGS funds will certainly affect the
                                              Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
asset generation for public use such as
                                              (PMAY), among others. Some of these
rural roads, irrigation projects, and water
                                              activities have already been a part of the
related schemes.
                                              MGNREGS through a convergence
In the fifth place, using MGNREGS for          approach. A more generous use of such
SMEs and other activities will dilute the     an approach in building public
objective of providing employment at the      infrastructure should be adopted. Also,
local level as most of the industrial units   more days of MGNREGS for PMAY,
are established in urban areas. Providing     individual toilet construction and other
wage subsidy to SMEs means, workers           such works can be provided along with
have to travel to far-off places.              the creation of other long-term capital
                                              assets. Using similar thinking, Odisha has
Finally, given the capacity of panchayats     provided an additional 100 days of work
to carry out their governance, expecting      over and above the stipulated 100 days

Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                       Forward for Migrant Workers

mandated under the scheme in                                       infrastructure on their own farms such as
vulnerable blocks, which have a greater                            ponds, wells, fencing and other such
population of Adivasis.                                            requirements, especially in
                                                                   rainfed/dryland agriculture regions. This
Apart from existing agricultural support                           will not only enhance the capacity of
activities, MGNREGS can also be                                    agriculture production but also the
extended to strengthen the agricultural                            income of small holders. To carry out such
supply chains. Setting up Farmer                                   activities the number of days of
Producer Organisations (FPOs) is one of                            employment under the scheme can be
the Governments’s important initiatives                            extended to 150 days until the economic
in this direction. They can provide local                          recovery.
marketing solutions to small and
marginal farmers by imparting better                               Eliminating functional delays
farm practices, collectivisation of input
purchases, transportation, linkage with                            Workers turning up at the worksite should
markets, and better price realisation as                           be provided work immediately, without
they do away with the intermediaries¹¹.                            imposing on them the requirement of
However, given the poor availability of                            demanding work in advance. Local
infrastructure with FPOs, such as                                  authorities must proactively reach out to
insufficient storage, transportation,                                migrant workers who have returned and
collection centres, processing and                                 quarantined and help those in need to get
grading facilities, there is an opportunity                        job cards. A lot can be done to facilitate
to create long-term capital assets                                 this, including: expanding the list of
extending the scope of MGNREGS.                                    permissible works, hiring more Gram
                                                                   Rozgar Sevaks (employment assistants),
Extending it for own farm                                          simplifying the implementation process,
                                                                   mobilising para-teachers for work
Linking MGNREGS with agricultural                                  application drives, and so on¹².
operations may dilute the purpose as
mentioned earlier. However, small and                              Wage subsidy for self-employed
marginal farmers may be provided
MGNREGS wage for developing                                        Millions of rural workers are engaged in
                                                                   petty trade and retail services such as
 ¹¹ Farmer Producer Bodies Need Help, BS Suran and N Lalitha, The Hindu Business Line, January 9, 2019,

 12 The need for a million worksites now, Jean Dreze, The Hindu, May 25, 2020. Link:
Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                        Forward for Migrant Workers

vending, hawking and the like. It has been                          programmes, a number that seems quite
observed that a large proportion of                                 meagre given the level of return
female workers were also involved in such                           migration. Uttar Pradesh is one of the first
trades, which were hit the most during the                          states to be conducting a skill mapping of
lockdown. Various studies that have been                            returning workers in order to get an
undertaken are reporting the loss of                                assessment of the kind of employment
livelihoods of labour and income due to                             that can be provided within the state; out
this. Unpaid activities and domestic duties                         of 26 lakh, the skill-mapping of 18 lakh
have increased¹³ after they left cities and                         migrants has been completed so far.
returned to their native places. It seems                           Similarly, in Bihar, out of 16.5 lakh returned
reasonable to ask                                                   workers between 1st and 26th May, the
for the provision of                                                skill mapping of more than 80,000 people
MGNREGA wages                                                       in quarantine centres has already been
to carry out self-                                                  completed. The government of Madhya
employment. This                                                    Pradesh has created a portal called Rojgar
will supplement                                                     Setu to bridge the gap between the
the declining remunerations during this                             demand for skilled workers and workers
crisis.                                                             seeking employment. As per available
                                                                    data, 1519 employers have registered
Skill-development                                                   themselves, including SMEs, builders,
As we know, MGNREGS supports                                        labour contractors and placement
agriculture and rural livelihoods at                                agencies. Furthermore, the Supreme
present. Workers will need skill                                    Court of India has directed the states and
enhancement to extend their scope of                                the Centre to conduct an extensive skill-
work towards other public works such as                             mapping of the returnee migrants at
building and repair of public health and                            village and block levels and to specify
education infrastructure in nearby areas.                           possible schemes for employment.
The Ministry of Skill Development and                               Although, the states are conducting skill-
Entrepreneurship has submitted a                                    mapping of migrants, it must not remain
proposal to the Prime Minister to upskill 3                         merely an accounting exercise. Skill
lakh return migrants with short-term                                development and new avenues of

¹³ How covid-19 Locked Out Women from Jobs, Rukmini S, Live Mint, June 11, 2020. Link:

Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                       Forward for Migrant Workers

employment must be created                                         Adherence to Wage-Material Ratio of
immediately.                                                       60:40

MGNREGA wage revision                                              MGNREGA has mandated the ratio of
                                                                   fixed wages to material costs at 60:40
The legal minimum wage for unskilled                               which should be strictly maintained at all
workers is much higher than the wage                               levels¹⁶. However, a rampant violation of
rate under the MGNREGA in almost all                               this norm has been observed in most
the major states. The average wage rate                            places; for instance, JCB machines,
under MGNREGA is 50-75 per cent of the                             which are used for construction,
legally prescribed minimum wage for                                agriculture, waste handling and
unskilled workers in 12 out of 19 major                            demolition work and a host of other
states¹⁴. MGNREGA wages must be at                                 industries, are being used instead of
par with the agricultural wages of                                 employing manual labour. Such
states. Odisha has recently increased the                          violations reduce the scope of
wage rate under MGNREGA to Rs 298                                  employment. This is an issue that needs
per day in 20 migration-prone blocks of                            to be strictly and urgently addressed.
four districts (Balangir, Bargarh,
Nuapada, Kalahandi)¹⁵. This amounts to                             Urban employment guarantee
an additional amount of Rs 91 over and
above the notified minimum MGNREGA                                  Instead of using MGNREGS wage
wages in the state, which is Rs 207 per                            subsidy for SMEs and other urban
day. All other states should also follow                           works, it would be better to consider
the example set by Odisha and revise                               t he o p t i o n o f c re a t i ng a n u rb a n
the MGNREGA wage rates, especially in                              employment guarantee scheme.
vulnerable districts.                                              Himachal Pradesh has recently
                                                                   announced a new scheme, Mukhya
                                                                   Mantri Shahari Rojgar Guarantee Yojana,
                                                                   to provide 120 days of assured

¹⁴ Four Ways that MGNREGA Can Be Expanded to Help India's Rural Economy, Mampi Bose and
Shantanu Dey Roy, The Wire, June 11, 2020. Link:

¹⁵ How MNREGA can be Strengthened to Tackle the Coronavirus Crisis, Rajesh Mit and Saroj Mahapatra,
Newslaundry, May 20, 2020. Link:

¹⁶ Decoding the Priorities: An Analysis of Union Budget 2020-21, Centre for Budget and Governance
Accountability (CBGA), Link:
Covid-19 Pandemic: Charting the Way
                                                                                        Forward for Migrant Workers

employment to those living in urban                                 hospitals, health care centres and
areas. Similarly, Odisha has also                                   quarantine facilities will also need semi-
announced an Urban Wage Employment                                  skilled and skilled employees. As the
Initiative (UWEI) scheme in its 114 urban                           cities are facing a “care deficit” due to
local bodies with an allocation of Rs 100                           various reasons, a set of jobs can be
crore. Some of the other states such as                             added for providing child-care as well as
Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura were                                care for the elderly and disabled to the
already running urban employment                                    urban working class¹⁸.
guarantee schemes. In Tripura, the
scheme was meant to engage the                                      In sum, employment guarantee should
workers in water body creation and                                  be the most important intervention to
maintenance, repairing old roads and                                improve the level of employment.
laying new ones, cleaning markets and                               Providing an employment guarantee will
parks, and so on¹⁷. West Bengal has a                               reverse the declining bargaining power
good model of an urban employment                                   of the workers and their dignity.
scheme, which has an allocation of Rs                               Carrying out such programme in both
335 crore for the ongoing fiscal year.                               rural as well as urban areas will help
Therefore, such urban employment                                    workers to avoid a distressed sale of
guarantee schemes should be launched                                their labour power to a large-extent.
at a pan-India level which can carry out                            Last but not the least, the original
urban public works like waste                                       objective of the MGNREGS should not
management, drainage, developing                                    be repurposed at any cost. However,
gardens and parks, and roadside                                     the scheme may be extended to carry
cleaning. In the post Covid-19 world,                               out other public works.

¹⁷ Job Scheme: Let it be Mended, Not Ended, Reader’s Editor, The Hindu, May 30, 2020. Link:

¹⁸ The Shape of an Urban Employment Guarantee, Mathew Idiculla, Rajendran Narayanan and Amit Basole, The
Hindu, March 29, 2020. Link:

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Copyright@2020 Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability

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Gurpreet Singh

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Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability
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The author is grateful to Anil Singh (SANSAD), Jai Singh (VSJ) and Nikhil Dey
(MKSS) for their valuable inputs and suggestions for this analysis. Special
thanks are due to a number of colleagues from CBGA viz. Asadullah, Happy
Pant, Jawed A. Khan, Malini Chakravarty, Nilachala Acharya, Protiva Kundu for
their useful feedback on earlier draft. Usual disclaimer applies however.
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